‘Don’t be hasty in using Sedition Act’ Posted: 05 Aug 2013 12:49 PM PDT
"Just because something happens and went viral through social media doesn't mean you have to charge a person for it." Umno's Saifuddin Abdullah urges the authorities to be thorough in their investigation before using the Sedition Act. Umno's Saifuddin Abdullah has urged the government to refrain from "being too hasty" in using the Sedition Act 1948 when charging an accused person. The former Temerloh MP was responding to the recent controversial video of dog trainer Maznah Mohd Yusof, better known as Chetz, bathing her dogs and wishing viewers Selamat Hari Raya. Last week, police arrested Maznah under Section 298A of the Penal Code as well as the Sedition Act after her video resurfaced online on Wednesday. "In Malaysia, we are always rushing to use certain laws. To me, you should take a closer look. Is this deviant behaviour or is this really seditious material," Saifuddin told FMT in an exclusive interview. "Why always so hasty to use certain laws?" he asked. Saifuddin admitted that he was not an "expert" and therefore could not comment if Maznah's actions are considered deviant or seditious. "We are always rushing to use (certain) laws. I don't think developed nations think that way," he said. Read more at: http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2013/08/06/dont-be-hasty-in-using-sedition-act/ |
MPM calls for setting up of rehabilitation centre for those stirring up ‘sensitive issues’ Posted: 05 Aug 2013 12:47 PM PDT
(Bernama) - The Malay Consultative Council (MPM) has suggested the setting up of a civic rehabilitation centre for individuals who play up sensitive issues in the country. Its secretary-general, Dr Hasan Mad, said individuals like Maznah Mohd Yusof, Alvin Tan, Vivian Lee and Namewee, who had all caused a stir for playing up sensitive issues, should be sent to such a centre. They should be sent to a civic rehabilitation centre, instead of a detention centre or a lock-up, he told a media conference here today. Hasan said the civic rehabilitation centre served to guide and counsel them, as well as instill self-identity and spirit of patriotism. "We need civic rehabilitation centre, because it is not all the time that legal consequences or punishment is the solution," he added. |
Bumiputera discount: A sensitive topic that must be addressed Posted: 05 Aug 2013 12:44 PM PDT HBA honorary secretary-general Chang Kim Loong said one must look at the spirit of the bumiputera discount, which was to allow not so well off bumiputeras to own homes and avoid polarisation of neighbourhoods.
Terence Fernandez, fz.com A CAP on the 7%-10% discount for bumiputera house buyers is a controversial but much-needed initiative to address spiralling house prices. The National House Buyers Association (HBA) said the powers-that-be have to just bite the bullet and explore such reforms if it is sincere in providing affordable housing to all. In its presentation on July 17 at a discussion in housing issues, the HBA proposed that bumiputera discounts be limited to the first two properties. HBA honorary secretary-general Chang Kim Loong said one must look at the spirit of the bumiputera discount, which was to allow not so well off bumiputeras to own homes and avoid polarisation of neighbourhoods. "It gives food for thought as to why the well-off should also enjoy this privilege," he said, revealing that the HBA proposed high-end properties such as penthouses, semi-detached houses and bungalows be exempted from the bumiputera discount privilege. It also proposed a price cap of RM1 million to enjoy the discount. Other than that, a growing number of unsold bumiputera lots is also contributing to the glut. "Instead of looking for more development sites, these unsold units should be opened up faster," Chang said. This is one area where the HBA and the Real Estate and Housing Developers Association (Rehda) are on the same page. Rehda president Datuk Seri Michael Yam had last year proposed that unsold bumiputera lots be allowed to be disposed of to non-bumiputeras six months after the property receives its certificate of fitness (CFs). There are about RM4 billion worth of unsold bumiputera property and Rehda has also been championing for a review of the 30% bumiputera quota imposed on developers. Read more at: http://www.fz.com/content/bumiputera-discount-sensitive-topic-must-be-addressed#ixzz2b9o7NnK8
Three Months Interregnum Period Posted: 05 Aug 2013 12:41 PM PDT 
The sixth Prime Minister swearing in to the fourteenth Seri Paduka Yang DiPertuan Agong, after controlling the thirteenth Parliament No tangible progress could be seen nor recorded in this period. Even the zestful '1Malaysia' cry has summarily disappeared and practically no one in the streets are even referring to it anymore. Big Dog dot Com It is exactly three months since Sixth Prime Minister Dato' Sri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak won the 13GE as the BN Chairman. It was his first general election since taking over in April 2009. Although BN's control of the Parliament was reduced from 140 (at 12GE on 8 March 2008) to 133 seats in the Dewan Rakyat, UMNO actually improved and obtained 9 extra seats. BN also re-captured Kedah and Perak Dewan Undangan Negeri. So what did Prime Minister Najib do since the past three months or 92 days (to be exact)? When the Cabinet was formed on 15 May 2013, he only allocated two ministerial posts for UMNO Johor. That is equivalent of UMNO Perak, Pahang, Negeri Sembilan and Terengganu representation in the Cabinet despite the vast desparity in Dewan Rakyat seats contribution. Spent bullets such as Dato' Seri Tengku Adnan Yaacob, Dato' Seri Shahidan Kassim and Dato' Hassan Malik were brought into the Cabinet. So is the one time notorious Chief of Operator of the loathed 'Level Four Boys' Khairy Jamaluddin. No one from Wanita UMNO was appointed as a Minister. Read more at: http://bigdogdotcom.wordpress.com/2013/08/05/three-months-interregnum-period/ |
GE13: Political awakening in Sabah? Posted: 05 Aug 2013 12:35 PM PDT 
The electorate has become more politically aware of their democratic rights — to choose political parties that can best fight for their interests, says Arnold Puyok. The election results in Sabah indicate that the state continues to play its role as kingmaker in forming the ruling government at the federal level. Sabah's fixed deposit status remains but it is set to be challenged in the next election due to the saliency of issues in the Kadazandusun and Chinese areas. The dust from the 13th Malaysian General Election has finally settled. As expected, BN (Barisan Nasional) returned to power winning 133 (60 per cent) out of 222 federal seats as opposed to PR (Pakatan Rakyat) 89 (40 per cent). In terms of popular votes, BN polled 46% compared to PR 54 per cent. However, as Malaysia practices first-past-the-post system, the election results gave BN the mandate to rule the country for another term. PR refused to accept the results due to what it termed "widespread abuses" in the electoral system. The alleged use of foreigners to vote, vote-buying, unprofessional conduct of the Election Commission (EC) officials, and so on, are among the examples of fraudulent practices PR accused BN of condoning. Once again, Sabah and Sarawak helped BN win with a simple majority. In Peninsula Malaysia, BN only managed to win 86 or 39 per cent of the federal seats compared to PR 80 or 36 per cent. Sabah and Sarawak contributed 47 or 21 per cent of the federal seats to BN. The results showed that Sabah and Sarawak continued to play their kingmaker role to ensure BN's electoral victory. Upon announcing BN's return to power, Najib Razak blamed BN's poor performance on the "Chinese tsunami". The next day, the BN-controlled newspaper Utusan Malaysia carried a front-paged news entitled "Apa Lagi Cina Mahu?" (What More Do the Chinese Want?). The Chinese factor is indeed decisive. Most of the Chinese seats – either at the state or federal level – were won by DAP (Democratic Action Party). Lim Kit Siang, the DAP supremo, who contested in Gelang Patah, managed to defeat Abdul Ghani Othman, the Johor Menteri Besar. The dramatic swing of the Chinese voters to the Opposition was also evident in most of the Chinese-majority seats in Sabah and Sarawak. 
