‘Entire police force on crime prevention’ Posted: 15 Aug 2013 12:47 PM PDT 
A crime analyst Kamal Affandi Hashim has suggested that MBs and CMs of all the states start monitoring vice-dens where "gangsters gather". (Bernama) - Almost 80 percent of the entire Royal Malaysian Police Force (PDRM), including the Crime Investigation Department (CID), are assigned to crime prevention duties nationwide, Inspector-General of Police Secretariat (Corporate Communications) assistant head ACP Ramli Mohamed said yesterday. He stressed that the entire force was involved in fighting crime and it was unfair for certain quarters to label the force as inactive, based merely on the nine percent mobilised under the CID. "Don't look at it from just the CID angle. The entire police force is on crime prevention, from the district police chiefs to the police station chiefs are on general duty," he said. He was commenting commenting on DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng's statement on the force, on Wednesday. In his statement, Lim claimed that the police had only allocated nine percent of the total force to the CID for crime prevention duties. He also announced the appointment of DAP national vice-chairman Teresa Kok as head of the party's Crime Action Taskforce (CAT) to seek an increase from the present 10,150 (nine percent) in the CID to 50 percent or 56,000 of the entire force. "We are also actively involved in various community, non-governmental organisations, public and private sector programmes aimed at preventing crimes," he said. Apart from that, motorbike and MPV patrols and community policing have been stepped up to help the CID as well, he added. Meanwhile, crime analyst Kamal Affandi Hashim told Bernama: "Any organisation is free to make suggestions, but it must be studied thoroughly before being implemented." "There are a number of departments within the police force. If we allocate 50 percent of the personnel to the CID, then who is going to manage the traffic, narcotics and special branch departments for example," he said. He suggested that the Menteris Besar and Chief Ministers of all the states should start monitoring the entertainment outlets and vice dens, within their jurisdictions. "Because that's where the gangsters gather and carry out their criminal activities," he said. |
‘I was the grand designer’ of Project IC Posted: 15 Aug 2013 12:41 PM PDT
According to an aide to former premier Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Anwar Ibrahim was not involved in the alleged Project IC scandal. (FMT) -"It was top secret operation and Megat Junid warned me not to go to the ground of the operation (but remain in his very own operation)," he said adding he quit his role when he realised the project was being abused. An aide of former Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi told the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) that he was himself a "grand designer" of a plot to distribute some 20,000 voters in Usno's weak area in the late 1980s. Matswadi Awi, a former bank manager in Kota Kinabalu from 1985 to 1988, told the RCI he was hired by then Usno president Mustapha Harun and then deputy home minister Megat Junid Megat Ayob to lead in a top-secret operation to distribute newly-enlisted muslim voters in areas that Usno was weak but could win to unseat then ruling Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS). "I was the grand designer of this project. I dealt direct with Megat Junid and Tun Mustapha," he told the five-member investigating panel led by former Chief Judge of Borneo, Steve Shim. He said he was alone in his secret operation room in Kuala Lumpur and received direct orders from Mustapha and Megat Junid, both of whom had long passed away. "My job was to put in a data base all the names from "sacks" (berguni-guni) of photostated identity cards given to me (by Mustapha) and then distribute them to areas in Sabah to strengthen Usno for it to wrest power from PBS," he explained of his design. Matswadi, who is the 200th witness, also said that the names were sourced from illegal immigrants as well as Malaysian citizens especially from among Peninsular teachers serving in Sabah and the military staff as well as Felda settlers who were from Peninsular. "I think one third of the 20,000 names were Malaysian citizens and the rest the immigrants (already in possession of either fake or genuine Malaysian documents)," he told the RCI. Asked by inquiring officer if he knew these documents were genuine, Matswadi replied he would not know and that his job was to ensure the suggested newly-enlisted voters be distributed to bolster Usno's chance. He however agreed that though his operation was successful, PBS still won the state election, though narrowly, in 1994.
Asked why Mustapha had chosen him, instead of others including civil servants, for the task, Matswadi said he also did ask the late Usno leader who told him he was chosen because he was a banker and a good Muslim. READ MORE HERE |
Putrajaya blew over RM500m on pre-polls ad offensive Posted: 15 Aug 2013 12:37 PM PDT
File photo of a 1 Malaysia billboard on the Sprint Highway in Kuala Lumpur. — Picture by Choo Choy May (The Malay Mail) - Putrajaya spent over RM500 million in its advertising blitz ahead of Election 2013 ― as much as the next four advertiser categories combined ― to dominate the list of top spenders for the first half of the year. According to a report on local advertising growth by Vizeum Media, an international media-buying agency, the next closest contender was women's beauty products, which laid out RM163 million or less than a third of the RM530 million spent by the government. "[The General Election] drove government spending to a historical high of RM531 million, accounting for 9 per cent share of the advertising market or one-third of ADEX within the top 10 spending categories in 1H 2013," Vizeum said in its July report. The amount was a 160 per cent increase over the same period last year. Of the over half-billion spent, the Prime Minister's Department took up the lion's share with an outlay of RM264 million for the first six months of the year or five times more than it did in 2012. "Jabatan Perdana Menteri accounted for 50 per cent share of all government spending during the same period," the report continued. The sum was enough the make the PM's Department the country's second-largest single advertiser, losing out to multinational consumer goods firm Unilever Malaysia which spent RM286 million. Ahead of Election 2013 in May, Putrajaya and the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) set out to conquer advertising space both in the traditional outlets such as print, television and radio as well as in the so-called new media on the Internet. It participated in paid-for promotions such as social network Twitter's "Promoted Accounts" and "Promoted Tweets" programmes, and delved heavily into adverting with online news portals. On the Internet, it adopted "Better Nation" as its rallying theme, a play on its BN initials. These included a standalone website as well as linked advertisement on others. Beyond advertising, the coalition also invested extensively in premiums such as an "Action Kit" containing 1 Malaysia-themed memorabilia such as caps, pens, stickers and more that were freely distributed to supporters and any who showed interest. Billboards promoting Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's 1 Malaysia theme as well as the "Janji Ditepati" (Promises Fulfilled) slogan that was the platform for the BN campaign also sprouted along the major highways in the country. Despite the extensive advertising campaign, BN continued its slide from Election 2008 to hit its latest low in the May 5 general election. It lost another seven seats from the 140 it had won five years ago, allowing the opposition Pakatan Rakyat (PR) to gain further ground by taking 89 of the Parliament's total of 222 seats. BN also lost the popular vote for the first time since 1969, when it had last contested as the Alliance Party. PR had shunned traditional media outlets ahead of the election and again concentrated its resources on social networks and websites that had been credited with its unexpected gains in 2008. |
Bekas mufti Perlis - Boleh berkongsi tempat beribadat Posted: 15 Aug 2013 11:30 AM PDT
