Jumaat, 21 September 2012

Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

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Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

Cina sudah kurang ajar! Dah lupa 13 Mei ke?

Posted: 20 Sep 2012 03:43 PM PDT

Cina sudah kurang ajar. Cina perlu diajar. Cina sudah lupa 13 Mei. Ini negara Melayu. Agama Malaysia ialah Islam. Sekiranya Cina tak boleh terima ini maka mereka boleh keluar dari Malaysia.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

"It appears like the opposition is not consistent with its stand regarding freedom of speech. When we say something they don't like they whack us. They call us all sorts of foul names. They call us a traitor and turncoat. They call us a Trojan horse." -- RPK.

Whacking, calling foul name, and calling traitor/turncoat might be inflammatory, but they are still covered by freedom of expression under USA 1st Amendment and also re-affirmed by later ruling of US Supreme Court. Alas, we are not USA. Despite we are not USA, we should still appreciate how the freedom of expression can and have prevented monopoly of those in powerful position. How to prevent the over-concentration of power (i.e. the hallmark of dictator)? One of the answers is to protect the right of expression of every citizen; the right must include whacking, calling foul name, and other inflammatory remarks. The freedom of expression includes the right to say stupid things and being bias to "your team". It is that "pain" of freedom of expression that allows powerful counter-weight to those in power position. If we cannot take that "pain" or sacrifice, we can kiss goodbye to democracy. 

"I remember when Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim expressed his personal view and he was whacked kau-kau for that. Does not Tunku Aziz also have a right to his personal view just like Ngeh?" -- RPK.

So is the right of those who whack Tunku Aziz kau-kau. We should stop confuse people about the right of freedom of expression. Whacking someone kau-kau might be bad manners and even politically stupid, but it has not violated the right of Tunku Aziz.

I think I can understand RPK whacking DAP and Pakatan Rakyat asking them to behave. But, confusing people on what is freedom of expression is a great "sin" -- as far as nurturing nascent democracy is concerned. (Comment by Shiou in my article 'How the knife cuts both ways').


That was what Shiou commented in my article 'How the knife cuts both ways'. Basically, Shiou is of the opinion that freedom of expression means 'no holds barred', anything goes, there are no limits or boundaries to what one can say.

Let's say I buy that. Let's say I go along with what Shiou says -- that freedom of expression means 'no holds barred', anything goes, there are no limits or boundaries to what one can say.

But then, in the same breath, Shiou contradicts himself/herself and concludes that confusing people on what is freedom of expression is a great sin. If Shiou is a propagator of absolute freedom of expression with no limits or boundaries, then how can he/she infer that confusing people is a great sin? There are no sins under absolute freedom of expression, going by Shiou's argument.

Would not whatever I say, even if it is my intention to confuse people, be my freedom of expression? How can Shiou regard a statement meant to confuse people as a great sin? There is no such thing as a sin as far as absolute freedom of expression goes. Everything is fair game -- even a lie, misinformation, disinformation, propaganda, distortions, innuendoes, and whatnot. All are kosher. They all come under freedom of expression if we use Shiou's interpretation of no limit to freedom of expression.

Now look at this photograph.

And then read the heading of my article: Cina sudah kurang ajar! Dah lupa 13 Mei ke?

I am relating my heading to the photograph above. To Shiou, this Chinese chap is merely expressing himself under his right of freedom of expression by stepping on the photograph of the Prime Minister. I, too, am expressing myself under my right of freedom of expression by saying, "Cina sudah kurang ajar! Dah lupa 13 Mei ke?"

Am I making a racist statement? Am I instigating racial hatred? Is what I am doing dangerous considering that racism in Malaysia has reached a dangerous level never seen before since May 1969?

As far as I am concerned I am just applying Shiou's standards and yardstick of freedom of expression. Under your right of freedom of expression there should be no limits or boundary. Anything goes. Everything is kosher. And I do not see that Chinese chap who is stepping on the Prime Minister's photograph as him exercising his freedom of expression. I see it as Chinese arrogance and a challenge to the Malays (cabaran kepada Melayu). Hence I say: Cina sudah kurang ajar! Dah lupa 13 Mei ke?

Maybe what I am doing is dangerous. Maybe what I am doing may trigger racial discord. It may even expose Malaysia to the danger of racial conflict and violence. But that is not important. What is important is that I am expressing my view under my right of freedom of expression. What I am doing may result in deaths, maybe even hundreds or thousands of deaths. But can we allow that possibility to stand in the way of freedom of expression?

Cina sudah kurang ajar. Cina perlu diajar. Cina sudah lupa 13 Mei. Ini negara Melayu. Agama Malaysia ialah Islam. Sekiranya Cina tak boleh terima ini maka mereka boleh keluar dari Malaysia.

Yes, that statement, too, is covered under my right of absolute freedom of expression. So how can you say it is malicious, seditious, vicious and mischievous? Under freedom of expression, as Shiou says, there are no limits. There are no boundaries. Everything goes. All is kosher.


Talk is cheap

Posted: 18 Sep 2012 04:33 PM PDT

And what I mean is that while we talk about struggle and sacrifice in the interest of seeing change, very few are prepared to compromise and sacrifice for the sake of this change. Hence all this talk of struggle, sacrifice and change is mere idle talk that is going to lead to nowhere.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Kalau takut pada risiko, usah bicara tentang perjuangan.

Kalau takut dipukul ombak, jangan berumah di tepi pantai.

If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

There is a reason why Muslims fast for 30 days during the month of Ramadhan. It is to teach, train and condition yourself to endure pain and suffering, resist temptation and lust, and to enter into a mental state of tolerance and patience. Many Muslims who seldom pray or do not pray at all would still fast. You rejoice when the month of Ramadhan arrives and you gladly deny your body its desires. In short, you abstain from worldly needs and distractions.

Muslims also have to pray five times a day. And to be able to pray five times a day on a very rigid schedule means you must also have discipline. You must also live with inconvenience because no matter whether you are travelling on a journey or locked in a meeting you must always find the time to pray, even when it is not really convenient to do so. Even if you are sick in bed you will wake up to pray and then go back to sleep.

Hence facing and tolerating inconvenience is a daily routine for you and you endure it not with a sigh of regret but with a willing heart and joy. You look forward to your prayers, as you do your fasting.

Humans have needs and urges. Humans have passion and emotion. Humans suffer thirst and hunger. Humans suffer vanity, ego, anger, lust, fear, envy, greed, jealousy, and much more. But all these need to be suppressed. There are only two things you are allowed to feel: patience and tolerance. Everything else need to be set aside.

Considering that these are the objectives and ideals of fasting and praying five times a day, those who comply to these tenets or rituals should have been taught, trained and conditioned to become marvellous human beings. If by the time you are, say, 30, and you have been praying five times a day and fasting for 30 days every year since you were in standard one, you would have been programmed to smile under duress and under any provocative situation.

This, however, does not appear to be so. In spite of all that training, Muslims still have a very short fuse and will fly off the handle at the slightest provocation. They will become very violent and will easily resort to physical action when rubbed the wrong way, however mild that provocation may be. Muslims give the impression that they are a time bomb just waiting to explode.

This is the greatest contradiction you will find in Muslims. Their lips would constantly utter words such as berjaung (struggle), korban (sacrifice), sabar (patience cum tolerance), etc. But it is only lip service. It is not something in their hearts. It makes you wonder whether their prayers and fasting have done any good. Would they have been better off smoking marijuana and doing meditation? At least those who do would preach love, tolerance and peace although they may not believe in Allah or Prophet Muhammad.

The 'turn the other cheek' doctrine is nonexistent for most Muslims. They do not even practice the concept of 'an eye for an eye'. It is more like 'your whole head for an eye' dogma.

Hence we are seeing the violent reaction all over the world at what Muslims perceive as an insult to Prophet Muhammad. The irony of this whole thing is that those who are punished are not really the culprits. We punish other people for something someone else did. If an Indonesian robs us in Bangsar we bomb Jakarta although that particular Indonesian who robbed us may be living in Petaling Jaya.

Malays/Muslims are not the only ones who demonstrate hypocrisy, though. Chinese, Indians, natives of East Malaysia, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, etc., are also the same. They talk about struggle and sacrifice. But struggle and sacrifice are what they expect others to do. They themselves would not do all this.

They understand that struggle and sacrifice work hand-in-glove. One can't exist without the other. But are they prepared to endure one for the sake of the other? Very few Malaysians would although they accuse others of violating this basic principle of the cause.

Okay, we want change. We want to see the end of Barisan Nasional rule. We want to see a new government. And we want Pakatan Rakyat to be that new government.

I can buy that. I have no problems with that. I am prepared to struggle for that. I am even prepared to sacrifice for that. But are you? Are you people who are screaming and shouting about change prepared to also struggle and sacrifice to see this change happen? Or do you want others to do the struggling and sacrificing so that you can be spared this inconvenience?

Actually, the majority of you are all talk. Mere hot air. Very few of you are prepared to struggle and sacrifice. You talk about struggle and sacrifice, no doubt. But you talk about it in the context of what you expect others to do, not what you are prepared to do.

And most of you will deny this. And you will get very angry if I were to suggest this. You are noble and sincere and how dare I accuse you otherwise? But most of you are actually a load of bullshit. And to make matters worse you do not even realise you are a load of bullshit.

So you are noble and sincere, are you? You are prepared to struggle and sacrifice, are you? You want to see change, do you? Well, let's see.

Are the Malays prepared to drop the Islamic State and Hudud agenda in favour of a Secular State for the sake of change if that is the only way to kick out Barisan Nasional and replace it with Pakatan Rakyat?

Are the non-Malays prepared to embrace the Islamic State and Hudud agenda for the sake of change if that is the only way to kick out Barisan Nasional and replace it with Pakatan Rakyat?

Are the Chinese prepared to drop their Chinese school and mother-tongue education agenda in favour of national schools for the sake of change if that is the only way to kick out Barisan Nasional and replace it with Pakatan Rakyat?

Are the Indians prepared to drop their Hindu agenda for the sake of change if that is the only way to kick out Barisan Nasional and replace it with Pakatan Rakyat?

Are the East Malaysians prepared to drop the 18/20-Point Agreements and accept federalisation for the sake of change if that is the only way to kick out Barisan Nasional and replace it with Pakatan Rakyat?

Are the Malays prepared to drop the New Economic Policy in favour of meritocracy for the sake of change if that is the only way to kick out Barisan Nasional and replace it with Pakatan Rakyat?

Are the non-Malays prepared to embrace the New Economic Policy for the sake of change if that is the only way to kick out Barisan Nasional and replace it with Pakatan Rakyat?

Are the Malays prepared to drop the Monarchy in favour of a Republic for the sake of change if that is the only way to kick out Barisan Nasional and replace it with Pakatan Rakyat?

Are the Malays prepared to accept a woman or non-Malay Prime Minister for the sake of change if that is the only way to kick out Barisan Nasional and replace it with Pakatan Rakyat?

Rest assured the above are but a few examples. My list can go on and on if you wish to include the rights of gays, conversion of Muslims to other religions, Bibles in Bahasa Malaysia, English as the language of the Federation, and so much more. But I trust even these few examples demonstrate what I mean.

And what I mean is that while we talk about struggle and sacrifice in the interest of seeing change, very few are prepared to compromise and sacrifice for the sake of this change. Hence all this talk of struggle, sacrifice and change is mere idle talk that is going to lead to nowhere.

And you got the bloody cheek to scream at me for not being true to the cause and for refusing to join the fight for change? How can you expect me to join a group that comprise of a whole bunch of hypocrites?


Siege mentality and conditioning of the mind

Posted: 16 Sep 2012 05:03 PM PDT

Unless we stop indoctrinating or brainwashing Muslim children we are never going to solve the problem. Muslims will always view any act as an attack against Islam that requires a hostile and violent response. When you train dogs to attack they will attack. When you train children, who are more intelligent than dogs, that violence is the only legitimate and appropriate response against the 'enemies of Islam', then expect that to happen.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Tantawi, motivasi dan akhlak perjuangan

Hidup di landasan perjuangan Islam ini tidak mudah. Hakikatnya, tiada siapa kata perjuangan Islam ini mudah. Dengan berbekalkan ketaqwaan dan keimanan pada Allah, ramai yang cuba menempuh perjuangan ini.

Namun, tanpa ketaqwaan dan keimanan kepada Allah yang kuat beserta kemahiran memotivasikan diri sendiri, ramai yang tersungkur.

Ramai yang menarik diri di pertengahan jalan.

Ramai yang terpengaruh dengan kesenangan duniawi, dan mengatakan kepada diri sendiri, ada orang lain yang bakal meneruskan perjuangan ini.

Ada pula yang menggunakan jalan terpesong untuk memperjuangkan agama Allah, yang akhirnya bukan dia saja yang tersungkur malah Islam terpalit dengan nama buruk akibat "perjuangan" beliau.

Ada ramai yang menyatakan mereka sedang memperjuangkan Islam. Namun, apabila ditanya apakah perjuangan Islam? Jawapan yang didengari cukup berbeza. (READ MORE HERE)


Nasrudin Hassan at Tantawi, the PAS youth leader, has just launched his new book called 'Catatan Seorang Pejuang' -- translated to 'Notes (or Diary) of a Fighter (or Warrior)'. The subtitle for that book is: 'No one said the Islamic struggle (or fight) is easy'.

