Talam debate: No Khalid, only commotion Posted: 12 Sep 2012 04:10 AM PDT 
Pakatan Rakyat reps were not allowed to debate with MCA's Chua Tee Yong over the Talam matter, and walked out. Patrick Lee, FMT BANDAR TUN RAZAK: A public debate between MCA and the Selangor state government over the Talam matter failed to materialise after opposition leaders were stopped from participating. Originally intended for an 8:30pm launch at the International Youth Centre, it was supposed to see MCA-Labis MP Chua Tee Yong go toe-to-toe with Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim. With Khalid out of the country however, four were appointed to represent him in his stead, including three Pakatan MPs and his political secretary, Faekah Husin. The three MPs were DAP-Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua, PKR-Selayang MP William Leong and PAS-Kuala Selangor MP Dzulkefly Ahmad. With Khalid absent, the debate's organiser MCA allegedly told the four that they could not represent the menteri besar. This led them, and their hundred-plus supporters, to leave the hall, but not before they were booed by the 400-strong MCA crowd. Some even carried banners that said: "Where are you, Khalid?" A small commotion broke out between the two, but was quickly defused. Later, four people were arrested by police officers present, after a random check revealed that they had been carrying retractable batons. They were taken to the Cheras police station. Political excuse  In a later press conference, the Pakatan reps expressed dismay with the alleged refusal. Said Pua: "We were not allowed to debate tonight, so we didn't feel that it was necessary to be at the hall… It shows that MCA and Chua just want to use the debate as a political excuse." He added that it was not right for Khalid to debate with Chua, as the MCA leader was not on equal footing with the MB. "I will not debate [Prime Minister] Najib. Only [Opposition Leader] Anwar can debate Najib…We must find our level," he said. Faekah said that if she was allowed to debate tonight, she would have revealed the contents of KPMG's recently-drafted audit report on the Talam affair. "I came with the audit report from KPMG to read [the points] one by one. I was going to read on each and every account and proof of procedure," she said. She added that MCA had yet to prove that the Selangor state government bailed Talam Corporation out with RM1 billion of state funds. "What makes you think that we will give benefits to the MCA crony (and Talam Corporation boss) Chan Ah Chye?" she growled. Asked later on Khalid whereabouts, she said that Khalid was on a "RM5 billion trade mission investment" in Bangkok, and was there since this morning. He would be coming back tomorrow. READ MORE HERE |
Suaram: Buru hingga ke lubang cacing atau kita akan terkubur! Posted: 11 Sep 2012 11:28 PM PDT 
Marilah kita mendesak kerajaan bertindak segera. Selepas pilihan raya ini, jika kerajaan Putrajaya masih memerintah, laksanakan segera pembasmian dan pembersihan mutlak (a total crackdown) terhadap NGO-NGO parasit seperti ini. Zaini Hassan, Utusan Malaysia Suaram atau Suara Rakyat Malaysia adalah sebuah pertubuhan anti kerajaan Malaysia. Ia hanya anti kepada kerajaan yang diperintah oleh parti Barisan Nasional (BN) naungan UMNO. Misinya hanya akan tercapai (accomplished) sekiranya kerajaan Malaysia sekarang jatuh ke tangan pakatan pembangkang naungan DAP, yang bonekanya terdiri daripada pak lebai PAS dan PKR. Sudah lama Suaram ini bergerak. Sering membuat kacau, seolah-olah ia adalah badan hak asasi manusia. Tapi umum mengetahui, ia lebih bermotifkan politik haluan DAP. Itu semua orang tahu. Orang media semua sedar perkara itu. Kami juga tahu lama dulu, sejak zaman Reformasi dulu yang mereka ini bergerak atas dana asing. Dana-dana asing ini yang dikeluarkan oleh pihak-pihak tertentu juga bermotifkan politik. Mereka mahu menukar rejim kerajaan Malaysia sekarang. Pertukaran pemerintah itu dikenali sebagai Regime Change. Gelombang perubahan ini telah tercetus semasa krisis ekonomi dan bersekali krisis politik sekitar 1989 dan 1999. Ketika itu ekonomi dunia merudum. Ketika itu juga berlaku krisis politik di Malaysia, yang memperlihatkan Anwar Ibrahim dipecat sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri. Agenda besar (grand design) krisis politik ini sebenarnya cukup hebat. Semuanya sudah dirancang. Ikut perancangannya, Anwar sepatutnya menjadi PM Malaysia Ke-5, bukan Pak Lah. Pihak asing juga telah meletak harapan yang tinggi untuk melihat anak yang dibela itu menjadi PM. Tapi Dr. Mahathir Mohamad bijak. Mungkin juga dia mendapat'ilham'dari langit supaya memecat Anwar. Jika tidak dilakukan maka kuasa itu akan berjayalah menguasai tanah Melayu ini. Dalam rantau ini, hanya Malaysia yang belum dapat dikuasai secara total. Myanmar, sebuah negara kuku besi dan berdindingkan waja itu pun, menjadi negara terakhir yang berjaya dirongkainya. Singapura memanglah terlalu sekutu. Thailand walaupun tidak seteruk Singapura juga sekutu kuat. Filipina jangan cakaplah. Indonesia sudah berjaya 'ditakluki'ekoran kejatuhan Suharto dulu. Suharto dijatuhkan kerana dipaksa menerima pinjaman IMF untuk menyelamatkan ekonomi negara itu. Harga minyak tiba-tiba naik melambung sehingga rakyat memberontak. Anwar cuba cadangkan Malaysia juga ambil pinjaman IMF, tapi Dr. Mahathir tolak. Ketika Pak Harto dijatuhkan, Dr. Mahathir selamatkan Malaysia. Vietnam, Laos, Kemboja dan lain-lain tidak begitu strategik bagi kuasa asing itu. Perlu diingat Malaysia pernah menjadi anak harimau kuasa ekonomi Asia dan negara ini dianugerahkan Allah Taala dengan kemakmuran semula jadi. Ia juga dikelilingi dengan kawasan maritim yang strategik. Selagi kerajaan BN, dinaungi Umno ini belum dapat dijatuhkan, maka selagi itulah kuasa asing dan sekutu kuatnya tidak berpuas hati. DAP jika berjaya menguasai negara ini kelak, berjanji akan melaksanakan dasar sama-rata seperti mana yang diamalkan oleh Republik Singapura. Tapi sayang di republik itu seorang Melayu pun tidak berada di posisi terpenting dan strategik, misalnya pertahanan dan lain-lain. Difahamkan waima juruterbang pun payah mahu dilantik. Mungkin juga orang Melayu Singapura memang tidak layak dari segi meritokrasi? Dasar sama-rata atau Malaysia Malaysian itu ialah matlamat paling tinggi yang telah diletakkan DAP. Mereka sedang menunggu detik-detiknya