How to die by the sword Posted: 15 Sep 2012 07:43 PM PDT
In fact, to be honest, I am actually quite delighted. I am enjoying seeing these people suffer what I have suffered. Okay, maybe it is not fair of me to think like this. But who cares about being fair? I mean, when someone does something to you, you consider it poetic justice when the same thing is done to him or her. Hence I don't really care whether what is being done to them is fair or not. I am just so happy that they are now being subjected to what they subjected me to. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin Suaram trio told to explain foreign funding Jaringan Melayu Malaysia (JMM) is calling on PKR leader Tian Chua and Suara Rakyat Malaysia director Kua Kia Soong and co-founder R. Sivarasa to explain to Malaysians why Suaram is allegedly funded by foreign parties. JMM president Azwanddin Hamzah yesterday urged the trio to hold a press conference to inform the rakyat why foreign influence had been used to interfere in the country's political agenda. "We also want to know if Tian Chua, Sivarasa and Kua have paid taxes to the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) from the funds received from currency speculator George Soros. "It's very clear that Soros was the mastermind behind the plans of bringing down the country's economy," he said yesterday in a statement. Azwanddin urged IRB chief executive officer Tan Sri Mohd Shukor Mahfar to investigate and ensure that the key Suaram figures were paying corporate income tax. Suaram has been plagued with controversy with reports that it was not a non-governmental organisation but an entity registered as a company called Suara Inisiatif Sdn Bhd and the revelation of "highly suspicious" fund transactions between Suaram and Suara Inisiatif. The Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Ministry has been investigating whether an American non-governmental organisation that is allegedly funding Suaram is linked to Soros. Emails have been reportedly found linking the money to Soros. ****************************************** Perkasa: Suaram funders also behind LGBT programmes Malay rights group Perkasa information chief Ruslan Kasim has claimed that the funders of Suaram were also responsible for supporting programmes for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transexual (LGBT) community. This, he said in an Mingguan Malaysia report today, was on top of funding Suaram with the purpose of smearing Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak in the Scorpene controversy and the murder of Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu. "They also fund programmes for apostasy, free sex like LGBT. These are all against Islam," he was quoted as saying. Ruslan was referring to Suaram's overseas funding which the government has claimed that among others, came from organisations linked to currency speculator George Soros. Ruslan also questioned whether Suaram had paid private investigator P Balasubramaniam to make a statutory declaration to smear the premier's name. "We want to know who funded Suaram to pay the private investigator to make the statutory declaration," he was quoted as saying. ****************************************** 10 sebab Anwar tidak layak jadi PM 1. Sokong Israel 2. Bantuan asing (kini terbukti SUARAM) 3. Anwar pluralisme Islam 4. Buku Jingga manifesto akan rosakkan ekonomi negara 5. Tiada kabinet bayangan. Siapa Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan Menteri Kewangan? 6. Sokong LGBT yang hukum haram 7. Pembohongan 916 satu politik yang amat besar 8. Mahu jatuhkan kerajaan guna demonstrasi jalanan ... Tahrir Square 9. Video China doll tulin dan Anwar tak jelaskan 10. Kes liwat tak selesai dan Mahkamah Tinggi lepaskan atas teknikal ****************************************** It looks like the 'Gang Suaram' is under serious attack. Tian Chua, R. Sivarasa, Dr. Kua Kia Soong, Dr. Yeoh Seng Guan, Elizabeth Wong, Cynthia Gabriel, Latheefa Koya, Yap Swee Seng, Premesh Chandran, Edmund Bon, S. Arutchelvam, and a couple of others, all have bullets with their names on them. They are alleged to have received illegal funding from overseas sources. They are alleged to have received financial support from George Soros. They are alleged to be tools of the Americans. They are alleged to be supporters of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transexuals (LGBTs). They are alleged to be behind the move to get Muslims to leave Islam. They are alleged to be Communists. They are alleged to have bribed private investigator P. Balasubramanian into signing a false statutory declaration to defame and slander Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak. There are questions as to whether these 'Gang Suaram' people may also be involved with the same people who are behind the recent ant-Islam movie. In fact, if the sun starts rising from the west instead of the east, these people would probably be blamed for that as well. Are these allegations fair? Are these allegations founded? Is there any truth in these allegations? I suppose that is not important. What is important would be: can these people prove their innocence? If these allegations were not true then they would have to offer evidence to prove that they are not true. Maybe two years ago I would not be talking like this. Two years ago, I will have said that the accuser needs to prove the allegation. The accused needs not prove anything. Those who make the allegation need to prove it. That would have been two years ago. Since then, however, the rules have changed. The new rule is: once an allegation has been made against you then you need to prove that the allegation is not true. Until you can prove it is not true then we must consider it as true. You are guilty until you can prove your innocence. I did not realise until about two years ago in 2010 that this is the new rule of the game. And I was subjected to this new rule. As much as I tried to protest and profess my innocence, whatever I said was not accepted. I am guilty until I could prove I am innocent. I have actually got quite used to it by now. I suppose after two years you can sort of get used to anything. Hence I find it extremely difficult to sympathise with all these people. In fact, to be honest, I am actually quite delighted. I am enjoying seeing these people suffer what I have suffered. Okay, maybe it is not fair of me to think like this. But who cares about being fair? I mean, when someone does something to you, you consider it poetic justice when the same thing is done to him or her. Hence I don't really care whether what is being done to them is fair or not. I am just so happy that they are now being subjected to what they subjected me to. The important thing, though, is not whether you or I care about what is being done to them or whether it is fair or not. I think most people who read Malaysia Today have already more or less made up their minds as to which party they are going to vote for. It is the fence sitters that matter more. For example, most non-Malay voters in Selangor already know whether they are going to vote for Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat. A large majority has already made up their mind. Hence the Chinese, Indians and 'lain-lain' do not really matter. The future of Selangor will depend on the Malay voters. Hence Umno and Barisan Nasional need to convince the Malay voters that all these allegations against the 'Gang Suaram' are true. And if the Malays are convinced then Pakatan Rakyat is going to lose a lot of Malay votes. And that would mean Barisan Nasional would be able to take back Selangor, the jewel in the crown. To me this goes beyond Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat. It is about seeing those people who unfairly accuse me of something I did not do now suffer the same fate. Is Pakatan Rakyat going to get hurt by this? Who the hell cares! All I care about is that the gang that went out of their way to whack me is now getting whacked and that they might lose Selangor because of it. I suppose, as they say, revenge is best served cold. Hmm…I am enjoying this so much I'm at the point of getting an orgasm. |
Makers of anti-Islamic movie influenced by preacher Posted: 15 Sep 2012 07:17 PM PDT
