Protests reflect vibrant democracy: PM Posted: 04 Oct 2012 09:31 AM PDT
(The Sun) - The protests in recent months, namely the anti-Lynas protest and Bersih 3.0, reflect a vibrant democracy in the country, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak. He said demonstrations are not unusual and happen in other countries as well but the government has promised political transformation and is moving towards a more mature and vibrant democracy by abolishing the Internal Security Act and introducing the Peaceful Assembly Act. "It is your fundamental right to protest, we will not prevent that, but do it in a peaceful manner. I think this is healthy … When people protest, listen to them and what is it they're protesting about. Is it reasonable? If it is reasonable, address it," he said. Najib was speaking during The CNBC Conversation, a half-hour interview hosted by CNBC anchor Martin Soong as part of The CNBC Summit: Malaysia, a dialogue series that highlights the nation's current economic climate, yesterday. He said an example of a "reasonable" protest is the Lynas issue which had huge concerns about safety and the government had gone the extra mile to ensure that Gebeng, Kuantan, where the plant is being set up, is safe although "quite a bit" of the protest "was not based on facts". "We've never done as much as we've done for this Lynas issue. As the government, we are satisfied, the experts are satisfied and the markets are satisfied. We made sure Lynas is safe but unfortunately there is the other side of the democracy, we have an opposition which likes to spin it in a different way but that's democracy. I don't blame them for it because that's the name of the game," he said. He said while there are parties who may be unhappy, the government has a solid plan for transformation. "Believe in us, we have an excellent track record in terms of being able to deliver real progress and change in Malaysia. You can see it for yourself … in Malaysia, things are happening. The facts are there but we have to convince the people," he said. |
Top defence firms rank low in anti-graft measures Posted: 04 Oct 2012 09:28 AM PDT
(The Malaysian Insider) - Two top Malaysian defence companies, Boustead Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd and the Sapura Group, received low scores in the 2012 Defence Companies Anti-Corruption Index by Transparency International UK. They scored 2.94 and 13.24 respectively, out of 100. The index measured worldwide a total of 129 defence companies' vulnerability to corruption in 34 categories. For each category, two scores were given, one based on publicly available information and the other on self-reported details.  A new generation patrol vessel built by Boustead Naval Shipyard. — Picture courtesy of Boustead Naval Shipyard Boustead Naval Shipyard won a RM9 billion deal in late 2011 from the Royal Malaysian Navy (TLDM) to build and deliver six second-generation patrol vessels/littoral combat ships (LCS), due in 2017. The shipbuilder is part of a business empire owned by the Armed Forces Provident Fund (LTAT). The purchase was criticised by the opposition, especially the DAP's Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua, who asked how the price tag had jumped up from RM6 billion. DCNS S.A., the French naval defence company linked with the RM9 billion TLDM contract, scored 30.88 on the index. The Ministry of Defence (Mindef) awarded a unit of the Sapura Group a RM2 billion contract last year for Network Centric Operations (NCO). PKR vice-presidents Nurul Izzah Anwar and Chua Tian Chang have both questioned the project's lack of a roadmap. The Sapura Group has been embroiled in a family feud early this year after a legal challenge were filed in the High Court. Patriarch Tan Sri Shamsuddin Kadir is demanding that his two sons return shares and properties valued up to RM450 million. Scores were awarded in the Transparency International UK index across five sections, with marks awarded for evidence of anti-corruption in leadership, personnel, policies, training and risk management. Read more at: |
Sinar Harian tidak putar belit fakta Posted: 04 Oct 2012 09:26 AM PDT Penasihat Eksekutif Editorial Kumpulan Media Karangkraf, Datuk Abdul Jalil Ali
(Sinar Harian) - Akhbar Sinar Harian tidak akan memutar belitkan fakta, sebaliknya menyiarkan setiap laporan berdasarkan kebenaran, tanpa memihak kepada mana-mana kumpulan seiring dengan motonya, Telus dan Tulus. Penasihat Eksekutif Editorial, Datuk Abd Jalil Ali berkata, setiap berita, rencana dan gambar yang disiarkan berdasarkan sumber sahih yang diperoleh menerusi temubual secara langsung, panggilan telefon atau peristiwa di tempat kejadian. "Sejak awal penerbitan akhbar ini kira-kira lima tahun lalu, adalah menjadi prinsip kami untuk melaporkan apa sahaja berdasarkan kebenaran, bukan putar belit fakta untuk melariskan jualan," tegas beliau, semalam. Beliau mengulas dakwaan sesetengah pihak kononnya akhbar harian komuniti yang diedarkan seluruh Semenanjung itu memesongkan fakta dalam pemberitaan dengan tujuan melariskan jualan. Sementara itu dalam kes melibatkan Timbalan Presiden PKR, Azmin Ali yang dipetik sebuah portal berita bahawa Sinar Harian salah lapor, Abdul Jalil menjelaskan, temu bual itu dibuat di Parlimen dan disaksikan beberapa wartawan lain. "Apa yang kami siarkan adalah temu ramah berekod oleh wartawan dan jurugambar, tidak ada sebarang putar belit atau salah lapor. Wartawan kami boleh menunjukkan bukti apa yang dikatakan oleh YB berkenaan," katanya. Rabu lalu, Sinar Harian melaporkan pada muka depannya berita bertajuk, 'MB Baru Selepas PRU13' dengan Azmin membayangkan kemungkinan Selangor akan kehilangan Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim sebagai Menteri Besar sekiranya Pakatan Rakyat (PR) berjaya menawan Putrajaya. Dalam laporan itu, Azmin dilaporkan sebagai berkata, kemungkinan itu berdasarkan kepada faktor keupayaan Abdul Khalid memimpin Selangor sehingga menyumbang 23 peratus Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar (KDNK). Namun, keesokan harinya dalam sebuah laman portal Pengerusi PKR Selangor itu menafikan mengeluarkan kenyataan tersebut dan mendakwa kenyataannya itu disalah laporkan oleh Sinar Harian. Abdul Jalil turut menegur sikap sesetengah pihak yang sering menuduh media memutarbelitkan fakta sekiranya kenyataan asal yang dibuat menimbulkan kesan negatif setelah disiarkan dalam media. "Ini biasa terjadi, tetapi kami tidak berputus asa sebaliknya akan terus menegakkan profesionalisme kewartawanan dengan melaporkan kebenaran tanpa mengira laporan itu daripada pihak mana," katanya. |
