Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News |
- Fearing persecution, ‘gay marriage’ student says won’t come home
- Will there be a change of government post GE 13?
- Mustafa tells Hasan to stop media tirade against PAS
- Rakaman video turun bendera jibby Altantuya
- Setiap yang hidup akan mati. UMNO bagaimana?
- Duo to face PAS top guns
- Opposition in-fighting to worsen
- ‘Don’t be cowed by false allegations’
- Najib is desperate for answers
- Malaysia: Revoke Law Banning Same-Sex Sexual Relations
- Global depression could last several years: Medvedev
- Mustafa Ali denies Hasan Ali's claims
- Hasan Ali fighting back
- It was Malaysia, and NOT Dr. Mahathir, which asked for the loans from the World Bank
- Response to allegations against Sabah Air Aviation
- Man arrested in bribery bid, believed linked to NFC
- Property market to see a gradual slowdown next year
- MAS admits cargo unit ‘under review’
- Nasha: I’m with PAS, never Umno
- Remember Hindraf and Raja Petra
- Explain Puasa month meeting at hotel, Hasan told
- Reject Ketuanan Melayu, Sabah Muslims told
- Dr M, Taib locked in death embrace
- ‘Umno wants rebel leader to remain in PAS’
- ZAID is with US!
Fearing persecution, ‘gay marriage’ student says won’t come home Posted: 22 Dec 2011 09:37 AM PST (National Express Malaysia) - A Malaysian who reportedly married his Irish lover in a same-sex civil union has said he would fear for his safety if he were to return home. The Irish Times reported 28-year-old Ariff Alfian Rosli as saying he had never wanted to create any trouble or controversy, and that the reason why he could not return home to work was because of perceived attitudes towards same-sex relationships here.
The controversy erupted after pictures taken at Ariff Alfian Rosli's same-sex civil union surfaced on the internet last week, three years after the University College Dublin medical student was reported missing by his family.
Will there be a change of government post GE 13? Posted: 22 Dec 2011 09:28 AM PST MIND NO EVIL Has anyone wondered what will the scene be like if UMNO/BN were to be defeated in the 13th GE? Will there be an orderly changeover of government or are we expecting otherwise; a state of calamity, instability, chaos and public disorder? These are the concerns that I am beginning to have, and I suppose many like-minded and peace loving citizens would feel apprehensive, more so with the revelation of more of UMNO/BN leader's wrong doing, and the persistent war mongering by Malay NGO's; fearful of the loss of 'ketuanan Melayu' and their self proclaimed inalienable rights and privileges. Awang Selamat of Utusan Malaysia must have crystal gazed and has predicted an uncertain political, social and economic environment will envelop this country should PR reign after the 13th GE. But what Awang Selamat did not do is to crystal gazed his own future and that of Utusan Malaysia, should there be a change of government. I think he believes it is only UMNO/BN that has the right to rule this country, regardless of the unstoppable and endemic corruption that is going on among politicians and government officials, the flight of illicit money out of the country that runs into billions, the phenomenal increase in deficit spending that has reached almost half a trillion that could bankrupt the country, and the ease at which the government seems to be flushing money for projects that is likely to end up in failure – PKFZ and NFC are cases in point. Just watch, the act of flushing money will heighten as the general election draws near. My kampong folks are only waiting for the roads and lanes to be resurfaced and possibly lighted up.
Mustafa tells Hasan to stop media tirade against PAS Posted: 22 Dec 2011 09:23 AM PST "When he makes wild claims, of course other PAS leaders would answer him back for the sake of the party. To stop this feud, it is simple. Hasan needs to stop talking. Then I too will stop talking as there will be no need to respond to his statements." (Harakah Daily) - Former Selangor PAS commissioner Hasan Ali was delivered another sharp rebuke today by PAS secretary general Mustafa Ali, telling the Selangor state Exco to stop using the media to criticise the Islamic party and emulate former deputy president Nasharudin Mat Isa by coming clean and shutting the door at UMNO. Speaking to reporters, Mustafa who had earlier accused Hasan of dancing to UMNO's tune, said he would himself stop airing his views on Hasan if the latter stops issuing public statements on PAS, which Mustafa described as baseless criticism. "When he makes wild claims, of course other PAS leaders would answer him back for the sake of the party. To stop this feud, it is simple. Hasan needs to stop talking. Then I too will stop talking as there will be no need to respond to his statements," said Mustafa. Hasan, who had been given wide coverage by UMNO-owned media, again spoke to TV3 last night in what is being seen by many as a prelude to his impending defection. Among others, the one-time television motivational speaker claimed that the 'professionals' now outnumber the ulama in PAS. He also poured scorn on the party's benevolent state concept agreed during PAS Muktamar in June, claiming that PAS had deviated from its Islamic struggle. Although both Hasan and Nasharuddin echoed each other in their views, the latter yesterday made it clear that he would remain loyal to the Islamic party and dismissed speculation that he would jump ship. In contrast, Hasan revealed that he had agreement with the views of Malay right-wing politician Zulkifli Noordin, who left PKR last year citing his "love for Islam". Zulkifli had since embraced UMNO's Perkasa and accused PKR de-facto leader of sodomy.
