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- Hakim rayuan kes Fitnah II disebut dalam video VK Lingam
- Litany of complaints at government hospitals
- Pelakon Lelaki Berpakaian Wanita Diambil Tindakan Tegas
- Canteen In Changing Room , FACTS That You Should Know
- Kereta: Bermegah atau keperluan?
- JAWI sets sights on dropped beauties
- Muhyiddin: Probe school with makeshift canteen in changing room
- Claiming intimidation, man wants to nullify mediation over lawsuit against Ahmad Zahid
- Of halal pork, minions and toilet meals
- Appeals court upholds jail sentence on blogger
- The law is an ass
- Mahkamah P’raya tolak 5 petisyen di Kelantan
- RM476 juta ditabur di Kuala Besut
- The Sultan’s Menteri Besar
- Sekolah Seri Puteri Bags Gold At The Australian International Music Festival
- School In Hot Water For Allegedly Making Students Eat In 'Bathroom'
- Rafizi slams critics, shields his viewpoints on TITAS
- Kuala Besut by-election is pointing towards a blue wave
- ‘We give projects to cronies to stay in power’
- High income nation soon? Let’s get real
- ‘Even in ’63, we were Umno’s fixed deposits’
- Higher fuel costs from 2014 for consumers?
- Follow Kedah by gazetting anti-shia fatwa
- ‘Maybank lost billions in BII acquisition’
Hakim rayuan kes Fitnah II disebut dalam video VK Lingam Posted: 23 Jul 2013 11:38 AM PDT
(Keadilan Daily) - Seorang daripada tiga panel hakim rayuan kerajaan terhadap keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur yang melepas dan membebaskan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim Fitnah II ialah Datuk Ramly Mohd Ali. Ramly adalah hakim yang membenarkan permohonan rayuan Datuk Zambry Kadir terhadap keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi berhubung status Menteri Besar Perak. Nama Ramly juga pernah disebut dalam rakaman video Hakim VK Lingam yang mencetuskan kontroversi pada 2007. "Ada kemungkinan dia (Ramly) dilantik untuk memastikan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim kalah, " kata ahli parlimen Batu, Tian Chua. Selain Ramly, dua lagi hakim Mahkamah Rayuan Putrajaya terdiri daripada Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat dan Mohd Zawawi Salleh.
Dalam perbicaraan tersebut, BN diwakili Shafee dan penasihat undang-undang Umno, Datuk Hafarizam Harun. "Pelik apabila kerajaan tidak melantik mana-mana DPP (Timbalan Pendakwaraya) dari pejabat Peguam Negara," katanya. Justeru kata Tian, Shafee berpotensi tidak meletakkan posisinya sebagai ketua pendakwa dengan tujuan menegakkan keadilan berikutan sikapnya yang prejudis terhadap Pakatan Rakyat dan Anwar. "Shafee berkata dengan angkuh; dalam satu atau dua jam, dia boleh seksa Anwar. "Jelas ada unsur campur tangan politik dalam kes rayuan ini. Seolah ada niat untuk melanjutkan konspirasi," kata Tian. |
Litany of complaints at government hospitals Posted: 23 Jul 2013 10:59 AM PDT
(The Sun Daily) - Pinang Tunggal assemblyman Datuk Roslan Saidin today lined up three examples of Malay patients who were allegedly refused treatment by Chinese doctors but none of them could substantiate his claims. The press conference called by him ended up with them alleging they were called names, scolded, misdiagnosed and allegedly refused treatment but not one of the patients identified the doctors as being Chinese. Roslan had claimed in the state assembly recently of instances where Chinese doctors had refused to treat Malay patients. Shahidah Saad, 27, told reporters that she had experienced severe pain in her right leg and sought treatment at the Seberang Jaya Hospital on May 28. She said she believed that the metal plates, inserted after an accident in November 2012, needed to be fixed but added that she was shocked when the doctor told her to wait for three weeks for her treatment. "How can I wait for three weeks? I was in terrible pain and as a single mother I have to take care of my child," she said. The jobless mother said she sought Roslan's help to get the operation done, and is now pain-free and using a walking stick to move around. Hamid Salleh, 66, alleged that a doctor at the Kepala Batas Hospital in June had called him a pigfor not taking his medicine even though he had run out of supply. "I could have punched him but I restrained myself," said Hamid, who suffers from heart disease, hypertension and a thyroid condition. Norzawani Zakaria, 28, said she had complained of nausea and dizziness when pregnant but was told that it was normal by a female doctor at the Kepala Batas Hospital on May 29. She sought a second opinion at a private hospital which referred her back to Kepala Batas, and was only warded at the critical care unit for an eye condition after seeing three doctors there. In an immediate response, State Health Committee chairman Dr Afif Bahardin thanked Roslan for finally lodging a report on the matter. "I urge the Health Ministry and the Malaysian Medical Council to expedite the investigation into this matter," he said in a statement, adding that action should be taken if the allegations proved to be true. |
Pelakon Lelaki Berpakaian Wanita Diambil Tindakan Tegas Posted: 23 Jul 2013 10:47 AM PDT
(Bernama) - Anggota Dewan Negara Senator Rohani Abdullah berkata, meskipun hanya lakonan, perbuatan memakai pakaian dan menyerupai wanita itu jelas haram di sisi Islam. Kerajaan khususnya pihak berkuasa agama dan Kementerian Komunikasi dan Multimedia digesa mengambil tindakan terhadap pelakon lelaki berpakaian wanita di stesen televisyen berbayar yang dilihat mendorong kebebasan amalan lesbian, gay, biseksual dan transgender (LGBT). Ketika membuat gesaan itu, Anggota Dewan Negara Senator Rohani Abdullah berkata, meskipun hanya lakonan, perbuatan memakai pakaian dan menyerupai wanita itu jelas haram di sisi Islam. "Pihak berkuasa agama memang ada bertindak kepada golongan lelaki berpakaian wanita yang berlagak seperti pondan dan sebagainya tetapi masih tiada tindakan tegas dikenakan terhadap pelakon. "Tindakan pihak berkuasa agama hanya terbatas kepada beberapa orang sahaja tetapi perlu diketahui stesen televisyen berbayar ini ditonton ramai orang," katanya ketika membahaskan titah ucapan Yang di-Pertuan Agong pada persidangan Dewan Negara di sini, hari ini. Beliau turut menggesa kerajaan membendung ajaran Syiah yang dikatakan semakin berleluasa di negara ini. |
Canteen In Changing Room , FACTS That You Should Know Posted: 23 Jul 2013 10:37 AM PDT
There is always other side of the coin. Y1M Checkmate I had a bad experience of not being allowed to explain on my side when there was once an issue arise. Since then , I always start to see things from different perspective prior judging something. With all fairness , I would like to share some info about the school, SK Pristana which came under fire by many Netizen today.
