Ahad, 25 Disember 2011

Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

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Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

NFC paku terakhir keranda Umno

Posted: 25 Dec 2011 12:07 PM PST

Ingatlah bahawa rakyat kita semakin celik dan bijak. Umno boleh simpan Shahrizat, Umno boleh tutup kes NFC, tetapi Umno tidak boleh menghalang Shahrizat dan NFC menjadi antara paku-paku besar yang akan dipala dengan tukul besi bagi melengkapkan pembinaan keranda Umno pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 nanti. Adios Umno-BN! 


Pada hari terakhir sidang Dewan Rakyat baru-baru ini, penulis minum bersama beberapa orang Ahli Parlimen Pakatan Rakyat di kafe. Sedang kami berbual-bual, datang seorang Timbalan Menteri, sambil membawa secawan kopi, duduk bersama-sama dengan kami semeja.

Tiada lain yang menjadi topik perbualan selain isu Dato' Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil dengan skandal syarikat NFC milik anggota keluarganya.

Dengan nada merungut Timbalan Menteri itu berkata, sepatutnya Shahrizat sudah meletakkan jawatan sebagai Menteri dan Ketua Pergerakan Wanita Umno. Dalam erti kata lain, beliau mengatakan Shahrizat merupakan liabiliti yang akan membebankan Umno dalam jangka panjang.

Memang pun, soal Shahrizat sudah beberapa kali dibangkitkan wakil rakyat Umno-BN. Dengan nada lantang, mereka mendesak Shahrizat melepaskan jawatan. Gesaan itu dibuat berulang kali tetapi kerajaan dan parti pimpinan Dato' Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak, diam membisu.

Ketua Umno Cheras, Dato' Syed Ali al-Habshee sudah tidak tahan sehingga terpacul perkataan 'biawak hidup' dari mulutnya. Lantas penyokong Shahrizat yang berang, terus menyerang Syed Ali dan mempersoalkan kepada siapa ungkapan biawak hidup itu dilontarkan.

Berbalik kepada sembang-sembang kami dengan Timbalan Menteri tadi, penulis bertanya kepada beliau, apakah sewaktu ahli politik menjawat jawatan awam seperti PM, TPM, Menteri dan Timbalan Menteri yang mempunyai kuasa serta kedudukan, tidak diberi panduan oleh SPRM.

Panduan ini penting agar penjawat jawatan utama dalam kerajaan ini, boleh menghindarkan diri mereka daripada salahguna kuasa dan rasuah.

Timbalan Menteri itu tidak terus menjawab soalan penulis. Beliau mengambil pen yang tersemat dibajunya, lalu melukiskan garis empat berbentuk palang t. Beliau kelihatan serius sambil menulis. Kami semua terpaku dan memerhatikan sahaja tingkah lakunya.

Di sebelah kanan atas garisan t tersebut, ditulis 'ibu bapa'. Di sebelah kiri atas, ditulis 'suami isteri'. Pada ruang kanan di bawah ditulis 'adik-beradik', manakala di ruang kiri bawah ditulis 'anak beranak'.

Kami masih tidak memahami apa maksud beliau. Lalu Timbalan Menteri itu menghela nafasnya dengan agak panjang, lalu berbicara:

"Saya tanyakan kepada pegawai SPRM, jika seseorang penjawat awam mahu mengelakkan tuduhan rasuah dalam pemberian tender atau projek, siapakah golongan yang harus dielakkan?"

"Pegawai SPRM itu melukiskan kepada saya, lukisan yang saya buatkan kepada you all. Elak empat golongan ini, sudah pasti akan selamat," katanya ringkas.

"Maksud YB, dalam kes NFC Shahrizat, kalau begini aturan SPRM, beliau sudah pasti terbabit dalam rasuah?" soalan pantas penulis kepada Timbalan Menteri tersebut.

"Well...saya tidak boleh cakap lebih-lebih, ini terpulang kepada SPRM," kata beliau sambil menghirup tegukan terakhir kopinya dan terus berlalu pergi.

Kata-kata beliau tadi walaupun ringkas, tetapi cukup jelas. Kebetulan ada cakap sosek-sosek di kalangan wakil rakyat Umno, supaya mereka jangan membela Shahrizat tatkala isu NFC dibangkit Pakatan Rakyat di dalam sidang Dewan.

"Tadi aku berucap nak lawan pembangkang, tapi Menteri tu tegur aku, dia kata buat apa engkau bela Sharizat. Dia dapat duit, engkau dapat tahi," kata seorang MP kepada beberapa orang rakannya sambil menyedut rokok di meja luar kafe.

Memang benar, Umno pun pening hendak membela Shahrizat dan keluarganya. Gelagat Shahrizat sewaktu Perhimpunan Agung Umno yang lepas menyebabkan ramai perwakilan Umno yang melugai.

Tetapi mereka terpaksa menyokong kerana seluruh persidangan sudah diorkestrakan untuk memaki hamun Pakatan Rakyat.

Umno sebenarnya tidak ada pilihan lain. Jika mereka mencantas Shahrizat kerana terpalit dengan rasuah, orang yang memberikan tender RM250 juta itu adalah orang Umno sendiri.

Jika mereka tidak mencantas Shahrizat, seluruh parti Umno akan dituduh parti perasuah yang melindungi perasuah dan mengamalkan dasar korupsi, kronisme dan nepostime.

Sekarang pun Umno sudah tidak tahan. Tahi-tahi lembu NFC sudah terpalit banyak ke muka Umno, sehingga hari ini rakyat sudah mula beranggapan, seluruh pemimpin dan perwakilan Umno 'bagaikan lembu yang dicucuk hidung' sementara menunggu untuk disembelih sahaja.

Paling mereka tidak tahan, ada kalangan pemimpin Umno yang merungut kerana mereka digelar 'bodoh macam lembu' kerana membela kemewahan keluarga Shahrizat tanpa usul periksa.

Bagi kita Pakatan Rakyat, kita menjalankan tugas mendedahkan penyelewengan pemimpin Umno, yang asasnya amat kuat, terkandung dalam laporan Ketua Audit Negara.

Jika Najib tidak mahu mengambil tindakan terhadap Shahrizat pun tidak mengapa. Jika pun selepas ini, mungkin ada yang membuat perisytiharan bahawa mereka menolak laporan audit dan membebaskan Shahrizat, pun tidak mengapa.

Ingatlah bahawa rakyat kita semakin celik dan bijak. Umno boleh simpan Shahrizat, Umno boleh tutup kes NFC, tetapi Umno tidak boleh menghalang Shahrizat dan NFC menjadi antara paku-paku besar yang akan dipala dengan tukul besi bagi melengkapkan pembinaan keranda Umno pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 nanti. Adios Umno-BN!


Tolak BN, selamatkan wang rakyat

Posted: 25 Dec 2011 11:35 AM PST

(HARAKAH DAILY) - Dewan Ulamak PAS Wilayah Persekutuan menyeru seluruh rakyat negara ini bersatu menolak Umno BN demi menyelamatkan wang rakyat dan harta negara dari penyelewengan.

Setiausahanya Ustaz Azhar Yahya berkata, rasuah dan penyelewengan harta negara hanya boleh dibendung dengan menjatuhkan Umno BN dalam pilihanraya yang akan datang.

"Rakyat Malaysia perlu bersatu untuk menumbangkan Umno BN dalam pilihanraya yang akan datang demi memastikan duit dan harta rakyat Malaysia selamat.

"Bayangkan sekiranya duit yang berbilion yang tiris dan bocor kerana rasuah itu digunakan untuk kegunaan manfaat rakyat, maka InsyAllah negara Malaysia lebih maju lagi," tegas beliau.

Beliau berkata demikian sebagai mengulas laporan Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M) bahawa kedudukan Malaysia dalam Indeks Persepsi Rasuah (CPI) jatuh dari tangga 56 pada tahun lalu kepada 60 tahun ini.

Ianya juga merupakan kejatuhan kali ketiga berturut-turut sejak 2009.

Bagi Azhar, ianya sesuatu yang memalukan lebih-lebih lagi Malaysia sebagai salah sebuah negara yang menganggotai OIC.

Kerajaan BN yang sedia ada ini pula ujarnya tidak mampu lagi menangani gejala yang semakin membarah itu walaupun cuba menggunakan pelbagai slogan menggambarkan penentangan mereka terhadap rasuah.

"Satu-satunya cara untuk memerangi gejala rasuah ialah dengan kembali kepada ajaran Islam yang sebenar dan bukannya menggunakan hanya apabila tersempit sahaja," katanya.


Azmin Ali – “Selamat memegang kuasa”

Posted: 25 Dec 2011 11:13 AM PST

Umno Reform

Ini bukan satu usul demokrasi yang ada dalam PKR. Sebarang usul corak dan cara demokrasi dalam PKR adalah ilusi semata-mata. Demokrasi dalam PKR adalah demokrasi yang terbantut dengan campur tangan kepimpinan keliling Anwar Ibrahim. Hairan, tidak ada rasa malu dengan pengamalan tidak demokratik tetapi melaungkan demokratik.

Ramai kepimpinan lain – dalam sirkulasi kepimpinan tertinggi tahu bahawa kronisme adalah budaya tertinggi dalam PKR. Budaya kronisme ini semakin menular sehingga mereka yang berada dalam PKR sedar tetapi kelu untuk keluar bersuara.

Bantahan akan menyebabkan seseorang itu terus dilabel sebagai dibayar oleh UMNO. Ini kekuatan propaganda mereka. Mereka bertindak cepat untuk menghukum sebelum sempat individu itu bangkit menyatakan kepincangan terhadap apa yang berlaku dalam PKR. Apa yang ada dalam PKR adalah ahli-ahli yang baru – sedang yang lama semakin mengikut tetapi tidak terlibat. Pelajar dan mahasiswa hari ini akan terus melalui proses kekecewaan mereka yang pernah berada dalam PKR sebelum ini.   

Kronisme dalam PKR mempunyai perlambangan yang jelas – Azmin Ali adalah perlambangan kronisme – kehadiran Presiden dan Naib Presiden adalah perlambangan yang amat jelas. Hentaman demokrasi juga ada perlambangan yang jelas – pemilihan dalam PKR amat jelas menunjukkan bahawa demokrasi yang ada adalah demokrasi interpretasi sendiri.

Keadaan kecil mengenai apa yang berlaku – titik dan benih rasuah dan lebih buruk lagi amalan yang kononnya menghalalkan kronisme kerana mahu kekukuhan menentang UMNO boleh dilihat sedang berlaku dalam PKR. Isu yang kecil seperti dalam :



Uitm Poll: Most Youths Not 'Anti-Establishment'

Posted: 25 Dec 2011 11:00 AM PST

(Bernama) - Initial findings of a just completed study show that 70 percent of youth feel more connected to the government now as a result of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's moves to get closer to the group.

The youth, who were surveyed since 2010, welcome Najib's use of interactive social media allowing them direct contact to share their opinions, ideas and criticisms on issues, with him.

"The results of my study show 70 percent of youth support the government because they like being engaged through various programmes," said University Technology Mara (UiTM) Dungun political science lecturer Che Hamdan Mohamed Razali to Bernama recently.

Apart from the connection through social media, he said the respondents, who were between 18 and 40 years old, from students and professionals to fishermen and farmers, felt Najib's government was now also more open.

The respondents clearly acknowledged the Barisan Nasional government's initiative which involved more youths and their importance in outlining programmes such as affordable housing for young people who just joined the workforce, assistance for young entrepreneurs and higher education aid, he added.

'Youths like gov't attention'

He further agreed it was not true to say that youths liked to challenge the government and were 'anti-establishment', which the opposition tried to portray by getting them involved in street demonstrations and being disrespectful to leaders.

"It's typical for a handful of youth to rebel. My early findings show youth are not 'anti-establishment' as claimed by many parties. They just get upset when sidelined. When the government pays them attention, they'll give their support," he explained.

However, Che Hamdan was not willing to provide further details on the findings of the study, saying it was still ongoing and would only be announced when it is finalised.

His initial conclusion was that youths would not gamble their future for sweet promises but were prepared to join forces and work with the government which has proven it has better plans for them and has a proven track record.

Meanwhile, when contacted by Bernama, Malaysian Youth Council vice-president Datuk Irmohizam Ibrahim said," The government has done its best by making various efforts to get closer to the youth. So claims saying the youth are anti-government are not true, it's only a handful."

Youths more vocal

Irmohizam, who is also (UiTM) Shah Alam law lecturer said," In my observation many youths, who are still undecided, are grateful to the government for their education, skills and employment opportunities. Maybe they just want a system which satisfies them better."

"Voicing such a hope doesn't mean they're anti-government, they just want improvements," he added while noting there were an estimated 11.2 million youths in the country.

Apart from recognising youths in the 2012 Budget, the government is also prepared to amend Section 15 of the University and University College Act in relation to the involvement of undergraduates in politics.

The Prime Minister likened the youth as ideal heroes who had the power to turn the nation's transformation programme into a reality and admitting they were an established voice, on Dec 12 Najib said the government is always open to the views, ideas and criticisms from them so that each transformation programme would be successful with their involvement.

Furthermore, he admitted that there were efforts by certain parties which tried to exhort university youths to hate the government for their own political agenda and in their quest to wrest power.

"But youths nowadays who are exposed to a lot of information are not easily swayed and would not accept everything without checking the truth first.

"It's the same with opposition promises, we're aware it's all only a gimmick to gain votes without any concrete plans for the youth such as the BN government has implemented now," he emphasised.


Umno to track down 400,000 missing voters

Posted: 25 Dec 2011 10:56 AM PST

(The Star) - MORE than 400,000 voters cannot be traced although their names and addresses are listed in the voters register, reported Berita Harian.

In the light of this, Wanita Umno chief Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz said the Umno management committee had directed the Wanita, Youth and Puteri movements at the branch levels to help locate the voters.

Rafidah, MP for Kuala Kangsar, said it was likely that the voters had moved away or changed their addresses yet continued to correspond using their old addresses.

"Umno is trying to co-ordinate with the Election Commission on how to find the voters,'' she said, adding that the voter locating efforts had been going on for a long time but was now being carried out simultaneously by the three wings of the party.

Berita Harian also reported that the Health Ministry was disappointed with uncompleted hospital projects, which were supposed to be operational this year.

Health Minister Datuk Chua Jui Meng was reported as saying that although hospital construction fell outside the purview of his ministry, it affected patients.

Naming the Sultan Ismail Hospital in Johor Baru as one of the hospitals, he said it was not completed because medical equipment and bedding had not been installed.

Chua said he had directed the Johor health director to get in touch with the contractor for the latest updates.

The RM500mil Sultan Ismail Hospital, incorporating IT services, would become a referral centre for radiotherapy and oncology facilities in the southern region.

Utusan Malaysia reported that Malaysians should pay attention to the increasing death rates due to the HIV/AIDS virus.

In an editorial, the paper said 54,000 cases were reported as of June. Some 5,424 people have died up to the end of last year.

The paper said Malaysians were highly aware of the contagious disease but, it added, the virus would continue to affect people for as long as drug addiction existed.


God versus religion

Posted: 25 Dec 2011 09:08 AM PST

The Abrahamic faiths all believe that there is only one God. That makes it easy. However, there are three Abrahamic faiths and many more branches and sub-branches of these three faiths. And each of these faiths, branches and sub-branches claims that it is the only true faith and that all the others are false. That makes it complicating.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Just a short 'Boxing Day' note to assure you that I am still around.

