Genneva: Cooking up allegations Posted: 28 Oct 2012 12:59 PM PDT
Shereen Lim The Media, BNM, relevant authorities and some dignitaries do not have the decency to speak or publish the truth despite us having repeatedly highlighted to them many times. They are the prime examples of the kind of pious commentators incapable of reporting the truth. They see themselves as the champion for the government and authorities. We deserve to be respected. We do not deserve the media and others cooking up allegations. The public has the right to know the truth without it being misconstrued.
We are totally disgusted with the Media, the BNM and relevant authorities as well as to those who continue to persecute and ridicule us. For nearly a month now, much of the coverage has been filled with contemptuous remarks about Genneva Malaysia and its customers.
They seem to rally against Genneva Malaysia that is entirely focused on misconceived, inaccurate and incorrect reports. a) Genneva Malaysia does not offer an Investment Plan to its customers, b) It does not fall under purview of BNM & the statement of bailout is gravely misleading. c) Genneva Malaysia does not promise or guarantee a return d) Genneva Malaysia does not have agents e) Customers acquire direct ownership of physical gold (in other words, we received physical gold).
Revive NFC Export Quality Abattoir, Malaysia’s food security under seige Posted: 28 Oct 2012 12:54 PM PDT
This NFCorp feedlot and abattoir is the closest in specification to the requirements of Australia's new export laws. However, its capacity is limited to 30 heads of cattle per shift per day. As such, the EQA remains imperative for the NFC project to be a complete success. Fabiani Azmi Bernama reports that a new Aussie ruling has affected cattle supply for Aidiladha. A stricter export policy under Australia's Exporter Supply Chain Assurance System (ESCAS) has come into effect. Azizan Omar, 48, owner of a livestock farm PB Ramunia in Batu Pahat, Johor, said that only abattoirs that had been audited and approved by the Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) were allowed to slaughter such imported animals. He said the ruling had affected mosques, associations and individuals as they could not obtain the certificate or approval to carry out the slaughter. Blog journo Fabiani Azmi says the deferred NFC Export Quality Abattoir by the government is long overdue by several years. The NFC beef project suspension needs to be lifted. Malaysia must move forward in food security and not allow the opposition and their rhetorics to set it back by 10 years. The debate continues. Defence lawyers for National Feedlot Corporation Sdn Bhd (NFCorp) recently issued a media statement welcoming the Attorney General's remarks, "The investigation did not reveal criminal breaches as far as the Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Ministry (MOA) is concerned." The lawyers pointed that the controversy was merely a commercial breach on the part of the ministry when it failed to perform its obligation to build an Export Quality Abattoir (EQA) in accordance with the Implementation Agreement. The EQA formed an integral and critical path for the successful implementation of the NFC beef project. It was pivotal for many of the project's stages including an Entrepreneur Development Programme (EDP) to nurture 310 contract farmers and 186,000 heads of cattle by 2014. The media statement from the legal firm Shafee & Co underscored, "The EQA, vis-a-vis the project, is the fulcrum and the very lifeline to the entire scheme of the project in all its phases." Why the need for an Export Quality Abattoir? Quality beef comes from a wholesome food chain from 'farm-to-fork'. The best breeds are reared with the best fodder in the best of grasslands, nurtured until they are ready for slaughter at Export Quality Abattoirs. Unlike slaughter houses which are very basic in nature, an EQA encompasses the complete chain of events from slaughter to beef production in world-class hygienic systems before it is delivered to the customer and consumer. This is a mandatory standard by the international hypermarkets and supermarkets operating in Malaysia before the beef can be retailed to local consumers. It is also the preferred standard for quality meats by hotels, restaurants and cafes. Notwithstanding, discerning housewives too demand the cleanest cuts for their dinner tables. In an update, Bernama reported that only abattoirs that had been audited and approved by the Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) were allowed to slaughter such imported animals. A stricter export policy under Australia's Exporter Supply Chain Assurance System (ESCAS) had come into force. It quoted livestock farmer Azizan Omar having said, "I have been informed by livestock sellers that a new export policy of Australia prohibits export to buyers without proper abattoir facilities. Even though I could import the animals from neighbouring countries such as Thailand and Indonesia, they too have their own problems and they give priority to their local buyers." Gombak Agro Farm operator Noor Azzuddin Abdul Aziz said the prices of livestock had also soared by between 40 and 45 per cent due to the short supply. He said a cow previously sold at RM2,500 could cost RM5,000 while the prices of goats ranged from RM600 to RM5,000 according to the size of the animals. Ishak Hassan, manager of the Ishak Hassan Farm in Seremban, said he decided to skip doing the business this year due to the problems in the market. Signs are there in the horizon that our food security is under siege. NFC Export Quality Abattoir needs to be revived Now that we have a clearer picture of things, will the government revive the EQA? To meet the targeted beef production schedule, the MOA in accordance with an Implementation Agreement, was obligated to build an EQA with a capacity of 350 heads of cattle per shift per day for the NFC beef project. A fully equipped EQA is estimated to cost RM60 million to build and furnish, and two years to complete. There is no EQA of this magnitude, capacity and class in Malaysia today. So it was important that the EQA be built by the MOA to fulfill the colossal production targets set by the government itself for the NFC project – 246,000 heads of cattle by 2015. Presently at the NFC in Gemas, there is only one interim mini abattoir built by NFCorp to meet NFCorp's needs. It is certified with a "Veterinary Health Mark" logo, a symbol of quality awarded to the livestock product processing plant under the Veterinary Inspection and Accreditation Programme, Department of Veterinary Services, Ministry of Agriculture Malaysia. The abattoir is also certified Halal by JAKIM. This NFCorp feedlot and abattoir is the closest in specification to the requirements of Australia's new export laws. However, its capacity is limited to 30 heads of cattle per shift per day. As such, the EQA remains imperative for the NFC project to be a complete success. Most of the quality beef that we consume are imports and come at a price that only diners fork out at fine hotels, restaurants and cafes. The best cuts from butchers at high-end supermarkets are also several notches pricier. Quality beef does come with a price to match. It is no wonder that the beef import business in Malaysia is estimated at a mega RM2 billion annually and controlled by cartels determined to see their businesses undisturbed. National Meat Policy (Ruminant Sector) 2006 As a result, the Government introduced the National Meat Policy (Ruminant Sector) 2006 to liberate the industry and to ensure Malaysians from all walks of life, can enjoy not only quality meat from the best livestock breeds but at affordable prices. By 2015, it is hoped that Malaysia can see self-sufficiency levels rise to 40 per cent, a 100 per cent increase from current levels. Therefore in 2006, the government mooted the National Feedlot Centre (NFC) as a high impact project. To kick start, 1,500 acres in Gemas, Negeri Sembilan, was leased as a local prairie and production centre to NFCorp for 30 years to grow the beef project business. The EQA completes the 'farm-to-fork' food chain. Benefits from an export quality abattoir An EQA allows for the preparation, processing and delivery of the best cuts with food safety in accordance with world class standards. The location, design, layout and construction of EQAs and the choice of fixtures, fittings, equipment, and storage facilities are a science in itself. Once the EQA is in place, contract farmers under the Entrepreneur Development Programme (EDP) would also have world-class facilities for their cattle to be prepared in accordance to top-notch standards. Under the EDP, entrepreneurs would comprise individual contract farmers nurturing the best of breeds. Imported at an average 300 kg in weight, the cattle are bred until they are twice their weight at 600 kg before slaughter. In the immediate term, NFCorp was looking at grooming 130 entrepreneurs and by 2015, it was hoped to groom 310 entrepreneurs to participate in this high-impact industry. Some 3,000 farm hands would also be gainfully employed in this scheme. 78,000 Metric Tonnes of Beef Products By 2015, EDP contract farmers are expected to breed and slaughter 186,000 heads of cattle while NFCorp has a target of 60,000 heads of cattle. Cumulatively, this is 246,000 heads of cattle or an equivalent of 78,000 metric tonnes of quality beef products for Malaysians. More importantly, this raises our food security by a further 20 per cent. The EQA is therefore a pivotal structure to ensure the success of the aspirations of the National Meat Policy (Ruminant Sector) 2006. To be leased to NFCorp, the government-built EQA would ensure that beef production numbers could be achieved according to targets set in the Implementation Agreement signed between NFCorp and the Government. It would also see the roll-out of the EDP that prepares 310 contract farmers to go large scale. However, the EQA remains deferred and the NFC project suspended. This would mean that Malaysia's food security is put in a vulnerable position. In the event of natural calamities or war or trade sanctions or stricter export rulings, imports could be disrupted and Malaysians would have no beef at the dinner table. Food security will indeed come under siege. Will Malaysians end up being vegetarians? It is high time that the NFC beef project is revived, the EQA is built, and a high impact industry is re ignited. Hungry stomachs will not vote. About the Writer Fabiani Azmi is an avid reader of Malaysia Today, intelligent mainstream newspapers and Internet news portals. When not reading, he also enjoys the company of sapiosexuals. It's a highly stimulating discovery for him. |
Despite Pakatan push, BN expects to win more than 140 seats Posted: 28 Oct 2012 09:30 AM PDT