Lebih 10 pegawai kerajaan jadi tali barut Suaram Posted: 04 Oct 2012 09:24 AM PDT Azwanddin Hamzah
(Sinar Harian) - PETALING JAYA – Pertubuhan Jaringan Melayu Malaysia (JMM) mendakwa terdapat lebih 10 pegawai kerajaan terlibat dalam komplot menjadi tali barut Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram) untuk mendedahkan maklumat melibatkan keselamatan negara. Presidennya, Azwanddin Hamzah mendakwa, pegawai kerajaan itu juga terlibat menutup maklumat Suaram menerima dana asing yang dikatakan bernilai kira-kira RM100 juta sejak 1998. Azwanddin mendakwa pegawai kerajaan itu disogok Suaram melalui dua syarikat iaitu Suara Komunikasi Enterprise dan Suara Inisiatif Sdn Bhd. "Saya dapat beberapa bukti dan ini merisaukan kerana bagaimana pegawai kerajaan ini berani menerima sogokan Suaram untuk dedah rahsia kerajaan. "Ia melibatkan beberapa kepentingan dalam kementerian dan jabatan antaranya Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN), Jabatan Perdana Menteri (JPM) dan Bank Negara," katanya pada sidang media di pejabatnya di sini, semalam. |
Suaram terima RM100 juta dana asing? Posted: 04 Oct 2012 04:40 AM PDT Azwanddin Hamzah menunjukkan sebuah dokumen mengenai Suaram pada sidang akhbar di Kota Damansara dekat Kuala Lumpur, semalam. (Utusan Malaysia) - Presiden Jaringan Melayu Malaysia (JMM), Azwanddin Hamzah hari ini mendakwa, sejumlah RM100 juta dana asing dipercayai telah dibawa masuk sepanjang operasi Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram) di negara ini. Dakwanya, transaksi dana asing termasuk dalam bentuk tunai itu dikatakan dibawa secara berperingkat daripada berjumlah AS$1,000 (RM3,056.19) sehingga AS$5,000 (RM15,280.94) sejak 1998. Beliau mendakwa, berdasarkan maklumat bekas anggota pertubuhan tidak berdaftar itu, dana tersebut dipercayai digunakan bagi membiayai kegiatan ceramah politik dan menggerakkan demonstrasi jalanan dengan motif memfitnah kerajaan serta beberapa pemimpin negara ini.
Shadow cabinet: Utusan Malaysia's frontpage boo boo Posted: 03 Oct 2012 11:33 PM PDT
ANOTHER BRICK IN THE WALL When we received an e-mail of the PKR proposed shadow cabinet, we were having tea with a friend from Utusan Malaysia. We were laughing off at the idea of Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim becoming the Prime Minister. Immediatey, we called a PAS friend to tell him that Anwar is the shadow Prime Minister and Dato Seri Hadi is Deputy Prime Minister I. Again we laughed. Thus it is unbelievable for Utusan to give frontpage coverage to Papagomo's posting. Page 3 or 4 can lah .... but not frontpage. [Read Papagomo here.] No way Anwar Both us and our PAS friend are aware that Hadi has never endorsed Anwar as Prime Minister. He only said to deal with it when we win. That explains why Mustafa Ali was upset with Azmin's men Shuhaimi for announcing this list. It is obvious to fortify the public support for Anwar to be the Prime Minister if they win. [Read Outsyed the Box here.] Hadi may not give support to Anwar if he does not give any leeway for PAS's Islamic agenda. Nik Aziz may have given support for Anwar Ibrahim but God knows where is the caveat in his statement. He could change his mind or forgot what he said or dozed off in midst of being reminded of his past support. He cannot refuse an Islamic agenda if Hadi start to assert. PAS practises tarkiyah. What is it? Go find out. One thing we are reminded of DAP's Karpal Singh press conference that blast Anwar's morality and 916 stunt. Karpal was the one who raised of Anwar's homosexuality in Parliament in 1997 before it became an issue in 2001. Karpal Singh maybe his counsel but there could be more to it. Giving support to Anwar is in contradiction to his principle on morality of a leader. He is usually uncompromisable on principle issues. Why did he change his mind? It only means DAP is merely using Anwar for gaining political mileage. Another fact is that they have mentioned of the rights of non Malays to be Prime Minister for many times. It would mean their support for Anwar is temporary. They would want to have one of their own as Prime Minister. We predict the Lims plan to make Lim Guan Eng as first Chinese Prime Minister. They will insist on being sole Deputy Prime Minister. Why then did Karpal Singh psyche Lim Guan Eng in public as Pakatan's Deputy Prime Minister in their spat? No DPM I or II or III? Only DPM! We have heard a DAP friend who said, "No way Anwar will be Prime Minister!" Meaningless Shadow Cabinet  | Labour's shadow cabinet formed in October 2010. Read UK's The Daily Mail here. | A shadow cabinet is meant to shadow the work of a particular Cabinet member to provide check and balance. To finally announce it when general election is looming, it serves no purpose but cheap political campaign. Just as we described Pakatan's Shadow Budget as meaningless, the same applies here. Why do they need three Deputy Prime Ministers? Does it mean the order of heir apparent to the Prime Minister is in that sequence of Haji Hadi, followed by Lim Kit Siang and the uncertain third from Sabah or Sarawak? All the three Deputy Prime Minister, in which two are already confirmed component party President, are powerless and without a portfolio. What is the purpose then? For a shadow cabinet, why do you need Minister for PM Department? Just put have one to correspond the specific portfolio. Imagine having one of the minister in the PM Department is a party President Some laughs  | Cabinet meeting in session? | If PKR have 20 Minister, Syed Akbar said: ... if DAP and PAS are also to have equal numbers of Ministers, the Pakatan will have a 60 member Cabinet (20 PKR, 20 DAP and 20 PAS). Assuming PAS and DAP win more seats than PKR then it could be be 20 PKR Ministers, 30 DAP Ministers and 40 PAS Ministers - a 90 member Cabinet. They can have their Cabinet meetings at the Shah Alam Stadium. The first comment on Papagomo's blog indirectly asked why the Minister from Sabah and Sarawak is limited to only Deputy Prime Minister III. If it is filled by someone from Sabah, then there is no Minister from Sarawak. Vici versa when it is filled by Sarawakian. Actually there is one Full Minister as in Sarawak's DAP State Sec Gen, Chong Chien Jen for Higher Education. Why none from Sabah?
