A morning session with The Oracle of Syed Putera Posted: 05 Aug 2011 11:00 AM PDT By Sakmongkol Once again, I have the pleasure to share with readers, the current thoughts of the Oracle of Syed Putra. To refresh the minds of readers, the Oracle is the alter ego of Tun Daim Zainudin. You can almost say what the Oracle says is what Tun Daim thinks. It seems now, whatever Tun Daim says is carefully analyzed. And Tun Daim is a dangerous seer. In 2008, he predicted the loss of BN in 5 states. The UMNO generals were up in arms. They vilified him, describing him with all sorts of disrespectful terms. Daim is a pensioner. Daim is out of touch. Daim is irrelevant. When the results came, what Daim predicted was generally true. So how does Daim see the future? According to the Oracle, it's a grim future for UMNO and BN. the country has no leadership. Announcements were made continuously without understanding what were said. The PM reads the budget in parliament but when it comes to Q&A, Nor Yaakob does the answering. Some people prepare the text and PM who has no time to understand the context, will just read it. The Oracle related the many occasions when Tun Daim answered he doesn't understand what the New Economic Model or the various economic initiatives are all about. He only understands basic business models- 2+ 2= 4. Now if a wily business man like Daim doesn't understand Najibnomics, what chance do common folks have?
Civil servants complained to Daim about having to implement policies which they have no part in giving inputs. Our economic models are prepared by consultants under the commissar-ship of people like Omar Ong or Idris Jala. The PM's rating says the Oracle has been sliding precipitously since the Bersih Rally. He handled that one badly. The NGO was already declared an illegal one, yet he allowed them to have an audience with the Agong. The man who was instrumental in brokering Ambiga's audience with the Agong was Pak Lah, the former PM. When asked the PM said Pak Lah wanted to help out, but that kind of help hastens his plummeting rating. The Malays have a saying for this- sokong membawa rebah. All is not well with our country. The majority of the Chinese are not going to vote BN. Moving from one Chinese based party (MCA) to another( DAP) presents no mental hurdle for the Chinese. They are businesslike in their decisions. One, the Chinese are aware that Chinese interests are better looked after by a more aggressive political party. Two, stepping out from UMNO's shadow offers some satisfaction for the Chinese because doing so, remits a form of punishment to their cocky big brother. The Chinese have long wanted to teach MCA a lesson. MCA will not be able to stop this rising disenchantment. Most important of all, the general economic independence of the Chinese gives them the luxury of choice. They can choose and UMNO and BN don't appear on their radar screen. |
A nation divided, a country devastated Posted: 05 Aug 2011 10:46 AM PDT By J. D. Lovrenciear Times have changed and are fast changing even in ultra-traditional societies. The lessons we are drawing from even recent episodes as in the likes of Egypt Springs is most edifying for the selfless and wise. The well worn cliché 'a nation divided is a country devastated' has sprung back with profound meaning in this century. It applies very aptly to Malaysia. Today we are witnessing the nation heading down a slippery slope on all four frontiers of governance, namely the political, social, economic and environmental parameters. Political party survival has taken precedence over all else and it is clearly becoming an 'at all cost, by any means' war cry and battle strategy. Religion is not spared. Race is not spared. Sex is not spared. Institutions are not spared. Ethics is prostituted. Justice is clouded. And how long can the main stream media continue to orchestrate to the whims and fancies of those embroiled in winning at all costs? Meanwhile the world is being swept without warning by financial tides of devastation; weather havocs that predict imminent food crisis; and the rise of civil society to fight the 21st century's worst enemy namely corruption and political tyranny. These, the governments around the world – including even our neighbors like Thailand, Philippines, and Indonesia are better braced to combat as they have no political party survival wars to be preoccupied with. Neither do they subscribe to the stone-age 'kill at all cost' mantra. But in our own yard here, just look at the volume of files mounting within the Palace of Justice as thousands of reports are lodged against corruption and misuse of power. Look at the breaking news every day. Listen to the talks at warongs. Scan the online forums. Look at the way politicians from BN are spending money; or how about their families and spouses? Look at the way the government denies brutality inflicted on its own citizens (Bersih 2.0), only to be exposed by the international media. Look at the scandals that keep surfacing one after another – scandals that not only involve Malaysians within its borders but also those that have global implications involving international players. Do not forget the many episodes of custodial deaths and how the cases are being battled and dragged in court. Look at our daily news rations. What do all these tell us? Indeed this nation is being divided left, right and centre in the name and want for power and control. The victims are the knowing and unknowing rakyat of today those who are yet to be born. The leaders are not interested in knowing that a nation divided is a country devastated. Who cares anyway? "If this country crumbles, I have my safe haven on the Gold Coast" seems to be the hidden assurance amongst the powers that be. Take a look at all the social pages of glossy magazines that are spilling over in Malaysia. What do you see? No different. One set of laws for the knowing and unknowing rakyat and another set of freedom for the rich, famous, well heeled and power brokers. Yes, the fact that some lone and brave voices with still some conscience and integrity left behind are stepping forward from behind the curtains of the ruling BN to state the truth about this nation's governance, is a crystal clear indication that this country is in a perilous state of affairs. While the world is collaborating and partnering with all of its political parties within each nation, ours is one that is going after the opposition's throat. While others around the globe are re-focusing on the four crucial parameters of politics, social, economic and environment to be better prepared in protecting its citizens against the ravages of weather, corruption, abuse, power and control, and financial uncertainty, we are saying "everything is okay" while we are dead bent on dividing the nation along race, religion, politics, social, economy. Therein remains the assessment that Malaysia is on the highway of being a devastated country.
PAS leaders give their take on JAIS's church invasion Posted: 05 Aug 2011 10:32 AM PDT
(Harakah Daily) - PAS leaders have made their views known over the action by the Selangor Islamic Department (JAIS) to intrude on a dinner event at a church in Petaling Jaya citing complaints about "proselytization to Muslims". PAS information chief Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man explained his view about the latest incident by giving a personal anecdote which took place during his teaching days at UiTM.
Recalling the story, Tuan Ibrahim said he once ordered a juice at a Malay restaurant, which was served to him in a glass with a beer label.
Feeling uncomfortable, he asked that the glass be replaced, telling the restaurant owner that although the juice was halal, "but the sight of the glass could invite suspicion and slander among my students about me and your shop". "The lesson learnt here is that humans tend to have negative assumption. Some students seeing me drinking from such a glass would conclude that I was consuming beer, never mind the juice in it was orange in colour and never mind that it was in a Muslim outlet. "The shop owner too could be accused of selling alcoholic drinks.
"The first lesson here is one should not quickly be taken in by slanders without any investigation," said Tuan Ibrahim (right), adding that those who believed that he was drinking beer could not be faulted.
"Because I would have done something which could arouse suspicion on me," he explained.
Another lesson, said Tuan Ibrahim, is that one should not act in a way that attracts undue suspicion from the public.
"In short, we must always have good thoughts of each other and avoid doing something that could attract slander," he said.
Tuan Ibrahim said both these elements can now be seen in the frenzy which followed the JAIS action – the tendency to believe in an accusation and the tendency to do something arousing suspicions.
As such, Tuan Ibrahim said while JAIS may want to justify its actions in the name of defending Islam, it must be mindful not to create unnecessary controversies which could damage the name of the Selangor state government, the Islamic body, as well as that of Islam.
Meddling in other religion
Tuan Ibrahim, who PAS commissioner for Pahang, called on JAIS to always act according to laws and procedures.
"Any action must not be seen as meddling in other religion," he said.
He reminded that the authorities must be able to see through the intention in any complaint received, whether it was true or just made in bad faith against the backdrop of the country's heated political and racial climate.
"JAIS should also ensure that investigation is carried out in a transparent manner and every action must be according to procedures even after confirming the reliability of the information it received," said Tuan Ibrahim.
He also said that Muslims who were at the church attending the dinner should ponder whether their actions, unconsciously or otherwise, had caused difficulties to the dinner event as well as to the church concerned.
On what JAIS should do if it was proven that its action was wrong, Tuan Ibrahim has this advice to the department:
"Do apologise if you are wrong." READ MORE HERE. |
Street Protests: Anwar Ibrahim's Trademark Posted: 05 Aug 2011 10:12 AM PDT  By Haider Yutim, Malaysian Digest
The aftershocks of Bersih 2.0 have taken a toll on the Barisan Nasional (BN) government, tottering the pillars of its regime and affecting the general view of Malaysian politics from afar. Street demonstrations/riots have never turned out well for Malaysians. A good number of Malaysians still remember the street riots that cost lots of lives in 1969. The outcome of the recent riot has tarnished Malaysia's reputation especially with the biased reporting by foreign mainstream media. But this is just the beginning Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim. Anwar the Young Activist
Anwar Ibrahim is the former Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia and is currently the de facto leader of Keadilan, the People's Justice Party. From 1968 to 1971, as a student, Anwar was the president of a Muslim students organization, Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Malaysia (PKPIM). Around the same time, he was also the president of Persatuan Bahasa Melayu Universiti Malaya (PBMUM). He was one of the protem committee of Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM) or Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia which was founded in 1971. He was also elected President of the Malaysian Youth Council or Majlis Belia Malaysia (MBM).
In 1974, Anwar was arrested during student protests against rural poverty and hunger. This came as a report surfaced stating that a family died from starvation in a village in Baling, in the state of Kedah, despite the fact that it never happened. He was imprisoned under the Internal Security Act (ISA), which allows for detention without trial, and spent 20 months in the Kamunting Detention Center.
In 2008, a gathering of more than 1,000 supporters greeted Anwar in a rally welcoming his return to politics. Police interrupted Anwar after he had addressed the rally for nearly two hours and called for him to stop the gathering since there was no legal permission for the rally.
Anwar Ibrahim and street riots are a potent and unhealthy mix. He is never a good figure for Malaysia. Catastrophes will follow in everything that he touches. He is the Midas of Catastrophe. Riots in 1998 following the sacking of Anwar as Deputy Prime Minister turned violent, with hundreds arrested.
13 Years Later
No one would honestly suggest that cleaning up politics and holding any given government accountable for their actions is not an honorable, noble cause. It is honorable indeed, however, when such a movement takes to the streets but is funded by a foreign power and led by servants of foreign interests, it becomes obvious it has been hijacked in order to exploit the aspirations of a frustrated public for a self-serving agenda.
The first rally, also organized by Bersih, was held in 2007 and saw some 50,000 people take to the capital's streets. The Bersih marchers/demonstrators eventually dispersed, however, it resulted in chaos when the police deployed teargas and water cannons on the demonstrators. The historic event has been partly credited for Pakatan's record gains in Election 2008, when the opposition pact swept into power in five states and won 82 parliamentary seats.
It's understandable then that the Bersih electoral reform group's plans for an upcoming series of a mass street protests have left citizens and lawmakers nervous. Many are relieved that the group had decided to hold its rally in a stadium, thus minimizing opportunities for violence and property damage, which somehow happens even though the protestors were peaceful. The group, backed by Pakatan had promised to bring tens of thousands onto the streets on the fateful Saturday of July 9 in what could have been Malaysia's biggest protest since 1998 when Anwar's sacking triggered violent demonstrations. Anwar the Attention-Seeker
Anwar has long been synonymous with street riots. The main reason for him to resort to this method is to gain worldwide attention and he doesn't care what kind of attention he will be getting. To Anwar, street protests are the only avenue available to push for electoral reforms (the main agenda of Bersih 2.0 rally) and so he sees this as a good opportunity to use Bersih's platform for his own cause. He said this was because the opposition had previously exhausted all other available options to no avail.
"That is the whole interest (of Bersih 2.0), to express in this manner because all other avenues have failed. We have sent memos, (held) series of discussions, protest... Everything has been done, submissions with facts and evidence," he was quoted telling reporters. Malaysian Public Pay the Price
The government had declared Bersih as illegal a few days before the scheduled rally, and has warned that anyone wearing yellow will be detained. More than 200 Bersih supporters and organizers were arrested on charges ranging from the promotion of "illegal assembly" to "waging war against the King". Some were held for an indefinite period without trial.
The rally also prompted authorities to carry out extensive roadblocks which caused standstills in Kuala Lumpur and many businesses had to close. There were also widespread mobile phone and internet disruption.
Meanwhile, thousands of supporters have expressed their views on Facebook and Twitter, with many of them, tweeting directly to the prime minister. However, it could prove difficult to gauge the impact the rally had, in the short term at least, in a country known for its traditionally tame political culture, according to scholar Greg Lopez. Social networks such as Twitter were congested with comments and posts on the rally, including some posters created by those who were initially indifferent to the Bersih 2.0 agenda prior to July 9, but had since decided to support it, rhetorically at least.
Bersih supporters in other parts of the world held similar rallies in Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, France, Switzerland, the US, Canada and the UK.
According to Ooi Kee Beng, a Malaysian analyst based in Singapore's Institute for Southeast Asian Studies, the demonstration and crackdown might prompt apolitical Malaysians to take a greater interest in public affairs. READ MORE HERE.
