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- What’s the problem, Malaysia?
- Tossing reason away like flip of a coin
- Malaysia: An Irreconcilable Divide?
- A tale of two Islamist parties
- MIC, presidential contest and full moon
- SYA : 12 Truth & Facts Why Anwar is Lying While BN is the 13 GE Legitimate Government?
- UBAH - What? Why?
- Explaining the Trinity
- Xavier, Wong may be dropped from S'gor exco lineup
- Apologise for baseless attacks, Azmin told
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- Boycott ‘madness’ festivals, accept defeat
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- Ahmad Zahid: Enough of warnings, it's time for tough action
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- DAP rep: Return KL to Selangor
Posted: 20 May 2013 01:04 PM PDT
Evidently, even the focus on small cases has patently failed. Bribery can commonly be seen in the streets of Kuala Lumpur, the country's capital, as when drivers pay off policemen when pulled over for allegedly speeding or running a red light. James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy at Rice University On May 6 Malaysia re-elected its ruling coalition government, the National Front, to another five-year term after vociferous campaigning and debate on the issue of corruption. In the first of a three-part series looking at whether the election's attention on corruption will produce results, we illustrate the economic impact of corruption. The second part will describe the discussion of corruption during the election. The final installment will analyze the election results and the likelihood of any major impact on the patterns of corruption in Malaysia. A little country off in Southeast Asia, Malaysia is a developing country with great economic potential. Malaysia boasts a variety of natural resources, including rubber and timber. It is a leading exporter of electrical appliances, palm oil, and natural gas. There is high hope that the country can take advantage of its valuable resources and transform itself into one of the leading economies in Asia. Unfortunately, for decades, political corruption has eaten away the country's resources and halted the country's steady economic progress. Corruption in Malaysia takes many forms, from graft to cronyism to bribery. For instance, two years ago in what was dubbed as the Cowgate scandal, a cabinet minister redirected almost RM 250 million (US$82 million) in agriculture sector development funds to her own family. The funds were intended to "help transform Malaysia's cattle and beef industry" and reduce Malaysia's dependence on beef imports. Despite the well-documented graft and public outrage, the politician still holds a senior position within the dominant party of the ruling coalition, the United Malays National Organization (UMNO). In April 2013, the Global Witness, an international nongovernmental organization that specializes in cracking down corruption related to natural resource exploitation, unlocked a scandal in Sarawak, one of Malaysia's 13 states. The organization videotaped a top state official agreeing to and even encouraging a number of illegal transactions involving the purchase of local land by foreign investors. Sarawak, despite having "some of the world's largest tracts of tropical forests," remains one of the poorest states in Malaysia. This bribery case again shows the lack of proper management of Malaysia's resources. Transparency International, an independent organization that calculates a Corruption Perception Index (CPI) for most countries and ranks them, shows that Malaysia's CPI has not declined much. CPI scores ranges from 0 to 10, with 0 being highly corrupt. Between 1995 and 2012, Malaysia's lowest score was 4.3 (2011), the highest score was 5.3 (1995), and 2012 recorded a 4.9. So while statistically significantly lower scores have been visible in recent years, a true trend of improvement has yet to emerge consistently. If government officials' focus is personal enrichment rather than promoting public welfare, the failure of Malaysia to achieve its full economic potential comes as no surprise. Read more at: |
Tossing reason away like flip of a coin Posted: 20 May 2013 01:02 PM PDT
Unlike the parties graciously accepting the results in the Philippines, the coin toss if used here could invite disastrous consequences. By Syed Nadzri Syed Harun, FMT Coming just after a blistering general election in this country, the story about how the toss of a coin settled a dead-heat vote in the Philippines was simply amusing. We dread to think of what might happen if such a rule was adopted for the polls here because even with the elaborate process, the disputes seem to be endless…and mindless. According to news reports late last week, election authorities in the Philippines applied a tie-break between two candidates in the contest for mayor in a farming town in the central part of the republic in a decidedly old-school way — by flipping a coin. When all the ballots were counted after voting, the two men running for mayor in the town of San Teodoro — Marvic Feraren and Boyet Py — amazingly ended up with 3,236 votes each. To break the impasse, a decision was taken for the coin toss and as the story went, the two rivals faced off inside a ring of desks in a bare-walled room, taking turns to flick the coin to the ground five times. According to the rules, the candidate getting the most heads would be proclaimed the winner. At the end of the contest, Feraren, a member of the ruling Liberal Party, the son of a previous mayor, was declared the victor, throwing two heads to his opponent's one. And the most interesting part — both of them accepted the result without much rancour. They shook hands and embraced afterwards. That's food for thought indeed. Firstly, there are so many methods other than our own out there that countries use in their election process. The use of the coin to settle a polls deadlock for better or worse is an accepted practice in the Philippines and the world must respect that. Secondly, unlike the parties graciously accepting the results in the Philippines, the coin toss if used here could invite disastrous consequences. From current experience, the losing side would inescapably cry foul, especially when the winner happens to be a "member of the ruling party and son of the previous mayor". There would be loud claims that the coin or coins used were "phantoms" which would only turn on its head side when flipped accordingly. On top of that, the sore point would extend to the outrageous charge that the coin or coins used were shipped in discreetly from Bangladesh and that they are unstable, thus the element of cheating. Next, the accusation would fall on the mediator or the person officiating the process. If the result does not come a particular way, he would be accused of either being biased or corrupt and a whole army of party followers would jeer the mediator to kingdom come. There will also be claims that a blackout suspiciously ensued just as the coins were flipped to suggest foul play. Even if it had been verified that there was no such sinister power outage, the attack would continue regardless on all fronts, so much so that many are simply taken in. As an extension to the blackout tale, the loser and his supporters would summon the mob and organise protest rallies, asking people to turn up in black as a symbol of "blackout" (when no blackouts actually occurred).
Malaysia: An Irreconcilable Divide? Posted: 20 May 2013 12:59 PM PDT Of all the kernels of facts about the elections, we know that along with rural voters, a higher proportion of females also leaned heavily towards BN. Thus far, relatively large rallies - in the tens of thousands - not only in PR strongholds such as in Kuala Lumpur and Penang, but also in BN controlled states such as Johor and Negeri Sembilan - suggest that the opposition remains focused and agitated about making sure the issue of electoral fraud does not become a mere footnote. Sunil Kukreja, Asia Sentinel The outlook isn't that good, an academic says Never before have Malaysians ventured into such unchartered waters. The outcome of the May 5 general elections has revealed just how split and intensely divided the electorate in the country currently is, and it has set in motion a political and social scenario that is tantamount to having to confront new realities in this nation of some 27 million people. The significance of this mobilization of younger and more agitated voters is being played out in so-called 'Black 505' rallies in various parts of the country in the days since the elections. Notwithstanding the fact that these rallies are far from spontaneous and have come to represent PR's way of keeping the spotlight on their claims that BN's parliamentary wins are attributable to gross electoral fraud, the response of PR's supporters in coming out to these rallies is a telling barometer of the depth and intensity of the political divide. Read more at:
A tale of two Islamist parties Posted: 20 May 2013 12:35 PM PDT
PAS and Indonesia's PKS ponder their political future in the wake of new challenges ahead. In the case of PAS, will it make up for its failure in Kedah and Kelantan? Karim Raslan, The Star PAS is at a crossroads. The loss of Kedah as well as the fact that it has two seats less in the Dewan Rakyat weighs heavily on its leaders. It must surely now be pondering the party's direction as well as its place in the Opposition i.e. Pakatan Rakyat. But PAS is not the only South-East Asian Islamist party pondering its future. Look at the challenges facing Indonesia's Prosperous Justice Party (PKS). First founded in 1998 as the Justice Party (PK), it made a splash in 2004 when it won 45 seats in the House of Representatives and then 57 seats in 2009. Like PAS, PKS is an ideologically-driven and disciplined party. I can still remember the ease with which PKS could call its supporters out onto the streets and the extraordinary order with which it undertook its demonstrations, with men and women clad in white, striding separately yet determinedly. After the turmoil and drift of the Reformasi years, the PKS embodied the discipline that Indonesia appeared to desperately need. Indeed, the party was a revolutionary experiment in Islamist politics. Its moderate approach to social issues and firm anti-corruption platform gave it a wider appeal than most of Indonesia's previous Islamist parties. When I'd meet staff in hotels or shops across Jakarta and ask which party they supported, PKS was almost inevitably the first mentioned. The party won respect from the youth due to its crusade against corruption, loose living and its emphasis on dakwah. People want to be free, but they also want lives of purpose. The PKS was able to tap into that. The party's success also held the promise that political Islam could function, indeed thrive, in a democracy. It's arguable that PAS' "Erdogan" faction modelled the Malaysian party's dramatic move to the centre based on PKS. But how the mighty falls! Former PKS president Luthfi Hasan Ishaaq was forced to resign earlier this year after an aide, Ahmad Fathanah, was accused of accepting a Rp1bil (RM301,000) bribe from a beef import firm. Indonesia's Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) last week attempted to seize cars at the PKS headquarters, claiming the vehicles were purchased with bribe money linked to Luthfi's case. The KPK has also investigated or questioned Luthfi's successor, Anis Matta, as well as other party leaders like Agriculture Minister Suswono and PKS elder Hilmi Aminuddin. The PKS responded by vowing to lodge a report against the anti-graft body with Indonesia's National Police, who have no great love for the KPK. One cannot help but feel that the party is fast becoming part of the discredited establishment. One wonders whether the PKS' problems are part of a wider trend of Islamist parties failing to perform once in office, as evidenced by the failure of Mohamed Morsi's Freedom and Justice Party in Egypt or the descent of Recep Tayyip Erdogan's Justice and Development Party (AKP) into authoritarianism in Turkey. Ironically, all three of these Islamist parties have failed to deliver the "justice" promised in their names. It seems the PKS is in for an electoral drubbing come the republic's 2014 national elections. An Indonesian Survey Circle (LSI) poll on March 17 found public support for PKS at a measly 3.7%. On the other hand, Ahmad Heryawan and Gatot Pujo Nugroho's victories in the recent West Java and North Sumatra gubernatorial elections suggest it remains a force in Indonesia's provinces. At the same time, it suggests that the PKS is losing the wider appeal it gained from outside the party's hard-core supporters. Now, I'm not at all suggesting that PAS' leadership is guilty of the same moral or financial improprieties that PKS' is. But the two parties' bold attempts to become broad, national parties have reached a crisis point – albeit for different reasons. PAS should deserve credit for winning broad support from the Chinese-Malaysian community. It's natural and logical for it to do so. But its failures in Kedah and Kelantan robbed Pakatan of making further gains in the 2013 elections. It seems to be better at winning power than at governing. How it makes up for these deficiencies will determine its future.