Have you noticed that Muslims like using the word pejuang, berjuang or perjuangan together with the word Islam? Where you find the word Islam you will find the word pejuang, berjuang or perjuangan.

Perjuangan or berjuang means war, battle, struggle, fight, skirmish, scuffle, tussle, resist, wrestle, grapple, strive, labour, strain, toil, fight back, etc. Basically, it is a word that implies offence, not defence.

This is very important to note in trying to understand the mindset of Muslims -- Malays included, of course. Islam is seen as something that requires some sort of fighting or conflict. You can't be a Muslim unless you are prepared to enter into a conflict or engage in a struggle or fight.

Muslim kids learn the term perjuangan Islam long before they learn what Birkin handbags means. In fact, some Muslims like me learned what Birkin handbags (made by Hermès) meant only by the time we were past 60. But at six we already knew about perjuangan Islam.

Muslims are indoctrinated and conditioned at a very early, impressionable and tender age that Islam equates to conflict. They develop a siege mentality and are made to believe that Islam is consistently under attack and hence every Muslim needs to be a soldier -- just like every Christian was a 'soldier of Christ' 500 years or more ago.

In short, Muslims are perpetually on 'war mode'. And this is because they have been brainwashed into believing that Islam is 'at war'. Hence any criticism (or perceived insult) of Islam is seen as an act of war. And any act of war requires a hostile and physical response. Hence, also, any retaliation involving violence is seen as a legitimate and appropriate response.

When you train dogs to attack in response to just one word, 'attack', these highly trained dogs would attack when commanded to do so. Even animals can be conditioned to take someone's life at a mere one-word command. What would you expect, therefore, from more intelligent mammals that have been trained for 20 or 30 years that we are at war and that our religion is under siege and when under attack we need to retaliate?

The fact that the PAS youth leader writes a book with such a title gives you a pretty good idea about what flows through his mind. (To be fair, though, I have not yet read the contents of the book so I am 'judging the book by the cover', so to speak).

Nevertheless, the title of the book reflects the conditioning or indoctrination that the writer has received. And books such as these will in turn condition or indoctrinate other Muslims. Hence we will have a whole Muslim community (Ummah) that builds its foundation of Islamic values on the basis that Islam is perpetually on war mode and every act is perceived as a coordinated conspiracy against Islam.

It is, therefore, very difficult to find Muslims who are 'cool' about what they perceive as a criticism of Islam (I emphasis the word 'perceive'). Muslims are always 'hot'. In fact, every criticism, never mind how mild, is perceived as an insult. And even if you criticise the conduct of Muslims it is seen as a criticism of the religion itself and of the Prophet Muhammad.

Nasrudin Hassan at Tantawi is the PAS youth leader. And he is the PAS youth leader because there are many party members who support him. If not he would not be able to become the party youth leader. That means there are many more people who think like him. If not they would not have voted for him.

Hence Nasrudin Hassan at Tantawi is not alone or in the minority. And the fact that his book is being well received is further proof that many others think just like him.

Unless we stop indoctrinating or brainwashing Muslim children we are never going to solve the problem. Muslims will always view any act as an attack against Islam that requires a hostile and violent response. When you train dogs to attack they will attack. When you train children, who are more intelligent than dogs, that violence is the only legitimate and appropriate response against the 'enemies of Islam', then expect that to happen.

Now, after writing this article, do you really think I can still go back to Malaysia?


Track them and mark them

Posted: 15 Sep 2012 05:20 PM PDT

Some of you less-religious people might not comprehend why the government needs to go through all this trouble of detecting LGBTs. Well, the answer is simple, really. The Bible tells us stories of how God destroyed LGBTs. Hence if we follow the Bible then we too must destroy LGBTs. And Muslims also follow what the Bible says. In fact, quite a bit of what is in the Bible is also in the Qur'an.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Psychologists slam guidelines to track LGBT as being harmful

(The Star) - The so-called guidelines to help parents and teachers track lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) symptoms in their children have stereotyped the group, experts and psychologists here said.

Consultant paediatrician Dr Sim Joo Seng said the sexuality of a person may not be established until late puberty.

"Giving guidelines to teachers who are untrained to do so is a dangerous move."

"Even trained psychologists and adolescent psychiatrists have to assess properly when dealing with sexual problems," he said, commenting on the guidelines that were distributed at a parental seminar in Penang on Thursday.

The guidelines, among others, cautioned parents about their sons wearing tight V-neck shirts and bright coloured attire and their daughters being frequently seen in the company of certain girls while ignoring others.

Dr Sim said the guidelines stereotyped the LGBT community and could lead to bigger problems such as discrimination and intimidation.

Clinical psychologist Sylvester Lim likened the guidelines to "a ridiculous attempt" to describe the LGBT community without any supporting research.

The Congress of Teaching Services in National Education (Kongres), however, has come out in support of the guidelines as "these help teachers to solve problems of youths with LGBT tendencies".

Congress president Jemale Paiman said: "LGBT is not suitable for our Malaysian culture and we want to help those who have this problem."


Hell, I just love sleeveless T-shirts. I also love tight Lycra shorts, when I run or cycle, of course -- because they prevent sores, which later turn septic. I also love bright colours, especially my Polo shirts.

"So, do you think I'm gay?" I asked my wife.

"I suspect you are a lesbian," my wife told me.

"Lesbian? But I am a man."

"You love women, right?"

"Well…yes…" I replied cautiously, wondering whether I was about to walk into a trap with my 'confession'.

"Well, lesbians love women. So that makes you a lesbian."

Hmm…that makes sense. That's sort of 'Malaysian thinking' type of logic. Since you are not happy with Pakatan Rakyat then that makes you a Barisan Nasional supporter. It cannot be any other way.

But what if you are not happy with BOTH Pakatan Rakyat and Basisan Nasional? That cannot be. You can only be unhappy with one of them. If you are not happy with one of them then you must be a supporter of the other.

Yes, very logical thinking indeed. So if I am not happy with Muslims killing United States Ambassadors about a movie that the US Ambassador was not involved with then that makes me a Christian.

Okay, so the Malaysian government regard LGBTs as the scum of society and the government is going to try to detect children with LGBT tendencies. And why do we want to detect LGBTs at this very early age? Simple. If we can track them then we can mark them.

Tracking them is one thing, though. But how do we mark them? I mean it is pointless to track them if we do not mark them. So how do we mark them after tracking them? I suppose the government will come out with a workable system soon. Maybe we can brand them like cattle.

Some of you less-religious people might not comprehend why the government needs to go through all this trouble of detecting LGBTs. Well, the answer is simple, really. The Bible tells us stories of how God destroyed LGBTs. Hence if we follow the Bible then we too must destroy LGBTs. And Muslims also follow what the Bible says. In fact, quite a bit of what is in the Bible is also in the Qur'an.

Hence tracking and marking LGBTs, in fact, destroying LGBTs, is what God did and what God wants us to do. So we are doing God's work by declaring war on LGBTs.

I know, I know, some of you 'thinking people' are now going to argue that if God hates LGBTs so much then why did He create them? Hey, if you start talking like that then we can also ask the Jews if only the Jews are the 'chosen people' then why did God not create everyone as Jews? How come the Jews are the minority while the Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc., far outnumber the Jews?

So those types of question do not make sense. Just accept the fact that god hates all non-Jews and LGBTs and that is why God created more non-Jews and LGBTs than straight Jews.

Hence, with that spirit as the backdrop, let us hunt down LGBTs, detect them, and mark them. Then, once we have completed that exercise, we can up the ante by tracking down and marking the rest of the scourge of society.

If it is not that difficult to track down children with LGBT tendencies, it is also not that difficult to track down children with other unnatural and evil tendencies.

I mean God not only hates LGBTs. God also hates straight people who indulge in sex outside marriage, adulterers, corrupted people, murderers, people who abuse their power, swindlers, robbers, cheats, thieves, liars, and so on. These people are equally hated just like LGBTs. So children who have the tendency to one day grow up to become these types of people need to be detected at that early age while they are still at school.

It is good that finally we are getting rid of LGBTs. They pervert and corrupt society. And so do straight people who indulge in sex outside marriage, adulterers, corrupted people, murderers, people who abuse their power, swindlers, robbers, cheats, thieves, liars, and so on. All these people need to be detected or tracked at an early age before they become a problem and then we mark them so that everyone will know who they are and what they are.


It’s in the genes

Posted: 14 Sep 2012 05:36 PM PDT

So, as I said, this is not just a Muslim thing. Even half-drunk Indian-Hindu very, very clever lawyers also think and do things exactly like what those outraged Muslims are doing all over the world. Sama-sama bodoh mah! Muslim ke, Christian ke, Hindu ke, Buddhist ke, semua sama-sama bodoh!


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Anti-Islam film protests spread to Sydney

(AFP) -- Hundreds of protesters clashed with police in Sydney on Saturday, as a wave of unrest against a film that mocks Islam spread to Australia, with bottles and shoes hurled outside the US consulate.

Furious protests targeting symbols of US influence flared in cities across the Muslim world on Friday in retaliation for a crude film made in the United States by a right-wing Christian group that ridicules the Prophet Mohammed.

At least six protesters died in Egypt, Tunisia, Lebanon and Sudan as police there battled to defend American missions from mobs of stone-throwers, and Washington deployed US Marines to protect its embassies in Libya and Yemen.

In Sydney, Saturday shoppers looked on in surprise as protesters, including children, shouted "Down, down USA" and waved banners such as "Behead all those who insult the prophet".

"We are sick and tired of everyone mocking our beloved prophet," protester Houda Dib told AFP, as the crowd of about 500 gathered outside the US consulate.

"They have no right to mock our prophet. We don't go around mocking anyone's religion."

"They call us the terrorists," protester Sarah Jacob said. "But everyone is terrorising our people."

Demonstrators were pushed back from the steps outside the consulate by police, provoking anger among some in the crowd, many of whom had brought their children with them.

"They were aggravating the situation by pushing our brothers," Dib said. "This is supposed to be a peaceful protest."

The protesters later moved to nearby Hyde Park, where one speaker called for calm, saying the aim of their protest had been to send a message.

"We are here for the sake of our god," he said. "The message is clear, you cannot mock (the prophet)."


Yes, the Muslims are outraged. From Australia to Rusila (PAS President Tok Guru Abdul Hadi Awang's hometown) Muslims are rising up in anger because of that movie that allegedly insults Prophet Muhammad. They say the movie is called 'Innocence of Muslims'.

I don't really know what that movie is about because I have not seen it yet. In fact, not a single Muslim from amongst those thousands of outraged Muslims all over the world has seen that movie either. They just heard about this movie and they also heard that the movie is insulting to Prophet Muhammad.

Should they not wait first until the movie is released and then go and see it before coming to a conclusion whether the movie really is insulting to Prophet Muhammad or not?

I doubt that can happen. Not a single Muslim would be prepared to go see that movie. In fact, they will not even allow the movie to be screened. And if any cinema defies this ban and tries to show the movie that cinema would most likely be firebombed with a Molotov cocktail or someone like that.

I mean, how many of you, Muslim or non-Muslim, would dare go to the cinema to see that movie, even it were allowed to be shown, and face the risk of that cinema being bombed with you trapped inside it? I am sure even if they offer you free entry you will still not want to go anywhere near that cinema, let alone go inside it.

You may think that Muslims all over the world are stupid. You may think that this is déjà vu of Salman Rushdie's 'The Satanic Verses'. Remember when Muslims all over the world were outraged and a death sentence was passed on Salman Rushdie? However, again, not a single outraged Muslim had actually read that book.

So how do they know that that book is insulting to Prophet Muhammad? Well, they heard people say. So, based on what people say, action must be taken. People must be killed. Buildings must be burned. Muslims must demonstrate their outrage.

It make Muslims sound stupid, don't you think so? They foam at the mouth and burn and kill based on what they hear, not based on what they witnessed. Only stupid people would foam at the mouth and get outraged to the point of madness because of the rumours they heard whereas they have not actually witnessed it themselves to confirm whether the story is true or not.

Actually, not only Muslims are like this. Most people, non-Muslims included, are the same. And Malaysians are sometimes worse than those from the other countries.

Take my case as an example. I too have been condemned like there is no tomorrow based on what people heard. Take my TV3 interview as a case in point. The majority of those who condemn me had not actually seen the TV3 news. In fact, they boycott TV3 and refuse to watch the news on that station.

So how do they know what I said in that interview? Well, they heard certain people say. In fact, these people who are saying it also did not watch TV3. They read on the Internet that so-and-so read in Utusan Malaysia that TV3 said so-and-so and I was alleged to have said that.

In short, a Pakatan Rakyat Blog said that Utusan Malaysia said that TV3 said that Raja Petra Kamarudin said that……

Yes, that was how it went. And we are not talking about outraged and stupid Muslims here. We are talking about very clever and highly educated Chinese, Indians, Christians, Hindus and Buddhists who reacted because a Pakatan Rakyat Blog said that Utusan Malaysia said that TV3 said that Raja Petra Kamarudin said that……

Let me relate a story about a lawyer friend of mine meeting another lawyer friend of his at the Selangor Club, both Indians. The second lawyer was whacking me and my lawyer friend tried to explain what really happened. But this second Indian lawyer went on and on about how I had done a U-turn.

My lawyer friend got so pissed he asked this second lawyer whether he had read my Statutory Declaration and the other Indian bugger replied that he refuses to read it.

