DBP row risks cutting school textbook supply Posted: 26 Jun 2011 11:56 AM PDT By G. Manimaran and Syed Mu'az Syed Putra, The Malaysian InsiderKUALA LUMPUR, June 27 — An on-going row between Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) and printing company and distributor Dawama Sdn Bhd, which has escalated over the past week, could affect the supply of school textbooks for the 2012-2013 term. The Malaysian Insider understands that the situation has reached a critical level whereby both parties are unable to meet face-to-face to resolve outstanding issues. DBP is an agency which is under the supervision of the Education Ministry. A source told The Malaysian Insider that as a result, DBP faces a dilemma as it may not be able to supply school textbooks for the next school semester this August. "The relationship between DBP and Dawama worsened last week when DBP editors were not allowed to enter Dawama's office to edit and conduct final checks (on the books) before the material is printed. This has a never happened before," said the source. The source said the "cold war" started after DBP appointed another party to also print school textbooks, and that this could have "offended" Dawama. Today is the deadline for DBP to submit the final manuscript for the school textbooks before the books are printed and distributed to schools nationwide. Gerakan Darurat Bahasa (GDB) chairman Mohd Azmi Abdul Hamid said he was aware of DBP's current predicament. "DBP seems to be in a dilemma, which started because of a one-sided printing and distributing agreement," he told The Malaysian Insider. Mohd Azmi said the government had no choice but to intervene. The Malaysian Insider understands that the Dawama management team will be meeting the Education Ministry on Wednesday to discuss the on-going row with DBP. It is understood that the bad blood between DBP and Dawama reached a critical level after DBP director Datuk Termuzi Abdul Aziz recently gave Dawama a deadline to buck up and overcome a decline in sales of DBP books and magazines over the past couple of years. In September 2002, Dawama was given the contract to print and market all books and magazines by DBP. It expires in 2014. Termuzi declined to comment on the matter. READ MORE HERE. |
‘Keep to electoral process’ Posted: 26 Jun 2011 11:52 AM PDT By Minderjeet Kaur, NST BN does not manipulate polls, rally organisers told. KUALA LUMPUR: The prime minister yesterday urged the organisers of the Bersih 2.0 rally to participate in the electoral process, citing Pas' long rule of Kelantan and Barisan Nasional's defeat in five states in 2008 as unmistakable proof of a free and fair process. Datuk Seri Najib Razak said BN would rule in all the states if the Election Commission had manipulated votes on behalf of the coalition. The BN chairman, who was speaking at the 58th People's Progressive Party general assembly, also delivered a decisive message to the rally organisers. "If you have the guts, fight in the general election. If there is any chaos, you will face the consequences," he said. And referring to those intending to take part in the rally, Najib said they, too, would have to face any consequences. The rally was reportedly being held to pass a memorandum to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong calling for free and fair elections. "They say it is to stop the manipulation of votes. "If we manipulate votes, then why are there five states under the opposition? How did Pas rule Kelantan for so many years?" Specifically referring to the loose grouping of DAP, Pas and Parti Keadilan Rakyat, which supposedly endeavoured to "correct the voting system in the country", Najib said: "They need to correct their own parties first before correcting the Election Commission. During their so-called reformasi meetings, they were known to throw chairs, coupled with incidences of boxing matches." He said BN would rule the country if the people still supported it. "The power is with the people. We will fight till the end. And we will do it according to the law, which is to protect the interest of the people." He said the recent spate of by-elections and the Sarawak election showed the people's support returning to BN. "We have managed to reverse the trend. Our plans for the economy have worked" He said the recent victories in Merlimau, Tenang, Kerdau and other areas proved BN as a product and a brandwas still supported by the people. Independent studies and research showed BN was on the right track as there was clarity of goals, vision and strateg ic plans to achieve developed nation status. "We will always be with the rakyat. And we will fulfil our promises."
Will wearing Che Guevara T-shirts lead to arrests too, Bar Council asks Posted: 26 Jun 2011 11:31 AM PDT By Melissa Chi, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, June 27 — Bar Council president Lim Chee Wee has mocked the police investigation of 30 Bersih activists for allegedly trying to revive communism, pointing out last night that their arrests could spell danger as well for anyone wearing a Che Guevara T-shirt and listening to the Sex Pistols. "The arrest and remand for seven days of 30 individuals (including two juveniles in their teens), apparently for having in their possession certain paraphernalia including T-shirts with images of former communist leaders, for waging war against the King is a reflection of such a clampdown. "By analogy, if one were to be at home wearing a Che Guevara (the Marxist revolutionary) T-shirt listening to a song attacking the institution of royalty by either The Smiths or The Sex Pistols, one faces a very real likelihood of being investigated for waging war against the King. This surely cannot be," Lim (picture) told The Malaysian Insider yesterday. The police said yesterday they were probing attempts by Bersih activists for reviving communism, and are investigating 30 Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) members, including Sungai Siput MP Dr Michael Jayakumar, for "waging war against the Yang di-Pertuan Agong." Lim pointed out that Malaysia is a member of the UN Human Rights Council and now the chair of the Third Committee of the forthcoming 66th Session of the UN General Assembly where the agenda contains items such as social, humanitarian and human rights issues. "The Malaysian Bar urges the authorities to act reasonably, responsibly and proportionately instead of a wantonly unjustified and wholly disproportionate clampdown on freedom of movement, expression and assembly." Deputy Penang police chief Datuk Abdul Rahim Jaafar said remand orders would be applied to detain the 30 activists under section 122 of the Penal Code. READ MORE HERE. |
Academic consensus on unfair elections: Reinforcing the Case for BERSIH’s March Posted: 26 Jun 2011 10:46 AM PDT  By CPIMany Malaysians may be unaware of the considerable research work by social scientists – both local and foreign – that have unequivocally concluded that the country's record on free and fair elections has been abysmal. Analysis of this remarkable record of trickery, manipulation and gerrymandering by first the Alliance, followed by Barisan Nasional (BN), goes back for more than 50 years – in fact soon after the country received its independence. Dishonest election conduct takes the following main forms: - the manipulation of electoral boundaries or gerrymandering
- the vast disparity of voter numbers among the constituencies
- the contamination of electoral rolls with phantom voters and other fraud
- the grossly unfair use of the governmental machinery and resources in support of ruling party candidates
- impersonation, multiple voting, ballot stuffing and other frauds in polling, counting and tabulation
- the rigid and opaque postal voting system
- the short campaigning period and selective restriction on campaign freedom
- the biased and distorted official media coverage
- the inadequate and outdated regulations on election expenses and funding
- the ineffectiveness of or limitation in judicial remedy
Adding to the above is the impotency of the Electoral Commission. Lately, there has been an upsurge of political hooliganism which is increasingly coming from high levels and aimed at suppressing any expression of concern over the fair conduct of elections. Thus, it is not surprising that the leaders of the ruling party are confident BN will remain in power – by hook or by crook – for the next 50 years. Malaysians interested in how the ruling parties have manipulated the electoral process to their advantage are spoilt for choice in the matter of reading material. Reference to the work of any of the following scholars will provide facts and figures on the truth behind the facade of 'democratic' elections in the country. Among them are: Sothi Rachagan, Mavis Puthucheary, Noraini Othman, Lim Hong Hai, Wong Chin Huat, Harold Crouch, James Jesudason, John Funston, Rainer Heufers, Bridget Welsh, Ong Kian Meng, Mustafa K. Anuar, James Chin, William Case, Francis Loh Kok Wah, Andrew Aeria, Dan Slater, Simon Barraclough, Gordon P. Means and Diane Mauzy. A selection of excerpts from some recent published work is provided in the annex (see below). Unfortunately such accounts have been deliberately obliterated from national media coverage whilst the antics of Ibrahim Ali as well as diversionary issues are prominently broadcast and splashed in the papers. The commentaries of media sycophants focusing on the purported economic losses likely from traffic disruption (aren't these columnists capable of finding better reasons to explain why the planned march should not take place!) are merely to hoodwink Malaysians whereas the more belligerent editorials resort to intimidation to discourage Bersih supporters marching. Reading the independent and scholarly work on Malaysian elections should lead most in the country to conclude that the Bersih march has good reason to go ahead, if only to show to the rest of the world that BN's claim of democratic elections has been one of the oldest – if not the oldest – lie in Malaysian politics. Read more at: http://english.cpiasia.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2201&catid=141&Itemid=93 |
Malaysia in the Era of Globalization #71 Posted: 26 Jun 2011 10:34 AM PDT 
Chapter 9: Islam in Malay Life The Azzan regularly interrupts television programs, often at the most inopportune moment, as just before the dramatic climax of a scene or even in mid sentence. If they can find a convenient spot to interrupt programs for commercial breaks, why cannot they do the same for the Azzan? M. Bakri Musa Religion must act as the lights do in a car, and not as the brakes do. —Abdolkarim Soroosh, Contemporary Iranian Philosopher
