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- Report: These 54 Foreign Governments (including Malaysia) Helped the CIA Torture, Detain, and ...
- Taman Tun Sues MRT
- UMNO leader 'shows the money' - piles of it - at event
- It’s over for MCA
- Berjasa: Third force for Malay voters?
- Sabotage of 2nd autopsy: Liow insists on police approval & UH declines
- Islam and Christianity:Two Faiths, One God
- The approach
- Deepak: Police intimidating me
- Know your numbers, Musa tells Hisham
- Immunity: Pakatan tells Deepak to ask AG
- SAPP stands alone with dignity
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Report: These 54 Foreign Governments (including Malaysia) Helped the CIA Torture, Detain, and ... Posted: 06 Feb 2013 01:10 PM PST
(Mother Jones) - On Tuesday, the Open Society Justice Initiative released a 212-page report that details international assistance to US covert action related to controversial Bush-era anti-terror policy. The report (PDF), titled "Globalizing Torture: CIA Secret Detention and Extraordinary Rendition," identifies 136 people who were captured or transferred by the Central Intelligence Agency, and lists available information about the detainees—both the Islamist operatives and the completely innocent. "Globalizing Torture" also provides an annotated list of the dozens of foreign governments that played roles in the CIA's secret program in the years following the 9/11 terrorist attacks. These governments provided crucial support in facilitating the CIA and Bush administration's war on Al Qaeda by, according to the report:
Here are the 54 listed, in alphabetical order:
Posted: 06 Feb 2013 12:40 PM PST The PZ residents seek a declaration to the effect that the entire MRT project in Klang Valley is illegal, unauthorised by law and therefore MRTco should not commence any construction of the MRT before complying with all the rules and regulations relevant thereto. A Writ of Summons against MRTCo was filed today, 5th February 2013 at the Jalan Duta High Court by Messrs Nik Saghir & Ismail, Advocates and Solicitors who are acting on behalf of the Pinggir Zaaba (PZ) Taman Tun Dr Ismail residents. The Writ was filed as a result of the detrimental impact of the MRT's construction at close proximity from the front door of their homes, which according to a layman's understanding, is the length of two saree's. The Writ also stated that the PZ residents seek a declaration to the effect that the entire MRT project in Klang Valley is illegal, unauthorised by law and therefore MRTco should not commence any construction of the MRT before complying with all the rules and regulations relevant thereto. Discussions between MRTco and PZ residents had started more than a year ago which looked into a buy-out scheme of "willing buyer – willing seller" proposition. The proposal was then rejected by the Special Compensation Committee in July 2012. "After many attempts at reaching out to the Government and MRT Corp to amicably resolve the matter due to the detrimental impact of the MRT's construction at close proximity to our homes, we, the residents of Pinggir Za'aba, Taman Tun Dr Ismail, find our concerns are still without any resolution. Hence, to protect the interest of our families, especially the health, safety and well-being of our children and elderly, we are forced to file a civil suit against MRT Corporation today because they weren't listening and we know the Courts will." said Mr Ho Lee Yoke, a resident in Pinggir Zaaba. Another resident, Mr Akhramsyah Muammar Ubaidah bin Tan Sri Sanusi added "Our initial hope was that the MRT Corporation on behalf of the Government would provide the care and respect due to us whose homes are precariously near to the proposed MRT railway have been dashed. MRT Corporation's own actions since its CEO began to personally engage us on the matter through to their repeated engagements, including meetings to determine the prices they would have to pay for buying our homes in PZ stand as their own admission of where their obligations to us lie. Our quiet cooperation was instead rewarded by neglect and deceit". The PZ residents' predicament certainly bears merit considering the fact that their homes are within the railway protection zone under the law. Homes within the said Railway Protection Zone will be automatically deemed uninhabitable and subsequently worthless in the market. As Taman Tun Dr Ismail is a highly sought after residential area, the arrival of the MRT project that is too close for comfort near the homes of the Plaintiffs, this will change the landscape into an area that is shunned by public, property investors and potential house buyers alike. The MRT infrastructure will deprive the PZ residents of their private and proprietary rights as well as the enjoyment of their land. "MRT Corporation continually refuses to acknowledge this reality. There is certainly no compassion shown towards the PZ residents which seems to pay lip service to the Government's slogan of "Rakyat didahulukan, Pencapaian diutamakan" as demonstrated by MRT Corporation's apathy towards the PZ residents plight." Added Akhramsyah. The Writ of Summons that has been filed was an action done without any malice. Rather, the filed Writ is the PZ residents' appeal to the judiciary to provide them with some redress and justice. The residents acknowledge that the MRT project should be constructed as it would bring great benefit to the citizens of Kuala Lumpur. However, it should not be constructed in a way that would harm any party, regardless of the number of affected residents. This would be tantamount to condoning oppression. "Last but not least, we still welcome any move to amicably settle this case out of court" Added Mr Ho.
