AmResearch: RON95 dijangka naik 20 sen bulan depan Posted: 23 May 2011 12:56 PM PDT Oleh Yow Hong Chieh, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, 24 Mei — Harga petrol RON95 dijangka mengalami kenaikan 20 sen bulan depan, mencecah RM2.10 seliter, selepas kos subsidi meningkat tiga kali ganda kesan pergolakan politik di rantau Timur Tengah dan utara Afrika, demikian menurut AmResearch. Firma penyelidikan pelaburan itu menganggarkan Putrajaya kini memperuntukkan subsidi sehingga 90 sen seliter bagi petrol RON95 berbanding 30 sen seliter yang disasarkan selepas harga minyak mentah dunia naik sehingga AS$99 setong daripada AS$79 setong tahun lalu — hampir sama dengan paras AS$100 setong pada 2008. Kali terakhir harga RON95 naik ialah pada Disember lalu sebanyak lima sen kepada RM1.90 seliter. RON97 sudah naik empat kali tahun ini termasuk awal bulan ini untuk dijual RM2.90 seliter sekarang. Minggu lalu, Menteri Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob berkata kenaikan harga petrol RON95 mungkin berlaku dan oleh itu, rakyat perlu bersedia untuk menghadapinya. Beliau berkata kemungkinan itu adalah memandangkan kajian mengenai rasionalisasi subsidi dijangka dibuat sekali lagi bulan depan. Beliau berkata, kerajaan masih mengkaji untuk mengambil tindakan yang sewajarnya mengikut pasaran minyak dunia. Kalau kekal dengan keadaan sekarang kemungkinan besar dari segi unjurannya, kata beliau, subsidi akan bertambah daripada RM10.3 bilion kepada RM17 bilion. AmResearch juga berkata, subsidi petrol akan menyebabkan defisit fiskal kerajaan meningkat sehingga enam peratus berbanding 5.4 peratus jika RON95 kekal dengan harga semasa RM1.90 seliter sepanjang tahun ini. "Kesemua faktor menunjukkan ke arah kenaikan harga RON95," kata firma itu sambil menambah, dengan mengambil kira kenaikan berterusan harga global bagi minyak mentah dan kemungkinan naik lagi pada masa depan, kerajaan kini tersepit antara mengamalkan urus tadbir fiskal seimbang dan keperluan menggambarkan ia mengambil berat tentang kebajikan rakyat. Justeru, AmResearch berkata kerajaan boleh memberi rebat dan menyusun semula skim saraan sektor awam untuk membantu kumpulan berpendapatan rendah, yang dihimpit dengan beban pemotongan subsidi. Firma itu juga menambah, ia menjangkakan bahawa kadar inflasi akan naik mendadak ke arah empat peratus dalam waktu terdekat susulan pusingan pertama impak potongan subsidi ke atas makanan, pengangkutan dan tenaga. "Secara purata, inflasi tahun ini mungkin melepasi kadar 3.5 peratus yang telah diramalkan sebelum ini," katanya. SELANJUTNYA DI SINI.
Putrajaya doesn’t believe in deficit hell or surplus heaven Posted: 23 May 2011 12:54 PM PDT By Shannon Teoh, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, May 24 — The Najib administration does not believe in "deficit means you go to hell and surplus means you go to heaven", with a minister insisting today a plan to slash subsidies despite rising prices is well timed during a growing economy. The government is to decide this week on stopping the subsidy bill from growing to RM21 billion, which could raise the prices of fuel, electricity and other goods, prompting dismay among people who complain their wages cannot keep up with inflation. The cuts could also delay Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's decision to call a snap election. "The government does not hold to the ideology that a deficit means you go to hell and surplus means you go to heaven," Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop (picture) told reporters here today. He said the government was being pragmatic by spending during a financial crisis to restore confidence while cutting back when the economy has recovered. READ MORE HERE. |
We Must Support BERSIH Rally on the 9th July 2011 in KL Posted: 23 May 2011 12:44 PM PDT By SocratesI It is high time we take control of our fates in our own hands. This is our Constitutional RIGHT and we need to jealously guard this right. We need to nsure that we have absolutely FREE & FAIR elections in Malaysia, so that every voice of the Rakyat can be heard, and counted in an equitable and fair manner. We must let the Election Commission and the government of the day know that we shall not allow any loopholes (unaccountable issuance of MyKADs etc.), inconsistencies (gerrymandering etc.), and discrepancies (phantom voters etc.) to exist in our electoral system, and that we shall fight tooth and nail for our birthright. All loopholes must be plugged, and inconsistencies and discrepancies removed entirely, before the next General Election. We, the Rakyat of Malaysia, will leave no stone unturned to ensure this. This is why we MUST support the BERSIH Rally calling for clean and fair elections on the 9th July 2011 in Kuala Lumpur. To all red-blooded Malaysian out there, let us show our resolve on the 9th July 2011. For those who want to contribute to this cause long term, join BERSIH, join MCLM, and do what you can do for your country, Malaysia. Malaysia NEEDS YOU! One person, one vote, no more, no less. [D]emonstrate peacefully for true Democracy, [E]mulate Gandhi, Mandela, Egypt and Tunisia, [M]alaysia is our beloved homeland now and forever, [O]ur founding fathers worked all races together,
[C]onstitutionally, every voice is guaranteed to be heard, [R]oaring across Malaysia in the form of votes, [A]rticulating the Rakyat's will and resolve, [C]reating a Nation that will successfully evolve,
[Y]ou must attend the BERSIH rally in KL on 9th July 2011. |
Federal Govt Bailing Out Water Concessionaires Posted: 23 May 2011 11:31 AM PDT By Tony Pua It has been reported in the media that the BN Federal Government has decided to bail out the debts of the Selangor privatised water companies to the tune of RM6.5 billion. This move has in effect killed any remaining possibility of the Selangor state government striking a deal with these companies to restructure and take over the water industry in Selangor. The debts of these water companies were at risk of default after they were unable to meet their installment earlier this year. Of the four companies, Puncak Niaga Sdn Bhd and its subsidiary, Syarikat Bekalan Air Negeri Selangor (SYABAS), had debts amounting to more than RM4.2 billion. The failure of these companies to service their debts, had no bailout been offered by the BN Administration, would have necessitated these companies to come to the table and negotiate the terms of restructuring with the Selangor state government or other parties which has made offers to acquire the businesses and assets. The Selangor state government has made a third offer amounting to RM6.3 billion into acquire these water companies, and taking over their debts obligations. In addition, the state government is able to ensure that there will be no water tariff hikes post restructuring. Gamuda, through its subsidiary Pengeluaran Air Selangor Holdings (SPLASH) has also made an offer to acquire the same companies for RM10.8 billion, a figure including the existing debts. However as a result of the Federal Government bailing out the massive debts, they have relieved these companies of their cash flow problems. This will mean that there is now no urgency for these companies to agree to any form of restructuring as desired under the Water Services Industry Act (2006) as they now have the upper hand at the negotiating table at the expense of the rakyat. In fact the likely outcome from the bailout is that the Federal Government will follow up with the taking over water-related assets will be these privatised water concessionaires will continue to able to operate and profit from the provision of water services in Selangor, without having to be burden by debts which have been accumulated over the years. The result is clearly a loss for the people of Selangor for they have lost an opportunity for the privatised water industry to be truly restructured to ensure quality water prices are to be provided at the lowest possible prices. The Minister of Energy, Water and Green Technologies, Datuk Peter Chin must immediately provide clarifications for the move to bail out the debts of the water concessionaires before a restructuring deal is finalised, at the expense of the people's interest. He must also fully disclose at the same time the means and terms of repayment to the Government by these concessionaires with the Government taking over these debts. Finally, the bailout debunks all earlier claims by the BN Government that it is acting in the interest of the rakyat, and serves to prove that it is only interested in protecting the interest of its political cronies above everything else. |
Top 7 Reasons NOT To Vote BN Come GE13 Posted: 23 May 2011 11:28 AM PDT The list goes on. I'm very sure sure you have your own reason/s not to vote BN this time around. Do add in and see how long the list goes. By Reality Bytes Reading the latest happenings about our country is a pain for many of us. Seeing the kind of filth BN politicians churning day in and day out makes you think that Malaysia is in a state of anarchy. Would anyone disagree? Politically, economically and socially our nation is sinking lower and it seems we are reaching the point of no return. We were considered to be a model country at one time but today we are on the way to become the "Next Sick Man of Asia" or the next Somalia. Can we re-claim our country from these corrupt and good for nothing BN politicians? I say we have to. And we need to. And we need to do it this coming GE13. Personally, I have 7 good reasons to kick BN out of Putrajaya come GE13:- 1) When BN is voted out you vote out people like Ibrahim Ali, Dr M, Perkasa and the likes. When you vote these people out you too vote out extremism, racism and bigotry from our nation. This is something we need to do as the current regime under Najib has failed to reprimand these racist politicians. In fact, Najib and his crony has been giving tacit support and approval by giving some of the most ridiculous statements in our nations history. Let us remember that "Perkasa adalah Perkakas UMNO" (Perkasa is UMNO's tool). Read more at: |
SPR Form 14 Statement of the Polls after Counting the Ballots Posted: 23 May 2011 11:23 AM PDT By py wong In the recent Sarawak State Elections held on 16 Apr 2011, there were disputes between the Pakatan Rakyat Candidates and the SPR. This centred mainly on the refusal of the SPR Presiding Officer (known as the Ketua Tempat Mengundi or KTM) to issue the Borang 14 Penyata Pengundian Selepas Pengiraan Undi (Form 14). Why is this important? For each counting station, Form 14 is the official statement of counting in that station and cannot be changed. If a PR candidate or his Counting Agent is unable to get a copy of Form 14 signed by the KTM, it is possible for the results to be changed and this has happened in the past, resulting in a loss for the opposition candidates. 3 samples of Form 14 are attached - English, Malay and a copy of an official count.    What if the KTM refuses to issue Form 14 to a Counting Agent? There are rules and regulations governing the issue of this very important Form. Read more at: |
An Evening with Art Harun & Raja Petra Kamarudin Posted: 23 May 2011 07:43 AM PDT 
7.00pm, Tuesday, 31st May 2011 (with dinner)
Holiday Villa Hotel 37 Leinster Gardens London W2 3AN Art Harun, Malaysian lawyer and blogger, "believes that he is a failed government experiment, abandoned and left alone to roam the streets after all remedial efforts yielded no positive results. He calls himself a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), practices law for a living and tries very hard to play the guitar, sing, race cars and writes the occasional column for The Malaysian Insider to stay alive". Really, Art gives himself too little credit. As a defender of free speech and a fierce critic of the abuse of the 'Special Position' accorded by Article 153, Art Harun is indeed very respectable failure.
Incidentally, Art was in the team of lawyers who made Malaysian legal history by successfully 'breaking out' Raja Petra Kamarudin from the Kamunting Detention Centre.
Raja Petra should need no introduction - recently returned to the UK after he almost walked into the Malaysian Embassy one evening in Bangkok - had he not been refrained by wife Marina and two lawyer friends.
It has been a year since RPK emerged in London for a public speaking engagement. With yet another lawyer present, will this be another night of drama with the Authorities? Let's hope not – dinner beckons at 7.00pm.
£15 per person; pay at the door. |
Charity starts at home Posted: 23 May 2011 07:10 AM PDT
If we attack the government we are towering Malays, great Malaysians, patriots, and all that crap. But the minute we expose the wrongdoings of the opposition we have been bought, we have turned, we have sold out, we are Trojan horses.
Raja Petra Kamarudin Raja Petra, a well known Malaysian blogger, would shock his audience by signing an affidavit implicating the current Prime Minister and his wife in that murder. Raja Petra has since retracted his claim, by saying that he only wrote what he was told. The curious timing of his retraction, coinciding with both the Sarawak elections and the upcoming open court hearing on the Armaris contract in France, has given rise to speculation that he has been turned. – Malaysia Chronicle *****************************************
I have just finished watching the movie 'Fair Game'. I suggest you watch it as well. I am not going to spoil it all by telling you the whole story other than it is about how governments lie to us and manipulate us. It is also about how the media is used as a propaganda tool. The most interesting part is the closing scene. Take special note of the speech in that closing scene.
Why do we oppose the Barisan Nasional government? Or at least why do I oppose the Barisan Nasional government? Well, it is because the Barisan Nasional government is exactly like what the US government is as featured in that movie I am talking about. It is manipulative and it lies to us.
So I want to get rid of the Barisan Nasional government. I have said this before and I will say it again: either the Barisan Nasional changes or we have no choice but to change the government. And you and I both know that the Barisan Nasional government is incapable of changing. So we have to change the government. There are no two ways about it.
But we want to change the Barisan Nasional government with a government that is not also manipulative and also lies to us. That is the bottom line.
Now read what Malaysia Chronicle a.k.a. Suara Tian Chua wrote above.
"Raja Petra, a well known Malaysian blogger, would shock his audience by signing an affidavit implicating the current Prime Minister and his wife in that murder."
Okay, have you read my Statutory Declaration that I signed in 2008? In that SD I alleged that a certain Kolonel Azmi Zainal Abidin alleged that Rosmah Mansor and her ADC and her ADC's husband were at the scene of the crime the night Altantuya Shaariibuu was murdered (three people were named).
Let me repeat that: I alleged that a certain Kolonel Azmi Zainal Abidin alleged that Rosmah Mansor and her ADC and her ADC's husband were at the scene of the crime the night Altantuya Shaariibuu was murdered.
Now, do you see the name Najib Tun Razak mentioned anywhere in that sentence? Read it again. Do you see the name Najib Tun Razak in that sentence?
And did I allege that those three people were there or did I allege that Kolonel Azmi Zainal Abidin made that allegation?
That is point number one.
Point number two is the part that Malaysia Chronicle wrote: "Raja Petra has since retracted his claim, by saying that he only wrote what he was told."
Did I retract my claim or did I do the opposite: I reiterated my claim?
And did I not state in my 2008 SD that this is what I was told? And I still say this until today. So have I retracted my claim or have I instead reiterated my claim?
So you see, even the opposition manipulates us and lies to us just like Barisan Nasional. And we are trying to kick out Barisan Nasional and change it with another government because it manipulates us and lies to us. But the opposition is not even the government yet and it is already manipulating us and lying to us.
Since last year Malaysia Chronicle a.k.a. Suara Tian Chua has been doing this (long before my TV3 interview). It has been distorting the news and has been lying to us. But when I attack the opposition for acting just like Barisan Nasional they respond by saying that "he has been turned".
If we attack the government we are towering Malays, great Malaysians, patriots, and all that crap. But the minute we expose the wrongdoings of the opposition we have been bought, we have turned, we have sold out, we are Trojan horses.
As they say, charity starts at home. But then other things start at home as well. If the opposition can't be honest with us then what hope do we have of seeing change if we kick Barisan Nasional out and replace it with the opposition?
When Malaysia Chronicle attacked me from as far back as last year, I did not accuse Tian Chua of being Trojan horse, or having been bought off, or whatever. I took that as their right to disagree with me. Why can't they also allow me my democratic right to disagree with them?
Why must I automatically agree with everything that the opposition does? Don't I also have rights? And is not one of my rights is to agree to disagree? Why is it when I disagree with them then that makes me a traitor or is taken as 'evidence' that I have been bought off?
Yesterday, I published the second instalment of the Wikileaks cables on Malaysia. Free Malaysia Today and The Malaysian Insider both picked up the story and made a reference to Malaysia Today. Malaysia Chronicle also picked up the story but made no reference to Malaysia Today.
In short, Malaysia Chronicle stole Malaysia Today's story. Is this an honest thing to do? It just shows the 'journalistic standards' of Malaysia Chronicle.
I am not the opposition. Malaysia Today is not an opposition mouthpiece. But we do propagate a change of government. But we want a better government, a government that does not manipulate us and lie to us. However, if Malaysia Chronicle a.k.a. Suara Tian Chua is the example of the type of new government we are going to get, would you blame the voters for having second thoughts about the opposition?
Malaysia Chronicle a.k.a. Suara Tian Chua and opposition portals of their ilk can continue with these lies and deception if they so wish. They are only hurting themselves. The voters are watching and taking note. And the voters will demonstrate what they think of the opposition come the next general election.
We just can't whack Barisan Nasional and accuse it of all sorts of things and then act just like them. Do you think the voters are that dumb? We vilify Utusan Malaysia, Berita Harian, New Straits Times, The Malay Mail, The Star, etc. -- and with just cause, may I add. Then we have Malaysia Chronicle a.k.a. Suara Tian Chua acting just like Utusan Malaysia and the rest of those scumbags and slime-balls, a.k.a the mainstream media.
So where do we go from here? Kick out Barisan Nasional and replace one lump of shit with another lump of shit?
Come on lah Brader Tian Chua. Stop hurting the opposition cause. It is people like you who are making the voters disgusted with the opposition. Why don't you do us a favour and go join MCA so that we can focus on our work of kicking out Barisan Nasional?
PRU13 tanpa Anwar di barisan depan? Posted: 23 May 2011 06:10 AM PDT Disebabkan Anwar masih dihalang bertanding sebagai calon pilihan raya ketika itu, Mac 2008, beliau lebih bebas dan selesa untuk membantu calon-calon lain. Hasilnya, satu kejutan dan tsunami politik terakam dalam sejarah moden tanahair. Ahmad Lutfi Othman, Harakahdaily Tidak sukar untuk meneka apa nasib yang bakal menimpa Anwar Ibrahim apabila Ketua Pembangkang itu dikehendaki oleh Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur Isnin lalu untuk membela diri. Masa depan beliau dijangka lebih kelam jika kita meneliti hujah-hujah Hakim Zabidin Mohamad Diah.
Ketika membacakan penghakimannya selama dua jam, Hakim Zabidin berkata, selain terdapat kes prima facie ke atas Anwar, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan -- yang mendakwa beliau diliwat oleh bekas majikannya -- telah disifatkan beliau sebagai "saksi yang benar dan berwibawa".
Proses pembelaan yang bakal berlangsung dari 6 hingga 30 Jun nanti mungkin mendedahkan pelbagai "keanehan dan kepelikan", namun ramai beranggapan "hukuman sudahpun ditentukan". Apa sahaja kes berkaitan Anwar "tidak berupaya" diputuskan semata-mata oleh mahkamah; pasti ada tangan-tangan ghaib di atas "singgahsana" yang mesti dirujuk terlebih dahulu.
Begitu juga dengan episod video seks terbaru; sekiranya membabitkan Anwar ia bukan lagi berkaitan hal personal Dato' T atau siapa saja, ia semestinya mendapat restu pemimpin no. 1.
Ya, siapa berani memberikan jaminan jika Dr Mahathir Mohamad -- bukannya Abdullah Ahmad Badawi -- masih menjadi Perdana Menteri pada 2004, bersediakah Mahkamah Persekutuan mengugurkan sabitan kesalahan liwatnya? Saya pasti, jika Abdullah bukan PM waktu itu, Anwar terpaksa menghabiskan keseluruhan sisa-sisa hukuman penjaranya. Sejak pilihan raya umum 1999, Anwar merupakan aktor paling penting dan begitu menonjol, yang mendominasi hampir semua isu-isu politik sepanjang 12 tahun lalu. Dalam PRU12, Anwar berpeluang menjelajah ke seluruh negara berkempen dan bersama-sama menyusun strategi buat parti-parti pembangkang, juga membangkitkan isu-isu yang menarik perhatian rakyat.
Disebabkan Anwar masih dihalang bertanding sebagai calon pilihan raya ketika itu, Mac 2008, beliau lebih bebas dan selesa untuk membantu calon-calon lain. Hasilnya, satu kejutan dan tsunami politik terakam dalam sejarah moden tanahair.
PRU13 memang cukup kritikal buat BN dan juga Pakatan. Siri pilihan raya kecil sepanjang 2008-2011 menunjukkan trend mengundi tidak banyak berubah. Momentum 2008 masih bertenaga. Ditambah pula dengan keputusan pilihan raya negeri Sarawak. Sekurang-kurangnya satu mesej jelas daripada Bumi Kenyalang: Amarah pengundi Cina kepada BN langsung tidak berjaya untuk dilunakkan, malah mereka seperti bersedia untuk "menghukum" dengan lebih keras lagi.
"Saya percaya, mana-mana parti yang melakukan lebih banyak kesilapan, atau mudah terleka dan alpa, akan menerima padah dalam PRU13," kata seorang penganalisis politik bagi menggambarkan bagaimana keadaan agak sukar untuk diramal. Masing-masing, BN dan Pakatan, mempunyai kelemahan dan kekuatan tersendiri.
Persiapan pula harus melengkapi pelbagai sektor dan penjuru, termasuk menjangka (dan lebih penting, mengenal pasti langkah menyerang balas) "taktik kotor" BN yang mungkin tidak terduga. BN ternyata disokong segala kemudahan, peluang dan sumber untuk memanipulasi proses PRU13. Pendedahan senarai daftar pemilih yang meragukan di Selangor adalah cebisan kecil daripadanya.
Mahathir memang selamanya menggeruni kehebatan Anwar, sejak bekas Presiden ABIM itu belum melibatkan diri dalam politik lagi. Justeru, Anwar "diperangkap" jerat Mahathir sejak 1982 lagi. Bagi sesetengah orang, Abdullah mungkin agak naif membaca kekuatan Anwar, tetapi saya lebih suka melihat Abdullah lebih jujur bermain politik. Masih ada batas dan sempadan yang dijaganya.
Berbeda dengan Najib Razak. Rekod jahatnya "merampas kuasa" di Perak sudah memadai. Malah, segala "kelicikan dan kehodohan" di Selangor sekarang berpunca daripada Najib selaku Pengerusi Perhubungan Umno Negeri. Pengalaman Umno menawan Terengganu pada 2004 daripada PAS, juga melalui senarai daftar pemilih, akan dikongsi Selangor.
Kini, tarikh PRU13 banyak bergantung dengan kes Anwar. Sasaran rebutan pengaruh pula tertumpu di kalangan pengundi Melayu (dan juga masyarakat India yang mungkin mengalami peralihan undi). Apakah keputusan kes liwat II ini mampu menarik sokongan orang Melayu kepada Umno-BN, atau isu videa seks menyebabkan sekurang-kurangnya mereka keliru dan curiga dengan Anwar dan Pakatan Rakyat (khususnya PAS)?
Kes video seks rasanya lebih dijadikan modal politik daripada membawanya ke mahkamah. Bagi Umno, jika dapat dikekalkan status-quo sokongan Melayu pun sudah memadai. Peningkatan taraf pendidikan dan tahap ekonomi, kematangan berpolitik, dominasi kuasa siber dan berkembangnya kelas menengah di kalangan orang Melayu menjadi ancaman kepada survival Umno. Justeru, kemaraan itu mesti disekat.
Pakatan dikira terlalu bergantung kepada Anwar. Seolah-olah tanpa Anwar, ia akan bercempera, hilang fokus dan tumpul bisanya, selain memungkinkan perpecahan dalaman, terutama di antara PAS dan DAP. Dengan memastikan Anwar kembali merengkok di penjara dan memadamkan imiginasi rakyat terhadap kemunculan "Perdana Menteri alternatif", strategis Umno percaya misi mereka bertambah mudah.
Bagi saya, Pakatan mesti buktikan itu semua hanya angan-angan Umno. Kesepaduan Pakatan, apatah lagi persefahaman di antara dua parti yang teguh memegang prinsip -- PAS dan DAP -- tidak akan goyah walaupun tanpa Anwar di barisan depan. Isu-isu dan jaminan dalam Buku Jingga sudah cukup untuk menggambarkan keseriusan Pakatan menawarkan jalan keluar ke atas seribu satu masalah yang melanda negara.