MIC, presidential contest and full moon Posted: 20 May 2013 12:28 PM PDT
(FMT) - MIC will face a risk of being de-registered simply because G Palanivel's position as the president is illegitimate. The MIC constitution does not give the party's Central Working Committee arbitrary powers to prolong the term of president as long as the president wishes. Members of the powerful Central Working Committee (CWC) which is also MIC's highest policy–making body must now without further delay call for an urgent meeting to discuss Article 51 of the party's constitution and advice the members on the status of presidential election. If this doesn't happen quickly, MIC will face a risk of being de-registered simply because G Palanivel's position as the president is illegitimate. This will and can prompt the Registrar of Society to conduct investigations. The CWC needs to exercise its powers to make a final and conclusive decision. Elections for all party positions must be held at the soonest. The CWC shall be responsible for and conduct of the presidential election. The CWC should have appointed an "Election Committee" to conduct the election not later than three months before the expiry of the term of the office of the president. This is clearly stipulated under Article 58.3 of the party constitution. Though I am not a constitutional law expert, isn't it legally binding on the CWC to inform the party delegates on this legal technicality. The CWC cannot deliberately allow Palanivel to stick to the party leadership. The CWC has breached the law by not doing so. MIC is grappling with the question how to stay relevant during the time of changing political landscape, and now with this legal complications, the party is clearly heading towards disaster. S Samy Vellu was re-elected party president on March 2009. Since then, four years have passed. Based on simple logics, Palanivel has no locus standi to run the party. He took over from Samy Vellu as an acting president in March 2010. Read more at: |
SYA : 12 Truth & Facts Why Anwar is Lying While BN is the 13 GE Legitimate Government? Posted: 20 May 2013 12:24 PM PDT
The content of these reports are politicised, speculative, reliant on half-truths and clearly not definitive. Grand allegations, especially made at politically opportune moments, need to be supported by concrete sources with definitive evidence. Shen Yee Aun 1. Fitnah Blackout - Two DAP election candidates in Bentong have now stated that there was no power blackout in Bentong, contrary to postings on Facebook during polling day on Sunday. In addition, Tenaga Nasional had also denied that there was a power cut or power failure while counting was going on. Wong Tack, the environmental activist who sought election on the DAP ticket as MP for Bentong, made a Facebook posting today denying the alleged blackout. He wrote: "Dear all: There was no black-out in Bentong main counting center (Dewan Jubli Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah) - Ketari DAP assemblyman Lee Chin Chen said, "There was definitely no blackout - Anwar masih meneruskan dengan 505 Blackout Rally walaupun isu blackout telah dinafikan sendiri oleh 2 calon DAP di Bentong 2. Fitnah Bangla - Serdang DAP MP Dr Ong Kian Ming now wants to personally meet Chua Lai Fatt and apologise to him and his family for the accusation.Chua, it turned out, is of Indian parentage but adopted by a Chinese family in Klang who gave him that name.When contacted by The Star, Chua declined to be interviewed."I want to stay away from the media spotlight," he said.Dr Ong had used first-time voter Chua as an example when he questioned the Election Commission on allegations that the Government had issued MyKads to foreigners on May 4, the eve of the general election.He has since made an apology in the Chinese media over the accusation.The Chinese papers quoted him as apologising to Chua for wrongly accusing him of being a foreign voter in GE13."I found out why Chua has a Chinese name. I feel very sorry."I apologise to Chua and his family members," said the DAP representative, adding that he hoped to personally extend his apologies to the voter and his family. - KUALA TERENGGANU: Seven men were roughed up during polling day at SK Ladang here after supporters of a political party accused the group of being "phantom voters" from Bangladesh.Police said three of them were held captive until the end of the polling period and were not able to cast their votes. The bullied group, of Indian ethnicity and locals, had studied at a university here previously and were registered voters in Kuala Terengganu. (Seven Malaysians Voters Assaulted After Being Accused As Foreigners) - CEO Air Asia Tony Fernandez turut menafikan bahawa Air Asia membawa sebanyank 40 000 Bangla dari Sarawak ke Kuala Lumpur dan juga mencabar BERSIH Ambiga untuk menunjukkan bukti dan sehingga ke hari ini Ambiga tidak menjawab cabaran Tony Fernandez. - AirAsia Group CEO Tan Sri Tony Fernandes has challenged Bersih co-chairman Datuk S. Ambiga to investigate whether they (AirAsia) had organized charter flights to cater for 'phantom' voters.Fernandes, in his Twitter, said for greater transparency, official representatives from Bersih and Pakatan Rakyat are welcomed to check on this issue.He said it is not an issue at all.In his tweet, he said: "No issue at all. Ambiga can come herself. RT @esKahn @tonyfernandes cool. for greater transparency, how about allowing official reps from Bersih and PR to check?" 3. Isu Popular Vote - Sistem pilihan raya di Malaysia tidak berlandaskan kepada popular vote ( sistem sama yang juga diamalkan oleh Amerika Syarikat ) - Sistem pilihan raya dalam DAP sendiri juga tidak mengamalkan popular vote ( Lim Guan Eng tidak pernah mendapat ranking tertinggi daripada DAP top 25 voting system ) - Umno secured 29.3% or 3,241,286 popular votes and won 88 federal seats, leaving the second biggest party, the DAP far behind with 15.7% or 1,736,267 popular votes and 38 seats. - In Terengganu, BN won 265,195 votes and Pakatan won 264,465 votes for state seats while in Kedah, BN won 447,198 votes while Pakatan won 440,701 votes for state seats.BN recorded significant wins in Sabah, Sarawak, Johor, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang and Perlis. - Pakatan Rakyat only won popular votes in Selangor , Perak , Penang , Kelantan and Kuala Lumpur Read more at:
Posted: 20 May 2013 11:41 AM PDT
Who are the leaders in BN? They are ordinary human beings that were made leaders by the same citizens that are shouting for Ubah now. We elected them, then put them up on altars and bribed them, corrupted their minds with all kinds of gifts, we made them multimillionaires, and we gave them luxury vehicles, money for luxury bungalows, all paid holidays, jewellery and many many more. After doing all these crappy things we want to change the government. What assurances that when PR comes to power we will not repeat the same thing?
M. Gunasekar Finally after two weeks we are slowing regaining our conscience and gradually becoming less racist, levelheaded and able to visualize the reality of life. Most of the 51% Malaysian citizens who voted for PR are coming to terms that the mother of all elections in the history of Malaysia is over and their dream for change is all gone. We have ever seen such euphoria during the days leading to the general election. Many Malaysians who never cared about elections openly voiced their concerns and the need for change. But many of these first timers did not realize that cries of corruption, marginalization, discrimination, oppression actually started when on 25 Nov 2007 thousands of Indian Malaysians converged at the KLCC area, in front of the British Embassy and had a standoff with the Police for four hours. The police shot water jets laced with chemicals and tear gas at the people, but the Indians stood steadfast and only dispersed when the police stopped. The aftermath saw hundreds arrested, and five heroes were made. The almost 50,000 crowd on Nov 25, 2007 at the KLCC area converged because of only one factor, the motivation of 1 million pounds for each Indian in Malaysia. The new Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister Department Waythamoorthy promised to sue the British Government for about 4 Trillion pounds for bringing the Indians (Tamils) to then Malaya as labourers and then leaving them high and dry, they reneged on their promise. What a pity, Indians in this country are so naïve that they easily became prey to the new BN mandore Waythyamoorthy. He convinced everyone that he will sue the British Government and get its dues, but the BN Government tried stopping them unnecessarily and created a blunder by tear gas, arrests and spraying the people with chemical-laced water. This action by the Police had given the opposition a boost when the Indians totally rejected MIC and BN in GE 12. Yah, I totally agree with you that the struggle during GE 13 is different from GE 12. The 51% of the citizens that voted for PR wanted change of government and for most of them, they didn't care who the future PM is, and just want change. They are fed up with our country going down the drain. Even some of them said, "Let me reassure you whoever takes over the country the Chinese will still do well." We want change! What does it actually mean? Change of government, throw out the UMNO-led BN and bring PR to power. Why suddenly after 56 years are we now asking for change? You mean BN started screwing Malaysians just after GE 12? Come on lah, face the reality of life. We have been living comfortably under the UMNO-led BN government and been enjoying life to the maximum, able to save money to buy properties, able to go for holidays, buy cars, send children abroad for tertiary education, throw millions on gambling tables in Malaysia, Singapore, Macau and other parts of the world, engage the services of prostitutes and massages, eat exotic foods by killing endangered animals, wear branded clothing and accessories, drive around in luxury vehicles that the poor can't effort, eat a single meal that is equivalent to a cleaner's or factory worker's one month salary and many more that the rural people can't afford. What made us so pissed off to the extent that we are willing to sleep with the alleged angel rather than the known devil? Suddenly we feel the need for good governance, transparency, accountability, a serious clampdown on corruption and crime. Who are the leaders in BN? They are ordinary human beings that were made leaders by the same citizens that are shouting for Ubah now. We elected them, then put them up on altars and bribed them, corrupted their minds with all kinds of gifts, we made them multimillionaires, and we gave them luxury vehicles, money for luxury bungalows, all paid holidays, jewellery and many many more. After doing all these crappy things we want to change the government. I know you are getting upset with me now. Ok Lah, I agree with the 51%, we change the government come the next GE. So what next? What assurances that when PR comes to power we, I mean the citizens, will not repeat the same thing? Do you think the corrupt mind of the citizens will not try to do the same thing? Can we Ubah ourselves first before we Ubah the government? In today's age, pretty much most of us have a 'corrupted mind' to some extent. You can deny it all you like, but each and every one of us knows deep down that it's the truth. Some proudly proclaim that their race is superior to others - they are mighty, rich, proud of their roots, even to the extent they proclaim they can survive if you tie them to a 100kg boulder and throw them into the deep ocean. So why do you need to Ubah? Live with it lah. We are proud of ourselves as Chinese, Indian, Malays, Iban, Kadazan, Dayak, Murut and so on but if we are not proud to address ourselves as Malaysians then why the need to Ubah? Race, religion, roots, status in society, living standards and education differentiates each and every Malaysian. A writer mentioned in one article, "It is Malaysia's greatest tragedy that despite being home to people of diverse faiths, mutual respect for one another's religious beliefs is increasingly being compromised." I totally agree with what is written as racial and religious segregation is a constant and will always exist in our mind whether we admit it or not. When the mind attends to something…it considers. When the mind does not attend to something…it dismisses. When the mind attends to something continuously…it believes. Famous reggae singer-songwriter and musician Bob Marley said this " Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts; put your vision to reality. Wake Up and Live!" My personal view for a change would involve mandatory voting. We all cast a vote or get penalized for not voting. I believe that this would have an enormous, energizing effect upon the whole system as more people would seek more involved choices in how our nation is run. If a person has to vote, that person would be more inclined to look into the issues. Also, with more people voting there would be a bigger push to capture their votes. We have to pay taxes, how come we don't have to vote?
Posted: 20 May 2013 11:23 AM PDT 13 : 1 x 1 x 1 = 1 The Father is God above us, the Son is God beside us, and the Spirit is God within us. Douglas Jacoby What is the Trinity? The OED (Oxford English Dictionary) defines trinity: C.S. Lewis - "People already knew about God in a vague way. Then came a man who claimed to be God; and yet He was not the sort of man you could dismiss as a lunatic. He made them believe Him. They met Him again after they had seen Him killed. And then, after they had been formed into a little society or community, they found God somehow inside them as well: directing them, making them able to do things they could not do before. And when they worked it all out they found they had arrived at the Christian definition of the three-personal God." Biblical Basis Or explain the Trinity by way of an atom: An atom is a single unit of matter, and yet is comprised of three components; protons, neurons and electrons. The atom IS because of those three, and yet those three are an atom because they are one. A better analogy involving water is a river, which consists of a source, stream, and current (Father, Son, Spirit). Or how about the sun? This consists of the star (sun) itself, sunbeams, and the sunshine as it falls on the earth. |
Xavier, Wong may be dropped from S'gor exco lineup Posted: 19 May 2013 09:28 PM PDT Meena Lakshana, PKR's Dr Xavier Jayakumar and Elizabeth Wong have accepted the possibility that they may not been reappointed to the Selangor state executive council. This is apparently because the new lineup will feature six Malays and four non-Malays, as requested by the Sultan of Selangor to better reflect the racial composition of the assembly members. With three or four of the non-Malay exco positions going to DAP, PKR will at the most have only one non-Malay representative in the lineup. Wong, when contacted today, said she is committed towards working for her Bukit Lanjan state constituency and addressing environmental issues irrespective of whether she gets an exco post. "Yes there is a possibility (of not being re-appointed) but it won't affect my resolve to represent my constituents and my work on the environment," she said. "We place our trust in MB (Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim) to make the best decision on this matter (exco line-up)," she added. Xavier told that PKR had agreed to include a non-Malay assembly member in its exco list but the decision was not final. 'There are a few names. We will have to wait and see," he said. In previous discussions, Selangor Pakatan Rakyat leaders had agreed that the 10 exco positions would be equally distributed between Malays and non-Malays, with PAS representatives holding three posts (in addition to the speaker's post), DAP holding four posts and PKR holding three posts (as well as the menteri besar's post). DAP had already mooted former speaker Datuk Teng Chang Khim and Seri Kembangan assembly member Ean Yong Hian Wah to fill two exco positions. Teng was known to have thrown his name in the hat for the exco position even before the May 5 polls. Also, DAP won more seats in Selangor compared to PKR. DAP and PAS each won 15 seats while PKR won 14 seats. However, in a surprise announcement on Saturday, Abdul Khalid revealed the ratio of positions between DAP and PAS had switched. According to a PKR source, the reason behind this was due to a proposal from the Sultan of Selangor for Malay elected representatives to assume six exco positions while non-Malay representatives will assume the remaining four exco positions to better reflect the racial composition of the newly elected state assembly. Out of 56 state assembly members, 37 are Malays and 19 are non-Malays. The previous exco lineup had five Malays and five non-Malays. If Pakatan were to accede to the ruler's proposal, and maintained DAP's ratio of four exco positions, then PKR would have to nominate its Malay elected representatives for the exco posts and exclude Wong and Xavier. The Pakatan leadership is now in discussion to solve the kerfuffle over the exco line-up.
Apologise for baseless attacks, Azmin told Posted: 19 May 2013 09:23 PM PDT
A prominent PKR member also says that the deputy president has set a bad precedent by washing party's dirty linen in public B Nantha Kumar, FMT A prominent PKR grassroots member today called on party deputy president Azmin Ali to apologise to Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismal for initiating baseless attacks against the party president. "What Azmin did was really unhealthy for the party. And we, party members want him to apologise to Wan Azizah," Dr V Neduchelian, a member from Kapar PKR division, told FMT. He said by 'attacking' Wan Azizah in the mainstream media, Azmin had set a bad precedence which allows party members to use the media to criticise the party and its fellow leaders. "All discussions involving party matters should be discussed behind closed doors . This is the advice given to us. But what surprises us, is that the same leader who propagates this uses the media to attack the president," he added. Recently, Azmin, who retained his Gombak parliamentary and Bukit Antrabangsa state seats, criticised the party leadership for nominating Abdul Khalid Ibrahim as the Selangor Menteri Besar without the consensus from Selangor PKR. Azmin is the Selangor PKR head. Azmin said Wan Azizah had submitted a letter to the Selangor palace nominating Khalid Ibrahim before getting consensus from the state PKR leaders. He also accused the PKR president of nepotism. "It is really weird that Azmin is talking about nepotism. In the last general election, he picked leaders aligned to him to contest seats. Those against him were not even given seats to contest. This is an open secret in PKR. "Azmin is not fit to talk about nepotism or cronyism since he himself piggybacked on PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim's popularity to reach where he is now," he said.
