Website attacks part of Bersih rally, says Rais Posted: 17 Jun 2011 11:43 AM PDT (The Malaysian Insider) - KUALA LUMPUR, June 17 — Information, Communications, and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Rais Yatim today expressed belief that yesterday's mass attacks on local websites may be connected to the upcoming Bersih rally. Earlier, Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Datuk Seri Maximus Ongkili told reporters that initial investigations showed 90 per cent of attackers who participated in the attacks were based in Malaysia. Today, Rais described the cyber attacks as politically-motivated and intended to disrupt the workings of the government, but did not provide details as to how the denial of service attacks were related to the July 9 rally pushing for electoral reforms. "If for example a land authority website is hacked, then property transactions will be interrupted. The same goes for banking and others; these cyber attacks are strange and, sadly, politically motivated," he said in a press conference today. Rais also said the cyber attackers will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, and urged those involved to not damage the country out of anger towards the government. Operation Malaysia, launched by the international hacker group known as Anonymous, had succeeded in bringing down its main target,, at about 4am yesterday. But it also spawned attacks on other sites, with the government stating that 60 per cent of the estimated 200 sites belonged to the federal administration. READ MORE HERE. |
Thumbing nose at Hisham, Khairy says march goes on Posted: 16 Jun 2011 10:24 PM PDT
(The Malaysian Insider) - Khairy Jamaluddin said today that Umno Youth will still march on July 9, in defiance of Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein's warning that police will act against the illegal gathering. The Umno Youth chief said that his predecessor "can warn us all he wants" but "Pemuda will continue come what may." "My Pemuda and I are ready to face whatever consequences. This is a new Malaysia. We have a right to assembly guaranteed by the constitution. Umno Youth will be marching on 9 July. And that's that," he told The Malaysian Insider. The Rembau MP said yesterday that the movement will join the fray on July 9 to "strengthen the democratic system", and rival electoral reform group Bersih 2.0's rally on the same day. Perkasa has also claimed that 36 NGOSs will join the Malay rights group in an anti-Bersih march on the same day. Hishammuddin, who relinquished the chairmanship of Umno Youth in 2009, said today that the Youth wing's decision did not represent Umno's stand. "It doesn't matter whether I'm former Pemuda chief or not. They will have to face whatever consequences [for] their action. Nobody is above the law," the Umno vice president warned earlier today. But Khairy said the rally will go ahead as it was a unanimous decision made by the entire Youth executive committee. "It was not my unilateral decision. We feel strongly that we need to march to show that the voice of the people is not monopolised by the opposition," he said. Bersih is an election watchdog group that is pushing for electoral reforms to provide for free and fair elections in Malaysia. Pakatan Rakyat (PR) parties and activists are gearing up to march next month in the second such rally by Bersih, the first being in 2007 when up to 50,000 were reported to have gathered in the capital, with many being dispersed by water cannons and tear gas fired by the police. PAS has promised to bring 300,000 protestors this year in hopes that it will galvanise support for the opposition in the general election expected within the year. The 2007 rally was said to play a big role in bringing record gains for the opposition electoral pact in Election 2008, where it swept five state governments and won 82 parliamentary seats. Umno-owned daily Utusan Malaysia has urged Malaysians to march against Bersih. |
Bersih rally: Umno Youth will have to face consequences, says Hisham Posted: 16 Jun 2011 09:57 PM PDT
(Bernama) - Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein said Friday that Umno Youth will have to face the consequences of their action if they proceed with their intention to hold an illegal rally on July 9. Hishammuddin, who is also former Umno Youth chief, said nobody was above the law and that they (Umno Youth) would have to deal with the police just like others. "My advice is the same to everybody and, as I mentioned in Parliament, the police are looking at this as a security issue. "I think when it comes to this, it doesn't matter if I am a former Umno Youth chief. Umno Youth will have to face whatever consequences of their action, as I had to when I was Umno Youth chief in my time," he told reporters after a meeting with an Australian delegation and representatives from United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and International Organisation for Migration (IOM) here. Hishammuddin was asked to comment on Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin's announcement that they would also be organise a rally this July 9 to hand in a memorandum to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong supporting democracy and the role and reformation carried out by Election Commission (EC). The Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (Bersih) is also organising a rally on that day. Asked whether the stand taken by the Youth was Umno's stand, Hishammuddin said the decision to organise the rally was an executive committee decision. Therefore, he said, it was purely the Youth's stand, not Umno's as a whole. |
Feudalism rules Posted: 16 Jun 2011 07:11 PM PDT 
But if you want to retain the Monarchy and continue with Malaysia's system of Constitutional Monarchy then learn how to work with the Rulers. Talk to them. Dialogue with them. Learn how to get their blessing before you embark on anything. Don't act first and make announcements before you get the blessing of the Rulers.
Raja Petra Kamarudin Penang to go ahead with mosque polls
(Bernama) - The Penang government will not budge from its decision to carry out the election of mosque officials as it is accordance with the laws, said its Religious Affairs, Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Committee chairman Abdul Malik Abul Kassim.
He said the proposed election adhered to Section 104(a)(b) of the State of Penang Enactment 2004 and 4(1) Congregation Committee and Mosque Officials Requirements (Penang).
"The new procedure introduced by the Penang Islamic Religious Council is an improvement of existing regulatory procedures adopted by the previous state government," he told reporters Monday.
Commenting on calls for the state government to get the consent of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong before holding the mosque polls, Abdul Malik, said the new procedure accorded congregators the right to nominate candidates through mosque committees to the council before getting the consent of the king.
Abdul Malik said the mosque congregation committees would decide whether the congregators were eligible to vote and the state government would set up the congregators' database after the election.
After nomination was closed last Tuesday, 193 out of 200 mosques had sent the nomination lists, he said, adding that this showed the proposed election had received an overwhelming response from congregators.
Meanwhile, Penang Umno Liaison Committee chairman Datuk Zainal Abidin Osman said the state Umno had sent an appeal letter to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong through Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom, to oppose the move.
"I hope the Yang di-Pertuan Agong as the head of Islam will prevent the mosque polls from taking place as it could divide the Muslims," said Zainal. *************************************
King orders halt to Penang mosque polls
(The Malaysian Insider) - Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin has ordered Penang to call off its controversial mosque elections, the state government said today.
Penang religious affairs, domestic trade and consumer affairs committee chairman Abdul Malik Kassim said the decision was relayed to him by Penang Islamic Council (MAIPP) head Ellias Zakaria earlier today.
"The Yang di-Pertuan Agong has ordered the state mosque elections to be postponed," Abdul Malik said in a statement.
The mosque elections were supposed to be held this weekend.
Abdul Malik said an official statement would be made after a meeting with the MAIPP.
Penang announced earlier this month that the selection of mosque committees in the state would be made through elections this year, in place of the previous method.
Malay rights groups like Perkasa has opposed the move, saying it would only divide the Muslim community in the state. *************************************
Itulah, jangan cakap besar. Kan dah kena tarik balek kenyataan awal?
When the Penang State Government, or more accurately EXCO Member Abdul Malik Abul Kassim, made his announcement earlier this week, I was quite amused. I said to myself: let us watch what happens. I bet he will be made to eat his words and would have to 'tarik balek' what he initially announced.
We may think that Malaysia is a Constitutional Monarchy. We may think that the Agong acts on the advise of the Prime Minister and the State Rulers on the advice of the Menteri Besar (Chief Minister). The truth is, the State Rulers and Agong do have certain powers that the Prime Minister, Chief Ministers, or even Umno cannot take away from them.
Okay, you may say that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is using the Agong. You may say that the Agong is just doing what Umno wants him to do. You may say that this is not really what the Agong wants but what Umno wants. Well, in that case, if this is Umno talking and not the Agong talking, then defy His Majesty. Refuse to comply with what the Agong wants and just go ahead with the mosque elections.
The bottom line is, the opposition should stop cakap besar. Don't think that all this sabre-rattling can frighten the Monarchy. The opposition needs to learn how to engage the Monarchy instead of trying to threaten it.
Take Selangor as an example. I told some of the DAP Selangor leaders that they should stop acting like 'Communists' by demonstrating anti-Monarchy tendencies. I even introduced them to some members of the Selangor Royal Family and arranged a few dinners so that they could develop some fellowship.
This anti-songkok thing is stupid, I told them. If the dress code when entering the palace is to use a songkok then what is so wrong in using it? A songkok has nothing to do with Islam. Christians in Indonesia also use songkoks, as do some Hindus in India (which was where the songkok came from in the first place).
DAP must learn to accommodate the palace. They must not be too antagonistic towards the palace. If the palace offers DAP leaders awards (pingat and gelaran) or even datukships just accept them. Don't decline them because you are opposed to symbols of the Monarchy. That would be like telling the Rulers to go to hell. And that is not how you develop a good relationship with the Rulers.
I hope this Penang mosque election fiasco has taught the opposition a lesson. If you wish to defy the Agong by going ahead with the Penang mosque elections then go ahead. No problem. You can even declare that if Pakatan Rakyat takes over the federal government the Monarchy will be abolished and Malaysia will be turned into a Republic.
But if you want to retain the Monarchy and continue with Malaysia's system of Constitutional Monarchy then learn how to work with the Rulers. Talk to them. Dialogue with them. Learn how to get their blessing before you embark on anything. Don't act first and make announcements before you get the blessing of the Rulers.
This piece is not about me being pro-royalty. Yes, I know, many are going to say I am talking this way because I am also a member of the royal family. But it is not that at all. It is about what I wrote earlier with regards to politics being about perception.
The perception being created is that the opposition has no respect for the Monarchy and is defying the Rulers. The perception being created is that the opposition is at odds and is in conflict with the Rulers. Considering that the majority of the voters are Malays and the majority of the seats are Malay seats and without Malay support the opposition can't form the next federal government, this is a perception that does not help the opposition cause.
That is the bottom line. That is the message I am trying to send to the opposition.
Don't give Umno ammunition to use against the opposition. Don't allow Umno to swing the Malays on the basis that the opposition is anti-Monarchy and pro-Republic. Don't allow Umno to capitalise on this perception.
In Perak, the Malays already think that the opposition is anti-Sultan. And that may hurt the opposition in the next general election. |
Your Friday sermon Posted: 16 Jun 2011 05:52 PM PDT 
The government is worried that the BERSIH march of 9th July may end up like the historical Tahrir Square of Cairo incident. I doubt it. The Egyptian government of Hosni Mubarak was evil. The Malaysian government of Najib Razak is not. Only evil governments can fall through street action. Just governments do not fall that way.
Raja Petra Kamarudin Himpunan Bersih bercanggah nilai, etika Islam
Menurut Yadim, usaha untuk mengadakan perhimpunan itu adalah percubaan untuk mengheret rakyat ke kancah kemelut politik yang lebih besar.
(Free Malaysia Today) - Yang Dipertua Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (YADIM) Datuk Aziz Jamaludin Mohd Tahir mendakwa perhimpunan Gabungan Pilihan Raya Bersih dan Adil (Bersih 2.0) pada 9 Julai ini merupakan sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan nilai dan etika Islam.
Read more here: ************************************
YADIM, an Islamic missionary movement, said that the planned BERSIH march of 9th July 2011 violates Islamic values and ethics. But then what are Islamic values and ethics?
In chapter Ali Imran, verse 104 of the Quran, it says: "Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong: They are the ones to attain felicity."
Datuk Aziz Jamaludin Mohd Tahir of YADIM just gave his personal opinion and view. And this personal opinion and view echoes that of Umno and the government.
Incidentally, 500 to 600 police reports have already been made against BERSIH with regards to the 9th July rally.
Aziz Jamaludin, however, did not offer proof or quote any verses from the Quran to support his opinion. And, as they say, opinions are like arseholes -- everybody has one.
Well, I have quoted a verse from the Quran -- chapter Ali Imran, verse 104 above -- and it appears that what the Quran says is opposed to what Aziz Jamaludin says.
So, is the Quran wrong or is Aziz Jamaludin wrong? If Aziz Jamaludin is right then definitely the Quran must be wrong.
The Quran, in the verse above, has clearly defined what are Islamic values and ethics. And these values and ethics are amar makruf, nahi munkar.
This means a group of us must arise to uphold what is right and oppose what is wrong. This is our duty as Muslims. Anywhere that we may see violations, transgressions, evil, fraud, abuse of power, corruption, persecution, racism, or whatever, we must expose it, shun it, avoid it, oppose it, fight it, eradicate it, etc. There is no compromise on the matter. There are no two ways about it. We must become an enemy of the enemy of the people.
Denying the people their right to free, clean and fair elections is a violation of Islamic values and ethics.
Denying the people their right to a government of their choice is a violation of Islamic values and ethics.
Denying the people their right to a just and corrupt-free government is a violation of Islamic values and ethics.
Violating the Federal Constitution of Malaysia is a violation of Islamic values and ethics.
Imposing Rule by Law instead of Rule of Law is a violation of Islamic values and ethics.
Persecution, selective-prosecution, racism, cronyism and nepotism are a violation of Islamic values and ethics.
Manipulation of the judicial system is a violation of Islamic values and ethics.
And the list goes on and on.
Is Aziz Jamaludin saying that all those Muslims who rose up to oppose their governments in the Middle East are un-Islamic?
Is Malaysia going to now declare that all those new governments in the Middle East are tahud governments and Malaysia will not recognise them and will not enter into any diplomatic relations with them?
Will the Ambassadors of the these countries be summoned to Wisma Putra to be told that they will have to close their embassies and their staff given 24 hours to leave Malaysia?
Will Malaysia close all its embassies in these countries and recall its diplomatic staff?
Will Malaysians be banned from travelling to these countries just like they are banned from travelling to Israel?
Note that these Muslim countries also had their own 'BERSIH marches' when they realised that the election system had failed and change can no longer come through the ballot box but only through taking to the streets.
The government is worried that the BERSIH march of 9th July may end up like the historical Tahrir Square of Cairo incident. I doubt it. The Egyptian government of Hosni Mubarak was evil. The Malaysian government of Najib Razak is not. Only evil governments can fall through street action. Just governments do not fall that way. |
Use ISA against Bersih rally organisers, says ex-elected reps Posted: 16 Jun 2011 04:33 PM PDT
(Bernama) - The Malaysian Council of Ex-Elected Representatives (Mubarak) wants the police to use the Internal Security Act (ISA) against the organisers of the Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (Bersih) rally on July 9. Its president Datuk Seri Aziz Abdul Rahman said on Friday, June 17 it was time for firmer action to be taken by the authorities against any form of activities that could jeopardise public interest and the country's security. "Although we realise that in present circumstances, the authorities may be hesitant to use the ISA to avoid portraying a negatives image of the country at the international level, we opine that public order and the security of the country cannot be substituted with the need to portray a good image," he said in a statement. Aziz said that no one could deny that the proposed rally, which would involve a huge crowd, could turn ugly and lead to a riot. Hence, measures should be taken by the police to stop the rally, he added. |
Assange says WikiLeaks works hampered Posted: 16 Jun 2011 04:20 PM PDT
(AP) - After six months under virtual house arrest, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange (pic) acknowledged that his detention is hampering the work of the secret-spilling site. His supporters accused Britain of subjecting him to "excessive and dehumanising" treatment. The 39-year-old Australian is living at a supporter's rural estate as he fights extradition to Sweden, where he is wanted for questioning over claims of rape and sexual molestation made by two women.
Assange's bail conditions require him to observe an overnight curfew, wear an electronic tag and report to police daily.
His supporters released a video to The Associated Press condemning the conditions. In it, WikiLeaks associate Sarah Harrison accuses authorities of treating Assange "like a caged animal."
British prosecutors, who initially opposed bail, say the strict conditions are necessary because the claims against Assange are serious and he is a flight risk.
The video also claims police have set up surveillance cameras near the house to record licence plates of visiting cars.
Vaughan Smith, who owns the 240-hectare property in eastern England, called it a "pretty intrusive regime" and said three cameras had appeared near the property since Assange came to stay.
Assange, who roamed the globe before his arrest in December, told the AP that he had become "a fixed target" for snoopers.
"It is easy to conduct surveillance against me and anyone I talk to," Assange said. "We take steps against this, but it is costly and time-consuming."
He said his house arrest had been "the single largest impediment to our work, with the possible exception of the illegal blockade being conducted by the major US financial institutions against us."
Some US-based banks and financial services have refused to handle payments to WikiLeaks.
US authorities are investigating whether Assange and WikiLeaks violated American laws by releasing tens of thousands of secret government documents, including daily logs from the Iraq war and classified diplomatic cables from US missions around the world.
Prosecutors have convened a grand jury near Washington to probe the WikiLeaks disclosures.
"A lot of our resources are tied up in dealing with the situation in the United States and the grand jury and this Swedish extradition case and the banking blockade placed on us by Visa, Mastercard, Bank of America and so on," Assange said.
"So, while we are still producing publications every day, a lot of those resources have been taken away to deal with these events."
On July 12, the High Court in London will hear Assange's appeal against a judge's order that he be extradited to Sweden to face allegations of rape and sexual molestation against two women. Assange denies the charges, which he claims are politically motivated.
He said that if he lost the appeal, he could go to Britain's Supreme Court or the European Court of Human Rights. He said he was confident he would be cleared.
"I feel that the Swedish authorities will drop the case," Assange said. When asked why, he replied only that "there are many players in the Swedish situation." Swedish prosecutors did not immediately return calls seeking comment. |
What were you saying again, YB Datuk Zulkifli Noordin? Posted: 16 Jun 2011 04:08 PM PDT
Art Harun I read the Malaysian Insider report that YB Datuk Zul Noordin had called to prevent the planned BERSIH rally on July the 9th. By the way, I did not know that the YB had been bestowed a Datukship. I am sure he deserves it. Congratulations YB Datuk. YBDZN (short for Yang Berhormat Datuk Zulkifli Noordin – I learn to shorten things from PEMANDU), for the uninitiated, stood in the 2008 GE in Kulim under the PKR banner. His political tagline was, "it is time to change, new hope."  During the campaign, he repeatedly reminded the voters to use their vote wisely. He implored them to use their "sacred hands" to choose a candidate who was commanding and not to chose a devil masked as an angel. This was what he wrote on his blog on 27th Februuary 2008: "Undilah calon yang berwibawa, bukan jerangkung bertopeng dewa." I admire his tenacity and conviction, I must say. He asked the people to vote someone who was clean, someone who was not corrupted or corruptible. He wanted a stronger opposition to fight abuse of power; to fight against corruption and to fight for a better Malaysia. He asked the people to vote for a responsible representative who would fight for the people's rights and whatever things which are closed to the people's heart. Love this! ![tn_UNDI[1] tn_UNDI[1]](// However, unfortunately, perhaps while suffering a momentary lapse of refinement, he was also prone to a bit of theatrical indulgence such as displayed by this, which appeared on his blog on 5th March 2008 titled "Orang kata KJ macam beruk…":  That was most unfortunate. But hey, the man has his opinion. As he was feeling the heat of the election campaign – which was understandable, as he was a rookie of sorts – he developed a dislike against the then Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya (SPR). It looked like the "macam beruk" blog post was not the last showing of his penchant for name calling. This was evident in his post, titled, almost inevitably, "SPR Barua BN." Wow. For a person who describes himself as the "servant of Allah" and who always fight for Islam, he was very Islam in his language. But hey, the man has an opinion, right? In that post, YBDZN berated SPR for cancelling the usage of the indelible ink in the 2008 GE. He wrote: "Memang kita sedia maklum mengharapkan ketelusan daripada SPR samalah seperti mengharap gajah dapat melepasi mata jarum." Then in April 2008, he advocated freedom of expression by speaking, not once, but three times, about a planned gathering called "Black 14" as a show of support for Anwar Ibrahim. His three posts on that subject appeared here, here and here. READ MORE HERE |
M’sian women sending the wrong messages Posted: 16 Jun 2011 03:37 PM PDT
The PM and his wife appear to have several overseas trips per year and the frequency with which they break off from their official functions for private purposes is seen as corrupt. Lately, Rosmah Mansor, the wife of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak was again in the spotlight, together with her husband for alleged misuse of public funds. Rosmah, members of her family and an entourage of over 200 people, ostensibly termed officials, combined an official trip with the wedding of Rosmah and Najib's daughter. Mariam Mokhtar, Free Malaysia Today Recently, a few Malaysian women, who with their feckless and frivolous nature, made a mockery of the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day, have undermined all that women have achieved. At a time when the nation is on an austerity drive, some women appear to act without discipline. Whilst women around the world and women of the non-Muslim faith share equal rights with their male counterparts, it appears that some Muslim women in Malaysia appear to want to be deprived of their rights. Who are these women who have sent out mixed messages? One is the wife of a minister but is itching to be the head of state. Another is a minister who has a penchant for spending, whilst the last is a woman who represents a group who believe that wives should 'obey, serve and entertain' their husbands. These women are guilty of grossly abusing the positions they hold. Their actions have sparked controversy and attracted condemnation from all quarters. Most women in the nation have to keep strictly to a budget to maintain their families. However, these women have used taxpayers' money to fund their lavish lifestyles or barmy ideas. When women have struggled to gain the right to work, be educated, be financially independent and have self-worth, some women have decided to reduce themselves to sexual playthings. Lately, Rosmah Mansor, the wife of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak was again in the spotlight, together with her husband for alleged misuse of public funds. Rosmah, members of her family and an entourage of over 200 people, ostensibly termed officials, combined an official trip with the wedding of Rosmah and Najib's daughter. Observers say that the same thing happened on an earlier trip to the USA when Rosmah and Najib used their official trip to attend their daughter's graduation ceremony. Perhaps it is not uncommon for those on business trips to combine their trip with a short holiday after they have conducted their official meetings. However, the PM and his wife, appear to have several overseas trips per year and the frequency with which they break off from their official functions for private purposes is seen as corrupt, by the public. It does not help when there is no transparency over these trips and the full and detailed costs are never divulged. What have they to hide if everything is above board? Naturally they would be horrified to go on a privately funded leave and be asked to break off in the middle to attend to some official function somewhere. They would not hesitate to claim travel expenses and be compensated for the inconvenience. Rosmah's political ambition Rosmah appears to have political ambitions with the way she is alleged to 'intrude' in the workings of various departments, the way she goes on overseas trips and represents the government of Malaysia, as on her recent trip to the Middle East and Bangladesh. Few will forget how she seemed to take charge of the evacuation of the Malaysian students in Egypt during the recent uprising in the country. Many will wonder about the cost of her treating the airlines as a personal taxi service. On an official trip to the Middle East she returned midway through, to attend the wedding of the Chief Minister of Sarawak, before resuming her middle-eastern tour. Rosmah's alleged lavish spending on these official trips is legendary and again, taxpayers must balk at how they have to foot the bill for her shopping sprees and the transportation of her gewgaws to Malaysia. In the last week, Tourism Minister Dr Ng Yen Yen was alleged to have spent RM1.8 million to set up a Facebook page, which she has since denied and said instead that the money had been spent on a full social media branding campaign. Yen Yen is not new to controversy either, for she is a politician who seems unable to shake off her image as a big-time spender. She chalked up a hefty travel bill of RM5 million in three months, ostensibly "promoting Malaysian tourism" by going on a worldwide overseas junket. Yen Yen can't have forgotten the humiliation in Parliament, last year, when she was called a "tourist minister" rather than the tourism minister. Meanwhile, the formation of the Obedient Wives Club (OWC) whose vice-president Dr Rohaya Mohamad, drew condemnation from most sectors of the public except, of course, from the Perak Mufti Harussani Zakaria, Rohaya said that women should be "good wives" by acting like first-class prostitutes and please their husband. She also blamed women for men's social ills. She said, "If you look at the world today, women are already being treated as sex objects … in magazines, on TV … so why can't they be sex objects to their husbands? It is legal and permitted by God. "A good wife is a good sex worker to her husband. What is wrong with being a whore in bed for your husband?" READ MORE HERE |
Malaysia’s ‘stupidity’ sizzles Internet Posted: 16 Jun 2011 03:25 PM PDT KRDS India, one of the Facebook-authorized app development firms in Asia, opines that spending RM1.8 million to develop six Facebook applications is 'impossible' and 'seriously unjustifed.' (Free Malaysia Today) - Malaysia, it seems, is fast becoming the purveyor of laughs on the worldwide web. On the heels of the Obedient Wives Club which aimed to turn 'good wives into first class whores', there's now the Malaysian government spending RM1.8 million (US$590,000) on six Facebook, which incidentally is free, applications. The Internet application (app) developer world is abuzz with humour and bewildement at the 'stupidity' of the move. The common view across the web is that the move to spend just over half a million US dollars is "seriously stupid" and an "utter waste of tax-payers' money. Speaking in Penn Olson – The Asian Tech Catalogue site – Willis Wee said in an article headlined "Spending US$100,000 For a Facebook App is Just Plain Stupid" and many other experts in the business think so too. Wee said he forwarded the news about the Malaysian government's largesse to Preetham Venkky, the Business Head at KRDS India, one of the Facebook authorized app development firms in Asia, to seek his opinion on the matter. Preetham's reply was that spending RM1.8 million (USD$590,000) to develop six Facebook applications was 'impossible' and 'seriously unjustified'. He said: "For an app like Citrawana (one of the six) to costs close to US$100,000, this is impossible since the app is pretty straight to the point. "The money paid is seriously unjustified. It should cost anywhere between US$12,000 – US$15,000 inclusive of two iPads being given away as prizes. He added that "these costs would include (to quote directly) – "creative works, concepts and ideas, design, flash programming and coding, testing and debugging, uploading and launching of application, system server development and maintenance, and development of database from the contest." Potentials not exploited Earlier this week, the Tourism Ministry, through Deputy Minister James Dawos Mamit, set off a storm when it revealed it had paid that amount for the Facebook apps. In his reply, Venkky said it was important to note that based on the minister's statement "cost did not include campaign management, monitoring, Facebook ads, or fan recruitment through Facebook and Google". "In most cases, the costs can escalate quite rapidly if a key deliverable is fan count. "If there's a target to acquire one million US fans for the page (this could be a realistic expectation since the client is a tourism client) where the CPC (cost per click) is US $1.10 (on average) then it might be a good deal. "If I were to make a guess, I think it would make sense if $90,000 includes the development of six apps with the remaining money spent on media (buying ads) to propagate and rapidly increase engagement," he added. Venkky was also shocked at the quality of the apps that were developed which, he said, did not fully utilise the full potential of the social network site and was not encouraging more 'fans' to 'like' the pages of the Tourism Ministry. READ MORE HERE |
The Rot Started With UMNO Posted: 16 Jun 2011 03:22 PM PDT One begins to wonder how the individual interests of Malaysian private businessmen for 1 day is tied up with the national interests of the whole country or whether they are just trying to stop reforms in Malaysia?