"Is it rational to believe in God?" asks Giovanni Serritella, which was published in Harakah, the party organ of PAS. You can read the article here: http://en.harakah.net.my/index.php/articles/depth/4048-is-it-rational-to-believe-in-god.html

The world has always addressed this matter as a theist versus atheist issue. You believe in the existence of God or you do not. However, it is not as simple as that. And because they have allowed very narrow parameters to the discussion it falls into a mere 'yes' or 'no' exercise.

I would like to introduce a new word, religionist, so that I can break the two groups into three (theists, religionists and atheists).

What I mean here is: there is one group that believes in the existence of God, another that does not, and a third that believes in the existence of God but not in religion. Once we expand the two groups into three it becomes easier to discuss the issue.

And this is where the religionists have been very devious. They not only reduce the groupings to two (theist and atheist) but they also tie the belief in God to the belief in religion. In other words, to believe in God you must also believe in religion.

Hence you must believe in the Trinity, that the road to salvation is through Christ and therefore you must accept Christ, or that Muhammad is the last Prophet and only by following Prophet Muhammad will you be ensured paradise, and so on. You are not allowed to believe in God independently. The belief in God must be packaged and tied to the belief in a religious doctrine. To reject this doctrine means you also reject God.

The Abrahamic faiths all believe that there is only one God. That makes it easy. However, there are three Abrahamic faiths and many more branches and sub-branches of these three faiths. And each of these faiths, branches and sub-branches claims that it is the only true faith and that all the others are false. That makes it complicating.

If we reduce everything to just the belief in God then it makes life very simple. Only when the belief in God also involves the belief in religion and you are not allowed to believe in God without also believing in one of the so many religions does it make our life messy.

Granted, you may believe that God exists and that the universe (and everything within it) was created by God. The question now would be: but was religion also created by God or was this an invention of humankind? God can exist because there is only one God. But how can there be so many religions if they were from God?

Well, we can talk more of this later if you wish.

PAS calls in malcontents to end open spat

Posted: 25 Dec 2011 08:23 AM PST

(The Malaysian Insider) - The top PAS leadership will meet Datuk Dr Hasan Ali, Nasharudin Mat Isa and Selangor PAS information chief Shaari Sungip "soon" to resolve public disagreements over party policies that can undermine its chances in the general elections, officials say.

Both Hasan and former PAS deputy president Nasharudin have disagreed with the party over its political direction, while Shaari is in hot water for saying Hasan could be dropped as a candidate for the next general elections.

"Once this is over, the public will be back with us," secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali told The Malaysian Insider last night.

The normally united PAS has seen a war of words breaking out in both the mainstream and online media over its policies on a welfare state or an Islamic state.

The disgruntled few have accused the party leadership of pandering to Pakatan Rakyat (PR) at the expense of its aim to set up an Islamic state or have unity talks with Umno. Umno has pursued such talks since Election 2008 but has been rebuffed by the Islamist party.

Mustafa told The Malaysian Insider that he will stop the public row with Hasan, after the Selangor state executive councillor's apology on Saturday.

He added that the infighting played out in public will not diminish the support from the party's supporters.

Party vice president Datuk Mahfuz Omar refused to comment on the issue but said the party leaders are seeking an explanation from Hasan regarding various controversial statements to the press.

Salahuddin Ayub, another vice-president, said the party leaders had accepted Hasan's apology on Saturday.

"I hope that all this problem will be settled in the near future and I hope it will close rank among us and I think can solve the problems," he said.

He also added that Hasan should have come to party meetings before going to the press.

"Party leaders already understood our dos and don'ts in our party and I think Hasan Ali should as well.

"He was a vice president and now for a time being as a central committee member. He is also ... still a Selangor state executive councillor," he said, adding that Hasan "still plays a very important role in our party".



Aziz Bari says Article 153 shortchanges no one

Posted: 25 Dec 2011 08:21 AM PST

(The Malaysian Insider) - Constitutional expert Abdul Aziz Bari said Article 153 of the Federal Constitution protects all communities and not just Bumiputeras, saying Perkasa is wrong to claim it is only for the dominant majority.

Perkasa had warned Christians yesterday not to question the provision the Malay rights group says is to protect the rights of Bumiputeras.

The International Islamic University (UIA) law professor told The Malaysian Insider "the constitution is clear that no one should be shortchanged."

"The wording of Article 153(1), that actually sets the tone and theme of the provision, seeks to be fair to all — the backward Malay and Borneo native communities as well as all other communities," he said in an email sent to The Malaysian Insider.

On Saturday, National Evangelical Christian Fellowship (NECF) chairman Reverend Dr Eu Hong Seng said Article 153 is akin to "bullying" if it only protects the rights of one group.

But Perkasa responded by saying the Article helped keep the country peaceful, further claiming that the race riots of May 13, 1969 happened because it was not implemented properly.

"This country is peaceful because of Article 153 which protects the rights of Bumiputeras who are the majority in this country.

"The reverend needs to remember that Christians are able to practise their religion without worry in this country because of Article 153," Perkasa secretary-general Syed Hasan Syed Ali said.

Article 153 states that "it shall be the responsibility of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong to safeguard the special position of the Malays and natives of any of the States of Sabah and Sarawak and the legitimate interests of other communities in accordance with the provisions of this Article."

Aziz said this meant "the King must also make sure that (safeguarding Bumiputeras) must not be done at the expense of the legitimate interests of other communities."

"It is not quite right for Perkasa to issue that challenge and bring back the May 13, 1969 issue. The priest never questioned the basis or continuance of Article 153, he merely expressed an opinion on the manner it has been practised.

"This is perfectly acceptable, nothing seditious about it."



FGV listing: Corporate vs. Peasant Settler

Posted: 25 Dec 2011 08:18 AM PST


Two upcoming events are waited upon with great anticipation. (1) The outcome of an injunction application by a few settlers to stop the FELDA FGV listing and (2) the 5th January EGM of Koperasi Permodalan FELDA.

The outcome of the second event is a foregone conclusion. Chairman Isa will get elected as the KPF chairman despite not having the qualifications to become an office bearer. He is not a settler nor is he a FELDA employee. But the Minister in Charge of FELDA has given his approval, what can people do. The Minister is also the PM. He is lord over whoever lives in this land.

We must not be sidetracked by this sideshow involving the two bit actor Isa Samad. The more pressing matter concerns the listing exercise.

Why the injunction? Why should 4 people extend energy and time and assume the risks of being called traitors and all that, want to apply an injunction? Greed can't be the overriding objective? If it is, its more profitable for the 4 people to side with Chairman Isa who can be generous as he is pleased.

The object of the injunction is to stop FGV taking over assets and shares belonging to KPF in FELDA Holdings. These people believed that the 350,000 hectares of land which FELDA took was actually meant for settlers. All the assets owned by KPF in FELDA Holdings will be leased to FGV for the next 99 years. They will no longer exercise control over the assets as their interests are all converted into shares. FELDA Holdings is 51% owned by settlers and 49% owned by FELDA Global.

They are willing to risk it all, because they believe settlers are being sold out.

This listing is the ultimate shortchanging of settlers. The first occurred when FELDA withheld more than 300,000 hectares of land from being given to settlers.  By assuming ownership of the land, FELDA was able to become a planter itself. So we have the peasant settler and the corporate settler. The corporate settlers have moved on to becoming fabulously rich while the peasant settler ( Tun Razak's regimented landless and jobless) have remained relatively behind. They get to enjoy the trickle down effects defined and determined by FELDA who practically run the business on behalf and for the benefit of settlers.

The corporate settler sells CPO and busies itself in a wide range of downstream manufacturing and marketing activities. They were even able to go into various businesses out of the capital created from ownership of the land which was supposed to go to the landless and jobless.

The second took place, when FELDA listed its sugar refining business. It made over RM 800 million out of that IPO. How much did KPF make by virtue of owning 20% of the business? On paper it made 300 million?  How did Sabri Ahmad cull this figure? If KPF makes a paper gain of 300 million and the 300m is 20%, then the whole gain is 1.5 billion. But Sabri says, FELDA made 800 million. Maybe it's just a figure of speech- the point is, he wanted to say KPF made money albeit on paper.  Does that raise the share value of KPF in FELDA Holdings now that it made 300m paper gain?

If the injunction is successful, the proposed listing of FELDA Global will be delayed. The listing will see the merger of FELDA Holdings with FELDA Global. The smaller partner in terms of equity, FELDA Global is buying out KPF who has 51%.

How is the nature of the transaction? Does it involve and offer by FGV to buy out KPF at a certain price or will it involve just a share swap? You priced it with premium fella- that's why KPF is getting 61%.



DAP's Gift to UMNO/BN for GE13: The Karpal-Ramasamy Feud

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 11:49 PM PST

If Ramasamy does make such a report, who will be the loser? DAP and Pakatan, of course. UMNO will have a lethal weapon to whack them.
By Ken
It all started with Ramasamy supposedly announcing the names of possible Indian DAP candidates for GE13 at an Indian event and which was reported in a Tamil newspaper. Someone or some people who read this news informed DAP chairman Karpal Singh on this matter. Karpal, without verification or clarification, warned about the need to control "warlords" in DAP. Ramasamy, without thinking about the consequences and party protocol, responded by calling for "godfathers" in DAP to also be controlled. 
Seri Delima assemblyman Rayer and Bagan Dalam assemblyman Tanasekaran immediately came to Karpal's defense and demanded an apology from Ramasamy for supposedly referring to Karpal as a "godfather". (Would Rayar and Tanasekaran have openly attacked Ramasamy if their names had been included in Ramasamy's reported list?)
Indian groups supporting Ramasamy joined the fray to worsen matters. Karpal's supporters continued their attack on Ramasamy to further increase the tension. The UMNO-controlled media has been having a field day reporting and, where possible, twisting facts.
UMNO and its partners, particularly the MIC, is delighted at what has been happening in the DAP. Even Dr. Mahathir joined in and added to the confusion by asking Ramasamy to apologize to Karpal Singh. (That is certainly a surprise. Is Dr. Mahathir a supporter of Karpal Singh?)
The Rakyat, in particular DAP and Pakatan supporters, are confused and are wondering whether DAP is also like UMNO and BN, where individuals matter more than the party and the people.

In the latest development, Ramasamy has declared that some DAP grassroot leaders were plotting against him for not responding to their overtures for projects and favours. Karpal was quick to see the implication of this statement and challenged him to report to the police as well as the MACC if he has evidence of those he had alleged were involved in making the demands to him. Karpal further noted that Ramasamy has "failed in his duty as the deputy chief minister by not reporting them to the relevant authorities." 

If Ramasamy does make such a report, who will be the loser? DAP and Pakatan, of course. UMNO will have a lethal weapon to whack them.
Up till now, UMNO and corruption have been synonymous. DAP and other Pakatan members have been working hard to bring this matter to the attention of the voters. The police and MACC would love to receive a report from Ramasamy, even if not true, to investigate.
The Malaysian media (Utusan, Star, NST, RTM, TV3, etc.) would have the headlines made out for the next few months before GE13. UMNO cyber-troopers will be in full force to whack DAP and Pakatan, this time on the basis of some facts. It will become a major issue in GE13, and DAP and Pakatan will have to say "Goodbye" to Penang and even other states. Ramasamy will no longer be DCM II or even ADUN. Karpal Singh's son, Jagdeep, can forget any future DCM II plans or even remaining as ADUN. Even Karpal's Wakil Rakyat position will be in doubt. As for Rayar and Tanasekaran, they may not even make it into the list of GE 13 candidates, given that their major asset is patronage and not people's support. Why, even Lim Guan Eng and Lim Kit Siang could lose their seats. Which decent citizen will want to vote out a corrupt UMNO/BN and replace it with a "corrupt" DAP/Pakatan?

The damage which could be inflicted by the report, if made, will finally make everyone realize that the Karpal-Ramasamy feud has been just a trivial matter which has been blown out of proportion because of ego and internal politics.
It should have been checked at the early stage itself. It is still not too late. Karpal, a seasoned politician and chairman of DAP, should have realized the consequences of such a report before asking Ramasamy to report to the police or MACC. He, as chairman, should have called for an internal inquiry and questioned Ramasamy. We hope that Ramasamy will "fail in his duties as deputy chief minister" and not make the report that Karpal is demanding, as the consequences will be uncontrollable and become a lethal weapon which can be deployed in the most unscrupulous and dirty manner by UMNO and BN in GE13. The report, if made, would be a gift from DAP to UMNO/BN to be used for GE13. 

Appeal to Ramasamy: Let Karpal win this round and put an end to this matter. By losing this round and ending this feud, you will be making a significant contribution to the real WIN that matters - A Pakatan Rakyat Government in Putrajaya after GE13.

Stick to The Facts!

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 11:46 PM PST

By Jeffrey Chew, Special Investment Officer To Penang Chief Minister

Wanita MCA Deputy Secretary General Tan Cheng Liang should stick to facts, figures and statistics and acknowledge that Penang recorded the highest debt reduction amongst all states in Malaysian history when the PR state government succeeded in slicing off RM600 million or 95% off the state's debt since taking over in 2008.

When PR took over Penang on 8 March 2011, Penang's debts amounted to RM630 million. Now Penang state's debts has been reduced by a whopping 95% or RM600 million, the highest almongst all states in Malaysian history. The Chief Minister had explained how this historic debt reduction was achieved during his 2012 Budget presentation speech at the Penang state assembly in October 2011. Tan Cheng Liang should refer to the Chief Minister's speech and not make wild and baseless allegations.

Tan Cheng Liang should not forget two facts. One that Penang state debts has indeed been reduced by 95% to RM30 million, a feat never achieved by BN. Two the 95% debt reduction from March 8 2008 until end October 2011 is the highest amongst all states in Malaysian history. I challenge Tan to state which Peninsular state government has a higher % debt reduction than Penang's 95%.

To try to fudge the issue by not talking about % comparison is dishonest and shows not just her ignorance about basic accounting but
also her desperation to take away credit belonging the the PR state government. As a good basketball player, the Chief Minister would not
be so presumptuous as to try to teach Tan Cheng Liang how to play basketball just as Tan Cheng Liang should not pretend to know about
accounting and financial management.

Tan should realise that both Transparency International and Audtior-General Report had praised the Penang state government for sound financial management that recorded not only budget surpluses annually but also rescued Majlis Perbandaran Seberang Perai from bankruptcy.

The True Cost of Corruption – Everyone Loses

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 11:38 PM PST

By Md Ikhram

As we brace ourselves for an impending election and speculate over who will emerge victorious, I think it may be apt for us thinking Malaysians to ponder our role in creating a Malaysia that is equitable. The sketchy approach, the approach that most of us may be subscribing to is, change the government and we'll have a better Malaysia. I deliberately say "sketchy approach' because it is not an entirely wrong approach, just incomplete.

Creating a nation that is equitable to all, regardless of race and creed, is every Malaysian's responsibility and it is not enough to vote out one government in exchange for another. Yes, on an elementary level, a strong two-party system could be exactly what we need. We need to get rid of politicians intoxicated with power, money, and greed – inevitable results of staying too long in power. Voting out UMNO and its cohorts in the BN could resuscitate our country and provide the momentum we need to drive real change. But that is only one half of the equation.

