“Eco-Terrorists”? – Exclusive Revelations Posted: 19 Oct 2011 12:13 PM PDT By Sarawak Report  Ta Ann logging in Tasmania's old-growth forest areasSarawak Report can disclose that the connections between Tasmania's primary industries and the Chief Minister's cousin, Hamed Sepawi, are far more extensive than previously publicised. These worrying links not only threaten the integrity of old-growth forests back in Tasmania, they are also working to wreak destruction over vast swathes of the Borneo Jungle, as Taib's hugely controversial mega-dam project gets underway. Tit for tat deal? We can reveal what would appear to be a tit for tat deal, whereby Sepawi, appointed by his cousin as Head of Sarawak's state electricity company, has offered a massive hydro-electricity contract to Hydro-Tasmania at the same time as his private timber venture, Ta Ann, has been allowed to benefit from subsidies and logging in Tasmania's conservation forests. Sepawi is the major shareholder and Executive Chairman of the logging giant Ta Ann, which was brought into Tasmania in 2008 with the help of massive subsidies from the Australian state. However, so far, the company has achieved nothing but losses for the state's forestry industry and is controversially obtaining its wood from conservation forests. Despite this, Tasmanian Ministers have doggedly supported the venture and ignored concerns about corruption and human rights issues in Sarawak, where Sepawi is a key member of a demonstrably illegal family regime. These Ministers have also chosen to ignore protests about false advertising by Ta Ann, which promotes its Tasmanian products as "eco-friendly". READ MORE HERE. |
Bishop hails trio for stand against Himpun rally Posted: 19 Oct 2011 12:09 PM PDT (FMT) - PETALING JAYA: Catholic Bishop Dr Paul Tan Chee Ing today hailed PAS, PKR supremo Anwar Ibrahim and MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek for "taking sane stances in the face of deliberate attempts to stoke anti-Christian hysteria." The head of the Catholic Church for the Malacca-Johor diocese, reached in Bangkok where he is attending a meeting of the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conference(FABC), said: "I've been following the developments in Malaysia on the internet and would like to salute PAS for declining to be involved in the upcoming rally in Shah Alam on Saturday," said the Jesuit-trained prelate who is concurrently president of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Malaysia. "Further, I hail Anwar Ibrahim for having the courage to state there is no threat of Christianization of Muslims in Malaysia and salute Dr Chua Soi Lek for boldness in expressing the view that the rally would heighten tensions between Muslims and Christians and for that reason should be stopped." Bishop Tan said he was of the view that citizens wanting to gather together in a cause should not be prevented but "the Himpun rally appears headed towards stoking anti-Christian hysteria." "Judging from the campaign waged by some sections of the mainstream media and blogs you would think Muslims in Malaysia in droves are being covertly converted to Christianity," Bishop Tan said. "This is only true in the fevered imagination of the Harussani Zakarias' of this country and not anywhere else," added the bishop. READ MORE HERE. |
MCA and hudud: Part 2 Posted: 19 Oct 2011 12:05 PM PDT By Stanley Koh, FMT What is the role of religions in politics? Is Islam compatible with democracy? How do we deal with the conflicts between the constitutional provisions for fundamental liberties and equality with religious laws and policies that may violate them? Should the state legislate on morality? Is it the duty of the state to bring about a more moral society? Can there be one truth and one final interpretation of Islam that must be legislated and govern the lives of every Muslim citizen of the country? These were some of the questions raised in 2001 at a MCA-organised forum attended by Dr Hamid Othman of the Prime Minister's Department, Shad Saleem Faruqi of Universiti Teknologi Mara, Zainah Anwar of Sisters in Islam and representatives of the Inter-Religious Council of Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism. The forum came in the midst of public disquiet over then prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad's declaration, in September 2001, that Malaysia was an Islamic state. Many Malaysians were confused and quite a number were in fear that the country would eventually be run like a Taliban state. Hamid, whose job was to advise the PM's Department on religious matters, said he did not have answers to the questions raised. "I would like a dialogue to begin on these very important issues," he said. "This dialogue and debate have begun, particularly in Muslim countries like Iran and Indonesia. And the search for answers and solutions cannot be the exclusive preserve of the ulamas. "All citizens have the right to engage in this dialogue and in this debate because nothing less than the future of this nation is at stake. The peace, political stability and prosperity, the celebration of our rich, multiracial and multireligious heritage that we have enjoyed, must be the heritage that we leave to our children." Why did Mahathir make the surprising declaration? Veteran political observers interpreted it as purely and simply a move to outdo PAS in the completion for Malay voting support. They said Mahathir had no other considerations apart from the political. Some interpreted it as a desperate political manoeuvre occasioned by increasing support for PAS as that party pushed its own brand of Islamic Malaysia, one that would include hudud punishments under Islamic law. MCA's stand BN's major component parties, particularly MCA, were caught in a bind. To its credit, MCA organised the forum on short notice to seek clarification and answers to end the confusion and fears. What was the MCA president's own response to Mahathir's declaration? Dr Ling Liong Sik claimed that many non-Muslim leaders supported the prime minister's position. The following were the exact words he used at the forum, as recorded on tape: "Can I say my personal point of view? Now throughout the world, there's conflict, struggle, war between the moderates and the extremists. In any society, sometimes even within the religious society—you name them—fundamentalists, some moderates, some of them reasonables. "Now in Malaysia, we, in BN, are taking the moderate-centre stand. We try to discuss everything between races. That is why we have invited religious councils to give your views. Now we know, we know, the erosion of Malay support is serious. "It is serious. And in Selangor, previous election, let us say in Shah Alam, won by 41,000 votes. Last election (1999), dropped to 2,400 votes. In Gombak, previous election won by 30,000-over votes, but last election, kalah 800 votes. READ MORE HERE. |
Reforms lift Malaysia to 18th in doing business ranking Posted: 19 Oct 2011 12:02 PM PDT By Lee Wei Lian, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 20 — Malaysia jumped five spots to 18th from 23rd in the World Bank's ranking for 2012 in ease of doing business on the back of Putrajaya-led reforms, says Pemudah, government's business facilitation taskforce. Singapore topped the list, followed by Hong Kong, while Malaysia came in fifth among all East Asian economies after Korea and Thailand. This comes after the nation regained its 21st place ranking in the World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Index this year after falling to 26th in 2010. Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan, co-chair of Pemudah and chief secretary to the government, said the World Bank rankings showed that the reform measures implemented by the Najib administration was starting to show results. He urged public and private sectors to be mindful of competition and to keep improving. "There are new entrants into the ranking and the existing ones are advancing in leaps and bounds in their improvements," he said in a media statement. "We need to not only augment our services, but to do so in giant steps." RAM Ratings chief economist Yeah Kim Leng said the rise in the widely followed rankings showed that Malaysia's reforms were showing tangible results. "It will boost sentiment and lead to further impetus for transformation," he said. "It is good that within a year or two the government has achieved significant strides." Yeah cautioned, however, that the challenge now was to ensure that the improved rankings translated to higher foreign and domestic investment as well as to also improve Malaysia's ranking in Transparency International's corruption perception index. "If we can do that, then it will trigger a deluge of investment and the first world, high income status would be within reach," he said. "We have the infrastructure and the resources; we now need to enhance the operating environment and combine it with the right policies." Malaysia ranked 56th on Transparency International's Corruption Perception Index in 2010, which was unchanged from its 2009 ranking. The 2012 Ease of Doing Business report highlighted Malaysia's initiative in introducing electronic filing in its courts, setting up specialised civil and commercial courts in Kuala Lumpur, and merging company, tax, social security and employment fund registrations at a one-stop centre for business start-ups. Malaysia was also cited for being one of 24 countries that have established regulatory reform committees reporting directly to a prime minister or president. Pemudah said Malaysia had improved in six categories, remained unchanged in two, and had a marginal deterioration in two areas: principally in Dealing with Construction Permits and Paying Taxes. Sidek said the private sector should look at simplifying procedures to improve efficiency in order to realise the full effect of government reforms. On categories where Malaysia did not score well — such as construction permits (rank 113) and enforcing contracts (31) — business associations and the legal professions needed to look at their work systems and procedures and identify bottlenecks. READ MORE HERE. |
The economics of 1Malaysia Menu Posted: 19 Oct 2011 11:51 AM PDT By Wangsa Maju for Malaysia The recently tabled 2012 budget, the BN one that is, looks too optimistic in its revenue forecast while total expenditure seems unchecked and I struggle to detect significant return or value for money expended.
1 of the flagship gimmick is the 1Malaysia menu. For RM3.00, you can get rice, taugeh, chicken wings, beef or mutton?
According to the prime minister's budget speech:
74. The Government will undertake measures to ease rising costs and prices as well as reduce the burden of the rakyat, as follows:
First: Increase the number of Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia (KR1M) nationwide in 2012. KR1M offers 250 types of 1Malaysia products, comprising consumer goods which are up to 40% cheaper. In view of the overwhelming response, the Government plans to open an additional 85 units in 2012 with an allocation of RM40 million;
Third: Extend and promote the Menu Rakyat 1Malaysia which offers popular menu sets at reasonable prices with a maximum of RM2 for breakfast and RM4 for lunch. Currently, more than 700 food operators are participating and this will be extended to 3,000 operators by end-2012. To further expand this initiative, the Government encourages all cafeteria operators in Government offices* and the private sector to implement the Menu Rakyat 1Malaysia.