Hasan's claim of defending the ulama in PAS however did not impress the party's shura (Consultative) council leader Tuan Guru Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, who said he would be the first to speak out if indeed Hasan's allegations were true. "Hence, the allegation that the benevolent state introduced by PAS president had deviated from the original struggle is nonsense," said the Kelantan Menteri Besar in a statement. Mustafa, meanwhile, reiterated his earlier claim that Hasan fell victim to UMNO's game. "Being trapped in UMNO's agenda does not need one to quit PAS and join UMNO. If the person had quit the party and joined UMNO, he would not be taken seriously by and his allegations will not have any influence on PAS members as he is no longer believable. "The more dangerous trap that every member and leader must realise is when one continues to stay in the party and makes many baseless allegations against PAS and its principle. If this happens, the individual not only can influence the enemy but at the same confuse his own members with his baseless claims," stressed Mustafa, who disagreed with the suggestion that Hasan would join UMNO. "I don't think UMNO will accept him as well. I was ready to forgive him... but when he criticised the party and made baseless statements against the party, I cannot forgive... I cannot keep quiet," said the veteran PAS leader from Terengganu. Mustafa's latest statement comes in the wake of an announcement by information chief Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man that the party would call Nasharuddin, Hasan and Selangor PAS information chief Saari Sungip to explain their recent media statements. "With the general election looming, PAS will not tolerate any sabotage whether internal or external that could affect the party's final preparation," said Tuan Ibrahim, who reminded members to embrace teamwork.
Rakaman video turun bendera jibby Altantuya Posted: 22 Dec 2011 09:19 AM PST "Saya sedia hadapi hukuman & menurunkan bendera jibby Altantuya di ibu pejabat umno flip flop, satu simbol kemenangan kepada siswa"
Setiap yang hidup akan mati. UMNO bagaimana? Posted: 22 Dec 2011 09:18 AM PST ASPAN ALIAS Setiap makhluk bermula dan berakhir. Setiap yang hidup akan berakhir. Ramai manusia yang cuba lari dari menghadapi kematian tetapi mati itu adalah wajib. Baik manusia, atau pun pertubuhan dan yang lain-lain yang dihidupkan akan mati. Oleh itu kita kadangkala terlupa yang kita sendiri akan menghadapi mati. Kalau kita mendengar di mana-mana terlalu ramai yang mempunyai pandangan yang UMNO juga akan mati kerana tanda-tandanya semakin jelas dari hari ke hari, minggu ke minggu dan bulan ke bulan. Begitulah seterusnya. Hanya waktu sahaja yang menentukan masanya.
Posted: 22 Dec 2011 09:08 AM PST (The Star) - PAS leadership will call embattled leaders Datuk Dr Hasan Ali and Nasharudin Mat Isa to explain their recent outbursts and criticisms against the party. Its secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali said the two would be informed of the meeting by information chief Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man. He said president Datuk Seri Hadi Awang would be present to hear their explanations, mostly on their dissatisfaction over the party leadership. "This session is important because we want to know why and what are they not satisfied about. "An explanation is also necessary to clear the air. It is not good to wash dirty linen in public," Mustafa said in an interview yesterday. Mustafa added that Selangor PAS information chief Saari Sungib would also be called to explain his statement that Dr Hasan would be dropped from the candidate list for the next general election. He, however, said no date had been fixed for Dr Hasan, Nasharudin and Saari to meet the party leadership but stressed that it would have to be carried out soonest. "We are going to face the general election soon. It is best we focus our energy and efforts to ensure victory for Pakatan Rakyat," he said. Asked if action would be taken against the three, particularly Dr Hasan and Nasharudin, Mustafa sidestepped the issue, saying what was important for the party now was to listen to what the two disgruntled members had to say. At a press conference in Kuala Lumpur later, Mustafa challenged Dr Hasan to explain if a "clandestine meeting" had taken place during the fasting month. He claimed that apart from Dr Hasan, Nasharudin and "at least three others" had also attended the meeting held at a hotel in the city. "I want to ask him what was discussed? Was it an economic project, politics or is it both?" he asked. Former PAS deputy president Nasharudin and Dr Hasan, who is Selangor exco and former state commissioner, have been under fire from party colleagues over the past several weeks.
Opposition in-fighting to worsen Posted: 22 Dec 2011 09:07 AM PST (The Star) - MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek has predicted more intense fighting in the Pakatan Rakyat as the general election draws near. He said the spat in PAS involving former Selangor chief Datuk Dr Hasan Ali was only a prelude to more squabbles in the Opposition coalition. "Members in PAS, DAP and PKR are fighting to become election candidates," he said at a press conference to mark the Eco Green Winter Solstice Celebration at the Sungai Wang Plaza here yesterday. "Everybody wants to be a YB. I anticipate more in-fighting. For example, DAP members in Johor are already fighting among themselves because they feel they can win the state. Later in MUAR, Dr Chua said Pakatan component parties were facing serious problems because their leaders thought that they could take over the Federal Government. He said the DAP had become over-confident and felt that the Chinese would support the party. "At the same time, PAS is facing problems related to its Islamic policies among its leaders, besides its ongoing disagreement with DAP over the Islamic state issue. "In PKR, members are leaving because the party lacks direction and because they have lost confidence in its leadership," Dr Chua said at the Hai Yang Club fourth anniversary dinner here. On a separate issue, he said MCA wanted the minimum wage in the country to be at least RM900, to put Malaysia on par with Hong Kong and Singapore. "Malaysia cannot continue to depend on foreign workers and low wages to be competitive."