Umno claims can win Selangor with big majority Posted: 05 Aug 2011 09:51 AM PDT  By Clara Chooi, The Malaysian Insider KLUANG, Aug 6 — Umno is confident that Barisan Nasional (BN) will trounce Pakatan Rakyat (PR) in Selangor in the coming polls with a whopping 20-seat majority, allowing the pact to form a strong government in the frontline state. Selangor Umno infomation chief Abdul Shukor Idrus told The Malaysian Insider that this time, BN will win in at least 38 of the state's 56 seats, in comparison to the 20 it won in the 2008 election when PR captured the country's wealthiest state. He attributed BN's pre-empted victories to a significant increase in Malay voter support from about 50 per cent in 2008 to an estimated 65 per cent, saying it was fuelled by a growing disenchantment with the current PR-led state administration and feverish ground work by Umno leaders humbled by their shocking losses in 2008. "So although we cannot say that we are extremely comfortable yet, we are confident that we can win Selangor," he said when met at his service centre here this week before the state Islamic affairs department triggered a controversy by raiding a Petaling Jaya church. The Kuang assemblyman however said the 38 seats only covers the state's rural and suburban areas where he claimed the electorate has less access to the Internet, social media tools and the alternative media. "The big issues and all that are centred in the cities but they have less influence in the rural areas. In the cities, everyone uses the Internet. But outside, a lot just read the papers... they read more Utusan (Malaysia)," he said, smiling. The first-term assemblyman said certain national issues often played up by PR leaders would only affect Selangor's more urban electorate, particularly those living in constituencies within the city areas where PR's influence is deemed the strongest. Abdul Shukor said Umno has identified 18 such seats, categorised as "black areas", which the party admits would be close to impossible to win. Among some of the seats identified are Subang Jaya, Bukit Lanjan, Bukit Tunku, Balakong, seats within the Petaling Jaya Utara and Selatan parliamentary constituencies and seats contested by PR bigwigs like PKR deputy president Azmin Ali. Abdul Shukor said although BN has not given up on these "black areas", it would only focus its efforts in the 38 seats identified as winnable. Of the 38, he said, it is hoped that MCA can contribute between four and seven seats while MIC has expressed confidence in two seats — Batu Caves and Ijok. The remaining seats are to be snapped up by Umno. The Malaysian Insider understands that the ruling party will field candidates in 35 seats and has identified 25 seats as guaranteed wins, up seven seats from the 18 it won in Election 2008. Abdul Shukor said Indian community support for the Najib administration has also seen vast improvement, particularly because of Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu's decision to step down as MIC president late last year and the appointment of two MIC leaders to ministerial posts. He also claimed that Chinese support has increased, albeit marginally, purportedly because of certain grouses among the business community towards the PR government. For the Malay votes, Abdul Shukor said Umno party leaders have been working hard on the ground to campaign for votes through hosting constant community programmes, doling out financial aid to the needy and keeping the electorate constantly engaged. "We go house to house, we give out to aid single mothers, the poor. We even fix roofs and broken drains... even toilet repairs," he said. As an example, Abdul Shukor said that he has made it a point to visit at least 20 homes every Friday since he was elected. He stressed that only local and hardworking candidates who have put in enough time will win Selangor for BN, particularly in the suburban and rural constituencies. "Here, they do not care about the national issues... things going on in KL, for example. They are more concerned about the individuals they are voting for. They want someone who they know, they like and who can look after their needs," he said. READ MORE HERE. |
Exco terima surat ugutan berisi peluru Posted: 04 Aug 2011 09:44 PM PDT
(FMT) - KULIM: Anggota Exco Kedah Lim Soo Nee menerima kejutan hari ini apabila menemui sepucuk surat mengandungi nota ugutan dan sebutir peluru di pejabatnya, di Taman Kemuning di sini. Ketua Polis Daerah Kulim Supt Ghuzlan Salleh berkata anggota dewan undangan negeri (Adun) kawasan Kulim itu, menemui surat tersebut di atas tangga menuju ke pejabatnya kira-kira 9.45 pagi tadi. "Lim yang juga Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Alam Sekitar, Hal Ehwal Masyarakat Cina dan Pengangkutan ketika itu mahu naik ke pejabatnya di tingkat atas bangunan dua tingkat dan menemui sampul surat yang tertulis 'kepada Adun' di atas tangga. Tidak puas hati "Beliau kemudian mengambil surat itu lalu membawanya ke pejabat sebelum membuka dan menemui nota serta peluru tersebut," katanya ketika dihubungi Bernama, di sini. Selanjutnya di sini. |
The Illogicality Of It All Posted: 04 Aug 2011 08:38 PM PDT  By Masterwordsmith This would have been a non-issue from the start had mutual respect and tolerance been practised. Despite the delicate situation, a few leaders continued to flex their muscles to intimidate and to fan the flames of fear raging then. Subsequently, an inter-faith dialogue was held but what has that achieved besides the usual pathetic and token attempts to white-wash issues? In 1986, the government ban on the use by non-Muslims of the word "Allah", and three others — "solat", "Kaabah" and "Baitullah". By 2009, the High Court allowed the church to use the word, but an appeal from the Home Ministry has left the decision hanging. Post "Allah" controversy, a few churches and a Catholic school were torched and threatened in January last year. This would have been a non-issue from the start had mutual respect and tolerance been practised. Despite the delicate situation, a few leaders continued to fan the flames of fear raging then. Subsequently, an inter-faith dialogue was held but the status quo remains. In March '11, the Home Ministry seized 35,100 Malay-language bibles which were released just ahead of the Sarawak state election in April. However, copies in Peninsular Malaysia had to be chopped and marked with a cross and the words "Christian publication". Then in May, Penangites were stunned when a meeting between the Penang Chief Minister and Christian leaders was turned into a flaming controversy with ridiculous claims that the participants discussed making Christianity the official religion. Thereafter, Utusan Malaysia went to town. They front-paged two blogs making such a claim. (Read my blog post Truth Please, NOT Distortions of Reality!) Now the whole issue is in the back burner while another highly illogical controversy broke forth. Last month, the PM went to the Vatican to establish diplomatic ties. On his return, the PM said the Barisan Nasional (BN) government would work with Christians who wished to uphold world peace and harmony as it was committed to the "global movement of moderates". At Kompleks Bunga Raya, he said, "We wish to tell our friends, the Malaysian Christians . . . if they respect us, we will also respect them," he told some 200 BN supporters here. When you don't practise the 1Malaysia policy, talk is cheap. A few days earlier, Media Prima Bhd was forced to axe a controversial series of Ramadan commercials on its 8TV channel after scathing public criticism and claims that the advertisements were racist and highly insulting in nature. The advertisements depicted a Chinese girl eating greeding and dressed inappropriately in front of Muslims during Ramadan. Guess who owns Media Prima, which in turn owns 8TV, and other channels like TV3 and TV9?What did they hope to achieve with those advertisements? Two days ago, during an NGO Harapan Komuniti dinner in appreciation for its volunteers, leaders, supporters and members of the community who have benefited from its work, twenty odd police officers barged into the premises of Dream Centre. They disrupted the dinner and started taking videos and photographs and took down details of the Muslim guests. The dinner was non-religious in nature but held to celebrate the work of non-profit organisation Harapan Komuniti in helping women, children, HIV/AIDS sufferers and victims of natural disasters. Apparently, the official 'intruders' came without a warrant on a complaint made by somebody but did not explain what it was. No arrest was made but they seized the function's programme sheets and questioned the dinner organisers and guests. The raid was linked to attempts to preach to Malay Muslims about Christianity. Public outrage followed. Politicians then played the blame game while Council of Churches Malaysia (CCM) secretary-general Rev Hermen Shastri hit out at Selangor's Islamic religious authorities for "storming" a Petaling Jaya church last night on flimsy grounds. The raid was linked to attempts to preach to Malay Muslims about Christianity. Apparently, they on the pretext of a complaint made by someone but did not explain what it was. 1. Is it justified for Jais to conduct its investigations without first checking with the church leaders and worse still, to enter the religious places of other communities and conduct their investigations? 2. Where is respect for the activities and premises of those from other faiths? 3. Isn't the month of Ramadhan supposed to be a month of tolerance? In the Qur'an, Muslims are commanded to fast so that they may "learn self-restraint". READ MORE HERE. |
SUARAM Condemns JAIS Raid Posted: 04 Aug 2011 08:33 PM PDT  By Suaram Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) condemns the raid at a church by the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (JAIS) on the 3rd of August 2011. 30 police officers and religious authorities raided a multi-racial dinner and without presenting a warrant entered the Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC) over an unspecified complaint. The multi-racial dinner was organized by the non-profit organization Harapan Komuniti to help women, children, HIV/AIDs sufferers and victims of natural disasters. 12 Muslims were present at the dinner. The dinner was held in the compound of the church but JAIS went inside the church and searched the DUMC's premises. The dinner organizers were subjected to questioning and the function's programme sheets were seized by the authorities. SUARAM condemns the raid by JAIS as the guests and organizers who went to the dinner in good faith were intimidated by the authoritarian manner of the raid. Although no arrests were made, the fact that the event was unceremoniously interrupted by JAIS and that guests were subjected to questioning was intimidating for the guests. We also believe that this is an infringement of the freedom to assemble and associate peacefully as enshrined under Article 10 of the Federal Constitution. While we welcome the expression of regret over the raid by the Menteri Besar of Selangor, Khalid Ibrahim, we demand a full report and justification from JAIS, which is under the purview of the Selangor State Government. We would like to ascertain the legal basis of the raid from JAIS. We believe that since no warrant was presented to the parties, JAIS acted arbitrarily and without due process. As Selangor exco member in charge of Islamic affairs Hassan Ali has claimed that there was evidence of proselytisation, we would like to see evidence from the JAIS report on this claim. We demand that JAIS discloses the complaint made on the multi-racial dinner to demonstrate that JAIS did not conduct the raid on an arbitrary basis. Although Prime Minister Najib Razak's visit to Vatican City tried to placate interreligious tensions, trends have shown that religious tensions are still high in Malaysia. The severed cow head incident in Selangor, the banning of the usage of the word of "Allah" by Christians by the Home Ministry, the controversial demolishing of Hindu temples, the temporary seizure of Malay-language Bibles by the Home Ministry have all served to contribute to interreligious tensions. SUARAM believes that the recent raid by JAIS at DUMC will only serve to destroy harmonious co-existence among our different peoples. We urge the Selangor State Government to respect the freedom of religion and the rights of religious groups to manage their affairs. |
Bursa firms shed RM26b amid global markets bloodbath Posted: 04 Aug 2011 08:24 PM PDT  By Lee Wei Lian, The Malaysian Insider Today's global market sell-off wiped an estimated RM26 billion from the KL stock exchange as investors took the cue from the regional meltdown following the rout on Wall Street yesterday. Trader terminals were a sea of red today as losers vastly outnumbered gainers 934 to 60 while the broad-based Emas index shed 1.89 per cent to hit 10,478, a level not seen since May. The benchmark FBMKLCI slipped 1.45 per cent to 1524, also its lowest level since May. "If the Dow has another down day, things won't look too good," said Chris Eng, head of research at OSK Research. One trader told The Malaysian Insider that the US jobs data report that was to be released today and was expected to see the unemployment rate in the world's biggest economy remain unchanged, could send more jitters through the US market. "Luckily we are off for the weekend," he said. The KL market has traditionally been seen as a defensive and "boring" market due to the dominance of government institutional funds, which causes a lack of liquidity. This likely means that government-linked investment funds such as EPF and PNB had a high exposure to today's massive selldown. Eng said that given the outlook for the global markets, any slight rebound from today would be an opportunity to sell. All eyes will now be on August manufacturing data, traditionally a time when production picks up to cater for orders for the year-end holiday season. If the August manufacturing data does not show an improvement over July, fund managers could be spooked into thinking the global economic recovery has stalled. "If that happens, today's tailspin is just the start of a possible bear market after three years of a stock market rally," said the trader. The Dow and the S&P index fell over 4 per cent yesterday due to recession fears in the United States and that Europe's sovereign debt crisis could spread to Italy and Spain. READ MORE HERE. |
M’sia being left behind, warns Anwar Posted: 04 Aug 2011 08:18 PM PDT
(AFP) MANILA: Malaysian Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim warned today his country was being left behind as a wave of democratisation sweeps the world. Speaking at a forum during a visit to the Philippines, Anwar warned Kuala Lumpur against tampering with elections and said the "Arab Spring" proved that popular clamour for democracy could not be suppressed. "The entire world, including the most conservative Muslim heartland, the Middle East has now transformed and is clamouring for change and reform. Why must Malaysia be lagging so far behind?" he asked. "We are lagging far behind the Philippines and Indonesia in terms of building credible (democratic) institutions," he said at a forum hosted by his friend, former Philippine president Joseph Estrada. Anwar also fretted that the Malaysian economy was even starting to slip behind Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam in areas like competitiveness. Anwar said that unlike in Arab countries, he did not expect violence in Malaysia, but he said Malaysians now wanted more political freedoms and fair elections. "We are not demanding the toppling of the regime. We want to use the ballot box but the ballot box must be clean," he said. Anwar said he did not want Malaysia's leaders to suffer the same fate as former Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak, who has been put on trial by the new government, but warned that they could not ignore the people's will. Massive rally He dismissed the high-profile sodomy case against him as "trumped-up charges" and assailed the government for violently cracking down on street protests. On July 9 riot police fired tear gas and water cannon at thousands of protesters who were demanding electoral reform in Kuala Lumpur. Police also arrested more than 1,600 people, while one demonstrator died. Anwar himself suffered a bruise on his head and a cut leg. |
No law against Muslims in churches, says Bar Council Posted: 04 Aug 2011 05:27 PM PDT
(The Malaysian Insider) - The Bar Council said there are no laws stopping Muslims from entering church premises, and accused the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) today of "disrespecting" the right to association by raiding a Petaling Jaya church this week. Its president Lim Chee Wee also pointed out there is no law stating Muslims cannot be part of the audience at a thanksgiving event held in church premises, even if it contained religious elements like prayer and singing. "By conducting such a raid... then taking down the particulars of Muslims found in attendance, treating them as though they had somehow broken the law, Jais has besmirched the good name and sullied the hard-earned reputation of Malaysia and her peoples for multi-racial, multi-cultural and multi-faith acceptance," he said in a statement. "Especially in this month of Ramadan, one would have hoped that the Islamic religious authorities in Selangor would have focused their attention on more constructive pursuits rather than the disruption of a community thanksgiving dinner that brought together people of various races and faiths in peace, harmony and unity." Lim said the raid — which followed "insensitive" public service announcements (PSA) by 8TV — did not bode well for racial and religious harmony in Malaysia as their actions suggested that moderation was increasingly giving way to "mindless orthodoxy". "If, after almost 54 years of independence in Peninsular Malaysia, a state Islamic authority and a national television company can still display a form of arrogant authoritarianism and callous condescension in their actions, then we must collectively ask ourselves where we have failed as a nation," he said. He added that he welcomed the statement of regret offered by Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim and urged that disciplinary action be taken against Jais officers responsible for the raid if they are found to have exceeded their authority. "The civil authorities cannot allow the Islamic department to wantonly disrespect the fundamental rights and liberties of all citizens to gather and associate freely with one another," Lim stressed. READ MORE HERE |
Serbuan Jais: Kenyataan penuh Datuk Dr Hassan Ali Posted: 04 Aug 2011 05:17 PM PDT
KENYATAAN AKHBAR DATO' DR HASAN BIN MOHAMED ALI EXCO HAL EHWAL ISLAM, ADAT-ADAT MELAYU, INFRASTRUKTUR DAN KEMUDAHAN AWAM Bahagian Penguatkuasaan Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (JAIS) dan sepasukan anggota Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) telah membuat pemeriksaan ke atas sebuah gereja di Damansara Utama berdasarkan hasil maklumat yang diterima. Maklumat tersebut menyatakan terdapatnya kehadiran orang Islam di dalam majlis berbuka puasa yang diadakan di gereja tersebut.
Anggota Penguatkuasaan JAIS bersama anggota polis telah menjalankan pemeriksaan di premis terbabit walaupun dihalang oleh pihak penganjur. Penganjur utama yang dipercayai beragama Islam telah berunding selama hampir 1 jam bersama ketua operasi agar pemeriksaan ke atas tempat dan individu tidak dilakukan sehingga majlis tersebut selesai.
Di dalam majlis tersebut juga, kelihatan seseorang sedang mengadakan pengucapan awam, di mana ucapannya ada diselitkan dengan perkataan Quran dan 'pray'.
Setelah majlis hampir tamat, pasukan penguatkuasa dan anggota polis telah membuat pemeriksaan meskipun terdapat cubaan menghalang pemeriksaan dan melupuskan bahan bukti.
Pegawai penguatkuasa JAIS dan polis mendapati ada percubaan dikalangan peserta untuk melarikan diri melalui pintu belakang premis tetapi berjaya dihalang oleh penguatkuasa JAIS.
Terdapat seramai 12 orang yang beragama Islam telah menghadiri majlis tersebut. Tiada serbuan dan tiada tangkapan dibuat. Sebaliknya pemeriksaan dilakukan hanya selepas rundingan dengan pihak penganjur diadakan. Mereka telah diarah untuk menghadirkan diri di Bahagian Penguatkuasaan JAIS untuk siasatan lanjut.
Berpandukan kepada siasatan awal mereka yang terlibat boleh didakwa dibawah Seksyen 10 Enakmen Jenayah Syariah 1995. Selain daripada itu terdapat bukti-bukti kegiatan penyebaran agama bukan Islam terhadap penganut agama Islam.
Siasatan lanjut bagi kedua-dua kesalahan ini akan diteruskan.