So there you have it. He had not read my Statutory Declaration and he absolutely refuses to read it. However, a Pakatan Rakyat Blog said that Utusan Malaysia said that TV3 said that Raja Petra Kamarudin said that……and that is good enough for him.

So, as I said, this is not just a Muslim thing. Even half-drunk Indian-Hindu very, very clever lawyers also think and do things exactly like what those outraged Muslims are doing all over the world. Sama-sama bodoh mah! Muslim ke, Christian ke, Hindu ke, Buddhist ke, semua sama-sama bodoh!

Yes, I know, I have read some of your comments regarding the demonstrations by Muslims all over the world. And your comments are about how stupid Muslims are. In fact, some of those comments are so downright nasty that I have had to delete them.

If I wanted to hurt Pakatan Rakyat all I needed to do was to allow those comments. Then we can see the Malays punish Pakatan Rakyat come the next election. I mean, you cannot post such nasty and arrogant comments and not expect retaliation.

Yes, I know, I know, freedom of speech means you have the right to insult Malays, Muslims and Islam. But if I were to say you are stupid for believing in 'hell money' and for believing that white ang pows during Chinese New Year bring bad luck you will scream that I am an insensitive racist.

I suppose this explains why you people regard Barisan Nasional people who join Pakatan Rakyat as patriots while the Pakatan Rakyat people who join Barisan Nasional are traitors.


To hell and back

Posted: 12 Sep 2012 03:59 PM PDT

The perpetrator who sent Deputy Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister Datuk Chua Tee Yong the 'hell' notes is finally arrested and is put on trial. This is the second day of the hearing and Chua has taken to stand to testify.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Police report lodged over hell notes

(Bernama) -- Deputy Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister Datuk Chua Tee Yong has lodged a police report after receiving a letter containing four pieces of 'hell' notes and a Chinese newspaper cutting.

The MCA Young Professionals Bureau chief said the newspaper cutting, among others, touched on his challenge to debate with Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim on the Talam Corporation Bhd (Talam) debt restructuring.

He believed the 'hell' notes, each supposedly worth 'eight billion', was a warning to him not to pursue the debate," he told reporters after lodging a report at the Putrajaya police headquarters here today.

Earlier, MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek had also received two pieces of 'hell' notes with a newspaper cutting.


Yang Berhormat, can you please look at the copy of this police report and confirm that this is the police report you made on 12th September 2012 and that that is your signature on the police report.

Yes, I confirm.

So, Yang Berhormat, you reported that some unknown person or persons had sent you four hell notes with a total 'value' of RM32 billion.


But why did you make the police report?

Because they sent me those hell notes.

I know they allegedly sent you the hell notes. But why did you make a police report? What is so wrong with sending you hell notes? What is the crime here?

Ah…in Chinese culture it is very insulting and offensive to send a live person hell notes.

So you feel insulted or offended that they sent you hell notes because you are not dead yet. If you were dead then you would welcome these hell notes. You would not feel insulted or offended.


Has it harmed you in any way?

I don't understand.

Has this caused you bodily harm or financial loss?


So it only affected your feelings?


Is it a criminal offense to hurt someone's feelings?


So if I don't invite you for my daughter's wedding and I hurt your feelings I can be sent to jail?


So where is the criminal offense in sending you hell notes other than the person hurt your feelings?

Hurting someone's feelings is wrong.

So, sending you hell notes hurt your feelings and it is a criminal offense to hurt your feelings. Okay, how do you know that these are hell notes?

Ah…I recognise them.

Yes, but how do you know that they are hell notes? Is the word 'hell' printed on these notes?


So the word 'hell' is not printed on the notes that were sent to you but you recognised them as hell notes?


Was not the word 'Diyu' printed on these notes that you have referred to as hell notes?


And does not 'Diyu' mean 'underground prison' or 'underground court'?


So there is nothing to show that the notes you received are hell notes. In fact, what is printed on these notes is 'underground prison' or 'underground court' and not 'hell'.


Okay, Yang Berhormat, do you believe in hell?


Are you a Christian?


You are not a Christian but you believe in hell?


But is not hell a Christian concept? In Chinese culture, there is no such thing as hell. The concept of hell was introduced to China by the Christian missionaries a few hundred years ago whereas Chinese civilisation goes back 5,000 years, or 3,000 years before Christianity. Is this not correct? So there is no such thing as hell in Chinese beliefs.

I am not sure.

In fact, according to Chinese beliefs, when you die you get sent to the Earthly Court where the Lord of the Earthly Court will judge you and then, according to what the court rules, you will either be sent to heaven or to a maze of underground chambers where you serve your sentence for the sins you have committed. Hence hell does not exist. Correct?

I suppose so.

Hence, also, since hell does not exist, then hell notes also cannot exist.


And since hell notes do not exist and you made a police report alleging that someone had sent you hell notes I put it to you that you have made a false police report and thus should face charges for this crime.

How can like that….

Yang Arif, I call upon the court to drop the charges against my client since the complainant has made a false police report against my client alleging that my client offended him by sending him hell notes whereas hell does not exist in Chinese beliefs and hence hell notes also cannot possibly exist and the complainant cannot be offended by something that is non-existent.


It’s only symbolic

Posted: 11 Sep 2012 04:16 PM PDT

We tend to get too uptight too easily. We should relax a bit and not take life too seriously. It is good that people resort to symbolism rather than carry guns and bombs. I mean, burning Qur'ans, burning flags, keris-kissing, stepping on photographs, dragging cow heads and pig heads, etc., hurt no one. No symbolic act hurts anyone for that matter.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Before that, I just want to inform you not to send any more money meant for Nurul Izzah Anwar's election fund to the Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement (MCLM) bank account in London. The Committee is not too happy about it and is concerned that MCLM may suffer the same fate as Suaram.

So far, slightly over RM1,100 has come in from four people and that money will be redirected to the Ahli Parlimen Lembah Pantai account. But let that be all. No more please.

With regards to the plan to set up a Pakatan Rakyat election fund, if you can remember, I mentioned that I was going to speak to a lawyer to set up a Board of Trustees to handle this. Unfortunately, probably after they saw what happened to Suaram, no one dares get involved.

I had planned to get about 3-5 professionals such as lawyers and accountants to set up a Board of Trustees and then open a bank account where you can send your donations to -- to be called the Pakatan Rakyat Election Fund. Of course, for purposes of transparency and accountability -- what we are asking Barisan Nasional and Umno to do -- we would have to publicise who these people are so that members of the public will know that their donations will not be abused or misused.

No one dares lend his/her name to this exercise, though. If their names are kept confidential and can remain a secret, they have no problems getting involved. But if their names are going to be made public, then they would rather not get involved. However, for purposes of transparency and accountability, we cannot keep the names of the Board of Trustees a secret. Or else how will the donors know that their donations are safe?

Well, I did try. I thought if we could raise some money for Pakatan Rakyat this would help in the election effort. I suppose most would rather secretly donate in cash with no records to link it back to them. Hence, if you still wish to donate anything, then go seek out your favourite political party or wakil rakyat yourself and just give them cash.

Now, today I want to talk about Malaysians getting very upset with symbolism. I am, of course, referring to the recent Merdeka celebration where one girl stepped on the photograph of Malaysia's Prime Minister and the young chap who took off his pants to 'show his naked bum' to the Prime Minister while the enthusiastic crowd cheered them on and applauded.

Actually, the Prime Minister should step in and direct the police to drop this case. Why arrest, handcuff and charge these kids? They did not actually (physically) step on anyone's face. What they did is an act of symbolism and we should not get upset with symbolic acts. Tolerating acts of symbolism would be a demonstration of maturity and surely Malaysians are matured enough to allow acts of symbolism without getting upset about them.

Look at some of the photographs below. Umno Youth has done the keris-kissing ritual many times. I am sure the Chinese view this as merely a symbolic act and not something that they should get upset about. I am confident that the Chinese are cool with this keris-kissing ritual and would not vote opposition just because of this.

Then there was the cow head protest in front of the Selangor State Secretariat building. Again, the Indians/Hindus are able to accept this as merely a symbolic act and not something to lose any sleep over. I am sure the Indians/Hindus just laughed it off and never gave it a second thought.

If you can see below that, many Muslims all over the world have done the United States flag-burning protest. The government allowed it. These flag-burning protestors were not shot with tear gas or arrested. Everyone took it as merely a symbolic act. Even America did not get upset or send a protest note to these governments.

Then we had the pig's head protest in front of a mosque in France, which you can see below. Two pigs' heads were placed in front of the mosque, not in the mosque, so no harm done. This was just like the cow head protest in front of the Selangor State Secretariat building, a mere symbolic act, which the Malaysian government did not consider a serious act.

Then there were the Qur'an burning and Qur'an in the toilet protests. Again, this was only a symbolic act and no harm done. These people were just exercising their right to protest and their right to freedom of expression. After all, the Qur'an is just a book like any other book, so why get upset?

As a matured society, we should allow freedom of expression and freedom to protest. We should not get upset with symbolic acts. I mean, if Muslims drag cow heads, non-Muslims can always drag pig heads. If Christians burn Qur'ans and put them in toilets, Muslims can always do the same with Bibles.

We should actually treat all this light-heartedly. Just laugh it off. Maybe you can also do the same in a tit-for-tat move. No one who is matured is going to get angry. They might even enjoy it and regard it as fun.

We tend to get too uptight too easily. We should relax a bit and not take life too seriously. It is good that people resort to symbolism rather than carry guns and bombs. I mean, burning Qur'ans, burning flags, keris-kissing, stepping on photographs, dragging cow heads and pig heads, etc., hurt no one. No symbolic act hurts anyone for that matter.


They are messing with our minds

Posted: 09 Sep 2012 07:00 PM PDT

Committing suicide was the last thing on our minds back then. Our minds were not messed up like the minds of today's kids. Okay, maybe we were a bit messed up because we could not decide in what order of priority it was supposed to be -- bikes, booze and broads or bikes, broads and booze. But we did not allow details to stand in the way of fun.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

One million people commit suicide each year: WHO

(AFP) - One million people die by their own hand each year, accounting for more deaths than wars and murders put together, the World Health Organisation said yesterday, calling for urgent action to address the problem.

"Data from the WHO indicate that approximately one million people worldwide die by suicide each year. This corresponds to one death by suicide every 40 seconds," the organisation said in a report launched ahead of the World Suicide Prevention Day on Monday.

And while the number of deaths by suicide is staggering, the number of attempts each year is 20 times higher, the WHO said, pointing out that five percent of people in the world try to kill themselves at least once during their lifetime.

And the problem is getting worse, the organisation said, insisting that "given the magnitude of the public health problem of suicidal behaviours", urgent action was needed.

"As suicide is largely preventable, it is imperative that governments, through their health, social and other relevant sectors, invest human and financial resources in suicide prevention," the report said.

According to Dr. Shekhar Saxena, who headed the team behind the report, suicide rates have risen sharply in some parts of the world in recent years, with some countries seeing their rates jump by as much as 60 percent.

"Although suicide continues to remain a serious problem in high-income countries, it is the low- and middle-income countries that bear the larger part of the global suicide burden," the report said, adding: "It is also these countries that are relatively less equipped to prevent suicide".

The highest documented suicide rates can be found in Eastern European countries like Lithuania and Russia, while they are lowest in Latin America, WHO said.

The United States, Western European countries and Asia fell in the middle of the range, the report showed, but stressed that statistics are not available for many countries in Africa and South-East Asia.

Globally, suicide is meanwhile the second cause of death worldwide among 15-19 year-olds, with at least 100,000 adolescents killing themselves each year, according to the study.

Among adults, the suicide rate is highest among those aged 75 and older, the WHO said, pointing out that "elderly people are likely to have higher suicide intent and use more lethal methods than younger people, and they are less likely to survive the physical consequences of an attempt".

The report also showed that men were three times more likely to commit suicide, but that three times as many women as men attempted to kill themselves.

"The disparity in suicide rates has been partly explained by the use of more lethal means and the experience of more aggression and higher intent to die, when suicidal, in men than women," it explained.


Latin America has the lowest suicide rate in the world, maybe because they like to party

One million people a year or one person every 40 seconds commits suicide all over the world. "Although suicide continues to remain a serious problem in high-income countries, it is the low- and middle-income countries that bear the larger part of the global suicide burden," said the report.

"Globally, suicide is meanwhile the second cause of death worldwide among 15-19 year-olds, with at least 100,000 adolescents killing themselves each year, according to the study," said the news report above, which represents 10% of those who commit suicide

So there you have it. These people are too young to have sex (they are not matured enough to make the decision whether to have sex of not) but they are not too young to commit suicide.

But why do people commit suicide, especially teenagers who have not even started their life yet? I suppose it is because they are not happy. And since they are not happy they no longer want to live.

Isn't 15 or 16 a bit too young to not be happy? When I was that age I was happy like hell. Every day was party day, as far as I was concerned. And we lived for today. We did not care a damn about tomorrow. Why are the kids of today not like how we were when we were their age?

I suppose, in our days, we did not have any pressure. Everyone was a friend, not like today where you have Malay friends, Chinese friends, Indian friends, etc. You were just a friend, period, so there was not much pressure placed on us to compartmentalise ourselves into racial, religious or social blocks.

Then we never worried about our future. Every day is today. Tomorrow also becomes today when the sun rises the following morning. Hence who cares about tomorrow? Tomorrow never comes. Nowadays, there is no today. Everything is about tomorrow. We don't live for today. We plan and prepare for tomorrow.