sahaja. Buku Jingga, yang dicanang oleh Anwar itu hanyalah kacang putih. DAP, sebenarnya tak peduli pun buku itu. Suaram atau Suara Rakyat, yang hanya mewakili suara jahat rakyat, telah ditempatkan secara strategik untuk menggerakkan strategi-strategi itu. Namun, kita ucapkan tahniah kepada Datuk Ismail Sabri Yaakob, walaupun sedikit terlewat, namun, pendedahan demi pendedahan beliau mengenai tindak-tanduk Suaram sekurang-kurang melegakan keseluruhan rakyat. Rakyat sudah bosan dengan tindak-tanduk Suaram dan NGO-NGO tajaan kuasa asing itu. Tindak-tanduk subversif mereka cukup berbahaya. Sepatutnya pihak berkuasa sudah membanteras mereka awal-awal lagi. Tapi ia tidak berlaku. Kita tertanya-tanya apakah Kerajaan Singapura akan membenarkan pergerakan yang serupa seperti Suaram ini bergerak di negaranya? Jawapannya kita sudah boleh agak. Kerajaan Malaysia selama ini terlalu berlembut. Portal-portal berita yang ditaja melalui dana-dana asing juga dibenarkan beroperasi, walaupun kesemua analisisnya mengutuk atau berpaksikan pembangkang dan anti pemerintah. Ia masih dibenarkan beroperasi, malah portal-portal itu kadang-kala dianggap seperti media arus perdana pula. Itulah dasar toleransi kita, yang sedikit demi sedikit amalan baik itu memakan diri sendiri. Marilah kita mendesak kerajaan bertindak segera. Selepas pilihan raya ini, jika kerajaan Putrajaya masih memerintah, laksanakan segera pembasmian dan pembersihan mutlak (a total crackdown) terhadap NGO-NGO parasit seperti ini. Dakwalah penggerak-penggeraknya ke mahkamah di bawah hukuman paling keras kerana mereka telah menderhaka kepada Yang di-Pertuan Agong. Tindak-tanduk mereka menerima dana asing daripada pihak yang berkepentingan untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan semasa merupakan satu penderhakaan. Haramkan mereka seperti mana kita pernah mengharamkan Parti Komunis Malaya (PKM) dulu. Jika mereka masih bergerak, kita buru mereka sehingga ke lubang cacing. Jika kita gagal bertindak kali ini, kitalah yang akan ke lubang kubur! |
U.S. ambassador to Libya killed in attack - Libya official Posted: 11 Sep 2012 11:00 PM PDT 
John Christopher Stevens, US ambassador to Libya, shakes hands with Libyan National Transitional Council (NTC) chairman Mustafa Abdel Jalil (R) after presenting his credentials during a meeting in Tripoli, June 7, 2012.(AFP Photo / Mahmud Turkia) BEIRUT (Reuters) - The U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other embassy staff were killed in a rocket attack on Tuesday night that targeted his car in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi, a Libyan official said on Wednesday. "The American ambassador and three staff members were killed when gunmen fired rockets at them," the official in Benghazi told Reuters. Asked about the deaths, a U.S. Embassy employee in Tripoli said: "We have no information regarding this." The employee said the embassy could confirm the death of one person. The Libyan official said the U.S. ambassador had been on his way to a safer venue after protesters attacked the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi and opened fire, killing a staff member, in protest at a U.S. film that they deemed blasphemous to the Prophet Mohammad. The official said the ambassador and three other staff were killed when gunmen fired rockets at his car. He said the U.S. Embassy had sent a military plane to transport the bodies to Tripoli to fly them to the United States. Gunmen assaulted the Benghazi compound on Tuesday evening, clashing with Libyan security forces, who withdrew under heavy fire. The attackers fired at the buildings while others threw handmade bombs into the compound, setting off small explosions. Small fires were burning around the compound. The assault followed a protest in neighbouring Egypt where demonstrators scaled the walls of the U.S. embassy, tore down the American flag and burned it during a protest over the same film which they said insulted the Prophet Mohammad. |
Anti-Islam film sparks Libya, Egypt protests Posted: 11 Sep 2012 10:45 PM PDT
(AP) - CAIRO: A movie attacking Islam's prophet Muhammad sparked assaults on U.S. diplomatic missions in Libya and Egypt on Tuesday. A Libyan security official reported an American was shot to death as protesters burned the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, and in Cairo, protesters scaled the walls of the U.S. embassy walls and replaced an American flag with an Islamic banner. It was the first such assaults on U.S. diplomatic facilities in either country, at a time when both Libya and Egypt are struggling to overcome the turmoil following the ouster of their longtime leaders, Moammar Gadhafi and Hosni Mubarak in uprisings last year. The protests in both countries were sparked by outrage over a film ridiculing Muhammad produced by an American in California and being promoted by an extreme anti-Muslim Egyptian Christian campaigner in the United States. In the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi, a large mob stormed the U.S. Consulate, with gunmen firing their weapons, said Wanis al-Sharef, an Interior Ministry official in Benghazi. A witness said attackers fired automatic weapons and rocket-propelled grenades at the consulate as they clashed with Libyans hired to guard the facility. Outnumbered by the crowd, Libyan security forces did little to stop them, al-Sharef said. The crowd overwhelmed the facility and set fire to it, burning most of it and looting the contents, witnesses said. One American was shot to death and a second was wounded in the hand, al-Sharef said. He did not give further details, and there was no immediate U.S. confirmation of the death. Hours before the Benghazi attack, hundreds of mainly ultraconservative Islamist protesters in Egypt marched to the U.S. Embassy in downtown Cairo, gathering outside its walls and chanting against the movie and the U.S. Most of the embassy staff had left the compound earlier because of warnings of the upcoming demonstration. "Say it, don't fear: Their ambassador must leave," the crowd chanted. Dozens of protesters then scaled the embassy walls, and several went into the courtyard and took down the American flag from a pole. They brought it back to the crowd outside, which tried to burn it, but failing that tore it apart. The protesters on the wall then raised on the flagpole a black flag with a Muslim