Islam is Malaysia's state religion. It permeates all aspects of Malaysian life, for Muslims and non-Muslims alike. In this chapter I will examine the impact of Islam on law, education, and economics. These are the three major areas that have the greatest impact on the ability of Malaysians generally and Malays in particular at meeting the challenges of globalization. A visitor to Malaysia quickly becomes aware of how pervasive Islam is in the country. At prayer times the Azzan (call to prayers) is heard loud and clear from loudspeakers at the minarets of the numerous mosques. One is awakened in the morning by the Azzan and put to sleep at night by it. The Azzan regularly interrupts television programs, often at the most inopportune moment, as just before the dramatic climax of a scene or even in mid sentence. It is not the call to Azzan that exasperates viewers; rather the rude and crude manner in which the robotic technicians back in the studio mindlessly and mechanically stopped the tape. If they can find a convenient spot to interrupt programs for commercial breaks, why cannot they do the same for the Azzan? They can, but the fact that they are not doing it reflects the contempt they have for their viewers. And during the fasting month of Ramadan, the entire country is in suspended animation; nothing gets done, particularly in the public sector. While in the past Malays would greet one another with "Selamat Pagi!" (Good Morning!), today they use the Arabic salutation Assalamualaikum (Peace be upon you!). Young men now sport beards and wrap themselves in thick turbans and flowing green robes, oblivious to the scorching heat and humidity, all in an effort to appear "Islamic." Mosques during Friday prayers overflow, with congregants forced to pray outside. In their pious pursuit they have no qualms about praying over stinking open sewer drains. Such jarring incongruities do not affect their sensibilities. Every year Malaysia sends more pilgrims (on a per capita basis) to the holy land than any other nation. Many brag about making the trip many times, even though it is required only once, and then only if conditions permit. But I see many young men and women eagerly interrupting their careers to make the pilgrimage. Presumably these fortunate souls have paid off their home mortgages and put aside enough funds for their retirement and children's education to be able to afford the trip. This pervasiveness of Islam leads many to suggest that the faith is experiencing a revival or resurgence. This appearance of religiosity and piety is only a façade, a very thin veneer. Muslims in Malaysia appear Islamic only in their adherence to the rituals and other external manifestations of the faith. Alas one looks askance at their core. Tolerance, long a tradition with Islam, is sadly lacking among them. They look upon fellow Muslims who disagree with them as kafir (infidel) – an extremely pejorative term when applied to Muslims – and refuse to partake in any social or religious overtures with them. Imagine what their attitude is towards the real kafirs: non-Muslim Malaysians. On a more mundane level, they drive like maniacs, oblivious of other road users. They park their cars in the middle of the street and block the traffic in their rush to be at the mosque. That they would inconvenience other road users is irrelevant as long as they get to claim their religious brownie points. As for charity, another esteemed Muslim attribute, well, they have paid their zakat (tithe) and that is enough. There is no need for them to contribute to their children's schools or local community. Nor do they profess any concern for the plight of fellow Muslims from Bangladesh and Indonesia amongst their midst. Those foreigners are illegal immigrants anyway, not worthy of any goodwill. Slavery and indentured labor may have been banned but Malaysians' treatment of their maids would make slave owners of pre-Civil War America look generous by comparison. To me, there is no revival or renaissance of Islam in Malaysia, more a regression to a form more suitable for ancient Bedouins. More accurately, present-day Malays are obsessed with the ways of ancient Arabs rather with the pristine message of Islam. In 2001 the government issued a publication written by one of its functionaries proclaiming that Malaysia is an Islamic state. Written in Malay, it was a clumsy attempt to blunt PAS's charges that the nation is not "Islamic" enough. The booklet was meant to be a preemptive attack on or to "out Islam" PAS, to use Farish Noor's (a Malaysian writer) phrase. Instead it precipitated a raging controversy. The government was forced to sheepishly withdraw the silly publication. A measure of the booklet's irrelevance is that its cover features a plane. What those images have to do with Islam is beyond my comprehension. In light of the 9-11 attacks, it is not a terribly smart idea to associate Islam with jet planes. Subsequent to that there was another raging controversy over some essays written in the popular press by lay Muslim writers. These provoked the ire of the religious scholars, who deem that such discussions on Islam are their exclusive preserve. They went to the extent of petitioning the King (the head of Islam) to take actions on these writers for allegedly insulting Islam. That the King and his Council of Rulers actually entertained such a silly petition is by itself very revealing. Such heated controversies reflect the coarsening of public discourses in Malaysia. These public discussions, far from enlightening the citizens and bringing them together, merely succeeded in acerbating the polarization and deepening existing divisions. The blame for this sorry state of affairs goes to both the organizers and participants of such events. These discussions were less on the merits or demerits of the issue, rather more on displaying the oratorical prowess and Islamic credentials of the participants. These public debates very quickly degenerated into name-calling, and reduced simplistically to "my ulama is more knowledgeable (or pious) than yours" type of exchanges.
Next: Authoritative Versus Authoritarian Ulamas and Scholars |
Are activists more dangerous than criminals? Posted: 26 Jun 2011 10:27 AM PDT By P Ramakrishnan (President, Aliran) The way the police hound and harass activists engaged in social issues gives the impression that they are more dangerous than the criminals who cause hell for peace-loving citizens. The number of police engaged in this activity makes one wonder why the police are running after these activists instead of the criminals who are lurking among our midst committing all kinds of crimes, some even resulting in death. More and more Malaysians are beginning to believe that the police are no longer what they used to be in the past when they were professional in their duty and were not seen as political tools of the ruling party. The change in perception occurred during the Mahathir years as witnessed during the Refomasi days and while Anwar's first sodomy trial dragged on when the police were harsh and brutal in dealing with the crowd who stood up against a cruel regime. We have seen how heavy-handed the police were during the Bersih 1.0 and Hindraf rallies in November 2007. They continue to behave in that same fashion right up to today. Yesterday (25-6-11), 31 PSM members, including the Sungai Siput MP, Jeyakumar Devaraj, were detained at the Sungai Dua toll plaza at about 3.45pm. They were on their way to Penang after leafleting in Kedah when they were apprehended. These activists were then taken to Kepala Batas Police Station in Seberang Perai Utara for questioning. Top-ranking Penang state police officers were seen at the police station. According to Jeyakumar, they were expecting to be released on police bail, but all of them were then detained in lock-ups. The women were detained at the Kepala Batas police station, while the men were taken to the Butterworth police station. About the same time as the activists were detained at the Sungai Dua toll plaza in the north, PSM activists who had been leafleting in the south were detained in Tangkak and taken to the Ledang police station and subjected to the same harrowing experience. But they were released at 4.00am this morning, after 12 hours with the police. One is tempted to ask, is this the reason why we have a police force - to deny the fundamental rights of citizens, making the constitutional provisions granting them these rights meaningless? This is a sheer waste of time for everybody concerned in this episode. The police should not be tied down in a case where there was clearly no threat to the nation. The activists should not be wasting their precious time doing nothing when they have their work to carry out which has been unfairly disrupted. Four lawyers who had turned up at the Kepala Batas Police Station last night were blocked from meeting the detainees. This is completely unwarranted; it is a basic right of detainees to have access to their lawyers. There is no justification for this refusal; it goes against natural justice. The activists have now been remanded for seven days, the application granted at the Butterworth Magistrates Court. They are now being demonised in the media. All these activists were engaged in legitimate, democratic activity which is guaranteed by the Federal Constitution. Leafleting is not criminal; educating the public on issues is not an offence. They are not engaged in violent or armed struggle. The police have been going after activists similarly engaged in Johor and Shah Alam. And anyone wearing a T-shirt with the word Bersih (Clean) is hauled away. What have we come to? Why are the police targeting this group of people? It is tied to BN's fear of the Bersih 2.0's Walk for Democracy Rally on 9 July. This rally promises to draw unprecedented huge crowds. The sheer number of participants will debunk the BN's claim that Malay support has swung back to Umno. It would be such a humiliation for Umno, which is pretending to be brave and masquerading as the champion of the Malays. July 9 will be the defining moment in Malaysian politics. Umno is not prepared to face this truth. So the BN is using the police to stop the Bersh 2.0 rally on 9 July. It has to be stopped at all costs for the survival of the BN. We will know on 9 July whether Malaysians have been cowed by fear; whether they will choose to snivel and quiver or will cast aside their shackles once and for all. Will 9 July be an epoch-making day? Only time will tell.