UMNO leader 'shows the money' - piles of it - at event Posted: 06 Feb 2013 12:28 PM PST
(Harakah Daily) - "This money is proof to residents that I, as the Tanah Merah UMNO chief, have the financial means to help the locals in the estates," said Ikmal Hisham Abdul Aziz. A Kelantan UMNO branch chief's act of arranging piles of cash during a ceramah programme has taken one step further the well-known cash-for-votes campaign practised by Barisan Nasional. |
Posted: 06 Feb 2013 12:22 PM PST
If the voting trends go along the same lines as it did in 2008, it is then the end for both Umno and MCA. Mohd Ariff Sabri Aziz, FMTIf only 30% of the Malay electorate in each of the parliamentary seat where MCA is the incumbent vote for PKR, then MCA is wiped out. But Umno wants to save its Islam-bashing partner at all costs even if it means speaking like an infidel. MCA, on its part, must do everything to keep the Chinese intact but it's facing an uphill battle. MCA has lost its credibility and relevance. It goes to town, saying if Pakatan Rakyat wins, then PAS will "Talibanise" everything. It claims if Pakatan wins you can't play mahjong, eat pork, bah kut teh, wash hair, yam seng and all that. But we all know that MCA must say that PAS will restrict everything. Umno and MCA are playing two sides of the same coin, but the subterfuge is not fooling everyone. So, how do we kill off MCA for good? There is a simple formula. If only 30% of the Malays vote for Pakatan and 80% of non-Malays vote the same way, MCA is finished. This is all we need. MCA can lose all its 15 parliamentary seats in the next general election. Read more at: |
Berjasa: Third force for Malay voters? Posted: 06 Feb 2013 12:19 PM PST
( - BERJASA, the party which rose from the "ashes" of the 1977 Kelantan Emergency before finding itself eclipsed after the 1990 polls, is set to resurface and contest the next general election. Sources say an official announcement will be made "very soon" – possibly on Friday. The party, which has been "quiet" for a long time, had first expressed its intention to take part in GE13 last March when talk was rife that polling would be held then. But their "announcement" last year did not get much attention in the media. But this time, it is said Malay/Muslim-based Berjasa is "ready to offer itself as the third force" and could provide the platform for individuals who want to take the plunge into the political arena but do not have a party for backing. The party has always portrayed itself as "a cross between Umno's nationalism stance and PAS' Islamic belief". Perhaps that would "appeal" to the likes of former PAS leaders Datuk Hasan Ali and Nasharudin Mat Isa – don't forget that Berjasa is a PAS breakaway. Or would former Umno man and current Perkasa president Datuk Ibrahim Ali be interested? It is not known how many members the party has at present or its reach nationwide. Hence, on its own it is not expected to cause a huge impact on the political landscape of the country. But it could be a different scenario should the party form a pact with other political entities. Berjasa will eye Malay/Muslim constituencies. That's a given so to speak. Its entry into the political arena will see a further split in Malay votes. Berjasa or Barisan Jemaah Islamiah Se-Malaysia was formed in 1977 following a political crisis in Kelantan, which led to a declaration of emergency in the state. And it played a big role in toppling the then Kelantan PAS state government. Since Merdeka Kelantan has always been ruled by PAS. And when the party joined the BN in 1973 it was agreed that Kelantan remain a PAS stronghold, with Umno having a "share" in the PAS dominated government. Thus the Kelantan Menteri Besar then was the late Datuk Mohammad Nasir from PAS. The party then was led by Datuk Asri Muda. Soon after, PAS-Umno rivalry intensified in Kelantan. Menteri Besar Datuk Mohammad Nasir, despite being a PAS man, was seen to be "siding" with Umno and frequently defied party instructions. Irritated, annoyed and angry even, PAS demanded his resignation. Mohammad Nasir refused and was later sacked from PAS but he remained menteri besar. A "no confidence" motion against the MB was tabled in the state assembly and carried by the 20 PAS assembly members. The 13 representatives from Umno and one from MCA walked out in protest. Mohammad Nasir's response was to call for the dissolution of the state assembly. A legal impasse ensued. Followers of Mohammad Nasir held demonstrations in the streets of Kota Baru, expressing their support for him. Violence and looting were reported. The federal government headed by Prime Minister Tun Hussein Onn rushed an emergency bill in parliament which was passed. A state of emergency was declared and curfew imposed in the Kelantan state capital, Kota Baru. PAS was thrown out of the BN. Three months later, the federal government called for a snap election in Kelantan. Held on March 11, 1978, the election saw the participation of PAS, Umno and a third party formed earlier by Mohammad Nasir. It was named Berjasa. Read more at: |
Sabotage of 2nd autopsy: Liow insists on police approval & UH declines Posted: 06 Feb 2013 12:02 PM PST
Police have already refused to give written instruction to the hospital for the 2nd autopsy despite repeated requests from the family. Instead, the police have only said that they have no objections to the second autopsy; whereas the government hospitals will not carry out a 2nd autopsy unless there are written instructions from police. A mere letter of no objection by police is inadequate. N. Surendran, Latheefa Koya We refer to the statement by Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai, published in the media today, that the Ministry has not approved or disapproved of the 2nd autopsy upon C.Sugumar, and that approval must come from the police. This is despite a letter issued to the family on 6/2/13 that the Ministry will assist and facilitate the 2nd autopsy by Dr Porntip Rojanasunan. Consistent with Liow's position, the family has received a letter today, 7/2/13, from University Hospital refusing the request for the 2nd autopsy unless there is written instruction from the police. This is shocking and disappointing, and blatant sabotage of attempts to get the 2nd autopsy done.
Liow, as a representative of the Cabinet and Government, is putting further obstacles to the 2nd autopsy by insisting that the approval must come from the police. Police have already refused to give written instruction to the hospital for the 2nd autopsy despite repeated requests from the family. Instead, the police have only said that they have no objections to the second autopsy; whereas the government hospitals will not carry out a 2nd autopsy unless there are written instructions from police. A mere letter of no objection by police is inadequate. The refusal letter from UH received today proves this. It is entirely within the powers of the Health Minister to issue the order to any government hospital to carry out the 2nd autopsy. Why is Minister Liow Tiong Lai still refusing to do so? There is no legal requirement that there must be a police instruction to the hospital before a 2nd autopsy can be done. Why are the hospitals insisting on it? As such, there is now no certainty that Dr Porntip will be allowed to carry out the 2nd autopsy on Sugumar, despite the Health Ministry's undertaking that they will facilitate the autopsy. This prevents us from making the necessary arrangements for Dr Porntip to come to Malaysia and carry out the 2nd autopsy. The family has had a difficult and emotionally exhausting battle to get justice since Sugumar's killing more than two weeks ago. The prolongation of the struggle for the 2nd autopsy is a great torment for the family. We call upon the police, Health Ministry, Cabinet and Prime Minister to immediately cease this concerted attempt to sabotage the family's quest for justice. The Prime Minister and government must urgently remove all the unnecessary and unlawful obstacles preventing the 2nd autopsy. Immediate directions must be given ordering University Hospital or any other government hospital to allow the 2nd autopsy, to be carried out by Dr Porntip.