* not only they get increment and bonuses without performance appraisal.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. What form of "encouragement" is the PM talking about? Anyone knows you can't run business on a free.An operator has to pay rental (a mamak restaurant's monthly rental can easily hit RM10,000), salaries and wages, and ever escalating prices of foodstuff. Simply verbal encouragement and a road show visit by a smiling PM won't foot the operating expenses.
The prime minister have to be transparent and explain how 3,000 operators can and willing to participate. Are they being subsidised in some creative way via tax payers money?
We are all familiar with the modus operandi of 'compensation for not reaching supernormal profit targets'enjoy by highway concessionaires for example. When you get a discount during festive balik kampung, the government will hack off around RM800million of tax collected/debt raised to pay Plus and bill back the tax payers later. Tax money which should have been used for education, healthcare, public amenities ended up as a nice profit before tax in some listed company
Did the Prime Minister Depatment sent financial professionals to help these operators to do proper financial and sensitivity analysis to help them set pricing of their products to justify lower selling price hence higher volume which will generate enough income for the operator to continue to function?
Sorry, it is easy to poke a hole in it. Higher volume of sales equals to higher cost of sales hence by lowering selling price, the margin would be depressed instead.
Similarly it goes with Mydin Group who is awarded the Kedai 1Malaysia franchise, a logo financed by tax money. How could it sold stuff cheaper by 40%? Is there a hidden subsidy somewhere? Did Najib administration have a written agreement with favourable terms for Mydin Group to enable it to use a trademark paid by taxpayers and undercut all other retailers facing business risk on their own? |
Blockade Update Posted: 19 Oct 2011 11:39 AM PDT By Bruno Manser Fonds Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear friends, we have today received further information from the blockading Penan communities in Middle Baram, Sarawak: - According to community representatives from Long Item, Long Kawi and Ba Abang, the Malaysian police have announced they will send five trucks to the blockade site tomorrow. Currently, the blockade is manned by over 50 Penan tribespeople - men and women - who are defending their native rainforests against further logging by Interhill. - Thanks to the information received, we have been able to draw a map. It shows that the blockade is situated at the boundary of the Penan's native customary rights land claimed in a court case in December 2009. The blockade site is near the Ba Baunau river not far from Interhill's Ba Kabeng logging camp. - The Bruno Manser Fund is asking the French Accor group to pressure Interhill for a peaceful solution of the conflict. In particular, no police action should be taken against the Penan communities and no gangsters should be employed by the logging companies Interhill and Samling (which has been the case in earlier blockades in the same region). - The Bruno Manser Fund also asks Accor to press for a review of the September 2009 action plan, in which Interhill committed to 25 social and environmental measures. In particular, Intehrill should refrain from any further logging in the Penan communities' claimed native customary rights land. - The Sarawak and Sabah High Court in Miri is asked to deal urgently with the native customary rights cases filed by the Penan communities in Baram in December 2009 (Pania Irang vs. Damai Cove resorts and Pada Jutang vs. Damai Cove resorts). It is a scandal that out of seven Penan land rights litigations cases filed since 1998, none has reached the stage of trial yet. - The Sarawak government and, in particular, Chief Minister Taib Mahmud, is asked to stop the destruction of the rainforests in the Penan areas. Taib Mahmud, whose brother Onn holds a monopoly over all timber exports from Sarawak, is personally responsible for the ongoing destruction of the Borneo rainforest in Sarawak. - State assemblyman for Telang Usan, Dennis Ngau, and Baram MP, Jacob Sagan, are asked to support the Penan communities' emergency action instead of siding with the ruthless exploiters of the native lands in Baram. Please find a map of the blockade site attached. For all further information on the issue, please consult the "resources" section of the Stop Interhill campaign site: http://stop-interhill.com/resources/ Thank you for reporting on this important issue. Your BMF team |
Response to “PPSMI – an Opposing View” Posted: 19 Oct 2011 11:33 AM PDT By AsamLaksa PPSMI is a political issue whether you are pro or against. Both sides fell into this political trap. I can only shake my head in despair because nothing substantial is achieved whether you have PPSMI or not when the fundamentals of education is not addressed. Even if PPSMI returns it will be sitting on a time bomb because it is a political issue and can change at any time when sentiments shift. There is no security as you have already seen. On the other hand, a well-developed culture of teaching and learning along the lines of critical thinking instead of rote learning is a better guarantee of educational excellence. Dear Feizrul, This is in response to your letter: http://www.malaysia-today.net/mtcolumns/letterssurat/44246-ppsmi-an-opposing-view I think you just barely scratched the surface but did not go deep enough. Perhaps you need to explore the issues wider. This letter is adding on to what I have already said about my opposition to PPSMI in previous postings in MT. As a start, my background is of middle class urbanite educated in BM medium in a La Salle brother's school. I speak mainly English at home. Yet I am anti-PPSMI. I think PAGE is barking up the wrong tree like you too. I am an Atheist and non-Malay. I graduated from a foreign English language dominant country. Thus I have no cultural or political motivation to preserve the supremacy of BM. I am in agreement on the supremacy of English as an international medium and I can only stress on the importance of developing English language skills. But PPSMI is a different fish altogether! I am against PPSMI from the start. After implementation of PPSMI I was against its repeal not because I think PPSMI is good but because flip-flopping causes more harm. I would prefer the PPSMI cohort complete their prescribed duration. But now with PPSMI repealed I do not want it back because on its own without real advances in education standard and delivery it is useless and I don't want another traumatic flip-flop. I keep on saying that if you want pupils to master English then teach them English well. My parents understood the importance of the English language and I was encouraged to read and write in English. In my late primary school years they sent me to an English tuition class at a neighbour's who was an old-school English teacher who had strong passion for English and the lessons were not exam targeted. I think she accepted me as a tutee as simply being neighbourly. There were just two of us in a class. We had games and I was writing essays for fun. Being a naughty boy, I used to invent ridiculous themes in the making sentences exercises but my tutor took it in her stride to laugh along. It was the best tuition I ever had. I will follow this example when I have children. I also have better Malay language skills than my peers. I was the odd one who would opt for cerpen in exams though I must add that during the SPM exams the cerpen topic was unimaginative so I ditched it. I enjoy reading sastera Melayu and I deplore the lack of good Malay books. When I did the SAT, I came across English mathematical terms that I have never come across but I translate them into Malay terms and scored full 800. Malay was no barrier in learning maths as long as I have strong maths fundamentals. Same goes with science because the principles don't change just the terminology, which I learned on my own. Learning science and maths in BM has not disadvantaged me in science and maths and these are my stronger subjects. I do not think language is an issue with science and maths. I knew many Chinese stream students who struggled with English yet do very well in English medium courses. I have no qualms if they want to teach science and maths in Mandarin, Tamil, BM or whatever language as long as they teach the students the medium of instruction well including instilling a passion for the language because proficiency in languages is a lifelong learning process. My experience of studying science and maths in Malaysia in the late 80s and early 90s is one of disappointment. The syllabus and the delivery were uninspiring. They do not prepare me for what is out there. For example I was taught how to carry out science experiments but never taught what the scientific method was. I was made to carry out research topics but the teachers were ill-equipped in assessing research. If I had it my way, I would revamp science and maths teaching regardless of the argument of medium of instruction which is an unneeded distraction. I would start with teacher training. Many parents in Malaysia are gripped by insecurity and fear for the future of their children. There is a strong feeling of distrust against the authorities. This is what you are facing, Feizrul. PPSMI appears like a lifeline so they grab at it but it is a false promise and no panacea. It is not even worth arguing over. You can't easily fight fear and insecurity. There is a body of opinion for parents and students to decide which medium of instruction they prefer for science and maths but I think why just stop there? Why not fight for geography, history, and the rest to be taught in different mother tongues? The lack of a call for this does not give me confidence in the pro-choice group as I think they have not fully understood the underlying issue of poor education standards and delivery which will not be addressed with purely language choices. PPSMI is a political issue whether you are pro or against. Both sides fell into this political trap. I can only shake my head in despair because nothing substantial is achieved whether you have PPSMI or not when the fundamentals of education is not addressed. Even if PPSMI returns it will be sitting on a time bomb because it is a political issue and can change at any time when sentiments shift. There is no security as you have already seen. On the other hand, a well-developed culture of teaching and learning along the lines of critical thinking instead of rote learning is a better guarantee of educational excellence. I am disappointed with Malaysians in not coming together in figuring out what is really lacking with education in Malaysia. Both for and against PPSMI want the same thing, a brighter future for their children. Instead of putting pressure on the government to revamp the education system, you have let them off easily by fighting among yourself. BN special sauce of divide and rule all over again pitting the majority Malay against the rest. I have no illusion of Dr M's beneficence in creating PPSMI. Those who can afford it are already laughing all the way to the bank knowing that the future of their children is secured. If I have children I won't bother screaming for PPSMI. Instead I would encourage them to develop a good language skills, depending on where I live it may be English, BM, etc. I would also make them understand the fundamentals of scientific method, critical thinking, encourage them to explore various subjects and teach them how to debate. These are the tasks that I will not entrust to anyone else. I can only call on all Malaysians to come together to see this PPSMI political ploy as it is, leave all politics aside and push for real change by rallying behind serious academic educators, not politicians or lobby groups, to find a solution to the problem of falling education standards. You have your children's future in your hands and you should aim for real benefits. Anyway, who am I kidding? Malaysians to a fault are overly passionate and time and time again fail to look past this to really see what the problem is. I strongly empathise with RPK on this. Sigh! |
Chua, arrogantly shameless and unethical Posted: 19 Oct 2011 11:29 AM PDT By Jackson Ng
I READ with disgust the MCA's mouthpiece (The Star) report quoting its master, Dr Chua Soi Lek, as saying that gutter politics is the norm today.