declaration of faith, "There is no god but God and Muhammad is his prophet." The flag, similar to the banner used by al-Qaida, is commonly used by ultraconservatives around the region. The crowd grew throughout the evening with thousands standing outside the embassy. Dozens of riot police lined up along the embassy walls but did not stop protesters as they continued to climb and stand on the wall - though it appeared no more went into the compound. The crowd chanted, "Islamic, Islamic. The right of our prophet will not die." Some shouted, "We are all Osama," referring to al-Qaida leader bin Laden. Young men, some in masks, sprayed graffiti on the walls. Some grumbled that Islamist President Mohammed Morsi had not spoken out about the movie. A group of women in black veils and robes that left only their eyes exposed chanted, "Worshippers of the Cross, leave the Prophet Muhammad alone." By midnight, the crowd had dwindled. The U.S. Embassy said on its Twitter account that there will be no visa services on Wednesday because of the protests. A senior Egyptian security official at the embassy area said authorities allowed the protest because it was "peaceful." When they started climbing the walls, he said he called for more troops, denying that the protesters stormed the embassy. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to reporters. The Cairo embassy is in a diplomatic area in Garden City, where the British and Italian embassies are located, only a few blocks away from Tahrir Square, the center of last year's uprising that led to the ouster of Hosni Mubarak. The U.S. Embassy is built like a fortress, with a wall several meters (yards) high. But security has been scaled back in recent months, with several roadblocks leading to the facility removed after legal court cases by residents. The Egyptian Foreign Ministry promised in a statement to provide the necessary security for diplomatic missions and embassies and warned that "such incidents will negatively impact the image of stability in Egypt, which will have consequences on the life of its citizens." One protester, Hossam Ahmed, said he was among those who entered the embassy compound and replaced the American flag with the black one. He said the group has now removed the black flag from the pole and laid it instead on a ladder on top of the wall. "This is a very simple reaction to harming our prophet," said another, bearded young protester, Abdel-Hamid Ibrahim. In Washington, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said Egyptian police had removed the demonstrators who entered the embassy grounds. Speaking before reports of the slain American emerged, she condemned the attack on the consulate in Libya "in the strongest terms." Muslims find it offensive to depict Muhammad in any fashion, much less in an insulting way. The 2005 publication of 12 caricatures of the prophet Muhammad in a Danish newspaper triggered riots in many Muslim countries. A 14-minute trailer of the movie that sparked the protests, posted on the website YouTube in an original English version and another dubbed into Egyptian Arabic, depicts Muhammad as a fraud, a womanizer and a madman in an overtly ridiculing way, showing him having sex and calling for massacres. A YouTube spokesman said the website would not take down the video at this point. The spokesman said the website's policy is to remove videos that include a threat of violence, but not those only expressing opinions. "We take great care when we enforce our policies and try to allow as much content as possible while ensuring that our Community Guidelines are followed," the YouTube representative said. "Flagged content that does not violate our Guidelines will remain on the site." Sam Bacile, an American citizen who said he produced, directed and wrote the two-hour film, said he had not anticipated such a furious reaction. "I feel sorry for the embassy. I am mad," Bacile said. Speaking from a telephone with a California number, Bacile said he is Jewish and familiar with the region. Bacile said the film was produced in English and he doesn't know who dubbed it in Arabic. The full film has not been shown yet, he said, and he said he has declined distribution offers for now. "My plan is to make a series of 200 hours" about the same subject, he said. Morris Sadek, an Egyptian-born Christian in the U.S. known for his anti-Islam views, told The Associated Press from Washington that he was promoting the video on his website and on certain TV stations, which he did not identify. Both depicted the film as showing how Coptic Christians are oppressed in Egypt, though it goes well beyond that to ridicule Muhammad - a reflection of their contention that Islam as a religion is inherently oppressive. "The main problem is I am the first one to put on the screen someone who is (portraying) Muhammad. It makes them mad," Bacile said. "But we have to open the door. After 9/11 everybody should be in front of the judge, even Jesus, even Muhammad." For several days, Egyptian media have been reporting on the video, playing some excerpts from it and blaming Sadek for it, with ultraconservative clerics going on air to denounce it. Medhat Klada, a representative of Coptic Christian organizations in Europe, said Sadek's views are not representative of expatriate Copts. "He is an extremist ... We don't go down this road. He has incited the people (in Egypt) against Copts," he said, speaking from Switzerland. "We refuse any attacks on religions because of a moral position." But he said he was concerned about the backlash from angry Islamists, saying their protest only promotes the movie. "They don't know dialogue and they think that Islam will be offended from a movie." |
Chua Tee Yong lodges police report over ‘hell’ note Posted: 11 Sep 2012 10:39 PM PDT 
(Bernama) - Deputy Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister Datuk Chua Tee Yong has lodged a police report after receiving a letter containing four "hell" notes and a Chinese newspaper cutting. The MCA Young Professionals Bureau chief said the newspaper cutting, among others, touched on his challenge to debate with Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim on the Talam Corporation Bhd (Talam) debt restructuring. Chua (picture) believed the "hell" notes, each supposedly worth "eight billion", were a warning to him not to pursue the debate, he told reporters after lodging a report at the Putrajaya police headquarters here today. Earlier, MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek had also received two "hell" notes with a newspaper cutting. |