Libyan civilians help an injured man, identified by eyewitnesses as U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens, at the U.S. consulate compound in Benghazi.(AFP / Getty Images / September 12, 2012) (AFP) - The makers of an anti-Islamic movie that set off violent anti-US protests in the Arab world were influenced by a southern California-based Coptic preacher, who made a business out of insults to the Prophet Mohammed, The Los Angeles Times reported Sunday. The newspaper said this preacher named Zakaria Botros Henein teaches that Mohammed was a necrophile, a homosexual and a paedophile. He has not been directly linked to the film "Innocence of Muslims," but the three men behind the movie were all supporters of his views, the report said. Steve Klein, a Christian who worked on the script, said Botros was "a close friend" and compared him favourably to US civil rights leader Martin Luther King, the paper noted. Joseph Nassralla, the head of a Christian charity in Duarte where part of the movie was shot, praised Botros's website, Meanwhile, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, who organized the production, spoke openly of his devotion to the cleric while in federal prison, The Times pointed out. Botros's son, Benyamin, said his father was unavailable, according to the report. "I cannot tell you where he is because his life is in danger," The Times quoted the son as saying. However Botros defended the movie on the Arabic satellite TV station Alfady that he runs in California -- and criticized the violent reaction to the film, the paper said. According to the report, Botros was jailed several times in his native Egypt for trying to convert Muslims to Christianity and eventually was exiled. In Australia, he began an online ministry that insisted that Islam was a misguided religion, the paper said. As a result, Al-Qaeda allegedly issued a fatwa, or religious edict, calling for his death and offering $60 million to his killer, The Times said. He relocated to Huntington Beach in southern California in the early 2000s and launched the Alfady network, the paper noted. "God let me to leave Egypt in order to speak freely and openly, explaining the Islam, saving Muslims from the bondage of the Islam," he said in one of his online sermons. "Islam is a religion? I say no. Islam is an ideology. Islam is a state before it is a religion." "Innocence of Muslims" was produced by a US religious group called Media for Christ and reportedly directed by a pornographer. Nakoula, a US-based Egyptian Coptic Christian, has previously admitted uploading the trailer on the Internet. In 2010 he was convicted of defrauding US banks by opening false accounts and passing bad checks, court documents show, and he served one year before being released on probation. Early on Saturday US federal authorities questioned Nakoula, the alleged brains behind the film that has inflamed much of the Muslim world by lampooning the Prophet Mohammed, but quickly released him. Nakoula was "given a ride" from his southern California home to the interview shortly after midnight, with investigators seeking to establish if he broke the terms of his probation over a bank fraud conspiracy, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department spokesman Don Walker told AFP. A man later emerged from the police station wearing a coat, hat, scarf and glasses, a local NBC News affiliate reported. The film was promoted by a network of right-wing Coptic and Evangelical Christians with a radical anti-Muslim agenda, such as Terry Jones, a Florida pastor notorious for publicly burning a Koran. Klein, a Vietnam war veteran and founder of Courageous Christians United, which is notorious for protests outside mosques and Mormon temples, was acting as "consultant." "He is not only a gifted preacher -- he is bold, a very brave man, Klein wrote about Botros in his book "Is Islam Compatible With the Constitution?" "Today, Father Zakaria and I are close friends," he continued. "He has taught me much -- including a sense of bravery as rare as those who earn Medals of Honour." |
Track them and mark them Posted: 15 Sep 2012 05:20 PM PDT  Some of you less-religious people might not comprehend why the government needs to go through all this trouble of detecting LGBTs. Well, the answer is simple, really. The Bible tells us stories of how God destroyed LGBTs. Hence if we follow the Bible then we too must destroy LGBTs. And Muslims also follow what the Bible says. In fact, quite a bit of what is in the Bible is also in the Qur'an. NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin Psychologists slam guidelines to track LGBT as being harmful (The Star) - The so-called guidelines to help parents and teachers track lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) symptoms in their children have stereotyped the group, experts and psychologists here said. Consultant paediatrician Dr Sim Joo Seng said the sexuality of a person may not be established until late puberty. "Giving guidelines to teachers who are untrained to do so is a dangerous move." "Even trained psychologists and adolescent psychiatrists have to assess properly when dealing with sexual problems," he said, commenting on the guidelines that were distributed at a parental seminar in Penang on Thursday. The guidelines, among others, cautioned parents about their sons wearing tight V-neck shirts and bright coloured attire and their daughters being frequently seen in the company of certain girls while ignoring others. Dr Sim said the guidelines stereotyped the LGBT community and could lead to bigger problems such as discrimination and intimidation. Clinical psychologist Sylvester Lim likened the guidelines to "a ridiculous attempt" to describe the LGBT community without any supporting research. The Congress of Teaching Services in National Education (Kongres), however, has come out in support of the guidelines as "these help teachers to solve problems of youths with LGBT tendencies". Congress president Jemale Paiman said: "LGBT is not suitable for our Malaysian culture and we want to help those who have this problem." *******************************************    Hell, I just love sleeveless T-shirts. I also love tight Lycra shorts, when I run or cycle, of course -- because they prevent sores, which later turn septic. I also love bright colours, especially my Polo shirts. "So, do you think I'm gay?" I asked my wife. "I suspect you are a lesbian," my wife told me. "Lesbian? But I am a man." "You love women, right?" "Well…yes…" I replied cautiously, wondering whether I was about to walk into a trap with my 'confession'. "Well, lesbians love women. So that makes you a lesbian." Hmm…that makes sense. That's sort of 'Malaysian thinking' type of logic. Since you are not happy with Pakatan Rakyat then that makes you a Barisan Nasional supporter. It cannot be any other way. But what if you are not happy with BOTH Pakatan Rakyat and Basisan Nasional? That cannot be. You can only be unhappy with one of them. If you are not happy with one of them then you must be a supporter of the other. Yes, very logical thinking indeed. So if I am not happy with Muslims killing United States Ambassadors about a movie that the US Ambassador was not involved with then that makes me a Christian. Okay, so the Malaysian government regard LGBTs as the scum of society and the government is going to try to detect children with LGBT tendencies. And why do we want to detect LGBTs at this very early age? Simple. If we can track them then we can mark them. Tracking them is one thing, though. But how do we mark them? I mean it is pointless to track them if we do not mark them. So how do we mark them after tracking them? I suppose the government will come out with a workable system soon. Maybe we can brand them like cattle. Some of you less-religious people might not comprehend why the government needs to go through all this trouble of detecting LGBTs. Well, the answer is simple, really. The Bible tells us stories of how God destroyed LGBTs. Hence if we follow the Bible then we too must destroy LGBTs. And Muslims also follow what the Bible says. In fact, quite a bit of what is in the Bible is also in the Qur'an. Hence tracking and marking LGBTs, in fact, destroying LGBTs, is what God did and what God wants us to do. So we are doing God's work by declaring war on LGBTs. I know, I know, some of you 'thinking people' are now going to argue that if God hates LGBTs so much then why did He create them? Hey, if you start talking like that then we can also ask the Jews if only the Jews are the 'chosen people' then why did God not create everyone as Jews? How come the Jews are the minority while the Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc., far outnumber the Jews? So those types of question do not make sense. Just accept the fact that god hates all non-Jews and LGBTs and that is why God created more non-Jews and LGBTs than straight Jews. Hence, with that spirit as the backdrop, let us hunt down LGBTs, detect them, and mark them. Then, once we have completed that exercise, we can up the ante by tracking down and marking the rest of the scourge of society. If it is not that difficult to track down children with LGBT tendencies, it is also not that difficult to track down children with other unnatural and evil tendencies. I mean God not only hates LGBTs. God also hates straight people who indulge in sex outside marriage, adulterers, corrupted people, murderers, people who abuse their power, swindlers, robbers, cheats, thieves, liars, and so on. These people are equally hated just like LGBTs. So children who have the tendency to one day grow up to become these types of people need to be detected at that early age while they are still at school. It is good that finally we are getting rid of LGBTs. They pervert and corrupt society. And so do straight people who indulge in sex outside marriage, adulterers, corrupted people, murderers, people who abuse their power, swindlers, robbers, cheats, thieves, liars, and so on. All these people need to be detected or tracked at an early age before they become a problem and then we mark them so that everyone will know who they are and what they are. |
