Why no action on treasonous offences, asks BOPIM Posted: 10 Jul 2013 12:39 PM PDT
KOTA KINABALU: We all know by now that this admittance by a senior government servant is only the tip of an iceberg submerged in a sea of corruption and injustice. What we have heard from the RCI hearing are a lot of shocking revelation of outright treasonous acts by officials in the National Registration Department (NRD), the Immigration Department, among the nation's top leaders, and even the police. The government must act and enforce the laws on acts of treasons going in the country, says the Borneo Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BOPIM). The President of the UK-based BOPIM, Daniel John Jambun, said in a statement here that acts of treason which have been exposed to the local and international public have brought shame on the government of Malaysia which is now seen as compromising on its own laws. "The latest to surface on this is the revelation by former Sabah Immigration Department deputy director Ismail Ahmad who told the on-going RCI hearing that politicians had attempted to interfere in the agency's enforcement work against illegal immigrants," Jambun said. "But what is most shocking is that there is no hue and cry from the Sabahan leaders in the Barisan Nasional. "We all know by now that this admittance by a senior government servant is only the tip of an iceberg submerged in a sea of corruption and injustice. What we have heard from the RCI hearing are a lot of shocking revelation of outright treasonous acts by officials in the National Registration Department (NRD), the Immigration Department, among the nation's top leaders, and even the police," he added. He said the revelation by Ismail Ahmad is a clear indication that our country is ruled by corrupted politicians who don't give a hoot about the laws which they themselves passed in parliament. Political leaders don't have the slightest qualms about committing treason against the Yang DiPertuan Agong for their self-interests. In his testimony before the RCI panel last week, Ismail said that state assemblypersons had asked the Immigration Department not to act against people deemed to be aligned to them by saying, "These are our people don't disturb them." Due to such incidences, Ismail, who led a lab in 2010 on how to resolve the flood of foreigners in Sabah, had proposed that a letter be issued to all state assemblypersons warning them against interfering in the enforcement activities of the relevant authorities. Furthermore, a proposal was also made to order all local authorities to assist and cooperate with the Immigration Department in enforcement operations against illegal immigrants. "What is important now is to launch comprehensive nationwide investigations on acts of treason beginning with the infamous Project IC and down the ranks to the officials in the NRD and Immigration Department," Jambun said. "Unfortunately the sense of accountability and responsibility among government servants have deteriorated so much that they too have no sense of guilt in bending the laws themselves, because they know their own leaders are corrupted. "A perfect example of this bending of the law happened last week when an Indonesian was found to be holding a fake IC. Instead of being bound to jail, this Indonesian was given the luxury of being escorted by the authorities to the Indonesian Consulate to get an Indonesian passport! This is ridiculous. Why wasn't the woman held for holding a fake IC instead? This simply went to show how our government officials have been indoctrinated by our corrupt leaders to simply sidestep the laws with impunity," Jambun said. "It is again regrettable that our leaders keep being quiet about all these. Upko, PBRS and PBS leaders should have immediately denied they had anything to do with the interference with the Immigration Department's action on illegals, and demanded that the names of the YBs concerned be revealed for action based on national security laws," he added. "Instead we had another case of playing dumb and dumber. "I would challenge the BN and the Prime Minister to do the right thing and stop this rot in the country's governance regarding national security, and not let the corruption drag us further down the international transparency index. Treason is a heinous crime and those who commit it should be dealt with the severest measures provided by law." |
Dark Spring: Essays On The Ideological Roots Of Malaysia’s GE-13 – Book Review Posted: 10 Jul 2013 12:29 PM PDT
Azly postulates that Malaysians have been prisoners of their own constructed hegemonic paradigm, which had great consequences on social and equity policy over the last decades. The economic pie has been seen as something fixed, where effort has been put into how this static pie can be divided within society. Review by Murray Hunter This compilation of Azly Rahman's articles about Malaysia before and after GE 12 in 2008 expresses what many have in their hearts; a strong sense of emotional distress. Azly's articulation and approach to many important contemporary issues facing Malaysia, come from a series of unique perspectives, of which I intellectually admire and would personally find very difficult to articulate, as he has done superbly. Through his perceptions and meta-framing Azly has been able to see straight through the symptoms and "sandiwara" that besets the country and take a brutally honest and sincere look at the root causes of the condition Malaysia is in today. This "immersed" yet still objective approach has been able to tap into some of the colonial pre-Merdeka, post 1969, and post-Mahathir era narratives. He has deciphered their sinister and destructive meanings, that today run counter to the shared aspirations an evolved Malaysian society holds today. This is why I believe Azly's volume of essays compiled from 2005 right up to the GE 13 election eve on 3rd May 2013, is an extremely insightful reflection of some of the important events influencing the shape and meaning of Malaysia's cultural and social evolution to what Azly aptly calls "hypermodernity". Through the very title, "Dark Spring", Azly has accurately described the Malaysian social, economic and political landscape in a way reminiscent of Rachel Carson's seminary book "Silent Spring" published back in 1962. Carson described a silent American 'farmscape', poisoned by US chemical corporations, where as a consequence bio-diversity was lost and birds no longer chirp. The environment was destroyed but US corporations profited greatly out of this loss in biodiversity richness. Similarly, "Dark Spring" represents a poisoned Malaysian society with greed and prejudice that has taken away the very soul and spirit of the land that we all love. The ideas and thoughts presented by Azly in this collection should be considered by every Malaysian if they love their country and have an empathic connection with the spirit of Malaysian history. This is a cathartic challenge to the realities we have been brought up to believe in, and accept as the truth. The ideas and thoughts embedded within the pages of his book may change one's sense of understanding about the way things are today, laying down of an cascade of alternative realities, which may emerge as being closer to the truth as history is critically revised and rewritten a generation from now. This revision will expose the hidden cancers growing within Malaysian society that need to be treated if Malaysian's evolving aspirations are to be celebrated rather than repressed by the elite forces of vested interests who rule the country they have tried to keep divided for the last 50 years. Read more at: http://www.eurasiareview.com/10072013-dark-spring-essays-on-the-ideological-roots-of-malaysias-ge-13-book-review/ |
Police still top list of complaints lodged with Suhakam Posted: 10 Jul 2013 12:09 PM PDT
(The Star) - The police have once again topped the list of complaints lodged at Suhakam against law enforcement agencies for violations of human rights. According to Suhakam's 2012 annual report, of the 202 complaints made against the Police, Prisons, National Registration and Immigration departments, cops clocked in a total of 126 for inaction (44), abuse of power (43), and use of excessive force (39). It was similar to the preceding two years: 113 out of 156 in 2011 and 125 out of 212 in 2010. The report said the complaints against cops related to assault of arrested persons during interrogation to compel them to confess. Other complaints included allegations of unlawful arrest, that is re-arresting those who had been freed; extending remand by producing the arrested person in magistrate's courts in several districts; intimidating complainants to withdraw reports against the police; and bias. Asked why cops topped the list consistently and whether there was greater pressure to perform, Suhakam commissioner James Nayagam said the police dealt with the public more and that there "might be more pressure on them because of public expectation to solve crimes." The annual report also shows that complaints about Emergency (Public Order and Prevention of Crime) Ordinance (EO) 1969, Dangerous Drugs (Special Preventive Measures) Act (DDA) 1985 and Internal Security Act (ISA) 1960 had dropped last year. There were only 10 last year (EO-five, DDA-three, ISA-two) compared with 54 in 2011 (EO-44, DDA-six, ISA-four) and 82 in 2010 (EO-69, DDA-11, ISA-two). The EO was revoked in 2011 and the ISA repealed in 2012. Asked whether the fewer complaints could be because some detainees were released after the laws were annulled, Nayagam said that could well be the case. After the report was released on Tuesday, vice-chairman Datuk Dr Khaw Lake Tee reiterated Suhakam's recommendations to fit every interrogation room with a CCTV, a doctor to examine the suspect before and after interrogation, and for every report against an officer to be investigated by Bukit Aman or the state police headquarters. |
Bersih probe: Hanif disappointed not many witnesses came forward Posted: 10 Jul 2013 11:57 AM PDT  Zahid (left) shaking hands with Tun Hanif. Also present is Home Ministry secretary-general Datuk Alwi Ibrahim.