The other half is us; you and I.

Great people inspire change by becoming the change they want to be. Our responsibility in effecting a change goes beyond casting our vote. It includes changing certain behavior and attitudes that are deeply rooted in our psyche. So deeply rooted, that some of them though despicable, have become the norm. One such case in point is corruption. I would like to bring your attention to this pestilence and humbly submit that curing our wounded nation from this disease will be a catalyst towards a more just Malaysia.

When it comes to corruption, the big picture eludes most of us. Money exchanging hands between a police officer and a traffic offender has no dire repercussions, does it? Most of us think it doesn't but nothing can be further from the truth. There is the butterfly effect here.

Corruption allows criminals to operate without fear. Crime bosses have nothing to fear as long as the law can be bought. It means that Ah Longs can walk into your house and hurt your poor family for a missing relative's debt without reprimand.

Corruption breeds incompetence. The corrupted feel no compulsion to perform their jobs if there is no money offering. It could mean that you have to wait 1 hour for the police to come to your rescue when your house is being robbed. It could mean that you cannot get fair treatment unless you're rich. It could mean that you have to live with potholes and sub-standard roads even in your posh, urban neighborhood.

Corruption raises the cost of enterprise. Government and businesses end-up paying above market prices for goods and services. Someone has to pay for this additional cost and inevitably it comes out of your pocket in the form of higher prices or higher costs.

Corruption puts lives in danger. If you've been privy to the local news, you must know of schools, stadiums, and bridges collapsing. You would know of sub-standard hospitals and military helicopters. Corruption means innocent people get harmed by the very institutions founded to protect them.

The cost of corruption to you and me is high and it affects everyone. If you're ever tempted to engage in corruption, even for business opportunities, remember that it comes back to bite you in so many other ways, that in the end it is just not worth it.

Recently, the government allocated RM 530 million to give school students a one-off RM 100 aid. Of this amount, RM 50 million went to private school students. Private schools? One cannot be faulted for wondering if this was a gross misuse of the tax payer's money for political expediency. This is happening when there are schools that cannot afford to pay their electricity bills because of a lack of funds from the government.

Nearly RM 500 million was paid as commission to Perimekar for the purchase of submarines. Schools could have used those funds. In fact, every teacher in Malaysia could have received a RM 3,433 raise with the combined allocation for the one-off school aid and submarine commission. More competent individuals would become teachers with wages like that and your children would not have to go to private schools.

RM 250 million was allocated for the NFC and according to reports I'm reading, over RM 20 million has been spent in luxury condominiums. The NFC is supposed to be committed to helping farmers and entrepreneurs in the local cattle industry. How many deserving farmers and entrepreneurs were neglected in this spending spree? It could be you, an uncle, or a friend.

These examples are just the tip of the iceberg. Much, much more is wasted every year at the expense of your children's education, your right to equal justice, competitive wages, and your lives.

Will a change in government fix this problem? Maybe. But a change in our attitudes towards corruption will certainly do more good. We need to understand that for corruption to work there must be two parties; the corrupt and the corrupter. We need to focus on the big picture. Let's treat corruption with the same disdain we accord to murder because at some point, corruption can lead to loss of lives.

Let's have zero tolerance towards corruption. No matter if it is a RM 10 bribe for a parking offense. Send a strong message. When someone you know engages in corruption, whatever the scale, frown upon him. Make it socially unacceptable. Educate your children on the cost of corruption. Let anyone, be it a Minister or clerk, face humiliation and rejection by their own social circle when they indulge in corruption.

It may be idealistic to expect that the overwhelming majority of Malaysians will one day reject corruption fully and abhor it on any scale. However, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a step, and if this essay inspires a single person to say no to corruption, then we're one step closer. Perhaps when there is enough momentum, any government we elect will be free of corruption and we as citizens of this country will have truly brought about change for the better.

A nation's culture resides in the hearts and in the souls of its people – M.K Gandhi

The MPAJ Cover Up (Episode 2)

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 11:31 PM PST

For those uninformed, there exist a widening rift between the Selangor PKR Chief, the Selangor MB and PKR EXCO. On June the 27th, 2010 PKR appointed Azmin Ali as the Selangor PKR Chief, a post traditionally reserved for the Menteri Besar. Could the Anwar clique be attempting to wrestle power from Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim and appoint Azmin Ali as the next Selangor MB should PKR win the subsequent Selangor State Government?

By Hakim Joe

First of all, I would personally like to thank Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, the Menteri Besar of Selangor for officially initiating an internal investigation on Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya (MPAJ) and the MP of Ampang, YB Zuraida Kamaruddin for their alleged involvement and complexities in the Bazar Larut Malam @ Midnite Jelatek case whereby the hawkers' license fees of approximately RM19,000 are still currently outstanding (refer to http://malaysia-today.net/mtcolumns/letterssurat/45601-the-mpaj-cover-up-episode-1).

However, it is rather disappointing and unacceptable that the Selangor PKR Chairman and PKR vice-president Mohamed Azmin Ali, would not officially sanction this investigation on his deputy chairperson for reasons unbeknownst to anyone except himself (and probably his deputy). Whether the fact that PKR President Datuk Seri Dr. Wan Azizah or any (or all) of the PKR Executive Committee members are knowledgeable of this issue remains mysterious as no directive was officially issued from the Parti Keadilan Rakyat HQ.

For those uninformed, there exist a widening rift between the Selangor PKR Chief, the Selangor MB and PKR EXCO. On June the 27th, 2010 PKR appointed Azmin Ali as the Selangor PKR Chief, a post traditionally reserved for the Menteri Besar. Could the Anwar clique be attempting to wrestle power from Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim and appoint Azmin Ali as the next Selangor MB should PKR win the subsequent Selangor State Government?

Regardless of the speculation that Azmin Ali is being groomed to be the next Selangor MB, both himself and the existing MB should disassociate themselves from the suspect in this current issue. Although the sum of RM19,000 is but paltry (as compared to the cost to construct the Toyol Mansion), the fact remains that this sum of money is still unaccounted for.

For those who are not informed, Bazar Larut Malam @ Midnite Jelatek was a concept introduced by the PKR Wanita Chief way back in 2008 but did not receive official approval from MPAJ until 2010 and after constant and repeated pressure from the Ampang MP. Even though this well intended proposal could have taken off and remained successful, the reluctance for proper management and enforcement from MPAJ and the intense involvement of the Ampang MP herself has doomed this project from the very start. Bazar Larut Malam @ Midnite Jelatek was abandoned a mere nine months later.

As with any pasar malams, hawkers' licensing fees were collected prior to its launch but the monies involved were never remitted to MPAJ and hence the outstanding status on its book keeping. Who collected these fees on behalf of MPAJ and why were the hawkers willing to give these license fees to anyone else rather than MPAJ directly? The more pertinent question remains why MPAJ is not actively seeking the return of this outstanding amount.

It is widely known amongst the MPAJ inner circle that the MPAJ Councillor in charge of Jelatek, Ketua Zon Kak Hayati is a softie and is incapable of such actions. Furthermore, she does not possess the authority to do so as it infringes on municipal regulations. The only two people possessing sufficient clout to supersede this municipal regulation are the MPAJ Chief, Yang Dipertua (YDP) Dato' Mohammad Yacob (who rejected the Bazar Larut Malam concept from the very beginning), and the Ampang MP, YB Zuraida Kamaruddin (who proposed the Bazar Larut Malam concept from the very beginning).

Lastly, unknown to the majority of people in Selangor and during the time between 2008 and 2010 (before Bazar Larut Malam @ Midnite Jelatek was finally approved), yet another bizarre proposal was submitted to MPAJ for the widening of all sidewalks surrounding Spectrum Shopping Mall at Ampang for street hawkers to operate. This concept was again rejected by MPAJ after numerous complaints from the shop owners and business operators within that vicinity as the worsening traffic condition and woefully insufficient car-park bays was already creating a traffic gridlock inside those few streets surrounding Spectrum Shopping Mall and the addition of licensed street hawkers could turn the entire area into a "black zone" and this will ultimately hurt business.

No points for guessing the name of the MP who put forward this proposal to MPAJ.

The MPAJ Cover Up (Episode 1)


Dilema PAS hadapi Hasan Ali

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 10:43 PM PST

(Siasah Daily) - Bekas pemimpin PAS Selangor, Datuk Dr Hasan Ali telah membalas kembali dakwaan-dakwaan yang dilemparkan kepadanya oleh Setiausaha Agung Datuk Mustafa Ali.

Hasan bukan sahaja menafikan tuduhan menemui pemimpin Umno malah menuduh Mustafa yang sebenarnya melakukan pertemuan seperti itu.

Isu pertemuan dengan pemimpin Umno -malah dengan mufti yang dilihat pro-Umno - menjadi isu sensitif dalam PAS sejak pilihan raya 2008.

Pertemuan seperti itu dilabel sebagai usaha berbaik atau bersatu dengan parti pesaing utama PAS itu, yang bersaing merebut undi Melayu Muslim.

Kekecohan di media berhubung Hasan tercetus ekoran kenyataan Saari Sungib, bekas ahli PKR yang kini memegang jawatan ketua penerangan PAS Selangor yang memberi gambaran Hasan tidak akan dicalonkan pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 kerana ditolak ahli akar umbi.

Saari walau bagaimanapun tidak mendapat perhatian selepas tercetus kekecohan, apabila tumpuan ditujukan pada Hasan dan Nasharudin Mat Isa, bekas timbalan presiden.

Kedua-dua Hasan dan Nasharudin dituduh mahu menyertai Umno ekoran perselisihan pendapat dengan pandangan popular dalam parti. Kedua-duanya juga tidak popular dengan media parti.

Hasan walau bagaimanapun mempunyai kelebihan tersendiri, terutama di Selangor ekoran populariti beliau dalam kalangan masyarakat Melayu tanpa mengira kesetiaan parti.

Walaupun telah diturunkan dari kedudukan pesuruhjaya negeri, Hasan masih mempunyai pengaruh di dalam dan luar parti, dan terus membinanya hasil daripada kontroversi yang dilaluinya selama ini.

Tindakannya memohon maaf kerana menyerang gagasan negara berkebajikan yang dipersetujui parti mampu memperbaiki sikap ramai terhadapnya, dan memperlihatkan beliau sebagai ikhlas.

Kecamannya terhadap ide negara berkebajikan menyebabkan pihak yang sebelum itu menyokongnya terutama kepimpinan pemuda, berundur dan menegaskan sokongan terhadap program parti itu.

Kontroversi melibatkan Hasan, pertama kali dalam kes gereja di Damansara Utama, Selangor, telah memberi kesan kepada PAS disebabkan cara isu itu ditangani yang kelihatan berdasarkan perkiraan politik semasa menjaga undi bukan Muslim.

Tekanan terhadap Hasan memudahkan permainan musuh parti yang mengaitkan layanan terhadap exco negeri Selangor itu sebagai akibat sikap yang membela kepentingan umat Muslim, antaranya isu kawalan penjualan arak.

Pendirian Hasan dalam hal berkaitan ditentang hebat oleh DAP dan pemimpin PAS lain yang dilihat terlalu menjaga hati kaum bukan Muslim.

Layanan terhadap Hasan - dan juga Nasharudin - dikemukakan oleh Umno terutamanya sebagai bukti sikap yang tidak selari dengan DAP dan tuntutan bukan Muslim akan mendatangkan akibat buruk, yang dikenakan oleh parti Islam itu sendiri.

Episod ini memberi kesan kepada undi Melayu, terutama di negeri Selangor, selain mendedahkan lagi kecelaruan dalaman PAS dalam menghadapi politik pasca-Pilihan Raya Umum ke-12 bersama gabungan pembangkang PR.


Perkasa kecam pemimpin gereja kerana persoal perlembagaan

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 05:46 PM PST

"Nampaknya serangan terhadap Artikel 153 sudah di tahap kemuncak apabila ketua agama lain juga mempersoalkannya," kata Setiausaha Agung, Syed Hasan Syed Ali.

(free Malaysia Today) - Perkasa mengecam pemimpin tinggi Gereja National Evangelical Christian Fellowship (NECF) Rev Dr Eu Hong Eng kerana mempersoalkan perlembagaan persekutuan.

Dr Eu dilaporkan sebagai  berkata, Artikel 153 perlembagaan persekutuan seperti membuli jika hanya melindungi hak satu kaum sahaja.

Beliau berkata demikian dalam  majlis jamuan teh Krismas yang turut dihadiri Menteri Jabatan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan isterinya Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Ismail serta beberapa ahli politik BN dan Pakatan Rakyat .

Perkasa berpendapat paderi tersebut tidak faham apa Artikel 153 perlembagaan negara  atau sengaja mahu  menimbulkan ketegangan.

Setiausaha Agung, Syed Hasan Syed Ali berkata, imam Islam  tidak pernah mengusik perlembagaan negara.

"Nampaknya serangan terhadap  Artikel 153 sudah di tahap kemuncak apabila ketua agama lain juga mempersoalkannya.

"Lebih sedih ianya dipersoalkan dalam gereja oleh paderi," katanya dalam kenyataan hari ini.



DR M perlekeh negara peminjam Bank Dunia

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 05:43 PM PST

Keangkuhan beliau memperlekehkan negara-negara sahabat dalam Asia kerana menerima bantuan dari Bank Dunia akhirnya memalukan Malaysia.

(Free Malaysia Today) - Ketika itu sekitar tahun 1998-1999. Saya masih ingat ketika itu negara-negara Asia sedang bergelut untuk membawa negara masing- masing keluar dari kemelut krisis matawang yang membawa kepada kejatuhan ekonomi di rantau Asia.

Malaysia yang ketika itu Menteri Kewangannya, Datuk Seri (kini Tun) Dr Mahathir Mohamad merupakan negara terawal yang mengumumkan telah berjaya keluar dari masalah kejatuhan ekonomi.

Maka, di media arus perdana hari itu, Mahathir dengan gahnya mengumumkan ekonomi negara ini telah berjaya dipulihkan dengan menggunakan pendekatan teori-teori ekonominya.

Bukan itu sahaja, malah beliau turut memperlekehkan negara-negara Asia lain yang menerima bantuan pinjaman dari Bank Dunia yang dikatakannya masih belum keluar dari cengkaman kejatuhan ekonomi Asia.

Menurutnya ketika itu, tindakan mengambil pinjaman dari Bank Dunia telah menyebabkan negara-negara tersebut terpaksa mengikut telunjuk Bank Dunia dalam menguruskan ekonomi masing-masing berbanding negara ini yang menolak bantuan dana tersebut.

Tindakan seperti itu tentunya tidak digemari oleh Mahathir apabila ianya bertentangan dengan amalan beliau yang mengutamakan projek -projek mega dan menyelamatkan beberapa syarikat terpilih.

Bagi kebanyakan penganalisis ekonomi tempatan dan antarabangsa ketika itu pula menganggap pengumuman Menteri Kewangan Malaysia itu sebagai satu 'kejutan'.

Saya kira tentu ramai yang masih ingat akan sebuah iklan animasi yang menunjukkan sekumpulan lelaki mendayung sebuah perahu naga di dalam lautan bergelora bagi menggambarkan kejayaan negara menempuhi gelora ekonomi.