Islam and Christianity:Two Faiths, One God Posted: 06 Feb 2013 11:55 AM PST
"The Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, was a Messenger of Allah, and His Word which He bestowed on Mary, and a spirit proceeding from Him." Surah al Nisaa (The Women), 4:171. These ideas, or more precisely, this belief that Muslims are ordered to embrace about Jesus Christ and Christianity, made their hearts open to receive all of the Christ's teachings and facilitated convergence and cooperation between Muslims and Christians, under the good care of the Qur'an and the Messenger of Islam and all the believers. Lecture at: The University of Vienna, Austria May 18, 1979 In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful "O Humankind! We have created you from a single pair of a male and a female, and have made you into nations and tribes, so that you may know and cherish one another (not that you may despise each other). Verily, the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things)." Surah al Hujurat (The Inner Chambers), 49:13. As a result of belief in God and the fraternity of all human beings, we must necessarily live a life of love, agreement, cooperation, and peace. All God's legislation were revealed to emphasize this. The Prophets of God at various times showed us that God's religion is always the same, that they are intimate brothers with no enmity or conflict, that the aim of their message is one, that He Who raised them is One, and that the fundamentals of their religions are one - void of any contradiction or contrast. "He has ordained for you the same religion that He enjoined on Noah, which we have sent by inspiration to you, and which We enjoined on Abraham and Moses and Jesus, saying, 'Establish the Faith and do not be divided in it.'" Surah al Shura (Consultation), 42:13. This text is a clear testimony that God's religion is the same at all times and with all Prophets, and that God orders His prophets and their peoples to unite and agree and not be different and separate. In the Qur'an there are many examples of this, such as: "We have sent you Inspiration to know Our Will, as We sent it to Noah and the Messengers after him. We sent Inspiration to Abraham, and Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob (Yakub) and the Tribes, to Jesus, Job (Ayub), Jonah (Yunus), Aaron (Harun), and Solomon, and to David We gave the Psalms." Surah al Nisaa (The Women), 4:163. God gave the same Revelation in both substance and quality, so that all Prophets draw from one main spring or source. Moreover, it is evident that the Qur'an orders the Muslims to believe in all God's Prophets and to obey their commandments: "Say (O Muslims): We believe in Allah and what is revealed to us and in what was revealed to Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob and the Tribes, and hat Moses and Jesus received, and what the other Prophets received from their Lord. We make no distinctions among any of them." Surah al Baqara (The Cow), 2:136. Anyone who reads the Qur'an will see that its long Surahs or chapters ennoble and dignify Jesus and his mother, the Virgin Mary. The Qur'an also mentions and clarifies Jesus Christ's miracles and it tells of miracles not found in the Gospel itself, such as creating birds of clay into which he breathed and gave life with God's assistance. Another miracle of Jesus is speaking to people from the cradle. "Behold! The angels said, O Mary! Allah has chosen you and made you pure, and has preferred you above (all) the women of creation. O Mary! Allah gives you glad tidings of a Word from Him. His name will be the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary. He will speak to mankind in his cradle and in the prime of manhood, and he is of the righteous." The Family of 'Imran, 3:42 and 45-46. [Note: 'Imran is the name of the father of Moses and of the maternal grandfather of Mary, both of the same line.] The Qur'an addresses the Muslims clearly indicating Jesus Christ's high rank with God: "The Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, was a Messenger of Allah, and His Word which He bestowed on Mary, and a spirit proceeding from Him." Surah al Nisaa (The Women), 4:171. These ideas, or more precisely, this belief that Muslims are ordered to embrace about Jesus Christ and Christianity, made their hearts open to receive all of the Christ's teachings and facilitated convergence and cooperation between Muslims and Christians, under the good care of the Qur'an and the Messenger of Islam and all the believers. The Qur'an shows very clearly that Christians are the closest to Muslims on account of the good morals and virtues that they share with them. It says: "You will find that the nearest among men in affection for the believers are those who say, Verily! We are Christians, because there are among them men devoted; to learning and men who have renounced the world and because they are not given to arrogance. When they listen to what has been revealed to the messenger; you see their eyes overflow with tears for they recognize the truth. They pray, Our Lord, we believe. Inscribe us as among the witnesses. Allah has rewarded them for their prayer with Gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide forever. This is the reward of the good." Surah al Ma'ida (The Banquet Table), 5:82-83 & 85. As a result of this positive attitude of Islam toward Christianity and the Gospel, many ancient Christians were stimulated to express their belief and recognition of Muhammad and his religion. Some of them even granted the Muslims moral and financial aid to solidify and propagate Islam, such as the Emperor of Ethiopia (Abyssinia) in the 7th century A.C., who asked the oppressed Muslims who migrated to his country to recite some verses from the Qur'an concerning Christ and his faith. He, as well as his monks, wept and declared their recognition that Muhammad was a Prophet. He said, "The teachings of Christ and Muhammad flow out from one source." That emperor did not give up Christianity when he said this, for Islam does not require Christians to ignore the commandments and teachings of Jesus Christ. The Qur'an addresses Christians as follows: "Let the people of the Gospel judge by what Allah has revealed therein." Surah al Mai'da (The Banquet Table), 5:47. Prophet Muhammad has said, "I am the closest of all people to Jesus, son of Mary." He also said, "Prophets are brethren from one father, from different mothers, but with one religion." He further said,"You Muslims shall conquer Egypt. When this happens, be kind to its Christian people." The fourth Caliph, 'Ali, and the great leaders of Islam used to say to their contemporary Christians, "We do not prevent you from believing in Christianity; indeed we beseech you to obey it." Such examples are countless. Is it not the utmost degree of solidarity, love, affection, and collaboration when Muhammad made his private mosque a place for worship for his Christian guests in Medina? "Whoever causes mischief to a Christian or a Jew shall be my enemy on doomsday and he shall pay for it." He also said: "Be good to Coptic Christians." When the son of the Muslim governor of Egypt beat a Christian on his head after a quarrel, the latter went over to 'Umar in Medina asking for justice. 'Umar summoned the governor and his son and after hearing their cases, he gave the Christian a whip to beat his opponent in the presence of the great men of state. After the Christian took revenge for himself from the son of the governor of Egypt, 'Umar asked the Christian to beat the Governor himself, 'Amr. "I have received justice," the Christians said. 'Amr then asked: Why beat me oh Prince of the Faithful? 'Umar replied: It was because of your position as a governor what caused your son to commit the wrong." 