DAP predicts southern storm Posted: 15 Sep 2012 03:56 PM PDT 
The Rocket predicted that Pakatan would score its biggest win in Johor, winning nine out of 26 parliamentary seats in the southern-most state. Athi Shankar, FMT The DAP media organ 'The Rocket' has predicted Pakatan Rakyat to win up to 15 parliamentary seats with an equal fighting chance to wrest away eight more in the southern belt of Peninsular Malaysia in the next general election. The DAP mouthpiece's latest September edition forecasts that Pakatan can considerably increase its parliamentary tally in southern states of Negeri Sembilan, Malacca and Johor, which are now under Barisan Nasional's control, boosting its chances to capture Putrajaya. Currently Pakatan only has one federal seat each in Johor and Malacca, and three in Negeri Sembilan. Of the three southern states, The Rocket predicted that Pakatan would score its biggest win in Johor. It forecasts Pakatan to win nine out of 26 parliamentary seats in the southern-most state. The three-page election analysis forecasts federal seats of Segamat, Labis, Ledang, Muar, Batu Pahat, Kluang, Gelang Patah and Kulai to fall to Pakatan. It expects the DAP to retain Bakri. Current Bakri MP is Er Tech Hwa. Titled – "Election Analysis: Southern Storm", the article speculated that Johor Baru, Tanjung Piai, Pulai, Pasir Gudang, Simpang Renggam and Parit Sulong were dicey seats for BN. Its writer, former Umno assemblyman for Pulau Manis, Mohd Ariff Sabri Abdul Aziz speculated that a nine to 32 per cent vote swing towards Pakatan would actualise the forecast. After the 13th general election, he claimed "Johor would no longer be Umno's bastion." In the last general election in 2008, there was a 14 percent swing towards the opposition and The Rocket speculated the support for Pakatan to grow stronger in the next polls. Mohd Ariff claimed that Johor Menteri Besar Abdul Ghani Othman, perturbed by the pro-Pakatan upswing, had apparently told Umno division leaders recently that some nine federal and 16 state seats could fall in the next election. He said Pakatan would have the edge in Johor Baru if incumbent MP Shahrir Samad decided to retire. Four seats winnable in Negeri Sembilan In Negeri Sembilan, The Rocket forecasts Pakatan to win Rasah, Seremban, Telok Kemang and Rembau, currently held by Umno national youth chief Khairy Jamalauddin. The article speculates Khairy not to seek re-election in Rembau this time. Currently Pakatan holds Rasah and Seremban (both DAP), and Telok Kemang (PKR) out of eight federal seats in Negeri Sembilan. The state's other federal seats are Jelebu, Jempol, Kuala Pilah and Tampin. In Malacca, The Rocket believes Pakatan can retain its sole parliamentary seat in Kota Melaka via DAP and add one more through PKR in Bukit Katil. PKR youth wing chief Shamsul Iskandar Mat Akin, a Malaccan, has been speculated to contest Bukit Katil, considered as Barisan Nasional fortress. He lost in Dungun federal seat in Terengganu in the 2008 general election. READ MORE HERE |
There may be no anti-Islamic movie at all Posted: 15 Sep 2012 03:47 PM PDT
Some interesting and convincing points are made. The Christian Science Monitor As I finished this post, I came across an interview with an actress who appears in some of the footage given to Gawker. It goes a long way to clearing up some of the mystery, though not entirely. Cindy Lee Garcia tells the website that she was hired last summer for a small part in a movie she was told would be called "Desert Warriors," about life in Egypt 2,000 years ago (Islam is about 1,400 years old). She told Gawker "It wasn't based on anything to do with religion, it was just on how things were run in Egypt. There wasn't anything about Muhammed or Muslims or anything and that, according to Gawker, "In the script and during the shooting, nothing indicated the controversial nature of the final product. Muhammed wasn't even called Muhammed; he was "Master George," Garcia said. The words Muhammed were dubbed over in post-production, as were essentially all other offensive references to Islam and Muhammed. Garcia said that there was a man who identified as "Bacile" on set, but that he was Egyptian and frequently spoke Arabic. The online 14-minute clip of a purportedly anti-Islamic movie that sparked protests at the US embassy in Cairo and and the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya is now looking like it could have been ginned up by someone sitting a basement with cheap dubbing software. Full credit goes to Sarah Abdurrahman at On the Media and Rosie Grey at Buzzfed who appear to be the first to highlight (there may be others, but they're the ones who caught my eye) the fact that almost every instance of language referring to Islam or Muhammad in the film has been dubbed in. That is, mouths are mouthing but the words you're hearing don't match. There have already been a bunch of lies associated with the alleged film. A man named "Sam Bacile" was identified as being the writer and producer. He claimed to be an Israeli citizen. The Israelis say they have no record of him. He claimed to have spent $5 million on the movie. The clip online doesn't look like even $100,000 was spent. There is no record of a "Sam Bacile" living in California, and his strange insistence on the fact that he was Jewish and that he had exclusively Jewish funders for his film in an interview with the Associated Press now looks like something of a red flag. The one verifiable person involved in this strange tale so far is Steve Klein, an evangelical Christian and anti-Islamic activist with ties to militia groups and a Coptic Christian satellite TV station based in California. Klein told Jeffrey Goldberg at The Atlantic earlier today that he was a consultant on the film, that "Sam Bacile," was a pseudonym, that the person behind the name probably isn't Jewish, and he didn't know the real name of the man. He doesn't know the name of someone he worked on a movie with? Yet another strange, credulity-stretching claim. Now comes the part with the compelling case of no movie at all. READ MORE HERE |
'BN can score big in Selangor' Posted: 15 Sep 2012 03:36 PM PDT