Noticeable is the absence of Karpal Singh. One prediction of Pakatan's cabinet placed Karpal Singh as Home Minister.  | Azmin want Home Ministry for vendetta? | It is replaced with Azmin. It would certainly be convenient and handy to erase past evidences and stop investigations of police reports. Is it time for vengence? Don't tell us that Deputy President of PAS, Ahmad Sabu is left to still only do in ceramah day and day out when Pakatan rules. He would want to be a Minister too. With DAPSY Youth, Anthony Loke as full Minister for Housing and Local Authority, wouldn't it make Cocky and Arrogant Dear Leader and Secretary General, Lim Guan Eng less relevent as Penang Minister? READ MORE HERE |
Ling’s defence witness to be impeached Posted: 03 Oct 2012 11:20 PM PDT
(The Sun Daily) - The prosecution in the cheating trial of former transport minister Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik has notified the High Court that it intends to impeach a witness, who is a former minister. Lead prosecutor Datuk Tun Majid Tun Hamzah yesterday told Justice Datuk Ahmadi Asnawi that the prosecution would impeach former tourism, culture and arts minister Tan Sri Abdul Kadir Syeikh Fadzir (pic) when hearing resumes tomorrow. However, he did not offer a reason. Abdul Kadir, 74, who was the third defence witness in Ling's trial, had served as a minister from 1999 to 2006. During cross-examination, Abdul Kadir was repeatedly questioned on several documents regarding the price of the 1,000-acre Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) land in Pulau Indah, including the valuation report by the Valuation and Property Services Department (JPPH). Asked if he thought the land price of RM25 psf was inclusive of 6% interest, Abdul Kadir said it did not, based on his understanding of the report. However, during examination-in-chief by defence counsel Wong Kian Kheong, Abdul Kadir admitted that he remembered nothing of the case (the PKFZ project). "I told the police very honestly that I do not remember this case at all," he said. He also said he could not remember a cabinet note dated Oct 23, 2002, or when it was presented to the cabinet. "When this was presented, I don't remember. It was so technical and it had nothing to do with my ministry, so I didn't pay attention," he said. Abdul Kadir said he had known Ling for almost 30 years and found him to be a humble man who performed his duties with integrity. "He was a leader for the Chinese community but I was close to him because he was a true Malaysian," he added. Abdul Kadir also said he never knew of any wrongdoing by Ling throughout the time he (Ling) was minister. Ling, 69, is charged under Section 417 and 418 of the Penal Code for deceiving the cabinet by withholding details of the terms and conditions agreed between KDSB and the Port Klang Authority. Ling is charged with deliberately concealing the actual price of the land, which was valued at RM21 psf by JPPH, and for failing to reveal an interest of 7.5% per year over and above the price of the land at RM25 psf. The hearing continues. |
SMEs against Pakatan's budget promise Posted: 03 Oct 2012 06:46 PM PDT
Teh: Says PR's minimum wage promise will create new problem for Malaysia (The Malay Mail) - A group of businessmen from small and medium enterprises have objected to the Pakatan Rakyat minimum wage promise, made in its 2013 shadow budget unveiled last week. SMI Association of Malaysia president Teh Kee Sin said the opposition coalition's promise to increase the minimum wage to RM1,100 a month compared to the government's RM900 a month would adversely affect small and medium business along with the country's economy.
"This will create a new problem for the country, which is unemployment," he said at a press conference at the Parliament lobby yesterday.
Teh said that even though small and medium enterprises were not due to implement the new minimum wage scale until next year, many employees were already requesting for it.
"We are in constant engagement with the government and we have requested an extension before we are asked to implement even the current minimum wage," he said.
Two Barisan Nasional MPs — Hulu Selangor's P. Kamalanathan and Rembau's Khairy Jamaluddin — accompanied Teh and his delegation at the Parliament, and both reiterated the government's minimum wage was decided after much consultation.
"We, too, can make promises. We can promise to give a RM1,100 minimum wage. The reason we didn't do so is that we conducted a study before making a decision," said Kamalanathan.
Khairy said the businessmen's concerns were why BN MPs had been constantly calling Pakatan's promises "unrealistic".