Apart from the Chinese factor, analysts also cited "urban uprising" as a major cause for BN's dismal performance. BN continued its dominance in the rural areas while the Opposition dominated in semi-urban and urban areas. In Sabah, the Opposition managed to increase its share of the state seats from one in 2008 to 12 in 2013. At the federal level, the opposition managed to get an additional two seats (Table 1). What accounts for the Sabah Opposition's electoral gains in 2013? Can the Chinese tsunami and urban uprising hypotheses be used to explain the opposition's electoral performance in Sabah? What issues shaped the electoral outcomes in Sabah. What do the election results tell us about Sabah politics in the next five years? Read more at: http://aliran.com/14786.html |
Push for real change, not another coup d'etat Posted: 05 Aug 2013 12:26 PM PDT
Remember how the Democrat Party vehemently opposed street protests by the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) which have plagued Thailand for the past few years, but seem to have political amnesia that it was their tacit support for violent protests by the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) which pioneered and set the gold standard for taking politics out of parliament and on to the streets? Songkran Grachangnetara, Bangkok Post This week, debate on one of the most important and controversial bills to be submitted for parliamentary approval will commence, just as the protests outside the House become more vocal. To most observers there is very little faith that a parliamentary solution to Thailand's political paralysis, through the passing of Worachai Hema's amnesty bill, will achieve reconciliation. Sadly, I would have to agree. As long as "reconciliation" is about the political chess match between Thaksin Shinawatra and Abhisit Vejjajiva, or between Pheu Thai and the Democrat Party, instead of being about peace and prosperity for all Thais, we are doomed. How can reconciliation be achieved when the very people that are responsible for this political impasse are the only ones involved in finding a solution?
Read more at: http://www.bangkokpost.com/opinion/opinion/363177/push-for-real-change-not-another-coup-d-etat
Who do we blame for child abuse? Posted: 05 Aug 2013 12:19 PM PDT
We need to accept that not every one on the planet wishes to marry the person he or she loves. Some people could indeed be better off remaining single or being in a union without children. However, our society practically forces every couple in a sexual relationship to enter into the institution of marriage. The problem goes deeper than merely the morals of the perpetrators. Tamil Selvan Ramis, FMT Since the early 1980s, when the phenomenon of child abuse started to become a matter of public discourse, our views on its causes and remedies have often been misdirected by sensationalised media coverage highlighting the suffering of the victims and implicitly condemning the perpetrators as inhuman or even diabolical. Our typical initial reaction to such news and commentary is shock and disgust. This is often followed by a sense of relief that neither us nor anyone close to us is so bad that we would ever descend to such beastly behaviour. Not many of us will carry our reflections further to consider the possibility that the press, consciously or not, is giving us a skewed view of the issue in its failure to consider the socio-economic contexts in which the abuses occur. There is no denying that the number of child abuse cases in Malaysia is skyrocketing. According to the Social Welfare Department, there were 1,242 reported cases in 2002. This number increased to 1,999 in 2006 and 3,047 in 2010. That is an increase of about 145% in less than 10 years. In a recent case, a Kuala Terengganu couple were sentenced to long prison terms for abusing three children from the woman's previous marriage. Their abusive acts included: tying a seven-year-old victim to a chair before splashing him with hot water, burning his body with a cigarette and shoving a fishing rod into his anus; hitting a five-year-old victim in his groin with a broom; and burning the ears and knees of a 30-month-old victim with a cigarette. What a cruel couple, right? Child abuse is too complex an issue to be dismissed as a mere instance of mindless cruelty. Various cultural, economic and ethical factors come into play, and it is essential to examine these to find effective and holistic solutions. Neglect, which is the failure to provide for the child's basic needs, is the most common form of child abuse in Malaysia, followed by physical abuse and sexual abuse. Contrary to popular perception, most child abusers are not strangers to their victims. They could be their parents, other immediate family members, more distant relatives, or foster parents. Abuse can occur in families that face prolonged financial problems. People who live in poverty are prone to psychological stress, which can provoke anger. This anger is sometimes directed at children, usually because they are physically weaker than the adult abusers. Here is an excerpt, edited for clarity, from an interview conducted with a reported abuser by a group of Malaysian researchers: "I'm a widow, a single mother. I have no one to depend on. I have a food stall in front of a school. We five depend solely on the income from the stall. "He [the abused child] asked for an allowance. I don't have enough money to give him a regular allowance. Suddenly, I heard that he had been stealing in school. What kind of mother would not get angry?" Lacking equity
Unless we can conclude that all poor people are losers in both the material and psychological senses, we need to acknowledge that our inequitable capitalistic society is at least partly to blame. In such a society, the stress experienced by the less fortunate becomes more acute and more likely to lead to abusive behaviour. Frequently enough, our religious leaders assert that neglect of religious obligations in daily life is one of the main reasons for the rising rate of child abuse in the country. However, people who abuse children might not necessarily lack religion, but equity. Read more at: http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/opinion/2013/08/06/who-do-we-blame-for-child-abuse/ |
Opposition relying on court of public opinion to highlight electoral fraud Posted: 05 Aug 2013 12:14 PM PDT 