FBC Media Scandal – Growing Questions For CNN’s John Defterios Posted: 04 Aug 2011 05:04 PM PDT
SARAWAK REPORT If CNN had acknowledged concerns about FBC Media's spin operations and agreed to investigate the possible contamination of its programmes, because of its connections with that company's President, John Defterios, criticism might have died down. However, unlike the BBC and CNBC, who have both launched investigations and suspended FBC Media programmes, CNN has leapt to a fairly arrogant and unquestioning defence of its Business Presenter, who for years has combined that role with a senior position and substantial shareholding in the crooked PR/ Production company. The problem is that John Defterios's programme guests were sometimes his own PR clients. They had paid millions of dollars to his company in return for positive publicity and platforms in the global news media. Indeed FBC boasted in its promotional material that it was the only PR firm who could uniquely "guarantee" access to "blue chip", " editorial shows" on stations such as CNN, CNBC and the BBC. Anyone in the business knows that such guarantees could only be illegal. READ MORE HERE |
What makes PAS what it is Posted: 04 Aug 2011 04:35 PM PDT
Another matter concerns Anwar Ibrahim. I know of certain PAS leaders who think that Anwar is guilty of all those allegations of sexual misconduct and they want him ousted as opposition leader. They have in fact said so in closed-door meetings with their supporters. But they don't think someone from Umno should replace Anwar. NO HOLDS BARRED
Raja Petra Kamarudin I have been trying to tell you this for some time. There is not only one PAS. There are many PAS. And this is why we are seeing what we are seeing. There is PAS Kelantan. PAS Terengganu. PAS Kedah. PAS Perak. PAS Selangor. PAS Johor. And so on. Then in PAS Kelantan we have Team A and Team B. The same in Selangor as well -- Team A and Team B -- and this follows all over the country. In a way this goes for PKR and DAP as well -- plus all the other parties within Barisan Nasional. So it is not something we need to worry about too much. This has been going on for a long time and will probably go on forever. Politicians will always engage in turf wars and will try to come out looking like a hero. That is the nature of the beast. The problem is we always look at PAS as one united party. Then, when we hear what we view as 'contradicting statements from the party', we become perturbed. We imagine that PAS is inconsistent and it appears to ding-dong or flip-flop. Actually, it is merely a case of different leaders expressing their view of things. And one leader may have a view totally opposite to another. This is probably the beauty of the party, unlike Umno where only the President's view is valid and all others must shut the fuck up (especially when Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was its President). But then, when we can't tell the difference between party policy and the personal view of a certain leader, this creates confusion and we perceive the party as not consistent. Take the issue of 'Malay unity'. There are some PAS leaders who will never touch Umno with a ten-foot pole and others who feel that the future of PAS lies in the party 'working' with Umno. Officially, the party is with Pakatan Rakyat and will never abandon the opposition coalition. But that won't stop some leaders from expressing their opinion that a partnership with 'Islamic' Umno is better than a partnership with 'kafir' DAP. The issue of beer is another thorn in the side of Pakatan Rakyat. Some PAS leaders want beer banned in the states under opposition control while others feel it is not wrong or illegal for establishments like Seven-Eleven to sell beer. Then we have the latest issue of the JAIS (the Selangor Religious Department) raid on the church. There are some PAS leaders who feel it is a crime for Muslims to attend church functions while some PAS leaders themselves visit churches. Another matter concerns Anwar Ibrahim. I know of certain PAS leaders who think that Anwar is guilty of all those allegations of sexual misconduct and they want him ousted as opposition leader. They have in fact said so in closed-door meetings with their supporters. But they don't think someone from Umno should replace Anwar. Then I know of certain PAS leaders who are in contact with Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah and have regular meetings with him. These leaders are of the view that Tengku Razaleigh should take over as opposition leader even if he remains in Umno. This would mean a sort of 'unity government' with Umno. Then there are some PAS leaders who believe that Anwar is guilty but he is still the best candidate for opposition leader. So they are prepared to 'close their eyes and ears' and ignore whatever is said about Anwar although they believe there is some element of truth in those allegations. Then, of course, there are some PAS leaders who think that Anwar is absolutely innocent and a victim of fitnah (slander). So we must understand the nature of that beast called PAS. Different people have different views. And we have to respect that and not become too worried about it. Even amongst the readers of Malaysia Today there are many differing views. Some of you think that Anwar is God's gift to Malaysia and others who think he is a slime-ball and scumbag. Aren't you entitled to your views? Well, the same goes for the PAS leaders -- they too are entitled to their views. So don't get overly worried. Whether it is the Islamic State issue, the matter of Malay unity with Umno, the banning of beer, Malays going to church functions, or whether Anwar is guilty and should resign, with one million PAS members we are certainly going to see different people having different views. That is what democracy is all about I suppose -- the freedom to have your own opinion. ************************************** Selangor PAS wants explanation from Hasan Ali (Malaysiakini) - Selangor PAS will demand an explanation from state exco member Hasan Ali over the latter's defence of the controversial Jais raid on Damansara Utara Methodist Church (DUMC) this week. Selangor PAS deputy commissioner Khalid Samad however said that they will only comment on the matter after all the relevant information is in hand. "We hope for all to exercise wisdom over this issue. We reserve comment until we get hold of the Jais report and top state leaders will meet with Hasan Ali to get his explanation," said the Shah Alam MP. "We will see what is the evidence that he claims there is (to justify Jais' raid)," he added. He said with the exception of "one leader", no one amongst them has raised the question of the alleged conversion of Muslims in relation to the DUMC event. Hasan yesterday claimed that Jais had "proof" to back their disruption of the multiracial dinner at the church on Wednesday. This came shortly after after Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim had expressed his regret over the incident and given assurances to the community. On Wednesday night, Jais officers raided the church in Petaling Jaya and disrupted a multiracial thanksgiving dinner, over allegations that there were attempts at converting Muslims to Christianity. ********************************* Kit Siang: Hasan Ali breaking ranks with Selangor (The Malaysian Insider) - Lim Kit Siang today accused Selangor executive councillor Datuk Hasan Ali of breaking ranks with the state government, after the latter issued a statement conflicting with Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim's over Wednesday's church raid. The DAP party advisor said Hasan's open defence of the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) should be viewed seriously, as it came immediately after Khalid expressed regret over the incident. "What is a matter of concern and must be viewed seriously is the public defence of the Jais action by Hasan, issued shortly after Khalid's statement expressing regret for the raid and asking Jais to submit a full report on the incident — as it is an act of breaking ranks in the Selangor state government," he pointed out in a statement here. Lim added that Khalid's response had been "timely and appropriate" as the raid was "deplorable" and detrimental to efforts to build a more open, tolerant and harmonious plural Malaysia. Jais enforcement officers swooped in on a dinner function at the Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC) late Wednesday night after receiving an unspecified complaint, bringing with them a team of policemen. In an immediate response, Khalid called on Jais to furnish the state government with a full report on the purpose of the raid, and gave his assurance that the state government fully respects freedom of religion and rights of religious groups. But Hasan, a Selangor state executive councillor, then spoke up in defence of Jais, alleging that the words "Quran" and "pray" were used in the presence of the 12 Muslims at the dinner function. He claimed this was evidence that Christians were proselytising Muslims. Hasan's party colleague, Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad, immediately sought to distance PAS's state leadership from its former chief by saying it was "not Selangor PAS's stance", revealing a deep and continuing rift between the Islamist party's liberal and more hardline factions in the state. PAS's national leadership also stepped in today, telling all parties to refrain from issuing "provocative" statements over raid despite the conflicting views expressed by leaders within its own ranks. The party's National Unity Committee chairman Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa issued a statement here expressing fear that the sensitive issue may be exploited to further endanger interreligious harmony in the country. "I call upon all to restrain from making provocative statements regarding the issue and respect the month of Ramadan in observing sincerity and abstain from spreading falsehood," he said. Mujahid, who is also PAS central working committee member and Parit Buntar MP, added that interpretation of the raid on the DUMC has so far been "gray" as details of the incident have yet to be revealed. Among others, he said it was important to ascertain the basis of the raid; its legality; if a warrant had been issued prior to the raid; and the exact events that transpired on Wednesday. "Jais must explain to the public what actually happened and do not let the gray area be interpreted by ill-minded racist and religious fanatics. Worse is when the media sensationalises the whole issue to the whims and wants of racist political parties," he said. |
WA Premier slams children being sent to Malaysia Posted: 04 Aug 2011 03:34 PM PDT By ABC News West Australian Premier Colin Barnett says sending unaccompanied asylum seeker children to Malaysia is indefensible. Yesterday, a group of 55 asylum seekers reached Christmas Island where they were told they would be the first to be transferred to Malaysia under the Federal Government's swap deal. Immigration Minister Chris Bowen says 19 members of the group are children and 14 of them are unaccompanied. Mr Barnett says he does not agree with the Federal Government's decision to send unaccompanied children to Malaysia. "It's a horrendous issue, that no matter how desperate people might be, that they would put children by themselves at risk on an asylum seeker boat crossing a wild and dangerous sea to get to Australia," he said. "My personal view, and [it] won't probably win many friends in the Liberal Party, I think it is absolutely indefensible for Australia, a prosperous country, to send children by themselves to another country. "I think we are failing in humanity in doing that. "I don't feel proud to be an Australian if we are going to send small children to another country unaccompanied." Prime Minister Julia Gillard has warned there can be no blanket exemptions for children under the Malaysian swap deal and says their transfer will be filmed and posted on YouTube as a deterrent. UNICEF spokesman Norman Gillespie said earlier today that it was extremely concerning up to 14 unaccompanied children could soon be deported. "We would be extremely concerned if any unaccompanied minor would indeed be deported in such a way," he said. "We note that it will be a case-by-case basis and we absolutely depend upon the minister to make the right decision in these instances." 'Preyed on'Human rights lawyer Andrew Khoo, who is part of the Malaysian Bar's Human Rights Committee, says sending asylum seekers to Malaysia may breach Australia's legal responsibilities. "The Immigration Minister is the legal guardian of refugees who are minors and he has to decide what's in the best interests of the child and under the provisions of the convention of the rights of the child," he said. "A decision that's made, which is questionable where it may or may not be in the best interests of the child, can be challenged," he said. Mr Khoo also says unaccompanied children may be preyed on by criminal gangs. "My concern for them will be for their future," he said. "They are idling their time away and they would make very good targets for people hoping to entice them into some kind of petty crime rackets, and it's not difficult for them to be tempted by some of the things they see around them." |
6,000 reports made under Whistleblower Act Posted: 04 Aug 2011 03:25 PM PDT By Rashvinjeet S Bedi, The StarMore than 6,000 reports of improper conduct have been received under the Whistleblower Act which came into force in December last year. However, director in charge of the National Key Results Area (NKRA) on corruption D. Ravindran said it would take a while to determine if these reports were genuine or not. He said the respective agencies were being advised on implementation and guidelines of the Act. The agencies included the police, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency (MACC), the Road Transport Department (JPJ) and Immigration, among others. He was speaking at a media briefing by Pemandu to provide updates on the six NKRAs in the first half of the year. Ravindran said no one, besides the person making the report and the one receiving it, would know of the contents of the reports. He added that those who divulged details of the reports to others, such as the media or individuals, would not be eligible for protection under the Act. Under Section 11 of the Whistleblower Act, protection may be revoked if the whistleblower discloses the information to another channel. Ravindran also said a recent survey commissioned by them found that 45% of Malaysians believed the overall perception of graft in Malaysia has improved, up from 28% in 2009 to 39% last year. He said he was not surprised by results of the proxy survey to the Transparency International Global Corruption Barometer, which was conducted from March to May by research company TNS with 2,000 people. "There is more seriousness in fighting corruption," he said, pointing out that 14 special corruption courts have been operational since February. He also said 1,951 of 2,324, or 84%, of government contracts awarded have been subjected to a Ministry of Finance (MOF) integrity pact and that there were already 237 names in the corruption offender's database, surpassing the 2011 target of 100. |
No DNA match detected Posted: 04 Aug 2011 03:12 PM PDT
(The Star) - Samples for DNA analysis taken from Ahmad Sarbaini Mohamed's socks, back of his shirt, trousers and the back of his palm confirmed the presence of two unknown contributors, the Coroner's Court heard. Chemistry Department forensic scientist Dr Seah Lay Hong said the two unknown DNA did not match samples taken from any of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commis-sion (MACC) officers, but matched that of two individuals that were autopsied before Ahmad Sarbaini in HUKM. Seah, who is also the department's head of DNA crime unit, told the inquest into the death of Ahmad Sarbaini that the contamination was caused by a leftover on the autopsy table. The last witness of the inquest, investigating officer ASP Zuhairi Mohamed told the court he felt that his investigation was 90% up to par. Asked by MACC counsel Datuk Seri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah on why was it not 100%, ASP Zuhairi said: "Till today I still do not know why he (Ahmad Sarbaini) wanted to go out of the window". Zuhairi said based on his investigation, he would say it was a case of sudden death and Ahmad Sarbaini had fallen from a high place. "To say he committed suicide, no one saw the incident taking place and from experts' statements, he did not have the criteria nor showed any sign for suicide," he said. Zuhairi said his investigation also ruled out homicide as Ahmad Sarbaini's body had no injuries or scars caused by a struggle. He said the only question that remained was why Ahmad Sarbaini had come out from the window of the pantry. Asked by Muhammad Shafee if Zuhairi had received any statement that supports Raja Petra Kamarudin's blog posting claiming that Ahmad Sarbaini accidentally fell to his death after being forced onto the ledge by a senior MACC investigator, Zuhairi said: "I am the investigating officer and not Raja Petra. I do not know how he got his story. His version and my investigation findings are totally different. Those are his assumptions." Ahmad Sarbaini, 56, who was attached to the Port Klang Customs office, was found dead at the badminton court on the first floor of the MACC building on April 6. |