"This is what you call brainless populism. At BN, we take care of employers and employees. If we have a minimum wage that is too high, these small businesses won't be able to stay in business," he said. |
Bersih 2.0 not involved in Pakatan rally Posted: 03 Oct 2012 06:41 PM PDT 
It will, however, support any party in favour of electoral reforms. K Pragalath, FMT Electoral reform watchdog, Bersih 2.0 today announced that it has no role in the upcoming rally organised by Pakatan Rakyat on Nov 3 at the Bukit Jalil National Stadium. "We have nothing to do with that. It is entirely organised by a political party," said Bersih 2.0 co-chairman S Ambiga at a press conference held in Kuala Lumpur Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (KLSCAH). Yesterday, PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu announced that Pakatan Rakyat is organising a rally on Nov 3 in Bukit Jalil stadium as a result of government's failure to implement electoral reforms. However Ambiga said that Bersih would support the calls for electoral reforms. "All political parties should also do (rallies) because all that we want are free and fair elections," she said. Ambiga also revealed that Bersih steering committee received an invitation to attend the rally. "Individually, we can go. We (the committee) haven't met (to discuss) on the role that Bersih should play in this rally," she said. In a related development, Ambiga, who is a former Bar Council president, also questioned whether the Election Commission (EC) has began implementing the recommendations made by the Parliamentary Select Committee on Electoral Reforms (PSC). "We'd like to know whether the EC has began implementing the recommendations," she said. The PSC had released its report on recommendations on electoral reforms in April. |
Losers galore Posted: 03 Oct 2012 06:04 PM PDT  When we talk about change or reforms that has to mean something different and something better. If we act and talk just like the Barisan Nasional or Umno people do, then what change or reforms are we talking about? We lie, we distort facts, and we practice double standards and hypocrisy. We are just the reverse side of the same coin. So what changes or reforms are we talking about? NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin Actually, it is not only comments that whack Islam that do not get published here, comments that whack you also do not get published here. Are you saying you are on the same level as this great religion Islam? And are you saying whacking you is seditious, inflammatory, malicious and racist? I have read comments in other blogs where they say that comments here that do not agree with you or whack you do not get published. (Kim) ********************************************* That was a comment by Kim. According to Kim, "I have read comments in other blogs where they say that comments here that do not agree with you or whack you do not get published." First of all, Kim did not reveal what 'other Blogs' he was referring to. This is like saying that 'I heard something' or 'some people say'. You need to be specific. Which 'other Blogs' are you talking about? If it was a pro-Umno or pro-Pakatan Blog, then I can understand why they say this. They are biased. They have a political master and their job is to serve a political master. Would you believe it when TV3 or Utusan Malaysia says that Anwar Ibrahim and Azmin Ali are immoral people and hypocrites to boot? You would allege that TV3 and Utusan Malaysia are owned by Umno and serve Umno's agenda. Therefore you cannot believe what they say. When the Umno Blogs came out with a story saying that the Deputy Chief Minister of Penang, Dr Mansor Othman, called Lim Guan Eng cocky, arrogant and tokong, you did not believe it. You said that that was a lie. And you did not believe it mainly because it was the Umno Blogs that were saying this. Whatever the Umno Blogs say cannot be believed.
Then Dr Mansor and Guan Eng held a joint-press conference so that this incident can be denied. Then you said, "There you are. That is the proof that the Umno Blogs lied." Then TV3 played a recording of Dr Mansor saying what he initially denied saying. Then you said, "So what? Dr Mansor has a right to express his opinion. What is so wrong with that?" Then you say that the person who leaked this recording should be hunted down and action must be taken against him/her. This is the same kind of kepala otak as Kim. They cannot see things beyond their own nose. They will simply talk without knowing the facts. And then, when they are caught with their pants down, they will twist and turn and say things that suit them. Secondly, what was this specific comment that was posted that I am alleged to have blocked or deleted? Can you quote that comment? Kim said, "Comments here that do not agree with you or whack you." What was that comment? I want to know what that comment said. It is so easy to make a sweeping allegation without any supporting details. When I said that the PKR lawyers are getting legal work from the Selangor government, everyone demanded proof and details. You cannot accept a sweeping allegation. You want details. So give me details. Quote me that comment that you are talking about. Be specific. I too can make such allegations. The Chinese plan to take over Malaysia. The Christians are trying to convert Muslims to Christianity. My allegation is as 'strong' as Kim's allegation if we can make sweeping allegations without proof or details. Then I gave you the details and evidence to prove that the PKR lawyers got legal work from Selangor (now, even some DAP leaders have come to to confirm this). I even published a letter to show that certain PKR people had issued instructions that legal work must be given to PKR lawyers. You demanded details and evidence. You will not believe it unless I give details and evidence. So I gave you the details and evidence. Then what do you do? You said that the amount of legal work that the PKR lawyers got was small compared to what the Umno lawyers got when BN was running Selangor. If the Umno people can do it so what if the PKR people also do it? The Umno people are worse. The PKR people are not that bad, only small time corruption -- so can be forgiven. When we say something, you say it cannot be believed unless the details and evidence can be shown. When we show you the evidence, you make a U-turn and explain why it is okay and you say that it is not considered a crime or something wrong because it is small corruption and not big corruption. What kind of people are you? You are so immoral and hypocritical. When Anwar Ibrahim and the Pakatan Rakyat leaders fly in a private jet sponsored by businessmen it is very okay. When Ali Rustam's son's wedding is sponsored by businessmen it is not okay. When Karpal Singh disagrees with Hudud it is okay. When Tunku Aziz Tunku Ibrahim disagrees with demonstrations it is not okay. Karpal Singh