(Astro Awani) - Menurut Dr Asri, tempat beribadat milik persendirian tidak boleh dianggap sebagai tempat awam dan tempat itu boleh ditukar pada bila-bila masa mengikut pemilik itu sendiri. Penganut ajaran agama dibenarkan berkongsi tempat yang sama untuk beribadat selagi lokasi tersebut tidak diwartakan untuk ajaran agama tertentu. Bekas mufti Perlis, Datuk Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin berkata, apabila tempat tersebut diisytiharkan sebagai masjid atau musalla, penganut agama lain tidak boleh beribadat tanpa mendapat kebenaran terlebih dahulu. "Kecuali pihak kerajaan mewartakan undang-undang yang menyatakan sesebuah lokasi yang digunakan, sebagai contoh, tempat untuk umat Islam beribadat, tidak boleh ditukar menjadi tempat beribadat agama lain walaupun oleh pemilik tempat tersebut sendiri," kata Dr Asri. Menurut Dr Asri, tempat beribadat milik persendirian tidak boleh dianggap sebagai tempat awam dan tempat itu boleh ditukar pada bila-bila masa mengikut pemilik itu sendiri. "Sebagai contoh, jika kita pergi ke rumah penganut agama bukan Islam dan pemilik rumah tersebut membenarkan kita bersolat, itu amat bagus. Tetapi jika tuan rumah tersebut tidak lagi membenarkan kita bersolat selepas itu, itu adalah hak mereka," tambah beliau. Mengulas kejadian sebuah surau di sebuah resort di Kota Tinggi yang digunakan penganut agama Buddha untuk bermeditasi, Dr Asri berkata rancangan untuk merobohkan surau itu 'tidak masuk akal sama sekali'. "Mengikut sejarah, banyak gereja ditukar menjadi masjid dan masih digunakan hingga ke hari ini serta Nabi Muhammad sendiri pernah membenarkan penganut agama Kristian dari Najran untuk beribadat di dalam masjid," kata Dr Asri. Beliau menambah sesuatu tempat itu tidak boleh dianggap sebagai surau untuk orang ramai jika ia dimiliki secara persendirian. READ MORE HERE |
‘Domestic violence victims have the right to protection order’ Posted: 15 Aug 2013 11:25 AM PDT
(The Star) - Police, welfare officers and NGO representatives must inform victims of domestic violence of their right to an interim protection order (IPO), says the Women's Aid Organisation (WAO). WAO executive director Ivy Josiah said that despite all the advocacy work done, victims still complained that the police tended to treat such cases as domestic issues and not give protection to them when police reports were made. "Not all officers give information on the IPO," she said in a telephone interview yesterday. On Wednesday, two footages of women being severely beaten up, one by her husband and the other by her ex-boyfriend, went viral on Facebook. Josiah said the protocol on how the IPO was served should be changed, adding that the IPO should be served to the perpetrator in court. "If the alleged perpetrator does not turn up in court, the court could subpoena for him to be arrested," she said, adding that the couple could then go through mandatory marriage counselling. Currently, she said the IPO was served directly by hand or by post and no one would know if he had received it or understood its meaning. She said the women's groups also wanted the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry to hold regular meetings to address domestic violence issues and carry out reviews on the Domestic Violence Act for it to be more effective. Empower executive director Maria Chin Abdullah said the police should treat domestic violence as a criminal case and not just a domestic issue. "They need to be sensitive to these issues and not just turn victims away," she said. Maria said no one deserved to be beaten, regardless of the severity of the issues between couples such as extramarital affairs. "They should sort out their issues without resorting to violence." Wanita Barisan Nasional chief Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil said she viewed domestic violence seriously and felt that the court should impose a heavy sentence to ensure that it did not become widespread. "As a woman and wife, I regret to see the two victims being excessively beaten until it caused public anger, especially among women throughout the country," she said in a statement yesterday. |
US-based Malaysian scientist makes major breakthrough Posted: 15 Aug 2013 11:20 AM PDT
(The Malay Mail) - Most malaria scientists thought it would be impossible to manufacture a sporozoite vaccine that would meet regulatory agency standards. As news of a scientific breakthrough by US researchers make headlines, Malaysians should be proud to know that a fellow countryman was involved in the production of the first experimental vaccine with a 100 per cent success rate in protecting subjects from malaria. Sanaria Inc vice-president of process development and manufacturing Dr Betty Sim Kim Lee (picture) dedicated her life to the field of scientific research. "I have worked on filariasis (the disease that causes elephantiasis) and malaria since my university days. I have also worked on other infectious diseases like dengue fever, SARS, anthrax and plague," she said. Sim, who grew up in Kota Baru, received her early education at SK Zainab and Sultan Ismail College. "When I was in high school, I participated in science fairs. I even travelled from Kota Baru to Kuala Lumpur to participate in a national science fair when I was in Form 6," she said. She pursued her undergraduate and graduate studies at University Malaya. "After receiving my PhD, I moved to the US to do a post-doctoral fellowship in molecular biology at Harvard University in 1984," said Sim, who currently resides in Maryland. Before the inception of Sanaria Inc, Sim founded a biotech company in 2003 called Protein Potential LLC, which develops vaccines for infectious diseases. "Sanaria was started 10 years ago in my house by my husband Dr Stephen Hoffman. I was supportive towards his cause," she shared. Hoffman is a tropical infectious diseases specialist and Sanaria chief executive and scientific officer. "I also oversaw the process of thawing the vaccine and formulating it in syringes during the trial." The vaccine is called PfSPZ because it is made from sporozoites (SPZ), a stage in the life cycle of the malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum (Pf). According to Sim, all previous attempts to develop a malaria vaccine used just a handful of parasite proteins. "The parasite has more than 5,000 proteins and we did not think that using one or two proteins would be adequate. We used the entire parasite as the vaccine," she said. Despite the vaccine being hailed as a "pivotal success", critics were aplenty during the earlier stages of its development. Most malaria scientists thought it would be impossible to manufacture a sporozoite vaccine that would meet regulatory agency standards. "Our PfSPZ vaccine is based on strong scientific evidence so I was certain we could overcome the challenges. It feels good to know we were right!" "Before it can be licensed, there will be multiple trials in Africa, the US, Europe and, hopefully, Asia, to further establish the safety, tolerance level and protective efficacy of the vaccine," she added. The team at Sanaria hopes to have the vaccine licensed within three to five years. On her plans for the immediate future, the mother of three boys said: "I will also be travelling to our clinical sites to oversee the thawing and filling of the vaccine in preparation for administration by the clinical teams at each site. "I am humbled at the responsibility of taking this over the finish line." |
The actual Malay dilemma Posted: 15 Aug 2013 11:15 AM PDT
Can't you see that you are being played and made a fool of by your own people? And these are your own people who confess to be your leaders and are apparently protecting your interests? Zan Azlee, TMI It seems that one of the big discussions amongst Malaysians at the moment is if we are actually getting too sensitive. This is because of the "offence" that we have been taking over all kinds of issues. First of all, there was the Alvivi case where this idiotic Chinese couple took a picture of themselves eating bak kut teh which they spread online and offended the Malays in the country. Then there was the case of a Malay woman making a video with her pet dogs which caused a stir and offended the Malays in the country. After that, an owner of a private resort allowed a group of Buddhists to meditate in a room which was also allocated as a surau. And this offended the Malays in the country. At a first glance, I can see the reason why many people are starting to think that Malaysians are actually getting too sensitive for their own good. But at a second glance, I think I'm beginning to see a trend here. Can you see it? It seems like those who constantly get offended happen to be Malays. Sure, they constitute about 60% of the country's population. But it would still be unfair to extrapolate and conclude that Malaysians as a whole are becoming too sensitive. What about the remaining 40% of Malaysians? The Chinese, Indians, indigineous groups and the "dan lain-lain" are as equally Malaysians as well.