Jahabar Sadiq, The Malaysian Insider The ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) expects to win more than the 140 federal seats it took in Election 2008 despite the onslaught and talk by Pakatan Rakyat (PR) that it can capture Putrajaya in the next general election which must be called by the end of April 2013, say government sources. But BN politicians concede that as many as seven parliamentary seats in Sarawak and six in Sabah are vulnerable to PR but maintain that their stronghold on rural areas remain strong. There are 222 parliamentary constituencies and 505 state seats up for grabs in the coming 13th general election. "The worst-case scenario is winning just over 120 seats but we're confident of getting as much as we did in 2008 if not more," a senior BN official told The Malaysian Insider, saying that their calculations do not take into account the impact of another Bantuan Rakyat 1 Malaysia (BR1M) payout next January where households earning less than RM3,000 a month will get a one-off RM500 cash aid. The Malaysian Insider learnt that BN secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Mansor expressed confidence that the ruling coalition will do as well as in 2008 during a recent talk with the Foreign Correspondents Club of Malaysia despite uneasiness over risky seats in the coalition's "fixed deposit" states of Sabah and Sarawak. It is understood that BN is expecting to lose some of the seats held by four Sabah MPs who left the coalition while the urban Chinese sentiment in Sarawak could see those seats going to PR. In Election 2008, the DAP was the sole PR component party to win a federal seat each in Sabah and Sarawak. However, the opposition has questioned BN's confidence as the ruling coalition expects to lose more seats in Sabah and Sarawak in the coming elections than before. "How is BN going to make up for losses in the fixed deposit states?" asked an opposition lawmaker when contacted by The Malaysian Insider. "BN knows it can lose up to six in Sabah and seven in Sarawak but it hopes to make it up elsewhere, especially in the peninsula where sentiment is swinging back to the government," one Umno leader told The Malaysian Insider, saying programmes like BR1M have a positive effect on voters. The BR1M began earlier this year and some RM2 billion was spent for over four million households. The BR1M 2.0 also includes a one-off RM250 for unmarried people between 21 and 30 who earn up to RM2,000. Analysts say the expanded coverage would include most of the 2.2 million first-time voters expected to cast their ballots in the next elections. There are now just over 13 million voters in the country of 28 million people. BN politicians also point out that they are expected to get back support from the Indian community, who number 1.7 million, as the coalition has been fulfilling their requests and also extended more aid to them. READ MORE HERE |
Seat negotiations still on-going in Sabah Posted: 28 Oct 2012 09:26 AM PDT
FMT LETTER: From Dr Edwin Bosi, via e-mail I refer to the FMT article, 'DAP's gesture of goodwill to SAPP' published on Oct 27. I would like to point out that only the party chairman, cecretary and publicity secretary are allowed to speak to the press on matters concerning the party. Quoting anyone from the party without revealing their name and position is therefore inappropriate, unjust and unfair to DAP Sabah. We regret that FMT did not seek a clarification or validation on the anonymous news sources with DAP Sabah officially. For DAP Sabah, seat negotiations is still on-going within the Pakatan Rakyat framework. It is an open secret that Kota Kinabalu Parliamentary constituency and the state seat of Sri Tanjung will be contested by DAP. We have through our Pakatan Rakyat seat negotiations, been allocated two other MP seats and six state seats. Some of the state seats are in Kota Kinabalu. Our chairman Jimmy Wong has stated that DAP Sabah is still negotiating with our partners PKR and PAS so that we can contest in at least 10 MP and 20 state seats. I would like to reiterate here that DAP Sabah has never discussed with any party other than PKR and PAS on seats allocation. However, the door of cooperation with local parties is still open. DAP Sabah prefers that all local parties outside PR to emulate APS and PPPS so that the seat negotiations within the framework of Pakatan Rakyat can be resolved and realised the soonest. The writer is DAP Sabah secretary |
The timber mafia is larger than you suspect Posted: 28 Oct 2012 01:00 AM PDT Gani and Hishammmuddin told the ICAC that the money actually belongs to Umno and that Michael Chia was only the courier or bagman for Umno. The ICAC told the 'official Malaysian delegation' that they (the ICAC) were going to 'freeze' the money, but for only three years. After the three years 'time bar' (or by 2011), the money would be released and thereafter allowed to leave Hong Kong. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin If you have not yet read Friday's report by Sarawak Report, Million Dollar Bribes Disguised As 'Donations' – UMNO's Ever Changing Stories!, you can do so HERE. Then read the three reports below. Basically, Malaysia Today first exposed this timber 'commission' scandal involving Umno Sabah back in 2004, soon after Malaysia Today was launched. That was eight years ago. However, no one appeared concerned about the matter then. Today, the issue has met with much brouhaha -- as if this is something that has just surfaced very recently rather than something that has been going on for decades since Sabah first became part of Malaysia back in 1963. East Malaysian politics is the politics of timber. Any idiot or dimwit knows this. A Sabah warlord is not a Sabah warlord unless he has at least RM200 million or RM300 million to his name. And that is why Sabah politics is big money. If you want to buy someone worth RM200-RM300 million, the price definitely has got to be huge. RM1 million or RM2 million does not even come close. The Sabah warlords are known to spend RM3 million to RM6 million a night at the casino. So what is RM1 million or RM2 million? RM1 million or RM2 million is pittance. It is not enough for even a few hours at the roulette table. Musa Aman, the Sabah Chief Minister, was already worth RM600 million when he took office, according to his official asset declaration. Today, he is estimated to be worth not less than RM1.5 billion, second only to the Sarawak Chief Minister in wealth -- who also made his pile from timber. And trust me, even those Barisan Nasional turncoats who have joined Pakatan Rakyat recently, or are about to join Pakatan Rakyat soon, are also worth millions. And they, too, made their money the same way. If these are the people Pakatan Rakyat is attracting then it makes no difference whether Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat rules Sabah.  This is how Sabah's dignitaries travel around the State, in pomp and style
Anyway, as usual, Malaysia Today does not like to repeat what others are already reporting. Malaysia Today only wants to focus on The Untold Story. That is why we do not talk about the Shahrizat Jalil RM250 million cow scandal. As it is, we are already suffering from over-exposure from that story that is close to giving us indigestion. So let me fill in the blanks regarding this Umno Sabah 'donation' scandal instead and tell you The Untold Story of this episode. Umno Sabah gives out timber concessions to its cronies and warlords at way below market price (or underpriced like hell) and it collects a commission (or kickbacks) on the export of logs, mainly to Japan. The money, however, is paid in Hong Kong. And note that there is no open tender for giving out timber concessions. It is all done on a 'negotiated' basis and awarded to the lowest bidder that offers the highest under-the-table 'commission'.  And this was why Michael Chia -- a man Musa Aman says he does not know but photographs of the two show that they know each other -- was caught in Hong Kong. But what most do not know is that Michael Chia and Musa Aman are not the only ones involved. There are many other people involved as well -- such as a lawyer by the name of Richard Barnes. When this matter first 'exploded' in 2008 (four years after Malaysia Today had revealed the scandal), Attorney-General Gani Patail and Home Affairs Minister Hishammuddin Hussein went to Hong Kong to try to 'settle' the matter with the Chinese authorities (an act known as kowtim in Malaysia). Gani and Hishammmuddin told the ICAC that the money actually belongs to Umno and that Michael Chia was only the courier or bagman for Umno. The ICAC told the 'official Malaysian delegation' that they (the ICAC) were going to 'freeze' the money, but for only three years. After the three years 'time bar' (or by 2011), the money would be released and thereafter allowed to leave Hong Kong. Then we have the Rural and Regional Development Minister, Mohd Shafie Apdal, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's buddy, who was then the Deputy Chief of Umno Sabah. However, he told Najib that he was totally in the dark about what was going on. Yes, that's right, every man and his dog in Sabah knew about this Hong Kong drama except the Deputy Chief of Umno Sabah. The Minister in the Prime Minister's Department, Nazri Abdul Aziz, who said, "Opposition receives political donations too, not just Sabah Umno", (read that report here), is also involved. Michael Chia met Nazri in Parliament House to hand over RM3 million in cash as the 'fee' for the latter to help the former resolve this matter. And that flashy car that Nazri's son drives (see picture below) actually belongs to Michael Chia.  Further to that, AG Gani Patail and CM Musa Aman's brother, Foreign Minister Anifah Aman, are related by marriage. Anifah's wife is sister to Dr Johan Samad, the Deputy Director of Yayasan Sabah, who is in turn married to Fazar Arif, the sister of AG Gani Patail's wife. Hence what we are seeing here is an all-in-the-family mafia. And where there are no blood ties, money ties make up for it. This scandal, if not properly resolved, may result in Barisan Nasional losing at least 10 of the 25 Parliamentary seats in Sabah. Kota Kinabalu, Sandakan, Tawau, Sipanggar, Penampang, Beaufort, Keningau, Pensiangan, Tuaran and Kota Marudu can most likely fall to the opposition. Nine of those ten seats are Chinese-Kadazan-Dusun seats, except Beaufort, which is a Malay seat. Three other seats -- Kota Belud, Ranau and Papar -- would also be close fights and could go either way. Hence the likelihood of half the Parliamentary seats in Sabah falling to the opposition is not an impossible scenario. And if that happens then the state can fall as well. That is how serious this matter has become. It seems, according to the financial audit done by Price Waterhouse, about RM3 billion from Yayayan Sabah has mysteriously 'evaporated', mainly timber revenue. So this is no small issue and the voters are terribly upset about the whole thing. If Pakatan Rakyat is clever and if they know the correct way in playing up this issue, Sabah may fall and they might even win enough Parliamentary seats to march into Putrajaya. My concern is that Pakatan Rakyat will instead fight amongst themselves over seat allocations, which will allow Barisan Nasional to retain Sabah. If this state of affairs continues, Umno may have to replace the head of Umno Sabah as soon as the State Assembly is dissolved and general elections are called. The voters will then have to be told that Musa Aman will not continue as Chief Minister if Barisan Nasional retains the state. Then, most likely, only two seats will fall to the opposition -- Kota Kinabalu and Sandakan -- and Barisan Nasional will sail through with enough seats to form the state government and at least 23 Parliamentary seats in Sabah to deny Pakatan Rakyat the federal government. *********************************************  Sabah Umno official: 'We have nothing to hide' (The Star, 