‘Don’t be cowed by false allegations’ Posted: 22 Dec 2011 08:41 AM PST In his Christmas message, head of the Malacca and Johor diocese Bishop Paul Tan urges Christians not to be discouraged or intimidated by false allegations. (Free Malaysia Today) - In his Christmas message, head of the Malacca and Johor diocese Bishop Paul Tan has urged Christians not to be discouraged or intimidated by false allegations. The oustpoken Catholic leader also stressed that every person has the right to propose what he or she believes in but has no right to impose it on others. "In spite of the false accusations by certain quarters and in the face of a spate of allegations without proof, for example, the accusation to make Malaysia Christian and the Damansara Utama Methodist Centre's charity party to convert Muslims, etc, we should not be cowed to stop proclaiming Jesus Christ as God's love made manifest to us humans. "Besides, it is a command directly from Jesus Christ himself before he ascended into Heaven: 'Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit'. (Mt 28:19)," he said. Tan said that while freedom and truth are interlinked, freedom without regard to the truth, however, is gross irresponsibility and cannot be considered as true freedom. "The Truth of Jesus Christ gives us the freedom to, in the words of Pope Benedict XVI, 'speak out, humbly yet insistently, in defence of moral truth' – of justice, of equality before God, of human dignity, etc. In short and in other words, we have to stand up for human rights," he added. Tan also encouraged those celebrating Christmas to continue the "excellent tradition" in Malaysia of holding open houses. "The Bible constantly reminds us to be open and hospitable to all who come our way, especially to strangers and the less fortunate. "Is there anything objectionable in giving to anyone the love of God? If there is someone who objects to receiving God's love, he or she must be insane," he said. Below is the full text of Bishop Tan's Christmas message: Christmas is a time of peace and joy at the good news brought to us by the angels: the Saviour of the world is born. We should not be ashamed to announce this, as our Pope Benedict XVI told the 20 bishops of New York gathered in Vatican's Apostolic Palace on Nov 26, 2011 (published in Herald on the Dec 4, 2011 issue, page 9.) Sharing with all peoples the infinite saving love of God in Jesus Christ which brings peace and joy is indeed very good news. This is the spirit of Christmas. Here, in Malaysia, the excellent tradition of "Open house" should be used by us to share our love of God that brings joy and peace to all who are open to receive Him. Besides, the Bible constantly reminds us to be open and hospitable to all who come our way, especially to strangers and the less fortunate. Is there anything objectionable in giving to anyone the love of God? If there is someone who objects to receiving God's love, he or she must be insane.
Najib is desperate for answers Posted: 22 Dec 2011 08:38 AM PST Malays are convinced that there are too many things not right about Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's leadership abilities. From the feedbacks and various reports the people, especially the Malays, are not convinced of Najib's leadership abilities – there are too many things not right about his leadership and the party. Awang Abdillah, Free Malaysia Today In the 2008 general election, Barisan Nasional (BN) won 140 seats compared to 198 in the 2004 polls. Of the 140 seats, Sabah and Sarawak contributed 54 seats, giving the BN coalition a simple majority. If you do not count Sabah and Sarawak, then Peninsular Malaysia only won 86 seats in the 2008 election. MIC and Gerakan only managed to retain three and two seats respectively while MCA won a face-saving 15 seats. In the 2004 general election, MCA won 31, MIC took nine and Gerakan 10 seats. What was obvious is that BN component parties in the Peninsula took a heavy beating in 2008 compared to in 2004. Umno-BN in the Peninsula was saved by the BN component parties of Sarawak and Sabah. Since then there is a clear indication that the trend of the Malay voters in Peninsular Malaysia is the growing loss of confidence in Umno-BN. BN chairman and Umno president Najib Tun Razak is distressed and troubled over the coming 13th general election – the outcome can either make or break Umno for good. Najib is desperate for answers. 'Follow my rule, Najib' Former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad has indicated to him to go back to his (Mahathir's) political doctrine of the undemocratic, dictatorial rule . During the 62nd Umno general assembly, Najib, followed by Umno leaders and delegates, called for Umno and Malay political, economic and racial supremacy. They believed this was achievable through the Mahathir doctrine and unachievable through the practice of the standard democratic and free enterprise rules of competition. Najib has tried juggling his options before, initially adopting more democratic approaches namely introducing all sorts of political, electoral and economic reforms. He also introduced "transformation" plans and invested in personal image-boosting campaigns by foreign consultants but with little results because the real leadership with Umno, and national problems are not addressed.
Malaysia: Revoke Law Banning Same-Sex Sexual Relations Posted: 22 Dec 2011 08:33 AM PST Drop Case against Ex-Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH (New York) – The Malaysian government should revoke its colonial-era law criminalizing consensual sexual acts between people of the same sex, Human Rights Watch said today. The authorities should drop their criminal case alleging consensual "sodomy" against opposition leader and former deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim, who is awaiting the verdict in his trial that began in February 2010. "The Malaysian government uses its outdated sodomy law to slander political opponents and critics," said Phil Robertson, deputy Asia director at Human Rights Watch. "Whether or not Anwar Ibrahim engaged in consensual 'sodomy' is irrelevant. It's time to reject this law and end the farcical political theater that promotes discrimination based on sexual orientation and destroys people's lives."
Global depression could last several years: Medvedev Posted: 22 Dec 2011 01:09 AM PST (AFP) -- President Dmitry Medvedev warned Thursday that a global economic depression could last for several years and require Russia to step up efforts to improve its competitiveness. "We really are facing difficult times," Medvedev said in his last address to the nation before March presidential elections in which he will be ceding his place to his predecessor and mentor Vladimir Putin. "The global economic depression could last several years, while competition for the minds, the ideas, the resources -- it will only get stiffer, and we are in the epicentre of this race. "But even in these most difficult times, we have no right to stop our development. This work will require perseverance, effort and, of course, time." Both Putin and Medvedev have taken credit for helping Russia survive the worst of the 2008-2009 global financial crisis and insisted that only their team will be able to deal with current economic challenges. Medvedev noted that "many politicians, heads of international organisations and leading economists and businessmen" have all warned of the onset of a global economic depression in the months to come. "It is obvious that difficult times await us all," Medvedev stressed. "I have already said that our country honourably survived the test of crisis. The current team passed this test. "I hope that we will cope with the new challenges, whoever becomes Russian president or whoever heads the federal government," he added in reference to the premiership post he has been promised by Putin under his presidency.