is just following the law so it is okay to disagree with Hudud. Tunku Aziz is also following the law but it is a bad law so it is not okay to disagree with demonstrations. So, according to Kim, "I have read comments in other blogs where they say that comments here that do not agree with you or whack you do not get published." Well, tell me which Blogs said that and what were the comments that I blocked or deleted. Until then I can only say that Kim is lying through his/her teeth. I can also say that 'Kim' is actually Tian Chua who is posting under a false name. Can I prove that? Do I need to prove that? Kim does not need to prove what he/she says either. When we talk about change or reforms that has to mean something different and something better. If we act and talk just like the Barisan Nasional or Umno people do, then what change or reforms are we talking about? We lie, we distort facts, and we practice double standards and hypocrisy. We are just the reverse side of the same coin. So what changes or reforms are we talking about? We say that Pakatan Rakyat may not be clean but they are not as bad as Barisan Nasional or Umno. We say we want freedom of expression as long as that does not include criticising the opposition. What is all this? Look at yourself in the mirror and tell me what you see. Can you see a clone of Barisan Nasional staring back at you? Do you remember this article? Cina sudah kurang ajar! Dah lupa 13 Mei ke? Well, that is unbridled freedom of expression. But from the almost 300 comments in that article you do not seem to regard that as freedom of expression. And why not? Isn't that the type of freedom of expression that you are talking about? So why get upset? Even Haris Ibrahim was very upset. And I thought he was one of the greatest defenders of freedom of expression. Are you telling me that freedom of expression has its limits? Or are you telling me that freedom of expression means the right to criticise the government but not to criticise the opposition? By the way, the total donations received by Ahli Parlimen Lambah Pantai for August was RM22,231.80 and for September was RM31,393.35.The total received for Aug-Sept was RM53,625.15. That was all. Less than RM54,000. And that reflects the level of commitment from Pakataan Rakyat people. Yes, Pakatan Rayat people talk a lot. They sure can scream. But that is all they do -- they talk and scream. But they never put their money where their mouth is. And because of that Raja Nong Chik Zainal Abidin is going to win the Lembah Pantai Parliament seat and Nurul Izzah Anwar is going to be a one-term MP. Do you know who is Raja Nong Chik's strategist? The man who is heading Raja Nong Chik's election campaign is the ex-Secretary General of PKR. Yes, that's right, that is Raja Nong Chik's head of election strategy and campaign, Datuk Salehuddin Hashim. Raja Nong Chik has plenty of money, a ministerial position, and a good campaign team headed by the ex-PKR Sec-Gen. And Nurul Izzah has a bunch of young chicos running around in circles, with RM54,000 in the bank, and many 'supporters' amongst the readers of Malaysia Today who talk a lot and are not even registered to vote in Lembah Pantai. Yes, I know, I have read the comments that said people refuse to donate to Nurul Izzah because they don't trust me. What have I got to do with this? That is not my bank account. It is Nurul Izaah's bank account. I am not contesting the election. Nurul Izzah is. I am just the messenger boy. So you don't trust me. So what? Where is the logic in not donating to Nurul Izzah because you do not trust me? I do not get the logic in that. The bottom line is many of you are just hot air, a load of bullshit, and you are trying to 'explain' the poor figure that Nurul Izzah collected by trying to shift the blame to me. That is the level of intelligence of Pakatan Rakyat supporters. And because of that Barisan Nasional is going to win the coming general election. And on the morning after Polling Day I am going to write an article that is going to say, "Ha…ha...ha…I told you so." What a bunch of bloody losers! |
PKR claims S’gor rejected petrochemical plant Posted: 03 Oct 2012 04:06 PM PDT 
Chua Jui Meng clams that the same Taiwanese petrochemical firms approached the Selangor government last year before to build the plant in Pulau Indah. Laven Woon, FMT The Selangor government had once rejected proposals by Taiwanese investors to set up a petrochemical plant in the state before the latter turned to Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak to build the plant in Pengerang, Johor. At a press conference here today, PKR Johor chairman Chua Jui Meng claimed that Taiwan state-owned oil refiner China Petroleum Corporation and Chemical Corp (CPC) and its subsidiary Kuokuang Petrochemical Co (Kuokuang) had approached the Selangor government through its representative company Everwish Sdn Bhd last year. He said the multi-billion investors had proposed to build the petrochemical complex in Pulau Indah, an island off the west coast of Selangor, with total investments worth billions of ringgit. "But after a detailed study done on the project, all agencies in Selangor opted against the project, and the Selangor menteri besar rejected their proposal in February 2011," he said. Despite the absence of documentary evidence, Chua claimed that Selangor's rejection was due to severe ecological and environmental impact the project would pose to the area. He said the menteri besar's decision was consistent with the one of Taiwan president Ma Ying-Jeou, who had turned down CPC and Kuokuang's proposal due to public protests in that country. He said the two companies then turned to Petronas and Johor Menter Besar Abdul Ghani Othman for the project to be sited in Pengerang, which the latter welcomed with open arms. "On May 13, 2011, within such a short span, their proposal was accepted by Najib and Ghani without considering the Environmental Impact Assessment reports done in Taiwan and Selangor. "And Najib shows how grateful he is by giving a 10-year tax holiday to the companies," he said. Chua also criticised Najib and Ghani for "grabbing what Taiwan and Selangor rejected" and added that "Johor was chosen as a dumping ground". However, a check by FMT found that Najib only announced on May 13 this year that an undisclosed Taiwan-based petrochemicals firm has agreed to invest RM35 billion to build a new integrated complex in Pengerang. Meanwhile, Selangor exco for investment, industry and trade Teresa Kok confirmed that the Taiwanese companies did approach the state government. However, she said it was the two companies which did not pursue the proposals. "We did have some concerns internally on the environmental impacts it might pose, because our Selangor Halal Food Hub is situated there. But it was more like the two companies who did not follow up," she added. |
Is Malaysiakini in mischief mode? Posted: 03 Oct 2012 02:34 PM PDT