17 December 2004) - KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Umno is of the view that everything is in the clear for its new RM35mil, 11-storey headquarters now under construction in the city. "As far as Sabah Umno is concerned, I can assure you that everything is above board," state Umno information chief Datuk Rahim Ismail said, when contacted over a letter that appeared in the website of a local newspaper on Dec 3. A similar letter was posted on an online newspaper on Wednesday. The letter insinuated that something was amiss in the deal for the construction of the Sabah Umno building on a 0.48ha site in Karamunsing. Among the questions raised were why Umno did not use its own 2ha land in Sembulan to construct its headquarters and who was overseeing the construction. The letter purportedly written by someone known as Haniffa, raised various questions on who was the real owner of the new building and if there was any relationship be-tween Sabah Umno and the company developing it. Rahim, who is a member of the building committee, declined to say anything else other than stressing that everything about the project was above board. It is learnt that Sabah Umno would let the matter rest although the party discussed it at a meeting a few days ago. The explanation given was that the building, for which the groundbreaking ceremony was held on May 16 last year, had the blessing of the Umno headquarters in Kuala Lumpur. Umno officials said yesterday that the land was donated by a private company, with the full knowledge of the party leadership. They said they decided not to construct their building on their own 2ha land at Sembulan because the party wanted to keep it as a prime city property. "There is nothing secret about this deal," said a senior Sabah Umno official. The new Sabah Umno headquarters, which is expected to be completed next year, would not only house the party's offices but also banks, shops and a hall with a seating capacity for 2,000 people. *********************************************  HK anti-graft probe widens (Malaysia Today, 8 November 2008) - KOTA KINABALU: Hong Kong's Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) has widened its investigations to Sabah over a money-laundering case involving millions of ringgit. Three of the officers arrived here on Wednesday seeking information on a Sandakan businessman, a lawyer and a top state politician as well. They left yesterday after securing details and documents on the trio to help them in a probe into a Hong Kong bank account believed to be holding more than RM100mil. The account has been frozen. It is understood that the ICAC has been probing allegations of money laundering in Sabah for more than three years. They had briefly detained the businessman in Hong Kong in mid-August in connection with the money-laundering allegations. He was released on bail pending the completion of the probe. At a press conference yesterday, Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) investigations chief Datuk Mohd Shukri Abdull confirmed that the ICAC had sought its assistance. "We cannot reveal details as it is their investigations," said Shukri, who declined to state the specific nature of the ICAC probe. He said the ACA was not conducting an investigation into the matter but was helping the ICAC under the Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act. Shukri was in Sabah to witness the official handing-over of duties from Sabah ACA director Deputy Comm Latifah Md Yatim to the new director, Deputy Comm Jalil Jaaffar. Latifah has been promoted as the new Penang ACA director. *********************************************  Musa denies business links with Michael Chia (Free Malaysia Today, 12 April 2012) - Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman today said corruption allegations made against him by whistleblower website Sarawak Report was an act of defamation and conspiracy by certain quarters with the agenda to topple the Barisan Nasional government. "I deny all these allegations. I wish to put it on record once again that I have no business association whatsoever with an individual named Michael Chia," he said today. Musa said these allegations were trumped up by his political opponents dan desperate individuals who would resort to anything to gain political mileage. "It is unfortunate that there are people out there who will keep using recycled allegations to get to the top when election is near. "The people of Sabah can decide for themselves based on my track record. Not faceless and nameless people who use blogs to serve their political interest," he added. Musa said he would give full cooperation to the authorities if needed but in the meantime his responsibility was to ensure the wellbeing and development of Sabah. He said he did not wish to waste his time entertaining these frivolous allegations, adding that his main priority was to serve the people of Sabah and to administer the state. Caught with money Last week Sarawak Report published leaked Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) documents that revealed Attorney General Abdul Gani Patail allegedly shelving files and refusing to prosecute Musa and his brother Anifah over allegations that the Sabah chief minister had corruptly issued timber licences to his brother worth tens of millions of ringgit. Investigations were prompted after Musa's "agent" Michael Chia was arrested in Hong Kong in 2008 and MACC investigations later unearthed details of the secret timber concessions within the family and Gani's close ties to the Aman family. Chia was detained by the Hong Kong authorities at the Hong Kong International Airport for alleged money trafficking. He was caught trying to smuggle out of Hong Kong some S$16 million (RM40 million). Apparently when he was caught, Chia told the Hong Kong authorities that the money was for Musa. |
Lembah Pantai tough for BN due to split Malay vote, Nong Chik says Posted: 27 Oct 2012 07:41 PM PDT
Md Izwan, The Malaysian Insider The Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition will have a tough time winning back the Lembah Pantai parliamentary seat, Umno's Datuk Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin said today while blaming it on attempts by "certain" political parties to divide the Malay-Muslim vote. The Malay-Muslim community forms roughly 60 per cent of Malaysia's population and is split three-ways between the country's biggest Malay party, Umno, Islamist opposition party PAS, and PKR, seen as an urban liberal party. Political parties have sparred over issues such as the implementation of hudud laws — the Islamic penal code — in an attempt to gain support from the Malay community ahead of the 13th general election. "[It] cannot be denied the Umno-BN machinery will face fierce competition in the general election here. But I feel there is a bright chance to win. "[The] barrier (halangan) to [a BN victory] arises from certain parties in the country that try to split the Muslims in the country," Raja Nong Chik said after attending a Hari Raya Aidiladha celebration at Pantai Baru this morning. Raja Nong Chik, who is seen as a likely candidate from Umno for the parliamentary seat, said that preparations have already been made and the party machinery is impatiently waiting for the prime minister's green light. In Election 2008, Umno Wanita chief Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil failed to defend the Lembah Pantai hot seat, suffering a surprise defeat to Nurul Izzah Anwar, the daughter of Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Nurul Izzah won the seat with 21,728 votes while Shahrizat and an independent candidate received 18,833 votes and 489 votes, respectively. Earlier this month, Shahrizat had openly declared her support for Raja Nong Chik to be the Umno candidate for the Lembah Pantai seat in the coming election. Shahrizat had said that none was more qualified than Raja Nong Chik, who is also an Umno Supreme Council member, saying that he had worked hard in the Lembah Pantai area. "Actually, I've supported Datuk Raja Nong Chik since three years ago but only today I'm declaring it," said the former minister whose family has been linked to the National Feedlot Centre (NFC) scandal. |
Merger of 5 PKNS assets approved by Federal Treasury, says Khalid Posted: 27 Oct 2012 07:36 PM PDT
(Bernama) - The merger of five assets belonging to the Selangor State Development Corporation (PKNS) into a single group asset transferred to a wholly-owned subsidiary of PKNS had received the approval of the Federal Treasury. Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim said thus there was no necessity for him to reply on the issue which was raised by several parties because the PKNS deputy general manager (corporate) Datin Paduka Norazlina Zakaria had already given a reply on the matter. He was commenting on the call by Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister Datuk Seri Noh Omar that Abdul Khalid, who is also the PKNS chairman, give a full explanation on the claim that the PKNS board of directors had approved the sale of the five PKNS assets worth RM321mil. Noh said the five assets were Menara PKNS Petaling Jaya worth RM90mil, Shah Alam Convention Centre (RM97mil), Shah Alam PKNS Complex (RM85mil), Bangi PKNS Kompleks (RM42mil) and Wisma Yakin Kuala Lumpur (RM7mil). Noh, who is also the Selangor Barisan Nasional deputy chairman, made the call at a function, here on Sunday. |
A Democrat indeed Posted: 27 Oct 2012 06:27 PM PDT 
We need New Politics. We need a New Malaysia. We need New Malaysians. We need a Malaysian of Democrats. And this New Politics, New Malaysia, New Malaysians, a Malaysian of Democrats, etc., have to be one that is tolerant of criticism -- even if that criticism is 'God does not exist, religion is bullshit, and those who believe in all this nonsense are enslaving themselves to a doctrine from the Dark Ages'. NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin Anwar: 'Kenyataan Soi Lek hina Islam' (Sinar Harian) - Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim menyifatkan kenyataan dilontar Presiden MCA, Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek tentang hudud satu penghinaan nyata terhadap agama Islam. Dakwa Anwar, tindakan Soi Lek itu amat memalukan dan tidak mampu dipertahankan lagi. Katanya, kenyataan Soi Lek yang dilakukan di hadapan Datuk Seri Najib Razak, juga bermaksud menghina beliau sebagai Perdana Menteri dan tetamu khas konvensyen tersebut. "Saya sifatkan ianya sebagai satu serangan yang biadab dan telah menyinggung perasaan umat Islam," katanya yang dipetik dalam blog miliknya, semalam. Soi Lek sebelum ini mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa pelaksanaan hukum hudud akan menjejaskan 1.2 juta peluang pekerjaan dalam sektor perkhidmatan dan pelancongan serta boleh mencetuskan keresahan rakyat terhadap Islam. Beliau selepas itu meminta semua anggota parti MCA supaya meningkatkan lagi publisiti dalam usaha menepis dakyah pembangkang. Katanya, lebih parah lagi, kenyataan Soi Lek itu seolah-olah dipersetujui Najib. "Kebisuan Najib tentang perkara ini jelas menunjukkan beliau berada di pihak yang salah," katanya. *********************************************** Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim says that the MCA President, Chua Soi Lek, has insulted Islam. Just for the record, I too have whacked Chua Soi Lek for instigating