Meskipun realiti kehidupan rakyat terbanyak masih tidak menampakan apa-apa perubahan dengan kadar pengganguran yang tinggi, kos sara hidup meningkat dan sebagainya, ramai yang percaya ekonomi negara ketika itu benar-benar telah pulih dan ianya adalah hasil dari kebijaksanaan Mahathir menguruskan ekonomi negara.

Hari ini, setelah 13 tahun krisis mata wang Asia berlalu, ramai antara kita masih lagi terkenang-kenang akan tindakan bijak Mahathir menguruskan ekonomi negara ketika menghadapi krisis matawang di Asia pada ketika itu.

Selama 13 tahun juga rakyat negara ini cukup berbangga kerana negara ini pernah memiliki seorang Perdana Menteri yang juga Menteri

Kewangan yang bijak menguruskan ekonomi dan tegas menolak bantuan dana dari Bank Dunia sekaligus mengelakkan kita dari terpaksa mengikut telunjuk orang luar dalam menentukan hal ehwal ekonomi negara.



Disputes will scare off voters, Pakatan warned

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 11:01 AM PST

A Malay NGO tells DAP and PAS to stop the ongoing internal bickerings in their respective parties, or lose the support of the voters.

(Free Malaysia Today) - A non-governmental organisation (NGO) here has slammed the DAP and PAS over their inability to manage their internal disputes.

Penang Malay Congress president Rahmad Isahak said the manner in which these open disputes have spilled onto the glare of the public was raising some concern.

Rahmad said as an NGO, the congress would not take sides but will voice out the sentiments of the society.

"The squabbles in DAP and PAS are injustices to the people. Some feel that since the people voted them in, they should be busy serving the nation instead of squabbling among themselves."

Rahmad added that the squabbles were a form of a political gimmick to distract the attention of the people from the actual problems of both the political organisations.

However, it was a sham to the public that both parties seemed to be quarelling to no end and on top of it, none of their top leadership has the political will to resolve it, he said in an interview.

Rahmad was referring to the spat between DAP chairman Karpal Singh and his deputy secretary-general Prof P Ramasamy.

There is also the lingering rift between former PAS deputy president Nasharudin Mat Isa and former Selangor PAS commissioner Dr Hasan Ali with secretary-general Mustafa Ali and vice-president Mahfuz Omar.

He added that the public could not understand why the disputes were happening.

He said it appeared to him that the DAP dispute was over the apparent rift between Ramasamy and the Penang Indian DAP faction which was linked to Karpal.

And in PAS, he added, Nasharuddin and Hasan seemed to be the "poster boys" of the conservative faction (the ulama), which was unsettled by the progressive (Erdogan) faction.

"Is this true? Nobody knows! and if both parties continue their spat unabated and without proper engagement and constructive criticism, people would no longer care. People have better things to do," he said.

Watershed general election

According to Rahmad (centre), the country was presently facing serious issues rather than having to wake up to only political disputes, as there was a looming global economic recession appearing on the horizon.

"This is happening just when the country is likely to participate in a watershed general election where for the first time, two groups of almost equal in strength will be fighting. Barisan Nasional would be pitted against the resurgent Pakatan Rakyat."



The protester and civil disobedience

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 10:53 AM PST

What would life be if there is no dissent and no one takes up the causes of the minority, the marginalized or even the masses?

History of the struggle of mankind for freedom and truth (not necessarily for democracy) has shown that civil disobedience is the budding blossom that complements and strengthens the process of democratic governance, and a democratic government has a duty to listen to legitimate dissenting views and issues brought forward by its people.

David Tneh, Free Malaysia Today

Recent events such as Bersih 2.0, the Bar Council's march to protest the Peaceful Assembly Bill (PAB) 2011, and the students demonstrating against the Universities and University Colleges Act (UUCA) amendment, have spawned a debate on whether civil disobedience and the rule of law can co-exist in a democratic system such as ours.

A recent write up by a senior lawyer in an English daily opined that this debate is irreconcilable at its heart and civil disobedience usually constitutes a minority who impose their will on the law abiding majority.

The writer also argued that the act of civil disobedience, if it goes unpunished, would lead to chaos and anarchy in society.

The act of civil disobedience itself is tantamount to one breaking the law; it is a criminal conduct "regardless of how novel is the motive of the civil disobedient."

And with a clear reference to Malaysia, the act of civil disobedience, according to the writer, is only a political tool used by politicians and civil rights movement to justify their violation of laws.

One however can argue that in a democratic society, one has no choice but to follow the laws and regulations that govern the sanctioned society, after all, a duly elected representative or lawmaker has been given the mandate by the people to legislate laws for the good of society and country.

We are therefore assuming, without a benefit of a doubt, that such lawmakers would know what is best for all of us.

Drawbacks of representational democracy

This is indeed very alarming since what is good for a particular ruling government is not necessarily good for the people.

And if a particular law is passed by the legislator who is merely voting according to political party guidelines, then there is a possibility that certain laws could be passed that would oppress and cause injustices to the people who are the foundation of any democratic state.

This is one of the drawbacks of representational democracy as the passing of certain laws are sometimes not done with the interests of the people in mind but done in the interest of consolidating the power of a political party.

If this is so, could the people then show their dissent or dissatisfaction through civil disobedience?

One would most probably use the clichéd solution of showing one's dissatisfaction through the ballot box (elections) which incidentally happens every five years.

Would one then wait once every five years just to show one's displeasure at what is happening to society and country?

Could the act of civil disobedience itself, bolster and propagate a more democratic nation to the powers-that-be?

The answer is a resounding "yes" because gone are the days when laws are passed and citizens of a country have no choice but to obey such laws.

This is more so in the 20th and 21st century where oppressive regimes and dictatorial states that had used the police and military to clamp down on societal dissent, often ended with bloody consequences.

Is civil disobedience a crime?

Would civil disobedience then be construed as a criminal act against a corrupt and oppressive state even though it is perceived to be a democratic nation?

History of the struggle of mankind for freedom and truth (not necessarily for democracy) has shown that civil disobedience is the budding blossom that complements and strengthens the process of democratic governance, and a democratic government has a duty to listen to legitimate dissenting views and issues brought forward by its people.

The key word here is legitimate, and one does not need a very justifiable and most exceptional reason to be involved in civil disobedience.

The Bukit Asahan Long March of 1967 and the Baling protest of 1974 are two clear examples civilians took part to fight for the rights of oppressed groups, to protest again unjust laws, corruption, the poor, and against oppressive stakeholders.

Civil disobedience can never be practiced in the extreme because it would then be known as a mob or a riot.



PKR :Change before you have to!

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 10:35 AM PST


Anwar, change before you must! You were a visionary once. Reformasi and Pakatan Rakyat. Two intangibles , two ideas whose time had come but it was you that brought those ideas into fruition. For that our people are grateful. But even a grateful nation does not have long memories. Mudah lupa. The Pakatan Rakyat you brought into being is only as good as its next task. And its next task is to form government. Fail to do this and all that you have achieved so far in your life is consigned to a footnote in the history books that our children will read!

The times that we now live in moves forward at such a rapid pace that we sometimes see our present only as it is already disappearing. Even as try to comprehend the enormity of Pakatan Rakyat's success in the 12th general election we are already into the 13th general election. The only constant is change.   

If you're in a bad situation, don't worry it'll change. If you're in a good situation, don't worry it'll change. (John A. Simone, Sr)

And for Anwar the situation now is not good. What will it take for it to change?

But how has it come to this again? Why are we waiting to see if Anwar will again be incarcerated? Is it UMNO? They said it was Mahathir before, today is it Najib? I do not have answers to that question. Only Anwar knows the truth.

The reality id that we are now faced with fighting for political change  through a political process that is flawed and much inclined towards the incumbent. And the incumbent is further advantaged by a host of legal and illegal maneuvers aided by an abundance of corruption and a determination to hold on to power at all costs – a combination that has seen UMNO hold on to power for over 50 years.

There is no fair mechanism for power change in Malaysia. With Anwar we had hoped that whatever 'fairness' missing from the political process in Malaysia would at least be turfed down to a somewhat level playing field. It would seem that this is not to be in the 13th general election.  Pakatan Rakyat is in the fight for their lives, for our lives –and Anwar or no Anwar we are locked in with Pakatan Rakyat in this fight with UMNO and BarisanNasional.

We know that it is not the business of UMNO to make it any easier for Pakatan Rakyat to succeed in the 13thUMNO, for Najib, to prosecute Anwar again. Has he not gone through enough? general election. But in all decency I cannot understand the need for

Am I angry? More sad then angry. But there is enough anger within me to stir my very soul to fight with PakatanRakyat against Barisan Nasional. Enough anger within me to work tirelessly to oust Barisian Nasional from government.



Real cause of air crash never known - Yong

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 10:26 AM PST


Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) president Datuk Seri Panglima Yong Teck Lee told the High Court here yesterday that he was only asking the relevant authorities to re-open the air crash tragedy file and re-investigate as the formal investigation report and the real cause of the air crash has never made known to the public.

Yong, 53, said that in his press statements, he had never even once made any reference to the plaintiff Tan Sri Harris Salleh as he alleged.

"It is a well-known fact by the public and the people of Sabah that the formal investigation report and the real cause of the air crash are never released to the public and the people of Sabah despite concerns and questions by the people on what was the real cause of the incident," he said, adding that he was not the only one who raised the issue for re-investigation into the incident.

The former chief minister testified that the newspaper reports which Harris alleged were defamatory to him was basically a call by him (Yong) for the air crash tragedy known as the "Double or Triple Six Tragedy" to be re investigated.

"The reason is, so that all doubts about the true causes of the crash are removed," he said.

Yong was testifying before Justice Dato' Abdul Rahman Sebli in the on-going hearing of a RM50 million suit brought by Harris against him and the party for allegedly insinuating that he (Harris) was involved in causing the plane crash which killed former Chief Minister Tun Fuad Stephens and all 10 others on board a Nomad aircraft on June 6, 1976. Harris, 81, who filed the suit on June 6, last year, is claiming for general damages, aggravated and exemplary damages of not less than RM50 million to be assessed separately against Yong and SAPP as the first and second defendants respectively.

He is also seeking an injunction to restrain the defendants whether by themselves or their servants or employee or agents from printing and publishing further the statements and similar libel in any form or means.

Harris is represented by counsel Yunof Maringking and Trevor Maringking while Yong and the party are represented by counsel Datuk Simon Shim and Flora Dius. In that newspaper reports, Yong said he was also commenting on the revelation by Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah that the Usno-led government under the late Tun Datu Mustapha Datu Harun in 1975 was unwilling to sign the petroleum agreement and this had revived a relevant issue in Malaysia federalism, the intrusion of the Federal Government on uncooperative state governments.

"I was again commenting that normally it is proper to re-open an investigation into an old accident if new information surfaces.

"I also said that maybe nothing new would come out of the re-investigation or maybe something big and depths of history," he said.

He said the government had decided in a few other cases in which public inquiries were conducted because the public demanded for them.

"For example in the case of V.K Lingam Video Clip and the death of Teoh Beng Hock because they involved the interest of the public," he pointed out.

Yong said, the government even formed an independent commission to investigate incidents which involved abuse of powers by the police force.

He said he and the plaintiff have political differences but he has never made any disrespectful statements on the plaintiff.

Thus, he said he was merely making fair comments in response to Tengku Razaleigh's statement during his talk at KDCA on April 2, 2010, which was published in the Daily Express with regards to the ill-fated aircraft that crashed.

"It was Tengku Razaleigh who made the statement that he and two others were already on board the ill-fated aircraft but the same left the said aircraft due to the last minute invitation by the plaintiff to board another plane to Pulau Banggi, Kudat. I did not make that statement.

"In response to that statement, I commented that for so long nobody really knew about the cause of the air-crash, I said that proper investigation should be made so the people would know what really caused the crash," he said.

Yong pointed out that there were a few theories of the incident.

"Some said it was caused by sabotage, some said it was because of pilot error, some said because of overloading and some said it was because the Nomad plane was defective.

"However, the official investigation report of the cause of the crash has never been released," he said, adding that these theories were discussed in some books like the books of "The Sabahan - The Life and Death of Tun Fuad Stephen" and "The Harris Salleh of Sabah".

"I also think that my party and I were merely exercising out rights of freedom of speech and expression as guaranteed by the Federal Constitution to call for a re-investigation into a very significant event in response to the revelation of the personal account of Tengku Razaleigh before the air crash. He was there before the plane flew," he said.

Yong told the court that if a public inquiry or re-investigation is conducted, there will be a witness who can testify on the conditions of the plane and of the passengers at that time and that the plaintiff can also be called to testify on his own account of the event.

Earlier in the proceedings, Yong told the court that he had an appointment at Tengku Razaleigh's office on Nov 14, and Dec 8, in Kuala Lumpur.

He said in the first meeting on Nov 14, they talked about his (Tengku Razaleigh's) speech and informed the latter that arising from his speech and the news reports, he was now being sued by the plaintiff in respect of what he (Yong) said in responding to the speech.



PKR baits rural voters with NFC issue ahead of polls

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 10:06 AM PST

(The Malaysian Insider) - The National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) scandal has proven to be a hit among rural voters, according to PKR leaders who plan to use the issue as campaign fodder for the general elections.

The Malaysian Insider understands that Pakatan Rakyat, especially PKR have been going on a pre-polls campaign blitz using the graft allegations surrounding embattled Cabinet minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil and her family to maximise voter support.

"In a way we are actually lucky. The NFC issue couldn't have come at a better time. Before this we were always trying to give examples of what we claim to be corruption by Umno-Barisan Nasional.

"But with this issue, we have a golden opportunity to reach out to a host of voters... for us, Shahrizat's case is the best example of what is wrong with Umno and its leaders... corruption, cronyism, money politics," Rafizi (picture) Ramli told The Malaysian Insider.

The PKR strategic director said that recent "test runs" by party leaders during ceramahs showed an increasing demand for the NFC scandal to be highlighted, especially among rural voters.

"In Kemaman, for instance where there's a ceramah, sometimes I don't bring up the NFC issue but then they get upset. The kampung folk, rural folk want to talk to about it. They are upset about it," he said.

"It's something they can relate to...you talk about submarine scandals it's a bit confusing, but with the NFC it's about lembu (cows)- how much do you need to menternak lembu (take care of cows) and how do you make money out of it.

"Whenever we mention the figures, people are outraged," added Rafizi.

He said PKR has also taken steps to ensure the entire chronology of the scandal could be "appreciated" and understood by all via pamphlets and posters.

PKR first latched onto the issue after the RM250 million federally-funded cattle project made it into the pages of the Auditor-General's report for 2010, which described the NFC as "a mess".

Since then, the party has made several revelations related to the scandal, including the NFC's purchase of twin multi-million luxury condominium units in Bangsar, the alleged use of project funds to finance Shahrizat and her family's personal expenses and trips abroad.

It also alleged there was a transfer of resources to unrelated companies in Singapore, as well as the purchase a Mercedes-Benz CLS350 for RM534,622 and two plots of land in Putrajaya's Precinct 10 for RM3,363,507.



Ramasamy must go, says Karpal

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 10:04 AM PST

(The Star) - The spat between DAP chairman Karpal Singh and Dr P. Ramasamy has reignited with the veteran leader demanding that the Penang Deputy Chief Minister II resign from his post for making allegations against party leaders.