Seems everyone else has an ulterior motive except BN and PDRM Posted: 26 Jun 2011 10:23 AM PDT Are you saying that everyone else - including the 1 million people who are interested in marching for democracy in Kuala Lumpur and the thousands more overseas are all wrong except the band of BN leaders and their milking barons? By J. D. Lovrenciear As the days keep tolling away for the momentous 'Moment of Truth' - July 9, 2011, the powers that be are already clawing and gnarling their grip in office. What nightmare awaits us tomorrow is anyone's guess. The daily ration of all kinds of attacks on Bersih 2.0 is certainly the order of the day. The powers-that-be are already not only breathing down all sorts of threats on the rakyat, but the unfounded blatant arrests of some 30 citizens and the unfinished police order for the Bersih organizing team to report at Bukit Aman is again deliberately to put even more intimidating pressure on citizens. The Home Minister is already barking up more threats and warnings of invoking the ISA on rally goers. The Prime Minister of BN has also called for a fight. He prefers that the opposition have the "guts" to fight his army in the elections and not opt to 'demonstrate' in the streets. Question is, is Najib the PM of BN or the nation? If he is the PM for the entire nation why is he calling for a fight with the opposition team? Is the General Election about fighting for power or appealing to the electorate in a democratic manner to vote one into power? What is all these nonsense? Are we a democracy or a terrorist regime engaged in cavemen fights? And anyway, Najib must be reminded like a school boy that he is not the PM of BN or UMNO. He is the PM of Malaysia and Malaysians are represented in Parliament by all political divides. The opposition is not a renegade group nor is it illegal; please Mr. PM. And Bersih 2.0 is not a "demonstration". Is the PM so detached from reality that he still till this day does not know that Bersih 2.0 is the Malaysian citizens' Walk for democracy? In any case, it now appears that everyone has an ulterior motive as far as Bersih is concerned except BN. Almost laughable is one painting a picture that His Royal Highness our revered Agung has been insulted. And another bewildering allegation is that the rakyat are trying to revive communism. What is next? That the Malaysian rakyat are all acting for the Martians? Please, can we have some sensibility to prevail? If everyone else has an ulterior motive except BN, why are the BN led leaders plunging the panic button? Why run after even Bersih T-shirt sellers? Why call for fights with your opposition? Why run so sacred from Bersih that you want to desperately invoke the ISA? Why smear, slam and hammer away in your controlled media the respected and noted citizens? Are you saying that everyone else - including the 1 million people who are interested in marching for democracy in Kuala Lumpur and the thousands more overseas are all wrong except the band of BN leaders and their milking barons? At the rate BN is getting worked up into wanting to do battle with its own citizens, it appears that the nation has no other business to worry about except Bersih 2.0. Mr. PM, when will you come around and call for sensibility to prevail? As the PM of the country, if you allow chaos to prevail when you should be looking into ensuring that all measures are taken to tighten security and ensure a peaceful citizens' show of 'walk for democracy', then it is not the opposition or Bersih organizers or the citizens marching who should be held accountable. On the contrary as PM of a nation you, and you singularly are answerable to citizens and King for your failure to act as a PM of the nation and for acting as a mere leader of a political party – UMNO. Citizens, do you agree or disagree or is this too much to ask of a Prime Minister?
National debts: more puzzling numbers tumblin' Posted: 26 Jun 2011 10:18 AM PDT By Lee Wee Tak Recently there is a claim in this video, MalaysiaYouth4Change that according to a report on 13th Jan 2011 by Thompson Reuters Eikon, the bonds sold by Malaysia national debt is USD179 billion which' at optimistic exchange rate of RM3 to USD1, is a whopping RM537 billion, very much higher than RM271 billion as at June 2010 as reported the finance ministry. I have no idea how TRE derived the number and baffled by the huge gap between this number and the finance ministry figures, on which the Prime Minister had cheerfully advised Malaysians that national debts have decreased.
Then some curious person sent me the breakdown of TRE numbers hoping I could clarify the situation. I am amused by this because I am certainly not part of the federal finance ministry administration but I can just take a cursory look at the data and hope to point out a thing or 2.
Picture 1 shows the finance ministry number as at 30 June 2010
Picture 2 shows the Thompson Reuters Eikon numbers, very much higher
Picture 3 shows some more detailed information
Luckily there is an excel file which makes analysing easier Base on a cursory review of the 2 sets of data, the discrepancies could be explained by
1) Finance Ministry only included bonds issued to Malaysia where as TRE included bonds issued to proxies such as Petronas, Khazanah, MISC etc
2) that still leaves a sizable difference between the TRE and finance ministry numbers - it could be different exchange rates applied and also classification differences between these 2. Statistic collection can be a dodgy business.
In any case, the Malaysian government should seek to clarify this with TRE urgently because its figure is giving a different impression from what the finance ministry is giving, hence confusing the business communities, foreign and local, as well as all tax payers.
Read more at: http://wangsamajuformalaysia.blogspot.com/2011/06/national-debts-more-puzzling-numbers.html |
WIKILEAKS: Update on the F-5 engine scandal Posted: 26 Jun 2011 01:00 AM PDT
A chorus of commentary in online media has expressed incredulity at the Government's position that the thefts were carried out solely by two relatively low-level individuals and that higher-ups in the military and elsewhere were not involved. We share some of the incredulity expressed in the blogosphere about the Government's case and explanation of who was behind the engine thefts. In coordination with Washington, Post is continuing to push for a complete accounting of how the thefts occurred and the ultimate disposition of the engines, and to remind the GOM of the seriousness of the issue and need for remedial actions. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin 
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 KUALA LUMPUR 000012 SIPDIS FOR EAP/MTS AND INR E.O. 12958: DECL: 01/07/2020 TAGS: PM, PGOV, MY SUBJECT: MALAYSIA: UPDATE ON F-5 ENGINE SCANDAL REF: A. 09 KL 1016 -- F-5 FOLLOW UP B. 09 KL 1013 -- MALAYSIAN F-5 ENGINES CASE Classified By: Political Counselor Brian D. McFeeters for reasons 1.4 b and d. Summary and Comment 1. (C) Malaysian government officials continue to communicate little information directly to Post regarding the missing F-5 engines (reftels). Most of the information on the scandal to date has come thru the local media, which reported on January 6 that police arrested and charged one Air Force sergeant and a business owner with the theft and illegal sale of the engines. The Attorney General and Defense Minister both were quoted in the press as saying that they were satisfied with these results. They gave no indication that investigations would continue into possible broader complicity in the thefts, nor what remedial actions are being taken by the GOM to assure that such security and procurement breaches would not occur again. A chorus of commentary in online media has expressed incredulity at the Government's position that the thefts were carried out solely by two relatively low-level individuals and that higher-ups in the military and elsewhere were not involved. On January 6, the Embassy's Office of Development Cooperation received a letter from the RMAF which provided a brief update on the missing engines case and indicated a willingness to respond to additional inquiries from the USG once the GOM investigation is completed (see para 7). 2. (C) Comment: We share some of the incredulity expressed in the blogosphere about the Government's case and explanation of who was behind the engine thefts. In coordination with Washington, Post is continuing to push for a complete accounting of how the thefts occurred and the ultimate disposition of the engines, and to remind the GOM of the seriousness of the issue and need for remedial actions. We look forward to a readout of next week's meeting on this issue between PM's PDAS and Malaysian Ambassador. The Ambassador and DCM have pending meeting requests with senior MFA officials. End Summary and Comment. What the Media has Been Reporting 3. (SBU) Government-influenced media reports continue to provide evolving, if changing and conflicting facts pertaining to the disappearance of the two F-5 engines. -- The most recent reports (January 7) indicate that the engines were stolen separately -- one on December 20, 2007 and the other on January 1, 2008 and that the discovery of the theft occurred on May 22, 2008. -- Media reports say the RMAF filed a police report on August 4, 2008 after they conducted their own investigation. -- The destination of the engines has been cited as both Argentina and Uruguay, although early accounts by the police reported in the press also indicated the engines went through or to the Middle East, and specifically Iran. -- Some independent online news portals claimed that the engines ended up in Iran. At a press conference, the Attorney General reportedly became defensive when asked about the Iran connection, and all references placing the engines in the Middle East or Iran have since been removed from the state-run media. -- Specific details regarding the May 2008 RMAF investigation and the August 2008 police investigation have not been released, although both the Attorney General and Defense Minister have implied that no one was held accountable as a result of those investigations. -- As to where the engines currently are, Attorney General Gani Patail attracted attention with a January 5 comment quoted in the Star newspaper that, "I really do not know what is being done to it now, whether the engines are used as scrap metal or as sinker for fishing." -- The press reported that Police arrested RMAF Sergeant N. Tharmendran and company director Rajandran Prasad on January 6 in connection with the two missing F-5 engines. Tharmendran was charged with conspiring to steal the engines, while Rajandran was charged with intentionally disposing of items that he knew to be stolen. -- Attorney General Gani had previously said on January 4 that "many people" were involved, but did not indicate that the investigation into the perpetrators would continue. According to Gani, "what is important is recovering the engines." No information has been released regarding the identities of the buyer and/or any middlemen. -- Defense Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi was quoted by the Malaysian Insider on January 6 as saying at a public event that no further investigation or special inquiries were necessary, stating after the arrests that he was "satisfied with the Attorney-General's action and investigations into the case." Zahid also downplayed the severity of the theft, stating on January 7 that "The contract to purchase was made in 1972. At that time, the engine's price, including the afterburner, was $121,428 each," basing this on the exchange rate at that time. (Note: the original value of the missing engines given by the newspapers was listed as $15 million each. End note.) -- Public condemnation of the results has been muted by the state-run media, but the online blogosphere has been swift, one-sided, and damning of the GOM's arrests and conclusion that Tharmendran and Rajandran were the only ones involved. 