'Umar then said his famous words: "Why do you enslave people, yet their mothers delivered them free?" "Alif. Lam. Mim. Defeated has been the Roman Empire in the lands close-by; yet it is they who, notwithstanding their defeat, shall be victorious within a few years. With Allah rests all power of decision in the past and in the future. And on that day the believers shall rejoice in Allah's help. He helps whomever He wills, since He alone is almighty, a dispenser of grace." Surah al Rum (The Roman-Byzantine Empire), 30:1-5. The prophecy came true and the Muslims were delighted. Islam, by its teachings and principles, has been able to turn millions of non-believers into believers in God, in Jesus Christ, and in all prophets and revealed testaments. The Qur'an has made of Muslims and Christians affectionate members of one family who live in happiness and cooperation. Why don't we see this again in our time among ourselves, especially when atheism has shrouded most parts of the world with its dark shadows and injustice and is seeking to swallow the remainder. Muhammad says, "The Merciful Allah will be compassionate to those who show mercy. Be merciful to those on earth in order to receive mercy from Him in heaven." Jesus says,"Give to whoever begs from you and do not turn away whoever wants to borrow from you." Muhammad says, "All creatures are Allah's dependents. The most favored to Him is he who is most beneficial to them." Read more at: |
Posted: 05 Feb 2013 08:21 PM PST
THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin About 15 years or so ago I joined a bike ride up north (north of Malaysia, that is) and we stopped to spend a night at some old colonial chalets at the foot of Cameron Highlands. The next day we visited an Orang Asli settlement not far from there and spent half a day with them. We also brought some handouts to distribute to the Orang Asli -- a sort of community service thing. The Orang Asli had probably been living at the foot of Cameron Highlands for thousands of years and it was most interesting to see that many of their old ways were still almost intact. I found out that both the Christian as well as Muslim missionaries visit them from time to time and although some of the Orang Asli have converted to Christianity not too many want to become Muslims. This bike trip I am talking about took place back in the days when I was still a fundamentalist Muslim who subscribed to the ideals of an Islamic State and the Shariah as the law of the land, the criminal laws of Hudud included. Hence it was of great interest when I was told that for many decades both the Christian as well as Muslim missionaries visited these Orang Asli and while some did leave their 'old faith' to adopt the Abrahamic faith they had no problems becoming Christians but had no attraction to Islam. This matter warranted further investigation. Our local friend, a Malay-Muslim, who had lived there for some years and who was our guide for the day explained that it all boils down to approach. The Christians go there not to preach Christianity although ultimately that is their mission, to spread Christianity. They go there to offer community service and in that same process they demonstrate to the Orang Asli what good people the Christians are. Hence Christianity must be a good religion if Christians are so good. The spreading of Christianity is never projected as the main motive. The main motive is to see how we can help you and serve you. If at all Christianity is mentioned, it is merely as a by-the-way thing, sort of: oh, by the way, before I take my leave, I just want you to know that we are Christians. The Muslim missionaries, however, have a different approach. They go there specifically to talk about Islam and how Islam is the only true religion while all other religions are false religions and under Islam this is forbidden and that is forbidden while this is mandatory and that is mandatory. In short, only Islam is good while all the others are bad and Islam is about a long list of dos and don'ts and if you breach these rules you will get punished both by God and by the Malaysian government. My conclusion was that the Christians adopted the soft approach while the Muslims adopted the hard approach and while the Christians talk about love and freewill the Muslims talk about hate and you have no freewill. If I were from the 'old ways' and two new religions were being presented to me, which do you think I will adopt, Christianity or Islam? And I saw as many pigs running around that Orang Asli settlement as I did children. They were like house pets. If the first thing I had to do to become a Muslim was to get rid of all my pigs while the Christians were quite happy to let you keep your pigs and almost the same number of dogs that I saw, do you think I would prefer Islam to Christianity? Now, before you all start your Islam-bashing, which will just send more Malays over to Umno, let me assure you that this article is not about Islam-bashing. It is about approach. It is about how you must approach people to convince them to join you, follow you, or support you, and not turn them off with your hate sermon. My story about my bike ride to an Orang Asli settlement around 15 years ago is merely to demonstrate my point. There are two things you do not discuss at a party. One is religion and the other is politics. And this is because both those subjects are very sensitive and extremely volatile. Hence the approach you adopt for both religion and politics is about the same. And while my story above concerns religion, the example could easily enough be applied to politics. If I talk to you about Islam and I condemn the Christians and tell you that the Bible is a fake, which was written by shamans and is not a book of God, and that it is compulsory that you become a Muslim because this is what God commanded, and if you refuse to become a Muslim then you are condemned and your blood is halal, will this attract you to Islam? It may not convince you to become a Christian but for sure Islam will disgust you -- or at least Muslims will disgust you. And is this not exactly the reason why many of you who are non-Muslims are disgusted with Islam or at the very least you are disgusted with Muslims? Concerts cannot. Sexy shows where women reveal too much flesh cannot. Bibles in Bahasa Malaysia cannot. Bibles using the Allah word cannot. Celebrate Valentine's Day cannot. Celebrate Christmas cannot. Build churches higher than mosques cannot. Build churches where there are Muslims living in the neighbourhood cannot. Build churches not far from mosques cannot. Ring church bells too loudly cannot. Christians talking about Christianity to Muslims cannot. Inviting Muslims to church functions cannot. And so on and so forth, the list is endless. However, Muslims can do everything that the Christians are forbidden from doing. Now, let us look at this whole thing from the perspective of politics and apply the above argument to politics. We who are Pakatan Rakyat people can do all sorts of things because we are doing a noble thing. Barisan Nasional people, however, are not doing the noble thing so we must condemn them if they do what we do. Can you not see that your attitude is no different from those inconsiderate and unreasonable Muslims that you condemn? The Muslims, too, feel that they are doing the noble thing just like how you Pakatan Rakyat people feel. And these inconsiderate and unreasonable Muslims feel that they are justified in doing what they are doing because they are doing the right thing and are opposing the wrong thing just like how you Pakatan Rakyat people feel. You condemn the Barisan Nasional people for not respecting freedom of choice, freedom of opinion, freedom of expression, freedom of association, etc., while you resent and vilify those who speak out against what you believe in, meaning Pakatan Rakyat. You condemn those who change sides when Pakatan Rakyat people join Barisan Nasional and you call them traitors and many other nasty names but you hail those Barisan Nasional people who join Pakatan Rakyat and you call them angels and patriots. You say that all those who