Democracy isn’t just about voting Posted: 04 Aug 2011 03:08 PM PDT By Putik Lada, The Star Malaysia can be a true beacon of peace and democracy in action if it truly practises respect for one another as well as animals, freedom of religion, freedom of speech and freedom of expression. IT is fascinating to see how the political scene in Malaysia has turned from quality debating and truly focusing on issues that matter to the rakyat to gutter politics that include tarnishing another's image, blackmail, deception and savage-like behaviour. We preach from the pulpit about how democratic Malaysia is and how everyone is to be subservient to the written Constitution. We talk about human rights and protection of animals and precious flora in this blessed land and yet we read, day in and day out, about local authorities' cruel handling of stray dogs and cats and individuals posting, with great pride, the abuse of animals on websites. The abuse of animals, be it in government regulated zoos or in people's home, have taken centrestage in recent weeks. Authorities that are in a position to help and protect these voiceless friends of ours, such as Perhilitan, have failed to enforce the law to its fullest and put a stop to this abuse. Excuses by the authorities that the governing legislation are inadequate cannot be accepted. Should it be inadequate, then it is incumbent upon the authorities to propose changes/amendments to the governing sections. Similarly, we continue to see many of our historical infrastructure falling into disrepute right in front of the eyes of the Heritage Commissioner. Maybe the Heritage Commissioner needs to take a leaf from countries that have long dealt with their local heritage, such as the City of Bath in England and the authorities in Rome and surrounding cities. The tearing down of a significant portion of the Pudu Jail wall in the name of development only goes to show our commitment towards protecting these heritage sites. The historical structures are what tourists, near and far, come to see and talk about. They need not come all the way here to shop. They have shopping centres in their respective countries. We dare portray to the world our stand on human rights and the persecution that takes place in the Middle East and in other parts of the world when we, as a nation, have yet to ratify the convention that protects the fundamental rights of refugees. We preach about freedom of the press and freedom of speech when at the very same time we have draconian statutes such as the Internal Security Act which legitimatises detention without trial and the Printing Presses and Publication Act which keeps the media in check. We refuse to recognise people of different sexual orientations in this country simply because it allegedly does not conform to religious norms and societal values. A truly democratic nation must allow people to express themselves and explore their true purpose in the world. The people must be able to put forth their opinions on the formation of social and economic policies that directly affect them. Being able to cast one's vote in state and general elections and being able to seek legal redress are not the only components of a democratic nation. Take the United States, for instance. This is a globally recognised superpower which has done so much to promote human rights and advance the cause of refugees and people living with HIV and AIDS. The American people are the first to attend to the sufferings of people around the world and to tend to disaster-stricken nations. The rest of the world, including Malaysia, may criticise America for its many questionable decisions but, without doubt, the positive acts of its people have impacted the world on so many levels. Those who constantly criticise the West without recognising its positive deed and all that it stands for must be willing to forgo the same technology and innovations that were born out of their creativity. Forgo the jeans, forgo the iPADs, forgo human rights, forgo democracy! We see democracy being put to practice in countries like America and India, where the torching of the nation's flag by its people is not viewed with disdain and disrespect, but is viewed, interestingly, as a sign of democracy in action. We also see the President of the United States being grilled on foreign and local policies by its local representatives. Malaysia can be a true beacon of peace and democracy in action if its leaders and people hold firmly and put into practice the true tenets of democracy; respect for one another, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of expression and, most importantly, freedom to form and deliver an opinion/criticism without fear or favour. |
MACC, A-G to monitor MRT integrity pact Posted: 04 Aug 2011 02:53 PM PDT By Hemananthani Sivanandam, The Sun KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 4, 2011): The Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and the Auditor-General will oversee the Integrity Pact (IP) used for the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) project to ensure proper governance practice. National Key Result Area (NKRA) director in charge of reducing corruption D. Ravindran said that the MRT is used as a pilot for the full implementation of the IP and the inclusion of the Auditor-General is as an oversight mechanism. "This is new for us because the Auditor-General is mostly looked as a post factor (measure) but here we are including the Auditor-General up front so he can help ensure proper governance practice is done," said Ravindran at a media briefing on the Government Transformation Programme today. He added that the Auditor-General's office and the MACC are acting as independent monitors of the project to ensure that everything is above board, as part of the integrity pact. Ravindran said that the Performance Management and Delivery Unit (Pemandu) also plans to include outside parties such as independent engineers and non-governmental organisations to help provide advice. "This is the first time it's done in Malaysia," he said adding that Pemandu is in the midst of identifying the relevant parties. In July, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak witnessed the signing of the IP between Land Public Transport Commission and the MRT project partner, MMC-Gamuda. The over RM50 billion MRT project, which is 51km long, and links Sungai Buloh to Kajang, is expected to be completed in 2016. Najib said the IP was an internationally recognised practice that would help ensure transparency in the project implementation. Ravindran also announced that in the latest survey by Pemandu, 45% of Malaysians said their overall perception of corruption in Malaysia has improved. A proxy survey to the Transparency International Global Corruption Barometer carried out by research company TNS from March to May this year showed there was a slight drop from 51% the previous quarter. Meanwhile, NKRA director for urban public transportation Ahmad Suhaili Idrus said that pre-feasibility studies for the Kuala Lumpur-Singapore high speed rail will be ready on Aug 19. "The pre-feasibility study will allow the government to make decisions about the exact corridor and key stations. More refinement is needed and we hope the feasibility study can start by the end of the year, if (we) get approvals from the Cabinet," he said. |
Celebrate Freedom, Not Fear Posted: 04 Aug 2011 02:49 PM PDT  By Lim Chee Wee, President, Malaysian Bar Council The Malaysian Bar deeply deplores the action by the Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor ("JAIS") who, with the assistance of Polis DiRaja Malaysia, rudely interrupted a thanksgiving dinner hosted by a community-based non-governmental organisation and held at Damansara Utama Methodist Church two days ago. We welcome the statement of regret offered by the Menteri Besar of Selangor over the incident, and his call for JAIS to furnish a detailed report on the incident. We trust that appropriate disciplinary action will be taken if JAIS officers are found to have exceeded their authority in this regard. The civil authorities cannot allow the Islamic department to wantonly disrespect the fundamental rights and liberties of all citizens to gather and associate freely with one another. Especially in this month of Ramadhan, one would have hoped that the Islamic religious authorities in Selangor would have focused their attention on more constructive pursuits rather than the disruption of a community thanksgiving dinner that brought together people of various races and faiths in peace, harmony and unity. This is the true spirit of Malaysia which we must value, uphold, protect and defend. We know of no prohibition in law against Muslims entering the premises of a Christian church, nor of being part of the audience in a thanksgiving event held in such a place, even if such an event were to contain certain religious elements such as prayer and singing. By conducting such a raid, video-recording a part of the event, rummaging and removing the contents of garbage bags and then taking down the particulars of Muslims found in attendance, treating them as though they had somehow broken the law, JAIS has besmirched the good name and sullied the hard-earned reputation of Malaysia and her peoples for multi-racial, multi-cultural and multi-faith acceptance. This action on the part of JAIS, coming so closely after the insensitive public service announcements released by television station 8TV, does not bode well for the future of inter-racial and inter-faith harmony in our country. If, after almost 54 years of independence in Peninsular Malaysia, a state Islamic authority and a national television company can still display a form of arrogant authoritarianism and callous condescension in their actions, then we must collectively ask ourselves where we have failed as a nation. Moderation has increasingly given way to mindless orthodoxy, and those in authority have parted company with common sense. Let us all recommit ourselves, in this mutual month of Ramadhan and Merdeka, to a practice of faith or belief that will free our lives from fear, and a pursuit of ideals that will free our thoughts from binding shackles, both of which our forefathers struggled so hard to achieve. |
Bungling Najib making opposition stronger Posted: 04 Aug 2011 02:42 PM PDT
By Syed Jeymal Zahiid, FMT SERI KEMBANGAN: Former minister Abdul Kadir Sheikh Fadzir said Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's poor handling of the Bersih 2.0 rally had made the polls watchdog a potent force and strengthened public support for the opposition. Kadir, a former tourism minister during the time of Dr Mahathir Mohamad, said Najib could have easily minimised the Bersih threat if he had engaged the NGO instead of resorting to force, which, he added, had boosted the group. "The government had built it up to become a big giant," he told FMT in a recent interview at his office here, agreeing with the opinions of various party leaders who believed it would have been better to engage the polls watchdog in discussions than resorting to repressive measures. "I would have allowed the procession right from the beginning… then there will be no noise at all… Bersih would have had only two days of publicity," said the Umno veteran who described Bersih's demands for electoral reforms as valid. The suppression of the July 9 rally drew widespread condemnation from home and abroad. Nearly 200 people were arrested ahead of the rally, and almost 1,700 more were detained on July 9 when Kuala Lumpur was virtually locked down. No two-thirds for Najib Despite the efforts to prevent the rally from taking place, tens of thousands converged on the capital city in a march for free and fair elections. READ MORE HERE. |
CNBC and BBC suspend television programmes over Sarawak whistleblower allegations - Bruno ... Posted: 04 Aug 2011 02:38 PM PDT By Bruno Manser Fund Leading global television networks accused of illegally promoting corrupt Malaysian politicians - Sarawak Chief Minister, Abdul Taib Mahmud, had bought himself airtime to spread blatant lies over Borneo rainforest logging. CNBC, the American satellite and cable television news channel, has withdrawn its international business show, "World Business", following allegations that the show's production company, FBC ("Fact Based Communications"), was doubling as a PR firm for corrupt Malaysian politicians. Meanwhile, the British BBC, another FBC customer, has suspended broadcasting all FBC-produced programmes and launched an internal investigation. Last Monday, Sarawak Report, a news website run by Clare Rewcastle, the sister-in-law of former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, revealed that the UK-based FBC Group had been paid 5 million US dollars by Abdul Taib Mahmud ("Taib"), Chief Minister of the Malaysian state of Sarawak, to promote the politician's battered international reputation. Other payments to FBC have apparently been made by the Malaysian Prime Minister, Najib Razak, and by Sime Darby, a palm oil group responsible for clear-cutting large tracts of tropical rainforest in Malaysian Borneo. On 27 March 2011, the CNBC's "World Business" show broadcast an interview with Taib, in which he claimed that 80 per cent of the state's forests were "almost intact" tropical rainforest. The statement was broadcast uncommented despite being in stark contrast to all independent analysis and to Taib's own earlier statements. In April 2001, Taib publicly admitted that 90 percent of the state's harvestable trees had been felled. By broadcasting sponsored news and current affairs programmes, the CNBC and the BBC appear to have breached British and American media regulations. The Bruno Manser Fund is shocked to learn that leading global television networks are broadcasting shows that are unlawfully sponsored by corrupt Malaysian politicians and by companies responsible for the destruction of Borneos's unique tropical rainforests. We demand that CNBC and the BBC apologize to the public over the broadcasting of sponsored FBC shows that are distorting the facts. In particular, we are asking CNBC to send a team of investigative reporters to Sarawak to accurately report on the extent of the Taib regime's corruption and the rapid destruction of Borneo's natural environment. – Ends -
PAS awaiting feedback on JAIS raid Posted: 04 Aug 2011 02:35 PM PDT  By Syed Jeymal Zahiid, FMT KUALA LUMPUR: Islamic party PAS will seek a report and feedback from its Selangor leadership on Hasan Ali's defence of Wednesday night's raid on a church by the state's religious body JAIS. The JAIS raid caused an immediate uproar, resulting in the Pakatan Rakyat-led Selangor government to express regret and ordering a full report from the state agency. Selangor state exco and former PAS state leader Hasan is in charge of Islamic affairs in the state, and he has defended the JAIS raid. "I am still looking into this matter…I will wait for the report or details from Selangor PAS and ask for feedbacks from them," PAS secretary-general Mustafa Ali told FMT today Mustafa, however, did not state if the next course of action would mean punishment for Hasan. "It is not anything (penalty or reprimand) on any quarters or Hasan individually. This is a state government matter. I will need to look into this matter first," he said when asked if action should be taken against the Selangor exco. Following his defence of the raid on a dinner held at a church in Petaling Jaya on Wednesday night, several party members have called for Hasan, known for his conservative Islamic views, to be reprimanded. One of them is Wan Saiful Wan Jan, the young PAS intellectual, who on his Twitter posting said the Islamist party risked losing non-Malay support should the Selangor exco member escape punishment. Hasan's defence – that the raid was justified due to allegations of Christian attempts to convert Muslims – came just hours after Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim scurried to contain public uproar over the raid and ordered JAIS to explain its actions. READ MORE HERE. |
Hackers set Oct 24 for fresh attacks (UPDATED WITH VIDEO) Posted: 04 Aug 2011 02:33 PM PDT  By Tarani Palani, FMT PETALING JAYA: "Anonymous", a group of hackers who claimed responsibility for hacking government websites in June, has threatened to launch fresh attacks on Oct 24. Its goal this time – revealed through a 5.25-minute YouTube video clip – is to undermine Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's 1Malaysia campaign. "On Oct 24, Anonymous will crash all law enforcement servers, we will spit on your hypocritical ideas and crash any site that supports 1Malaysia," it said in the video. "As long as the prime minister remains, we will not stop with these attacks. This video is your only warning. Welcome to your 'Red October"," added the video posted by a user called 1917comrade. The video showed contrasting clips of tear gas being fired into the protesters during the Bersih 2.0 rally on July 9 and Najib's interview with American news channel, CNN, recently where he said that no undue force was used on the marchers. The clips also featured images of A Kugan who died under police custody, and Teoh Beng Hock who fell to his death while under investigation by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC). DHrZsmfylog Innocent people There were also images of murdered Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu, Najib and his then aide Abdul Razak Baginda in one frame. (Razak was acquitted of abetment in the murder of Altantuya, while Najib had denied knowing the Mongolian woman.) "We have heard the lies told by the government. We have seen what they are capable of doing. Their form of democracy has destroyed the lives of innocent people. Who will speak for these people when all voices are gone? Who will rise up and say 'Enough'?" said an audio distorted voice against the background of these images and dramatic music. In June, 51 government websites were hacked, according to the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC). Of this, 41 were disrupted. READ MORE HERE |
"The Impact of Bersih 2.0 on Political Development in Malaysia"- New York City Posted: 04 Aug 2011 02:26 PM PDT By Generation 709 Date: August 18, 2011 Time: 8:00-10:00pm Speaker: Yong Kai Ping (Chinese Editor of Malaysiakini) Topic: "The Impact of Bersih 2.0 on Political Development in Malaysia" Language: English Venue: 446 West 36th Street (between 9th and 10th Ave), New York, NY 10018 Common hall of the Metropolitan Community Church of New York Contacts: Boon (booner.chin@gmail.com), Ray (ray7usa@yahoo.com).
Background: On July 9, 2011, thousands of Malaysians around the world rallied to demand electoral reform. What are the impacts of Bersih 2.0 rallies on political development in Malaysia? What is the role of the Internet in mobilizing citizens to join the movement? Yong Kai Ping will share his thoughts with us in New York City on August 18, 2011 at 8PM.
About the Speaker: Yong Kai Ping is currently the Chinese Editor of Malaysiakini, the most popular online media in Malaysia. Yong is a British Chevening scholar with an MA in International Studies from the University of Birmingham, UK, and a Bachelor of Surveyor in Valuation and Real Estate Management from the University Technology Malaysia. Before furthering his studies in UK, Yong worked at Suaram, a well-known human rights organization, and Spicy View, an independent Chinese political magazine.
Others: Please wear YELLOW to attend this talk! Please bring your flashflight! Although the six activists (EO6) were released, there will be a flashlight vigil for Teoh Beng Hock. This vigil is a silent protest against the RCI report. Our vigil is also for those who have been detained without trial under the Internal Security Act (ISA).
Generation 709 in the United States will have a voter registration table where attendees can register as voters. If you haven't registered as a voter, please bring a photocopy of IC, and fill in the form on site. We will help you to send it back to the Election Commission in Malaysia.
Acknowledgements: Our acknowledgements go to the Metropolitan Community Church of New York and Pastor Boon for letting us to use the common hall of the church for this talk. |
UMNO Will be Saved by the Triple Debt Debacle in Europe, US and Japan Posted: 04 Aug 2011 02:25 PM PDT By batsman The world is a much more dangerous place these days. For many decades if not centuries, Europe, US and now Japan have lived beyond their means. The people who have paid for this high living by Europeans, Americans and Japanese are the people of the 3rd world in the form of cheap commodities, produce and commoditized human beings. This is done by the west's monopoly of financial and economic power backed up by military power when small tin pot dictators refuse to do their bidding. Huge mining companies do not pay any taxes to 3rd world governments even when they make super profits by fiddling with their accounts. Trade agreements hugely favour the rich and powerful forcing poor countries to settle for whatever small pittance they can get. Even the best brains of the 3rd world countries are stolen by the west with seductive pay and conditions offered. No poor country can match such wealth and power. Not satisfied with this monopoly and theft of brains, white slavery is now rampant and prostitutes are imported by the tens of thousands from poor countries to service the people of the rich countries. Poor women are now forced or tricked into selling their bodies under slave like conditions. But such a situation cannot last forever. The west is now addicted to high living and use all means to maintain it including borrowing huge amounts of money legally. The time has come to pay. Will the west renege on their debts or will they pay up? What do you think? One thing is clear – there is no way to force them to pay up. The regime of western civilization is no longer capable of producing progress in the world. Tons of food worth billions of pounds sterling are wasted in Britain alone while the 3rd world starves. Fish which have been caught and are dead or dying are thrown overboard in huge amounts in the EU because they are not expensive fish and fishermen need to fill their quotas only with expensive fish – not with cheap fish to make profits. Money is thrown at scientists who come up with studies that say milk is good for you one day and not good for you the next. There are hundreds of examples of such wastage all of which are designed to maintain the control and influence of westerners. All this wastage is necessary to extract only the best results to feed the high living of the western world. In the meantime, the 3rd world starves. So how is all this going to save UMNO? For one thing, no western government is going to make any noise when UMNO turns into a openly brutal dictatorship – they will be too busy with their own problems. For another, Malaysians will also be too busy trying to survive the meltdown. It will be too risky to change horses at such a dangerous and critical moment. Of course I don't pretend to be a prophet who can tell the future. Many of you will have other ideas of how UMNO can be voted out of power. Hopefully you will share these with us, but one thing is sure – Malaysians must have the self-confidence, self-awareness and spirit of self-sacrifice to try and forge their future without UMNO in power for at least 2 or 3 GEs. Do you think this can be achieved? |