Karpal said Dr Ramasamy's position was no longer tenable in the state government because he had defied a directive from the party's three-member committee not to talk about their spat to the press.

"He has made baseless allegations against party leaders and his statement amounts to attempted corruption," he said at a press conference here yesterday.

Karpal referred to a report in The Star on Friday quoting Dr Ramasamy as saying that his critics were plotting against him because he did not respond to their overtures for projects and favours.

"Till now, he has not denied making the statements.

"If the allegations are true, I challenge him to lodge a report to the police and Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission," he said.

Karpal said the matter was now beyond the "godfather-warlord" squabble and has gone to "a dangerous level".

"The ball is now in his court to react to my statement," he added.

Dr Ramasamy had earlier hit out at his critics for their "grand design" to oust him.

He said the people would be astounded if he revealed what some grassroots leaders had demanded from him.

On Dec 15, the committee comprising party secretary-general Lim Guan Eng, life advisor Dr Chen Man Hin and parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang said the dispute between the two leaders had been resolved.

Dr Ramasamy, when contacted yesterday, declined to comment.

Last night, Kit Siang tweeted that DAP leaders should resolve their differences using party channels, and not fall into the trap of the mainstream media.

Penang DAP chairman Chow Kon Yeow called on party members to remain calm over the spat.

"This is to allow the party's central executive committee to continue in the mediation and find a solution to resolve the matter," he said in a statement.


Christmas Eve 2011 in Phuket

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 09:30 AM PST



Hasan Ali refutes allegations he is pursuing Umno’s agenda

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 09:06 AM PST

(Bernama) - Former Selangor PAS commissioner Datuk Dr Hasan Ali on Saturday denied accusations by PAS secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali that he (Hasan) was pursuing Umno's agenda.

"I refute any allegations of meetings between me and Umno leaders at the higher, lower or mid-levels at the time and date (Mustafa) mentioned.

"As the secretary-general of an Islamic-based party, he should not even utter such wild accusations," he told a news conference at his home here Saturday.

Previously, Mustafa was reported as claiming that he had evidence to link that Hasan was working with Umno leaders to sabotage PAS.

Mustafa was quoted saying that he had knowledge of a meeting between Hasan, former PAS deputy president Nasharuddin Mat Isa and three other individuals at a hotel in the city last Ramadan.

Hasan, who is also Selangor Religious Affairs, Malay Culture, Infrastructure and Public Utility Committee chairman, urged Mustafa to clarify the accusations made against him.

"I want an explanation from him on when the secretary-general's office set up an investigation unit at the PAS office.

"I also want to know the need for spying on members in the context of party unity," he added.

In response to a question, Hasan said he had turned down an invitation from Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa Malaysia (Perkasa) president Datuk Ibrahim Ali to join the right-wing Malay movement as he really wanted to continue his struggle to uphold Islam and the Malays.

"I have no intention of doing so and plan to continue championing Islam, the Malay race and the royal institution," he said.

On the accusation that he was using Umno-owned media to seek publicity for himself, Hasan said he was open towards working with the country's media.

"I would like to say that I basically accept any media. It's natural to choose a media that has power over us and the media is open enough to make room for people like me," he said.

He claimed that PAS' organ, Harakah, never allowed him to voice his opinion and preferred to feature other individuals besides party members.

Meanwhile, Hasan also said that he was withdrawing his statement regarding PAS' welfare state concept he made at a news conference on Tuesday, admitting he went too far when commenting on the party's struggles.


Umno welcomes unhappy opposition leaders to join party

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 09:05 AM PST

(The Star) - Umno has welcomed leaders who are unhappy with the Opposition pact to quit and join rank with the Government, said party vice-president Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

He said while welcoming leaders from the Pakatan Rakyat to join Umno, all decisions would be determined by the party's supreme council.

"Our doors are always open to leaders, including former PAS deputy president Nasharudin Mat Isa, Selangor executive councillor Datuk Dr Hasan Ali as well as PAS president Datuk Seri Hadi Awang, if their own party rejects them," he said at a press conference at the opening of Kuala Lumpur Bike Week 2011, Saturday.

Dr Zahid was asked to comment on the controversy surrounding Dr Hasan and Nasharuddin who had refused to toe the party's line by publicly slamming PAS for allegedly deviating from its Islamic principles.

Dr Zahid said that many PAS leaders in the past had quit and joined Umno, including the late Tan Sri Asri Muda, former PAS president.

"Pas Syura Council should not be so sensitive when their own leaders express criticism or meet with Umno leaders.

"They claim Malaysia is a democratic country. They should let the rakyat decide," he said.

Dr Zahid, who is also the Defence Minister, refuted allegations that the ministry had overpaid RM11.36mil to agents for he purchase of six naval patrol vessels.

"The allegations are all untrue," he added.

It was reported that Parti Kesejahteraan Insan Tanah Air (Kita) president Datuk Zahid Ibrahim had alleged that the ministry had paid a total of RM11.36mil for technical assistance in the purchase of the patrol vessels.


Jakim uses various channels in probing same-sex marriage

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 09:03 AM PST

(Bernama) - The Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) is using various channels in probing into the case of a former medical student from Malaysia who reportedly married an Irish guy in Ireland.

Jakim director-general Datuk Othman Mustapha said these included collaborating with the Foreign Ministry, the man's friends and other relevant agencies, including the local authorities in the republic.
He said this in response to the couple's wedding photographs which had been widely circulated on the social media and the internet.
"We are investigating the case with cooperation from the Foreign Ministry and other relevant agencies. So far, we don't have any new information.
"InsyaAllah (God willing), we will soon know whether the man in the photographs is really a former medical student from Malaysia," he told reporters after attending the National Convention of Muslim Brotherhood here today.
However, Othman did not dismissed the fact that Jakim was also facing difficulties in its bid to investigate the case and bring the man home as it had to adhere to the laws and regulations in Ireland.


NFC case suspect remand extended

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 09:01 AM PST

(Bernama) - The businessman detained to facilitate investigations on the National Feedlot Centre (NFC) case has been remanded for a further three days starting yesterday.  

Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) investigation director Datuk Mustafar Ali said the 45-year-old man was initially remanded for two days, until yesterday. 

"The remand was extended to complete and facilitate the case under the MACC Act 2009," he said to Bernama when contacted today.  

The issue on NFC surfaced following the 2010 Auditor-General's Report in October, which stated the centre had failed to comply with the objectives of its formation and when opposition parties alleged misappropriation of its funds, particularly in relation to the purchase of a luxury condominium in the city. 
Meanwhile, NFC chairman Datuk Seri Mohamad Salleh Ismail said in a statement today that the businessman was not related to him or other members of his family.

The individual was also not and has never been an employee of NFC, he said.


NFC chairman: Detained Datuk not related to my family

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 09:00 AM PST

(Bernama) - National Feedlot Centre (NFC) chairman Datuk Seri Mohamad Salleh Ismail said in a statement Saturday that a businessman detained to facilitate investigations into the NFC case was not related to him or other members of his family.

"The individual was also not and has never been an employee of NFC," he said.

Meanwhile, the businessman has been remanded for a further three days starting on Friday.

Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) investigation director Datuk Mustafar Ali said the 45-year-old man was initially remanded for two days.

"The remand was extended to complete and facilitate the case under the MACC Act 2009," he said.

The NFC issue surfaced following the 2010 Auditor-General's Report in October, which stated the centre had failed to comply with the objectives of its formation.

The opposition parties also alleged misappropriation of funds, particularly in relation to the purchase of a luxury condominium in the city.


`Tiada ruang untuk saya bersuara dalam Harakah’

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 08:54 AM PST

Dr Hasan Ali mendakwa sejak dua minggu lalu beliau tidak diberikan ruang dalam media parti sendiri untuk bersuara.

(Free Malaysia Today) -  Exco Selangor Datuk Dr Hasan Ali menegur lidah rasmi PAS Harakah yang didakwanya hanya membuat liputan berita terhadap golongan tertentu sahaja dan mengenepikan pihak lain.

Katanya, keadaan itu ketara lebih-lebih lagi isu membabitkan dirinya sejak dua minggu lepas,  malah beliau tidak diberikan ruang dalam media parti sendiri untuk bersuara.

"Kalau buat analisis kajian kandungan dalam Harakah berhubung polemik ini sejak dua mniggu lepas berapa peratus ruang yang diberikan untuk Hasan Ali?

"Masa saya jadi Pesuruhjaya PAS Selangor pun tak banyak peruntukan diberikan kepada saya berbanding orang lain,  kadang-kadang ruang diberikan kepada parti komponen lain lebih besar berbanding golongan tertentu dalam PAS sendiri," katanya dalam sidang media di rumahnya di sini hari ini.

Beliau berkata sedemikian ketika diminta mengulas mengenai temuramahnya dengan TV3 menerusi slot 'Soal Jawab' Rabu lalu.

Katanya, perkara ini dapat dibuktikan apabila Timbalan Mursyidul Am PAS Datuk Dr Haron Din yang pernah memanggil media termasuk Harakah untuk menjelaskan pandangannya mengenai isu Gereja Methodist Damansara Utama (DUMC).

`Mungkin perintah orang berkuasa'

"Biasanya kalau timbalan mursyidul nak keluar akhbar mereka ini didahulukan tapi kemungkinan atas perintah orang yang berkuasa dalam Harakah didapati artikel sampai sekarang tak tersiar.

"Bayangkan kalau berita timbalan mursyidul am pun  tak keluar apatah lagi Hasan Ali," katanya yangmendakwa turut mendapat aduan yang sama daripada anggota dan pimpinan PAS  yang lain mengenai isu ini.



Mustafa Ali enggan jawab tuduhan mahu jumpa Umno

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 08:51 AM PST

"Dia (Dr Hasan) sudah berhenti lawan PAS, saya pun berhenti cakap," kata setiausaha agung PAS itu.

(Free Malaysia Today) - Setiausaha Agung PAS, Datuk Mustafa Ali enggan mengulas tuduhan Datuk Dr Hasan Ali yang beliau mahu berjumpa pemimpin Umno.

Orang kuat PAS itu memberi alasan bekas pesuruhjaya PAS Selangor sudah tidak lagi menyerang PAS.

"Dia (Dr Hasan) sudah berhenti lawan PAS,  saya pun berhenti cakap.

"No komen,  biar dia kata apa pun. Kalau dia nak bercakap, biarlah dia bercakap," katanya ketika dihubungi hari ini.

Mustafa berkata demikian ketika diminta mengulas dakwaan Dr Hasan bahawa setiausaha agung PAS itu mahu berjumpa pemimpin Umno.

Dalam sidang media baru-baru ini, Mustafa mendakwa exco agama kerajaan negeri Selangor mengatur rancangan mahu berjumpa pemimpin Umno.

`Saya sign surat'

Selain Dr Hasan, kata Mustafa, bekas Timbalan Presiden PAS Nasharudin Mat Isa juga mahu berjumpa dengan pemimpin Umno.

Bagaimanapun, dalam sidang media di rumah Dr Hasan di Taman Tun Dr Ismail di Kuala Lumpur pagi tadi, Adun Gombak Setia itu menafikannya.



Akjan, go ahead and sue!

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 03:22 PM PST

Daniel J Jambun

Datu Akjan's media conference in which he said that there was never an Projek IC and the call for an Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) was ill-intended and can damage interracial relations was the strangest event with the most stupid statement I have ever seen in my years of political observations!

I know that in politics we may sometime meet certain characters who are extra daring and say a lot of shocking things, purposefully to agitate society for the sake of cheap publicity. But there is a limit to everything. One can overdo things and behave in a way that goes beyond what is acceptable and respectable, and this is what Akjan had done to himself. It seems that he had not learned anything form his huge blunder in declaring himself as Sultan of Sulu on Malaysian soil. After all the nationwide ridicule and insulting remarks about him because of the declaration, and after the arrest and investigation, it seems he has not grown up enough to behave in a civil and educated manner.

Now he had taken a most ridiculous action by saying there was no such thing as a Projek IC, when in fact he himself was arrested under the ISA for his direct involvement in the project. I fully support Datuk Wilfred Madius Tangau for pointing out to Akjan about the court ruling in the election petition for Likas, in which the judge made a ruling based on the sworn testimony if Hassnar Ibrahim about his involvement in Projek IC. Why doesn't Akjan make a statement to say that Hassnar Ibrahim, Jabar Khan and many others who had confessed about their involvement in the project, are liars? And why not also say the judge in the Likas election petition was unprofessional and should be defrocked and disbarred? Why not sue these people, including the judge?
And for goodness sake, how is an RCI going to cause ill-feeling between the races? Who indeed is causing ill-feeling between people and between the people of Sabah and the Federal Government? It thought it was those people who produced the false ICs. But now Akjan is saying those people who want the RCI are causing the ill-feeling. What kind of logic is this? The whole state wants and RCI except for him, why? Obviously Akjan is trying to defend the illegal immigrants and wants the huge problems of illegals immigrants in Sabah to continue and become worse. Again, why? Is it because he himself is an illegal immigrant who managed to get a MyKad through his own Projek IC (as proven by Mutalib M.D. in his book IC Palsu)? How come he had sued Mutalib? By his statement we are reminded that Sabahans are losing their position as masters of their own future, because now an immigrant is saying it is wrong to investigate illegals. If Akjan really believes there is no Projek IC and no illegal immigrants, why not let this be proven with an RCI? The RCI will clear up everything, and settle the issue once and for all. There will be no ill feeling against anyone, including aliens, as long as they are legal. What we don't want is a lot of questions about people like Akjan claiming to have been born in Limau-Limauan Kudat but the people there swear they don't know him, or Pakistanis holding ICs saying they are from a village in Ranau and they don't know a word of Dusun. Are the people of Semporna happy that they are being outnumbered by aliens by five to one?
So if Akjan is offended and believes he is right, I challenge him to go ahead and sue. By suing and the case going to trial we will be able to know the real story behind why he was arrested under the ISA for manufacturing false ICs, how many aliens benefited from his unpatriotic act, how much money those people involved managed to make to enrich themselves, and whether Akjan himself is an illegal immigrant. He had admitted that he is not a Malaysian by declaring that he is the Sultan of Sulu. His personal history raises a lot of questions, but he has all the opportunity to prove himself by proceeding to sue on the matter. But then again, I would also like to ask if he still considers himself a Sultan of a foreign country, in which case he has no business trying to be a Sabahan and a Malaysian or interfering in our state affairs.
Advisor, UK-based Human Rights Foundation Malaysia


DAP Karpal tells Ramasamy to quit deputy CM post

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 01:37 PM PST

(NEW STRAITS TIMES) - DAP national chairman Karpal Singh has called on the party's deputy secretary-general Dr P Ramasamy to step down as Penang deputy chief minister II.

Karpal said the Prai member of parliament should do so on his own for defying the Central Executive Committee (CEC) order not to make any public statemant and attacking party leaders openly.

"Ramasamy's position as the deputy chief minister has now become untenable and the ball is now in his court to react to my statement," said Karpal at a Press conference here today.

Karpal added that Ramasamy should disclose the grassroot leaders whom he had accused of plotting against him for not responding to their overtures for projects and favours.

"I challenge him to report to the police as well as the MACC (Malaysian anti-Corruption Commission) if he has evidence of those he had alleged were involved in making the demands to him.

"He has failed in his duty as the deputy chief minister by not reporting them to the relevant authorities," he said.