How arrogantly shameless and unethical can a politician be? Chua must be the pits. In so saying, is he propagating gutter politics, condoning and justifying the use of such unethical means?
How low can a MCA president go to boot lick political goons like Umno? Chua is a total disgrace and a shame to the Chinese.
As he tries to justify the use of gutter politics against Lim Guan Eng's son, he is, at the same time, ignoring the basic rule of upholding the truth.
Chua says he was also a victim of gutter politics when he was "nabbed" committing adultery. He also claims that many BN politicians were also victims of gutter politics, inflicted by the Pakatan Rakyat (PR). Let's not forget that many of such gutter politics are the work of internal forces.
However, in Guan Eng's case, there appears to be no truth in the allegations that his son molested a schoolmate.
The school head has already confirmed that there was no such molest and the postings in the pro-Umno blogs had also used a picture of a foreign girl as the "victim".
In this case, there is no truth whatsoever in the allegations. It was lies used against a political opponent but lies that haunt an innocent schoolboy who did nothing. He was just born to a politician named Lim Guan Eng.
However, in Chua's DVD unnatural sex expose, the incident was real. He cheated on his wife and only has himself to blame.
How his sexual exploits were exposed, whether it was ethical or unethical is debatable and is another matter.
Of course there are some who say it is a private matter and the use of spy camera is unethical.
However, I beg to differ when it is a morality issue concerning a man who claims to represent a community. There is nothing private about the behaviour of a MCA president.
Without doubt, I for one will not trust an adulterer to lead me or my community. If he can cheat on his wife and family, do you think you can trust him to represent your interest?
Like what I had written before, forgiving Chua's s |
Iskandar records RM78bil investment Posted: 19 Oct 2011 10:11 AM PDT (Bernama) SINGAPORE: As of September this year, Iskandar Malaysia recorded a total cumulative committed investment of RM77.82bil from various sectors. Iskandar Regional Development Authority chief executive Ismail Ibrahim said of this total, 60% (RM46.63bil) was domestic investments with the remaining 40% (RM31.19bil) coming from overseas. This is indicative of the gradual shift from a dependence on foreign investors to being a domestic enterprise driven metropolis as well as a reflection of the confidence that domestic investors have in Iskandar Malaysia. |
M’sia secures RM10bil Bangladesh jobs Posted: 19 Oct 2011 10:09 AM PDT By Chong En Han, The Star PETALING JAYA: Malaysia has secured infrastructure projects worth about RM10bil in Bangladesh, to be implemented beginning early next year. Spanning a period of two to five years, the projects include housing, satellite townships, a flyover and water as well as sewerage treatment plants. The first project, commencing early next year, involves the construction of 161 blocs of 16-storey apartments worth almost RM3bil in Uttara, Dhaka. "Both governments sealed the memorandum after more than six months of negotiations," Malaysia's special envoy, Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu said. Another project that would take off next year would be the 10.8km four-lane Poltan-Mawa Road flyover project worth RM1bil.Other projects include the construction of affordable housing for squatters and a new satellite township on a 400 ha piece of land at Kamrangichar and another similar development in Mohammadpur. Malaysia and Bangladesh inked a memorandum of understanding in Dhaka on Tuesday, with the document to be handed over to the Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today. The signatories from the Bangladesh government were State Minister for Housing and Public Works, Abdul Mannan Khan, and the State Minister for Local Government, Rural Government and Cooperatives, Jahangir Kabir Nanok. "Malaysia will also construct the Dhalla-Jamirta well field to supply clean water to Dhaka," Samy Vellu said, adding that several Malaysian companies had shown interest to participate in the RM10bil project. The local Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) will monitor and act as the executing agency for the projects, which will be jointly undertaken with the respective departments in Bangladesh. Samy Vellu said the next step would be to finalise the costing and other aspects of the projects and then seal agreements between CIDB and the respective departments in Bangladesh. |
First Report On Review Of Education System To Be Ready By Year-End Posted: 19 Oct 2011 10:01 AM PDT (Bernama) PUTRAJAYA -- The first report on the review process of Malaysia's existing education system is expected to be ready by year-end, said Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin. He said the report will be submitted to the cabinet which will study and endorse a special team to look into the whole process, including the implementation of the country's education policies. "We will look at what we have been doing so far in terms of implementing our education policies and what need to be done looking forward for the next 10 to 20 years. But this will take time," Muhyiddin said. He was speaking at a press conference after the 23rd Implementation Council Meeting and 14th MSC Malaysia International Advisory Panel, here yesterday. Both meetings were chaired by Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak. Education was among the focus areas under the Digital Transformation Programme or called Digital Malaysia, which will be led by the Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC). Among the initiatives of the Digital Malaysia is to inject greater creativity and promote thinking skills throughout the education system. Asked on incentives for converting companies to e-commerce, which was among the initiatives under the Digital Malaysia, Muhyiddin said some initiatives were being carried out especially among the small and medium enterprises. "There are no real specific incentives as at the moment aside from support in terms of making easy access to financing and loans to start-up business via SME Bank and SME Corporation Malaysia to facilitate the processes," he said. |
Losing the numbers game Posted: 19 Oct 2011 09:56 AM PDT By Selena Tay, FMT It is a sad but true fact that for the past five years or so Malaysia has constantly been losing out in terms of foreign direct investment (FDI). Either our regional competitors have caught up with us or we have stalled. In any case, at the end of the day we have lost out. This is in no small part due to the lack of political will by the Barisan Nasional (BN) government in the areas of policy-making and political expediency. Where numbers are concerned, the salient point to note is in the area of FDI wherein those of our neighbours which used to be trailing us have now surpassed us. The 2010 World Investment Report (WIR) issued by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) showed up some ugly truths about Malaysia, wherein it has made "great achievements" for the first time in financial history. Listed below are three historical events: Losing out in FDI to neighbouring countries In 1998, for the first time, Thailand overtook Malaysia in attracting more FDI, and in 2005 it was the turn of Indonesia. Vietnam defeated us for the first time in 2008 and the Philippines followed suit in 2009. In the 2010 UNCTAD World Investment Report, Singapore is way ahead in the stratosphere, hovering close to the US$17 billion mark, Thailand at a distant second with US$5.9 billion, Indonesia nearing US$5 billion and Vietnam with more than US$4 billion, the Philippines at US1.95 billion and Malaysia standing at US$1.38 billion. Malaysia only succeeded in defeating Cambodia, Myanmar, Brunei, Laos and Timor-Leste. It looks like Malaysia is now in the Little League. Malaysia's position in the FDI world ranking was 62nd in 2006 but it suffered a tremendous drop to 123rd in 2009, which is such a massive decline in the space of just three years. Biggest drop in FDI in 2009 Southeast-Asian nations that registered a drop in FDI in 2009 were Thailand with 30.4%, Vietnam (44.1%) and Indonesia (44.7%). But that is nothing compared to Malaysia's drop of 81.1%! Thailand is considered to have done better than Malaysia as there was a year-long political turmoil caused by the Red Shirts organising sit-ins in the capital city of Bangkok. Despite that, their decline was not as great as ours. Singapore, Brunei, Philippines and Myanmar chalked up an increase in FDI. Another first for Malaysia: FDI outflow more than inflow in 2009 This refers to the country's investment overseas being more than overseas investment in the country. Malaysia was the only country in Southeast-Asia to achieve this distinction when Malaysian FDI outflow was US$8.04 billion compared with the FDI inflow of US$1.38 billion, thus yielding a net negative FDI flow of US$6.66 billion. This negative FDI indicates that Malaysia is fast becoming an unattractive investment destination despite what the federal government claims. This can be attributed to the investors' (local as well as foreign) lack of confidence in the existing government policies as well as the lack of robust economic growth that will generate healthy returns for their investments. Malaysian FDI flows has been in the negative since declining from US$1.09 billion in 2005 to a net negative of US$0.02 billion in 2006 to a net negative US$2.7 billion in 2007 and a net negative of US$7.67 billion in 2008. The year 2009 was also the first time Malaysia obtained less than US$2 billion in FDI with the figure of US$1.38 billion. In 1996, Thailand's FDI was around