used to be in power and who have committed transgressions must be hunted down and severely punished without mercy while those who used to be in power and who have committed transgressions but have joined the opposition must be forgiven and pardoned. You can call the Hindraf people 'Pariah Indians' and the Indian Muslims 'stinking Mamaks' but Ibrahim Ali can't say anything bad about the Chinese. (And don't let me even start on what you call the Malays). And, yet again, the list can go on and on. The issue is not about the cause. The cause may be noble but if the approach stinks then the message will be drowned in that sea of hatred. And this is what many see in the Pakatan Rakyat approach just like how we see the same in the approach the Muslims adopt in trying to 'sell' Islam. Why have I changed? Why is it once I was a fundamentalist Muslim and today I am disgusted with the attitude of Muslims and have become one of the greatest critics of the conduct of Muslims? Have I left Islam to become a Christian? No! Am I still a Muslim? Yes! Then why am I so critical of Muslims when once I cheered the Talibans of Afghanistan? Why do I share the view of the Christians that Muslims are hypocritical, unreasonable, inconsiderate and downright oppressive when I am a Muslim and not a Christian? Okay, let me rephrase the two paragraphs above. Why have I changed? Why is it once I was a diehard Reformasi activist and today I am disgusted with the attitude of the Pakatan Rakyat supporters and have become one of the greatest critics of the conduct of the Pakatan Rakyat people? Have I left the opposition to become a government supporter? No! Am I still a Pakatan Rakyat supporter? Yes! Then why am I so critical of Pakatan Rakyat when once I cheered the Reformists? Why do I share the view that opposition supporters are hypocritical, unreasonable, inconsiderate and downright oppressive when I am an opposition supporter who propagates reforms? Yes, you who are disgusted with the mindset of Muslims equally disgust me with your mindset regarding politics. You and those small-minded Muslims are the reverse side of the same coin. The only small difference is while those 'others' apply this attitude to Islam you apply the same attitude when it comes to politics. You have no right to condemn the Islamists because you are no different when it comes to your 'religion' called Pakatan Rakyat. I may be a Muslim but that does not take away my right to condemn the conduct of Muslims, as they should rightly be condemned. And in the same spirit I may be a Pakatan Rakyat supporter but that, too, does not take away my right to condemn the conduct of Pakatan Rakyat supporters, whenever they warrant condemning. Okay, I know what some of you are now going to say. Why only criticise Pakatan Rakyat? Why not also condemn Barisan Nasional? Pakatan Rakyat may not be perfect but Barisan Nasional is worse. First of all, have I ever not whacked Barisan Nasional? What more do you want me to say about Barisan Nasional that you do not already know? Is there anything more I can say about Barisan Nasional to convince you that we need change? Are you saying you are not yet convinced enough? Do you need me to reveal more dirt on Barisan Nasional to convince you who to vote for? Let me put it another way. Do I need to preach Islam to Muslims to convince them to become Muslims? How do I convert the already converted? Secondly, I am not a Christian. Hence I refrain from criticising Christians although not all Christians are sincere and noble and there are many hypocritical Christians. In fact, the Christians and Muslims are really not much different. Many from both religions are slime-balls and scumbags. I want people to love Islam, not to hate Islam, like what is happening now all over the world, Malaysia not exempted. Hence I criticise Muslims and condemn their conduct. And if Muslims do things that are damaging to Islam I will speak up. I really do not care about priests raping choirboys and so on. If many people end up hating the Christians, that is not my concern. That is not my problem and the more the Christians leave Christianity to become Muslims the better. But I am concerned if it is the other way around. And this same argument would apply to Pakatan Rakyat as well. My job is not to convince you that Barisan Nasional is beyond redemption. That you already know. My worry is that many who voted Pakatan Rakyat back in 2008 are having second thoughts about whether to do the same in the coming general election. Hence I am not going to stop criticising the Muslims, as I will not stop criticising Pakatan Rakyat supporters. And if the Muslims do not like that then stop doing and saying silly things that makes me ashamed to call myself a Muslim. And in that same spirit, the Pakatan Rakyat supporters can also avoid criticism by stopping from doing and saying silly things. Sometimes I feel like I am speaking to a bunch of school children…sigh. |
Deepak: Police intimidating me Posted: 05 Feb 2013 06:25 PM PST Carpet dealer claims the police and MACC are getting orders from "higher ups" to stop him from revealing the truth behind Altantuya Shaariibuu's murder. Anisah Shukry, FMT Deepak Jaikishan has accused policemen of working "in synergy" with the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) to stop him from implicating Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak in the 2006 murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu. The controversial businessman told reporters today he suspected they were receiving "instructions from above" to pressure him from disclosing all he knew regarding the premier and his family. He cited as example his latest appointment with the MACC on Jan 25, in which the police had allegedly disrupted him as he was recording his statement over P Balasubramiam's second statutory declaration. "I was in the middle of writing out my statement. I had only completed two pages when the police called me up. They were in my office and wanted me to go over to the Jalan Duta Court Complex immediately to give evidence under Section 111A," recalled Deepak. Deepak said he had asked the presiding MACC officer to explain to the policeman over the phone that he was in the middle of recording his statement, but the officer refused. "He said 'no, we cannot talk to him, but you go, then you come back again.' So I know the MACC and the police are all in synergy. They want to stop me from continuing with my statement," he said. Deepak claimed that when he arrived in court, he was then told by the police to go to the Jalan Duta ACP's house in Bangsar to record a statement regarding what he knew of Altantuya's murder. There, he said, he was met by the ACP and proceeded to record his statement for four hours before finally returning home at 11pm. "It was all done in a cloak and dagger style to intimidate me," claimed Deepak. According to Deepak, that wasn't the first time the MACC had attempted to undermine his efforts to "reveal the truth". He said that during his first appointment with the MACC on Jan 18, the officers had refused to look through all the documents he had brought. He also said that while he was in Putrajaya for that appointment, several people went to his office to create a "ruckus". "I had to go back to the office, then went to Putrajaya and recorded my statement with MACC that lasted half an hour." Pressure from all sides Deepak said he was now under duress from all quarters, and was receiving "love letters" from various government agencies such as the customs department relating to cases dated back from 2000. "They tell me all these cases will come to me in February, by sheer coincidence," Deepak added sarcastically. "I know the tactics they are employing." He said that even Boustead Holdings' takeover of his company, Astacanggih, was a form of intimidation so that he'll drop his lawsuit against Putrajaya for an alleged breach of agreement over land in Bukit Raja, Selangor.