Saya masih ingat, ketika menemubual Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah ekoran isu royalti petroleum Kelantan pada 18 Februari 2010, beliau membayangkan simpati rakyat, khususnya orang Melayu kepada Pakatan akan meningkat jika Anwar bakal dipenjarakan sekali lagi.
Mungkin tiada lagi demonstrasi jalanan besar-besaran seperti era reformasi 1998-99 dahulu. Tidak perlu bimbang; pengundi semakin bijak menyalurkan luahan hati mereka semasa pilihan raya. Lagi pun, sumber terhad yang ada perlu digembleng secara bersepadu untuk aktiviti politik lebih berkesan. Yang penting, usah melatah dirasuk emosi. Jangan menari mengikut gendang yang dipalu Umno. |
Angkara 'Madey kutty', 'pandy kutty' dan Big Dog Posted: 23 May 2011 06:08 AM PDT Tercatat dalam sejarah PAS pernah bersama dengan pemimpin-pemimpin Parti Melayu Semangat 46 (1989-1995), sewaktu di dalam ceramah, mereka menggunakan bahasa yang kasar lagi kesat terhadap pemimpin Umno, khususnya Dr Mahathir. Mohd Rashidi Hassan, Harakahdaily SEHARI dua ini negara Malaysia semakin dipopularkan dengan pelbagai istilah baru yang berkaitan dengan keburukan orang-orang politik dan juga beberapa gelaran yang sengaja dijadikan nama pena para bloggers tertentu.
Perihal gelar menggelar orang politik dengan nama-nama tertentu bukannya baru dalam politik Malaysia. Seingat penulis, gelaran yang ketara dibuat orang-orang politik kepada lawan politiknya, ialah pada era Dato' Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad menjadi Perdana Menteri.
Gelar mengelar ahli politik dengan pelbagai nama yang buruk ini sebenarnya dimulakan oleh orang-orang Umno dan bekas orang-orang Umno.
Jika kita imbau kembali apa yang berlaku pada zaman 1980-an. Antara yang terbabit memaki hamun Dr Mahathir adalah di kalangan ahli politik parti haram Umno (diharam pada tahun 1988). Jika hendak dicatatkan di sini cukup ramai. Juga termasuk dengan bekas-bekas pemimpin muda KeADILan yang sudah mendapat laba yang besar dalam Umno.
Apa gelaran yang mereka tidak sebutkan sewaktu memaki hamun Dr Mahathir? Ada yang kata 'Madey Kutty' ada yang kata 'Mamak Tongkang' dan sebagainya.
Tercatat dalam sejarah PAS pernah bersama dengan pemimpin-pemimpin Parti Melayu Semangat 46 (1989-1995), sewaktu di dalam ceramah, mereka menggunakan bahasa yang kasar lagi kesat terhadap pemimpin Umno, khususnya Dr Mahathir.
Begitu juga sewaktu era reformasi sehingga 2003, di mana ramai pemimpin muda KeADILan, yang bersama PAS di atas pentas ceramah, menggunakan bahasa yang teramat kesat, yang tidak sanggup diulang dalam ruangan ini.
Sebahagian besar 'kaki hamput' Umno ini 'sudah menjilat ludah mereka sendiri'. Mereka kini menjadi pengampu Umno nombor wahid, bagi menjilat segala dosa yang mereka lakukan terhadap Umno.
Sewaktu era Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi menjadi PM juga berlaku gelar-menggelar. Bekas PM, Dr Mahathir digelar 'beruk yang menggoncangkan pokok' oleh menantunya, Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar.
Lebih teruk lagi apabila Umno Terengganu dengan sikap yang amat kurang ajar menggelar Sultan mereka sebagai 'binatang'. Ini fakta berfoto yang dirakam dalam demonstrasi penyokong Dato' Seri Idris Jusoh di hadapan Istana Terengganu di Kuala Terengganu.
Jika ditanya balik kepada semua penceramah dan pendemonstrasi yang kurang ajar ini, mengapa mereka mengeluarkan kata-kata kesat, kasar dan kurang ajar ini? Bukankah kerana amarah yang sudah tidak terbendung? Bukankah kerana tekanan hebat yang diterima?
Justeru apa yang dihairankan jika terkeluar kali ini istilah 'pandy kutty' daripada mulut Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Beliau anak-beranak dikecam, dimaki hamun dan dicerca dengan begitu menjijikkan oleh pemimpin Umno, media tali barut Umno dan macam-macam lagi.
Walaupun KeADILan menafikan Anwar menggunakan perkataan 'pandy kutty' kepada Dato' Seri Najib Razak pada satu majlis di Klang, tetapi hakikatnya ia terkeluar akibat daripada tekanan yang melampau dikenakan Umno-BN ke atas beliau.
Kata Naib Presiden KeADILan, N Surendran,"Perkataan ini (pandy kutty) bermakna babi kecil. Saya berada di majlis tersebut dan mengesahkan di sini bahawa Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim tidak menggunakan perkataan tersebut terhadap Najib.
"Sebaliknya beliau menggunakan perkataan tersebut berkaitan dengan politik kotor dan jijik yang diamalkan oleh Barisan Nasional," kata beliau yang juga seorang peguam.
Kata Surendran, "kami sekali lagi menuntut bahawa pemimpin BN hentikan politik kotor dan pengeluaran kenyataan palsu dengan segera."
Jadi soal gelaran anak babi ini benda kecil sahaja. Orang-orang Melayu, kadang-kadang kalau marah akan terpacul perkataan babi kepada orang yang dimarahi. Malah ada istilah dalam kamus Melayu disebut 'jahat macam setan (syaitan)'. Apa beza gelaran anak babi dengan syaitan jika diungkapkan kepada golongan yang jahat?
Penulis masih ingat sewaktu berada di sekolah menengah. Guru disiplin menangkap empat orang budak-budak nakal. Budak-budak yang nakalnya terlampau ini dibawa ke hadapan perhimpunan untuk dirotan.
Sebelum merotan budak-budak nakal ini, penulis mendengar dengan jelas celoteh guru disiplin terhadap mereka. Antara lainnya beliau mengatakan, "Kau orang ini, kalau syaitan jumpa kamu, mesti dia tabik kat kamu. Sebab kejahatan yang kamu lakukan, syaitan pun tak tergamak nak buat."
"Hahaha," gelak besar semua murid dan guru dalam perhimpunan tersebut.
Berbalik soal politik Malaysia, di sebalik gelaran-gelaran yang melampau ini, mutakhir ini tercetus pula polemik dalam negara apabila seorang blogger Zakhir Mohamed atau terkenal dengan gelaran Big Dog yang mencetuskan kontroversi isu negara Kristian baru-baru ini.
Zakhir menerusi blognya mendedahkan, kononnya terdapat ikrar paderi untuk menjadikan Kristian sebagai agama rasmi persekutuan dalam pertemuan mereka di Pulau Pinang baru-baru ini.
Posting yang dibuat oleh Big Dog disiarkan di muka hadapan akhbar Utusan Malaysia, sekali gus boleh mencetuskan ketegangan agama di antara umat Islam dengan golongan Kristian.
Oleh kerana akhbar Utusan Malaysia dijadikan pegangan akidah sebahagian besar ahli-ahli Umno dan golongan pelampau Melayu, apa sahaja yang dipaparkan, walaupun ianya berita bohong dan jijik, akan ditelan bulat-bulat mereka.
Akibat daripada akidah yang diciptakan Utusan Malaysia, maka golongan pelampau yang jahat ini, dengan api yang bersemarak di hati mereka, mula membuat pelbagai ancaman dan kecaman kepada golongan Kristian dan kaum bukan Melayu.
Selain daripada penegasan pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat, menolak agenda jahat Utusan Malaysia dan Big Dog ini, Khairy yang juga Ahli Parlimen Rembau, terus menyerang Zakhir dalam satu posting di laman sosial Twitter.
Khairy selaku Ketua Pemuda Umno tidak dapat menyembunyikan kemarahan beliau terhadap blogger Big Dog.
Penulis mendapat khabar, di sebalik serangan Khairy terhadap Zakhir, difahamkan, pertikaian antara kedua mereka sudah lama berlaku.
Zakhir sememangnya diketahui sering menyerang Khairy melalui tulisannya di blog dan Twitter dan tidak hairanlah jika Khairy mengambil peluang kali ini untuk memulangkan paku buah keras terhadap Zakhir.
Dalam satu posting di Twitter 12 Mei lepas, Khairy mengulas saranan pihak tertentu supaya Zakhir ditahan kerana menimbulkan dakwaan berkenaan.
Namun, secara sinis beliau berkata Zakhir tidak sepatutnya ditahan bawah ISA di pusat tahanan Kamunting kerana tindakan itu hanya akan membazirkan wang.
"Bazir je duit rakyat nak kasi anjing tu makan tiap-tiap hari kat Kamunting. Setakat sepinggan nasi mana cukup!
"Sudahlah nak cover line. Dah kantoi la Fats. Proven liar (dibuktikan penipu). Pi pig out (pergi mentekedarah) kat (restoran) The Loaf," kata Khairy dengan nada yang agak keras.
Dalam reaksi kepada laporan Utusan Malaysia, Dr Mahathir mendakwa desakan daripada ekstrimis agama meningkat kerana Kerajaan Persekutuan (Umno-Barisan Nasional) berada dalam keadaan yang lemah.
"Semasa saya menjadi PM perkara ini tidak berlaku, saya mendapat sokongan daripada semua Kristian, Hindu, Buddha, tiada apa-apa desakan," kata beliau.
Bagaimanapun Dr Mahathir enggan mengulas lanjut kerana dakwaan paderi mahukan Kristian menjadi agama rasmi Malaysia, tidak ada bukti.
Apa pun jika kita fahami kata-kata mantan PM ini, jelas pada beliau, kerajaan yang dipimpin Dato' Seri Mohd Najib Razak sekarang ini berada dalam keadaan yang lemah.
Akibat kelemahan Najib, diambil kesempatan oleh pihak-pihak tertentu untuk mencetuskan kontroversi dan polemik agama dan perkauman.
Ada andaian Umno-BN sengaja menciptakan polemik ini, untuk menarik perhatian rakyat, kononnya dengan kembali menyokong Umno-BN sahaja, polemik ini akan dapat diselesaikan.
Masalah besar yang dihadapi Umno bukannya polemik yang dicetuskan oleh pihak luar kerajaan, sama ada daripada golongan Kristian, Hindraf, DAP dan sebagainya.
Hakikat sebenar yang cuba diselindungkan adalah kepercayaan komponen BN terhadap Umno selaku ketua mereka sudah tidak ada. Komponen BN seperti MCA, Gerakan dan MIC sering berpolemik dengan Umno dalam banyak isu berkait hak kaum dan agama.
Umno tidak boleh menyelesaikan perkara ini. Apabila Umno gagal, ia cuba mencetus polemik lain di luar kerangka BN, untuk menarik sokongan rakyat pula.
Sebaliknya Umno tidak sedar bahawa cara politik mereka sudah tidak boleh diterima rakyat. Politik 'menyembunyikan pekung' sudah tidak wujud kerana rakyat sudah menghidu bau kebusukan daripada pemimpin Umno.
Justeru, untuk menghilangkan kebusukan ini, kita tiada cara lain, selain menumbangkan Umno-BN dalam PRU yang akan datang. |
PAP is a shining example of BN failure Posted: 23 May 2011 06:03 AM PDT Air Kosong If countries are like shares trading on the stock exchange, something interesting happened to two shares called "Malaysia" and "Singapore". In 2008, Malaysia's share price shot through the sky after a fantastic showing in its political tsunami. Its price started to slide downward gradually over the last three years, while Singapore's continued to remain hugely depressed. Until May 2011, that is. Out of the blue, it is Singapore's turn to shoot through the sky, even surpassing what Malaysia has achieved in 2008. The imaginative share price here is measured by democratic development of the 'stock' concerned. Of course what I am characterising here is the aftermaths of 2008 political tsunami in Malaysia and 2011 general election in Singapore. Earlier, I have asked the question if the Singaporeans are capable of a political tsunami, given that both countries have many similar circumstances surrounding the two dominant political organisations in BN and PAP. What happened and what continues to unfold down south, where I have been living in the past 17 years, is certainly interesting and, more importantly, a great deal of lesson for Malaysians to learn in comparison. The results of May 7 general election were of no shock and yet of great significance to Singapore. The incumbent PAP was returned to power with a shining majority of 81 in the 87-seat parliament. But its vote share dropped to the record low of 60.14%, a swing of 6.46%. It lost for the first time in a GRC, an electoral system that was known to favour the PAP. It had two of its cabinet ministers on the receiving end of the GRC loss. For the many years in memory, there are six elected opposition members in Singapore's parliament. Qualitatively and more profoundly, the election saw the disappearing fear factor among Singaporeans in front of the fearful PAP and the emergence of opposition candidates with credibility and track records. The immediate aftermath is even more interesting. Within a week, Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, who is known to be the invisible hand behind the scene even after stepping down as prime minister 21 years ago, and his successor Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong announced standing down from any cabinet role, "to give prime minister Lee Hsien Loong the room to break from the past". Four days later, a new cabinet was announced, with six veterans dropped from the list. Among the six, two are actually the casualty from the GRC loss and one has announced his retirement before the general election. But the remaining three are the significant ones, as they are said to be the most unpopular ministers mishandling their respective ministries. They won their contested seats but lost the cabinet posts, which are S$2-3 million jobs. As if still fearing for its survival, the PAP finally "slaughtered its first sacred cow". Prime minister Lee Hsien Loong announced on May 22 that a committee was set up to review the salaries of the ministers, prime minister and president, which range between S$2-3.7 million. The "sacred cow", one of the hot-button issues during the general election, is the brainchild of the prime minister's father, something that "Lee Kuan Yew once put his own reputation – and his '40 years of experience' – on the line", as The Online Citizen describes it. Lee Hsien Loong explained that "the salary of ministers should have a significant discount to comparable private sector salaries to signify the value and ethos of political service", an argument that the PAP leadership has been insistent on rejecting for years. Coming back to Malaysia, the 2008 political tsunami was actually more damaging and threatening to the incumbent BN in comparison. Its lost its two-third majority in the parliament, dropping to 140 seats from its previous 198 seats. It lost power in five states. Most threatening of all, its vote share dropped to 50.27%, with a swing of 13.63% against it. It's effectively a minority government if factors like 'captive' postal voters, control of mainstream media and abuses of government machineries during the general election are to be factored in. What has BN changed as a result? We have a new prime minister, Najib Tun Razak, a year after the tsunami, but the process of his installation was the most undemocratic of all, decided only by a group of about 32 people called Majlis Tertinggi UMNO. Najib then spent millions on a US-based, Israelis-led public relation company called APCO, producing what I would call the 1Malaysia campaign. Full of publicity stunts and superficial element but lacking in substance and clarity, the campaign has proven Najib's absence of sincerity, courage and leadership to tackle the challenge in Malaysia, to take on hot-button issues. We continue to have a government that ignores the danger from religious and racist bigotry, in the form of right-wing group Perkasa and UMNO-owned newspaper Utusan Malaysia. We have had the darkest moments through the incidents of cow-head protest by Perkasa members in Shah Alam, fire-bombing of churches and the latest allegation of Christian state conspiracy. We have the deceptive transformation programmes in the public sector that do nothing more than a public relation branch from the umbrella 1Malaysia campaign. The judiciary, the police and various other law enforcement agencies continue to be used as political means of BN. We have had the worst from the death of Teoh Beng Hock, abuse of the court for the coup in the Perak state and prolonged prosecution (and non-stop persecution) of opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim. READ MORE HERE |
Malaysia in the Era of Globalization #66 Posted: 23 May 2011 12:19 AM PDT Today's Malay armchair "revolutionaries" are calling for a revolusi mental ("mental revolution"). They would have Malays give up our cherished traditions and become kurang ajar (uncouth or crude) in order to compete effectively in a globalized world. Some are calling for Malays to colonize others! By M. Bakri Musa Chapter 8: Culture, Institutions, and Leadership Culture as an Agent for Change Culture, far from being an impediment to progress, can be harnessed and made into an agent for change. Many are calling for a cultural revolution among Malays, but having seen the disastrous consequences of the Chinese Cultural Revolution and other social upheavals, I am not too enthused. Today's Malay armchair "revolutionaries" are calling for a revolusi mental ("mental revolution"). They would have Malays give up our cherished traditions and become kurang ajar (uncouth or crude) in order to compete effectively in a globalized world. Some are calling for Malays to colonize others! I disavow such radical steps. Revolutions are by nature brute and crude; there would be just as many losers as winners in the end. We have seen the negative consequences of the reformasi (reform) movement. Instead of bringing much needed reform, it further divided and polarized Malays. Reformasi's other legacy, somewhat more mundane but still very disruptive, is the bitter aftertaste of rowdy street demonstrations, vandalized roadside businesses, and massive traffic jams. A more effective strategy would be to use elements of our present culture and modify them appropriately to suit modern conditions. In this way our existing culture and traditions would provide the anchoring stability as we explore new paths. I advocate evolutionary, not revolutionary changes. My principle is best illustrated with an example. A Latin American government commissioned an American consultant to study why its leather handbags were not competitive in New York. American consumers are among the most sophisticated and fussy, and if a manufacture could compete there it could compete anywhere. First the consultant asked the handbag makers why their prices were so high and the quality low. They immediately blamed the tanneries for the poor and high-priced leather. They used harsh chemicals and were rough on the hides, the handbag makers complained. We could improve our products considerably if only we could buy the cheaper and better quality imported Australian leather, but was prevented in doing so by the severe tariff. The consultant then went to the tanners and asked why their leather was of poor quality. Blame the slaughterhouses, they replied, for not taking care of the hides and for being careless in cutting and handling them. They had to use those expensive chemicals and harsh treatment otherwise the hides would be useless. Off to the slaughterhouses the consultant went. "Look at those cows with their large ugly brand marks and scars," replied the butchers, "that damage the skin and make it difficult to handle." For good measure they added, "Blame the ranchers for putting those mutilating large brands on the animals!" The ranchers had their own ready explanation. They had to use those huge brands so thieves would not steal their cows. Besides, they added, those cows rub themselves against barbwires and infect their skin. Blame those dumb cows! So in the end it was those dumb cows that caused the nation's leather handbags for not being competitive in New York! In Malaysia, when I hear the leaders blame the failure of their policies on "lazy farmers" or "dumb Malays," I immediately think of this "blame the dumb cow" episode. In the above case one does not need a high-priced consultant to find the solution; the chain of blame could be broken at many points. First, the government could allow manufacturers to use their business judgment to get the best material at the best price even if that meant using imported materials. Imagine if the tariff for leather were to be removed. The positive effect would be seen immediately in better quality handbag at lower prices. But there would be other improvements down the chain. The tanneries, finding that they could not sell their poor quality local leather, would no longer accept poor hides from the butchers. The butchers, unable to sell their mangled hides would now charge the ranchers extra for the added expense of disposing the useless skin. The ranchers in turn, finding that the extra charge would eat into their profits, would now find other ways to ward off poachers, like getting extra guard dogs and hiring more guards. Imagine the ripple effect of improved productivity and quality all along the production line just by introducing competition at one level. Mind you, the cows are still dumb, only now the people involved in the industry are not as dumb as the cows! The solution may be easy and obvious; alas adopting it requires a strong political will that is so often lacking in many leaders. Imagine the intense lobbying by the tanneries, butchers, and ranchers to removing the tariff on imported leather. But unless local industries are forced to compete globally, there will be no impetus for them to improve and innovate. The positive effect of globalization is this one world standard. Handbag manufacturers simply want good leather to make good handbags; they do not care where the ingredients come from. To them, the prime considerations are price and quality, the very same concerns of their consumers. My earlier example of the fishermen and their diesel motors is a dramatic example of "blaming the dumb cow" syndrome that is so prevalent in Malaysia. Another was the program in the 1980s of sending thousands of young Malays abroad for further studies at a cost of billions. For all the money spent, there was very little to show for the expensive effort. Most of them ended up at marginal universities. The authorities had the mindset that since they had selected the students and spent so much money preparing them, they were to be kept abroad until they graduated even if that took years. None of the failing students were recalled; instead they kept transferring from one mediocre university to another. Even when the students dropped out, they still collected their stipends. When the officials were queried, yep, they blamed the lazy and ungrateful students! But had the officials been more rigorous in their selection process and insisted on funding only the most capable and industrious students, they would have elevated the bar considerably and the students would have responded accordingly, and in the process saved the nation a bundle of money. By tolerating mediocrity, they encouraged it. The truth is, Malaysian civil servants are not a terribly bright bunch. They in turn had low expectations of the students. President Bush, in his criticism of liberals in their "soft" treatment of failing minority students, warned of the "soft bigotry of low expectations." There is no bigotry here; rather, dumb civil servants selecting dumb students. It takes talent to recognize one, and the civil service is sorely lacking in that. Nor has the government learned its lesson. In 2001 in an attempt to increase computer ownership, it allowed workers to withdraw part of their pension savings to buy computers. But the red tape was, as usual, a major hassle. Additionally, the government forced workers to buy their computers from only one vendor. He was no doubt awarded the contract without any competitive bidding, a manifestation of Malaysia's crony capitalism. As a result, entry-level computers were overpriced to the tune of 10-15%, or about RM400 per unit. The inflated price ensured a hefty profit for the lucky vendor but at the expense of thousands of would-be consumers. When workers balked at paying such steep prices and the program failed, the government blamed the workers. Again, blaming the dumb cow! The government should have trusted the workers and just gave them their money directly and let them do their own shopping. The workers would have the incentive to get the best deal. There would then be greater competition in the market and the prices would go down and the quality of service up. Sure, they will be a few who would use that money for other than computers, but that would be their loss. Had Malaysian leaders avoided blaming the "dumb cows" with the failures of many of their programs aimed at helping Malays, and instead concentrated on correcting the deficiencies and weaknesses of the various programs, Malaysia and Malays would be much further ahead today. Next: The Institution of the Family |
Eskay close to Thai insurgents, leaked US cable shows Posted: 23 May 2011 12:16 AM PDT
(The Malaysian Insider) - A leaked United States diplomatic cable has revealed that Datuk Shazryl Eskay Abdullah was close to veteran Thai separatists hiding out in Malaysia, blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin's website reported today. Shazryl topped newspaper headlines in Malaysia recently for releasing a video purportedly showing Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim having sex with a prostitute. He also lost a legal suit for RM20 million for commission in the aborted crooked bridge to Singapore. Raja Petra's Malaysia Today website recently began collaborating with whistleblowers WikiLeaks and said it has been given access to a cache of US diplomatic cables relating to Malaysia. In one such 2006 cable, then US embassy political chief Mark Clark was said to have met Shazryl —then the Honorary Thai Consul — in Langkawi on February 5, 2006 and was told details of how the insurgents operated. "Eskay, who was a leading Malaysian facilitator of the dialogue with Thai insurgents hosted by former prime minister (Tun Dr) Mahathir (Mohamad), argued that the older generation insurgency leaders, mostly resident in Malaysia, remained relevant as they provided needed support services and safe haven to younger leaders. "He identified only one old guard leader as actively ordering attacks, and estimated that criminal gangs and Thai security services were responsible for 70 per cent of the recent violence," said the cable. The cable also said that Shazryl shared a 12-page paper on the insurgency and Thai Malay views, resulting from his interviews with numerous separatist leaders. "Eskay credibly appeared to have contacts with a large pool of old guard leaders, insurgents, and sympathizers from Thailand's Malay south. His views on the insurgency were the most detailed we heard during five days of travel in northern Malaysia and tracked well in many respects with information and opinions from others," the cable read. READ MORE HERE |
23yr old robbed by the police Posted: 23 May 2011 12:08 AM PDT I was going back home and an incident with the police made me understand the ugliness of Malaysia. I studied in Singapore and Melbourne all my life and thought that as a Malaysian, I should work in Malaysia and contribute to the country. I love my country and my family, but what happened really made me lose faith in our system. Please help all Malaysians voice out our discontent and allow us to share our experience. By Alicia At 2am on Friday night (May 20, 2011 at Jalan Pudu), I was robbed by the police. He searched every compartment of my purse, under my seat and on the side of my car door, for money. He took away RM30, SGD180 and a 5 Scottish Pound that I always placed in my purse for luck. At 2.30am, I drove back home penniless with only my 'Touch N Go' card. It was a roadblock beside the old Pudu Jail. The police force was looking out for 'drink and drive' drivers on a Friday night. I had a pint of beer. I have done something that I should not have and was prepared to face the punishment. However, the punishment that came my way was not something I was expecting. In a typical road block, drivers are checked license, road taxes or I.C, followed by being checked with a Breathalyser that confirms the reading of the alcohol content of the driver's breath. Drivers with higher than legal limit of alcohol content can be 'booked' or arrested, taken to the nearest hospital to check their breath, blood and urine samples. None of these procedures were conducted on me. The police took my I.C but none of my particulars were written down. He asked me to blow into a yellow stick that looked a little like a torchlight. I have not been tested by a breathalyser before. I had no idea if what he made me blow into was a real breathalyser. All I know was, this breathalyser did not show the reading of the alcohol content. A red light beeped after I blew into it and the police claimed I had exceeded the alcohol limit. I requested to know what was the alcohol content captured, he refused to answer and began to raise his voice and threatened to lock me down. "I don't want to go with you. I'm new to KL, how are we going to the station? Can I call my friend? Please" I said. He asked me to step out of the car and he would use my car to drive me to the station. I refused to go without calling my friend. The robbery started here. "How much do you have?" he asked. I opened my purse to show him all I had. RM34 and a 5 Scottish Pound. He was visibly unhappy with what he saw. "This is not enough. I have to lock you down. I have to. Move to the passenger seat now", he demanded. I did not get it. Why was he sending me to the station with my car? I had no idea what was captured as the degree of my alcohol content. Don't I need to take a urine sample in the hospital before being locked down? "You said you stay in Subang. You would need to take the toll to go home, right? How do you pay for your toll?", he asked. Now, he was eyeing my Touch N Go. I showed the Touch N GO to him and this was when he saw the SGD 180 that was kept at the side of my car door. He started to open my door, searched through the side of my car and under my seat for more money. I took out all my Singapore Dollars for him. This was really all I had left. It was the Singapore dollars that I left in my car after I visited Singapore a week ago. He counted the money and looked at me in suspicion to see if I had more money. He took all my money and left me. I was met with a robbery at 2am in the Capital City of Malaysia. These robbers were supposed to keep my country safe. |
Adakah DAP anti-Melayu? Ulusan karyaan Wan Hamidi Hamid Posted: 23 May 2011 12:03 AM PDT Jika DAP memang dalang rusuhan itu, maka soalnya, apakah manfaatnya DAP berbuat demikian? Ia telah menyertai pilihanraya menurut peruntukan undang-undang dan telah mencapai kemenangan yang paling cemerlang ketika itu. Memang tiada masuk akal and tiada motif untuk DAP menimbulkan rusuhan. By Lee Wee Tak Sekian lama, UMNO sedaya upaya cuba menghumban apa sahaja kutukan dan fitnah sama ada menerusi Utusan Malaysia dan baru-baru ini Perkasa terhadap DAP. Kononnya DAP dalang rusuhan Mei 13 1969, DAP parti komunis, DAP anti-Melayu dan DAP anti-Islam.