I suppose grass helped a lot as well. In our days, grass was not considered a drug and hence was not illegal. Even policeman would join us for a smoke. And sometimes the policemen would dip into their own pocket and pull out some grass for us to 'roll'.

Man, in those days we kids did not have any problems with the policemen like the kids of nowadays. The policemen were our friends and our smoking 'kakis'. Some of them even came around with their squad cars to join us in Benteng for Teh Tarik and a smoke.

Committing suicide was the last thing on our minds back then. Our minds were not messed up like the minds of today's kids. Okay, maybe we were a bit messed up because we could not decide in what order of priority it was supposed to be -- bikes, booze and broads or bikes, broads and booze. But we did not allow details to stand in the way of fun.

So what happened? What changed in those 45 years since we were kids who lived for today and did not care a damn about tomorrow? Why do kids today commit suicide when in our days a good 'watermelon' was to die for but only in a figure of speech sort of way?

(By the way, for those of you who do not know what 'watermelon' means, too bad. For those who do, maybe you can take a trip down memory lane with the video below).

Anyway, sometimes I wonder whether the fault could be because we replaced grass with religion and that is why so many people are unhappy and end up committing suicide. Well, as Bob Marley said, "Don't worry, be happy." But we will have to start by getting rid of those people who keep telling us that we are going to go to hell if we don't listen to them.


SEE VIDEO ON YOUTUBE HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oenlU0KiILc


The only good politician is a dead politician

Posted: 09 Sep 2012 04:56 PM PDT

Would an orgy help then? I mean, not only will we encourage males and females to mix freely but they can also strip naked and engage in an orgy. We will have a mass bonking session involving 1,000 men and women. Will this make Malaysians love each other more? If free mingling of males and females can help improve racial harmony just imagine what free sex can do.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Two dead, child loses leg in Thai south

80 police hurt after riot at Kurdish festival in Germany

Wave of attacks kills 56 in Iraq

Taliban threaten to kill Prince Harry

Those are just some of the news items this morning. There are, of course, many more than just those four and all give Islam a bad name. Basically, the impression that one gets is Islam or Muslims is about violence, conflict, killing, intolerance, extremism etc.

Why is it when we read anything about Islam or Muslims it must always be something negative? Aren't there any good news like Muslims set up relief centres for refugees, Muslims raise USD100 million for war orphans, Muslims condemn and call for economic sanctions against states that propagate terrorism, and whatnot?

I am sure that there are some good news but who likes to read good news? It is the bad news that sells. Sex, politics, murder -- those are what sell.  And if it is a politician involved in a sex cum murder scandal that sells even better. Hence do you now understand why the Altantuya Shaariibuu story will just not go away?

Today there is that story about PAS in Negri Sembilan separating the males and females at its Hara Raya bash (Negri PAS under fire for segregating sexes at Raya open house).

State MCA political and strategy bureau head Datuk Lee Yuen Fong said PAS' action only caused uneasiness among Malaysians. "Why do you need to segregate when it is an open house and held in an open area? This is a preview of what PAS will do if it ever gains power," he said.

Negri Sembilan Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism council chairman Edward Lim said that having such a rule would not help foster unity. "We can understand if the rule is introduced to ensure women, girls and children get their food as there is always a scramble at such events," he said.

National MIC information chief Datuk V.S. Mogan described the segregation as ridiculous. "It mocks the open house concept and doesn't help in promoting unity," he said.

PAS has been doing this for years. I have attended many PAS functions at Taman Melawar in Gombak (not only Hari Raya events) and they have always had separate sections and separate entrances for males and females.

But this has never upset my wife and me one bit. My wife just walks in together with me through the 'male' entrance and she sits together with me in the male section. She does not join the other ladies in the ladies section. And that has never been an issue. No one has come up to her to ask her to leave the male section and go join the women in the ladies section. In fact, my wife was not even wearing a tudung or scarf. And sometimes she wears tight/body-hugging jeans and a 'sexy' T-shirt.

These people make it appear like this is something that PAS only introduced this year rather than it has always been like that for more than two generations. And what are these MCA, MIC and Negri Sembilan Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism council people complaining about? The event is a PAS event held at their place. They can decide how they want things done in their own event.

If you come to my event, say at my house, I will expect you to take off your shoes even though taking off your shoes when entering someone's house is not British culture. It is my house so I will decide how things are done. And if you don't like it then don't come to my house. Simple!

The event was a PAS event. If PAS says no dogs are allowed then don't bring your dog. Go bring your dog to a MCA or MIC event of you wish. If PAS says you cannot strip and dance stark naked on top of the table then don't do that. Do that when you go to the Negri Sembilan Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism council gathering.

Lee said that in a multi-racial and multi-religious country like Malaysia, it was important for people to mix with one another as it would help promote understanding.

So the state MCA political and strategy bureau head, Datuk Lee Yuen Fong, wants to promote racial harmony through free mingling of males and females. If males and females were not allowed to mix freely then Malaysia would suffer racial discord.

Would an orgy help then? I mean, not only will we encourage males and females to mix freely but they can also strip naked and engage in an orgy. We will have a mass bonking session involving 1,000 men and women. Will this make Malaysians love each other more? If free mingling of males and females can help improve racial harmony just imagine what free sex can do.

Actually, asking men and women to mix freely or organising orgies would not solve the racial problem in Malaysia. What would help improve things would be when we line up all the politicians in front of a firing squad and shoot them, especially those politicians who are using race and religion to divide Malaysians

The only good politician is a dead politician, I always say.



Why it is un-Islamic to arrest Ong Sing Yee

Posted: 08 Sep 2012 04:19 PM PDT

When I brought that poster back to Malaysia, my Tok Guru whispered to me that I should get rid of it because it is haram in Islam. I should not hang it up on the wall, said my Tok Guru. I should just burn it. Even if Khomeini is a revered religious leader it is still haram to hang his poster or photograph on the wall.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

From the Islamic viewpoint, there is nothing wrong in stepping on statues, paintings, posters and photographs of humans and animals. In fact, the Talibans in Afghanistan blew up such statues. Remember the Bamiyan statues of Buddha that were blown up back in March 2001?

Statues, paintings, posters and photographs of people and animals are forbidden in Islam. Some ulama' (scholars) say that 'exemption' can be given in certain instances such as when photographs are needed for passports, identity cards, driving licences, etc. However, if they are just for fun or for show, then, according to the ulama', they are forbidden.

Hence are we allowed to hang photographs of rulers, political leaders, pop stars, etc., on the wall? Not if it is meant to revere these people or to 'honour' them. This would expose people to the danger of idol worshipping like how some people idolise pop stars.

I know some kids will say that so-and-so is their idol. They idol worship these superstars. Well, in Islam that is wrong. Saudi Arabia would even confiscate photographs and posters of Imam Khomeini. I should know because I had to hide my poster to smuggle it out of the country. I was warned I might be arrested if I was caught but I took that risk (and got away with it).

When I brought that poster back to Malaysia, my Tok Guru whispered to me that I should get rid of it because it is haram in Islam. I should not hang it up on the wall, said my Tok Guru. I should just burn it. Even if Khomeini is a revered religious leader it is still haram to hang his poster or photograph on the wall.

I did what my Tok Guru advised although it pained me to do so because that was the poster I carried above my head in the Mekah demonstration that I participated in.

Hence what Ong Sing Yee did was actually very Islamic. The Talibans would probably approve of what she did. So would the Salafis. In fact, even many Sunnis, the sect that most Malaysian Muslims belong to, would feel the same way.

If Ong Sing Yee had stepped on a poster of Carlsberg beer or on a poster of Sports Toto, she would have been commended. Such things are haram in Islam. And so are posters of human beings, which are equally haram in Islam.

Let those politicians and fake Muslims continue to foam at the mouth and whine away. We true Muslims who know what Islam is all about should commend Ong Sing Yee. More people should do what Ong Sing Yee did. Revering politicians and placing their photographs on the wall is considered idol worshipping in Islam. All these should be pulled down just like what the Talibans did in Afghanistan.

Oh, and don't worry about the Sedition Act. That is an old English law that was created so that the people would not criticise the King. You see, the King went against the Pope and the people were not happy about it. In those days, many people were papists and they believed that the Pope was God's Wakil on earth and that what the Pops says is on behalf of God.

The Palace, however, wanted the people to believe that the new Wakil of God is the King and not the Pope. But they had to stop the people from contradicting the Palace. Hence they created the Sedition Act so that those who said the Pope and not the King is the Wakil of God could be arrested.

Basically, the Sedition Act was meant to defend the Church of England. Now, Malays use it to defend haram things like hanging photographs and posters of people on the wall. Actually, these are sesat Muslims.


Kredit: www.malaysia-today.net

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How the knife cuts both ways

Posted: 19 Sep 2012 05:40 PM PDT


Ngeh's statement was also about taking to the streets being a waste of time. What Ngeh said was basically almost the same as what Tunku Aziz said. But Tunku Aziz was demonised while Ngeh was not. In fact, the reverse happened. PAS supports Ngeh's right to air this personal view, a right not allowed Tunku Aziz.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Perak DAP Chief Ngeh Koo Ham – you are a complete disgrace

(The Kuala Lumpur Post) - Ngeh Koo Ham – you are a complete disgrace. You are just like the other arrogant DAP leaders who do not use their head when they tweet.

How does one describe the DAP leader Manoharan who posted a tweet to run down our badminton hero Lee Chong Wei.

The Perak DAP chief, we are sure, is the kind who would run down Malaysia when he is overseas. We bet our last ringgit he does that.

He is the kind of chauvinist leader who appeals to the many whining Malaysians – who lives in a affluent neighbourhood, has a maid, has three cars or more, travels overseas and enjoys the best of Malaysian life!

One can speculate what are Ngeh's private views regarding the controversial anti-Islam Innocence of Muslims video clip.

He has a sick mind because only a racist mind would post a tweet that read: "Khairy wants Muslim protest against Sam Bacile. For Islam or his political gains? Are Muslims wasting too much time and energy on this."

He has tried to wriggle out of this provocative tweet by claiming he was merely posing a question. Come on, Ngeh, you must think we are as stupid as your DAP groupies and zombies.

You should stop lying and come out with an apology instead. You are clearly insensitive but worse, you have offended the majority of Muslims in Malaysia.

A mistake is one thing but to put that offensive question is another thing. You can only say you are a bloody disgrace.


Ngeh Koo Ham keluarkan pandangan peribadi, kata Hatta Ramli

(The Malaysian Insider) - Bendahari PAS Pusat Dr Hatta Mohd Ramli berkata, pengerusi DAP Perak, Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham hanya mengeluarkan pandangan peribadi mengenai demonstrasi menentang klip video nabi yang akan dilangsungkan esok di hadapan Kedutaan Amerika Syarikat (AS) dan tidak mewakili pandangan keseluruhan ahli Pakatan Rakyat (PR).

Menurut beliau, di dalam sebuah negara demokratik, setiap orang berhak untuk mengeluarkan pandangan sendiri asalkan ia tidak melampaui batas.

Pada 16 September lalu, Ngeh telah menulis dalam laman sosial Twitter yang bertulis, "Khairy mahu umat Islam berdemo menentang (klip video) Sam Bacile, untuk Islam atau kepentingan politik? Kenapa umat Islam membuang masa dan tenaga untuk semua ini."

Berikutan dengan kenyataan itu, ia menimbulkan perasaan kurang senang di kalangan beberapa pihak yang mengatakan Ngeh tidak sensitif dengan isu yang berkait dengan agama Islam.

Menurut Dr Hatta lagi, hubungan DAP dan PAS akan terus kekal rapat dalam kerjasama PR biarpun terdapat perbezaan dalam beberapa isu.



The above was what an Umno Blog wrote, and republished by a few news portals and websites. Ngeh has since apologised for that faux pas here: I retract and apologise to any Muslim who is offended by my tweet.

According to Dr Hatta Mohd Ramli of PAS, Ngeh's 'outburst' was his personal view. Dr Hatta also said, "…di dalam sebuah negara demokratik, setiap orang berhak untuk mengeluarkan pandangan sendiri asalkan ia tidak melampaui batas." (In a democratic country, everyone has a right to air his/her personal view as long as it does not exceed the boundary).

It is apparent that Umno is going to town on this faux pas and this is going to hurt DAP quite badly. And I really don't blame Umno. If I were in Umno's Black Ops or Psychological Warfare team I would do the same. This is certainly not an opportunity to be missed.

But that is not the issue I want to talk about. After all, race, religion and personal attacks are the stuff that Malaysian politics is made of. Basically, it is primary school-level politics. And when words fail, they will resort to violence.

So far, over the last year or so, we have seen the fringes of this violence. Rest assured more and harder stuff is coming and those who talk the most will probably hide within the safety of their homes while those innocent of any involvement will have to suffer the consequences and retaliation. This is the sad reality of violence.

Dr Hatta's conclusion is that everyone has a right to his/her personal view. And Ngeh's statement was just that, his personal view. Hence PAS will not lose any sleep over what Ngeh said.

It is very comforting and reassuring to hear Dr Hatta say that. But then Dr Hatta is a liberal Muslim and the product of the Malay College Kuala Kangsar (MCKK). Hence he has been moulded into tolerating dissenting views and criticism -- although he may be a leader of an Islamic party and the dissenting view is regarding Islam.