‘Bukan saya jumpa pemimpin Umno tapi Mustafa Ali’ jawab Hasan

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 01:27 PM PST

(The Malaysian Insider) - Datuk Dr Hasan Ali menafikan sekeras-kerasnya dakwaan dibuat Setiausaha Agung PAS Datuk Mustafa Ali bahawa beliau ada mengadakan pertemuan dengan beberapa pihak yang dikaitkan dengan Umno.

Menurut Hasan, bekas pesuruhjaya PAS Selangor dakwaan yang dilemparkan terhadap dirinya merupakan fitnah dan palsu.

Beliau juga melahirkan rasa kesal kerana dakwaan itu dibuat oleh setiausaha agung kepada parti yang berteraskan Islam.

"Saya menafikan sekeras-kerasnya mengenai pertemuan saya dengan mereka (Umno) sama ada pimpinan Umno peringkat bawahan, pertengahan atau atasan seperti yang dinyatakan (Mustafa).

"Sekali lagi Mustafa Ali terperangkap dengan prasangka buruk dan api fitnah sesama Muslim. Sebagai setiausaha agung sebuah parti yang berteraskan Islam, tuduhan-tuduhan liar dan serkap jarang seperti itu tidak selayaknya keluar dari mulut seorang setiausaha agung yang berwibawa," katanya pada sidang media di kediamannya di sini.

Mustafa sebelum ini mendakwa beliau mempunyai bukti untuk mengaitkan Hasan dengan agenda Umno.

Mustafa berkata ia merujuk kepada satu pertemuan antara Hasan, bekas timbalan presiden PAS Nasharuddin Mat Isa dan tiga individu lain di sebuah hotel di ibu negara pada bulan Ramadan lepas.

Dalam sidang media itu, Hasan yang juga Pengerusi Hal Ehwal Agama Islam, Adat-Adat Melayu, Infrastruktur dan Kemudahan Awam Selangor mendedahkan individu yang kerap mengadakan pertemuan dengan pemimpin Umno adalah Mustafa.



Hasan Ali regrets criticising PAS welfare state idea

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 01:25 PM PST

(The Malaysian Insider) - Datuk Hasan Ali apologised today for claiming the welfare state championed by PAS deviated from the party's Islamic agenda.

"I admit some of what I said went too far. I hereby withdraw my comments about the welfare state.

"I apologise to the leadership and party members for going too far," the PAS central committee member told reporters at his residence here today.

The Selangor state executive councillor also said he was willing to meet the party leadership anytime to explain his comments carried by Umno-linked newspapers.

On Tuesday, the outspoken PAS leader had accused the party of straying from its original struggle for an Islamic state by pushing for a welfare state, as the latter could be championed by anyone and did not have to be based on the Qur'an.

But Hasan said today he now understood the welfare state proposal, adopted at the PAS general assembly in June and approved by the Ulama Syura Council, to be the same as the Islamic state PAS has fought for since the 1970s.



Jaikishan eyes new vehicle

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 01:20 PM PST

(The Star) - After selling out his stake in Envair Bhd, Deepak Jaikishan is training his eyes on another listed company to pursue his interest in the oil and gas business sector.

According to him, this would be done via a reverse takeover (RTO). However, he stopped short of revealing the identity of the company.

"We are in the final stages of negotiations and it won't be fair to reveal it until we sign an agreement.

"It is a profitable Main Market company and we will maintain the original business while we grow our oil and gas interest," he said at a hastily arranged press conference in a swanky hotel in Kuala Lumpur yesterday.

Jaikishan: 'We are in the final stages of negotiations.'

He said he would invest up to RM20mil to get a 44% stake in the company.

When asked on the rationale of an RTO, Jaikishan said he wanted to pursue his interest rapidly.

"We are in a hurry and we want to move immediately. Negotiations would be a done deal by Jan 15 and probably the latest by Jan 22. We need a listed company as the oil and gas sector is very capital intensive, and we need a listed company to raise the right capital," he said.

Jaikishan said he would focus on trading the commodity, and would require financial strength and the expertise to buy and sell at the right time.

"We are going into a clean organisation. We have not struck any deal yet and we have to work a bit harder compared to an entry into Envair but we feel that we can achieve our goal," he said.

To recap, Envair unveiled its plans in October to venture into the oil and gas industry by supplying two million barrels of light crude oil monthly for 60 months to a China-based company, An Hong Shenzhen.

The 39-year-old businessman said discussions to buy more shares from other Envair substantial shareholders, whom he declined to identify, did not bear fruit as they could not agree on the pricing, adding that he had exhausted all avenues to get his desired stake of 20% to 25%.

"My ability to control the company (Envair) was diminished, as media reports had made the substantial shareholders uncomfortable," he said. Some earlier media reports questioned his intention to enter the company.

Meanwhile, in a statement, Jaikishan said profits from his sell-off amounting to RM767,000 would be distributed to seven charities as a gesture of goodwill during the current festive season.

"We are serious about the business and we are not here to skim money from the market. There is no intention for that. RM700,000 doesn't thrill me, I have made much more than that. My intention to go into the company was sincere, which was to help them get the contract across and make sure they get the financing support and deliver the contract," he said.

However, he does not discount the possibility for him to re-enter Envair if negotiations bear fruit.

"In business, it's always a comma and there is no full stop. There is always a new way and there is always a new situation," he said.

According to Jaikishan, he sold off his six million shares, or 5.06% stake, in the loss-making air and water filter manufacturer at prices ranging from 26 sen to 35 sen over two to three days.

Another Chinese national, Zhang LiYing, also sold his 9.11% stake in Envair on the same day, two months after acquiring it.

Both trailed the exit of another Chinese national, Jiang Chuan Yi, who sold his 6.75% holding in Envair less than a month after acquiring it on Nov 1.

"I don't know who these Chinese nationals are; I've never met them," Jaikishan said.


The game is over, kata Mustafa Ali

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 09:50 AM PST

(Harakah Daily) - Setiausaha Agung PAS, Datuk Mustafa Ali yakin, isu kekecohan yang berlaku dalam PAS sudah selesai.

"The game is over - permainan ini sudah selesai, bagi saya ia sudah selesai," kata Mustafa ketika memberikan ucapan dalam majlis makan malam di Markas PAS Kuala Terengganu, di sini malam tadi.

Mustafa mengulas kekecohan yang berlaku dalam PAS ekoran perang dalam media antara beberapa pemimpinnya.

Ia memuncak apabila Mustafa menyifatkan dua pemimpin Datuk Dr Hasan Ali dan Nasharudin Mat Isa terperangkap dalam agenda musuh PAS iaitu Umno.

Menurut Mustafa, ia selesai melalui kenyataan beberapa pimpinan dan mesyuarat lajnah politik baru-baru ini.

"Dalam mesyuarat, saya tanya kepada semua yang terlibat dan masing-masing kata, apa yang mereka cakap lain, yang disiarkan media lain.

"Jadi jawapan saya dalam sidang media yang lalu harapnya yang terakhirlah," kata Mustafa.

Bagaimanapun, katanya, Dr Hasan akan membuat kenyataan hari ini dan dia akan melihat kenyataan itu samada untuk memberi respons atau tidak.

"Kalau dia (Dr Hassan)  cabar suruh dedah, saya akan kajilah apa nak jawab," kata Mustafa.

Kes itu, katanya selesai dengan cara Presiden PAS memanggil tiga orang yang terlibat dalam kes ini termasuk Adun Hulu Klang yang juga Ketua Penerangan PAS Selangor, Saari Sungib.


EX-Selangor MB to appeal 12-month jail sentence in land and bungalow case

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 09:34 AM PST

(The Star) - Former Selangor Mentri Besar Dr Mohd Khir Toyo was found guilty by the High Court here of knowingly purchasing two pieces of land and a bungalow at a much lower price than its original value from Ditamas Sdn Bhd director Shamsuddin Hayroni in 2007.

He was sentenced to a year's jail from the date of sentencing and Justice Mohtarudin Baki (now a Court of Appeal judge) ordered his land and bungalow, located at Section 7 here, be forfeited.

However, the court granted a stay of execution pending appeal.

The land and bungalow were bought at RM3.5mil although Ditamas had acquired them for RM6.5mil on Dec 23, 2004.

Dr Khir, who is Sungai Panjang assemblyman, was calm and did not react when the sentence was passed.

Justice Mohtarudin said the accused had schemed to acquire the bungalow and abused his position as the highest executive in the state.

He said a fine was "unsuitable" and jail time must be imposed to show that the court was serious in handling cases involving civil servants.

Dr Khir told reporters he would fight to clear his name at the Court of Appeal.

On his political plans, the dentist said he would comment after Jan 9, an apparent reference to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's sodomy case - the court is slated to pass judgment on that day.

Justice Mohtarudin said the defence had failed to raise a reasonable doubt in the case.

The court found Shamsuddin, a key witness in proving the case against Dr Khir, not to be an accomplice of the accused.

(Shamsuddin was initially charged with abetting Dr Khir but later had his charge withdrawn on June 6. He became a witness for the prosecution.)

"From his (Shamsuddin's) testimony, it is clear that he thought he would get his money back. Alternatively, even if the witness was an accomplice, I have observed his demeanour. I have no reason to reject his testimony," said the judge.

Justice Mohtarudin said Shamsuddin had given a reasonable explanation on why he gave two contradicting statements to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

"Shamsuddin said the accused had assured him that nothing would happen when they were investigated by the MACC.

"However, when Shamsuddin was charged, he lost his confidence in the accused. When he was asked by the MACC to become a prosecution witness, he agreed," said the judge, adding that the defence had never impeached the witness despite attacking his credibility.

The court room was packed with reporters and some 50 supporters of Dr Khir, who waited from early morning to hear the decision at the end of the defence case that saw 25 prosecution and five defence witnesses testify.

Dr Khir was charged on Dec 6 last year and ordered to enter his defence on Aug 8.

He took the stand on Aug 26 and denied ordering Shamsuddin to sell him the pieces of property at a low price.


Perlis Mufti upset with NRD

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 09:32 AM PST

(The Star) - The Home Ministry will look into the case of Perlis Mufti Dr Juanda Jaya who said his Sarawak-born daughter faced many hurdles when applying for a MyKad.

In a statement yesterday, he said National Registration Department (NRD) officers in Kuching had informed him that, according to their records, his 12-year old daughter was not a Malaysian citizen.

"They did not tell me this when I applied for the MyKad last week," said Dr Juanda, who is Melanau, adding that the officers had also asked him to show his marriage certificate.

Dr Juanda, whose wife is an Indonesian citizen, said his daughter has a Malaysian passport.

"My daughter came with us to Jakarta early this month to visit our relatives there using her Malaysian passport," he said, adding the Melanau are clearly stated in the Federal Constitution as bumiputra.

Dr Juanda said the NRD's records had shown that his daughter was clearly registered as a Melanau, yet she was not listed as a citizen.

"I don't understand how the daughter of a Malaysian bumiputra is not a Malaysian citizen when there are foreigners who are being awarded citizenship by the Home Ministry," he said.

Deputy Home Minister Datuk Lee Chee Leong said the ministry would look into the case.


FGV listing and the interests of settlers

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 09:19 AM PST


In this contentious issue of FGV listing, this question has never been answered. Do FELDA settlers have any standing whatsoever to dispute the listing of businesses run by FELDA at all? FELDA Holdings is managed by FELDA employees. FELDA global is operated by FELDA professionals. So why should FELDA settlers and others siding with settlers be irksome busybodies?

So, we have to establish whether settlers have a standing in the first place to even question the listing. If they don't, they should shut up for as long as they get free benefits and are taken care of.

If we do indeed establish that settlers have standing and deemed interests, then we move on to ask, is the FGV listing a sellout to FELDA? So the second of our attention should be directed to the question whether the listing is a sellout.  

Let's face it- the interest of settlers is indirect here and is of little consequence. It should be a non-issue. As long as they get whatever form of benefits- bonuses, end of year cash handouts, futsal fields, indoor stadiums, hockey turfs, MRSM College, FELDA University- they should be thankful. Just on account of being a settler- they get all these. Where else can they get this kind of preferential treatment of being cared for from cradle to grave?

FELDA can continue giving all these, if it makes money as a whole. If it has the reserves from which they appropriate and apply as in the above examples we gave. And FELDA does indeed have the reserves. They even sued those who accused FELDA of being bankrupt. At its height, its reserves were RM 40 billion, then RM 4 billion and today- we don't know how much. Maybe this listing will top up the depleting reserves. We don't really know.

Hence the government which owns FELDA is greatly disturbed when people question the proposed listing of FELDA's businesses not directly owned by settlers nor operated by them. Settlers tend their 10 acre lots- that are all they do. It's FELDA- through FELDA Holdings and FGV that does business. Settlers have no business to interfere in these organizations run professionally.

Settlers derive direct benefits via ownership of the FELDA plots they have on which they worked on. They get benefits when they sell their FFB at FELDA owned mills at specific price level. Their interests are looked after better if they get good price for FFB, if the extraction rate of the oil is done truthfully, if their planting operations costs have been good. Their interests are better off, if the output per hectare is as good as estates operated by United Plantations, KLK, IOI and so forth.



The ugly face of money politics is back

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 09:14 AM PST

Najib's financial handouts show that BN and money politics go hand in hand.

The 2012 budget is seen as Najib's an attempt to regain what BN lost in the last general election (GE), five states and the people's trust.

Jeswan Kaur, Free Malaysia Today

It's raining money in Malaysia. And the man who is opening the purse strings is none other than Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak.

This is nothing new. Everytime an election is round the corner, financial aid is given to all and sundry. The one-off handouts is an attempt to make the rakyat think favourably towards Barisan Nasional.

First, he targetted the students.Najib decided to give an estimated 1.3 million students in private and local higher learning institutions book vouchers worth RM200.

While primary and secondary school students have been offered RM100 cash allowance. And beginning next year, education in government primary and secondary schools in the country will be provided at no cost.

Riding on his "People First" mantra, Najib enticed the people with a one-off grant of RM500 to households with a montly income of RM3,000 and below.

Najib told Malaysians that all this would cost the government RM1.8 billion and will benefit some 3.4 million people or 53 per cent of households.

Now for the real equation.Would the 3.4 million blindly vote for Barisan Nasional?

The truth however is that the promises made through the 2012 budget seem too good to be true, so much so that some even see the budget as "unrealistic".

A scheme to buy loyalty

The 2012 budget is seen as Najib's an attempt to regain what BN lost in the last general election (GE), five states and the people's trust.

Indeed, had the rakyat's concern been Najib's priority, the 41 families who once worked the Bukit Jalil estate and had set up home there as early as 1900s would not have been made homeless early this year by the ruthless City Hall of Kuala Lumpur.

Where was Najib when these people cried out for 'divine' intervention, as their humble abodes of many years were razed to the ground.



How the EC is in cahoots with BN

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 09:11 AM PST

Indelible ink notwithstanding, the 13th general election is going to be the biggest and dirtiest election battle in history.

By transferring out the Chinese to areas where BN finds impossible to win, they will regain seats lost to the opposition and those seats that BN cannot win we will notice that the opposition has won by a very margin, for instance Seputeh (won by DAP's Teresa Kok by a margin of 36,000), Kepong and Cheras (also won by DAP with large margins).