(fz.com) - "The main actors refused to cooperate because they doubted the credibility of the panel," he said, alluding to the apprehension directed at the panel as he, a former Inspector-General of Police, headed it. Chairman of the Independent Advisory Panel on Bersih 3.0 Tun Hanif Omar today expressed disappointment that not many members of the public came forward as witnesses during its investigation into disturbances sparked by the Bersih 3.0 rally in April last year. The panel handed its report on the rally held last year to the government today. Hanif said while he was satisfied with the 500-page report, he was saddened that not many members of the public came forward as witnesses. "The panel had invited all parties to come forward, but there were those who had been persuaded by certain quarters to not aid in the investigation," he told reporters after meeting Home Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi this evening. The panel had been formed to probe the disturbances sparked by the Bersih 3.0 rally in April 2012. |
Vandalisme tiada tempat dalam politik baru Malaysia Posted: 10 Jul 2013 11:55 AM PDT 
Meskipun saya dan Dato' Sri Najib berbeza dari segi pandangan politik, namun saya tetap yakin bahawa tumpuan harus diberikan kepada perdebatan idea, dasar dan ideologi – bukan serangan peribadi atau fizikal. Zairil Khir Johari, Ahli Parlimen Bukit Bendera Politik yang saya percaya adalah usaha berterusan untuk meningkatkan taraf kehidupan masyarakat. Politik yang saya yakini juga adalah politik yang berteraskan idea dan perdebatan fikiran. Oleh kerana itu, saya berasa kesal dengan tindakan tidak bertanggungjawab mereka yang melakukan vandalisme pada papan iklan milik Urban Development Authority (UDA) di kawasan Tanjong Tokong yang tertera gambar Perdana Menteri Dato' Sri Najib Razak dan ayahandanya yang juga Perdana Menteri Malaysia kedua, Tun Abdul Razak. Saya menghormati jasa Tun Razak sebagai tokoh yang banyak menyumbang dalam pembangunan negara bangsa, khususnya dalam usaha mereformasikan demografi bandar dan menaikkan taraf hidup masyarakat migran di bandar melalui penubuhan UDA. Malah, Allahyarham ayahanda saya sendiri pernah menjadi rakan seperjuangan dengan beliau. Tindakan mengaibkan Tun Razak dan Dato' Sri Najib dengan merosakkan gambar mereka adalah perbuatan kebudak-budakan dan tidak mencerminkan budaya politik baru yang sedang saya perjuangkan. Meskipun saya dan Dato' Sri Najib berbeza dari segi pandangan politik, namun saya tetap yakin bahawa tumpuan harus diberikan kepada perdebatan idea, dasar dan ideologi – bukan serangan peribadi atau fizikal. Saya mengecam sekeras-kerasnya perbuatan vandalisme ini dan berharap agar semua pihak dapat bersama-sama mencegah perbuatan khianat dan dangkal seperti ini. Semoga dengan sokongan segenap lapisan masyarakat, usaha untuk membawa agenda politik baru akan dipermudahkan. |
Beautiful beach is now a large rubbish tip Posted: 10 Jul 2013 11:50 AM PDT
Since you're not respecting your own country, what respect do you expect those of us visiting your country to have of you? Eddie Barnes, UK I'M writing about the state of the beaches in Kota Kinabalu. I'm a regular visitor to Sabah as my wife is from there and we come from Britain as often as we can to stay with her parents. The beach at Tanjung Aru (pic), next to the airport, is always the place where our children want to come to first. Arriving from the cold in Britain, we've had many happy days in the sun down there. Unfortunately, we were very disappointed when we got there this week. There has always been litter on the beach but this time it was utterly disgusting. We had to pick our way over empty bottles, used razors, plastic bags and soiled nappies. We seem to have travelled around the world to let our children play on a large rubbish tip; one with a nice view, but a rubbish tip all the same. I've heard people blaming the settlements on the nearby Pulau Gaya for the mess, but I'd like to know why the local government isn't dealing with it. Why isn't it employing a couple of people to pick up litter on the full length of the public beach so that all locals and foreign visitors who use it can enjoy themselves without having to make sure their children don't stand on a used nappy? I'd like to know how Sabah Tourism can seriously tell visitors that it is pioneering "eco-tourism" and then allow its beaches to be filled with old plastic razors? Do you think we're stupid? Or just that we'll look the other way? Why is there is a basic lack of care and attention to such a fantastic public amenity? Malaysia is home to some of the most beautiful places on the planet. Tanjung Aru beach in KK is one of them. There are millions of people in Britain who dream of being able to walk along a beach like it. And yet it's allowed to become a rubbish tip. It gives the impression of a country where the people in charge know the price of everything, but the value of nothing. At least, that's what I'll be telling people when I get back to Britain. Aren't government ministers here a bit embarrassed about that? I would like all politicians in KK to walk along Tanjung Aru beach this week and see the mess for themselves. And I'd like to ask them, since you're not respecting your own country, what respect do you expect those of us visiting your country to have of you? |
Malaysian Stocks First From Worst on Lowest Volatility Posted: 10 Jul 2013 11:46 AM PDT
(Bloomberg) - At a time when slowing economic growth and political protests from Brazil to Turkey are spurring capital flight from emerging markets, Malaysia has turned into a refuge for equity investors. The FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI Index (KLCI) was the biggest loser in Asia just four months ago as the closest elections in 55 years threatened the ruling coalition's plans to spend $444 billion on infrastructure. Now the $478 billion stock market is the region's best performer, after Prime Minister Najib Razak's May 5 poll victory sparked a 4.2 percent rally in the KLCI index. The gauge will probably rise 15 percent in the next 12 months and maintain the lowest volatility among the world's biggest markets as Najib boosts spending to reach developed-nation per-capita income levels by 2020 and the nation's $165 billion pension fund buys stocks, according to Samsung Asset Management. Malaysia has already weathered the 13 percent drop in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index (MXEF) as violence erupted from Sao Paulo to Istanbul to Cairo and economists predicted the weakest Chinese expansion since 1990. "We have been adding" to Malaysia stocks, Gerald Ambrose, who oversees the equivalent of $1.7 billion as managing director at Aberdeen Asset Management Sdn., said by phone from Kuala Lumpur on June 28. "When the market falls, low volatility is a good thing." Read more at: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-07-09/malaysian-stocks-first-from-worst-on-lowest-volatility.html |
Ku Nan: Cops just scapegoats for corrupt enforcers Posted: 09 Jul 2013 08:33 PM PDT 
(The Malay Mail) - The corruption menace involved "not only the police", Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor said today, suggesting the force was being blamed for bribery involving other enforcement agencies. Graft watchdog Transparency International's Global Corruption Barometer 2013 survey showed that 76 per cent of local respondents considered the police corrupt, compared to 69 per cent who saw politicians as guilty of graft. The force was also viewed as the most corrupt of all local institutions, scoring four out of five on the extent of corruption.