the Penang Malays in my article We didn't start the fire. And this is what one reader commented: RPK, No matter how much you try to instigate May 13 - Version 2.0, realize that you are wasting your time. The Malays today are far, far different from those in 1969...they are wealthy and drive new-ish fancy you really think they are going to Mengamuk like the old days? Today's Melayus have lost their balls. So, when I whack the MCA President, I am instigating May 13 Version 2.0. When the Opposition Leader whacks Chua Soi Lek, he is the greatest Malaysian alive -- a true 'Towering' Malay. The chap, Ramesh Chandran, who posted that comment accuses me of instigating May 13 Version 2.0 and yet he closes his comment with: Today's Melayus have lost their balls. Is this not a contradiction? You accuse me of racism and then you throw the Malays a challenge by saying that the Malays have lost their balls. So how do you want the Malays to prove that they still have balls? By taking to the streets and mengamuk? Malaysia Today appears to attract comments from readers with the lowest intelligence and intellectual level. No wonder the thinking readers rather just read and remain quiet. They refuse to comment and be associated with brain-dead Malaysians. Anyway, I would have expected that statement by Anwar Ibrahim to come from people like Ibrahim Ali, Hassan Ali, Zulkifli Nordin, and those of their ilk, but not from someone like Anwar, a so-called Democrat. A Democrat may disagree with what you say but he or she will definitely respect and defend your right to say it. Anwar appears to have lost this ability. You may have a warped opinion, but that does not mean you are not entitled to this warped opinion or that you lose your right to express this warped opinion. After all, probably 80% of the world believes in the existence of God and they profess some form of religion. They will also express their views about their religion. And the other 20% of the world that does not think this is true would consider the 80% as silly and superstitious sub-humans, at least in mentality. But do the 20% stop the 80% from having these beliefs and from expressing these beliefs as much as they may think these are extremely silly beliefs? Why is it only those who believe in God and profess a religion have rights whereas those who do not believe in God and do not profess a religion do not have rights? And when those who do not believe in God and do not profess a religion express their views, they are accused of 'insulting' so-and-so religion. This 'you are insulting my religion' allegation is being carried a bit too far. God is supposed to be kind, forgiving, compassionate, just, fair, and so on. On the other hand, God is extremely intolerant and God has appointed 'agents' to roam around the world to punish those who 'insult' Him. This sounds like a very short-tempered and vindictive God who is even worse than the person you love to hate -- Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. At least even if Dr Mahathir detains you under Operasi Lalang you finally get to go home. Dr Mahathir does not shoot you or bomb your house because you have insulted him, like what your God has commanded you to do. Perkasa, Pekida, Umno, the government, etc., accuse the Christians, DAP, MCA, the non-Muslims, the church etc., of insulting Islam. And they want action taken against these people. Whether these (non-Muslim) people really did insult Islam or this is something these Muslims perceive and is just something in their minds is not important. As long as someone is perceived or imagined to have insulted Islam, those are grounds enough to punish him or her for this 'crime'. We can expect this from the government and the government supporters. We do not expect this from the opposition, in particular those who are projecting a Democrat image, and certainly not from the Leader of the Opposition. We need New Politics. We need a New Malaysia. We need New Malaysians. We need a Malaysian of Democrats. And this New Politics, New Malaysia, New Malaysians, a Malaysian of Democrats, etc., have to be one that is tolerant of criticism -- even if that criticism is 'God does not exist, religion is bullshit, and those who believe in all this nonsense are enslaving themselves to a doctrine from the Dark Ages'. If we are not yet ready for that then Malaysia is NOT yet a nation of Democrats and hence we lose the right to talk about democracy. And certainly the Opposition Leader should lead by example and be the first to demonstrate he is a Democrat and not just another Perkasa, Pekida, Umno, etc., by another name. |
Orang muda muflis di kalangan Melayu paling tinggi Posted: 27 Oct 2012 05:14 PM PDT
Md Izwan, The Malaysian Insider Jumlah pemuda berusia 34 tahun ke bawah di Malaysia yang diisytiharkan muflis meningkat hampir setiap tahun sejak tahun 2001 terutamanya dikalangan orang Melayu, kata Datuk Nadzim Johan. Setiausaha kerja Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia (PPIM) itu dipetik berkata dalam akhbar Berita Harian, hampir 47 peratus daripada jumlah keseluruhan 4,568 kes baru pada suku tahun ini yang direkodkan di Jabatan Insolvensi Malaysia (MdI) adalah Melayu. "Aliran ini serius dan membimbangkan," kata Syed Nadzim. Manakala kaum Cina pula mencatatkan kedudukan kedua tertinggi sebanyak 34 peratus, kaum India 9 peratus dan lain-lain kaum adalah 10 peratus. "Sesuatu perlu dilakukan segera untuk membendung masalah ini. Malah PPIM juga mahu Akta Kebangkrapan 1967 dan Kaedah Kebangkrapan 1969 dipinda kerana sudah lapuk dan tidak sesuai," tambah beliau lagi. Berdasarkan statistik daripada MdI bermula daripada 2007, jumlah kes kebangkrapan yang dicatat ialah 13,238 disusuli peningkatan pada 2008 kepada 13,855 dan terus meningkat pada 2011 kepada 19,167. Selain itu, berdasarkan statistik yang dikeluarkan oleh MdI sebagai punca kepada pengisytiharan muflis ini sejak 2005 hingga Jun 2012 adalah disebabkan beberapa sebab, antaranya ialah sewa beli kenderaan sebanyak 25 peratus, keberhutangan lain sebanyak 21 peratus, pinjaman peribadi 13 peratus dan pinjaman perumahan 13 peratus serta lain-lain. Disamping itu, negeri yang paling mencatatkan banyak kes muflis sepert yang direkodkan MdI adalah Selangor dengan jumlah 1,053 kes atau 23.05 peratus daripada 4,568 kes keseluruhan suku tahun ini. "Statistik Jabatan Perangkaan yang kami peroleh menunjukkan nisbah muflis dengan penduduk di Selangor ialah 1:581, bermaksud seorang bagi setiap 581 penduduk di negeri itu diisytiharkan muflis," tambah beliau lagi. |
Make our homes and streets safe again Posted: 27 Oct 2012 05:01 PM PDT
Malaysians would prefer our politicians to focus on the real issues of the day, such as fighting crime and improving the people's quality of life. Wong Chun Wai, The Star YOU know something isn't right when a restaurant at Section 17 in Petaling Jaya has to lock its main door during peak dining hours. The owner does not want to take any chances and prefers customers to call in ahead to make reservations. Talk of a famous fish head curry restaurant being robbed has sparked off a chain reaction with many eateries now taking a more cautious approach. For good measure, there are enough video clips, recorded from CCTVs and posted on YouTube, to show the number of 24-hour mamak shops that have been hit by parang-wielding robbers. In many parts of Petaling Jaya, many hair salons have long adopted the same security measures to prevent criminals from entering their premises. Yes, we have come to that level of insecurity in our daily life. I am not sure whether our leaders are aware of the extent of the fears among our people. They need to listen hard to the ground and not just rely on crime statistics. There is no need to be defensive about how reliable the statistics are or whether perception has got the better of us. For a start, they should listen to their own staff or even their relatives who do not go about their daily lives in the same security-enhanced environment as them. Ordinary workers who go shopping for daily provisions or withdraw money from the ATM have become more conscious of their personal safety. Our leaders should stop worrying about bad news and its messengers, in this case the media, and instead work on making our homes safe again. As a newspaper editor, I have found crime to be the biggest topic of conversation at any dinner function. People want the press to report crime, not downplay such incidents merely to make the leaders look good. What the police and media would regard as minor crimes, such as snatch thefts, burglaries and home robberies, are in fact the biggest worries for the people. Due to space constraint, the media tend to highlight the more serious crimes, or cases where important personalities are involved. As a result, there is a strong perception that we have forgotten or, worse, covered up the petty crime cases affecting ordinary people. That seems to be the sentiment in postings on Facebook, unfortunately. The people are fed up of the daily political one-upmanship and mudslinging. If only these politicians could spend as much time focusing on the real issues of the day – crime, cost of living and transportation. It is commendable that the Prime Minister has placed fighting crime as one of his main areas of transformation. As Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said, all the economic changes would be meaningless if people do not feel safe. Fighting crime is one of the national key result areas (NKRA) and the Home Ministry has just announced the second wave of the strategy, where the "feel safe" factor would be propped up and more resources would be given to the police. Recently, the police installed 19,000 CCTV cameras in southern Johor under its PDRM SafeCam programme. It's a good start but the police must be aware that this is only a drop in the ocean. Millions of CCTV cameras should be put up in major cities such as Kuala Lumpur. In an interview with The Star last week, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein Onn was asked whether the spate of violent crimes recently was the result of the abolition of preventive laws. His reply was that since the abolition of the Internal Security Act and Emergency Ordinance in September last year, 1,476 detainees have been released. Additionally, 1,119 persons under the restricted residence order have been allowed to return to their respective home states. This may be good news to human rights activists but ordinary Malaysians are wondering if these former detainees could be responsible for the spate of violent crimes. The perception now, based on anecdotal evidence, is that most crimes are committed by locals rather than foreigners. It is good to hear Hishammuddin acknowledging that the ministry recognised the possibility of these ex-detainees returning to their life of crime. Proactive measures have been put in place by the relevant agencies, including monitoring this group of ex-detainees. Likewise, while there are calls to abolish the death penalty with many questioning the effectiveness of such punishment, there are also many who are wary of the government taking away what they consider to be another preventive measure. The government, many of us hope, will not be too quick to remove these layers of deterrents merely to accommodate the demands of human rights activists. Reforms are good but not at the expense of the wider interest of the community. The police deserve our total support in terms of human resources, equipment and financial backing to ensure they do their jobs effectively. But the reality is that the police cannot fight hardened criminals with kid gloves. Whose side are we on anyway? |