By batsman When the US got into deep financial trouble under the Republicans, they elected a Democrat to be President and sort out the problem, since Democrats are supposed to be more people friendly. Now tent cities (no doubt better looking than the ones in the 3rd World) are springing up in California, the US unemployment rate is dangerously high and the Chinese are getting very worried the US will default on its loans. But guess what? The US is still employing drones to bomb Libya and Pakistan, but I suppose they can't help it since the US is the policeman of the world (if only the blurry and confused US Senate realized this). When Greece got into trouble and needed bail outs, a Socialist who is supposed to be people friendly was elected to sort out the mess. But it looks like the mess is bigger than his ability to solve it, so Greece is now in danger of finally and officially going bankrupt, not being governable with people rioting in the streets and the whole of Europe is worried the contagion will spread. Even the Malaysian government is worried that the planned peaceful Bersih 2.0 demonstration will turn into a Greek-style riot and while the Home Minister and his police force say they are neutral, Perkasa and UMNO Youth seem to have tasked themselves to ensure all goes well and that national security is well protected from any peaceful rioters. Malaysians are saying that planned peaceful demonstrations to demand clean elections and reforms to put Malaysia on a healthier footing are threats to national security and public safety. Crony businessmen are drummed up to cry foul that the peaceful demonstrations will affect their business of the day. They don't want anything like Greece to occur here. Unfortunately for Greece, it is already too late and the rot started a long time ago. The riots are only an angry expression that the rot that started a long time ago is now turning their lives into one long misery. So one begins to wonder how the individual interests of Malaysian private businessmen for 1 day is tied up with the national interests of the whole country or whether they are just trying to stop reforms in Malaysia? Looks like Malaysians are playing patriot games. Who are actually the patriots and who are the traitors? There is a lot of deafening name calling for sure. Lets go back to the beginning. Even RPK likes to go back to the beginning to show that UMNO was created on the back of street demonstrations in spite of the fact they claim Malay culture frowns upon street demonstrations. The British who ruled Malaya then was world famous for the practice of divide and rule. This colonial policy enabled them to rule Ireland for 700 years and allowed them to conquer the whole of India with just a few thousand soldiers. So of course the British used divide and rule in Malaya. But they were an external power and the people who comprised Malays, Chinese and Indians had excellent relations amongst themselves. Many old timers still remember how good race relations were then even in spite of the fact that the British used divide and rule tactics. Unfortunately when the British handed over power to UMNO, UMNO continued to use divide and rule tactics. The big difference was that UMNO is now the internal independant government not an external colonial power. Given this situation there is no chance for Malaya to become a peaceful united country. There is no chance for healthy Malayan and subsequently Malaysian nationalism to thrive. UMNO lives only on Malay nationalism and practices divide and rule. When UMNO promotes Malay nationalism in the context of a multi-racial country like Malaysia, it acts as a splittist trend. This splittist trend has subsequently turned into a divisive racist style Ketuanan Melayu ideology. The rot started from UMNO. When UMNO subverts true Malaysian nationalism in favour of narrow divisive Malay nationalism, it cannot be said to be working for the interests of the whole country anymore, even when it tries to cover this up by cobbling itself together with the MCA and MIC to look multi-racial. Malaysia has become a quarrelsome country split into races and religions without any true loyalties to the country as a whole (think Hindraf), united only by racist force and abuse of power. UMNO therefore stays in power by racist force and abuse of power and it retains its power through massive corruption and wasteful spending to win votes and turn race against race and religion against religion through favouritism (i.e divide and rule). In the meantime the country is running up massive debts – just like Greece and just like the US. The rot started with UMNO. So when RPK says he cannot understand the Malay mind, I am suggesting he start with UMNO. Money, not loyalty or patriotism is the key factor in Malay minds. In fact, it is the key factor in Chinese and Indian minds too. (Fortunately for me, my friends say I have only sex on my mind. Fortunate too that I have an obedient wife). "Loyalty" and "patriotism" is now dependant on money. There is no longer any outlet for true ideals and honesty except in faith – everything else is money. Malaysia has turned into a country of mercenaries obsessed with money (the same way businessmen are worried about their miserable day's takings) and the rot started with UMNO. Bersih 2.0 is only trying to make small changes by demanding clean elections in a peaceful demonstration. Even this is seen as a threat to public order and national security. I guess the operative word here is not "demonstration" but "demand". UMNO cannot tolerate any demands since it rules by force and abuse of power, but where does that leave the people? And democracy? |
‘M’sia was slow in probing Iranian-linked companies’ Posted: 16 Jun 2011 03:20 PM PDT
Washington was also concerned over Malaysia's snail-paced move to replace its IAEA envoy who was sacked for voting against a resolution against Iran. Just a week ago, another US diplomatic cable leaked by WikiLeaks revealed the attempt by an Iranian-linked Malaysian company, Electrics Component Limited, to purchase TRS-500 gyroscopes used for guiding missiles from China. Syed Jaymal Zahiid, Free Malaysia Today Washington was concerned with Malaysia's slow progress in its probe into Malaysian companies suspected of illegal transshipment activities involving Iran, a US diplomatic cable revealed. The cable, leaked by whistleblower site WikiLeaks and published in news portal Malaysia Today today, said Foreign Affairs Ministry deputy secretary general Zainol Abidin Omar was told to "redouble its effort" after he revealed that nothing concrete was found yet from the probe, launched following US pressure for action on the listed companies. "'We have requested security agencies to initiate their investigations,' but added that, thus far, 'the investigation has not been able to unearth any activities that are in contravention to UN resolutions'," Zainol was quoted as saying in the cable. This followed the emphasis made by US diplomats Robert G Rapson and Poloff Nathan that the US has "strong concerns" about the companies listed and their activities, and urged the Malaysian government to work harder. Just a week ago, another US diplomatic cable leaked by WikiLeaks revealed the attempt by an Iranian-linked Malaysian company, Electrics Component Limited, to purchase TRS-500 gyroscopes used for guiding missiles from China. The US said that ECL was linked to Iranian firms "Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group (SHIG), which is Iran's primary developer of liquid propellant ballistic missiles, and Heavy Metal Industries, a front company for the tactical missile developer Ya Mahdi Industries". Both SHIG and Ya Mahdi Industries are sanctioned under United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1737, the cable said, adding that the gyroscopes, used in ballistic and cruise missiles as well as unmanned aircraft, are prohibited for export to Iran under the same resolution. It also said that ECL had links with another Malaysia-based front company Skylife Worldwide Sdn Bhd. US doubts IAEA envoy replacement plan The cable also disclosed Washington's concern over the Malaysian government's snail-paced move to replace its International Atomic Enforcement Agency (IAEA) envoy who was sacked for voting against a resolution against Iran. Zainol had disclosed to the US diplomats that Mohd Arshad Manzoor Hussain was still the "interim" chairman of the IAEA Board of Governors despite pledges by the Najib administration to replace him immediately last year. The delay of Arshad's replacement was due the "sensitive" nature of the issue, said Zainol, added the US cable. The cable revealed US' dissatisfaction with the latter's reply which said that Zainol was "coy in providing a direct answer". READ MORE HERE |
Shame, Shame On Malaysia Posted: 16 Jun 2011 03:11 PM PDT By Matthias Chang Hypocrite of the First Order. How can Malaysia withdraw its invitation to the President of Sudan, Omar Hassan Al-Bashir from attending the Langkawi International Dialogue when it condones the visit of War Criminal Blair to Malaysia and to deliver a lecture at the University of Malaya – Shame, shame on Malaysia, a Muslim country! Following the outcry by Amnesty International, the Bar Council of Malaysia and the press statement from the de facto Law Minister Datuk Seri Nazri that he would propose to the Cabinet to withdraw the invitation to President Omar Hassan Al-Bashir and President Robert Mugabe to attend the Langkawi International Dialogue, for allegedly violating human rights in their respective countries, the two leaders have been told that they are no longer welcomed to Malaysia. The rationale for Nazri's proposal is that the government having indicated its interest to join the ICC, should accede to the Rome Statute and comply with the Charter and as such should not invite persons indicted by the ICC. Such hypocrisy and shameful conduct! The biggest war criminals are Bush and Blair and their cohorts, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleeza Rice, Colin Powell, George Tenet, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, General Tommy Franks, Jack Straw, Geoffrey Hoon, Lord Goldsmith, Admiral Sir Michael Boyce, General Sir Michael Walker etc. Did Nazri and the government ever demand that these blood-thirsty war criminals be brought to justice for the wanton slaughter they unleashed in Iraq and Afghanistan and now in Bahrain, Yemen, Pakistan and Libya? Did Nazri and the government demand war crimes charges be leveled against the racist Israel for the occupation of Palestine, the invasion of Gaza in 2008 under Operation Cast Lead which in a UN sanctioned investigation and report found that the Israel Defence Forces ("licensed to kill thugs") have committed war crimes? No, No, No! They remained silent. In the case of Sudan, Malaysia via Petronas, the national oil company had invested RM5 billion in the oil and gas industry and reaped substantial profits for years. If Malaysia is not willing to accept the President of Sudan as a dialogue partner, then for heaven's sake, get out of Sudan, disinvest from the lucrative oil and gas industry of that country. We prostrate before the President in order to reap the obscene profits from Sudan's oil and gas industry but turn our backs on the President, when pressured to do so for some alleged crime. But, we are told that a man (or woman) is innocent until proven guilty. The International Criminal Court is a kangaroo court and its officials, the barking and lap dogs of the United States, Britain and NATO. Just recently, this morally bankrupt institution had the audacity to bring war crimes charges against Gaddafi for allegedly killing civilians and ordering mass rape but have condoned the slaughter and bombing of innocent civilians by NATO air strikes, even to the extent of permitting the use of bunker busting bombs (which are in fact mini-nukes). NATO has no qualms in the bombing of Al Fateh University, Campus B and as reported by the former Congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney. Such double standards! It was reported in the New Straits Times, 17th June 2011 at page 10, that Malaysia's Foreign Minister, Dato Seri Anifah Aman will visit Sudan for "damage control." He was quoted as saying, "I have no choice, but to do damage control and visit Sudan." What would be the nature of "damage control"? Nothing short of a PUBLIC APOLOGY and an assurance that should President Omar Hassan Al-Bashir decide to visit Malaysia and attend the Langkawi International Dialogue, his safety and well-being is guaranteed and that anyone who attempts to arrest him shall instead be arrested for making false charges, will suffice. MALAYSIA never ceased to call itself an exemplary "Muslim country". Then act and behave like one. Stop kowtowing to the war-mongers in the United States, Britain, Israel and NATO. Show some dignity and expose the double standards, failing which do not call Malaysia a "Muslim country". When Muslims are slaughtered all over the world, we do not demand justice for the massacred, the displaced population and the wanton destruction inflicted on these hapless countries. We pay lip service to the cause of justice when the UN General Assembly convenes each year. But, concrete action is never forthcoming. All cheap talk, "thunder with no rain!" Shame, shame on Malaysia! |
Sabah’s RM1b road maintenance deal raises dust Posted: 16 Jun 2011 02:02 PM PDT 
(FMT) KOTA KINABALU: Despite spending hundreds of millions of ringgit annually on road maintenances, Sabah has not 'one single decent road'. Knowing this, why has the government renewed the contracts of four contractors who performed 'poorly' in the past? Posing this question, former Sabah minister Kong Hong Ming said there was no justification for the extension of the maintenance contracts. "I understand the government has approved the extension of these monopolized contracts for another term. "They have renewed their contracts for another 10 to 15 years starting this year even before the expiry of their existing ones. "The total contract value will constitute RM800 million to RM1 billion a year of public spending in the future," said Kong, who is now PKR Tawau division chief. Kong stressed that the government must justify to the public such a heavy financial commitment into the future, especially knowing that the contractors had under-performed and were ineffective in maintaining public roads. "Judging from the series of recurring complaints highlighted in the media by community leaders, opposition parties and even Barisan Nasional party members on the deplorable conditions of public roads throughout the state, it is obvious that something has gone seriously wrong with the performance of these monopolized road maintenance contracts awarded by BN government," said Kong, who is a civil engineer turned lawyer. He criticised the decision to commit the state to an RM1 billion a year expense to only four contractors as an unjustified debacle. "Based on the existing contracts and huge spending per year, the people of Sabah should be enjoying reasonably good or at least well-maintained roads throughout the state. "But there are obviously some discrepancies and irregularities between the big spending and actual work done on the ground. "Despite frequent complaints, there is no obvious improvement on the poor road condition and network in the state. "In Sabah, we have reached such a sorry state of affairs that even new roads are unfit, unsafe and unserviceable," he said. Read more at: |
US 'sexting' lawmaker quits to cry of 'pervert!' Posted: 16 Jun 2011 01:51 PM PDT (NST) NEW YORK: "Bye bye, pervert!" a heckler cried, as US Congressman Antony Weiner announced amid loud jeering Thursday that he was resigning because he got caught sending lewd electronic pictures of his bulging crotch. Weiner endured insults and finger wagging — but was also cheered by a handful of loyalists — as he told the world he was quitting his job of more than 12 years in the House of Representatives. In his nearly four-minute speech Weiner, 46, apologized for the "damage" the tawdry scandal caused his wife and fellow lawmakers. The New York congressman chose an unusual venue for his political humiliation: a senior citizen's center, packed with grandparents who arrived on wheelchairs, walked with the aid of canes, or were assisted by helpers. They sat on the sides of the room, while reporters took over the center. Weiner showed up some 20 minutes late for the press conference at the Council Center for Senior Citizens in Brooklyn, New York. Outside, police had blocked traffic on the street, full of TV broadcast trucks. When Weiner finally showed up he was met by applause from supporters and a cascade of camera clicks from the pack of photographers. "About 20 years I stood in this very same room here... and asked my neighbors for their help... in electing me to the City Council," Weiner began, speaking at a podium between two US flags. Weiner talked about how it was "humbling" to represent the district, and how he had "never forgotten" his neighbors, "because they represent the same middle-class story as mine." "I had hoped to be able to continue the work that the citizens of my district elected me to do," he said. "Unfortunately, the distraction that I have created has made that impossible." The aged Weiner supporters gasped when the congressman announced his resignation. Some younger people in the crowd however cheered, and a voice cried out, "Bye bye, pervert!" Weiner thanked his colleagues in the House of Representatives, ("They come from different places around the country, but fundamentally we all agree: They're all patriots"); his staff ("They are young people who are not paid very much. There are people that worked very hard and very long hours"); and "the many people" who have helped him. Weiner continued speaking despite a crescendo of jeers. A man in the audience stood up from his wheelchair and yelled at Weiner, wagging his finger. Another asked about his penis size. Weiner, trying to maintain his dignity, expressed gratitude "to my family, to my mother and father, who instilled in me the values that carried me this far... and of course to my wife, Huma, who has stood with me in this entire difficult period." However Weiner's wife Huma Abedin was not standing by him at the press conference. Abedin, a top aide to US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, is reportedly pregnant with the couple's first child. Said Weiner: "I'll be looking for other ways to contribute my talents." More heckling and jeers followed as Weiner exited. "We don't want him to quit," said Ethel Winberg, 75, a Weiner supporter and a regular at the center. "Give him a break. He made a mistake, he needs a treatment." |
Himpunan Bersih 2.0 canggah nilai Islam, dakwa YDP Yadim Posted: 16 Jun 2011 01:49 PM PDT (TMI) Yang Dipertua Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (Yadim) Datuk Aziz Jamaludin Mhd Tahir mendakwa Himpunan Bersih 2.0 pada 9 Julai ini bertentangan dengan nilai dan etika Islam. Selain itu menurut beliau, perhimpunan aman anjuran Gabungan Pilihan Raya Bersih dan Adil (Bersih) merupakan satu helah untuk mengheret rakyat ke dalam kancah politik yang lebih besar. "Usaha itu merupakan percubaan pemimpin tersebut untuk menguji pengaruh, dan kerana itu sanggup menipu lebih ramai rakyat kononnya, sistem yang pernah memberikan kemenangan kepadanya dulu dan sedikit peluang berkuasa sebagai tidak boleh dipertahankan, ia perlu dirombak dan diberikan jaminan baru sesuai dengan keperluan mereka. "Pemimpin sedemikian merupakan orang yang tidak mempunyai jiwa perjuangan yang besar, mereka berminat mengadakan rusuhan kerana mempunyai agenda politik yang lebih besar," katanya dalam satu tulisan disiarkan dalam Utusan Malaysia hari ini. Aziz Jamaluddin juga menyifatkan penganjuran Himpunan Bersih 2.0 yang turut disertai Pakatan Rakyat, badan bukan kerajaan (NGO) dan rakyat sebagai satu bentuk anarkisme yang berlaku kali kedua dalam negara selepas 2007. "Wujud pendapat umum seolah-olah merusuh di jalan raya bagi membangkitkan rasa tidak puas hati mengenai sesuatu perkara sebagai natijah daripada prinsip demokrasi. "Maka, usaha Bersih untuk menganjurkan perhimpunan jalanan pada 9 Julai ini seharusnya dilihat sebagai suatu bentuk anarkisme yang kembali ingin dibudayakan dalam masyarakat Malaysia," katanya. Himpunan Bersih kali pertama diadakan pada 2007, beberapa bulan sebelum pilihan raya umum 2008 yang menyaksikan Pakatan Rakyat berjaya menawan lima buah negeri dan memenangi 82 kerusi Parlimen. Menurut beliau, dalam Islam perjuangan yang bersifat anarkisme tidak sesuai dengan tuntutan agama malah diharamkan kerana boleh memudaratkan termasuk dari aspek fizikal dan psikologi. Read more at: |
Apologise to Muslims over cartoon, Abim tells Utusan Posted: 16 Jun 2011 01:46 PM PDT (TMI) The Malaysian Islamic Youth Movement (Abim) has demanded Utusan Malaysia apologise to Muslims nationwide over its comic strip titled "Kekeliruan kes rogol" ["Confusion in rape cases"], saying that it was an insult to Islam. Abim president Dr Muhd Razak Idris charged that the cartoon had insulted Islamic laws, and gave the false impression that the religion did not defend rape victims. "We want Utusan Malaysia to make a public apology to Muslims for the publishing of the cartoon, which we see shows ignorance towards Islamic laws and principles. "This should not happen in our society and should not be carried by a media organisation which fights for Malays and Islam," he told The Malaysian Insider. Muhd Razak said that the cartoonist who drew the comic strip appeared to be "ignorant" about Islam and urged him to repent and not repeat the mistake again. "So I ask that after this any cartoons that want to be published should be checked by those who are knowledgeable in religion because we do not want Islamic laws to be seen as victimising rape victims, like this comic strip has," he added. Read more at:
Here We Go Again Posted: 16 Jun 2011 01:14 PM PDT THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Hakim Joe Malaysia possesses submarines that cannot dive but are able to sail faster than a sampan going upstream. Likewise, we are also buying super expensive helicopters that can possibly out-fly and out-maneuver Superman in flight (in theory only). Now we are looking at fighter jets to replace the ageing MIG-29N Fulcrum in 2015 and the budget could be in excess of RM6 billion. Here we go again. French aerospace company Dassault Aviation is planning to set up an office in Kuala Lumpur within the next few months with the intention of winning this lucrative contract from the Malaysian Government. On offer is their Multi Role Combat Aircraft (MRCA) Rafale at an estimated cost of 100 million Euro a pop (depending on who you ask). A squadron of a 12 aircrafts will cost in excess of 1.2 billion Euros (RM5.2 billion without optional extras like Krell Sound System, Liebherr fridge, Bosch reverse sensor or Prometheus dashboard cigar lighter). Not to be out done, British defense company BAE Systems (who already has a large office in Kuala Lumpur) is offering a better deal. For an estimated RM5.5 billion, BAE Systems will sell to RMAF 10 units of their Tranche 3 Typhoon fighter/interceptor. Now, how is this a better deal as compared to the Rafale? The Frenchies are offering 12 units whilst the Pommies are offering 10 units. The Frenchies deal cost RM5.2 billion whilst the Pommies deal cost RM5.5 billion. The Rafale is a MRCA whilst the Typhoon is NOT a MRCA. What BAE Systems is also offering are another 20 units of Tranche 1 Typhoon FOC (gratis, as is basis) that the Royal Air Force is retiring from active service, kind of a "Buy 1 Free 2" offer. Technically, these aircrafts are not entirely free, as the RMAF will need to pay to fit specific items like the communication systems and other support items to be compatible to its existing ground control systems. Boeing is also in the picture with its offer of the FA-18F Super Hornet (5th Generation) at USD57 million a piece. Cheap? Oops…the USD57 million is only for the chassis alone, not even the paint job. The real cost per unit after installation of the engine, avionics, pylons, radar, etc. approaches USD125 million a unit (without ordnance, training or support) minimum. However, Boeing is the most optimistic that they are capable of securing this contract as RMAF is already using the FA-18E (4th Generation) and the Malaysian pilots are familiar with the aircraft (hence less training required) plus the important fact that they have appointed three (yes, three) Malaysian companies to do the lobbying for them - Composites Technology Research Malaysia Aero Composites (CTRM AC), SME Aerospace (SMEA), and Spirit AeroSystems. Likewise, of the four potential suppliers, only Boeing has made an official visit to Putrajaya this year to promote their latest aircraft to the former Defense Minister. The other three haven't even applied for their visas. Composites Technology Research Malaysia Aero Composites is a wholly owned subsidiary of Composites Technology Research Malaysia Sdn Bhd. Based in Batu Berendam, Melaka, CTRM AC is a government-linked company with the Ministry of Finance Incorporated as its major shareholder. SME Aerospace, based in Sungai Buloh, manufactures aircraft parts, components and assemblies for customers worldwide and is a wholly owned subsidiary of the National Aerospace & Defence Industries Berhad. Spirit AeroSystems Malaysia Sdn Bhd, based in Kuala Lumpur, is an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Spirit AeroSystems Holdings Inc. [NYSE: SPR] The fourth and final offer is from Sweden's SAAB with its JAS 39 Gripen MRCA aircraft at USD60 million a pop even though this offer is considered to be the least successful of the entire lot and the cheapest. For those detractors that think that the purchase of military aircrafts is not viable due to Malaysia's economic outlook and that we are still financing the current fleet, think again. As of April 2011, a Request For Quotation (RFQ) has been issued to the four manufacturers. But then again, when and what has economy and cost to do with the purchase of military hardware here in BolehLand? BTW, the submarines still refuse to submerge underwater. |
The Malaysian mindset: No money, no talk Posted: 16 Jun 2011 01:12 PM PDT We place money before values, ethics, justice, honor and humanity. This is the real liability we are concerned here. By J. D. Lovrenciear Despite the many places of worship that we never stop building; despite the many seemingly ethical-sounding slogans we adopt perennially; despite the many social change campaigns that we profess to support; despite the religious events and festivals that we partake as well as parade to the world that we are a unique experience that is 'Truly Asia'; despite all these, Malaysians appear to have become anchored in a credo that is hard to shake. This permeating credo is that believe in money - a credo of 'money talk first'. In fact, it is no surprise to hear from almost most Malaysians the common adage: No money, no talk. Money has become the central 'god' or 'goddess' for many. They will fight to prove to you that without money you can do nothing. Yes, without the currency of the times, we cannot purchase. We use money to exchange for the goods and services we need to live and even survive in this contemporary world. That is not the problem. The problem is we have reached a point of no return where we keep placing money before everything else. We place money before values, ethics, justice, honor and humanity. This is the real liability we are concerned here. Take the case of the announced Bersih 2.0 rally. The first objection was 'our business will be affected'. Never mind about your higher ideals for the nation's progress. "I need to find my money" is the argument that gets the protection and support instantly. The same goes for a political rally that BN organizes. If there is no money in the offing, you can be rest assured the turnout will be only those who are supposed to be on duty for the event. The money can come in the form of a free makan-makan, free T-shirts, a small 'ang pow' or whatever. But it translates to some gains that can be accounted as monetary incentive. It is plainly, 'no money, no go'. You set up a professional organization. And the first thing on those who clamor to hold office in that institution is, 'how much extra can I make' or 'what added mileage is there for me'. Money, money and more money. No one wants to look at the higher ideals of existence. Forget about the values, the ethical dimension, noble intentions. The question that matters is, "how do I survive mate?" Or "everybody is making money, why can't I". Whether it is the trader, the office bearer at a place of worship, the office boy on errands, the manager at his high desk, the professional, the politicians – whoever; they have all through their conduct that most of us are familiar with, have proven time and time again that money comes first. Today we know that people are prepared to kill for no reason whatsoever but for so long as there is money. Remember the guy who C4-ed the Mongolian national? He said in court that he was promised RM100,000 for a clean job. The case against a former chieftain which also raises eyebrows is yet another example what money can do. Properties are grossly undervalued and sold to someone only because the subsequent business (money) opportunities are not crippled. If you search the annals and recent history pages from the courts, the Parliament, and national archives, we will be inundated with examples that attest to this fact that Malaysians will do anything and everything for money. If there is no money, but mere ideals and principles, ethics and justice, they will tell you they are "busy-lah, sorry eh, maybe next time". This trend is not only dangerous but compounds all future generations of this nation. For as long as man has lost his dreams, visions and hopes for a future built on justice, honor, ethics and principles, that nation of people will remain robbed to the raw bones for eternity. For a nation of people who eagerly put money before business, money before service, money before their very existence, money before their beingness – they are ruined. Strangely, we never were like this in the yester-years especially during the times of Bapa Malaysia. Thank God that are there a few in between who are still willing to give their time, energy, and even money to stand up for the higher and nobler ideals of humanity and nation. But when the larger nation of people put money before all else, we must take inventory. We therefore need to re-orientate. We need to understand, appreciate and endorse that money is only a result of what we do. Money should never be the determinant of what we are willing to do. Now who do we blame for this national malaise that is affecting all Malaysians like a cancer? Your take, please.
Does Malaysia need millionaires? Posted: 16 Jun 2011 01:10 PM PDT For a nation of 28 million with about a third that are gainfully employed, have these glaring and hidden Malaysian millionaires and even billionaires made the life and times of the masses any better? By J. D. Lovrenciear The government of the day always crows 'Look at the number of multi-millionaires we have created'. On the surface this appears to sound fantastic. How many ranked or rated individual millionaires and billionaires are there amongst Malaysians? How many more undisclosed millionaires are there anyway? For a nation of 28 million with about a third that are gainfully employed, have these glaring and hidden Malaysian millionaires and even billionaires made the life and times of the masses any better? And what about all those who are in service and quietly raking in bagfuls of cash – at least going by the palatial houses they have renovated and the shopping list they discard all so frequently, do we need these filthy rich people? Mind you some in the civil service even arrive in a Rolls Royce to cast their vote in a state election. Would they all add to the wealth of a nation making the standard of living for the man in the street any better? Yes, some may argue that these millionaires set up huge corporations and provide employment for thousands. But the thousands are living off from loan sharks, credit cards, tight-fisted frugal expenditures and hardly any gala holidays don't you know? Not only that, their nightmare is also about getting sacked if they towed the wrong line. The Malaysian economic agenda is unable to cushion the Ahmad, Ah Beng and Muthu and their ordinary families against any economic or financial tide that washes upon our shores. In the wake of such challenges, the government will rescue the billionaires first followed by the millionaires next. The poor employee or self-employed citizen will have to fend for himself, tighten his belt and if need be walk through the corridors of being a bankrupt. How many families do we know in our neighborhood or amongst relatives and friends who are aching, breaking their backs and pockets to expand their shrinking pay packets? Is this an exaggeration or a reality? Why couldn't we have made sure that co-operatives and ex-servicemen's associations and other such similar agentries that are in effect owned by the ordinary rakyat be the millionaire and billionaire organizations of Malaysia? That way we could have ensured that the millions and even billions of profits would have remained for the working rakyat. The rakyat would be able to, amongst other things, send their children to school and higher education of their choice without having to beg for handouts or even fight for such assistance. The nation as a population would be richer and leading a better standard of living. Indeed the government must remember that it is not a servant unto the rich, famous (infamous rather), the singular multi-millionaires. On the contrary the government's duty is to serve the citizens, King and nation. With all the multi-billion (rather trillion) Ringgit that this nation has earned through its oil, tin, rubber, oil palm, as well as trading in rice imports, the APs, IPPs, Concessions, super-structures and multi-billion Ringgit developments and what have you, all Malaysians would be walking tall without debt. Instead, the Great Bapa Moden Malaysia sold us the empty dream of 'privatization' that not only made cronies into mega-rich people but also in the process killed off the household entities like the Water Works Department, the Telecoms, the Tenaga Nasional and others that were well known for their fairly good performance. But we were led to believe that that these agencies are poor performers and that privatization will bring the rakyat greater benefits. It did not. But unfortunately, we are straddled with economic and financial pains while the multi-millionaires float enormous profits. In between they make some handouts under the guise of donations and corporate social responsibility. Does this all make sense? Or is our BN formula flawless? Let the rakyat decide.
FELDA Ada Potensi Besar Jatuh Bangkrap, Pinjam Wang KWSP RM6 Billion Posted: 16 Jun 2011 01:41 AM PDT Felda hari ini mengaku membuat pinjaman RM6 bilion daripada Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja namun menegaskan agensi itu tidak bermasalah membayar semula pinjaman itu. Timbalan Menteri Di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Ahmad Maslan memberitahu Parlimen, Felda mencatat keuntungan RM1.197 bilion tahun lalu dan dan nilai keseluruhan syarikat itu adalah RM19.18 bilion.
Bagaimanapun Ahmad Maslan tidak dapat memberi penjelasan kenapa, Felda perlu membuat pinjaman RM6bilion jika kedudukan kewangannya kukuh.
Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim meminta kerajaan Umno-BN menyatakan sama ada RM6 bilion itu digunakan oleh anak syarikat Felda, Felda Global Ventures untuk melabur dalam syarikat milik asing.
Pelaburan itu, menurut Anwar, menyebabkan Felda menanggung kerugian berkumpul RM500 juta dari tahun 1997 hingga tahun lalu.
Malah katanya hal ini mengakibatkan timbul pelbagai persoalan mengenai kelemahan dalam pengurusan dana Felda dan apakah pinjaman yang dibuat bertujuan untuk menampung kerugian agensi terbabit.
"Siapa yang beri kebenaran? Adakah Menteri Kewangan dirujuk dan apa jadi dengan pemimpin-pemimpin korporat yang terlibat dalam kes ini?
"Kalau anda terus bergolak dengan undang-undang dan secara berterusan membuat keputusan bertanggungjawab, Felda akan diterima.
"Dan saya persoalkan keputusan untuk mengambil kerja konsultant. Tidak ada rekod dari segi pengalaman atau kepakaran dalam pelaburan dan teknologi urus niaga perindustrian," ujar beliau.
Ahmad sebelum ini gagal untuk memberikan jawapan kepada Anwar kerana tidak mempunyai maklumat penuh mengenainya.
Pinjaman RM6 bilion oleh Felda itu didedahkan oleh Pengerusi Anak Peneroka Felda Kebangsaan (Anak) Mazlan Aliman pada bulan lalu, namun ia tidak disahkan oleh Felda sehingga kenyataan Ahmad hari ini.
Tahun lalu, Ahmad mengaku, juga di Parlimen, bahawa rizab Felda susut daripada lebih RM4 bilion pada tahun 2004 kepada RM1.35 bilion tahun 2009.
Peneroka Felda dilihat sebagai "simpanan tetap" Umno ketika pilihanraya dan sebarang kritikan terhadap pengurusan Felda sering mengundang tindakan padah daripada pemerintah.
Tahun lalu, lidah rasmi Parti Keadilan Rakyat, Suara Keadilan diharamkan dan disaman kerana mendakwa Felda mungkin bangkrap jika terus menanggung kerugian akibat pemborosan dan pelaburan yang tersasar.
Sementara itu, Anwar turut menyangkal keterangan Ahmad kononnya Felda mencatatkan keuntungan tinggi, sebaliknya ujar beliau, agensi itu mampu memperoleh keuntungan berlipat ganda sekiranya pengurusan lebih telus. READ MORE HERE |
Artikel Hasan Ali - Wartawan Utusan buat Laporan Polis terhadap DAP Posted: 16 Jun 2011 01:36 AM PDT
(Utusan Malaysia) - Wartawan Utusan Malaysia dari Biro Selangor, Abdul Yazid Alias, 31, hari ini membuat laporan polis bagi menafikan dakwaan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Sekinchan, Ng Suee Lim bahawa dia menulis berita yang direka-reka berhubung ulasan wakil rakyat DAP itu tentang pengguguran Datuk Dr. Hassan Mohamed Ali sebagai Pesuruhjaya Pas Selangor. Abdul Yazid membuat laporan itu di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Shah Alam di Seksyen 9 pada pukul 3.30 petang dan keluar dari balai tersebut pada pukul kira-kira 5 petang.
Abdul Yazid berkata, laporan tersebut dibuat adalah menafikan dakwaan wakil rakyat tersebut bahawa tiada wartawan Utusan Malaysia menemui atau menghubunginya bagi mendapatkan bahan berita yang tersiar pada Selasa lalu bertajuk `Pengguguran Hasan disambut baik DAP'.
"Saya sememangnya kebetulan menemui Suee Lim pada 13 Jun lalu di sebuah kedai runcit di Seksyen 9 yang berdekatan dengan pejabat Utusan Malaysia di sini dan sebagai wartawan saya mengambil inisiatif bertanyakan pandangannya sebagai wakil rakyat DAP mengenai pengguguran Hasan sebagai Pesuruhjaya Pas negeri.
"Saya sudah lama mengenali wakil rakyat itu dan kami saling mengenali malah saya sendiri sebelum ini pernah menemuinya dan menghubunginya sebagai wartawan Utusan Malaysia,'' katanya di sini hari ini.
Laporan polis berkenaan dibuat ekoran kenyataan Suee Lim seperti yang dilaporkan oleh portal berita, hari ini bertajuk, `Berita Palsu: ADUN Sekinchan buat laporan polis'. |
Umno Youth to gather on July 9, rival Bersih rally Posted: 16 Jun 2011 01:21 AM PDT
(The Malaysian Insider) - Umno Youth will organise a gathering on July 9 to " strengthen the democratic system" and rival electoral reform group Bersih 2.0's rally on the same day. Its chief Khairy Jamaluddin said it won't join the Bersih rally, which is also facing a counter-protest by Malay rights group Perkasa. "Umno Youth will organise a gathering on July 9 to strengthen the democratic system. Won't join Bersih because they have opposition agenda," the Rembau MP wrote in his Twitter microblogging account. He had earlier chaired an Umno Youth council meeting today. Police have said it won't issue permits for any rally in the city on that day, when a rock concert featuring Sweet Charity and Blues Gang will be held later that night. |
Hearing of RMAF Sergeant Tharmendran's case postponed to July 22 Posted: 16 Jun 2011 01:17 AM PDT
(Bernama) - The hearing of the case involving Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) Sergeant N. Tharmendran and businessman K. Rajandran Prasad on charges of conspiring to steal and disposing off two RMAF jet engines has been postponed to July 22 due to the appointment of a new counsel. Sessions Court judge Aslam Zainuddin set the date after lawyer V. Ravichandran informed the court that he was the new counsel appointed by Tharmendran, 43, and that he needed time to study the documents on the case. Ravichandran told the court that the previous counsel N. Surendran, had yet to handover the documents on the case to him. "I was informed by Surendran that he would give me all the documents the latest by next week," he added. The case was postponed to today after Tharmendran informed the court two days ago that his lawyer (Surendran) was withdrawing from the case. Meanwhile, at today's proceeding, lawyer Gobind Singh Deo , who represented Rajandran, 38, claimed that the charge against his client was flawed because the time when the alleged offence was committed was not clearly stated on the charge sheet. However, deputy public prosecutor Feisal Syed Amir said the point raised by the defence was not an important issue. Aslam said the matter would be raised should there be any witness who mentioned the time when the alleged incident took place. On Jan 6 last year, Tharmendran pleaded not guilty to conspiring with airman Mohamad Shukri Mohamad Yusop to stealing two J85-21 model of F5 jet engines from the Material Processing Shed MATRA 1, Sungai Besi RMAF base, here, on April 30, 2008. He was charged under Section 380 of the Penal Code which is punishable with imprisonment for up to 10 years and a fine upon conviction. Rajandran Prasad, the director of a supply company, also pleaded not guilty on the same date to the charge of intentionally disposing off the engines at 49, Jalan TS 6/6, Taman Industri Subang on April 30, 2008. Rajandran was charged under Section 414 of the Penal Code which is punishable with a jail term of up to seven years and a fine upon conviction. On Aug 20 last year, Tharmendran also pleaded not guilty to a charge of laundering a sum of RM62,000 while Rajandran pleaded not guilty to five such charges involving RM437,319.50. |
Controversial DJ claims living in exile in UK Posted: 16 Jun 2011 01:07 AM PDT  (Borneo Post) - Controversial figure Peter John Jaban who used the pseudonym 'DJ Papa Orang Utan' over Radio Free Sarawak (RFS) has claimed that he is living in political exile in the UK. He said he did not dare to come back home to Sarawak because of what the Home Ministry had stated recently – that he was a potential subject under the Internal Security Act. When contacted yesterday, Peter said he was making a living as a deejay for RFS and that he reported to another controversial figure – Clare Rewcastle – who runs RFS and Sarawak Report blog. Rewcastle is the sister in-law of former British prime minister Gordon Brown. Peter said he also feared reprisal judging from the threats he received through SMS, emails and Facebook. He also rubbished talks that he was a 'radio mercenary' earning 6,000 pounds per month. He said he did what he was doing on his own free will, and not for the material gain. He also said that he was not affiliated to any political party in Malaysia, but said that there were good and bad people in both Pakatan Rakyat (BN) and Barisan Nasional (BN). He said he would not like to 'attack' the good ones in either PR or BN.
"If you care to observe carefully, I have never attacked the good people in either block," he said without elaborating what he meant by attacking people. He also dismissed claims that RFS was all out to run down the state government. Peter said he was also a member of another controversial group – the Raja Petra Kamaruddin-led Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement based in London whose members have declared themselves as a third force. As a social activist, he participated in several peaceful protests in London. "I would like to advise Malaysians to follow our style. Protest in peace, do not burn cars, shops, homes or government properties. Treat it as a picnic, bring along your guitars and sing along," he said. He also advised politicians not to use religious issues for political gain because the consequences would always be bad. "Sarawak is a multi racial state. The people live in racial harmony despite the many colours," he said when urging Sarawakians not to use religion to divide themselves.