So, not all the more than one billion Muslims are bloodthirsty, medieval-minded, intolerant people. There are many amongst that more than one billion who are open-minded and tolerant of criticism. It is only that they can't be bothered to argue with the close-minded Muslims. Most of us have learned years ago that it is a waste of time trying to debate with religious bigots, never mind from which religion they may come from -- they are all the same.

Hence that is the bottom line -- just ignore the religious bigots. When you ignore them they eventually just shut up and go home. It is when you layan (engage) them that they get all excited. They want an audience and when you give them an audience they will put on an even greater 'show'.

A crucial part of Dr Hatta's statement is that as long as it does not exceed the boundary (asalkan ia tidak melampaui batas) it is okay to express your personal view.

And herein lies the problem.

Where is this boundary and at what point would one be perceived as 'exceeding the boundary'? Is calling Anwar Ibrahim BABI (Brother Anwar Bin Ibrahim), as what the Umno Blogs do, be melampaui batas? What about calling Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad Mahatahi? Is this within the boundary (tidak melampaui batas)?

The boundary is invisible and very subjective. I would consider BABI and Mahatahi as definitely melampaui batas. The Umno and Pakatan supporters, however, do not think so. They think this is very kosher. In that case would calling Prophet Muhammad a paedophile be considered kosher or melampaui batas?

I suppose the yardstick would be: do unto others as you would others do unto you. Some Umno Bloggers call my mother a prostitute. I hate that. Hence I would not call any other person's mother a prostitute since I do not like my mother being called that.

The more crucial issue in this whole Ngeh episode is that Dr Hatta regards what Ngeh said as his personal view and that under a democracy Ngeh has a right to his personal views.

Okay, that is well and fine -- what Ngeh said is his personal view and under a democracy Ngeh has a right to his personal views. But do the DAP people also practice what Dr Hatta's preaches? I remember when Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim expressed his personal view and he was whacked kau-kau for that. Does not Tunku Aziz also have a right to his personal view just like Ngeh?

What Tunku Aziz said was regarding demonstrations. He did not think Malaysians should take to the streets, as this is a violation of Malaysian laws. (Whether we agree or not with that law would be another matter but it would still be breaking the law).

Ngeh's statement was also about taking to the streets being a waste of time. What Ngeh said was basically almost the same as what Tunku Aziz said. But Tunku Aziz was demonised while Ngeh was not. In fact, the reverse happened. PAS supports Ngeh's right to air this personal view, a right not allowed Tunku Aziz.

The opposition has to decide whether freedom of speech is allowed or not. No need to ask Umno or Barisan Nasional this question. Umno and Barisan Nasional do not allow freedom of speech. It is the opposition that is fighting for freedom of speech. So we need to ask the opposition this question, not ask Umno or Barisan Nasional.

It appears like the opposition is not consistent with its stand regarding freedom of speech. When we say something they don't like they whack us. They call us all sorts of foul names. They call us a traitor and turncoat. They call us a Trojan horse. But when they commit a faux pas they scream freedom of speech to squirm out of their mistake.

And please stop this "if you criticise the opposition that means you support Barisan Nasional" nonsense. That is so, so childish. Some of us might do just that, support Barisan Nasional, just to teach you phoneys and fakes a lesson. Barisan Nasional may be bad but at least they do not pretend to be angels. They are bad and proud of it. You opposition people pretend to be angels but behind that mask you are no different from Barisan Nasional.

Just practice what you preach. Walk the talk. Then you will get our support. Until then, shape up or ship out. Your choice!


The Kuching Declaration: all dressed up and nowhere to go

Posted: 17 Sep 2012 06:29 PM PDT


Take one point as an example. To become a great nation we need an efficient and professional civil service, judiciary, police force, etc. And for that to happen we need good people in government. And to see good people in government we need to abolish our discriminatory policies and implement meritocracy. And that would mean certain 'sacrifices' would be needed.


Raja Petra Kamarudin





We will restore the spirit of the Malaysia Agreement and the position of Sarawak and Sabah as equal partners within Malaysia by restoring autonomy to Sarawak and Sabah within the framework of the Federal Constitution.


We will increase national integration between Sarawak, Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia through a fair power-sharing arrangement that fully upholds the spirit of the Malaysia Agreement.


We will set up a Royal Commission to solve the perennial national problem of illegal immigration and citizenship, particularly in Sarawak and Sabah.


We will endorse the authority already vested in the State Laws of Sarawak and Sabah to set up Land Commissions to investigate, resolve disputes, redress, survey and restore Native Customary Rights over Native Customary Lands.


We will endorse the appointment of Sarawak and Sabah citizens to head Government Departments in their own respective States and by the powers vested in the State Secretaries of both States as well as give first priority to the appointment of Sarawak and Sabah citizens at Federal Government level functioning within Sarawak and Sabah.


We will raise the royalties paid on petroleum and hydrocarbon resources to Sarawak and Sabah to 20% from the present 5%.


We will bring the level of infrastructure development in Sarawak and Sabah up to par with Peninsular Malaysia.

We, the undersigned, make this declaration as an incontrovertible contract between the Pakatan Rakyat and the peoples of Malaysia, this historic day of 16th September, 2012 on Malaysia Day, so that it may ring out resoundingly from Malaysia's high forest hills down to the open sea; so that freedom may ever reign; and our peoples live in unity!


I sat and mulled over The Kuching Declaration over the last two days trying to decipher what we can expect to see once Pakatan Rakyat takes over the Federal Government. I then went through The People's Declaration of February 2008 that Pakatan Rakyat signed in an official ceremony in the run up to the 12th General Election. My purpose was to see where the two Declarations agree and where they disagree.

Actually there is no contradiction between the two -- only that the sentence structure is different -- plus, while The People's Declaration goes into details (some complain that there are too much details), The Kuching Declaration merely states an aspiration minus any details.

Clearly The Kuching Declaration is a political statement that does not include a working plan. Hence there should be a more detailed Addendum or Lampiran as to how each Article of the Declaration is going to be implemented.


That was what The Kuching Declaration said.

'So that Malaysia will once again be a great nation'. We need to be specific as to what period of time Malaysia was supposed to be this great nation that we are talking about and in what way it was great. And how do we measure greatness?

We must remember that greatness is subjective. For example, some people may measure Malaysia's greatness as being during the time of P. Ramli and Saloma when there was no racial discord and Malay girls/women wore sleeveless/short dresses/skirts and Malay men could openly go to cabarets and drink beer. The 'old-timers' would say: those were the good old days -- when Rose Chan performed in BB Park and Chinese or Indian boys could date Malay girls. Malaysia was a great place to live. The Malaysia of today is not that great any more, they would lament.

Others would say that the great days of Malaysia was when Chinese and Indians could rise to become the heads of government departments or head the police force and military services. Today, they lament, you need to be a Malay-Muslim to become the head. The fact that this has resulted in a serious decline in standards and morals proves that an all-Malay administration is not good for the country, they argue.

Hence, to bring Malaysia back to its days of greatness would involve doing away with the New Economic Policy and racial discrimination/quotas in favour of meritocracy that is colour blind. Is Pakatan Rakyat prepared to announce that as its masterplan on how Malaysia will be brought back to greatness?

The devil, as they say, is in the details. Hence we need the details of the real meaning of greatness and how this greatness can be restored to what it used to be.

The rest of the statement (HER PEOPLES PROSPEROUS, HER FUTURE SECURE AND PEACEFUL, AND HER NAME CELEBRATED BY ALL THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD) is also mere rhetoric. The world is getting poorer because nations are printing 'paper' 24-7 without any real wealth or gold backing. The world is also becoming a more dangerous place to live with wars and killings being a daily occurrence.  And how do you expect Malaysia to be 'CELEBRATED BY ALL THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD' when we come out with guidelines on how to detect schoolchildren who might one day grow up to become gay or obedient wives' clubs formed to teach wives how to become whores?

We need to first stop being the joker of the world before we can expect to be celebrated by all the nations of the world. Hence for this statement to become part of The Kuching Declaration is itself a joke. The Malaysian mindset is so warped that it is impossible for Malaysia to be celebrated by all the nations of the world. We are actually the laughing stock of the world.

So, if Pakatan Rakyat wants us to take The Kuching Declaration seriously, it has to stop joking, unless that part of the statement was meant as tongue-in-cheek or sarcasm.

If all Pakatan Rakyat wants is a 'feel good' statement then The Kuching Declaration would have achieved that purpose. But if what they intended was to lay out the blueprint as to what we can expect under a Pakatan Rakyat federal government then The Kuching Declaration failed miserably because it does not tell us how all that is going to happen.

Let me put it another way. Sex is in the mind. If your mind is not into sex then you can't even get an erection. So you need to first be in the right frame of mind. Reforming the country, as what The Kuching Declaration is really all about, is also in the mind. So, if we are not in the right frame of mind here, we will also not see anything happen.

Hence, are we prepared to first get into the right frame of mind to ensure that what Pakatan Rakyat is promising us will become a reality?

We can kick out Barisan Nasional. We can vote Pakatan Rakyat in to office. That is no big deal. That can happen if we want it to happen. But can Pakatan Rakyat deliver on its promises if we vote them in to office?

Pakatan Rakyat can never deliver its election promises unless we allow them to do so. Just like Pakatan Rakyat can never take over Putrajaya unless we allow them to, in that same spirit, Pakatan Rakyat cannot deliver its promises unless we allow them to do so.

So I don't really care what Pakatan Rakyat is promising us. After all, they made many promises in the past and not always did they deliver what they promised. What I want to know is what are we going to allow Pakatan Rakyat to do?

At the end of the day it is about us and not about Pakatan Rakyat. And, this, we fail to see. We are the cause of the problems but we conveniently blame the government for what we are doing or not doing.

Take one point as an example. To become a great nation we need an efficient and professional civil service, judiciary, police force, etc. And for that to happen we need good people in government. And to see good people in government we need to abolish our discriminatory policies and implement meritocracy. And that would mean certain 'sacrifices' would be needed.

The question would be: are WE, Malaysians, the voters, prepared to sacrifice? This is not up to Pakatan Rakyat. All they can do is make promises. But whether they can do anything about these promises all depend on us.

Hence, as I said, are we prepared to first get into the right frame of mind to ensure that what Pakatan Rakyat is promising us will become a reality? If we are not, then Pakatan Rakyat is going to fail. There is nothing Pakatan Rakyat can do if we do not allow them to do it. And, currently, Malaysians merely scream about reforms but are not prepared to really reform.

Reforms is not merely about shouting and screaming, which is what we are doing all the time. Reforms is about biting the bullet and daring to change. And that would mean a paradigm shift. But do you even know what the term 'paradigm shift' means?

All I can say is be careful with what you wish for. If you are not ready then don't wish for it. And if you are not ready then Pakatan Rakyat's Kuching Declaration is going to end up just like The People's Declaration, all hot air and habuk in the end.

I suppose that brings to mind the old saying: don't ask what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country. And that would also include: don't ask how Pakatan Rakyat is going to reform the country but how far you are prepared to 'tolerate' reforms. And note I used 'tolerate' because Malaysians would not even tolerate Bibles in Bahasa Malaysia or gay entertainers singing in the country, so I just don't see how we can talk about reforms.

That, basically, will determine whether The Kuching Declaration is going to be a load of bullshit in the end. We, not Pakatan Rakyat, will determine that.


How to die by the sword

Posted: 15 Sep 2012 07:43 PM PDT


In fact, to be honest, I am actually quite delighted. I am enjoying seeing these people suffer what I have suffered. Okay, maybe it is not fair of me to think like this. But who cares about being fair? I mean, when someone does something to you, you consider it poetic justice when the same thing is done to him or her. Hence I don't really care whether what is being done to them is fair or not. I am just so happy that they are now being subjected to what they subjected me to.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Suaram trio told to explain foreign funding

Jaringan Melayu Malaysia (JMM) is calling on PKR leader Tian Chua and Suara Rakyat Malaysia director Kua Kia Soong and co-founder R. Sivarasa to explain to Malaysians why Suaram is allegedly funded by foreign parties.

JMM president Azwanddin Hamzah yesterday urged the trio to hold a press conference to inform the rakyat why foreign influence had been used to interfere in the country's political agenda.

"We also want to know if Tian Chua, Sivarasa and Kua have paid taxes to the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) from the funds received from currency speculator George Soros.

"It's very clear that Soros was the mastermind behind the plans of bringing down the country's economy," he said yesterday in a statement.

Azwanddin urged IRB chief executive officer Tan Sri Mohd Shukor Mahfar to investigate and ensure that the key Suaram figures were paying corporate income tax.

Suaram has been plagued with controversy with reports that it was not a non-governmental organisation but an entity registered as a company called Suara Inisiatif Sdn Bhd and the revelation of "highly suspicious" fund transactions between Suaram and Suara Inisiatif.

The Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Ministry has been investigating whether an American non-governmental organisation that is allegedly funding Suaram is linked to Soros.

Emails have been reportedly found linking the money to Soros.


Perkasa: Suaram funders also behind LGBT programmes

Malay rights group Perkasa information chief Ruslan Kasim has claimed that the funders of Suaram were also responsible for supporting programmes for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transexual (LGBT) community.

This, he said in an Mingguan Malaysia report today, was on top of funding Suaram with the purpose of smearing Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak in the Scorpene controversy and the murder of Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu.