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Kereta: Bermegah atau keperluan? Posted: 23 Jul 2013 10:33 AM PDT
Mereka sering menyebut kereta sebagai keperluan sedangkan hakikat sebenar adalah "keperluan" untuk bermegah atau tidak merasa rendah. Zulhabri Supian, The Malay Mail "A developed country is not a place where the poor have cars, it's where the rich use public transportation." — Enrique Penalosa, bekas Datuk Bandar Bogota, Colombia. Pada 2012, Jabatan Statistik melalui Laporan Kajiselidik Pendapatan dan Kemudahan Isi Rumah 2009 ada menyiarkan butiran pendapatan isi rumah dan bebanan isi rumah dan hasilnya cukup memprihatinkan. Beberapa fakta penting dari laporan tersebut yang saya kutip daripada kenyataan akhbar Parti Keadilan Rakyat bertarikh 24 Julai 2012 adalah seperti berikut; 1. 53 peratus dari keseluruhan isi rumah di Malaysia hanya berpendapatan RM3,000 ke bawah sebulan; 2. 71.9 peratus dari keseluruhan isi rumah di Malaysia mempunyai atau menggunakan kereta; 3. Jumlah hutang kereta persendirian adalah hutang kedua terbesar selepas hutang rumah kediaman, berjumlah RM134.2 bilion pada akhir Mei 2012; dan 4. Jumlah hutang kereta persendirian telah meningkat sebanyak RM16 bilion atau 14 peratus dalam tempoh 18 bulan, berbanding RM118 bilion pada November 2010. Senario ini memperlihatkan hutang kereta adalah salah satu beban hutang utama rakyat. Maka dalam pilihan raya umum (PRU) lalu, Pakatan Rakyat (PR) hadir menawarkan penurunan harga kereta untuk mengurangkan beban hutang rakyat dalam manifestonya. Malangnya PR gagal memperoleh mandat. Berbicara tentang harga kereta di Malaysia, saya tidak terlalu peduli kerana tidak memerlukannya. Maka soal sama ada harga kereta di Malaysia tinggi berbanding negara lain bagi saya soal kedua. Soal utama adakah perlu isi rumah (juga mereka yang muda dan baru bekerja) yang hanya berpendapatan RM3,000 ke bawah sebulan memiliki kereta? Jawapan saya terhadap soalan tersebut adalah tidak, tetapi ya untuk mereka yang benar-benar memerlukan seperti salesman, peniaga pasar malam dan yang sepertinya. Juga ya untuk mereka yang tidak merengek sekiranya harga minyak naik, kos penyelenggaraan naik, kadar tol naik dan naik-naik yang lain. Read more at: |
JAWI sets sights on dropped beauties Posted: 23 Jul 2013 10:25 AM PDT
(MM) - "However, after the organisers disqualified us, what else can I say. I am so disappointed and saddened," the 19 year old was quoted as saying. It now appears that it was statements of such nature, rather than their participation in the pageant, that has landed the four in JAWI's bad books. The four Muslim contestants dropped from Miss Malaysia World 2013 are now the subject of a Federal Territory Islamic Affairs Department (JAWI) probe for allegedly insulting Islam. Its director, Datuk Che Mat Che Ali, said the investigation would be carried out based on Section 7 of the Syariah Criminal Offences (Federal Territories) Act 1997. "As a religious enforcement agency, JAWI will conduct further investigation if there is sufficient evidence and testimony," Che Mat was quoted as saying by national news agency Bernama. "The prosecution will be carried out against those involved in the Syariah Court," he added. The four were dropped from the pageant during the weekend after JAWI spoke out against their presence in the contest. According to Federal Territories Mufti Datuk Wan Zahidi Wan Teh previously, a fatwa (edict) prohibiting Muslim women from joining beauty pageants was issued and gazetted under the Federal Territories Islamic Administration Act in February 1996. One of the contestants, Wafa Johanna de Korte, who told the Mingguan Malaysia newspaper that the decision to drop them was unnecessary as other Muslim countries like Indonesia allows Muslim women to participate in pageants. "In the beginning, the other Muslim contestants and I were happy that we were picked as finalists because we could represent our country in this prestigious event. Read more at: |
Muhyiddin: Probe school with makeshift canteen in changing room Posted: 23 Jul 2013 04:06 AM PDT
Muhyiddin calls for action to be taken against those responsible (The Star) - Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin wants action to be taken against those responsible for forcing non-Muslim pupils to eat in the changing room at a school in Sungai Buloh. "I have instructed the director-general of the Education Ministry to investigate the issue of non-Muslim pupils who are asked to eat in a toilet (tandas)," wrote Muhyiddin, who is Education Minister, in his Twitter account.