Should people want to communicate with him they can do so through Facebook under the account of Papa Orang Utan Peter. Peter was formerly attached to the Land and Survey Department and was a Cats Radio deejay In February this year, Chief Political Secretary to Chief Minister Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah said RFS was all out to run down the state government but admitted there was nothing they could do to stop them from telling lies. Karim, who is Asajaya assemblyman, also urged the police, Home Ministry and MCMC to take action against RFS if it breached the law or commit slander. "The best way to counter the radio now is to educate the public by telling them not to listen to RFS programmes and be critical when analysing their news. "There is nothing we can do to stop them (from spreading slander and lies). We just have to educate the public on what is true and what is real. On the other hand, if we do not stop them they will go all out to run down the government," he said. |
WIKILEAKS: US concerns regarding Malaysian companies suspected of illegal transshipment activities Posted: 16 Jun 2011 01:00 AM PDT
Following up on PM PDAS Countryman's January 14 meeting with the Malaysian Ambassador to Washington about the missing F-5 engines case (ref E), DCM reiterated to Zainol the seriousness with which we view this issue and that we look forward to a full report/accounting by the GOM. This was necessary to ensure the US has the "fullest confidence" in Malaysia's ability to handle and account for sensitive defense equipment. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin 
S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 03 KUALA LUMPUR 000049 SIPDIS FOR EAP/MTS, ISN, PM AND INR E.O. 12958: DECL: 01/20/2030 TAGS: PREL, KNNP, PARM, IAEA, MNUC, PGOV, IR, MY SUBJECT: MALAYSIA: MFA VIEWS ON NON-PRO, IAEA, AND EXPORT CONTROL LAW REF: A. 09 STATE 126209 -- U.S. APPROACH TO NPT CONFERENCE B. 09 STATE 128736 -- NEXT STEPS WITH MALAYSIAN ON PROLIFERATION C. 09 KL 917 -- EINHORN MEETINGS IN KUALA LUMPUR D. 09 KL 977 -- GOM STATEMENT ON IAEA VOTE E. STATE 5003 -- PM A/S MEETING WITH MALAYSIAN AMBASSADOR Classified By: Political Counselor Brian D. McFeeters for reasons 1.4 b and d. Summary 1. (S) The DCM met with MFA Deputy Secretary General Zainol Abidin Omar on January 15 to convey Ref A talking points and to discuss a range of other counter-proliferation and export control-related issues (refs A and B). Referencing special information that was provided to the GOM in early-November by S/SANAC Einhorn, Zainol said that the GOM was still looking into Malaysian companies suspected of illegal transshipment activities involving Iran, but otherwise no concrete actions had been taken. DCM urged the GOM to "redouble" its efforts in this area. Zainol advised that his government was still deliberating internally the disposition of dual-use components and equipment that were seized by Malaysian authorities on December 25 from a Middle East-bound vessel. Regarding a new Export Control law, Zainol said that it was now under near-final review at the Attorney General's office, but he offered no timeline on when the bill might be presented to parliament. On the fate of their Ambassador (Arshad) to the IAEA, Zainol indicated that naming of a successor was a sensitive issue and that it may take several weeks (or longer) for a final decision. Zainol did state that, in the interim, Arshad was still Chairman of the IAEA Board of Governors. DCM encouraged the GOM to move quickly on a replacement to clear up the "confusion" at the IAEA on Arshad's status. Zainol welcomed the Jan 28 visit by ISN acting Assistant Secretary Van Diepen and delegation. He confirmed that the GOM would participate in EXBS-sponsored training in March and expressed interest in sending officials for additional export control-related training at the University of Georgia in April. DCM briefly raised the missing F-5 engines case. End Summary. 2. (C) DCM Rapson and Poloff Nathan met with Ambassador Zainol Abidin Omar, the Deputy Secretary General in charge of multilateral affairs at MFA on January 15. (Note: Zainol is the no. 5 ranking officer in the MFA after the Foreign Minister, two Deputy Ministers and the Secretary General. End Note). Also in attendance from the MFA were Under Secretary for non-proliferation Bala Chandra Tharman, Principal Assistant Secretary for non-proliferation Shazryll Zahiran, and Principal Assistant Secretary for United States affairs Muhammad Radzi bin Jamaluddin. The discussion was cordial and went for an hour-plus. 3. (S) The DCM recalled Special Advisor for Non-Proliferation Einhorn's November 4 meeting with MFA Secretary General Rastam (ref C), during which Einhorn provided the MFA a special list of companies of concern that were engaging in transshipment activities with Iran, and asked for a status update on any GOM decisions or actions with respect to the listed companies. Zainol replied "We have requested security agencies to initiate their investigations," but added that, thus far, "the investigation has not been able to unearth any activities that are in contravention to UN resolutions." The DCM emphasized that the U.S. has "strong concerns" about the companies listed and their activities, and urged the GOM to "redouble" its efforts in this area. Zainol acknowledged this request and said the GOM would "welcome any additional information on those companies." He noted that the Foreign Ministry has the inter-agency lead on non-proliferation issues, and that bilateral requests for cooperation and assistance on these types of issues should be "funneled through the MFA." Update on the Christmas Day Seizure 4. (S) DCM thanked and briefly queried about the status of the shipment of dual-usage parts and equipment seized by the GOM from a middle east-bound vessel over the Christmas day holiday. Zainol replied that all the information they can share has been separately channeled to the relevant U.S. agencies. Zainol did note that they (the GOM) are still conducting their internal investigation on whether or not the equipment and parts seized were of dual-use concern as the USG is alleging. (Comment: Zainol declined to offer any info on current disposition of the seized shipment, although his comments clearly implied that the consignment was still under GOM control. Moreover, he provided no indication that the GOM would be reaching out to the UN Security Council for guidance on evaluation and analysis and handling of the seized shipment as had been indicated to us through liaison channels. End comment.) Export Control Law in Final Stages, but... 5. (C) Zainol confirmed that the GOM "is in the final stages" of drafting the export control law bill, and said that the draft is currently with the Attorney General's office. Zainol did not want to speculate when the AG's office would finish its review and when the bill would be presented to parliament, given, he said, that there are a range of other "urgent" issues on the PM, AG's, and Parliament's plate such as review and revision of the controversial Internal Security Act (ISA). Zainol opined that the process could "take some time" as the AG's office needs to consider how an export control law would tie into and affect existing laws. Zainol concluded by noting that once the proposed bill was finalized, it "would be introduced to parliament at the appropriate time." DCM thanked Zainol for this update and recalled the high priority both the PM and Foreign Minister placed late last year on early passage of the export control law. He noted that the USG stands ready to assist the GOM, including through the provision of training and technical assistance (see para 8, below). Van Diepen Delegation Visit 6. (SBU) The DCM previewed the January 28th visit of ISN acting Assistant Secretary Van Diepen and delegation, thanking Zainol for agreeing to meet with the A/S and for assembling an interagency team on the Malaysian side for that meeting at MFA. The DCM confirmed that we are also seeking separate appointments for the delegation at MITI, the Attorney General's offices and the PM's office. Zainol said he look forward to the discussions with A/S Van Diepen and welcomed further engagement with the U.S. on non-proliferation and export control issues. IAEA and the Status of Ambassador Arshad 7. (C) The DCM asked Zainol for clarification on the status of Malaysia's Ambassador to the IAEA (and co-current Chairman of the IAEA Board of Governors) Arshad (Ref D), noting that there have been some confusing signals of late emanating from various sources about his recall and the naming of a successor. Zainol was coy on providing a direct answer, and would only say that "at the moment, we are unable to say anything," other than that he (Arshad) "is still chair of the IAEA Board of Governors" until a new Ambassador is identified. Zainol explained that there is a delay because "the nomination of a new ambassador is very sensitive," adding that "the process takes a few weeks." The DCM recalled the Foreign Minister's public comments on this subject last month and recent senior level communications we have received from the GOM. Training and Enhancing Engagement 8. (SBU) Zainol welcomed increased interaction and engagement between the USG and GOM on the non-proliferation front. He confirmed that the GOM planned to participate in an EXBS-sponsored non-proliferation workshop in March 2010, and was interested in sending two candidates to the University of Georgia within the next few months for more specialized and extensive export control-related training. Zainol commented that the MFA has been preparing for the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington this April, which PM Najib will attend. DCM Rapson noted USG interest in having Malaysia's Attorney General visit Washington for discussions on a range of bilateral issues, including the export control law. Missing F-5 Engines 9. (C) Following up on PM PDAS Countryman's January 14 meeting with the Malaysian Ambassador to Washington about the missing F-5 engines case (ref E), DCM reiterated to Zainol the seriousness with which we view this issue and that we look forward to a full report/accounting by the GOM. This was necessary to ensure the US has the "fullest confidence" in Malaysia's ability to handle and account for sensitive defense equipment. Zainol replied that "we are seriously concerned" and that the GOM "fully understands that this is an obligation we have to undertake," but also added that "my department is only concerned with nuclear non-proliferation" and that "we (MFA) are not the lead on the issue." When asked about those arrested for their alleged involvement with the F-5 engines, Zainol replied that the issue "is now before the court, so it's difficult to offer any further comment." KEITH |
How it all began Posted: 15 Jun 2011 07:30 PM PDT 
Is demonstrating part of Malay culture? Umno says no. Maybe it used to be no 500 years ago. But it became Malay culture back in 1946 when they opposed the Malay Union. And if not because of this demonstration there would not be an Umno around today. Umno was born against the backdrop of the 1946 demonstration. So a demonstration is the father of Umno.
NO HOLDS BARREDRaja Petra Kamarudin SCENE ONE: British Malaya. Kampong Baharu, Kuala Lumpur. 1946.Said: Assalamuailakum!
Rahman: Mualaikumsalam. Ah, Said, what brings you here? Come in.
Said: Ay Rahman, are you going to the demonstration tomorrow?
Rahman: Demonstration? What demonstration?
Said: We are getting together to demonstrate against the government. We are going to oppose the plan to set up the Malayan Union.
Rahman: But I thought the Malayan Union is a fait accompli. Haven't the Rulers already endorsed it?
Said: Yes, but the Rulers were tricked by Sir Harold MacMichael. They did not know that the setting up of the Malayan Union will not only erode the powers of the Rulers but that of the Rakyat as well. So we are going to oppose it.
Rahman: But won't that mean we shall also be demonstrating against the Rulers?
Said: No, we shall in fact be defending the powers of the Rulers. We are not trying to accuse the Rulers of selling out the Rakyat. We are taking the position that MacMichael tricked the Rulers. So the Rulers are as much victims as the Rakyat. Raja Uda, Datuk Panglima Gantang, Nik Kamil and Datuk Kamaruddin have already spoken to the Rulers and Their Highnesses have sanctioned the demonstration. The Istana is also sending representatives to join the demonstration. The Rulers are with us, Rahman. Rahman: I'm not sure, Said. Demonstrating is not our Malay culture. And I am wary about opposing the government.
Said: Alamak, Rahman, we can no longer be feudalistic. All over the world the people are opposing their governments. Our neighbours Indonesia and the Philippines have already gained independence. India is soon going to be independent. And they are gaining independence because the Rakyat dared oppose the government. Malaya will never gain independence unless we dare oppose the government.
Rahman: But still, Said, demonstrations are a show of defiance and dissent. We Malays are not like that. Malays are a tolerant and subservient race. We never oppose the powers-that-be even if they are evil and unjust. That is not what Hang Tuah taught us.
Said: Rahman, Hang Tuah is outdated. That is something that is 500 years old. Today Malays must be like Hang Jebat.
Rahman: I am shocked that you say this, Said. Are you saying that Hang Jebat is the hero and not Hang Tuah?
Said: Exactly! Look, Rahman, tomorrow is going to be the beginning of the New Malay, the Melayu Baharu. Don't you want to be a part of history? We are going to see history being made tomorrow. Do you want to just be a spectator and watch history being made rather than be a participant in the making of history?
Rahman: Said, I work for the government. You sell nasi lemak. You have nothing to worry about. I have to think of my job and my family.
Said: If we all just think of ourselves and not of the nation when is Malaya ever going to see self-rule? We all need to make sacrifices. I sell nasi lemak because I refuse to work for the government. I don't recognise this government so how can I work for it? I choose to sell nasi lemak although I can take the easy way out and work for the government like you.
Rahman: You are different Said.
Said: What is so different between you and me? I also have a family to feed just like you. But I refuse to collaborate with the government. If I work for the government that means I agree with what the government is doing. I will never work for the government unless we first see a change of government. I would rather suffer and earn pittance by selling nasi lemak than live a comfortable life on a salary earned from a government I am opposed to.
Rahman: (sighs)…You are always the dissident, Said.
Said: That is because I am a Muslim, Rahman. But I follow the true principles of Islam. In Islam if we collaborate with evil then we are also evil. We must oppose evil, Rahman. That is what Islam asks us to do. If you are a true Muslim at least join us for the demonstration tomorrow. Maybe you are not yet ready to resign from your government post. Never mind. But at least oppose the government by joining us tomorrow. Be a true Muslim.
Rahman: Okaylah Said. You have convinced me. I will be there. And let whatever happens happen. If I get sacked from my post I will accept that as God's will.
Said: Rahman, you will not regret it. Tomorrow is the beginning of Malay Nationalism. After this we need to talk to the Chinese and Indians to ask them to join us in the fight for Merdeka. We can't do it on our own. We need the support of the Chinese and Indians as well. That has to come. SCENE TWO: British Malaya. In front of the Majestic Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. 1946.

‘Umno cavorting with robbers’ Posted: 15 Jun 2011 04:49 PM PDT Why should Umno claim ownership of possible corrupt practices? Umno stands for cavorting with today's robber barons – the Anandas, the YTLS, The Berjayas, the Genting Lims, all of whom are friends of former Umno president-cum Prime Minsiter Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Mohd Ariff Sabri Aziz, Free Malaysia Today Umno is fast becoming a dirty four-letter word. When someone criticizes the scandalous payments to Independent Power Producers (IPPs), it's considered as attacks on Umno. Umno, admittedly now, supports dubious arrangements to pay the IPPs horrendous prices when the same can be produced cheaper by TNB. Umno stands for cavorting with today's robber barons – the Anandas, the YTLS, The Berjayas, the Genting Lims, all of whom are friends of former Umno president-cum Prime Minsiter Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Mahathir isn't infallible, you know. Why should Umno claim ownership of malpractices or possible corrupt practices? They should disown, not own up. This kind of stupidity will cost Umno dearly in later years. Umno should NOT view attacks on policies and on issues of public concerns as attacks against the Malays or a Malay government. Perkasa doesn't speak for the Malays. It's not the only voice. Ibrahim Ali is no more Malay than I am or I am no less Malay than Ibrahim Ali. Here is the problem with the IPP issue. People are questioning why the government finds it easy to withdraw subsidies from ordinary people and not IPPs. This double standard raises concerns that the government is protecting the IPPs, which incidentally were created during Dr Mahathir's watch. Robber barons People can argue, IPPS get subsidies so that they can charge the public lower otherwise we will have to pay higher rates. But the real questions are: why are the IPPs being given preferential treat? Why are they being protected from price fluctuations? And why did Tenaga Nasional Berhad and the government agree to the price and the "take or pay" conditions. The robber barons are holding the government at ransom and Mahathir agreed to be squeezed by the balls. Isn't Tenaga capable of generating electricity at a much lower cost than the IPP's (economy of scale, lower cost of capital, etc) I read somewhere that some think-tankers say that subsidies cause IPPS to be inefficient. But I think otherwise. It is Tenaga which has become inefficient. The IPPs cause Tenaga to operate at sub-optimal level. READ MORE HERE |
Economic Development Reverses Brain Drain Posted: 15 Jun 2011 01:43 PM PDT The market for talent is truly global; there is no place for nostalgia, insularity, or misguided notions of nationalism. By M. Bakri Musa A recent World Bank Report concludes that Malaysia risks jeopardizing its economic development if it does not ameliorate its "brain drain" problem. The Bank singles out the country's affirmative action program as a major contributor to the problem. Brain drain, as the Bank rightly acknowledges, is a universal problem. For the Bank to conclude as it did, it must present comparative international data showing that Malaysia's problem is worse off than those without similar affirmative action programs. Alas, this is precisely the glaring deficiency of the report, its lack of comparative data. The Report nonetheless contains a wealth of valuable data. However, as the information sage Edward Tufte observed, nature's laws are causal; they reveal themselves by comparison and difference. This absence of comparisons makes the report's conclusion not credible. The Bank has it backwards. Brain drain does not impact economic development rather the other way around. Have a robust economy and then watch talent – and not just native ones – flocking in. We saw this with Japan of the 1960s, South Korea in the 1980s, and Ireland in the 1990s. Ireland is a particularly pertinent example. Today with its economy sputtering, Ireland is again suffering a brain drain. There is no indication that Malaysia's problem is worse off than that of China, India, or Singapore. On the contrary those countries may suffer even worse, and they do not have any domestic affirmative action program, except for a perfunctory one for India's "untouchables." In California there are more émigrés from Singapore than from Malaysia. Nearly all my college mates in Canada in the 1960s who were from Singapore are now émigrés. Considering the republic's much smaller population, we can infer that it has a bigger brain drain problem. Heck, even its former head of state emigrated! Yet that does not impact its economic development. China suffered through massive "brain drain" for the past few decades; it still does. Yet it continues registering spectacular economic growth. Only now with greater opportunities as a consequence of that growth is China seeing an improvement to its brain drain problem. Despite that, China now has a new problem. According to a China Merchant Bank's report, those Chinese with assets in excess 100 million yuan, a stunning 27 percent have already emigrated while another 47 are considering it. In Malaysia, at least according to the World Bank Report, only the smart Chinese are emigrating; the rich ones stay put. I let readers conclude who really are the smart ones! Snared by the Race Trap The Report's other major disappointment is its less-than-rigorous teasing out the race factor in its analyses. Consequently its authors, like many commentators both native and foreign, get unnecessarily entangled with the nation's sensitive race issue. No surprise then that the report succeeded only in unleashing suppressed chauvinism and resurrecting ugly stereotypes. Consider its findings that the overwhelming majority of emigrants are Chinese and those with tertiary qualifications from or recognized by foreign (specifically Western) institutions. Only those not attuned to the Malaysian scene would miss the redundancy to that statement. To tease out the delicate race factor, you must present data that show Malays with similar qualifications as non-Malays do not emigrate, at least not in comparable proportions. The Bank does not have that data. Anecdotal evidence may indicate otherwise. When I visit American campuses, the one frequent question posed to me by Malay students is: How do I get to stay back? Most Malays are on scholarships and tightly bound to their contracts. Emigration is not an option for at least ten years; that alone would skew the figures, race-wise. The West is a magnet for the talented. Outstanding athletes and artists excepted, talent to the West means those conversant in English and have qualifications issued by its institutions. In Malaysia that means non-Malays. They may hate Malaysia's affirmative action program but that is not enough for them to emigrate to Australia or America; they have to have the needed qualifications. Now if Malaysian Chinese were to emigrate to China and Indians to India, then that would really indicate something rotten in Malaysia. I do not see that happening – as yet. This salient fact indicates that the "pull" of the West far exceeds the "push" out of Malaysia. In China and India however, the "push" factor is overwhelming, reflecting their general economic status and not because of any domestic social policies a la affirmative action. There the prime consideration is to get out; regardless whether you are among the rich, talented or the unskilled, hence the all too frequent tragedies of their poor citizens caught in abandoned rusty trawlers on the beaches of the Pacific and Atlantic. The Bank noted that Malaysia's brain drain is worse only within the last decade, a period that coincides with Malaysia's less-than-robust economic performance. Affirmative action however, has been a fixture for over half a century. If it were to be the reason for emigration, as claimed by the Bank, then we would expect the rate to be constant all these years. There are many good reasons to jettison the current corrupt and ineffective affirmative action program, but hoping that it will solve our brain drain problem is, well, just hope. Surprisingly, the Report's many nuggets of information escape comments both by the report's writers as well as by the mob of commentators. The latter is no surprise as any issue that parallels (or seem to) the racial divide inevitably invites such Pavlovian race-tinged responses. That the report's writers who are experts would fall into the same trap is a surprise. Consider the report's findings that fewer than 10 percent of its respondents (Malaysians who emigrated) spoke our national language. If you were born and raised in Malaysia you have to be literally an idiot or a hermit not to know our national language, as it is widely spoken. Both idiots and hermits have their place, but they are not regarded with esteem in any workplace. Their lack of fluency in Malay reflects their commitment to Malaysia. To them Malaysia is only a staging ground, to prepare themselves for subsequent migration to greener pastures. There is nothing wrong with that; it is only human. The error is in imputing evil motives on those they leave behind and who have kindly provided them their launching pad. They should be grateful, not spiteful to Malaysia. The quota lines (yes, America has quotas too!) for green cards for those from China and India are closer to infinity; not so for those Malaysian-born. Focus on Retaining Talent It is futile to tailor your policies in the hope of attracting people who have long ago decided to emigrate. Instead, the emphasis should be on two areas. One, treat your present personnel so well that they would not even consider leaving. Two, attract talents worldwide without regards to whether they are Malaysians, former Malaysians, or complete foreigners. The market for talent is truly global; there is no place for nostalgia, insularity, or misguided notions of nationalism. Contrary to popular perception, pay is not the only consideration, but a decent one would help smooth out the many other frustrations, including those of affirmative action. Once you treat your current talent well, word will quickly spread out and you will be inundated with enquiries. Stop tinkering with the tax code or hiring expensive foreign consultants to produce yet another thick report that would soon be forgotten. Disband the costly Talent Corporation; it is just another bureaucracy whose budget for foreign travel rivals that of the Foreign Ministry. Divert those funds to compensate the highly talented you have at home. You do not have to match exactly the global pay rates to attract talent. A modest increase in the current pay scale in the range of 30 to 50 percent would go a long way in encouraging Malaysians to stay put. We all know the variables of purchasing power and the cost of as well as standard of living even within a country. If you make US$100K and live in San Francisco you may be lucky to afford a one-bedroom condo. In Wyoming you could live in a "McMansion." For that same pay, in Malaysia you could live in a real mansion, with maids, drivers and gardeners to boot. Salaries in Singapore may be considerably higher but try finding a house with a yard for your children to play. Yes, you can readily afford a car so you can drive around the island in half an afternoon. Focus on attracting talent from wherever; practice meritocracy on a global scale. All things being equal, I would choose talent already in Malaysia. You cannot beat local knowledge and perspective. My next choice will be a complete foreigner; I prefer that over a Malaysian émigré, especially one who cannot speak our national language. My rationale is simple. The one trait I value most in an employee is curiosity, for with it comes the eagerness to learn. The complete foreigner has demonstrated his adventuresome by wanting to work in a foreign country. He considers that a challenge; his learning curve will be steep. He is also enthused about his new assignment. A Malaysian who cannot speak our national language clearly shows his lack of interest in his surroundings. He is not even curious enough to learn a language that is widely spoken. An uncurious worker is rarely an asset. A returning émigré also carries with him his old baggage; he may find it difficult or unwilling to re-adjust. When faced with a problem his only response would be, "Back in old England …. " If he were to be reprimanded by a superior who is other than his own kind, he would more likely dredge up his old prejudices. Malaysia should not have any hang-ups about recruiting talented foreigners. Its priority however, should be on retaining the talents it already has and on producing more. Not too long ago Malaysia commissioned the same World Bank to review our universities on improving their performance. Few could recall that report now. Najib has a penchant for employing legends of foreign consultants. Unlike his predecessor Abdullah, Najib at least reads those reports. However, if you do not have handle on a problem to begin with, calling in the various experts would only confuse you. Consider this World Bank report. Just a month after its release, the Bank published another study, "Eight Questions About Brain Drain," prepared by yet another set of its experts. This second report essentially questions the findings of the earlier one. Dismiss these expensive consultants and divert the money to reward the talents you already have. The executive talent of a leader is inversely related to his penchant for calling in consultants. Meaning, the more inept he is, the more likely he is to call in various experts. Najib reaffirms my conviction. If he is not already befuddled, this latest World Bank Report would do it for him. |
Understanding the Malay mind Posted: 14 Jun 2011 10:49 PM PDT 
In the minds of these people, if you whack the government then you are taking money from Anwar and if you whack the opposition then you are taking money from Najib and if you whack both sides: WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TAKING MONEY FROM? I'M CONFUSED!