"They also fund programmes for apostasy, free sex like LGBT. These are all against Islam," he was quoted as saying.

Ruslan was referring to Suaram's overseas funding which the government has claimed that among others, came from organisations linked to currency speculator George Soros.

Ruslan also questioned whether Suaram had paid private investigator P Balasubramaniam to make a statutory declaration to smear the premier's name.

"We want to know who funded Suaram to pay the private investigator to make the statutory declaration," he was quoted as saying.


10 sebab Anwar tidak layak jadi PM

1. Sokong Israel

2. Bantuan asing (kini terbukti SUARAM)

3. Anwar pluralisme Islam

4. Buku Jingga manifesto akan rosakkan ekonomi negara

5. Tiada kabinet bayangan. Siapa Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan Menteri Kewangan?

6. Sokong LGBT yang hukum haram

7. Pembohongan 916 satu politik yang amat besar

8. Mahu jatuhkan kerajaan guna demonstrasi jalanan ... Tahrir Square

9. Video China doll tulin dan Anwar tak jelaskan

10. Kes liwat tak selesai dan Mahkamah Tinggi lepaskan atas teknikal


It looks like the 'Gang Suaram' is under serious attack. Tian Chua, R. Sivarasa, Dr. Kua Kia Soong, Dr. Yeoh Seng Guan, Elizabeth Wong, Cynthia Gabriel, Latheefa Koya, Yap Swee Seng, Premesh Chandran, Edmund Bon, S. Arutchelvam, and a couple of others, all have bullets with their names on them.

They are alleged to have received illegal funding from overseas sources. They are alleged to have received financial support from George Soros. They are alleged to be tools of the Americans. They are alleged to be supporters of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transexuals (LGBTs). They are alleged to be behind the move to get Muslims to leave Islam. They are alleged to be Communists. They are alleged to have bribed private investigator P. Balasubramanian into signing a false statutory declaration to defame and slander Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak. There are questions as to whether these 'Gang Suaram' people may also be involved with the same people who are behind the recent ant-Islam movie. In fact, if the sun starts rising from the west instead of the east, these people would probably be blamed for that as well.

Are these allegations fair? Are these allegations founded? Is there any truth in these allegations?

I suppose that is not important. What is important would be: can these people prove their innocence? If these allegations were not true then they would have to offer evidence to prove that they are not true.

Maybe two years ago I would not be talking like this. Two years ago, I will have said that the accuser needs to prove the allegation. The accused needs not prove anything. Those who make the allegation need to prove it.

That would have been two years ago.

Since then, however, the rules have changed. The new rule is: once an allegation has been made against you then you need to prove that the allegation is not true. Until you can prove it is not true then we must consider it as true. You are guilty until you can prove your innocence.

I did not realise until about two years ago in 2010 that this is the new rule of the game. And I was subjected to this new rule. As much as I tried to protest and profess my innocence, whatever I said was not accepted. I am guilty until I could prove I am innocent.

I have actually got quite used to it by now. I suppose after two years you can sort of get used to anything. Hence I find it extremely difficult to sympathise with all these people.

In fact, to be honest, I am actually quite delighted. I am enjoying seeing these people suffer what I have suffered. Okay, maybe it is not fair of me to think like this. But who cares about being fair? I mean, when someone does something to you, you consider it poetic justice when the same thing is done to him or her. Hence I don't really care whether what is being done to them is fair or not. I am just so happy that they are now being subjected to what they subjected me to.

The important thing, though, is not whether you or I care about what is being done to them or whether it is fair or not. I think most people who read Malaysia Today have already more or less made up their minds as to which party they are going to vote for. It is the fence sitters that matter more.

For example, most non-Malay voters in Selangor already know whether they are going to vote for Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat. A large majority has already made up their mind. Hence the Chinese, Indians and 'lain-lain' do not really matter.

The future of Selangor will depend on the Malay voters. Hence Umno and Barisan Nasional need to convince the Malay voters that all these allegations against the 'Gang Suaram' are true. And if the Malays are convinced then Pakatan Rakyat is going to lose a lot of Malay votes. And that would mean Barisan Nasional would be able to take back Selangor, the jewel in the crown.

To me this goes beyond Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat. It is about seeing those people who unfairly accuse me of something I did not do now suffer the same fate.

Is Pakatan Rakyat going to get hurt by this? Who the hell cares! All I care about is that the gang that went out of their way to whack me is now getting whacked and that they might lose Selangor because of it.

I suppose, as they say, revenge is best served cold. Hmm…I am enjoying this so much I'm at the point of getting an orgasm.


It’s in the soul

Posted: 13 Sep 2012 07:10 PM PDT


Now, while all this was going on, while I was scrambling to raise the money to save my house, P.I. Bala and the Pakatan Rakyat people go and make nasty statements about deals I am doing with Umno. Then I discover that P.I. Bala is in secret negotiations with Hamzah Zainuddin, one of the chaps who is the cause of my financial problems.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

So you think you have soul, do you? Well, how do you know? Are you really sure you have soul? You probably think that soul is that thing that leaves your body and goes to heaven or hell when you die. That is not soul, at least not the type of soul that I mean.

People who have soul listen to Santana, Led Zeppelin, Uriah Heep, Jethro Tull, Grand Funk, Jimi Hendix, The Rolling Stones, and bands of their ilk. The list just goes on and you can throw in The Kinks, Manfred Mann, Creedence Clearwater Revival, and whatnot if you want to -- still good to listen to after all these years, 50 years to be exact.

Anyway, depending on what I wish to write for the day, I will switch on my iTunes and search through my library of albums and play the songs that will put me in the mood that I want to be in. And today, as I write this, I am playing Santana's 'Guitar Heaven'. And the volume of my Bose speakers will blow your mind, let me assure you.

So, with Santana's 'Guitar Heaven' blaring away in the background, guess what mood I am currently in. Yes, I am in that type of the mood -- the mood that wants to break heads and smash faces. And the head I want to break and the face I want to smash is that of private investigator Balasubramaniam a/l Perumal, a.k.a P.I. Bala.

Is that unfair of me? Well, I hold dear the old belief that if you 'share salt' at the same table with someone, then you do not betray that person. In fact, that is the sure way of knowing that you are not going to be betrayed. You share salt at the same table with your host/guest and that is the guarantee you will get to walk away from that table in one piece. No host/guest will assassinate you when you share salt at his table.

But that is an old English belief and P.I. Bala is not English. Hence he does not understand what I would regard as noble and honourable values. Hence, after he shared salt at my table, he turned around and betrayed me. Even assassins do not do this. But P.I Bala did this. And because of that it is warranted that I put a price on his head. So now he can't go back to Malaysia like he hoped he could. A person with a price on his head is worth more dead than alive.

To understand what I am driving at, I will have to rewind 15 years or so. And the personalities involved are Datuk Hamzah Zainuddin, the Deputy Minister for Plantation Industries and Commodities; Nik Anuar Nik Salleh, the business partner of Datuk Kamaruddin Jaafar, the PAS Member of the Parliament for Tumpat; James Au, the one-time General Manager of Rhone Poulenc; and Abdul Rahman Adnan, a lawyer and one of Anwar Ibrahim's speech writers in Institut Kajian Dasar or IKD. Incidentally, Nik Anuar's wife, Zaidah Omar Baki, is the best friend of Anwar Ibrahim's sister, Farizon.

And the story goes as follows.

Hamzah Zainuddin and Nik Anuar were doing business with Rhone Poulenc through their company called Medik & Kimia 2000 Sdn Bhd. Rhone Poulenc was importing unapproved vaccines for poultry and pigs so they were not able to market them since they were not approved by the government. Hence Medik & Kimia 2000 Sdn Bhd was used as the front company to do all the distribution. In the event that the authorities found out, Rhone Poulenc would not face prosecution.

Of course, not long after that, Malaysia faced a huge problem and many diseased pigs had to be culled at a great loss to the pig farmers. Many pig farmers also died. Hence it made sense to shield Rhone Poulenc from something like this by using a front company such as Medik & Kimia 2000 Sdn Bhd.

Anyway, James Au, Hamzah Zainuddin and Nik Anuar later came out with a plan to fleece Rhone Poulenc of a couple of million Ringgit. They siphoned out more than RM1 million but they had to make it appear like James Au attempted to recover the money or else he might be implicated in the scam.

However, instead of suing the company, Hamzah Zainuddin or Nik Anuar, they sued me. And the suit was for RM1.3 million. And in that statement of claim they alleged that I had guaranteed that amount.

I went to see Abdul Rahman Adnan, my classmate in school and one of Anwar Ibrahim's 'key men', and requested him to act for me, which he agreed. On the day of the hearing, Rahman went to court but the judge would not listen to our arguments. Rhone Poulenc's lawyer insisted that I had guaranteed that debt and the judge would not listen to Rahman's argument that I never guaranteed that debt and that the document is a fake.

That same day, Rahman asked me to go to his office and he related what had happened in court. Rahman explained that the judge told them she was late for a lunch appointment so she was in a hurry to make her decision and did not have time to listen to long drawn-out arguments. Hence we lost the case -- because the judge was pressed for time and was late for her lunch appointment.

I asked Rahman what I should do and he suggested that I should transfer or sell any property that I might own before they get me declared a bankrupt. I was flabbergasted. Was this the best advice Rahman could offer me?

I then went to Sri Ram and Co. to seek the advise of the late Manjit Singh Gurcharan Singh. Manjit looked at my case and said that the case is so simple he cannot understand why Rahman Adnan could not win it for me. I told Manjit about the judge being late for lunch and all that and Manjit replied that this normally happens -- younger lawyers get intimidated by senior judges so the judges would bully them.

Manjit agreed to help me and winked that his boss, Sri Ram, was the President of the Appeal Court. I suppose that meant Sri Ram would not brush off our case with the excuse that he was late for lunch.

However, Manjit found he could not take this matter further because somehow the entire file had disappeared. Manjit told me that this is also quite normal. It costs a very little to bribe an office boy to make files disappear. Many lawyers do this, Manjit explained.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, Manjit died and I was detained under ISA. On the third day of my detention, they sent a letter to my house giving me 14 days to contest the bankruptcy application against me. I was, of course, detained for almost 60 days so they made me a bankrupt by default. By the time I was released it was already water under the bridge and I did not have the money to engage a lawyer to take this case to court.

To add insult to injury -- or rather more injury to injury -- they quietly deleted my name on the land title of my house without informing me. I did not know until later when I tried to sell my house that I no longer owned that house.

The lawyer told me that they can't do this and he suggested that I take this case to court and challenge it. The lawyer was confident I could win because the transfer was done illegally. But it would probably take many years and tens of thousands in legal fees.

I felt it would be a waste of time and money. I could not afford ten years and the RM50,000 or RM100,000 in legal fees. Instead, I asked my daughter to go meet the authorities and try to negotiate a settlement. They agreed that this matter can be settled for a payment of RM215,000. We tried to appeal this figure but it was rejected. The figure stays at RM215,000.

My daughter then went to the bank to secure a loan for an amount of RM215,000 to pay off the authorities. A few months ago we paid the authorities the RM215,000 to 'buy back' my house.

Now, while all this was going on, while I was scrambling to raise the money to save my house, P.I. Bala and the Pakatan Rakyat people go and make nasty statements about deals I am doing with Umno. Then I discover that P.I. Bala is in secret negotiations with Hamzah Zainuddin, one of the chaps who is the cause of my financial problems.

Fucking hell! I was made a bankrupt because a judge was late for lunch. I was sued for RM1.3 million on the false allegation that I had guaranteed a debt by an Umno Deputy Minister -- while he was not sued whereas he is a multi-millionaire who had paid his wife RM10 million in a divorce settlement. Then they illegally transferred my house and forced me to pay RM215,000 to 'buy back' the house. And P.I. Bala and these Pakatan Rakyat people have the gall to say I have made a deal.

Man, if that is what they do to me when I 'make a deal', imagine what they would do to me if there were no deal. Yes, that is the type of mood I am in today. I am in a fucking mood. And blame it all on Santana.


To call or not to call, that is the question

Posted: 11 Sep 2012 05:31 PM PDT


Ambiga also dismissed claims that Najib was concerned that if the polls were held before the term expired in April 2013, Pakatan Rakyat-controlled states would not dissolve their respective assemblies. "I don't buy that excuse. He [Najib] kept the nation on election mode. Even the recent Merdeka celebration was an election campaign," she said.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Delay polls and risk punishment

The Bersih leader takes the prime minister to task for delaying the general election with no good reason, describing this as disconcerting and irresponsible.

(Free Malaysia Today) - Describing this as both "disconcerting and irresponsible", Bersih co-chairperson S Ambiga warned Najib that the continued delay could prove to be perilous for him and BN.

She said that it would not come as a surprise if the voters, including the fence-sitters, punished him for this feet-dragging in the next polls.

"I understand it is the Westminster system and it is the prerogative of the prime minister. But a good government should be prepared to take on the election and not be afraid to set a date," she told FMT.

"We have been in election mode since he [Najib] took over and everyone has been pumped up. He drops hints [about the polls] and that is irresponsible. You don't toy with people's feelings.

"People are fed up! They can't plan things like going on holidays and so forth. Furthermore, it affects investor confidence.

"That's why I say it is irresponsible. If this is how a government is going to play with the election date, then it would be best to have a fixed date for polling," she added.

Ambiga said as political leaders in other parts of the world discussed the economic crisis and recession, their Malaysian counterparts were still engrossed in politicking.