US$2 billion while Malaysia raked in US$7.3 billion. Fast forward a decade later to 2006 and Malaysia obtained US$6 billion while Thailand attracted US$9.5 billion. And in 2009 Malaysia's FDI was a miserable US$1.38 billion while for Thailand, it was US$5.9 billion. In 1996, too, Malaysia's FDI at US$7.3 billion was not too distant from Singapore's FDI at US$9.68 billion. But now Singapore, at close to US$17 billion, has forged ahead leaving us to bite the dust and compete with countries such as Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam. All these are due to Malaysia having a number of issues such as troublesome bureaucratic red tape, flip-flop decision-making such as omission of the Equal Opportunities Commission due to pressure from certain quarters, unclear policies (where is the New Economic Model – NEM Part 2 – which was supposed to be rolled out in June 2010 and then postponed to the later part of 2010 only to be abandoned altogether?) and a lack of skilled labour. These factors contributed to Malaysia's lack of attractiveness as an investment destination. Weak institutions Bailouts, monopolies and oligarchies are also detrimental to investors as are over-protectionist policies. Taking six months for the foreign investors to obtain a work permit compared to less than a week in Singapore besides the extremely slow Internet service are also putting off the foreign businessmen. However, Malaysia survived all these setbacks due to the revenue from oil and gas. Otherwise, it would have gone bankrupt long ago. Another issue is the weak judiciary which has an indirect effect on the FDI. A logging company by the name of Seruan Gemilang Makmur Sdn Bhd had on May 25, 2007 obtained a judgment from the Kuantan High Court against the Pahang government and the Pahang director of forestry (the defendants) for the sum of RM37,127,471.60 with the interest thereon at 8% per annum to be paid from Dec 31, 2000, till the date of settlement. READ MORE HERE. |
New line-up tailored to suit Taib’s agenda Posted: 19 Oct 2011 09:54 AM PDT By Awang Abdillah, FMT The results of the April 16, 2011 state election have forced Chief Minister Taib Mahmud to reset his political power game to maintain the Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu's (PBB) – in particular the Bumiputera wing of PBB – grip on the state government to ensure his succession plan works. After a long wait of more than five months, Taib had on Sept 28, 2011 unveiled his new Cabinet line-up. He claimed the new line-up would enable the government to get closer to the people at the grassroots level and that the three senior ministers would be able to groom new leaders. In essence the new line-up is very carefully tailored to suit Taib's personal agenda. Why have only one deputy chief minister (DCM)? Prior to the April 16 polls, the state cabinet had two DCMs. But this time Sarawak United People's Party (SUPP) was not offered the DCM slot because the party had failed miserably in the election, losing 13 out of 19 seats contested. By right, the post of the other vacant DCM should be filled by another component party that had won the most seats after PBB. That party would be James Masing's Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS). PRS retained seven of the eight seats it contested. It lost its Pelagus seat to independent George Lagong. Appeasing Masing, Mawan However should PRS get the second DCM post, this will spell big trouble for Taib. He would then have to tackle two potential candidates – from the Pesaka wing of PBB and PR – both of whom are vying for the CM's post. To appease PRS, Masing is promoted to senior minister, which means that Taib has to tackle only one DCM aspirant and this would be in the person of Alfred Jabu Numpang from PBB's Pesaka wing in order to execute his hidden agenda. For whom is the other DCM post reserved for and why the need for three senior ministers? The trio – Jabu (who is also deputy PBB president) , Masing and Sarawak Progressive Democratic Party (SPDP) president Willliam Mawan – have their own plans. The trio are applying pressure to block Taib's succession plan which has made the latter to cave in. Hence to appease all parties, Taib decided that the Pesaka component retains the one and only DCM post. He then went on to create a senior minister's post each for PRS,SPDP and SUPP. These posts are only "senior" in name but in terms of duties and responsibilities, there is little change. Hence, there is no administrative justification except the political agenda to appease these parties and their presidents. Taib's strategy Meanwhile, we wonder why there is no Malay senior minister or DCM. Obviously this would be the last appointment Taib would do or else it would invite a rebellion from within his own party, PBB. Furthermore, to continue the family dynasty rule, a member of his family has to climb through the PBB ladder. At this stage if he promotes a Malay from the Bumiputera wing of PBB to the post of a senior minister, it will raise suspicion and create tension among the leaders of the component parties. Hence, no Malay PBB minister is promoted to senior minister yet. Obviously the strategy at this stage is to please PRS , SPDP and SUPP for different reasons. Who then is the de facto DCM? The minister in the new line-up who has been given important and critical portfolios similar to that of the chief minister himself is none other than Awang Tengah Ali Hassan. Awang Tengah has also been given the task of breaking up SPDP. He has been tasked with roping in the five SPDP rebels (four assemblymen and one parliamentarian) and align them with PBB's Bumiputera wing. He has also been tasked with keeping the six SUPP assemblymen (two Chinese and four Dayaks) under PBB control. As a temporary measure, the four SPDP turncoat assemblymen – Peter Nansian (Tasik Biru), Sylvester Entri (Marudi), Rosey Yunus (Berkenu) and Paulus Gumbang (Batu Danau) – would anchor themselves as "independents" Awang Tengah strengthening position With the four SPDP and six SUPP assemblymen pledging loyalty to PBB, Taib is in a very strong position to make another change in a future Cabinet line-up favouring the Bumiputera wing of the PBB. The new formula would include the 26 seats of the Bumiputera wing of PBB, plus the 10 seats from SPDP and SUPP. READ MORE HERE. |
Umno distances itself from attacks on Guan Eng’s son Posted: 19 Oct 2011 09:47 AM PDT By Shannon Teoh, The Malaysian Insider Umno leaders have insisted that the accusations of sexual harassment levelled against Lim Guan Eng's son have nothing to do with the party despite the claims being highlighted on a party division chief's blog. Lawmakers from the senior partner in Barisan Nasional (BN) were quick to distance themselves from the allegations as public anger grows over the claims made in pro-Umno blogs that the Penang chief minister's son assaulted a classmate and tried to escape punishment by using his father's name. While some MPs from the ruling party told The Malaysian Insider that the allegations "are only the personal view" of Bukit Gelugor chief Dr Novandri Hasan Basri, others who declined to be quoted admitted they were appalled that a 16-year-old boy had been subjected to such public humiliation. "The police should investigate the claim as it involves bribery by a public figure. But if it is not true, then police must take action against the bloggers. The party should also take action against Dr Novandri," said Kinabatangan MP Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin. Lim had denied the allegations two days ago, saying he was furious with the "barbaric lies" made about his teenage son by "pro-Umno ferocious beasts." His colleagues in Pakatan Rakyat (PR) have come out strongly in support of the DAP secretary general against what they call "the lowest gutter politics" seen in decades. The principal of SMK Heng Ee in George Town also moved yesterday to put an end to the accusations, calling them "completely untrue." DAP held a press conference yesterday claiming the photograph of the purported "victim" used by Umno bloggers was that of 21-year-old chess Grandmaster Anya Sun Corke who is studying at Wellesley College in the United States. READ MORE HERE. |
UMNO blogs cropped photo of chess player to accuse Guan Eng's son Posted: 19 Oct 2011 09:22 AM PDT (Harakah Daily) - UMNO bloggers have used a photo belonging to an international chess champion in accusing the son of Penang chief minister Lim Guan Eng of sexual misconduct at school which they said led to a transfer from his current school. (LEFT) Anya's image as appeared on Gelombang Wangsa Maju, a pro-UMNO political blog containing pornographic images, and (RIGHT) the original image
Revealing the latest discovery in parliament today, Petaling Jaya Utara member of parliament Tony Pua showed the photo of Hong Kong's international chess Grandmaster, Anya Sun Corke, 21, who now studies in the US and has no ties with Malaysia, which the blogs claimed was the molest victim.
"UMNO is getting desperate into levelling such slander against Guan Eng by using his son who is only 16 years old. Through our investigation, we found out that the source of the female teenager is from the internet, not the exact source," he explained.
Pua also showed how the picture had been 'cropped' from its original, which has a chessboard and can be viewed at www.chessbase.com.
The accusation against Lim's son was led by the bloggers and Bukit Gelugor UMNO division chief Novandri Hasan Basri, and later supported by UMNO Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin through a series of snide remarks on Twitter.
Lim yesterday strongly denied the accusations and slammed UMNO leaders as "ferocious beasts". Meanwhile, Pua said Khairy must now apologise to Guan Eng's son and his family.