Hopping frogs Posted: 11 Sep 2012 06:34 PM PDT
When political frogs hop into the BN, we criticise the BN, but when they hop into the Pakatan Rakyat, we clap to praise them? If so, aren't we just as wicked as the frogs then? Chen Shau An, Sin Chew Daily When Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng proposed the anti-hopping Bill, MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek ridiculed the Pakatan Rakyat for introducing the Bill while the alternative coalition also accepts party-hopping frogs. The most bizarre political phenomenon after the 2008 general election would be party-hopping frogs. Any parties being able to trigger a wind of party-hopping could actually become the government. History does not lie. Alternative leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's September 16 regime change prophecy was also made based on a wind of party-hopping. As long as the total of party-hopping frogs achieved a certain number, the Pakatan Rakyat would then be able to take over power and Anwar would be able to become Prime Minister. The regime change prophecy did not come true but there was a constitutional crisis in Perak. Political frogs had resulted in the state's regime change and Pakatan Rakyat was so angry. Noises were made for a few months and the fight continues until today. We should not condemn the Pakatan Rakyat nor the BN before getting the whole picture of the situation. As the Art of War pointed out, all's fair in war. Political battle is all about regime power. I do not believe that the Pakatan Rakyat will say no if a group of political frogs hops into the alternative coalition and helps it to seize power! Where are the frogs come from, by the way? They are party candidates, as well as elected lawmakers. Political frogs could be found nationwide after the 2008 general election and there are five in Kedah alone. However, there were greatly condemned after hopping out from the Pakatan Rakyat, causing the BN dared not to accept them, but just held out the hand of friendship behind the scene. The friendship, however, built on political interests without nutrition. These frogs, do not actually need or care about nutrition. All they want is just vitamin that can keep them alive. When political frogs hop into the BN, we criticise the BN, but when they hop into the Pakatan Rakyat, we clap to praise them? If so, aren't we just as wicked as the frogs then? It should not be like this. We condemn the BN for accepting party-hopping frogs to stabilise its regime. However, isn't it a problem if a political party actually nurtures a group of frogs? When Lim Guan Eng proposed the anti-hopping Bill, I laughed. I have no prejudice against the DAP and the Pakatan Rakyat. Instead, we saw the hope of reform because of the DAP, as well as the Pakatan Rakyat. I just think that in addition to the BN, the Pakatan Rakyat does have weaknesses, too. In particular, the quality problem of its candidates. Therefore, I think the Pakatan Rakyat, too, needs the oversight of voters. Timing is important to implement a Bill. When Lim Guan Eng proposed the Bill, he should have clearly known that it is impossible to be implemented before the next general election. It is just a verbal capital that pleases voters. What if some frogs wish to hop into the Pakatan Rakyat after the Bill is proposed but has not been implemented, after the general election is held and after the votes determined the winner, and the act of party-hopping can actually help the alternative coalition to gain a state or the federal regime? Would Lim Guan Eng really say no? If you are a wise, reasonable and righteous voter, would you agree with the act of gaining regime with party-hoping frogs? It is, for sure, an insecure and unstable regime. Therefore, when we are overseeing the BN, we must also oversee the Pakatan Rakyat. Those with hopping records, regardless of which party they are from, should all be blacklisted. To have an honest administration, we must first deal with political frogs as they are certainly dishonest! |
Chua Jr gets hell notes too Posted: 11 Sep 2012 06:01 PM PDT 
After his father, MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek was sent one last week, deputy minister and Labis MP Chua Tee Yong receives a 'hell note' threat as well. Teoh El Sen, FMT Chua Tee Yong yesterday received Chinese hell bank notes in what appears to be a warning against debating Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim over the Talam issue. The letter contained a newspaper clipping of Chinese paper report about Chua's challenge to Khalid to debate tonight on the issue, as well as four pieces of hell notes worth "32 billion". Hell bank notes are burnt by the Chinese as offerings to the dead. The deputy agriculture and agro-based industry minister, who's also Labis MP and MCA's Young Professionals Bureau chief, lodged a police report this afternoon in Putrajaya. "I don't know what is the intention but from the newspaper clipping, the sender probably hopes that I do not debate Khalid, but I will not be cowed. I will not back down," he said. Asked if could guess the origin of the mail, Chua said he received it by air mail at the MCA headquarters, and going by postage stamp on it, it was sent from Kota Kinabalu. Chua said he only opened the letter late last night at his home in Sungai Buloh. Posters on debate vandalised In separate incidents, over the past week, posters on the debate with the menteri besar which appeared in prominent locations in the Klang Valley have also been vandalised. "They tore them down, splashed red paint and wrote words like 'tipu' on the banners, " said Chua's special officer Lim Khai Shin. READ MORE HERE |
To call or not to call, that is the question Posted: 11 Sep 2012 05:31 PM PDT