NO HOLDS BARREDRaja Petra Kamarudin Back in the 1960s life was simpler and less complicated. That was of course in the days before May 13, the infamous Umno-engineered race riot of 1969. I was then in the Victoria Institution in Kuala Lumpur, a mixed-race school.
Honestly, I can't remember whether there were more Malays or non-Malays in that school. It is not because my memory is bad but because we did not stop to think about it. We did not care a damn. That is why I can't remember whether we had more Malays or non-Malays in that school. Our jokes back then were very racial. But that did not bother anyone. Never mind whether we were Malay, Chinese or Indian. We would roar with laughter at the jokes even though the brunt of that joke was our own race.
I remember one joke about someone needing a brain transplant and he was asked what brain he wants -- Malay, Chinese or Indian. He was told that the Chinese brain is the cheapest because it was overused -- banyak guna otak memikir macam mana nak tipu orang. The Indian brain was a bit twisted so they would not recommend it. The Malay brain is the most expensive because Malays seldom use their brains.
Back then, in the 1960s, we thought that was very funny. Today, they would make a police report against you if you told that joke in public.
But don't they say that many a true word is said in jest? Is it really a joke or for real? If you read and hear what Malays say you would imagine that it is not really a joke after all but very true.
I get pro-government Malays asking me how much Anwar Ibrahim is paying me to whack the government. Then I get anti-government Malays asking me how much Najib Razak is paying me to whack the opposition. Then a third group of Malays tell me that they are confused because I whack BOTH the government and the opposition. So which side am I taking money from?
You see, to most Malays, it is all about money. Whatever you are doing in life must be about money and cannot be for any other reason. So they want to know how much you are being paid and who is actually paying you.
Most Malays scream "Allah Akbar!" But that is only what is on their lips. In their hearts it is something else. Their hearts are not synchronised with their lips. In their hearts they scream "Ringgit Akhbar!" They sujud (prostrate) to money.
That is why they always look at things from the aspect of money. And that is why they ask you how much you are being paid. The Umno Malays will ask you how much Anwar is paying you. The opposition Malays will ask how much Najib is paying you.
Most Malays are not capable of looking beyond money. To look beyond money is too complicating and sakit otak nak memikir (it hurts the brain to think). So they simplify it. They conclude that it must be about money and that solves the problem. No need to sakit otak to think beyond that.
That is why the otak Melayu is more expensive than the otak Cina or otak India. The otak Melayu is very seldom used. So goes the joke from the 1960s.
What went wrong with the Malays? In the 1960s and earlier, if you study history and research the Malays of that era, many sacrificed and contributed to society without being motivated by money. They fought for the good of society and died poor. Many could not even afford a tombstone (batu nisan) when they died. That was how poor they were. And these were people who did so much for their race and country.
No one asked them how much they were being paid. The British never asked those Malays who fought for Merdeka how much Umno was paying them.
People like Tunku Abdul Rahman, Bapa Merdeka (the Father of Independence), could not even afford to pay his income tax when he retired. Being a member of the Kedah Royal Family, he was reasonably wealthy in the beginning. But he sold most of his property to finance Umno. So he died a poor man.
No one asked the Tunku how much he was being paid. No one asked him how much money Umno was giving him. In fact, not only was Umno not giving him any money, he was the one who gave Umno money. And he spent all his money in the struggle for independence for his country.
But that has since changed. Today, no Malay would do what Tunku Rahman did. They will only do something if they get paid. They would only act if they were rewarded with money.
And that is why most Malays just can't believe that you are not motivated by money. If you do something it must be for money. If you whack the government then Anwar must be paying you. If you whack the opposition then Najib must be paying you. And if you whack both the government and the opposition then these Malays would get very confused because they are not sure who is paying you.
To be fair, however, it is not just the Malays who think this way. Even the Chinese and Indians (and 'lain-lain') have caught this very contagious Malay disease. I have friends (or those who used to be my friends) in England who also think like Malays. One-time friends of mine (Chinese, Indians and 'lain-lain' included) in Malaysia, Australia and many other places have also caught this Malay disease.
In the minds of these people, if you whack the government then you are taking money from Anwar and if you whack the opposition then you are taking money from Najib and if you whack both sides: WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TAKING MONEY FROM? I'M CONFUSED! |
Banyak cakap hot air just like fart Posted: 14 Jun 2011 07:44 PM PDT 
Sad to say, however, Malaysians banyak cakap (talk a lot). Like fart, Malaysians are just a load of hot air. And, like fart, the hot air is noisy and smelly. If talking were an Olympic event, Malaysians would sweep all three medals -- gold, silver and bronze. Because that's all Malaysians do -- talk a lot or banyak cakap.
NO HOLDS BARREDRaja Petra Kamarudin Hishammuddin Hussein wants to stay neutral. He is not going to get involved in the tussle between BERSIH and PERKASA. One is organising the march on 9th July 2011 while the other opposes the march and has indicated it may organise a 'counter-march'.
The Police, however, have threatened to take action. The Police, which comes under Hishammuddin, are not going to stay neutral. They are going to embark on 'preventive detention'. This means they may detain some people, probably those involved in organising the march, before the march to thwart the attempt.
The government realises how dangerous it is to allow the march to go on. To a certain extent the November 2007 march, BERSIH 1.0, had an affect on the March 2008 general election. They are worried that the BERSIH 2.0 march may also affect the next general election, whenever that may be held -- probably on 11 November 2011 or 11-11-11 according to some estimates.
Whatever it is, developments in the Middle East have shown that when people take to the streets this can be bad news for the ruling elite. Those who walk in the corridors of power fear people's power. They know that when the people unite that spells doom for the powers-that-be.
And BERSIH 1.0 united the people as will BERSIH 2.0 if it is allowed to go on.
All through history it is proven that 1% of the people rule over 99% of the people. This is true anywhere in the world and whichever era you may look at. That is what power is all about. It is about 1% of the people dominating the other 99%. And when the 99% rise up and unite then that is the end for the rule of the 1%.
Analyse any country and any era, the most recent to the farthest in history. Whether it is the French Revolution, The American Revolution, the Russian Revolution, the Chinese Revolution, the Cuban Revolution, the Iranian Revolution, or whatever, when the 99% revolt the 1% is in deep shit.
So the people must never be allowed to take to the streets. Taking to the streets unites the people like what we saw in Egypt recently. Jews, Christians and Muslims, who may be sworn enemies for more than 1,000 years, suddenly become comrades-in-arms when they are on the streets. So they must be kept off the streets. And this is why BERSIH 2.0 is dangerous and must be thwarted. BERSIH 1.0 has shown us that.
So the government is in a panic. Malaysians must never unite. A united Malaysian will end the rule of the 1% over the 99%. History has taught us that. 
Our Lords (Tuan) and one-time Colonialist masters taught us well. Were we not a British colony and the recipients of a British education? And did the British not prove that 1% could rule over 99% all over the world as long as the 99% remain divided?
When the 99% in India united, the British had to beat a hasty retreat back to England. When the Malays, Chinese and Indians of Malaya united under the Alliance Party, the British had to concede to independence or Merdeka for Malaya.
That is a fact of history. And we have learned well from the British. We know that the British divide-and-rule strategy perpetuates the rule of the 1% over the 99%. Only when the 99% unite and cease being divided will the 99% become a danger to the 1%.
191 Malaysians rule over the 28 million Malaysians. That is even less than 1%. The 191 Malaysians are all Umno division leaders, the Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and his Deputy Muhyiddin Yassin being two of those 191.
These 191 Umno division leaders choose their party President and Deputy President. And the President and Deputy President are elected into office uncontested (menang tanpa tanding) in an annual general assembly attended by less than 3,000 people.
So, 191 people choose the top two leaders of this country and just over 2,500 confirm them into office. Which means, these 191 division leaders and 2,500 delegates decide the future of the entire nation of 28 million Malaysians.
But this can only continue as long as the 28 million Malaysians do not unite and do not take to the streets. Only then can the 191 Umno division leaders and 2,500 Umno delegates continue to rule this country of 28 million. The British Colonial masters have taught us this. And the Indians in India have taught us this.
So Malaysians must never be allowed to unite and must never be allowed to take to the streets in a show of unity. Or else this will end the rule of the 1% over the 99%.
In November 2007, during BERSIH 1.0, the government failed to prevent the march and that resulted in the March 2008 'disaster' for the ruling elite. If the BERSIH 2.0 is not stopped, and if the people take to the streets and unite, then assume that the next general election will be a repeat of the March 2008 'disaster' for Barisan Nasional.
Sad to say, however, Malaysians banyak cakap (talk a lot). Like fart, Malaysians are just a load of hot air. And, like fart, the hot air is noisy and smelly. If talking were an Olympic event, Malaysians would sweep all three medals -- gold, silver and bronze. Because that's all Malaysians do -- talk a lot or banyak cakap.
Let's see how many Malaysians take to the streets on 9th July 2011. Let's see how many of those banyak cakap Malaysia Today readers take to the streets on 9th July 2011.
The BERSIH 2.0 organisers are aiming for a crowd of 300,000. I dare bet that less than 100,000 will be there. In fact, even 100,000 can be considered too high. If they can get 50,000 on the streets that in itself can be regarded as a success.
And because of this nothing will change. The next elections will be called and Barisan Nasional will still win and will still be the federal government.
Can Pakatan Rakyat retain the four states now under its control? Can it get back Perak? Can it add Negeri Sembilan to its list? Can it win back the 82 seats it won in the last general election? Can it increase its one seat in Sabah and one seat in Sarawak to 20 out of a total of 57 for the two states? Can we see Pakatan Rakyat win at least 100 Parliament seats leaving Barisan Nasional with just 120 or so?
In short, will the next general election see the emergence of a two-party system and a strong opposition?
Or will Pakatan Rakyat see only Kelantan and Penang still under its rule? And will the 82 seats it won in March 2008 be reduced to 50? And will Barisan Nasional sweep East Malaysia like it did in March 2008?
In short, will the next general election see the opposition fortunes turn and our dream of a two-party system and a strong opposition dashed?
Yes, that is what BERSIH 2.0 is all about. So, jangan banyak cakap. As Nike says: JUST DO IT! Not what Umno says: JUST DUIT! I am tired of reading all your comments in Malaysia Today, which are merely lepas geram and maki hamun. That is mere verbal diarrhoea. It is mainly masturbating or 'syiok sendiri'.
Get off your arse and do something. Stop shouting and start acting. And if we do not see 300,000 on the streets on 9th July 2011 then we might as well call it a day. I might as well stop wasting my time and close down Malaysia Today. Clearly Malaysia Today's readers are just a bunch of hot air and no action.
That is what fart is: bising dan busuk tapi tak berguna satu sen.
WIKILEAKS: Syed Mokhtar al Bukhary's foray into Iran Posted: 14 Jun 2011 01:00 AM PDT
SKS is small operation controlled by Syed Mokhtar al Bukhary, one of Malaysia's wealthiest industrialists with a Forbes Magazine estimated net worth of $2 billion. Much of Syed Mokhtar's personal wealth has been acquired in dealings with the GOM and GOM-linked corporations. He controls Malaysia Mining Corporation, DRB Hicom, Malakoff, and Gas Malaysia among other significant Malaysian operations. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin 
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 KUALA LUMPUR 000059 SIPDIS STATE FOR EEB/ESC THAMMANG STATE FOR EEB/TFS CBACKEMEYER STATE FOR NEA/IR RWADHWANI E.O. 12958: DECL: 01/26/2020 TAGS: ECON, EFIN, ENIV, ENRG, EPET, ETTC, IR, KNNP, MY SUBJECT: MALAYSIA: SKS VENTURES EXPLAINS ITS IRAN INVESTMENTS REF: A. 09 STATE 121808 B. KUALA LUMPUR 0037 Classified By: Econ Counselor Matt Matthews for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d) 1. (C) Summary: SKS Ventures (SKS) CEO Abang Iskandar Muas (Iskandar) met with Econoff January 19 to discuss SKS plans to develop the Golshan and Ferdowsi gas fields (G&F) in Iran. Iskandar said that the GOM had initially negotiated the deal with the GOI and handed the project to SKS just prior to signing. Iskandar told us that development of the G&F fields is going slowly because sanctions impeded National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) ability to perform basic due diligence functions. He also stated that NIOC has been extremely difficult to work with and that the initial buyback service contract signed in Dec. 2007 is the only commercial agreement between SKS and NIOC. SKS's only investment over the past two years since the announcement was limited to staff time from their 15 employees and air tickets for meetings with a total value under $1 million, according to Iskandar. He was pessimistic on prospects for the deal and said that SKS is considering pulling out altogether. However, he emphasized SKS would need GOM approval prior to exiting the transaction because Malaysian Trade Ministry and Foreign Ministry officials had encouraged SKS to enter into the deal in the first place and had reconfirmed GOM support for trade cooperation with Iran at a recent meeting. Iskandar also denied reports of SKS participation with NIOC in a refinery projects in Syria and Indonesia and downplayed its deal with NIOC which is under review in Malaysia. End Summary. 2. (C) Comment: SKS is small operation controlled by Syed Mokhtar al Bukhary, one of Malaysia's wealthiest industrialists with a Forbes Magazine estimated net worth of $2 billion. Much of Syed Mokhtar's personal wealth has been acquired in dealings with the GOM and GOM-linked corporations. He controls Malaysia Mining Corporation, DRB Hicom, Malakoff, and Gas Malaysia among other significant Malaysian operations. Post believes Iskandar is a credible interlocutor that provided an important window on the GOM's role in the deal and SKS current thinking on the transaction. Iskandar seemed genuinely frustrated that the G&F deal turned out to be an empty business proposition due to NIOC incompetence and Iran sanctions. Other oil and gas industry contacts have confirmed the small size and scope of the SKS operation. End Comment. SKS Ventures 3. (C) Econoff met January 19 with SKS Ventures (SKS) CEO Abang Iskandar Muas (Iskandar) to discuss the SKS intentions to develop the Golshan and Ferdowsi gas fields (G&F) in Iran and implications under the Iran Sanctions Act (ISA). Iskandar mentioned early in our conversation that Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) Senior Director Wong had called him January 15 informing him that the embassy had been trying to contact him and he needed to meet with us. Econoff delivered ref A points and offered additional background on our information request. According to Iskandar, SKS has 15 full time employees and works on projects outside of Malaysia for Syed Mokhtar. Iskandar is an experienced O&G industry professional, having worked for Shell Oil USA (based in Houston) for fifteen years in Sarawak, Saudi Arabia (where he was VP for Finance and Human Resources), and Kuala Lumpur prior to assuming his current position with SKS two and one half years ago. Iskandar fondly reminisced of his frequent travel to the U.S. for business and family vacations prior to assuming his position at SKS. Golshan and Ferdowsi: G2G Agreement 4. (C) Iskandar said the G&F deal grew out of government-to-government negotiations between Malaysia and Iran during 2007. The GOM brought SKS to the table late in the negotiations, according to Iskandar, finalizing a buyback service contract between SKS and National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) in December 2007. He added that SKS entered into the agreement based on the GOM's policy of expanding trade cooperation with Iran and the belief that the business climate for oil and gas (O&G) in Iran was improving during 2005-6. Iskandar said that the initial business strategy was for SKS to plan the project, NIOC to perform physical due diligence (appraisals, seismic analysis, feasibility studies, etc.), and, once the project was ready to start, sell controlling interest, at a profit, to an international oil company that could bring resources to develop the fields. Iskandar commented, "We have no wells, no drilling rigs, no facilities, no experts, and no technology" to implement a project the size of G&F. His explanation as to why the Iranians would enter in to a transaction the size of G&F with such a small entity was, "in order to be friendly to the government (of Malaysia)." NIOC Difficulties 5. (C) Working with NIOC, according to Iskandar had been "extremely difficult." He added, "we should have taken a lesson from Petronas" claiming that Petronas will not deal with NIOC any longer because NIOC still owed a substantial amount of money to Petronas from its buyback service contract for South Pars Phases 2 and 3. Iskandar said that NIOC has made no progress on its due diligence obligations at G&F due to international contractors refusing to work in Iran because of sanctions. He complained that SKS and NIOC also have not reached any commercial agreements on the project in the last two years. Iskandar stated, "We have no idea how we would be paid. NIOC has not agreed to LNG and we have no interest in selling gas domestically. Iran uses most of their gas to inject into their oil fields to get more oil or to produce heavily subsidized electricity." He listed numerous other problems plaguing the project related to Iran sanctions such as the inability to import LNG technology or hire expat expertise, a low likelihood that Iranian LNG could be consistently sold on the open market, and NIOC's lack of access to financing. SKS Ready to Walk Away 6. (C) Iskandar described the SKS agreement with NIOC on G&F as "barely hanging on" and that SKS is currently deciding whether to stay in or pull out, and added, "The decision will come sooner rather than later." He viewed the buyback service contract as having "no commercial value" at this time. He noted though that Syed Mokhtar's close connections to the Malaysian government mean SKS will not move on a G&F decision without policy direction from the GOM. "We do not want to be on the wrong side of the government and we have not heard from PM Najib", according to Iskandar. However, he added that SKS has "no money in the ground" in Iran, because the firm did not pay an initial "signing bonus" as the buyback service contract did not carry any vested rights to the gas. He also stated that SKS management is aware of the change in the international political environment with regard to Iran and is "not entrenched," implying SKS would quickly drop the transaction if permitted by the GOM. Another View of the MITI Meeting 7. (C) Iskandar offered a different account of the recent meeting between MITI and Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) officials and officers from the three Malaysian companies listed in ref A. Iskandar said that after the companies answered MITI queries on their Iran investments, the companies, especially Petronas, pushed back at MITI and MFA asking "What is the government's stance on trade cooperation with Iran?" and "Should we adjust our investment strategies?" MITI responded that the GOM still supports trade cooperation with Iran, according to Iskandar. (Comment: The MFA account of the meeting (ref B) was similar to Iskandar's but omitted the companies' questions and MITI's response. End Comment.) Other Announcements Inaccurate 8. (C) Toward the close of the meeting, Iskandar addressed recent Iranian and Malaysian press announcements of SKS participation in other transactions with NIOC. He stated that the GOM asked SKS to commission a feasibility study on a project with NIOC. It involved a refinery project in Kedah with a pipeline across the Malaysian Peninsula to Terengganu. Iskandar commented that the pipeline is economically unwarranted and an Iranian partner likely makes the refinery unfeasible. He added that recent announcements of SKS participation in a refinery project in Syria with Iranian and Venezuelan partners and SKS participation in an Indonesian refinery project with Pertamina and NIOC are blatantly false. He said that the first SKS had heard of either project was in press reports. He explained that SKS never issued denials of participation in the deals in order to avoid embarrassment in case the government was involved. KEITH |
Why Najib must hold the 13th GE this year instead of 2012 Posted: 13 Jun 2011 06:50 AM PDT
One does not hold an election in a recession year. And we know that it takes some time to recover from a recession. Some economists believe that 2012 is going to be a recession year. The UK is already seeing a decline in property sales and house prices have come down. This means Najib must hold the 13th General Election this year, maybe sometime in October or November after the Budget, or else Barisan Nasional is going to be kicked out. Is Najib prepared to place a bet that my assumption is wrong?
THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin Rosenberg Says 99% Chance of Another Recession by 2012
In a Bloomberg video David Rosenberg, chief economist at Gluskin Sheff & Associates, says there is a 99% Chance of Another Recession by 2012. Rosenberg also talks about the outlook for the U.S. economy.
Selected Quotes
Bloomberg: How Certain are you that we may be headed for a recession
Rosenberg: I think that by 2012, I would give it a 99% chance. I say that because as an economist, you have to be part historian. When you have a manufacturing inventory cycle recession, they are usually separated 5 years apart. But when you have a balance sheet recession, credit contraction, asset deflation (for example residential real estate), the downturn tends to be separated every 2 to 2.5 years. ... Economists call this a soft patch. It's not like this is a soft patch. Basically, when all the stimulus is gone, you get to see what the emperor looks like disrobed. It's not a pretty picture.
No Double Dip
Rosenberg goes on to say it's a second recession, not a "double dip" and more stimulus is coming once the "Fed sees the white eyes of the economy".
Given that there is no incentive in Congress for more stimulus (nor should there be), Bernanke will have a tougher time, this time, unless there is a significant drop in oil and food prices. David Rosenberg Interview on U.S. Economic Outlook David Rosenberg, chief economist at Gluskin Sheff & Associates, talks about the outlook for the U.S. economy. Rosenberg, speaking with Betty Liu, Jon Erlichman and Michael McKee on Bloomberg Television's "In the Loop," also discusses fiscal policy and banking regulation. Bloomberg's Ian Katz also speaks. (Source: Bloomberg) SEE THE VIDEO HERE: |
Ruslan Kassim: another Munafiq identified Posted: 12 Jun 2011 10:59 PM PDT 
So you see, Islam has already established the system of consensus and elections of leaders and committees and so on. So what the Penang government is doing is extremely Islamic. The people decide on their leaders and committees. And this is done through consensus and elections. NO HOLDS BARREDRaja Petra Kamarudin 
Perkasa tells Penang Malays to say no to mosque polls
Perkasa wants the Malays in Penang to oppose the state government's plan of electing mosque committees, as the right-wing group believes that it will only divide the Muslim community here.
Perkasa information chief Ruslan Kassim said elections would adversely affect the sanctity of the mosques and unity among the Muslims due to power struggles, the creation of factions, and animosity.
"The action of the state government to have mosque committee elections is unwise and is only politically motivated," Bernama quoted him as saying in a statement Monday.
The Penang government announced last week that the selection of mosque committees in the state would be made through elections this year to replace the previous method.
Ruslan said elections were implemented in Kelantan in the 1960s and 1970s, but were subsequently stopped as they had caused friction and divided the Muslim community there.
This report is dated 13th June 2011
Now read this report on Ruslan Kassim dated September 1998
The days before the Umno general assembly of June 1998, a book-length poison pen letter entitled '50 reasons why Anwar cannot become the next prime minister' (50 Dalil mengapa Anwar Tidak Boleh Jadi PM), made its debut in the Malaysian political scene.