The Bersih People's Tribunal panelists. The tribunal will be one of the avenues for Pakatan Rakyat to voice their electoral fraud claims. (The Malaysian Insider) - The opposition coalition said this was the path it had to take since its petitions before the court were thrown out even before the merits were heard. After failing in the court of law, Pakatan Rakyat is turning back to the court of public opinion to press its case on election fraud. The opposition will present its evidence before two commissions of inquiry and the Bersih People's Tribunal to expose wrongdoings in the May 5 general election. The opposition coalition said this was the path it had to take since its petitions before the court were thrown out even before the merits were heard. Pakatan - comprising PKR, PAS and DAP - and the Barisan Nasional had filed 69 petitions an almost all were dismissed on preliminary objections Parties were also slapped with heavy costs, an issue that drew concern from lawyers, political parties and interest groups. An election court awarded RM150,000 after allowing a preliminary objection for the Kuala Berang state seat in Terengganu. Similarly, the judge presiding over the Pasir Panjang state seat in Perak, ordered the petitioner to pay RM120,000 in costs to three respondents, including the Election Commission (EC). For the election petition filed for the Balik Pulau federal seat in Penang, another court ordered payment of RM120,000. PKR political bureau member Sivarasa Rasiah said appealing these case were pointless. "Our petitions were knocked out on technical grounds and the costs were puniive. It will be a waste of time and money going to the apex court," he said. Sivarasa said so far seven petitions filed by PKR were knocked out and the petitioners, whether candidates or voters, were ordered to pay a total of more than RM500,000. Read more at: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysia/article/opposition-relying-on-court-of-public-opinion-to-highlight-electoral-fraud |
Will Mohd Ali run for VP? Posted: 05 Aug 2013 03:56 AM PDT
There is talk in Malacca (and in Kuala Lumpur) that former Malacca Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam is going for the Umno vice-presidency. On July 21, the other two vice-presidents, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal, had announced their intentions. Philip Golingai, The Star Did Mister Potato discover Malacca? If I were an international tourist visiting the historical city, I would think that the potato snack brand was the founder of Malacca. Advertisements for Mister Potato (including Manchester United's Ryan Giggs holding the snack) are ubiquitous in the core zone of the Unesco World Heritage site. I tweeted my observation: "So many Mister Potato ads in Malacca that I'm beginning to associate the historical city with Mister Potato." Tweeters told me that it is a famous product of Malacca. Mamee Double-Decker Berhad, which produces Mister Potato and Mamee Noodles, was founded in Malacca. On Friday night, I took the 45-minute must-do Malacca River Cruise. Along with the historical buildings, old villages and Hard Rock Café, I saw several Mister Potato advertisements. The river cruise reminded me of another famous product of Malacca – Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam. The river cruise was the former chief minister's brainchild. He got the idea after he visited the Rio San Antonio Cruises in Texas in the late 1990s. I loved the cruise. There must have been something clever about the former Chief Minister of Malacca to think of such a river rehabilitation or tourism project, I thought. He turned a smelly, dirty and muddy river into a tourist attraction. Nevertheless, he was rejected by the Bukit Katil voters when he contested for the parliamentary seat in GE13. Earlier in the afternoon, I was at Mohd Ali's palatial residence in Bukit Katil. We waited for about an hour as he held court. Martin Carvalho, my colleague, who was The Star's Malacca bureau chief at one point, observed that there were still many people at his home asking for his advice and endorsement. It was as if he was still the chief minister. "Will Datuk go for the VP post?" I asked one of Mohd Ali's aides. "It is too early for him to declare his intention. There is still one month to go," he said. "He got burnt when he announced early that he was going for the Umno deputy president's post in 2008." (In 2008, Mohd Ali, who was then Umno vice-president, was barred from contesting for the Umno deputy president post when he was found guilty by the party disciplinary board of breaking election rules). An hour later, Mohd Ali was finally ready to grant us an interview. "No politics today," said the politician who is known to be accommodating to the rakyat. Oops, I thought, as I was there to ask him the question of whether he was gunning for the Umno vice-president's post. "Datuk, today (Datuk Seri) Hishammuddin (Hussein) announced that he will be defending his Umno vice-president's post," I said, trying to hook him into saying something political. Mohd Ali was not biting. The Umno Supreme Council member just smiled. On July 21, the other two vice-presidents, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal, had announced their intentions. Mohd Ali did eventually talk about politics. He lamented about how he felt that the Chinese voters had betrayed him in the Bukit Katil parliamentary seat. About 95% of the Chinese and 25% of the Malay voters didn't support him. "I gave them development. Look at where MMU (Multimedia University) is located, the rental for houses there have increased," Mohd Ali said. Later, Carvalho explained that Bukit Beruang (part of the Bukit Katil constituency) was previously an "underdeveloped jungle undergrowth". "In just 10 years, Mohd Ali had transformed it into a vibrant satellite town. The business and property prices have gone up in the area but the Chinese still voted for the Opposition," he said. The talk in Malacca (and in Kuala Lumpur) is that Mohd Ali is going for VP. "He might win it. He has the sympathy vote especially from the way he lost in Bukit Katil," an Umno minister told me last month. At Mohd Ali's residence, I stumbled into Datuk Akbar Ali, a Twitter friend, who until now, I had never met in real life. Later, I called Akbar, who is Malacca Umno executive secretary, to get his take on Mohd Ali's VP ambition. "Maybe he is still thinking of the whole idea of contesting. If he wants to contest, he wants to choose the right time to make the announcement," he said. "Can he win the VP post?" I asked. "Datuk has a big chance of winning one of the three vice-president posts. He is very popular as he is people-centric," Akbar said. "He has a wide base throughout Malaysia especially through his networking via 4B (a youth organisation) and Kemas. He also has wide support within Umno. He is a very popular leader." I also asked Akbar about Mohd Ali's Bukit Katil defeat. "It is a big loss for Malacca. He had the potential to be a Cabinet minister. "There were many firsts when Malacca was under him. We had the lowest unemployment and crime rate in Malaysia. We have 100% literacy and 100% access to piped water and electricity," he said. Akbar ended the phone conversation with: "I would like to emphasise the word, 'if'. As in 'if' Datuk contested for the vice-president's post." |
Strip Namewee of his citizenship, demands Perkasa Posted: 05 Aug 2013 03:49 AM PDT
Trinna Leong, TMI Malay rights group Perkasa has demanded that rapper and filmmaker Namewee's (pic) citizenship be revoked over his criticisms against the government and for allegedly issuing racial comments. Deputy president Datuk Abdul Rahman Abu Bakar said it had lodged countless police reports against Namewee but the Attorney-General had done nothing. "We urge the authorities to stop being soft towards Namawee. He has insulted the national anthem, flag and yet nothing was done," he said today at a press conference to highlight Namewee's latest YouTube clip. Wee Meng Chee, Namawee's legal name, uploaded the clip entitled Tokok: 017 Double Standard last week where he criticised the government for practising double standards against the Chinese. The Muslim NGO now no longer wants an apology from the rapper. "He has insulted our race, religion and culture. There is no sense of respect at all. If we let this slide and just settle for an apology, issues like this would repeat itself," said Abdul Rahman. "We have given him too much leeway to do what he wants." The right-wing group also urged the AG to be quick with charging non-Malays. "When it comes to Malays, the AG is quick to take action but with non-Malays, they are just left alone," he said. READ MORE HERE |