Ambiga also dismissed claims that Najib was concerned that if the polls were held before the term expired in April 2013, Pakatan Rakyat-controlled states would not dissolve their respective assemblies. "I don't buy that excuse. He [Najib] kept the nation on election mode. Even the recent Merdeka celebration was an election campaign," she said. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin Delay polls and risk punishment The Bersih leader takes the prime minister to task for delaying the general election with no good reason, describing this as disconcerting and irresponsible. (Free Malaysia Today) - Describing this as both "disconcerting and irresponsible", Bersih co-chairperson S Ambiga warned Najib that the continued delay could prove to be perilous for him and BN. She said that it would not come as a surprise if the voters, including the fence-sitters, punished him for this feet-dragging in the next polls. "I understand it is the Westminster system and it is the prerogative of the prime minister. But a good government should be prepared to take on the election and not be afraid to set a date," she told FMT. "We have been in election mode since he [Najib] took over and everyone has been pumped up. He drops hints [about the polls] and that is irresponsible. You don't toy with people's feelings. "People are fed up! They can't plan things like going on holidays and so forth. Furthermore, it affects investor confidence. "That's why I say it is irresponsible. If this is how a government is going to play with the election date, then it would be best to have a fixed date for polling," she added. Ambiga said as political leaders in other parts of the world discussed the economic crisis and recession, their Malaysian counterparts were still engrossed in politicking. "So who is running the country? This is unacceptable," she stressed. (READ MORE HERE) ***************************************** Step out of Dr M's shadow, call for GE DAP national chairman says Najib must earn the right to be prime minister. He also wants the PM to bestow bumiputera status for all Malaysians born on and after August, 1957. (Free Malaysia Today) - Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak must quash the perception that Dr Mahathir Mohamad is still running the nation. To do this, DAP Karpal Singh said Najib must call for a general election and earn his right to be the prime minister. Pointing to the ever growing public excitement and demand for the general election, he said it was time for Najib to come out of Mahathir's shadow. "The perception is that Mahathir is the de facto prime minister," he told reporters here. Mahathir, who stepped down in 2003 after 22 years at the helm, continues to be an influential leader in both Barisan Nasional and Umno. The 84-year-old statesman also played an instrumental role in removing former premier Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, to pave the way for Najib's rise to the post. (READ MORE HERE) ***************************************** Selangor will skip early polls, says Pakatan (The Malaysian Insider) - Selangor will not hold state polls concurrently with an early 13th general election, federal opposition Pakatan Rakyat (PR) said today, citing complaints about the electoral rolls in the state. PR now governs the states of Selangor, Kedah, Kelantan and Pulau Pinang. "I agree with Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim that Selangor will not have state elections if there's snap polls because SPR (the Election Commission) has not yet cleaned the names (in the electoral roll)," said Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim at a press conference today. According to Anwar, Selangor had offered funds to help the Election Commission (EC) in cleaning the electoral roll. Anwar said Kelantan has decided to have state polls together with the general election, while Penang was still mulling over the option. PAS secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali, who was also present at the press conference, said that the Kedah government has also not decided on when it will hold state polls. |
It’s only symbolic Posted: 11 Sep 2012 04:16 PM PDT  We tend to get too uptight too easily. We should relax a bit and not take life too seriously. It is good that people resort to symbolism rather than carry guns and bombs. I mean, burning Qur'ans, burning flags, keris-kissing, stepping on photographs, dragging cow heads and pig heads, etc., hurt no one. No symbolic act hurts anyone for that matter. NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin Before that, I just want to inform you not to send any more money meant for Nurul Izzah Anwar's election fund to the Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement (MCLM) bank account in London. The Committee is not too happy about it and is concerned that MCLM may suffer the same fate as Suaram. So far, slightly over RM1,100 has come in from four people and that money will be redirected to the Ahli Parlimen Lembah Pantai account. But let that be all. No more please. With regards to the plan to set up a Pakatan Rakyat election fund, if you can remember, I mentioned that I was going to speak to a lawyer to set up a Board of Trustees to handle this. Unfortunately, probably after they saw what happened to Suaram, no one dares get involved. I had planned to get about 3-5 professionals such as lawyers and accountants to set up a Board of Trustees and then open a bank account where you can send your donations to -- to be called the Pakatan Rakyat Election Fund. Of course, for purposes of transparency and accountability -- what we are asking Barisan Nasional and Umno to do -- we would have to publicise who these people are so that members of the public will know that their donations will not be abused or misused. No one dares lend his/her name to this exercise, though. If their names are kept confidential and can remain a secret, they have no problems getting involved. But if their names are going to be made public, then they would rather not get involved. However, for purposes of transparency and accountability, we cannot keep the names of the Board of Trustees a secret. Or else how will the donors know that their donations are safe? Well, I did try. I thought if we could raise some money for Pakatan Rakyat this would help in the election effort. I suppose most would rather secretly donate in cash with no records to link it back to them. Hence, if you still wish to donate anything, then go seek out your favourite political party or wakil rakyat yourself and just give them cash. Now, today I want to talk about Malaysians getting very upset with symbolism. I am, of course, referring to the recent Merdeka celebration