Know your numbers, Musa tells Hisham Posted: 05 Feb 2013 05:15 PM PST The former top cop hits out at the home minister for undermining the crime index. G Vinod, FMT Former inspector-general of police Musa Hassan criticised Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein for undermining crime statistics recently. Speaking to FMT, Musa said that everyone needs some sort of statistics for research and studies for future improvements. "How can he [Hishammuddin] say statistics are not important? The police allocate a lot of money and manpower to compile crime statistics. "Hishammuddin should know what he is doing," he said. Last month, The Malaysian Insider quoted Hishammuddin as saying that the crime index is not important as the numbers can be disputed and belittled as has been seen in the run-up to the coming general election. He also said that the government was committed to battling crime and the people are feeling safer on the streets now. Musa said that not only the police collect statistics, but all other government departments do as well. "Even to gauge the progress of a nation's economy, we need statistics. The whole world needs data. "If statistics are not important, why do we need the Statistics Department?" he asked. Nonsensical comments MyWatch chairman R Sri Sanjeevan agreed with Musa, saying the government should consider closing down the Statistics Department, going by Hishammuddin's logic. He urged Hishammuddin to understand his role better and not just give nonsensical comments. "He should stop acting like he is the inspector-general of police," said Sanjeevan.
Immunity: Pakatan tells Deepak to ask AG Posted: 05 Feb 2013 05:07 PM PST The businessman now wants the AG to provide him with immunity so that he can reveal more about the alleged links between Najib and Rosmah to the Altantuya Shaariibu case. Anisah Shukry, FMT Pakatan Rakyat will not provide immunity to controversial businessman Deepak Jaikishan and instead asked him to turn to Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail instead. Responding to this, the carpet dealer, who met PAS vice-president Mahfuz Omar this morning, said he would write to the AG and was optimistic about the outcome. "It would be impossible for him [Gani] to deny me immunity. Here I am with all the evidence, surely he would want to listen to me," he pointed out. However, Deepak vowed to continue with his revelations regarding Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and his wife Rosmah Mansor and not wait for the AG's response to his request. "I would continue [without waiting for the AG's response] but cautiously within the law. But if they give the greenlight, I would go all the way out with the evidence," he stressed. The businessman hoped for a prompt reply from Gani. "I hope the AG would answer me immediately so that I may expose in detail all the documents involving money, and the Official Secrets Act which Rosmah gave to me," he added. Deepak said that his next press conferences would be held in Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and Dubai because the local mainstream media was "unable to reveal the truth". PAS to provide legal aid Meanwhile, Mahfuz told reporters that Pakatan felt that the Whistleblower Act 2010 and Witness Protection Act 2009 were sufficient in according protection to Deepak. "We unanimously agreed that immunity already exists in the country's Witness Protection Act, so there is no need for a guarantee of any other immunity for Deepak," said the Pokok Sena MP. "We find that he deserves protection based on the documents he has shown us and all that he has explained. But he must write a letter to the Attorney-General's Chambers to formally request immunity," he added. Mahfuz said PAS' lawyers would help provide legal aid and support for Deepak throughout the application process. Commenting on this, PAS chief lawyer Asmuni Awi said: "After we obtain information from Deepak, I would write a letter to the AG to ensure that he receives protection from any actions that incriminate him." "Deepak explained to us that he was only following orders. But according to the law, action could be taken against him and he requires protection," added the lawyer.
SAPP stands alone with dignity Posted: 05 Feb 2013 04:13 PM PST In recent weeks SAPP president Yong Teck Lee has been heard accusing BN and Pakatan Rakyat of trying to subdue any party that fights for Sabah autonomy and the peoples' rights. Luke Rintod, FMT TUARAN: Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) appears to have abandoned any lingering hope of working together with Pakatan Rakyat for the coming general election in Sabah. If the latest speeches by SAPP leaders are any indication, all that is left now is for the party to try and work it out with another opposition party, the State Reform Party (STAR), which has adamantly refused to "work under" any peninsular party. For the past one week SAPP president Yong Teck Lee, in his speeches, has been very critical of all peninsula-based parties. He has been accusing them of trying to subdue any party that fights for Sabah autonomy or to regain whatever glory the state had before the entry of the hegemonic central power. In Tenghilan, Tuaran recently, Yong repeated his call for the people to give priority to Sabah-based parties like SAPP and urged them to ignore Pakatan and Barisan Nasional if they want an autonomous state within the federation. "Under Pakatan and BN, everything will be decided in Kuala Lumpur, there is no autonomy for Sabah. They want to decide and control everything in Sabah… "[Unlike SAPP], their candidates need not come down to the kampungs to get nominated for election. All they have to do is go to Kuala Lumpur and lobby the leaders there for their candidacy in Sabah," Yong told 160 SAPP grassroots leaders. According to him, whether in Pakatan or BN, the authority to appoint candidates lay with leaders in Kuala Lumpur and that explained why aspiring Sabahans more often than not tried to please their Kuala Lumpur bosses rather than listening to and fighting for issues close to the heart of ordinary Sabahans. "This is dangerous for Sabah's fight for autonomy. People must reject leaders who do not have the audacity to [make] demands for Sabah.. They don't fight for Norikoh [murdered girl in a suspected attempted rape in Kota Marudu recently] or ask why the [Nomad] plane crashed [in 1976 killing then chief minister Fuad Stephens and other ministers]. "And mind you, Kuala Lumpur leaders dislike those who ask questions or question them…" said Yong. He also questioned the rationale of 500 Sabahans being flown to Kuala Lumpur recently during the Pakatan-organised "Himpunan Rakyat" when Sabah needed them most here. "How much did the 500 spend to go there? RM1 million was spent just to be seen and rubbing shoulders with their KL leaders. If they so wanted to serve the kampung folks, come down to the kampungs lah," he said.
Explain ‘missing’ land, S’gor govt told Posted: 05 Feb 2013 04:07 PM PST MIC Youth chief T Mohan claims that the Selangor government is planning to build a fully residential Tamil school in a land allocated as compensation to the former Coalfield estate workers B Nantha Kumar, FMT The Pakatan Rakyat-led Selangor government has been taken to task over a two-acre land, which was initially reserved for the construction of the country's first fully residential Tamil school. MIC Youth chief T Mohan said the state executive councillor in charge of Health, Estate Workers, Poverty and Caring Government, Dr Xavier Jeyakumar, should clear the air over the "missing" two- acre land which was awarded to the former Coalfield estate workers as compensation. Speaking to FMT, Mohan said the fate of the two acres of land is unknown while Selangor Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim had been giving contradictory statements on the matter. He said while MIC welcomes the idea of setting up a fully residential Tamil school, the state government needs to be transparent on its plans. "The state should answer all allegations pertaining to the land. Khalid said in total 10 acres were awarded for the construction of the school. But launching the project last week he announced that the state had allocated eight acres for the project. "Why is there a reduction in the size? Where is the balance of two acres? This is a serious issue and the state government should reveal details of the project," said Mohan. On Feb 13, last year, Khalid announced that the state would build a fully residential Tamil school on the 10-acre land. However, during the Tamil school ground-breaking ceremony on Feb 2, Khalid said the government has allocated only eight acres. Mohan claimed the state government's silence on the matter can be construed as "admission of guilt". He also demanded that Jeyakumar discloses details on the 10-acre plot given to the former Coalfield estate workers.