Can Nik Aziz go the distance? Posted: 27 Oct 2012 04:54 PM PDT Keep your promise: Dr Mahathir and Nik Aziz in a friendly situation in Kelantan around the time Nik Aziz said that the then Prime Minister should retire and that he would follow. Last Monday marked Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat's 22nd year as Kelantan Mentri Besar but he is poised to contest the next general election because his party says it cannot do without their Panglima Perang or war admiral. Joceline Tan, The Star DATUK Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat eats like a bird. A normal meal would consist of about three tablespoons of rice and some fish and soft vegetables. The elderly Tok Guru is one ulama who has not given in to the sin of gluttony. He is still the same slight built he was when he became Mentri Besar of Kelantan in 1990. That is the degree of his personal discipline. He has been on a strict diet following a major heart attack in 2004 and the PAS grassroots who host meals for him at political functions are told he has to avoid meat as well as oily and spicy food. About two weeks ago, state exco member Datuk Nik Amar Nik Abdullah joined Nik Aziz for dinner before starting their ceramah in Pengkalan Chepa. "Tok Guru took a little bit of rice and ikan percik. It is awkward because I eat quite a lot. But I try to eat less when I eat with him," said Nik Amar. For years, Nik Aziz's frail health was attributed to gastritis or, as PAS people call it, "stomach problems". His health has always been delicate. He becomes unwell for various reasons – if he eats the wrong thing, if he does not eat, if his schedule is too hectic or even if he gets splashed by a few drops of rain. When he is feeling well, his wit sparkles, his smile is as sweet as that of a baby's and the freckles on his face look so cute. But when he is feeling under the weather, he becomes a glum and grumpy old man and the freckles look like liver spots. Ill health Speculation about his health has grown more acute and Nik Amar recently dismissed claims that his boss has cancer. This is not the first time the cancer rumour has cropped up. Last year, Nik Aziz himself denied he was suffering from cancer. PAS has two sets of rules. They say the MB and the deputy must be ulama. But their No. 2 in the party is Mat Sabu who is not an ulama. - DATUK ALWI CHE AHMAD PAS leaders often say "Tok Guru is as healthy as a man his age would be". It is their way of deflecting the fact that Nik Aziz is 82 and has health issues. But the reality is that there are very few leaders in the world who are still in active politics at that age. Even the great Fidel Castro, who finally retired at 87, is taking things easy these days and only appears in public when there are rumours that he has died. Nik Aziz, however, is not clinging on to power. Earlier this year, he told a party meeting that he wished to retire but was met with a chorus of protest. They told him he is their "Panglima Perang (war admiral)" and they could not do without him. "He has to lead us in the general election. But we told him that whether or not he wishes to stay on as MB, it is up to him," said Nik Amar. Like it or not, Nik Aziz's age has become an election issue for PAS in Kelantan and especially after holding on to power for 22 years. He feels his age and there is no shortage of people out there who will let him forget it, including Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad who has a memory like an elephant when it comes to political slights. Nik Aziz had, back in the 1990s, said that leaders should not stay for more than two terms. He asked Dr Mahathir to retire and said he would follow suit. Last week, the former Premier reminded Nik Aziz of his promise to step down. It was not exactly a gentle reminder because Dr Mahathir sort of twisted the knife and said that Malaysians should "open their eyes and reject leaders who do not honour their promises." Revenge is sweet but, as they say, it is a dish best served cold and Dr Mahathir is savouring the dish. Dr Mahathir stepped down after 22 years in power. On the other hand, Nik Aziz marked his 22nd year in power exactly six days ago – he was sworn in as Mentri Besar on Oct 22, 1990. PAS assemblyman for Gaal Dr Nik Mazian Nik Mohamad touched on the same sensitive subject when he rose to speak during the Budget session at the recent Kelantan Legislative Assembly. His fellow PAS assemblymen looked on aghast as he urged ageing leaders who had to use walking sticks to make way and referred to Nik Aziz as "aged and sickly". Egged on by the opposition bench, he said he did not have to name them, they knew who they were. He went on to say there was no shortage of qualified, younger ulama to take over. Dr Nik Mazian knew he was skating on thin ice but he insisted that the assembly sitting was the best forum to raise issues of ageing leaders and succession. It was obvious that he was sticking his neck out to send a message to the top leadership. The tall and distinguished former cardiologist is a third term assemblyman and has health problems. This is very likely his last term and he knew he had nothing to lose by being frank. He is also an intelligent man and probably senses that the next general election will be the most challenging for his party. The signs are there – big crowds attending Umno ceramah, unhappiness over the sacking of former Selangor PAS leader Datuk Dr Hasan Ali as well as concern among top leaders like Datuk Dr Haron Din and Datuk Harun Taib about DAP and Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. More recently, PAS veteran Datuk Shahnon Ahmad, who wrote that infamous book Shit in the 1990s, hit out at the party's partnership with DAP. State exco member Datuk Husam Musa's claim that Umno is worse than DAP will only infuriate this ultra conservative circle in PAS. He had riled the Umno side when he said that at the recent Assembly sitting. Nik Aziz is much loved but he has been up there too long. People are talking about the fact that his son Nik Abduh, who is the deputy PAS Youth chief, is about to make his electoral debut in the parliamentary seat of Pasir Putih. Sources at the party's central leadership said Nik Aziz will lead Kelantan in the election but Deputy Mentri Besar Datuk Ahmad Yaakob is likely to take over the top post. Ahmad has apparently assumed many of Nik Aziz's duties. He has also taken on the task of briefing the Sultan about state affairs and has established a good relationship with the palace. Two candidates have been identified as the potential deputy: Nik Amar who is the state exco in charge of religion and education, and Nasaruddin Daud who is Speaker of the State Legislative Assembly. Husam was once a contender for the No. 2 post but his ties with the Raja Perempuan has affected his standing in the eyes of the Sultan following the fallout in the royal family. His other disadvantage is that he is not an ulama. "I am not interested in any post. I have read reports claiming I want to be a minister. One article even said I will be PM after Anwar Ibrahim. I like to joke to my friends, just make me the petroleum minister, I can bring oil royalty to Kelantan," he said. Blue-eyed boy But Husam is still the Mentri Besar's blue-eyed boy despite what his detractors may say. During the Assembly sitting, as Husam was elaborating on why he thought DAP is better than Umno, Nik Aziz suddenly stood up and left the House. By evening the gossip mill was abuzz with claims that Nik Aziz was upset with Husam for praising DAP. But the Mentri Besar apparently left to perform zohor prayers and had later called Husam to congratulate him for defending DAP. The party has been driving home the point that the Mentri Besar must be an ulama. They are aware that for the first time in decades, Umno has a Mentri Besar candidate who is acceptable to Kelantanese and the point about an ulama Mentri Besar is aimed at him. International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Mustapa Mohamed has become a serious contender not because he is a high flyer or has a first class honours degree from a top Australian university. Locals respect him because he is humble, hard working and lives a moderate lifestyle. Mustapa's house in Jeli as well as his father's house in Bachok are indistinguishable from that of the average Kelantanese. State opposition leader Datuk Alwi Che Ahmad said PAS is contradicting itself on the ulama leadership. He said party president Datuk Seri Hadi Awang is an ulama but the deputy Mohamed Sabu is not. "PAS has two sets of rules. They say the MB and the deputy must be ulama. But their No. 2 in the party is Mat Sabu who is not an ulama. If anything happens to Hadi, Mat Sabu will take over. So what are they talking about?" Kelantanese are even crazier about football than politics. The euphoria over the Red Warriors' winning the Malaysia Cup last week has yet to dissipate. Red is a happening colour in Kelantan so much so that the state Barisan has eschewed the official blue and gone for red as its campaign colour. PAS would like to claim credit for the Red Warriors but the team rose to the top only after Umno warlord Tan Sri Annuar Musa took over as president of the Kelantan Football Association. But football is truly one game where both parties come together. A PAS official joked that football is so popular in Kelantan because there are no nightclubs or karaoke outlets. Football matches are the only outlet for them to let their hair down, to sing, dance and shout. The PAS government's ties with the palace have never been this good. Nik Aziz has cultivated a warm working relationship with Sultan Muhammad and had even advised the sovereign to get married as soon as possible. When the Sultan replied tongue-in-cheek that Tok Guru should help find him a wife, the latter merely smiled in a diplomatic fashion. Tok Guru also has a comfortable relationship with Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. The Prime Minister is always respectful and solicitous in the elder man's presence. After all, Najib has seen Nik Aziz at the height of his power and also at his most vulnerable. The most famous photograph of them together is that of Najib in his shirtsleeves, leaning anxiously over Nik Aziz as he lay on a hospital bed. Najib, then the Deputy Prime Minister, had flown to Kota Baru to visit the PAS leader after the latter's heart attack. He also arranged for the VIP patient to be flown to Kuala Lumpur for further treatment. The Umno side used the picture at several by-elections to show that Najib is a caring leader but the PAS side slammed Umno for exploiting the Tok Guru's illness. Nik Aziz has some good things going for him but the pressure is building. After 22 years as the ruling party, PAS cannot pass the buck to others for the lack of progress or development in the state. There is a do-or-die mood building up in Kelantan politics and it could not have come at a worse time for Nik Aziz. The PAS leader is at his most vulnerable. Being 82 is very auspicious. In Chinese, the number means "easy to prosper". In politics, however, it simply means one has overstayed. Nik Aziz will probably be the oldest candidate in the coming general election. The grand old man of PAS has become both an asset and liability to his party. |