4. (C) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has kept itself at arms length from the scandal. Ambassador and DCM have not yet been able to secure meetings with senior MFA officials to discuss this issue (among other bilateral issues). MFA Principal Assistant Secretary (Americas Division) Mohamad Radzi Jamaluddin told Poloff January 6 that the Defense Ministry has the lead and described that Ministry as being "elusive" in its handling of the case. Radzi opined that the newspapers were publishing a lot of misinformation, and that they were often factually incorrect. He suggested that press reports that the GOM has reached out to the USG for assistance in the investigation were false, because any such request would have been routed through the MFA. (Note: Post has no record of any request for assistance on this case from the GOM. End Note.) Letter from the RMAF 5. (SBU) Following ref A discussion between Office of Defense Cooperation chief Lieutenant Colonel Steve Ma and Brigadier General Azizan bin Shaari, Director of Materiel with Royal Malaysia Air Force (RMAF), ODC chief received an official letter from the RMAF on January 6. Begin text: 05 January 2010 OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION ON THE MISSING F5E GE J85-21 ENGINES Ref: A. FMS Case MF-D-SAJ B. FMS Case MF-D-SBE C. FMS Case MF-D-SBK D. FMS Case MF-D-SCA E. Malaysian Government Contract No: PERB/K&B/107/84. F. The discussion between Assistant Chief of Staff Material / LTC Stephen C. Ma on 28 Dec 2009 at the Ministry of Defense, Malaysia. 1. The Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) presents its compliments to the Office of Defense Cooperation and the United States Embassy Kuala Lumpur. 2. In pursuant to the discussion vide reference F, the RMAF regrets to inform that there are two (02) F5E GE J85-21 engines found missing from the inventory believed to be stolen on the 26th May 2008. The serial numbers of the engines are as follows: a. E227718 b. E227856 3. The RMAF had conducted an internal investigation where procedures with regards to handling and transportation were re-examined and tightened. A report had been lodged with the Royal Malaysian police on the 4th of August 2008 to continue with the investigations and to pursue with criminal prosecution against individuals linked to the theft. 4. The RMAF fully understood the requirements of the United States government on Foreign Military Sales (FMS) policy in relation to this incident but unable to notify earlier pending completion of investigations by the Royal Malaysian Police. We believed that the investigation is nearing its conclusion and will follow with prosecution by the Attorney General's Chamber. We will endeavor to notify the progress on this matter to the United States Government through your office as soon as we have more information. 5. Thank you. (signed) DATO' SRI RODZALI BIN DAUD Gen RMAF Chief of Air Force End Text KEITH |
Kedah KITA lodges Police Report against Anwar Posted: 25 Jun 2011 11:55 PM PDT
(Bernama) -- Kedah KITA today lodged a police report against opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. State KITA chairman Zamil Ibrahim said the party was asking for action to be taken against Anwar for allegedly lodging a false report at the Dang Wangi police station last March in connection with the sex video featuring someone resembling him. The Kuala Lumpur High Court had on Friday fined businessman Datuk Shazryl Eskay Abdullah and former treasurer-general of the non-governmental organisation Perkasa Datuk Shuib Lazim RM3,000 and RM1,500 respectively after they pleaded guilty to screening the video. Former Melaka chief minister Abdul Rahim Thamby Chik was fined RM1,000 for abetting them. Anwar, in the report lodged at the Dang Wangi police station, denied that he was the man in the video and called for an investigation. Zamil told reporters that Anwar was "playing with the laws of the country" in making the report which he believed to be false. |
Senator Thailand turut sokong Bersih 2.0 Posted: 25 Jun 2011 10:54 PM PDT 
(Harakah Daily) - Senator Dewan Negara Thailand Wilayah Pattani, Dr Worawit Baru menyokong penuh perhimpunan Bersih 2.0 pada 9 Julai ini. Beliau berkata, perhimpunan itu sangat penting bagi rakyat untuk menyatakan tuntutan terhadap pilihan raya yang bersih dan adil. "Perhimpunan itu merupakan kempen untuk pilihan raya yang bersih, adil yang terlepas daripada sebarang tuduhan," kata beliau ketika ditemui di majlis perasmian Pusat Khidmat Dun Bukit Kayu Hitam dan Pejabat PKR Kubang Pasu, petang semalam. Namun, katanya yang juga Timbalan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Buruh dan Kebajikan Sosial Pattani, setiap perkara yang dianggap tidak menyokong kerajaan akan mendapat tentangan. "Tapi memanglah di mana-mana negara pun, apa yang pembangkang buat tak disukai kerajaan," katanya. Namun ujarnya, selain rakyat Malaysia yang dimomokkan kononnya akan berlaku hura hara jika himpunan Bersih 2.0 diteruskan, tempiasnya turut sampai ke Thailand. "Dua hari lepas saya diberitahu ada pihak dari kerajaan (Thailand) yang berpesan, kalau ada orang Thai nak ke Malaysia elakkan dulu kerana ada perhimpunan besar," katanya. Sementara itu, beliau berkata Pakatan Rakyat memainkan peranan penting untuk mengubah nasib rakyat negara ini. "Cara pilihan raya di Malaysia dapat menentukan nasib rakyat. Kalau nak baiki nasib masyarakat mesti melalui politik. Kalau nak lawan dalam politik untuk berdepan Barisan Nasional harus ada parti seperti Pakatan Rakyat," katanya. Justeru ujarnya Pakatan Rakyat mesti bekerja keras untuk mengambil alih kerajaan BN. "Strategi kena tetapkan, kajian kena dijalankan dan ini kerja berat untuk nak lawan parti yang lama. Susah nak tukar pegangan orang Malaysia yang sudah terbiasa dengan BN," katanya. |
Najib needs to protect human rights Posted: 25 Jun 2011 10:42 PM PDT 
The Prime Minister of Malaysia that his first and foremost duty is to protect the welfare and human rights of all Malaysians. In light of this, Bersih 2.0 is deeply saddened and disappointed by YAB Najib Razak's declaration that supporters of the Bersih 2.0 rally are to be held responsible should chaos ensue on the 9th of July. At every stage, Bersih 2.0 has continuously repeated its firm commitment to completely peaceful and principled activism. Bersih 2.0 has always renounced violence in any way, shape or form, and consistently called upon others to adhere to the same values. Civil society has never once been responsible for turning a peaceful gathering into anything more. In gathering peacefully on the 9th of July, Malaysians from all ethnic, religious and political backgrounds are exercising their constitutional right to have their voices heard in a democratic, non-violent manner. Guaranteeing the safety of these patriotic citizens is in fact the responsibility of the government that the Prime Minister himself leads. We are glad that the Prime Minister has finally broken his silence regarding the 9th of July, but are disappointed that instead of fulfilling his government's role as the protector of the constitutional rights and safety of peace loving Malaysians, he has chosen instead to misrepresent our intentions and wield the dark sceptre of unwarranted repressive "consequences". Bersih 2.0 is equally disappointed at the accusation that the purpose of Bersih 2.0 is to "wrest back political momentum from the BN." The Prime Minister must have either failed to have read and understood our stated goals, or is deliberately putting Bersih 2.0 in a misleading light. As a movement, we have no interest whatsoever in the political momentum of any political party – our goal is to make the electoral system truly free and fair so that all political parties in Malaysia, bar none, can contest on a level playing field, where the rakyat can freely choose whoever they think is best to lead them. We have time and time again invited Barisan Nasional to be part of this process as we truly value the support of any and all groups to help bring about a more just Malaysia for all. We invite the government of the day to reject any paranoia, which may lead to the view that this movement disadvantages them in any way and instead walk with us towards bring about the badly needed changes expressed in our 8 points. Indeed, this is the perfect opportunity for the Prime Minister to demonstrate the progressive views he has espoused both at home and abroad. He can conclusively do so simply by allowing the July 9th rally to proceed unhindered and by directing all government agencies to cooperate fully with all involved to ensure that that each and every Malaysian wishing to exercise their constitutional right may do so without any fear of clashes or chaos. We feel that this would be the best use of the energies and resources of the police, who have continued to thoroughly perplex observers both locally and abroad by arresting patriotic, peace-loving Bersih 2.0 supporters for "waging war against the monarch". Surely this stark and alarming lack of logic and common sense will further tarnish our nation's image and contradict the values championed by the Prime Minister and his government. We agree with the sentiment informing the Prime Minister's statement that political power is in the hands of the people. However, it is our considered view that until comprehensive reforms are introduced into the electoral system to make it free and fair, political power will remain in the hands of a select few, and not Malaysians at large. Bersih 2.0 is of the view that these two weeks will be a defining moment for the Prime Minister and his government. As the final authority in the government, any crackdown on civil society, refusal to guarantee the safety of Malaysians on July 9th, or rhetoric that unfairly demonises patriotic, peace loving citizens will be a tragic reflection of the failure of the Prime Minister to live up to their promises and the responsibilities entrusted to them by the Malaysian people. Alternatively, for the Prime Minister to firstly, work together with Bersih 2.0 in pursuit of goals that are completely non-partisan and in accordance with the most basic of civil and human rights and secondly, guarantee a peaceful day free from violence of any sort on the 9th of July, will be the best possible demonstration of a firm commitment to the true spirit of 1Malaysia. We once again make an open, sincere and heartfelt call to the Prime Minister to walk with the rakyat, not against us. Issued by Bersih 2.0 Steering Committee Dato' Ambiga Sreenevasan, (Chairperson), Andrew Khoo, Arumugam K., Dr Farouk Musa, Haris Ibrahim, Liau Kok Fah, Maria Chin Abdullah, Richard Y W Yeoh, Dr Toh Kin Woon, Dr Wong Chin Huat, Datuk Yeo Yang Poh, Zaid Kamaruddin, Subramaniam Pillay and Arul Prakkash. |