Posted: 19 May 2013 08:53 PM PDT
Gossip on Broadway Malaysia's first kopitiam in North-West England No. 2 Broadway, New Moston, Manchester We are looking for Malaysian students to work part-time 20 hours a week as waiters/waitresses/kitchen porters. Expected launch: 1st June 2013 Contact: Raja Azmir Petra/Marina Lee at 075 8000 7891
Boycott ‘madness’ festivals, accept defeat Posted: 19 May 2013 08:08 PM PDT
Anizah Shukry, FMT Malaysians must boycott the "pesta kegilaan" (festival of madness) by the opposition over claims of electoral fraud and accept that Barisan Nasional won the 13th general election. Newly minted Communications and Multimedia Minister Ahmad Shabery Cheek said this when asked to comment on Home Minister Zahid Hamidi's statement that Malaysians unhappy with the electoral system should emigrate. "I have to see the context of Zahid's statement, what was reported [before I can comment]… but I agree…that there are 'madness festivals' being run by sore losers," said Ahmad Shabery at a press conference today. "I feel this must be stopped. Most importantly, the rakyat must stop them, must boycott them and leave them because these festivals are about rejecting the decision made by the rakyat through our electorate system," he added. Ahmad Zahid wrote in a column published last Wednesday in Utusan Malaysia that the opposition was deliberately confusing "Chinese youths and politically blind followers" into protesting the election results. This was in response to the series of mega rallies Pakatan Rakyat organised, claiming that electoral fraud and an incompetent Election Commission had robbed them of their victory. But Ahmad Shabery today mocked the opposition and their supporters for "behaving like children" and "shrieking here and there" and suggested that their actions contravened the country's democratic and constitutional system. "We have to see what laws applies against these sore losers who act outside the limits of our democratic and constitutional system," said Ahmad Shabery. "Are they seen as going against our constistution and democratic system?" he asked.
‘Low’s appointment against TI-M ethics’ Posted: 19 May 2013 07:53 PM PDT Robert Phang says the anti-graft watchdog must now monitor the new minister's performance. Alyaa Azhar, FMT Paul Low violated Transparency International's code of ethics when he accepted his appointment as a minister in the Prime Minister's Department, former MACC advisor Robert Phang said today. He said Low, who has yet to quit his post as Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M) chief, caused shock among the organisation's executives when he accepted his new job. "His appointment is a violation and serious breach of the TI-M code of ethics," he added. "I'm sure there'll be outcries from TI-M members." Recently, Low explained that his job in the Prime Minister's Department was to propose changes to government systems, procedures and processes to reduce opportunities for corruption. He said he had no enforcement powers and was hoping to rely on the Prime Minister's stature to enable him to fight corruption. Referring to that statement, Phang said it was an admission by Low that he was a lame duck. "So what can the rakyat expect from him?" Phang claimed that TI-M members were already questioning Low's integrity. He said the anti-graft watchdog would now have to monitor the new minister's performance.
Ahmad Zahid: Enough of warnings, it's time for tough action Posted: 19 May 2013 07:39 PM PDT (Bernama) - The government would not be issuing warnings anymore but would act tough against individuals whose extreme actions would only disrupt public order, said Home Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi today. He said the Inspector-General of Police (IGP), and heads of departments and agencies under the home ministry had been given the full power to carry out the task within their respective jurisdiction and without political interference.Ahmad Zahid said any action taken by the ministry to maintain public order must not be regarded as politically motivated but was based on the existing laws of the country. Hence, he reminded the opposition leaders not to politicise the actions to be taken by the authorities in order to preserve peace and stability in the country. He warned these leaders that they would face a big risk if they insisted on being stubborn. "Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng should differentiate political objectives and political measures from the implementation of laws. Do not politicise every law enforcement by the IGP and other agencies under the ministry. "We will not compromise but will act in accordance with the existing Acts and enactments. We will not give anymore warnings, so don't be angry with us when we take action," he said at a news conference in conjunction with his first day as home minister, here. Also present were his deputy Datuk Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar and the new IGP, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar. Ahmad Zahid said the ministry required the cooperation, support, views, suggestions and feedback from all quarters including the local communities, institutions, NGOs and political leaders from within and outside the government. "This is not for our (Barisan Nasional) own political interest but for the good of the society and country," he said. On statements made by opposition leaders over various matters recently, Ahmad Zahid said these could be argued out in Parliament. "As politicians, we meet in the political arena, not on the street or at the open field but in the Dewan Rakyat," he added. |
Posted: 19 May 2013 07:19 PM PDT
At first Chua sneered at Lim Keat Siang's announcement to contest in Gelang Patah and said that Lim was 'dreaming'. It would later turn out that Lim's 'dream' had come true. We all witnessed how energetic and enthusiastic Lim could be even he is already in his seventies. He fought with such zeal over the past month, he travelled north and south for thousands of miles and he kept his morale high to the last minute. It was not by luck that DAP emerged a winner, for Lim had been giving out ceramah not only in his constituency but all over Malaysia. By Xing Yue Zhen邢月珍 @ The election results are pretty much set. From 15 parliament seats and 36 state assembly seats in 2008 MCA saw their numbers dropped to 7 and 11 respectively in recent election. MCA have since closed down their service centers in many areas as if they are exercising their revenge: if you did not help me, I will not help you! A defeated candidate in Johor even said: go seek help from the candidate who won! Another politician also stated that MCA will only help those who voted for them and requested the others to ask help from DAP. MCA are not only being ridiculous acting this way but they are digging their own grave as well. Politicians should set their hearts at serving the community selflessly. But for these MCA leaders, it is apparent that wining election and becoming government officer are more important. DAP had never been in power before 2008 and they had endured being 'title-less' for more than 50 years, hence just by mere comparison it is easy to see why MCA have failed to win the hearts of the people. Voiceless and gutless in the face of discriminative policies The people have already abandoned all hopes on MCA. They have been known to always kowtow to the autocratic UMNO and remain voiceless and gutless in the face of discriminative policies: as long as they keep their positions, all other issues can go to hell! The recent turbulences that hit MCA are none other than the quarrel over the decision to not be a part of Cabinet and the plan to overthrow Chua Soi Lek. Though MCA had previously announced that should they lose in the election they would not want to be in the Cabinet, some leaders are still trying to overrule that decision. It seems that MCA are facing a dilemma in keeping a clean sheet as the Sultan of Johor has already instructed that Tee Siew Kiong of MCA should be named an EXCO member. It is very likely that winning candidates in other states will follow the same 'strategy'. The screams demanding Chua to immediately step down have been non-stop even though he already announced that he wouldn't participate in the coming party election; even the long-retired past leaders also jumped in with their sharpened swords. From the leader of MCA Chua has become what the Chinese would call 'a rat that running across a street – kill it!' Sigh, where should MCA bury its 'face'? Dream came true for Lim Keat Siang You can find among the screamers some committee members who used to support Chua in becoming their leader. They should have known that a tainted leader will always have his ball grabbed by the enemies and that they should be prepared to face the situation they are facing today. It can't be that 3 years ago Chua was very competent but he suddenly turned 'incapable' after the GE, hence why didn't they react when things started to go wrong but only started making noises after the results were out?
Chor Chee Heung whacked Chua for being too overconfident that he did not consult others when making decisions. If what Chor said is true, then why did they not stop Chua and force him down in the first place? DAP fought a brilliant battle in the recent GE with a never-seen-before hit rate. If it weren't for PKR and PAS losing composure during the last stage, they could have won the election and placed themselves in Putrajaya by now. At first Chua sneered at Lim Keat Siang's announcement to contest in Gelang Patah and said Lim was 'dreaming', but it would later turn out that Lim's 'dream' had come true. We all witnessed how energetic and enthusiastic Lim could be even he is already in his seventies. He fought with such zeal over the past month, he travelled north and south for thousands of miles and he kept his morale high to the last minute. It was not by luck that DAP emerged a winner, for Lim had been giving out ceramah not only in his constituency but all over Malaysia. No matter which opposition ceramah you attended in Johor you could always see Lim's face and hear Lim's voice. It is not an overstatement to say that Lim alone accounted for the 3-parliament-13-state wins in Johor. Najib did not manage the country properly Not every candidate has what it takes to leave his/her safe seat to contest in other area, especially if that area is the opposition's stronghold. It takes a lot of courage to do so, hence politicians like Loke Siew Fook, Liew Chin Tong and Teo Nie Ching should also be applauded. We should also give compliments to all the nameless heroes who worked behind the backdrop tirelessly to put up such a brilliant strategy. Lim has seen the insides of many jailrooms in his fight for democracy and justice. The fact that he still keeps his beliefs and acts in accordance to the ethic is very admirable. I however hope that DAP can do away their internal problems and recruit more members from all races. It is of upmost importance that they do not alter their beliefs even when they are desperate to gain powers; they should keep their fight for democracy and justice but not for self-interest. Before the GE my young daughter asked me why we shouldn't vote for Najib. It surprised me that I did not know how to simplify a complicated political matter as such into a clear, short answer without misleading her I thought for 3 seconds, then I told her: Because Najib did not manage the country properly. I thought to myself that was a very good answer, in a mere sentence I summarized all the problems. This is indeed a very good answer, one which by itself is more than enough to answer all. Read more here
The rats leaving the sinking ship Posted: 19 May 2013 05:24 PM PDT So they are now embarking on an asset-stripping exercise. Chua Soi Lek, Tan Chai Ho, Vincent Lee Fook Long, Kat Swee Sang, and a few other MCA taikos are shifting MCA's assets so that they can eventually bury an empty shell that was once the second-most powerful and richest political party in Malaysia. They will then ride out into the sunset and all live happily ever after while the Malaysian Chinese continue to argue about who should hold power and who should be represented in the government. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin
While the Malaysian Chinese are arguing over whether MCA should be closed down, whether there should be any Chinese representation in the Federal Cabinet, whether Paul Low Seng Kuan should or should not be in the government, and so on, the MCA leaders have been quietly planning to abandon ship since a couple of years back. MCA knew back in 2009, soon after Najib Tun Razak took over as Prime Minister, that the 2008 general election was the signal that MCA and Gerakan were finished. The writing was already on the wall. MCA is a sinking ship. Hence, as is normal in all sinking ships, the rats had better leave the sinking ship or else drown. The early life of MCA in the pre-Merdeka days was as a grouping of wealthy Straits Chinese, some who did not even know how to speak Chinese but spoke just Malay at home. Over time, MCA has become an economic giant and is considered wealthier than Umno by far. Remember what happened to Umno back in 1988? The Registrar of Societies deregistered Umno and all its billions in assets got frozen. That was when Umno decided to change its strategy. Instead of parking all its wealth under the name of Umno, it embarked on an asset-stripping exercise and transferred all the party's assets into the names of nominees. Now you can no longer tell which of those billions belongs to Umno and which belongs to certain individuals who are allegedly mere nominees of Umno. The demarcation between what belongs to the party and what belongs to certain individuals behind the party is very blurred. Most likely it is the other way around -- the party is actually the 'nominee' of certain individuals. Now MCA is going to suffer the same fate as Umno in 1988, with a slight twist, of course. Umno of 1946 died but from the ashes of the old Umno arose the new Umno (Umno Baru). But the new Umno no longer owned the assets of the old Umno. The new Umno was as poor as a church mouse although certain key people in the new Umno may be wealthy like hell. MCA has learned from this Umno episode of 1988. (So who says the Chinese cannot learn from the Malays?) The 'old' MCA is in its death throes. But there is not going to be a MCA Baru à la Umno Baru. For all intents and purposes, MCA Baru, if there ever were going to be one, would be DAP. Hence they need to do some asset stripping because MCA, without a doubt, is a sinking ship. The plan is: they need to bail out of the sinking ship with all the assets. Let the ship go down but it must be an empty ship, not a ship laden with wealth. So they are now embarking on an asset-stripping exercise. Chua Soi Lek, Tan Chai Ho, Vincent Lee Fook Long, Kat Swee Sang, and a few other MCA taikos are shifting MCA's assets so that they can eventually bury an empty shell that was once the second-most powerful and richest political party in Malaysia. They will then ride out into the sunset and all live happily ever after while the Malaysian Chinese continue to argue about who should hold power and who should be represented in the government. I thought the Chinese voter was one sharp cookie. Apparently they are not any smarter than the Umno supporter in the rural kampongs of Malaysia. They quarrel over nothing while the taikos rob them blind in broad daylight. I suppose with a guru like Umno how can MCA go wrong? And while Umno's slogan