I know I always try my best to stay clear of categorising issues according to racial lines since I believe that we need to be blind towards racism for it to cease to exist.
But in this context and situation, I can't help but ask the question, why are Malays in Malaysia becoming too overly sensitive over things (petty things, if I may add)? READ MORE HERE |
Utusan columnist says would have attacked Singapore over island Posted: 15 Aug 2013 10:57 AM PDT
(The Malay Mail) - "Today, Malays are humiliated, but 'we' remain silent," he added. Malaysia should have waged war on Singapore to keep Pulau Batu Puteh instead of bringing the dispute to the International Court of Justice, Utusan Malaysia columnist Ridhuan Tee Abdullah wrote in an editorial today. In a sharply-worded piece touching on criticisms by Singapore founding father Lee Kuan Yew (picture) in his book "One Man's View of the World", Tee said the republic was fortunate he was not the prime minister of Malaysia during the time. "I certainly would not bring the matter to the International Court of Justice (ICJ). The only resolution to the dispute is war," he wrote further. "The world has witnessed the loss of Malay land to the ultra kiasu. "Today, Malays are humiliated, but 'we' remain silent," he added. Pulau Batu Puteh, or Pedra Branca as it is now known, was a disputed island claimed by Malaysia and Singapore. The row over the island's ownership traces back to 1979, when Malaysia published a map indicating the island to be within the country's territory. This led to a nearly three-decade dispute with Singapore that was finally ended when the island was ruled to be Singaporean territory by the International Court of Justice in 2008. Last month, Lee reignited dormant hostilities when he touched on Malaysian issues in his latest book, particularly with his assessment of Malaysia's race-based affirmative action policies. In it, he accused Malaysia of driving away its talent by promoting "one race" above all others. "They are prepared to lose that talent in order to maintain the dominance of one race," read an excerpt of Lee's book. |
Protesters storm building in Cairo, Egypt death toll reaches 525 Posted: 14 Aug 2013 11:36 PM PDT
(Reuters) - Hundreds of supporters of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood stormed a government building in Cairo on Thursday and set it ablaze, as fury over a security crackdown on the Islamist movement that killed hundreds of people spilled on to the streets. In Alexandria, Egypt's second largest city, hundreds marched to protest against Wednesday's violent breakup of Brotherhood sit-ins in the capital, prompting nationwide violence in which at least 525 people died and thousands were wounded. "We will come back again for the sake of our martyrs!" the protesters chanted. They demanded the reinstatement of former President Mohamed Mursi, who was deposed by the army six weeks ago after mass demonstrations against him, and whose ouster triggered a crisis that has polarised the most populous Arab nation. Brotherhood spokesman Gehad El-Haddad told Reuters that anger within the movement, which has millions of supporters, was "beyond control". "After the blows and arrests and killings that we are facing, emotions are too high to be guided by anyone," he said. The Brotherhood has called on followers to march in Cairo later on Thursday, while funeral processions for those who died provide further potential flashpoints over the coming days. On Wednesday, protesters clashed with police and troops who used bulldozers, teargas and live ammunition to clear two Cairo sit-ins that had become a hub of resistance to the military. The clashes spread quickly to Alexandria and numerous towns and cities around the mostly Muslim nation of 84 million. A Reuters witness counted 228 bodies, most of them wrapped in white shrouds, arranged in rows on the floor of the Al-Imam mosque in northeast Cairo, close to the worst of the violence. Some men pulled back the shrouds to reveal badly charred corpses with smashed skulls. Women knelt and wept beside one body. Two men embraced each other and shed tears by another. ISLAMISTS IN SHOCK In the aftermath of the bloodshed, and with the death toll expected to rise further, Mursi supporters were left dazed by a crackdown that was more swift and brutal than most expected. Army chief General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi removed Mursi from power on July 3 in the wake of huge protests by people frustrated at the lack of progress on economic reform and wary of what they saw as a creeping Islamist power grab. But the subsequent crackdown points to a bleak future for the Brotherhood, which was suppressed for decades under autocrat Hosni Mubarak before he was toppled in a 2011 uprising. "It's not about Mursi anymore. Are we going to accept a new military tyranny in Egypt or not?" Haddad said. Despite shocking scenes in Cairo and beyond, including television footage of unarmed protesters dropping to the ground as security forces opened fire, many Egyptians support the crackdown, underlining how deeply divided society has become. "The Brotherhood would never agree to a political deal," said Ismail Khaled, 31-year-old manager in a private company. "They are terrorists and violent, and what happened was the only logical way to end their sit-ins, which did have weapons and ... violent people. Thank God the police ended them. I wish they had done so sooner." Cairo and other areas were largely calm overnight, after the army-installed government declared a month-long state of emergency and imposed a dusk-to-dawn curfew on the capital and 10 other provinces. A military source said that while sit-ins like the main one outside the Rabaa al-Adawiya mosque in Cairo would no longer be tolerated, marches may be in spite of the state of emergency. The decision to forcibly clear sit-ins defied Western appeals for a negotiated settlement to the crisis, amid concerns that the country which has signed a peace treaty with Israel and straddles the strategic Suez Canal could spiral out of control. French President Francois Hollande summoned the Egyptian ambassador to demand an immediate halt to the crackdown. "The head of state asserted that everything must be done to avoid civil war," the Elysee Palace said in a statement. In Ankara, Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan called for the U.N. Security Council to convene quickly and act after what he described as a massacre in Egypt. "I am calling on Western countries. You remained silent in Gaza, you remained silent in Syria ... You are still silent on Egypt. So how come you talk about democracy, freedom, global values and human rights?" he told a news conference. U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay called on all sides to "step back from the brink of disaster". Pillay, a former U.N. war crimes judge, said the death toll pointed to "an excessive, even extreme use of force against demonstrators". But the United Arab Emirates, one of several Gulf Arab states unsettled by Mursi's victory in a 2012 election, expressed support for the crackdown, saying the Egyptian government had "exercised maximum self-control". BLOODSHED "DEPLORABLE" The Muslim Brotherhood said the true death toll was far higher, with a spokesman saying 3,000 people had been killed in a "massacre". It was impossible to verify the figures independently given the extent of the violence. The state of emergency and curfew restored to the army powers of arrest and indefinite detention it held for decades under Mubarak. The army insists it does not seek power, and it has installed an interim government to implement plans for fresh elections in around six months. But efforts to restore democracy have been overshadowed by the crisis, and the Brotherhood suspects the military is effectively running the country. Egypt's interim president named at least 18 new provincial governors earlier this week, half of them retired generals, in a shake-up that pushed out Brotherhood members and restored the influence of men from army and police backgrounds. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry called the bloodshed in Egypt "deplorable" - a word U.S. diplomats rarely use - and urged all sides to seek a political solution. A U.S. official told Reuters that Washington was considering cancelling a major joint military exercise with Egypt, due this year, after the latest violence, in what would be a direct snub to the Egyptian armed forces. After Mursi's ouster, Gulf Arab states pledged $12 billion (7 billion pounds) in aid to Egypt, bolstering its coffers after reserves of foreign currency and food stocks had run dangerously low. But in the first sign of adverse economic impact from the bloodshed, home appliances maker Electrolux said it halted all output in Egypt, where it has around 7,000 employees, and would review its decision on Saturday. |