"Besides that, we hope that UMNO's highest council will take action against Khairy," said Pua, who said Khairy must now make good his claim of being an adherent of 'new politics'. |
How many billions is Taib worth? Son’s divorce may reveal family’s fortune Posted: 19 Oct 2011 01:05 AM PDT HORNBILL UNLEASHED Maria Begum Little has been said on the power transition plan for the Sarawak leadership. Sure, there have been a few local politicians making assertions that they cannot live if Taib Mahmud is not in the picture, and some are also saying that the politician, who has virtually made a monarchy of his role as Chief Minister, is still relevant to the development of Sarawak. There are plans which only he alone can pull through for the people of Sarawak, they nod sagely. Maybe so when there are still 16 dams to be built and lands to be grabbed and until every piece of the business pie is directly under his and family's your thumb.To an extent, leaders who overstay have the habit of thinking that they are immortal. And this seems to be the case with Taib Mahmud. He is immortal in the eyes of his followers and believers. Thus, many are now resigned to waiting for the veteran politician to kick the bucket. Yes, this may sound awful but Taib has done awful things to many people. And among those looking forward to Taib checking out may include Prime Minister Najib Razak and his political cronies from the peninsula. Taib out, Umno in? There was once a school of thought that without Taib in the picture, Umno could have a foothold in Sarawak. Yet, in recent years, even without Taib, the people of Sarawak would be the first to say, they do not want Umno. To understand why, one needs to just look across the border from Sarawak to Sabah and see Umno's incredible mismanagement when they are given the chance to run the government. So for now, Najib is content to leave Taib alone, allowing time and tide to take its natural toll. Already, Taib has had to deal with corruption investigations launched in three countries into the various business entities that have a direct or indirect link to him. And if corruption alone was not enough, he now has to contend with the fact that he may have to play witness to his son, Abu Bekir Mahmud's divorce proceedings in the Kuala Lumpur Syariah High Court. Make no mistake, this divorce is a prickly issue for Taib. Foreign corruption cases can be sidelined by litigation and such but his son's divorce proceedings may open the lid to the immense wealth that their family – and indirectly Taib – have surely accumulated through the years. Half-half Abu Bekir's wife Shahnaz Abdul Majid is applying for a RM400million divorce settlement, a handsome sum but why RM400 million? Shahnaz had filed applications on Feb 21 to get RM300mil in matrimonial property (harta sepencarian) and RM100mil in gifts (mutaah). She is claiming 50% of all assets such as seven luxury cars, houses in various locations and land in Sarawak, companies and shares. Alternatively, she is asking for the assets to be sold off and the proceeds to be divided equally between them. In her application for matrimonial property, Shahnaz stated that Mahmud held the executive chairman post in Syarikat Cahya Mata Sarawak and their joint assets include shares in 15 different companies including Cahaya Mata Sarawak and Sarawak Cable Bhd as well as savings in Employees Provident Fund and Amanah Saham Bumiputera units. Thus Bekir had the capability to pay her the amount she was asking for. READ MORE HERE |
Reason for request: the Foreign Intermediate Consignee, Kontena Nasional Global SDN BHD, is identified on the license application as the "Malaysian government's appointed freight forwarder." Kontena Nasional is, however, also the freight forwarder frequently utilized by a Malaysian-based front company to divert U.S.-origin electronics and aircraft spare parts to Iran. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin  Classified By: MULTIPLE SOURCES 1. (U) This is an action message. See paragraphs 2-4. 2. (U) The Department's Office of Defense Trade Controls Compliance (PM/DTCC) requests post assistance in conducting a pre-license check for the export of plastic bonded explosives to Malaysia. Post is requested to complete this Blue Lantern check within 30 days. Lack of response to a Blue Lantern check will affect pending and future licenses involving parties to this license. 3. (S//NF) Reason for request: the Foreign Intermediate Consignee, Kontena Nasional Global SDN BHD, is identified on the license application as the "Malaysian government's appointed freight forwarder." Kontena Nasional is, however, also the freight forwarder frequently utilized by a Malaysian-based front company to divert U.S.-origin electronics and aircraft spare parts to Iran, e.g., see Ref. A-F as recent examples. PM/DTCC would therefore like to conduct a Blue Lantern check to confirm this order for explosives with the Foreign End User. 4. (U) ACTION: Please contact the Foreign End User, Royal Malaysia Police, and verify its request for the exact quantity and specific type of commodity listed below. Please also confirm intended use. END ACTION. 5. (U) License Information: DDTC Case Number 05-050085478 COMMODITY: Advanced Cutting Explosive (ACE) ASSY, KYX 1800-5400 GR/FT, P/N D10515-2400-1, Military Stock Number 1375-01-328-8048, MK 145/MM53 QUANTITY: 500 meters LICENSE VALUE: USD 90,385.00 APPLICANT: Ensign-Bickford Aerospace & Defense Company 640 Hopmeadow Street Simsbury, Connecticut 06070 USA SOURCE: Ensign-Bickford Aerospace & Defense Company Highway 175 Graham, Kentucky 42344 USA FOREIGN INTERMEDIATE CONSIGNEE: Kontena Nasional Global SDN BHD 12th Floor West Wing, Wisma Consplant 2 Selangor Darul Ehsan MALAYSIA FOREIGN CONSIGNEE: Interarms SDN BHD 73M, Medan Setia 1, Plaza Damansara Bukit Damansara 50490 Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA FOREIGN END USER: Royal Malaysia Police Bukit Aman 50560 Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: For use by the Bomb Disposal Unit of the Royal Malaysian Police for training and operational purposes. 6. (U) Additional documentation submitted in support of license application: A) Interarms SDN BHD Purchase Order Number KKDN/POL/PT/43/2007, dated 13 August 2007. B) U.S. Department of State DDTC DSP-83 Non-Transfer and Use Certificate, signed by Omar Bansir (no date), Manager Interarms; signed by Adnan B. Abd. Latif (13 Aug 2007), Logistic Department, Royal Malaysia Police; and signed by Marhizah Bt Abdul Razak (17 Ogos 2007), Malaysia Ministry of Internal Security. C) Malaysia Ministry of Internal Security End User Certificate, cites Contract No. KKDN/POL/PT/43/2007 and Reference KKDN/PL(S)1118/27(18), and signed by Marhizah Bt Abdul Razak (dated 17 Ogos 2007). 7. (U) Please slug reply for PM/DTCC - BLUE LANTERN COORDINATOR and include the words "Blue Lantern" and the DDTC Case Number in the subject line. POC on this case is Peter Sabatini, PM/DTCC, phone: 202-663-2819; ClassNet email: sabtinipj@state.sgov.gov; OpenNet email: sabatinipj@state.gov. The 2006 Blue Lantern Guide Book is available on OpenNet at http://fsi.state.gov/fsi/spas/default.asp?ID= 1588 Department thanks Post for its assistance in this matter. RICE (FEBRUARY 2008) |
Himpun organisers get police permit Posted: 18 Oct 2011 10:39 PM PDT (The Malaysian Insider) - Selangor police chief Datuk Tun Hisan Tun Hamzah said police have issued a permit to the organisers of the gathering of Muslim groups called "Himpunan Sejuta Umat" at Shah Alam Stadium this Saturday, as they are confident it will proceed peacefully and abide by the conditions set in the permit. "We have studied the programme which will include poetry recital, nasyid (singing of religious songs) and talks. We have also not received any negative report on the planned gathering," he said after closing a course on crime-prevention at factories in Selangor today. Tun Hisan said the permit was for the gathering to be held from 2pm to 6pm and it would not involve any procession, adding that police would still be prepared for any eventuality. |
Prestasi Selangor lebih baik daripada Pusat Posted: 18 Oct 2011 10:37 PM PDT (Harakah Daily) - Ahli Parlimen Shah Alam, Khalid Samad menegaskan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Selangor mempunyai kelayakan untuk mendapat kenaikan elaun disebabkan prestasi yang ditunjukkan mereka dan negeri amat baik sekali. Khalid menjelaskan demikian pada sesi perbahasan belanjawan 2012 di Dewan Rakyat apabila ahli parlimen Barisan Nasional (BN) mempertikaikan tindakan Pakatan Rakyat (PR) menolak kenaikan yang dicadangkan oleh kerajaan pada pembentangan Bajet tetapi menerima cadangan yang dikemukakan oleh Kerajaan Negeri Selangor. "Kecemerlangan pentadbiran Kerajaan Negeri Selangor sepanjang tahun 2009 hingga 2011 telah menghasilkan bajet yang seimbang, hutang negeri tidak meningkat kerana tiada pinjaman dilakukan. "Hasil negeri meningkat jika dibandingkan dengan pemerintahan di bawah BN yang mana rakyat sekarang dapat merasa hasil kekayaan negeri sejak dari awal dilahirkan sehinggalah mereka meninggal dunia, selain menikmati air percuma," jelas Khalid yang juga AJK PAS Pusat. Tambahnya lagi, merujuk kepada prestasi baik dan keseimbangan antara hasil negeri dan rakyat, maka secara jelas setiap Adun di Selangor memang layak mendapat kenaikan elaun jika dibandingkan dengan prestasi yang ditunjukan oleh ahli parlimen BN terutamanya perbelanjaan defisit selama 14 tahun berturut-turut. "Ahli Parlimen tidak layak mendapat kenaikan elaun jika kita melihat prestasi dan amalan pentadbiran BN berbelanja sehingga membuatkan hutang negara meningkat sehingga 53 peratus dari Kadar Dalam Negara Kasar (KDNK). "Bagaimanakah kita hendak bersetujuan agar kenaikan elaun ini diluluskan, kemerosotan ini bukannya disebabkan oleh dari ahli parlimen PR tetapi disebabkan oleh mereka di dalam BN yang selalu mengamalkan bodek dan kroni," katanya lagi. Beliau juga memberitahu prestasi buruk merupakan halangan untuk melayakkan setiap Ahli Parlimen mendapatkan kenaikan dan ini pasti boleh diubah apabila PR mengambil alih pantadbiran di Putrajaya nanti. Tindakan menuduh pendirian PR tidak bersependapat dengan apa yang dilakukan di Selangor, Khalid memberitahu kenaikan bergantung kepada hasil dan prestasi negara, malah jika dibandingkan dengan Negeri Selangor dari sudut pentadbiran jauh lebih baik dari apa yang kerajaan BN lakukan di negara ini. "Kita melihat bagaimana kerajaan negeri menambah pendapatan negeri yang diperolehi dari hasil dan sumber asli, mengambil kembali hutang dari mereka yang telah berhutang serta menghapuskan budaya kroni. "Sedangkan kerajaan pusat hanya tahu menambah hutang negara dan menurut kajian yang dilakukan oleh badan bebas mengatakan jika amalah defisit ini dilakukan oleh BN, maka pada tahun 2020 hutang negara akan meningkat RM1 trilion dan ia akan membawa negara ke arah kebankrapan," sambungnya lagi. Beliau juga menyentuh janji kerajaan yang dinyatakan semasa belanjawan tersebut yang mahu menaikkan taraf Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) adalah satu yang baik tetapi dalam pada masa yang sama kerajaan perlu melihat kedudukan Hospital Shah Alam yang telah terbengkalai sejak sekian lama. |