is 'Ketuanan Melayu', MCA's slogan is 'Just Duit' -- or is it 'Just do it', à la Nike? *********************************************************** Tan Chai Ho MCA's Huaren Holdings sells stakes in MCIL (Bernama, 24 September 2010): Huaren Holdings Sdn Bhd, the investment arm of the MCA, has sold its entire 3.6% equity in the Media Chinese International Ltd (MCIL). Huaren chairman Datuk Seri Tan Chai Ho said the Huaren board had in August disposed of 60,394,191 ordinary shares of 10 HK cent per share for a total cash consideration of RM47.88 million. Huaren's 3.6% equity in MCIL was the result of a merger and a scheme of arrangement undertaken in 2008 by Ming Pao Enterprise Corp Ltd, Sin Chew Media Corp Bhd and Nanyang Press Holdings Berhad. "The board of directors is of the opinion that the disposal is in the best interest of the company," Tan, who is also the MCA treasurer-general, said in a statement today. Huaren had earlier owned up to 72.3% in Nanyang, paying RM230 million or RM5.50 per share, for the stake which was approved by the MCA at its extraordinary general meeting on 24 June 2001. Later, it sold off 15.4 million Nanyang shares (a 21% stake then) in March 2007 for RM67.7 million to Ezywood Options Sdn Bhd, a vehicle controlled by timber tycoon Tan Sri Tiong Hiew King. After the disposal, Huaren was left with 17.1 million shares or a 23.1% stake in Nanyang, which were exchanged for new shares in MCIL following a merger between Tiong's Sin Chew Media Corp Bhd, Hong Kong-based Ming Pao Enterprise Corp Ltd and Nanyang in early 2008. After the exchange, Huaren ended up with 3.6% stake in the enlarged media group called Media Chinese International Ltd (MCIL) which currently owned various Chinese newspapers in Hong Kong and Malaysia -- Ming Pao (Hong Kong), Sin Chew Daily, China Press, Nanyang Siang Pao and Guang Ming (Malaysia). *********************************************************** Menara Multi-Purpose, which is 99% occupied, has rental income of RM2.1mil per month MPHB sells Menara Multi-Purpose to MCA for RM375mil The Menara Multi-Purpose office tower in Kuala Lumpur will be sold to the MCA for RM375mil cash. In a filing with Bursa Malaysia, Multi-Purpose Holdings Bhd (MPHB) said it had entered into a sale and purchase agreement with MCA for the sale of the 17-year-old office tower together with 414 car park bays within the Capital Square development. The office tower has a total net lettable area of 541,424 sq ft, and is 99% occupied with a rental income of RM2.1mil per month as of July. The net book value of the office tower and car park bays was RM175.4mil as of Dec 31, 2010, based on the audited financial statements of MPHB. However, a valuation by Henry Butcher Malaysia Sdn Bhd on April 20 deemed the office tower and car park bays to have a market value of RM384mil. MPHB said its original cost of investment in the office tower from 1993 till 1996 and car park bays in 2004 was RM289mil. Proceeds from the sale, which is due to be completed by the end of this year, will be utilised to repay MPHB's bank borrowings. MPHB said the rationale for the sale was part of the group's asset rationalisation exercise to dispose of its non-core assets. The group's gearing would drop to 0.88 times from 1.1 times (as of April 28) after the sale is completed. *********************************************************** Chua Soi Lek Matang, Scope agree on deal (The Star, 20 November 2012) - Matang Holdings Bhd has entered into a business merger agreement with the Bursa Malaysia ACE market-listed Scope Industries Bhd to transfer its entire business and undertaking including assets and liabilities to the latter for RM145mil. Scope Industries is an electrical and electronics manufacturer. In a press statement released here, the company said the transfer would be satisfied with the issuance of 580 million new ordinary shares of 10 sen each in Scope at an issue price of 25 sen per share. This would path the way for the a proposed merger of the business of Matang with the businesses of Scope. Upon receiving approval for the merger, Matang would carry out a capital reduction and repayment exercise under Section 64 of the Companies Act 1965 to distribute the shares to its shareholders. *********************************************************** Press Statement 20 April 2013: Proposed Business Merger Agreement between Matang Holdings Bhd and Scope Industries Bhd. The reason for this Press Conference is to publicly appeal to Huaren Holdings Sdn Bhd, the controlling shareholder of Matang Holdings Bhd with 10.72% of the share capital to refrain and abort the Business Merger Agreement with Scope Industries Bhd dated 19 November 2012 failing which we would request all existing Matang Holdings Bhd shareholders to be present and vote against the proposal during the EGM to be convene in due course. The Minority Shareholders are of the opinion that: (i) The Board of Directors of Matang has in disposing off the Matang landed assets including cash at a grossly undervalued amount of RM145,000,000.00 has acted in bad faith and has failed to discharge diligently their fiduciary duties to the shareholders. (ii) The value of RM145,000,000.00 is inclusive of CASH held by Matang and to date the CASH so held is more than RM25,000,000.00 which effectively means that the landed assets is disposed off at only RM120,000,000.00. A valuation done by Henry Butcher in July 2012 valued the landed assets at RM168,000,000.00 The difference in valuation alone is RM48,000,000.00. If the cash sum of RM25,000,000.00 is taken into consideration, the amount of difference is RM73,000,000.00 (iii) The consideration for the disposal as stated in the Business Merger Agreement is for an exchange of shares in Scope Industries Bhd and not for cash is in total disregard of the fact that the shares received in exchange by the shareholders of Matang Holdings Bhd is subject to a moratorium of 4 years and cannot be sold off immediately but only over a period of 4 years The Minority Shareholders have appointed Messrs Lau Kok Guan Liana & Associates to act on their behalf. We would like to appeal to all shareholders regardless of their shareholdings to take the appropriate action to stop the proposed Business Merger with Scope Industries Bhd based on the facts above. You have only yourself to blame if you do not take action to protect your own investment. *********************************************************** Highlights of the disadvantages of Scope Industries Bhd shares in exchange for Matang Holdings Bhd shares 1. Moratorium i. The shareholders of Matang cannot immediately dispose of all of the Scope shares received. ii. For the 1st six months after the shares are listed, none (0) of the Scope shares can be sold. iii. From the 7th month to the end of the 12th month, only 15.4% of a shareholder's Scope shares can be sold. iv. From the 13th month to the end of the 24th month. only 28.2% can be sold. v. From the 25th month to the end of the 36th month, only 28.2% can be sold. vi. From the 37th month to the end of the 48th month, only 28.2% can be sold. In addition to that, bear in mind that at the same time Scope is also issuing up to 126,880,000 shares for the acquisition of Benua Mutiara Sdn Bhd. These shares are not subject to moratorium. Share capital of Scope No. of Shares Amount(RM) Existing Issued share cap 384,382,000 38,438,000 Issue to Matang for merger 580,000,000 58,000,000 Issue to Benua Mutiara for acquisition 118,118,000 11,812,000 Assuming full exercise of all o/s warrants 118,598,000 11,860,000 Enlarged Issued & paid up 1,201,096,000 120,110,000 Also note that, except for the 580,000,000 Scope shares issued to Matangs' shareholders, all the rest of the Scope shares can be freely traded and are not subject to moratorium. The moratorium is imposed on Matang because after completion of the merger but before the Scope shares are distributed to the Matang individual shareholders, Matang has temporary control of Scope Industries Bhd holding more than 50% of Scope paid up capital. However, even though Matang has more than 50% of Scope the BOD of Matang has failed to seek for control of the Board of Scope as Matang can only appoint three Board members whereas the existing number of BOD in Scope is five. (2) Value of Scope Industries Bhd Share. Scope's audited FYE 30 June 2012 Earnings per share 0.21 sen Net Assets per share 12 sen Matang's audited FYE 30 June 2012 Earnings per share 4.3 sen Net Assets per share 118.9 sen The value of RM0.25 as used by Scope to value its shares in exchange for Matang shares is at a Price Earnings Ratio of 119.0 times. The price used cannot be fundamentally supported and is grossly overvalued. As its net assets is only 12 sen, it is also not justifiable to value its shares at RM0.25 which is 2.1 time to its book value. Scope will be highly dependent on Matang's earnings to support its business for the forseable future. Matang shareholders is much better off not taking part in the business merger as Matang shareholders do not enjoy any synergy benefit but is actually contributing its profit to the enlarged group. Conclusion (extracted from circular sent to Scope shareholders). Availability of Land for Cultivation. The availability of agricultural land that possesses suitable soil and terrain characteristics for oil palm cultivation is critical in the supply of oil palm and ultimately palm oil products. Without land oil palm cannot be cultivated and hence FFBs cannot be harvested. Plantation companies wishing to expand their operations will also need to secure suitable and arable land. However, globally, land is becoming scarce and expensive. It is reported that Malaysia is left with 800,000 hectares of land suitable for further oil palm cultivation, and that the country will run out of available oil palm land by 2015 or 2016. *********************************************************** Vincent Lee Fook Long, Executive Deputy Chairman, Star Publications (M) Bhd No buyout plans, says Star Publications (The Star, 16 May 2013) - Star Publications (M) Bhd has denied talk that there are plans for a management buyout from the MCA, the majority shareholders of The Star. Star Publications chairman Tan Sri Dr Fong Chan Onn said neither the management nor the staff had initiated such a plan. "I have received calls from the media making enquiries as to whether there are plans for a management buyout. "I regard such talk as malicious and speculative in nature. "It also appears to be politically motivated as it comes at a time when the MCA is undergoing a difficult period. "Such rumours are not helpful and serve no purpose. "I do not intend to elaborate on such rumours as such baseless talk does not deserve to be given credence," he said in a statement. *********************************************************** ADDENDUM Head Investor Affairs and Complaints Department Securities Commission Malaysia No 3 Persiaran Bukit Kiara Bukit Kiara 50490 Kuala Lumpur
28 December 2012 Dear Sir/Madam Re: Proposed Merger of the Businesses of Scope Industries Bhd and Matang Holdings Bhd through the transfer of the entire Business and Undertakings, including all assets and liabilities of Matang to Scope for a total consideration of RM145,000,000 as announced on 19 November 2012. Introduction Matang Holdings Bhd was established some 36 years ago and most of its members consist of MCA members from the state of Johor. Currently the paid up capital of Matang Holdings Bhd is RM60,000,000 made up of 120,000,000 shares of RM0.50 per share, with 19,984 shareholders as at1 October 2012, of which the largest shareholder is Huaren Holdings Sdn Bhd with 12,864,000 shares or 10.72% of the share capital. A copy of the latest Annual Report of Matang Holdings Bhd is enclosed. Questions to be posed to the Board of Directors of Matang Holdings Bhd 1. As the chief financial officer of Matang Holdings Bhd, I was not allowed to be engaged in the negotiation of the terms and conditions of the Business Merger Agreement with Scope and I was also kept in the dark as to the signing of the Business Merger Agreement until it was signed. The act has resulted in that I was not able to carry out my fiduciary duty to the shareholders. Needless to say the BOD has also failed in its fiduciary duty. 2. In my opinion, the Business Merger Agreement is detrimental to the shareholders of Matang Holdings Bhd because: A the valuation of the assets of Matang is grossly undervalued. A valuation performed by Henry Butcher on 23 July 2012 (certificates enclosed) had valued all the 3 properties of Matang at a total value of RM168,000,000. A subsequent valuation was performed by KGV on 10 November 2012 (certificates enclosed) which had valued all the 3 properties at only a total value of RM119,550,000. My guess is that this second valuation was done in order to be in line with the offer price proposed by Scope. B the cash in hand as at 30 June 2012 held by Matang was RM22,732,000. This amount will form part of the assets to be taken over by Scope. Matang has been paying dividends for the past 10 years and because of the proposal, the BOD has for that financial year not declared a dividend. Shouldn't all the cash be returned to the shareholders rather than be part of the proposal? As of the date of this writing, the cash in hand has increased to RM24,698,986. C Matang's assets are all income generating and its business has always been profitable. Why should any right thinking shareholder wants to exchange his Matang shares for shares of Scope based on an exchange price of RM0.25 per Scope share and for paper only. Scope's exchange share price of RM0.25 cannot be fundamentally supported. In an earlier exercise, in June 2012, Scope shares was only valued at RM0.15. D the moratorium to be imposed by Bursa on the Matang shareholdings in Scope will not allow Matang shareholders to dispose of their Scope shares as and when the proposed merger is completed. Matang shareholders will be better off finding a suitor listed on the Main Board. E the composition of the BOD after the completion of the proposed merger does not reflect the controlling shareholdings of Matang in Scope after completion, as the existing number of directors in Scope is 5 whereas in the Business Merger Agreement, Matang is only to nominate 3 directors. Based on the above information, I sincerely hope that the Securities Commission would look into the proposed merger as the existing shareholders of Matang are being oppressed and has nothing to gain but a lot to lose if the proposed merger in its current form is allowed to proceed. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require further information. Thank you. Yours faithfully
Wong Pang Nam Chief Financial Officer
We Indians are a tolerant lot, OK? Posted: 19 May 2013 04:01 PM PDT
It's OK. We are brought up that way. S. Narayanan I am an 4th generation Malaysian Indian, born and bred in this country. My great-grandfather came to Malaysia as a businessman in 1898. We have been in the rubber, tin, oil palm and real estate business. I consider myself a patriotic Malaysian who loves the country. I used to stand up for the National Anthem (even when it sounded on TV!) during my school days. I volunteered to join the army medical corps as an army doctor serving in the jungles of Sabah and Sarawak. Malays who came from Indonesia and Thailand, relatively recently, have become bumiputeras (sons of the soil) with special privileges. It's OK. Malays say they are a superior race with superior religion. It's OK. The Malays say "leave the country if you don't like the government". It's OK. I am not leaving.