Jika DAP memang dalang rusuhan itu, maka soalnya, apakah manfaatnya DAP berbuat demikian? Ia telah menyertai pilihanraya menurut peruntukan undang-undang dan telah mencapai kemenangan yang paling cemerlang ketika itu. Memang tiada masuk akal and tiada motif untuk DAP menimbulkan rusuhan. Hakikatnya siapakah yang telah mengambil kesempatan mengantung parlimen pilihan rakyat selama dua tahun? Perlukah parlimen untuk seluruh Malaysia digantung kerana rusuhan di Kuala Lumpur yang telah ditumpaskan dalam tempoh beberapa hari?
Siapakah yang menimbulkan rusuhan ini sampai sekarang belum kita tahu lagi. Apa yang saya tahu adalah semasa rusuhan tercetus, Lim Kit Siang berada di Sabah untuk berkempen di situ dan tanpa alat perhubungan canggih kini, masakan beliau mengetuai kerja-kerja keji itu?
Di Malaysia, walaupun seseorang itu disyaki membunuh, merogol, mencuri atau apa-apa jenayah pun, dia berhak mendapat peluang disiasat, membela diri dan menjawab tuduhan terhadapnya. Oleh itu, sebagai rakyat Malaysia kurun ke-21 ini, masyarakat Melayu tumpuan propaganda UMNO ini khasnya berhak mendengar suara daripada pihak DAP supaya dapat meneliti hujah kedua pihak untuk menentukan kebenaran.
Maka buku bertajuk "Malaysia Milik Kita Bersama: Perjuangan 45 tahun Parti Tindakan Demokratik" karangan saudara Wan Hamidi ini harus dijadikan rujukan di samping Utusan Malaysia, khabar Roket serta halaman facebook Roketkini untuk tatapan rakyat yang berhak memahami keadaan nan sebenarnya kerana ini akan menjadikan mereka pengundi yang lebih arif.
Saya membeli buku ini in MPH Wangsa Maju, harganya RM15 sahaja.
 Halaman facebook "Roketkini"
Rangka buku ini disusun untuk membidas tohmahan dan fitnah selama ini dengan beberapa bahagian yang menerangkan sejarah ringkas DAP, prinsip perjuangan DAP serta cabaran semasa dan hadapannya, khususnya dakwaan bahawa DAP parti komunis, anti-Melayu dan anti-Islam.
Fitnah # 1: DAP parti komunis? Berhubung dengan dakwaan bahawa DAP adalah parti komunis, saudara Wan Hamidi mengambil ruang besar untuk menerangkan asal usul fahaman komunis dan sosialis. Ringkasnya, falsafah dan perlembagaan DAP berdasarkan kepada fahaman sosialis dan puak sosialis ini adalah pecahan daripada golongan komunis akibat bantahan terhadap fahaman komunis yang radikal (umpamanya golongan macam Lenin dan Stalin). Pihak sosialis menitikberatkan nilai-nilai demokratik sosial, keserdehanaan dan perkembangan minda (intellectual progressive) yang menolak komunisme.
Setahu saya, Parti Komunis Malaya menyeru khalayak mengangkat senjata dan menolak sistem demokrais tetapi DAP melawan menurut peruntukan undang-undang dan menyertai proses demokrasi. Tohmahan UMNO bahawa DAP adalah parti komunis nampaknya jahil dan tidak berasas langsung sekali.
Pulau Pinang berjaya menarik pelaburan asing tertinggi antara semua negeri Malaysia dalam tahun 2010. Jika DAP komunis, sepatutnya DAP menolak semua pelabur dan pelancong asing seperti Korea Utara dan bukanlah meneruskan usaha memajukan iktisad Pulau Pinang berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip ekonomi terbuka dan pentadbiran nan telus.
Menurut buku ini, hakikatnya UMNO lebih intim dengan komunis daripada DAP.
m.s. 38 "Pada 28 Mei 1974, Tun Abdul Razak menjadi Perdana Menteri Pertama daripada Malaysia yang membuat lawatan rasmi ke China…bertemu dengan pemimpin komunis Mao Zedong…menandatangani perjanjian hubungan diplomatik walaupun pada masa itu China masih aktif membantu dan menyokong perjuangan PKM" Read more at: |
GLC Engrish So Good Posted: 22 May 2011 11:53 PM PDT Is this the work of the Google Translate? By Simon Templar How important is the English language today?
In Malaysia, this is a very sensitive question. All sorts of people will throw in all sorts of argument regardless of if it's an 'aye' for English or 'nay' for it. And it will not take too long for that simple question to deviate to racial issues, then to religion, then to social contract, then to 'you are a pendatang', then to 'please respect the Constitution', then to 'BN is corrupt' and what is and what not.
The Malays are divided on this question. So are the Chinese and the Indians. The urbanites are divided on this question. There is not going to be a simple answer - that's for sure.
To me, the English language is so-damn-blardie-kau important. Hey, that's my stand so no need to tell me yours. Am not going to defend my stand now because am writing to show something else.
English is a complicated language. No kidding it is. We Malaysians are used to the rojak version so most of us could not be bothered to improve ourselves. Besides, asalkan we can understand each another, cukup makan lah... So, that's us in our daily lives. Fine and dandy. But on official documents, official events, good to be proper a bit lah. And on GLC websites, please put in a bit of effort lah. It reflects badly on the GLC, the government and we Malaysians as a whole.
I was trying to get a Unifi subscription for my house. Apparently I get to register online. Googled it and this is what greeted me:

What the...?
"Great News!!"
Dude, what's with the double exclamation marks? Why 2? Why not 3 or 5 or 10? Satu cukup bro. Where did you learn to use 2 anyway?? See, isn't it weird when I use 2 question marks? Cikgu kat sekolah tak ajar such things anymore?
"All Streamyx user is allow to Upgrade to UniFi services, except previously Streamyx user who have Sign Free Notebook and PC bundle package is no allow to upgrade to UniFi
Now you can Upgrade your Streamyx to UniFi or Apply new installation through this web site."
I don't even know where to start on these sentences. The basic grammar is bertaburan, capital alphabet is used in the middle of the sentence, the sentences are just rubbish... Seriously, this is embarrassing. This is supposed to be a big corporation in the country. This website is meant to reach out to a lot of people. Is this the work of the Google Translate? You can't blame me for raising this question. We have precedents in the Teoh Beng Hock case and more recently the super large banner in Mandarin greeting Wen Jiabao when he visited us.
Wait! The nightmare does not end there. After I submitted my registration...
"Thanks for your registration! Your form have been submitted! We will contact you as soon as possible. Please check for the Installation Guide Video page so that you can more understand on the UniFi installation Process before the contractor come to install the UniFi Services for you.
For those applicants haven't upload photocopy IC during registration, you can use you Scanner or Phone Camera or Digital Camera to take your photocopy IC (both side) and email to within 24 Hours. All the order will no be process until applicant IC have been received, If you have any enquiry or question, please don't hesitate to contact us at 010-7985600."
Aiyoh... Painful, painful... This is not an Email between 2 friends la! On your Personal Term, nobody gives a damn! This is you reaching out to your Customers. And for crying out loud, this is not something some less-than-capable chap Emailed me on the spot!! The above are all programmed Webpages. Why can't somebody check on this before it goes live?? Read more at: |
BN, PR race for votes in Selangor landslide Posted: 22 May 2011 07:55 PM PDT "It's a competition. We have to be on our toes," PKR strategy director Rafizi Ramli told The Malaysian Insider. (The Malaysian Insider) - Rescue workers were not the only ones racing to be first to the Hulu Langat landslide on Saturday. In the United States, both Malaysia and Selangor's heads of government — Datuk Seri Najib Razak and Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim respectively — scrambled to book the next possible flight home. The prime minister and mentri besar are due to visit the site today, where the death count from the devastated Al-Taqwa orphanage stands at 16, including 14 children. With Najib expected to call elections this year, neither Barisan Nasional (BN) nor Pakatan Rakyat (PR) can afford to be caught napping in the country's richest state, set to be the main battleground in the BN chief's quest for a strong mandate to lead. "It's a competition. We have to be on our toes," PKR strategy director Rafizi Ramli told The Malaysian Insider. Less than a day after the incident, Selangor promised the families of those who perished RM1,000 each, only to be trumped by the federal government's RM10,000 pledge. Even the DAP-led Penang government got in on the act, offering RM25,000 in aid. This was also beaten by Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin who threw in RM50,000 from his golf tournament into the hat. By comparison, in the 2008 Bukit Antarabangsa landslide which destroyed 14 bungalows and forced 2,000 residents to be evacuated, it took an extra day for then-PM Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to say that the federal government would consider compensation to victims. Rafizi, who was one of those evacuated in the December 2008 incident, said the state government was quicker to respond this time as a response team has since been formed. PKR claims the state-funded team led by state deputy chief Zuraida Kamaruddin was first on the ground. But this is contested by Petaling Jaya Utara Umno Youth information chief Arman Azha Abu Hanifah who said that Umno Youth were the first to arrive. "We got the SMS at 2.30pm when the landslide happened and we were there by 4.30pm. "We cannot be just sitting around, we have to react immediately," he told The Malaysian Insider. What both sides agree on is that Selangor voters are watching. In the battle for their hearts and minds, neither wants to be seen as overpoliticising the event. READ MORE HERE |
Scholarships a Malay special right, says Perkasa Posted: 22 May 2011 06:58 PM PDT
By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, May 23 — Malay rights group Perkasa today dove into the controversy surrounding the unfair distribution of government scholarships, charging that Malay students were the ones who were losing out when it came to receiving scholarships. Perkasa information chief Ruslam Kassim claimed many Malay students were being "unfairly" treated by the Public Services Department (PSD) as they failed to obtain financial aid despite being qualified. The federal constitution, according to Ruslam, ensured that Malays were prioritised when it came to receiving scholarships, adding that no one else could question that "fact." "Scholarships are the special rights of Malays under Article 153... The government and PSD must first make sure the rights of Bumiputeras are prioritised, a violation of the constitution in any form is a crime," Ruslam said in a statement today. Under Article 153, the special position of the Malays is to be safeguarded through the reservation of, among others, scholarships. The Perkasa leader also berated the MIC for complaining that qualified Indian students were not given proper financial aid to further their studies, saying that "many more" Malay students were overlooked by the PSD. "Perkasa can also claim that PSD has been unfair to Malays and Bumiputeras for denying their rights not only for scholarships, but also diplomas... if MIC, MCA wants to make noise about scholarships, Perkasa will remind them that Bumiputeras have yet to receive scholarships," he said. Ruslam said that MIC should be "grateful" that Indian students were getting local scholarships, and added that the PSD should abolish overseas scholarships. "Make overseas scholarships only for post-graduate studies... this can save the outflow of money overseas and give due recognition to local public and private universities in the country," Ruslam explained. Deputy Education Minister Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong revealed last week that 363 straight A+ students failed to secure the scholarships this year although Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had agreed that all students scoring 8A+ and above will receive PSD scholarships after a similar brouhaha last year. READ MORE HERE |
Sokongan untuk Anwar gugat perpaduan Abim Posted: 22 May 2011 06:19 PM PDT
(Siasah Daily) - Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia, Abim, yang mencecah usia 40 tahun pada tahun ini berdepan kemelut dalaman ekoran sokongan kuat gerakan itu kepada Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, ketua Parti Keadilan Rakyat, PKR, yang juga bekas pemimpin kumpulan bukan kerajaan itu. Sokongan untuk Anwar, pada masa kritikan yang semakin meningkat berhubung pendiriannya berhubung isu-isu Islam dan Melayu, dilihat telah menjadi punca beberapa bekas pemimpin kumpulan itu disisihkan.
Abim kini dilihat meminggirkan bekas pemimpinnya seperti Dr Yusri Mohamad dan Prof Datuk Dr Sidek Baba yang kritikal dengan Anwar kini, walaupun kuat menyokong bekas timbalan perdana menteri itu satu ketika dulu.
Abim, bersama Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Malaysia (PKPIM) dan Wadah Pencerdasan Umat Malaysia (Wadah) saling berkaitan dan biasa dirujuk sebagai secara popular sebagai Abim ekoran perkaitan rapat itu.
Secara umumnya, aktivis yang bergerak dalam PKPIM di kampus kemudian menyertai Abim dan selepas itu bergerak dalam Wadah.
Yusri, bekas presiden Abim yang kini bergiat dalam Pertubuhan Pembela Islam (Pembela) menjadi tokoh paling vokal mengkritik Anwar yang didakwa menunjukkan sikap menyokong pluralisme agama yang dibawa Barat.
Satu kes yang mengejutkan pertubuhan itu ialah satu rakaman audio perdebatan Anwar dengan ahli-ahli Abim yang disebarkan oleh laman web anti-Anwar, di
Pendirian Anwar dipersoalkan dengan lebih kuat ekoran satu ucapannya di London School of Economics pada 2010, menyaksikan Anwar mengemukakan hujah yang boleh dibaca sebagai menyokong pandangan menyamakan agama-agama yang berbeza.
Anwar juga dikritik kerana tidak memberikan pandangan yang jelas berhubung isu murtad Lina Joy dan menyokong penggunaan kalimah Allah oleh Kristian Katolik yang ditentang kuat Pembela dan aktivis-aktivis seperti Dr Mohd Farid Mohd Shahran.
Ucapan Anwar itu dinilai sebagai mengemukakan tafsiran yang bertentangan dengan Islam dan cuba mengambil hati Barat untuk menguatkan lagi sokongan kepada beliau.
Sikap Anwar itu turut mengundang kritikan terhadap PAS yang bersama Anwar dalam Pakatan Rakyat, gabungan pembangkang yang dilihat semakin mengabaikan Islam.
Menurut sumber, ekoran sikap kritikal tersebut, kedua-dua Yusri dan Sidek tidak dijemput ke satu majlis besar untuk memperingati 40 tahun pertubuhan itu baru-baru ini. Ekoran sikap kritikal terhadap Anwar, ada suara yang mengaitkan kedua-dua mereka sebagai cuba merapatkan diri dengan parti pemerintah, malah ada yang mendakwa mereka dibeli.
Tokoh yang kuat mempertahankan Anwar kini termasuk Dr Siddiq Fadzil, akademik yang kini memgang jawatan presiden di pusat pengajian tinggi Islam ditubuhkan Abim, Kolej Dar al-Hikmah.
Anwar masih mempunyai pengaruh kuat terhadap Abim, yang dilihat sesetengah pihak sebagai tanda menunjukkan pergantungan pertubuhan itu untuk mendapat manfaat daripada kuasa politik presiden keduanya itu, selain hubungan persahabatan peribadi.
Aktivis Abim menjadi pendokong kuat Anwar ketika beliau di dalam Umno. Menjelang 1998, pemuda Umno yang dikuasai Anwar memainkan peranan aktif dalam membawa agenda Anwar, termasuk mengkritik perdana menteri ketika itu, Datuk Seri (kini Tun) Dr Mahathir Mohamad dan amalan "kolusi, kronisme dan nepotisme."
 Semasa Anwar menjadi timbalan perdana menteri, menjelang tahun 1998, Sidek yang ketika itu merupakan orang Anwar yang berpengaruh di Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia, UIAM, melaksanakan agenda yang termasuk mengekang kumpulan pelajar yang dikaitkan dengan PAS.
Beliau dilihat sebagai antara tokoh yang bakal ditempatkan di kedudukan tinggi sekiranya Anwar berjaya menjadi perdana menteri dalam masa terdekat.
Antara jawatan yang disebut-sebut bakal dipegang tokoh itu ialah ketua menteri Melaka.
UIAM ketika era kegemilangan Anwar merupakan kubu kuat kem Anwar, tempat bergiat pemimpin pelajar seperti ketua pemuda PKR, Shamsul Iskandar Mat Akin dan Mohamad Ezam Mohd Noor yang kini telah meninggalkan Anwar.
Pemimpin pelajar kem Anwar walau bagaimanapun tidak semuanya terus bersama Anwar.
Seorang bekas presiden PKPIM, Dr Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki menyertai Umno dan kini bergiat aktif bersama Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa Malaysia, Perkasa.
Asyraf pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-12 bertanding di Parlimen Tumpat menentang orang kuat Anwar, Datuk Kamaruddin Jaffar dari PAS.
Jaringan ahli dan bekas ahli Abim kini masih menjadi pendokong dan penyokong penting Anwar sehingga ke hari ini, termasuk dalam PKR yang diwakili antaranya oleh Mustaffa Kamil Ayub dan Dr Muhammad Nur Manuty.
Muhammad Nur yang berlatar belakang akademik dan agamawan menjadi pembela utama Anwar dan PKR dalam membenarkan penggunaan kalimah Allah oleh Kristian Katolik.
Abim merupakan kumpulan paling aktif membela Anwar pada awal beliau dipecat daripada Umno dan kemudian menubuhkan Parti Keadilan Nasional, PKN.
Jaringan yang dikenali "orang Abim" walau bagaimanapun semakin merosot dalam PKR ekoran peningkatan pengaruh ahli bukan Muslim dan berfahaman liberal, serta agenda Anwar yang semakin liberal. |
CJ Zaki believed to be in critical condition after heart attack Posted: 22 May 2011 06:09 PM PDT
(The Star) - Chief Justice Tun Zaki Azmi is believed to be in critical condition after suffering two heart attacks early Monday. Sources said he suffered the first heart attack at home and the second at the Putrajaya Hospital while awaiting treatment. Zaki was then taken to the National Heart Institute (IJN) in Kuala Lumpur for further treatment. Earlier, a source said Zaki was undergoing routine checkup at IJN. "He has been referred to IJN by the Putrajaya Hospital for further investigation," the source said. |
Sedition Act outdated, says Nazri Posted: 22 May 2011 05:54 PM PDT The de facto law minister calls Ibrahim Ali a clown, but acknowledges his entitlement to freedom of speech. (Free Malaysia Today) - De facto law minister Mohd Nazri Aziz claims he advocates the scrapping of the Sedition Act, describing it as out of date in a Malaysia that has evolved into a broadminded society. "Controversial issues that were once considered taboo are now discussed openly and frankly in public without the fear of causing racial tension," he said when the subject of Perkasa leader Ibrahim Ali came up during a press conference here over the weekend. He described the Sedition Act as having "no relevance in these modern times" and said the government was giving Ibrahim the same freedom of speech it had allowed the online media. Several public figures, as well as commentators in the online media, have criticised the government for its apparent reluctance to act against Ibrahim and the Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia for statements and articles perceived as provoking racial strife. "We cannot have double standards, one for the alternative media and another for Utusan Malaysia and Ibrahim Ali," Nazri said. He described Ibrahim as a "political clown", but said freedom of speech must also apply to him. Nazri held the press conference after attending a function at a school here. He is the MP for Padang Rengas. Asked if he would initiate a repeal of the Sedition Act, he said: "No, the move must first come from the people through debate." He said many of the articles and comments appearing on the Internet were insulting to Malays and Muslims and were seditious, but he added: "An issue is only sensitive if it is not debated or discussed openly. When it is frankly debated in public, then it becomes a non-issue as there are checks and balances in the Federal Constitution. "At one time, even I was also very sensitive to such issues, but I have matured over the years and have accepted this as freedom of speech." READ MORE HERE |
‘Do away with the biased scholarship system’ Posted: 22 May 2011 05:50 PM PDT DAP and MIC Indian leaders flay PSD for running its own kingdom in the distribution of scholarships to high achievers. Both the parties also called for a revamp of the Public Services Department (PSD) over its failure to provide scholarships to students who had obtained excellent results in their Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) examinations. B Nantha Kumar and Stephanie Sta Maria, Free Malaysia Today Its the same old scenario again. Students with excellent results do not get Public Services Department (PSD) scholarships. The critical courses like medicine , law, pharmacy, dentistry and engineering are given only to the bumiputera students and the non-bumiputeras are given the rest. In a rare show of agreement the DAP and the MIC want the PSD to stop this biased practice. Both the parties also called for a revamp of the Public Services Department (PSD) over its failure to provide scholarships to students who had obtained excellent results in their Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) examinations. Teluk Intan DAP member of parliament M Manogaran said PSD has to be revamped to prevent erosion of public confidence of government institutions. The selection committee for PSD scholarships, he said, should comprise academics, government and opposition MPs as well as PSD officers. His call comes following a revelation by Deputy Education Minister, Wee Ka Siong, last week that 363 straight A+ students failed to receive the scholarships this year. This is a repeat of last year's fiasco which required the intervention of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, who had promised that all students scoring 8A+ and above would receive PSD scholarships. "I'm sure that there are PSD officers who are fair and diligent in their work. And the present award list should be cancelled," said Manogaran in a statement. The opposition lawmaker also called for the setting-up of an independent multi racial committee to distribute the PSD scholarships starting next year. "The present committee is made up of predominantly one race," he said. "And this is reflected in the distribution of courses between the bumiputeras and non-bumiputeras." "Many of the critical courses like medicine, law, pharmacy, dentistry and engineering are being awarded to bumiputeras and the non-bumiputeras are given the rest. PSD should continue maintaining its scholarship quota but I want to see a fair distribution of courses between the two groups," he added. Major flaws in the system 
Manogaran's statement is backed by an academic from University Malaya, who declined to be named for fear of backlash from the Education Ministry. In an interview earlier this year with FMT, she had identified two major flaws in the education systems both of which involved the PSD scholarships. The first, she said, was a severe shortage of scholarships for physical sciences. The second – and more alarming – was that these scholarships were being awarded to students who either didn't have the aptitude or the interest to pursue a career in physical sciences. From her observations most of these students are bumiputeras. "Malaysia produces less than 20% of physical science graduates," she stated. "Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and China produce 30% to 40%, which increases their preponderance for acquiring technology." "And because most of our graduates weren't interested in physical sciences in the first place, they carve careers in other industries upon graduation, which further dilutes our already limited resource pool." Manogaran meanwhile also wanted an immediate investigation on the methods used in the awarding of scholarships and, if necessary, for a report be made to the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) and the suspension of the top PSD officials responsible for the present predicament. He added that in ignoring the cabinet directive on the award of scholarships, the PSD appeared to be running its own kingdom and has forgotten that they are public servants. "Public servants must remember that they are servants serving the public and not act as little Napoleans. They must be beholden to the public and not take public interest for granted." "The government itself must show that it is serious and sincere in implementing a fair system instead of playing politics. So I call for immediate action to correct the situation and restore public confidence in what is meant to be a merit-based system," he said. Independent committee On another front the MIC wanted the government to set-up an independent committee to investigate the scholarship distribution. 