Suaram being investigated under the Sedition Act Posted: 05 Aug 2013 03:45 AM PDT
Rita Jong, TMI Suaram secretariat member Cynthia Gabriel (pic) was served a summons by the police to give a statement on Wednesday to facilitate investigations under the Sedition Act. Cynthia told The Malaysian Insider today that Suaram is being investigated in connection with a fund-raising dinner it held two weeks ago. The dinner, which was attended by 750 people, was held to raise funds for the on-going inquiry in France, where startling revelations about Malaysian's purchase of Scorpene submarines have emerged. Cynthia was served with the summons this afternoon in Petaling Jaya. Her lawyers, Derek Fernandez and Jayaseelan Anthony, were also present. "This is another round of harassment for Suaram," she said. "They are taking action against the whistle blower (Suaram) who is calling out for transparency in the Scorpene deal. "We are the complainant. We initiated the probe in France and because we had revealed information that Malaysians did not hear of before, we are now being investigated." Cynthia said the police should be investigating the complaint and not the complainant. Present at the dinner was Americk Singh, who was the lawyer for the late private investigator P. Balasubramaniam. READ MORE HERE |
Cult group tried to take over palace Posted: 05 Aug 2013 03:39 AM PDT
Ten members of a cult group known as Kumpulan Panji Hitam gathered in front of the national palace early this morning. Alfian ZM Tahir, FMT Like a gang of ninjas, dressed in black, a group of 10 individuals tried to take over the national palace in Jalan Duta early this morning. In the 4.10am incident, the cult group known as Kumpulan Panji Hitam dari Timur Empayar Langkasuka Nusantara gathered in front of the main entrance of the palace. It was said that the group came to palace to replace the current kingdom as they claimed to be the rightful owner of the throne. However, quick action from the police prevented the group from barging into the palace. According to a police source, they apprehended all 10 members of the group, including three vehicles used during the incident. "We arrested eight men and two women. However, we did not seize any weapons from them. Only black flags and a few 'official appointment letters' belonging to the leader of the group," the source said. The source added, that all three vehicles had flags bearing 'Lailahaillalahmuhamadarasulullah' (There is no god except Allah and Muhammad is His messenger) written in Jawi. Initial investigation showed that three out of seven men in the group had no legitimate documentation and everyone in the group came from different states such as Malacca, Perak, Kedah and Johor. Meanwhile, Kuala Lumpur CID chief Ku Chin Wah when contacted confirmed the incident. He said all group members are being detained by the police for questioning. |
‘Does the ROS DG think he’s the king?’ Posted: 05 Aug 2013 03:31 AM PDT
Athi Shankar, FMT DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng today slammed the Registrar of Societies (ROS) director-general Abdul Rahman Othman of acting like a "king" by refusing to explain reasons to call for fresh party polls. He also said that ROS must provide the reasons on why it was not satisfied with DAP's explanation on the alleged internal irregularities that took place in last December's party polls. He said the party would not re-convene the party polls for 20-elected positions in central executive committee (CEC) until ROS rendered an official written reply explaining the reasons. "Please don't tell us you (ROS) need not give us a reason. "If they can do this now, what assurance is there that they would not do it again? This is not acceptable. This is against natural justice, democracy and due process of the law. We want a proper explanation. "Abdul Rahman cannot wake up one morning and simply say he is not satisfied with our clarification. "He cannot simply ask us to hold fresh elections without giving us a reason and the law for it. "Who does he think he is? He thinks he is the king where one does not give any explanation. "This establishes our concern that this is an abuse of power to victimise us politically," he told a press conference in Komtar here today. Last week ROS had issued an official directive to the DAP to hold fresh polls following an investigation on complaints by party members that last December's election was marred by irregularities. In its prompt reply, the DAP defied ROS orders, demanding reasons to do so. DAP also claimed that ROS had no power to order for fresh polls. Abdul Rahman said yesterday the ROS was not obliged to provide reasons for its directive. BN lies Referring to a statement by Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi on ROS dissatisfaction on July 29, Lim chided ROS for allegedly issuing media statements on the issue before even conveying its messages to the DAP through official letters. "This is typical of ROS these days. It is making announcements before issuing any letter in reply to this matter," he said. READ MORE HERE |
Jakim gives MCMC nod to go after dog trainer Posted: 04 Aug 2013 08:24 PM PDT 
(MM) - The country's Islamic authorities have set the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) on dog trainer Maznah Yusof, saying action against her online video would be a "lesson to society not to repeat such acts". Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) director Datuk Othman Mustapha said his department today submitted its investigations paper on Maznah, also known as Chetz Yusof, to the commission and may also call her up for counselling.
"If authorities take action against her (Maznah) it will be seen as a lesson to her specifically and society at large not to repeat such acts," Othman was quoted as saying by national news agency Bernama today.
On Tuesday, a 105-second video reposted on YouTube showed Maznah walking and bathing her three dogs as the "Takbir Raya", or Muslim call to prayer traditionally reserved for the first day of Hari Raya Aidilfitri, plays in the background.
The juxtaposition appeared to be a reference to the wudhu, or ablution performed by Muslims before prayer; dogs are also considered ritually unclean by adherents of the predominant faith in Malaysia.
Three days later, Jakim adjudged a video to be an insult to Islam and resulted in the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) pursuing investigations against her.
Today, Othman said the video was deemed offensive to Islam because it touched on aspects of Muslim worship and the ritually unclean.
"Jakim feels the issue was uncalled for, given the situation in Malaysia that places Islam as the religion of the Federation and which has a multicultural society that is largely Muslim,
"All citizens are called to respect one another in terms of religion, culture, and race," Othman added.
On Saturday, Muslim women's group Sisters in Islam (SIS) warned that Jakim risked the sin of "shirik" (idolatry) after seemingly speaking for God in judging the online video as offensive to Islam.