A Malay will serve beef when I go for a gathering (taboo to us Hindus), but I cannot serve pork in the presence of a Malay – it will become a national issue. It's OK. I respect their religion. The Chinese have higher rates for goods and lower qualities of products for us Indians compared to their fellow Chinese. It's OK. There are not many Indian businesses anyway. My so-called Chinese friends refuse to sell properties to me even if I am willing to pay a higher value because I am Indian. It's OK. I cannot force them anyway. When my family enters a swimming pool, most of the Chinese (esp. the less educated) will scramble out of the pool – and I am not bad looking. It's OK. We can have the pool to ourselves. Read more at: |
Posted: 19 May 2013 03:40 PM PDT
AT 4pm today, former Utusan Malaysia senior journalist Hata Wahari plans to protest against what he calls the "racist attitude" of the editors and journalists of the Umno-controlled Malay newspaper in their coverage of GE13 – before, during and after the May 5 polls. Mohsin Abdullah, In his Facebook posting, Hata said he, together with several former Utusan journalists, are launching a "Mogok Utusan" or an "Utusan Strike" in front of the newspaper's office in Kuala Lumpur's Jalan Chan Sow Lin. "Anybody who's willing to be with me, let's demand the suspension of Utusan's permit for their extreme racism," said Hata. It can be taken that the "permit" Hata was referring to is the one which allows the printing and publishing of the paper. And his choosing of "Mogok Utusan" to name his protest is obviously a reference to the historic Utusan Melayu strike in 1961 when the then staff of the newspaper fought against Umno control. As we know Hata was the president of the National Union of Journalists who spoke against political interference in Utusan's editorial coverage which resulted in "racial, bias and slanted" coverage. Utusan didn't take kindly to all that, naturally, and Hata was sacked soon after (in 2011). Well, after a domestic inquiry which found him guilty of "bringing the newspaper into disrepute and insulted its management." Of course that was not the first or rather the only time Utusan had come under fire. To its critics and detractors, Utusan Malaysia is "Utusan Meloya" or the "nauseating courier." In Wikipedia it is stated that "Utusan Malaysia's credibility as a newspaper has come under fire from many circles for its blatant practice of double standards in its reporting especially with regard to politically related news. Statements by chief ministers in opposition held states have been taken out of context, manipulated or otherwise downright fabricated. And of late Utusan has also stoked racist sentiments with provocative headlines." Ever since Wikipedia made that 'observation', things seem to have gotten worst. The post-GE13 'Apa lagi Cina mahu' is one typical example. Utusan group editor in chief Datuk Abdul Aziz Ishak did not respond when asked for his reaction on the recent "allegations" against his paper. His predecessor Datuk Khalid Mohd didn't want to comment either, citing "sudah pencen" (already retired) as the reason. But said a former senior journalist: "Utusan is a sensitive issue as it involves many different wings of Umno. I don't want to interfere and I won't say more." However Aziz has been quoted before as saying Umno-owned Utusan does not provide balanced political coverage and instead promotes the aspirations of the ruling party. Aziz was reported to have said that in court in a defamation suit filed against Utusan not too long ago. He also told the court that there were Umno representatives sitting in the Utusan board of directors including a high ranking officer of the PM cum Umno president. Read more at: |
When, Why and How Christians use the word 'Allah' Posted: 19 May 2013 03:26 PM PDT
The objective of this document is to explain briefly to those Christians who do not understand when, why and how Churches in Malaysia use the word 'Allah. It is also for Christians who are confused about how to respond, when confronted by the ignorance of non-Muslims about the Christian use of the word 'Allah'. Christian Federation of Malaysia Introduction and Background The objective of this document is to explain briefly to those Christians who do not understand when, why and how Churches in Malaysia use the word 'Allah. It is also for Christians who are confused about how to respond, when confronted by the ignorance of non-Muslims about the Christian use of the word 'Allah'. There are many (misleading) statements by non-Christians who claim that we should not use the word, because it is an exclusive Muslim term for the God of Islam and can be used only by Muslims. This is a situation peculiar to Malaysia, as elsewhere in the Muslim world, Arabic-speaking Christians use the word 'Allah'. Christians themselves are sometimes ignorant, because unless we pray in Bahasa Malaysia, we pray to 'God' in our own language. In English services, for example, nowhere do we use the word 'Allah'. However, more than 60% of Malaysian Christians only speak Bahasa Malaysia, and the word used for God in the Bahasa Malaysia Bible (Al-Kitab) since its translation in 1731, is 'Allah'. The word is used by Bumiputera Christians who only have Bahasa Malaysia as their common language in Sabah, Sarawak and peninsular Malaysia, and by the Baba community in Malacca.
Historical Usage and Meaning 1. The word 'Allah' was a term used for the supreme God in a pantheon of gods, before the revelation of Islam. The Shorter Encyclopedia of Islam ed., H. A. R. Gibb & J. H. Kramer and The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World, ed. John L. Esposito, both affirm and support this contention. 2. Historically, Malay-speaking Christians in South-East Asia have used 'Allah' to refer to God. The proof is as follows: • The Kitab salat as-sawai or Christian catechisms in Malay written in 1514 and published around 1545, • The printed version of the Gospel of Matthew in Malay by A.C. Ruyl in 1629, • Malay-Latin Dictionary was printed in Rome in 1631 (The Dictionarium Malaicum-Latinum and Latinum - Malaicum) • The translation of Genesis by D. Brouwerius (1662), • M. Leijdecker's translation (1733), • H.C. Klinkert's translation (1879), • W.A. Bode's translation (1938), and • The complete Malay Bible of 1731-1733 containing the word 'Allah' for God. 3. Therefore, from the very beginning, the word 'Allah' has been used in the liturgy, prayers and worship of those Christians who speak Bahasa Malaysia. But for centuries, there has been no opposition or uproar about their use of 'Allah'.
Language Objections to the use of the word 'Allah' comes mostly from political discourse, or those who argue that the translation and usage of the word is a recent decision. This is not true for the following reasons: 1. In Semitic languages, the word 'Allah' has been widely used in the Middle East dating back to the 5th century BC and up to the time of the expansion of Islam and the spread of the Arabic language in the 7th century AD. 2. The translation of the Al-Kitab is not from the English translation but based on the Hebrew and Greek text of the Bible. In the Hebrew language, the word 'God' has the same root form as the Arabic language. So, when the word 'God' was first translated into Bahasa Malaysia, the translators merely followed the Arabic Christian usage and retained the word 'Allah'. 3. As stated earlier, the word 'Allah' pre-dates Islam. It is not a creation of the Muslims and its existence does not begin in the Al-Quran.
Should Christians Substitute the word 'Allah' with 'Tuhan'? This is not possible for the following reasons : 1. In the Malay language, 'Allah' means 'God' and Tuhan means 'Lord'. As is obvious when we read the Bible, both God and Lord are used in the Bible, and both have different connotations. Therefore 'Allah' cannot be substituted by 'Tuhan'. 2. The word Tuhan has been applied to Jesus Christ and read as Tuhan Yesus. If Christians are to substitute the word 'Allah' for Tuhan, it will render many Biblical references to God and Jesus incoherent because: • The meaning of 'Allah' and Tuhan are different. • This is obvious in just one example. In Isaiah chapter 41 and verse 13; also 43 : 3 and 51 : 15. "For I am the LORD, your GOD..." is translated as "Akulah TUHAN, ALLAH kamu...". (ALKITAB : Berita Baik. 2001. 2nd edition. Published by the Bible Society of Malaysia). • It creates an absurd situation if Christians have to translate the biblical phrase 'Lord God' as Tuhan Tuhan. The repeated words Tuhan Tuhan indicates plural in Bahasa Malaysia, and creates the impression that Christians believe in many Gods, which is unacceptable. • Bahasa Malaysia-speaking Christians will not be able to affirm the deity of Jesus Christ and teach the doctrine of the Trinity as these two 3 foundational words are essential to maintain and communicate these truths.
Consequences of Banning the Word "Allah" 1. Being denied the use of the word 'Allah' disregards the constitutional right of Malaysian citizens to freedom of religion under the Federal Constitution. Article 11 of the Federal Constitution safeguards the right of each Malaysian to profess and practice one's religion of choice. Article 11(3) expressly provides that every religious group has the right to manage their own religious affairs. 2. In 2011, the High Court handed down a judgement allowing the Catholic Church to use the word 'Allah'. The government (of all Malaysians, including Christians) is appealing the judgement and it is pending. 3. There have been other infringements on the right to use words imperative in the Bahasa Malaysia Bible. See the directive of 5 Dec 1986 from the Ministry of Home Affairs stating that, in addition to 'Allah', the words: Al-Kitab, Firman, Rasul, Iman, Ibadah, Injil, Wahyu, Nabi, Syukur, Solat and doa are not to be used in the Al-Kitab. In addition, making such prohibitions through fatwa render them only relevant to Muslims as the Shari'a does not apply to non Muslims. 4. Prohibiting the use of the word 'Allah' and these other terms is unjust. Bumiputera Christians should be given the respect and freedom to call God in the only language they have in common. This is important to their religious and cultural identity. 5. If Churches in Malaysia agree to stop using the word 'Allah', it means that the right to edit the Scripture of a major world religion has been given over to a secular government. This would be a shameful and an unprecedented development for any religion and government.
Conclusion Some Muslims have claimed repeatedly that Christians in Malaysia refuse to stop using the word 'Allah' because they want to confuse and convert Muslims, thereby posing a threat to national security. The claim is groundless as there has been no evidence offered of any threat to security. These remain unfounded accusations. On the contrary, such an assertion is made in ignorance of the fact that when Christians use the Al-Kitab, it is simply for Bahasa Malaysia-speaking Christians. Malaysian Churches have never suggested changing the words 'God' and 'Lord' to 'Allah' and 'Tuhan' respectively, in the other languages of the Bible.
******************************************** BILA, MENGAPA DAN BAGAIMANA KRISTIAN MENGGUNAKAN KATA 'ALLAH' Pengenalan dan Latarbelakang Tujuan dokumen ini adalah untuk menjelaskan secara ringkas kepada orang-orang Kristian yang tidak faham bila, kenapa dan bagaimana Gereja-gereja di Malaysia menggunakan kata 'Allah'. Ia juga untuk orang Kristian yang keliru tentang bagaimana harus bertindak apabila berhadapan dengan orang bukan Islam yang jahil tentang penggunaan kata 'Allah' dalam agama Kristian. Terdapat banyak (tidak tepat) kenyataan bukan Kristian yang mendakwa bahawa kita tidak boleh menggunakan kata 'Allah' kerana ia adalah istilah eksklusif untuk agama Islam yang merujuk kepada Tuhan Islam dan hanya boleh digunakan oleh orang Islam. Ia merupakan masalah pelik di Malaysia kerana di negara-negara Islam yang lain , di negara Arab – penganut Kristian berbahasa Arab menggunakan kata 'Allah'. Umat Kristian sendiri kadang-kadang jahil kecuali jika kita berdoa dalam Bahasa Malaysia, kita berdoa kepada 'Allah' dalam bahasa kita sendiri. Sebagai contoh, dalam Bahasa Inggeris, kita tidak menggunakan kata 'Allah'. Walau bagaimanapun, lebih 60% daripada Kristian di Malaysia hanya bercakap dalam Bahasa Malaysia, dan perkataan yang digunakan untuk Tuhan di dalam kitab Bahasa Malaysia (Al-Kitab) sejak terjemahan pada tahun 1731, adalah 'Allah'. Kata ini digunakan oleh Bumiputera Kristian yang menggunakan Bahasa Malaysia sebagai bahasa pengantara mereka terutama di Sabah, Sarawak, Semenanjung Malaysia, dan masyarakat Baba di Melaka Sejarah Makna dan Penggunaan 1. Kata 'Allah' adalah istilah yang digunakan bagi Tuhan yang tertinggi di antara tuhan-tuhan, sebelum wahyu Islam. The Shorter Encyclopedia of Islam, ed. H.A.R. Gibb & J. H. Kramer dan The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World, ed. John L. Esposito, menyokong dan mengesahkan pernyataan ini. 2. Dari segi sejarah, penganut Kristian berbahasa Melayu di Asia Tenggara telah menggunakan 'Allah' untuk merujuk kepada Tuhan. Buktinya adalah seperti berikut: • Wujudnya Kitab salat as sawai atau Katekismus Kristian di dalam Bahasa Melayu telah ditulis pada tahun 1514 dan diterbitkan sekitar 1545, • Telah ada versi cetakan Injil Matius di dalam Bahasa Melayu oleh A.C. Ruyl pada tahun 1629, • Kamus Melayu-Latin telah dicetak di Roma pada tahun 1631 (Dictionarium The Malaicum-Latinum dan Latinum - Malaicum) • Terjemahan Kitab Kejadian oleh D. Brouwerius (1662), • Terjemahan M. Leijdecker (1733), • Terjemahan H.C. Klinkert (1879), • Terjemahan W.A. Bode (1938), dan • Pada tahun 1731-1733, telah wujud Al-Kitab Bahasa Melayu lengkap mengandungi kata 'Allah' iaitu terjemahan untuk 'God'. 3. Oleh itu, sejak awal lagi, kata 'Allah' telah digunakan dalam liturgi, doa-doa dan ibadat orang-orang Kristian yang bertutur dalam Bahasa Malaysia. Tetapi selama berabad-abad itu, tidak ada bantahan atau kegemparan mengenai penggunaan kata 'Allah'.