Are dogs cleaner than Buddhists? Posted: 14 Aug 2013 09:39 PM PDT 
If a dog were to accidentally stray into the surau would you also ask for the surau to be demolished, especially if it pissed on the carpet? And if we do not need to demolish the surau (because a dog strayed into it and pissed on the carpet) then why not? Is a dog cleaner than a Buddhist? NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin Nazri: No need to demolish surau used by Buddhists (MM) - A Cabinet minister today questioned the need to tear down Muslim prayer room in Johor that was used by Buddhist tourists, noting that the controversy was already resolved. Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz said the country should move on to other matters, observing that a group representing the Buddhists in Malaysia had already issued an apology. "I am not an expert on Islam but I think this is something we have resolved, what is not elok (good) until it needs to be demolished?" the minister of tourism and culture told a media conference after launching the Red Carpet wax museum in i-City here. "There's already an apology by the Buddhist council, we move on," he said. "I don't agree," he later said, when speaking on the demolition of the surau. (READ MORE HERE) ************************************************** I must admit that I was pretty surprised to read The Malay Mail news report above. I don't remember reading anywhere about the call to demolish the surau in Johor that had been 'defiled' by Buddhist tourists who prayed in it. I did, however, read the news report about His Highness the Sultan off Johor ordering an investigation into the matter, the proposal to cancel the PR status of the tour operator (or was it the hotel operator) who allowed this thing to happen, the arrest of the tourist guide, and so on. Wow! What a huge brouhaha over nothing. It makes one wonder whether these people are so free and have nothing to do with their time. Aren't there more pressing problems to worry about? I already wrote about prayer rooms all over the world being shared by all the faiths (READ HERE). Some smart arses then responded by arguing that a surau is a surau and a multi-faith prayer room is a multi-faith prayer room and that they are both not the same. What else are you going to argue? That a fowl is a fowl and a chicken is a chicken and that they are both not the same? Is not a chicken also a fowl? In fact, a fowl can also be a hen, rooster, capon, pullet, poultry, etc. So what do you mean they are not the same? A surau is a prayer room. It is not a mosque. You cannot do your Friday prayers in a surau. You also need not do your sembahyang sunat masjid in a surau. I know one renowned ustaz (preacher) in Kuala Terengganu who smokes in a surau, as do some of his congregation. You cannot smoke in a mosque. It is haram (forbidden). Are you telling me that this renowned ustaz is a deviant? In fact, he is quite famous. Asking for the surau to be demolished just because some Buddhists prayed in it is the height of stupidity. Apa sudah jadi ni? We are becoming a nation of idiots. If a dog were to accidentally stray into the surau would you also ask for the surau to be demolished, especially if it pissed on the carpet? And if we do not need to demolish the surau (because a dog strayed into it and pissed on the carpet) then why not? Is a dog cleaner than a Buddhist? Sheesh! I don't think I want to talk about this any further. If I layan (entertain) these idiots I might become an idiot. |
Opposition rubbishes Najib’s soared support after GE Posted: 14 Aug 2013 08:07 PM PDT 
Najib has failed to discharge his duty to lead the country post 13th General Election, a DAP parliamentarian points out. Leven Woon, FMT Opposition members today rebutted that the popularity of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak has soared after the 13th General Election, pointing out that Najib has in fact shown no style in his leadership since May. Parit Buntar MP Mujahid Rawa Yusof and Kluang MP Liew Chin Tong shared the view that Najib has failed to respond promptly and lay out solutions when the country underwent several crisis. "For examples, he is not prepared to deal with the surging crime rate, and he allows people to talk about re-introducing the Emergency Ordinance," Liew said, in reference to the repealed law that permits detention without trial. "He is supposed to find new ways of dealing with things, but he is just hanging around. "Governing is something you cannot hide. If you don't govern, things wouldn't be right," he said. Sabah speaker Salleh Said Keruak yesterday told national news agency Bernama that Najib's popularity continued to rise after he led Umno in increasing the number of parliamentary seats. This was evident by the increase in the number of parliamentary seats won by the party from 79 in the 12th General Election in 2008 to 88 seats in the 13th GE. "Compared to the opposition's 89 seats, Umno as a single party alone could match the combined number of seats garnered by the three opposition parties (DAP, PKR and PAS)," he has said. Commenting on this, Mujahid said a recent study done by pollster Merdeka Center has revealed that BN indeed won the elections purely on advanced and postal votes. "Lip service" The Merdeka Centre study indicated that advance and postal votes alone contributed to BN's victory in 22 parliamentary seats. Without these 22 seats, BN would have tied with opposition, Pakatan at 111 seats. It also claimed that two MIC ministers – S.Subramaniam and G. Palanivel – would have lost their parliamentary seats in Segamat and Cameron Highlands respectively without the advance and postal votes. READ MORE HERE |
Merdeka Centre: Our analysis solid Posted: 14 Aug 2013 06:15 PM PDT
(FMT) - Merdeka Centre today refuted MIC deputy president Dr S Subramanian's claim that it had conducted a 'flawed' analysis of the 13th general election. Ibrahim Suffian, the research firm's director, said their analysis was established on solid findings. "We welcome his comment on the matter as it applies to his constituency of P140 Segamat. But our analysis was done professionally without fear or favour. "We do not dispute the results of the election nor do we intend to cast any aspersions on the conduct of the election or parties which had contested," said Ibrahim. Merdeka Centre's study showed that two MIC cabinet ministers, Subramaniam and party president G Palanivel, would have lost their parliamentary seats without the advance and postal voting. The report also said that several seats in Johor and the Federal Territory would have also fallen to Pakatan Rakyat and BN won 22 parliamentary seats with the help of additional postal and early voters. Ibrahim explained that in Segamat, 39,899 voters cast their vote in the constituency and only 799 were advanced and postal voters. The remainder 39,096 were ordinary voters. "Four-hundered and seventy-four were postal voters made up of SPR workers, members of the media or any applicable security personnel "There was an additional 325 advance voters comprising security personnel in the area, which means 799 were advanced and postal