Soi Lek: Jamil needs to do homework on hudud first Posted: 27 Oct 2012 04:49 PM PDT
(The Star) - Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek says Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom has not done his homework when he said PAS' brand of hudud would have no effect on non-Muslims. "Maybe he did not do his homework. I am disappointed with what he said," the MCA president said. On Wednesday, Jamil Khir told Nibong Tebal MP Tan Tee Beng in the Dewan Rakyat that hudud would not affect non-Muslims. Tan had asked him if it would ever be implemented in Malaysia. Speaking to reporters after chairing the Batu Pahat MCA committee meeting on Friday, Dr Chua invited Jamil Khir to a debate on how hudud would affect all Malaysians, pointing out that it involved amending the Federal Constitution. He also pointed out that a political party should not be equated to religion. "PAS is a political party while Islam is the official religion. "The MCA is upholding the constitution which states the country's official religion is Islam while Malaysians are free to embrace their own," he said. Asked if his comments about Jamil Khir would affect Barisan Nasional, Dr Chua said the MCA, as a political party, had the right to express its views. Dr Chua added that he would not apologise to a group of PAS Youth members who had held a protest at Wisma MCA over his statement on hudud. "Why should we be scared? We are merely stressing our views and the people have the right to choose," he said. On another matter, Dr Chua said the DAP had been championing PAS as this was obvious when Rasah MP and DAP Youth leader Anthony Loke slammed the table in Parliament against the MCA in defence of PAS spiritual adviser Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat. "When Penang PKR chief Datuk Mansor Othman remarked that Penangites viewed Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng as tokong (deity), why did Loke not slam the table in Parliament? "Does this mean that to Loke, Nik Aziz is more important than Lim?" he asked, claiming that this showed that the DAP was a "political eunuch" to PAS. Dr Chua also said that Batu Pahat MCA would hold a mega dinner at Sea View Restaurant on Nov 3 and the money raised would be channelled to six Chinese primary schools and a Chinese independent school in the area. "From next year onwards, 25 poor students from each of the Chinese primary schools will be given RM600 in aid per year while those from the independent school will receive RM1,000 every year," he said. |
Soi Lek disagrees with Umno ally over hudud Posted: 27 Oct 2012 04:43 PM PDT
Ida Lim, The Malaysian Insider Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek has openly disagreed with his Umno colleague in the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) that introducing hudud, the strict Islamic penal code, here will not impact non-Muslims, adding to the protracted debate over religious rights in multicultural Malaysia. "Maybe he did not do his homework. I am disappointed with what he said," the MCA president was reported as saying today by English-language paper The Sunday Star. Dr Chua was referring to Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom, who had earlier this week said hudud could only apply to Muslims as they come under the jurisdiction of the Syariah courts. "Therefore, hudud law will not impact non-Muslims," Jamil Khir, the minister for Islamic affairs, told Parliament in a written reply. He had based his reply on the Federal Constitution, where Islamic law falls under the jurisdiction of each state and is only applicable to Muslims. "Therefore, if hudud is to be implemented in Malaysia, then the Syariah Court would only have jurisdiction over those who practise Islam in accordance with the Federal Constitution," Jamil Khir had said. Malaysia's dual-track court system has resulted in an blurring of lines in an increasing number of legal disputes between Muslims and non-Muslims over their constitutional rights. Dr Chua had last week said many Chinese voters are "also aware that the DAP has been lying when it said that hudud will not affect the non-Muslims". MCA has been using the hudud issue to warn non-Muslims, especially the Chinese community, away from voting for Pakatan Rakyat (PR) in the coming polls, insisting that the pact's "dominant" partner PAS would insist on its implementation despite its ties with secular DAP and PKR. Hudud has remained a sensitive touch point in Southeast Asia's third-largest economy, which has a 60 per cent Muslim population, with political parties continuing to spar over the subject in the run-up to the 13th general election. The idea of an Islamic criminal code has been used to either scare the minority Chinese voters, or shore up support among the majority Malay-Muslim community. The Malay community is seen today as split three-ways among the ruling BN's mainstay and the country's biggest Malay party, Umno, the opposition's Islamist PAS, and PKR, which is seen as an urban liberal party. MCA had also previously warned that Muslim MPs would unite to amend the Federal Constitution in favour of hudud and the Islamic state if PR takes over, but DAP's Lim Kit Siang had dismissed it as a "lie" to stop the Chinese community from voting for the opposition. Lim had said that there were only 130 Muslim MPs in the country, while 148 MPs are needed to make up the two-thirds majority for a constitutional amendment. |
Mampukah kematangan berpolitik dicapai di negara kita? Posted: 27 Oct 2012 04:38 PM PDT
Markus Lim, The Malaysian Insider Kematangan berpolitik merupakan sesuatu yang diperlukan dalam arena politik negara. Apa tidaknya, arena politik negara masih dipenuhi dengan pelbagai perwatakan pemimpin politik yang beraneka ragam. Saban hari, ada sahaja kenyataan mahupun tindak-tanduk mereka yang mencuri tumpuan. Sama ada tindakan itu dilakukan secara tidak sengaja atau sebaliknya, mereka lebih mengetahui. Hakikatnya, memang ada pemimpin politik yang boleh berfikir dan menonjolkan diri sebagai politikus yang berkaliber lagi dihormati. Akan tetapi, ada juga yang memperbodohkan diri sendiri dengan mengeluarkan kenyataan yang tidak logik. Jika dibilang dengan jari, boleh dikatakan ramai yang tergolong dalam kategori kedua. Tetapi adalah tidak adil untuk melabelkan semua politikus adalah tidak baik kerana sebarang usaha sedemikian hanya bermakna penulis bersifat prejudis. Namun realiti sebenar tidak dapat disangkal lagi. Pengalaman penulis membuat liputan di beberapa Perhimpunan Agung parti-parti politik seperti UMNO, Pas dan MCA membuktikan apa yang diperkatakan sebentar tadi mengenai pemimpin politik ada asasnya. Boleh dikatakan bahawa perhimpunan agung tahunan parti merupakan medan terbaik untuk membelasah pihak musuh. Dalam konteks ini, semua perbahasan mahupun ucapan dasar pemimpin akan berkisar kepada memburuk-burukkan musuh. Segala kehodohan dan kejahatan pihak musuh akan ditelanjangkan secara terbuka seolah-olah musuh mereka sudah tidak mempunyai nilai dan harga diri. Retorik menguasai segala-galanya! Tidak kira sama ada amalan sedemikian dipraktikkan oleh pembangkang ataupun parti pemerintah, jelas budaya ini tidak sepatutnya mendapat tempat dalam masyarakat. Agak menghairankan, pemimpin-pemimpin politik di Amerika dan Eropah boleh mengenepikan sentimen kepartian dalam isu-isu membabitkan kepentingan nasional. Tetapi tidak di Malaysia. Mengapa? Apakah ego begitu penting untuk mereka? Apakah dengan tiadanya sentimen kepartian akan membuatkan mereka kurang baik atau bersikap seperti pembangkang? Apakah yang cuba disampaikan oleh pemimpin politik kepada rakyat? Adakah budaya hasutan dan kebencian yang ingin disemai dalam minda rakyat? Tidak sedarkah mereka bahawa segala tindak-tanduknya sedang diperhatikan oleh rakyat? Barangkali segelintir pemimpin politik kita alpa bahawa melalui kuasa dan undi rakyatlah, mereka dapat berada di puncak kekuasaan. Rakyat adalah kingmaker kerana dengan satu undi sekalipun, ia cukup signifikan. Sudah sampai masanya pemimpin politik di Malaysia merenung sejenak tingkah laku dan perwatakan mereka. Bermuhasabah diri dan bertanyakan kepada diri apakah kekurangan dan penambahbaikan yang harus diperbaiki selepas ini. Dengan bahang Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 makin hampir, inilah masanya untuk pemimpin politik menguatkan azam untuk berkempen secara matang. Gunakan kempen pilihan raya untuk menjelaskan dasar-dasar kepada rakyat dan bagaimana rakyat boleh mengambil bahagian dalam menjayakan agenda pembangunan negara. Juga, manfaatkan kempen sedia ada itu untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi oleh rakyat. Inilah yang didahagakan oleh rakyat jelata. Rakyat jelata sudah bosan dengan politik kepartian yang keterlaluan. Bersediakah pemimpin-pemimpin politik negara kita untuk berubah? Ataupun terus menjadi bahan gurauan masyarakat antarabangsa? Pilihan terletak di tangan mereka. |
Karpal gets flak over seat call Posted: 27 Oct 2012 04:20 PM PDT The CEC has discussed this issue before. It all depends on the party's strategy in each constituency and state. - TERESA KOK (The Star) - DAP national chairman Karpal Singh has come under fire from party leaders for his "one candidate, one seat" proposal, with a senior leader describing it as an "old story" and another saying it was unwise to raise it in the media. Others, mainly those holding both parliamentary and state seats, chose to keep mum. National organising secretary Teresa Kok, who is the Seputeh MP and Kinrara assemblyman, brushed off Karpal's call as an "old story." "The party's candidature committee will deal with this and the central executive committee (CEC) has discussed this issue before. "It all depends on the party's strategy in each constituency and state," Kok said. Selangor Speaker Datuk Teng Chang Khim, a four-term DAP assemblyman, said the party should have discussed the issue before the media was involved. "It is not wise to raise (this matter) in the media. It creates unnecessary disputes and problems,'' he said. Perak DAP secretary Nga Kor Ming, who is Taiping MP and Pantai Remis assemblyman, declined to comment while state party chief Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham, the Beruas MP and Sitiawan assemblyman, could not be reached for comment. DAP Socialist Youth chief Anthony Loke Siew Fook, who is Rasah MP and Lobak assemblyman, had little to say except that the party leadership should decide. Penang DAP chief Chow Kon Yeow, who is Tanjung MP and Padang Kota assemblyman, said the party would make a decision "when the time comes", with party secretary-general Lim Guan Eng, who is Bagan MP and Air Putih assemblyman, saying the matter would be brought to the CEC for discussion. On Friday, Karpal urged DAP leaders who held both parliamentary and state seats to publicly express a willingness to give up one. He said that while there would be "extraordinary exceptions" to his "one candidate, one seat" proposal, all should be willing to vie only for a single constituency. The Bukit Gelugor MP said Guan Eng, who is also Penang Chief Minister, should be among the "exceptions". Penang, the only state where the DAP holds the majority within the state government, has three DAP dual-seat representatives Lim, Chow and Deputy Chief Minister II Dr P. Ramasamy, who is Batu Kawan MP and Prai assemblyman. All three are in the state executive council line-up and receive additional basic salaries for these positions. It is learnt that each of the three representatives could lose over RM13,000 a month should they give up their parliament or state seat. An assemblyman-cum-state executive councillor in Selangor can earn up to RM16,000 a month including allowances, besides getting an official car and driver. If one is also an MP, the monthly remuneration would be almost double as a parliamentarian is paid about RM15,000 each month. |