"We do, however, find it troubling that Jakim claims to ― and is recognised by other actors within government (such as MCMC) ― speak for Islam and for God," said Suri Kempe, SIS's programme manager.
"To us, the video simply shows somebody who loves her dogs, and respects dogs as one of Allah's creations, and who emphasises cleanliness," she added.
Following the uproar over the 2010 video, Maznah was arrested and subsequently released from remand in Johor on Friday on a court bond.
The 38-year-old dog trainer is being investigated under the Sedition Act and Section 298A of the Penal Code that includes offences of causing disunity on religious grounds. |
DAP seditious for calling Muhyiddin seditious, says Malay group Posted: 04 Aug 2013 08:21 PM PDT
(MM) - The DAP's claim that Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin was seditious for allegedly blaming non-Muslims for an increase in anti-Islam sentiments falls foul of the same law and threatens national harmony, the Malay Consultative Council (MPM) said today. The coalition of Malay rights groups defended the deputy prime minister from what it called provocation aimed at dividing the Malays, adding that Muhyiddin, as a Muslim leader, had every right to speak up amid purported attempts by "certain quarters" to incite religious tension.
"In a situation where Islam is constantly insulted and threatened, not only in Malaysia, of course a Muslim leader like the (deputy prime minister) to express his concern over a trend that should not be allowed to spread, especially in the country.
"He has the right to criticise," the group said in a statement.
A task force has been set up to study the contents of some of the speeches made by the DAP leaders that the coalition deemed seditious, added MPM.
"We are taking this action because there are signs that the provocations are premeditated and there is a continuous attempt to divide the Muslims and Islam in Malaysia".
The group, however, gave no evidence to support its allegations.
The DAP recently reported Muhyiddin for alleged sedition, claiming the deputy prime minister had hurt non-Muslims when he allegedly accused them of insulting Islam.
"This shows that there is no deep understanding within society. Muslims do not insult the religion of non-Muslims such as Christianity and Hinduism.
"But non-Muslims are insulting our religion," news agency Bernama and state-linked English daily New Straits Time quoted him as saying.
DAP leaders claimed the statement was made in reference to a recent controversy of an online video featuring a Muslim dog trainer.
The three-year old clip, showing the Muslim woman bathing her three dogs at the back of a Hari Raya prayer, sparked an uproar among Muslim conservatives and drew accusation that it was intended to insult Islam. The dog owner denied the allegation.
But two days ago, Muhyiddin denied he had referred to non-Muslims or to the video as reported by the two media outfits.
Bernama subsequently corrected the quote attributed to Muhyiddin to now say: "Certain parties have belittled and mocked our religion lately and hopefully it will not persist as to cause tension, as what is happening in other Islamic countries."
DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng then called on the government to act sternly on Bernama and New Straits Time for publishing false news. |
What shall we talk about today? Posted: 04 Aug 2013 08:11 PM PDT 
And that is the real issue here. Everything in Malaysia is about Malays versus non-Malays, Muslims versus non-Muslims and Barisan Nasional versus Pakatan Rakyat. So every issue is spun and twisted to suit this agenda. Malaysia is sliding down the very slippery slope of no return. NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin Wow! There are just so many issues to talk about this week. I feel like a kid in a toyshop. When there are so many things to choose from the kids find it so difficult to decide. At least that happens to my grandkids when I take them to Toys-R-Us. Anyway, let us go through the issues one-by-one and see what we can talk about today. So as not to juggle too many balls in the air at the same time, I think we should look at what is current and still outstanding and ignore those that can be considered as having been put to rest, so to speak. Note that this list is not in order of priority or importance. I will just juggle the balls as they come to mind and throw those that, as I said, have been put to rest in the dustbin and focus on what can be considered as still current, and more importantly, still outstanding. The issue of Muslims and dogs is still being debated with some Muslims suggesting that so-and-so should be arrested and rehabilitated for touching dogs while some argue that Muslims are allowed to touch dogs and can even keep them as pets. Is the view that dogs are taboo to Muslims a universal view or a Malay view? I have talked about this long before Malaysia Today was set up on 13th August 2004 (hmm…next week we shall be celebrating our ninth anniversary) and I have already stated that dogs are not taboo for Muslims. So why are we still arguing about the matter? Malays must understand that their personal view does not represent the Islamic view and they should not impose their personal view on others. This appears to be something the Malays do not understand in spite of talking about it for decades. When will the Malays stop screaming about matters that do not reflect proper Islamic view? Okay, let's agree with the Malay view and accept that dogs are taboo and that Muslims should not touch dogs and that those who do should be sent for rehabilitation. But then is touching dogs the most serious crime a Muslim can do -- assuming in the first place it is even a crime? What about Malays who give and take bribes or Malays who serve liquor (say in the MAS flights) or Malays who work in banks (or finance companies) and charge plus pay interest (credit cards included) and so on? This is more serious than touching dogs. Do you now propose that all these Malays should be arrested and sent for rehabilitation? If we do that then we may need to probably round up millions of Malays and lock them up and subject them to religious classes and lectures. Even imams and ulamaks may need to be arrested and locked up for various crimes against Islam (many buy cars and houses on loan plus fly MAS to go overseas, the Haj to Mekah included). So why just dogs? Dogs are at the bottom of the list of 100 crimes against Islam. We are getting very silly. Dogs are not haram. Dogs may be dirty, especially if they lick you. But you can wash dirt. You can even disinfect that part of your body that the dog licked. Even non-Muslims would want to wash the dog's saliva from their body. That would be the hygienic thing to do. But that does not make dogs haram, as do interest, liquor, gambling and whatnot. But Malays are just concerned about dogs and not the rest. And this is silly. The Bah Kut Teh issue is still a hot issue. Now even the Blogger's mother has been dragged into the controversy. The two offenders have been arrested and charged. On top of that they have apologised. Since this is now a legal case why is the issue still hot? Is this not contempt of court? Since you have decided to take the matter to court then let the court decide what happens. That is the proper way. If someone were to comment about a matter before the court you will scream contempt of court. But you can comment about a court matter. When it comes to you that is not contempt of court. And are you saying the Bloggers' apology is not accepted? Then why ask them to apologise? You ask them to apologise and when they do you refuse to accept it. What the hell is wrong with you? Why not just tell them that no apology will be accepted rather than scream for them to apologise and then reject it? Then we have the canteen-in-the-changing-room incident. Who made the decision to temporarily use that changing room as a canteen? Some say the PTA (PIGB). Some say the headmaster. Can we see the Minutes of the PTA meeting to establish what really happened? I hear there is such a document so why has it not been released yet? Is it because there are non-Muslims amongst the PTA committee? I also hear that the headmaster is a staunch and active Umno member. Is this why the matter has been turned into a political issue? Is it about politics? So now the Umno extremists are going to come out in support of the headmaster. And it is going to be a them-versus-us issue. It is also going to be turned into a Muslim versus non-Muslim issue. And that is the real issue here. Everything in Malaysia is about Malays versus non-Malays, Muslims versus non-Muslims and Barisan Nasional versus Pakatan Rakyat. So every issue is spun and twisted to suit this agenda. Malaysia is sliding down the very slippery slope of no return. Looking at this from the point of history, such animosity can never be resolved until it is settled with bloodshed. And this appears to be what everyone is pushing for. Do you really want blood to spill? Once blood is spilled the matter will never be resolved anyway. It will just end up with one side winning and the other losing. And the losing side will suffer a backlash from the winning side. History has proven this time and time again. So be careful with what you wish for. |
Hiew says some DAP colleagues 'playing games' Posted: 04 Aug 2013 07:00 PM PDT
WikiSabah) - Sabah DAP's Luyang assemblyman Hiew King Cheu is prepared to face disciplinary action for supporting PKR's Datuk Lajim Ukin as state opposition leader instead of DAP's choice, Datuk Wilfred Bumburing. "There was no black and white order to support Bumburing.