"So who is running the country? This is unacceptable," she stressed.



Step out of Dr M's shadow, call for GE

DAP national chairman says Najib must earn the right to be prime minister. He also wants the PM to bestow bumiputera status for all Malaysians born on and after August, 1957.

(Free Malaysia Today) - Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak must quash the perception that Dr Mahathir Mohamad is still running the nation.

To do this, DAP Karpal Singh said Najib must call for a general election and earn his right to be the prime minister.

Pointing to the ever growing public excitement and demand for the general election, he said it was time for Najib to come out of Mahathir's shadow.

"The perception is that Mahathir is the de facto prime minister," he told reporters here.

Mahathir, who stepped down in 2003 after 22 years at the helm, continues to be an influential leader in both Barisan Nasional and Umno.

The 84-year-old statesman also played an instrumental role in removing former premier Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, to pave the way for Najib's rise to the post.



Selangor will skip early polls, says Pakatan

(The Malaysian Insider) - Selangor will not hold state polls concurrently with an early 13th general election, federal opposition Pakatan Rakyat (PR) said today, citing complaints about the electoral rolls in the state.

PR now governs the states of Selangor, Kedah, Kelantan and Pulau Pinang.

"I agree with Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim that Selangor will not have state elections if there's snap polls because SPR (the Election Commission) has not yet cleaned the names (in the electoral roll)," said Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim at a press conference today.

According to Anwar, Selangor had offered funds to help the Election Commission (EC) in cleaning the electoral roll.

Anwar said Kelantan has decided to have state polls together with the general election, while Penang was still mulling over the option.

PAS secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali, who was also present at the press conference, said that the Kedah government has also not decided on when it will hold state polls.


It’s about ‘what’s in it for me?’

Posted: 10 Sep 2012 05:40 PM PDT


Whatever it may be Pakatan Rakyat admits that it needs to bribe the voters and to make them promises to be able to get their votes. ABU, good governance, transparency, accountability, etc., are not enough. The voters would not give you their votes just because you promise them a better government. What is more important to them than a better government would be what's in it for me?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

PKR eyes swing voters in cheaper cars campaign

(The Malaysian Insider) - PKR is banking on its promise to lower car prices to win support from fence-sitting voters ahead of what is expected to be tight race for power in the next general elections.

The party has promised to make cars cheaper by slashing the triple tax burden imposed on cars if the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) opposition pact takes power after the next elections that must be called by April next year.

"From what we see, online or when we go down (to the ground)...you see the crowd is not normally political or partisan being very interested ... making queries ..." said PKR communications director Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad.

"It shows that we reach to a new audience, a new group, which is the fence-sitters."

"We get people who openly claim they are Umno, (but) in this campaign, they are fully behind us."

PKR will have its first 'Turunkan Harga Kereta' forum at the Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall at 8pm this Thursday.

The forum will be moderated by Nik Nazmi and will feature PAS' Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad, DAP's Tony Pua, PKR's Rafizi Ramli and think tank IDEAS' Wan Saiful Wan Jan.


Now PKR is talking. I have been trying to tell you for some time that those of you who visit Malaysia Today may be ABU screamers, but that does not mean that all 14-15 million Malaysians who are registered to vote are also the same.

In fact, probably about 4-5 million registered voters may not even be going out to vote in the coming general election. And probably another 3-4 million eligible voters did not even register to vote. Hence we may see roughly only 10 million Malaysians voting in the 13th General Election with about 8 million or so 'abstaining'.

This means only 55% or so of Malaysians care while the other 45% do not care a damn. How else can I put it?

Okay, so I can expect to see about 5 million or so of you (around 10% or so of those who probably read Malaysia Today) voting for Pakatan Rakyat come the next general election. That would mean 13 million of you who are eligible to vote would definitely not be voting for Pakatan Rakyat.

Do you think with only 5 million votes Pakatan Rakyat can get to form the next federal government?

If 10 million people come out to vote then Pakatan Rakyat will need around 6 million of those votes if it wants to march into Putrajaya. If it is only 5 million votes then Barisan Nasional is going to remain in power.

So how is Pakatan Rakyat going to get more than 5 million votes? How is Pakatan Rakyat going to convince an additional 1 million voters to not just stay home but to come out to vote and, more importantly, to vote for Pakatan Rakyat?

Well, if you just want to see a strong two-party system in Malaysia and if you want to see Pakatan Rakyat become that strong opposition then just continue doing what you are doing. Pakatan Rakyat can probably win 85-95 seats in Parliament and at least three state governments -- with Barisan Nasional's majority in another three state governments reduced drastically.

But that is about it.

To do better than that you need to reach beyond the ABU screamers. You need to reach the middle ground and fence sitters. These people do not care a damn whether Najib Tun Razak or Anwar Ibrahim is the next Prime Minister. They do not care about Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat. They only care about Numero Uno.

Pakatan Rakyat is beginning to understand this. Phew…and it took a lot of bashing before they would wake up to this fact. Now they are talking about the very large atas pagar or fence-sitting group. Now they are talking about how to bribe the voters. And this is basically what it is, how to bribe the voters.

And Pakatan Rakyat is offering these voters cheaper cars. Well, that probably works in Malaysia. In the UK that won't work because cars are already cheap. In Malaysia, a car like a BMW 3 Series costs the equivalent of 20-25 years salary for the basic wage earner. In the UK, it is only 2-2.5 years salary for the equivalent salaried worker. So how cheaper do you want cars to be? Anyway, not many people need cars in the UK considering that the public transport system is very efficient, unlike in Malaysia.

But would the promise of cheaper cars be enough to get these 'don't care a damn' people to vote for you? What about housing? Some people worry about housing more than about cars. How about the cost of living and minimum wage? How about quality of life? How about the very worrying crime rate? How about education and health?

Yes, cars are not all that there is to life. When you already have everything else then cars become important to you. But when you do not have a decent home or access to a quality education, etc., cars are not at the top of your priority list.

Whatever it may be Pakatan Rakyat admits that it needs to bribe the voters and to make them promises to be able to get their votes. ABU, good governance, transparency, accountability, etc., are not enough. The voters would not give you their votes just because you promise them a better government. What is more important to them than a better government would be what's in it for me?

Now Pakatan Rakyat admits that voters need to be bribed and that all those people who talk so much are actually just a load of bullshit. I mean, even many who post comments here in Malaysia Today are a load of bullshit. They accuse this person or that person of being bought while they post comments under anonymous names so that they are safe and will not get detected/arrested and lose their jobs, etc. These people are more concerned about their comfort/security and they have the gall to accuse other people of that very crime they are guilty of.

I know many of you are now going to accuse these types of voters as having no principles. Come on! Even you vote based on what you can get. Would you vote for someone just so that you can help that person get into power with no benefit to you? You vote for someone because you want something. No one votes for nothing. It is just that you are in denial mode and will not admit it.


1 Malaysia, 2 Laws

Posted: 07 Sep 2012 06:11 PM PDT


Anwar Ibrahim has raised a very valid point. Malaysia is one country with two sets of laws. Hence '1 Malaysia, 2 undang-undang' is very apt to describe Malaysia. And these are the kind of things I wish to hear from the opposition and the Opposition Leader in Parliament.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

1 Malaysia 2 undang-undang

Orang kecil dan miskin namanya 'corruption'. Orang besar curi namanya 'komisyen'. Komisyen halal. 'Corruption' haram, kata Anwar Ibrahim.

(Free Malaysia Today) - Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim menyifatkan negara mengamalkan dua undang-undang yang berbeza ketika mengulas tindakan pantas pihak berkuasa ke atas individu-individu yang memijak gambar Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

"Malaysia mengamalkan konsep '1 Malaysia 2 undang-undang'," katanya pada majlis ceramah 'Jelajah Merdeka Rakyat' di Rantau dekat sini malam tadi.

Tegas beliau, "saya tidak setuju tindakan anak muda yang memijak gambar Najib. Tapi kalau orang lain kencing gambar Menteri Besar Kelantan, Tuan Guru Dato' Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, tak apa? Tunjuk punggung kepada Pengerusi Bersih, Dato' S Ambiga tak apa?"

"Baling batu di ceramah saya dan Nurul Izzah (Ahli Parlimen Lembah Pantai) di Lembah Pantai. Pecah cermin kereta saya….pasal apa? Apa jenis manusia macam ini? Kamu ingat kamu orang besar hukum lain?" soal Ketua Umum PKR itu.

"Hukum ini tidak kenal pangkat. Ini 1 Malaysia! 1 Malaysia apa? Satu undang-undang untuk orang kaya, satu undang-undang untuk orang miskin."

"Satu undang-undang untuk menteri Umno, rasuah pun tidak apa, tutup semua. Satu undang-undang untuk orang dibawah. Polis ambil 100 ringgit, 'charge',' katanya.

Anwar yang juga Ahli Parlimen Permatang Pauh berkata sepatutnya undang-undang ini tidak kenal keturunan dan pangkat.

"Seperti saya kata rasuah 200 ringgit polis, tangkap! Rasuah setengah bilion ringgit kapal selam, lepas!"

"Orang kecil dan miskin namanya 'corruption' (rasuah). Orang besar curi namanya 'komisyen'. Komisyen halal. 'Corruption' haram."

"Pemimpin yang tidak sanggup laksanakan ilmu 'rule of law' tetapi ikut 'law of the jungle' mesti diturunkan ke bawah dan ditumbangkan", kata Anwar.

Anwar juga berkata perangai pemimpin Umno ibarat 'baling batu sembunyi tangan' dan seterusnya rakaman video perbahasan di parlimen ditayangkan kepada orang ramai.

Beliau menegaskan, "mereka menfitnah saya memiliki RM3 bilion, ketika saya berbahas di parlimen ada di antara mereka menjerit tiga bilion!"

READ MORE HERE: http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2012/09/08/1-malaysia-2-undang-undang/


Anwar Ibrahim has raised a very valid point. Malaysia is one country with two sets of laws. Hence '1 Malaysia, 2 undang-undang' is very apt to describe Malaysia. And these are the kind of things I wish to hear from the opposition and the Opposition Leader in Parliament.

Malaysia practices selective prosecution, or more aptly, persecution. Friends are spared and enemies are crucified. And this is not a new phenomenon. This has been going on for quite some time, 30 years to be exact.

In the beginning, for the first 25 years or so, it was not too bad. And that was because we had noble men and gentlemen (and women) to lead the nation -- not only as Prime Minister, but in the Cabinet, civil service, police force, military, etc., as well.

In those days, you were put in charge based on meritocracy. Today, it is based on your political affiliation. And don't just look at Barisan Nasional when I say this. This is the current Malaysian culture. So it means the opposition practices this as well.

And that was one of my grouses with Pakatan Rakyat when I revealed that lawyers aligned to Pakatan Rakyat or leaders of Pakatan Rakyat were getting the legal work from the Pakatan Rakyat-led state governments. Even the DAP leaders have come out to reveal this.

Some may argue that when Barisan Nasional was running those states the Barisan Nasional lawyers were getting this legal work. So what is wrong if Pakatan Rakyat lawyers get the legal work now that Pakatan Rakyat is in charge?

If I really need to reply to that question then Malaysia is in far greater trouble than I originally thought. It is like trying to reply to a question from an Atheist asking me whether I can prove that God exists. The fact that that question has even been raised means that person is already convinced that God does not exist. Hence would it not be futile to even attempt to reply?

This is not just about corruption and abuse of power. This extends farther than that. It is about what you perceive as moral and what you perceive as immoral. And if I need to give you a lesson in morality then I am doomed from the start. To a prostitute, offering sex for money has nothing to do with morality but is all about earning a living.

And are they not called 'sex workers' instead of 'prostitutes' in some countries? Hence they are workers just like you and me who work in an office or do a blue-collar job. It is about cari makan (look for food) and is therefore not in the least immoral. After all, everyone has a mouth or mouths to feed. So is not spreading one's leg better than robbing a bank or selling drugs to children?

As Anwar said, Malaysia has 2 legal systems -- that's for sure. And Anwar has offered some examples to support this point. I would like to highlight some others, which Anwar has missed.

If you are a non-Muslim who is caught having illicit sex with a Muslim only the Muslim goes to jail. If you are non-Muslims drinking beer or having lunch with Muslims during the fasting month of Ramadhan only the Muslims get arrested.

If you are a non-Muslim owner of a hotel, restaurant, bar, pub, disco, etc., that sells liquor and you employ Muslim staff they would be arrested. But if you are a Muslim owner, your Muslim staff would not be arrested.

If you are of Chinese or Indian descent whose forefathers came to Malaya 500 years ago you will not be a Bumiputera or son/daughter of the soil. If you were born in Indonesia or the Philippines and are of Muslim persuasion and you migrated to Malaysia yesterday you will be given citizenship with a Bumiputera status thrown in.

Yes, I can go on and on and bore you to death. Suffice to say that Malaysia may be 1 Malaysia but it has two sets of undang-undang. Hence Anwar is right. But Anwar needs to educate Malaysians on how far this sickness extends.

Anwar needs to also explain that Muslims can preach Islam to Christians but Christians cannot preach Christianity to Muslims. Qur'ans can be printed in English but Bibles cannot be printed in Malay. Christians can convert to Islam but Muslims cannot convert to Christianity.

And the list goes on, examples of 1 Malaysia but 2 undang-undang.