Pros and cons in early naming of election candidates Posted: 27 Oct 2012 04:14 PM PDT
(The Star) - Barisan Nasional leaders have discussed with Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak the possibility of announcing the list of general election candidates early. Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek said there were pros and cons in an early announcement and that no final decision had been made on the matter. The MCA president said an early announcement would give a candidate more time to prepare besides introducing himself or herself to the people. Nevertheless, he also noted that those who were not in favour of the candidate would also have more time to sabotage him or her. Speaking to reporters after chairing the state liaison committee meeting here yesterday, Dr Chua, who is also Johor MCA chairman, said in the past, candidates would only be made known just days before nomination day. On Friday, Barisan secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor hinted that the names of Barisan candidates could be announced earlier. On another matter, Dr Chua challenged DAP general election hopefuls to stay and serve in Johor if they wished to contest in the state. "Locals are angry when they are forced to accept parachute candidates from Kuala Lumpur," he said, adding that some said they wanted to contest in Johor because they were born in the state. "I have served in the state for the past 26 years and I am still serving here despite not knowing if I will be a candidate in the coming elections." On the MCA's mega dinners, he said there would be between 20 and 30 mega dinners nationwide in the next two months following the good response from the nine dinners this month. "The dinners will be used to explain the country's situation to the rakyat so that they will not be continuously misled by the Opposition. "The Opposition, especially DAP, is good at talking but poor in delivery. DAP brands itself as a multi-racial party but does not dare contest in a non-Chinese majority seat," he said, challenging the DAP to contest in a Malay majority seat. Dr Chua also said that, of the RM500,000 proceeds from the mega dinner here, the MCA donated RM300,000 to Kulai's Foon Yew High School while the balance went to Southern College. He said about 15,000 people attended the dinner last night. |
Former Ops Lalang detainees happy that ISA has been repealed Posted: 27 Oct 2012 04:09 PM PDT Former detainee: Muzaffar (The Star) - Former Ops Lalang detainees are glad the Internal Security Act (ISA) will no longer be used to detain people without trial. In conjunction with the 25th anniversary of the crackdown yesterday, ex-detainees said arrests under the ISA were no longer relevant with current times. International Movement for Just World (JUST) president Dr Chandra Muzaffar said the abolition of the ISA was a milestone for Malaysians who had struggled to protect and enhance human dignity. He praised the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act for having a "remarkable" feature which stripped authorities of absolute power over security offences. Dr Chandra, who was Aliran president then and was detained for 52 days, said similar swoops should not be allowed to happen again. Former detainee: Kerk "I don't think we should resort to mass arrests to defuse tension. "There are other ways to find out the cause of problems," he said. On Oct 27, 1987, 106 Opposition and Barisan Nasional politicians, academics and social activists were detained under the ISA. The licences of three newspapers The Star, Sin Chew Jit Poh and Watan (which has ceased publication) were also withdrawn. The Star only resumed publication in March the following year. Most of those detained were released within 60 days, but 40, including veteran DAP leader Lim Kit Siang and his son Guan Eng, several PAS leaders and activists were held for two years. Former detainee: Karpal In September last year, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak rescinded the Emergency ordinances, repealed the Restricted Residence and Banishment Acts and instituted new laws, such as the Security Offences (Special Measures) and National Harmony Acts to replace the Internal Security and Sedition Acts respectively. Today, newspapers and other publications are no longer required to renew their printing press licences and publication permits annually, in line with the amendments to the Printing Presses and Publications Act. Former DAP secretary-general Kerk Kim Hock said such mass arrests should not be allowed to happen again. "The history of ISA is a record of misuse. "Ops Lalang marked a dark chapter in the nation's history. No such crackdown must ever happen again," he stressed. Kerk was only 31 when he was held for 60 days under ISA. Former detainee: Wee He was not shocked over his detention although it came a year after he was elected as Durian Daun assemblyman. DAP chairman Karpal Singh, who was 47 and Jelutong MP when he was arrested, said he has always been against laws that allow detention without trial. MCA treasurer Tan Sri Tan Chai Ho, who was the party's Federal Territory Youth vice-chief when he was detained for 57 days, believed such crackdowns would not happen again as society was now more liberal, while Wangsa Maju MP Wee Choo Keong, who was also detained, said the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act was good to nip racial tensions in the bud. "We cannot afford any tension that can lead the country into chaos. Former detainee: Tan "I believe no Malaysian wants to see a repeat of May 13," he said. The Star group chief editor Datuk Seri Wong Chun Wai said he was glad the ISA was repealed. "What the Prime Minister has done is to remove many of these laws which gave him plenty of power. "We must recognise this point," he said. Wong, who was then a reporter in Penang, recalled how staff had to go through Christmas and Chinese New Year without their salaries when The Star was suspended. He was also glad there was no longer a need to renew the printing permit annually but stressed that it was not enough. Former detainee: Meenakshi "The printing permit must go. The sooner it goes, the better it is for press freedom," he said, adding that he has been consistent in his call to repeal the requirement. He also recalled that a Special Branch officer had asked to meet him on the morning of the suspension. "The air was tense and the press was worried that reporters would be rounded up too. "I remember talking to people like Dr Chandra and (CAP legal adviser) Meenakshi Raman who were arrested the very next minute! "I don't think journalists should go through this again. "There must be no more Ops Lalang," he said. |
Abim bantah TV3 tayang ‘My Name Is Khan’ Posted: 27 Oct 2012 03:55 PM PDT (Harakah) - Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (Abim) membantah sekeras-kerasnya penayangan filem 'My Name Is Khan' di TV3 pada Hari Raya Aidil Adha yang kedua. Naib Presiden Abim, Ahmad Saparudin Yusup berkata, filem yang membawa mesej yang mengelirukan jelas tidak wajar ditayangkan oleh sebuah stesen televisyen utama Malaysia. Berikut ialah kenyataan penuh beliau mengenai perkara itu. Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (Abim) membantah sekeras-kerasnya penayangan filem 'My Name Is Khan' di TV3 pada Hari Raya Aidil Adha yang kedua. Filem yang membawa mesej yang mengelirukan jelas tidak wajar ditayangkan oleh sebuah stesen televisyen utama Malaysia. Watak utamanya dibawa oleh Shah Rukh Khan (Datuk) jelas menjengkelkan. Aksi beliau dalam cerita itu membayangkan tahap kefahaman pengarah, penulis skrip, dan pelakon mengenai Islam begitu memalukan. Sebagai contoh, adegan hero yang berkahwin dengan heroin (dalam filem ini) yang beragama Hindu jelas bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam. Menerima dan mencampur aduk cara penyembahan agama lain dengan Islam sebagai agama adalah sama jelas bercanggah dengan prinsip Islam. Selain dari itu memberi zakat kepada mereka yang tidak beragama Islam juga adalah mengelirukan. Zakat hanya dibenarkan untuk asnaf yang tertentu dan tidak boleh diberikan sesuka hati. Penerbit filem ini jelas cuba menjawab persoalan 'Islamophobia' yang melanda Barat, tanpa memahami ajaran Islam dengan mendalam serta menghayati pokok pangkal permasalahan ini mengheret wajah Islam ke dalam kancah yang memalukan. Ia secara jelas membawa mesej 'Islam Liberal'. Faham Islam Liberal ini pekat dengan rasa apologetik dan menenggelamkan sumber asas dan mengenepikan pandangan ulama muktabar. Begitu juga dengan nilai yang cuba disejajarkan dengan selera Barat yang menyisih intipati ajaran Islam itu sendiri. Selain dari faham Islam Liberal itu, menyamakan kebaikan di sisi Islam dan agama lain adalah satu daripada teras aliran 'pluralisme agama'. Mesej ini juga terkandung dalam filem ini. Segala faham ini perlu diperhatikan secara dekat kerana ia boleh memesongkan fikiran umat Islam dan juga bukan islam dalam memahami ajaran Islam yang sewajarnya. Faktor penayangan yang dibuat tatkala umat Islam menyambut hari Idil Adha juga menimbulkan persoalan ke mana hilangnya keprihatinan dan tanggungjawab pihak media dalam bahan siaran mereka. Oleh itu Abim mendesak agar penayangan filem ini dihentikan pada masa akan datang. Abim juga mengingatkan kepada stesyen penyiaran di negara ini agar lebih peka dan sensetif terhadap bahan kandungan dan masa penyiaran bagi mengelakkan kontroversi di dalam masyarakat. Abim juga menggesa agar pengedaran CD filem ini dihalang serta merta. |
Anwar: Khalid will defend his parliamentary seat Posted: 27 Oct 2012 03:51 PM PDT 
The Selangor Menteri Besar however says should he be elected again, the next term would be his last. Leven Woon, FMT Selangor Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim has been nominated by his party PKR to defend his parliamentary seat in Bandar Tun Razak, fuelling speculation that he would be shifted to hold a cabinet post should Pakatan Rakyat takes over federal leadership. PKR de factor leader Anwar Ibrahim said that the party would re-nominate Khalid to contest the seat during a visit to Pekan Sungai Besi this morning. Khalid was also present with Anwar. "During the last general election, we won all (localities) but the army camps. This time, God willing, we will even emerge triumphant in army camps," he told some 300-odd crowd during his Jelajah Merdeka speech. A former corporate figure, Khalid wrested the Bandar Tun Razak seat from a strong MCA incumbent Tan Chai Ho with a majority of 2,515 votes. He also won the Ijok state seat with 1,920 majority. In recent weeks, the political chatter had been that PKR would replace Khalid as the Selangor MB if Pakatan wins the state again in the next general election. It had been said that he would not be asked to contest for a state seat and instead to concentrate in his parliamentary seat. 