Walk with the rakyat, not against us, Bersih tells Najib Posted: 25 Jun 2011 10:37 PM PDT (The Malaysian Insider) - KUALA LUMPUR, June 26 — Bersih 2.0 told Datuk Seri Najib Razak today the next two weeks leading to its July 9 rally will define his leadership, saying any further crackdown is a "tragic reflection of the failure" of his government handling the issue. The group also said it was disappointed the prime minister's declaration that Bersih 2.0 supporters are to be held responsible should chaos ensue during the July 9 rally, noting that it was against any form of violence. "We once again make an open, sincere and heartfelt call to the Prime Minister to walk with the rakyat, not against us," Bersih 2.0 said in a statement issued tonight. The Bersih rally has come under attack from Umno and its allies, notably Malay rights group Perkasa which has also said it will march if Bersih doesn't call off its protest. Umno Youth will also march but to defend the Election Commission which Bersih has told to reform the electoral process. Police have warned against any rallies and promised touch action against the organisers, all of whom have been called for questioning tomorrow. They arrested 30 Bersih activists from the Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) in Penang yesterday, and have remanded them for a week while investigating charges that they were "waging war against the monarch". The Home Ministry has also not ruled out using security laws that allow detention without trial. "We are glad that the Prime Minister has finally broken his silence regarding the July 9, but are disappointed that instead of fulfilling his government's role as the protector of the constitutional rights and safety of peace loving Malaysians, he has chosen instead to misrepresent our intentions and wield the dark sceptre of unwarranted repressive 'consequences'," added the group headed by former Malaysian Bar president Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan. They said they were disappointed at the accusation that the purpose of Bersih 2.0 was to "wrest back political momentum from the BN." "The Prime Minister must have either failed to have read and understood our stated goals, or is deliberately putting Bersih 2.0 in a misleading light. "As a movement, we have no interest whatsoever in the political momentum of any political party - our goal is to make the electoral system truly free and fair so that all political parties in Malaysia, bar none, can contest on a level playing field, where the rakyat can freely choose whoever they think is best to lead them," they said, adding they have invited Najib's Barisan Nasional (BN) to take part in the rally. They pointed out that the rally was the perfect opportunity for Najib to show the progressive views he has espoused. "He can conclusively do so simply by allowing the July 9 rally to proceed unhindered and by directing all government agencies to cooperate fully with all involved to ensure that that each and every Malaysian wishing to exercise their constitutional right may do so without any fear of clashes or chaos. "We feel that this would be the best use of the energies and resources of the police, who have continued to thoroughly perplex observers both locally and abroad by arresting patriotic, peace-loving Bersih 2.0 supporters for 'waging war against the monarch'. "Surely this stark and alarming lack of logic and common sense will further tarnish our nation's image and contradict the values championed by the Prime Minister and his government," the group said. READ MORE HERE. |
What Malaysia needs: my ‘advice’ to Umno (UPDATED with Chinese Translation) Posted: 25 Jun 2011 08:21 PM PDT
Yes, changes came in many countries. But in most cases it was not because of the elections. It was because the government acted brutally and undemocratically against its own citizens. So we need you to act brutally and undemocratically against peace-loving Malaysians so that we can see what happened in the Philippines, Indonesia and Egypt also happen in Malaysia. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin
There is talk that a roundup will be launched starting from tonight and those behind the BERSIH rally of 9th July 2011 are going to be detained. There is talk that 'both sides' of the BERSIH rally are going to be detained, which will include Ibrahim Ali and Khairy Jamaluddin. There is talk that the roundup this time around will not be as big as Operasi Lalang of 27th October 1987 when 106 dissidents, activists and opposition leaders were detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA). There is talk that the ISA will not be used against these people but those rounded up will be 'kept out of circulation' and off the streets for a while just to 'cool things down' a bit. There is talk that the army has been told to be on stand-by in case it is needed to 'restore law and order' on 9th July 2011. There is talk that the army has been ordered to 'shed blood' if necessary in its effort to 'restore law and order'. There is talk that if the army is told to act aggressively against fellow Malaysians the soldiers will refuse to do so and will instead join the ranks of the demonstrators like what happened in so many other countries since the Russian revolution.  There is talk that thousands of PAS 'red shirts' or Unit Amal will form a human barricade against the police and/or army on 9th July 2011 to ensure that the 'yellow shirt' demonstrators are safe from harm even if many of the 'red shirts' need to die a jihadist's death in the pursuit of amar makruf, nahi munkar. There is talk that the BERSIH rally will be a purely Malay affair because the Chinese and Indians are too scared and extremely selfish and will stay away although they are the ones who talk the most. There is talk that this time around more Chinese and Indians are going to be on the streets compared to the first BERSIH rally of 10th November 2007 because the Chinese and Indians want to show the government what they think of the racial and religious discrimination they are being subjected to.  There is talk that the BERSIH rally will turn into a civil war and Malaysia is going to end up like Egypt with Umno out of power and Najib-Rosmah seeking asylum in Singapore together with a planeload of Birkin handbags and Jimmy Choo shoes. There is talk that the government wants to use 9th July 2011 as the excuse to declare an emergency and suspend Parliament and subject the country to NOC-rule a la the aftermath of 13th May 1969 (which means no need for general elections). There is talk that less than 50,000 people will be on the streets on 9th July 2011. There is talk that 100,000 people or more will be on the streets on 9th July 2011. There is talk that not less than 300,000 people will be on the streets on 9th July 2011. There is talk that the ratio of BERSIH to PERKASA-UMNO demonstrators will be 20:1 and the Malay KKK crowd will run for cover and hide their sorry arses. There is talk that the ratio of BERSIH to PERKASA-UMNO demonstrators will be 20:1 and the Malay KKK crowd will call upon the police and riot squad to help 'even the odds'.  There is talk that none of the above will happen and 9th July 2011 will come and go and a few thousand people will march peacefully and go home and the entire thing will be a non-event. Anyway, whatever may be the scenario we will really see over these next two weeks and on 9th July 2011, let me 'advice' Umno and Najib on what Malaysia needs. What we need is for the government to start rounding up people. What we need is for the government to act brutally against the demonstrators on 9th July 2011. What we need is for an emergency to be declared. What we need is for Parliament to be suspended. What we need is for the NOC to be formed to take over the running of the country.  That is what we need and we need this because this is what Marcos, Suharto, Mubarak, etc., did and this resulted in them being ousted from power and democracy being restored in the Philippines, Indonesia, Egypt, etc. So, Umno, make my day. Do what we need you to do and watch the changes that we fought for so long finally come to Malaysia. Yes, changes came in many countries. But in most cases it was not because of the elections. It was because the government acted brutally and undemocratically against its own citizens. So we need you to act brutally and undemocratically against peace-loving Malaysians so that we can see what happened in the Philippines, Indonesia and Egypt also happen in Malaysia.
Translated into Chinese at: http://ccliew.blogspot.com/2011/06/blog-post_27.html#more |
Ambiga accuses police of intimidation in Bersih arrests Posted: 25 Jun 2011 08:04 PM PDT
By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, June 26 — The arrest of 30 Bersih activists by police in Penang under Section 122 of the Penal Code is a clear form of police intimidation to frighten supporters of the July 9 rally, Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan said today. The Bersih 2.0 chairman accused the police of "deliberately overreacting" by arresting the activists under an "archaic provision." "I am utterly shocked by the manner in which these people have been arrested and the section under which they are apparently to be charged. "This is a clear intimidation of the people involved. I think the police have deliberately overreacted by trying to intimidate people," Ambiga told The Malaysian Insider. The police said they are probing an alleged attempt by some Bersih activists to revive communism and are investigating 30 Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) members, including Sungai Siput MP Dr Michael Jayakumar for "waging war against the Yang DiPertuan Agong." Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein has defended the arrests, saying today there were reasons to justify the police action. Hishamuddin, who is the home minister, said that he had yet to be briefed in detail on the arrests, but stated that preliminary reports showed that the activists had "other agendas" in mind. "This does not auger well for Malaysia who sits on the Human Rights Council … clearly designed to intimidate. "There will be more clampdowns, and more arrests ... why only attack Bersih? What have we done? And such an archaic law should not be used today," the former Bar Council chairman added. Deputy Penang police chief Datuk Abdul Rahim Jaafar said today that remand orders would be exercised in order to detain the 30 activists under Section 122 of the Penal Code. READ MORE HERE |
Hisham says cannot rule out ISA for July 9 rallies Posted: 25 Jun 2011 07:57 PM PDT
(The Malaysian Insider) - ULU SELANGOR, June 26 — Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein has not ruled out using the Internal Security Act (ISA) against the July 9 rallies, but said today the Home Ministry will use other security laws for now. Election watchdog Bersih plans to hold a mass rally on July 9, while Perkasa and Umno Youth plan to hold counter-rallies on the same day. Police arrested 30 Bersih activists yesterday on grounds of waging war against the King. The Home Minister stressed that action would be taken against anyone who causes havoc on July 9, and said that the police were impartial in the matter. "If there is chaos, I am responsible to make sure that proper action following the law (will be taken) to control the situation. "The ISA does not need (to be used) but can be used (but) to use the ISA (there) must be reasons that really threaten the country's security and safety," he told reporters here today. The Home Minister pointed out that the act was only used in extreme circumstances, citing cases where it was used against Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) and Tamil Tiger militants. "But if we take action in context that can be connected to politics, it can be exploited. "(For now) other laws can be used. We have not reached that level ... we will monitor the situation first," he added. Hishamuddin also said that the army might be brought in if things get out of hand on July 9. The first Bersih rally in 2007 saw up to 50,000 people take to the capital's streets before they were dispersed by police armed with tear gas and water cannons. |
Police: PSM activists trying to rekindle communist ideology Posted: 25 Jun 2011 07:37 PM PDT
(Bernama) - KEPALA BATAS: The group of Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) activists detained at Sungai Dua toll plaza here Saturday are using the July 9 illegal rally to rekindle the communist ideology, said Penang deputy police chief Datuk Abdul Rahim Jaafar. He said that the 30 activists led by Sungai Siput Member of Parliament Dr Michael Jeyakumar Devaraj had distributed flyers deemed to be a threat to national security. "They were carrrying items inciting the people to hate the government. This is serious and can threaten national security," he told reporters here on Sunday. Police also seized various items associated with the Malayan Communist Party (MCP) ideology from the activists travelling from Sungai Petani, Kedah to Penang. "They include flyers and t-shirts with Chin Peng, Rashid Maidin and Suriani Abdullah - all connected to MCP - written on them." Rahim said the 30 people aged 18 to 64 years were remanded to facilitate investigation into the case. The remand order was issued pursuant to Section 122 of Penal Code for waging war on Yang diPertuan Agong. Meanwhile, in Kuala Lumpur, police detained on Sunday eight men, who were wearing yellow t-shirts with 'Bersih 2.0' written in Jawi at Taman Kosas, Ampang. Ampang Jaya Police Chief ACP Amiruddin Jamaluddin said all eight were detained for wearing yellow t-shirts with 'Bersih 2.0' written on it, reflecting their support for the July 9, illegal rally. "They were also found to have disrupted public order while riding on their motorcycles in the area. It was the reason for their arrest," he told Bernama on Sunday. Amiruddin said they were being detained at the Ampang police station and police would release them after recording statements from them. He added that the men, aged between 20 and 40, and believed to be supporters of opposition parties, were detained at 11am in front of the Taman Kosas mosque. - Bernama |