(NST) - UMNO deputy president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has called on Umno divisions in Selangor to put in extra hard work to fulfil the desire of people to topple the ruling Pakatan Rakyat government and return it to Barisan Nasional control. He said the voter ecosystem was now most conducive for change and it was up to Umno divisions in Selangor to consolidate their internal system by sorting out problems and rising to the challenge of the coming general election. He said the problem-beset Selangor state government also provided the right formula for BN to score success in the state. Speaking at the Selayang Umno division delegates meeting here yesterday, Muhyiddin said during his visits to Selangor, people kept asking him when the election would be held. "When I ask them why, they tell me that they are fed up with the Pakatan Rakyat Selangor government and want to vote in BN in the coming election. "In fact, never in the history of this country has a state government been riddled with so many issues dragging on unresolved for so long. "Every day, some problem arises either due to the deliberate action of the Selangor government or the reaction of the people over their dissatisfaction with the state government's policy and programmes." Muhyiddin said he was also involved in some issues in Selangor, such as the water issue which, despite warnings from local and foreign experts that if left unsolved could escalate into a major water crisis affecting about six million people in and around Selangor, the Selangor government was still in denial. He said: "They show us dams that are overflowing but what is needed is treated water. The treatment plants are now working at full capacity, with some running 24 hours. "If the overworked treatment plants break down, the people in the area will face water shortage." Muhyiddin said about 200 factories in Selangor had been denied their Certificate of Fitness for Occupancy (CFO) by the state government for fear that if the CFO is given, the state government would be obliged to provide them with the necessary utilities, like water. "This is why the Langat 2 project is so important and the Federal Government is determined to get the project to proceed even without the state government's approval. "If they bring in bulldozers to block the project, they are being cruel to the people who stand to benefit from the project. "I am confident that the people now feel that the time is right for Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim and Pakatan Rakyat to leave Selangor." Muhyiddin said Khalid and his people would not give up easily as they would use all their means to retain their hold on Selangor and it was up to Umno and BN divisions in the state to put in an extraordinary effort to get them out. He said Umno and BN leaders should realise that the mindset of voters today was different as they did not take anything for granted. "They don't take it for granted that if we do something for them, then they must vote for us. "Even though BN had developed Selangor into a premier state in the country, the people voted us out in 2008. We have to face this reality." Muhyiddin said the Selangor people, seeing the undelivered promises of the Pakatan Rakyat government in the last four years, were ready to vote in BN but the question was whether Umno and BN divisions in the state were ready. He said checks showed that only 40 per cent of the voting district centres (PDM) of Umno were ready to face the general election, adding that in some districts the election machinery had yet to be set up. Pointing to the 2004 general election when BN lost Kelantan state to Pas after losing a single state constituency by just two votes, Muhyiddin said Umno and BN divisions in Selangor should become more serious and not take things easy in the coming elections. Like Kelantan, if BN loses Selangor again, the opposition would get a firmer grip on it and BN cannot win it back again. Later, in Kuala Lumpur, Muhyiddin attended the Federal Territories and Urban Wellbeing Ministry's Hari Raya celebration at Astaka Taman Tasik Titiwangsa. At the Hari Raya open house of the United Malaysian Motorcycle Riders Association, better known as Rempit United, in Bukit Bintang here yesterday, Muhyiddin said the role played by youths was vital for the nation's continuity. He said Rempit United should hold a series of talks with its 239,000 members nationwide to gather their views and help them to succeed. He said the government would support the efforts of Rempit United as it was a good initiative. Rempit United president Wazi Abdul Hamid later handed a memorandum to Muhyiddin, asking for the government to provide facilities for motorcycle riders so that they did not disturb other road users.
Suaram trio told to explain foreign funding Posted: 15 Sep 2012 03:31 PM PDT 
FOREIGN FUNDING: Why has outside influence been used to interfere in the country's political agenda (NST) - Jaringan Melayu Malaysia (JMM) is calling on PKR leader Tian Chua and Suara Rakyat Malaysia director Kua Kia Soong and co-founder R. Sivarasa to explain to Malaysians why Suaram is allegedly funded by foreign parties. JMM president Azwanddin Hamzah yesterday urged the trio to hold a press conference to inform the rakyat why foreign influence had been used to interfere in the country's political agenda. "We also want to know if Tian Chua, Sivarasa and Kua have paid taxes to the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) from the funds received from currency speculator George Soros. "It's very clear that Soros was the mastermind behind the plans of bringing down the country's economy," he said yesterday in a statement. Azwanndin urged IRB chief executive officer Tan Sri Mohd Shukor Mahfar to investigate and ensure that the key Suaram figures were paying corporate income tax. Suaram has been plagued with controversy with reports that it was not a non-governmental organisation but an entity registered as a company called Suara Inisiatif Sdn Bhd and the revelation of "highly suspicious" fund transactions between Suaram and Suara Inisiatif. The Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Ministry has been investigating whether an American non-governmental organisation that is allegedly funding Suaram is linked to Soros. Emails have been reportedly found linking the money to Soros. Meanwhile, Perkasa information chief Ruslan Kasim yesterday urged Suaram officials to identify those who had pushed it to pay private investigator P. Balasubramaniam to sign a statutory declaration in a plot to defame the prime minister. "It is undeniable and obvious that the main agenda of the people and sponsors of Suaram is to accuse the prime minister in the murder case of Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu," he said. Ruslan added that their other agendas included sponsoring programmes for apostasy and other elements frowned upon by Islam. Perkasa, he said, was also urging the American embassy to openly declare that the Open Society Institute has nothing to do with the producers of the movie, Nakuola Basseley.
'Selangor Govt's stubbornness will cause critical water crisis, expert warns Posted: 15 Sep 2012 03:15 PM PDT  (Malaysian Digest) - Selangor will certainly face a critical water crisis if the state government remains stubborn by continuing to block the construction of the Langat 2 water treatment plant, a water management expert warned today. Dr Ahmad Zaharuddin Sani Ahmad Sabri said providing treated water was a most important responsibility of the state government and the Langat 2 plant remained the only alternative means for the state to have adequate supply of treated water because all existing treatment plants had exceeded their production capacity. "Without this alternative plan, the people and industries in Selangor will run out of treated water as we have reached the maximum production level. We have come to the stage of requiring a new solution and new alternative. And in the immediate term, Langat 2 is the only solution," he said in an interview. Dr Zaharuddin Sani uses a simple "nasi lemak " analogy to explain the situation. "If we need 500 packets of nasi lemak to be given to 500 people, then it's enough. But if we only have 500 packets and there are 520 people to eat the nasi lemak, then it won't be enough." He rubbished the Selangor government's free-water policy and called for a review of the policy because, he said, water was a precious asset for any nation and should no longer be deemed as something cheap, let alone given free. Following is the Q & A from the interview:
Q: Will the Langat 2 plant overcome all water problems in Selangor? A: At the moment, when we talk about Langat 2 being able to solve our water problems, the answer is yes, because we need treated water. Based on a very high current demand, we need Langat 2 as the solution. But even this solution is temporary in nature. Why I'm saying temporary is because in the future we will have 1,000 people who want to eat the nasi lemak and even if we have new dams, it's not going to be effective compared to the most important approach for us to adopt from now -- to educate the people to use water wisely. We must recognise our water as an asset that no longer can be viewed as something cheap. Water can no longer be regarded as something to be given free. Water should be seen as something very valuable. If we compare one litre of bottled water and one litre of oil, the price is about the same, so we should appreciate the value of water. But why is it that we can conserve the use of oil and not when it comes to water? So what's the solution? Because we ourselves don't realise that water is something very valuable. If we do realise how precious it is, then certainly we will be very cautious in using it. Back to the question of Langat 2. Yes, it is absolutely necessary. And, at the same time, it should be followed with massive efforts to educate consumers on the real value of water, so that we won't need a Langat 3. Q: So, it means that the Selangor government's policy of giving free water is something unwise? A: There is nothing free in this world, and the water that's given is treated water. Treated water requires cost to produce. If we require cost, we need money. So, if we give free water, then we devalue this vital commodity and no one will value something that's given free. If we increase the water tariff, just like in Europe, we could see consumers place a high value on water in terms of their attitude towards water consumption as they look at water as a vital asset. But if we are provided with unlimited water everywhere and, worst of all, provided free, we will lose our sense of value over water. So, the move to give free water should be reviewed. Q: Langat 2 is a solution but it still doesn't exist due to the state-federal conflict. What's the implication? A: The implication is that we won't be able to provide adequate treated water to consumers while, at the same time, we can say we have sufficient water sources. Based on this assumption, we need to conserve our water resources. We just cannot dream that tomorrow we'll have more than what we have today. We must live in reality. If we have so much today, we have to adopt accordingly. And if Langat 2 remains unresolved, we then need a new solution. Among the solutions over the longer term is educating the people on water consumption and control on the supply of water. Q: The capacity yield of rivers in Selangor that provide the main sources of raw water to the treatment plants is reported to be reaching the maximum. Will this undermine the supply of treated water? A: To treat water, we need raw material which, in this case, is raw water. But if we want to treat something and the raw material is not available, so there's nothing to treat. Yes, it's true to say that currently the capacity has reached its maximum. If we don't have raw water to treat, we can't produce treated water to supply to consumers. So, if we think of our rivers, dams that have reached their maximum, we have reached a stage where we need to look at new alternatives. Q: You have cited studies that show each Malaysian uses an average of 310 litres of water per day (lpd), which is 145 litres more than what consumers in other countries use. Can you elaborate? A: It's 145 litres per person. If one household has five residents, then the consumption is five times more. Imagine the millions of litres in excess consumption per household. This is the study by the United Nations that stipulates consumption at 145 lpd per person. But in Malaysia, the consumption is very excessive in every sense of the word. Q: The Selangor government says that Langat 2 is not necessary because the ongoing mitigation projects are able to cope with the demand? Is this so? A: The Selangor government only plans things for the short term. It looks at adequate water up to 2014. In contrast, the planning done by the federal government is over the long term, stretching more than 20 years. Langat 2 is necessary for this period. At present, we might not see water problems as something critical because, everywhere we go, there's water in the tap. But, try to imagine the situation five years from now. Would we still have this luxury? |
Was U.S. Ambassador Lynched? Posted: 15 Sep 2012 02:59 PM PDT 
Attack on U.S. Consulate illustrates disastrous outcome of Obama's "humanitarian" intervention in Libya Despite initial reports suggesting he died in a rocket attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, photos appear to indicate that U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens was killed by a lynch mob, illustrating the disastrous consequences of the Obama administration's military intervention in Libya – arming some of the very same men who carried out today's attack. Paul Joseph Watson "The US ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, has been killed in a rocket attack in the eastern city of Benghazi along with three other embassy staff, the White House confirmed on Wednesday," reports France 24. However, images released in the hours after the attack show Stevens' body being paraded around by a mob. The body appears to show signs of torture. Subsequent reports speculated that Stevens' car was attacked as he and the three other personnel attempted to escape from the Consulate. The other embassy staff were shot while Stevens' died of "suffocation," suggesting he was lynched and physically attacked by the mob. The incident is being portrayed by the establishment media as a reaction to a film produced in the United States that purportedly ridicules Islam's Prophet Mohammed. However, the wider issue of how the 2011 bombardment of Libya paved the way for gangs of militant Islamic extremists, once backed by NATO powers with heavy weapons, to fill the power vacuum left by Colonel Gaddafi, has been largely ignored. Indeed, it's a horrific irony that Hillary Clinton's infamous gloating about Gaddafi's execution - "We came, we saw, he died" - has now come full circle, with Stevens paying for such despicable arrogance with his life. After NATO-backed insurgents with links to Al-Qaeda helped topple Colonel Gaddafi in Libya, they proudly flew the distinctive black Al-Qaeda flag over courthouses in Benghazi and other centers of power. That same flag flew over the Consulate today after the U.S. flag was torn down and burned. Read more at: |
Anti-Islam film made by US Christian group Posted: 15 Sep 2012 02:58 PM PDT
Actress Cindy Lee Davis Garcia, who plays a role in the controversial film "Innocence of Muslims", claims that she and other cast members were deceived into thinking they were making a biblical epic. (AFP) - The inflammatory anti-Islam film that has triggered rioting across the Muslim world was produced by a US religious group called Media for Christ and reportedly directed by a pornographer. The man apparently behind the film -- entitled "Innocence of Muslims" on its 14-minute YouTube trailer -- is a US-based Egyptian Copt and fraudster who may have violated his parole, US officials said Friday. The film was directed by 65-year-old Alan Roberts, a veteran whose prior oeuvre was dominated by schlock soft porn and hammy action with titles like "Young Lady Chatterley II" and "Karate Cop," according to website Gawker. Gawker interviewed members of the cast of "Innocence of Muslims," who say they were duped into appearing in what they thought was a fictional epic, only to discover their lines had been dubbed over with anti-Muslim propaganda. Roberts's casting call lists the leading roles as George, Condalisa and Hillary, but in the finished version, the script was doctored to make them represent the Prophet Mohammed and figures from the Koran. The film was promoted by a network of right-wing Coptic and Evangelical Christians with a radical anti-Muslim agenda, like Egyptian American provocateur Morris Sadek and Terry Jones, a Florida pastor notorious for publicly burning a Koran. And, acting as "consultant," was Steve Klein, a Vietnam veteran and founder of Courageous Christians United who is notorious for protests outside mosques and Mormon temples and who told AFP he helped the moviemakers. The film itself does not appear to have broken any US laws, but Nakoula Bassily Nakoula, the 55-year-old Egyptian Copt believed to have written the film, may have breached the rules governing his conditional release from prison. "The matter is under review," said a spokesman for the Administrative Office of the US Courts. Early Saturday, Nakoula was taken for questioning to a police station, local television reported. The local NBC News affiliate said Nakoula was escorted by sheriff's deputies from his Cerritos, California, home shortly after midnight for an interview by federal probation officers. A 2009 indictment from a US District Court in California shows that Nakoula was charged with defrauding US banks by opening false accounts and passing bad checks. He has since been released on probation, and the document says he agreed to testify against the alleged ringleader in the check scam, but if Nakoula is now found to have broken the terms of his parole, he could go back to jail. As part of his release terms, he was forbidden from using computers or the Internet for five years and fined $790,000. This week saw Nakoula move from anonymous petty criminal to become a central figure in an international incident that has triggered mass protests in Muslim-majority countries in North Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Africa, and seen several US diplomatic missions attacked. Reporters and police are camped out outside Nakoula's house in Cerrito outside Los Angeles, but he has not been seen, although he did give an interview to Radio Sawa, a US-government station that broadcasts in Arabic. 