Party vice president SK Devamany said the PSD had failed to follow Cabinet directives and this warrants a through investigation. "There are many students coming to my office appealing for scholarships. So far 367 students have approached us asking for assistance," said the deputy minister in the Prime Minister's Department. "Off the total, 200 students complained about the unfair PSD selection criteria while 167 students aired their grouses because their application for matriculation courses have been rejected despite obtaining 6As or 7As. Many of them are from poor families and a few underprivileged students from hardcore poor families," he added. "Students obtained straight As and but they were heartbroken when they realised that their application for scholarships were rejected. PSD must realise that high achievers are assets to the country," he said, adding that the selection criteria should also be reviewed to bring an end to this problem year in, year out. MIC Youth chief T. Mohan said the government should put a stop to this problem as it appears every year without fail. "This year is no exception and the complaints are similar to that of previous years with students with excellent results being left out or offered unrelated courses," he said. He said it was more "sickening" to learn that some non-bumiputera students have been offered scholarships for professional courses although they did not have basic requirements. READ MORE HERE |
Trouble in Negeri PAS? Posted: 22 May 2011 05:47 PM PDT Senior leaders find youth demands unsettling (Free Malaysia Today) - An internal conflict appears to be developing in PAS, with senior leaders complaining privately that the youth wing is becoming too assertive and unreasonable in its demands. Recently, the youth leadership publicly demanded that Pakatan Rakyat allow PAS, instead of PKR, to contest the Labu state seat in the coming election. The demand was made at a press conference held without prior consultation with the state PAS leadership, which was a break with tradition. State youth chief Khairil Anuar Wafa claimed that PAS had the grassroots support to ensure a Pakatan win in Labu, which PKR lost in the last election. "We are ready to mobilize 300 youth members from all over the state to wrest the seat from Barisan Nasional," he said at the press conference. A PKR leader told FMT the brashness and public nature of the demand would not go down well with Negeri Sembilan PAS Commissioner Zulkefli Mohamad Omar. "I know Zulkefly's style," he said. "He is not the kind of person who would deal with intra party matters through the media." A senior PAS leader criticized the youth wing for the press conference. READ MORE HERE |
Jeff Ooi ordered to pay RM150,000 in defamation suit Posted: 22 May 2011 05:43 PM PDT The Jelutong MP was found guilty of defaming former Penang Municipal councillor Mohd Razali Abdullah. (Bernama) - The Penang High Court today ruled that Jelutong MP Jeff Ooi Chuan Aun from DAP was guilty of defamation and ordered him to pay RM150,000 to former Penang Municipal councillor Mohd Razali Abdullah. Judicial Commissioner Vazeer Alam Mydin Meera also ordered Ooi to pay RM20,000 in cost and interests of 8 percent to be calculated from the date of judgment until the date of settlement. In his suit, Mohd Razali, 49, claimed that Ooi had slandered him repeatedly and caused defamatory statements to be published by newspapers, websites and news portals in 2009 when he was a municipal councillor, and some of the defamatory words were repeated in newspapers in January 2010. Vazeer Alam made the judgment after listening to submissions from Ooi's counsel Jagdeep Singh Deo and Mohd Razali's lawyer Abdul Fareed Abdul Gafoor but Mohd Razali who is a Pusat Urus Zakat (PUZ) Board director was not present as he was on official assignment in Egypt. The court also allowed an injunction to stop the defendant from repeating and publishing the defamatory statements. On Feb 1, last year, former PKR member Mohd Razali claimed that Ooi had defamed him by stating, among others, that he was a religious extremist, was incapable of acting professionally in carrying out his duties as a councillor despite his qualification as a land surveyor, and had mental problems with the innuendo that he was a mad man. The alleged slanderous articles were published by a number of local dailies, including Chinese dailies in 2009.
WikiLeaks: Eskay had dealings with insurgents Posted: 22 May 2011 05:16 PM PDT 
A leaked US embassy cable from 2006 reveals businessman Shazryl Eskay Abdullah's indepth knowledge on the Southern Thailand armed conflict. (Free Malaysia Today) - A leaked confidential US embassy cable from 2006 has revealed the extent of influence wielded by businessman Shazryl Eskay Abdullah in dealing with Thai Malay separatists who are still involved in a war with the Thai government. Eskay, who was then the honorary Thai consul in Langkawi, had shared his indepth knowledge of the separatist movement and their activities with the US embassy high-ranking officers in a meeting on Feb 5, 2006. Details of the meeting were sent in a confidential cable by political counsellor Mark D Clark to the US State Department in Washington. Details of the cable were leaked by WikiLeaks to popular blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin who had published the leaked cable in his Malaysia Today website today. Clark, in the cable, had revealed some of Eskay's insight and knowledge of the separatist movement and their acts, including: - the use of Malaysia as a safe haven;
- the role played by older generation insurgency leaders in providing support to the younger leaders;
- identifying one veteran insurgent as actively ordering attacks;
- the insurgents receiving financial assistance via Singapore from unknown sources;
- younger generation separatists entering Malaysia, particularly when the situation became "too hot"; and
- young insurgents given jobs at Thai restaurants and on rubber estates.
Clark noted that Eskay's information on the insurgents were the most detailed the US team had received. "Eskay credibly appeared to have contacts with a large pool of old guard leaders, insurgents, and sympathisers from Thailand's Malay south. "His views on the insurgency were the most detailed we heard during five days of travel in northern Malaysia and tracked well in many respects with information and opinions from others," Clark said in the cable. The cable added that Eskay had described his significant "mediator" role in the 2005-2006 dialogue with Thai Malay insurgents and his frequent interaction with separatists on both sides of the border. "Eskay said he carried out his work on the Thai insurgency largely independent of the Thai and Malaysian governments, and maintained direct links with most known Malay separatist leaders resident in Malaysia. "To bolster his credentials, he showed video footage he had recorded of various meetings with men he described as elder separatist leaders and younger operators," added Clark's cable. Clark, however, warned that Eskay's belief in the usefulness of engaging the old guard contradicted the opinion of Malaysian politicians, officials and police who generally dismissed the old-timers as irrelevant. He also said that several Malaysians volunteered they were suspicious of Eskay's contacts with Malay separatists and alleged Eskay had been involved in controversial business deals in the past. Clark also pointed out in his cable that the identity of Eskay is protected throughout. The old guard The cable said that Eskay had informed the US officials that most of the older generation of Malay separatist leaders lived in Malaysia with the Malaysian government's knowledge and acquiescence. "Eskay confirmed that younger generation separatists, including those involved in recent attacks in southern Thailand, frequently entered Malaysia, particularly when the situation became 'too hot' and they required safe haven," the cable said, adding that the Malaysian government was not always aware of the identity and travel of younger separatists. The cable said that the older leaders, with well-established networks in Malaysia, constituted the support service for the insurgents, providing shelter and transportat, and arranging jobs, including in Thai restaurants and on rubber estates. Clark also said that Eskay named one veteran insurgent, Abdullah Idris, the vice-president of National Revolutionary Front, as responsible for ordering some of the ongoing attacks in southern Thailand. However, Eskay believed that the Malay separatists accounted for only 30% of attacks in the south with Thai army, policy and intelligence agency factions, along with criminal gangs, responsible for the balance. "Eskay relayed that many insurgent leaders believed deposed Prime Minister Thaksin (Shinawatra) and Thai Rak Thai party adviser General Chavalit (Yongchaiyudh) were funding much of the recent violence." The cable also said that Eskay admitted arranging meetings between Malaysian intelligence and various insurgents operating in Thailand, meetings which included an understanding of safe passage within Malaysia. However, he had said that even on Malaysian soil, Thai Malay militants did not feel safe from possible assassination or kidnapping. "On at least one occasion, a Thai bounty hunter had bribed local Malaysian police to abduct a separatist who was in Malaysia. "Eskay had intervened to release the target, whom the Malaysian police officer had locked in the trunk of his police car," added the cable. READ MORE HERE |
‘Probe Taib first,’ Siah tells police Posted: 22 May 2011 01:41 PM PDT By Joseph Tawie, Free Malaysia Today KUCHING: Movement For Change Sarawak (MoCS) leader Francis Siah is willing to meet with the local police provided they record Chief Minister Taib Mahmud's statement first. Responding to a comment by Sarawak Commissioner of Police Mohmad Salleh that they have started investigating MoCS, Siah said: "Is there one law to deal with the powerful like Abdul Taib Mahmud, Chief Minister of Sarawak and another for an ordinary citizen like me? "I lodged a police report against Taib first (on March 13) for corruption, money laundering and abuse of power. "Surely, there are more reasons to investigate the Chief Minister than to probe me. "Call Taib Mahmud in to the police station first and then I will also go in to have my statement recorded," he said. Urging the police not to practice 'double standards' in their enforcement of the law, Siah said he had 'politely' conveyed his stand to the police officer who called him last Friday following reports lodged by the Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) Youth wing, to call up Taib first. PBB is led by Taib. Siah was informed that he was being investigated under the Section 4 of the Sedition Act. He reiterated that part of MoCS agenda for Sarawak was to inculcate a new political culture for the state. "But it is apparent now that a new work culture for an important law enforcement agency such as the police department has to be included in our agenda. "I urge the police not to be subservient to political masters. Even the king is not above the law," he said. Security threat Siah said he was informed a long time ago that whenever a new Sarawak police commissioner had to be appointed, Bukit Aman would have to send the name to be vetted by the CM first. "It would be disgustingly unprofessional if such a thing is still being practised today. It only gives PDRM a bad name," he said. Pointing out that MoCS is a responsible citizens' rights movement, Siah assured the police that it will continue to operate within the law. "However, it is the duty of the police to not only ensure that citizens abide by the law but that the laws of the land are also being enforced in a just and fair manner," he said. READ MORE HERE. |
Court sets ultimatum for blogger to respond to Dr Rais' defamation suit Posted: 22 May 2011 01:39 PM PDT By M Mageswari, The Star KUALA LUMPUR: The High Court has given a blogger until June 2 to respond to a defamation suit filed by Information, Communications and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim against him. Judicial Commissioner Amelia Tee Hong Geok Abdullah gave blogger Abdul Mutalib Mohamed Daud the ultimatum after meeting Dr Rais's lead counsel, Sahabudin Shaik Alaudin, in chambers Monday. Speaking to the media later, Dr Rais' co-counsel Norhani Nordin said: "We have advertised a copy of the suit and pasted a copy of the lawsuit at the blogger's last known address in Sabah but did not get any response. "If he fails to enter his appearance, we can enter judgment in the suit against him," Norhani added. Dr Rais filed his documents on March 10 to initiate the substitute service through advertisement and also pasted a copy of the lawsuit at the High Court notice board. He is suing Abdul Mutalib for defamation over allegations that the minister had raped his maid. In his suit, Dr Rais said Abdul Mutalib had published four defamatory articles in the Sabahkini weblog on Jan 1, 3, 5 and 7 with the minister's photograph and false words which were malicious, implying he was of unchaste behaviour and loose morals. Rais is applying to get an injunction compelling the defendant to remove the defamatory articles of him from the blog. |
Let Talent Corp handle scholarship awards, says DAP Posted: 22 May 2011 01:34 PM PDT By Clara Chooi, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, May 23 — The DAP today urged the Cabinet to strip the Public Service Department (PSD) of its scholarship award role and instead transfer it to Talent Corporation, the agency set up to address the country's brain-drain problem. DAP national publicity secretary Tony Pua told a press conference today that this would help solve the ongoing scholarship fiasco arising from "sabotage" within the PSD. "The transfer of this critical role and responsibility (to Talent Corp) will be particularly fitting given the crucial role of attracting and retaining talent in Malaysia. "They will also be the most appropriate agency to manage the best and brightest talents of our future given close links with the industry," he said. Pua also urged all political parties across the divide to back the DAP's suggestion, pointing out that even Barisan Nasional's (BN) MCA, Gerakan and MIC had voiced their frustrations over the issue. "The proposal is made in the interest of all Malaysians and there should be bipartisanship in ensuring the annual scholarship circus will never see the light of day again," he said. Deputy Education Minister Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong revealed last week that 363 straight A+ students failed to get the scholarships this year although Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had agreed that all students scoring 8A+ and above will receive PSD scholarships after a similar brouhaha last year. The MCA Youth chief accused government officers who disobeyed Cabinet directives as being one of the main reasons why top deserving students failed to get scholarships. Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has reportedly ordered the PSD to investigate complaints that some SPM top scorers were not offered scholarships. Muhyiddin, who is also education minister, had however stressed that his ministry was not to blame as its list of scholarship candidates had already been forwarded. The MIC also waded into the controversy and called for an independent committee to investigate the PSD. "The PSD has proven itself to be a complete disaster in managing the award of government scholarships to the young and brightest Malaysians, particularly those seeking the opportunity to pursue their education overseas. "Over the past few years, it has never failed to attract controversy by failing to award scholarships in a fair and just manner, resulting in hundreds of top students failing to secure the scholarships they deserve," said Pua. READ MORE HERE. |
Najib vs. Anwar: Epic Battle Posted: 22 May 2011 10:50 AM PDT
By Asia Sentinel Wikileaks cables detail a struggle Najib has won so far Hidden in thousands of pages of US diplomatic cables obtained by WikiLeaks and made available to Asia Sentinel, is a years-long battle for Malaysian political primacy between Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim. It is a battle that Najib appears to have won, at least for now, having been named prime minister while an embattled Anwar remains in the dock, fighting charges that he sodomized an aide. The cables, more than 900,000 words long and covering 15 years from 1993 to 2008, depict an Anwar who from the start saw Najib as a danger to him personally. He was in frequent touch with US Embassy officials, warning constantly that Najib was the perpetrator of a long series of corrupt acts in the procurement of defense equipment and that he was a danger to the exercise of democracy.
Equally, the cables depict an American legation determined to avoid becoming ensnared in Malaysian politics by taking sides. Christopher LaFleur, US ambassador from 2004 to 2007, wrote in a July 31, 2007 cable to US Army Gen. George W. Casey that "Malaysia is important to us because it is an economically successful, stable, predominantly Muslim country that, over the longer term, may be able to support us more strongly in places like the Middle East… The overall tone in Malaysian-American relations has improved considerably since Abdullah Badawi became Prime Minister in late-2003, and we seek to translate this into substantive improvements. Bilateral relations eroded under Abdullah's vituperative predecessor Dr Mahathir Mohamad, but Abdullah brought with him a friendlier style and an interest in projecting a more moderate image, both for himself and for his country. "
The embassy, however, watched closely as Anwar forged an unwieldy opposition coalition from the Islamist Parti Islam se-Malaysia, the Chinese Democratic Action Party and Anwar's own Parti Keadilan Rakyat, made up largely of urban Malays.
From the time Anwar was released from prison after a 1999 trial on what were widely seen to be bogus charges of corruption and sexual deviancy, the cables show a United Malays National Organisation paralyzed by inaction and led by an ineffective Abdullah Badawi while opposition forces raise enthusiastic crowds of tens of thousands of cheering spectators demanding political reform.
The need for Anwar's crucial leadership of the awkward coalition is underscored by a Feb. 23, 2007 cable signed by LaFleur. "PAS valued Anwar as the 'bridge' between the non-Malays especially the Democratic Action Party (DAP) and PAS, and as a name-brand figure able to attract voters," La Fleur wrote.
PAS elders, he wrote, found it impossible to communicate with the DAP and other non-Malay parties. He quotes Azizan Abdul Razak of PAS saying that PAS and DAP were "like chickens and ducks, feeding at the same trough, but unable to talk to one another." Anwar was seen as the only one who could blunt the "ruling National Front juggernaut."
Anwar, LaFleur wrote on July 17, 2007, was concentrating his attacks on then Deputy Prime Minister Najib as a way to "open up fissures in UMNO middle ranks that will give him other opportunities."
As pressure continued on the ruling coalition, Anwar led enthusiastic rallies all over the country, culminating in the March 2008 national elections that ended the Barisan Nasional's 50-year two-thirds hold on parliament. The cables in general seem to indicate a sense of growing panic and paralysis on the part of Barisan leaders, particularly in UMNO, and a desire to drive Abdullah Badawi from the premiership to make way for Najib. Anwar compounded the fears by displaying an eight-minute videotape of a prominent lawyer, VK Lingam, apparently telling a Supreme Court judge to fix key appointments in the government's favor, thus spurring a royal inquiry into judicial corruption.
According to Ambassador James Keith, who succeeded LaFleur in July 2007, UMNO leaders worried "about Anwar's drawing power on the streets. That Anwar and other opposition leaders proceeded successfully in the face of PM Abdullah's personal warnings should bolster the opposition's resolve and embolden them to plan further events."
After Anwar returned to politics by taking back his Penang parliamentary seat in a by-election, it was only a matter of time before UMNO replaced a faltering Abdullah Badawi with Najib. As Mahathir goaded Najib to act in April 2007, Anwar was telling the diplomats that his opposition coalition "had a 'realistic' opportunity to topple PM Abdullah's government by bringing over 30 or more BN MPs for a no-confidence vote in Parliament," Keith wrote.
All of that was brought to a halt on June 30, 2008,when former aide Mohamed Saiful Bukhary Azlan, charged that he had been sodomized by Anwar, a case that goes on to this day. The charges brought the opposition's momentum to a halt.
On July 23, 2008, apparently aware that this second sodomy arrest was being viewed skeptically by the international community, Malaysian Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar assembled a flock of foreign diplomats to give them the government's view.
According to a cable on that date signed by Keith, Syed Hamid dismissed claims of conspiracy, defended the police handling of the case and emphasized that Anwar was "being treated fairly."
"The Government of Malaysia is becoming aware of the negative impact the Anwar case has had on its international reputation and is acting to change the negative foreign perceptions," the cable read.
"Today's briefing was an attempt by the GOM to influence the diplomatic community, counter Anwar's own messaging the day before, and work against critical international media attention."