Claiming intimidation, man wants to nullify mediation over lawsuit against Ahmad Zahid Posted: 22 Jul 2013 10:01 PM PDT
(TMI) - Datuk Seri Ahmad Zaid Hamidi's legal woes are set to continue after businessman Amir Bazli Abdullah made it known that he will nullify the mediation exercise last week which saw his assault suit against the Home minister withdrawn. Amir Bazli's counsel Karpal Singh told The Malaysian Insider that his client was not satisfied with the way the proceedings were conducted at the Shah Alam court court complex last week. "He felt intimidated," said Karpal. "Ahmad Zahid did not come to the court on that day as an ordinary litigant but as a minister. "He was escorted by police outriders and was accompanied by security personnel and about 30 supporters. All these were elements of intimidation," he said. Karpal said that based on this, they have now decided to cancel whatever transpired between Amir Bazli and Ahmad Zahid in the presence of the mediator. Mediator Rohani Ismail, who is a Sessions judge, conducted the mediation exercise for about 90 minutes without the presence of lawyers. It was reported that after the mediation, Amir Bazli withdrew his assault suit while Ahmad Zahid revoked his countersuit. |
Of halal pork, minions and toilet meals Posted: 22 Jul 2013 09:54 PM PDT
Every single issue in this country today is somehow associated with a persons race or religion. When did we become this shallow? Why is a capable individual by law, blessed with the ability to act and understand the nature and consequence of his act now the sole representative of his background? The Nuanced Philosopher There you go Malaysia, your weekly dose of social media sensation to quench the thirst of all the closet racists, pseudo-neutrals and "holier than thou army" is here. I know many of you will be jumping on the whole freedom of speech argument but woe betide us all for the day this right was inherited, we've had to put up with more garbage than commentaries of actual importance. In fact, feel free to discard this article as one of the many others that will come pouring in light of the recent issue involving the non-muslim students of SK Sri Pistana having to eat their meals in the toilet because its significance remains firmly in the sensationalism of the news. Now, I am not going to go into details for much remains unclear, however, what remains clear is that every single issue in this country today is somehow associated with a persons race or religion. When did we become this shallow? Why is a capable individual by law, blessed with the ability to act and understand the nature and consequence of his act now the sole representative of his background? At every instance, one reads "kafir tiada hak", "melayu/islam -insert foul word-", cina this, melayu that, India…, well we don't really matter till elections but hey, free bag of rice for everybody! I honestly no longer remember growing up in this country, my country, for the people were different then. They were more forgiving and less judgmental. They were more loving and less hateful. I stand proud knowing that I have genuine friends from all walks of life and varying races and that the bond we cherish goes beyond that of colour and religion. I wonder then if our children and leaders of the future will be as lucky, to simply be able to play a game of football without looking at the other as Cina or Melayu but as a friend and a fellow Malaysian. The fundamental problem with this generation or rather my generation is the fact that we often look to our forefathers and predecessors in identifying where it went wrong and what they should have done better. However, the truth is, our parents raised us pretty much alright and our forefathers were the ones who agreed to a consensus of racial harmony thus achieving independence. Then, who is to be blamed? The answer is simple really, look in the mirror. Yes, you, you who claim to be a Malaysian first but fail to look out or care for another race and especially you, who leads the cry for justice and equality for all but refuse to shoulder the burden and effort required to see it through. In the past month alone, we've seen two idiotic Malaysians post a Ramadan greeting with pork and a halal logo, another exceptionally rude Malaysian customer having a go at an employee for shortage of a toy minion and now we find ourselves getting all worked up because a Malaysian headmaster void of common sense decided to put the non-muslim students in the toilet for mealtime for hitherto reasons unknown. Now, re-read the paragraph again and note that the perpetrators were MALAYSIANS. Why should it matter that it was a Chinese customer and Malay employee? What if the situation were as such where both the customer and employee were of the same race? Do we blame China for making the minion toys? Think! Read more at: |
Appeals court upholds jail sentence on blogger Posted: 22 Jul 2013 08:07 PM PDT
(Bernama) - Blogger Amizudin Ahmat has lost his appeal to set aside a high court decision to sentence him to three months' jail for contempt of court over contemptuous articles against former information communication and culture minister Datuk Seri (now Tan Sri) Dr Rais Yatim. Amizudin was found to be in contempt by a high court in Kuala Lumpur on Aug 10, last year for further publishing defamatory articles on Rais. Today, a Court of Appeal's three-member panel chaired by Justice Datuk Zaharah Ibrahim unanimously dismissed Amizudin's appeal and upheld the high court ruling. In her ruling, she said the court was unable to find any error by the high court in finding Amizudin, 43, liable for contempt. "The order in compelling him to three months' jail is not excessive and does not merit our intervention," said Zaharah, who presided on the panel with justices Datuk Alizatul Khair Osman Khairuddin and Datuk Anantham Kasinater. Zaharah, however, granted him a stay of the Court of Appeal's decision until disposal of his application for leave to appeal against today's decision to the Federal Court. She also ordered Amizudin to file his leave application within two weeks. She said, if Amizudin did not file his leave application within the stipulated time, he should appear before the Court of Appeal after the expiry of that period to serve his sentence. The panel dismissed the appeal with no order as to costs. On Nov 21, 2011, Rais, 71, was granted leave to commence committal proceedings against Amizudin, in relation to a civil suit filed by him. Rais won his defamation suit at the high court which had on July 19, 2011, ordered Amizudin to pay RM300,000 in damages and RM100,000 in costs to the then minister. Rais filed the suit on Jan 31, 2011, against Amizudin, who is a Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Youth Committee member, for defamation over an article posted on the latter's blogsite,, on or about Dec 28, 2010. The Court of Appeal had later upheld the high court's decision, saying that the award was not high, in view of Rais' high social standing. It, however, reduced the costs from RM100,000 to RM50,000. Outside the court, Rais' lawyer, Datuk Seri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, said the Court of Appeal's decision today would raise the standard of the blogging world. No one should be allowed to carry false news to destroy someone else's character, he said, adding that the jail term would serve as a lesson and message, not only to bloggers but also reporters to be careful of what they wrote. Meanwhile, Amizudin's counsel, R. Sivarasa told reporters his client was disappointed with the decision and that he would certainly file the leave to appeal application within the timeframe, as there was a novel point on Internet laws for the Federal Court to determine.