PSM 6 drop suit against IGP, home minister Posted: 04 Aug 2011 02:19 PM PDT
By Debra Chong, The Malaysian Insider Freed from their month-long detention without trial, six Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) members agreed today to withdraw their suit against the home minister and the Inspector-General of Police (IGP). Sungai Siput MP Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj along with PSM deputy president Sarasvathy Muthu, Sungai Siput branch secretary Letchumanan Aseer Patham, branch president Sukumaran Munisamy, Bayan Baru branch president Choo Chon Kai and Youth chief Sarat Babu Raman had filed a writ of habeas corpus early last month after they were arrested under a preventive law meant to counter terrorism. They had been detained under the Emergency Ordinance from July 2 and were let out on July 29. Federal lawyers representing the IGP Tan Sri Ismail Omar, Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein and the Malaysian government had told the High Court earlier that the PSM application was now moot since the six were no longer detained. While their detention case has become academic, the six were charged two days ago at the Butterworth Sessions Court with possession of subversive documents. All six claimed trial to the charges under Section 43 and 48(1) of the Societies Act as well as Section 29(1) of the Internal Security Act. Butterworth Sessions Court judge Kamal Hisham Mohd Tajuddin set bail at RM8,000 each, and fixed hearing for October 10. The charge was also read to another 24 PSM supporters who were also arrested on June 25 in the run-up to the July 9 Bersih rally, for attempting to revive communism and "waging war against the Agong." Although the two dozen were later released, the six were rearrested under the EO on July 2 before being released on the second day of Dr Jeyakumar's hunger strike against his detention without trial. READ MORE HERE. |
CIMB, Maybank Jakarta shutout ploy to force BNM’s hand Posted: 04 Aug 2011 01:54 PM PDT 
By Shannon Teoh, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 5 — CIMB and Maybank may be forced to sell their lucrative stakes in Indonesia's Bank Niaga and Bank Internasional Indonesia because of Bank Negara Malaysia's refusal to grant a full commercial licence to Indonesia's biggest bank. Jakarta plans to slash the cap on foreign ownership of banks from 99 to 50 per cent, hitting Malaysia's two biggest lenders the hardest, in what appears to be a retaliatory move to force Bank Negara to rethink its refusal to grant the licence to Bank Mandiri. "It's not fair and I am frustrated. Everyone wants to get into Indonesia. They need us more than we need them," the Financial Times quoted Zulkifli Zaini, the head of Bank Mandiri, as saying today, in reference to the regulatory barriers Indonesian banks have faced in their efforts to expand across Asia. There are between two and three million Indonesians working in Malaysia to whom Mandiri has sought to provide banking services. The Bank Indonesia ruling — which has no implementation date as yet — will in turn put a crimp on CIMB's and Maybank's regional ambitions. Both were recently engaged in a bidding war to take over RHB Bank, which would have made the winner the biggest bank in Southeast Asia. But they were thwarted after Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank sold its 25 per cent stake in RHB to its sister company Aabar at RM10.80 per share, setting a benchmark that both banks felt was too high. The latest move by Indonesia's central bank will further dent their plans, possibly leaving the two banks cash-rich but shut out of the region's fastest growing economy. CIMB currently controls 98 per cent of Bank Niaga, Indonesia's fifth-largest bank, while Maybank owns 95 per cent of Bank Internasional Indonesia, the republic's eighth-largest financial institution. If both banks are to cut their stakes to 50 per cent, CIMB will find itself with an extra RM7 billion in hand based on current market value but lose half its interest in Bank Niaga, which contributed a third of its pre-tax profits last year. For Maybank to meet the 50 per cent cap, it will have to sell RM5 billion worth of shares at current prices. Uncertainty over Bank Indonesia's ruling has already scuppered Affin Holdings Bhd's plans to acquire an 80 per cent stake in Bank Ina worth RM138 million. READ MORE HERE. |
Hasan Ali backs Jais raid, says ‘Quran’ and ‘Pray’ used in front of Muslims Posted: 04 Aug 2011 02:54 AM PDT
(The Malaysian Insider) - Selangor executive councillor Datuk Hasan Ali defended today a late-night state Islamic enforcement raid on a church in Petaling Jaya yesterday, saying the words "Quran" and "pray" were used in the presence of Muslims at the dinner function. He claimed this was part of the authorities' evidence that Christians were proselytising to Muslims. Widely seen as a religious conservative, Hasan has been at odds with the ruling Pakatan Rakyat (PR) state government's seemingly liberal policies on several occasions, most notably his push for a beer sale ban in the country's most developed state earlier this year. Hasan had lost badly in the recent PAS election as the Islamist party moved to embrace leaders like Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad who is seen to represent a more progressive and inclusive brand of Islam. Dropped as PAS Selangor chief after the party polls, Hasan's statement today is seen to rebuff his tendency to mirror rival Malay party Umno's thinking. "Towards the end of the event, the enforcement team and the police had made checks and found attempts to prevent their examination and to get rid of the evidence material," the PAS man said in a statement faxed to The Malaysian Insider this evening. He said the authorities had discovered further materials to prove there was activity to proselytise a religion other than Islam to Muslims, but did not disclose what they were. Hasan added that several Muslims had attempted to flee the premises through the church's back door but were successfully stopped by Jais. He also denied the authorities had carried out a "raid" on the church as alleged, saying instead it was merely an "examination" that was based on a report that Muslims had attended the church dinner's "break fast" event. "There was no raid and no arrests. Instead, examinations were conducted after negotiations with the organiser," he said. Hasan said 12 Muslims who attended the dinner have been ordered to turn up at the Jais enforcement office for further investigation. "Based on initial investigations those involved can be charged under Section 10 of the Syariah Criminal Enactment 1995." The executive councillor in charge of Islamic religious affairs' remarks came just after Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim moved to calm the uproar over the raid. Earlier today, Khalid had asked the state Islamic authorities to justify their raid on the multiracial dinner at a Petaling Jaya church last night, adding he regretted the incident that has caused a public outrage. A group from the Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (Jais) raided the Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC) building during a dinner and had questioned a few Malay guests based on an unspecified complaint. Khalid said today he had called DUMC's senior pastor Daniel Ho to personally express his regrets regarding the incident. READ MORE HERE |
Istri PM Najib dan Cincin 24 Juta Dollar Posted: 04 Aug 2011 02:42 AM PDT
Egidius Patnistik, Kompas DALAM sepekan terakhir terjadi saling serang dan pembelaan antara media kubu oposisi dan media pro-pemerintah terkait kepemilikan cincin berlian senilai 24 juta dollar AS (setara Rp 203 miliar) dengan Datin Sri Rosmah Mansor, istri Perdana Menteri Malaysia Mohamad Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak. Jumat (29/7), Datin Sri Rosmah Mansor muncul dan mengungkapkan bantahan di harian berbahasa Inggris, The Star, yang menyatakan tuduhan itu adalah fitnah dan tidak berdasar. Sejumlah foto pemberitahuan bea cukai (Kastam Malaysia) atas impor cincin berlian senilai lebih dari 24 juta dollar AS dari pialang berlian kelas dunia, Jacob and Co, di New York, AS, dan nama pengekspor atas nama Datin Sri Rosmah Mansor beredar luas di internet. Bantahan Datin Rosmah menghiasi halaman favorit di situs Thestaronline.com. Rosmah menduga ada pihak yang memanfaatkan namanya dikaitkan dengan cincin berlian yang harganya selangit itu. Perusahaan Jacob and Co yang namanya dikaitkan dengan berlian ratusan miliar rupiah itu pun dikenal kontroversial. Penulis di situs Themalaysianinsider.com, Yow Hong Chieh, mencatat, Jacob Arabo, seorang Yahudi asal Uzbekistan, pemilik Jacob and Co, berulang kali ditangkap aparat karena diduga terlibat pencucian uang hasil kejahatan. Kontroversi Datin Rosmah Kehidupan Datin Sri Rosmah Mansor memang penuh kontroversi. Perusahaan Rosmah, Perimekar Sendirian Berhad (Sdn Bhd), diketahui Parlemen Malaysia menerima uang jasa 100 juta euro (sekitar Rp 1,2 triliun) atas pembelian kapal selam Scorpene buatan Perancis. Pertengahan Juli, pengacara Perancis, William Bourdon, yang mewakili sejumlah aktivis pro-Demokrasi Malaysia, menggugat Perimekar Sdn Bhd atas dugaan suap dan korupsi dalam kasus kapal selam Scorpene. Ia ditahan imigrasi Malaysia, lalu dideportasi. Tindakan itu memicu protes dari penggiat hak asasi manusia di Malaysia, seperti lembaga Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram). Kasus pembelian kapal selam Perancis, pesawat tempur jet Rusia, dan persenjataan lain diduga mengakibatkan pembunuhan model asal Mongolia, Altantuya Shaarribuu, bulan April 2006. Altantuya, putri seorang profesor di Ulan Bator, diketahui memiliki hubungan khusus dengan Abdul Razak Baginda, penasihat pribadi PM Najib Razak. Altantuya yang fasih berbahasa Rusia dan sejumlah bahasa asing, menurut pihak oposisi, mengerti betul seluk-beluk pembelian senjata yang digunakan Angkatan Tentera Diraja Malaysia itu. Karena menuntut terlalu banyak, akhirnya ia ditembak mati, lalu tubuhnya diledakkan. Situs berita Singapura, Channelnewsasia.com, pada 9 April 2009 melaporkan, dua polisi, Azilah Hadri dan Sirul Azhar Umar, dijatuhi hukuman mati karena menjadi eksekutor Altantuya. Namun, auktor intelektualis dan dugaan korupsi pembelian senjata tidak pernah disidangkan hingga pihak oposisi Malaysia mengajukan gugatan di Pengadilan Paris, Perancis. Kontroversi lain yang melingkupi Datin Rosmah adalah hubungannya dengan calon besan bernama Maira Nazarbayev asal Kazakhstan. Maira Nazarbayev yang memiliki gaya hidup ala Imelda Marcos konon memiliki kaitan dengan Organisatziya atau mafia Rusia. Maira Nazarbayev kerap bepergian bersama Datin Rosmah. Mungkinkah kasus cincin berlian 24 juta dollar AS ini nanti menjadi pintu perubahan dan demokratisasi Malaysia? Hanya rakyat Malaysia sendiri yang menentukan. |
The ISA also is subject to misuse for political ends and is an important insurance policy for maintaining UMNO in power. For both CT and political reasons, the GOM will not readily give up the ISA. We doubt that the increased political pressure and seeming swing in public opinion against the ISA, due in part to its misuse in September, will result in the ISA's amendment or revocation in the near future, absent the Opposition coming to power. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin 
S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 04 KUALA LUMPUR 001114 SIPDIS E.O. 12958: DECL: 12/19/2028 TAGS: PTER, PGOV, PHUM, KJUS, KDEM SUBJECT: PRESSURE MOUNTS AGAINST INTERNAL SECURITY ACT (ISA) REF: A. KUALA LUMPUR 1026 - DPM NAJIB DISCUSSES ISA B. KUALA LUMPUR 990 - RAJA PETRA RELEASED C. KUALA LUMPUR 944 - MCA AND GERAKAN CRITICIZE UMNO D. KUALA LUMPUR 846 - UPDATE ON RAJA PETRA E. KUALA LUMPUR 834 - KOK RELEASED FROM ISA F. KUALA LUMPUR 810 - UPROAR OVER ISA G. KUALA LUMPUR 806 - JOURNALIST DETAINED UNDER ISA H. 07 KUALA LUMPUR 902 - BEYOND ISA Classified By: Political Counselor Mark D. Clark, reason 1.4 (b, c and d). NOTE: THIS CABLE TRANSMITS AN EDITED VERSION OF KUALA LUMPUR 1102 SENT ON 12/18/08 IN MORE RESTRICTED CHANNELS. END NOTE. 1. (S) Summary: The Malaysian government's use of the Internal Security Act (ISA), which allows for detention without trial and is central to the GOM's intelligence-driven CT effort, has come under increasing political pressure over the past three months. The GOM's employment of the ISA in September to carry out three politically-motivated ISA detentions unrelated to terrorism sparked unprecedented public criticism. At least eight component parties from the governing National Front (BN) coalition have since broken ranks with the leading United Malays National Organization (UMNO) and called for amending or abolishing the ISA. The opposition party alliance led by Anwar Ibrahim has made the revocation of ISA one of its highest profile policy goals. In November, a High Court judge delivered a legal blow to the GOM's wide discretion in using the ISA in a ruling that freed blogger Raja Petra, and the GOM is appealing the decision. Prime Minister Abdullah, his deputy and successor Najib and Home Minister Syed Hamid have defended the ISA as essential to national security, while Najib told the Ambassador privately ISA should be retained but used more judiciously. The GOM released 17 ISA detainees, among them 10 previously linked to terrorist groups, including Yazid Sufaat, from November 5 to December 4. 2. (S) Comment: The ISA is the cornerstone of Malaysia's CT effort and has allowed Special Branch to take successful preemptive action against suspected terrorists and their supporters. Given the GOM's exclusive reliance on the ISA "crutch" and on Special Branch's role, police and prosecutors remain ill-prepared to investigate and bring to trial terrorist suspects (or prosecute other complex criminal conspiracies). The ISA also is subject to misuse for political ends and is an important insurance policy for maintaining UMNO in power. For both CT and political reasons, the GOM will not readily give up the ISA. We doubt that the increased political pressure and seeming swing in public opinion against the ISA, due in part to its misuse in September, will result in the ISA's amendment or revocation in the near future, absent the Opposition coming to power. These developments, however, reinforce the conclusion (ref H) that Malaysia cannot take for granted the availability of the ISA as a CT tool in the long run. It remains in the U.S. interest to encourage and assist Malaysia to develop an approach centered on prosecutions and convictions before an independent judiciary to combat terrorism. 3. (C) Comment continued: It is unclear to what extent outside political pressures played a direct role in the GOM's latest release of ISA detainees. The decisions may have more to do with Syed Hamid's personal exercise of authority as Home Minister. Syed Hamid has taken a more proactive role as Home Minister, compared to PM Abdullah who held the position through March 2008 and tended not to become involved in details. End Summary and Comment. 4. (C) The Malaysian government's use of the Internal Security Act (ISA), central to the GOM's intelligence-driven counterterrorism efforts, has come under increasing political pressure since the September ISA arrests of three persons based on political rather security considerations. The September 12 ISA detentions of an ethnic Chinese journalist, an ethnic Chinese Opposition MP (Teresa Kok), and a prominent blogger (Raja Petra Kamarudin) served the ruling UMNO party's immediate political purpose of sending a warning to opposition politicians and those considering defecting from BN, as some UMNO politicians have told us. This came at a time when Anwar Ibrahim was publicly threatening to bring down the BN government via parliamentary crossovers by September 16. The arrests, however, also sparked unprecedented public criticism of the ISA, including from UMNO's ethnic minority partners within BN. The Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA), the key ethnic Chinese BN component party, reportedly threatened to leave BN unless the GOM released the Chinese journalist; the GOM complied within less than 24 hours (ref F). Authorities freed MP Teresa Kok after seven days. Home Minister Syed Hamid ordered a two-year ISA detention period for Raja Petra, who was freed on appeal in November in a surprise court ruling (see below). 5. (C) Comment: Unlike his predecessor Mahathir, PM Abdullah refrained from using the ISA for political purposes until December 2007 when police detained five leaders of the ethnic Indian activist group HINDRAF that organized large street protests. The public viewed the GOM's September 2008 ISA arrests as more transparently political, in part because of the lack of public order concerns. End Comment. 6. (C) Political pressure against the ISA did not dissipate following the release of the first two of the three recent ISA detainees. At least eight component parties from the governing BN coalition of 14 parties have since broken ranks with UMNO and called for amending or reviewing the grounds for the ISA, while several have supported the law's abolition. In late September MCA, BN's second largest party, called for "a comprehensive review of the ISA so that it will apply strictly to cases relating to terrorism and subversive elements," and also argued for the introduction of "checks and balances in the use of ISA." The leader of the Gerakan party, Koh Tsu Koon, called on the GOM to "abolish the ISA once and for all," and rely on the judicial system instead. The leader of the Peoples Progressive Party (PPP) also initially called for ISA to be abolished, and on December 1 said PPP would withdraw from BN unless if the ISA were not amended before the next election. In response, Prime Minister Abdullah called PPP's bluff and said the small party, which holds no seats in Parliament, could leave BN if it wished. BN MPs so far have not backed up their criticism of ISA with action. In response to a petition circulated in Parliament for the review or repeal of ISA, only one BN MP signed his name. 7. (C) The opposition party alliance (Pakatan Rakyat, or Pakatan) led by Anwar Ibrahim has vocally condemned ISA as undemocratic and unjust, and made the abolishment of ISA one of its highest profile policy goals. A number of senior officials from Pakatan's three parties, Anwar's Peoples Justice Party (PKR), the Democratic Action Party (DAP), and the Islamic Party of Malaysia (PAS) were detained under ISA during the era of former Prime Minister Mahathir. Not surprisingly, the three parties have vowed to revoke ISA if they come to power. "Abolish ISA" was the most prominent theme at PKR's annual party conference on November 29, which Polcouns observed. The keynote event concluded with a focus on ISA and featured large screens that scrolled through the list of all 60-plus ISA detainees with the several thousand attendees reciting the detainees' names as they appeared. Well-known blogger Raja Petra, released from ISA detention only days before, mounted the stage as the surprise guest of the grand finale. 