Mustafa Ali denies Hasan Ali's claims Posted: 22 Dec 2011 01:07 AM PST (Bernama) -- PAS secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali today denied the party's Gombak assemblyman Datuk Dr Hasan Ali's claims that PAS was losing grassroots support because it had deviated from its original struggle of championing Islam. However, he did not deny the possibility that fence sitters might have doubts as to where PAS was heading. Speaking to reporters here today, Mustafa said PAS' main policy of championing Islam remained intact and that its members understood this. "Islam is PAS' main struggle and this has never changed. It is only the strategies and approach that have changed. PAS' collaboration with other parties is not wrong, the policy remains the same but the approach is different," he said. On Tuesday, Hasan, who is also a Selangor state executive councillor, had said that he had proof that die-hard PAS supporters were beginning to question the party's struggle and planned to stop backing PAS because it had deviated from its original struggle. In KOTA BHARU, Kelantan Menteri Besar Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, who is also PAS' spiritual leader, also denied that the "welfare state" concept now championed by PAS deviated from Islam. Hasan had also claimed PAS was deviating from championing Islam by introducing the welfare state concept. Nik Aziz said the concept only served to further reinforce its Islamic struggle.
Posted: 22 Dec 2011 01:05 AM PST (Sin Chew Daily) - Having learned that he has been dropped as a candidate in the coming general election, PAS' Hasan Ali launched an instant strike back. Besides refuting allegations that he was championing cross-party cooperation with Umno, he also slammed the party central for forsaking the party's original objective of establishing an Islamic state. Hasan Ali is a piece of thorn in the flesh of the Paktan-led Selangor state government, and his mentality is drifting further and further apart from the party's core leadership. After the non-ulama sect has won the party elections, even president Hadi Awang openly pledges that the party would not work with Umno and would stay loyal to its Pakatan.allies. Hasan Ali has lost his support inside the party while the rift with the more open-minded leaders in the party widens. A strong supporter of the party president, Hasan Ali was appointed the state Exco member in charge of religious affairs. His numerous "misdemeanours" such as banning the sale of liquor in Shah Alam's convenience stores, barring liquor-selling entertainment spots in Subang Jaya from hiring Muslim workers, cracking down on "indecent" acts on Valentine's Day, and the raid by JAIS on the DUMC, have all been condoned by the people. In open defiance of the party's resolution, he showed up at the mammoth anti-apostasy rally organised by Perkasa and other NGOs in October. But what really blasts off the ammunition is an Utusan article stating that he fell short of the required divisional nomination quota to make it to the list of electoral candidates. The article went on to say that he was the only "saviour" to deliver Selangor out of the doldrums and unite the Malays. Although PAS initially denied it had sidelined Hasan Ali, he nevertheless targeted his firepower at the party leadership, claiming that he would stay loyal to Allah alone and would not require the approval from the party. Secretary-general Mustafa Ali accused both Hasan Ali and former deputy president Nasharudin Mat Isa of leaning towards Umno, saying that PAS would be least concerned about them leaving the party and joining Umno. From a more positive perspective, conflicts arising before the general election are not a bad thing, as they give the party a chance to fix its problems ahead of the election, provided that such conflicts would not tear the party apart. Two things PAS should avoid at all costs: 1. Hasan Ali has accused the party leadership of forsaking the Islamic state objective in favour of a welfare state in order to please its Pakatan allies, and such an accusation would inevitably gain him massive support from the party's conservatives and religious clerics. If unfortunately the differences in ideology get widened into a destructive rift, the party could be split into two distinct camps not unlike the Camp A and Camp B during the 1987 Umno infighting. It is imperative that PAS resolve the Islamic state and welfare state controversies, or it will not be able to go into the election battlefield in unison. Despite the clarification by vice president Salahuddin Ayub that PAS advocates a caring and equitable society, not a welfare state, it is still essential for the party to make its stand clear and obvious. 2. Hasan Ali and Nasharudin alone will not bring down PAS, but if other leaders such as Youth chairman Nasrudin Hassan, Federal Territory Youth chief Kamaruzaman Mohamed and the PAS Ulama Council have voiced their support, the destruction could be definite. The current rift within PAS would determine whether the party would eventually persist on its moderate approach or would return to conservatism.