I followed my conscience and supported Lajim as he held the majority support from among the 12 opposition with PKR having seven assemblymen," Hiew said. Hiew said he replied to a show cause letter by party's disciplinary board last week for allegedly going against the party's choice of candidate.
Hiew explained that Bumburing, who had stood on a PKR ticket, was not a member of PKR.
Hiew said the DAP, with four assemblymen, could not change the outcome for Lajim to lead the opposition in the state assembly even with the support of Sabah Star chairman Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, the Bingkor Assemblyman.
However, he said, when he signed the letter supporting Lajim as opposition leader, there was no directive as to who the DAP should support.
He said it was only during the sitting that he was told that he should support Bumburing, the Tamparuli assemblyman.
"For me this is a small matter, I don't know why some people here are playing these small games," he said of moves by certain local DAP leaders to frustrate him.
The complaint was sent up by four of his Sabah DAP colleagues, including a few of his party's elected representatives. |
DAP unable to accept ROS’s explanation – Karpal Singh Posted: 04 Aug 2013 06:55 PM PDT
(Bernama) - DAP chairman Karpal Singh today reiterated the party's stand that it would not accept the explanation given by the Registrar of Societies (ROS) over the directive for its central executive committee (CEC) to hold fresh elections. According to Bernama, he claimed that the ROS was unable to provide the DAP with the legal provision in the Societies Act 1966 which empowered the director-general Datuk Abdul Rahman Othman in issuing such a directive.
"The ROS does not have the power or jurisdiction to issue such a directive and the DAP is therefore unable to comply with the directive," he said in a statement here.
Karpal Singh said the DAP would not comply with the directive since the party did not receive any written directive on the matter from Abdul Rahman and he should officially inform the party in writing rather than make a public statement.
Yesterday, Abdul Rahman was quoted as saying that the DAP should hold fresh elections for its CEC immediately as this was what the party grassroots wanted.
He said all matters related to any body was handled in accordance with the Societies Act 1966 and the ROS made the decision on the CEC election issue based on the statements given by the parties involved.
In GEORGE TOWN, DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng reiterated that the DAP would not hold fresh elections for the CEC so long as the ROS did not reply to the party's request for an explanation why it should do so.
He said the DAP would not comply with the ROS directive without being given a valid explanation. Lim told reporters the ROS had opted not to give an explanation and had made an announcement before writing to the DAP.
He insisted that the DAP would only comply with the directive if the ROS gave an explanation why it was dissatisfied with the party's explanation of the CEC elections held on Dec 15 last year.
Lim, who is the chief minister of Penang, claimed that the ROS directive for the DAP to hold fresh elections of its CEC amounted to victimisation and political revenge.
"The DAP will comply with the directive if the ROS explains under which provision of the law the directive for fresh CEC elections was made," he said.
He said that though there was a mistake, the DAP had admitted to the mistake and the CEC elections last December were clean. He also said that he would file defamation suits against several local media organisations which he claimed had published false reports about the DAP.
On July 30, the ROS ordered the DAP to hold fresh elections of the CEC and informed that he was not satisfied with the explanation given by the party on the alleged manipulation of votes during the CEC elections last December. |
Setting the record straight Posted: 04 Aug 2013 06:53 PM PDT
Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong, Malaysian Times
I READ with aghast and disappointment a press statement on Aug 3 issued by the Higher Education Section of the Ministry of Education (MoE) that refuted the pointers I had made regarding this year's intake of students into public institutes of higher learning (IPTA). Referring to the claim by the MoE that only 39 students with a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 4.0 failed to receive any offers from IPTA, I hope the MoE will not oversimplify the problem.
MoE's statement is truly unjust to students who scored the perfect CGPA of 4.0 but were offered courses that were not their chosen option, more so when the applicants had clearly indicated their interest by choosing critical courses as their top priorities during the on-line application.
In addition, MoE did not take into account the problem encountered by CGPA 4.0 students who applied for Dentistry and Pharmacy. The existing system requires students to select at least six options (two courses from research universities and four courses from non-research universities.)
The number of existing IPTAs which offer these courses (Dentistry and Pharmacy) is fewer than six, thereby forcing students to apply for other courses in the system.
The Higher Education Section of the MoE has been evasive and did not look into this matter comprehensively, thus leaving top scoring CGPA 4.0 students in a serious dilemma.
With regard to my alleged claim that "only 19% of Chinese students received offers to IPTAs, but many Chinese students with a CGPA of 4.0 did not receive any offer", this is utterly baseless. I have never uttered such a remark before.
What I had said was, "in the past four years, the enrolment rate of Chinese applicants fell from 92% to 88.2%, followed by 86.4% to only 75% this year." The above data was obtained from the MoHE or Ministry of Higher Education then.
I had mentioned that before the government first implemented the meritocracy system, the percentage of successful Chinese applicants entering IPTAs was 32.3% but this year, the percentage has fallen until 19%. Can the MoE deny these facts? Again, the statistics which I had referred to were those which were published by the MoE.