"It's not fair that you say the police are most corrupt," Tengku Adnan told reporters at Parliament here today," said the Federal Territories minister. "It could be my enforcement officer Bandaraya (city council), could be enforcement officer Majlis Daerah (local council). It's not only the police, you must remember."
Tengku Adnan also stressed that the dip in public confidence in the government's efforts to battle corruption was a "perception problem".
"We're fighting a perception war," he said. The Global Corruption Barometer survey showed that 30 per cent of Malaysian respondents believed Putrajaya's graft-fighting efforts were effective, compared to 49 per cent that felt the same in 2011.
"Main thing is if there's no giver, there won't be any taker. The giver should stop," added the Umno secretary-general.
Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Paul Low, however, pledged yesterday to bring the survey's findings to the Cabinet, saying: "The GCB results have made it clear that it is now a global menace that must be recognised and addressed before it is too late." Today, Tengku Adnan said the government was "putting all efforts to ensure this corruption is eradicated". The Putrajaya MP added that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) was educating citizens against giving bribes. "The enforcement officers need to be educated," said Tengku Adnan. "If I speak to DBKL, I advise them 'please refrain from all untoward practices'," he added, referring to the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) officers under his purview. On the GCB survey, Malaysian respondents rated the police and politicians four and 3.8 respectively on a scale of one to five, with one considered "Not at all corrupt" and five being "Extremely corrupt". Akhbar Satar, president of the Malaysian chapter of Transparency International, reportedly said yesterday that the government's failure to catch "big fish" in high-profile graft cases may have affected Malaysians' confidence in the war on corruption. The 2013 Global Corruption Barometer is the biggest ever conducted by the Berlin-based watchdog, with 114,000 people respondents in 107 countries in the opinion survey on corruption and the institutions considered the most corrupt. Read more here: http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia/article/ku-nan-cops-just-scapegoats-for-corrupt-enforcers?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter#sthash.UuQ4foxl.dpuf The corruption menace involved "not only the police", Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor said today, suggesting the force was being blamed for bribery involving other enforcement agencies. Graft watchdog Transparency International's Global Corruption Barometer 2013 survey showed that 76 per cent of local respondents considered the police corrupt, compared to 69 per cent who saw politicians as guilty of graft. The force was also viewed as the most corrupt of all local institutions, scoring four out of five on the extent of corruption.
"It's not fair that you say the police are most corrupt," Tengku Adnan told reporters at Parliament here today," said the Federal Territories minister. "It could be my enforcement officer Bandaraya (city council), could be enforcement officer Majlis Daerah (local council). It's not only the police, you must remember."
Tengku Adnan also stressed that the dip in public confidence in the government's efforts to battle corruption was a "perception problem".
"We're fighting a perception war," he said. The Global Corruption Barometer survey showed that 30 per cent of Malaysian respondents believed Putrajaya's graft-fighting efforts were effective, compared to 49 per cent that felt the same in 2011.
"Main thing is if there's no giver, there won't be any taker. The giver should stop," added the Umno secretary-general.
Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Paul Low, however, pledged yesterday to bring the survey's findings to the Cabinet, saying: "The GCB results have made it clear that it is now a global menace that must be recognised and addressed before it is too late." Today, Tengku Adnan said the government was "putting all efforts to ensure this corruption is eradicated". The Putrajaya MP added that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) was educating citizens against giving bribes. "The enforcement officers need to be educated," said Tengku Adnan. "If I speak to DBKL, I advise them 'please refrain from all untoward practices'," he added, referring to the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) officers under his purview. On the GCB survey, Malaysian respondents rated the police and politicians four and 3.8 respectively on a scale of one to five, with one considered "Not at all corrupt" and five being "Extremely corrupt". Akhbar Satar, president of the Malaysian chapter of Transparency International, reportedly said yesterday that the government's failure to catch "big fish" in high-profile graft cases may have affected Malaysians' confidence in the war on corruption. The 2013 Global Corruption Barometer is the biggest ever conducted by the Berlin-based watchdog, with 114,000 people respondents in 107 countries in the opinion survey on corruption and the institutions considered the most corrupt. - See more at: http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia/article/ku-nan-cops-just-scapegoats-for-corrupt-enforcers?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter#sthash.UuQ4foxl.dpuf |
PM Says One Thing, Ministers Say Another! Posted: 09 Jul 2013 08:26 PM PDT 
The real reason the Government would want to retain the Sedition Act – and Zahid should really be honest about this – is to use it to silent political dissent. And this has been proven in practice over the decades. Only last month, it was again selectively used to prosecute six people – Opposition politicians, activists and student leaders – while pro-Government individuals who made seditious statements got away scot-free. Kee Thuan Chye How ridiculous it is that the prime minister says one thing and his home minister says the opposite. Last year, Najib Razak announced that the Government would repeal the Sedition Act and replace it with the National Harmony Act, but now Zahid Hamidi says the Cabinet has decided to only "amend and review some aspects of the Act, not to abolish it"! Another minister, S. Subramaniam, is neither here nor there about it when asked about the matter. He takes the typical noncommittal MIC approach by saying that the idea of repealing the Act was a "suggestion" by Najib. "He has to bring it back to the Cabinet and state his suggestions," Subramaniam says. Only a suggestion? Subramaniam was a member of the Cabinet when Najib announced the repeal in July 2012 and yet he says it was only Najib's suggestion? Is it because he dare not tell the truth? Meanwhile, Tourism Minister Nazri Aziz contradicts Zahid and confirms that the Cabinet did indeed agree to repeal the Sedition Act last year. He even says the Attorney-General's Chambers is looking into framing the replacement law. Unlike Subramaniam, he is unequivocal about it. "It's a public commitment made by the prime minister. I don't see why any minister would go against it," he adds. It was indeed a public commitment. Najib's announcement of the repeal of the Act and its replacement with the National Harmony Act was reported extensively in the media, and political observers – me included – commented on it. We certainly didn't imagine it. Surely, Najib would have made the announcement only if he had got the agreement of his Cabinet. If not, his action would have been highly irresponsible. So, what gives? Nazri showed charity to his fellow Cabinet member when he was asked by reporters about Subramaniam's comment. Nazri replied, "It was made last year, maybe he doesn't remember. Maybe it's (because of) so many cabinet meetings." Oh? Really? But the matter was publicly announced, so how could any Cabinet member fail to remember? A case of Alzheimer's affecting the health minister? Or selective remembering a la Mahathir Mohamad? As for Zahid, why would he contradict