Anwar's confirmation today – and the silence on the status of his state seat – would only add frenzy to the speculation. One more term only Khalid meanwhile told reporters that he was thankful to the party, but vowed to only keep his parliamentarian post for another term. He said he would put in place a leadership succession plan should he be elected again in Bandar Tun Razak as he felt two-terms were enough for him. "It's not just me, but every parliamentarian should be giving a chance for other leaders to replace them," he said. When asked whether he would also re-nominated to defend his state seat, he answer was: "that hasn't been announced, they only announced me for Bandar Tun Razak". Asked again whether the plan was to shift him to become a cabinet minister, he said it was only "speculations". READ MORE HERE |
Is ex-Sabah DCM Tham making comeback? Posted: 27 Oct 2012 03:45 PM PDT 
Former SAPP co-founder Tham Nyip Shin was coy about talk that he would be a candidate in the 13th general election. Queville Toh, FMT KOTA KINABALU: Former deputy chief minister Tham Nyip Shin is said to be considering to contest in the coming general election. Tham, 53, who dropped out of politics eight years ago after he was not picked to defend his Elopura state seat, is said to have been wooed by parties on both sides of the political divide. Met at a private dinner function here on Friday, the former Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) co-founder was coy about talk that he would be a candidate in the 13th general election, expected to be called anytime. "In politics, anything is possible," said Tham. "I am weighing my options for now and perhaps in a few weeks' time if you ask me the same question, I may have a more definite answer." He admitted that he had met with representatives from both the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition as well as the opposition in the state capital, as well as in Kuala Lumpur during a business trip there recently. "I was approached. I told them I would consider their invite but made no promises. After eight years in the political wilderness, there are many things to consider first before I make a decision to come back or stay away from politics for good. "But don't ask me where I am going to stand or on which party ticket. It could very well be in a seat which is away from my traditional stronghold in Sandakan and the party I join could catch you all by surprise. "So let's just wait for the time being. Let me consider the matter seriously and in due course I will give you all my decision." Now a businessman with extensive local and regional business establishments, Tham made his political debut in 1985 as a Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) candidate at the age of 26, defeating his more senior Berjaya opponent Yap Pak Leong by 171 votes in the watershed state elections that brought the former opposition party to power in Sabah. Together with his former PBS colleague Yong Teck Lee, he helped form SAPP in 1994 and retained the Elopura seat by beating a PBS candidate and in 1996 he was appointed deputy chief minister, a position he held for seven years. READ MORE HERE |
Respect religion, stop false rumours Posted: 27 Oct 2012 03:42 PM PDT 
We must exercise tremendous restrain in seeking to use religion and race for political gain. Denison Jayasooria, FMT
While I respect differing views and the right of freedom of speech, however in recent times there have been some views that cross the line of objectivity and rationality especially in views pertaining to race and religion in Malaysian society The recent article by Iskandar Dzulkarnain in Free Malaysia Today entitled "Beware! A Christian conspiracy. Really?" that makes reference to Zulkifli Noordin, Nasharuddin Mat Isa and Ridhuan Tee is an example of malicious deception, inaccuracy and irrational portrayal of Christians in Malaysia. In a multi racial and religious society such stereotyping is a negative force and not in good taste. It is definitely not in line with the Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's ideology of moderation and one of moving from tolerance towards acceptance and celebration. This kind of writing does real damage to inter-religious harmony and breeds fear. Whatever their motives and insecurities it is of utmost importance that federal officials must monitor such wild accusations with in-depth investigation to present a counter analysis based on truth and make appreciate charges if any laws are violated Christians comprise about 9.2% of the population, however the percentage is much higher in Sarawak (40%) and Sabah (30%) where a majority of Christian are from the bumiputera community and are predominately Malay language speakers. Christianity has a long history in Malaysia and Christian institutions have major contributions to nation building in the provision of education, health care and community services. Christians are also responsible citizens and have exercised their fundamental rights and responsibilities in politics, civil society and professional bodies. One clear religious call is to pray for the nation, the King and national leaders Irrational way of thinking There is no need to try and respond to the various issues pertaining to the conspiracy and a master plan to turn Malaysia into a Christian state as claimed by Iskandar Dzulkarnain, other than saying that this is build on an irrational way of thinking and reasoning. READ MORE HERE |
Umno’s chief crony Posted: 27 Oct 2012 03:35 PM PDT 
This wealthy Malay became a billionaire because he worked hard to become a super-crony of Mahathir and Muhyiddin. Mohd Ariff Sabri Aziz, FMT Umno is finding itself increasingly isolated despite having three million members. But then the Malay population in country is far more than Umno's three million members. In 2008, the Malay population was 5.7 million. Umno's candidates only garnered two million Malay votes. This means than one million of Umno's own members did not support the party because they realised that the policies touted by Umno were destroying the country. Umno only managed to gather 35% of the Malay votes. In 2008 total voter turnout was 10.9 million. Malays formed 52% of the voters. In the 13th general election, the voter turnout is expected to be 11.58 million. Malay voter turnout is expected to increase to 55% or 6.37 millions. Umno is expected to garner only 2.4 million votes this time round. This time the party, whose president Najib Tun Razak, accursed its people, will have to seek the support of the Bangladeshi, Nepalese, Vietnamese, Myanmarees and the Indonesians to win. This fact is a clear act of treason. The right to vote belongs exclusively to Malaysian citizens. Isn't it curse when immigrants are given citizenships? Why has this happened to Umno which has long since been slogeneering about Malay struggle? The answer is because the Malays have realised that since 1988, Umno's struggle has been for totalitarian power. Umno's chief crony This totalitarian power enabled Umno leaders and their cronies to plunder the country's wealth. Don't believe me? 
The chief Umno crony, Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary – a good friend of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Muhyiddin Yassin – today owns and controls a litany of companies including MMC, DRB Hicom, Proton, Malakoff, Johor Port, Senai Airport, Port of Tanjong Pelepas, Bank Muamalat, Padiberas Nasional, CSR Sugar, Gardenia, MPH Bookstores and Penang Port READ MORE HERE |
NMC’s resolution a shameful admittance of Malay failure Posted: 27 Oct 2012 03:19 PM PDT 
Daniel John Jambun The resolution by the National Malay Congress (NMC) held on November 24 in Kuala Lumpur that government projects below RM100 million be given to Malay contractors under direct negotiation and that GLCs adopt a a more aggressive Malay Agenda is a dark and shameful spot in the history of Malaysia. It is unbelievable that after the billions of ringgits wasted by the government to spoonfeed the Malays under the NEP and other affirmative programs, the former Prime Minister, Tun Mahathir, admits the Malays had not had enough, and that Malays are supposed to be now beggars in their own land! It is no secret that Mahasthir was making another thinly-veiled swipe against ther Malaysian Chinese for being economically successful in Malaysia. But he seems to have forgotten that this Chinese success is actually the root of the Malaysia's econnomic success. The Chinese are not the culprits, but the hero of Malaysia economics. It is the so-called Malays businessmen, political cronies and leaders like Mahathir who are the culprits. They awarded projects to themselves, gave the Malays all sorts of privileges and the Malays still failed, or as Mahathir in his senility says, had become beggars in their own land. How is this possible? Let me quote one Bryant (of India) who wrote an open letter to Mahathir online: "As you are aware, the Malays control the rights to all the lands and natural resources in this country. They control all government institutions, GLC and state-owned companies. The Malays also dominate the lawmaking process in Malaysia including the decision-making processes in the formulation of the country's economy policies."
"From statistics we also know now that the Malays not only own the largest national assets but are also freely – and without conditions – allocated shares in public-listed companies. The Malays have also been accorded all kind of priorities when it comes to buying properties, awarding of public contracts, tertiary education opportunities including the granting of scholarships and even securing jobs in any of the government departments and agencies."
"Yet with all these privileges and rights enjoyed by the Malays, you still complain that not enough is done to help the Malays to catch up with the other ethnic groups, principally the Chinese? Then what else should Malaysia do to satisfy the Malays? Did the Chinese seize or rob anything away from the Malays or were their accomplishments the result of their hard work?" The fact is the Chinese never did take anything away from the Malays; it is the Malays who have taken things away from the other racial groups. The Chinese is a race without any privilege or rights, and still they progressed! Some decades ago the government made it compulsory for students to pass the Bahasa Malaysia in order to pass the SPM, with the expectation that this would pose a major challenge to the Chinese students. But to the chagrin of the Malay educationists, the Chinese scored better in BM compared to their Malay schoolmates! Mahathir himself is fully aware of the weakness of the Malays as he had elaborated in The Malay Dilemma, so now he is proposing that this weakness be overcome by spoon-feeding the Malays even more. He is ignoring the fact that whatever monetary gifts and privileges he gives to the Malays actually comes from the sweat of the Chinese who keep the trade and commerce in Malaysia alive and vibrant. It is the Malays who are doing al the wastage with the spoon-feeding, and most of what they get goes down the economic drain. A good example is the fate of the Penang Malays who according to Ibrahim Ali had been sidelined by the Chinese in development. The reality is, according to an online writer quoted by Judith A. Nagata in "Heritage as History: Plural Narrative of the Penang Malays": the "…Malays have done little to help themselves. Since the implementation of Malay preferential quotas and opportunities in the original New Economic Policy… many Malay have… grown too accustomed to their privileges, and have consequently made less efforts to achieve what others have strived for. Quoting the Minister of Trade and Industry in Mahathir's cabinet in the 1980s, Rafidah Aziz, [who admitted] that'Malays can achieve but can't sustain it': ('Melayu mampu daya maju tetapi tak mampu dayan tahan'), the writer goes on to deplore how lands and preferential stocks and shares (amanah saham) designated for Malays in the stock exchange, have routinely been sold off for short-term cash… the Malays [should blame themselves], not outsiders, for their lack of competitive success today." Mahathir also need to remind himself that the national revenue mostly come from the Chinese who, according to the MCA, pay 83 percent of the nation's income tax. Take away the Chinese businesses and the nation will stumble overnight. The real cruelty and tyranny of the resolutions of the NMC is that, by seeking to give even higher preferential treatments for the Malays through a more concerted Malay Agenda, it is actually grossly unconstitutional, for the simple reason that Article 153 of the Federal Constitution grants the Yang di-Pertuan Agong (King of Malaysia) responsibility for "safeguard[ing] the special position of the 'Malays' and natives of any of the States of Sabah and Sarawak…" It's deplorable that former leaders like Mahathir have the gall to talk only about Malay interests when the country doesn't belong to the Malays only. This is another proof that the ultra-Malay nationalists have no feeling whatsoever for the interests of the other racial groups in Malaysia , and least of all the people of the Borneo States, without whom there would have been no Malaysia . The Malay nationalists keeps talking of races in Malaysia as being limited to the Malays, Chinese and Indians, forgetting that in Sabah and Sarawak there dozens of other Malaysians races needing attention. Mahathir too, needs to appreciate that the people of the Borneo States are contributing a tremendous lot to the federal coffer, mainly through its oil revenue, and much of these Borneo resources actually goes into the pockets of Malay Umno cronies. As such, to forget and sideline the natives of the Borneo States is an act of ingratitude and plain arrogance. This is exactly why the State Reform Party is fighting for the Borneo Agenda, for preservation and restoration of the rights and autonomy of the Borneo States. We can't depend on the leaders in Kuala Lumpur to give us what had been promised to use from the very beginning because they will always fall back to the Malay Agenda. It is so ironic that the NMC had resolved to make a stand against corruption, cronyism and abuse of power and when in fact their call for greater privilege for the Malay is actually to support corruption, cronyism and abuse of power! What else do direct negotiation of project award, promotion of the Malay Agenda among GLCs, and more preferential treatments for the Malays mean, if not corruption, cronyism an abuse of power? How far can direct award of projects to some selected Malay contractors actually help the Malays. This had been done a lot in the past, but the benefits had not gone down to the Malay grassroots. In fact now, there is rebellion among low and middle Malays because of their hatred for Umno which has been widely known to have failed to help the common Malay, but instead had only enriched and made billionaires among Umno cronies through corruption and abuses of power. What the Malays really need is not anymore spoonfeeding but empowerment through socio-economic developments and rigorious mental revolution to make them succeed and be able to sustain and increase their wealth. What the NMC wants is only to increase privileges for the selected few, a step which will make the Malay proletariat hate the ruling elites even more, and join the opposition, including DAP, a Chinese party, to express their rebellion against the corrupt Umno leaders. |