Hisham defends Bersih arrests, says activists had ulterior motives Posted: 25 Jun 2011 07:07 PM PDT
By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal, The Malaysian Insider HULU SELANGOR, June 26 — Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein has defended the arrest of 30 Bersih activists in Penang under Section 122 of the Penal Code, saying today there were reasons to justify the police action. The police said they are probing an alleged attempt by some Bersih activists to revive communism and are investigating 30 Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) members, including Sungai Siput MP Dr Michael Jayakumar for "waging war against the Yang DiPertuan Agong." Hishamuddin, who is the Home Minister, said that he had yet to be briefed in detail on the arrests, but stated that preliminary reports showed that the activists had "other agendas" in mind. "I have not received a detailed report. But preliminary reports show that the movement, which was said to be mainly a "peaceful" demonstration, (had) other agendas (in mind). "I believe in facts. I will wait for a further report, but my orders to the police from the start was follow the law, take action to maintain peace and security," he told reporters after opening the Hulu Selangor Umno division meeting here. He did not elaborate on the reasons for the arrests, and stressed that it was the police who made the arrests and not him as he did not have the power to do so. "It's not me who arrested them. The police decide," he said, adding that the public should look at the incident from a "wider perspective." Deputy Penang police chief Datuk Abdul Rahim Jaafar said today that remand orders would be exercised in order to detain the 30 activists under Section 122 of the Penal Code. MORE TO COME HERE |
Anwar walking a tightrope Posted: 25 Jun 2011 05:32 PM PDT 
Despite expert evidence that Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is the man in the controversial video screened by the Datuk T trio, the Opposition Leader shows no resolve to step down and maintains he is not the person in the film. Hany Farid is accepted as the "father of digital image forensic/video analysis" and his testimony cannot be easily questioned. He is frequently consulted for his opinions by newspapers, journals and courts. In 2009, he did an analysis of a famous photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald, the man who shot US president John Kennedy, holding a rifle and a newspaper and concluded the image was genuine. By BARADAN KUPPUSAMY, The Star IS this the end of the road for PKR leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim? The trial of the Datuk T trio former Malacca chief minister Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Thamby Chik, businessman Datuk Shazryl Eskay Abdullah and former Perkasa treasurer-general Datuk Shuaib Lazim has ended with a fine and something of a hero status for them. They pleaded guilty to screening the video to selected journalists and editors at the Carcosa Sri Negara on March 21 and were each fined between RM1,000 and RM3,000. But for Anwar, it is the start of another nightmare as he fights off this latest sex scandal which implicates him with a woman who is probably a Chinese sex worker at an Ampang apartment in February. Sex scandals implicating Anwar have become all too familiar in recent years and denials and allegations of conspiracy by him and those around the Opposition Leader are equally familiar. But while enumerating the facts of the case at the proceedings on Friday, deputy public prosecutor Kamaludin Md Said and defence lawyer for Rahim, Datuk Seri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, quoted evidence from a report by experts that makes it difficult for a quick denial acceptable to the people. The report from two leading US experts on forensics video/computer analysis Prof Hany Farid and Prof Lorenzo Torresani, both of Dartmouth College said the video was genuine, not tampered with and that the man in the video was 99.99% probably Anwar. Then, there is the playing of the recording in court, which makes the video a public document and therefore, freely available to the public from now. The question raised by DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang on the veracity of the experts was also unchallenged in court. Hany Farid is accepted as the "father of digital image forensic/video analysis" and his testimony cannot be easily questioned. He is frequently consulted for his opinions by newspapers, journals and courts. In 2009, he did an analysis of a famous photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald, the man who shot US president John Kennedy, holding a rifle and a newspaper and concluded the image was genuine. In addition, he and Torresani are from Dartmouth College, one of nine Ivy League institutions in the United States founded in 1769 (before the birth of America in 1776), which employ the highest standards of learning and teaching in the world. The police did a thorough job of getting a premier college in the United States to check on the authenticity of the video clip. It is amazing that they (the police) could get the two professors involved to analyse the video. Their (the experts') involvement and that of Dartmouth College is why the case has been delayed this long. But back to the question, is this end of the road for Anwar? Can he overcome this accusation? Already some independent MPs, those who once backed Anwar, are demanding he resigns as MP. They cited examples of MPs who had resigned in Turkey, Indonesia and the United States in recent weeks in the wake of sex scandals or sexual impropriety. Anwar shows no resolve to step down. Instead, he is in fighting mode and rejects all calls for him to call it a day. He also maintains he is not the man in the video. "We will deal with it. We will have to prepare our defence," Anwar said to the possibility of being charged with making a false police report. With mounting evidence of his sexual escapades and with the men close to him scraping the bottom of the barrel to find ways to support their leader, Anwar is still throwing at his enemies the same old charges to fend off their (the opponents') attacks. As Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said, the people have to decide on the veracity of the video clip. "This is something they have to judge for themselves. The most important thing is to determine the authenticity (of the tape) and find the truth," he said. "Two foreign experts have verified the video clip as authentic," he said. Considering that Anwar has denied he is the man in the video against mounting US evidence that the probability of him is 99.99% and considering that his Pakatan Rakyat colleagues are in deep denial, it is left for Parliament to censure its leader of the opposition. |
Malaysia detains 60 activists Posted: 25 Jun 2011 05:10 PM PDT
(AP) - Malaysian police have detained dozens of opposition supporters in what activists say is an attempt to deter a massive rally next month to demand more electoral transparency. Authorities held about 60 people in various towns, some of them detained while distributing political leaflets on Saturday, according to human-rights group Suaram. Many were released after several hours of questioning, while the others were expected to be freed soon. The arrests came as Prime Minister Najib Razak and national police chief Ismail Omar called on Malaysians over the weekend to shun an opposition-backed rally scheduled for July 9, saying it could spark chaos in Kuala Lumpur. The opposition insists Najib's National Front ruling coalition has long relied on fraud to manipulate election results and maintain its nearly 54-year uninterrupted grip on power. The government says current election laws are fair. Independent political activists supported by opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim's alliance are hoping to gather tens of thousands of people for a march to demand changes in election laws aimed at curbing fraud at the next national polls, which are widely expected within a year. Human-rights lawyer Malik Imtiaz Sarwar said the police appeared to be waging "a campaign of pre-emptive arrests" ahead of the rally. "The police campaign appears to be aimed more at intimidation, apparently on the misconceived basis that this is a legitimate means to preserving public order," Malik said. Activists across the nation are trying to boost political awareness and encourage people to travel to Kuala Lumpur for what they hope will be Malaysia's biggest political rally in nearly four years. Their demands include overhauling voter registration lists and introducing transparent procedures for ballots to be cast and counted. Najib accused the opposition of supporting the plan for a rally to "create chaos just because you want power". "If there is chaos, then you will be held responsible," the prime minister said on Sunday. The mandate of the current National Front-led government expires in mid-2013, but many analysts expect Najib to hold elections by next year amid signs that the opposition has lost momentum since the last national polls in 2008. In that election, Anwar's alliance seized more than one-third of parliament's seats in the government's worst electoral setback. |
Bersih supporters nabbed for waging war against King Posted: 25 Jun 2011 04:37 PM PDT
(The Malaysian Insider) - KUALA LUMPUR, June 26 — The police said today they are probing attempts by Bersih activists for reviving communism, and are investigating 30 Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) members, including Sungai Siput MP Dr Michael Jeyakumar for "waging war against the Yang DiPertuan Agong." Deputy Penang police chief Datuk Abdul Rahim Jaafar said today that remand orders would be applied to detain the 30 activists under Section 122 of the Penal Code. The law was used to prosecute militant terrorist group Al Ma'unah who were involved in an audacious arms heist at an army camp in 2000 and a tense stand-off in the jungles of Perak in 2000. Under Section 122 of the Penal Code, "Whoever collects or attempts to collect men, arms or ammunition, or otherwise prepares to wage war with the intention of either waging or being prepared to wage war against the Yang di-Pertuan Agong or any of the Rulers or the Yang di-Pertua Negeri or abets the waging or the preparation of such war, shall be punished with imprisonment for life or imprisonment for a term not exceeding twenty years, and shall also be liable to fine." It is understood that the 30 activists were detained at the Sungai Dua toll plaza near Kepala Batas in Penang while on their way to attend a gathering in support of the Bersih rally planned for July 9. Abdul Rahim told reporters in Penang today that it was believed that the group was also trying to revive the communist ideology. It is understood that this was based on the seizure of paraphernalia including T-Shirts bearing the images of former Communist fighters Chin Peng and Rashid Maidin. Al Ma'unah leader Mohamed Amin Mohamed Razali led a band of 29 men on a mission to overthrow the government. The group dressed up in uniforms of senior army officers and claimed to be making a surprise inspection of the 304th Rejimen Askar Wataniah camp at the Temenggor Dam in Gerik,Perak. The group tricked their way in and raided the armouries. Mohamed Amin and his group were brought to trial for charges of "waging war against the King", and became the first people convicted of such an offence in. READ MORE HERE |
Bersih 2.0: Polis siasat MP Sg Siput, 29 lain mahu perangi Agong Posted: 25 Jun 2011 04:35 PM PDT 