I am beginning to like what Anwar says. So I might yet support him in his bid to become Malaysia's next Prime Minister. We only need Anwar to take that one more step in calling a spade a spade and tell us in detail why Malaysia might be 1 Malaysia but has 2 undang-undang.

And when that happens you will then see me appealing to Malaysians to support Anwar as the next Prime Minister of Malaysia. But I first need to see Anwar take that one extra step so that Malaysians can get a better grasp of what he means when he says '1 Malaysia 2 undang-undang'.


Show me the money

Posted: 05 Sep 2012 05:22 PM PDT


If what FMT reported above is true, and if most people in Sabah think the way that FMT says they think, then Sabah is doomed. And so is Sarawak. The people there would not vote based on good governance, transparency, justice, and whatnot. They would vote based on whether the people they vote for can make them happy. And without Sabah and Sarawak, Pakatan Rakyat's dream of marching into Putrajaya will be merely angan-angan.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

LYNAS shares surge after granting of licence in Malaysia

MELBOURNE : Shares in Lynas Corporation have surged by more than 50 per cent in early trade after the rare earths miner was granted a temporary licence for its US$800 million rare earths refinery in Kuantan.

After the close of Wednesday's trading session, the company said the Malaysian Atomic Energy Licensing Board had issued a temporary operating licence (TOL) for its advanced materials plant in Kuantan.

At 10.40am (Melbourne time) on Thursday, Lynas shares were 50 per cent higher at A91 cents before dropping back to A78 cents at 11.10am, the Australian Associated Press reports.

The long-delayed plant has been opposed by environmentalists concerned about potential radioactivity risks.

The plant will process rare earths from the Lynas Mount Weld mine in Western Australia.

China currently produces about 95 per cent of all rare earth materials, which are vital for many electronic products. -- Bernama


Lajim still a good bet for opposition

KOTA KINABALU: Irrespective of what blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) writes and Barisan Nasional leaders reveal, Sabah MP Lajim Ukin is still a good investment for Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim.

Among his constituents and ardent local political observers, the currently much-talked about Beaufort MP may still win big in the coming polls.

They opined that the former federal deputy minister of housing and local government, who jumped from ruling Umno to the opposition side recently, would win in least two parliamentary and three state assembly seats.

Malik Unar, 74, a Sabah political writer, is one of those who believes so, saying Lajim would win easily in his former state seat of Klias and retain even his Beaufort seat if he decides to go for both.

"He will win there easily… He or his men or associates will take Kuala Penyu and Lumadan state seats and the Sipitang parliamentary seat," claimed the veteran writer who hailed from Membakut in Beaufort.

Malik has written several political books during his prolific years including while Lajim was still with PBS (1984-1994).

"Lajim served his constituents very well… people identify with him easily. He will win no matter what others say about him," he claimed when asked for his opinion at a meeting in Kota Kinabalu recently.

Even though Lajim has become a subject of ridicule in RPK's blogsite Malaysia Today, many here still believe it would not harm his reputation, at least among his own "Bisaya folks" in Beaufort vicinity. -- Free Malaysia Today

READ MORE HERE: http://malaysia-today.net/mtcolumns/newscommentaries/51427-lajim-still-a-good-bet-for-opposition


We tend to believe that everyone thinks the way we do and that everyone shares our same values. When we flock with those of our same feather that impression becomes even stronger. Most times, however, we do not really know whether we are in the minority or the majority and when the minority shouts while the majority keeps quiet this become even more illusionary.

At the end of the day, when it comes down to choices, what choice will you make? What would be your immediate concerns? Would you worry about the world? Would you worry about your country? Would you worry about your community? Would you worry about your neighbourhood? Or would you worry about your family?

Some people would worry about themselves even before they worry about their family. Hence the neighbourhood, community, country and the world would have to be the last things you worry about, in that order of priority.

We consider LYNAS, or rather the opposition to LYNAS, as a noble cause. Hence if we oppose LYNAS then we are certainly fighting a noble cause. And opposing LYNAS would involve making sure that they do not get a licence to operate. And certainly the world would share this noble cause, would it not?

Then their licence is approved and the company's share price jumps 50%. And that is definitely most puzzling because we thought that everyone shared our noble cause -- and the noble cause would be about doing the right thing and not about making money. It appears, though, that making money rather than fighting noble causes is still the priority of some people, or maybe even many people.

So, are we alone? Or is the world with us? Or is it all about making money in the end?

Then we look at this issue regarding Lajim Ukin.

"Lajim still a good bet for opposition," screams the headlines of the Free Malaysia Today (FMT) news report. FMT then goes on to say:

Irrespective of what blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) writes and Barisan Nasional leaders reveal, Sabah MP Lajim Ukin is still a good investment for Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim.

Among his constituents and ardent local political observers, the currently much-talked about Beaufort MP may still win big in the coming polls. Lajim served his constituents very well… people identify with him easily. He will win no matter what others say about him. Even though Lajim has become a subject of ridicule in RPK's blogsite, Malaysia Today, many here still believe it would not harm his reputation, at least among his own "Bisaya folks" in Beaufort vicinity.

The key to the above report is: Lajim served his constituents very well… people identify with him easily.

Again, we thought this was about noble causes, honour and integrity. Apparently it is not. Apparently it is about whether you can make the voters happy. And what better way of making the people happy than by giving them a good life? And a good life would involve money.

If what FMT reported above is true, and if most people in Sabah think the way that FMT says they think, then Sabah is doomed. And so is Sarawak. The people there would not vote based on good governance, transparency, justice, and whatnot. They would vote based on whether the people they vote for can make them happy. And without Sabah and Sarawak, Pakatan Rakyat's dream of marching into Putrajaya will be merely angan-angan.

And would this be the same formula that will apply to Lembah Pantai? Will Nurul Izzah Anwar win because she is perceived as a sincere and noble person of honour and integrity or will Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin win instead because he is able to make the people happy? And how would he go about making the people happy?

At the end of the day, most people are selfish. How many would be prepared to make sacrifices? Would they sacrifice their comfort and security in the interest of doing the right thing? Or would their decision be based on 'what's in it for me'?

We would like to believe that we uphold noble values and that the world shares these same values. Then we discover that the shares of a business we are opposed to spirals because it received its licence to do the business we are opposed to. So the world is not really with us after all. What really makes the world go round is money.

We would like to believe that we uphold noble values and that the world shares these same values. Then we discover that the people who have no integrity get to win because they get the support of voters who put money above noble values. So the world is not really with us after all. What really makes the world go round is money.

We hear a lot of 'statements of support' for Nurul Izzah. Yes, many statements of support from people who place noble values and doing the right thing above everything else. But how many of these people will be voting? How many of these people will be voting in Lembah Pantai? In fact, how many of these people even donated to the measly RM35,365 election fund that was collected over the last ten days?

At the end of that day, if we can talk without losing anything we will talk. But if it is going to cost us something then it is not worth talking. Talk, if it is free, is okay with us, as long as we do not need to pay or sacrifice. That is the nature of the beast of Malaysian voters.

Even Malaysia Today has such freeloaders. These are people who scream about freedom of speech and the right to post comments in Malaysia Today as long as they need not take the trouble of registering and need not pay even RM1 to post comments. To deny them their privilege to post comments is a breach of their civil rights. Where they got the notion that posting comments in Malaysia Today come under the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights is beyond me.

It is all about what they want. It is about meeting their demands. It is about everything they see in this world as being their right. And causes must be something that does not cost them anything. But if between noble causes and their personal comfort, then their interests must always come first.


Do you really think it is about the ballot box?

Posted: 04 Sep 2012 05:42 PM PDT


So what does this mean? Hell, do I need to spell it out for you like talking to a primary school kid? What it means is simply this: is it your votes or is it the Palace, Police and Military that will decide who gets to march into Putrajaya?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Article 55(3) of the Federal Constitution of Malaysia says that Parliament will be automatically dissolved exactly five years to the day of the start of the first session of Parliament of that term. Thereafter we will no longer have an elected government (the country will be run by the civil service) and the Election Commission (SPR) will take over and call for fresh elections within 60 days.

Article number: 55(3) Parliament unless sooner dissolved shall continue for five years from the date of its first meeting and shall then stand dissolved.

In other words, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak needs to do nothing. He can just allow the government to continue until Parliament is automatically dissolved and then allow the SPR to call for the 13th General Election, which must be held before the end of June 2013.

Of course, this has never been done before. Thus far, for 55 years since Merdeka, the Prime Minister would request an audience with His Majesty the Agong and will request His Majesty to dissolve Parliament.

His Majesty, however, can refuse this request according to Article 40a(2)(b) of the Constitution although this, too, has never been done before.

Article number 40a(2)(b): The Yang di-Pertuan Agong may act in his discretion in the performance of the following functions, that is to say the withholding of consent to a request for the dissolution of Parliament.

His Majesty can also declare an emergency whereby Parliament will be suspended and elections can be postponed under Article 150(1) of the Constitution and this declaration cannot be challenged in court.

Article number 150(1): If the Yang di-Pertuan Agong is satisfied that a grave emergency exists whereby the security, or the economic life, or public order in the Federation or any part thereof is threatened, he may issue a Proclamation of Emergency making therein a declaration to that effect.

Article number 150(2): A Proclamation of Emergency under Clause (1) may be issued before the actual occurrence of the event which threatens the security, or the economic life, or public order in the Federation or any part thereof if the Yang di-Pertuan Agong is satisfied that there is imminent danger of the occurrence of such event.

In other words, if His Majesty is of the opinion for whatever reason that (1) the security of the country, (2) the economic life of the country, and/or (3) public order of the country is under threat, His Majesty can declare an emergency. His Majesty can also declare an emergency to preempt such as occurrence (before it happens if His Majesty believes it may happen).

The question would be: does Malaysia face such a threat? Well, it does not matter what you and I think. It is what His Majesty thinks that matters. Even if you and I do not think so but His Majesty does then that is all that matters. Then a state of emergency can be declared and Parliament is suspended and the general election can be postponed.

Is this lawful? Of course it is lawful. It is what the Constitution allows and stipulates. Whether it is morally right to do that is another matter. After all, morality is subjective, as I have tried to explain many times in earlier articles. And we must admit that many 'incidences' of late appear to point to a breakdown of law and order (get it now?).

So, to those of you who are whining about Najib 'postponing' the 13th General Elections, please stop whining. You sound pathetic and just show how little you understand your own Constitution. Janganlah tunjuk bodoh. Malu!

If we are already in July 2013 and still the 13th General Election has not been called yet then you can whine. Then we can say Najib has postponed the general election. But July 2013 is more than ten months from now. So until we are already in July 2013 we cannot whine and complain that the general election has been postponed.

Of course, we can whine that Najib is the longest-serving 'non-elected' Prime Minister in Malaysian history. That would be correct. But that is still not something illegal or unconstitutional. It is merely morally wrong -- or at least on the border of morally wrong because what's so immoral about taking over, as what Najib had done?

I mean, let's look at it another way. Let's say Abdullah Ahmad Badawi had won the elections back in March 2008 (which he did) and the very next day (9th March 2008) he dies in a helicopter crash. That same day, 9th March 2008, Najib takes over as the new Prime Minister. Does he need to dissolve Parliament on 10th March 2008 seeing that we just had a general election two days earlier?

Was it Barisan Nasional or Abdullah Badawi who won the 12th General Election? Did we vote for the person or did we vote for the party? I read many comments by Malaysia Today readers that say we vote for the party, not the person. Are we against Najib or are we against Umno? If Muhyiddin Yassin replaces Najib as Prime Minister will we now vote for Umno or will we still oppose Umno?

Nevertheless, I did write a while ago that Najib is an 'illegitimate' Prime Minister in the sense that he was not voted into office but inherited the job. And I did also write that the 'window' for Najib to call for the 13th General Election was March this year. Unfortunate for Najib, this window is closing fast and the longer he waits the lesser margin for error he is allowed.

Najib's only bet is for the opposition to make many more mistakes -- or perceived mistakes. But when he and Umno/Barisan Nasional also make mistakes that would not help much. Both sides are bungling big time.

You have probably already seen the video below. Okay, what do you make of that video? I bet you only saw the dog collar and not the dog, as usual. Well, then let me help you see the dog.

What was Dr Xavier Jayakumar lamenting about? He was lamenting about the police and the military pulling out of Selangor's Merdeka celebration. In short, because Anwar Ibrahim instead of His Highness the Sultan of Selangor was the guest of honour, the police and the military boycotted the event.

So what does this mean? Hell, do I need to spell it out for you like talking to a primary school kid? What it means is simply this: is it your votes or is it the Palace, Police and Military that will decide who gets to march into Putrajaya?

Think about this one. And do a bit more thinking and less shooting off at the mouth. Ponder, people, ponder! Pull your head out of the sand for once and see things for what they really are. And you may want to read my earlier articles again, especially the one about the Istana's influence in politics.


SEE VIDEO ON YOUTUBE HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVNT5Oblbwc


Malaysians are a load of bullshit

Posted: 02 Sep 2012 10:42 PM PDT


Again, no cheong hei article, just a short post to tell you that the total collection so far over the last one week for the Nurul Izzah Anwar election fund is only RM24,145.00. ABU konon. You can't even put your money where your mouth is. Yes, let's vote for change, just as long as someone else pays for it and we don't have to do anything. ATPB: Asal tak pelu bayar.


Raja Petra Kamarudin



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