KJ – The Oxon Lembu Bodoh Posted: 18 Oct 2011 07:57 PM PDT By Todak Hello KJ, When the LawyerBuruk Kerishamuddin became the UMNO Youth Chief, he was made a full Minister of Youth and Sports (though he f**ked up the SUKOM accounts). But you, CarryBolawee (your FIL has small or no bola) when you became UMNO Youth Chief you were not even given the half-minister's post which went to the son of mamak kutty, someone below your Oxford educational level and your deputy. Are you not ashamed of this big slap in the face by Najib in front of your Youth members? Najib saw through you as nothing but an Ox-fart lembu. As a chieftan of a prominent youth movement, irrespective of political alignment, should you not remember your role in caring for all the younger generation of Malaysians, unless, and in fact you have, proven yourself to be a racial bigot, twisting, tweeting and biting a poor young boy just because his Dad is ethnic Chinese, and in the Opposition. Your time at Oxford failed to teach you humility. As a responsible Youth Leader you should have stopped and reprimanded those UMNO bloggers from attacking Guan Eng's son, but instead, you saw it fit to join in the fray and defended these brutes, bullies and their un-Islamic merciless bashings. You have seized this as an opportunity to gain political mileage which you have long lost to Mukhriz. You are mistaken, my Oxon lembu. They have abandoned you. This goes back to the days when your FIL was PM. Remember, Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary used to walk straight into Dr. M's PM office (mamak-to-mamak) without an appointment. He tried to repeat his dramatic entrance when your FIL was PM. You stopped him and sent him away telling him that all business appointments with PM had to be arranged with you. He also remembers you for sabotaging his TNB's projects. Now, he and his buddies are enjoying the sweet taste of revenge. As for us, Malaysians will forever remember you for this most unkindest cut delivered to a young man yet to come out in life as a man! Todak. |
Allegations against Guan Eng’s son ‘completely untrue,’ says school principal Posted: 18 Oct 2011 07:44 PM PDT By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 19 – The principal of SMK Heng Ee in George Town today moved to put an end to accusations that Lim Guan Eng's son had sexually harassed a female student of the school, calling it "completely untrue." Goon Boon Poh told The Malaysian Insider that he was "shocked" when he read news reports of the allegation, and that he wanted to put an end to the matter as it could affect the image of the high school. Pro-Umno bloggers including Bukit Gelugor Umno division chief Dr Novandri Hasan Basri had claimed that the Penang chief minister's son had assaulted a 16-year-old schoolmate and tried to escape punishment by using his father's name. "The allegations are completely untrue. It is very simple, there's absolutely no truth to it," Goh told The Malaysian Insider today. "The blogs said the incident occurred in May this year. CM's son has not been a student of my school since the beginning of this year," he added. Goh said that the pictures posted on the blogs were not of Lim's son, and that pictures of the alleged victim was not even a student of Heng Ee. The principal said that officers from the state education department had conducted an investigation into the allegations on Monday, and were satisfied with his explanation on the matter. "If I had kept quiet, the silence would have put me, the school in an embarrassing situation. Very simple if it had happened I would have known about it, wouldn't I? "No students had complained about any such case and the girl is supposed to be a classmate, so I want to just clarify the matter," said Goh. The girl whose photograph was used by Umno bloggers to level accusations of sexual harassment against Lim's son has been identified as 21-year-old chess Grandmaster Anya Sun Corke. READ MORE HERE. |
Insane for another bird park in Malacca Posted: 18 Oct 2011 07:32 PM PDT By SM Mohd Idris, Sahabat Alam Malaysia Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) is unequivocally opposed to the plan for the largest bird park in Southeast Asia sited at the Botanical Gardens in Ayer Keroh Malacca. It would be insanity on the part of the Malacca Chief Minister if he harbours such an ill-conceived plan when zoos and animal establishments in Malaysia are widely known and reported to be in appalling states. State Governments, Councils and individuals may be rich in ambition to have the largest, biggest or grandest zoos and aviaries but do they know or care about the basic care and welfare of animal and their requirements? Judging from the past, the lack of ability to run zoos or bird parks may cause many of the birds to be reduced to a spectacle of abuse or neglect and many may die eventually.
The question everyone or every animal welfare group should ask is from where and how the birds are sourced. Sourcing for 6000 birds from 300 species to fill the largest aviary will fuel the trade in live birds that not only enriches the pockets of traders and poachers, it may cause more than half of those caught to die as a result of the birds being packed into crates and transported over long distances. There will be little concern for wastage of bird life as these profiteers in the bird trade can literally get away with murder.
The other question we ask is why undertake to house such a huge collection of birds knowing that space would be shockingly inadequate. If the Malacca State Government is serious about best practices for the aviary then the project would not have started with demand for 6000 birds due to the inadequacy of space. The Malacca Government fails to recognize that animals and birds have a basic need for the appropriate amount of space. No amount of behavioural enrichment can compensate for the spatial needs of the birds.
SAM fails to see the need for an aviary in the middle of a botanic garden. The botanic garden itself is good enough to be a major tourist attraction with its wide varieties of plant species considering the immense beauty and variety that the plant kingdom offers. The garden is also a place which attracts native birds. It could be an idyllic oasis for the free-roaming birds in the centre of the city.
Constructing an aviary within the gardens is a cruel attempt to bring nature to people where we can see birds in flight and chirping away when in reality the birds are living under captive conditions only to be displayed for man's amusement. Life in captivity can never be adequate for the fulfillment of any species or individual, since the best habitat for animals is in their natural environment. All species are born free, and detention or isolation, whether of birds or humans, is an expression of cruelty and inhumanity.
This brings to mind the question of staffing and a host of other issues: 1) Whether staff are experienced and qualified to care for the different exotic birds that have special needs?
2) Any ability or expertise to manage and train inexperienced staff?
3) The level of veterinary care and hygiene standards?
4) Resources available to upgrade exhibits?
5) The ability to keep up with a variety of environmental enrichment? and
6) The expertise for managing such a large and diverse aviary?
From the above-stated reasons SAM calls on the Malacca Government to abandon its plan for the establishment of the largest bird park in Southeast Asia.
In view of the many zoos that were closed by the authorities due to the appalling conditions of confinement of the animals and the atrocious abuse and neglect of these animals, SAM once again reiterate its stand for closure of bad zoos and limit the number of zoos to a few good ones.
SAM would also urge the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment and the Department of Wildlife to completely stop the issuing of new licences for upcoming zoos and to continue monitoring all existing zoos in order to reform the wild animal industry.
S M Mohd Idris President Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) |
Perjuangan Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA 2.0 Posted: 18 Oct 2011 07:14 PM PDT Oleh Suara Felda Salam Perjuangan. Wakil-wakil Warga Felda daripada kakitangan dan peneroka telah dipanggil oleh ISA untuk mengadakan sesi taklimat bersama Pengerusi Felda pada 19 Oktober 2011 di Dewan Perdana Felda dengan aturcara pertemuan peneroka bermula pagi hingga tengahari dan pertemuan bersama pengurusan pula pada sebelah petang. Mungkin pasukan ISA risau bahawa ramai Warga Felda tidur atau menukar saluran lain semasa temuduga ISA di TV3 tempohari.Warga Felda secara profesionalnya akan menghadirkan diri walaupun mengetahui bahawa mereka sedang memasuki perangkap dipasang ISA dan Sabri Ahmad iaitu: 1) Warga Felda menjangkakan ulangan kata-kata retorik transformasi dan kelebihan penyenaraian serta sebab mengapa ISA perlu menerajui KPF 2) Warga Felda menjangkakan nama PM akan dijual berkali-kali sehingga dari perasaan kasih akan bertukar benci kerana PM bersengkongkol dengan ISA yang mengetepikan pandangan pengurusan Felda dan peneroka, setelah keputusan dibuat dan hingar-bingar berlaku, barulah terkinja-kinja cari sokongan 3) Warga Felda menjangkakan segala bentuk gula dan pemanis akan diberikan kepada peneroka manakala kepada pengurusan dan kakitangan akan dijanjikan tali gantung jika berani menentang. 4) Warga Felda sudah mula berlatih paksa diri untuk gelak kerana lawak pak pandir ISA yang akan menggunakan jenaka yang membesar-besarkan diri dan merendah-rendahkan orang lain 5) Warga Felda tahu gambar mereka menghadiri program ini akan diambil dan boleh diberikan kepada akhbar atau kepada PM sebagai bukti sokongan meningkat kepada ISA 6) Warga Felda tahu ada antara mereka akan ada yang diwawancara dan terpaksa memberi jawapan yang memuaskan hati ISA sebagai menjaga periuk nasi mereka
Sesungguhnya, warga Felda bersedia memberi kemenangan kosong ini kepada ISA dan juak-juaknya di atas faktor kekuatan kuasa politik dan kewangan ISA dan Sabri Ahmad. Warga Felda mengucapkan tahniah di atas penubuhan Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA 2.0 dan menyokong Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA 2.0 melakukan perkara berikut:
Meminta Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA 2.0 mencabar kenyataan ISA samad: "Saya yang paling layak…Dato Dzul dan Dato Sabri tidak layak kerana ada kuasa eksekutif" 1. Memberikan bukti undang-undang Koperasi Permodalan Felda (KPF) yang menyatakan beliau layak menjadi Pengerusi KPF sekalipun berkali-kali menggunakan nama PM 2. Memberikan bukti undang-undang KPF dan undang-undang koperasi yang menyatakan Dato Dzul tidak layak memegang jawatan Pengerusi KPF serta ingin menegaskan bahawa Dato Sabri Ahmad tidak layak memegang jawatan Pengerusi KPF berdasarkan undang-undang kecil KPF 3. Membuktikan bahawa tindakan beliau bukan bersifat penyingkiran atau rampasan kuasa Pengerusi KPF melalui: a. Membuktikan tindakan beliau mengikut kronologi adalah melalui saluran undang-undang KPF dan koperasiyang sah b. Mengemukakan bukti perletakan jawatan Pengerusi KPF sekarang, pengumuman dalam mesyuarat agung luar biasa dan bukti ianya telah diluluskan sebelum tindakan penyingkiran dilakukan semasa Mesyuarat Lembaga Pengarah Felda pada 22 Ogos 2011 iaitu semasa Pengerusi KPF yang juga Pengarah Besar Felda menunaikan Umrah di 10 Ramadan terakhir 4. Memberikan bukti kukuh bahawa daripada berpuluh ribu lagi ahli KPF sedia ada, beliau adalah yang paling layak memegang jawatan Pengerusi Koperasi Permodalan Felda 5. Memberikan bukti hak beliau untuk menjadikan KPF sebagai sayap pelaburan utama dan hak beliau menstrukturkan semula KPF berbanding hak berpuluh ribu ahli KPF yang sah dan lembaga pengarah yang dilantik oleh ahli-ahli KPF semasa Mesyuarat Agung. Ahli-ahli KPF adalah lebih berhak menentukan sama ada ingin terlibat dalam mana-mana pelaburan akan datang dan wajar diberikan penerangan semasa sesi Mesyuarat Agung yang telah dilangkaui sama sekali oleh ISA samad Meminta Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA 2.0 mencabar kenyataan ISA samad: "Saya tidak tamak jawatan….saya sudah biasa memegang jawatan Menteri Besar dan Menteri" 1. Mendedahkan jawatan-jawatan yang dipegang dalam anak-anak syarikat Felda, tarikh mula jawatan tersebut dan jumlah elaun-elaun yang diterima 2. Mendedahkan kaedah digunapakai bagi penyingkiran pemegang jawatan Pengerusi MSM Holding daripada Datuk Raja Sharifuddin Hizan, penyingkiran Tan Sri Yusof Noor dari Pengerusi Yayasan Felda dan sekarang penyingkiran Dato Dzulkifli Abd Wahab dari Koperasi Permodalan Felda dan terbaru sebagai Pengurus Felda United FC 3. Mendedahkan secara telus kontrak-kontrak yang telah diberikan kepada kroni politik dan juga saudara mara sebagai contoh pemberian kontrak bernilai RM1 juta kepada CCM Pharma bagi perubatan jemaah haji yang dikaitkan dengan anak ISA sendiri 4. Mencabar ISA samad membuktikan kata-kata beliau dengan menarik balik rampasan kuasa Pengerusi KPF serta-merta, mengisi borang keahlian dan menunggu kelulusan serta menunggu hingga cukup 2 tahun sehingga layak bertanding menjadi Pengerusi KPF Meminta Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA 2.0 di atas permintaan warga wanita Felda mendesak Isteri ISA samad, Bibi Sharliza supaya: 1. Tidak menjadikan mana-mana pejabat berkaitan Felda seperti Yayasan Felda untuk kegunaan peribadi beliau serta mengecam penggunaan wang Felda bagi membayar pegawai khas serta pembantu beliau dalam Felda. Tidak terdapat dalam peruntukan Felda untuk isteri Pengerusi Felda diberi keistimewaan tersebut dan tidak pernah dilakukan Isteri Pengerusi Felda dahulu 2. Berhenti campur tangan dalam urusan pentadbiran dan program-program NGO wanita Felda 3. Menggunakan wang sendiri jika berhajat mempopularkan diri dan mengejar jawatan dalam Wanita UMNO dan bukan menggunakan wang Yayasan Felda dan Felda dalam melaksanakan program kempen Wanita UMNO dalam rancangan-rancangan Felda Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA 2.0 mendesak Sabri Ahmad, CEO Felda Global Ventures: 1. Mendedahkan tempoh kontrak beliau sebagai CEO Felda Global Ventures dan jumlah elaun yang diterima bagi mengelakkan tuduhan beliau cuba menyambung kontrak perkhidmatan yang sangat lumayan dengan menyokong agenda ISA samad seperti rampasan kuasa Pengerusi KPF dan penyenaraian Felda Global Venture di BSKL 2. Menjelaskan dakwaan bahawa perlantikan CIMB sebagai broker penyenaraian Felda Global Ventures telah pun disahkan melalui siri perbincangan yang diadakan baru-baru ini dan lain-lain kenyataan bermula sekarang sehingga waktu penyenaraian adalah sekadar silap mata. Sabri Ahmad diminta menjelaskan kenapa Maybank sebagai banker utama Felda di mana Felda di mana Felda mempunyai saham di dalamnya tidak diberi peluang sebagai broker semasa penyenaraian MSM Holdings 3. Mengumumkan Pasukan Felda Global Ventures SB yang merangka kertas kerja penyenaraian Felda Global Ventures SB dan adakah pasukan yang sama terlibat dalam kerugian-kerugian di alami Felda di luar Negara seperti pelaburan ke atas Felda IFFCO, Twin Rivers Technologies, TRT-ETGO Canada, Felda Global Ventures Middle East dan Felda Global Ventures Arabia. Felda Global Venture SB perlu mendedahkan situasi sebenar terkini pelaburan tersebut kepada warga Felda dan adakah tindakan diambil kepada mereka yang bertanggungjawab terhadap pelaburan tersebut. Sabri Ahmad juga perlu dedahkan adakah orang yang sama mengendalikan Felda Global Ventures selepas penyenaraiannya walaupun orang yang sama terbukti tidak cekap 4. Mendedahkan laporan terkini projek daging lembu halal yang diusahakan Felda IffcoAllana Malaysia Sdn Bhd yang telah dilancarkan PM pada 7 Jun 2011 dan berapa jumlah dibelanjakan bagi tujuan tersebut 5. Menjelaskan secara terperinci pinjaman penggunaan wang KWSP sebanyak RM6 Billion, terma dan cagaran yang diberikan oleh KWSP serta tempoh pembayaran balik 6. Mengakui bahawa tindakan penyenaraian ini cuma melibatkan kumpulan individu berikut iaitu: a. ISA samad b. Pengurusan tertinggi Felda Global Ventures c. GAPROF (entiti tidak berdaftar di bawah seliaan Seranta Felda UMNO, Jabatan Perdana Menteri) d. Seranta Felda UMNO, Jabatan Perdana Menteri Manakala pandangan wakil gabungan peneroka dan pengurusan Felda diketepikan atas dasar hanya orang bisnes yang lebih mengetahui dan cukup sekadar diberi penerangan dan habuan semasa penyenaraian Felda Global Ventures sedangkan terlalu banyak keputusan pelaburan di atas mengalami kerugian 7. Mengakui bahawa kempen 'Public Relation' Felda Global Ventures yang menyebut KPF membuat keuntungan RM300 juta semasa penyenaraian MSM Holdings adalah atas kertas semata-mata dan yang benar-benar membuat keuntungan adalah mereka yang melakukan jualan keuntungan jangka pendek. Kempen 'Public Relation' Felda Global Ventures yang dijalankan oleh Jabatan Komunikasi Korporat Felda Global Ventures juga tidak menjelaskan: a. Semasa penyenaraian MSM Holdings, 90% kakitangan Kumpulan Felda, peneroka dan generasi baru Felda tidak mendapat pink form atau white form bagi tujuan pemilikan saham MSM Holdings b. Hakikat situasi pasaran semasa dunia serta pada tempoh penyenaraian iaitu pada tahun 2012 di saat pasaran dunia dijangka meleset dan mendedahkan syarikat-syarikat Felda yang bernaung di bawah Felda Global Ventures kepada faktor pengurangan ekuiti milik Felda kepada pihak luar dan risiko tinggi pendedahan aset-aset seperti tanah, bangunan pejabat dan hotel, kilang, mesin-mesin, produk dan jenama milik Felda 8. Mengakui bahawa kedudukan ISA samad dan Sabri Ahmad adalah selamat kerana bertaraf kontrak dan jika berlaku perkara buruk kerana penyenaraian tersebut seperti kemelesetan ekonomi, ISA samad, Isteri dan Sabri Ahmad pada bila-bila masa boleh meninggalkan kontrak mereka dan membiarkan warga Felda menanggung kesan dan akibat penyenaraian tersebut Akhir Sekali, Warga Felda menyokong Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA 2.0 yang bermatlamat utama untuk mendesak perletakan jawatan ISA samad sebagai Pengerusi Felda dan lain-lain jawatan di dalam entiti-entiti Felda dan dengan ini menyeru Warga Felda bersama-sama: 1. Menandatangani Petisyen Meminta Perletakan Jawatan ISA samad sebagai Pengerusi Felda sama ada melalui kempen di rancangan-rancangan Felda, pejabat-pejabat Felda serta melalui kempen maya Facebook 2. Menyertai Siri Solat Hajat selamatkan Koperasi Permodalan Felda dan anak-anak syarikat Felda 3. Mendapatkan pandangan sebanyak mungkin dari pakar ekonomi bebas bukan sahaja segi kelebihan malah risiko-risiko pelaburan dan kesan penyenaraian Felda Global Ventures terhadap ekuiti milik Felda seperti pendapatan sekarang dan masa hadapan, tanah, lading, bangunan pejabat dan hotel, kilang-kilang, mesin dan lain-lain 4. Mendapatkan pandangan pakar undang-undang koperasi seperti Suruhanjaya Koperasi berkenaan hak mereka dalam isu penyingkiran Pengerusi KPF sekarang serta meneruskan gelombang membuat laporan polis terhadap tindakan rampas kuasa Isa Samad 5. Memulakan gelombang jingga dengan pemakaian baju berwarna dan bercorak jingga pada setiap hari Isnin berkerja 6. Menyeru pengurusan Felda, kakitangan dan peneroka member ruang seluas-luasnya kepada pemimpin dan wakil Pakatan Rakyat untuk masuk Felda dan memberi penerangan isu-isu ini dan lain-lain sehingga matlamat bersama iaitu ISA samad, Isteri dan Sabri Ahmad disingkir keluar 7. Menyeru pengurusan Felda, kakitangan dan peneroka menolak semua program penerangan yang dianjurkan oleh Felda Global Ventures dan Seranta Felda UMNO di kawasan-kawasan Felda dengan memboikot program penerangan tersebut sebagai balasan keangkuhan mereka menolak pandangan dan memperlekehkan pengurusan Felda, kakitangan dan peneroka 8. Menyeru warga Felda menyertai himpunan Warga Felda Tolak ISA di Ibu Pejabat Felda pada tarikh yang akan diumumkan kelak 9. Menyeru warga Felda dan rakyat bersimpati dengan warga Felda melakukan All-Felda Hartal 2011 melalui pemboikotan produk dan perkhidmatan di bawah Felda Global Ventures, terutamanya syarikat-syarikat yang dipengerusikan ISA samad. Senarai syarikat, barang dan produk perkhidmatan untuk diboikot akan diumumkan kelak 10. Memberikan isyarat terakhir penolakan kepimpinan ISA samad di rancangan-rancangan Felda melalui undi rosak kepada calon-calon Barisan Nasional atau mengundi calon-calon Pakatan Rakyat sebagai pengajaran kepada PM dan wakil-wakil Barisan Nasional yang tidak mengendahkan suara Warga Felda