The MoE claimed only 1% of students with a CGPA of 4.0 did not receive offers and MoE even listed out the reasons including "the applicants' having stated they would decline programmes other than the ones applied for, and being at the low merit level as the co-curricular activities' marks were low."
I believe the MoE does not comprehend the points raised by our MCA Youth i.e. there is a difference in the evaluation system for co-curricular activities between the STPM and Matriculation applicants.
Also, the information as prepared by MCA proves that there are at least two students with a CGPA of 4.0 who are willing to accept courses which were not selected by them. Again, they failed to obtain any course. Can the MoE kindly provide an explanation on this?
For the past 10 years, MCA Youth Education Bureau has been helping MoE and MoHE to conduct out-reach programmes and providing guidance talks to students on improving their opportunities of entry into IPTAs based on the criteria set by the MoHE/MoE.
We had explained the eight selection criteria to hundreds of thousands of students since 2000. If the intake results (reality) do not match the selection criteria set, MoE owes the students a reasonable explanation as to how their applications have failed to fulfill the MoE's requirements.
MoE had failed to furnish any explanation as to how students with a lower CGPA were offered critical courses as opposed to top scorers with a CGPA of 4.0.
Moreover, MCA Youth highlighting the deteriorating trend of the percentage of Chinese students into IPTA was not given adequate attention. Another issue is that the students are unhappy to see the number of places for critical courses on a declining trend and sad to say, MoE or MoHE has never come up with any reasonable explanation.
MCA Youth hopes to help students resolve their problems. The MCA Youth Education Bureau is willing to sit and discuss with the MoE on how to overcome this situation, and we hope that the IPTA intake issue will be settled once and for all.
Meanwhile, I wish to inform that the problem addressed by MCA Youth was not deliberately manufactured by our wing. I would like to remind MoE that the rakyat hold grievances with the student admission system and MCA Youth is merely assisting students to resolve this problem.
I wish to reiterate that when I served as the Deputy Minister of Education from March 2008 to May 2013, IPTA intakes did not come under the jurisdiction of the MoE but were under the purview of the MoHE.
I wish to add that when I first helmed the MCA Youth Education Bureau in 2000, a dispute broke out with then Education Minister Tan Sri Musa Mohamad. However, after holding a dialogue session with the Minister, MoE then solved the problem immediately.
Therefore, if MoE can return to dialogue, this will indeed provide a positive outcome for the affected students.
For instance, last year, in the capacity as MCA Youth chief as well as being the Deputy Minister, I spoke up for many top-scorers (CGPA 4.0) regardless of race, thus assisting them to obtain approvals from the Cabinet in granting RM49.3mil in scholarships to help them get enrolled into private institutes of higher learning (IPTS) to pursue their desired courses.
The students have toiled for years to achieve excellent results. Equally, their proud parents have also sacrificed so much all these years to nurture such bright students. People's futures are at stake. Do not trivialise the seriousness of this issue.
(Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong was Deputy Education Minister from March 2008 to May 2013. His the MCA Youth national chairman and also heads the MCA education bureau. Dr Wee is also Ayer Hitam MP.)
Umno-BN hatched ‘author’ in new anti-DAP plot, says Kit Siang Posted: 04 Aug 2013 04:05 PM PDT
(MM) - Lim Kit Siang suggested today that a Father Augustus Chen, who is said to be the author of a booklet alleging irregularities in the DAP polls last year, is a fictitious character created by Umno and Barisan Nasional (BN) as part of their anti-DAP campaign. The DAP veteran said the 16-page booklet, released mid-June, was penned to provide "justification" for the Registrar of Societies (RoS) to invalidate his party's polls outcome and call for fresh election.
"I was at first perplexed why the booklet of lies by the fictitious 'Father Augustus Chen' appeared last month as the 13th general election is over, but now I understand its appearance — to provide a semblance of justification for Umno/BN and the RoS to act against the DAP," Lim (picture) said in a statement.
The Gelang Patah MP pointed out that it was Umno minister Datuk Hasan Malek who had cited the alleged irregularities as purportedly revealed in Chen's booklet in justifying the RoS's decision last week.
Hasan, the Kuala Pilah MP, was quoted as saying in a New Sunday Times report yesterday that instead of lashing out at detractors, Lim should blame Chen for exposing the alleged presence of 547 "illegal delegates" who were present during polling for the party's central executive committee (CEC) polls.
But Lim said that Hasan's move to cite Chen's booklet as an authority for the RoS's decision showed that the alleged anti-DAP conspiracy by Umno and BN has now been taken to an "absolutely bizarre" level.
He labelled Chen a "total figment of imagination" of Umno and BN's anti-DAP campaign and insisted that the allegations made in the June booklet were merely more of the same lies that had already been published since January in some 400 mainstream media reports.
"However, the fact that this booklet by a fictitious character was given such a high profile in the Umno/BN-controlled media, published in four languages in Bahasa Malaysia, English, Chinese and Tamil, and distributed in huge quantities for free and general distribution, point to a high-powered and well-funded source — Umno/BN 'war-room psy-war' campaign to demonise and destroy the DAP," he said.
Questions over the DAP's status have been dragging on for nearly half a year following party secretary-general Lim Guan Eng's disclosure on January 4 that an internal audit had showed errors in the tabulation of votes in the December 15, 2012 party elections.
He said the counting error was caused by a technical glitch when the results were transferred to a computer using the Microsoft Excel programme.
The amendments resulted in the Penang chief minister's political secretary, Zairil Khir Johari, moving up from 39th position to 20th ― taking the last elected position in the party's CEC.
Following complaints by some members, the RoS began investigations that at one point led to fears that the party would be unable to use its logo in Election 2013.
But the RoS later confirmed the validity of the DAP CEC's appointment letters to candidates, which enabled the party to field its candidates in the general election under its rocket symbol.
In a letter dated July 30, the RoS said it found the DAP's explanation on the "tabulation error" of its CEC elections unsatisfactory.
The brief contents of the letter, however, heightened suspicions of bias within the party, which was already bristling at the government's reaction following Home Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi's early remarks on the matter.
Zahid was reported by Sin Chew Daily as saying that the RoS was dissatisfied with the DAP's explanation for the counting mistake and the party would be directed to hold its internal polls again.
According to the Chinese-language paper, Ahmad Zahid, who is also an Umno vice-president, said he would not interfere in RoS matters.
This led the DAP to suggest that the RoS was being used to manipulate the opposition party's internal affairs at the behest of the ruling BN.