SPIN AND DEFLECTION: The core issues of Soros' involvement in regime change and puppet governments ignored Shamsul Akmar, NST IT is quite telling that Malaysiakini, whose credibility is being questioned following accusations of being foreign-funded and a foreign tool to cause mischief to the nation, is turning to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad to "absolve" itself. Having vilified Dr Mahathir throughout almost its entire existence, Malaysiakini is using a letter written by Dr Mahathir to billionaire financier George Soros, to indirectly justify its acceptance of the latter's funding. Malaysiakini used the letter written by Dr Mahathir to Soros in early 2006 as the basis of the article, which can be basically summed up into five main thrusts: IT was Dr Mahathir who offered Soros the olive branch after the former had, during the 1997/98 financial crises, accused the latter of wreaking havoc on Asian nations as a rogue currency speculator; DR Mahathir asked Soros to join him in a Global Peace Forum "criminalising war" campaign; DR Mahathir assured Soros that his participation in the Forum would not affect his other concerns; DR Mahathir met Soros in Kuala Lumpur 11 months later and they buried the hatchet when the former said he accepted that Soros was not involved in the devaluation of Malaysia's currency; and, DR Mahathir dug up the hatchet when he recently said Soros was seeking regime change in Malaysia. Peace offering From the very start, it was clear that Malaysiakini was working on a spin -- this is obvious in its contention "the 2006 letter which Malaysiakini has a copy, indicates that it was Dr Mahathir who first approached Soros with an olive branch in hand". How can it be construed that Dr Mahathir was the first to offer the olive branch when Soros, in a Jan 7, 2006 interview with a mainstream Malaysian publication, the New Straits Times, reportedly said he agreed with the measures Dr Mahathir had taken to deal with the regional financial crisis of 1997/98? In retrospect, in 1997/98, Dr Mahathir had blamed Soros and other rogue currency speculators for causing the regional crisis, and having ascertained how they had committed their malfeasance, Dr Mahathir came up with a remedy that defied conventional monetary policies, especially those propagated by the International Monetary Fund. In other words, Dr Mahathir would only have been able to come up with the remedy after determining the cause and the remedy could only work if the cause or illness had been diagnosed correctly. If Soros said that he agreed with the measures Dr Mahathir had taken, then it meant Dr Mahathir's diagnosis that the crisis was caused by currency speculators had to be correct. As such, none other than Soros, a well-known speculator himself, vindicated Dr Mahathir, who was described as a heretic when he blamed the speculators for the currency crisis. And such a concession, by any standard, is a giant olive branch offered by Soros to Dr Mahathir and this prompted Dr Mahathir to write the Jan 11, 2006 letter. The next point is about Dr Mahathir asking Soros to join him in the Global Peace Forum which is a platform that seeks to criminalise war. Again, it is obvious that the invitation was made on the premise that Dr Mahathir believed Soros shared his views about war and his campaign against George W. Bush, one of the leading perpetrators of the Iraq invasion and war crimes. As Dr Mahathir pointed out in his letter that "whatever may be the differences between us, we seem to have identical views on war i.e. on killing people in the pursuit of a national agenda", he obviously believed that Soros was against war as an option in settling international conflicts. In other words, Dr Mahathir was very aware of other things that Soros does which he may disagree with but they held a common view about war and believed they should work together on it. The invitation to Soros via the letter did not come with a request for funding or any financial assistance. Malaysiakini also picked on the part of Dr Mahathir's letter where he said: "I am aware of your other concerns -- about democracy etc. But this anti-war campaign for the ultimate human right will not be in conflict with any other rights that you may espouse. So I hope you will join". Malaysiakini's description of the remarks as Dr Mahathir taking great pains to reassure Soros is an exaggeration, as what Dr Mahathir had done was merely to say that if Soros were to join the Forum, the objectives would be consistent with whatever other human rights activities Soros was involved. Beyond the letter, Malaysiakini highlighted the meeting between the two in Kuala Lumpur 11 months after the letter was written, describing it as an event "where the two foes buried the hatchet" following which Dr Mahathir said he accepted that Soros was not involved in the devaluation of Malaysia's currency. It should have ended at that, regardless of whether Dr Mahathir truly believed that Soros was involved in the currency speculation or not or he was merely being polite. Furthermore, what Dr Mahathir said was that he accepted that Soros was not involved based on what Soros had told him during the meeting. However, the currency speculation issue and Dr Mahathir's recent accusations of Soros' involvement in wanting to see regime change in Malaysia are two separate things. Why spin Dr Mahathir's letter? But why did Malaysiakini go to great lengths to reproduce much of Dr Mahathir's letter to Soros and attempt the spin? It was obvious the whole article was written to fulfil three aspects: SOROS is not a rogue or a villain as portrayed because Dr Mahathir himself had asked the former to join the Global Peace Forum; THAT being the case, if it is alright for Dr Mahathir to want Soros to work with his Malaysia-based Global Peace Forum surely there is nothing wrong with Malaysiakini receiving funds from Soros or his organisations; and IF the above two aspects are insufficient to vindicate Malaysiakini and exonerate Soros, the third approach is to expose Dr Mahathir as being contradictory and inconsistent when it comes to Soros. As such any of Dr Mahathir's contentions, including the recent accusations that Soros was pushing for regime change in Malaysia, should be ignored. But underpinning all these is one particular objective -- Malaysiakini is trying to tell its readers and supporters that there is nothing wrong with receiving funds from Soros because Dr Mahathir too had asked for his help. So instead of coming out to defend Soros, Malaysiakini used Dr Mahathir to absolve itself and to a large degree Soros, too. The issues of whether Soros is truly pushing for regime change and whether Malaysiakini should explain itself for receiving funds from Soros are conveniently ignored. And Malaysiakini has also conveniently ignored reports of Soros' sinister involvements in setting up numerous puppet governments and regimes.