'Nobody manipulated my film' "I am the one who leaked the 14 minutes and put it on the Internet and I am thinking about releasing the full film. Nobody manipulated my film," he said. The clip on YouTube was picked up by Egyptian television. The film has amateurish production values, with actors in laughable false beards appearing to hover weightlessly in front of stock desert footage. But its depiction of the Prophet Mohammed as a thuggish deviant offended many Muslims, and sparked a wave of anti-American protests that have cost several lives and seen mobs burn US missions, schools and businesses. According to Paul Audley, president of Film LA, which issues filming permits in Los Angeles, a group called Media for Christ was issued a one-day shooting license in August 2011 for a film with the working title "Desert Warriors." "I do know personally for having looked at it, before it was withdrawn, that the producer's name on it is Sam Bossil," he said in an interview. Bossil is believed to be one of the pseudonyms used by Nakoula, who uploaded the clip as "Sam Bacile." A man identifying himself as Sam Bacile gave interviews to US media this week in which he claimed to be an Israeli-American Jew who made the film to help Israel, but a consultant on the movie has since debunked this claim. Media for Christ's websites and Facebook page were taken down without explanation Friday, but the group is reportedly a right-wing conservative operation founded by Joseph Nasralla Abdelmasih, an Egyptian Copt. "Media For Christ is a place to discover the word of God and the Gospel preached by many different ministries and ministers in the Lord," the brief introduction to the otherwise defunct website reads. The group is based just outside Los Angeles in the city of Duarte, where city manager Karen Herrera confirmed it holds an active business permit. |
Add one more crime to disturbing statistics: Aliran office broken into Posted: 15 Sep 2012 02:53 PM PDT
At around 9.00am on Tuesday, 11 September 2012, we discovered that the Aliran office had been broken into. The perpetrators had gained entry from the back portion of the building through the window by removing the grille. P Ramakrishnan, Aliran executive committee Instead of deploying thousands of police personnel as was done during the Bersih 3.0 rally or any opposition-centred activities, these personnel should be out in the streets ensuring our safety and security. – Photograph: Dr Dzul's blog They unlocked the wooden door from within the ground floor and proceeded to the first floor. They prised open the secured wooden door upstairs and entered the first floor. The building wasn't ransacked;, nothing was strewn on the floor. They did a very neat job. According to the carpenter who came later to repair and fix the damage, these culprits had to be professionals because they did not cause severe damage to gain entry. He also revealed that his boss' house was broken into two months ago. He lost three laptops and cash. The loss that we discovered was amazing and somewhat startling. The notebook belonging to the current president of Aliran (Francis Loh) was stolen. The computer set and the printer belonging to the immediate past president (P Ramakrishnan) were stolen. The computer set used by the treasurer (Anil Netto) was also stolen. All these are old computers. But strangely two other computers used by the clerk were left behind! There was also RM26.90 in one of the drawers but this was not touched. We made a police report and were told to go back and wait for one Sergeant Karim who would investigate and take a statement from us. Sergeant Karim came sometime later informing us that he was at the Jelutong Secondary School immediately behind the Aliran office investigating another break-in there. We were informed that burglars had carted away computer equipment (laptop, projector) and cash from the school. The police dusted the Aliran office for finger prints without success, took pictures of the break in and took our statement. They were of the opinion that the burglars could have gone to the school after the Aliran break-in. Cash-strapped as we are, we feel the financial strain arising from the loss of our computers. But we are no stranger to this situation. We have always been struggling on a shoe-string budget. The struggle will continue. Much has been said about the reduction in crime rates to assure the populace that the security situation in the country is improving. Statistics are trotted out to convince Malaysians that the improving crime situation is no idle talk. But Malaysians remain cynical and unconvinced. They hear of so many crimes taking place in their neighbourhood which go unreported. There are Malaysians who are reluctant to make police reports on the perceived premise that nothing is done or can be done to bring the culprits to book. They rationalise that it is a waste of time reporting. But it is a fact, it seems, crimes take place on a daily basis across the country. People no longer feel safe. The fear is always present that they may be robbed or accosted or assaulted.. They feel intimidated. This is the reality. Malaysians argue that the police go after the opposition with a determined purpose for any infringement of the law, however remote or mild, but this vigorous pursuit is lacking when ordinary Malaysians are victims of crimes. They contend that instead of deploying thousands of police personnel as was done during the Bersih 3.0 rally or any opposition centred activities, these personnel should be out in the streets ensuring our safety and security. |
Anti-Islam film was directed by former Hollywood soft-core porn filmmaker Alan Roberts: report Posted: 15 Sep 2012 02:47 PM PDT
(New York Daily News) - The man who directed an anti-Islam film that sparked protests in 20 Muslim countries is the same person best known for making a string of low-budget, softcore porn movies in the 1970s and 1980s, Gawker reports. Casting notices for the inflammatory film, originally called "Desert Warrior," listed Alan Roberts as the director. According to IMDB, Santa Monica, Calif.-based Alan Roberts, 65, had directed films with titles like "The Happy Hooker Goes to Hollywood," and "The Sexpert." Gawker said it had spoken to cast, crewmembers and friends to confirm the same Roberts behind "Young Lady Chatterley" was in fact the director of the anti-Islam movie renamed "Innocence of Muslims." "I am sure it was the same Alan Roberts, as I remember him speaking about this project," colleage and filmmaker David A. Prior told Gawker. Roberts was brought on to direct the film by producer "Sam Bacile," apparently an alias used by Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, 55, a southern California resident and convicted felon. Nakoula, a self-described Coptic Christian, is believed to be the key figure behind the 14-minute, amateurish movie that mocks the Prophet Mohammad. The film's trailor was translated into Arabic and spurred a wave of furious anti-Western protests, leading to the death of four Americans in Libya, among them U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens. Actors in the movie have since said they were duped about the film's plot and claim that many of their lines were over-dubbed. It was still unclear how Roberts came to direct the film or if he knew "Bacile" prior to shooting the movie outside of Los Angeles in 2011. Gawker reached a "business associate" who said Roberts had turned off his phone after the protests erupted. The Los Angeles Times reported that Roberts might also be an alias for "a 65-year-old man named Robert Alan Brownell of Canyon Lake in Riverside County."  |
10,000 beli meja untuk Jamuan Pakatan Posted: 15 Sep 2012 02:43 PM PDT
(Sebahagian dari kira-kira 10,000 yang menyertai jamuan Pakatan Rakyat di Sutera Mall, Skudai, Johor Bahru) (Harakah) - JOHOR BAHRU: Lebih 10,000 orang rakyat Johor membeli kerusi untuk menyertai jamuan 1,000 meja yang dianjurkan oleh Pakatan Rakyat di Skudai, Johor malam tadi. Ia dianggap antara jamuan berbayar terbesar yang dianjurkan oleh Pakatan Rakyat di Johor dan mendapat sokongan hebat rakyatnya.
Majlis itu diadakan di Sutera Mall, Skudai, Johor Bahru dengan disertai oleh para pemimpin kanan Pakatan Rakyat dari PAS, PKR dan DAP.