The skeptical tone of the cable is difficult to miss. Syed Hamid, the cable said, "shared no new information with the group as a whole and we doubt the briefing swayed diplomats to change their prior opinions; indeed, we heard a good measure of cynicism from some of the gathered diplomats. The government's decision to hold the event and the Ambassador's discussion with the Home Minister afterward served to reinforce our belief that the Government of Malaysia already has decided to charge Anwar for sodomy, and it will take this next step by mid-August." |
Gas Price Review Long Overdue Posted: 22 May 2011 10:29 AM PDT (Bernama) - A long-overdue review of the heavily subsidised natural gas price is crucial as demand for cheap gas in Malaysia is far outstripping supply. Analysts said that if this market-distorting situation is not corrected by the government soon, then Malaysia will run out of gas reserves which will jeopardise future generations. As it is now, the government continues to subsidise gas by as much as 71-77 per cent, which means lost opportunities for the country and the economy not being cost efficient. This is because the billions of ringgit used to heavily subsidise gas could have been used for socio-economic development projects such as public amenities, roads, schools and other services. For gas alone, Petronas paid out a massive amount of subsidies amounting to RM131.3 billion between 1997 and 2010. This being the case, there is a need to gradually move gas prices to reflect international market prices as gas prices in Malaysia are among the cheapest in the region and cheaper compared with alternative fuels. As a result, a large number of consumers have shifted their consumption of energy from other fuels such as diesel, liquefied petroleum gas and fuel oil to natural gas. This has resulted in an imbalance with demand outstripping supply at a rapid pace. There is also a misconception among the people that Malaysia has lots of gas reserves to be used for power when the actual situation is that there is real concern over gas reserves as they are finite. Malaysia is now getting 36 per cent of its natural gas supply outside Malaysia at a higher price which continues to increase, but sold to the power and non-power sectors and industries at highly reduced prices. These price distortions to the economy which are taking a toll on the country's finances needs to be rectified soon by rationalising and reducing subsidies as the situation is increasingly untenable. The local supply of natural gas is insufficient as demand has escalated 400 per cent over the past 10 years from 2000 for customers using less than 2.0 million standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd) and about 160 per cent for customers using more than 2.0 mmscfd while the country's gas reserves are fast depleting at an annual rate of 12 per cent. The last gas price revision by the government was in March 2009, at a discount of 50 per cent, the prices ranged from RM15.35 per million British thermal units (mmBtu) to RM10.70 per mmBtu, with the obligation to review every six months but that did not happen. Since the last revision, the price of medium fuel oil (MFO), a reference index from which gas is priced on, had risen over 100 per cent. This has led the government to bear the cost of heavier subsidies as the price of energy continues to increase in global markets. On the local scene, the power sector which has been subsidised since 1997, consumes about 55 per cent of the gas needs and a large part of the balance by the industry which had been subsidised since 2002. The government has subsidised the price of gas to the power sector by as much as 77 per cent or RM10.70 per mmBtu and that to the industries at an average 73 per cent or between RM15.35 to RM11.05. Based on a simple calculation, for every RM10, the government will have to subsidise between RM7.70 to RM7.30, which is already a burden, bearing in mind the fact that imported gas is bought at international market prices. The Malaysian public and industries have been enjoying the benefits of subsidies for so long but the world scenario has changed and the days of cheap energy are gone. From another perspective, Malaysia was subsidising the cost of products of other countries manufactured by their multinational companies based here. The government will now have to adapt to strategies it knows best to sustain the economy and Malaysians must learn to accept changes and ride the global economic storm to be at the forefront of the competition. Like it or not, oil and gas prices have increased and the subsidies which have become a burden to the government are very much due for a relook. Industries have benefitted immensely enjoying double subsidies in the form of cheap gas and subsidised electricity, while receiving other government incentives. Having relied on cheap gas for their production, there is no incentive for companies to adopt and adapt to new technologies and find new ways to become efficient. But a gradual removal of subsidies is expected to induce industries to seek more efficient technologies for their processes. It is understood that some of the industry players do not mind the market rates but expect any move towards that end to be undertaken in a gradual manner. Since 1997, the government had spent RM131 billion in oil and gas subsidies and the amount is increasing since the gas usage gets bigger while higher MFO prices had caused the situation to be not sustainable in the long run. As of now, Malaysia is getting supply of natural gas from the Natuna field in Indonesia, the Malaysia-Thailand Joint Development Area (JDA) and also from Vietnam. Malaysia's share of gas supply from Vietnam is almost exhausted, which means an additional on the government to look for new sources. It is understood that Petronas would also be importing liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) by 2012 to cater to increasing demand, which is rather costly at about RM40 per mmBtu. The people have to dispel the misconception that the gas is always there and readily available. In reality, Malaysia is a small player and the country's oil and gas reserves are small. If gas continues to be subsidised, then Malaysia is not optimising its resources when the reserves should be kept for future generations. Ideally, the price of gas should be at market rates which would then attract other potential companies to import gas and liberalise the market. By spurring the gas trade, players could import cheaper gas from abroad compared to the current situation, where players are not willing to come onboard as they would not be making any money competing against subsidised gas. It is understood that Petronas will have its regasification plant ready by 2012 whereby other companies could import LNG and regasify to sell to the industries. Malaysia, eventually, will attract investors who can add higher value to the gas industry and generate greater income and spur the economy in the process. (Bernama) |
Malaysian universities improve ranking on Asian scale Posted: 22 May 2011 10:22 AM PDT By The Malaysian Insider Six out of seven Malaysian universities improved their ranking on the QS Asian University Rankings this year, with Universiti Malaya (UM) climbing three spots to 39th. Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) also jumped 20 slots to 57th out of 200 Asian universities. No Malaysian university entered the top 10 ranks while the National University of Singapore (NUS) retained its third place. QS also said in a statement the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST) knocked the University of Hong Kong down to the second spot. The global higher education information specialist noted that Malaysia had seven universities in the top 200 Asian universities compared to Thailand's nine and Indonesia's eight. Japan was the best-represented nation with five universities in the top 10 ranks and 57 in the top 200. In contrast, China had 40, South Korea 35, Taiwan 16, India 11, and Hong Kong had seven universities in the top 200 Asian institutions. The QS Asian University Rankings last year showed that the top Malaysian university was UM at the 42nd spot while Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) was the second best university here at 58th. The ranking of public institutions in Malaysia has dived throughout the past years to the point of dropping out of the top 200 universities in the QS World University Rankings last year. QS noted that the "dynamism" of the Asian region was bolstered by the fact that one out of five universities in the top 50 universities was less than 50 years old. READ MORE HERE. |
Islamic leaders question non-Muslim rights Posted: 22 May 2011 01:34 AM PDT (The Malaysian Insider) - Several Islamic leaders have questioned the loyalty of non-Muslims in the country, declaring today the community's rights must be re-evaluated if Malaysia is to call itself an Islamic state. Former president of Islamic Da'wah Foundation Malaysia (Yadim), Datuk Nakhaie Ahmad, said treatment of non-Muslims must be based on the social contract agreed and pointed out that the government has been too gracious to the community. "In attempts to get vote and support of non-Muslims, we have been very gracious in giving them their civil rights. Civil rights given to them includes the rights to vote, participation in politics, hold office, involvement in the military and so forth but we cannot just willingly give them everything. "Our offer must be based on religious practices. If we look at the prophet's agreement in the Madinah constitution, civil rights were given to the Jews but the rights must be paid back with responsibility. They must have the responsibility and agree to defend our country and not insult the agreement," he said during a forum here. Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad declared Malaysia an Islamic state a decade ago in a move to counter PAS' growing influence among the country's key Malay Muslim population. The issue cropped up this month when several groups asked for amendments to the Federal Constitution to stipulate only Muslims can be the prime minister after Utusan Malaysia carried an unsubstantiated report of a Christian plot to usurp Islam's position as religion of the federation. Nakhaie stressed that non-Muslims that have broken the social contract must be expelled from the country and asked the government to adopt a tough approach in safeguarding Muslim interest. "If the agreement is broken then actions must be taken against them. If they break our agreement then they are our enemy and must be expelled from the country. We must not compromise with them. We must be stern with them when it comes to the social contract agreed," he said. Nakhaie added it is important that high level government positions not be awarded to non-Muslims for national security. "We cannot give them important government position as it is not allowed for non-Muslims to become ministers in a Islamic state. Head of military must also not be given to non-Muslims. "Without thinking about the future of our country, we are so willing to give them everything. Granting them their civil rights must be balanced with Islamic preaching so they will understand justice in Islam and the Islamic system," said the former PAS member who defected to Umno years ago. He also warned Muslims to unite as non-Muslims will become stronger if the community continues to quarrel among themselves. "They are brave now and are willing to say anything because they are becoming dominant. They (non-muslim political parties) are only working with us to only achieve their goals. It is a marriage of convenience. We know what is their programme. We are already losing economically and now we want to give political rights?" he asked. READ MORE HERE |
How Len Talif Salleh -”Objective” Civil Servant/BN Politician/Timber Company Boss – ... Posted: 22 May 2011 01:24 AM PDT Sarawak Report In the run up to the recent election the Director of the Forestry Department, which is responsible for handing out Timber Licences, Len Talif Salleh, paraded before the cameras supporting the Chief Minister's laughable claims that 70% of Sarawak's forests remain "primary or intact". Salleh posed as an 'objective' civil servant, the Director of Forests, charged with managing the state's forests in a disinterested manner, unswayed by politics. It was not mentioned, however, that at the same time Len Talif Salleh was already running as a BN candidate in the forthcoming election! In any non-corrupted country a civil servant who was planning to move from being a paid public servant to run for political office would, of course, step down from his post beforehand. However, not only did Len Talif Salleh fail to do that, but unbelievably, according to the Department's own website, the man is still occupying this crucial public job as Director of Forests weeks after the election when he was returned as a BN YB!  Len Talif Salleh has kept his position as Head of the Forests Department even though he has gone into politics and is arguably therefore now his own boss! The conclusion must be that Taib has run so short of yes men that he is placing the same handful of loyalists across all the key public positions, regardless of the vital division between the Civil Service and politics. There can be few men left in Sarawak who would seriously claim that 70% of the jungle remains intact! Salleh was handing timber licences to himself ! But this is not the only conflict of interest to feature in Salleh's career. Our investigations reveal how he has concurrently occupied a staggering number of top posts in forestry, giving him total control over timber management – much in the same way that his own boss Taib has acquired all the main positions of State. In 2008 he was simultaneously Deputy Permanent Secretary Ministry of Planning and Resources Management; Director of Forests; Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer Sarawak Forestry Corporation and the General Manager of the Sarawak Timber Industry Development Corporation (STIDC). Is it fair to assume, therefore, that Salleh was little more than Taib's 'Yes Man' in forestry – we think yes!
Zahid expose DAP's plan to name Malay candidates in General Election Posted: 22 May 2011 01:12 AM PDT (Bernama) - Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has exposed a plan by the DAP to name Malay candidates in several states in the next general election. He said DAP was now identifying suitable Malays to contest seats in states like Perak, Melaka and Negeri Sembilan. "They're taking measures to ensure that the candidates (Malays) would be accepted by voters," he told reporters after opening the Masjid Tanah Umno divisional meeting here today. Ahmad Zahid, who is Defence Minister, said DAP planned to name Malay electoral candidates in Perak in hopes of conquering the state and naming one of its own as menteri besar. "This is because the Perak constitution forbids non-Malay from becoming menteri besar. For this reason, the DAP is planning to name a Malay candidate to contest a state seat so that eventually a DAP menteri besar could be sworn in," he said. In other states, he said, DAP was likely to name Malay candidates in Malay-majority constituencies and in areas where Barisan Nasional (BN) fielded non-Malay candidates. Ahmad Zahid described the strategy as something that could be plausibly executed by DAP. He noted that DAP had started a blogsite in Malay after using mainly English and Mandarin to reach out to the people all this while. "We've managed to sniff out the plan which is concocted without the knowledge of PAS and PKR (Parti Keadilan Rakyat). I'd like to remind PAS and PKR not to become a mere tool of the DAP," he said. Ahmad Zahid also reminded members of Umno and other BN component parties to be wary of the DAP's ploy. "We shouldn't remain complacent in the face of DAP's actions. I'd like to urge Malays not to associate themselves with the DAP, whether by becoming their candidates or partners under Pakatan Rakyat," he added. |
The Perkasa link in the Anwar car sabotage or murder bid Posted: 22 May 2011 01:03 AM PDT Written by Wong Choon Mei, Malaysia Chronicle Rowdy ultra Malay-rights group Perkasa has been linked to the sabotage of a car used by the wife of Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim, causing an accident that could have resulted in her death. A police report has already been lodged on the incident, and pending investigations, PKR leaders have maintained an uneasy silence. But few have hesitated to call the accident a murder attempt - aimed more at Anwar than Wan Azizah, who is also their party president. Pointing out the link is Anwar himself, who asked how it was that Perkasa had known and lodged a police report that his car - a Mercedes 350 - would be tampered with months before it occured. "They need to be asked. Now that there is a real accident and a threat on Azizah's life, they have to explain. No, I'm not implying anything (but), how do you expect me to respond to rumours?" Malaysiakini reported Anwar as saying. In February, Perkasa predicted the accident that would happen in April The accident to Anwar's car happened on April 19. It was a serious one but Azizah and her travelling companion escaped harm. The mechanic's report showed that a caliper-guide bolt-pin that support the brake disc had been removed. "I was told that it is impossible for the bolt to come off without someone removing it. Based on what the mechanic told me, there are also elements of sabotage, considering that the vehicle is regularly used by Anwar," his driver of 28 years had said. The 51-year old driver was the one who lodged the police report earlier this month. But way in advance on February 11, Armand Azha Abu Hanifah, then the Perkasa Youth chief, had lodged his own police report claiming a plot by Anwar and PKR leaders to stage an accident so as to gain public sympathy. Armand also said the real purpose of the ruse was to spirit Anwar out of the country to a place where he can seek political asylum. "We feared that he would mobilise and cause chaos in Malaysia from overseas like (ousted Thai leader Thaksin Shinawatra, who was said to have a hand in the bloody demonstrations in Bangkok last year)," said Armand. How credible is Armand's explanation can only be decided by Malaysians themselves. The former Perkasa rabble-rouser is now the PJ Utara Umno youth information chief. Deathly political game Indeed, the links to Umno, or more specifically to the Umno elite and in particular Mahathir Mohamad who is also the Perkasa founder, cannot be denied. There is a clear trend and design to shut out Anwar and his family from the Malaysian political scene. Malaysian politics is both simple and complex at the same time, hinging on the Malay community which forms 60 per cent of the 28 million population. Whether Anwar is now on a politcal upswing or as the Umno insists on the downcycle, he is still the only Malay leader seen as capable of bridging the divide between the community and the other races. Thanks to the policies practised since indepndence from colonial rule in 1957, and especially during the Mahathir era, there have been blatant efforts by the government to keep the races apart. Divide-and-rule was Mahathir's chosen policy, and racial polarization under Prime Minister Najib Razak's watch is now at its worst. Some say that is because the chances are now very real that the Pakatan Rakyat coalition led by Anwar could topple Najib's BN in the coming election. Anwar's daughter, Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah, has also received an SMS threat to kidnap her children if she did not persuade her father to quit politics. Again, like the car sabotage, police reports have been lodged but little action taken by the authorities. "If the allegations are anything that involves something criminal then the police must investigate, there should not be a cover-up," complained Anwar. "Now there is a semblance of a cover-up, for both cases - the accident and the threat to Izzah's daughter. This can be amplified by the manner the investigation is conducted and the statement by the minister of defence. I don't have any issues with Zahid Hamidi. You want to preserve your position in the party and be prepared to go to that extent, where people's lives are being threatened ...". He was referring to Defense Minister Zahid Hamidi, who recently accused Izzah of trying to gain public sympathy. Zahid's callous accusations stirred up a storm of public outrage, but like his Umno colleagues, they conveniently see Anwar and his family as 'fair game'. "This is now what Anwar's enemies are trying to do. To twist the truth and when it can't be twisted anymore, they even try to kill him off. I appeal to the BN or those extremists in BN to stop before we go past the point of no return. Please respect the people's wishes for a government of the people for the people by the people," Beruas MP Ngeh Koo Ham told Malaysia Chronicle. |
Shazryl Eskay Abdullah tells the US that Malaysia is a terrorist safe haven Posted: 22 May 2011 01:00 AM PDT
Even on Malaysian soil, Thai Malay militants did not feel safe from possible assassination or kidnapping. On at least one occasion, a Thai bounty hunter had bribed local Malaysian police to abduct a separatist who was in Malaysia. Eskay had intervened to release the target, whom the Malaysian police officer had locked in the trunk of his police car. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin 
S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 03 KUALA LUMPUR 000263 SIPDIS DEPT FOR EAP E.O. 12958: DECL: 02/13/2027 TAGS: PREL, PGOV, PTER, PINR, MOPS, ASEC, TH, MY SUBJECT: HONORARY CONSUL NOTES MALAYSIA AS SAFE HAVEN FOR THAI INSURGENCY, RELEVANCE OF OLD GUARD REF: A. 06 KUALA LUMPUR 1764 - NO TEARS FOR THAKSIN B. 06 KUALA LUMPUR 1976 - SURAYUD'S VISIT Classified By: Political Section Chief Mark D. Clark for reasons 1.4 (b and d). Summary 1. (S) The Honorary Thai Consul in Langkawi, Malaysian businessman Shazryl Eskay Abdullah (protect throughout), described Thai Malay separatist use of Malaysian territory as a safe haven and insurgents' views of the conflict during a February 5 meeting with polchief. Eskay, who was a leading Malaysian facilitator of the dialogue with Thai insurgents hosted by former Prime Minister Mahathir, argued that the older generation insurgency leaders, mostly resident in Malaysia, remained relevant as they provided needed support services and safe haven to younger leaders. He identified only one old guard leader as actively ordering attacks, and estimated that criminal gangs and Thai security services were responsible for 70 percent of the recent violence. He said he did not see links yet between the Thai insurgents and regional or international terrorists, but recognized the potential and encouraged the U.S. to keep a close watch. He also noted, however, that the insurgents received financial assistance via Singapore from unknown sources. The now-ended peace initiative by Mahathir produced a ten-page "peace proposal" signed by old guard leaders, but which failed to gain much response from Bangkok. Eskay believed that the February 11-12 visit to Thailand by Prime Minister Abdullah would result in the Malaysian external intelligence organization (MEIO) taking up a "facilitation" role in discussions between Thai intelligence and southern insurgents, though Eskay was pessimistic as to the prospects. Eskay shared a 12-page paper on the insurgency and Thai Malay views, resulting from his interviews with numerous separatist leaders, which he had submitted to MEIO February. End Summary. Honorary Consul as Mediator with Separatists 2. (S) Polchief called on the Honorary Thai Consul in Langkawi, Shazryl Eskay Abdullah, on February 5 as part of a February 5-9 visit to Malaysian states along the border with Thailand (septel). Eskay, a Malaysian businessman of mixed Malaysian-Thai parentage, described his significant "mediator" role in the 2005-2006 dialogue with Thai Malay insurgents, which featured former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, and his frequent interaction with separatists on both sides of the border. Eskay said he carried out his work on the Thai insurgency largely independent of the Thai and Malaysian governments, and maintained direct links with most known Malay separatist leaders resident in Malaysia. To bolster his credentials, he showed polchief video footage he had recorded of various meetings with men he described as elder separatist leaders and younger operators. Old Guard Not Calling the Shots, but Still Relevant 3. (S) Eskay noted that most of the older generation of Malay separatist leaders lived in Malaysia with the Malaysian Government's knowledge and acquiescence. The older generation included those affiliated with the United Pattani Freedom Front (BERSATU), and the constituent groups the National Revolutionary Front (BRN-Congress), the Pattani Mujahiddin Movement (GMP), and the Pattani United Liberation Organization (PULO). In addition, Eskay confirmed that younger generation separatists, including those involved in recent attacks in southern Thailand, frequently entered Malaysia, particularly when the situation became "too hot" and they required safe haven. The GOM was not always aware of the identity and travel of younger separatists. With some exceptions, the older generation did not direct the actions of the younger insurgents. However, Eskay argued that the relevance of the "old guard" should not be underestimated. The older leaders, with well-established networks in Malaysia, constituted the support service for the insurgents, providing shelter and transportation, and arranging jobs, including in Thai restaurants and on rubber estates. Because the older generation provided needed safe haven services, they remained influential and relevant to a potential peace dialogue with Thailand's Malay south. (Comment: Many of our other interlocutors dismissed the Mahathir-led dialogue because it focused on the older Malaysia-based separatists who no longer represent the insurgency on the ground. End Comment.) The Murky Business of Violence 4. (S) Like many other Malaysians we interviewed during our trip to northern Malaysia, Eskay described the Malay insurgency as splintered, with operations currently carried out by very small cells, comprised of two or three persons. "Brokers" would task the cells with orders and money. Often times the affiliation of the brokers would not be clear to the cells, opening the possibility that they represented other parties, but cells would carry out "orders" nonetheless both for monetary gain and for fear that they otherwise would run afoul of other insurgents. The cell members generally were technically unsophisticated and the brokers often provided the improvised explosive devices to be planted and detonated by the cells. Eskay crudely estimated that Malay separatists accounted for only 30 percent of attacks in the south with Thai army, policy and intelligence agency factions, along with criminal gangs, responsible for the balance. Eskay relayed that many insurgent leaders believed deposed Prime Minister Thaksin and Thai Rak Thai party advisor General Chavalit were funding much of the recent violence. Insurgent members had denied association with New Year's Eve bombings in Bangkok. They also disassociated themselves from many of the attacks on schools. The fracturing of the separatist movement and use of small cells added to the complexity and the difficulty in identifying any leaders for dialogue. Eskay named only one old guard leader, BRN-Congress Vice President Abdullah bin Idris, as responsible for ordering some of the ongoing attacks in southern Thailand. Safe Passage 5. (S) In addition to the Mahathir-led dialogue and frequent informal meetings with Thai separatists, Eskay said he had arranged meetings between Malaysian intelligence and various insurgents operating in Thailand, meetings which included an understanding of safe passage within Malaysia. Even on Malaysian soil, Thai Malay militants did not feel safe from possible assassination or kidnapping. On at least one occasion, a Thai bounty hunter had bribed local Malaysian police to abduct a separatist who was in Malaysia. Eskay had intervened to release the target, whom the Malaysian police officer had locked in the trunk of his police car. No International Terror Links...Yet 6. (S) Eskay stated that he had seen no evidence the Malay separatists had linked up with external terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda or Jemaah Islamiyah. He noted, however, that some insurgents received funds from a bank in Singapore (NFI), which passed through money changers in the Malaysian border town of Padang Besar, Perlis state. Eskay did not know the origin of the funds. Though there was in his view a clear potential for a link-up with terrorist groups, Eskay commented that Malaysian intelligence did not pay adequate attention to this risk and he encouraged the U.S. to keep a close watch on developments. February 2006 "Peace Proposal" 7. (S) The Mahathir-led dialogue had resulted in a "peace proposal" in February 2006, signed by old guard leaders of BERSATU, BRN-Congress, GMP, and PULO, Eskay noted. This had met with no substantive response from the Thai Government, but might constitute a good starting point for future dialogue. Eskay provided us with a copy of the ten-page document, which demanded Thai Government actions in eight areas, namely: -- Improvements in "leadership," through appointment of a Muslim Affairs Minister and a Muslim affairs coordinating body. -- Improved government communication and networking with Malay Muslim communities. -- Confidence-building measures, including establishing ethnic Malay quotas for government service and security forces in the south. -- Steps to promote investment and economic development. -- Improvements in the education infrastructure. -- Amnesty, with individual cases approved by a Board of Review. -- Establishment of a tribunal to investigate and try cases of human rights violations. -- Establishment of a monitoring committee to ensure implementation of the above steps. Malaysian External Intelligence May Take the Lead 8. (S) Eskay said the Mahathir initiative was now over, and the Malaysian Government had made clear that the phase of "NGO involvement" in dialogue with Thai Malay separatists had come to an end. The February 11-12 visit to Thailand by Prime Minister Abdullah likely would confirm a role for the Malaysian External Intelligence Organization (MEIO) as a "facilitator" for future informal talks between Malay separatists and Thai Government intelligence. Eskay supported a Malaysian Government mediation role, but he was pessimistic MEIO and its Thai counterparts would make progress. Instead, Eskay anticipated continued violence. The Honorary Thai Consul shared a 12-page "confidential" paper on the insurgency and Thai Malay views, resulting from his interviews with numerous separatist leaders, which he had submitted to MEIO February 1. Eskay requested that we not share the paper and February 2006 "peace proposal" with others (we have forwarded the documents via classified email to EAP/MTS and Embassy Bangkok). Comment 9. (S) Eskay credibly appeared to have contacts with a large pool of old guard leaders, insurgents, and sympathizers from Thailand's Malay south. His views on the insurgency were the most detailed we heard during five days of travel in northern Malaysia and tracked well in many respects with information and opinions from others. His belief in the usefulness of engaging the old guard, however, contradicted the opinion of Malaysian politicians, officials and police who generally dismissed the old timers as irrelevant. Several Malaysians volunteered they were suspicious of Eskay's contacts with Malay separatists and alleged Eskay had been involved in controversial business deals in the past (unrelated to Thailand). Eskay informed us that he had lived some ten years in the United States circa the 1980s. LAFLEUR |