voters. The rest (39,096) were all ordinary voters," he said. Different voting patterns He added that based on the detailed results, BN enjoyed a slim majority of 658 votes among ordinary voters and the remainder 1,217 majority won was made up of votes from advanced and postal voters. "From the table, we can clearly see that BN enjoyed a slim majority among ordinary voters which coincidentally is also smaller than the number of spoilt ordinary voters' ballots," said Ibrahim. "From another perspective BN gained 49.71% of the votes cast among ordinary voters," he added. Meanwhile, Ibrahim said that the voting pattern of the advanced and postal voters showed a vastly different voting pattern when compared to ordinary voters. "When ordinary voters were evenly split between BN and PKR candidates, the results show that nearly all of the advanced voters and nearly 7 out of 10 postal ballots went in favor of the BN candidates." Ibrahim added that the report simply examined the election results in search of patterns that describe a wider trend among voters. "(The report) is part of an exercise to understand how Malaysians made their choices during the 13th general election," he said. Read more here: http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2013/08/15/merdeka-centre-our-analysis-solid/ |
DAP gave in to avoid RoS abuse, says Pua Posted: 14 Aug 2013 06:09 PM PDT 
The DAP yielded to orders for fresh elections as it feared the Registrar of Societies (RoS) would otherwise "abuse" its powers to deregister the party, national publicity secretary Tony Pua said today. Based on previous conduct, Pua alleged that the RoS could not be trusted to act professionally in resolving the dispute over the validity of party elections for posts on its central executive committee (CEC). "Under normal and routine circumstances, the DAP would not have hesitated to strike out the RoS order in the court of law. The party's lawyers have confirmed that the RoS has absolutely no power to 'punish' a party with fresh leadership elections. "But where an insidious and wicked political agenda from the ruling political party is involved, these are certainly not normal and routine circumstances. The PJ Utara rep (picture) said since the RoS had refused to entertain previous requests for it to justify the instructions for DAP to hold another round of party elections, it was likely to de-register the party the moment the issue is raised in court - regardless of whether or not the governing body has legal grounds to do so. "If the RoS can abuse its non-existent powers to demand that DAP hold fresh elections, then certain (sic) it will not hesitate to abuse the powers which it has - that is to de-register a political party - if the powers that be deem it politically expedient and necessary," Pua said in a statement. Earlier, DAP chairman Karpal Singh sent out a statement to say the party was giving in to the RoS's insistence that it hold the election following a CEC meeting yesterday. In a subsequent statement, Pua accused Umno and particularly Home Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi of political interference in the RoS handling of DAP's case. Pua said such interference was clear in the way the RoS had "unjustifiably failed" to provide reasons as to why fresh polls are necessary, only hinging their argument on the claim that "some members were not satisfied" with the recent party polls. "The DAP CEC has last evening in an emergency meeting decided that we have exhausted all avenues barring a recourse to the courts to seek justification for, or to reverse the RoS decision. "We have also contemplated that any attempts to defy the unlawful RoS order via a judicial review will give 'justification' to, and pretext for the RoS to de-register DAP. "The party is fully aware that the BN and RoS are certainly not beneath such unscrupulous actions, despite what the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak might want to say about his 'political transformation programme'," Pua said. On January 4, Lim revealed that an internal audit showed errors in the tabulation of votes from the December 15, 2012 party elections that he said were caused by a technical glitch when the results were transferred to a computer using the Microsoft Excel programme. The amendments resulted in Lim's political secretary, Zairil Khir Johari, moving up from 39th position to 20th ― the last elected position in the party's CEC. The party had until today refused to comply with the RoS directive, saying it did not justify its order beyond saying it was "dissatisfied" with the party's explanations. - See more at: http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia/article/dap-gave-in-to-avoid-ros-abuse-says-pua#sthash.Qlbr8SSR.dpuf (The Malay Mail) - The DAP yielded to orders for fresh elections as it feared the Registrar of Societies (RoS) would otherwise "abuse" its powers to deregister the party, national publicity secretary Tony Pua said today. Based on previous conduct, Pua alleged that the RoS could not be trusted to act professionally in resolving the dispute over the validity of party elections for posts on its central executive committee (CEC). "Under normal and routine circumstances, the DAP would not have hesitated to strike out the RoS order in the court of law. The party's lawyers have confirmed that the RoS has absolutely no power to 'punish' a party with fresh leadership elections. "But where an insidious and wicked political agenda from the ruling political party is involved, these are certainly not normal and routine circumstances. The PJ Utara rep said since the RoS had refused to entertain previous requests for it to justify the instructions for DAP to hold another round of party elections, it was likely to de-register the party the moment the issue is raised in court - regardless of whether or not the governing body has legal grounds to do so. "If the RoS can abuse its non-existent powers to demand that DAP hold fresh elections, then certain (sic) it will not hesitate to abuse the powers which it has - that is to de-register a political party - if the powers that be deem it politically expedient and necessary," Pua said in a statement. Earlier, DAP chairman Karpal Singh sent out a statement to say the party was giving in to the RoS's insistence that it hold the election following a CEC meeting yesterday. In a subsequent statement, Pua accused Umno and particularly Home Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi of political interference in the RoS handling of DAP's case. Pua said such interference was clear in the way the RoS had "unjustifiably failed" to provide reasons as to why fresh polls are necessary, only hinging their argument on the claim that "some members were not satisfied" with the recent party polls. "The DAP CEC has last evening in an emergency meeting decided that we have exhausted all avenues barring a recourse to the courts to seek justification for, or to reverse the RoS decision. "We have also contemplated that any attempts to defy the unlawful RoS order via a judicial review will give 'justification' to, and pretext for the RoS to de-register DAP. "The party is fully aware that the BN and RoS are certainly not beneath such unscrupulous actions, despite what the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak might want to say about his 'political transformation programme'," Pua said. Read more here: http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia/article/dap-gave-in-to-avoid-ros-abuse-says-pua#sthash.Qlbr8SSR.dpuf The DAP yielded to orders for fresh elections as it feared the Registrar of Societies (RoS) would otherwise "abuse" its powers to deregister the party, national publicity secretary Tony Pua said today. Based on previous conduct, Pua alleged that the RoS could not be trusted to act professionally in resolving the dispute over the validity of party elections for posts on its central executive committee (CEC). "Under normal and routine circumstances, the DAP would not have hesitated to