Posted: 22 Jul 2013 07:40 PM PDT Is Anwar guilty of sodomy? At this point it no longer matters because this is not about Anwar's guilt or innocence. It is about whether the trial judge made a mistake. And Shafee will need to point out to the judge where this mistake is and for Karpal to counter that with his own arguments. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin
Lawyers should never ask grandmas a question if they aren't prepared for the answer! In a trial, a small-town prosecuting attorney called his first witness, an elderly grandmother to the stand. He approached her and asked; "Mrs. Jones, do you know me?" She responded, "Why, yes, I do know you, Mr. Williams. I've known you since you were a young boy, and frankly, you're a big disappointment to me. You lie, cheat on your wife, manipulate people and talk about them behind their backs. You think you're a big shot when you haven't the brains to realise you never will amount to anything more than a two-bit paper pusher. Yes, I know you." The lawyer was stunned! Not knowing what else to do, he pointed across the room and asked, "Mrs. Jones, do you know the defense attorney (the opponent's lawyer)?" She again replied, "Why, yes, I do. I've known Mr. Bradley since he was a youngster. He's lazy, bigoted, and has a drinking problem. He can't build a normal relationship with anyone and his law practice is one of the worst in the state. Not to mention he cheated on his wife with three different women. One of them was your wife. Yes I know him." The defense attorney almost died. The judge asked both lawyers to approach the bench and softly said, "If either of you rascals ask her if she knows me, I'll send you to jail for contempt of court! ************************************** Tan Sri Dato' Seri Sanusi Junid, who is 70, sent me that joke a while ago by WhatsApp. That shows the older generation is more technology-savvy than the younger generation imagines. It is just that the older generation is not arrogant and uncouth and uses the Internet to spew hate, like the younger generation who lacks decency and has a poor upbringing. 'The law is an ass' is from a play published by the English dramatist George Chapman in 1654, Revenge for Honour. Ere he shall lose an eye for such a trifle... For doing deeds of nature! I'm ashamed. The law is such an ass. 'Ass' here means donkey, not the American 'ass', which means 'arse' or 'butt'. Yes, it is the law, as many will argue. But that does mean the law is right. Sometimes the law can be an ass. So what do we do when the law is an ass? Do we meekly accept what they dish out or do we fight back? That is the difficult part. While we want to maintain law and order and not allow anarchy to rule, we also need to balance between justice and peace. And when rule by law rather than rule of law is the order of the day, then justice will be denied. Just because it is law not only does not make it right but does not make it just as well. The problem with the law is that it is open to interpretation. And that is why we need lawyers and judges to do that interpreting. And when just the letter of the law rather than the spirit of the law is taken into consideration, we will not see justice. The intention behind that law rather than just what the law says must also be considered. Secondly, people do this interpreting, meaning the lawyers, and a person will interpret who has the best or correct interpretation, meaning the judge. Hence this whole bunch of people who are not infallible and possess prejudices and weaknesses would allow all these 'external factors' to influence their decision. That is unavoidable and that is why appeals against any court ruling are allowed. But the appeal hearing is not a retrial. It is merely going over the points of the first trial to see whether the trial judge erred in his decision or whether he or she overlooked certain crucial facts. No new evidence as such is brought into an appeal hearing. Anwar Ibrahim appealed against his first sodomy conviction and the court ruled that the prosecution had failed to prove its case against Anwar and freed him. Anwar won his second sodomy trial and this time it is the government that is appealing the court's decision in finding Anwar not guilty of sodomy. Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, who is going to be leading the prosecution team, will have to convince the appeal court judge that the trial judge had erred. And to do this he needs to point out which part of the trial judge's ruling is wrong. Basically, it all boils down to whom has the better argument, a test of skill of sorts. You need to pick out what the trial judge said and explain why what the judge said is wrong. This is going to be most interesting. It is going to be a contest between Shafee and Karpal Singh. Then, once they are done arguing, the judge will have to decide who argued more convincingly. Is Anwar guilty of sodomy? At this point it no longer matters because this is not about Anwar's guilt or innocence. It is about whether the trial judge made a mistake. And Shafee will need to point out to the judge where this mistake is and for Karpal to counter that with his own arguments. In the first sodomy trial the trial judge found Anwar guilty. The Federal Court, however, thought that the prosecution did a bad job although, as what the court said, it still thinks that Anwar is guilty. Hence the court does not think that Anwar is innocent. It just thought that the trial judge made a mistake in finding Anwar guilty because although they think that he is guilty they did not think that the prosecution managed to prove that. Did I not say that the law is an ass? In this second sodomy appeal the court will have to rule on that same basis. Do they share the trial judge's opinion that Anwar is innocent? That does not matter any more. Even if they think that Anwar is innocent, did the prosecution manage to prove it? And if the Appeal Court thinks that the prosecution managed to prove Anwar is guilty and also thinks that the trial judge made a mistake in finding Anwar innocent, then they need to overrule the trial judge's ruling and send Anwar to jail, even if they think he is innocent. As I said, the law is an ass.