8. (SBU) On November 7, a High Court judge delivered an unanticipated legal blow to the GOM's wide discretion in using the ISA in a habeas corpus ruling that freed blogger Raja Petra. The Embassy obtained the full text of the judge's 22-page ruling. ISA Section 8.B states "there shall be no judicial review in any court" of the Home Minister's exercise of "discretionary powers in accordance with this Act," except for compliance with procedural requirements. The judge ruled, however, that the Home Minister decisions could not be "unfettered and arbitrary," allowing for the court to consider whether the Minister's ISA detention order was "in accordance with the Act," and its focus on threats to national security, including the national economy; threats to maintenance of essential services; and threats to the public emanating from a "substantial body of persons" who intend to change the government through unlawful means. In the case of Raja Petra, the judge concluded that the grounds for his detention did not fall within the purview of the ISA. The government has appealed the ruling and as of mid-December the appeal remains pending. 9. (C) Many civil society groups took the opportunity over the past three months to highlight their standing opposition to the ISA, as well as other emergency ordinances that allow for detention without trial. Both conservative and liberal Muslim NGOs called on the GOM to abolish the ISA, as did the inter-faith Consultative Forum that groups the leaders of all major religions except Islam. The National Human Rights Commission (SUHAKAM) chairman Abu Talib restated the commission's existing position, namely "detention without trial is against human rights principles; that's why we advised the Government years ago to repeal the ISA." 10. (C) As questions over the ISA have mounted, Prime Minister Abdullah, his deputy and successor Najib, and other senior UMNO leaders defended the ISA as essential to national security. In the wake of public criticism over the September ISA arrests, Home Minister Syed Hamid, who has authority under the ISA to approve detention orders, defended the Act as essential and stated clearly that "we have no plans to do away with ISA." In early December, Syed Hamid waved off criticisms, arguing that the ISA "has never been abused or used for politics." He also commented that, "Malaysians sometimes don't know how lucky we are in that we have not experienced what is happening in Mumbai (the terrorist attack) and Bangkok (political unrest) now." He said the fact that there have been no post 9/11 terrors attacks in Malaysia was in part due to the ISA. On December 15, Syed Hamid again publicly defended use of the ISA, stating, "More apt, faster and better to use the ISA... detention under the act is early action to prevent the security of the country from being adversely affected." 11. (C) DPM Najib, who is anticipated to become Prime Minister in late March 2009, told the Ambassador privately on November 11 that the government continued to need the ISA, "even though there are civil liberty concerns," but should reserve ISA only for those who pose "serious threats, like terrorists" (ref A). On December 8, PM Abdullah publicly rejected calls for amendments to the ISA. 12. (SBU) In early December, local and international press reported that the GOM had released 17 ISA detainees from November 5 through December 4. Of those released, 10 had been held for suspected links to Al Qaeda, Jemaah Islamiyah, and/or the Darul Islam terrorist groups. The released terrorist suspects included Yazid Sufaat, who played an important role in Al Qaeda's anthrax development program, according to the 9/11 Commission. The remaining seven persons released consisted of suspected foreign agents (2 persons), southern Thailand separatists (2), document forgers (2), and prominent blogger Raja Petra, according to an NGO that consistently and accurately monitors ISA detentions. In his public remarks, Syed Hamid said those recently released ISA detainees had been rehabilitated and no longer posed a security threat to Malaysia. 13. (S) Note: Authorities had detained the terrorist suspects for periods between two and (in the case of Yazid Sufaat) seven years, for an average detention period of four years for the ten individuals. Special Branch relies on a process for rehabilitating ISA detainees, and eventually releasing them under restricted and monitored conditions when judged necessary. The GOM has never attempted to prosecute any terrorist suspects, including those held under the ISA. This is due in large part to the fact that the GOM pursues almost exclusively an intelligence approach to CT, as opposed to a law enforcement approach that would involve criminal investigations, collection of legally admissible evidence, and development of cases for prosecution in the courts. In 2007, Malaysia amended anti-terrorism provisions in its penal code and criminal procedures code, but authorities have not yet utilized these provisions. Malaysia also has a poor track record of prosecuting other complex criminal conspiracies, including drug trafficking cases, preferring instead to utilize the ISA and other emergency ordinances to detain suspects without trial. End Note. 14. (S) A well-known journalist contacted us in early December and said that officers of the Police Special Branch had complained to him that Home Minister Syed Hamid had ordered the recent releases of terrorist suspects without adequate consultation and in some cases against the recommendation of Special Branch. Australian and British diplomats, speaking with Polcouns December 16, stated that Syed Hamid, who is a lawyer by training, personally reviewed the dossiers of ISA detainees and was inclined to approve releases absent compelling justification from the Special Branch. 15. (C) The Thai embassy contacted Poloff on December 15 to express concern over the release of two ISA detainees (Abdul Rahman bin Ahmad and Mat Tarmizi bin Shamsudin, who apparently are dual-citizens of Malaysia and Thailand) who had been held for their connection to the insurgency in southern Thailand. The Thai diplomat said Bangkok considered Abdul Rahman in particular to be a major player in the insurgency. He noted that those released are required to remain in Malaysia and check in periodically with the police. The Thai diplomat said he believed the GOM released the detainees in order to diffuse criticism of the ISA. We learned that the Thai embassy also has contacted other Western embassies (UK, France, Australia) to express concern over the recent ISA releases. KEITH |
Malaysia on an express route to populate its land Posted: 03 Aug 2011 08:51 PM PDT By J. D. Lovrenciear It appears that the powers that be are in an express rush to fast track the population boom in the country. The question is are we really under populated that thousands have to be given citizenship, PR status and work permits to stay in the country for extended periods? Even our neighboring nations across our borders and seas are extremely careful in permitting foreign workers to hole up in their countries. They are extremely frugal but prudent when it comes to awarding PR status. And their stringent standards to awarding citizenship are even tighter. But that does not seem to be the case in Malaysia these days. We are coming up with all kinds of schemes that continue to see an invasion of foreign nationals into the country. So much so even the economic activities mushrooming in the country are obviously created to serve these communities solely. Just take a look at grocery stores, restaurants and entertainment outlets and shopping centers. What do these tell you? What about the kind of foodstuff that is increasing even filling our wet markets and pasar malams? It is very indicative that today Malaysia has such a sizeable foreign community that it makes good business sense to even set up shop in our own Tamans just to cater for their daily needs. And with our growing made-to-believe dependency on foreign labor, many of our youths are increasingly finding it hard to be economically engaged but to look for left-over jobs. But our leaders keep dishing out justifications that our youth are not interested in these jobs and therefore we need foreign labor to drive our economy. Now since when did we transform into a developed world with the entire working population being highly qualified to take on manual and mundane jobs? The citizens know. The entire work-in-progress is to spruce profit taking. Let us stop kidding each other. Period. We need courage to admit where we are going wrong. We need a patriotic heart to see the truth in the eye. We need loyalty to King and country to stop this selling out of our land. Many Malaysian professionals who returned with foreign spouses are still struggling with the renewable PR procedures. But illegal immigrants and renegades are easily getting citizenships and PR status virtually spoon fed to them. Why? Our neighbors are all using their own population in so many creative ways to ensure that their nations remain totally self-reliant. From the building industry to the farming communities, from the corporate corridors to the sewage services, they have their citizens proudly and viably engaged. Thailand is a great example. It is about time that our Rulers stepped forward and made a point to keep Malaysia for Malaysians – their loyal subjects. If we do not act fast, someday, Malaysians will wake up to find themselves being lorded over by foreigners who have claimed citizenship. This worrying state of affairs demands honest, responsible, accountable and patriotic redress. And it needs to be done like yesterday, going by the sudden naturalization exercises fast tracking lately.
AG - Why prosecute PSM EO6 and not MACC for TBH RCI? Posted: 03 Aug 2011 08:45 PM PDT  By Lim Kit Siang The Attorney-General Tan Sri Gani Patail should explain why the alacrity with which he wants to prosecute the PSM EO6 in contrast with his total immobility to charge Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) officers for a pile of crimes and unlawful actions as exposed by the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) into Teoh Beng Hock's (TBH) death? Yesterday, The PSP EO6 including the Sungai Siput Member of Parliament Dr. Michael Jeyakumar who were released last Friday from detention-without-trial Emergency Ordinance were charged in the Butterworth Sessions Court under the Internal Security Act and the Societies Act with possessing subversive documents and assisting an illegal organization. However, there are no signs whatsoever that the Attorney-General is taking any action or shown any interest in the report of the James Foong Royal Commission of Inquiry into Teoh Beng Hock's death, in particular in the shocking RCI revelations of the pile of crimes and unlawful actions committed by MACC officers in the MACC massive operation resulting in Beng Hock's death. The RCI's conclusion that Beng Hock was "driven to suicide" is not acceptable as it is not based on any evidence but a mere leap in imagination. However, the RCI has discovered a mountain of crimes and unlawful acts committed by MACC officers in the massive July 2009 MACC operation resulting in Beng Hock's death. In the first place, the massive 33-men MACC operation resulting in Beng Hock's death at MACC headquarters in Shah Alam on 16th July 2009 was mala fide, a gross abuse of power and acts of corruption. The RCI found that Hishammuddin Hashim (who had "absolute authority" to investigate anyone whom he suspected of corruption in the state "without informing or obtaining the consent of his superiors" in MACC or Selangor although he was only Deputy Director MACC Selangor) was the "mastermind" who launched the massive MACC operation resulting in Beng Hock's death without supporting facts but merely on "a mere belief" from a telephone call. The crimes and violations of the law committed by the MACC officers in the massive MACC operation resulting in Beng Hock's death include the following: (1) Responsible for Beng Hock's death. (2) MACC officers committing perjury and telling lies about what happened to Beng Hock when at the MACC headquarters in police investigations into Beng Hock's death, the TBH Inquest and the TBH RCI proceedings, which warrants the establishment of a Special Investigations Squad to identify Beng Hock's killers. (3) Violating Section 31 of the MACC Act in illegally and without lawful authorisation exercising the powers of "search and seizure" when MACC officers carried out their raids on various places during the massive MACC operation resulting in Beng Hock's death. In Para 245, the RCI castigated the MACC officers over their "cavalier attitude" in "arrogating to themselves a power that the law did not, and does not, confer". The RCI also castigated the MACC for its common "unlawful" practice of conducting "search without warrant or authorization". In their report, the RCI commissioners referred to "a number of instances of blatant abuse of powers by the Selangor MACC officers and the other officers involved in the operation". It said: "The investigation into the allegations of corruption by the MACC showed scant regard for the law in the pursuit of the MACC to produce results." (Para 295) The TBH RCI had expressed the view that "the death of TBH should not be in vain" and in this spirit, the Attorney-General Tan Sri Gani Patail should explain why the AG Chambers is totally indifferent and unconcerned about the exposes of the pile of crimes and unlawful actions committed by MACC officers as exposed by the TBH RCI report, submitted more than six weeks ago. |
Remove A-G's prosecution powers & drop charges against PSM 6 Posted: 03 Aug 2011 08:38 PM PDT By N Surendran I refer to the criminal charges brought against the PSM 6 on 3rd August 2011 under s.29(1) Internal Security Act 1960, s.43 and s.48 Societies Act 1966. The charges are related to the Bersih 2.0 peaceful campaign to reform the electoral process. The continued State-sanctioned persecution of these six dedicated political and social activists bodes ill for our nation. The police force, government and Attorney General have put themselves in an untenable position. They are using State powers to crackdown on a movement for free and fair elections, and to criminalize citizens such as the PSM 6 who participated or supported that movement The charges against the PSM 6 are politically motivated and a blatant abuse of investigation and prosecution powers. These six men and women have a long and spotless record of public service; their persecution shames the nation. We note with grave concern that the office of the Attorney General has been consistently used to bring politically motivated criminal charges against opposition politicians and civil society. The powers of the Attorney General must be reviewed and immediate reforms must be instituted. The powers of prosecution should be held by an independent Director of Public Prosecutions, as is the practice in many Commonwealth countries. Meanwhile, Keadilan condemns the criminal investigation launched upon the editor of Suara Keadilan, its journalist and Keadilan leader Latheefa Koya under section 505(b) Penal Code. They were questioned today by Dang Wang police relating to an article published about tear gas canisters. This police investigation is an infringement of the freedom of the press and another instance of the continual police harassment of opposition parties and their news organs. We call for: a) Immediate withdrawal of all charges against the PSM 6; b) Urgent reform of the office of the Attorney General and removal of prosecution powers to an independent body; c) End of police harassment of Suara Keadilan and its journalists. Issued by, N SURENDRAN VICE PRESIDENT KEADILAN
NGO condemns Lynas plant in Australia, rejects IAEA report Posted: 03 Aug 2011 08:30 PM PDT
By Melissa Chi, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 4 — Save Malaysia Stop Lynas (SMSL) continued to go all out to stop Australian miner Lynas Corp from setting up a RM700 million rare earth refinery plant in Gebeng and condemned today the opening of Lynas's concentration plant in Mt. Weld, Western Australia. "Let us each do our part to ensure that this impending tragedy that will befall a population of 700,000 around a 30km radius of the LAMP does not begin with the opening of the concentration facility at Mt. Weld. "We the Save Malaysia Stop Lynas movement will take every action and do everything possible to stop it," said SMSL representative Tan Bun Teet in a statement. According to Australian media, the Mt Weld mine, about 35km south of Laverton, is a US$100 million (RM310million) Lynas Corporation project developed over the past 10 years. The ore will be concentrated at Mount Weld before export to LYNAS Advanced Materials Plant (LAMP) in Gebeng, about 25km from Kuantan, and then sold globally. The non-governmental organisation had also rejected the International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA) report saying the controversial rare earth plant in Gebeng is safe. "Lynas has conveniently used the narrowly focused IAEA review to claim that the LAMP is safe. What Lynas has failed nor bothered to reveal is that the IAEA review panel has only narrowly assessed the radiation safety aspects of the LAMP. "In reality, the IAEA Review has not dealt with the many critical aspects of the LAMP that have far greater impact on the environment and our health. The entire plant design, its construction, operation, incidents, decommissioning, shutdowns, and waste treatment; environmental, plant asset integrity, civil and structure have been left out in the review. Other crucial issues including occupational health and safety as well as socio-economic were also not in the scope of the review," he said. READ MORE HERE. |
Mid-year corruption perception index at 45pc Posted: 03 Aug 2011 08:21 PM PDT  By Lee Wei Lian, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 4 — About 45 per cent of Malaysians feel that the government's fight against corruption has been effective, below the official mid-year target of 50 per cent said Pemandu today. It also said that the public's opinion of regulatory and enforcement agencies however hit a score of 2.99, exceeding the mid-year target of 3.5 (1 being the best and 5 the worst). The surveys were conducted by independent third party research firm TNS and is used by Pemandu as a proxy to track progress against its targets for Transparency International's (TI) annual Global Corruption Barometer Score which will be released later this year. Malaysia scored 48 per cent in last year's TI Global Corruption Barometer Score, exceeding Pemandu's 2010 target of 37 per cent and 2009's score of 28 per cent. Pemandu has set a target of 50 per cent for this year's Global Corruption Barometer Score. Pemandu director for the corruption National Key Result Area (NKRA), D. Ravindran said in a briefing here that the anti-corruption efforts were to "reinspire confidence and get Malaysians to believe again that Malaysia is a good place to do business." READ MORE HERE. |
Jakarta paper claims PM’s future in-law has ties to Russian mafia Posted: 03 Aug 2011 07:55 PM PDT
(The Malaysian Insider) - Indonesia's top newspaper alleged today that the Kazakh mother of Datuk Seri Najib Razak's and Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor's future son-in-law is linked to the Russian mafia. 