Bahasa Bantahan terhadap penggunaan kata 'Allah' kebanyakannya berpunca dari wacana politik, atau di kalangan mereka yang membantah dengan tuduhan bahawa penterjemahan dan penggunaan kata 'Allah' baru sahaja berlaku. Ini tidak benar kerana sebab-sebab berikut: 1. Dalam bahasa-bahasa Semitik, kata 'Allah' telah digunakan secara meluas di Timur Tengah sejak abad ke-5 SM, sehingga masa perkembangan Islam dan penyebaran Bahasa Arab pada abad ke-7 M. 2. Penterjemahan Al-Kitab bukan menterjemah dari Bahasa Inggeris tetapi berdasarkan teks-teks dari Al-Kitab Ibrani dan teks Yunani. Dalam Bahasa Ibrani, kata 'Allah' mempunyai bentuk akar yang sama seperti Bahasa Arab. Jadi, apabila kata 'Allah' pertama kali diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Malaysia, para penterjemah sebenarnya mengikut penggunaan Bahasa Arab Kristian dan mengekalkan perkataan 'Allah'. 3. Seperti yang dinyatakan sebelum ini, kata 'Allah' digunakan sebelum kedatangan Islam. Ia bukan ciptaan umat Islam dan kewujudannya tidak bermula di dalam Al-Quran.
Haruskah Kristian Menggantikan kata 'Allah' dengan 'Tuhan'? Ini tidak mungkin atas sebab-sebab berikut : 1. Dalam Bahasa Melayu, 'Allah' bermakna 'Tuhan' dan 'Tuhan' bermaksud 'Lord'. Ini jelas apabila kita membaca Al-Kitab, 'Allah' dan 'Tuhan' digunakan di dalam Al-Kitab, dan kedua-duanya mempunyai konotasi yang berbeza. Oleh itu 'Allah' tidak boleh digantikan dengan 'Tuhan'. 2. Kata Tuhan telah digunakan untuk Yesus Kristus iaitu Tuhan Yesus. Sekiranya Kristian menggantikan kata 'Allah' untuk Tuhan, ia menimbulkan banyak kekeliruan dan tidak keruan yang merujuk kepada Tuhan dan Yesus kerana: • Makna 'Allah' dan Tuhan adalah berbeza. • Ini sangat jelas melalui satu contoh sahaja. Di dalam Yesaya, Bab 41 dan Ayat 13; 43:3 dan 51:51. "For I am the LORD, your GOD..." diterjemahkan sebagai "Akulah Tuhan, Allah kamu..."(ALKITAB : Berita Baik. 2001. Edisi Kedua. Terbitan The Bible Society of Malaysia). • Ia akan mewujudkan situasi tidak masuk akal jika orang Kristian perlu menterjemahkan frasa alkitabiah 'Lord God' sebagai Tuhan Tuhan. Pengulangan kata Tuhan Tuhan menunjukkan jamak di dalam Bahasa Malaysia, ia seolah-olah memperlihatkan bahawa agama Kristian percaya akan banyak tuhan, ini adalah sesuatu yang tidak boleh diterima. • Umat Kristian berbahasa Malaysia tidak akan dapat mengesahkan ketuhanan Yesus Kristus dan mengajar doktrin Tritunggal kerana dua perkataan ini adalah kata-kata asas
Kesan-kesan Larangan Kata 'Allah' 1. Dinafikan untuk menggunakan kata 'Allah' adalah melanggar hak perlembagaan kebebasan beragama rakyat Malaysia di bawah Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Perkara 11 Perlembagaan Persekutuan melindungi hak setiap rakyat Malaysia untuk menganut agama dan amalan pilihan masing-masing. Perkara 11 (3) jelas memperuntukkan bahawa setiap kumpulan agama mempunyai hak untuk mengurus hal ehwal agama mereka sendiri. 2. Pada tahun 2011, Mahkamah Tinggi memberikan penghakiman yang membenarkan Gereja Katolik menggunakan perkataan 'Allah'. Kerajaan (semua rakyat Malaysia, termasuk Kristian) membawanya ke Mahkamah Rayuan dan ia masih belum selesai. 3. Selain itu, terdapat juga pelanggaran hak menggunakan kata-kata penting dalam Al-Kitab Bahasa Malaysia. Lihat arahan 5 Disember 1986 daripada Kementerian Hal Ehwal Dalam Negeri menyatakan bahawa, sebagai tambahan kepada 'Allah', kata-kata : Al-Kitab, Firman, Rasul, Iman, Ibadah, Injil, Wahyu, Nabi, Syukur, Solat dan doa adalah tidak boleh digunakan dalam Al-Kitab. Di samping itu, membuat larangan melalui fatwa hanyalah relevan dengan umat Islam sahaja dan tidak terpakai kepada bukan Islam. 4. Melarang penggunaan kata 'Allah' dan istilah-istilah lain adalah tidak adil. Kristian Bumiputera perlu diberi penghormatan dan kebebasan untuk memanggil Tuhan dalam satu-satunya bahasa yang mereka. Ini adalah penting bagi identiti agama dan budaya mereka. 5. Jika gereja-gereja di Malaysia bersetuju untuk berhenti menggunakan kata 'Allah', bermakna hak untuk mengedit Kitab Suci agama utama dunia telah diberikan kepada sebuah kerajaan sekular. Ini akan menjadi satu perkara memalukan dan kejadian yang belum pernah berlaku pada mana-mana agama dan kerajaan.
Kesimpulan Sesetengah umat Islam mendakwa berulang kali bahawa orang Kristian di Malaysia enggan berhenti menggunakan kata 'Allah' kerana mahu mengelirukan umat Islam dan memurtadkan penganut Islam, sekali gus menimbulkan ancaman kepada keselamatan negara. Tuntutan itu adalah tidak berasas kerana tiada bukti penggunaan kata ini membawa ancaman keselamatan negara. Tuduhan ini kekal sebagai tidak berasas. Sebaliknya, keadaan sebegitu dibuat kerana jahil dengan hakikat bahawa apabila orang Kristian menggunakan Al-Kitab, ia adalah khusus untuk umat Kristian berbahasa Malaysia. Gereja-gereja di Malaysia tidak pernah mencadangkan untuk mengubah kata 'Allah' dan 'Lord' kepada 'Allah' dan 'Tuhan', begitu juga bahasabahasa lain dalam Al-Kitab. DISEDIAKAN OLEH PERSEKUTUAN KRISTIAN MALAYSIA (The Christian Federation of Malaysia) |
The Tao and the "mother of all things" Posted: 19 May 2013 03:20 PM PDT
According to the Taoist world view, the birth of the "mother of all" things is a sure sign of the the two extreme Yin and Yang forces are at its peak. Kuo Yong Kooi In a short period of just over a month, Malaysia went through a festivity of 'mother of all things political'. Just after the parliament was dissolved, the opposition declared that GE13 is the 'mother of all elections'. In the period leading up to the May 5 election day, new records were set in the numbers of ceramah attendees night after night. On election day, we had the 'mother of all voter turnouts' with 84.4 percent, a new record. |
What could happen when a Malay boycotts Chinese products and services Posted: 19 May 2013 03:18 PM PDT At a shop, sometimes, we don't have a choice... KoSong Unless he lives in town where there are 24/7 24-hour convenience shops like 7-11, KFC and so on, he might find his local Malay shop closed on Friday afternoon; or during puasa month, he might find some shops closed for the month! Read more at: |
Posted: 19 May 2013 03:10 PM PDT
The BN government should stop beating around the bush and just plainly say that it needs to raise another RM27 billion from GST, which is the equivalent to about RM1,000 per person per year, to cover the ballooning national debt which have been increased partly by the various Santa Clause programs to fish for votes in the recent general elections. Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan "The people of Sabah and Sarawak should be exempted from the Goods and Services Tax (GST) that appears imminently to be implemented by the BN Federal government at any time" said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief. Foremost, the PM needs to practice what he says and start implementing his transparency programs by not "testing the people" by using mouthpieces for feedback on the intended GST implementation. The BN government should stop beating around the bush and just plainly say that it needs to raise another RM27 billion from GST, which is the equivalent to about RM1,000 per person per year, to cover the ballooning national debt which have been increased partly by the various Santa Clause programs to fish for votes in the recent general elections. The BN government should not treat the people as fools anymore. People can understand the need to increase revenue to cover the national debt but whether the need to tax and burden the people is another matter altogether. The government should pay attention to reduction of economic leakages and to wipe out corruption which is probably the biggest cause for any unjustified increase in the national debt. As for the GST itself, the federal government should exempt Sabah and Sarawak from its implementation. The GST will burden Sabahans and Sarawakians who are already poor. Sabah and Sarawak are more than justified in being exempted from the GST implementation. Firstly, Sabah and Sarawak, both with riches and wealth have been robbed and are now suffering from being made the two poorest states in Malaysia. In 2012, RM17.88 billion in oil revenue were siphoned by Petronas from Sabah and another RM35 billion from Sarawak. Sabah lost another RM24 billion in federal taxes and revenues collected from the state. Secondly, the crippling cabotage policy is not only increasing the living costs of Sabahans but is stifling Sabah's economy and making Sabah an uncompetitive investment destination. Thus, depriving our youths of further job opportunities. If the PM is serious with his "Rakyat Didahulukan" slogan, the PM should immediately abolish the cabotage policy. There are no two ways about it. Yet, the federal and state governments are deaf to the pleas of the people to have the cabotage policy abolished. Thirdly, rural Sabahans and Sarawakians have low household incomes and this is made even worse by the federal government's minimum salary level which has fixed a lower minimum of RM900 for Sabah and Sarawak and discriminates against them compared to West Malaysians with a threshold level of RM1,000. Last but not least, instead of imposing the GST on Sabah and Sarawak, the PM should stop the marginalization of Sabahans and Sarawakians and implement programs in both states to increase the income levels and improve their livelihoods, consistent with his "Rakyat Didahulukan" slogan. If the PM fails to exempt Sabah and Sarawak from the GST implementation, he should be wary of the consequences of being the last Umno Prime Minister. The people in Sabah and Sarawak have awoken to the concept of Sabah and Sarawak being the kingmakers and can topple the BN federal government at any time. This "kingmaker" role and leverage can be seen in the increased composition of Sabah and Sarawak lawmakers in the new Cabinet and demands for more. "I will personally be meeting further with Sabah and Sarawak leaders and work on bringing this kingmaker role to the next level. We need to work towards the restoration of our rights and autonomy if it means toppling the current BN regime" concluded Dr. Jeffrey.