Najib? Is he trying to undermine the latter as the build-up begins for the Umno general assembly in November when elections will take place and Najib could be challenged for his leadership of the party? Is Zahid also working overtime to try and retain his vice-presidency in the party, knowing that the position will be hotly contested? He says he doesn't want the Sedition Act abolished because people can start questioning the four taboo issues – the special position of the Malays, the sovereignty of the Malay rulers, the position of Malay as the national language, and the position of Islam as the religion of the federation. That sounds like the thing to say to impress the Umno delegates who will be voting in November. Let us also not forget that a by-election is coming up on July 24 for the Kuala Besut state seat in Terengganu. Harping on Malay issues could well score points for the incumbent Umno. But Zahid disingenuously chooses to ignore that these four issues are already protected under the Federal Constitution. Article 181, for example, guarantees the sovereignty, rights, powers and jurisdictions of each Malay ruler within their respective states. Other Articles take care of the other three. In any case, there should be no harm in questioning these issues if we are to be a true, healthy and mature democracy. Placing a ban on it has only deprived Malaysians their constitutional right to freedom of speech. Besides, what can questioning do? Bring about the removal of these guarantees? Who is going to sanction it? Who would dare to? It's not going to happen even in the distant future. The real reason the Government would want to retain the Sedition Act – and Zahid should really be honest about this – is to use it to silent political dissent. And this has been proven in practice over the decades. Only last month, it was again selectively used to prosecute six people – Opposition politicians, activists and student leaders – while pro-Government individuals who made seditious statements got away scot-free. Really, Zahid doesn't serve the Government cause well to speak as he does. And Subramaniam doesn't inspire confidence among the public for his wishy-washy conduct. Both of them can't seem to get their facts right, and they sow confusion with their befuddling statements. What kind of ministers do we have? It reflects badly on Najib for selecting ministers like these. Speaking of Najib, why has he said nothing since in response to Zahid's statement? He may be overseas now, but the least he could do is make a statement to clear the confusion. Unless, of course, he is considering flip-flopping on the idea. Especially now that the general election is over and he doesn't need to win votes. Is that the reason why the A-G's Chambers is taking so long to come out with a draft of the replacement National Harmony Act? After a year and still nothing to show? Is this going to be yet another government janji yang tidak ditepati (promise unfulfilled)? Read more here: http://my.news.yahoo.com/blogs/bull-bashing/pm-says-one-thing-ministers-another-101023396.html |
Five lawyers, activist win suit against government over arrest Posted: 09 Jul 2013 08:10 PM PDT
(Bernama) - Five human rights lawyers and an activist today won their suit against the police and the government over their arrest, detention and malicious prosecution during a walk to mark World Human Rights Day on Dec 9, 2007. The court awarded R. Sivarasa, N. Surendran, Latheefa Beebi Koya, Eric Paulsen, Amer Hamzah Arshad and activist Johny Andu @ Abu Bakar Adnan each with RM10,000 in damages, and ordered the defendants to pay a total of RM60,000 in costs to all the plaintiffs.
On Dec 8, 2010, they filed a civil suit against then-Dang Wangi police deputy chief Superintendent Che Hamzah Che Ismail, inspector-general of police, home ministry and the government over their arrest, detention and prosecution.
In allowing their claim, High Court judge Datuk John Louis O'hara held that their arrests and detention by the defendants were unlawful.
O'hara said he had the opportunity to view the video and photographs taken from what transpired and took place during the incident.
"From the video, I find that first defendant Superintendent Che Hamzah had given conflicting, confusing and contradictory instructions over the hailer for the plaintiffs to disperse," he said.
Futhermore, he said, Che Hamzah was not decisive in his words over the disperse orders.
In his decision, the judge also found that the defendants had denied the plaintiffs' right to the legal access after they were arrested.
However, he found that the prosecution on the plaintiffs at the criminal Sessions Court was not made in bad faith and it was the Attorney-General's prerogative power under the Federal Constitution to prosecute them.
"The Attorney-General is doing his job and exercises his duty to prosecute them... this is not malicious prosecution," he said, adding that the plaintiffs had correctly named the parties in the suit.
On Dec 10, 2007, the six were charged with being in an unlawful assembly and failing to adhere to police orders to disperse, allegedly committed a day before (Dec 9, 2007) in front of Kamdar building in Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman.
On April 16, 2009, they were acquitted and discharged by the Sessions Court, without being called to make their defence on those charges.
Following that, they filed the suit seeking for a declaration that their rights under the Federal Constitution were violated and also claimed their arrest and detention were unlawful.
They also sought general damages, aggravated damages and exemplary damages and special damages, interest and cost.
In the suit, the six claimed they participated in and/or organised a peaceful rally and march, in conjunction with World Human Rights Day which was celebrated worldwide on Dec 10, every year.
They contended that they were subsequently allowed to continue to participate in the march within 10 minutes, but before the 10 minutes expired, they found that they were surrounded by a large group of police personnel.
They alleged the police then gave orders to disperse but while attempting to do so (to disperse), they were arrested.
After the proceedings, counsel Edmund Bon, representing the six, told reporters that today's ruling was a great victory for democracy and human rights. |
Najib’s administration risks ‘flip-flop’ label in Cabinet tiff over law reforms Posted: 09 Jul 2013 08:04 PM PDT
He pointed out that former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has now said that the Sedition Act should not be repealed, saying that if Najib does not go ahead with the law's abolition, it would give the "perception that Dr Mahathir is running the country". Ida Lim, MM Open discord among Cabinet members over the prime minister's pledge to roll out laws to broaden civil liberties is risking Datuk Seri Najib Razak's administration being tagged a "flip-flop" government, political analysts have said. Hardliners within Umno, the Barisan Nasional (BN) government's anchor party, appear to be influencing the prime minister (picture) to reverse his pledge to repeal the Sedition Act, and to maintain preventive detention clauses in other security laws that critics say is choking the growth of democracy here.
Members of Najib's Cabinet have been issuing conflicting statements over the abolition of the colonial-era sedition law while Home Minister Datuk Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has been pushing to provide the authorities preventive detention powers lost following the repeal of the Emergency Ordinance, barely a year after it was removed.
Dr Andrew Aeria, an academic from Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Unimas), said events of late paint a picture of a government that allegedly "lacks credibility and inconsistency", stressing that "your word is your bond".
"If they do an about-turn now, basically you are telling everyone that you are a government, a Cabinet that can't be trusted to keep its word," he told The Malay Mail Online.
"If you keep flip-flopping, the question is who is running the country?" he asked.