strike out the RoS order in the court of law. The party's lawyers have confirmed that the RoS has absolutely no power to 'punish' a party with fresh leadership elections. "But where an insidious and wicked political agenda from the ruling political party is involved, these are certainly not normal and routine circumstances. The PJ Utara rep (picture) said since the RoS had refused to entertain previous requests for it to justify the instructions for DAP to hold another round of party elections, it was likely to de-register the party the moment the issue is raised in court - regardless of whether or not the governing body has legal grounds to do so. "If the RoS can abuse its non-existent powers to demand that DAP hold fresh elections, then certain (sic) it will not hesitate to abuse the powers which it has - that is to de-register a political party - if the powers that be deem it politically expedient and necessary," Pua said in a statement. Earlier, DAP chairman Karpal Singh sent out a statement to say the party was giving in to the RoS's insistence that it hold the election following a CEC meeting yesterday. In a subsequent statement, Pua accused Umno and particularly Home Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi of political interference in the RoS handling of DAP's case. Pua said such interference was clear in the way the RoS had "unjustifiably failed" to provide reasons as to why fresh polls are necessary, only hinging their argument on the claim that "some members were not satisfied" with the recent party polls. "The DAP CEC has last evening in an emergency meeting decided that we have exhausted all avenues barring a recourse to the courts to seek justification for, or to reverse the RoS decision. "We have also contemplated that any attempts to defy the unlawful RoS order via a judicial review will give 'justification' to, and pretext for the RoS to de-register DAP. "The party is fully aware that the BN and RoS are certainly not beneath such unscrupulous actions, despite what the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak might want to say about his 'political transformation programme'," Pua said. On January 4, Lim revealed that an internal audit showed errors in the tabulation of votes from the December 15, 2012 party elections that he said were caused by a technical glitch when the results were transferred to a computer using the Microsoft Excel programme. The amendments resulted in Lim's political secretary, Zairil Khir Johari, moving up from 39th position to 20th ― the last elected position in the party's CEC. The party had until today refused to comply with the RoS directive, saying it did not justify its order beyond saying it was "dissatisfied" with the party's explanations. - See more at: http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia/article/dap-gave-in-to-avoid-ros-abuse-says-pua#sthash.Qlbr8SSR.dpuf |
Nazri: No need to demolish surau used by Buddhists Posted: 14 Aug 2013 04:38 PM PDT
(MM) - A Cabinet minister today questioned the need to tear down Muslim prayer room in Johor that was used by Buddhist tourists, noting that the controversy was already resolved. Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz said the country should move on to other matters, observing that a group representing the Buddhists in Malaysia had already issued an apology.
"I am not an expert on Islam but I think this is something we have resolved, what is not elok (good) until it needs to be demolished?" the minister of tourism and culture told a media conference after launching the Red Carpet wax museum in i-City here.
"There's already an apology by the Buddhist council, we move on," he said.
"I don't agree," he later said, when speaking on the demolition of the surau.
On Monday, a resort owner was arrested after police reports were lodged over the incident that purportedly happened in the surau within the resort's grounds last week. He will be remanded until tomorrow for police investigations.
The 45-year-old man with a permanent resident status in Malaysia is being probed under section 295 of the Penal Code, which comes under the heading of "injuring or defiling a place of worship with intent to insult the religion of any class".
His arrest also comes after several media reports highlighted the incident on Monday, with video recordings on YouTube showing an external shot of a small building and a close-up of what appears to be a sign in Arabic script over a doorway.
The video then shows what appears to be a prayer session inside the building by a dozen white-clad people led by a monk in red and saffron.
In a Monday report, Berita Harian quoted the resort owner as saying he did not expect the offer to lead to the controversy now.
"I do not think the action of giving permission to believers of other religions to use the surau is wrong. This is because they only wanted to use the surau for meditation.
"I have no intention of hurting anyone's feelings. My intention is to show that Islam is universal and tolerant," said the Singapore-born Muslim.
On Tuesday, the Buddhist Maha Vihara — a group representing Malaysian Buddhists — apologised over the prayer session in the surau.
In a brief statement, Chief High Priest of Malaysia Datuk K. Srï Dhammaratana expressed his group's regret while urging followers of the religion to be mindful of others in their worship.
"We would like to apologise to our Muslim brothers and sisters for the actions of a certain Buddhist group from Singapore in having their meditation session at the surau of a resort in Kota Tinggi.
"I advise Buddhists in Malaysia and Singapore to respect the religious sensitivities of other religionists while carrying out our own religious obligations and responsibilities," Dhammaratana said. |
EO return ‘out of the question’, says minister Posted: 14 Aug 2013 04:33 PM PDT
(MM) - Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz today shot down the possible return of the Emergency Ordinance to give the police preventive detention powers they want to tackle a rise in violent crime, despite acknowledging its effects on the tourism sector. The minister explained that news of the shooting incidents could not be contained and it was inevitable that the world would eventually learn of them.
"Certainly it will affect in a way our tourism, there's no doubt about it, but to bring back the EO is out of the question as far as I am concerned," the minister of tourism and culture told the media after launching the Red Carpet wax museum at i-City here.
Nazri said the government should instead overhaul the police force in order to arrest violent crime.
"We should do more modern policing, gathering of evidence, strengthen the Special Branch, put more policemen on the street but not bring back the EO, that's out of the question," he said.
The police and Home Ministry have blamed the rash of shootings and violent crimes on the release of detainees once held without trial under the now-repealed EO, and are angling for the return of such powers.
When asked for the number of tourists in recent weeks during which a string of shootings took place across the country, Nazri said his ministry did not have the statistics yet.
But he said the number of tourist arrivals in the first six months this year was up by 7.9 per cent against the same period last year.
"Even though there was a dip in June because of the haze, Singaporeans were not coming then, but overall there is an increase of 7.9 per cent," he said, noting the country was "on track" to achieving the targeted figure of 26.8 million tourist arrivals this year.
The ministry's secretary-general, Datuk Dr Ong Hong Peng, later told reporters that Malaysia had recorded the arrival of 12.5 million tourists from January until June this year against 11.6 million for the corresponding period last year.
Earlier in his speech, Nazri said the tourism industry remained the third-largest contributor to the economy last year, recording total revenue of RM60.6 billion and registering 25.03 million visitors last year.