The DAP has since refused to accept the RoS's decision and formally submitted a letter demanding that it justify its reason for directing it to call for fresh polls. |
The real problem in “balik Cina, balik India” not solved Posted: 04 Aug 2013 03:57 PM PDT
She had "melatah" as is said in Malay. The words used do show some "racism" at the back of the mind. It was not right to scold the children that way, with words tainted with racism. To think of it, if the children were really to go back to China and India, that would leave the Malay children behind. How would she then tackle the indiscipline among the Malay children, or are only the non-Malay children who are indisciplined? Ravinder Singh, TMI Yati Dani, the principal of SMK Alam Megah has apologised. This must have been a very humiliating experience for her as the children before whom she stood to apologise are not a well-disciplined or well-mannered lot. Does it mean the children who were so misbehaved do not have to apologise to all their teachers for their unbecoming behaviour? However, those who raised a furore are happy. But has the real issue been addressed, let alone solved? Did anyone even notice the real issue? This is an excellent example of not seeing the wood for the trees. The real issue in this case is not racism. The principal had not pre-planned her outburst and what to say. It was a spontaneous reaction on the spur of the moment occasioned by the unruly behaviour of the hundreds of children before her (while the national anthem was being sung, as she alleged). She had "melatah" as is said in Malay. The words used do show some "racism" at the back of the mind. It was not right to scold the children that way, with words tainted with racism. To think of it, if the children were really to go back to China and India, that would leave the Malay children behind. How would she then tackle the indiscipline among the Malay children, or are only the non-Malay children who are indisciplined? The principal claims she also told the Malay children to go back to Indonesia. That would leave the school deserted and all the teachers jobless. This I do not believe. This afterthought statement sounds very similar to the way the principal of SM Ibrahim in Sungai Petani who had called the non-Malays "pendatang" at the assembly, turned it into "pedagang" when confronted by the non-Malay teachers after the assembly (read my earlier article). Compare this with the Seri Pristana case where there was pre-planning and other hands involved. The PTA is said to have made the decision. If this is true, then the headmaster was only implementing the decision of the PTA. If he had not complied, and the PTA chairman was a "somebody', or had connections to the politicians in power, the headmaster could have been transferred out of that school for defying the PTA decision. Therefore, in this case, the "innovative" action of putting the non-Muslim children in the toilet-canteen is un-apologise-able (following Mahathir's style of governance) as there was a motive for making and implementing that "innovative, religiously correct" move. The real culprit it would seem is the person who controls the PTA. While I do not condone Yati Dani's use of racial slurs and the outburst, I fully empathise with her. Some will be quick to ask why? I had faced a very similar situation at the SMK Batu Maung in Penang on 28 May 2004. I had been invited to give a talk to the students and teachers at this school, which at that time had 699 pupils and 40 teachers. The students were seated on the courtyard floor and about 20 of the teachers were present, including the discipline master. They were seated on chairs on the raised platform where I was given a chair also. I was introduced and called on to take the mike. I was surprised that I had been invited to take the mike without first getting the children prepared to listen by getting them to keep silent. To the teachers, it seemed such a normal thing. So this is how children behaved at assemblies and no corrective measures had been taken. The children were in control of the assembly as the teachers showed they could not control the behaviour of their charges. I took the mike, but did not start the talk as the children were making so much noise chatting with each other. While I stood silent, neither the students (this is a secondary school) nor any of the teachers, let alone the discipline teacher, got the message that I was waiting for the children to stop talking and start paying attention. So I had to decide whether to start talking to children who were not paying any attention and who were showing scant respect to an invited guest, to walk off from the scene and not just from the mike, or take it upon myself to bring some order before proceeding even if that embarrassed the teachers I decided on the last option. Very firmly I directed the prefects who were standing calmly around the perimeter of the courtyard to do their duty, i.e. to go in among the students seated on the floor and identify those who were making the most noise. This was accompanied by an impromptu 'lecture' on showing respect to anyone who was speaking to them by keeping quiet. If not interested to listen, it was better to leave the assembly. It took a good 10 minutes to get the children to stop talking after which I proceeded to give my talk. At the end of the talk, as I walked back to my seat, I could see the embarrassment on the faces of the teachers. I don't know whether it was a lesson for them in any way. READ MORE HERE |
Use Syariah law to charge dog trainer, urges Perkasa Posted: 04 Aug 2013 03:52 PM PDT
Mohd Farhan Darwis, TMI There is no letting up in the calls to prosecute dog trainer Maznah Mohd Yusof, with Perkasa joining in the fray urging that Syariah laws be used against her. The Malay rights group said Maznah's refusal to apologise for her actions in the controversial video "1 Hari di Hari Raya", where she is seen bathing her dogs in a manner similar to the Muslims performing ablution, is bound to be a bad example to young Muslims.
"She has to be checked for her flawed view of Islam," said Perkasa secretary-general Syed Hassan Syed Ali (pic).
"She has held on to the belief that she did not commit a crime for washing her dogs and intentionally touching the wet dogs," said Syed Hassan.
Maznah, otherwise known as Chetz, was remanded for two days at the Segamat police station last week to facilitate investigations for causing disharmony among religions through her video. She was later released on bond.
Perkasa said they would not accept an apology from Maznah nor would they forgive her even if she did apologise.
"Jakim needs to clarify the issue of Muslims touching, cuddling and bathing dogs," Syed Hassan said in reference to the Department of Islamic Development.
"Perkasa is worried that if this is not explained, more young Muslims would go about taking their dogs for a walk in the park, cuddling and kissing these pet dogs," he told The Malaysian Insider. READ MORE HERE |
MCMC questions Alvin’s mum on ‘bah kut teh’ greeting Posted: 04 Aug 2013 03:42 PM PDT
Sex blogger Alvin Tan's mother was questioned for two hours today by the MCMC officials. Alfian ZM Tahir, FMT The mother of Alvin Tan, the sex blogger who caused a controversy with his "bak kut teh" Ramadan greeting, was questioned for two hours this morning at the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) office. Wearing dark blue shirt and pink hat, the mother was seen entering MCMC's office accompanied by a male friend.
The lawyer representing the mother, Choong Joo Tian, said the questioning was related to the "bak kut teh" Ramadan greeting posted by Alvin Tan on his Facebook.
"We were cooperative and they were pleasant to us," Choong said.
However, Choong added that MCMC failed to give a good reason why the mother had to be questioned.
"The mother has nothing to do with the video and why is she being questioned?
"They did not give us an answer," he said. The mother declined to talk to reporters. READ MORE HERE |