He pointed out that former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has now said that the Sedition Act should not be repealed, saying that if Najib does not go ahead with the law's abolition, it would give the "perception that Dr Mahathir is running the country".
"You are the prime minister in the Cabinet, you can't do this kind of flip-flopping; if you keep flip-flopping, this is not good for investors," Aeria added.
Last July, Najib announced that the Sedition Act would be replaced with a National Harmony Act.
But Ahmad Zahid has since said the law will not be repealed, with Cabinet colleague Datuk S. Subramaniam adding that the prime minister was only making a suggestion.
Wan Saiful Wan Jan, the founder of the Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS), said the recent developments reinforces the people's perception of Najib's administration as a flip-flopping government, while saying that the Cabinet lacks a united stand over such issues.
"It's a worrying trend when a minister says something and another minister says something else...The government is clearly divided," the chief executive of the political and economic think-tank told The Malay Mail Online.
A day after Ahmad Zahid said the government was only looking at amending the law instead of repealing it, Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz came out to insist on Monday that the Cabinet had decided to abolish the Sedition Act.
Wan Saiful attributed the reason for the apparent clashes to the Umno elections later this year, saying leaders were now jockeying for spots ahead of the internal polls.
"They may be debating specific legislation, but really they are positioning themselves for Umno elections, who can be more radical, more bold than the others," he said.
Although it was pointed out that the Barisan Nasional (BN) administration also included other component parties, the analysts noted that Umno remained the dominant force when it came to setting policy.
But Wan Saiful also said that Umno conservatives were not the only ones in the way of Najib's reforms, saying that the police would back laws similar to the Emergency Ordinance, while some would defend the continued existence of the Sedition Act ostensibly to ensure the protection of the monarchy from insults, among other things.
"All these groups, they are not necessarily hardliners in Umno," he said, adding that Najib has to convince everyone to support the legal reforms.
Wan Saiful said the recent debate over the Sedition Act also revealed the Prime Minister's grip on power as being challenged by others, saying the events can be both beneficial and unhealthy.
"Yes, healthy because definitely the powers of prime minister needs to be checked and balanced.
"It's also unhealthy because they are debating this publicly and the counter-proposals to what Najib has been deciding is actually not progressive," Wan said.
Political analyst Shaharudin Badaruddin similarly suggested that the shift in position could be caused by pressure from hardliners within the government or the ruling party as well as the Umno polls. READ MORE HERE Open discord among Cabinet members over the prime minister's pledge to roll out laws to broaden civil liberties is risking Datuk Seri Najib Razak's administration being tagged a "flip-flop" government, political analysts have said. Hardliners within Umno, the Barisan Nasional (BN) government's anchor party, appear to be influencing the prime minister (picture) to reverse his pledge to repeal the Sedition Act, and to maintain preventive detention clauses in other security laws that critics say is choking the growth of democracy here. Members of Najib's Cabinet have been issuing conflicting statements over the abolition of the colonial-era sedition law while Home Minister Datuk Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has been pushing to provide the authorities preventive detention powers lost following the repeal of the Emergency Ordinance, barely a year after it was removed. - See more at: http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia/article/najibs-administration-risks-flip-flop-label-in-cabinet-tiff-over-law-reform?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter#sthash.1dNKsvsE.dpu |
Police to come down hard on Red Bean Army Posted: 09 Jul 2013 05:41 PM PDT
The Red Bean Army and its ilk will face criminal and civil action for spreading lies about the police through the Internet, says the Home Minister. Anisah Shukry, FMT The police will use the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998; the Penal Code; and Facebook to counter the 'Red Bean Army' and others who use the Internet to defame the men in blue, said Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. "There are two ways to take action against cases of defamation. One, criminal action, two, civil action," the Home Minister told the Dewan Rakyat today during question session.
"In this case, seeing as the libel [about the police] is made through social media, we will take action using the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 and Section 504 of the Penal Code.
"And because we must counter libel spread through social media with social media, we will use Facebook to fight them."
But he said that the 416,500 Facebook fans and 113,000 Twitter followers for the Police force's official pages were still not enough.
"But we will stick with this approach to counter defamation against the police," he said.
Ahmad Zahid said this in response to Ikmal Hisham Abdul Aziz (Tanah Merah – BN) question on what action the police would take against the Red Bean Army – an alleged group of opposition-funded cyber troopers – and its ilk for reportedly spreading lies about the police on the Internet.
"It is unfortunate that there are some quarters in this country who do not know how to be grateful, who purposefully mock and discredit the police force, particularly through social media such as Facebook and blogs," Ikmal had said earlier.
"Does the police force intend to set up a special team to investigate the slander hurled against them, and to answer every allegation thrown their way through the social media…including the endless slander from the Red Bean Army cyber troopers?"
His question elicited loud groans from Pakatan Rakyat MPs, who, despite having denied the existence of such an army multiple times, have been subjected to daily taunts over the Red Bean Army since parliament convened two weeks ago. READ MORE HERE |
Jesus, the Prophet of the Muslims Posted: 09 Jul 2013 05:04 PM PDT 
The Muslim belief is that the inscription in the Dome of the Rock is an 'Islamic' inscription and dedicated to the Prophet Muhammad and the religion of Islam because of two words -- 'Muhammad' and 'Islam' -- in that inscription. However, if you were to translate the ENTIRE inscription into English -- including 'muhammad' as 'praised' and 'islam' as 'submit' or 'surrender' -- then this whole thing is addressed to the Christians and not to the Muslims. NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin There is a very interesting question being raised. We have seen two World Wars so far. Are we going to see a Third World War? Some say yes and some say we are, in fact, already in the midst of a Third World War. And this Third World War is being fought between the Muslims and the Judeo-Christians. Then there are some who say the Third World War, if it happens, is going to happen in the South China Sea. Looking at the developments in China, that, too, is a probability. In fact, the United States has already predicted that the next big war is going to happen in the South China Sea. And that is why the ASEAN nations are arming themselves, in case, and countries like Malaysia are becoming more 'US-friendly' while China is currently engaged in a bit of sabre-rattling. Whether we will one day see a great war between Islam and Judeo-Christianity is, as the religionists would say, something that only God knows. Nevertheless, Islam believes that day will come, as does Christianity, where we shall see the Battle of Armageddon, the return of Christ to lead humankind, and the end of the world. So, yes, the Judeo-Christians and Muslims share this same belief and they also both share the belief that it will be Christ and not Muhammad who returns to lead humankind in that great battle against evil that will signal the beginning of the end of the world. So why then are the Judeo-Christians and Muslims at war with one another when they share the same belief and differ only is certain rituals and doctrines? If we were to focus on the beliefs the Judeo-Christians and Muslims share, rather than on where they differ, you would probably find 90% (I am just guessing, of course) similarities and shared beliefs with only a few disagreements. Now, I want to digress a bit and talk about the third holiest shrine in Islam (after the mosques in Mekah and Medina), which is also being claimed by the Jews and Christians. And this is The Dome of the Rock -- Arabic: Masjid Qubbat As-Sakhrah; Hebrew: Kipat Hasela -- located on the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem. The dome is octagonal and is covered with inscriptions. You can see the English translation of these inscriptions below. However, while I have translated the entire Arabic inscription into English, I have left just two of the words in its original Arabic. And these two words are 'Muhammad' and 'Islam'. Okay, now read the English translation of the inscription below and translate the word 'muhammad' in that inscription into 'praised' (which is actually what 'muhammad' means). Do not use Muhammad with a Capital 'M' (which makes it a proper noun). Use 'muhammad' with the lower case 'm' (which makes it an adjective). And this is because in Arabic there is no Capital 'M" and lower case 'm'. So let us work on the basis that the word in the inscription is 'muhammad' and not 'Muhammad'. If you translate 'Muhammad' (the proper noun) into 'praised' (the adjective) would this not give the impression that the inscription in the Dome of the Rock is talking about Jesus Christ and not the Prophet Muhammad? Muhammad is the servant of God and His Messenger becomes praised is the servant of God and His Messenger. New studies are being done on this matter and scholars are beginning to have second thoughts on what the inscription in the Dome of the Rock is really talking about. The Dome of the Rock was built in 691 by the Umayyad Caliph, Abd al-Malik. And since he is reported to be a Muslim then we assume that the inscription in that 'Muslim shrine' is dedicated to Prophet Muhammad. However, if we replace 'Muhammad' with 'praised' then it becomes Caliph Malik's message to the Christians rather than to the Muslims. The Caliph Malik is accepting Jesus as the Prophet of Islam and he disputes the Trinity and the concept of Jesus as the Son of God. Note the key points in that transcription: There is no god but God. Praised (translated from 'muhammad') is the servant of God and His Messenger. People of the Book! Do not exaggerate in your religion. The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was only a Messenger of God, and His Word which He conveyed unto Mary, and a spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and say not 'Three' - Cease! (and say not 'Three' meaning 'and say not the Trinity'). God is only One God. Oh God, bless Your Messenger and Your servant Jesus son of Mary. Such was Jesus, son of Mary, a statement of the truth concerning which they doubt. It befitteth not God that He should take unto Himself a son. (Meaning Jesus is not the Son of God).