But unlike most previous poison-pen letters, the 50 Dalil had an author as well as a publisher. It carried a by-line Khalid Jafri, ex-sports editor of Utusan Malaysia, editor-in-chief of the now defunct Harian National tabloid newspaper, an undischarged bankrupt.
Delegates arriving at the Umno general assembly had a copy of the poison book included in the party documentation handed over to them in the complimentary bag. This happened despite the passing of an interlocutory injunction by a high court judge only a day earlier, against the distribution and dissemination of the defamatory book. It was something quite odd and many at the assembly were trying to put two and two together.
The Umno Youth leader from Negri Sembilan, Ruslan Kassim, had done a little checking with the Registrar of Companies, which linked the book's publishers with the disgraced former Chief Minister of Malacca, Abdul Rahim Tamby Chik and his wife, Zabedah Abdullah.
Ruslan Kassim had also heard from the Federal Territory Umno that the party secretariat had been used to distribute the book. This pointed at the party secretary general, Sabaruddin Chik.
Who is actually behind this drama, asked Negri Sembilan Umno Youth leader (Ruslan Kassim). But none of the two Chiks were willing to admit to anything.
Impact International, Vol. 28 No. 9 (September 1998)
Ruslan Kassim was detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA) for this expose. Yes, he was punished by detention without trial for his allegation against the two Chiks -- the big Thambi whose small thambi got him into trouble, and Sabaruddin 'tukang kasut' (Malays would know why 'tukang kasut' so go ask a Malay what it means).
Ruslan Kassim swore that Anwar Ibrahim was a victim of fitnah. And when Parti Keadilan Nasional (now PKR) was launched he joined the party and became its Information Chief (Ketua Penerangan).
Yes, before he became the Information Chief of Perkasa, Ruslan Kassim was the Information Chief of what is now called PKR. But when he was the PKR Information Chief he sang a different tune and now, as the Information Chief of Perkasa, he sings a different tune.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, my dear readers, is what Islam calls a Munafiq.
Is Ruslan Kassim now telling us that he lied back in 1998 and that Anwar Ibrahim was not a victim of fitnah and that the '50 Dahlil' book was true? Or is he telling us that he did not lie back in 1998 but he can now accept that Anwar Ibrahim was a victim of fitnah and it no longer troubles him like it did back in 1998?
Either way, whichever the case may be, that makes Ruslan Kassim a Munafiq. He is opposed to the election of mosque committees because he just has the interest of Islam at heart, or so he tells us.
But then, if he is motivated purely by Islam and for no other reason, especially not for political reasons, how come what he is doing and saying does not demonstrate this?
From the Islam perspective, a Muslim who runs with the hare and hunts with the hounds is clearly a Munafiq. And this is what Ruslan Kassim is doing. He accuses Umno of defaming or fitnah Anwar. And he was detained for this allegation. But yet he is prepared to work with Umno in spite of what he thinks of Umno.
Anyway, Ruslan Kassim is either ignorant about Islam or is trying to misrepresent Islam. He is trying to suggest that electing mosque officials is counterproductive to Islam.
Actually the reverse is true. It was reported that it took three days for the people of Medina to bury Prophet Muhammad's body after he died. And the reason is because the Medina people were locked in three days of debate (some like the Shiah say dispute) to decide on the successor or Khalif to the Prophet.
Finally it as agreed that Abu Bakar would be the successor and only then could they bury the Prophet's body.
No, they did not have Umno or Jabatan Agama (religious department) then in Medina. And it was not Umno or the religious department who decided on the successor. It was the people. And the people voted on the matter to decide who should be the successor to the Prophet.
So you see, Islam has already established the system of consensus and elections of leaders and committees and so on. So what the Penang government is doing is extremely Islamic. The people decide on their leaders and committees. And this is done through consensus and elections.
To suggest that the Islamic system of consensus and elections is un-Islamic makes those who say so un-Islamic themselves. And if they propose something un-Islamic and pretend that it is Islamic this makes them into Munafiqs.
That is the bottom line.
WIKILEAKS: Anwar's second sodomy trial begins Posted: 12 Jun 2011 01:00 AM PDT
Anwar's second sodomy trial is extremely controversial in Malaysia, seen by many as a political ploy to derail him and the opposition, and as a repeat of the 1998 sodomy trial. In launching the trial -- and there were doubts there would be a trial -- the GOM appears to determined to pursue the charge notwithstanding the potential costs domestically and internationally. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin 
UNCLAS KUALA LUMPUR 000064 SENSITIVE SIPDIS E.O. 12958: N/A TAGS: PGOV, PHUM, MY SUBJECT: OPPOSITION LEADER ANWAR'S "SODOMY II" TRIAL BEGINS 1. (SBU) Summary: After months of delay while his defense team submitted motion after motion ranging from a request to see all the evidence to outright dismissal, opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim's trial for alleged consensual sodomy with a former aide began in the Kuala Lumpur High Court on February 3. The prosecution immediately called to the stand the alleged victim, 25-year-old former Anwar aide Saiful Bahari, who described his relationship with Anwar and began a detailed account of the events of June 26, 2008 when the alleged sodomy occurred. At the defense's request, the judge stopped the testimony when Saiful was on the verge of describing sexual contact. The testimony will resume in camera (without the public present) on February 4. Among the 70 members of the public observing the trial from the small gallery were opposition politicians, local and international Journalists, and diplomats from several embassies. Polcouns and Pol staff attended the February 2 and 3 sessions. 2. (SBU) Comment: Anwar's second sodomy trial is extremely controversial in Malaysia, seen by many as a political ploy to derail him and the opposition, and as a repeat of the 1998 sodomy trial. In launching the trial -- and there were doubts there would be a trial -- the GOM appears to determined to pursue the charge notwithstanding the potential costs domestically and internationally. While there may be many days and weeks to go before this case concludes, and there is potential for further delays, the GOM has so far allowed Malaysians and foreigners access to the proceedings. Observers from the International Bar Association and International Council of Justice were seated alongside the attorneys in the front of the courtroom. The proceedings are being prominently covered in both the mainstream government-influenced media and the blogosphere, as well as in the international press. End Summary and Comment. 3. (SBU) Anwar Ibrahim's trial began at 3:30 pm on February 3 after High Court judge Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah rejected lead Anwar attorney (and fellow opposition Parliamentarian) Karpal Singh's request for a stay to allow the Appeals Court to rule on a request to obtain the government's evidence before the trial. A clerk read the charges concerning the alleged incident aloud in front of Anwar, standing toward the rear of the courtroom, who said that the charges were "frivolous" and ordered by the prosecution's "political masters" before pleading not guilty. 4. (SBU) The prosecution immediately called 25-year-old former Anwar aide Saiful Bahari to testify, walking methodically through questions about his educational background, first association with Anwar (March 2008), and his job description. Saiful, testifying in Malaysian, said he was paid RM 1,000 per month (about USD 270) to help with Anwar's schedule, carry his private cellphone, and manage his finances. At that point, Anwar leaned over to his wife, PKR politician Wan Azizah, and said "liar" in Malaysian. The prosecution had Saiful describe in detail how he arrived at Anwar's condominium on June 26, 2008, and what happened next, presenting as evidence a one-page statement that Saiful had signed in front of police when he reported the alleged sodomy. The defense succeeded in having a reference to previous sexual contact between Anwar and Saiful expunged from the statement. When Saiful had described how Anwar had allegedly asked him to have sex and then ordered him to undress in the bathroom, the defense requested that the remainder of Saiful's testimony be heard in camera. The judge agreed to do so starting at 9:30 a.m. on February 4. 5. (SBU) In parallel with trial, Anwar's legal team continues to pursue motions to have the charges dismissed or to gain reviews of earlier decisions denying the defense access to the government's evidence. If accepted, those motions could lead to renewed delays in the trial. 6. (SBU) In the months before the trial, Anwar was careful to keep in touch both with prominent foreigners and Malaysian supporters. On January 25, his People's Justice Party (PKR) International Bureau held a closed door briefing for diplomats about the trial, arguing that the GOM was determined to convict "the Prime Minister in waiting" to remove him from the political scene. They also argued that there was clear medical evidence refuting the charges, and that the judiciary was being manipulated to ensure a conviction. KEITH |
Saya sokong Najib Posted: 12 Jun 2011 01:00 AM PDT 
So you see, Najib, what you said is true. Politics is about perception, not reality. And you need to be good at perception management. But your people are not. They are too arrogant and they think they are smart. I alone can makan all your people. Yes, Raja Petra Kamarudin alone can take on your entire team. NO HOLDS BARREDRaja Petra Kamarudin Dear Najib, I sokong you. Well, to be exact, I sokong your statement below as reported by Bernama.
Yes, politics is about perception, not reality, as you said. I am glad you now understand this. In fact, your people have been using this tactic themselves.
You see, recently I gave an interview on TV3 and they very cleverly presented it as if I am now endorsing you and supporting you and that you have bought me off and I am now an Umno Trojan horse.
That may be just the perception created by Umno or TV3. But many believed this because, as you said, politics is about perception, not reality.
Let me give you another example. Many believe you are somehow, directly or indirectly, involved in the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder. Whether this is true or not does not matter. That is the perception and, as you said, politics is about perception, not reality.
Many also believe that Anwar is innocent of both the Sodomy 1 and Sodomy 2 allegations plus he is not the man in the porn video. Again, whether this is true or not does not matter. That is the perception and, as you said, politics is about perception, not reality.
So you see, just on these two issues alone you and Umno lose. And I am yet to go into other issues like your wife's handbags that run into millions of Ringgit. And I have not even gone into her shoes, clothes and overseas shopping expenses yet. Your wife makes Imelda Marcos look tame by comparison. That, again, is the perception and can never be erased as much as it may be denied.
If I really wanted to get you, Najib, there are hundreds of issues I can raise. However, to be fair to me, I have picked and chosen only a few issues here and there. I have not really launched a crusade against you. If I did, you would suffer what Abdullah Ahmad Badawi suffered and you would go the way of the last Prime Minister -- into forced retirement.
The fact I have not attacked you enough is the reason why many say you have bought me off. But then these people are political novices who think they know politics but actually know nuts. That is why we need not bother with these dim-witted people. I call them bodoh sombong. Dah lah bodoh, sombong pulak.
Let me tell you why I do not wish for you to be forced out of office like Pak Lah before you. No, it's not because I love you. It is because I know that you are surrounded by stupid people. And I personally know many of these people. We used to hang out together in the days of the pre-March 2008 GE.
If you were to be forced out, then Muhyddin Yassin would take over as Prime Minister. And this would be more dangerous for the opposition.
I would rather you remain as Prime Minister until the next general election. Then the opposition has a better chance. If Muyhiddin takes over as Prime Minister before the next election then the opposition may suffer.
So you see, Najib, what you said is true. Politics is about perception, not reality. And you need to be good at perception management. But your people are not. They are too arrogant and they think they are smart. I alone can makan all your people. Yes, Raja Petra Kamarudin alone can take on your entire team.
So please don't flatter yourself when your people tell you that I am now your supporter because I no longer attack you too much. I don't attack you too much because I don't want you to fall and for Muhyiddin to take over as Prime Minister.
I personally know Muyhiddin's people. They are clever. I also personally know your people. They are not. So better we deal with you than with Muyhiddin.
Tell me, Najib, what is the best your people can do? So far they only know how to shout BABI. That's all, BABI -- Brother Anwar Bin Ibrahim. You think just by shouting BABI the opposition is going to fall?
Dear Najib, if you want to survive then you had better sack all your so-called advisers. Semua ego besar. Kepala bapak dia orang. Find better people or else you are finished. Remember, you said it: it's all about perception.
By the way, the answer is no! I do not wish to work for you if you sack all the idiots around you, not even if I come directly under Rosmah….if you know what I mean (pun intended). *******************************************
Umno and BN need to work hard to raise public perception: Najib
(Bernama) - The Umno machinery needs to work hard and draw up new strategies to raise the perception and aspiration of the people concerning the Barisan Nasional (BN) government.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said in line with the current development in the mass communication technology such as the short messaging service (SMS), the social websites Twitter and Facebook, what was more important in politics was the perception and not reality.
"Politics is all about perception. Not the question of reality...the opposition knows how to play up perception and deny what is the truth. Even to get the DNA is turned down, the question on the Omega wristwatch has yet to be answered."
"That is why Umno and the BN must know how to influence the mind and aspiration of the people so that they will perceive Umno and BN as effective parties, the best and can champion the cause of the people compared to others who only know how to make promises but don't fulfill them," he said when opening the Ampang Umno delegates meeting, here.
Also present were the Selangor Umno Liaison deputy chairman Datuk Seri Noh Omar and Ampang Umno division head Datuk Ismail Kijo.
Najib said that as such, UMNO and the BN must strive for something that was more effective to show that it understood the aspiration of the people better so that the reality, perception and the people's sentiment favoured the party.
"The government had drawn up the Government Transformation Plan (GTP), we have a more detailed plan, a clearer road map unlike the opposition who only know how to make promises, the play up the promises but we cannot do so because we are the ruling party."
"We must be better than they (are), let the public perception be better than the others, if the people like the BN, then they will vote for it, but if they hate (the BN), then they will vote the other people to represent their constituency," he said.
Najib, who is also the Selangor Umno Liaison chairman, said Umno must always be prepared to face the coming general election, which could be held at any time this year, or next year or even 2013.
"We must be ready not only for the (election) dry run but must be ready for a better public perception and sentiment, this must be given priority," he said.
He said the party machinery should also pay attention to the party supporters as well as those who had yet to become supporters because Umno and the BN championed the welfare of all races. |
The Munafiq named Zul Noordin Posted: 11 Jun 2011 08:46 PM PDT 
Zulkifli Noordin, the Kulim Bandar Baharu Member of Parliament, said, "Some Malays are willing to be used by this illegal gathering that is led by former Bar Council president Datuk Ambiga Sreevanasan. This is despite knowing the organisation has fought strongly against Islam." NO HOLDS BARREDRaja Petra Kamarudin Islam has a word for Muslims who talk about defending Islam and yet go against Islamic teachings. Datuk Ambiga is in fact upholding Islamic teachings. She is opposed to election fraud. Zul, on the other hand, wants to uphold election fraud. In this sense Ambiga is more Islamic than Zul. Zul, according to Islamic teachings, is a hypocrite or Munafiq. For those Muslims and non-Muslims who may not understand the concept of Munafiq in Islam, allow me to deliver my Sunday sermon. Munāfiq (n., in Arabic: منافق, plural munāfiqūn) is an Islamic Arabic term used to describe a religious hypocrite, who outwardly practices Islam, while inwardly concealing his disbelief (kafir), perhaps even unknowingly. The term munāfiq in Arabic, Bengali and Urdu is primarily a non-religious term that refers to a person whose actions are different from and opposite to his thoughts, which he conceals. In the Qur'anic sense the term refers to a person who does not have faith, but pretends to. The Qur'an has hundreds of ayāt (verses) discussing munāfiqūn, referring to them as more dangerous to Muslims than the worst non-Muslim enemies of Islam. The Qur'an states: The Hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the Fire: no helper wilt thou find for them;- —Sura 4 (An-Nisa), ayah 145, Qur'an[2] According to the Hadith Sahih al-Bukhari, narrated by 'Abdullah bin 'Amr: The Prophet said, "Whoever has the following four (characteristics) will be a pure hypocrite and whoever has one of the following four characteristics will have one characteristic of hypocrisy unless and until he gives it up. 1. Whenever he is entrusted, he betrays. 2. Whenever he speaks, he tells a lie. 3. Whenever he makes a covenant, he proves treacherous. 4. Whenever he quarrels, he behaves in a very imprudent, evil and insulting manner." According to the Hadith Sahih al-Bukhari Book 1 : Volume 2 : Hadith 32, narrated by Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "The signs of a hypocrite are three: 1. Whenever he speaks, he tells a lie. 2. Whenever he promises, he always breaks it (his promise ). 3. If you trust him, he proves to be dishonest. (If you keep something as a trust with him, he will not return it.)" And this is the Quran's word on hypocrites: Surat Al-Munāfiqūn (Arabic: سورة المنافقون) (The Hypocrites) is the 63rd sura of the Qur'an with 11 ayat. Surah 63 - Al Munafiqun - Ayat - 001 When the Hypocrites come to thee, they say, "We bear witness that thou art indeed the Apostle of God." Yea, God knoweth that thou art indeed His Apostle, and God beareth witness that the Hypocrites are indeed liars. Surah 63 - Al Munafiqun - Ayat - 002 They have made their oaths a screen (for their misdeeds): thus they obstruct (men) from the Path of God: truly evil are their deeds. Surah 63 - Al Munafiqun - Ayat - 003 That is because they believed, then they rejected Faith: So a seal was set on their hearts: therefore they understand not. Surah 63 - Al Munafiqun - Ayat - 004 When thou lookest at them, their exteriors please thee; and when they speak, thou listenest to their words. They are as (worthless as hollow) pieces of timber propped up, (unable to stand on their own). They think that every cry is against them. They are the enemies; so beware of them. The curse of God be on them! How are they deluded (away from the Truth)! Surah 63 - Al Munafiqun - Ayat - 005 And when it is said to them, "Come, the Apostle of God will pray for your forgiveness", they turn aside their heads, and thou wouldst see them turning away their faces in arrogance. Surah 63 - Al Munafiqun - Ayat - 006 It is equal to them whether thou pray for their forgiveness or not. God will not forgive them. Truly God guides not rebellious transgressors. Surah 63 - Al Munafiqun - Ayat - 007 They are the ones who say, "Spend nothing on those who are with God's Apostle, to the end that they may disperse (and quit Medina)." But to God belong the treasures of the heavens and the earth; but the Hypocrites understand not. Surah 63 - Al Munafiqun - Ayat - 008 They say, "If we return to Medina, surely the more honourable (element) will expel therefrom the meaner." But honour belongs to God and His Apostle, and to the Believers; but the Hypocrites know not. Surah 63 - Al Munafiqun - Ayat - 009 O ye who believe! Let not your riches or your children divert you from the remembrance of God. If any act thus, the loss is their own. Surah 63 - Al Munafiqun - Ayat - 010 and spend something (in charity) out of the substance which We have bestowed on you, before Death should come to any of you and he should say, "O my Lord! why didst Thou not give me respite for a little while? I should then have given (largely) in charity, and I should have been one of the doers of good". Surah 63 - Al Munafiqun - Ayat - 011 But to no soul will God grant respite when the time appointed (for it) has come; and God is well acquainted with (all) that ye do. XPGU-AxwfHk |
When the government turns on its people (part 2) Posted: 11 Jun 2011 05:46 PM PDT
Hey, is it not Malay-Muslims who are trying to frame a dead Malay-Muslim Customs Department officer on charges of corruption and suicide? Is it not Malay-Muslims who arrested and charged the Malay-Muslim ex-Director of the CCID for "allegedly using a police aircraft and for allegedly not declaring his assets" (which he did) instead of the real criminal in this case -- a certain politically well-connected Malay-Muslim who ripped off Malaysia's national airline, MAS? THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin  Zulkifli Noordin, the Kulim Bandar Baharu Member of Parliament, wrote in the weekend edition of Utusan Malaysia: "Some Malays are willing to be used by this illegal gathering that is led by former Bar Council president Datuk Ambiga Sreevanasan. This is despite knowing the organisation has fought strongly against Islam, organised the interfaith council and supported Lina Joy's apostasy." "But to fulfil their lust for power, these Malays are willing to become insects blinded by the false light of power. Malay-Muslims will become weak and damaged due to their own dirty hands." "Do Malays not have political power? The reality is that Malays have absolute power. We have absolute majority in Dewan Rakyat." "With this absolute power, not only can we defend and empower Malays, we can uphold Islam." "Instead, there were Malay-Muslims across history who have been ready to betray their own (race)." "The biggest mistake made by Malays when they were too enthusiastic for independence and sacrificed Tanah Melayu citizenship to foreign races (Chinese and Indians)." "This right was given along with the right to own land, determine the government and other rights. In the end, even though Malays became politically independent, they are still slaves in their own land." ********************************** One thing you will notice about Malaysia is that Malay-Muslims just love to scream about Islam and they just love to label this and that as un-Islamic or Kafir or whatever. When they need to win an argument that they can't win, they will do a magic trick and pull the Islamic 'rabbit' out of their hat. That is the modus operandi of these Malay-Muslims who do this mainly because they are bankrupt of ideas. Actually this is all a load of bullshit. Hey, is it not Malay-Muslims who are trying to frame a dead Malay-Muslim Customs Department officer on charges of corruption and suicide? Is it not Malay-Muslims who arrested and charged the Malay-Muslim ex-Director of the CCID for "allegedly using a police aircraft and for allegedly not declaring his assets" (which he did) instead of the real criminal in this case -- a certain politically well-connected Malay-Muslim who ripped off Malaysia's national airline, MAS? Please lah! Don't give me all this crap about enemies of Islam and about defending Islam and all that other bullshit. The real enemies of Islam are the Muslims while it is 'Kafir Laknat' like Robert Phang and Justice Gunalan Muniandy who uphold justice and come to the defence of Muslims being fixed up by other Muslims. Yes, let me repeat that. Muslims are fixing up Muslims and it is the so-called 'enemies of Islam' who are coming to the defence of persecuted Muslims. Can you see the irony of this whole thing and can you see now that Zul Nordin is talking through his arsehole? Let us continue where we left off yesterday on the series: "When the government turns on its people" (see part 1 here). This is where we stopped: His family and the Customs Union have objected to the MACC's smear campaign. That was why Malaysia Today ran the 4-part series on Ahmad Sarbaini's death to reveal that the MACC would not hesitate to smear the good names of the dead if necessary to support their suicide theory. They could do all that because that is how the system works in Malaysia, the MACC and PDRM will help AG Gani Patail to fix the people who pose dangers to AG Gani Patail, and he will clear the MACC and Police of any wrongdoing. That was why on 31 May 2011, the MACC Operations Evaluation Panel (OEP) Chairman, Tan Sri Dr Hadenan Abdul Jalil, seized the opportunity to clear AG Gani Patail unconditionally at the same time that the MACC conditionally cleared Tan Sri Robert Phang. Now, the language in clearing the two was very strange indeed: "Kes siasatan terhadap Tan Sri Robert Phang, bekas Ahli Panel Perundingan dan Pencegahan Rasuah yang ditohmah telah cuba memberi sogokan kepada seorang Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian dan berpuas hati bahawa siasatan yang telah dijalankan tidak mencukupi keterangan untuk sebarang pertuduhan terhadap mana-mana pihak. Kes siasatan terhadap Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail, Peguam Negara yang ditohmah mendapat pembiayaan bagi menunaikan ibadah haji dan berpuas hati bahawa