Mahkamah P’raya tolak 5 petisyen di Kelantan Posted: 22 Jul 2013 06:35 PM PDT
(Harakah) - Hakim Mahkamah Pilihan Raya, Datuk John Louis O'hara hari ini mengekalkan Dun Air Lanas, Dun Kok Lanas, Dun Manek Urai, Dun Mengkebang dan parlimen Ketereh sebagaimana keputusan pilihan raya umujm ke-13 pada 5 Mei lalu. Dun Air Lanas, Kok Lanas dan parlimen Ketereh dimenangi BN, manakala Dun Mengkebang dan Manek Urai pula kekal di tangan PAS.
RM476 juta ditabur di Kuala Besut Posted: 22 Jul 2013 06:06 PM PDT
Isu isu yang dibawa Pas berjaya menakutkan Barisan Nasional sehingga mengeluarkan peruntukan yang besar Alfian ZM Tahir, FMT Pilihanraya kecil DUN Kuala Besut sudah menghampiri saat saat akhir dan dalam tempoh berkenaan sebanyak 476 juta ringgit telah diperuntukan oleh jentera pilihanraya Barisan Nasional menurut ahli jawatankuasa induk PRK Kuala Besut Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad. Bekas ahli parlimen Kuala Selangor itu menegaskan bahawa jumlah besar tersebut menunjukkan kelemahan pentadbiran kerajaan negeri dan bagaiman rakyat di dun Kuala Besut telah dipinggirkan selama ini.
Posted: 22 Jul 2013 05:09 PM PDT Whether Pakatan Rakyat can retain Selangor in the next general election and whether Khalid will get to serve a third term is yet to be seen. Khalid himself may feel that two terms is enough. After all, by 2018, when the next GE is expected, Khalid will be 72 and that would be a good age to retire and spend some time with the grandchildren before you leave this world. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin
Selangor has had 14 Menteris Besar before this since the system of Menteri Besar was first created soon after the Second World War. Seven Menteris Besar were pre-Merdeka and seven post-Merdeka. The seven pre-Merdeka Menteris Besar were from the civil service while the seven post-Merdeka Menteris Besar were from Umno. And now, the 15th Menteri Besar, is from Pakatan Rakyat, specifically from PKR. It is probably not a coincidence that the seven pre-Merdeka Menteris Besar from the civil service were Malay gentlemen of good breeding and men of honour and integrity. Malaysians in their 70s or 80s who knew these people would reminisce about how the Malays of those days were a world apart from the Malays of today. Then, when we look at the track record of the seven post-Merdeka Menteris Besar, we can only see scoundrels. They were not only men not of good breeding but they were downright slime-balls and scumbags as well. Honour and integrity were not in the vocabulary of these people. Then along came Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim from the opposition and once again honour and integrity has, to a certain degree, been restored to the office of the Menteri Besar of Selangor. And His Highness the Sultan of Selangor quite likes what he is seeing although it cannot be denied things can be even better if Khalid can rein in those 'Little Napoleons' in his administration. Nevertheless, although things are far from perfect and we could do with a bit more improvements, things are a world apart today than what they were during the administrations of the previous seven post-Merdeka Menteris Besar. And that was why His Highness the Sultan wanted Khalid to serve a second term in spite of efforts by Anwar Ibrahim and Azmin Ali to oust Khalid in favour of, who else but Azmin, of course. Azmin wanted to be the Menteri Besar. The whole world knows this, as it was never a secret. Anwar Ibrahim too wanted Azmin. The whole world knows that as well. However, Party President Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail and her daughter, Nurul Izzah, wanted Khalid to have his second term, as what His Highness also wanted. So it was a split between Anwar and Azmin against Anwar's wife and daughter. In a way it was a stalemate that threatened to end in a crisis. Then His Highness stepped in and threw in his 'deciding vote' and Khalid it was. Anwar and Azmin had no choice but to back off or else face the danger of a 'constitutional crisis' with the Sultan. The politicians started a whispering campaign that the Sultan is a mere Constitutional Monarch who has no power to decide who gets to become Menteri Besar. To demonstrate that he does have the power to decide and is not a mere rubber-stamp monarch, His Highness not only put his foot down and insisted on Khalid, he also removed from the list the names of those who have 'problems'. And with that we saw the exit of Ronnie Liu and Dr Xavier Jayakumar. Ronnie was implicated in non-kosher dealings with the Chinese underworld while Dr Xavier was leading the charge against Khalid and was basically Azmin's assassin. So His Highness showed who was the bigger gangster and assassin. He cut off the heads of both Ronnie and Dr Xavier. (Ronnie was, in fact, not given a seat to contest the elections). Some Chinese and Indians threatened to 'take to the streets' to argue their case in support of Ronnie and Dr Xavier. All His Highness had to do was to unsheath his keris and kiss it and all these people backed down. You do not take on the Sultan of Selangor or threaten him with 'street action' and hope to win the staring