GEORGE TOWN, 26 Jun — Seramai 30 aktivis Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) termasuk Ahli Parlimen Sungai Siput Dr Michael Jayakumar Devaraj akan dihadapkan di mahkamah sekitar 3 petang ini untuk perintah tahanan reman. Mereka akan disiasat di bawah Seksyen 122 Kanun Keseksaan melakukan kesalahan jenayah memerangi Yang di-Pertuan Agong, kata polis. Semalam, polis menahan 31 orang termasuk wakil rakyat itu, kesemuanya aktivis PSM di plaza Tol Sungai Dua. Menurut laporan media semalam, kesemua mereka menaiki sebuah bas persiaran sedang dalam perjalanan dari Sungai Petani, Kedah untuk menghadiri majlis di Pulau Pinang yang berkaitan dengan Himpunan Bersih 2.0, yang dijadualkan akan diadakan 9 Julai. Mereka terdiri daripada 14 wanita dan 17 lelaki dan ditahan di ibu pejabat polis daerah Seberang Perai Utara untuk dirakam percakapan. Bagaimanapun seorang yang ditahan telah dibebaskan kerana bawah umur. Pada sidang media di sini hari ini, Timbalan Ketua Polis Pulau Pinang Datuk Abdul Rahim Jaafar yang dipetik saluran Astro Awani berkata, perintah tahanan reman dipohon bagi siasatan mengikut Seksyen 122 Kanun Keseksaan. "Mereka akan disiasat di bawah Seksyen 122," kata beliau. Seksyen yang sama pernah digunakan dalam kes rampasan senjata oleh kumpulan pelampau Al-Maunah. Polis mendapati perhimpunan yang dirancang itu juga cuba membawa semula fahaman komunis kerana pihaknya menemui bahan berkaitan dengan pertubuhan yang telah diharamkan itu. Ketika ditahan semalam, polis turut merampas beberapa sepanduk, risalah dan kemeja-T yang didakwa menghasut. Penganjur Bersih 2.0 sejak kelmarin mengadakan program jelajah di beberapa bandar utama di seluruh negara. MENYUSUL LAGI |
Najib: Pakatan responsible if Bersih rally turns chaotic Posted: 25 Jun 2011 04:34 PM PDT
Datuk Seri Najib Razak said today he would hold Pakatan Rakyat (PR) responsible if the July 9 Bersih rally caused chaos in the country. The Prime Minister warned those planning to take part in the rally that they must be ready to face the "consequences" for their actions. (The Star) - The July 9 rally organisers will be held responsible if the rally causes chaos in the country, warned Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak on Sunday. Najib said the rally was not about wanting to send a memorandum to the King or about flaws in election rules and regulations but was opposition wanting to wrest back the political momentum that Barisan Nasional had managed to regain. "Do not create chaos just because you want power. If there is chaos (because of the rally) then you (organisers) will be held responsible," he said at the opening of People's Progressive Party's 58th Annnual General Assembly. On the same day, two other groups are also planning to hold rallies but these are against the stance taken by the Bersih organisers. Umno Youth plans to march to hand over a memorandum to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong calling for the democratic system in the country to be preserved, while Perkasa is leading several other non-governmental organisations in a march under the Gerak Aman banner. The Prime Minister said it was irresponsible of certain quarters to create chaos just to gain power, adding that claims of irregularities in the election rules and electoral roll did not make sense when the opposition was currently ruling Kelantan, Penang, Kedah and Selangor. "Barisan does not manipulate the election. If we do, why should we want to lose four states to the opposition. "We do not want to win elections based on manipulation. We want to win because the rakyat supports and trusts us," he said. Najib challenged the opposition to fight Barisan in a general election instead of holding street demonstrations which would only cause problems. "If you have guts, then fight us during the election and not this way (by holding demonstrations). Only those with no guts will hold demonstrations,' he said. Speaking on the same issue in his speech, PPP president Datuk Seri M. Kayveas criticised the Bersih 2.0 organisers, saying that street demonstrations were not part of Malaysian culture and would only cause instability. "Why must the rally organisers drag the innocent public into their cause. Do they really consider the people's safety and peace when they plan a demonstration? "I urge the people not to take part in the demonstration. Your right to make a choice is already in place, which is during the general election," he said. |
Trial-by-media to persecute Anwar Posted: 25 Jun 2011 04:23 PM PDT 
PKR's secretary general is crying foul over the manner the media is highlighting Anwar's role in the sex tape involving Datuk T trio. (Free Malaysia Today) - Certain segments of society are not questioning whether Anwar Ibrahim is indeed the person in the sex video but the manner of how he is being persecuted in certain media outlets and the court. This has generated a belief to reject academic indications that Anwar is the person seen as having a series of sex acts with a yet to be identified woman. PKR secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said that Anwar was portrayed as guilty in public without a chance of him defending himself and this has invoked loads of empathy and sympathy among the fence sitters. "Do not underestimate our Malaysians' ability to empathise with what is going on around them. Look at the swelling of crowds at political rallies which Anwar is addressing of late," he warned. Saifuddin said even the rural dwellers who are perceived to be ill-informed can also empathise with him, regardless of the notion that Anwar is now seen as the main character in the video due to findings by US experts. On why Anwar has yet to initiate legal action against his accusers, Saifuddin concluded that the former has already lodged a police report against them and this should suffice. About rumours that the main projectionist Shazryl Eskay Abdullah is a close friend of Anwar, Saifuddin claimed that it was untrue as the latter was nothing more than a physiotherapist who had treated Anwar for backache. "As far as we know Shazryl (Eskay) was employed in the National Sports Institute then. He is not a family friend or a confidant." The perceived campaign to impair Anwar at all costs has botched, leaving loopholes for the PKR leader or Pakatan Rakyat to exploit, he added. On Friday, the Attorney-General's Chambers decided to charge the trio of Shazryl who is now a businessman, former Perkasa treasurer-general Shuib Lazim and former Malacca chief minister Abdul Rahim Tamby Chik for possessing lewd, obscene or pornographic material. Shazryl Eskay and Shuib pleaded guilty to openly screening a sex video between a man and a woman. Abdul Rahim pleaded guilty to abetting them. Shazryl Eskay and Shuib were charged under Section 292 (A) of Penal Code (Act 574) and punishable under Section 292 of Penal Code. The charge read together Section 34 of Penal Code carries a three years' imprisonment or a fine or both upon convictions. Abdul Rahim was charged under Section 292 (a) of Penal Code (Act 574) read together with Section 109 of Penal Code. They were charged with committing the offence in the Seri Makmur Room of Carcosa Seri Negara Hotel here between 10am and 12pm on March 21. They pleaded guilty after the charge was read to them before magistrate Aizatul Akmal Maharani and they were subsequently fined. Expert opinion Shazryl Eskay was fined RM3,000 in default of three months' jail while Shuib was slapped with a RM1,500 fine in default of two months' jail. Abdul Rahim was fined RM1,000 in default of a month's jail. In court, it was also revealed two US experts from Dartmouth College had confirmed that the video was authentic and there was a 99.99% possibility the man in the video was Anwar. READ MORE HERE |
Khairy gets death threat over July 9 rally Posted: 25 Jun 2011 04:16 PM PDT
(The Star) - Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin and secretary Datuk Megat Firdouz Megat Junid are the latest individuals to have received death threats in connection to the planned July 9 rally. Khairy, who received the SMS death threat at 12.18am Sunday, condemned it as a "cowardly" action. He expressed disappointment that there were certain parties who wanted to provoke Umno Youth. "But [we are] all the more resolved to carry on. We will not be threatened by cowardly threats," he told The Star in an SMS interview before leaving on a flight to Gaza. Khairy, who tweeted that he had received a disturbing text message at 8.17am, said he did not want to speculate on who sent the SMS. However, he said the message could have been intended to either intimidate Umno Youth to cancel its plans or provoke members to be violent at the rally. "Could be either intention," he said. When contacted at 11am Sunday, Megat Firdouz said he was on the way to lodge a police report in Putrajaya. He said he did not understand why other parties were trying to stop Umno Youth from marching on July 9. "This shouldn't be happening. We are holding a peaceful rally and we're not going to fight anybody," he said, adding that he had received the SMS at 1.13am on Sunday. He said the party would abide by its modus operandi of conducting a peaceful, well-mannered march despite any attempt to instigate it to violence. Bersih 2.0 chairperson Datuk S. Ambiga and several others had received death threats earlier this week warning them against the "Walk for Democracy" rally on July 9. Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Hussein had said he would personally ensure the police investigated the matter. Bersih 2.0, Umno Youth and Perkasa have announced their intention to take to the streets in three separate illegal rallies on July 9. |
When English is taught in Bahasa Malaysia Posted: 25 Jun 2011 04:03 PM PDT
This is what you get when you teach English in Bahasa Malaysia. Read the piece below that was written by a blogger called toreksulong. I can only assume that toreksulong is a Malay and Umno member or supporter. NO HOLDS BARRED
Raja Petra Kamarudin No more erotic sexual in Malaysia hotel because it brought as a court case Leader Pass urgent challenge Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to resign his post as Leader of the Opposition after the sex video that resembles genuine opposition leader was confirmed by a specialist. President of the Malaysian Malay Network (MMD), Azwanddin Hamzah said the pass should be more firm in rejecting Anwar and choose the more moral and representatives do not take the silence. He said Pas previously rejected the 'master' immoral leaders but the party has not taken similar action against him. ''Where PAS leaders called scholars and what their stance on the issue of Anwar's moral? What is certain''Anwar will continue to deny the perpetrators in the sex video was that he and associate the spread of the video is a game of UMNO, "he told The Star here yesterday. The facts recited in the magistrate's court here yesterday says the two experts from Dartmouth College, Handover, New Hampshire, United States, Professor Hany Farid and Professor Lorenzo Torresani confirmed that the video is displayed at the Hotel Carcosa Seri Negara in March is genuine. Azwanddin in the said Anwar as a person associated as an actor in the video should be ashamed and take action to put all the positions he held. He said people now know and have begun to notice that Anwar has always tried to avoid them and do lie to confuse people's minds. Meanwhile, Anwar's former private secretary, Anuar Shaari said the Advisory Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) that have to do four things that pushed the former Chief Justice Youth Force (Akin), Senator Mohamad Ezam Mohd. Noor. Four things, he said, do not swear curse men Anwar denies the sex video; test poligraf to prove they are not lying; sue Datuk Shazryl Eskay Eskay Abdullah and accused Shazryl as a liar. Anwar''need not 'hide' behind the allegations to the contrary qazaf clear that this country actually practiced law and not takzir hudud, "he said. *********************************** In case you doubt what I say and think that I fabricated this piece, you can view it at the link here: http://www.allvoices.com/contributed-news/9498783-no-more-erotic-sexual-in-malaysia-hotel-because-it-brought-as-a-court-case I suggest, however, you do not give him or her any further hits by visiting the site but do click that link above if you need reassuring that this piece is for real.