siasatan juga tidak menunjukkan keterangan bagi sebarang kesalahan jenayah." Two days ago, the former Kuala Lumpur CID Chief, Dato' Mat Zain Ibrahim, sent an open letter to Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak accusing Attorney-General Gani Patail of burying evidence of corruption by senior government leaders between 1994 and 1996 involving losses of at least RM12 billion in public funds. Mat Zain also blasted Tan Sri Hadenan for clearing AG Gani Patail and cited a policy ruling by the MACC Corruption Prevention Advisory Panel (CPAP) that the MACC Act did not allow the OEP to review decisions made by the anti-graft body. It is amazing that with so much documentary and photographic evidence of Gani Patail consorting with Shahidan and Vincent Lye, the MACC can still say that the AG "tidak menunjukkan keterangan bagi sebarang kesalahan jenayah" (no proof of any criminal offence). This contrasted sharply with the statement that Robert Phang "tidak mencukupi keterangan untuk sebarang pertuduhan" (not enough evidence to frame a charge against any party). Phang's conditional clearance is a warning that he has to behave himself because now the AG has the upper hand. The AG can always direct an investigation against Phang to be reopened. That was what happened to Dato' Ramli Yusuff, the former Director of the CCID. Despite having been acquitted by the Sessions Courts and the High Courts, AG Gani Patial was not letting him off that easily. Gani Patail has since appealed against Ramli's acquittals all the way up to the Court of Appeal. These appeals are coming up on 20th June and 1st July respectively. When Razak Baginda was acquitted for the murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu, Gani Patail declared that there would be no appeal because the Sessions Court had made a finding of fact. Thus, Gani Patail will respect that finding of fact. Malaysia Today will now prove that Gani Patail's respect for the court is as selective as his selective prosecution. Malaysia Today has studied the full Grounds of Judgment by Justice Gunalan Muniandy in "PP v Dato Ramli Bin Yusuff" in Criminal Case No.: 61-31 -2007 -- pages 355 to 376, which forms part of a larger appeal record that runs into volumes and volumes of documents, and is too long to reproduce. (Nevertheless, you can view five of the relevant scanned pages below). Page 355 reads as follows: "The material facts are mainly undisputed. This case has its beginning on 17.07.2007 upon the service of a "Notice To Disclose lnformation". [see Exhibit P. 1]. Exhibit P 1 was issued by the Deputy Public Prosecutor [DPP] named therein PW 34 (Anthony Kevin Morais). A (Dato' Ramli) complied duly filing a Declaration of Assets dated [Exhibit P 4] and serving it on PW 34 on 17.09.2007 which was well within the stipulated deadline. Exhibit P 1 was issued by PW 34 acting under the powers vested in the Public Prosecutor (PP) pursuant to s.32(1) of ACA '97 purportedly on the belief that there existed reasonable grounds that A had committed an offence under s. 11(a) of the Act, based specifically on No. Aduan: 098/2007 [Exhibit P 8]. On 01 -11.2007, A. was arrested and voluntarily gave a statement of Accused under 5.45(3), ACA, 1997, [Exhibit D. .111. Whether a prima facie case has been made out against A. Then at pages 361 and 362, Judge Gunalen made a damning judgment against Kevin Morais: "…. the documentary evidence exhibited considered in their totality indicate manifestly that at the material time no sufficient and reasonable grounds existed to justify the belief that A. had committed an offence under S.11(a) of ACA, 1997. Investigations appeared to be ongoing at that point in time. Hence, I found that Exhibit P. 1 and P. 2 were invalid and bad in law for non-compliance with the express requirements of S.32(1)(a). ACA 1997 and thus, cannot found the present charges which ought to be held groundless. The reasons given by PW.34 for his satisfaction and belief that A. had committed the predicated offence were, in my finding, insufficient and unconvincing. This is regardless of whether PW.34 had acted mala-fide in issuing the notices which need not be addressed at this stage even though he appeared to have exercised his discretion in a rather casual manner by relying on the report of an officer who had hardly carried out any investigation. This officer had not even produced an iota of evidence that A. had actually received any bribe from MSC." Despite, Judge Gunalan's crystal clear words that the MACC had fixed Dato' Ramli from the beginning and that DPP Kevin Morais was one of the co-conspirators to bring Ramli down, AG Gani Patail has insisted to appeal against Ramli's acquittals. All this shows that if you have friends in the corridors of power, you will get preferential treatment. Otherwise, you will suffer selective prosecution. The pages below show that even the judge considers Ramli a victim of fabricated charges and that the charges against him were mala fide. Yes, this is a clear case of Muslims not upholding Islam and of Muslims trying to fabricate charges against fellow Muslims. And it takes non-Muslims, the 'enemies of Islam', to come to the defence of Muslims and to see justice done. Islam, every Muslim will tell you, is about justice. Islam is a religion that propagates justice, these Muslims will scream. But it is Muslims who constantly and consistently perpetuate travesties of justice while the 'Kafir Laknat' plays the role of upholders of justice. As they would say in the legal profession, I rest my case. And Zul Noordin, stop bullshitting! I trust the non-Muslims more than the Muslims to see justice done. And these court documents prove it beyond any shadow of doubt. ADDENDUM      |
When the government turns on its people (part 1) Posted: 10 Jun 2011 07:42 PM PDT The Police standard response has always been that those who were shot dead were criminals. That seemed plausible when Indians were killed because even MIC has been lamenting that Indians need to turn to crime to earn a living. So you can blame Sami Vellu for this. He was the one who gave the Police the justification to shoot dead his fellow Indians. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin It is a historical fact that the people rise up in revolt to remove despotic governments and monarchies and then the very revolution they supported turns on them. Whether we go back hundreds of years or look at the most recent of revolutions the stories are all the same. The vehicle to remove the monster ends up becoming an even bigger monster. And that is why I am not prepared to compromise on certain principles. Some tell me that these principles must be put aside for the meantime so that we can focus on removing Barisan Nasional from power. I have said this before. I am not prepared to do that. I first want to know what type of government we are going to get in replacement to the government we are going to remove. Is it going to be a better government or just the same of the old thing? Is it just going to be old wine in a new bottle? I think this is a reasonable question and justified anxiety. I have not forgotten that many now in the opposition were once part of the system that has reduced Malaysia to what it is today. They were once the problem rather than the solution to the problem. I have been monitoring what has been happening in Kelantan the last 21 years since 1990. We may have had Nik Aziz Nik Mat as the Menteri Besar since 1990. But many of those under him are the same old corrupt people. The problem with this is the body does not move in the same direction as the head. In fact, those in government try to sabotage the very government that they work for. Was this not also true in Perak? Is this not also true in Selangor, Penang and Kedah? Are not the new political masters having a hard time trying to keep their officers in check and getting them to toe the line? This is what I fear. Let's look at the MACC. It used to be called the ACA. It used to be under Hussein Onn, then Dr Mahathir Mohamad, then Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, and now Najib Tun Razak. A change of name and four Prime Ministers later and it is still the same old shit. There is no change. And what about the Royal Malaysian Police or PDRM? How many IGPs have we had since Tun Haniff Omar? Have we seen things get better of have they in fact become worse? Honestly, will we see a better MACC or PDRM even if Anwar Ibrahim becomes the new Pakatan Rakyat Prime Minister? Was not Anwar in Umno and the government for 17 years and a good portion of that time as Malaysia's Deputy Prime Minister? I am worried that Anwar will never be able to control or change the MACC or PDRM. It may be the other way around. MACC or PDRM may instead control Anwar like what happened for 17 years when he was in government and was the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia. Let us look at the MACC and PDRM today, 53 years after we kicked out the 'tyrant' British Colonialists and gained independence on 31 August 1957. Was the British government so much worse than the Umno government of today? The MACC and PDRM are in competition to kill innocent Malaysians without fear of retribution. Human Rights group, Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram), expressed outrage that not a single Police officer has been held accountable for the deaths of 88 people killed in police shootings last year alone. Suaram also accused the Police of targeting a specific ethnic group, the Indians (so some of what HINDRAF says is actually very true). The Police standard response has always been that those who were shot dead were criminals. That seemed plausible when Indians were killed because even MIC has been lamenting that Indians need to turn to crime to earn a living. So you can blame Sami Vellu for this. He was the one who gave the Police the justification to shoot dead his fellow Indians. Then the picture changed. This 'standard answer' no longer sounds credible when 14-year-old Form III student Aminulrasyid Amzah was shot dead some 100 metres from his Shah Alam house at 2.00am on 26 April 2010 after coming back from watching the football match between Chelsea and Stokes at the neighbourhood Mamak stall with his friends. The Police then subjected his 15-year-old friend, Azamuddin, to three grilling interrogation sessions to force him to change his story.  Aminulrasyid's mother too shocked by grief could only show his picture The same thing happened in the recent Glenmarie killings of three Malay youths. Muhammad Hanafi Omar, 22, Muhammad Shamil Hafiz Shapiei, 15, and Hairul Nizam Tuah, 20, were gunned down by the police. The Police said that the shooting happened in a high-speed car chase in the wee hours of November 13. Pathologist reports, however, suggest they were shot at close range while they were in a kneeling position. Lawyers for Liberty headed by N. Surendran are demanding an open and transparent investigation and they have alleged that it is cold-blooded murder a la execution. "My brother's death did not make sense. He is not a criminal. My family is in a state of shock how this could happen. When we saw his body, there were bruises on his face. Was he beaten up before they killed him? The Police must answer," said Khairul Nizam's sister, Norhaliza Tuah. 
LFL lawyers, Fadiah Nadwa and N. Surendran The MACC's record is just as 'impressive'. Since Teoh Beng Hock is Chinese, thus the MACC wanted Malaysians to believe that it was plausible for a Chinese to commit suicide and that Beng Hock jumped out of the 13th floor of the MACC Selangor Office.  But that theory became difficult to sell when Ahmad Sarbaini was also killed in similar fashion seeing that he is Malay-Muslim and not kafir-Chinese.  Ahmad Sarbaini 's dead's body two hours after he arrived at the KL MACC Office Even as Ahmad Sarbaini's family was burying his dead body, the MACC already started a smear campaign that he was the mastermind of the 3B case (RM3 billion) and that he was a very corrupt Customs officer with billions in his bank account. His family and the Customs Union have objected to the MACC's smear campaign. That was why Malaysia Today ran the 4-part series on Ahmad Sarbaini's death to reveal that the MACC would not hesitate to smear the good names of the dead if necessary to support their suicide theory.  Ahmad Sarbaini's grieving family at his burial They could do all this because that is how the system works in Malaysia. The MACC and PDRM will help AG Gani Patail to fix the people who pose dangers to the 'system' and he will clear the MACC and PDRM of any wrongdoing. That was why on 31 May 2011, the MACC Operations Evaluation Panel (OEP) Chairman, Tan Sri Dr Hadenan Abdul Jalil, seized the opportunity to clear AG Gani Patail unconditionally at the same time that the MACC conditionally cleared Tan Sri Robert Phang. Part 2 to be continued tomorrow. |
Matlamat menghalalkan cara Posted: 10 Jun 2011 05:33 PM PDT 
Today you no longer know who are the people behind these fitnah campaigns. Don't always assume that the 'other side' is the culprit behind these campaigns. You might be shocked to know that it is the 'same side' doing it. It could be the opposition people slandering their own opposition comrades. Then again it could be Umno people doing it, knowing very well that it will backfire on Umno and become a political liability to Najib. NO HOLDS BARREDRaja Petra Kamarudin Matlamat menghalalkan cara means the end justifies the means. Basically, halal becomes haram and haram becomes halal -- the permitted becomes forbidden and the forbidden becomes permitted. Considering that most Malaysians believe in God -- whether they are Muslims, Christians, Buddhists or Hindus -- this makes it extremely surprising, if not shocking. Take Islam as an example. The Quran specifically mentions that we may not forbid what God has permitted and vice versa. Yet this is the very thing that those who profess the religion of Islam do, in total violation of the Quran. The Quran also tells Muslims that they should not alter the word of God. Yet the do exactly that -- they alter the word of God by forbidding what is permitted and permitting what is forbidden. For example, Islam makes it mandatory for all Muslims to practice amar makruf, nahi munkar. This means you must uphold good (or the truth) and oppose evil. But try doing this in Malaysia and see what happens. If you were to uphold the truth (by criticising the government) you would get arrested and charged in court or you would be detained without trial under the Internal Security Act. And Islam is supposed to be the official religion of the Federation of Malaysia, mind you. Podah! Malaysia is no better than Russia, China or Israel. Well, that is because we have a bad government, you might say. But then this 'Islamic culture' not only applies to criticising the government. If you criticise the opposition or opposition leaders, they can't arrest and charge you or detain you under the ISA, but they would certainly spread stories that you have been bought off by Umno. So the opposition is no better when it comes to not honouring amar makruf, nahi munkar. It is just that they have no power to arrest or detain you so they slander you instead. Would the opposition allow amar makruf, nahi munkar if it becomes the federal government? Maybe if Lim Guan Eng or Nik Aziz Nik Mat becomes the Prime Minister they would but I am not sure about the rest of the Pakatan Rakyat leaders. They are saying that I started criticising the opposition since the fallout between Zaid Ibrahim and Anwar Ibrahim soon after the Hulu Selangor by-election. They attribute this to me being pro-Zaid. Therefore, since Zaid is now anti-Anwar, I too have become anti-Anwar. This is not about being pro-anyone or anti-anyone. It is about being anti-dirty tactics. I am not pro-Zaid even though he is my friend (I have refused to join his party although I still socialise with him). I am also in that same spirit not anti-Anwar (I still support him as opposition leader although he no longer talks to me or contacts me). It is just that I am anti-internal sabotage and I don't like what some PKR leaders or party insiders did during the Hulu Selangor by-election. If you can remember, at that time I wrote an article whacking Umno for the doctored photograph of Zaid and the beer bottle. I accused Umno of fitnah (slander) for distributing that fake photograph of Zaid with the beer bottle in his hand. Then, to my shock, I discovered that it was not Umno who did this foul deed but someone high up in PKR. When I found out about this I just kept quiet (which is not quite the Islamic thing to do and opposed to amar makruf, nahi munkar). I decided to not shake the tree lest something falls out of the tree. I did not want to name the person even though I know who he is. Now some unknown people are distributing the Mat Sabu sex scandal VCDs. I heard the next campaign is to spread the story that Mat Sabu is a closet Shiah follower and anti-Hadith as well. That will of course hurt Mat Sabu pretty bad and may affect Muslim support for PAS. I hope Umno is behind this next Mat Sabu slander campaign because if they are then they are very stupid indeed. It is going to backfire terribly. The Datuk T drama backfired terribly. It was a move that hurt Umno more than it hurt Anwar. And this Mat Sabu slander exercise is going to hurt Umno again. But is it really Umno that is behind the Mat Sabu sex scandal VCD and the Shiah-anti-Hadith campaign that they are about to launch? My Deep Throats in Umno say it is not their people who are doing this and the Umno people too are puzzled as to who is behind it. According to the Umno people they suspect that someone in the opposition is doing this. If this is true then these people are very clever. The Mat Sabu sex scandal VCD and the Shiah-anti-Hadith exercise are going to backfire badly on Umno. And the 'beautiful' thing is even Ummo is puzzled about what is going on and is being caught with their pants down. Or is it really someone from Umno who is doing this and they are doing it knowing that it will backfire on Umno and will therefore be a huge problem for Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak? Yes, that is another possibility. The 3M team of Mahathir-Muhyiddin-Mukhriz knows that by sabotaging Mat Sabu with the sex scandal VCD and the Shiah-anti-Hadith story it is going to hurt Najib. So you see, all is not what it appears to be. This is just like Hitler burning the Reichstag building in Berlin on 27th February 1933. And wasn't Hitler one of the greatest propaganda strategists of his time? What is halal and what is haram? It no longer matters. What matters is that the end justifies the means -- and never mind if the means is halal or haram. If you were to bring a bottle of wine to the home of a Muslim he or she would get very upset. Wine is haram and they do not want it in their home. But if you were to bring a 'red packet' containing thousands of ringgit to the home of a Muslim that is not a problem. A bottle of wine cannot. Haram! Bribes can. Not haram. How does the mind of these Muslims work? The majority of those accepting bribes are government officers and Umno politicians who are supposed to be Muslims. They get very upset if you bring a bottle of wine to their homes but they would welcome, in fact, insist, on bribes. And they would gleefully fitnah another Muslim and distribute sex VCDs of other Muslims for the purpose of political power. Haram becomes halal for the sake of gaining political power. Today you no longer know who are the people behind these fitnah campaigns. Don't always assume that the 'other side' is the culprit behind these campaigns. You might be shocked to know that it is the 'same side' doing it. It could be the opposition people slandering their own opposition comrades. Then again it could be Umno people doing it, knowing very well that it will backfire on Umno and become a political liability to Najib. In fact, there are some in Malaysia's intelligence agencies who don't trust Shazryl Eskay Abdullah, one of the three members of the Datuk T gang. The 'official' story going around is that Eskay was once a close friend of Anwar who has since sold him out. Some in Malaysia's intelligence agencies do not think so. They think that Eskay is still close to Anwar and that he is involved in the porn video exercise to hurt Umno. And it has, in fact, hurt Umno badly, in particular Najib. Najib may now have to delay the next general election. Initially it was supposed to be in July. And then they said it would most likely be in November (11-11-11) after the budget. The latest I heard is it may be delayed further, to next year, because Umno is worried that all these 'scandals' may have backfired on Umno. Yes, it is getting very confusing indeed. We are hearing all sort of things and we are hearing that so and so is behind all these. But all is not what it appears and those alleged to be behind all these things are equally confused. Nevertheless, it just proves that Malaysian politics is getting more complicated by the day. You think you can read what is happening but that is no longer true. They aim at a certain target but the real target is another one altogether. Rahim Thambi Chik is Dr Mahathir's man. Could it be that Datuk T's real target is not Anwar but Najib, as what some suspect? Considering the Anwar porn video has backfired on Najib this could be true. Or was Rahim tricked by Eskay, who is still Anwar's comrade? I really no longer know. But one thing I do know is that Malaysia's politics is not as simple as you may think. It is very complicating. The targets are not that identifiable any more. They hit Anwar and Mat Sabu but their real target could actually be Najib. |
WIKILEAKS: Malaysia-based firm involved in guidance systems of ballistic missiles, cruise ... Posted: 09 Jun 2011 01:00 AM PDT
In December 2009, the United States shared with China information regarding attempts by the Malaysia-based firm Electronics Component Limited (ECL) to buy TRS-500 gyroscopes from the Chinese firm VibTel Industrial Co. Inc. (Ref A). These gyroscopes, which are controlled by the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) and China's missile-related export controls, would be suitable for use in the guidance systems of ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and unmanned aerial vehicles. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin 
S E C R E T STATE 010900 SIPDIS E.O. 12958: DECL: 02/03/2035 TAGS: MTCRE, PARM, PREL, MNUC, ETTC, KSCA, IR, CH, MY SUBJECT: (S) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR CHINA ON THE MALAYSIA-BASED COMPANY ELECTRONICS COMPONENT LIMITED REF: A. 09 STATE 130917 B. 09 BEIJING 003476 Classified By: ISN/MTR DIRECTOR PAM DURHAM, REASON: 1.4 (C). 1. (U) This is an action request. Embassy Beijing, please see paragraph 4. 2. (S) Background/Objective: In December 2009, the United States shared with China information regarding attempts by the Malaysia-based firm Electronics Component Limited (ECL) to buy TRS-500 gyroscopes from the Chinese firm VibTel Industrial Co. Inc. (Ref A). These gyroscopes, which are controlled by the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) and China's missile-related export controls, would be suitable for use in the guidance systems of ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and unmanned aerial vehicles. We requested China investigate this information because ECL is associated with a network of Iranian-controlled front companies that procure sensitive goods on behalf of a number of Iranian entities of proliferation concern. 3. (S) Chinese officials agreed to investigate this information, but asked for additional details on ECL's relationships with firms in Iran (Ref B). To support their efforts in this case, we would like to inform them that ECL is part of a network of Iranian-controlled front companies that includes the Iranian firm Shahin Sefid Esta and the Malaysia-based front company Skylife Worldwide Sdn Bhd. This network procures sensitive goods on behalf of a number of Iranian entities of proliferation concern, including the United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1737-designated entities Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group (SHIG) and Ya Mahdi Industries. We want to provide this information to Chinese officials and emphasize that we believe the transfer of this controlled equipment to a company linked to UNSCR-designated entities would be prohibited pursuant to UNSCR 1737. 4. (S) Action Request: Request Embassy Beijing approach appropriate host government officials to deliver talking points/non-paper in paragraph 5 below and report response. Talking points also may be provided as a non-paper. 5. (S) Begin talking points/non-paper: (SECRET//REL CHINA) --In December 2009, we shared with you information regarding attempts by the Malaysia-based firm Electronics Component Limited (ECL) to buy TRS-500 gyroscopes from the Chinese firm VibTel Industrial Co. Inc. --TRS-500 gyroscopes are controlled by the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) and China's missile-related export controls, and can be used in the guidance systems of ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and unmanned aerial vehicles. --We also noted that ECL is associated with a network of Iranian-controlled front companies that procure sensitive goods on behalf of a number of Iranian entities of proliferation concern. --In response to this information, you agreed to look into this matter, but asked if the United States could provide additional details on ECL's relationships with firms in Iran. --We now want to provide you with additional information indicating that ECL is part of a network of Iranian-controlled front companies that includes the Iranian firm Shahin Sefid Esta and the Malaysia-based front company Skylife Worldwide Sdn Bhd. --This network procures sensitive goods on behalf of a number of Iranian entities of proliferation concern, including the Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group (SHIG), which is Iran's primary developer of liquid propellant ballistic missiles, and Heavy Metal Industries, a front company for the tactical missile developer Ya Mahdi Industries. --Both SHIG and Ya Mahdi Industries are sanctioned under United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1737. --Additionally, the TRS-500 gyroscopes are controlled items that would be prohibited from being exported to Iran under UNSCR 1737. --We hope this information is useful in supporting your efforts in this case and assists your ability to prevent the transfer of these gyroscopes by VibTel Industrial Co. to ECL. --We look forward to future cooperation on nonproliferation issues and to hearing the results of your investigation into this activity at the earliest possible time. End talking points/non-paper 6. (U) Washington POC is ISN/MTR John Paul Herrmann (Phone: 202-647-1430). Please slug any reporting on this issue for ISN/MTR and EAP/CM. 7. (U) A word version of this document will be posted at CLINTON |