Lo! religion with God (is) Islam. ('Islam' is derived from the root verb istaslama; which means 'to submit' or 'give in' or 'surrender'. Hence 'Islam' here does not mean the religion Islam but an act of submitting or surrendering to the will and wishes of God). The Muslim belief is that the inscription in the Dome of the Rock is an 'Islamic' inscription and dedicated to the Prophet Muhammad and the religion of Islam because of two words -- 'Muhammad' and 'Islam' -- in that inscription. However, if you were to translate the ENTIRE inscription into English -- including 'muhammad' as 'praised' and 'islam' as 'submit' or 'surrender' -- then this whole thing is addressed to the Christians and not to the Muslims. Okay, absorb all this for the meantime (and I know the Muslims, plus probably the Christians as well, are going to scream and curse me for this) and in the next article we shall talk about whether we really do have three Abrahamic religions or was there only one. ****************************************** INSCRIPTIONS ON THE INNER OCTAGONAL (8 sided) ARCADE INSIDE THE DOME OF THE ROCK (South wall) In the name of God, the Merciful the Compassionate. There is no god but God. He is One. He has no associate. Unto Him belongeth sovereignty and unto Him belongeth praise. He quickeneth and He giveth death; and He has Power over all things. Muhammad (praised) is the servant of God and His Messenger. (Southeast wall) Lo! God and His angels shower blessings on the Prophet. O ye who believe! Ask blessings on him and salute him with a worthy salutation. The blessing of God be on him and peace be on him, and may God have mercy. O People of the Book! Do not exaggerate in your religion (East wall) nor utter aught concerning God save the truth. The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was only a Messenger of God, and His Word which He conveyed unto Mary, and a spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and say not 'Three' - Cease! (it is) (Northeast wall) better for you! God is only One God. Far be it removed from His transcendent majesty that He should have a son. His is all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. And God is sufficient as Defender. The Messiah will never scorn to be a (North wall) servant unto God, nor will the favored angels. Whoso scorneth His service and is proud, all such will He assemble unto Him. Oh God, bless Your Messenger and Your servant Jesus (Northwest wall) son of Mary. Peace be on him the day he was born, and the day he dies, and the day he shall be raised alive! Such was Jesus, son of Mary, (this is) a statement of the truth concerning which they doubt. It befitteth not (the Majesty of) God that He should take unto Himself a son. Glory be to Him! (West wall) When He decreeth a thing, He saith unto it only: Be! and it is. Lo! God is my Lord and your Lord. So serve Him. That is the right path. God (Himself) is witness that there is no God save Him. (Southwest wall) And the angels and the men of learning (too are witness). Maintaining His creation in justice, there is no God save Him, the Almighty, the Wise. Lo! religion with God (is) Islam. Those who (formerly) received the Book differed only after knowledge came unto them, through transgression among themselves. Whoso disbelieveth the revelations of God (will find that) lo! God is swift at reckoning! |
Former senior cop sues six mainstream newspapers Posted: 09 Jul 2013 03:16 PM PDT
(Daily Express) - A former senior police officer has filed a defamation suit against six mainstream newspapers alleging he was a "victim" of a smear campaign. Former Commercial Crimes Investigation Department chief Datuk Ramli Yusuff filed the suit against six media publishers - New Straits Times, The Star, Berita Harian, Utusan Malaysia, Daily Express and Borneo Post - at the Kuala Lumpur High Court recently. He also named the editors and reporters of The New Straits Times Press (M) Bhd, Star Publications (Malaysia) Bhd, Berita Harian Sdb Bhd, Utusan Melayu (Malaysia) Bhd, Sabah Publishing House Sdn Bhd and See Hua Marketing as defendants. According to the statement of claim, Ramli said his name was tarnished following reports in 2007 over the development of an area in Lahad Datu, Sabah. He said the articles referred to him as the "senior officer who had amassed RM27 million and had failed to declare his assets". Ramli said there was no other officer who was being investigated for abuse of power at that time. He alleged that the articles implied he was a corrupt officer, had abused his power, had failed to declare his assets, had amassed RM27 million and had gathered it through illegal means. One of the articles had also implied that he was akin to a "godfather", a term often used to refer to any infamous leader of the underworld. Ramli said the articles had tarnished his reputation and character, ridiculed him and had lowered his esteem in the eyes of the public. He denied owning such assets and being involved in any corrupt practices. Ramli also claimed the reports had caused him to suffer anxiety and that he had to call for a press conference, contrary to normal police procedure, to clear his name. Ramli is seeking an amount of general, special exemplary and punitive damages, interest, cost and relief deemed fit by the court. |
A case against the minimum wage Posted: 09 Jul 2013 02:28 PM PDT
What determines the level of productivity and hence the wages? asks the writer. By Medecci Lineil, FMT
I was very pleased to read last week's headlines all carried a variant of minimum wage and its logic that are usually ignored in mainstream discussions. However, the discussion has become for the most part, ignoble. It is obvious that the minimum wage advocates including the Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and Human Resource Minister Richard Riot do not pursue their own logic.