Martyrs or victims of corruption? Posted: 21 May 2011 06:17 PM PDT
I think it is time we started appointing women Muftis in Malaysia. After all, if the Muftis do not have any balls what difference does it make if we appoint men or women as Muftis? NO HOLDS BARRED
Raja Petra Kamarudin Anak yatim maut tertimbus syahid SHAH ALAM - Kematian mereka bukan sia-sia. Allah sudah janjikan ganjaran syahid bagi sekumpulan anak yatim terkorban dalam tragedi tanah runtuh di Hulu Langat, petang semalam. Mufti Selangor, Datuk Seri Mohd Tamyes Abdul Wahid berkata, mengikut hukum, Islam yang menemui ajal secara tragis se-perti akibat kebakaran, kemalangan jalan raya atau bencana alam dan mati ketika tidur, dikategorikan sebagai syahid. "Mereka dapat syafaat Allah, itu janjiNya," katanya. Beliau mengulas kematian anak-anak yatim penghuni Rumah Anak-anak Hidayah Madrasah Al-Taqwa di Jalan Sungai Semungkis, Kampung Gahal, Hulu Langat, petang semalam. Bagaimanapun menurut Mohd Tamyes, jenazah mereka masih perlu diurus seperti jenazah mati biasa, iaitu mandi, kafan dan disolatkan. Beliau mengingatkan pengasas rumah kebajikan, termasuk rumah anak yatim di seluruh negara, pastikan bangunan mereka tiada risiko musibah. "Jangan bina di lereng bukit atau berhampiran dekawasan bahaya kepada penghuni," katanya. ******************************* The death of 16 orphans in a landslide in Hulu Langat, outside Kuala Lumpur, yesterday was not in vain (bukan sia-sia), said the Mufti of Selangor. According to Islam, said the Mufti, these orphans died a martyr's death (syahid). And the same goes for anyone who dies in a traffic accident, or whatever tragedy, added the Mufti. I suppose this is one way of looking at it. When someone dies we try to look at the 'positive' side of his or her death. And this is probably the Mufti's way of making us feel good about those deaths. After all, is not Malaysia an expert at the 'feel good' factor? I bet they can even make us feel good about May 13 -- it taught us that racism is bad and can lead to race riots so Malaysians today are no longer racists. Yeah, right! The more fundamentalist Muslim would say that the 16 orphans were fated to die in the landslide yesterday. The time, date, place and manner we will die has already been determined even before we were born. So, yesterday, the 16 orphans merely kept their appointment with death. It was their fate which had already been decided and there was nothing anyone could have done to avoid it. Is that so? What about the reports of the previous incidences of landslips in that area? Wasn't that a sign (from God or whatever) that we have a tragedy in the making? What was done about the many landslips of past that yesterday became a landslide? (Menteri Kerja Raya Datuk Shaziman Mansor dilaporkan berkata bahawa kawasan itu dipercayai telah beberapa kali mengalami kejadian tanah runtuh namun tidak dilaporkan - Bernama). When the Tsunami hit our shores and other Asian countries on 26 December 2004, they said the same thing. Some even said that this is God's punishment for all those sinners. I wonder what sin the babies and children committed to incur God's wrath on them. Actually, the death toll of the 2004 Tsunami could have been reduced had greedy people not cut away (for profit) all the mangrove plants along the coast. The mangrove would have acted as a buffer and the waves would not have gone so far inland and been so destructive. A lot of tragedies could have been avoided. And they could have been avoided if humankind were not so greedy and corrupt. Greed and corruption, not God, causes tragedies. And those who die in tragedies should not be classified as martyrs but as victims of greed and corruption. On a per capita basis Malaysia has ten times more fatal road accidents than Britain. And this is all because of greed and corruption. Those who die in traffic accidents are not martyrs, as the Mufti said. They are victims of greed and corruption. The Muftis have a duty to perform. They must condemn greed and corruption. They must not tell people that 16 orphans dying in a landslide is not in vain, it is okay, it is a good, it means they are going straight to heaven. They must tell the people that this is yet another of the many signs of rampant greed and corruption in Malaysia. Don't tell us that the orphans' deaths are NOT sia-sia. Tell us that their deaths ARE sia-sia. And tell us that their deaths and the deaths of thousands of other Malaysians every year is because of greed and corruption. Are the Muftis scared of doing this? Are they so worried that they will get sacked from their jobs and will lose their comfortable income and lifestyle? Are they not brave enough to teach Malaysians proper Islam, in that we must oppose greed and corruption? I think it is time we started appointing women Muftis in Malaysia. After all, if the Muftis do not have any balls what difference does it make if we appoint men or women as Muftis? |
The proof of the pudding is in the eating Posted: 19 May 2011 05:55 PM PDT
The Balinese Hindus are a perfect example of good Muslims. That is what troubles me. The Balinese Hindus are what Muslims should be but are not. And I really need to find out why this is so even if it is the last thing I do. NO HOLDS BARRED
Raja Petra Kamarudin My wife and I spent three weeks in Bali in April this year. We were there to celebrate our 38th wedding anniversary as guests of a very good friend who allowed me to stay in his exquisite villa for free. It would have cost me USD1,100 a night otherwise. That was after my Australian trip and just before the talk Haris Ibrahim I gave in Bangkok followed by all that drama. What impressed me most about Bali was the honesty of the people, who are 90% or so Hindu (but very different from Malaysian Hindus). We left all our things including our cash in our room. The staff walked in and out freely and we did not feel any anxiety. In fact, our bedroom did not have any locks but just glass shutters. I asked one Balinese girl who was giving me a two-hour massage how come the Balinese are so honest. It is because we believe in karma, she replied. Oh, I responded, that means whatever you do to others the same thing will happen to you (balasan yang sama). No, she replied. Whatever you do to others ten times more will happen to you. And that includes both good and bad things. Whenever we took a taxi the taxi driver would automatically switch on his meter. And they never took the longer route to get where we wanted to get to. It was always short cuts. Whenever we stopped at the shopping complex to buy our groceries and stuff the taxi driver would switch off the meter and wait, however long it took. So we did not have to pay for 'down time'. On one occasion my friend left his Blackberry at Macdonalds. We were halfway back to the villa before he realised he had lost his Blackberry and we suspected he may have left it at Macdonalds, the last pit stop we made. We asked the driver to turn around and go back to Macdonalds, although we did not really think that his Blackberry would still be there. But lo and behold, it was still there. Someone had found it on the counter and had handed it to the manager. What a relief it was for my friend who could ill-afford to lose all his data. There were many other instances regarding the honesty of the Balinese that impressed us immensely. I joked that if I did not yet have any religion and was looking for a religion I would probably become a Balinese Hindu. That's how impressed I was. After Bali we went over to Jakarta and suddenly it was another world altogether. Jakarta is predominantly Muslim but you did not feel safe in that city. You felt like you were constantly under siege. "Why can't the Muslims in Jakarta be like the Hindus of Bali?" I commented to my wife. I was so impressed with the Balinese Hindus and disgusted with the Jakarta Muslims. And it is the Muslims who cause all the commotion in Bali with the bombings and whatnot. I would like to believe that Muslims have reduced Islam to a religion of rituals minus the commitment to the ideals of the religion. But then the Balinese are even more ritualistic than the Muslims. In fact, they appear to be constantly in prayer. I am yet to put my finger on it. There is something about the Balinese version of Hinduism that makes them extremely honest and decent people. But what is it? I think I am going to go back to Bali and spend some time studying the people there, in particular their religion. I need to find out what it is they are doing right and we are doing wrong. The Balinese Hindus are a perfect example of good Muslims. That is what troubles me. The Balinese Hindus are what Muslims should be but are not. And I really need to find out why this is so even if it is the last thing I do. |
Is PDRM playing politics? Posted: 18 May 2011 07:18 PM PDT
Is it probably because the man in the video is NOT Anwar and that is why the Deputy IGP refuses to confirm this? If it is Anwar tell us. Then we can prepare ourselves for the next stage of developments. If it is not Anwar then it is only fair that we are told. NO HOLDS BARREDRaja Petra Kamarudin One-time federal minister Mokhtar Hashim, who was convicted for murder, said that the most troubling thing for death row prisoners is not knowing when you are going to be executed. And he said this in front of the then IGP, Tun Haniff Omar. Once the trial is over and you are convicted and sentenced to death, a feeling of peace engulfs you, Mokhtar Hashim said. But then you have to wait years in death row for your turn to come. And when you hear that the next day someone is going to be executed, every prisoner in death row goes into depression because they do not know which one of them is going to be executed the following day. Mokhtar Hashim added that most prisoners would rather the hanging is done as fast as possible so that they can get it over and done with. I suppose if this had been done then Mokhtar Hashim would have never received his pardon and would not have walked out of the Pudu Prison a free man. This is probably how many of us feel as well with regards to the 'Anwar' porn video issue. It is most perturbing to see the Malaysian Police or PDRM playing politics. Why does the Deputy IGP not want to tell us whether the man in the video is Anwar or not? Is it probably because the man in the video is NOT Anwar and that is why the Deputy IGP refuses to confirm this? If it is Anwar tell us. Then we can prepare ourselves for the next stage of developments. If it is not Anwar then it is only fair that we are told. This is not about Anwar. This is about us. We need to know so that we then know what we should do next. I am really not concerned about Anwar's future. I am concerned about the country's future. The entire future of the country cannot rest on just one man. And currently with this issue still hanging we just cannot more forward. My suspicion is that the Deputy IGP refuses to confirm who the man in the video is because it is not Anwar. So he is prolonging our agony just like what Mokhtar Hashim said about those who are waiting many years in death row for their turn to die. While on the subject of the police playing politics, let me give you another example. The Selangor state government is facing a lot of problems with premises being used for gambling, prostitution, and other vices. The problem is, the local councils can do very little if the police do not act. And in this case the police are not acting so it appears like the Selangor government is in cahoots with the underworld and crime syndicates. The local councils have no power to arrest anyone. Only the police can do that. And if the police do not then the local councils' hands are tied. No doubt the local councils can try to close down those establishments. But the process is cumbersome and those establishments that are closed down just open up in a new place the very next day. The only way to stop these vice activities is to arrest the people behind them and send them to jail. But only the police can do this. The local councils can just harass the building owners. The building owners, however, are not the ones running the prostitution or gambling dens. So no action can be taken against them. We need the police to stop playing politics and to start doing something. I suspect the police are purposely doing nothing so that the Selangor state government gets a bad name. And the same goes for the so-called 'Anwar' porn video. I am sure that if it is Anwar in that video they could not wait to announce it. It is because it is not Anwar that they are refusing to tell us who the man in that video is. |
The people with the big cables in Malaysia (UPDATED with Chinese Translation) Posted: 18 May 2011 04:38 PM PDT Today, we are revealing this first of almost 4,000 cables specifically on Malaysia that were leaked to Wikileaks. Today's seven-page cable is about the political and business cronies of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak. Some of these names may be familiar to you but many of you were probably not aware who the personalities behind Najib are. These are the people with 'big cables' who decide what happens in Malaysia. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin 
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 05 KUALA LUMPUR 000268 SIPDIS FOR EAP/MTS AND INR E.O. 12958: DECL: 04/10/2029 TAGS: PGOV, PINR, PINS, ECON, MY SUBJECT: NAJIB'S NETWORK - A PRELIMINARY LOOK REF: A. KL 266 - NAJIB UNVEILS CABINET B. KL 253 - NAJIB SWORN IN AS PM C. KL 78 - NAJIB LEADS TAKEOVER OF PERAK D. 08 KL 193 - NEW MINISTER PORTFOLIOS E. 08 KL 192 - MALAYSIA'S NEW CABINET Classified By: Political Counselor Mark D. Clark for reasons 1.4 (b and d). Summary 1. (C) This cable provides a preliminary review of Prime Minister Najib Razak's close aides and political associates, known associated companies, and business contacts, as well as summary information on Najib's four brothers. The review is based on information available prior to Najib's confirmation as Prime Minister on April 3 and his formation of his Cabinet on April 9. Najib's aides could find themselves in positions of influence with the PM's office, while four political associates from his inner circle have taken positions in Najib's cabinet. Post identified 16 companies with strong links to Najib and his family, with many of the companies having substantial business interaction with the government. Among the 19 key business leaders listed, Rohana Mahmood stands out as deeply embedded in the Najib family's commercial interests. Najib's family has personal links to the Sultan of Perak, of note given Najib's involvement in wresting control of the state from opposition hands in February (ref B). Syed Mokhtar Albukharry, a major Malaysian investor in Iran, has significant business operations in Najib's constituency and in the defense sector. The Embassy provides this information, not as a definitive study, but to help guide Department offices as they examine Najib's emerging administration and policy decisions, and identify actors of influence. End Summary. Political Aides 2. (C) According to Embassy's information, including one well-placed source, Najib's three closest advisors are Shahlan Ismail, Alias Anor, and Shafie Mohd Abdullah. Previously, Alias was Najib's political secretary, but has since assumed the role of a key advisor. Shahlan and Shafie are Najib's current political secretaries, with Shahlan filling the position since April 2008. Political Associates 3. (C) Post developed the following list of close political associates by speaking with informed observers, including those on Najib's current political team, and by identifying individuals who have worked closely with Najib, some since he was the UMNO Youth Chief from 1988-1993. -- Hishamuddin Tun Hussein, named Home Minister in Najib's new cabinet. He was the former UMNO Youth Chief and Minister of Education under PM Abdullah Badawi. Najib and Hishamuddin are cousins (their mothers are sisters). Hishamuddin was elected to one of three UMNO Vice President posts during the March party elections. -- Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Najib's choice as Defense Minister. He was a Minister in the PM's Department for religious affairs under PM Abdullah Badawi. He was also a former political secretary to Najib and former UMNO Youth Chief. Ahmad was elected to one of three UMNO Vice President posts during the March UMNO party elections. -- Nazri Abdul Razak, retained by Najib as Minister in the PM's Department in charge of parliamentary affairs, a position he also held under former PM Abdullah Badawi. Former UMNO Perak Youth Chief and was the UMNO International Bureau Chief when Najib was the Youth Chief. Nazri had lobbied for the position of Foreign Minister in Najib's new cabinet. -- Shafie Apdal, named by Najib as Rural Development Minister. He was Minister of National Unity, Culture, Arts, and Heritage under former PM Abdullah. He is Najib's point man in Sabah, former UMNO Youth Sabah chief and was Najib's deputy at the Ministry of Defense (1999-2004). Shafie was elected to one of three UMNO Vice President posts during the recently concluded party elections in March. -- Jamaluddin Jarjis, former UMNO Youth Chief for the state of Pahang. He was Najib's chief campaign strategist during the party's elections in March. Jamaluddin is a member of UMNO's Supreme Council. Some observers expected Jamaluddin to be included in Najib's Cabinet, but he was not. -- Johan Jaafar, former editor in chief of Utusan Malaysia newspaper owned by the ruling party, is Najib's media point man. According to sources, Johan will be appointed as executive director of The New Straits Times Press Berhad (NSTP) (the publisher of the government-dominated mainstream newspapers New Straits Times, Berita Harian and Harian Metro) as well as chair of Media Prima Berhad, which operates all of Malaysia's private television stations and two private radio stations. -- Mohd Zin Mohamed, Minister of Works under PM Abdullah and former UMNO Youth leader. He is a member of UMNO's Supreme Council. Political Ally 4. (C) Newly-named Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin emerged as a key Najib ally over the past year. Muhyiddin was the most prominent UMNO leader responsible for forcing former Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi to agree to step down in favor of Najib after the March 2008 elections. Najib personally but quietly supported Muhyiddin as the choice for Deputy UMNO President after Ali Rustam, Melaka Chief Minister and former UMNO Senior Vice President, was barred from contesting for the post for corruption. During the March 24 - 28 UMNO General Assembly, Muhyiddin pledged to be "ultra loyal" to Najib. Muhyiddin won the UMNO deputy president post, which by tradition carries with it the Deputy Prime Minister position. In addition, Najib made Muhyiddin Education Minister, an important patronage position but without access to the central levers of power. Observers debate how close Muhyiddin really is to Najib as some consider him as ambitious and a possible rival to Najib under certain circumstances. Some observers have indicated Muhyiddin has yet to completely satisfy Najib of the new DPM's loyalty. Their relationship bears watching before we can draw firm conclusions. Associated Companies 5. (C) Post used both open as well as informed sources to build an initial picture of the companies associated with Najib and or his family members. The companies listed below all have Najib or one of his immediate family members on their executive boards. Most of the companies listed also hold government contracts or are believed to have substantial business interaction with the government. -- Commercial International Merchant Bankers (CIMB) Group: Malaysia's second largest financial services provider and the fifth largest in Southeast Asia. It is owned by Bumiputra-Commerce Holding Berhad (BCHB), which is listed on Malaysia's stock exchange, the Bursa Malaysia, with a market capitalization of 26.6 Billion ringgit (about USD7.4 billion). -- Symphony House Berhad: A publicly listed company mainly involved in business process outsourcing. -- Johan Holdings: A publicly listed company involved in manufacturing ceramic tiles, distribution and sale of health foods and supplements, property development, and resorts and hotels. -- Sapura Group: Has businesses interests in the secured communications and oil & gas industries with investments in Australia, Singapore, Brunei, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Pakistan and China. -- Hong Leong Group: A Malaysian-based conglomerate with investments in financial services, manufacturing, and property and infrastructure development. The group's shares are listed on the stock exchanges of Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, the Philippines, and Europe. -- Paramount Corporation Berhad: A publicly listed company with diverse interests in property development and investment, construction, and educational services. -- TH Group Berhad: A publicly listed company involved in plantations, contracting, biohealth care and information technology. -- Dijaya Berhad: A publicly listed company involved in property development, investment, and management as well as investment holding and manufacturing. -- MMC Group: A utilities and infrastructure group with interests in transportation and logistics, energy and utilities, engineering, and construction. Its international business dealings focus on the Middle East, with investments in utilities and logistics in that region. -- DRB Hicom: The largest totally integrated automotive company in Malaysia, with operations in the manufacturing, assembly, and distribution of passenger and commercial vehicles. It also is involved in property and infrastructure development, and provides the Malaysian military land-based vehicles. -- Hiap Teck Venture Berhad: A publicly listed company, it is the leading manufacturer of steel products in the country. -- Mamee Double Decker Berhad: A publicly listed company involved in the manufacturing and marketing of a wide range of soft drinks, food and dairy products; other activities include property development. -- Delloyd Ventures Berhad: An investment holding company with subsidiaries engaged in the manufacture and sale of automobile parts and accessories, palm oil plantations, repair and maintenance of motor vehicles, manufacture and export of agrichemicals, and magazine publishing. -- Yeo Hiap Seng Berhad: Principally involved in the production, marketing, and sale of food, beverages, and sweetened condensed milk. -- Nylex Berhad: Manufactures and markets vinyl-coated fabrics, calendered film and sheeting, and other plastic products, including geotextiles and prefabricated sub-soil drainage systems. -- Daiman Development Berhad: Principally involved in property development and trading. -- Ethos Capital: A boutique investment company chaired by Rohana Mahmood. Business Leaders 6. (C) Post compared the executive boards, used open sources, and spoke with informed contacts to identify key individuals within businesses that are linked to Najib and his family. -- Rohana Mahmood, Chairman and partner of Ethos Capital, a RM200 million (about USD56 million) private equity firm. Rohana also sits on the boards of Paramount Corp Bhd, TH Group Bhd and Dijaya Corp Bhd. She and another close aide of Najib, Abdul Razak Baginda, co-founded an independent think-tank, the Malaysian Strategic Research Centre (currently dormant). (Note: Razak was acquitted in October 2008 of abetting the murder of Mongolian national Altantuya. End note.) Rohana appears connected in some manner to most of the companies associated with Najib. -- Azman Mokhtar, the managing director of Khanazah Nasional Bhd. He has been playing a prominent role in the reforms of government-linked companies (GLCs). -- Mohamed Azman Yahya, director of Khazanah, and founder and group chief executive officer of Symphony House Bhd, an outsourcing firm. He is also the ex-CEO of Pengurusan Danaharta Bhd and sits on several advisory panels for the development of the capital market, venture capital, and public service delivery system. -- Tan Kay Hock, chair and chief executive of Johan Holdings Berhad. Najib and Tan Kay Hock have known each other for a long time and are golfing buddies. Tan is also a member of the Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA). -- Shahril Shamsuddin of Sapura Group, which has interests in communications, information technology, and oil and gas. -- Syed Mokhtar Albukharry, whose privately owned company, SKS Ventures Sbd Bhd, has announced involvement in major oil and gas deals with Iran's National Iranian Oil Company, including to develop Iran's southern Golshan and Ferdos gas fields. He also controls DRB-HICOM, and is one of the largest employers in Pekan, Pahang, Najib's parliamentary constituency, and political base. Syed operates a huge vehicle assembly plant there. He also owns Defense Technologies Sdn Bhd or Deftech a DRB subsidiary and Malaysia,s leading supplier of land-based defense vehicles. Syed Mokhtar also is believed to have a good (and some say stronger) relationship with Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin. -- Danny Tan Chee Sing, Group Chief Executive Officer of Dijaya Berhad and Vincent Tan's brother. -- Nor Yusof, an ex-banker, who was the former managing director of Malaysia Airlines and past chair of the Securities Commission. He is currently director and chair of Khazanah's executive committee. He has a wealth of experience in banking and a keen insight on capital markets. -- Mohd Nadzmi Mohd Salleh, chair and MD of express bus operator Konsortium Transnational Bhd. The former Proton boss was called upon by the Government in 1996 to revive the ailing public transport company. He was former PM Mahathir's prodigy and has expertise in transportation. -- Dr. Gan Wee Beng, the executive director of CIMB Group (the CEO is Najib's brother Nazir Abdul Razak). Gan was a consultant to Bank Negara (the central bank), the Economic Planning Unit, Finance Ministry, and the World Bank. -- Omar Mustapha Ong, a former special assistant to Najib, is the co-founder of Ethos Capital with Rohana Mahmood. His father, Mustapha Ong, was the diplomat in Washington who allegedly tried to bribe a limousine driver in Washington to fabricate evidence against deposed Deputy Prime Minister (and current opposition leader) Anwar Ibrahim in 1998. -- Quek Leng Chan, Chairman and Chief Executive of Hong Leong group of Companies. -- Teo Chiang Quan, Group Managing Director and Group Chief Executive Officer, Paramount Corporation Berhad. -- Lei Lin Thai, Group Managing Director, TH Group Berhad. -- Pang Tee Chew, Chief Executive Officer, Mamee Double Decker Berhad. -- Kenneth Eswaran, CEO Multi Vest Resources Bhd (MVest), whose primary business interest is the palm oil sector. Informed sources say he is close to Rosmah Mansor, Najib's wife. -- Vincent Tan, Berjaya Group, a former Mahathir crony who is now close to Najib. Tan managed to obtain a lucrative license to conduct additional lottery draws after Najib became Finance Minister in October 2008. He is also rumored to be close to Rosmah Mansor. -- Bakke Salleh, CEO of Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA) Holdings Berhad. Najib is the Chairman of the Cabinet Committee on FELDA, the land authority established by his father. -- Lodin Wok Kamarudin, Chief of Armed Forces Fund Board. Najib and his Brothers 7. (C) Najib, who is the eldest son of former Prime Minister Abdul Razak, is said to consult closely with his four brothers, who all have extensive commercial ties. -- Johari Razak, the second eldest brother and a close friend of Perak Crown Prince Raja Nazrin Shah. He is a lawyer and senior partner at Shearn Delamore & Co, a large law firm in Kuala Lumpur. His areas of practice include corporate and commercial joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions; corporate restructuring; and the listing of public companies. He is also the Chairman of Courts Mammoth Pte Ltd and Daiman Development Berhad, a director of Hong Leong Industries Berhad, Nylex Berhad, Daiman Golf Berhad, and Deutsche Bank (Malaysia) and a non-executive director in several publicly listed companies. -- Mohamed Nizam Razak studied politics, philosophy, and economics at Oxford University. He was a stockbroker and CEO of PB Securities Sdn Bhd in the 1990s. He is currently a non-executive director in several publicly listed companies including Hiap Teck Venture Bhd, Mamee Double-Decker (M) Bhd, Delloyd Ventures Bhd, and Yeo Hiap Seng (M) Bhd. Like Johari, Nizam is also a director of Deutsche Bank. -- Mohamed Nazim Razak, the fourth brother, studied architecture in the UK. He is Chairman of Meru Utama an outdoor advertising company that received a seven-year advertising concession in 2007 to advertise the Kuala Lumpur International Airport and Low-cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT). He is also Chairman of the Governing Council of Masterskill, a private University/College (the Pro Chancellor is Raja Azureen Raja Azlan Shah, the daughter of the Sultan of Perak) and Director of OYL Industries (a subsidiary of Hong Leong Group of Companies). -- Nazir Razak, the youngest brother, is the most well known. He obtained a Master of Philosophy at Cambridge University. He is a career banker, joining CIMB Investment Bank almost 20 years ago and rising through its executive ranks to become its CEO in 1999. Following the merger of CIMB and Bumiputra-Commerce Bank, to become Bumiputra-Commerce Holdings Bhd (BCHB), Nazir became CEO of the merged group. Under his watch, the BCHB group, which is branded as CIMB group, was transformed into a GLC bank that could compete with its peers in the private sector regionally. Informed observers widely believe Nazir advises Najib on finance and economic policy issues. KEITH Translated into Chinese at: |