Nooryana Najwa, Daniyar Nazarbayev, Maira Nazarbayev and Khanbolat Nazarbayev Kompas, the most widely-read newspaper in Indonesia, published a column today that also questioned whether the controversies surrounding Rosmah would lead to "change and democratisation in Malaysia." The newspaper did not substantiate its claims, but the column today was published amid a tussle between Najib and Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for influence in Indonesia following the Bersih rally last month. Umno had despatched its secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Mansor to Jakarta last month to explain Putrajaya's crackdown on Bersih activists after Indonesian media criticised Malaysia. Last week, Anwar also made a trip to Jakarta. In the column, the newspaper described Rosmah's ties with soon-to-be in-law Maira Nazarbayev as close although it provided no evidence to back its claims. "Maira Nazarbayev, who lives a lifestyle ala Imelda Marcos supposedly has links to the Russian mafia," the paper said. Maira is the former wife of Kazakhstan President Nursultan Abishuly Nazarbayev's brother Bolat Nazarbayev. READ MORE HERE |
Ahmad Sarbaini Died Of Sudden Death, Says Police Posted: 03 Aug 2011 07:39 PM PDT
(Bernama) -- The Coroner's Court was told Thursday that there was no element of murder or suicide in the death of Selangor Customs assistant director Ahmad Sarbaini Mohamed. ASP Zuhairi Mohamed, from the Cheras Police Legal Investigation Division, said Ahmad Sarbaini's death was classified as sudden death. He believed Ahmad Sarbaini died due to a fall from a high place. This conclusion was made based on the evidence by 57 witnesses, comprising officers from the Federal Territory Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), Customs officers, pathologists, forensic officers, chemist, policemen and family members and colleagues of the deceased, he added. Zuhairi, 46, who is the investigating officer in the case, said this during examination-in-chief by deputy public prosecutor Mohamad Abazafree Mohd Abbas. He said the paint sample found on Ahmad Sarbaini's trousers matched with the window wall in the pantry on the third floor of the Federal Territory MACC building from where the victim was believed to have fallen. "There is a reason as to why the victim exited from the window of the pantry, but until today I cannot find the answer and there was no evidence from any of the witnesses who saw they victim doing so," he added. Responding to lawyer Datuk Seri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, who represented the MACC, whether he was satisfied with his investigation, Zuhairi said: "To me, the investigation conducted was only 90 per cent complete because I still do not know why Ahmad Sarbaini left through the window". Ahmad Sarbaini, 56, from the Port Klang Customs office was found dead on the first floor badminton court of the Federal Territory MACC office in Jalan Cochrane on April 6. He was reported to have gone to the office voluntarily to meet an MACC investigating officer regarding a corruption case involving 62 Customs officers. Zuhairi, who is the 34th witness in the inquest, said Ahmad Sarbaini's death could not be linked to suicide because there was no suicide note found or injury found by the pathologist to prove that he did so. He also ruled out foul play because the post-mortem conducted on Ahmad Sarbaini's body found no injury that he was assaulted. Zuhairi also confirmed that Ahmad Sarbaini's wife, Masiah @ Maziah Manap, had lodged a second report following an article posted by Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK), titled "Ahmad Sarbaini's Death: The Lies and Deception by the MACC (Part 7)", in the Malaysia Today blog last July 20. In the report, Masiah claimed that the MACC officers were responsible for her husband's death and that she was confident her husband did not commit suicide, but that there was foul play in the investigation by the police. Questioned by Muhammad Shafee whether, during the investigation, there was any evidence from any witnesses that support the "cause of death" as stated by RPK in the article, Zuhairi said: "I don't know how RPK could get the story on the cause of Ahmad Sarbaini's death because there was no such evidence and I think it was his own assumption". Earlier, a chemist, Dr Seah Lay Hong , from the Chemistry Department, told the court that she found a DNA which matched with the DNA found on Ahmad Sarbaini's clothing on five MACC officers. He named the officers as Abdul Ghani Ali, Sheikh Niza Khairy Sheikh Mohamad, Henrita Serai Anak Andrew Lenggie, Kamal Awang Besar and Khalid Amir Meruphy Abdullah Stanley Meruphy Samuel. Dr Seah, 53, who is the 33rd witness in the inquest, said an analysis conducted on the exhibits, which included two stockings, trousers, shirt and the back of the deceased's palm, found only two DNA marks from two unknown persons. "Possibly, the two DNA belong to the chemists who conducted the analysis or the pathologist who conducted the post-mortem on the victim's body," she said when questioned by deputy public prosecutor Hanim Mohd Rashid. However, Dr Seah said she received DNA samples from Zuhairi and from analysis conducted found that they matched with the DNA found on the deceased. She said the two DNA belong to Soo Chew Kheong and Lum Chee Weng. "It happened because the post-mortem on Ahmad Sarbaini was conducted on the same table used for Soo and Lum's post mortems, which resulted in their DNA to stick to Ahmad Sarbaini's body," she added. The hearing was held before Coroner Aizatul Akmal Maharani. |
Malaysian PM's Wife Draws flak Posted: 03 Aug 2011 07:27 PM PDT
Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's wife blazes her own controversial trail
She has also been photographed carrying what appears to be a Birkin handbag, designed and manufactured by Hermès of Paris and named for the actress and singer Jane Birkin. Prices of the bags range from US$9,000 to US$150,000 according to the type of material used. She has been photographed as well wearing what appears to be a 65.77 carat white and black Zebra safari bangle bracelet from also Jacob & Co. and made of white and black pave diamonds and 18-karat white gold. Written by John Berthelsen, Asia Sentinel The surat layang – "flying letters" in Malay, or anonymous assaults -- have been flying in record numbers in recent weeks, attacking Rosmah Mansor, the wife of Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak. They are being picked up and spread in volume by the country's blogosphere, much of it arrayed against the Barisan Nasional, or ruling national coalition. It isn't certain who is behind the attacks, but they are clearly tied to national elections expected either late this year or early in 2012. The opposition and the dominant United Malays National Organization are blaming each other and both saying they aren't involved. But the 60-year-old Rosmah has become a lightning rod for criticism of the administration, most of it centering on her alleged profligacy and her reported dominance of her husband's political and social agenda. The attacks compare her to both Shakespeare's Lady MacBeth, who drove her husband to murder and tragedy, and to former Filipino First Lady Imelda Marcos, who gained fame for her extravagance including owning hundreds of pairs of shoes. More ominously, as Asia Sentinel has reported, she has been the subject of rumors for several years that she somehow was involved in the murder of Mongolian translator Altantuya Shaariibuu, to the extent that a businessman close to her allegedly paid a witness RM750,000 to get out of the country after he said the dead woman had an affair with her husband. In addition, court testimony has indicated that she met with a former aide to Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim prior to the aide's accusing Anwar of raping him. Those in Anwar's Pakatan Rakyat coalition say the attacks on Rosmah are coming from Muhyiddin Yassin, the 64-year-old deputy prime minister and protégé of former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad. Muhyiddin played a major role in driving former Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi from power and has long been regarded as being ambitious to succeed Najib should the prime minister stumble. Added to that equation, the sources say, are Mahathir's own ambitions to see his third son Mukhriz, currently the deputy minister of international trade, as deputy prime minister. Muhyiddin also fits Mahathir's political philosophy more than Najib does. He is an advocate of Ketuanan Melayu – ethnic Malay dominance of the economic and political landscape, in opposition to Najib, who is committed to his so-called 1Malaysia campaign, an attempt to bring other races back into the Barisan Nasional fold. Mahathir has become increasingly strident in his calls to preserve Malay dominance as well. Sources in the United Malays National Organization blame the accusations on Pakatan Rakyat in an effort to blacken Najib's reputation and hamstring the ruling national coalition in advance of elections expected later this year or early next. One aide to a top UMNO politician says neither Mukhriz or Muhyiddin would be likely to be attack Rosmah as Najib's surrogate now. If serious infighting broke out within UMNO, the aide says, it would seriously cripple the party and the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition in advance of the polls. If Mahathir and Muhyiddin were really after Najib, the aide says, it would make no sense for them to be daring the destruction of their party and the loss of even more of the Barisan's power, which was severely dented in March 2008 elections when for the first time in the country's then-50 year history its two-thirds hold on parliament was broken by the opposition. Other sources say that Mahathir himself owes a debt of gratitude to Najib's father, the late Tun Abdul Razak, for rehabilitating him after he had been kicked out of UMNO by Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia's first prime minister, and that he wouldn't go against Najib for that reason. However, observers point out, Muhyiddin hasn't been publicly defending either Najib or Rosmah lately. One businessman in Kuala Lumpur told Asia Sentinel: "Mahathir and Anwar are both working towards the same objective even if they aren't working together – get Najib out." Rosmah has been controversial since well before Najib became prime minister. The newest sensation appeared a few weeks ago with a report by a Kuala Lumpur-based opposition blog that she had received a US$24.8 million diamond ring from the New York-based Jacob & Co. jewelers and that the ring had passed through customs without duty being charged. Rosmah has said publicly that: "There is nothing I want to say (in relation to the purchase of ring) because I have no time to entertain such issue." She later denied buying the ring. She has also been photographed carrying what appears to be a Birkin handbag, designed and manufactured by Hermès of Paris and named for the actress and singer Jane Birkin. Prices of the bags range from US$9,000 to US$150,000 according to the type of material used. She has been photographed as well wearing what appears to be a 65.77 carat white and black Zebra safari bangle bracelet from also Jacob & Co. and made of white and black pave diamonds and 18-karat white gold. In addition to her taste in jewelry, Rosmah has raised hackles about her influence on government, rumors that she is enriching the family and because of the social life she leads. Particularly galling to some is her claiming the title of Malaysia's first lady, a title usually reserved for the wife of the king. A six-person unit has been established in the prime minister's office, known as FLOM, an acronym for First Lady of Malaysia, to look after her needs, a far cry from the wives of previous prime ministers such as Siti Hasmah Mohamad Ali, Mahathir's austere physician wife. Sources say Rosmah has continually inserted herself in the political process and has been responsible for spending vast amounts of government money – for instance, as much as RM80 million in a 15-month campaign to refurbish the Prime Minister's residence. READ MORE HERE |
Ling’s letter to Dr M did not follow VPSD valuation, court told Posted: 03 Aug 2011 07:06 PM PDT
(Bernama) - The High Court here was yesterday told that former Transport Minister Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik submitted a letter containing terms of agreement which were different from the recommendations made by the Valuation and Property Services Department (VPSD) to former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Former VSPD deputy director-general (Valuation) Datuk Mani Usilapan, 61, said the attachment on the terms of agreement with Kuala Demensi Sdn Bhd (KDSB), which was sent on June 29 2002 stated that the rate of land purchase in Pulau Indah was RM25 per sq ft, while the VPSD set the value at RM21 per sq ft. He said that through a letter, with the title "Cadangan Pengambilan Balik Tanah Di Pulau Indah Untuk Pembangunan Pusat Distripark Serantau Di Pelabuhan Klang', the attachment also stated the land size at 999.5 acres (about 404.5 hectares) and the purchase at RM1,088,456,000, but the VSPD only made valuation on land covering only 830 acres (about 335.9 hectares). Mani said among the other terms which were attached together with the letter were on the repayment period based deferred payment of 15 years; down payment of 10 per cent to be paid as earnest money in two stages (two per cent after approval had been obtained and the remaining eight per cent soon after the agreement signing); interest rate of 7.5 per cent a year and a moratorium of four years. Mani, during examination-in-chief by Deputy Public Prosecutor Manoj Kurup, said all the terms were not recommended by VSPD. He said the VSPD only made consideration on the 10-years repayment period, the first year down payment of five per cent and coupon rate at six per cent. Mani also said that following the valuation on the 999.5 acre land at RM25 per sq ft, there was excess cost of RM720 million. Meanwhile, when cross-examined by lawyer Wong Kian Kheong, Mani said he informed his superior (former VSPD director-general Valuation) Datuk Sahari Mahadi) on the recommendations made by VSPD. Mani also said that on Oct 9 2000, he wrote a letter to the Transport Ministry Secretary-General on a proposed purchase of a 830 acre site in the same area and suggested that the valuation rate of the land, if repayment was extended to 15 years, based on the same terms for a 10 year repayment period, the rate was RM25.82 per sq ft. Questioned by Wong whether the VSPD had statistics or percentage on the valuation made by the department being followed by government agencies, Mani said there was no statistics. Dr Ling, 68, faces an amended principal charge of cheating the Malaysian government by concealing from the Cabinet the additional interest of 7.5 percent a year on the purchase price of a land in Pulau Indah as against the six percent rate set by the VPSD. He also faces two amended alternative charges of cheating the government by not revealing to the Cabinet the facts related to the additional interest rate, and cheating the Cabinet into believing that the facts related to the purchase of the land were certified and agreed to by the VPSD when he knew there was no such consent. The offences were allegedly committed at the Prime Minister's office in Putrajaya between Sept 25 and Nov 6, 2002. The hearing before judge Datuk Ahmadi Asnawi continues today. |
Khairy: Plot against Najib a PAS ploy Posted: 03 Aug 2011 06:30 PM PDT
Khairy Jamaluddin dimisses the existence of such a plot in Umno and accuses PAS of cooking up the issue to divert attention. (Free Malaysia Today) - Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin has dismissed speculation of a move within the party to oust Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak before the next polls. Instead, he accused PAS of cooking up this issue to divert attention from its internal problems "It's utter rubbish. We fully support Najib," he told FMT. This morning, PAS secretary-general Mustafa Ali claimed that there was a move by certain top guns in Umno to topple Najib before the general election. Yesterday, FMT reported that Penawar, an organisation comprising former Umno MPs, also wanted the prime minister to relinquish his post. According to Khairy, PAS was embroiled in a crisis as some leaders in the party had lost faith in the leadership of Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim. "That is why some in PAS are talking about having Gua Musang MP (Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah) as the new opposition leader," he said. Quizzed on Penawar's stand, Khairy said he had not heard about the organisation wanting Najib to step down. "But as far as current Barisan Nasional leaders are concerned, we are fully behind Najib," he added. READ MORE HERE |
Pakatan Rakyat terbuka buat Ku Li Posted: 03 Aug 2011 06:11 PM PDT
Jika dia terus berdiam diri di sarang UMNOnya di Gua Musang, Najib dan UMNO tidak akan berani mengusiknya. Jika dia tidak dicalonkan semula di Gua Musang oleh BN, dia akan bertanding atas pentas apa jua, dan saya amat yakin Pakatan Rakyat akan memberi laluan kepadaya untuk mengalahkan calon BN selain daripadanya. Subky Latiff, Harakah Daily APABILA Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah dan beberapa orang bekas orang kuat Barisan Nasional membentuk NGO bernama Amanah, mengaitkannya dengan legasi Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra dan pesan amanah kemerdekaan yang ditinggalkan, maka ia terdedahkan kepada serba spekulasi. Kenyataan awal pelancaran Amanah itu baik dari Ku Li dan rakan kanannya Tan Sri Kadir Shikh Fadhir mengkritik politik dan pimpinan Perdana Menteri Najib yang mereka kira tidak sejalan dengan semangat amanah kemerdekaan yang dibawa Tunku dulu. Ku Li dan Amanahnya akan membuat penjelasan lanjut tentang dakwaan itu dan menariknya ia berlaku di ambang PRU 13 dan sejurus selepas tsunami Bersih 2.0 yang menggegarkan tembok pentadbiran Najib dan BN. Reaksi awal tidak segara datang dari Najib tetapi datang dari pihak yang boleh dikira proksinya iaitu Zaharin Hashim, MP pelarian PKR Bayan Baru. Ia tidak datang dari UMNO yang sah dan tidak juga dari kerabat BN. Tetapi suaranya dipercayai mewakili kekhuatiran Najib. Politik Ku Li kira-kira adalah gara-gara risikan kerabat Pakatan Rakyat menganjurkan Ku Li boleh alih peranan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim ditakdirkan ketua pembangkang itu dipenjarakan atau dijatuhkan hukum yang melarangnya jawatan awam politik. Mungkin fikiran mengaitkan Ku Li dengan perkembangan pembangkang itu ada asasnya, tetapi bom asap yang dilepaskan oleh Zaharin itu adalah bagi menolak supaya Ku Li terkeluar dari sarang UMNOnya dan segeralah berambus ke gelanggang Anwar. Kemahuan Najib ia supaya Ku Li tidak lagi jadi duri dan ancamannya dalam UMNO. Kiranya Najib mulai berada di sarang UMNO yang Abdullah Badawi bertinggik dulu, maka Ku Li adalah antara calon berpotensi untuk menolaknya sama seperti Najib menolak Tun Lah dulu. Akan kurang satu ancamannya dari dalam. Bagi Zaharin adalah untuk mendapat sedikit untung dari apa jua yang boleh melemahkan Anwar dan PKR. Sekali pun dia payah untuk mendapat kedudukan dalam UMNO selepas PRU nanti, tetapi dia boleh menumpang kasih dari Najib kiranya kembali berkuasa. Tetapi bagi Ku Li tidak beroleh apa-apa kerugian dari politik bom asap yang dilepaskan oleh Zaharin itu. Jika dia terus berdiam diri di sarang UMNOnya di Gua Musang, Najib dan UMNO tidak akan berani mengusiknya. Jika dia tidak dicalonkan semula di Gua Musang oleh BN, dia akan bertanding atas pentas apa jua, dan saya amat yakin Pakatan Rakyat akan memberi laluan kepadaya untuk mengalahkan calon BN selain daripadanya. Hayat politik Zaharin dipercayai berakhir sebaik Parlimen dibubarkan, tetapi Ku Li mulai ada harga yang tinggi baik dia kekal dalam UMNO atau pun dia ditolak keluar dari UMNO. Jika Najib dan UMNO menang lagi dan Ku Li adalah dalam UMNO, maka Ku Lilah tumpuan UMNO bagi mendepani politik Najib yang serba uzur itu. Sekali pun Najib kembali berkuasa tetapi kedudukannya lebih teruk dari kedudukan Tun Lah dulu. Giliran Ku Li sekali lagi menawar diri menjadi calon Presiden UMNO. Kali ini peluang Ku Li lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Tetapi kalau digugurkan UMNO di Gua Musang, Pakatan Rakyat adalah terbuka kepadanya. Memang Pakatan Rakyat terbuka untuk semua orang kecuali Dr. Mahathir. Dan kalau sudah ada kemputusan Anwar tidak boleh menyertai pilihan raya, maka keadaan Ku Li mungkin terapung ketika itu tetapi harganya tinggi. Tidak kira dia akan menggantikan Anwar atau tidak, tetapi dia dapat menambah satu gambar lagi dalam poster Pakatan Rakyat, setanding dengan gambar Tok Guru Nik Aziz, Tok Guru Haji Hadi, Lim Kit Siang dan Anwar. Tidak penting sama ada Ku Li sudah dirisik atau tidak. Dengan dia menubuhkan Amanah, dia mulai menjadi bahan politik yang panas. Jika dihantar oleh merisiknya pun tidak ada yang merugikan PR. Jika dia menolak, maka PR tetap dalam keadaannya yang ada, dan kedudukan Anwar tidak akan bertukar dari keadaan yang payah kepada keadaan yang senang. Anwar hanya akan senang kira PRU 13 ini memihak kepada Pakatan. Tetapi jika Ku Li memberi jawapan positif kepada risikan itu, ia bukan sekadar bom asap kepada politik negara, tetapi ibu segala bom. Tidak salah Ku Li dirisik dan dipujuk. Tentunya seseorang itu mahu dihargai. Bukan tujuan saya mahu menyamakan Ku Li dengan Abu Sufian. Abu Sufian sudah tidak ada harga pada Rasulullah SAW sekali pun dia masih orang kuat Quraisy. Bapa saudara Nabi, Abas memujuknya supaya beriman ketika baginda sudah dalam perjalanan untuk membebaskan Mekah. Dia pun beriman. Nabi menghargainya dengan menyatakan siapa yang berlindung di rumah Abu Sufian dijamin selamat. Sikap di saat terakhir Abu Sufian itu membantu Nabi masuk Mekah tanpa halangan. Merisik Ku Li dan dia tahu pula membawa diri menyesuaikan dengan keadaan, memberi banyak manfaat kepada semua kecuali UMNO dan BN. |