Putrajaya is targeting 26 million tourist arrivals and total revenue of RM168 billion by the year 2020 under the Malaysian Tourism Transformation Programme (MTTP). |
‘The awakening’: Mahathir tak sempat bergaduh dengan Abdullah sebelum dia jadi PM Posted: 14 Aug 2013 04:28 PM PDT
Dr Mahathir menjadi Naib Presiden bersama Tengku Razaleigh yang menduduki kerusi ketiga tertinggi di dalam parti itu dua tahun sebelumnya. Seorang lagi tentulah Ghaffar Baba yang menjadi Naib Presiden sejak awal tahun 60-an lagi. Dr Mahathir mendapat kedudukan ketiga di kalangan ketiga-tiga Naib Presiden itu. Aspan Alias, TMI Dr Mahathir menjadi Naib Presiden Umno pada 1975 selepas beliau dipulihkan oleh Tun Razak keahliannya dalam Umno, kalau tidak silap saya pada 1972 atau 1973 selepas dipecat dari Umno pada 1969. Ada pihak dalam Umno itu sendiri menyokong kemasukan Dr Mahathir kembali dalam Umno tetapi apabila beliau mengemukakan borang untuk menyertai Umno kembali, beliau memilih untuk menyertainya di Rawang kerana di Kedah tidak begitu ramai yang berminat untuk membawa beliau dalam Umno. Semasa itu di Rawang, Tunku Abdullah Tuanku Abdul Rahman adalah Ahli Parlimen bagi kawasan itu, dan juga sahabat Dr Mahathir yang rapat. Maka mudah bagi beliau untuk mendapatkan sokongan untuk kembali dalam Umno. Itu sebabnya Dr Mahathir kembali kepada Umno melalui Umno Rawang dan hanya kembali ke Kedah selepas kedudukannya dalam Umno pulih. Dr Mahathir menjadi Naib Presiden bersama Tengku Razaleigh yang menduduki kerusi ketiga tertinggi di dalam parti itu dua tahun sebelumnya. Seorang lagi tentulah Ghaffar Baba yang menjadi Naib Presiden sejak awal tahun 60-an lagi. Dr Mahathir mendapat kedudukan ketiga di kalangan ketiga-tiga Naib Presiden itu. Semasa itu Abdullah Badawi belum lagi berada di mana-mana dalam Umno kerana beliau masih menjadi Ketua Pengarah Belia dan selepas itu menjadi Timbalan Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Belia dan Sukan. Abdullah hanya keluar dari perkhidmatan kerajaan untuk menyertai Pilihanraya 1978 dahulu untuk menggantikan Nordin Sophie bagi kawasan Kepala Batas. Musa Hitam hanya menjadi Naib Presiden pada 1978. Anwar Ibrahim semasa itu masih tidak terfikir oleh sesiapa dalam Umno, hanya beliau diingat sebagai bekas pemimpin pelajar dan seorang yang begitu rapat dengan PAS kerana kedudukan beliau sebagai Presiden Angkatan Belia Islam (ABIM) semasa itu. Anwar hanya menyertai Umno pada Februari 1982 dan belum pun kering tandatangan keahliannya dalam Umno beliau menumbangkan Suhaimi Kamarudin sebagai Ketua Pemuda Umno Malaysia, dengan sokongan Dr Mahathir. Seperti yang saya selalu sebutkan semasa Dr Mahathir mendekati kerusi Perdana Menteri, iaitu semasa beliau dilantik menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri, beliau tidak mempunyai 'grassroot' yang kukuh. Seperti biasa orang paling dikhuatiri berada di sisinya ialah Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. Malahan Mahathir begitu tidak seronok melihat Tengku Razaleigh seolah-olah seorang defacto 'Prime Minister' kerana Perdana Menteri Tun Razak dan Hussein memberikan tanggungjawab besar kepada Tengku Razaleigh. Saat untuk menyekat kemaraan Tengku Razaleigh tiba apabila beliau mengambil alih jawatan Presiden Umno pada 1981 di perhimpunan yang sama berlaku pertandingan jawatan Timbalan Presiden antara Musa dengan Tengku Razaleigh. Musa yang dalam diam-diam juga berminat untuk menaiki takhta kuasa, diambil kesempatan oleh Mahathir dan melagakan Musa dengan Tengku Razaleigh sehingga berlaku pertandingan sengit antara kedua-dua Naib Presiden Umno itu untuk jawatan Timbalan Presiden. Mahathir berada belakang Tengku Razaleigh semata-mata untuk menyekatnya menaiki kuasa. Sesungguhnya Mahathir juga waktu sama, Musa juga mempunyai minat yang kuat untuk menjadi Perdana Menteri. Maka Mahathir menjadikan Tengku Razaleigh dengan Musa mempunyai kekuatan seimbang bagi mengelakkan tentangan dari salah seorang daripada kepimpinan yang dibentuk untuk negara oleh Tunku dan Tun Razak. Apabila Musa sedar apa yang ada dalam benak Mahathir itu dan datang pula pelbagai cabaran untuk menyekat kemaraan Musa, maka Musa meninggalkan jawatan Timbalan Perdana Menteri pada awal 1986. Peletakan jawatan Timbalan Perdana Menteri itu menjadikan Umno kelam kabut dan rombong selepas rombongan terdiri dari Menteri-Menteri serta Timbalan-Timbalan Menteri serta Menteri Besar berduyun ke London memujuk Musa menarik balik keputusannya untuk meletakkan jawatan itu. Tunku Abdul Rahman bersuara dalam persaraannya dan menyatakan persaraan Musa Hitam itu sepatutnya di iringi satu Perwakilan Khas Umno untuk berbincang dan membuat ketetapan. Di sini Mahathir tahu jika Perhimpunan Agung Khas itu dipanggil maka Musa akan mendapat 'endorsement' yang kuat dan tidak terkejut jika Musa kembali dan membuatkan dirinya menjadi kuat selepas perhimpunan Agung Khas itu. Mahathir tidak peduli dan terus memberi kenyataan yang peletakan jawatan Musa itu diterima dan menutup isu Perhimpunan Agung Khas itu sama sekali. Memanggil Perhimpunan Agung Khas Umno akan membuatkan Musa kuat dan dengan senang sahaja Musa boleh mengambil alih kepimpinan negara dari Mahathir. READ MORE HERE |
DAP to accept re-election directive Posted: 14 Aug 2013 04:19 PM PDT
Karpal says the decision was reached last night in a CEC meeting to avert party de-registration. Leven Woon, FMT In an about turn, the DAP has decided to accept the Registrar of Societies' (ROS) directive for the party to conduct fresh party polls after two weeks of objections. DAP chairman Karpal Singh said the decision was reached in a central executive committee meeting last night. "Despite the strong legal position of the DAP that the directive of the ROS does not have the sanctity or authority of law, to avert deregistration of party, the CEC resolved last night to hold fresh CEC elections," he said in a statement issued this afternoon. He said that the party had made every effort to receive from the ROS the reasons for the directive and the law upon which that directive had been based. He also said that DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng, as recent as a few days ago, sought to meet up with the ROS to discuss the position but the ROS declined to give him an appointment. He added that to compound the position, the party's repeated requests to the ROS to be supplied with the complaints made against the party have been futile. "Under the circumstances, it is with regret, that as directed by the ROS, the CEC of term 2008-2011 will meet up next Thursday to make the necessary preparations for the fresh CEC elections," he said. READ MORE HERE |
When morons masquerade as God Posted: 14 Aug 2013 04:15 PM PDT