Sikap Anwar Ibrahim tak terima kekalahan membuat JK kecewa! Posted: 19 May 2013 02:38 PM PDT
RIMANEWS -- Anwar Ibrahim, pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat yang merupakan partai oposisi di Malaysia, membuat Mantan Wakil Presiden RI periode 2004-2009 Jusuf Kalla (JK) kecewa dengan sikap yang ditunjukkan sahabatnya dalam menyikapi hasil pemilu disana. Kekecewaan mantan Ketua Umum Partai Golkar itu, sebab Anwar menolak menerima kekalahan dan melakukan rekonsiliasi dengan Barisan Nasional di bawah kepemimpinan Najib Tun Razak yang kembali berjaya. "Ya Tentu saja pak JK kecewa tapi saya berusaha untuk mencoba agar suasana seperti biasa kembali," seperti diungkapkan oleh Hamid Awaludin mantan Menteri Hukum dan HAM RI periode 2004-2007 di Jakarta, Sabtu (18/5). Hamid mengakui Anwar pernah berjanji ke JK sebagai sahabat bahwa dia akan mengontrol koalisinya saat kalah dari Najib di pemilu Malaysia. Tetapi, hingga kini, demo demi demo protes dilancarkan di berbagai tempat. Anwar bersama pengikutnya mencurigai adanya kecurangan, sesuatu yang harus dibuktikan secara hukum. "Namun, Anwar belum bergerak menempuh jalur itu," tambahnya. Sejak awal, sambung Hamid, Anwar sudah mempersepsikan dan meyakini akan menang. Hal itu didasarkan dari berbagai hasil survei sebelum pemilu dilaksanakan selalu diunggulkan. Bahkan setiap kali dia melakukan kampanye terbuka, massa selalu menyemut. Kian lengkap sudah kepercayaan dirinya sebagai pemenang. Dengan kepercayaan diri itu, Anwar mendatangi JK, sahabatnya sejak puluhan tahun silam. Untuk menyampaikan kepada Datok Sri Najib, seterunya, agar siapa pun yang kelak menang dalam pemilihan harus merangkul pihak yang kalah. Lalu yang kalah menghargai yang menang. "Permintaan itu disambut baik oleh JK yang juga sahabat dekat Najib menjadi mediator," ucap Hamid. Namun keyakinan Anwar hancur ketika Najib memenangi pertarungan politik di negara itu. Anwar mangkir dari janjinya kepada JK untuk mengontrol anggota koalisinya. Sedangkan Najib konsisten dengan ucapannya. Terbukti beberapa jam setelah dinyatakan menang, ia langsung berpidato dan mengajak dilakukan rekonsiliasi nasional demi kejayaan negara. Menurut Hamid, sikap mangkir Anwar kepada JK ditanggapi biasa saja. "Tidak apa-apa, sikap JK sekarang biasa saja, mereka tetap bersahabat, saya tidak bisa menjelaskan lebih lanjut karena ini pandangan pribadi pak JK," jelasnya. Sebagian orang Malaysia meyakini kemenangan Barisan Nasional dapat melanjutkan program transformasi yang konkret, semisal program "Satu Malaysia" untuk merekatkan kemajemukan Malaysia. Selain itu menghapus Internal Security Act yang menjadi momok secara politis di Malaysia. Dan bidang ekonomi, Malaysia mampu tumbuh 5 persen tiap tahun. Sementara itu kelompok oposisi cenderung menawarkan program populis yang tidak logis dan realistis. Kaum oposisi berkutat hanya pada agenda pemerintahan yang bersih, tetapi rakyat Malaysia memilih hal yang konkret dan menyenangkan. Perbedaan mendasar ini membuat pemilih Malaysia lebih rasional yakni menikmati atau akan menikmati.
Jusuf slams Anwar's polls stance Posted: 19 May 2013 02:34 PM PDT
(NST) - Former Indonesian president Jusuf Kalla has expressed disappointment with Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, whom he said had rejected his defeat and any form of reconciliation with his rivals in Barisan Nasional. Jusuf's disappointment was conveyed yesterday by Indonesia's former law and human rights minister, Hamid Awaluddin, who was quoted by the online portal of an Indonesian national daily, Republika. "Yes, of course Pak J.K. (Jusuf) is disappointed but (he) is in the midst of trying to bring things back to normal," Hamid was quoted as saying. He explained that Anwar had promised Jusuf that the former would control his opposition coalition if he was defeated by his rival, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, who chairs the BN coalition. Republika said since the election was over, the Pakatan pact led by Anwar had been holding rallies in various locations nationwide, claiming electoral fraud. Anwar and his supporters had cast doubt on the running of the election, something which Republika said needed to be substantiated through legal means. "However, Anwar has yet to move towards that line (proving his claims)." Hamid said Anwar had from the beginning given the perception that he was confident of victory in the polls, based on surveys conducted prior to it. Anwar had cited these surveys during his campaign and this was reported widely by the people and media. "This was among the reasons the opposition leader was confident of victory," said the daily. It claimed that it was Anwar's confidence in claiming victory which led to him "approaching" Jusuf, who was a long-time friend of Anwar. Republika said Jusuf, through Anwar, wanted to convey to Najib that there needed to be graciousness on the part of those defeated in the polls. It said whoever won the Malaysian general election needed to reconcile with those who were defeated and that the "losers had to appreciate the winners". |
Posted: 19 May 2013 02:25 PM PDT
(Agenda Daily) - SPR menyelar Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim sebagai Raja Fitnah apabila mendakwa 500,000 undi awal anggota pasukan keselamatan dimanipulasi pada PRU13 kerana jumlah sebenar pengundi berdaftar untuk kategori itu, cuma kira-kira 230,000. Timbalan Pengerusi SPR, Datuk Wan Ahmad Wan Omar, berkata Anwar melakukan pembohongan besar semata-mata untuk mengejar cita-cita peribadi bersama perasaan dendam, sehingga berterusan menjadikan suruhanjaya itu sebagai kambing hitam. SPR tiada masalah atau takut dan tidak tertekan langsung kerana kita bekerja mengikut undang-undang. Kita percaya kepada keluhuran Perlembagaan dan kedaulatan undang-undang. SPR ada semua rekod dan kertas undi yang sah. Macam mana dia (Anwar) tahu kononnya sehingga 95 peratus anggota tentera dan polis nak pergi mengundi dia... tidak masuk akal, adakah dia fikir anggota tentera dan polis tidak ada perasaan langsung dengan pelbagai isu berbangkit? Dia adalah raja fitnah. Biarlah undang-undang yang menangani segala kerenah Anwar ini. Orang yang banyak memfitnah dan melakukan pembohongan ini, insya-Allah Tuhan akan tunjuk, katanya pada Ahad. Anwar antara lain menyatakan: Di kerusi Parlimen Permatang Pauh, saya mendapat tahu sebanyak 95 peratus anggota keselamatan yang akan mengundi awal menyatakan sokongan kepada PKR tetapi apabila tiba hari pengiraan undi, saya dapat lima peratus saja undi mereka. Wan Ahmad berkata, keputusan PRU-13 sudah mendapat pengiktirafan banyak pihak, malah diterima kerajaan negeri dikuasai pembangkang, kecuali berterusan dibantah oleh Anwar dan segelintir konconya. Sambil mengulangi bahawa pihak tidak berpuas hati dengan keputusan PRU-13 boleh mengemukakan petisyen melalui mahkamah selepas pewartaan dijangka pada akhir bulan ini, katanya, SPR menyerahkan sepenuhnya kepada kebijaksanaan polis untuk memastikan keselamatan negara dan ketenteraman awam ekoran tindakan Anwar mengadakan perhimpunan bantahan di merata tempat. Ditanya mengenai kemungkinan SPR membuat laporan polis serta mengemukakan saman terhadap Anwar atas segala pembohongan dan fitnah dilemparkan itu, beliau berkata: SPR tidak akan berdiam diri tetapi kita mesti membuat perancangan rapi mengikut kedaulatan undang-undang. Pejabat penasihat undang-undang SPR sedang meneliti, mengkaji, mengumpul bukti dan memberi nasihat kepada SPR mengenai langkah terbaik menangani dakyah pembohongan Anwar.
Exco Selangor: PAS akur perkenan Sultan Posted: 19 May 2013 02:18 PM PDT
Anis Nazri, Harakah Daily PAS Selangor akan menerima apa sahaja keputusan yang diperkenan Sultan Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah berhubung senarai exco negeri itu. Pesuruhjaya PAS Selangor, Dr. Abdul Rani Osman, berkata sebelum ini PAS telah mengemukakan dua set senarai exco, yang satu darinya meminta empat jawatan exco untuk perkenan Sultan.
Posted: 19 May 2013 02:12 PM PDT Sekilas pandang terhadap Hindraf berikutan pelantikan Waythamoorthy sebagai timbalan menteri dalam Kabinet Najib. Memorandum persefahaman (MoU) ditandatangani antara BN pimpinan Najib dan Hindraf pimpinan Waythamoorthy pada 18 April lalu; dan selebihnya adalah sejarah. Memandangkan sejarah ditulis oleh pihak yang menang, jangan terkejut jika buku-buku teks Sejarah di sekolah seluruh Malaysia pada masa depan mengangkat Waythamoorthy setaraf Mahatma Gandhi. Uthaya Sankar, SB Jika ada orang mengatakan plot (jalan cerita) filem-filem Tamil adalah tidak logik dan di luar pemikiran akal rasional, mereka patut mengikuti perkembangan Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) sejak 2007. Pada 5 April 2013, menjelang Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13 (PRU-13), saya turut menerima risalah yang diedarkan oleh Human Rights Party (HRP) dalam kempen "hantar calon Hindraf pertama ke Parlimen". Persatuan Hindraf Malaysia (Hindraf) pula sudah diluluskan pendaftarannya pada 8 Mac 2013. Pada perkembangan plot ini, harus dinyatakan bahawa "Hindraf" yang dinyatakan oleh HRP adalah berbeza dengan "Hindraf" yang sudah diluluskan oleh Pendaftar Pertubuhan Malaysia (ROS). Saya ada menghuraikan perkara ini menerusi makalah bertajuk "Politikus dalam selimut" (Free Malaysia Today, 19 April 2013). Umum mengetahui bahawa Hindraf pimpinan P Waythamoorthy adalah sebuah pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) yang tiba-tiba diluluskan dua hari sebelum dia memulakan mogok lapar selama 21 hari. Kemudian, berlaku pertemuan antara Waythamoorthy dan Pengerusi Barisan Nasional (BN), Najib Razak. Memorandum persefahaman (MoU) ditandatangani antara BN pimpinan Najib dan Hindraf pimpinan Waythamoorthy pada 18 April lalu; dan selebihnya adalah sejarah. Memandangkan sejarah ditulis oleh pihak yang menang, jangan terkejut jika buku-buku teks Sejarah di sekolah seluruh Malaysia pada masa depan mengangkat Waythamoorthy setaraf Mahatma Gandhi. "Berpuasa selama 21 hari – cara termurah menjual konsep dan perjuangan Mahatma Gandhi." Demikian komen Ravi Rathinam, seorang rakan perunding kewangan dari Bahau, Negeri Sembilan berhubung perkembangan plot Hindraf dalam politik Malaysia. Mengimbau sejarah silam, Hindraf yang bermula sebagai sebuah gerakan pada tahun 2006 dan kemudian bertukar menjadi "tsunami" pada 25 November 2007, pernah diwartakan sebagai pertubuhan haram oleh Kerajaan BN pada 15 Oktober 2008. Menteri Dalam Negeri (waktu itu), Syed Hamid Albar dalam kenyataan yang disiarkan di Utusan Malaysia (16 Oktober 2008) berkata, perintah pengharaman itu dibuat hasil daripada pemantauan dan penyiasatan Jabatan Pendaftaran Pertubuhan Malaysia di bawah Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) semenjak Hindraf ditubuhkan. "Pengisytiharan itu diwartakan setelah KDN berpuas hati dengan segala fakta dan bukti bahawa Hindraf telah dan sedang digunakan bagi maksud memudaratkan ketenteraman awam dan keselamatan negara dan akhlak," katanya. Kedudukan Hindraf sebagai pertubuhan haram masih kekal pada 2009, selepas Najib mengambil alih tampuk pemerintahan daripada Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sebagai Perdana Menteri. Menteri Dalam Negeri (waktu itu), Hishammuddin Hussein dilaporkan dalam Utusan Malaysia (12 Mei 2009) sebagai berkata, permohonan Hindraf bagi mengkaji semula status pengharaman itu telah ditolak. Kenyataan itu adalah berikutan pembebasan lima pemimpin Hindraf daripada tahanan di bawah Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA). Waythamoorthy adalah "pemimpin keenam" yang berjaya melarikan diri ke India – dan kemudian ke United Kingdom – bagi mendapatkan suaka politik selepas penangkapan abangnya, P Uthayakumar pada hujung tahun 2007. Pada Disember 2008, Ketua Polis Negara (waktu itu), Musa Hassan dilaporkan berkata, jika Waythamoorthy pulang, tindakan undang-undang akan diambil ke atasnya. Hishammuddin pula tidak mahu membuat sebarang spekulasi walaupun Waythamoorthy pada Mei 2009 sudah menyatakan cadangan untuk pulang. Kemarahan Uthayakumar tidak berasas "Waythamoorthy adalah seorang ahli perniagaan yang bijak," kata Jeevan Supramaniam, seorang ahli perniagaan dari Kluang, Johor berikutan 'durian runtuh' yang diterima oleh individu itu daripada Najib baru-baru ini. Pada 26 Januari 2013, perintah pengharaman Hindraf mengikut Seksyen 5 Akta Pertubuhan 1966 ditarik balik oleh KDN. Tindakan drastik itu secara terang-terangan dilihat sebagai usaha BN mahu memancing undi kaum India dalam PRU-13. Tiba-tiba, Hindraf bukan lagi "sebuah pertubuhan yang berbahaya". Andaikan ini sebuah filem Tamil. Kita bergerak terus ke babak yang berlatar belakangkan tarikh 18 April 2013. Parlimen sudah dibubarkan pada 3 April 2013 dan penamaan calon PRU-13 akan berlangsung dalam masa dua hari lagi. Pada masa sama, Najib dan sekutunya semakin terdesak untuk memancing undi kaum India; khususnya dua hari selepas Najib bertindak "terlebih bijak" meletakkan