Still say that 60% of what Malaysia Today writes are lies? Posted: 08 Jun 2011 08:55 PM PDT
In a filings with Bursa Malaysia yesterday, Ho Hup said the High Court had found that the company's previous board of directors had acted in breach of their duties to Ho Hup by committing Bukit Jalil Development to the JDA, and that Pioneer Haven had knowingly assisted in those breaches. Ho Hup entered into the JDA (via Bukit Jalil Development) with Pioneer Haven on March 16 last year, when Ho Hup was still under the management of former deputy chairman Datuk Vincent Lye. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin Only 40% of what Malaysia Today writes is true, said Mukhriz Mahathir, the future Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia when Muhyiddin Yassin goes up to become Prime Minister -- if they can successfully oust Najib Tun Razak. Yes, that's right, there is a move to oust Najib. And there are hidden hands in Umno who are trying to force Najib's hand to call for the next general election on 11 November 2011. That's 11-11-11, a very auspicious date indeed. But the intelligence agencies do not agree. They are trying to convince Najib that if he calls for the general election this year rather than 2012 or 2013, then Barisan Nasional will suffer what it did in March 2008 and Najib would suffer what Abdullah Ahmad Badawi suffered soon after that -- he would be ousted from office. But then it is not up to Najib. It is not even up to Malaysia's intelligence agencies. It is up to Rosmah Mansor. And she would like to stretch her term -- yes, that's right, her term -- a little longer in case they fall flat on their face and have to leave office. An ex-Prime Minister's wife would not be able to receive loads of Birkin bags as presents from Vincent Tan at USD120,000 a piece. And she does not have all the colours yet. Ask Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. He can tell you how shabbily he is being treated as an ex-Prime Minister by people who control Berjaya, YTL, Ho Hup, etc. At one time these people were grovelling at Mahathir's feet. Now they won't give him the time of day. Such is the fate of ex-Prime Ministers and Rosmah is not about to suffer that same fate. The 3M team of Mahathir, Muhyiddin and Mukhriz can only kick out Najib -- like what happened to Abdullah Badawi -- if Barisan Nasional performs badly in the general election. But if there is no general election then there is no excuse to kick Najib out. That is the bottom line. Anyway, back to the 40% true and 60% lies that Mukhriz said about Malaysia Today. Let us recap on some of the 'lies' we have spun thus far involving the Attorney-General, Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail.  When you are a friend of Gani Patail, you can buy yourself immunity from prosecution. That is why Tan Sri Tajuddin Ramli, former Chairman of Malaysia Airlines (MAS), is a free man despite having caused MAS to suffer losses to the tune of billions of ringgit. The national carrier almost went bankrupt if not for a government bailout. However, instead of charging Tajudin, Gani Patail charged the Police CCID Director, Dato' Ramli Yusuff, who had recommended that Tajuddin and his associates be prosecuted. When Malaysia Today revealed that Tajudin's proxy, Shahidan Shafie -- the ex-police inspector who was charged for bribery when he was OC Secret Societies in Johor Bharu -- is a close friend of Gani Patail, and that they went to Mecca together, the MACC quickly cleared the AG. And do you want to know why? This is because the usual 'you scratch my back, I scratch your back' deal has been struck between the MACC and the AG who will now make the Police tailor its investigations to show that Ahmad Sarbani had committed suicide. That will be the evidence presented to the Coroner at the Inquest to ensure a finding that the cause of death was suicide.  Tabung Haji's documents show that Shahidan went to perform the Haj as Gani Patail's family When Malaysia Today exposed that Gani Patail dabbled not only in national politics but also in corporate politics -- to tilt the balance of power in a corporate tussle involving Ho Hup Bhd -- Gani Patail went to Ho Hup's office as a show of support for his friend, Datuk Vincent Lye, who was having a shareholders' fight with Datuk Low Tuck Choy, better known as Dato' TC Low.  AG Gani Patail with Vincent Lye at Ho Hup's office Dato' TC had alleged that Gani Patail's friend, Vincent Lye, tried to fleece Ho Hup Bhd by defrauding the company to enter into a lopsided and disadvantageous contract with Malton Bhd. Vincent Lye had signed a deal to surrender Ho Hup's 60-acre freehold land in Bukit Jalil worth RM4.2 billion to Malton. After signing that contract, Vincent Lye was sacked by the company's shareholders in an EGM. However, instead of charging Vincent Lye for fraud, and to tilt thing things in Vincent Lye's favour, Gani Patail charged Dato' TC Low -- for a very minor technical offence -- in order to disqualify him from being a director in the company. Yesterday, the High Court confirmed that what Vincent Lye did was wrong and declared that the contract entered into by Vincent Lye was null and void. So there you are. Which 60% of this story is a lie? Anyway, read The Star news report below: ***************************************** Ho Hup wins suit, court declares deal null and void, firm can revamp The Star, Wednesday, June 8, 2011 PETALING JAYA: After more than a year of litigation, the Kuala Lumpur High Court has finally ruled in favour of Ho Hup Construction Co Bhd by declaring null and void a joint development agreement (JDA) between the latter's 70%-owned subsidiary, Bukit Jalil Development Sdn Bhd, and Pioneer Haven Sdn Bhd, a wholly-owned unit of Malton Bhd. The finalisation of the court decision would enable Ho Hup to proceed with its financial regularisation plan, which had been delayed pending the outcome of the suit. Ho Hup had been working to regularise its financial condition since being listed as a Practice Note 17 (PN17) company in July 2008. "With the JDA reversed, the full development rights of the valuable, prime piece of land would revert back to our subsidiary Bukit Jalil Development," Ho Hup executive director Derek Wong said in a statement yesterday. "This means we can fully leverage on this prized asset to restructure the company's debts and regularise our operations and financial condition," he said, adding that the company would now focus on finalising details of its PN17 regularisation plan and submission to the authorities. Ho Hup made a requisite announcement of its PN17 regularisation plan in early March 2011 involving the restructuring scheme for creditors for the company as well as that for Bukit Jalil Development. Ho Hup and Bukit Jalil Development reportedly had outstanding debts worth RM329.2mil in the form of secured and unsecured loans as to date. In a filings with Bursa Malaysia yesterday, Ho Hup said the High Court had found that the company's previous board of directors had acted in breach of their duties to Ho Hup by committing Bukit Jalil Development to the JDA, and that Pioneer Haven had knowingly assisted in those breaches. "Significantly, the High Court found that the JDA, was in substance, a disposal of Bukit Jalil Development's 60-acre land bank, and as such, required the approval of shareholders under section 132C of the Companies Act." "As no such approval was obtained, the joint development agreement and other associated instruments were null and void for contravening the law," it said, adding that the High Court had ordered the private caveat lodged by Pioneer Haven be expunged." Ho Hup entered into the JDA (via Bukit Jalil Development) with Pioneer Haven on March 16 last year, when Ho Hup was still under the management of former deputy chairman Datuk Vincent Lye. The deal was supposed to see the partners jointly develop the freehold land in Bukit Jalil into a mixed commercial and residential project. Substantial shareholder Datuk Low Tuck Choy, who was also a former managing director of Ho Hup, as well as several other shareholders, had objected to the deal, claiming that their approval was not sought. Shareholders who objected the deal also believed that it would be more profitable to Ho Hup if the company had opted to sell or develop the land on its own. Now that the JDA has been declared null and void, Ho Hup indeed would have the option to develop Bukit Jalil on its own. According to Wong, the masterplan to develop the Bukit Jalil site into a mixed commercial and residential project had been conditionally approved by City Hall. "The land is within a prime location and will be developed in six phases over 10 years with an estimated gross development value of RM4.2bil," he said in the statement. "We are looking at a sales launch, possibly in the fourth quarter." |
Women of class and taste: name the women contest Posted: 08 Jun 2011 05:37 PM PDT 
The Birkin bag is a handmade purse by Hermès and named after actress and singer Jane Birkin. The bag is a symbol of wealth due to its high price and elusiveness to the public. Its prices range from US$9,000 to US$150,000. Costs escalate according to the type of materials. The bags are distributed to Hermès boutiques on unpredictable schedules and in limited quantities, creating scarcity and, intended or unintended, exclusivity. It is highly coveted and, for several years, was reputed for having a waiting list of up to 6 years; the longest wait for any bag in history. (read more here: NO HOLDS BARREDRaja Petra Kamarudin  
A political party is just like our car, a mere vehicle Posted: 08 Jun 2011 01:00 AM PDT
If it works, keep it. If it breaks down, change it. Make it work for us. Don't become a slave of our vehicle. And make sure that politicians understand that this is how we are going to play the game from hereon. We need to be ruthless and mercenaries. Then we will get a good deal. If not we will get a raw deal. And that will make us worse than prostitutes. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin Many people do not understand what slavery and bondage mean. There are many forms of slavery and bondage. We have sex slaves. Economic slavery. Then we have mental bondage. Mental bondage in itself comes in many forms. Denying the people an education or a proper education is one form of mental bondage. Uneducated people can't think for themselves and their minds can be manipulated. Then we have another form of mental bondage perpetuated by religion. Much in religion is about reducing us to slaves. We are told what we are allowed to think and most times we are not allowed to think. And we are told we must not rationalise but accept the unproven based on 'faith'. Faith is the word used to explain the absence of evidence. Economic slavery is another very popular and effective form of slavery. If people are too economically independent then they become a political problem to the ruling elite. Better the people are poor and dependent on the government. Then they become compliant. (Does the NEP ring a bell?) Developed countries see changes in government every election or every few elections. Poor countries see the same government for decades, sometimes for 50 years without change. Then there is another form of bondage and slavery, which I want to talk about today. And this is political slavery. We are told that only Umno can look after Malay interests, or only PAS can safeguard Islam, or only PKR and DAP can guarantee us multiculturalism, or only MIC can protect the Indians, or only MCA can defend the Chinese, or whatever. Actually, the truth is, Umno, MCA, MIC, PKR, DAP, PAS, Gerakan, PPP, PBB, SNAP, SUPP, LDP, PRS, SPDP, UPKO, PBS, PBRS, KITA, PRM, PSM, MDP, SAPP, BERJASA, HAMIM, (all the two dozen or so political parties in Malaysia) have only one purpose in mind. And that purpose is to seek power. They are all political parties, nothing more and nothing less. And the job of political parties is to get into power. Let's not believe the bullshit that they are here to serve us. Political parties serve themselves. And they use us to get into power. Many working-class Malaysians suffer and struggle to pay for their motorcar. Sometimes half their salaries or more go towards paying and maintaining their car or cars. Why is this so? A car is merely a convenience. It is a vehicle to get us from point A to point B. It is a tool to enable us to go to work. So why are we working for our car instead of making our car work for us? It appears like we are tools of our cars instead of our car being a tool for us. We should not be emotional and sentimental about our car, a mere vehicle for our convenience. But that is not how most Malaysians view it. And that is why we work for our cars instead of making our car work for us. A political party is also a tool. It is a convenience. It is merely a vehicle to enable us to get from point A to point B. So we should not also be emotional and sentimental about political parties. Being a tool or vehicle, we should make the political parties work for us. We should not work for the political parties. A political party must serve us. It is there merely to fulfil a purpose. And this purpose is to run the country the way we want it to be run. It does not matter which political party we give that job to, just like it does not matter what car we drive. A political party, just like our car, is a convenience, a mere vehicle to help us achieve our objective. A political party, like our car, is not the objective. It is a means to an end. Let us not be emotional or sentimental about political parties, just like we should not be about our car. If our car can do the job we keep it. If it breaks down we repair it. From time to time we service it to prevent it from deteriorating or breaking down. If it becomes a problem we get rid of it and buy a new one. If a better model or make comes along we get rid of our old and problematic car and opt for the latest. That is how we should treat our cars. And you should not suffer by working long hours just to pay for your car. A car enables us to get to work. We should not work so that we can pay for the car. And we should not burn all our salary just to pay for the car. That is also how we should treat political parties. If it works, we keep it. If it breaks down, we get rid of it. If it can do the job, fine. If not, then why bother with it? We must use political parties. We should not allow political parties to use us. Political parties want only one thing, to get into power. And they will use us to get into power. So we must be smart enough to use them instead. We know what political parties want. That is fine with us. But we should make them work for it. We should turn them into our slaves. Make them crawl on the ground and beg and kiss our feet. We should not instead become their slaves. At least prostitutes know what to do. They know you want their pussy. So they open their legs and let you have what you want. But you have to pay for it because what they want is your money. And they make sure you pay dearly for it. Prostitutes do not open their legs and then pay you money as well. You pay. So why are we allowing political parties to screw us and then we pay them on top of that instead of making them pay? That makes us worse than prostitutes. And we have the cheek to look down on prostitutes when they are smarter than us? I am not emotional or sentimental about any political party. If they do the job I expect them to do then they get my support and vote. If not then I trade in this old and problematic 'car' for a new one. (Incidentally, since 1974 to 1994 I voted for PAS is Kampong Kolam in Terengganu and since 1999 till 2008 I voted for PKR in Subang USJ9). Anwar Ibrahim has changed 'cars' before when the old one broke down. So has Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. The first Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman did the same thing, as did the third Prime Minister Hussein Onn, and his father before him, Onn Jaafar. Dr Mahathir Mohammad changed 'cars' many times. Rais Yatim, Shahrir Samad, and many cabinet ministers -- as did many PAS leaders, party presidents included -- went that same route. So you see, if it works, keep it. If it breaks down, change it. Make it work for us. Don't become a slave of our vehicle. And make sure that politicians understand that this is how we are going to play the game from hereon. We need to be ruthless and mercenaries. Then we will get a good deal. If not we will get a raw deal. And that will make us worse than prostitutes. |
WIKILEAKS: Perak episode sets a dangerous precedent Posted: 07 Jun 2011 01:00 AM PDT
A well-financed political coalition could persuade members of Parliament to support the other side, shifting power through undemocratic means, as many allege occurred in Perak. Before this Federal Court decision, the assembly would have instead been dissolved for fresh elections, but now the sultan can legitimize the takeover without voter input. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin 
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 KUALA LUMPUR 000092 SIPDIS FOR EAP/MTS AND INR E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/19/2019 TAGS: PGOV, PREL, KJUS, MY SUBJECT: COURT DECISION ON STATE POWER PLAY ENDS LEGAL BATTLE, BUT SETS WORRISOME PRECEDENT REF: A. 09 KL 342 -- PANDEMONIUM IN PERAK STATE ASSEMBLY B. 09 KL 78 -- NAJIB LEADS TAKEOVER IN PERAK C. KL 20 -- WHAT IS GOING ON IN MALAYSIA? Classified By: Political Counselor Brian D. McFeeters for reasons 1.4 b and d. Summary and Comment 1. (SBU) Malaysia's Federal Court, the highest level in Malaysia's judicial system, announced on February 9 that the Sultan of Perak had the legal authority to appoint a new Chief Minister in his state, as he did in February 2009, after concluding that the ruling National Front (BN) coalition commanded the majority of seats in the Perak state assembly. The case effectively ends the Perak constitutional crisis, which has been simmering since three opposition politicians declared themselves independents friendly toward BN, tipping the balance of seats in the state assembly toward BN (refs A and B). The Sultan came under unprecedented scrutiny because replacing a Chief Minister is not specifically mentioned in the state constitution. The opposition coalition People's Alliance (PR) announced that they would no longer contest the issue as they had vigorously done for the past year, and instead work alongside the BN for the benefit of the people of Perak, if certain conditions were met. A recent independent poll confirmed that most Perakians believe that the only way to fairly resolve this crisis would be to hold snap elections in the state, which the BN has announced they will not do prematurely. 2. (C) Comment: This Federal Court decision in the BN's favor raises renewed questions about the independence of the Malaysian judiciary, already in question in connection with the Anwar Ibrahim trial and other cases (ref C). While the GOM argues that the decision is based on a sound interpretation of the Perak constitution, opposition figures disagree and argue the decision legitimizes political maneuvering to change the results of democratic elections, setting a dangerous precedent by implying that the King could remove the Prime Minister, without a no-confidence motion in Parliament. A well-financed political coalition could persuade members of Parliament to support the other side, shifting power through undemocratic means, as many allege occurred in Perak. Before this Federal Court decision, the assembly would have instead been dissolved for fresh elections, but now the sultan can legitimize the takeover without voter input. End Summary and Comment. The February 9 Decision 3. (U) The Federal Court ruled on February 9 in a unanimous 5-0 vote that the Sultan of Perak, Azlan Shah, had the authority to appoint a new Chief Minister if he believed that a different political coalition commanded the allegiance of a majority of seats in the state assembly. In announcing its decision, the Federal Court confirmed that the Sultan was correct in his February 6, 2009 decision to verify that veteran politician Zambry Abdul Kadir, a member of UMNO (the United Malays National Organization -- the dominant political party in the BN) had the support of a majority of the members of the state assembly, replacing Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin. The switch in support came after three members of the People's Alliance simultaneously declared themselves to be independents friendly to the BN in early February 2009, a maneuver that is widely believed to have been driven by the BN. Zambry's attorney Cecil Abraham went to great lengths to stress that "this decision is binding on the state government and the federal government." Predictions and Reactions 4. (C) Poloff and Pol Specialist visited Perak from February 1-3 (to be reported septel) and discussed the (then upcoming) February 9 Federal Court decision with politicians and attorneys familiar with the case. Nizar's lead lawyer Chan Kok Keong told Poloff ahead of the February 9 decision that he was certain the judges would rule in favor of Zambry. He opined that it would not be a "constitutional decision" but rather "a political decision." Chan pointed out that when he and his legal team were making their submission at the Federal Court, all five judges "were extremely hostile" to them. Chan added that by ruling in Zambry's favor, the Federal Court "will be rewriting its own decisions and the constitution." Former Chief Minister Nizar told Poloff that a ruling in favor of Zambry would result in "the Prime Minister or the Chief Minister holding office at the pleasure of the King or the Sultan." Nizar added that this would set a "dangerous precedent." DAP Vice President and Member of Parliament from Perak Kulasegaran also told Poloff ahead of the decision that the courts would favor Zambry because "the political stakes are too high for Prime Minister Najib." Poloff also spoke with Zambry's political secretary Abdul Rahman and the assembly speaker S. Ganeson; both expressed confidence that the court "will make the right decision" by ruling in favor of Zambry. 5. (U) After the February 9 decision, BN Chief Minister Zambry was quoted in the media on saying he was thankful for the court's decision, adding that "hopefully all parties can accept this decision and this political crisis in Perak can finally be put to rest." Prime Minister Najib appealed for everyone to respect the court's decision, commenting "We have to accept the decision of the country's highest court. The issue and saga of who is the right Chief Minister of Perak has been decided, and I hope they (the opposition People's Alliance) accept this decision." National opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim slammed the decision, claiming UMNO "does not have the courage to face the people" in elections. Democratic Action Party leader Lim Kit Siang called the verdict "legalization of BN's coup d'etat." Former de facto law minister Zaid Ibrahim called the decision "warped legal reasoning" done for "political expediency." Nizar: Will Work with UMNO in Perak, but with Conditions 6. (SBU) Former Chief Minister Nizar convened a special meeting of state PR leaders on the day of the Federal Court's ruling, announcing that the opposition would give its full cooperation to the BN government in Perak. He said, "for the good of Perakians, we have decided to become a strong opposition in the state assembly and lend our services to the Barisan National government in implementing policies that are good for the people." Nizar, however, caveated that the opposition would only give its full cooperation if Zambry's government agreed to four conditions. First, they must allow opposition parties to use public premises for the purpose of hosting functions; second, they must give memberships to opposition assemblymen to special committees; third, they must provide all opposition assemblymen with allocations of RM 150,000-RM 200,000 (approximately $40,000 to $55,000 USD) per year; and fourth, the BN must base its administration "on the principles of honesty, integrity, transparency, justice, and welfare." Chief Minister Zambry responded on February 10 by stating "we have never discriminated against them on the allocations, so no need for conditions. We must help the public. That's the yardstick." (Note: The BN traditionally only grants "development funds" to constituencies held by BN representatives. Just prior to the takeover last year, former Minister in the PM's department Ahmad Zahid Hamidi -- who is now the Minister of Defense -- announced that each BN assemblyman would receive RM 300,000, while the other constituencies would receive nothing. End Note.) Poll: Decide Through an Election, not a Court Decision 7. (U) The independent Merdeka Center announced results of a poll taken of Perak voters on February 5, in conjunction with the one year anniversary of the BN's takeover of the state. Among the key findings of the poll: 74% of the respondents feel that fresh state elections are the best way to resolve the political crisis in Perak; 65% of respondents believe the Perak political crisis remains a relevant issue after one year; and 60% place a higher priority on having a democratically elected government than on improving the economy. Looking Ahead 8. (SBU) Although it appears that both sides want to move ahead, there are still two pending legal cases that could, theoretically, result in a shift in power. The first case involves a lawsuit by former state assembly Speaker Sivakumar, who was not initially removed from his position until after the first state assembly session under Zambry was conducted. As speaker, Sivakumar held the power to suspend people for contempt; during the first meeting in April 2009, he suspended Zambry and six others for assuming their new positions before the initial court decision (Nizar v. Zambry) was complete. Although it is unlikely the courts will find in favor of Sivakumar, if they do it is possible that his authority to suspend Zambry and six others will stand, thereby giving Nizar the majority of seats again. The second case concerns the alleged resignations of the three state assemblymen who defected from the PR. Just prior to the defections, Nizar claimed that the three had resigned from the state assembly, and held undated letters of resignation from each as proof. The Election Commission, however, did not accept these letters as legitimate and refused to call for elections to replace the three. The PR filed a lawsuit for the letters to be recognized as legitimate, currently under judicial review at the Federal Court. All legal decisions on this lawsuit thus far have rejected the PR's assertions. KEITH |