It was Malaysia, and NOT Dr. Mahathir, which asked for the loans from the World Bank Posted: 21 Dec 2011 10:01 PM PST It was the official from the Treasury who had written and NOT Dr. Mahathir, the PM and Finance Minister. Dr. Mahathir is prepared to swear on the truth of this matter on the Koran because there is no official letter signed by Dr. Mahathir Mohamed asking for the loan or accepting the loan from the World Bank. By Ken The evidence at,%20P060943,%20P058681&sortby=BOARDSORTDATE&pagesize=10&sortorder=DESC&match=all is explicit to all, bar the blind, English-illiterate and Internet-ignoramus, that Malaysia had taken 3 loans from the World Bank totaling US$ 404 million ( > Ringgit 2 Billion) AFTER the sacking of Anwar and the introduction of capital control in Sept. 1998. Given that the evidence is on the official website of the World Bank, a reputed global organization, Mahathir has to be blind, English-illiterate, an Internet-ignoramus or an idiot not to realize that Malaysia HAD taken loans from the World Bank. Mahathir is certainly none of the above and is definitely not an idiot. He is merely stating that he, Dr. Mahathir Mohammed, did NOT personally ask the World Bank for those loans. It was the official from the Treasury who had written and NOT Dr. Mahathir, the PM and Finance Minister. Dr. Mahathir is prepared to swear on the truth of this matter on the Koran because there is no official letter signed by Dr. Mahathir Mohamed asking for the loan or accepting the loan from the World Bank. It doesn't matter that he, Dr. Mahathir Mohammed, was the all-powerful and feared PM (as he himself has acknowledged) and the Finance Minister whose approval would have been needed for requesting and accepting any loan to the country. If doesn't matter that the World Bank, being a reputed organization, would not give a loan to a country unless that country's leader's approval had been secured by whoever was negotiating the loan. To put it simply: Dr. Mahathir Mohammed did NOT ask the World Bank for any loan. Malaysia's Treasury had asked and obtained the loans. So it is not correct to say that Dr. Mahathir Mohamed had asked for the loan from the World Bank. Anwar is "wrong" to accuse Dr. Mahathir Mohammed of having asked the World Bank for loans. Anwar, as a naive Finance Minister, might have asked for World Bank loans but not Dr. Mahathir Mohammed, the cunning Finance Minister who succeeded him. Ask Dr. Mahathir Mohamed to swear on the Koran that MALAYSIA had NOT obtained loans from the World Bank after Sept. 1998, and he would definitely NOT swear. Why? Because, he was happy that that money (US$400 million) would save his sons and cronies from the financial crisis. As PM and Finance Minister, Dr. Mahathir Mohammed could have refused to accept from the money from the "Zionist Anti-Islamic Homosexual-supporting" World Bank based in Washington DC (USA) which he had criticized as being detrimental to any solution. However, he allowed Malaysia to accept the loans from the World Bank, knowing that that would mean he would have to be obliged to the Bank's master, the US. It is unreasonable to expect him to refuse the money when it was for a "good" cause, to save leading Malay corporate leaders such as Mirzan Mahathir, Tajudin Ramli, Halim Saad, etc., who were at the brink of failure and bankruptcy. As Dr. Mahathir himself will point out, if the source of a dollar, its journey, or how it has been earned matters, then no mosque, church or temple can accept any money because all money would be tainted in some way. So it was perfectly all right for Malaysia to accept the loan from the World Bank so that Dr. Mahathir Mohammed could use it for the said "good" causes. Dr. Mahathir Mohammed is and has been consistent when it comes to Money: "Ask not why, how or where the Money comes from. Just accept the Money." For Mahathir Mohammed, Money Matters Most. |
Response to allegations against Sabah Air Aviation Posted: 21 Dec 2011 09:53 PM PST By Manu Sasidharan; CEO, Sabah Air Aviation Sdn. Bhd. In the last few weeks Yang Berhormat Jimmy Wong Sze Phin has been bringing up allegations and issues pertaining to Sabah Air Aviation. Sabah Air would like to clear the air and give clarity to the general public on the same. The Audit Report by Jabatan Audit Negara was submitted in February 2011 to the shareholders and the Audit Exit Conference was held on 24th June 2011. The report was discussed, clarified, at the conference and necessary steps were taken to address all matters pertaining to the audit report queries. Necessary steps were taken in the immediate aftermath, with the appointment of a new leadership in the month of July 2011. The requisite re- structuring and process updating was initiated immediately. 1. RM 1.00 Lease Agreement with Eurocopter As mentioned in the previous Press Conference, the said agreement was an above board arrangement with Eurocopter to cover the cost of participating in LIMA`11. The aircraft was transferred to Subang Base for Hangarage and technical support (while away from main operating base). The participation in LIMA `11 was covered by Eurocopter (in terms of expenses). The main reason for Sabah Air to bring this model to LIMA `11 was to highlight its superior capabilities to Ministry of Health senior officials on a potential new contract for nationwide Emergency Medical Services (EMS). The total expenses for the entire event were in the range of RM 800,000.00+, which was translated into a major saving for Sabah Air. While the aircraft is under the aegis of Eurocopter, the standard procedure is to ensure the insurance coverage for the aircraft is also passed to them, which has to be done on the basis of a Lease Agreement for RM 1.00. The aircraft has a few more jobs in Peninsula Malaysia and Singapore before coming back to Sabah in mid-March. Sabah Air would like to stress at this stage the following, At the same time, Sabah Air is also attracting a lot of new talents. Hence pilots leaving and joining the company is normal, as it is for licensed engineers. Never the less, the new management has early on itself identified weaknesses in the Human Resources management and took corrective actions to address the same. |
Man arrested in bribery bid, believed linked to NFC Posted: 21 Dec 2011 05:48 PM PST (The Malaysian Insider) - Police have arrested a man who allegedly tried to bribe senior officers investigating a high-profile commercial crime, believed to be linked to the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) scandal. The police obtained a remand order from the magistrates court today for the 45-year-old man.