Antaranya Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Timbalan Presiden PAS Haji Mohamad Sabu, Naib Presiden Salahudin Ayub, Pengerusi DAP Johor, Dr Boo Cheng Hau, Pesuruhjaya PAS Johor, Dr Mahfodz Mohamed dan juga Setiausaha Agung PKR, Datuk Saifudin Nasution
Anwar yang berucap di majlis itu mengajak rakyat Johor jangan lagi toleh kebelakang dan terus mara ke hadapan walaupun pelbagai ancaman yang dibuat kepada Pakatan Rakyat.
"Masa rakyat Johor bersama Pakatan telah tiba dan kita akan terus mara ke hadapan," katanya disambut tepukan gemuruh hadirin.
Mohamad Sabu juga mengajak rakyat Johor bersama politik baru dan menolak politik samseng dan perkauman.
Beliau juga turut menegaskan komitmen PAS bersama Pakatan Rakyat dan mempastikan semua rakyat negara ini melaksanakan politik baru.
"Politik perkauman dan ganas sudah ketinggalan," kata beliau merujuk kepada beberapa kejadian ganas terhadap pemimpin Pakatan termasuk kepada bas Merdeka Rakyat.
Salahudin Ayub pula dalam ucapannya melahirkan keyakinan beliau rakyat Johor akan bersama Pakatan untuk ke Putrajaya.
"Pakatan mempunyai potensi yang cerah di negara ini dan zaman Johor deposit tetap BN sudah berakhir," kata beliau di depan lebih 10,000 tetamu yang membeli meja untuk menyertai majlis itu. |
Sabah Umno loses two more leaders to PKR Posted: 15 Sep 2012 02:39 PM PDT 
Dr Ibrahim Menudin, the present chairman of Sabah government-owned Suria Capital is set to be PKR's candidate for Labuan. Luke Rintod, FMT TUARAN : Sabah Umno has lost two more of its founding leaders to rival PKR when corporate figure Dr Ibrahim Menudin and former federal deputy minister Yahya Lampong ditched it for the opposition. Menudin was Sabah Umno's former treasurer and presently chairman of Sabah government-owned Suria Capital, an investment arm of the state. He is set to resign from his lucrative post. Both were present at the Pakatan Rakyat's function to commemorate the 49th anniversary of Malaysia's formation in 1963, at a restaurant in Tuaran near here Saturday evening. Pakatan Rakyat supremo and PKR advisor Anwar Ibrahim announced the formal reception of the duo at the function attended by at least 3,000 people last night. "Tan Sri Ibrahim loses about RM60,000 or RM70,000 (monthly perks) for joining PKR but that he does it for the people," Anwar said amid applause from the audience who kept their spirit high despite intermittent downpours at the function which culminated into fireworks show at 12am midnight. Ibrahim had earlier made his decision known in a Labuan function attended by Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim, who was also present at last night's event. He is now poised to become Pakatan's candidate in Labuan. In fact Pakatan came in full force for the Malaysia's 49th anniversary. Among those who attended were PAS president Hadi Awang, DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng who is also Penang Chief Minister, PKR vice president Azmin Ali, DAP secretary-general Mustaffa Ali, Husam Musa, Tian Chua, William Leong, Zuraida Kamarudin and others. Organising chairman Lajim Ukin in his welcoming speech said Malaysia has come of age and it is time a new government led by Pakatan treats Sabah and Sarawak as equal partners to Peninsular Malaysia in the federation. "BN will not treat us as equal partners but Pakatan has pledged to restore our rights and therefore we must support for change for the better of not only Sabah and Sarawak but for the whole nation," he said. READ MORE HERE |
Penang CM: BN snarling as polls near Posted: 15 Sep 2012 02:36 PM PDT 
Lim says that his worst fear in facing the coming general election is that the BN government will do anything to stay in power. Queville To, FMT KOTA KINABALU: A series of recent incidents targeting Pakatan Rakyat has given Malaysians a clear picture of the type of government in power, Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said here on Saturday. The DAP secretary-general who is in the state to attend the Malaysia Day celebration organised by Pakatan Rakyat, in Tuaran on Sunday said the culture of intolerance and fear was threatening to damage the nation as general election looms. Lim was referring to a series of attacks on DAP offices in his state and on the PKR convoy in various parts of the peninsula. He said however that the general election would provide an avenue for the electorate to voice their opinion forcefully on the direction the Umno-led Barisan Nasional government was taking the country. "This offers the people a clear choice on whether they want to support a political party that breeds the culture of hatred … violence, or to choose Pakatan Rakyat that fights for people-centric policies that not only benefit the rakyat but also give a bright future for our future generations. "This is the difference between hate and love, violence and non-violence, despair and hope. I think it gives the people a clear choice," he said. The Penang Chief Minister however said that his worst fear in facing the coming general election was that the BN government would do anything to stay in power. "They (Barisan Nasional) will cheat, they will lie, they will buy and they will threaten. First they will lie, if they cannot lie, they will try to buy, if they cannot buy, they will try to instil fear … that is threaten you," he said. READ MORE HERE |
Stop playing with people’s sentiments Posted: 15 Sep 2012 02:32 PM PDT 
The premier it seems has a soft spot for all things 11, leaving the rakyat puzzled yet again as to what really the prime minister is up to. Jeswan Kaur, FMT From the 55th Merdeka Day 'self-praise' to the teka-teki (guessing game) concerning the 13th general election, premier Najib Tun Razak seems to be savouring every second of calling the shots from Putrajaya, the nation's nerve centre. Never before in history has a Merdeka Day celebration hinged on a desperate effort to gain political mileage as it did this year when the federal government decided to use the 'Janji Ditepati' slogan as the theme for the Aug 31 independence day celebration. To the rakyat, such a theme was both beleaguering and confusing, making them wonder whether the Barisan Nasioanl-led government was even serious about commemorating the nation's most significant date. Calls to re-consider the Merdeka Day theme sadly fell on deaf ears as Najib and his band of Cabinet ministers tried in vain to convince the rakyat that there was no better theme than 'Janji Ditepati' to celebrate the country's 55th independence. Bemusing as it may be, the 'Janji Ditepati' is the BN government's election campaign theme was concocted to win the people's votes in view of the coming general election. Going by the 'initiatives' laid out by Najib one after the other in an express way, there is no doubt that the strategy was simple – to impress the rakyat with the one aid after another, hoping it would pave the way for BN to squash its nemesis, the opposition Pakatan Rakyat in the 13th GE. Then comes the clincher from Najib who dropped hint that the much speculated general election just might happen in November – and why November? The premier it seems has a soft spot for all things 11, leaving the rakyat puzzled yet again as to what really the prime minister is up to, if relying on astrology is considered a must for Najib. With his 'yes', then 'no' and 'yes' anwers to the GE, Najib has left the people in the doldrums, something only an irresponsible leader would do. But then responsibility has never been the premier's strength, has it? Nation belongs to rakyat, not Najib and Co If the premier amidst all protest dare make the country's 55th independence celebration a 'Najib affair', it will come as no surprise if the Budget 2013 is accorded the same