Selena Tay, Free Malaysia Today

In an effort to lend an air of credibility to itself, the Election Commission (EC) has announced that indelible ink will be used in the upcoming 13th general election.

But there is no reason to jump for joy just yet. A lot of hanky-panky can still go on undetected right until the day of polling itself. Listed below are several examples:

1. Name not in the voter rolls and therefore unable to vote – any perfectly eligible voter whose name is not in the voter rolls is totally helpless to do anything about it. They can lodge a complaint of course but by then the results of the polls are already secured.

2. Name transferred out to another locality or worse still to another state – this is also an inconvenient move for the eligible voter and will very well impede his ability to vote if his name is transferred, say from Kuala Lumpur to Perlis.

3. PKR's Kuantan MP Fuziah Salleh has revealed that nearly 600,000 names in Selangor have been moved or shifted about without the voters knowledge and these are only the ones detected!

Although indelible ink is a tremendous help in preventing multiple-voting, we are still back to square one if the eligible voters are unable to cast their vote due to hanky-panky in the voter rolls.

Although prior to polling day we can check to see that our names are not tampered with, anything can still happen on the day of voting itself. With instant and advance technology our names can be in the voter rolls today but vanish tomorrow on polling way. There is no surefire guarantee that our names will be 100% kept safe in the voter rolls.

4. The only way the Pakatan Rakyat can win the 13th general election is with overwhelming support from the rural masses and from Sabahans and Sarawakians. This is because due to gerrymandering by EC, many small seats have been created in the rural areas.

This is called the 'Voters-per-seat Formula'. For instance, the parliament seat of Batu in Kuala Lumpur has over 100,000 voters. Compare this to the rural areas where many seats have less than 10,000 voters. This means that 100,000 can only give one seat to the opposition if the opposition wins in Batu whereas in the rural areas 100,000 voters can already contribute 10 seats.

This also shows that more weight or power is given to the rural seats as even with a few thousand voters, the rural folk have already one parliament seat compared to the city folk who need big numbers to get just one parliament seat. This unfair method of manipulation by EC has helped BN to win all along.

5. Besides playing around with the 'Voters-per-seat Formula', the EC can also move voters in a strategic manner. For example the Parliament seat of Shah Alam held by PAS' Khalid Samad. EC can move the Chinese voters to Klang which is held by DAP's Charles Santiago. In this way, BN regains Shah Alam. Forget about Klang, never mind.

Next, the EC can also move the Chinese voters from the PAS seat of Titiwangsa to Cheras which is held by DAP. In this way, BN regains Titiwangsa. Forget about Cheras as it is impossible for BN to win in Cheras anyway.

EC's dubious tactics

By transferring out the Chinese to areas where BN finds impossible to win, they will regain seats lost to the opposition and those seats that BN cannot win we will notice that the opposition has won by a very margin, for instance Seputeh (won by DAP's Teresa Kok by a margin of 36,000), Kepong and Cheras (also won by DAP with large margins). This is a bad sign as it indicates that something is afoot.

6. Another of EC's dubious tactics is the demarcation of boundaries beyond rhyme or reason. Again, several examples:-

  • Parliament seat of Batu in Kuala Lumpur. This is supposed to be a KL Federal Territory seat but it has been extended beyond Pasar Borong Selayang right up to Taman Selayang Jaya in Selayang, Selangor. In fact it overlaps with Selayang's Parliament seat in Selangor.
  • Parliament seat of Kepong in Kuala Lumpur. This is also a KL Federal Territory seat which has entered into Selayang, Selangor and overlaps with the Selayang Parliament seat as well.
  • The third example also involving a KL Federal Territory seat is the Parliament seat of Titiwangsa which has been extended right up to Taman Chempaka in Selangor.

All those seats are geographically weird in nature and this is done to include in Malay voters who are known to favour BN. However, in the 12th general election in 2008, many urban Malays voted for the opposition. Knowing this, Umno is now frightening the Malays that they will be wiped-out if Pakatan comes to power.



The tragedy that is Umno

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 09:07 AM PST


Umno is not for the Malays. Umno exists only so that its leaders will thrive to the detriment of the normal, ordinary Malay.

Umno is full of Malays who are afraid to say "No". "No" to corruption. "No" to power abuse. "No" to seeking as well as giving patronage.

Perhaps one can add, "No" to Mahathir, "No" to Najib.

Umno has been in power for over 54 years. Not all Malays wish to be in Umno, but Umno does need all of the Malays for it to be a potent force. Today, Umno refuses to accept that Malays are abandoning Umno.

Around the time of independence, Umno may have had people of quality within its ranks. Today, it is alleged that loyalty is determined by money. Is that what Umno think the Malays are proud of? That their allegiance is easily bought? Umno strips Malays of self-worth and self-respect.

Instead of using intelligent discourse and logic to dissect any issue, Umno uses sexual allegations or character assassinations, to blacken the reputation of members of the opposition. Opposition leaders had their characters or their children's character tarnished with untrue allegations in pro-Umno blogs.

Gutter politics are prevalent in Umno and was witnessed during the last Umno general assembly. Name calling and snide insinuations seemed to be the order of the day. These men and women, who are supposed to be leaders and pillars of Malay society, are a disgrace to themselves and the nation.

In Umno, men who were guilty of sexual acts, against their hired help or against minors, talk about the sexual behaviour of other people, as if they led blameless lives. Those who are guilty of money politics tried to distract attention by calling on opposition members to resign. What happened to accountability and responsibility?

These men and women, talk about religion as if they were themselves, free of sin. These same people use any opportunity to say that the failure of the Malays is because of the dominance of the non-Malays.

In education, for instance, the Malays are given the best chances for obtaining a higher education. Things are made deliberately easy for them. The undesirable side-effect is that they and their children grow up lacking aspiration and ambition.

Malays who wanted to improve themselves by learning English are now considered traitors. Many Malays who study overseas have a poor grasp of English. Many who were not allowed to mix with other races at home, found great difficulty adapting to life with non-Malays.

Is this what Umno leaders want of the Malay? For them to be cocooned and their minds closed to what is happening in the global arena?

Tunnel vision

Malays have lost the respect of the other races and nationalities. Worldwide, people are breaking down the walls which prevent intermingling, but not, it appears, in the Malay race.

Malays have tunnel vision when it comes to understanding social mores. They see non-Malays and non-Muslims as a threat to their very existence. They feel that they are far superior to the other races or nationalities, and their belligerence prevents them from accepting that others are superior to them in many fields; be it education, business, social integration and civility.



In Malaysia, he's a bad guy

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 09:03 AM PST

In Malaysia, "Superman" Li Ka-shing is a bad guy, at least that's what former Johor Corp chief executive officer Tan Sri Muhammad Ali Hashim thinks.

Zuraimi Abdullah, Business Times

DC Comics' "Superman" is a good guy, a great American superhero. In Hong Kong, "Superman" is Li Ka-shing, the mega-rich businessman.

In Malaysia, though, "Superman" is a bad guy, at least that's what former Johor Corp (JCorp) chief executive officer Tan Sri Muhammad Ali Hashim thinks.

Malaysia's "Superman", based on Muhammad Ali's version, is out to destroy a certain group of companies and suck its assets for monetary gains.

This "Superman" is not singular. There are a bunch of them. They are outsiders who have seized control of the Johor state investment company and are responsible for making it incur more debts, strip some big assets and break staff spirit, he claimed.

That's a pretty strong allegation. And coming from a respected corporate man who helmed JCorp for 28 years until his controversial departure from the corporation and all of its controlled public-listed companies in July 2010, it seems to be a shocking revelation.

It has been a week since the allegation made headlines in the newspapers and websites. JCorp appears disinterested to refute, although there was initial indication from its PR agency suggesting a counter statement was in the offing.

JCorp is arguably one of the companies that have grabbed most media and investors' attention at the moment, thanks to its estimated RM5.24 billion offer to privatise QSR Brands Bhd and KFC Holdings Bhd.

While we ponder on Muhammad Ali versus JCorp, the main point here is the issue of outsiders and outside interference.

For countries, outside interference typically relates to other governments interfering in internal politics or the economy of another government.

In companies or divisions within a company, if the management or the board is bringing in somebody from the outside, it could mean its own employees are not talented or capable enough to handle operation or business.

Should one bring or allow outsiders to run one's already fine business? Obviously, it will be unsettling if this happens, although it is wrong to assume that all outsiders will not take a good company to greater heights. Still, we need to ask ourselves, how much of our own affairs do we want others to manage?

It's a different story if a company is in dire need of a new injection of talent and skills from outside.

Hence, most of us, I believe, can understand and accept the entry of AirAsia's Tan Sri Tony Fernandes and Datuk Kamarudin Meranun into Malaysia Airlines, for example.

JCorp is a well-run and asset-rich company, albeit being saddled with debts of billions of ringgit. Anyone care to convince us that the Malaysian "Superman" allegation is not true?


Will Anwar Ibrahim be incarcerated?

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 08:48 AM PST


Someone had just posed me this question – Will Anwar Ibrahim be incarcerated? My instantaneous response to him was that, "I am not the judge, and even if I were the judge, I will not give you the answer". That's the oft-question ask when the name of Anwar Ibrahim is toyed with in coffee shop conversation nowadays, and the court's decision on Anwar Ibrahim will be known in a few days i.e. reportedly on Monday 9th January 2012.

The story goes that Anwar Ibrahim stands a hopeless chance at getting an acquittal, if we were to base it on an earlier trial of about a similar offence in 1998. PKR has to brace itself for the worst case scenario where a leadership vacuum in the party will occur if Anwar Ibrahim is found guilty and is sentence to a jail term. I think that leadership vacuum will also be felt in the PR, but how this will affect the coalition's chances in the upcoming elections is difficult to predict.

There have also been numerous assessments citing the possibility of PR winning the elections, i.e. with or without Anwar Ibrahim. Some believe that Anwar Ibrahim isn't a critical factor in winning the elections anymore, and neither is there the 'sympathy factor' that impacted upon PR successes in the 2008 general elections. What are more important now are issues and exposures affecting UMNO/BN today that are most likely to weaken BN's reputation in the run up to the elections. And issues and exposures detailing UMNO/BN 50 odd years of wrong doing are slowly emerging. Even former PM Tun Dr. Mahathir 20 odd years of rule is not spared of public debate and criticism.

Even if Anwar were to be acquitted and assumes the premiership (should PR win the election), at best he would only last one term as he would breach his 70th birthday at the end of that term. It is for this reason that I think, PR should start developing and identifying a second tier leaders that are reasonably young capable (free of all the worldly vices) of taking over the leadership, so that when a leadership change does occur, the transition would be smooth. I believe the PR leadership today is not devoid of young and able leaders that are not seen to have been inflicted or to have been influence by the 'evils and vices of politics'. This is simply because they all have not savored political power, but once in power I certainly am not ruling out the chances of them emulating the inherent adverse qualities of the present UMNO/BN leadership. This will be the biggest challenge for the PR leadership.



Manipulasi masa adalah korupsi dalam sistem keadilan

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 08:43 AM PST


Dalam istilah undang-undang, sering diutarakan hujah mengenai "Justice delayed is justice denied" (keadilan yang dilengah adalah keadilan yang dinafi) dan "Justice Hurried is Buried" (keadilan yang terburu-buru adalah keadilan yang dibenamkan).

Kedua-dua hujah ini menekan bahawakeadilan tidak ditentukan oleh faktor masa, tetapi hendaklah berdasarkan undang-undang yang adil.

Di Malaysia, bukan saja hukum sering tidak adil, ia sering dizalimkan lagi dengan manipulasi masa. Bekas Menteri Besar Selangor, Khir Toyo didakwa atas dakwaan yang telah diringankan bagi menyelamatkan beliau. Masa yang dipilih untuk memutuskan kes ini ialah menjelang cuti umum selama tiga hari, iaitu cuti hari Krismas yang dicantumkan dengan cuti hari minggu.

23 Disember sengaja dipilih ketika rakyat sedang bercuti penjang supaya mereka tidak sempat menganalisa kes ini dan dengan itu menyelamatkan sendiwara politik pemerintah.

Kita lihat lagi, Eric Chia dan Kasitah Gaddam didakwa menjelang PRU 2004 bertujuan memperlihatkan kononnya kerajaan bersungguh dalam menangani rasuah untuk kepentingan kempen, sedangkan kesalahan tersebut dilakukan berpuluh tahun sebelum itu. Dan beberapa tahun selepas PRU, mereka dibebaskan.

Pada tahun 1999, Marina Yusoff yang sedang popular dikalangan penyokong reformasi ketika itu didakwa atas Akta Hasutan, dan masa yang dipilih ialah pada hari raya ketiga bertujuan mengelak perhimpunan bagi menyokong beliau kerana kebanyakan rakyat ketika itu sedang bercuti.

Sebelum Anwar Ibrahim dibebaskan pada tahun 2004, beliau telah dimaklumkan beberapa bulan sebelum itu oleh 'orang-orang yang rapat' kepada Perdana Menteri bahawa beliau akan dibebaskan, tetapi masanya selepas PRU bagi mengelakkan beliau berkempen.

Kes terbaru Anwar diabicarakan secara tergesa-gesa dan dipercepat supaya hukuman dapat dijatuhkan sebelum Parlimen dibubar oleh Perdana Menteri untuk dijadikan bahan kempen oleh Umno/Barisan Nasional dalam PRU 13.

Dalam rancangan membebaskan dua katak Perak, Mohd Osman Jailu dan Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi sebagai habuan melompat, masa yang dipilih ialah ketika orang sibuk berkempen pilihanraya Sarawak.



Injunction filed to stop Felda's listing

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 08:32 AM PST

(Harakah Daily) - Four members of Koperasi Permodalan Felda Malaysia (KPF) have filed an injunction at the Temerloh High Court against the public listing of Felda Global Ventures Holdings (FGVH) on Bursa Malaysia.

Rosdi Ismail, Alias Ibrahim, Abdullah Mohamad and Rakiah Sulong are also seeking injunctions to block KPF's extraordinary general meeting scheduled on January 5, as well as its decision to dispose its assets in Felda Holdings.

In a press conference, counsel Mohamad Harris Abdullah said FGVH had no sufficient assets or funds to go for listing, hence Felda Holding Berhad (FHB) was forced to mortgage its 360,067 hectares of land for 99 years.

"However, the land will be still developed using settlers' money. FGVH also proposed to take over all equity belongs to KPF and 10 subsidiaries with a worth of RM3.13 billion," he said, adding that the extraordinary general meeting planned on January 5 did not adhere to KPF's laws because four of its members had applied for an injunction.

Meanwhile, Mazlan Aliman, who leads the National Felda Settlers' Children Association (ANAK), told the same press conference that the loss-making FGVH was using Felda Plantations's property for the listing.

"The revenue from Felda Plantations at present is at RM2 billion a year. How will it be if being mortaged for 99 years, when FGVH's own performance is poor?" he asked, adding that FGVH performance would be worse under current chairman Isa Samad.

Mazlan had earlier said that at present KPF, the largest cooperative in the country, had obtained RM5 billion a year with RM800 million in profit with cash in hand over RM1.1 billion.

With such stellar performance, he said, KPF should remain status quo.

Mazlan, who is also PAS central committee member, said he had received information about sinister agenda behind the listing plan.

He stressed that as such, the government must stop the listing plan, adding that "the question of settlers receiving a windfall does not arise."