Property market to see a gradual slowdown next year Posted: 21 Dec 2011 04:49 PM PST (Bernama) - The Malaysian property market is likely to see a gradual slowdown next year, taking into consideration the uncertainty in the global economic situation. President of Fiabci Malaysia, Yeow Thit Sang, said the high-end residential units were already seeing a slowdown both in pricing and the take-up rate. "There are fewer expatriates from multinational companies (MNCs) coming here and rentals with a yield of between six and eight per cent are no longer achievable. "Investors in these units will have to wait longer to realise their investment. The slowdown in global economy is definitely affecting the high-end property market," he told Bernama in an interview recently. He also saw a fallout for office space next year, saying the category was already overbuilt and the overhang felt in the market with rental falling and a slow take-up rate. However, there is a huge demand for low medium and medium-cost residential units below RM300,000 with most developers building high-end units to cash in on the good time. "The government's effort in building such units in joint venture with developers will help the low income earners to own affordable homes. "Building such units will not be fast enough to relieve the pent-up demand over the last five years," he added. Meanwhile, Zerin Properties' chief executive officer, Previndran Singhe, said the slowdown in the property market would only last in the first quarter next year and the industry will be stable afterwards. "Prices will remain stable, with asking prices, not values, becoming more reasonable as owners check their values to real pricing. "At present, sentiment is down due to the eurozone financial crisis and the US double dip fears, which has been faring for a long time, but I think we are more Asia focused," he told Bernama. If and when China goes on reverse gear, then there would have to be concerns in the market, otherwise, barring external shocks, the industry should have a stable year next year, he said. Contrary to common belief and expectations, the property market has registered 214,764 transactions worth RM64.75 billion within the first half of 2011. Against the first half of 2010, the volume and value of transactions recorded double digit growth of 18.1% and 29.7% respectively.
MAS admits cargo unit ‘under review’ Posted: 21 Dec 2011 04:42 PM PST (The Malaysian Insider) - Loss-making Malaysia Airlines (MAS) confirmed today MAS Airlines Cargo's (MASkargo) "under review" with its managing director Shahari Sulaiman on extended leave. The Malaysian Insider reported yesterday the flag carrier is investigating allegations of kickbacks in its cargo unit that has led Shahari to go on leave since early November. It is understood that an internal investigation report has been sent to the MAS board although the unprofitable airlines has not lodged a police report over the issue. "We confirm that since Encik Shahari Sulaiman went on leave, his deputy, Encik Mohd Yunus Idris, assumes his responsibilities as is normally the case in most organisations. "As part of the Business Plan to improve operational, administrative and financial management of all MAS subsidiaries, MASkargo's operations and management structure are also under review," it said in a response to The Malaysian Insider. The Malaysian Insider reported that new managing director Ahmad Jauhari Yahya and the top management have been going through the books for all divisions in the national carrier that has posted losses of some RM1.2 billion in the three quarters of the current financial year. MAS is not expected to make profits until 2013 despite a new business recovery plan. However, it is not clear why MAS has not lodged a police report over the alleged kickbacks in MASkargo, which made a record pre-tax profit of RM142 million in 2010. It is understood that investigations started and a domestic inquiry was done but fresh allegations revived the probe. The Business Times had reported that Shahari has been away since early last month after fresh allegations about problems in the cargo unit. The new MAS board had begun looking into all aspects of the airline operations after a share swap between the national carrier and Asia's biggest budget carrier, AirAsia in early August.
Nasha: I’m with PAS, never Umno Posted: 21 Dec 2011 04:36 PM PST (The Star) - Embattled former PAS deputy president Nasharudin Mat Isa has pledged his loyalty to his party, denying claims he intends to join Umno. "All these claims that I am trapped in the agenda and games of our political enemies are far from the truth and baseless," Nasharudin said in a press statement yesterday. He noted that ever since he had joined PAS, which he pointed out was the voice of Islam for the country's Muslims, he had never, even for one moment, stated that he intended to join Umno. "I would like to stress, for the umpteenth time, that there is not an iota of truth of my intention to join Umno," he said. "I am a PAS member, and my struggle to uphold Islam and help Muslims in any way remains with PAS." The Bachok MP said his recent actions, opinions and "political calculations" should not be used to make the "simplistic conclusion" that he had plans to join Umno. Nasharudin has been under fire over his allegations in an interview with a Malay daily that the party was "loose" and had "cast aside" its Islamic principles to pursue political power. He was quoted as saying that public perception was that the party had not been steadfast on several matters and described this as "dangerous". Nasharudin, who was a two-term deputy president before he was ousted by Mohamad Sabu in the June party elections, said the party should be consistent in making its stand on numerous issues and let the president make the decisions, as was the case in the past. Speculation has been rife that Nasharudin and Selangor executive councillor Datuk Dr Hasan Ali, the former state party chief, would be dropped in the next general election.
Remember Hindraf and Raja Petra Posted: 21 Dec 2011 04:20 PM PST More importantly, he is still with the forces of change. Raja Petra is a maverick so he may sometimes say or do things we don't approve of, but he will continue to fight for a better Malaysia. He would not be Raja Petra if he were so predictable, or always sang the right tune. Zaid Ibrahim If we reflect on the issues that wrought cataclysmic change to the political landscape – culminating in the 2008 General Election – we must acknowledge the important role played by both the Hindu Rights Action Force, or Hindraf, and blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin. In different ways, both gave the Opposition the impetus and dynamism it so badly needed then, the kind that outstripped even the BN juggernaut's ability to contain the people's march for change. |
Explain Puasa month meeting at hotel, Hasan told Posted: 21 Dec 2011 04:01 PM PST PAS secretary-general reveals that a meeting allegedly took place in August between the rebel leader, Nasharuddin and three others. But he refuses to reveal anything more. (Free Malaysia Today) - PAS secretary-general Mustafa Ali has asked rebel leader Hassan Ali to explain the details of a meeting which allegedly took place during the fasting month in August. Previously, Mustafa claimed that Hasan's attacks on PAS resulted from the latter walking into a trap set by the party's rivals Umno, prompting Hasan to challenge Mustafa to provide proof of this. Speaking at a press conference at the PAS headquarters here today, Mustafa said he was aware of Hasan's movements and activities. "I will just say this, he has asked for proof so let him explain the meeting that took place during the Puasa month between him, Nasharudin Mat Isa (former PAS deputy president) and not more than three others at the Le Meridien Kuala Lumpur after tarawih prayers (in the evening). "What was discussed? Was it a political meeting? Was it something to do with economics or both?" he asked. Mustafa, however, refused to comment when asked if the other three were from or linked to Umno. "That is all I want to say. I want Hasan to know that we know his movements. I love (sayang) both Nasharudin and Hasan very much and I have known them for a long time. So I hope Hasan will stop talking (making statements to the press against PAS)," he said.