match. His Highness will never blink first in such a contest. Trust me on that one because I know my beloved cousin better than you ever will. You are now dealing with a different bunch of Monarchs. These are not the Monarchs of the 1980s whom Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad took on. The Monarchs of those days were the fathers of today's Monarchs. Today's Monarchs are no pushovers. They are educated and intelligent, and are not scared of a fight. Do you know that if the Sultan commands me to return to Malaysia the government cannot do a thing to prevent me from returning to Malaysia? The AG and the IGP, or even the Prime Minister himself, can argue this, that and the other till the cows come home as to why I should not be allowed to return to Malaysia -- and that if I do then the government will be compelled to take action against me and arrest me. All the Sultan has to do is say 'be' and so shall it be. Do I make the Sultan sound like God? No, the Sultan is not God but he certainly is 'second-in-command' of sorts. The Sultan is, after all, head of Islam in Selangor and back in the old days in England that would make him God's representative on earth. Anyway, His Highness the Sultan has not commanded me to return to Malaysia although he did send me a 'signal' that I have sufficiently 'served my sentence' of more than four years 'exile'. Hence I can now be 'rehabilitated' back into society. However, there would be a price to pay. And that price would be I would have to 'retire from politics' and adopt a non-partisan stance. And that would involve the closing down of Malaysia Today. I am not yet prepared to pay that price so I will in the meantime remain where I am, in Manchester. I may be 62 but I think that is not yet old enough to stop playing Blogger and become a courtier -- as much as being an 'orang istana' may sound exciting to some. Whether Pakatan Rakyat can retain Selangor in the next general election and whether Khalid will get to serve a third term is yet to be seen. Khalid himself may feel that two terms is enough. After all, by 2018, when the next GE is expected, Khalid will be 72 and that would be a good age to retire and spend some time with the grandchildren before you leave this world. Anyway, whatever it may be, Khalid is not PKR's Menteri Besar. He is not even Pakatan Rakyat's Menteri Besar. He is His Highness the Sultan's Menteri Besar, and which would make him my Menteri Besar as well. So you had better not forget that and try to mess with Khalid.
Sekolah Seri Puteri Bags Gold At The Australian International Music Festival Posted: 22 Jul 2013 04:05 PM PDT SP Winds in front of the Sydney Opera House (MD)- The festival was held on July 12 at the famous Sydney Opera House and saw SP Winds beating nine other professional orchestras from the United States of America, New Zealand, Japan, China and Singapore. Sekolah Seri Puteri made Malaysia proud when its wind orchestra musicians took home the coveted Gold Award at the Australian International Music Festival 2013 held in Sydney.Calling themselves SP Winds, the team comprises of girls aged between 14 and 17, performing Vesuvius by American composer Frank Ticheli. The festival was held on July 12 at the famous Sydney Opera House and saw SP Winds beating nine other professional orchestras from the United States of America, New Zealand, Japan, China and Singapore. Earlier, Sekolah Seri Puteri came in as Champion of the 2013 Residential Schools Wind Orchestra finale beating nine other residential schools. READ MORE HERE |
School In Hot Water For Allegedly Making Students Eat In 'Bathroom' Posted: 22 Jul 2013 04:00 PM PDT The photo of SK Seri Pristana that has gone viral. Pic: Facebook Guneswari Kelly (MD) - The principal Mohamad Nasir Mohd Nor has taken quite a hit online, with many social network users venting out their anger on him, mostly in disbelief that a principal would allow such a thing to happen. Several photos have been circulating online depicting non-Muslim students eating in what appears to be a bathroom.The photos were shared by Facebook user Guneswari Kelly, accompanied by a statement alleging that the students are forced to have their breaks in the bathroom because of the fasting month. The school facing this controversy is Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Pristana in Bandar Saujana Utama. Meanwhile, Facebook user Mohd Masri Mohd Ramli said that he was told the canteen is currently under construction. That probably led to the reason behind the school relocating its eating place. |
Rafizi slams critics, shields his viewpoints on TITAS Posted: 22 Jul 2013 03:51 PM PDT
(The Malaysian Times) - Pandan Member of Parliament Rafizi Ramli, slammed at critics who had attacked him and defended his viewpoints to the implementation of the Islamic and Asian Civilisation Studies (TITAS) at private tertiary institutions (IPTS). Rafizi who is also the Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) strategic director wrote in to one of the online news portal and backed his claims with data. He was responding to two oppositions who in the past has spoken out against the TITAS implementation.