There is more emotion in the discussion because it is a bit more personal experience. To apply the faculty of reason requires understand; to experience emotion does not.
Ludwig von Mises puts forth an account of economic laws based in logic not experience. To understand the reality requires looking beyond the data and into the core of the complex structure of production and its overall health.
It requires thinking about the money wage, real saving, productivity, subjectivism and human labourer. None of these can be obtained by simply watching data and numbers appear at the bottom of your LCD Samsung TV screen and pretty economic research papers.
Sadly, it is the emotions and the notion of "letting the facts speak for themselves" that appeal are now made. When we engage in poor reasoning and faulty economic logic in support of a noble cause, we can end up doing much more harm than good in the pursuit of liberty and economic freedom.
In seeking solutions, the logic of economic and the dynamics of human history are largely neglected. As a result, many government attempt to solve these problems by means that will not accomplish the desired ends.
People are not familiar with the rules of logic. It is one of those subjects that people shy away from, feeling that it's too complex to understand. What people do not realize is that they employ logic every day. Logic is often applied to human problem in an attempt to determine truth and since truth is the foundation of liberty, free men must apply the rules of logic rigorously.
But first, what is logic? From one of the most widely used text of Copi and Cohen in Introduction of Logic (1994) "Logic is the study of the methods and principles used to distinguish good (correct) from bad (incorrect) reasoning"
While famous British economist and logician, William Stanley Jevon viewed logic is the method of thinking.
He described logic as "briefly defined as the Science of Reasoning" he went far argued "The laws of thought are natural laws with which we have no power to interfere and which are of course not to be in any way confused with the artificial laws of a country, which are invented by men and can be altered by them"
Correct reasoning, fundamental propositions are grasped intellectually, true knowledge, self-evident about reality and not empirically, therefore known to be a true a priori; foundational truths of praxeology such as the action principle.
For example, Mises points out that when we see a person trade one good for another, we simply have to assume that they value the received good more than the one given away. We do not have to run millions of experiments to see that people value the good received in an exchange over the good given away.
We do not have to run any at all because the good received in exchange is valued more than the good given away is something that is true. Like Prussian philosopher Immanuel Kant argues that "Every event has cause under constant laws" is a claim we know to be true because it is a condition for knowledge.
For Mises and Austrian school, human action takes the acting person in whatever surroundings he finds himself as its most crucial starting point, in this regard, the subject of individualism, productivity and money wages.
Defining problems logically
In Malaysia, the minimum wage policy is implemented to ensure that the basic needs of workers and their families are met, to reward and protect them from exploitation and to incentivise firms to move up the value chain by investing in technology and boosting productivity.
Let us define this problem logically. First, wages received have been termed very low compare to national productivity rate over years, the wages are the amount of money earned by a labourer within a given time period excluding any reference to the goods and services which that money would purchase. This is the most popular premise I believe.
Second, wages are very low according to the quantity and quality of the goods and services obtained by the labourer. The labourer then bought two packets of sugar now buys only one. To be more specific, it is the falling of purchasing power with his money wages.
Third, wages have recorded slower growth compared to labour productivity growth. The main reason why the minimum wage is adopted in Malaysia and leading the labourer and capitalist are always directly opposed to one another.
And fourth, wages are low and very labour intensive (unskilled labourers). Minimum wage encourages firms to invest in automation and newer technologies that can enhance productivity capacity rather than relying on low cost foreign workers.
Let me also start deducing the problems here; for the first and second problem, understanding of money and its value is very important.
I encourage the readers to read my previous articles on this matter. Remember, it is important that knowledge of money starts from the view if individual and not of society. For it is the subjective value of individuals that determine all human actions and in market transactions.
It is not the money men want; it is the money's purchasing power that greatly affected by the quantity of money available and the demand for it.
When the government and Bank Negara increase the quantity of paper money, the result is that the purchasing power of the monetary unit begins to drop and so prices rise. This is called inflation.
The essence of inflation is not a general rise in prices but an increase in the supply of money which in turns sets in motion a general increase in the prices of goods and services. Real wages fall, undermining production of real wealth, eroding money's purchasing power, eroding real savings and causes a misallocation of scarce resources.
There has never been any serious argument against the economic interpretation of the relationship between prices and the quantity of money, or the exchange between money and other goods and services.
The root of inflation has been camouflage and utterly confused by special interests and government to preserve the culture of political dependency. They then pride themselves on being the only true friends of labourers, social justice and logic.
The productivity of labour
I also read a number of news items where mainstream economists say an increase in economic activity is almost always seen as trigger for general rise in prices which they erroneously label inflation. But why should an increase in the production of goods and services lead to general increase in prices?
If the money stock is intact, then we will have a situation of less money per unit of a good – a fall in prices.
Effective policy to help poor people, don't you think? The solution is to leave the money to the market regulated by profit and loss. Do not leave the money regulated by Bank Negara and Putrajaya.
Here is another explanation; government budget deficits divert funds from the purchase of capital goods and the payment of wages by business firms, their effect is sooner or later to reduce the total costs of production in the economic system and equivalently to increase the aggregate amount of profit in the economic system.
Those costs of production, of course must be deducted from sales revenues in calculating profits. So government budget deficits are part of the explanation of profits rising relative to wages. This is not a joy we should celebrate. That is an illustration of the dichotomy identified by David Ricardo that often exists between monetary value and physical wealth.
Money profits up, capital goods expenditure being down that will reduce in the supply of capital goods for use in further production.
In real life, tools, machines, and other capital goods wear out or become obsolete one by one. Real wages in the future will suffer from less production and prices being higher than they otherwise would have been.
Let me proceed with deducing the third problem. A lot of people think that when labour productivity increases or is expected to increase, say 3%, wage rates should also be raised by 3%. Most unions argue about the productivity of labour and they demand increases of the wages to the extent of labour productivity. I have problem with this concept.
Every human being is different and has a different work quality in working hours. To some extent, they are connected to all the occupations on the job market.
They are different types of labour in a production process with different degree of exertion undergone in different employment / industries in the same country during working hours.
Employer has no power to set wages
The established annual holidays in Malaysia are 50 national, school and state and ranks in the top 10 countries with the most public holidays in the world. These holidays are confined to a certain portion of the Malaysian population like the labour, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, Dayak, Orang Ulu and others.
Again the productivity is limited to the unpredictable weather like rain, flood, draught, haze and natural disasters.
No common measure of the toils undergone by a miner and a tailor or those of a shop man and an iron founder – vary indefinitely in intensity. So it is obvious that the rate of wages given all these differences.
The increased wage rates (real money wage) in the expanding economy are not primarily due to the workers themselves but the capitalist entrepreneurs who have invested in capital goods.
It is also not necessarily mean that the increases of wages over the years caused by his own improvement. It is primarily due to the increasing of capital goods provided by the capitalists.
If wages were really set by employers, why is it that employees such as Cristiano Ronaldo, Mesut Ozil, Gareth Bale, Brad Pitt, Liam Neeson, Bradley Coopers, Kim Hyuna and Korean pop stars all earn mega money?