Reject Ketuanan Melayu, Sabah Muslims told Posted: 21 Dec 2011 03:57 PM PST In Kinabatangan constituency, immigrants outnumber locals by five fold. (Free Malaysia Today) - United Borneo Front (UBF), which has been calling for the reinstatement of Sabah and Sarawak rights as stipulated under the Malaysia Agreement, wants Sabah Muslims to reject Umno's 'Ketuanan Melayu" (Malay supremacy) concept. "Sabahan Muslims should reject the Ketuanan Melayu concept because Malays were non-existent during pre-Independence (in Sabah)," said UBF vice chairman Awang Ahmad Shah. "As Sabahans we should look forward above religion and race and not let the federal government divide us by race and religion. "Who will look after us when our oil are exhausted and Sabah becomes a liability to the federal government?" Awang Ahmad said the acceptance of foreigners as 'bumiputeras' or 'Malay' had sidelined local natives. "The federal leaders should make Sabahans proud to be Malaysians by practicing justice and respecting the feelings of Sabahan Malaysians. "We shouldn't be deprived of our rights and our resources as well as the opportunities to develop and progress with dignity. We deserve the right to speak and choose without fear," he added. Awang Ahmad was hitting out at Malaysian Muslim Welfare Association (Pekida) Sabah chairman Mohd Akjan Ali Muhammad who had objected to the proposed Royal Commision of Inquiry (RCI) claiming it would cause racial tension among the various ethnic groups in Sabah. Describing Akjan's claim as not only irresponsible but scandalous, ridiculous and treasonous to all genuine Sabahans, Awang Ahamd said: "All ethnic groups in Sabah including local Suluks and Bajaus have been living together and working hand in hand since Independence in 1963 and have even formed the state government together and shared the power. "Our concern on the wrongful issuance of IC, MyCards and citizenship to the illegal immigrants is genuine as these foreigners have numbered almost equal to the local population." Government ignoring due process Local politicians and civil rights groups are incensed that thousands of allegedly unqualified illegal immigrants have been granted citizenship purely for political purposes. They claim that the mass issuance of MyKads by the federal government to illegal immigrants has encouraged the influx of foreigners to the state to the extent that the local population is on the verge of becoming a minority. Awang Ahmad said that it was ironical that instead of protecting Sabah from being "invaded" by Indonesia or the Philippines as promised by Tunku Abdul Rahman, the present government had caused a reverse takeover of Sabah by ignoring due process and granting citizenship to all-commers. "This is the problem that we are talking about" added Awang Ahmad. "Only the RCI can independently investigate the roots of the problems and offer remedies to be taken to resolve the problem of illegal immigrants and the granting of citizenships to them who are unqualified," he said. UBF, an NGO set up by Jeffrey Kitingan last year, has been warning that Sabahans are feeling threatened on all fronts as employment, education, politics, business and quarrels over land become common along with crime and social problems. Already public transportation such as taxis and buses are dominated by immigrants or new Sabahans while enrollment in public universities and colleges has become more difficult, Awang Ahmad claimed.
Dr M, Taib locked in death embrace Posted: 21 Dec 2011 03:53 PM PST In Mahathir's case, as with Taib, there is no punishment as yet devised for the enormity of their crimes against the state and people. It's not surprising that Taib's family has been listed by Sarawak Report webportal as having directorships and stakes in nearly 400 companies in Sarawak, and conservatively estimated at US$5 billion. In short, they have a finger in every pie in Sarawak, a phenomenon due to the family members all having something upstairs, according to Taib in a media interview recently. Joe Fernandez, Free Malaysia Today Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who needs no introduction, has characteristically come to Taib Mahmud's defence in helping to fend off the incessant attacks against the latter for his unexplained and stupendous wealth. Taib needs no introduction either and for obvious reasons. Simplistic as usual, Mahathir has declared Taib innocent as otherwise the authorities would have thrown the book at him. He attributes the stepped up attacks against Taib to the imminent 13th general election which seems to be always around the corner since the last two years. The defence of Taib comes after Mahathir declared that he had never heard of "Projek Mahathir" in Sabah to place illegal immigrants on the electoral roll in the state with MyKads which may be either genuine – but the holder not being entitled to it – or bogus. In the latter case, the details of the holder are not on record with the National Registration Department unlike in the former. Both men have been safe so far from being incarcerated as laws in Malaysia are not enacted to be enforced but just in case they need to be enforced. Cases in point are those, on paper, against sodomy, fellatio and other carnal acts against the order of nature (Umno). Hence, public persecutors are "cleverly" disguised as public prosecutors. In Taib's case in particular, Mahathir laid down a Golden Rule while he was in office for 22 years as prime minister: any investigation file on a Barisan Nasional leader had to be sent to him personally for approval. No prizes for guessing that Mahathir locked away such files in a drawer until his own personal circumstances forced him to betray the suspect. This was how fallen Angel Anwar Ibrahim, under Mahathir's direction, was mercilessly dragged through the Court on Sodomy 1 and corruption charges. By the time of Sodomy II, Anwar was no longer a BN leader and the sycophants among the authorities fell all over themselves in pleasing the powers-that-be. Just as Mahathir hijacked the system, Taib has done likewise in Sarawak because he has a licence from Putrajaya to be corrupt as long as the state not only remains within the BN fold but within Malaysia. So, on "national