On Isa's position as KPF chairman, Mazlan said the reply by the Malaysian Cooperative Commission that Isa had not assumed the post was not acceptable.

"He is already acting like one (KPF chairman) based on the appointment letter by prime minister," he said.

Besides Felda director-general Dzulkifli Abdul Wahad who had been asked to go on leave, Mazlan claimed more key people in the land development authority would be removed by Isa.

"The deputy development director, who is also KPF secretary, has been transferred to Putrajaya, and today the deputy director general had been removed by Isa. Another 18 key people will face action. So, we urge Cuepacs to act immediately as Isa is doing this solely because he thinks they are not being cooperative," he warned.


Isa sepatutnya jadi peneroka dulu, baru jadi pengerusi koperasi

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 08:28 AM PST


FELDA tidak akan sama lagi seperti dahulu. Perpecahan yang nyata berlaku di FELDA, samada di kalangan peneroka dan pegawai-pegawai serta kakitangan-kakitangan perbadanan yang tertua negara itu. Kalau dahulu Felda merupakan satu perbadanan yang terurus dengan agak baik tetapi sekarang oleh kerana wujud elemen pihak tertentu yang ingin mengambil kesempatan politik peribadi ke atas Felda ini maka unsur-unsur perpecahan dalam tanah rancangan ini sedang bertambah teruk dan menakutkan.

Felda sejak tertubuhnya adalah di bawah Kementerian Tanah dan Wilayah dan dengan tekun serta kerja tidak mengenal penat lelah oleh mereka yang bertanggungjawab maka Felda telah maju dan menjadi di antara perbadanan yang paling kaya samada dalam bentuk tunai dan asetnya.

Kalau perbadanan ini mula di tadbir oleh pelaksana yang jujur seperti Tan Sri Taib Andak perbadanan ini telah berkembang di bawah kelolaan Raja Tan Sri Alias Ali sehingga Felda terkenal di seluruh dunia sebagai tanah rancangan yang paling tersusun dan ditadbir dengan baik serta beretika di bawah pimpinan Raja Tan Sri Alias Raja Ali selama 3 dekad beliau berada di sana.

Politik tidak begitu masuk campur dalam hal Felda selama ini. Kalau ada pun politik di dalamnya ianya terbatas kepada mempastikan yang matlamat asal penubuhan Felda itu di capai mengikut kehendak dasar-dasar yang di kepilkan dengan penubuhannya itu. Kerjasama semua pihak, pengurusan dari ibu pejabat sehingga pejabat pentadbiran wilayah-wilayahnya sehinggalah kepada individu-individu peneroka serta pengorbanan mereka semua telah menjadikan Felda sebagai perbadan yang paling baik pentadbirannya.

Kebaikkan pentadbiran perbadanan ini tentulah di sebabkan perbadanan ini di ketuai oleh pelaksana yang sangat komited terhadap tanggungjawab yang di amanahkan oleh pimpinan Melayu negara. Komitmen Raja Tan Sri Alias dalam membina Felda sehingga sampai ketahap ini memang menjadi contoh kepada semua pihak.

Nama Raja Tan Sri Alias di Felda itu terpahat sehinggakan ism pelaksana dasar kerajaan ini tidak akan mudah dilupakan oleh pegawai dan kakitangan Felda serta peneroka keseluruhannya. Apabila Raja Tan Sri Alias bersara Felda masih utuh kerana ism dan sistem tadbiran di bawah Raja Tan Sri Alias itu sangat berkesan dan 'follow through' dengan sistem Raja TS Alias itu terus menjadi asas pembangunan Felda sehingga orang politik mengetuai Lembaga Pengarah perbadanan itu bernama Tan Sri Yusuf Nor.

Tan Sri Yusuf Nor tidak mencuba-cuba untuk menggali dan menganjak cara Raja TS Alias di dalam perbadanan itu maka tidak adalah masalah besar berlaku di bawah pengerusinya TS Yusuf Nor itu.

Felda telah begitu berjaya sehinggakan ada pihak yang begitu cair air liurnya kerana kekayaan perbadanan ini hasil dari penat jerih ratusan ribu peneroka yang berada di bawah paying Felda itu. Dengan senyap-senyap Felda dipandang oleh setengah pihak sebagai perbadan yang boleh di kudakan untuk kepentingan politik setengah pihak. Maka Felda telah dipindahkan dari Kementerian Kemajuan Tanah dan Wilayah kepada Jabatan Perdana Menteri dan duduk di bawah dagu Najib Tun Razak sejak beliau masih menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri sehinggalah sekarang.

Sejak perpindahan Felda dari Kementerian Kemajuan Tanah dan Wilayah kepada pentadbiran Najib Razak inilah Felda mula di hinggapi penyakit yang berbagai-bagai. Sejak di bawah tadbiran Najib ini Felda telah menjadi tempat pelahap-pelahap negara mengambil kesempatan dan peneroka-peneroka rancangan tanah ini.

Sebelum ini peneroka dan rakyat tidak berapa menyedari apa yang telah dilakukan kepada mereka, Sekarang mereka telah celek dan mulalah anak-anak generasi Felda ini terutamanya mengambil langkah melakukan tentangan terhadap pihak berkuasa kerana tindakkan unilateral kerajaan persekutuan dalam menentukan corak Felda menghadapi masa depan yang kian mencabar.




Posted: 23 Dec 2011 08:20 AM PST

Nana Kassim

It is 6.30am. Tony is all dressed up and excited. In five hours from now, Tony will board an aircraft to fly to Penang. In the true sense of the word, this will be Tony's first flight, although he had flown a couple of times before.

Way back when Tony was 12 years old, he was determined to set a name for himself. He already knew he would not want to graduate from Oxford, as that would make him a kera. He also knew he would not want to be a PM as that would reveal his origin from Kerala. He would not want to be the Cheap Secretary as that would make him the boss in Kerajaan. In fact, Tony wanted to sever his relationship with his kera ancestors so badly that he vowed to one day be his own boss.

He always dreamed of wearing a beret - or otherwise known as a French cap - to work. That dream was to benefit him tremendously in the future as it helped him to deal with his genetic HIV. The cap was later to be used to conceal his embarrassment as his hairline increasingly vanishes.
Since that tender age, Tony already knew what he wanted out of life. He was an achiever and a high-flyer. He graduated summa cum laude from his kindergarten with flying colors. Tony already had a flair for flying, past and present.
Thus, it was no surprise that Tony flew into a rage when a classmate once told him to go fly a kite. Fortunately for Tony, his godfather  - whom Tony affectionately refers to as AK because his Godfather fondly calls Tony his Anakanda Kesayangan - was around when the incident took place. His godfather reminded him that Malaysia Airlines had a kite as its logo. His classmate might want him to go fly a kite now, but one day, that airline would fly his kite for him. Then later in life when he spots his grown-up classmate - who might end up as a CEO of a govt-controlled company - about to board a MAS flight, Tony can then walk up to him and tell him to go fly his own kite.
Memories of his past brought a huge grin to his face. Today is the great day Tony has been looking forward to. He will be transported from Sunway to the airport in a luxury coach. At the time of booking his flight 16 months ago, Tony had the foresight to book a seat on the luxury coach. He was convinced that would give him an idea of what to experience when he boards the aircraft.
The luxury coach stops in front of the entrance to the LCCT building. A couple of porters rush over to assist passengers disembarking from the luxury coach. Tony is in awe at the willingness of the airport staff to render assistance. They not only wear a warm smile on their faces, they also wear jackets that tell who their employer is Asian Water.
Going past the entrance, Tony is impressed with what he sees inside the terminal. There are signages everywhere to guide you to the correct counter or toilet. For first-time flyers, Asian Water has
stationed several female staff who are ready to assist with whatever you need to know about your flight. Looking in amazement at these gorgeous and dedicated staff, Tony instinctively hums the music to the song "Lady In Red". Already, Tony is beginning to regret that he will soon fly far away and leave behind these adorable and smiling staff. But he has other excitement to look forward to.
Now that he has experienced the comfort of the luxury coach, Tony is not sure what he has to do next. Looking around like a lost child, Tony catches the wandering eyes of an Asian Water staff. The training provided by her employer instinctively tells the staff that someone needs help. She walks up to Tony and introduces herself.
"Hi, *ir, I'm Rose, your ground crew. I'm here to make sure your flight experience with Asian Water is a memorable one. You will realise that we don't address our customers with an "S" and that our
employer refers to us as a crew. Once you have landed in your destination airport, you will then be able to put these two together and know that you have experienced a most exhilaratingly sensuous flight.
"By the way, *ir, is this your first time? The flight, I mean, not your experience."
"Errrrrr, yeah, yeah, yes," Tony stammers at the opportunity to speak to an Asian Water staff.
"In that case, *ir, I suggest you purchase some chips as you will need them."
"But I am on a strict diet. My doctor wants me to stay away from starchy food," Tony protests.
"No, *ir, these are token chips that we use here at Asian Water as a form of payment," the crew explains.
"But I already paid for my airfare, airport tax, travel insurance, selected seat, selected meal, check-in baggage and also a seat in that luxury coach."
"In that case, let me wish you a warm welcome to Asian Water, the flight that is full of surprises! Please proceed to Counter 85 to purchase your chips and then go to Counter 12 to check in. Have a pleasant journey, *ir."
Tony makes his way to Counter 85 which takes him a full twenty minutes and joins the queue.
Forty-five minutes later, his turn arrives. He asks the chips crew how much of chips he should buy.
The chips crew asks him, "Is this your first time? The flight, I mean, not your experience."
Tony replies in the affirmative. The chips crew suggests that he purchase one hundred ringgit worth of chips. Any unused chips can be exchanged for cash at Counter 7 in Subang Sky Park. Alternatively, Tony can use them for his next flight within the next 1 week.
"But I will be in Pulau Pinang for eight days and my return flight will be after the expiry of the unused chips."
"In that case, *ir, I suggest you exchange your unused chips upon arrival in Penang. Our counter is located on the ground floor of Tunia Hotel in Pulau Jerejak. On your return flight, you can buy the chips at our counter located at the wet market in Pulau Tikus."
Exhausted with having to memorise the various counter numbers at the various locations, Tony handed over two pieces of RM50 notes to purchase the chips.
The chips crew hands over the chips and a receipt. As he walks away, Tony counts the value of his chips and is surprised to find only RM95 worth. He goes back to the counter and asks for the other RM5.
The chips crew explains that there is a charge of 5% for purchases made at the counter.
"It would have been cheaper if you had made the purchase at the same time you booked your flight."
Tony walks towards Counter 12, feeling very sure there's something sticking in his rear.


6P fiasco: ‘Which ministry is in charge?’

Posted: 22 Dec 2011 08:33 PM PST

A sudden decision by the Home Ministry to override the Human Resources Ministry in the issuance of a certificate causes panic among foreign workers.

Another 6P agent said the sudden removal of JobsMalaysia certificate requirement would not be fair to local workers, as the function of JobsMalaysia certificate was to ensure that human resources, both local and foreign, are utilised most optimally.

Teoh El Sen, Free Malaysia Today

Another controversy has reared up over the government's 6P amnesty programme to register all legal and illegal foreign workers in the country.

This time, it is over the Home Ministry's alleged 'bypassing' of the Human Resources Ministry requirement for approval before the foreigners can be fully legalised under the second phase of the 6P.

The issue caused great confusion this morning when 6P agents received news that there was no longer a need for a JobsMalaysia (formerly known as Jobs Clearance System) certificate issued by the Human Resources Ministry. Previously only with the certificate can a foreign worker be "legalised" by the Home Ministry.

Those at the immigration offices in Putrajaya this morning were shocked to see notices stating "Sijil JobsMalaysia (JCS) bagi proses pemutihan dikecualikan" (the JobsMalaysia certificate for the amnesty process is no longer required).

"We're confused now and we're not getting any firm answers from the relevant departments," said a source from one 6P management agency.

"Why did the Home Ministry totally bypass another ministry? This is clearly an inter-conflict between two ministries,  by the Home Ministry superseeding the Human Resources Ministry's role.

"They have lost control and lost direction over this 6P programme. Is this abuse being done just because someone wants to make money?" he asked.

The source said that the new ruling would mean that the Human Resources Ministry, which is in charge of the country's labour force, would not know how many foreign workers are there in the country.

"Yes, we earlier asked for the requirements and paperwork to be relaxed, but you can't totally remove them, that's disastrous and totally defeats the purpose of having 6P," he said.

Another 6P agent said the sudden removal of JobsMalaysia certificate requirement would not be fair to local workers, as the function of JobsMalaysia certificate was to ensure that human resources, both local and foreign, are utilised most optimally.

"Locals might be deprived of jobs because of this removal of the Human Resources Ministry approval. Who manages the labour resources of a country? Home Ministry or Human Resources Ministry?" asked the agent, who declined to be named.

Home Ministry: Making the process easier

However, National Smallholder Association Malaysia (Teluk Intan branch) chairman Tan Tang Seong said for the 1,000-plus vegetable farmers that he was registering, it was better that the Human Resources Ministry's JobsMalaysia approval be abolished.

"A lot of them can't produce the legal documents, such as titles for their farms. That's why we suggested the removal of the JCS requirement.

"But the news about it being abolished today is very vague, we are still very confused," said Tan, who is also an authorised 6P agent.

It is learnt that the Human Resource Ministry was not properly informed over today's new decision.

Labour Department director-general Sheikh Yahya Sheikh Mohammed told FMT he was in the dark about the matter.

"I don't know about this. This is the first time I'm hearing it. Ideally we should be consulted before a decision is made about this. We need to know what is the reason the Home Ministry decided to bypass us," he said.

Meanwhile, Home Ministry secretary-general Mahmood Adam told FMT that it was untrue that the Human Resources Ministry approval was no longer needed.

"This was a Cabinet decision. But anyway, we still need the Human Resources Ministry approval. We are simply making the whole process easier by shortening the 7-day waiting to only one day. Now you get it within 24 hours," he said.

(The Cabinet Committee on Foreign Workers and Illegal Immigrants is chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin).

Mahmood added that there are certain sectors, such as security, that comes directly under Home Ministry and does not even require a Human Resources Ministry approval.

"So there should not be any problems. Why are these agencies making noise?" he asked.



Dr Hasan Ali to answer 'Umno agenda' on Saturday

Posted: 22 Dec 2011 08:27 PM PST

(Bernama) - Datuk Dr Hasan Ali will answer an allegation linking him to the Umno agenda levelled against him by party secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali on Saturday.

"Let's wait, I'll explain tomorrow. I will give a press conference at my house at 11am," said Hasan, who is Selangor Islamic Affairs, Malay Customs, Infrastructure and Public Facilities Committee chairman when contacted Friday.

On Thursday, Mustafa claimed that he had evidence to link Hasan to the Umno agenda.

Mustafa said this emanated from a meeting between Hasan and PAS former deputy president Nasharuddin Mat Isa, and three individuals at a hotel in the capital last Ramadan.

Nasharuddin could not be contacted for clarification.

In KOTA BARU, Perkasa president Datuk Ibrahim Ali said it was high time for Hasan to join Perkasa if he felt that he could not fulfil his aspiration to uphold Islam and fight for the Malays through PAS.

Ibrahim said he recently made the offer to Hasan after he was sidelined by PAS but had yet to get an answer.


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