Tan Sri Dato' Dr. Khoo Kay Peng Posted: 16 May 2011 06:23 PM PDT
Ah, but then we must not forget the 'hedging of bets' and 'putting your money on all the horses' that only the Chinese tycoons know best how to do. And the likes of Vincent Tan, Francis Yeoh, Khoo Kay Peng and Tan Kay Hock will not hesitate to donate generously to Ibrahim Ali's 'cause' just to keep him off their backs. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin Back in the 1980s, Khoo Kay Peng became the target of the Malay Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The joke then was that 'Ku' Kay (Khoo Kay Peng) and Ku Li (Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah) were 'brothers'. They were of course referring to the close association between the two. When Ku Li was the Minister of Finance, Khoo Kay Peng was reported to have received a lot of favours from the government. And this riled up the Malay Chamber of Commerce who saw the newly launched New Economic Policy (NEP) as mere lip service while Chinese tycoons like Khoo Kay Peng received more favours than the entire Bumiputera business community combined. And this was one of the reasons for Ku Li's failure to win the Umno Deputy Presidency -- which would have resulted in him becoming the Deputy Prime Minister and possibly, later, the Prime Minister of Malaysia. The Umno and Malay Chamber of Commerce members perceived Ku Li as a tool of the Chinese tycoons, in particular Khoo Kay Peng. It was believed that if Ku Li were to become the Deputy Prime Minister, and later the Prime Minister, then Chinese tycoons like Khoo Kay Peng would become the Lord of the Malaysian corporate scene. So the Malays rejected Ku Li in favour of Musa Hitam, a Malay nationalist who was considered loyal to the Malay cause. Khoo Kay Peng and his flagship company, Malayan United Industries Berhad (MUI), were untouchable. The fact that Khoo Kay Peng financed Ku Li's political activities, in particular his bid for the Deputy Presidency of Umno, made 'Ku' Kay very powerful. One wonders why Khoo Kay Peng survived the political fallout when his 'horse', Ku Li, did not. This is because, as is customary for all Malaysian Chinese tycoons, Khoo Kay Peng financed all sides. He not only financed Ku Li but all the other top Umno leaders as well. Umno leaders come and go. Khoo Kay Peng, however, remained powerful. And his policy on placing his money on all the horses in the race ensured this. Chinese tycoons are notorious for hedging their bets in case their horse does not win the race. So never mind who eventually wins the race in the bid for the Umno leadership. In the end, whoever wins or loses, they who financed all sides end up the winner. But Khoo Kay Peng is smarter than the other Chinese tycoons. While those such as Vincent Tan, Francis Yeoh, Robert Kuok, etc., are always in the news, not much is written about Khoo Kay Peng. The only thing that most people know about him is that he is a staunch Born Again Christian like that slime-ball from PKR, Chua Jui Meng. And, just like Chua Jui Meng, Khoo Kay Peng is not exempted from un-Christian activities as well. Talk amongst the Chinese tycoon community is that Khoo Kay Peng's MUI Bank lost RM500 million in a bad deal and in 1994 was sold to Hong Leong Credit Berhad and renamed Hong Leong Bank. Nevertheless, Khoo Kay Peng is still unknown so the many moves he is making is hidden from the public eye. But a storm is about to hit. The shareholders of MUI are questioning why RM400 million of the shareholders' money has been illegally transferred to the Hope Foundation, an arm of the Born Again Christian movement. Many are asking why what is clearly a crime of criminal breach of trust is going unpunished. When Teoh Beng Hock has to die for an alleged RM2,000 or so, how can this crime of RM400 million get amnesty and immunity and go unpunished? Another shady deal is the acquisition of Eon Bank, which is a fait accompli. Khoo Kay Peng and Tan Kay Hock are trying to sabotage the deal and take it for themselves. Khoo Kay Peng owns The Bank of East Asia Limited in Hong Kong, which in turn owns 20% of Affin Bank, while Tan Kay Hock owns Johan Holdings Berhad. It is no secret that Tan Kay Hock is linked to Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and on Thursday we shall publish the Wikileaks cables to show you the link between the two. What is Ibrahim Ali doing about this? He is screaming about how the Chinese control Malaysia's economy and how the Malays are second-class citizens in their own country. But when these shady deals involving two Chinese tycoons, Khoo Kay Peng and Tan Hock Hock, are perpetuated, Ibrahim Ali is as silent as a church mouse. Ah, but then we must not forget the 'hedging of bets' and 'putting your money on all the horses' that only the Chinese tycoons know best how to do. And the likes of Vincent Tan, Francis Yeoh, Khoo Kay Peng and Tan Kay Hock will not hesitate to donate generously to Ibrahim Ali's 'cause' just to keep him off their backs. And that is how the 'smart partnership' between the Malays and Chinese are perpetuated in Malaysia. The Malays do all the screaming and the Chinese do all the feeding. So the Malays will focus on screaming about the Chinese opposition while leaving the Chinese tycoons alone no matter how crooked they may be. And that is why Chinese tycoons like Khoo Kay Peng can buy off the Malays, conduct their shady deals, and escape punishment. Anyway, we shall continue on Thursday with the Wikileaks cables from the US Embassy in Kuala Lumpur that were sent to Washington to show the links between the Malays in the corridors of power and the Chinese tycoons who finance these Malays and get away with murder because of this political patronage. So stay tuned for more. ***************************************** Laura Ashley Holdings PLC Tan Sri Dato' Dr. Khoo Kay Peng serves as Non-Executive Chairman of Laura Ashley Holdings PLC. He joined the Board in February 1999. He is the Chairman and Chief Executive of The MUI Group, which is a diversified group with business interests in the Asia Pacific region, the United States of America and the United Kingdom. He is also the Chairman of Corus Hotels Limited, UK and Morning Star Resources Limited, Hong Kong. Tan Sri Dr Khoo is a Director of Pan Malaysian Industries Berhad, Malaysia, SCMP Group Limited (South China Morning Post) and The Bank of East Asia Limited in Hong Kong. Previously, Tan Sri Dr Khoo had served as the Chairman of the Malaysian Tourist Development Corporation (a Government Agency), the Vice Chairman of Malayan Banking Berhad (Maybank) and a Trustee of the National Welfare Foundation, Malaysia. Tan Sri Dr Khoo is a trustee of the Regent University, Virginia, USA, and a board member of Northwest University, Seattle, USA. He also serves as a Council Member of the Malaysian-British Business Council, the Malaysia-China Business Council and the Asia Business Council. Tan Sri Dr Khoo is Chairman of the Nomination Committee as well as the Remuneration Committee. The Bank of East Asia Incorporated in Hong Kong in 1918, The Bank of East Asia ("BEA") is dedicated to providing comprehensive commercial and retail banking services to its customers in Hong Kong, Mainland China, and other major markets around the world. BEA is the largest independent local bank in Hong Kong, with total consolidated assets of HK$534.2 billion (US$68.7 billion) as of 31st December, 2010. The Bank is listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong and is one of the constituent stocks of the Hang Seng Index. BEA also operates one of the largest networks of any bank in Hong Kong, with 87 branches, 57 SupremeGold Centres and 3 i-Financial Centres throughout the city. In Mainland China, BEA's operational presence dates back to the opening of the Bank's Shanghai Branch in 1920. Today, BEA Group operates one of the largest networks of any foreign bank, with nearly 100 outlets in major urban centres nationwide. (Read more here: Malayan United Industries Berhad Malayan United Industries Berhad (MUI) is listed on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad. It was incorporated in Malaysia on 28 May 1960 and listed on 30 June 1971. MUI is an investment holding company. Through its subsidiaries and associated companies, the MUI Group is primarily engaged in retailing, hotels, food & confectionery, financial services, properties and travel & tourism. With its corporate headquarters based in Malaysia, the Group's international operations span the United Kingdom, Continental Europe, the United States, China and the Asia Pacific region. The MUI Group today has total assets of RM2.8 billion and shareholders' funds of RM698.6 million. The corporate philosophy of the Group has remained constant for over 45 years, conceptualized by three key attributes defined as strong, efficient and trustworthy, which together form the guiding principles for its business practices and corporate governance. (Read more here: |
Behind the curtains Posted: 14 May 2011 03:23 PM PDT

If Prophet Muhammad came back today Posted: 12 May 2011 07:21 PM PDT
If Prophet Muhammad came back today he would be very disturbed and sad to see that his followers who call themselves Muslims have reduced Islam to a set of empty rituals while the spirit of Islam is no longer in the hearts of Muslims.
Raja Petra Kamarudin If Prophet Muhammad came back today he would be very disturbed and sad to see that his followers who call themselves Muslims are now divided into many sects and cults and each classifies the other as infidels or kafir.
If Prophet Muhammad came back today he would be very disturbed and sad to see that his followers who call themselves Muslims have invented a new religion which was not what he taught humankind and which he can no longer recognise.
If Prophet Muhammad came back today he would be very disturbed and sad to see that his followers who call themselves Muslims are propagating racism, religious intolerance, discrimination and persecution and are threatening fellow Malaysians with bloodshed.
If Prophet Muhammad came back today he would be very disturbed and sad to see that his followers who call themselves Muslims are upholding fitnah as a way of life and embark on character assassination for worldly gains even though Islam says that this is worse than murder.
If Prophet Muhammad came back today he would be very disturbed and sad to see that his followers who call themselves Muslims regard corruption and abuse of power as a 'necessary evil' in the pursuit of wealth and power.
If Prophet Muhammad came back today he would be very disturbed and sad to see that his followers who call themselves Muslims are defying the Quran by classifying haram as halal and halal as haram so that they can satisfy their lust for worldly gains and pleasure.
If Prophet Muhammad came back today he would be very disturbed and sad to see that his followers who call themselves Muslims have become arrogant because they believe that even extremely bad Muslims go to heaven while very good kafirs go to hell.
If Prophet Muhammad came back today he would be very disturbed and sad to see that his followers who call themselves Muslims believe that a person born a Muslim will always die a Muslim even though by their own acts and omissions they may have fallen out of Islam and have become kafirs without even being aware of it.
If Prophet Muhammad came back today he would be very disturbed and sad to see that his followers who call themselves Muslims live in countries with the highest corruption and abuse of power and the worst human rights abuses.
If Prophet Muhammad came back today he would be very disturbed and sad to see that the kafirs in the Western countries are more Islamic in their conduct than Muslims who live in Islamic countries.
If Prophet Muhammad came back today he would be very disturbed and sad to see that his followers who call themselves Muslims have reduced Islam to a set of empty rituals while the spirit of Islam is no longer in the hearts of Muslims.
If Prophet Muhammad came back today he would be very disturbed and sad to see that his followers who call themselves Muslims have attributed a set of false sayings and teachings to him, which in many instances contradict the Quran or violate what Islam stands for.
If Prophet Muhammad came back today he would be very disturbed and sad to see that his followers who call themselves Muslims have adopted many pagan beliefs, traditions and rituals and are confused as to what is real Islam and what is contaminated Islam.
If Prophet Muhammad came back today he would finally be convinced that his followers have abandoned him and have turned their backs on him as had happened to all Prophets before him and as what God had warned him would happen according to the Quran.
Remember May 13? (UPDATED with Chinese Translation) Posted: 12 May 2011 04:11 PM PDT
On 24 September 1999, I wrote a very long article on May 13 for the PAS party newspaper, Harakah. Those who may not have read it yet can read it below. It was republished in the Free Anwar Campaign website in January 2003. Also read what Tunku Abdul Rahman had to say in 'The Tunku Tapes'.
Raja Petra Kamarudin The Tunku on how "May 13" began
From his residence in Penang, 1972:
"It was clear to me as well as the police that in the highly charged political atmosphere after the police were forced to kill a Chinese political party worker on May 4th, 1969, something was bound to happen to threaten law and order because of the resentment towards the Government by the KL Chinese on the eve of the general election. This was confirmed at this man's funeral on the 9th May when the government faced the most hostile crowd it had ever seen.
Therefore, when the opposition parties applied for a police permit for a procession to celebrate their success in the results of the general election, I was adamant against it because the police were convinced that this would lead to trouble.
I informed Tun Razak about this and he seemed to agree. Now, without my knowledge and actually "behind my back," there were certain political leaders in high positions who were working to force me to step down as a PM. I don't want to go into details but if they had come to me and said so I would gladly have retired gracefully.
Unfortunately, they were apparently scheming and trying to decide on the best way to force me to resign. The occasion came when the question of the police permit was to be approved.
Tun Razak and Harun Idris, the MB of the state of Selangor, now felt that permission should be given knowing fully well that there was a likelihood of trouble. I suppose they felt that when this happened they could then demand my resignation.
To this day I find it very hard to believe that Razak, whom I had known for so many years, would agree to work against me in this way. Actually, he was in my house as I was preparing to return to Kedah and I overhead him speaking to Harun over the phone saying that he would be willing to approve the permit when I left. I really could not believe what I was hearing and preferred to think it was about some other permit. In any case, as the Deputy Prime Minister in my absence from KL, he would be the Acting PM and would override my objection. Accordingly, when I was in my home in Kedah, I heard over the radio that the permit had been approved.
It seems as though the expected trouble was anticipated and planned for by Harun and his UMNO Youth. After the humiliating insults hurled by the non-Malays, especially the Chinese, and after the seeming loss of Malay political power to them, they were clearly ready for some retaliatory action. After meeting in large numbers at Harun's official residence in Jalan Raja Muda near Kampong Bahru and hearing inflammatory speeches by Harun and other leaders, they prepared themselves by tying ribbon strips on their foreheads and set out to kill Chinese. The first hapless victims were two of them in a van opposite Harun's house who were innocently watching the large gathering. Little did they know that they would be killed on the spot.
The rest is history. I am sorry but I must end this discussion now because it really pains me as the Father of Merdeka to have to relive those terrible moments. I have often wondered why God made me live long enough to have witnessed my beloved Malays and Chinese citizens killing each other."
The REAL Story of May 13 (Part 1)
The REAL Story of May 13 (Part 2)
The REAL Story of May 13 (Part 3)
The REAL Story of May 13 (Part 4) Translated into Chinese at: |
The day Big Dog demanded RM400 million from Ku Li (UPDATED with Chinese Translation) Posted: 11 May 2011 04:02 PM PDT
In that sense Ku Li maintained his principles although after the meeting Big Dog grumbled that Ku Li is so rich but so kedekut (stingy). He could afford RM400 million easily, lamented Big Dog. If he hopes to win the Umno Presidency without paying any money then good luck to him, said Big Dog.
Raja Petra Kamarudin Pro-Umno blogger Zakhir Mohamad a.k.a. 'Big Dog' a.k.a. 'Christian PM basher' is actually quite a delightful character. Many a time have we met for dinner and drinks together with Sallahuddin Hashim a.k.a. 'A Voice' a.k.a. 'Another Brick in the Wall'. Wow, everyone is using a.k.a.s nowadays. (For the less English proficient readers of Malaysia Today, a.k.a. means 'also known as').
Big Dog is not only a delightful character but highly intelligent as well. And I have this penchant for intelligent people. Whether they are from the opposition or Umno/Barisan Nasional, I enjoy meeting up with them to eat, drink and shoot the breeze. And Big Dog is one such 'enemy' I used to love to meet and spend hours with to stuff our faces and talk about politics and other issues.
Anyway, there was this one fasting month (Ramadhan) when John Pang (Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah's strategist) phoned me and asked me to arrange a meeting (followed by a buka puasa) with Umno and opposition bloggers and political activists. The number of 30 was agreed on -- the number of people who should be invited.
I then sat down and worked on the invitation list to make up that figure of 30 and passed it to Tengku Razalaigh Hamzah's (a.k.a Ku Li) office for them to invite these people.
Almost everyone we invited came. And it was great to see bloggers and political activists from both sides of the political divide sitting in the same room to discuss how to make Ku Li the next Prime Minister of Malaysia.
Nik Azmi Nik Daud a.k.a. Bulat a.k.a. Bul gave his opinion -- which was actually quite a stupid idea and I could see Ku Li cringe with a 'can you sit down and shut up' look on his face.
I thought Bul's idea was most stupid and it sounded as if he had just learned politics yesterday. No wonder Ku Li has never done well in politics. With Bul as one of his strategists I doubt Ku Li could even win the post of Chief Dog Catcher.
Big Dog then asked Ku Li whether he was prepared to spend RM400 million to win the premiership. That, according to Big Dog, was what it was going to cost Ku Li.
Earlier Big Dog had told me that it is going to cost at least RM400 million to 'buy' 40 Umno divisions if Ku Li wants to become Prime Minister. I said that that was quite a lot of money and Big Dog replied that Ku Li could afford it. He is worth much more than that, said Big Dog.
Ku Li looked hard at Big Dog -- as if he could not believe his ears -- and said that he is not prepared to 'buy' the premiership. If he spends RM10 million to buy each of the 40 Umno Divisions (total RM400 million) just to get 40 nominations so that he can contest the Umno Presidency, then what difference would he be to the other Umno leaders who play 'money politics'?
He wants to become the Umno President and Prime Minister so that he can clean up the party and the government. If he gets in by using bribery, then how can he later clean up the party and the government when he himself is dirty?
So Ku Li rejected Big Dog's proposal, not because he could not afford RM400 million, but because it would not have been ethical to buy the party elections on a platform of trying to get in to rid the party of corruption. You can't get in using corruption and then scream that you are against corruption.
Some of you may remember that I wrote about this some years back. I said then that the task ahead of Ku Li is to get his 40 nominations. If he can get 40 nominations, winning the Presidency is easier. It is getting the 40 nominations which is difficult.
In that sense Ku Li maintained his principles although after the meeting Big Dog grumbled that Ku Li is so rich but so kedekut (stingy). He could afford RM400 million easily, lamented Big Dog. If he hopes to win the Umno Presidency without paying any money then good luck to him, said Big Dog.
Big Dog and I met Ku Li a couple more times, once around midnight in his private residence. But try as we may, we could not get Ku Li to agree to all the different ideas that were bandied about on how he could get his 40 nominations and go on to contest and win the Umno Presidency, which would be the route to becoming the new Prime Minister of Malaysia.
Some ideas were actually quite seditious and treasonous and Ku Li once chided one of the chaps who proposed it and told him that what he was proposing could end up with all of us being charged for treason with a death sentence thrown in. (Yes, some of the ideas were actually quite dangerous and could have ended with us sitting in death row if someone had talked).
Anyway, in the end nothing happened and Abdullah Ahmad Badawi a.k.a. Pak Lah resigned and Najib Tun Razak took over as Prime Minister and Ku Li continued sitting in his house waiting for the day when he would become Prime Minister.
Well, at least he is not RM400 million poorer, which would have happened had he listened to Big Dog.
I must admit that Umno politics is far more interesting compared to opposition politics and I must also admit that I enjoyed myself immensely running with that pack of wolves. Learned a lot as well, which of course we can now use against them.
Translated into Chinese at: |
Why Pakatan Rakyat is NOT going to form the next federal government (UPDATED with Chinese ... Posted: 10 May 2011 06:48 PM PDT
This is not a new subject matter. I have written about this so many times in the past. Some of you may remember my article entitled "Votes do not translate into seats"? Well, today, I have no choice but to repeat what I have already told you before.
Raja Petra Kamarudin My friend Nat Tan has hit the nail on the head in his article entitled 60pc of vote, 93pc of seats? published in The Malaysian Insider today (which you can read here:
A similar article written by Nia Nymue in his Blog entitled PAP won 90% of seats but only 60% of votes can be read here:
They were of course talking about the recent Singapore elections. But they could easily have also been talking about the Malaysian elections. And this is what I want to talk about, again, today -- in spite of sounding like I am repeating myself too many times.
On 11th May 1969 (two days before 'May 13'), the ruling party (then the Alliance Party of Umno, MCA and MIC) won less than 50% of the votes. Yet it managed to form the federal government because it still won more the 50% of the seats in Parliament (66% of the seats to be exact).
In 1974, the newly formed ruling coalition called Barisan Nasional won less than two-thirds of the votes (60.7%) but it still won 88% of the seats in Parliament.
In 1978, the votes for the ruling coalition dropped to 57.2% but it sill won 84% of the seats in Parliament.
In 1982, the votes for the ruling coalition were still below two-thirds (60.5%) but it managed to win 86% of the seats in Parliament.
In 1986, the ruling coalition's votes dropped to 55.8% but it won 84% of the seats in Parliament.
In 1990, the ruling coalition's votes dropped even further to 53.4% but it still won more than two-thirds of the seats (71%).
In 1995, the ruling coalition 'recovered' by winning 65.2% of the votes which gave them 84% of the seats in Parliament.
1999 was a blow to the ruling coalition. That was the era of Reformasi and the Anwar Ibrahim 'Sodomy 1' crisis. In November of that year the ruling coalition won only 56.5% of the votes. Yet it won 77% of the seats in Parliament.
2004 was the best performance in history for the ruling coalition. It won more than 90% of the seats in Parliament. But it managed this on less than two-thirds of the votes (63.9%). So the best Barisan Nasional could do is less than two-thirds of the votes.
Then we come to the 'landmark' March 2008 general election. The ruling coalition did its worse since May 1969. It won only 52.2% of the votes (because of Sabah and Sarawak -- if not then less than 50% like in 1969). And for the first time since May 1969 it lost its two-thirds majority in Parliament when it won only 63% of the seats.
So, 2004 was the best since Merdeka for the ruling party. And 2008 was the worse in history. But can you see what the figures show? And that is Barisan Nasional loses votes but wins seats. And it is the seats that give it the federal government, not votes.
Note this also.
In the first election (Municipal elections) two years before Merdeka in 1955, Umno and its cronies swept the country in a landslide election victory (they lost only one seat to the opposition).
In the second election (the First Parliamentary election) two years after Merdeka in 1959, the ruling coalition went down.
In the third election in 1964 (the Second Parliamentary election), the ruling coalition went up.
In the fourth election in 1969 (the Third Parliamentary election), the ruling coalition went down.
In the fifth election in 1974 (the Fourth Parliamentary election), the ruling coalition went up.
In the sixth election in 1978 (the Fifth Parliamentary election), the ruling coalition went down.
In the seventh election in 1982 (the Sixth Parliamentary election), the ruling coalition went up.
In the eighth election in 1986 (the Seventh Parliamentary election), the ruling coalition went down.
In the ninth election in 1990 (the Eighth Parliamentary election), the ruling coalition went down.
In the tenth election in 1995 (the Ninth Parliamentary election), the ruling coalition went up.
In the eleventh election in 1999 (the Tenth Parliamentary election), the ruling coalition went down.
In the twelfth election in 2004 (the Eleventh Parliamentary election), the ruling coalition went up.
In the thirteenth election in 2008 (the Twelfth Parliamentary election), the ruling coalition went down.
In the fourteenth election, (2011, 2012, or 2013) whenever it may be, (the Thirteenth Parliamentary election), the ruling coalition will go up or down? If according to the 'trend' since 1955 then it must certainly be UP -- unless trends lie.
Now, the two points I want to make is this.
The ruling coalition, Barisan Nasional, can still form the federal government even with a minimum of votes. The question would be whether it is with a two-thirds majority or a simple majority. But it will still form the government nevertheless.
The second point is the ruling coalition yoyos from one election to another. It goes down one election and up the next. 2008 was the 'down' period. Will the next election be 'up' if this trend proves consistent?
Ponder on that. To kick out Barisan Nasional it requires a huge mother of all Earthquake-cum-Tsunami. A slight swing is not enough. Just an Earthquake or just a Tsunami will also not do. It must be a combination of an Earthquake and a Tsunami.
Malaysia Today's readers are experts when it comes to grumbling, bitching, complaining, lamenting, and blowing hot air. Expert cakap banyak. What are YOU going to do about this sorry scenario? Are you prepared to bite the bullet?
Never mind whether Raja Petra Kamarudin has done a U-turn. Never mind if Raja Petra Kamarudin has sold out or gone over to the other side. Forget about Raja Petra. Fuck Raja Petra. Raja Petra is just one man amongst 28 million Malaysians and he is no longer even living in Malaysia. What are YOU doing?