Don’t pour oil on ‘Allah’ flames, Hasan Ali tells MCCBCHST Posted: 05 Feb 2013 03:55 PM PST
Debra Chong, The Malaysian Insider Lawmaker Datuk Hasan Ali warned today the country's main non-Muslim interfaith council against adding more fuel to the "Allah" debate that has already inflamed tensions nationwide, a day after the group accused Selangor's Islamic authority of attempting to curb their religious rights. The Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST) has yesterday chided the Selangor Islamic Council (MAIS) and a former top judge for trying to control the rights of Malaysia's religious minorities in the tussle over "Allah", which they said was unconstitutional. "Rightly, the MCCBCHST which is represented by those with authority and learned in the nation's social culture should not pour oil on fire that is starting to flare. "The wisdom that is in the MCCBCHST leaders should be used properly to determine the peace and harmony that have been and is being enjoyed will continue to be enjoyed by future generations," the Independent Gombak Setia assemblyman said in a statement today. Hasan also urged the council not to involve itself in "unhealthy political games" but to advise the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) federal opposition, which supports the right of non-Muslims to call their gods "Allah", which many Muslims here believe is exclusive to Islam. "It is suggested the MCCBCHST should not entrap themselves in unhealthy political games. "They should instead take a positive attitude and find the best way, or at least, advise the Pakatan Rakyat political leadership to be reasonable and to study if their actions for short-term political gains can guarantee a peaceful racial and religious relation in the long run," he said. The president of right-wing Malay group Jalur Tiga (Jati) lashed out at the interfaith council, saying it had failed to take into account that non religious adherent, including Christians, had never applied to use the word "Allah" for their gods. "The MCCBCHST should understand that the federal and state governments, including the Islamic bodies have never tried to control non-Muslims or disturb their religious practices," he said. Hasan, a self-described champion of Malays and Islamic, said the "Allah" row only started recently, in the run-up to Election 2013 and questioned the motive for non-Muslims to demand to the right to call their gods by the Arabic word. "Only recently with GE13 approaching, the Allah issue is being raised which to this day has never been explained the real motive behind that application," he said. While he acknowledged that Christian Bumiputeras in Sabah and Sarawak had the right to use the Arabic word to refer to their god, as they had been doing so for a long time, he insisted that such use should not be allowed in peninsular Malaysia. "What is happening is an attempt by those irresponsible to go against existing limits by asking for the word Allah that is the exclusive right of Muslims to also be used by non-Muslims," he said. "This is in truth an unhealthy practice that can cause tension among races and religion," he added. The "Allah" row, which first erupted shortly after Election 2008, is again in the spotlight in the run-up to Election 2013 and is threatening to drive a wedge between non-Muslims and the Malay-Muslim community who form 60 per cent of Malaysia's 28 million population. Sikhs also use the word 'Allah" in their holy book, but Christians in Malaysia make up just under 10 per cent of the total population, and most of them hail from Sarawak and Sabah where worship is conducted in Bahasa Malaysia or their native languages that use the word "Allah" to refer to "God the Father" in the Christian belief of god as a trinity.
Deepak seeks immunity, vows more exposés after Posted: 05 Feb 2013 03:51 PM PST
Syed Jaymal Zahiid, The Mlaaysian Insider Controversial businessman Deepak Jaikishan said today he will seek immunity under the Witness Protection Act 2009 before exposing further alleged power abuse involving the country's top leadership. "I will apply for protection and write a letter to the Attorney-General (A-G) and hope he will reply immediately so I can make detailed exposés," he told reporters after meeting PAS leadership at the party's headquarters here. The meeting took place after PAS vice-president Datuk Mahfuz Omar promised to look into the carpet dealer's request for protection after Deepak claimed he had been a victim of government intimidation. Mahfuz said PAS was ready to provide legal help should Deepak face problems in his application for immunity as a whistleblower. "Our lawyer is ready to provide legal service to Deepak should he face obstacles in his application. He is qualified to receive protection under the Act," the Pokok Sena MP said. The carpet dealer claimed today the authorities had tried to intimidate him when they sent five police officers to bring him to "a certain officer's house" to have his statement recorded on his alleged involvement in the second sworn statement on the murder of Mongolian Altantuya Shaaribuu. "Instead of the Duta police station where I was supposed to record my statement, five police officers had escorted me to record my statement at a certain officer's house. "This is the typical cloak-and-dagger style to intimidate. I know how they work. The government is very powerful but they cannot hide the truth," he said. Deepak further said the police had asked him if he knew who had murdered Altantuya. "I replied I know the personality involved but I'm not 100 per cent sure who was at the location (of the murder)," he said while refusing to divulge the name of the person in question. The carpet dealer had recently admitted that he helped private investigator P. Balasubramaniam repudiate the latter's earlier statutory declaration on the 2006 murder, including finding two lawyers to draft the new statement. The Bar Council subsequently launched an investigation on the identity of the lawyers and possible misconduct in the drafting of the second sworn statement on the matter but said Deepak had refused to co-operate. A cloud of mystery has hung over the identity of the lawyer who drew up Balasubramaniam's second SD, dated a day after his first on July 3, 2008, regarding Altantuya's 2006 murder, for which two elite police commandos have been convicted and are facing death sentences.