Dong Zong gets a lashing Posted: 03 Oct 2012 02:24 PM PDT
(The Star) - A BLOGGER has called supporters of the United Chinese School Committees Association of Malaysia (Dong Zong) "racists" who will ultimately "destroy our Chinese culture". A copy of the posting was carried by The Mole online portal. In his blog post on Monday, Shen Yee Aun said he disagreed with Dong Zong on several issues, namely the organisation's preference for Chinese teachers. Shen questioned the need for Dong Zong to ask for more teachers, saying that "those who are not qualified and do not have the quality would destroy our Chinese education and language even further". He also said a true Chinese education fighter would have agreed to "open up the teaching posts at Chinese schools to all races and not restrict them to certain races". "Dong Zong's narrow-minded views would result in the Malaysian Chinese community being left behind economically, politically and socially," he added. Shen was quoted as saying that Dong Zong is being racially-motivated in its aims for Chinese education. This is because it had restricted other races from learning the Chinese language but "the Malays encourage our Malaysian Chinese to learn their own language". Shen also cited that Dong Zong was always critical of Barisan Nasional, especially MCA, more than against Pakatan Rakyat. "Pakatan has not given a single sen, promise, policy, manifesto, demands, schools and basically nothing for the Chinese community and Chinese education, so why is Dong Zong questioning Barisan's sincerity?" he asked. Shen reminded Dong Zong that during the Budget 2013 announcement, the Government had allocated RM100mil to the country's Chinese schools compared with Pakatan, whom he claimed had given nothing. Shen said he went to a national school during his school years, saying that Chinese groups who refuse to mingle with the other races in the country would "sooner or later find themselves living in their own world, separate from the rest of the society". He faulted these groups for pushing some segments of the Malays to label the Chinese as racists. Shen advised the groups to open up their hearts and minds to the other races. "Treat them like how you treat your own race. They will treat you as part of their community even though you are born a Chinese," he added. |
PKR deputy president Azmin Ali's call for new Selangor MB rocks Pakatan’s boat Posted: 03 Oct 2012 02:18 PM PDT
(The Star) - PKR deputy president Azmin Ali's statement calling for a new Mentri Besar should Pakatan Rakyat retain Selangor in the general election is threatening to cause cracks within the party. Calling the statement a "result of hubris" in light of Azmin's hope for electoral victory, party vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar said this was merely "just an opinion". "I believe in his exuberance and hubris for electoral victory, voicing his personal opinion on all possibilities of leadership is just that - his personal opinion," she said. Nurul Izzah, who is the daughter of Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, was responding to a statement by Azmin in a Malay daily which implied that Pakatan would appoint a new Mentri Besar should it retain Selangor in the polls. The Lembah Pantai MP said it would have been more prudent for Azmin to first bring up his opinion with all the stakeholders. Faekah Husin, who is Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim's political secretary, expressed her disappointment that both PKR and Azmin had not discussed the matter first with their office. "The law states that the Sultan has the final say on who the MB is although the party can put forward its candidate. PKR has never discussed this with us on the potential line-up or who will be MB," she said. However, PKR vice-president N. Surendran defended Azmin, saying that Khalid should look at the statement "as a compliment". "Those who claim this to be an insult to the Sultan don't understand Parliamentary democracy and the position of a monarch within it," he claimed. Fellow vice-president Tian Chua said Faekah was "not supposed to be commenting on political issues". In SHAH ALAM, Khalid said Azmin's statement was merely his "personal opinion and did not represent Pakatan as a whole". "Decisions on who is to be fielded, where and why will only be announced if necessary," he said, adding that a special state assembly meeting would be called soon to discuss three main issues, including a White Paper report on Talam debt recovery exercise. PAS secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali said such matters had never been discussed at Pakatan's leadership council meetings. "Leaders should stop making statements based on personal views because decisions should be collectively made by the top leadership," he said. Mustafa also blasted Selangor PKR information chief Shuhaimi Shafiei for saying that 20 PKR leaders would be appointed to the Cabinet should Pakatan attain power. "Announcements should not be based on personal views as they will only confuse the public," he stressed. |
Minister defends ex-Chief Secretary’s son-in-law over solar deal Posted: 03 Oct 2012 02:07 PM PDT
Ida Lim, The Malaysian Insider A minister today defended the lucrative solar power contracts by companies linked to Todd Morath, the son-in-law of the former Chief Secretary to the Government, saying that the deals were awarded through a "fair bidding process". In July, the DAP's Tony Pua and PKR's Nurul Izzah Anwar had pointed out that Morath, his wife Suzi Suliana Mohd Sidek, and two business partners control 12 out of 32 companies that had won the "lion's share" or 32.4 per cent of the nation's solar energy quota. Suzi's father, Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan, was appointed the new Petronas chairman after his retirement in June from his post as Chief Secretary to the Government. "But I want to underline the companies owned by Mr Todd, he used the method of bidding online, not he wants to see me, (not) me who gave him... he did online bidding like other people and other companies," Datuk Seri Peter Chin, the minister of energy, green technology and water, said in Parliament. "Because of that, how can I blame him because he is the son-in-law of the former KSN (Chief Secretary)? Cannot," the Miri MP said. "This is a fair bidding process, because it's fair, he won, he got it. I didn't interfere. CEO of SEDA (Sustainable Energy Development Authority) didn't interfere," he said. "Don't accuse with facts that are not true..." he added. Chin was replying to a supplementary question by Fuziah Salleh (PKR-Kuantan) during Question Time in Parliament. READ MORE HERE |
Power of student activism Posted: 03 Oct 2012 01:59 PM PDT 
It is fair to say that the students can be the spark for a broader struggle ahead. By Khoo Ying Hooi, FMT
Given the current dynamic atmosphere of Malaysian politics, campus elections in the public universities are steadily gaining attention. Last year, a Pro-Mahasiswa (Pro-M) candidate Masturah Abu Bakar from Universiti Malaya was allegedly kidnapped during the campus elections. (Pro-M is widely regarded as an anti-establishment party as opposed to the pro-government Pro-Aspirasi.) This time, Pro-M student leaders claimed that they received intimidation and death threats while UM Pro-M national chairman Edikoup Lakip Sediyantoa claimed that he was assaulted by unknown assailants. With the rise of the new generation, voices of dissent are shaking the foundations of the old order around the globe. When it comes to campus polls, the question always arises: should students be kept away from politics or should they be allowed to take an active part in politics? Historically, the 1960s saw student activism and discontent erupt all over the world and were seen as a significant force for social change. Student movements have played a crucial role in many major social and political transformations. Clearly, students around the world have been part of various movements to promote democracy and human rights. Their role is indeed crucial as they are the backbone of society. Nowadays, students are often asked to reflect on the future challenges of their society. So, if they are not taught in the way they should, the future of society will be in danger. Interest in politics as an academic subject in Malaysia is certainly increasing and it is undeniable that the university serves as one of the places to nurture political ambitions. Looking at the development of student activism in the country, are our students nowadays like their counterparts in the 1960s? The student activism in the 1960s was so influential that it not only changed the political climate, it also paved the way for the rise of the current generation of students. Student activism elsewhere It is important to look at the famous national student organisation, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). The SDS was founded in 1960 at the University of Michigan by a group of students and youths intending to search for an alternative path to Cold War politics. It was the largest and most influential student organisation in the US during the 1960s. READ MORE HERE |