lelaki rasis, ultra kiasu, etnosentrik dan fanatik bernama Zulkifli Noordin bertanding sebagai "rakan BN" bagi merebut kerusi Parlimen Shah Alam. Pada tarikh 18 April itu, sebaik sahaja MoU ditandatangani antara BN dan Hindraf, Waythamoorthy menyeru kaum India supaya kembali menyokong BN agar gabungan parti-parti politik berasaskan kaum itu boleh menang majoriti dua pertiga dalam PRU-13. Pada waktu yang sama – bayangkan seperti paparan pada skrin pawagam – Uthayakumar terasa amat kecewa dengan tindakan adiknya. Baginya, Waythamoorthy sudah "merampas" (hijack) Hindraf. Bagi si adik, MoU yang digelar "pelan tindakan lima tahun Hindraf-BN untuk masyarakat India" adalah penting bagi meningkatkan taraf pekerja ladang, menyelesaikan isu tiada taraf kewarganegaraan (statelessness), peluang pendidikan dan peluang perniagaan. Kamera kembali memaparkan wajah Uthayakumar. Tarikh: 19 April 2013; sehari sebelum tarikh penamaan calon PRU-13. HRP masih merayu-rayu kepada Anwar Ibrahim menerusi Facebook supaya diberikan peluang bertanding atas tiket PKR. Ternyata pegangan HRP untuk berjuang bagi "kaum India miskin" gagal menarik perhatian Anwar dan PKR. Dua hari kemudian (21 April), penasihat Hindraf, N Ganesan mengaku bahawa pendaftaran Hindraf sudah diluluskan pada 8 Mac tetapi mereka sengaja "merahsiakan" supaya boleh diumumkan secara rasmi pada persidangan kebangsaan yang dijadualkan pada hari itu (21 April). "Kes tuntutan terhadap kerajaan United Kingdom kerana kecuaian mereka ke atas kaum India di negara ini apabila mereka meninggalkan Tanah Melayu pada tahun 1957 masih dalam proses dan akan diteruskan walau apa pun perkembangan di sini sekarang. Gabungan BN-Hindraf tidak akan mengubah pendirian Hindraf dalam kes tuntutan itu," kata Ganesan kepada media. Menurut laporan Free Malaysia Today (27 April 2013), Uthayakumar mengaku bahawa dialah pemimpin sebenar Hindraf dan adiknya, Waythamoorthy, sekadar memantau gerakan itu sementara dia (Uthayakumar) masih dalam tahanan ISA. "Waythamoorthy adalah pengkhianat (traitor) dan sudah terkeluar daripada landasan perjuangan Hindraf. Maka, majlis tertinggi memutuskan untuk melucutkannya daripada Hindraf pada 25 April," kata individu itu yang bertanding sebagai calon bebas (dan hilang wang deposit) di Parlimen Kota Raja dan DUN Seri Andalas dalam PRU-13. Agak menarik untuk diperhatikan bahawa dalam suatu wawancara media (6 Disember 2007), Uthayakumar mengakui Waythamoorthy sebagai pengerusi Hindraf. Bagaimanapun, pada 20 April 2013, Uthayakumar mengaku bahawa dialah pemimpin sebenar Hindraf. Apa yang nyata dan tidak boleh dipertikaikan oleh Uthayakumar, seperti dilaporkan Utusan Malaysia (16 Mei 2013), "Pengerusi Barisan Bertindak Hak Penganut Hindu (Hindraf), P Waythamoorthy diletakkan sebagai Timbalan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri."
Hindraf co-founder Uthayakumar blames his sibling for polls defeat Posted: 19 May 2013 02:05 PM PDT
(The Star) - The rift between Hindraf founders and brothers P. Uthayakumar and Waythamoorthy is set to widen with the elder brother, who lost in his bid to take the Kota Raja parliamentary and Sri Andalas state seats, blaming his sibling for the polls defeat. Uthayakumar, who is Hindraf co-founder and Human Rights Party pro-tem secretary-general, also accused his brother of betraying the movement by joining hands with Barisan Nasional. Waythamoorthy, newly appointed as Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department, had reportedly signed a memorandum with Barisan on April 18 concerning Hindraf's five-year blueprint to uplift the Indian community. He had said he turned to the Barisan as he felt the opposition front had not delivered on its promises or endorsed the Hindraf blueprint. He had previously expressed hope that the sour relationship with his brother would be mended after the elections. They have reportedly not spoken to each other for two years. "We had a post-election meeting last Saturday and 26 of the 30 people who attended said Waythamoorthy was the reason why we lost," said Uthayakumar when contacted. "We may not have won but if it was not for Waythamoorthy, we will not have lost our deposits." Uthayakumar said he had been asked if he would be joining the Barisan like his brother. "Joining Barisan has never been Hindraf's struggle," said Uthaya-kumar who also attributed his losses in GE13 to the "change factor" which was strong but did not include Hindraf. Waythamoorthy said Uthaya-kumar had no right to criticise his appointment as he had left Hindraf to form HRP. His appointment, he said, was another step towards Hindraf's vision of uplifting the underprivileged in the community, adding that the movement was not a political party. "It (Hindraf) is an organisation with the sole purpose of improving the lives of the poor. This appointment enables us to serve that purpose and that only," he said, adding that it would also enable them to implement the blueprint. Waythamoorthy's appointment as deputy minister has created a wave of dissatisfaction among people from both sides of the political divide. However, he is unfazed by his critics and said they will be "eating their words". "They (the detractors) have been happily naysaying almost everything that we (Hindraf) have been engaging in, ever since we went into this partnership with Barisan," he said.
Posted: 19 May 2013 02:00 PM PDT
Political youth: MCA members (from left) Chew, Liaw, Desmond, Lim and Nicole holding up speech bubbles calling for party renewal. (The Star) - A group of six young MCA members has launched a new movement to overhaul the party, calling for direct elections to empower members to have a bigger say in the party's direction and leadership. Chew Hoong Ling, who is one of the six founders, said there was a need to reform, rejuvenate and revamp the party after its disastrous outing in the May 5 general election. She said among the reasons the party did badly in the polls was because it had lost public support as well as the lack of a voice among members to determine its direction. "We feel power should be returned to the grassroots so that they can directly vote for new party leaders and be directly involved in the party's renewal process. "The question is not who should quit or who controls MCA but who determines the leadership and direction of the party. "This is important to redeem the pride of the members and party," she told reporters here yesterday. Among others, the movement aimed to reconnect with active party members, adopt a direct elections system and have a mechanism to determine who are to be appointed to government posts. Chew, who stood and lost against DAP's Tony Pua for Petaling Jaya Utara parliamentary seat, said they would be compiling feedback on the party's future direction via their website at, adding that all were welcomed to give their views. "We hope to submit the views to the leadership and for these to be adopted as a resolution so that the party can start its change from within," she said. Another founder Desmond Wong, 36, said they were going ahead with their plans although the movement was not sanctioned by the top leadership. "We must be brave to start from zero, to rekindle our spirit. "The new MCA generation needs to have a strong heart to make a change," he said, adding that the "C" in MCA should also stand for Change. Other founders of the movement are Nicole Wong, 33; Lim En Theng, 29; Joe Liaw, 36, and Winson Tan, 27.
Posted: 19 May 2013 01:41 PM PDT
Tiada keputusan dicapai dalam mesyuarat itu kerana kuasa penentu berada di tangan Sultan Selangor, kata Khalid Samad. (Fmt) - Timbalan Pengerusi DAP Selangor, Tony Pua terlupa bahawa terdapat dua pilihan dalam isu senarai Ahli Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri (Exco) yang diumumkan Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim hingga menimbulkan salah faham. Timbalan Pesuruhjaya III PAS Selangor, Khalid Abdul Samad berkata, mesyuarat Majlis Pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat Selangor pada Khamis lalu mengesyorkan dua pilihan mengenai senarai nama Exco untuk di hantar kepada Sultan Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah. Salah satu pilihan itu menyenaraikan lima Exco daripada calon Melayu dan lima daripada calon bukan Melayu, kata Khalid dipetik dari Sinar Harian Online hari ini. Beliau menjelaskan pilihan yang menjadi pilihan baginda mungkin daripada enam calon Melayu dan empat calon bukan Melayu di mana PAS mendapat empat tempat di dalam Exco Selangor. "Saya rasa Tony Pua lupa dengan keputusan yang kita buat dalam mesyuarat itu," kata beliau yang juga Ahli Parlimen Shah Alam. Menurut Khalid, tiada keputusan dicapai dalam mesyuarat itu kerana kuasa penentu berada di tangan Sultan Selangor dan diyakini bahawa senarai itu sudah pun sampai di istana. "Apa yang lebih penting ialah kita tidak bergaduh dalam perkara ini. Tidak berapa elok kerana ia memberi gambaran seolah-olah kita berebut-rebut untuk mendapatkan jawatan," kata Khalid. Mesyuarat Pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat negeri Selangor telah memutuskan dua pelan atau pilihan untuk pelantikan barisan Exco negeri itu. Antaranya lima calon Melayu dan lima calon bukan Melayu; di mana tiga tempat calon Melayu adalah daripada PAS, dua tempat daripada calon Melayu PKR dan empat tempat untuk DAP bagi calon bukan Melayu serta satu tempat bukan Melayu dari PKR. Manakala pelan yang kedua ialah nisbah enam calon Melayu dan empat calon bukan Melayu; di mana empat tempat calon Melayu dimiliki oleh PAS, dua daripada calon Melayu PKR manakala untuk bukan Melayu pula, tiga dari DAP dan satu dari PKR. Semalam FMT melaporkan, DAP mempertikai kenyataan Menteri Besar bahawa parti itu akan diberi tiga kerusi exco dan satu kerusi Speaker dalam pentadbiran negeri. Sambil merujuk kepada mesyuarat parti-parti komponen Pakatan Rakyat Khamis lalu, Pua berkata persetujuan yang dicapai ialah untuk DAP mendapat empat kerusi exco, PAS tiga dan kerusi Speaker manakala PKR diberi tiga kerusi exco dan jawatan Menteri Besar. Ketika di Pelabuhan Klang malam semalam, Abdul Khalid mengumumkan barisan Exco akan diwakili empat calon daripada PAS dan masing-masing tiga daripada DAP dan PKR.
DAP rep: Return KL to Selangor Posted: 19 May 2013 01:34 PM PDT
DBKL has been ineffective in improving the administration of KL, says DAP's Lau Weng San. Alyaa Azhar, FMT Kampung Tunku DAP state assemblyman Lau Weng San today urged the federal government to return the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur to Selangor. "The federal government should return the administration of Kuala Lumpur to the Selangor state government after alienating Kuala Lumpur to the federal government 39 years ago. "In 1974, the then Barisan Nasional government decided to alienate Kuala Lumpur as a whole to the federal government's administration, which is politically motivated by ostensibly upgrading Kuala Lumpur as a 'federal territory'," said Lau. Kuala Lumpur was then placed under the administration of Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL), which was led by Kuala Lumpur's mayor. Lau claimed that after 39 years under the direct administration of DBKL, "DBKL was ineffective in improving the administration of Kuala Lumpur to a point where DBKL was adopted by Permudah to 'restore' DBKL." He further asserted that it occurred because KL has been administered by way of centralisation of power in the hands of the Mayor and Federal Territories Minister. "The citizens of Kuala Lumpur hadn't any chance to voice their point of view when the decision was made to alienate Kuala Lumpur to the federal government," claimed Lau, adding that the decision to alienate Kuala Lumpur to the federal government was done in a rush. "Furthermore, the federal government has Putrajaya as central administration to replace Kuala Lumpur. And in 1974, the federal government only paid RM200 million as compensation to the Selangor government as 'acquisition' of Kuala Lumpur. "Annually, the Selangor government only receives RM18.3 million from the federal government in compensating yield loss from alienating Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya as Federal Territories to the federal government," said Lau. He reiterated that therefore the federal government has to return Kuala Lumpur to Selangor since the federal government already has Putrajaya. "Kuala Lumpur resembles the lifeblood of the Selangor state. It is not only that Kuala Lumpur is physically close to Selangor, but many of Selangor's historical moments and events occurred in Kuala Lumpur. "My objective of repeating this call is to remind the federal government that they should not be silent on this matter anymore. "In fact, the federal government should acknowledge the role of the Selangor government in matters related to the development and management of Kuala Lumpur," he said.
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