No, the reason they do is because their productivity enhanced by capital goods (stadium, stage decorations, Dolby sound surround movie theatres, concerts, high definition equipment). The employer has no power to set wages.
What determines the level of productivity and hence the wages? Given the explanations above, this is based on how intelligently people work and the amount of and sophistication of the tools and capital equipment they are given by their employer to work with.
We have examined the money and its purchasing power and productivity based on deductive logic in favour of raising real money wage.
Now let us deducing the last one, minimum wage often substitute machinery of unskilled workers or foreign workers.
Actually, David Ricardo, the most influential British classical economist is the author of the proposition that a rise in wages (increased cost of workers) will encourage capitalists to substitute the machinery for workers and vice versa.
It generates technological improvement and raises the productivity of workers. In forcing the reluctant employers to raise wages, the policy makers become the pioneers of progress and prosperity.
However, the interpretation of Ricardo's proposition that machinery is substituted for workers is purely misleading. READ MORE HERE |
Remembering #709 : The Mega Con called Bersih Posted: 09 Jul 2013 02:16 PM PDT
Yuktes Vijay Two years back, Malaysians gathered, held hands, walked, yelled slogans, braved tear gas and withstood police beating. All this was for the promise one Ambiga Sreenevasan assured us, a proper democracy process in Malaysia. A fair and clean election. Alas, no one knew that it was indeed an Opposition ploy, an idea of Pakatan Rakyat to instill hatred and anger. I speak as one of those who participated in the rally, for Anwar first and democracy second. The sad part of the rally is that it will always be remembered for the "nego-nego" drama by Azmin and Anwar. It was never a signal to negotiate. It was a signal to breach the barricades and to "Occupy Dataran". This is not a baseless accusation, in fact none of my previous letters ever carried one. If some actually took off their PR tinted glasses, they would see the truth and logic in my statements. Thangam, the man who broke the barricade is an Anwarista to the core. I know him from the times in Court for the Sodomy II. Such was his devotion to Anwar that he would arrive in Court before the guards themselves and leave only when Anwar waves him a goodbye. You guys honestly think such a man would have defied the orders of Anwar and Azmin to break the barricades himself? This is a man who would ask how high if Anwar asked him to jump. Think! This rally was known for its police brutality. However, how many here know what actually transpired? At 6pm or so, I was at the front barricade with a few guys from SAMM. Recognised the t-shirts. They started kicking and breaking the barricades and cursed the police officers. It was then the police reacted and started hitting the protestors. I was one of them who felt victim. Why did I not sue the police when I was with the top legal eagles in the country? Dato Param, Sankara Nair…Names ring a bell? Even if it was not them, I could have used Lawyers for Liberty. Afte rall, since joining BN, I was told that my injuries were fake and I did it for publicity. What bigger publicity than this? I did not even attend the Suhakam or Bersih inquiries. Even when Sivarasa Rasiah called me to attend the EGM of Bar Council in Sunway to tell my side of the story, I did not go. Why would someone who craves publicity as claimed by Opposition avoid the chance of being in the news? Many are under the impression that I left Anwar because I was bought over. To a certain extent yes, there is some truth in it. Partially only though. I was "bought over" by one man whom I call boss today. His simplicity and humbleness is of no secret. But my boss is the reason why I joined BN, not leave Anwar. I left Anwar during the time when he was charged in Court along with Azmin and Chegubard. The actions of Anwar and his team of lawyers to deceive the Court, in fact readily plan and eventually submit a fake document, for the sole purpose of political mileage is an insult to all Malaysians. A contempt of Court and an act punishable under s193 of the Penal Code. You expect me to stay after a fake document was submitted in Court to prolong the process and get a certain former prosecutor in Sodomy II into the team for the sake of media coverage and for Anwar to tell the world how this proves Sodomy II was fabricated. Surely, I will be subjected to name callings. I have evidence. E-mail correspondences.
This is merely one e-mail. I have more evidence. But what is the use? Is Ambiga going to support me, virtue of being former Bar Council President? Are Lawyers for Liberty going to ditch Pakatan Rakyat for this offence? Will Karpal Singh stop representing Anwar for his role in insulting the judiciary? Does this change the opinion of young lawyers that Pakatan Rakyat is not angelic afterall? What action will Bar Council take? Can I trust the AG? Let me tell you what happens. They will label me an A*Sh*&e for doing this, conveniently ignoring the offence and wrong before their eyes. Why? No ones like being proven wrong do they? See, rallies are a done to prove a point. It is not our job to help someone realize his dreams of becoming PM. The blackout rallies were uncalled for. If there were indeed blackouts and Banglas, why there were no single election petition amongst the 42 (if memory serves me right about the number) filed in Court had mentioned those reasons. Rafizi says it is hard to win petitions due to its standard of proof is high. He is right but guessing that Banglas can't suddenly possess an American green card and don't tell me amongst the 40k Banglas that PKR claims voted, they were incapable of catching one? My experience with PR taught me one thing which is everything they say or do is not for the benefit of the people. It is to realize their dream of Putrajaya. Hey stop turning the gun at me. Remember freedom of speech and opinion is embedded in the Constitution. How is that for a taste of your own medicine, PR? |
Ku Nan: Opposition are ‘shit stirrers’ Posted: 09 Jul 2013 01:48 PM PDT
Tengku Adnan today also said he was in support of introducing a new law to replace the Emergency Ordinance (EO) as a means of deterrence. Tarani Palani, fz.com Another minister has alluded that the Sedition Act 1948 should be maintained. Speaking to reporters at the Parliament lobby today, Federal Territories Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor said the law was needed as they were many "shit stirrers" now. "We have got (many) shit stirrers now. The opposition are the shit stirrers. They will stir until things turn chaotic," he said. Tengku Adnan said Malaysia is a multi-racial and multi-religious society where relations have to be maintained. "Our forefathers taught (us) how to be tolerant. We need to teach the younger generation (this as well)," he said. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had announced last July that the act will be repealed for greater democratic society and that the National Harmony Act will be put in place to manage race relations. Despite this public announcement, some government leaders have openly called for the act to be retained, one of them being Home Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. To add to the confusion, Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr S Subramaniam said the previous cabinet had not made any decision on whether the legislation should be maintained, repealed or amended. However, Tourism and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Mohamad Nazri Aziz, who was previously the de facto law minister, has said that the cabinet was still committed to repealing the act. Tengku Adnan today also said he was in support of introducing a new law to replace the Emergency Ordinance (EO) as a means of deterrence. "We need another plan because since we abolished the EO and the Internal Security Act ISA, we have been worrying with what has been happening. "We need laws not just to punish but to deter. Deterrence is better than punishment," he said. The BN secretary-general said Najib and the cabinet would review the proposed new law to ensure that it does not encroach upon citizens' democratic rights. He, however, added: "People want freedom, we have given freedom. But sometimes freedom also makes live hard for some people". On the question of whether detention without trial will feature in the new law, Tengku Adnan said it will be left to the Attorney General's Chambers to decide. |