Kuala Besut by-election is pointing towards a blue wave Posted: 22 Jul 2013 03:38 PM PDT
The only thing that separates Kuala Besut and neighbouring Pasir Puteh in Kelantan is a big arch marking the borders between the two states. Everything else is similar – Kuala Besut seems to be more Kelantan than Terengganu. Rashvinjeet S. Bedi, The Star BESUT: Ask any person from Kuala Besut which is their favourite local football team and their likely reply will be Kelantan or Kelate. Almost 90% of the people here support the team, also known as the Red Warriors, considered one of the most organised teams in the country. Roadside stalls can only be seen selling Kelantan jerseys although Kuala Besut is inside Terengganu. It's the same with the accent used in this sleepy coastal town – people here kecek kelate (speak Kelantan) instead of cakap Terengganu (speak Terengganu). Instead of saying makang (eat), people say make. Instead of pisang (banana), people say pise. Instead of Ikang (fish), they say ike. The only thing that separates Kuala Besut and neighbouring Pasir Puteh in Kelantan is a big arch marking the borders between the two states. Everything else is similar – Kuala Besut seems to be more Kelantan than Terengganu. Politically however, the Besut people don't follow the footsteps of the Kelantan people who are hardened PAS supporters. The Besut people have a mind of their own and are aligned more to the ruling coalition Barisan Nasional. In fact, since the 2004 general elections, PAS has not won any of the state seats - Kuala Besut, Kota Putera, Jertih and Hulu Besut - under the Besut parliamentary constituency. It is also the only parliamentary constituency in Terengganu without a PAS state representative. Tomorrow, the people of Kuala Besut will vote in one of the most important by-elections in recent Malaysian history. Barisan candidate Tengku Zaihan Che Ku Rahman of is facing Azlan Yusof of PAS. This by-election is crucial for Barisan, which has 16 to PAS' 15 seats in the state assembly, and a PAS victory will result in a "hung state assembly." Former assemblyman Dr A. Rahman Mokhtar who died on June 26, won the seat in the May general elections with a majority of 2,434 votes. The previous two elections in 2004 and 2008 saw victories for Barisan with similar majorities and this time the ruling coalition is aiming to double its majority. PAS only won the seat back in 1999 with a majority of 487 votes. That was also the year when PAS ruled the state. Political pundits say there is no indication that PAS will be able to repeat that result in this by-election. In public, however, PAS leaders are saying that they are in for a "shock" victory, but privately they acknowledge that they have an arduous task overcoming the odds. Both parties have equally strong machinery and have been campaigning from house to house, meeting as many voters as possible from morning until midnight. Since it is Ramadhan, many of the campaigns involve prayers with the community. To ensure that the voters in Kuala Besut remain on the blue side, Barisan has pledged many projects to improve the livelihood of the constituents. The biggest project would be the RM250million to deepen the Sungai Besut estuary for the fishing and tourism industries. The government also approved a RM35 million project to upgrade and fix the non-functioning Lowvier Dam in Kampung Nangka. Besides that, the government also announced an RM28million project to build a secondary school in Tok Saboh. It also presented livestock such as goats, chickens and cows to 314 farmers in Kuala Besut. According to a source, more than 15 government agencies have been visiting Pulau Perhentian to give away "goodies." Barisan has maintained that the promises and projects are not by-election gimmicks but rather their commitment to the people here. PAS leaders estimated that the Barisan government had pledged close to RM373million during the by-election campaign. On the PAS side, they have been bandying around the 16:16 Terengganu Baru (New Terengganu) agenda. They keep harping that even if they won the Kuala Besut seat, they are not interested in tops posts of the state. Instead, they say that an equal number of seats for Barisan and the opposition in the state assembly will ensure more transparency and accountability in the running of the state. "We will support the good things that Barisan want to implement for the people," are words of PAS leaders at their daily ceramah. As expected, PAS went on the offensive against Umno, highlighting various misdemeanours of the current state government through daily press conferences and ceramah. Except for the ceramah, which featured PAS spiritual leader Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat and opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, the attendances at other opposition ceramah have been very low. Yesterday, about 3,000 people attended the opposition's final mega ceramah. Anwar and Nik Aziz were touted speakers, but they were nowhere to be seen. PAS has also been highlighting the alleged feud between current and former Terengganu Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Ahmad Said and Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh respectively. They say that the feud has affected the development of Besut. Barisan has countered by alleging that PAS' track record during their administration of the state from 1999-2004 was dismal. Although it was Ramadhan, both parties have been guilty of attacking the opposing candidates, albeit mildly. PAS claimed Tengku Zaihan was not a local while several Barisan leaders had been keeping harping that Che Long was "only" an SPM graduate. Tengku Zaihan was born in the heart of Kuala Besut while Che Long was a self-made businessman known for his charitable ways. The candidates themselves however have not been involved in this petty politicking. Political analyst Khoo Kay Peng expects a Barisan victory as he the Malay electorate to be more likely to be thankful for all the help they receive from the government. Other observers agree that there is little chance of PAS creating an upset and the blue wave is set to dominate Wednesday night when the results are known.
‘We give projects to cronies to stay in power’ Posted: 22 Jul 2013 03:13 PM PDT
Terengganu MB Ahmad Said defends awarding mega projects to Umno cronies, saying politics is about obtaining power and holding on to it Leven Woon, FMT There is absolutely nothing wrong in awarding mega projects to the government cronies because this is a necessity to survive in the political game, said Terengganu MB Ahmad Said. "When it comes to projects, including the recently-announced Kuala Besut International Gateway, we must give priority to our people. Never do we give it to PAS, because once they get the money they will use it to kill us.