where one girl stepped on the photograph of Malaysia's Prime Minister and the young chap who took off his pants to 'show his naked bum' to the Prime Minister while the enthusiastic crowd cheered them on and applauded. Actually, the Prime Minister should step in and direct the police to drop this case. Why arrest, handcuff and charge these kids? They did not actually (physically) step on anyone's face. What they did is an act of symbolism and we should not get upset with symbolic acts. Tolerating acts of symbolism would be a demonstration of maturity and surely Malaysians are matured enough to allow acts of symbolism without getting upset about them. Look at some of the photographs below. Umno Youth has done the keris-kissing ritual many times. I am sure the Chinese view this as merely a symbolic act and not something that they should get upset about. I am confident that the Chinese are cool with this keris-kissing ritual and would not vote opposition just because of this. Then there was the cow head protest in front of the Selangor State Secretariat building. Again, the Indians/Hindus are able to accept this as merely a symbolic act and not something to lose any sleep over. I am sure the Indians/Hindus just laughed it off and never gave it a second thought. If you can see below that, many Muslims all over the world have done the United States flag-burning protest. The government allowed it. These flag-burning protestors were not shot with tear gas or arrested. Everyone took it as merely a symbolic act. Even America did not get upset or send a protest note to these governments. Then we had the pig's head protest in front of a mosque in France, which you can see below. Two pigs' heads were placed in front of the mosque, not in the mosque, so no harm done. This was just like the cow head protest in front of the Selangor State Secretariat building, a mere symbolic act, which the Malaysian government did not consider a serious act. Then there were the Qur'an burning and Qur'an in the toilet protests. Again, this was only a symbolic act and no harm done. These people were just exercising their right to protest and their right to freedom of expression. After all, the Qur'an is just a book like any other book, so why get upset? As a matured society, we should allow freedom of expression and freedom to protest. We should not get upset with symbolic acts. I mean, if Muslims drag cow heads, non-Muslims can always drag pig heads. If Christians burn Qur'ans and put them in toilets, Muslims can always do the same with Bibles. We should actually treat all this light-heartedly. Just laugh it off. Maybe you can also do the same in a tit-for-tat move. No one who is matured is going to get angry. They might even enjoy it and regard it as fun. We tend to get too uptight too easily. We should relax a bit and not take life too seriously. It is good that people resort to symbolism rather than carry guns and bombs. I mean, burning Qur'ans, burning flags, keris-kissing, stepping on photographs, dragging cow heads and pig heads, etc., hurt no one. No symbolic act hurts anyone for that matter.              |
Selak punggong pada gambar Najib Posted: 11 Sep 2012 02:50 PM PDT
Subky Abdul Latif, The Malaysian Insider Nampaknya seperti sudah selesai drama selak ponggong pada gambar Perdana Menteri Najib Razak dan memijak-mijak gambarnya. Budak yang melakukannya bersama ayah bondanya minta maaf menyatakan penyesalan atas tindakan geramnya. Beberapa budak lagi yang ikut memejak gambar sudah berjumpa polis dan memberi keterangan. Apa yang terjadi itu adalah gelagat anak-anak muda terhadap Perdana Menteri mereka. Perdana Menteri kena terima bahawa rakyat yang dipimpinnya bukan semua menangguk atas semua kata-kata dan tindakannya. Ada yang mengoyak, memijak, melondeh seluar pada gambarnya. Semua itu tidak manis tetapi adalah untuk memberitahu Perdana Menteri ramai juga orang yang benci kepadanya. Maka kejadian itu semuanya buruk belaka, tetapi ingatan kepada pemimpin bahawa mereka diperhatikan oleh rakyat. Disamping menyuruh polis mengajar rakyat yang seperti itu, maka Perdana Menteri juga boleh belajar dari kejadian itu mengapa ada orang buat begitu padanya. Nabi-nabi dulu apabila ada indakannya terlanjur ada malikat datang menyamar sebagai manusia memberi kiasan. Nabi Daud a.s. didatangi dua orang minta penghakimannya iaitu yang seorang mengadu betapa kambingnya yang cuma seekor hendak diambil oleh yang seorang lagi sedang dia sudah ada 99 ekor kambing. Adakah ia adil? Jawab baginda, "Tidak patut." Kejadian itu menyindir Nabi Daud yang ada 99 isteri hendak mengambil seorang perempuan lagi bagi dijadikan isterinya sedang perempuan itu ada hubungan dengan seorang laki-laki lain. Sebagai Nabi baginda cepat menangkap sindiran itu. Nabi Yunus tanpa arahan Allah meninggalkan umatnya yang menentangnya. Nabi itu diuji dengan dibuang ke laut bagi menyelamatkan bahtera yang lebih muatan dan baginda ditelan jerung berhari-hari hinggi dimuntahkan dari perut ikan di wilayah yang ditinggalkannya. Nabi Yunus menyedari kejadian itu adalah kesilapannya sebagai Nabi. Baginda bertaubat. Perdana Menteri Najib bukan nabi. Tidak malaikat datang menyindirnya. Tetapi Allah kirim budak-budak menghina gambarnya. Disamping dia merestui jentera kerajaan bertindak atas budak-budak itu, maka dia juga patut memikir mengapa ada rakyat yang dirasakan sudah diberi segala-galanya boleh menghinanya demikian? Mengapa di bawah pentadbirannya ada rakyat kurang ajar begitu? Pemimpin akan ditanya mengapa ada rakyat jadi begitu? Roh Najib selamat jika jawapannya diperkenan Allah. Jika jawapannya mengarut, dia akan dibalun malaikat nanti. Beberapa bulan sebelum budak-budak itu menghina gambar Najib, sekumpulan orang berhimpun berpetang-petang menonggeng ponggong ke rumah Ambiga Sreenevasan, ketua Bersih. Semua Umno, pembesar-pembesar dan pecacai seronok terhadap menonggeng ponggong itu. Sikap pentadbiran seolah-olah berkata, "Padan muka kami Ambiga!" Ada yang suruh cabut kerakyatannya. Ada rakyat di bawah pentadbiran Najib yang berperngai begitu. Sukakah Najib dan penyokong Najib atas perbuatan itu? Najib biasanya diam. Kalau batu bersuara, bersuaralah Najib. Tidakkah kerja nakal budak-budak terhadap gambarnya itu satu ingatan Allah supaya kerajaan Najib bermuhasabah terhadap pemerintahannya betapa longgarnya akhlak orang di bawah pemerintahaannya. Yang suka Najib pun tidak berakhlak dan benci kepadanya pun tidak berakhlak juga. Jangan sampai jawapan kepada masalah yang dihadapi itu adalah natijah dari pemimpin dan kerajaan yang tidak berakhlak. Jangan lihat saranan saya sebagai mengutuk Najib, tetapi lihatkan sebagai ingatan. Rosak dunia jika dipenuhi oleh pengampu. Biar ada orang ― seorang dua ― sedia mengingatkan sesama saudara manusianya. |