No candidate to replace Anwar yet, says PAS Posted: 03 Aug 2011 05:51 PM PDT
(The Malaysian Insider) - PAS was forced today to allay concerns that its leaders have been courting Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, declaring that Pakatan Rakyat (PR) does not have any leader in mind as yet to replace Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as opposition leader. The party summoned a special press conference to clarify the issue at its headquarters here where secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali told reporters that he had checked with all leaders concerned and confirmed that the rumours were wrong. He said that in the first place, such a matter would have to be discussed at the PR leadership level and not at any party level. "We (PR) have never discussed who should take over (Anwar). We have not arrived at that bridge yet. Not yet. So the issue does no arise at all," he said, when asked if PR has any candidates in mind as Anwar's replacement. Mustafa pointed out that Anwar's sodomy trial was ongoing and a decision was unlikely to be reached before the next general election. PAS has been at the centre of the controversy, first raised by Bayan Baru MP Datuk Seri Zahrain Hashim through the media. According to Zahrain, an independent MP who was formerly from PKR, PAS spiritual adviser Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat had met the Kelantan prince, popularly referred to as "Ku Li", to discuss the issue. Nik Aziz denied the accusation last night and likened Zahrain to "trash where insects nest". "I have checked with all and there was no meeting between Tok Guru (Nik Aziz) and Ku Li. It never happened. "It has never been discussed by PR, too. And now, Nik Aziz has also denied it. So where did they get this from? Zahrain?" Mustafa said today, smiling. READ MORE HERE |
Anwar has lost clout: PKR founder Posted: 03 Aug 2011 05:16 PM PDT
(Bernama) -- One of the founders of Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Ng Lum Yon, said it was not surprising if the opposition pact had offered Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah to be opposition leader. Ng said the opposition pact was now seen as sidelining current Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim who had lost influence in the pact. "We see that Anwar is no longer relevant to continue to be (PKR) leader as he has a lot of personal problems....in and out of court, plus the sex video case believed to involve him. "Besides, the many promises made by Anwar have not been fulfilled. So, I am not surprised if the opposition pact is looking for an alternative leader," he said when contacted by Bernama, here, today. Ng quit PKR in January this year as he was disappointed with the leadership. He felt the party was no longer fighting for the people's interest but only to fulfil Anwar's wants. |
‘Malays less sensitive on corruption than Chinese’ Posted: 03 Aug 2011 05:04 PM PDT
The Chinese are more concerned about corrupt practices of the nation's leaders, says PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu. "But now when we mention to the Malays that Rosmah (Mansor) has a ring costing RM24 million, they are not stunned. But the Chinese are. In that sense the Chinese seem to be practising Islamic culture more than the Malays," he said. Teoh El Sen, Malaysia Today PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu said many Malays do not seem to know that it is part of the Islamic teachings to have zero-tolerance for corruption. Instead, the Chinese seem to be more sensitive and concerned about corrupt practices of the nation's leaders. "The second Qaliph Umar Al Khattab had a large country under his rule and when he often wore new shirts, the people would ask where he got his money from to buy them. "That is what Islam asks of you, to be critical and check your leaders," said Mohamad, better known as Mat Sabu, during a live interview on FMT RAW yesterday. "But now when we mention to the Malays that Rosmah (Mansor) has a ring costing RM24 million, they are not stunned. But the Chinese are. In that sense the Chinese seem to be practising Islamic culture more than the Malays," he said. Mohamad said Malays need to change their mindsets. "Even when I tell them RM28 billion was lost due to corruption in Malaysia, they don't care or can't comprehend but the Chinese, as taxpayers, get angry," he said. Mohamad also said that Umno would totally "collapse" when it comes to the urban and semi-urban seats but Pakatan Rakyat still had a long way to go with rural voters. He touched on how the Umno-controlled mainstream media as well as the National Civics Buerau (Biro Tata Negara) have a hold on the minds of many Malays, and Pakatan needs to find a way to break that strangehold. On the incident where he was allegedly rammed into by a police vehicle when he was on his way to take part in July 9 Bersih 2.0 rally, he said he was disappointed by accusations that he dramatised the whole episode. "That's very low politics. We don't play with health. When Najib (Tun Razak) was sick, we prayed for him, when the Inspector-General of Police had a heart treatment, we prayed. Even with Ibrahim Ali, (although) I don't like him… I called him and wished him a speedy recovery," he said. The incident caused a torn ligament on Mat Sabu's right knee, and as a result he had to undergo an operation at a hospital to insert a metal screw in his knee. READ MORE HERE |
Ku Li issue – ‘Umno diversion tactic’ Posted: 03 Aug 2011 04:49 PM PDT
PAS' Mustafa Ali claims that Umno is using the issue to cover up its internal problems, adding that that Pakatan is firmly behind Anwar Ibrahim. (Free Malaysia Today) - The speculation about Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah being roped in to replace Anwar Ibrahim as opposition leader is an Umno diversion tactic, said a PAS leader today. PAS secretary-general Mustafa Ali said Umno was attempting to use the issue to cover up the party's internal problems. Speaking at a press conference here, he said that Pakatan Rakyat leaders were firm in their support for Anwar. "I have attended all Pakatan and PAS leaders' meetings and we never discussed anything about replacing Anwar. So it's a non-issue," he added. Last month, Tengku Razaleigh, popularly known as Ku Li, launched the Angkatan Amanah Merdeka (Amanah) movement in a bid to steer the nation back to the principles expounded by the nation's first premier, Tunku Abdul Rahman. Since then, speculation has been rife that the Umno veteran would switch camps. Two days ago, PAS ulama council chief Harun Taib said that it is not impossible for Tengku Razaleigh to lead the opposition pact provided that he enjoyed the support of Pakatan leaders and the public. Anwar's replacement Asked to comment on Harun's statement, Mustafa said he was unsure of the matter. "I don't know why he said that. That you have to ask him," he added. READ MORE HERE |
Rosmah, masalah baru Najib Posted: 03 Aug 2011 04:44 PM PDT
"Di Malaysia, orang belum boleh menerima isteri seorang PM sebagaimana yang dibuat oleh Rosmah," kata Prof Datuk Dr Zainal Kling. (Free Malaysia Today) - Seorang penganalisis politik tempatan berpendapat Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak kini berdepan dengan masalah yang ditimbulkan oleh isterinya, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, di samping timbunan masalah lain. Prof Datuk Dr Zainal Kling berkata, orang melihat Rosmah sebagai lebih menonjol dari Najib sendiri. Di Malaysia, orang belum boleh menerima isteri seorang Perdana Menteri sebagaimana yang dibuat oleh Rosmah. Beliau berkata demikian ketika ditanya mengenai kepimpinan Najib yang menjadi perbualan banyak pihak termasuk di kalangan orang Umno sendiri. Persatuan Bekas Ahli Parlimen Umno (Penawar) mahu Najib meletakkan jawatan kerana mendakwa tidak berjuang untuk orang Melayu dan negara Malaysia. Setiausaha Agung PAS, Mustaffa Ali pula mendakwa ada kumpulan pimpinan Umno yang mahu Perdana Menteri meletakkan jawatan sebelum pilihan raya umum. Mengulas lanjut, Dr Zainal berkata, rakyat curiga dengan Najib yang cuba membentuk keseimbangan untuk semua orang. Orang Melayu anggap Umno tidak membela mereka, orang Cina dan India pula dakwa kerajaan Umno tidak membela mereka. READ MORE HERE |
Perkasa lapor polis projek kaitan Israel Posted: 03 Aug 2011 04:31 PM PDT
Ini bukan perkara remeh memandangkan wujud penglibatan seorang lelaki berbangsa Cina yang mempunyai hubungan intim dengan Israel dan Singapura. (Free Malaysia Today) - Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa Malaysia (Perkasa) menggesa Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) dan Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) menyiasat empat laman blog yang didakwa mendedahkan aktiviti penyelewengan dan penglibatan Israel dalam pemberian projek di ibu pejabat PDRM di Bukit Aman. Menerusi laporan polis di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Dang Wangi di sini tengah hari tadi, Ketua Wira Perkasa Irwan Fahmi Ideris mendakwa pendedahan oleh empat laman blog ini dikesan sejak lapan minggu lalu. Irwan berkata empat laman blog itu termasuklah Darul Ehsan Today, Gerakan Timur, Gerakan Anti PKR dan Keris Putra. Beliau mendakwa pendedahan yang dibuat dalam laman blog itu bukan perkara remeh memandangkan wujud penglibatan seorang lelaki berbangsa Cina yang mempunyai hubungan intim dengan Israel dan Singapura. Malah laman blog Gerakan Anti PKR dengan jelas memaparkan maklumat lengkap termasuklah nombor kontrak projek berkenaan, orang yang terlibat malah maklumat daripada Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SMM). READ MORE HERE |
Ex-army man: I was ‘ordered’ to vote BN Posted: 03 Aug 2011 04:27 PM PDT
A former army clerk reveals how he was instructed by his superiors to tick 900 ballots in favour of the ruling coalition. (Free Malaysia Today) - An ex-army personnel claimed that he was instructed by his superiors to vote for Barisan Nasional and admitted that postal votes are often subject to abuse. Nasir Ahmad, a former army clerk at the Sandakan military post in Sabah, made the revelation at a PAS Youth media briefing on electoral fraud here today. In the 1987 general election, Nasir said he and a colleague were instructed to open a bag and tick some 900 postal ballots according to "my taste", an implicit reference to BN. "I took about 400 ballots while my friend Ayub Mat took the rest," he added. Nasir's admission was among the many allegations made in the past by former army personnel who claimed to have followed similar instructions. PAS and its allies in Pakatan Rakyat had long accused BN and the Election Comission of manipulating postal votes to favour the ruling government. The nation's security forces are largely seen as reliable vote banks for BN. The opposition bloc also raised the alarm over the drastic rise in postal voters throughout the country as it prepared to face a pivotal battle in the 13th national polls which was likely to be held early next year. READ MORE HERE |
So who is talking nonsense now, Shafee? Posted: 03 Aug 2011 04:11 PM PDT
"It was impossible for Ahmad Sarbaini to stand on the window itself as claimed by Raja Petra. If Raja Petra can do it, then I want to see him try. Raja Petra is talking nonsense. I believe this allegation will not affect the inquest. He is history. Raja Petra has nothing left to talk about, no credibility and not even accepted by the opposition." NO HOLDS BARRED
Raja Petra Kamarudin I remember back in the 1980s when I used to fraternise with the IGP and Deputy IGP. The IGP then was Tun Haniff Omar and his Deputy was Tan Sri Amin -- who later went on to become the Acting IGP when Haniff took one-year sabbatical leave to do law in the UK. What Haniff and Amin told me was very interesting indeed. 90% of the success of the police in solving cases depends on information, they said. Without information, the police would not be able to solve the many cases of crime. And that is why informants are very crucial and the police pay for this information from informants, also known as 'squealers' or 'stool pigeons' -- and what I call Deep Throats. My friend in the Income Tax Department (Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri) also said the same thing. They too depend on informants to catch tax evaders. Most times, the accountants of the tax evaders themselves are these informants. And that is why a reward of 50% of the recovered amount is paid to informants to make it extremely profitable for 'insiders' to turn informants. And the same goes for the Customs Department, said my friend. Without the help of informants, the Customs Department would not be able to conduct raids to catch smugglers. And, again, a handsome reward is paid to these informants. So you see, the Malaysian government and governments all over the world depend on informants, squealers, stool pigeons or Deep Throats to solve crimes and catch criminals. And that too is how Malaysia Today operates. We too depend on Deep Throats for information, just like the Malaysian government and governments all over the world. On 20th July, in Part 7 of "Ahmad Sarbani's death: The lies and deceptions by the MACC", Malaysia Today's Deep Throat revealed that MACC Deputy Director Mohd Fauzi had ordered Ahmad Sarbaini to climb out the window and stand on the ledge. Malaysia Today also said that Ahmad Sarbaini's belt then got stuck on the outer part of the window, which caused him to lose his balance and his life when he fell to his death onto the badminton court below. Malaysia Today did not say that Ahmad Sarbaini was thrown out of the pantry window. Malaysia Today said that he was ordered to stand on the window ledge and that his belt got stuck -- which explained the scratches on his belt buckle. The swift response from the MACC's lawyer, Datuk Seri Shafee Abdullah, was to ridicule what Malaysia Today's Deep Throat had reported. The high-profile lawyer said, "It was impossible for Ahmad Sarbaini to stand on the window itself as claimed by Raja Petra. If Raja Petra can do it, then I want to see him try." Shafee added, "Raja Petra is talking nonsense. I believe this allegation will not affect the inquest. He is history. Raja Petra has nothing left to talk about, no credibility and not even accepted by the opposition." Actually, what Shafee said in Malay was more scathing when he called me "bercakap merapu" and "suka merepek". Now read what the lead forensic pathologist who examined Ahmad Sarbaini, Mohamed Prof Dr Shahrom Abd Wahid, told the Coroner's Court yesterday. He concluded that Ahmad Sarbaini had climbed out of the window, stood on the ledge and lost his balance and fell. The pathologist also told the court the scratches on Ahmad Sarbaini's belt buckle showed that he had tried to climb back into the pantry through the window. This is not a spin by Malaysia Today. This is what The Star published today. And you can read The Star news report below. Malaysia Today said it first on 20th July. Shafee called it nonsense on 21st July. On 3rd August, the forensic pathologist Prof Dr Shahrom confirmed what Malaysia Today said. So who is talking nonsense now, Shafee? **************************************** Wednesday August 3, 2011 An accidental death, says pathologist By LISA GOH, The Star KUALA LUMPUR: The lead forensic pathologist who examined Ahmad Sarbaini Mohamed told the Coroner's Court here that he died an "accidental death". "Ahmad Sarbaini landed on his right knee first, followed almost simultaneously by his left knee, his right forearm, left wrist, the fronto-parietal area (top front area of the head) and the facial part of the head. "The injury to the head was very severe," said Prof Dr Shahrom Abd Wahid, who is from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He opined that even if Ahmad Sarbaini had survived, he would have been in a vegetative state. He was testifying in an inquest into the death of Selangor Customs assistant director Ahmad Sarbaini who was found dead on the first floor of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) building on April 6. Prof Shahrom conducted a second post mortem on Ahmad Sarbaini, 56, on April 7, twenty-four hours after his death to allow for a clearer detection of some wounds. He concurred with the findings of forensic pathologist Assoc Prof Dr Faridah Mohd Noor, who had earlier stated that Ahmad Sarbaini's cause of death was "severe head injuries and positional asphyxia due to a fall from height". The courtroom was transformed into a scene from the CSI television series as Dr Shahrom explained his findings with the aid of photos, pictures and diagrams. In his testimony yesterday which lasted about four hours, Prof Shahrom came out of the witness stand to demonstrate his point of how Ahmad Sarbaini landed on the ground. The court was also shown still-shots taken from the video of a re-enactment of the fall done by stuntman Mohd Asri Ramli, and Prof Shahrom compared Mohd Asri's body position while falling against the position of Ahmad Sarbaini's body when he was found on the badminton court. He concluded that Ahmad Sarbaini had climbed out of the window, stood on the ledge and lost his balance and fell. The pathologist also told the court the scratches on Ahmad Sarbaini's belt buckle showed that he had tried to climb back into the pantry through the window. Based on the evidence, he also dismissed the possibility that Ahmad Sarbaini had died of natural causes, homicide or suicide. Hearing before Coroner Aizatul Akmal Maharani continues today. |