The billion ringgit question is what are YOU going to do about this predicament other than grumble, bitch, complain, lament, blow hot air, cakap banyak and use Raja Petra Kamarudin as a punching bag to vent your frustrations at not even having the balls to reveal your true identity in Malaysia Today? Translated into Chinese at: |
8 fallacies of Malaysia Today’s readers Posted: 09 May 2011 04:53 PM PDT
From time to time I need to remind our readers what Malaysia Today (MT) is all about, what was the reason we launched MT in August 2004, and what is our mission, vision and agenda. I have received a lot of comments from readers about what we should and should not be doing. Let me clear up some of these fallacies.
NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin 1. MT is not an online newspaperSome comment that we should be 'careful' about the news that we carry and that we should practice 'proper journalism'.
MT is not an online newspaper. We are a psy-war and black ops outfit. Our job is to counter the spins of the government-controlled mainstream electronic, print and online news agencies. Nevertheless, we do pick up 'third party' news and blog postings from others to publish in MT. We do not generate our own news.
So we are not bound by 'journalistic standards'.
2. MT is a guerrilla outfit
Our job is to 'attack the enemy from behind enemy lines'. And just like in any 'normal' guerrilla operation, we select targets to hit and focus on demolishing these targets. Our aim is to create maximum damage to these targets with a view to cripple the 'other side'.
3. MT accepts collateral damage
Sometimes, when we take out selected targets, some 'non-combatants' may suffer as well. This is the 'collateral damage' that we have to accept. In any guerrilla operation we can't always ensure that innocent bystanders may not invariably get hit as well.
War does not spare the innocent and the objective of the operation is to ensure successful demolition of the target whatever the consequences.
4. MT is not Wikileaks
There are some who say that MT should just publish the evidence/documents of government wrongdoings and allow the readers to form their own opinion like Wikileaks. They say MT should not make comments or write commentaries to influence the readers' opinions.
MT is not Wikileaks. We publish evidence and documents whenever we can get our hands on them but when we can't we shall publish what we are told by Deep Throats and inside sources.
Our key objective is to 'turn around' the readers to our way of thinking. So commentaries and our opinion of things are very crucial in being able to achieve this.
5. MT is not an opposition organ
There are some who feel that MT should focus on highlighting the transgressions, abuses, wrongdoings and violations of the government and not criticise the opposition, which would 'give ammunition' to the government to use against the opposition.
MT is not an opposition organ and we are not obliged to the opposition. Our job is to reveal the transgressions, abuses, wrongdoings and violations of the politicians and leaders and those who walk in the corridors of power at federal and state level.
6. MT is fighting for change
MT wants to see change. And change can be achieved in two ways. One way would be for the government to change (reform) and the other would be to change the government. Either way is fine as far as we are concerned.
Granted it may be almost impossible to expect the government to change after 54 years in power and 54 years of bad habits. So the only option open to us would be to change the government instead. But that is still one of the two options and we will leave both options open and go for the best option in achieving this change.
Currently, that best option appears to be to change the government rather than hope for the government to change.
7. Freedom of speech is not freedom to insult
There are some who feel that MT should not stifle freedom of speech and should not censor comments and postings in MT. MT is of the view that those who do not understand freedom of speech should not be allowed freedom of speech as this is like giving a flower to a monkey.
Even in the UK, which has a high tolerance for freedom of speech, they have zero tolerance for insults and racial slurs. You can get arrested and sent to jail for making racial slurs or for making any statement viewed as an insult to any race or religion.
8. MT is my home
While we invite comments and opinions, we also set the codes and norms for what you can and cannot do in MT. In any society, club, organisation, etc., there are codes and norms that you need to observe and if you violate these rules you would get evicted.
The final authority in deciding what is allowed and disallowed lies with us and we have the liberty to disallow what we would view as anti-social and uncivilised conduct or behaviour.
In your home you can do as you like. In our 'home' we decide what you can and cannot do. MT is not a democracy. There is no voting on how things are done. I own and run MT and my word is final. And if this does not suit you, you are free to take your business elsewhere. |
The religions of the book and politics Posted: 08 May 2011 04:31 PM PDT
My contention is that, according to the way of Abraham and what the Quran teaches us, all the followers of the way of Abraham (followers of Moses, Jesus plus Muhammad) must get involved in politics to be true submitters. NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin My good friend from Umno wrote his latest piece today called Where everybody miss the plot (you can go here to read it I really don't know whether today we should talk about politics or religion. Nevertheless, in Malaysia, both come in a package (spiced with race) -- so by talking about one you need to talk about the other. I sometimes joke (or blaspheme, depending on how you see it) that Christianity is Version 2 of Judaism while Islam is Version 3. The 'operating system' of all three remains the same. It is only that some new 'features' are added, or deleted, as the case may be. And these 'features' would be the rituals. The fundamentals do not differ. My Umno friend's contention in his article above is that the Christians are 'playing politics'. Now, before we confirm or deny this, let us rewind a bit. The Quran states that all those followers of Moses (Musa) and followers of Jesus (Isa) who follow the way (Deen) of Abraham (Ibrahim) are the true submitters (Muslims). Note, in that particular verse, the Quran talks about Abraham, Moses and Jesus. There is no mention of Muhammad in that verse. Now, have you noticed that Muslims always argue that Abraham, Moses and Jesus were Muslims? In a way they are not wrong. Muslim merely means submitter -- submit to God. This does not mean they were Muslims according to the Federal Constitution of Malaysia's interpretation of Muslim. But they are submitters nevertheless, as far as the Quran is concerned (as long as they follow the way or deen of Abraham). Now, Islam is not only a religion. It is a way of life or adeen. Every Muslim would tell you this. Islam is not just about rituals. It is also about economics, governing, the legal system, politics, war, foreign affairs, internal security, public order and safety, the welfare system, and much more. In short, Islam is an entire and complete governing system for society. Therefore, for the followers of Moses and the followers of Jesus to be true followers of the way of Abraham, they must not only focus on rituals. Politics is also part of the way or deen of Abraham. This means if the followers of Moses and Jesus steer clear of or refuse to get involved in politics, then they are NOT the true followers of the way of Abraham, as far as the Quran is concerned. Any Jew or Christian who is NOT political is a deviant Jew or Christian. Islam would declare you a murtad or apostate for defying God. Okay, now back to the issue of whether the Christians in Malaysia are or are not getting involved in politics; that is for you to decide. My contention is that, according to the way of Abraham and what the Quran teaches us, all the followers of the way of Abraham (followers of Moses, Jesus plus Muhammad) must get involved in politics to be true submitters. The 'separation of church and state' does not exist in Islam. That is why PAS is not wrong in trying to seek political power. If it is okay for the followers of Muhammad to seek political power based on a religious platform, why is it wrong for the other submitters and followers of the way of Abraham to also seek political power on a religious platform? If only the followers of Muhammad can seek political power on a religious platform, while those followers of Moses and Jesus cannot, then why would the Quran say that the followers of Moses and Jesus who follow the way of Abraham are the true submitters? Note that the followers of Muhammad are allowed to marry women from the followers of Moses and Jesus (Muhammad married a Jewish woman) plus they can eat meat from animals slaughtered by them. So Islam recognises Judaism and Christianity as 'brother-religions'. Therefore, what is allowed for Islam is also allowed for the Jews and Christians. And politics is one such thing that is not only allowed but a must. Okay, let me demonstrate this 'political Islam' in another way by quoting Imam Ghazali. Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, more fondly known as Imam Ghazali, was one of the renowned imams from 11th century Persia. And you can read below what Imam Ghazli said. Would you say that Imam Ghazali was 'playing politics'? Ponder on this before we whack the Christians and deny them their right of 'political Christianity'. Would we tolerate a Christian or Jew telling us that Islam must be separated from politics? We will riot and lynch any Christian or Jew who tries to deny us our 'political Islam'.       |
Out of the box Posted: 07 May 2011 05:35 PM PDT
Can you see that these people are ready to abandon Umno and BN but they are looking at Anwar as the alternative to Umno and BN. Why can't they see beyond Anwar? Why can't they see that the alternative to Umno and BN is Pakatan Rakyat and not Anwar? NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin My 'habit' when writing my articles is to puff on my cigar while listening to my favourite music channel, Unfortunately, in some parts of the world, you may not be able to tune in to this channel (as it is blocked) but for those who can please switch on your speakers and listen to the greatest of the great music, my kind of music, while you read this article. And for those who can't tune in to this channel, migrate to England where you can. There are some who still do not get what I was trying to say in yesterday's article: Bridge over troubled water. I suppose this is what we would call 'mental block', a syndrome of our brain being programmed to think only one way and where we are not capable of thinking any other way. Malays call this 'katak bawah tempurung' -- translated as 'frog under a coconut shell'. The English would say 'boiling a frog slowly'. Today, I am going to talk about thinking and doing things 'out of the box'. You could also say this is like getting the frog to break out from the confines of the coconut shell -- or getting the frog to jump out of the water before it reaches boiling point. Basically, what this means is we need to break out of the mould and not allow ourselves to think and do things the way the government or Barisan Nasional wants us to think and do things. We need, as what Freddy Mercury said, to break free. Let me give you an example of one issue, the issue of the church thing in Penang. DAP has been accused of hosting a gathering of Christians where they allegedly swore an oath to make Christianity the official religion of Malaysia so that a non-Muslim can become the Prime Minister of Malaysia. Now, have you noticed how deafening the silence was? PKR and PAS maintained an eerie silence other than accuse Utusan Malaysia of propagating Umno's agenda and asking the government to take action against this Umno controlled newspaper. Is that the best PAS and PKR can do in coming to DAP's defence? It is almost like they are washing their hands of the matter and are leaving DAP to handle this matter all by itself. Why did Pakatan Rakyat not remind the rakyat that Malaysia is a secular state and that Islam is only the official religion of Malaysia and that Malaysia is not an Islamic State? No one, not even if they control more than two-thirds majority in Parliament, can remove Islam as the official religion. Only the Rulers can do this and we have ten Rulers (one Agong, one Yam Tuan Besar of Negeri Sembilan, one Raja of Perlis and seven Sultans). So, even if DAP controls more than 148 out of 222 seats in Parliament, they can't remove Islam as the official religion of Malaysia and install Christianity as the new official religion. Anyway, how can DAP control more than 148 seats in Parliament when it contests less than 80 seats? Even if DAP contests 100 seats and wins all the 100 it contests (which is not possible plus PKR will not allow it to contest more than one-third the seats) it is still short of 148 seats. Why did Pakatan Rakyat not argue this and use this argument to defend DAP? So there you have it. There is no way DAP can make a deal with the church to remove Islam as the official religion and make Christianity the new official religion of Malaysia. Even if PAS and PKR agree to this (which they will not) it still can't be done because the power lies with the ten Rulers with whom Islam comes under. And you can't amend the Constitution to change this. This is the absolute power (kuasa mutlak) of the Rulers. And if you try to illegally amend the Constitution to remove the powers of the Rulers as far as Islam is concerned, then the Agong, who is Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, can declare an emergency, suspend Parliament, and get the army to 'restore order'. Why did Pakatan Rakyat not argue this and use this argument to defend DAP? Secondly, why would DAP need to remove Islam as the official religion and make Christianity the new official religion to be able to install a non-Muslim prime minister? Don't you remember what Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said? He said that there is nothing in the Federal Constitution that says the prime minister must be a Malay-Muslim. In short, there is nothing illegal if a non-Malay-non-Muslim becomes prime minister of Malaysia. The Constitution only says that the Agong shall appoint a prime minister who has the majority confidence of the house, that's all. So why the need to remove Islam as the official religion? We can have a non-Malay-non-Muslim prime minister even if Islam is the official religion of Malaysia. Why did Pakatan Rakyat not argue this and use this argument to defend DAP? Okay, next example, the issue of Anwar Ibrahim's porn video. PAS is being very careful about taking a stand on this matter and they are leaving it to the court to decide. Why must the court decide this? PAS must state its stand, period. Pakatan Rakyat is playing right into Umno's hands. They are being very cleverly divided on this issue. They are worried that if they express support for Anwar and it turns out that it is really Anwar in that video then they are all going to end up with egg on their face. Why do we need the court to decide this matter? Is sex with another woman who is not your wife a crime? If it is then Chua Soi Lek should be in jail instead of being made the President of MCA. And Chua Soi Lek admitted that it is he in that video, mind you. You might say it is a crime as far as Islam is concerned. Okay, then take this issue to the Shariah court. Can the Shariah court take action against Anwar? The answer is of course 'no', not unless Anwar admits to the 'crime' or there are four witnesses to the crime. The bottom line is the Shariah court can't do a damn thing, and neither can the common law court. So what is the issue here? If based just on allegations then many more people, especially those in Umno, would be behind bars. The issue is not whether it is or is not Anwar in that video but whether Anwar is able to run this country and do a better job than the government we currently have. Anwar's sex life is not going to determine the future of Malaysia and the future of our children and grandchildren. That is what we should focus on. Let me go to a third example. Many people say that 'if not Anwar then who?' In other words, they see only Anwar as the suitable candidate to lead the opposition. I normally oppose this statement and of course they view this as my 'anti-Anwar' stance. Actually, this has nothing to do with my anti-Anwar stance as much as my 'anti-not out of the box' stance. We need to think out of the box. We need to break free. If we close our minds and think that only Anwar and no one else can lead the opposition, what would we do if something happens to Anwar? We would panic. The opposition would disintegrate. Everything that we worked for would come to an end. So we need to psyche ourselves in that there IS life after Anwar. If something happens to Anwar life would go on. The opposition would not collapse. The cause can go on with or without Anwar. In the old days, wars centred on the leaders. So when you take out the leaders all resistance would end. If the leaders were killed the army would surrender. No one had the spirit to fight on. Why do you think Umno is so bent on destroying Anwar? They know that many in the opposition look to Anwar and only Anwar as the opposition leader. So if Umno can destroy Anwar then the opposition can be destroyed. That is why I am opposed to this 'if not Anwar then who' doctrine. We need to show Umno that there are many Anwar Ibrahims in the opposition. They can destroy Anwar and ten Anwars will emerge in his place. Destroy these ten Anwars as well and another 100 Anwar's will rise up. Those who scream 'if not Anwar then who?' are actually signing Anwar's death warrant. You are the reason why Umno wants to destroy Anwar. Remove Anwar as the crucial factor and Umno will find there is no longer any value in destroying Anwar. We used to say 'if not Ustaz Fadzil Noor then who?' Then Ustaz Fadzil died and we panicked. But then we found that there is life for PAS after all even with the death of Fadzil Noor. And today we say even if Ustaz Hadi Awang goes PAS will not die. There are many more in PAS who can replace Hadi and maybe even do a better job. The same goes for DAP. You mean without Lim Kit Siang and Karpal Singh DAP is dead? There are many in DAP who are ready to take over and may even bring DAP to new heights. Lim Guan Eng is one name that comes to mind. That is what I call thinking out of the box, breaking free, looking at things from a different perspective. You might think you are doing Anwar a favour by making him indispensible. Actually you are giving him a death sentence. Anwar becomes more valuable dead than alive. It's as simple as that. Another reason I oppose this 'if not Anwar then who?' doctrine is because this same doctrine is used in the 'if not BN then who?' argument. Many people feel that only BN can run Malaysia. They feel that without BN the country would be in trouble. And I find that the people who argue 'if not Anwar then who?' are the same people who would say 'if not BN then who?' So it is all about Anwar versus BN. It is either Anwar or BN. And that is dangerous because if something were to happen to Anwar, or these people lose confidence in Anwar, then they would all go back to BN. I have many friends who say that they are fed up with Umno and BN but they have no confidence that Anwar can do better. Why compare BN to Anwar? Why not compare BN to PR? Can you see that these people are ready to abandon Umno and BN but they are looking at Anwar as the alternative to Umno and BN. Why can't they see beyond Anwar? Why can't they see that the alternative to Umno and BN is Pakatan Rakyat and not Anwar? This is going to be the problem the opposition is going to face come next election. The voters are going to evaluate Anwar and will overlook what good Pakatan Rakyat can bring to Malaysia. It is okay if they see the good in Anwar. But if they don't like what they see in Anwar then Pakatan Rakyat is in deep shit. When friends ask me 'if not Anwar then who?', I reply Nurul Izzah. There is a moment of stunned silence before they reply: Nurul is too young, Nurul is not ready yet, Nurul needs more time, and so on. "Okay, so who then?" I ask them. They reply that they do not see anyone other than Anwar. "Okay, what happens if they put a bullet in Anwar's head?" I ask them. They have no reply. What is this? Are we all a group of young chicks who will die if the mother hen dies? Come on! There are 28 million Malaysians out there and four million are in the opposition. You mean there is no one who can lead the opposition if they assassinate Anwar? You mean we close down Pakatan Rakyat the day they place Anwar in his coffin and put him in the ground? The more you say 'if not Anwar then who?' the more determined they will be in destroying Anwar. But if we say to hell with Anwar because there are 100 other Anwar's who can take over then Umno will be at a loss. They can kill one Anwar but they can't kill 100 Anwars. Get it? Think out of the box for a change. Break free. Try to start looking at things from another perspective. eM8Ss28zjcE SEE VIDEO ON YOUTUBE HERE: |
Bridge over troubled water Posted: 06 May 2011 05:47 PM PDT
So you see, while the opposition and alternative media train their guns on MCLM, Malaysia Today and RPK, the mainstream media attacks from the rear and play up the Ketuanan Christianity, Islam under siege, and the Malay rights and privileges issues. NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin Divide and rule By Elijah M, Lim Kit Siang's Blog This is Umno's strategy to remain in power in Malaysia: make the Malays feel like the Chinese and Christian communities are threatening their hold on power and position of Islam. They need the Malays to come out in force at the coming elections and vote for Umno candidates in a big way. But in their calculation for that to happen, they must have an imaginary enemy for the Malays/Muslims. Given than the Chinese have generally deserted the corrupt and self-serving MCA and Gerakan and by extension, BN, they qualify as a prime bogeyman. They are portrayed as slavish supporters of Chinese-based DAP and harbour ambitions of taking over political power from the Malays. Now the Christians following their support for Pakatan Rakyat in the Sarawak and their refusal to be submissive to a government, which has molested their religious rights, are also being lumped by Utusan Malaysia and pro-Umno bloggers as enemies of Islam in Malaysia. Such is the stupidity of these guys that they portray a prayer session in Penang with a few DAP politicians as oath-taking. Just a pointer: the only oath that Christians take is to our Lord and Saviour. Therefore, we obey God and not men. The bloggers hope to persuade Malay/Muslims that Christians are working with DAP to push for a Christian prime minister. I suppose these blinkered souls forgot about the Federal Constitution. They also forgot to tell their readers that Chinese or Christians (who by the way are mostly non-Malay bumiputeras) are not interested in political power but are interested in good governance, fairness, integrity, rule of law and equal opportunities. And before we believe that this strategy of divide and rule has not got the blessings of the top Umno leadership, we should think again. The policy of hammering Chinese/Christians and demonising DAP is state-sponsored. Just listen to Muhyiddin Yassin and other Umno leaders. Of course, Najib Razak plays the good cop but he has stayed silent as Utusan Malaysia slams Chinese. Instead of worrying what kind of a country he will lead, he has chosen to look the other way as Chinese and Christians are painted as usurpers of power. One lesson I suppose we can take from this is that Umno does not want or need the support of Chinese or Christians. So much for the Rukun Negara or 1 Malaysia. ************************************* This is the hard truth. Pakatan Rakyat is in trouble, serious trouble. Barisan Nasional is winning the perception war. And everything that Pakatan Rakyat does just makes it worse. The more they dig in and hold their ground, the deeper they get bogged down into the rut. And this is because Pakatan Rakyat has amateur numbskulls in charge of its perception war. Politics is not about the truth. It is about perception. Never mind what is true and what is false. It is what people perceive that counts. And currently what they perceive, whether it is true or not, does not favour Pakatan Rakyat. Lib Dem learned this the hard way two days ago on Thursday. This is what Nick Clegg said today in his letter to the party members: I think it is clear that we need to do more to show people in the party and beyond what we are doing in Government and, perhaps more importantly, why. Because we are achieving a great deal. The BBC estimates that we are implementing 75% of the policies of in our manifesto, compared to just 60% of the Conservative manifesto. Of course, as Liberal Democrats, we are all bitterly disappointed that the referendum on the Alternative Vote has been lost. We will always remain passionate supporters of reform. But we must respect the will of the British people. This time, we were unable to convince them of the merits of this particular change. Lib Dem did not lose Thursday's elections because it had not performed. In fact, it had. But it failed to convince the voters as Nick Clegg said "of the merits of this particular change". Lib Dem depends on the younger voters. That was how it got in a year ago. But barely a year in office and the young turned on the party -- my daughter included who demonstrated in London against the government after voting Lib Dem in the recent general election. Just a few months after voting for the party, she turned and demonstrated against the party (even my wife and son voted against Lib Dem....sigh....). Barisan Nasional knows that it needs the Malay votes. It can afford to lose all the non-Malay votes but as long as it retains the Malay votes it will always be in power. So it needs to turn the Malays against the opposition. And this is the game plan. Now, I say Barisan Nasional, not Umno. Of course, Umno is the mastermind. But Umno can't do it alone. MCA, MIC, Gerakan, PPP and the many Sabah and Sarawak parties also need to play the game. And they do. First, the Chinese members of Barisan Nasional frighten the Chinese Diaspora by telling them that if the opposition comes to power then PAS would be in charge and Islam would be imposed on all Malaysians, Islamic laws included. Then the Malay members of Barisan Nasional frighten the Malay Diaspora by telling them that if the opposition comes to power then DAP would be in charge and Christianity would be imposed on all Malaysians and Christianity would become the official religion of Malaysia. That is the issue of religion. Further to that the Malays are told that if the opposition come to power then the special rights and privileges of the Malays would erode and the Malays would be reduced to second-class citizens in their own country. Then we have the sodomy allegation and the sex videotapes of Anwar Ibrahim issue. This is supposed to paint a scenario that Anwar is not as Islamic as he pretends to be but is actually quite an immoral person, meaning he is a munafiq or hypocrite. The Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement (MCLM) and Malaysia Today are not spared either. MCLM is being touted as a spoiler who is splitting the opposition votes by triggering three-corner fights. So now MCLM and Pakatan Rakyat are working parallel to each other but not in concert. The way things are going MCLM and Pakatan Rakyat may never be able to work together to face the next general election. There is of course one solution to this. MCLM can close down and not bother to contribute to the next election. That would solve the problem of the perception that MCLM is a liability to the opposition. And that is what many would like to see happen, even those from Pakatan Rakyat. But will this help the opposition cause? MCLM stayed out of the recent Sarawak state election. Did this help the opposition? Did they do well? Were three-corner fights avoided? That did not solve the problem did it? Now Malaysia Today, and I personally, are under attack from friends and foes alike. Here again the theory of 'never mind what is true but what is being perceived is what matters' rings true. Both the mainstream media as well as the alternative media have succeeded in propagating the 'Raja Petra has made a U-turn' story. I can understand the government-controlled mainstream media doing this. That is their job. What I can't understand is why is the opposition-aligned alternative media also propagating the lies of the mainstream media? The alternative media appears to have become an extension of the mainstream media. So you see, while the opposition and alternative media train their guns on MCLM, Malaysia Today and RPK, the mainstream media attacks from the rear and play up the Ketuanan Christianity, Islam under siege, and the Malay rights and privileges issues. In short, MCLM, Malaysia Today and RPK, are bogged down in trying to fight off 'friendly fire' while the opposition gets machine-gunned good and proper. Did none of these idiots from Pakatan Rakyat read Sun Tsu or what? Losers! Now we are fighting three fronts -- the enemy plus each other. This is like trying to build a bridge over troubled waters. UVDg8fVC4EQ SEE VIDEO ON YOUTUBE HERE: |