Politicians and public, stop playing God Posted: 25 Jun 2011 02:15 PM PDT Since when did politicians assume that role of moral policing and being the guardian angles of society? Is that part of the duties and responsibilities that you marketed when canvassing for votes at impending elections? By J. D. Lovrenciear The avalanche of attacks against the personal credibility of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is mounting with each passing day without any sense of moral decency. Sexual promiscuity is the alleged crime. The latest spasmodic attacks on Datuk Amiga are another attempt also by politicians and the public who are aligned to their masters. Again, the modus operandi is the same. It is a personal attack on the dignity of this Lady who earned accolades on the global stage. Utusan is latest to make such seething attacks on her. It seems that our politicians and their supporters are hell bent in cleansing this nation of their so-called sinners. Oh, since when did politicians take on that role of God incarnate? Since when did politicians assume that role of moral policing and being the guardian angles of society? Is that part of the duties and responsibilities that you marketed when canvassing for votes at impending elections? Please. Get real. Stop profaning the time honored and revered Name of God (the One by whatever Name each religion proclaims in earnest). Stop playing God. Are you saying that even if Anwar and Amiga have sinned (as you adamantly market to the masses), you, the very ones making such profane allegations are pure, virtuous and free of any sin before God? And are you saying that you now are the appointed and legitimate authority to judge others on behalf of God? Dear Malaysians – especially all of you who are eking out a living working from the Main Stream Media, are you so incapacitated with the priorities of living that you cannot down your pens for once to stand up for humanity and its innate rights to a clean, fair and just life? Dear Malaysians – especially all of you who are die-hards of any particular political party, are you so blinkered that you are incapable of standing up for humanity in the very name of the God you profess to be eternally faithful to? Or do you insist on playing the judge for God too all for the mere sake of keeping your bowl of rice for yourself? Look, even if DSAI has sinned before God, why be a busybody and take on God's business of judging a man? And who amongst you is so pure and virtuous before God, and has not sinned against God and His creation in any way whatsoever as contained in all of your scriptures and holy verses that you recite and subscribe to every day? And if Ambiga is an enemy of Islam, are you not then admitting that you are very clearly championing the very sins that Islam is against, namely the sins of injustice and unfairness against the democratic rights of humanity? Indeed it is shame when you witness all these cries of sin by politicians, the main stream media and the public aligned to the very politicians who cry 'sinner'. Perhaps the time has also come for all heads and leaders of the respective religions in Malaysia to champion a national coalition protest against all those who are out to desecrate the sanctity of God and the dignity of His creation. The time has come for leaders and shepherds of the faithful (all religions) to make a public stand. Otherwise we are all party to the sin against God and creation. Period.
Big test for Chinese voters Posted: 25 Jun 2011 09:50 AM PDT
The Chinese are the ones who will chart their future since Malay and Indian votes have shifted back to Barisan. It is now a choice of whether they want to follow their heart or rule with their head. Indeed, the Chinese can be kingmaker by voting strategically. Or they can vote to vent their frustrations and end up outside the government. By Wong Chun Wai, The Star PROMINENT businessman Tan Sri William Cheng is highly regarded in the Chinese business community and his comments and advice are often given good play-up in the Chinese media. On Friday, the Associated Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCIM) president spoke about the sharp decline in the Chinese population. The country's demographic change has many political, economic and social implications and the big boss of the Lion Group conglomerate certainly knows how the trend will affect the community. Being a businessman, Cheng chose to dwell on the economic aspect. The owner of the Parkson department store chain said the Chinese community would have a chance to play a leading role in the country's economy even though the population was low. Speaking at the ACCIM Youth conference, Cheng did not want to ruin the upbeat mood, telling his listeners not to be pessimistic. Being the shrewd businessman that he is, he cleverly stayed away from talking about the political effects. But he can certainly calculate what is ahead. The continuing drop in the Chinese population would correspond with a drop in political clout. In a plural society, racial numbers do matter. It is the same in the United States where election candidates play along racial voter numbers to win their votes. In 2009, journalist researcher Helen Ang highlighted in her report that the country's Chinese population will decline to a mere 18.6% of the population in 25 years. While the bumiputra population for this decade (2011-2021) will see at least 1.98% annual growth, the Chinese population growth over this period will only be 0.73% annually. Citing a study by researcher Saw Swee Hock, Ang wrote that by 2035, Malaysia will have 41 million people, with bumiputras making up 72.1% of the population. Even Penang is now officially a Malay majority state. The latest statistics from the Department of Statistics indicate that Malays are increasing and have now outnumbered the Chinese by 0.7% in the once Chinese dominant state. In 2009, the Penang Malay population stood at 654,300, just ahead of 651,600 Chinese by 0.1%. Last year, it widened to 0.7%. Of the estimated 1.6 million population in Penang, 670,100 were Malays (41.6%) while 658,700 were Chinese (40.9%). There were 9.7% Indians (155,600), 7% non-Malaysians (112,200), 0.8% others and other bumiputras (13,300). In Selangor, another state with a big Chinese population, they now make up 29% of the state's population of over five million. We all know the reasons for the drop in Chinese population, which range from late marriages, preference for small families to migration. But there is less talk about the political effects, particularly the community's diminishing political importance. Chinese voters generally get angry and offended if they hear, even in the most subtle way, that their votes could be foregone. After all, in any election, every vote is crucial. In a close fight between two Malay candidates, for instance, the minority Chinese voters can be the deciding factor. In fact, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has always reminded his listeners that it was the Chinese voters who saved many Umno candidates in the 1999 general election following the sacking of his deputy Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Indeed, the Chinese can be kingmaker by voting strategically. Or they can vote to vent their frustrations and end up outside the government. The big test will come in the next general election. Of the 222 parliamentary seats, only 40-odd seats are in Chinese majority areas. The others are Malay majority or racially mixed seats. There is no Indian majority parliamentary seat. It is obvious at this point there is still much resentment in urban Chinese areas, with the voting pattern aligning towards the opposition. There is even a misconception that the Chinese, if they voted for the opposition entirely, would see their position strengthened based on the belief that PKR-PAS can deliver the Malay seats. But it is a big gamble as the Chinese voters may just find themselves the only one outside the government, as in the case of Sarawak where the community was led by PKR-PAS to believe that the other races would join in to topple Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud. In the end, the DAP ended up with 12 state seats while the SUPP was almost wiped out. The urban Malays-Dayaks, it turned out, voted solidly for Barisan Nasional, with PBB winning all 35 seats it contested. The SUPP lost its deputy chief ministership and is left with only two state assemblymen. The question now is whether the Chinese voters would be happy with the 40-odd parliamentary seats for the DAP come the next election and see the community representation completely out of the government as they increase the number of PAS Members of Parliament. The Chinese are the ones who will chart their future since Malay and Indian votes have shifted back to Barisan. It is now a choice of whether they want to follow their heart or rule with their head. |