security" grounds, the separatist-minded non-Muslim Dayaks had to be kept out of the chief minister's chair. Taib, Dayak as a Melanau, was nevertheless okay in the eyes of Putrajaya. He was a fellow Muslim who could be trusted to do the right thing for "bangsa, agama and negara". Both Mahathir and Taib, being birds of a feather, are locked in a death embrace. Their day of reckoning is coming sooner rather than later, and with good reasons too. Death march of the SUPP In Taib's case, his fate is linked with the final death march of the Sarawak United People's Party (Supp) which began on Sat 10, Dec 2011. The Chinese and the business community have completely turned away from the party. The party is not going to get an extended lease of life, to delay the inevitable, by grudgingly and finally electing a Dayak as the deputy president. This is a party which has squatted on the Dayaks, the Bidayuh in particular, since its inception in 1961. It will be interesting to see whether Taib can stave off the certainty that Supp will be decimated during GE 13. Supp has joined the ranks of the Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) and the Sarawak Progressive Party (SPDP), both of which are powerless within the state BN. Wither the power-sharing formula so often preached by BN and the coalition's spirit of give-and-take and arriving at decisions by consensus-and-compromise? The Chinese business community in Sarawak can be expected to bankroll anyone who can help them get rid of Taib. If they can get rid of Rahman in 1981, after just 10 years in power, they can also do the same to Taib. The latter has learnt the bitter lessons from Rahman's downfall but apparently not enough. It has become a one-way street in Sarawak under Taib. He takes, and takes and takes. The others have to give in, give in and give in.
‘Umno wants rebel leader to remain in PAS’ Posted: 21 Dec 2011 03:51 PM PST According to the PAS secretary-general, Hasan Ali is more valuable to Umno if he kicks up a fuss from within. He also reiterated the latter may have fallen into a trap. (Free Malaysia Today) - Former Selangor PAS commissioner Dr Hasan Ali will not leave the Islamic party for Umno nor will the latter welcome him, PAS secretary-general Mustafa Ali said today. This was because strategically, the controversial PAS man was much more valuable for Umno if he remained in PAS. "Should he leave the party and criticise PAS, no one will believe him. If you do it (criticise the party) from within the party, it will cause confusion. "It is politically strategic. It works the same with Umno as well. If you are no longer in the party, people will not believe what you say. That is my evaluation (of the situation)," Mustafa told a press conference at the party headquarters here. Hasan's refusal to toe the party line had dominated headlines over the past few days with the veteran politician slamming PAS for deviating from its Islamic struggle. Ressurecting the sensitive Umno-PAS unity talks issue, the Selangor exco for religious affairs also said that he would not mind being the middleman to bring the two arch-rivals together for the sake of Islam. Following Hasan's comments, another round of in-fighting surfaced. This time it was in the form of former deputy president Nasharudin Mat Isa who also echoed that PAS had steered away from its original fight. Nasharudin, however, stated that he would not join Umno. Commenting on this, Mustapa thanked Nasharudin for "distancing himself" from the controversy and urged Hasan to do the same. "If Hasan follows in Nasharudin's footsteps, then it will be over," he said. 'Umno's political trap' Mustapa suggested that Hasan might have fallen into Umno's trap to stir up trouble in PAS, adding that the latter might not even be aware of this. "A political trap is unlike a trap set for a monkey which you can see. You may fall into the (political) trap even without realising that you have walked into it. This (controversy) can give mileage to Umno," he said. Mustafa also said that based on what transpired during a political bureau meeting last night, it was obvious that Hasan did not have the kind of support he claims.
Posted: 21 Dec 2011 03:45 PM PST STEADYAKU AK47 There are times when principles and opportunism go hand in hand and at times they are separated by a very fine line by doubters and purists. Not unlike the Taliban who is a Jihadist in one camp and a terrorist in another. Now where do we put Zaid Ibrahim? I wrote the above paragraph about two weeks ago and for the life of me I could not find a way forward. What should come next? That is until this morning when I saw Zaid's piece "Fighting for a better Malaysia" in Free Malaysia Today: In that article I saw again in Zaid what I saw when he left Pak Lah's Cabinet in September 2008 and when he left PKR in 2010. For Zaid it was always about anything else but him! His resignation from Pak Lah's cabinet was not about him not being given the Defense, Finance or DPM post. It was not about him not being given any project or any contract. It was about his concern for the rights of Teresa Kok, Raja Petra and Tan Hoon Cheng. In PKR he withdrew his candidacy for the party post of Deputy President as a sign of protest against serious allegations of fraud and electoral misconduct perpetrated by his opponent Azmin Ali – allegations that were proven to have substance in the party's elections held in 2010. And today in his article in FMT he is writing not about Zaid Ibrahim or KITA but about Hindraf and Raja Petra. He writes about remembering the contributions of these two towards Pakatan Rakyat success in the 2008 general elections. He writes about Petra relentless assault on the ISA and Petra tireless online campaign for the opposition. And he reminds us of what Hindraf was able to do in mobilizing the poor and marginalized Indian community – a feat Zaid believes Hindraf will be able to do again come the 13th general election. And then Zaid being Zaid, he takes a swipe at Petra and calls Petra a maverick that "will say and do things we don't approve of" and tells us that some of Hindraf demands, "were questionable and perhaps unreasonable". Vintage Zaid! Always telling it as it is!
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