Posted: 05 Feb 2013 03:43 PM PST
(The Star) - Himpunan Hijau chairman Wong Tack is standing by his statement that he will burn down the Lynas rare earth refinery if it is not shut down by the elected government after the general election. He admitted that it was a statement of violence but said the public should take into account the dangers posed by a rare earth refinery. It was reported that Pakatan Rakyat leaders had disagreed with Wong's statement and had distanced themselves from the group. In response to that, Wong said Pakatan should be proud that he was placing so much confidence in the Opposition coalition. "Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has given his commitment to shut down Lynas if Pakatan comes into power. It is with that assurance that I made the statement," he said, adding that the same step would be taken if Barisan Nasional was re-elected but did not shut down the plant. In Putrajaya, Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Ongkili said: "We have laws in this country. The law enforcers will know what to do." The Science, Technology and Innovation Minister also called on the public not to listen to people like Wong, "who wants to take the law into his own hands." Dr Ongkili was speaking to newsmen after signing a memorandum of understanding with Myanmar on cooperation in the science and technology fields at his office yesterday. Wong has threatened to burn down the plant if the newly-elected government fails to shutter it. Meanwhile, Bentong MCA division chief Datuk Hoh Khai Mun said DAP's politics of hatred has spread to civil societies and Pakatan Rakyat must take responsibility for it. In referring to Wong's threat, Ho said the DAP and its coalition partners had often called for their members and the public to take to the streets in their bid to topple the government. "This time, one of their followers has taken Pakatan's call too far in wanting to burn down a plant without considering the immediate and long-term repercussions to the public," he said in a statement.
Perak Speaker Ganesan sues for defamation over lewd VCD Posted: 05 Feb 2013 03:37 PM PST
(The Star) - Perak state assembly speaker Datuk R. Ganesan on Wednesday filed a RM25mil suit for defamation against five Opposition lawmakers over a VCD with a lewd picture of him and a woman on the cover He named assemblymen V. Sivakumar (Tronoh), A. Sivasubramaniam (Buntong), Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham (Sitiawan), Nga Kor Ming (Pantai Remis) and Lim Pek Har (Menglembu) as the defendants in the suit. "I have lodged a police report on Dec 22 for investigations to be carried out and I have stated then that I will take stern action against those who have defamed me. "On Jan 15, I issued a letter through my lawyer demanding that these parties retract their statements and apologise to me on certain terms but until now I have not received anything. "Therefore, I've decided to file a defamation suit to clear my name," he told reporters at the High Court. On Dec 22, Sivakumar and Sivasubramaniam claimed they received a brown envelope outside the state assembly, apparently containing a VCD with the lewd picture. The contents in the VCD could not be verified as the recipients claimed they had not watched it and decline to show it to the media. There was also a printout of an image from a blog and an envelope with the sender's address as "Perak MIC liaison body".
Sabah Kita joins the polls fray, splitting votes Posted: 05 Feb 2013 03:21 PM PST It is likely that the general election will see four-cornered fights in almost all the seats, given the interest of several smaller parties, alongside STAR and SAPP. Joseph Bingkasan, FMT KOTA KINABALU: It is getting increasingly crowded in Sabah's political arena. The latest party to "consolidate" itself under a new chief and reiterate its stand to contest all 60 state and 25 parliamentary seats is the Sabah chapter of Parti Keadilan Insan Tanah Air (Kita). Former assemblyman Thomas Anggan, who lost his deposit in the 2008 general election and who now heads Sabah Kita, said candidates have already been identified and the main aim is to bring down Barisan Nasional. "We are willing to work with Pakatan Rakyat to face the might of BN but if the Anwar Ibrahim-led opposition coalition declines our offer to cooperate, Sabah Kita will go on its own for all the state and parliamentary seats in Sabah," said Anggan. Anggan, a police inspector before contesting in 1985 for PBS and a former political secretary, will himself be contesting in Bingkor state and Keningau parliamentary seats. Keningau is currently held by his former boss, PBS president Joseph Pairin Kitingan. Anggan took over the leadership of Sabah Kita on Feb 1 after former federal minister Pengiran Othman Rauf tendered his resignation last month, citing health reasons. Anggan, who was Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) assemblyman for Bingkor in 1985, called a party supreme council meeting last week and adopted a resolution that was taken by Othman last year that the party will field candidates in all the 60 state and 25 parliamentary seats in Sabah in the coming general election. The supreme council of the party, an expansion of the Peninsula-based Kita, once headed by lawyer businessman Zaid Ibrahim, also made key appointments during its recent meeting. Its new deputy chairmen are Sylvester Mutang Dawat and Johan Asik Shah. Sabah Kita's director of strategy and information chief is Abdul Rashid Kobod while Timis Sambadi is the secretary and Betty Edwin Malangkan, the women's wing chief. The three supreme council members appointed are Jounal Bibi, Wahid Susu @ Suyoh and Saidi Jaimin. These officials are also set to contest in the general election. Dawat is set for Tenom, Johan in Kota Belud and Abdul Rashid is going for the Semporna parliamentary and Senallang state seats. More players advantageous to BN With this latest announcement, Sabah Kita is now the second smallest Sabah party contesting all the seats in the state. The other is Parti Bersatu Sasa Malaysia (Bersama) or Malaysia United People's Party. Bersama, headed by Suhaidin Langkap, is also planing to field candidates not only in Sabah but in all the 222 parliamentary and 502 state constituencies in the country.
‘Re-open Altantuya murder probe if…’ Posted: 05 Feb 2013 03:07 PM PST Responding to the revelations by Deepak Jaikishan, Musa Hassan says the probe should be re-opened if there is new evidence. G Vinod, FMT There must be a fresh probe if there is new evidence about the death of Mongolian translator Altantuya Shaariibuu, said former inspector general of police Musa Hassan. Pressed on private investigator P Balasubramaniam's second statutory declaration, Musa, who is also crime watchdog MyWatch patron, repeated:"If got new evidence, there should be a new investigation." In December last year, carpet dealer Deepak Jaikishan alleged that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's wife Rosmah Mansor had sought his help to get Balasubramaniam to retract his first statutory declaration which implicated the premier's family in Altantuya's death. Deepak, allegedly in working in cahoots with Nazim Razak, brother of Najib Tun Razak, had sealed a deal with Balasubramaniam to retract his allegation. However, Najib had since dismissed Deepak's allegation, saying the latter was not a credible person. Crime index manipulation He claimed that from January to October 2011, there were 43,792 cases of burglary and house break in, but the government changed the figure to 30,200. "For snatch thief and robbery without firearms, 17,882 cases were recorded for the same period. However, the government tweaked it to 7,324 cases only. "IGP Ismail Omar must explain this," said Sanjeevan, who is also a Negeri Sembilan PKR youth exco member. He added that the police should also make public of its Standard Operation Procedures on gauging the crime statistics so that the people would have better knowledge of it. "It's because we believe some calculations are not done correctly. "For example, for a vehicle theft case, our police consider the crime is solved when the vehicle is found, not when the culprit is apprehended which is against the Interpol standard," he alleged.
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