Second break-in at Aliran office Posted: 03 Oct 2012 01:56 PM PDT After the second break-in – the window that was forced open P. Ramakrishnan Exactly 18 days after the first break-in at the Aliran office, the thieves struck again for the second time. They removed the same grille, forced open the same window and entered the same room. That was as far as they went. On the first occasion, they had gained access to the rest of the building from this room but this time we had reinforced security and thus they were unable to move farther inside the building. We discovered this break-in on the morning of Sept 29, 2011. They must have struck in the early hours because we were in the office until midnight the previous day trying to wrap up Aliran Monthly. Following the first break-in some people commented whether those who committed the break-in were really petty thieves or something else. They had reason to doubt because these so-called thieves were only interested in the computers used by the past president, the current president and the serving treasurer. They were not interested in the two other computers, a printer and some petty cash in the drawer that were also there for the picking. Now the same people are wondering if the second break in was meant to convey the impression that it must be the work of petty thieves – nothing sinister or ominous about the first theft. All that we can say is, "We don't know!" We do not wish to speculate or insinuate. That would not be right. Most people are of the opinion that making police reports does not curtail crime or reduce their frequency. While we admit that the police cannot solve every crime reported, what is more disturbing is that criminals seem to realise this as well, and this only emboldens them. Is this why they came back a second time in the knowledge that they would have their day and go scot-free? The writer is immediate past president, and now serves as an executive committee member |
Where are the Malaysian universities in Times Higher Education 2012-2013 rankings? Posted: 03 Oct 2012 01:52 PM PDT |
MACC must investigate the wedding Posted: 03 Oct 2012 01:51 PM PDT 
As chief minister, Mohd Ali has no business accepting favours from businesses. Chua Jui Meng Malacca Chief Minister Mohd Ali Rustam's special secretary MS Mahadevan told the Star yesterday that "many of the caterers and other businesses provided their services for free" at the CM's son's wedding. Isn't that corruption? As chief minister, Mohd Ali has no business accepting favours from businesses. Why don't those businesses also offer free services to others, the layman? So, how is Ali going to respond to the "business donors" when they ask for contracts? In the first place, it is unethical for anyone holding high public office to accept "free" favours. Even hampers have to be declared in corporate organisations that observe strict ethics. I now wish to refer to two newspaper reports on the mega wedding, so dubbed because a record 130,000 people attended the reception: The Star: Malacca Chief Minister Mohd Ali Rustam's special secretary MS Mahadevan said: "… 500 people had volunteered while many of the caterers and other businesses provided their services for free." Malay Mail: On whether he had sponsors, he (Ali) said companies had advertised their products in the wedding souvenir book. "As advertisers, they have to pay the advertisement cost by giving away products, such as 50,000 cans of Kacip Fatimah drinks … citing Mamee Sdn Bhd and Orang Kampung Drinks Sdn Bhd as among the companies that advertised." There appears to be some interesting points raised in the statements issued by Mahadevan and Ali with regards to organising the RM600,000 wedding reception. The RM600,000 bill, as claimed by both, is also generally being disputed by many Malaysians because that would work out to less than RM5 per pax for 130,000 diners. Would there be enough food? Do you hear complaints of food shortage at the eight-hour wedding reception? Whether the bill is RM600,000, RM1.3 million or RM13 million is another matter. Ali's blatant acceptance of favours for his son's wedding is most unethical, akin to admitting receiving bribes. Unless Ali now wants Mahadevan to take the rap and admit that his statement, issued on behalf of the CM's office, was erroneous or misquoted. This is the same man who was punished by his party, Umno, for using money politics to win political support. Chua Jui Meng is PKR vice-president and Johor PKR chairman. He is a former MCA vice president and ex-health minister. |
RM6.7m for a KR1M store? Posted: 03 Oct 2012 01:47 PM PDT 
Under Budget 2013, the allocation to set up a 1Malaysia grocery store in Sabah and Sarawak will cost RM6.7 million. Athi Shankar, FMT Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng is curious on why it costs RM6.7 million to set up a 1Malaysia grocery store (KR1M) in Sabah and Sarawak when it only costs RM470,000 per store in the Peninsular. Last year, he recalled that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak set aside RM40 million to set up 85 KR1Ms, or RM470,000 per store, across the Peninsular. But Budget 2013, he noted had allocated RM386 million to set up 57 KR1Ms, or RM6.7 million per store, in Sabah and Sarawak. "It's 15 times costlier," said the DAP secretary-general. He called on Barisan Nasional federal government to justify the RM6.7 million spending to set up a KR1M just to sell basic necessities like sugar, rice and salt. "Or are the KR1Ms also selling luxury goods like designer handbags, gold and diamond jewellery?" he asked in a blog posting. The KR1M stores are run by Mydin Wholesale Hypermarket. The Bagan MP claimed that the allocation would benefit those awarded contracts to operate the stores and drive local retailers in Sabah and Sarawak out of business. Power tariffs The Pakatan Rakyat leader also criticised Budget 2013′s failure to announce the inevitable increase of electricity tariffs. He said it proved again BN's 3Ds record of deficits, debts and deception compared with Pakatan state government's 3S achievement of surplus, sustainable debt reduction and stern action against corruption. He said the budget was clearly an exercise in deception as Energy, Green Technology and Water Minister Peter Chin Fah Kui admitted that a future tariff increase was inevitable due to growing international fuel price. In an interview with a vernacular newspaper, Peter Chin did not reveal the time and quantum of the electricity tariff hike. But he pointed out that higher electricity prices would encourage the public to save energy and switch to products with green technology. Lim reproached Peter Chin's admission as "shocking", asking on why then this was not announced in the budget tabled by Najib on Sept 28. "Any responsible government would have included it in the budget," he said. Continuing deficit 
He said BN's budget of RM252 billion cannot mask a persistent record of deficits for the 16th year estimated at RM40 billion. He recalled that the last time the country had a budget surplus was in 1997 when Anwar Ibrahim was still the Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister. READ MORE HERE |