PAS steers clear of row with Karpal Posted: 11 Sep 2012 02:33 PM PDT
(The Star) - PAS leaders have refused to enter into a fresh round of bickering with veteran DAP leader Karpal Singh, who has joined in the chorus of criticism against gender segregation at the party's Negri Sembilan Hari Raya open house. PAS denied gender segregation was imposed at the party's open house, but said it was a norm at PAS functions for men and women to sit separately. Karpal had objected to the controversial move to segregate men and women at the open house at Dataran Senawang on Saturday, but DAP's Rasah MP Anthony Loke had defended the move by attending the function. PAS central committee member Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud said the Islamist party had always prepared separate dining areas for men and women. "We even prepared separate tents for males and females during the PAS Hari Raya open house in Kampung Baru last Sunday," she said yesterday. However, she said the party did not force its guests to follow the separate seating arrangements. Dr Mariah, however, said that women in PAS generally preferred to be seated away from the men. She praised the younger generation of DAP leaders like Loke who she said "has no problems attending functions where males and females are segregated". "Younger DAP leaders do not even mind if we do not shake hands. "They understand and respect our way of life," she added. PAS information chief Idris Ahmad refused to be brought into the debate. "We do not know what Karpal said, but Loke, who was at the event, did not say anything about it," he said. PAS central committee member Khalid Samad said it was not wrong for men and women to eat at the same table. "However, separate seating arrangements are made for the convenience of the womenfolk. But we do not force people to follow suit. Perhaps Karpal is not aware of that," he said. |
Selangor: We can reject building plans Posted: 11 Sep 2012 02:31 PM PDT
(The Star) - The Selangor Government will not interfere in the tender process of the Langat 2 water treatment plant, but has reminded the Federal Government and potential contractors that it holds the right to approve or reject developments under the Land Code. Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim said the state government's jurisdiction includes granting permission to enter a site and planning approval. "The move by the Federal Government (to start the tender process) falls under its purview. But we would like to remind those submitting their tenders and the Federal Government that the state has some powers under the Land Code and we will exercise them responsibly," he told reporters after chairing the state exco meeting yesterday. He said the state legal adviser had been asked to consult several lawyers before drafting a public statement on the powers of the state government on the matter. Pengurusan Aset Air Bhd (PAAB) will start the development of the controversial RM3bil Langat 2 water treatment plant by issuing its first tender document today for the building of the plant. The biggest package in the tender will be the estimated RM1.2bil 1,130MLD (million litres per day) Langat 2 water treatment plant. On the move by 711 residents to file a lawsuit against the state government and water concessionaire Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (Syabas) and Khalid for not giving them free water, Khalid said it would be a test case. "We won't block (the lawsuit). It is a test case that will provide the opinion of the court on public welfare," he said. |
Anwar withdraws defamation suit against ex-aide Saiful Posted: 11 Sep 2012 02:26 PM PDT
(The Sar) - Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has withdrawn his defamation suit against his former personal aide Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan at the High Court. Justice Su Geok Yiam fixed Oct 9 on the issue of costs. Anwar's lawyer Ranjit Singh said that the Opposition leader withdrew the suit on the basis that his reputation had been vindicated by his acquittal over his sodomy charge. Anwar was acquitted by the High Court on Jan 9 for allegedly sodomising Mohd Saiful at a condominium in Bukit Damansara on June 26, 2008. |
Reverse defections hurting BN Posted: 11 Sep 2012 02:15 PM PDT 
Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's administration has made incredible efforts to change undemocratic laws but is that enough to swing votes in BN's favour? Amir Ali, FMT In Malaysian politics, there is no messing around with the powers-that-be. But when members of the judiciary and those of the executive start abandoning those powers, something is definitely changing in the country. Since 2008, it was a one-way traffic with the defections of several opposition MPs and YBs who either joined the majority or formed a so-called independent group in Parliament or the State Legislative Assemblies. These defections hurt the opposition's ego and image a lot at that time but today, the defections of MPs from the majority is definitely hurting the Barisan National badly. Before 2004 – the year when former deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim was freed following a reversal of a judgment in the Sodomy 1 case against him – the opposition leader could not win any case in the Malaysian courts. During the heydays of the "reformasi" movement, this earned the Malaysian judiciary the title of "kangaroo" courts. "Reformasi" was a movement launched by Anwar on the eve of his arrest in 1998. Are we now witnessing an erosion of the stranglehold of powers on the judiciary in Malaysia? The opposition leader was jubilant in May this year when a former solicitor-general Yusof Zainal Abiden joined his legal team in the Bersih 3.0 case. "This is a positive development… I think more lawyers are biding their time to join me as well," Anwar said at that time. Erosion of power The opposition has since then been reinforced with the presence of