High income nation soon? Let’s get real Posted: 22 Jul 2013 02:42 PM PDT Forbes releases latest list of 50 richest Malaysians, their net worth can actually buy into this whole country many times over. Syed Nadzri Syed Harun Caution : Mixed signals; get real to overcome the dizzy spin ahead.This could very well be the handy advice thrown to Malaysians today as the country wades through the unpredictability of international economic conditions. Look, for instance, at the wealth and cost of living issues through the following headlines that came up so criss-cross over the past one week: • Malaysia set to be a high income nation in five years, earlier than anticipated; • Chicken prices up, minister suggests to switch in diet, consumers were upset; • Malaysians top buyers of London properties; • Malaysia's household debts going through the roof, more young people declared bankrupt; and • Forbes releases latest list of 50 richest Malaysians, their net worth can actually buy into this whole country many times over. If this is not convoluted enough, there is a deep lament all over the social media about the escalating cost of living and a purchasing power that seems to be on a slippery slope. |
‘Even in ’63, we were Umno’s fixed deposits’ Posted: 22 Jul 2013 02:32 PM PDT The federation of Malaya's reason for wanting Sarawak to join them in 1963 was because the Chinese and the "other non-Malays" outnumbered the 4.8 million Malays in the peninsular. (FMT) - "The people saw how development progress had been carried out in Malaya and wanted the same to be brought over to the two states. The Chinese and non-Muslim indigenous communities in Sarawak were were not entirely in favour of of signing the 1963 Malaysia Agreement, according to former ambassador John Tenewi Nuek.He said the Chinese, Sarawak United Peoples Party (SUPP) and the non-Muslim community's opposition to the agreement was largely based on three arguments. "Firstly they wanted Sarawak to attain independence first. Secondly they felt that the people of Sarawak were still politically "too immature" to make a proper contribution to the proposed federation, and thirdly there was a fear that eventually the federation would result in the domination by Malays as had happened during the Brunei domination in the past," he said. He added however that after the initial opposition, most political parties in Sabah and Sarawak changed their positions and supported the proposal. "They decided to go with the agreement after realising that neither Sabah, then known as neither North Borneo. nor Sarawak could stand on its own especially in light of prevailing communist and Indonesian threats," he said. |
Higher fuel costs from 2014 for consumers? Posted: 22 Jul 2013 02:22 PM PDT
(TMR) - Malaysians can expect to pay higher electricity bills from early 2014 when the government is expected to implement its Fuel Cost Pass Through (FCPT) mechanism and pass on higher fuel costs directly to consumers. According to MyPower Corp, the agency tasked with overhauling the power sector, the nuts and bolts of the FCPT mechanism is almost completed and will be ready for implementation early next year.
Follow Kedah by gazetting anti-shia fatwa Posted: 22 Jul 2013 02:15 PM PDT
(Bernama) - "From what we know, Shia will bring war, hostility and killings. We are lucky as we are members of the Sunnah Wal Jamaah and followers of Imam Shafie where there is no difference and hostility. States have been urged to gazette an anti-Shia fatwa to check the Shia belief from spreading as it will bring negative consequences and divide Muslims.Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said state governments should study the matter and emulate Kedah's example which recently announced it will gazette anti-Shia fatwa. "From what we know, Shia will bring war, hostility and killings. We are lucky as we are members of the Sunnah Wal Jamaah and followers of Imam Shafie where there is no difference and hostility. "Iran has a lot of Shias. It is not good to bring the belief here as it can lead to hostility and divide the Muslim community," he told reporters whe visiting Pekan Rabu visit here today. Menteri Besar Datuk Mukhriz Tun Dr Mahathir had announced that the Kedah government will gazette an anti-Shia fatwa to check the belief from spreading. The anti-Shia fatwa had already been gazetted at national level. Mukhriz reportedly said although the spread of Shia in Kedah was under control, it did not mean that the state was free of the belief. Dr Mahathir also said the proposal to merge Chinese dominated parties the MCA, Gerakan and the Sarawak United People's Party (SUPP) was a goodidea. "It will benefit if they continue to support the Barisan Nasional (BN). Saying that the Chinese cannot support the Malays is not right. "This country will be destroyed if the Malays and the Chinese are not united," he added. |
‘Maybank lost billions in BII acquisition’ Posted: 22 Jul 2013 02:00 PM PDT DAP's Tony Pua urges Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak to look into Maybank's acquisition of Bank International Indonesia to determine possible reckless abuse of power. (FMT) - Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua today disclosed that Maybank had "quietly" disposed of 5,065,380,000 ordinary shares to a third party investor on June 20 at Rp355 per share – a significant 21.9% lower than the cost of acquisition. Maybank Berhad has incurred losses amounting to billions of ringgit since its record acquisition of Bank International Indonesia (BII) in 2008, a DAP MP claimed today.Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua today disclosed that Maybank had "quietly" disposed of 5,065,380,000 ordinary shares to a third party investor on June 20 at Rp355 per share – a significant 21.9% lower than the cost of acquisition. "This 9% (of the issued and paid-up share capital) stake sale will immediately translate to an estimated realised loss of RM157 million. And if these loss is extrapolated, Maybank could be looking at a potential loss of RM1.74 billion," Pua told a press conference today. He also said that Maybank was "staring at a staggering paper losses of RM2.5 billion" as a result of the acquisition, namely when BII shares closed at Rp315 or 30.7% drop from the acquisition price as of last week. |
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