fate, misusing and turning it into a 'general election' budget. Looks like the 59-year-old Najib and his 'followers' have forgotten who really are the stake holders of the nation. The country does not belong to the prime minister and his cronies for them to act as they wish, paying no heed to the voices of the grassroots. Impressing the rakyat with themes like 'Janji Ditepati' is not good enough. The assurance that the Barisan Nasional government cares has yet to shine through if seen from the demands made by electoral watchdog Bersih, which among others wants the Najib-led government to clean-up the electoral roll before the 13th GE takes place. The question is, has the Election Commission started 'cleaning- up' the electoral roll or is it still awaiting orders? And should the general election take place in November, it is obvious that the electoral roll would be 'dirty' as ever or 'dirtier' still. As PAS vice-president Mahfuz Omar told FMT on the November general election speculation: "We have been prepared since the beginning. The only thing we are not prepared for is the dirty electoral roll. We are not ready for that. "We just want clean and fair management of the elections. Is the EC ready? There are many issues they must handle such as phantom voters, immigrants given citizenship, etc. " It is not just the dirty electoral roll that begs notice. The issue of influx of immigrants in Sabah who apparently have been given blue identity MyKad in return for their vote for BN too is not being given due attention, in spite of Najib assuring the rakyat a Royal Commission of Inquiry would be set up to look into the issue. November is just around the corner and with not much time on his hand, how does Najib intend to settle the many outstanding issues that have long been plaguing the nation's 'well-being'? How is he truly working at earning the rakyat's nambikei or trust? A nation's general election cannot be held at the whims and fancies of its leader and for that matter based on a 'number' the leader has taken a fancy to. But the scenario is otherwise in this country where its leader finds it such a pleasure calling the shots from his plush office and 'reaffirming' to the rakyat yet again that as far as power and control go, he is in charge. READ MORE HERE |
Ulang tahun ke-4 pembohongan Anwar Posted: 15 Sep 2012 02:29 PM PDT 
Politik jijik dan kotor semakin meningkat hanya disebabkan cita–cita dan impian seorang individu untuk menjadi Perdana Menteri negara kita. Oleh Shen Yee Aun, FMT Pada setiap tahun sejak 1963, September 16 merupakan hari untuk memperingati penubuhan persekutuan Malaysia. Sepanjang lima dekad ini, negara Malaysia telah ditadbir oleh kerajaan Barisan Nasional yang telah melalui liku perjalanan yang penuh dengan cabaran dan rintangan daripada kuasa asing. Sebelum ini Malaysia diancam oleh kuasa asing seperti British, Jepun, Belanda, Singapura, Indonesia, Filipina dansebagainya tetapi kini bumi yang bertuah ini pula menerima ancaman daripada anasir dalaman (Pakatan Rakyat) untuk meruntuhkan tamadun Malaysia yang sudah lama dibina oleh Barisan Nasional. Politik jijik dan kotor semakin meningkat hanya disebabkan cita–cita dan impian seorang individu untuk menjadi Perdana Menteri negara kita. Adakah keseluruhan kemajuan, kestabilan dan kedaulatan negara kita hendak kita robohkan hanya demi membantu memenuhi hawa nafsu seseorang individu untuk menjadi Perdana Menteri negara kita? Dahulu bangsa Melayu, Cina, India, Kadazan, Bidayu dan pelbagai rakyat etnik Malaysia hidup dengan aman dan bersatu. Namun, perpaduan dan keamanan yang sudah lama kita nikmati bersama sudah berada pada tahap keretakkan sejak penubuhan Pakatan Rakyat yang sanggup bersikap Machiavelli dengan melakukan apa–apa sahaja demi menawan Putrajaya. Mereka terus memainkan sentimen perkauman bagi membakar api kemarahan dan kebencian rakyat terhadap sesebuah kerajaan yang sudah lama berbakti dan berjasa kepada negara. Mereka terus menyemarakkan api kemarahan dan kebencian rakyat dengan menumpah minyak penipuan dan pembohongan. Mereka sanggup menaburkan janji–janji yang tidak realistik demi memberi harapan palsu kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia termasuk menjanjikan bumi dan langit. Mereka sanggup merisikokan keselamatan rakyat dan nyawa ribuan rakyat Malaysia dan memperdaya mereka untuk bangkit bertindak ganas dan berdemonstrasi di jalanan. Negara Malaysia, sekiranya rakyatnya tidak membuka mata dan telinga dan terperangkap dalam agenda jahat Pakatan Rakyat, sudah semakin hampir dengan ambang zaman kegelapan. Runtuhnya tiang Barisan Nasional yang selama ini menunjangi kestabilan, keamanan dan perpaduan negara Malaysia maka runtuhnya sinar dan cahaya negara Malaysia yang tercinta. Mereka terus menjampi dan memukau rakyat dengan segala seribu harapan yang realitinya indah khabar dari rupa. Laungan reformasi mereka hanya akan membasikan negara kita. Laungan Bersih mereka hanya akan membersihkan segala nikmat yang telah lama kita kecapi. READ MORE HERE |
‘Pakatan will make Sabah, S’wak equal’ Posted: 15 Sep 2012 02:23 PM PDT 
DAP sec-gen Lim says he is convinced that Sabah can become the richest state in the country if the oil royalty is increased from 5% to 20%. Queville To, FMT KOTA KINABALU: Pakatan Rakyat has promised to reinstate Sabah and Sarawak's original position as equal partners in the Federation of Malaysia, if it comes to power. DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng made the pledge during a visit to the state to attend a Pakatan Rakyat organised Malaysia Day celebration today in Tuaran, about 40 minutes drive from here. Lim who is also the Penang Chief Minister said that to ensure that Sabah and Sarawak benefit being equal partners in the Federation, the new government would specifically focus on addressing the imbalance in oil revenue, infrastructure development, water and electricity supply and land reform as well as the issue of illegal immigrants in the state. On the oil royalty that the state currently receives from the government-owned oil firm Petronas for pumping out the commodity, he said it would be raised from 5% to 20%. He said this was imperative so that the two states could build up their infrastructure, improve education facilities and combat the high level of poverty. Lim said he was convinced that Sabah could become the richest state in the country if the oil royalty is increased from 5% to 20%. "The disgraceful state of infrastructures in Sabah and Sarawak must be improved and this includes the airports and ports in Sabah and Sarawak. "To be an equal partner in the Federation of Malaysia, you must have consistent and regular supply of water and electricity and also internet connectivity via free wifi in public places. "As for the illegal immigrants issue, we shall ensure that with the inquiry conducted by the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants, action will be taken against those who are responsible and how to stop and resolve this problem," he said. Pakatan is also targeting a land policy. "Land must be given to the people, not to political leaders. CM, excos, MPs, state assemblymen, and even district councillors are not qualified to apply for state lands. If they want to apply, then they must resign and become ordinary citizens, then only they can apply. Only ordinary people are qualified to apply," he said. Following the Penang way A Pakatan government, he said, would also ensure that the original status of land would not be diminished on conversion, as happens now in Sabah and Sarawak where the land lease has been slashed from 999 years to 99 years. The opposition also promises land leases will be automatically renewed and premiums slashed by 90%. READ MORE HERE |