former chief justice, Salleh Abas, who said he was ready to provide legal advice to PKR strategy director, Rafizi Ramli, who is facing charges related to the controversial National Feedlot Corporation (NFCorp) project. Rafizi confirmed he received a call from Salleh informing him of the latter's willingness to make suggestions on how to deal with the allegations he is facing under the Banking and Financial Institutions Act (Bafia) 1989. In Malaysia, the "executive" body of the government, commonly known as the legislative body, is a vital element in the making of a government. It is the majority that the government controls that keeps it in power. An erosion of this power – with members of Parliament leaving the majority – is sign of an impending crisis. And such crisis cannot be seen as a positive development by foreign investors and international backers. It is common knowledge that if you are a supporter or a member of the ruling coalition, you will not be supporting or giving advice to the opposition and this is how Malaysia and most Westminster-style democracies work. Needless to point out then that the additions from the judiciary to the opposition ranks signify a new trend in Malaysia. It also obvious that the establishment, which is crucial to the good running of a government in power, is shifting away from the powers-that-be in Malaysia. The efforts by the prime minister to offer a half-month bonus to the civil servants is a clear message that civil servants are probably shifting their support. As a matter of fact, the Barisan National leadership was sent into disarray with the defection of two MPs from Sabah. Trouble for BN The holding of a mass rally by BN defectors on Aug 12 may altogether signal a definite downslope for the BN in the Borneo states. And the descent into troubled waters did not end there for the BN. Anwar, the dashing opposition leader and head of Pakatan Rakyat, won a case against S Nallakaruppan. The case – with that of his January victory in the tainted Sodomy 2 case – has opened a breach in the loyalty of the "justice" system towards the BN. It is to be noted that amid all the accusations against Anwar, none of the accusers dared sue the opposition leader except in the sodomy case. On the contrary, Anwar is suing his accusers and now that he is winning the cases, it is imperative for the BN to think of an alternative plan to counter Anwar. Then came BN's idea of dragging Anwar and his close allies to court for the Bersih 3.0 demonstrations. What will come out of these deliberations in court will surely decide the fate of the BN rather than that of the Pakatan or of Anwar himself. He can only come out bigger than life when the case is over. The slipping away of this powers from the hands of the BN is certain. If there were any doubts, the massive support of the Bar Council for the opposition is a point to take into consideration. Another point is the other massive entry of professionals into the ranks of the opposition parties. PAS today can boast of the presence of several of the nation's scholars and lecturers or teachers as well as top former civil servants within its ranks. The same goes for the entire Pakatan grouping. More and more leaders or former leaders of the judiciary and the executive are joining PAS, PKR and DAP and this cannot be ignored. New impetus What will the BN do to stem the exodus? Will the jailing of Anwar, Rafizi and their closest associates be the solution? The government under Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak has made incredible efforts to change the laws that were regarded as undemocratic. It has also opened up more space for constructive criticism of its work while it allowed the opposition to have more avenues (including demonstrations) to express its disagreement with the authorities. But did these sacrifices work in favour of the government? READ MORE HERE |
Opposition-friendly tag unfair, say experts Posted: 11 Sep 2012 02:12 PM PDT 
Media observers say it is unfair for the ruling Barisan Nasional government to label the online media as opposition-friendly. Patrick Lee, FMT Media observer groups disagreed with the sentiment that online news portals are aligned to or owned by Pakatan Rakyat. They felt that these portals – also known as the alternative media – do not deserve this moniker. "By design or choice, the online media raises a lot more diverse issues than the mainstream media, such as governance, accountability and so on," said Media Defence South East Asia executive director HR Dipendra. "By raising all of these, the current government feels that they are under attack by the online media." He said the ruling government's view of online news portals as opposition-friendly might have stemmed from their coverage of Pakatan; which most traditional newspapers appear to leave out. Even so, he added, online portals tend to be "a bit economical" about the truth, so much so that it gave the idea that they were leaning towards the opposition. Dipendra however felt that the online media would carry on its role of questioning the government, even with a Pakatan leadership in place. "If the government was reversed tomorrow, the online media would apply the same sort of pressure on the goverment in power. They would be compelled to question Pakatan, just as they questioned Barisan Nasional," he said. New era National Union of Journalists (NUJ) general-secretary V Anbalagan had similar opinions, adding that online portals allowed for different viewpoints on issues. "The public has the opportunity to see two sides of the coin. They can see the news in both the traditional and new media," he told FMT. He added that the online media had another advantage over the print media: public participation in the form of comments. Though adding that Barisan Nasional had every right to scrutinise these portals, Anbalagan said that it was not right to slap them with the anti-government tag. "These people (politicians) may be feeling the pinch… and unpopular or insecure, but this is a new era and everybody has to live with it, whether they are politicians or trade unions. "When you make a statement in public, you must be prepared to be judged. You can't run away," he said. At the same time, he noted that Malaysians might prefer online portals over newspapers because of government restrictions slapped on the latter.