We have travelled and lived around the world where Houses of God welcome everyone irrespective of creed for prayer and refuge. Vidal Yudin Weil, FMT Some of Malaysia's Muslim clerics are poisoning the minds of their flock and segregating them from national integration with other races and faiths. The operator of the resort who allowed non-Muslims to meditate in his surau was arrested and remanded for a crime which does not exist…! When we read the whole report, we could not stop laughing because we are unable to understand the seriousness of the whole matter that it generated such uproar. Imagine the resort operator was arrested because Buddhists were praying in his surau. We have travelled and lived around the world where Houses of God welcome everyone irrespective of creed for prayer and refuge. It is saddening to see this country degenerate and gone to the scavengers in the pits; we could not find or identify any criminal intention or act on the part of the poor man that will warrant his arrest. Have the Muslim clerics of this country gone nuts that they have become so sensitive and totally forgotten all the fundamental tenets of logic, reason, and decency that make them civilized human beings? It is now crystal clear that these people are really sick with paranoia when they hook up trivial innocent matters and preposterously spinning it into ridiculous issues connecting to Islam, when in actual fact such are obviously not the cases. These clerics are poisoning the minds of their flock and segregating them from national integration with other races and faiths. It will be interesting for the relevant authorities to answer the following pertinent questions: READ MORE HERE |
MIC says Merdeka Centre analysis a ‘blatant lie’ Posted: 14 Aug 2013 04:09 PM PDT
The study showed that MIC cabinet ministers, Dr S Subramaniam and G Palanivel would have lost their parliamentary seats without the advance and postal votes. (Bernama) - MIC has slammed an opinion research firm here for its 'flawed' analysis on the voting pattern of the voters in the recent general election. Party deputy president, Dr S Subramaniam, said the study undertaken by Merdeka Centre was aimed at creating a wrong impression to the general public. He said even PKR strategic director Rafizi Ramli appeared to have bought the 'flawed' findings. "The recent analysis carried out by Merdeka Centre, which first appeared on a news portal is a blatant lie," he said in a statement here yesterday. The Merdeka Centre study showed that two MIC cabinet ministers, Dr Subramaniam (Segamat, Johor) and party president G Palanivel (Cameron Highlands, Pahang) would have lost their parliamentary seats without the advance and postal voting. Dr Subramaniam and Palanivel are the Health and Natural Resources and Environment Ministers, respectively. The report also highlighted that several seats in Johor and the Federal Territory would have also fallen to Pakatan Rakyat, and BN won 22 parliamentary seats with the help of additional postal and early votes. To this, Dr Subramaniam responded that the total registered voters in the Segamat parliamentary constituency for the 13th General Election (GE13) were 47,009. He said voter turnout was one of the highest in the history, with 39,807 (84.9 per cent) casting their votes in Segamat. He said he garnered 20,037 votes, a majority of 1,217 votes against PKR's Chua Jui Meng. "Ordinary votes represent for 99.26 per cent of my total votes and the remaining of 0.74 per cent or 347 votes were postal and advanced vote combined. "So, with 1,217 majority votes, do your math. It is crystal clear that BN won Segamat with comfortable majority with ordinary voters, and not because of early voters or advance voters as claimed by the Merdeka Centre," he said. As a research centre, Dr Subramaniam hoped the Merdeka Centre would be more careful in not publishing 'wishy washy' figures, just to hoodwink the people. |
Stop threatening politicians with Sedition laws, says PKR’s Latheefa Posted: 14 Aug 2013 01:16 PM PDT
(TMI) - Barisan Nasional has been urged to stop abusing the Sedition Act just to silence opposition politicians who criticised the government. The call came from Parti Keadilan Rakyat's head of legal and human rights bureau Latheefa Koya (pic) in reference to Khairy Jamaluddin's police report against Sarawak DAP chief Chong Chieng Jen over the latter's statement that the escalating crime rate was BN's drama to re-introduce preventive detention laws. "This is a serious allegation which must be addressed by the government and cannot be dismissed as merely being seditious, especially since there is a sudden increase in violent crimes," Latheefa said in a statement. She said it is also "frightening" that there is also an increase in the number of calls for the reinstatement of preventive detention, and lack of other serious measures to deal with the escalating crime. Latheefa said Khairy, who is also BN Youth leader, must remember the basic requirement for the application of sedition laws in Malaysia - that no matter how obnoxious, it cannot be applied for statements made against political parties including BN, regardless whether they are in the government or not. Khairy lodged a police report yesterday against Chong for the latter's statement in the Borneo Post that the rise in shooting cases in the country was part of the BN drama. Chong had alleged that murder cases involving firearms were allowed to spread so that the government can formulate and introduce a new law to replace the Emergency Ordinance (EO). On Sunday, Home Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi told the Umno-owned media Mingguan Malaysia that the just-released 2,600 EO detainees were to be blamed for the recent spike in shooting cases. He had also said there were now some 260,000 criminals roaming the streets. He reached that figure after claiming that the 2,600 released detainees have at least 10 followers each and each follower would have their own set of right-hand men as well. |
Biometric system scrapped, indelible ink stays Posted: 14 Aug 2013 01:12 PM PDT
(TMI) - "We hope there won't be any more issues cropping up about the indelible ink, there won't be people trying their hardest to wash away the ink like in GE13." The Election Commission (EC) will not go ahead with its proposal to use the biometric system instead of the indelible ink as long as the relevant laws were not amended. Its chairman, Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof (pic), noted that while there were some flaws with the indelible ink during the 13th general election, the EC managed to overcome the problem during the Kuala Besut by-election recently.
"The public has to know that the indelible ink and the biometric system are two different things... it is not that easy to switch," he told The Malaysian Insider.
"We will continue using the indelible ink as the laws have not been amended."
He pointed out that the indelible ink will still be relevant in the next GE following its success in the by-election.
"What is certain is that we were successful in Kuala Besut. We did not face any problems there so now we are confident that it will be good.
"We hope there won't be any more issues cropping up about the indelible ink, there won't be people trying their hardest to wash away the ink like in GE13."
Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim had announced at the Dewan Rakyat on July 17 that the government was ready to consider replacing the indelible ink with the biometric system.
He chided the opposition for first insisting on the usage of the indelible ink and then criticising it later.
"The one who suggested the ink was Gombak Member of Parliament (Mohamed Azmin Ali) in the The Special Select Committee on Electoral Reform. They are the ones who suggested the usage of the ink while the EC had suggested the biometric system ," he had said. READ MORE HERE |