Open Letter sent to Prime Minister Najib Razak Posted: 18 Oct 2011 06:56 PM PDT By Hatef Mokhtar, AFTQHis Excellency Dato' Sri Haji Mohd Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak AFTQ and its team wants to bring to your attention and notice that since independence Malaysia and its citizens suffers from un-necessary regulations which were introduced to deny or limit the fundamental rights to the people. At the time of taking charge of the prime ministerial position on April 03, 2009 under the prestigious banner of UMNO you have made few commitments to open new constitutional reform process and empower the Malaysian people with the full fledged un-regulated rights which they are being demanded from decades. Though the steps are being taken to defunct Internal Security Act for a greater freedom to Malay people but still there are numerous draconian laws which betrays them from their constitutional rights which are in the sake of local governance they have continued to scare citizens of their freedom. The Article 10 which provides and states about the freedom of speech: "Every citizen shall have the right to freedom of speech and expression, subject to any reasonable restriction imposed by federal law in the interest of the security of the Federation, friendly relations with other countries, public order, or morality or in relation to contempt of court, defamation or incitement to any offence." Need to be amended if in the true sense the free and a complete democratic society is to be establishing a vibrant example in the Malay Peninsula and to the people which provides the parliament to impose the laws to regulate it must be reformed. Since the constitution adopted several laws like Sedition Act 1948, the Public Order (Preservation) Ordinance 1958, Police Act 1967 and the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984. These laws curtailing the freedoms and liberties given under Article 10 has to be either withdrawn or amended accordingly to the more liberated human rights scenario which enjoys the world attention and the win the heartily support of Malay people. Great developments are taking place in the world in the name of democracy and freedom of speech and on behalf of Armed for the Quill (AFTQ) an Oslo, Norway based organization formed with a mission to protect peace and freedom of speech wants to bring to your notice and to remind about your commitments which you have made from your people who believed you as their leader who will give them an environment in which they can practice their rights of fundamentals giving them a new lease of life into the world where they can live in a true democracy under the pure humane serenity. People must be liberated and given freedom to adhere to their national policies rather not being forced to believe in the system which kills their own movement of thoughts this will not only restrict the complete growth process economically but also socially which this great country has enjoyed always. So, we urge you not to sacrifice the freedom of speech and remove the regulations which limit its practice just behind the closed walls of households. It must be protected and conserved as the true rights which under constitution was promised to the people of this country but have never tasted its existence in their daily lives. The laws which regulate this freedom must be withdrawn and should not be continued in today's free modern society which wants their rights to be respected and treated equally with importance. People shouldn't be denied from rights, from justice, from their freedom, one cannot regulate or restrict the movement of every one foot as freedom is the birth right of every human and the leader Mr. Najib Razak who tries to regulate the rights never found a place of admiration in the history. As when a child is born he is born free, free from all the restrictions which this unjust political world impose later on them un-necessarily of knowing that one day the later generations will demand and fight for their liberties from the leader they have chosen or have believed in. True prosperity is in the happiness of the people where they can live their lives restrictions free and the true leader is who respects the rights of his own people, who serves them honestly while working genuinely in the desire to work for their empowerment and lending a friendly hearing to their cries of causes which they want to raise. In today's world there is no place for dictatorships and its authoritarian discriminatory rule, as you too are aware of the ongoing scenarios and about the corners of those nations becoming liberal raising their voices against those who have suppressed their say from decades. It is the era of democracy and the freedom which it brings along with its people friendly framework. The great nation and regime is that which flows swiftly on the waves of tides which is slowly gathering moment to over throw those challenging its existence in whole new dawn of human rights which if kept suppressed in your country will lit the spark of new uprising as the one storming the rigid Middle East. Prime Minister Mr. Najib Abdul Razak The time is witness to those who have raised the light of liberty for their hoods and the beings living their lives in it have always succeeded as the great figure who have the special place not in the pages of historical archives but in the hearts of populous who will teach his generations to come to be like you as an inspiration for all those seeking the beginning of new breeze of hope where the blessings of a true smiles survives formed by their leader whom they have praised always and will continue to do so if the reality of their dreams to be fulfilled by you. People of Malaysia has now risen up and they are feeling the need of urgent reforms in the respected Judicial and Political system which they expect you as the initiator for their new lease of life full of liberty and its rights which they can practice independently. There are lots of examples for you to look into when considering the future of Malay national strategy for more reformed and transparent democratic framework. AFTQ too wants to provide you a helping hand if the need arises. The organization is committed to be a part of this approach and reform process if you chosen to do so. However we would like to mention you clearly the better you start early the better your strategy have chances to survive in this world and more it wins the heart of your people who will looked upon you as their inspiration if you engage yourself for the unconditional service of your nation and its citizens. As you are aware completely about the recent scenarios and the agitations which goes against your regime damaging the national harmony and the one nation image of your country transforming it into a chessboard of politics where the whole nation has now been standing on the fault line between your rigid un-democratic system which whether Malays, Chinese or Indians living in the vicinity of your national boundaries even those who have immigrated themselves while getting attracted by your false positive image created by your party and your cabinet has never liked and of much felt betrayed, discriminated, isolated in their own environment dreamt by them and planned by the UMNO whose government now you head making them live under the world of strip wire where if they move out of your bounds their economies of scale and emotions would get wounded and a vibrant free democratic system which is the urgent demand of time and the people of Malaysia which would ensure them about their secure long lasting prosperous future and livelihood. Even though Malaysia is heading towards its goal of becoming a developed economy by 2020 but the reality tells the different story of its path where your regime is leading this country. The path where nation has no future, no hope of any harmony, no great secular society, where people deprived of constitutional rights and the freedom to practice them, system infected with corruption and human rights violations are the norms of the day by the government as the major culprit. The arrests of numerous politicians, journalists and many other figures under the false charges and unfair trails reflects the vulnerability of the national political scenario and its shortcomings, the arrest of opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim and Mat Sabu expose the reality hidden under the fake shine of this your party. The reality is that no one can talk or speak about anything; only those which you want to hear can survive their echo. True leadership is not in controlling free voices or critics but in facing them with full reasonable answers while improving your executions of your unfulfilled promises hence curbing the entire negativity for future. There are many questions being raised on your leadership and on the future of Malaysian secular society: - Do you think that there is anything wrong in wanting to understand why people are demanding their fundamental rights?
- Is there anything wrong if a person speaks about or discusses the history of his own country just like Mat Sabu did?
- Do you really believe that your country is unaware of the agitations and the violence which occurred in the scattered corners of your once society?
- Are you confident enough that the people in your country are not being discriminated and being isolated with each other due to your unfriendly biased policies?
- Do you really justify the trails going on Anwar Ibrahim, Mat Sabu and other people are fair enough and deserving?
- Is your government serious and concerned enough about bringing a democratic reforms and transparent judicial system in the country?
- Is this not a betrayal to your people who have been awarded by the freedom of fundamental rights and its powers by their constitution which your party and its regimes have regulated to control the freedom.
The questions are many and the cries are countless but it is all you who can decide the future of your nation and of your people. Regards Founder and Chairman Hatef Mokhtar Armed For The Quill (AFTQ) Oslo, Norway |
And this is Malaysia Posted: 18 Oct 2011 06:14 PM PDT A gathering dubbed Himpunan Sujuta Umat (Himpun), which aims to gather a million Muslims against alleged Christian proselytising, will be held at the Shah Alam Stadium on Saturday. That is the focus of the Malays, kaypoh into other people's affairs. Now see what is happening all over the world, which the Malays do not seem to care about. And we want the Malays to progress like this? NO HOLDS BARRED
Raja Petra Kamarudin Thousands march in Athens at start of two-day general strike (READ HERE) Greece general strike begins over spending cuts (READ HERE) Anti-Wall Street protesters march against New York police (READ HERE) Ratings Firm Warns on French Debt (READ HERE) Spain Hit by Downgrade, Falling Home Prices (READ HERE) U.K. Inflation Rate Surges, Stoking Economic Concerns (READ HERE) EU Warns Portugal on Deficit (READ HERE) Germany, France See Declines in Foreign-Investment Flows (READ HERE) China: Foreign Trade to Face Pressure (READ HERE) Greece Fighting to Secure Permanent Debt Solution (READ HERE) German Economic Expectations Worsen (READ HERE) S&P Downgrades Italian Banks (READ HERE) |
Wake up, Malaysians Posted: 18 Oct 2011 05:39 PM PDT Ali Kadir, The Malaysian Insider I find it incredulous that so much angst and disbelief has been exhibited by Opposition politicians, pundits and readers of news portals, including The Malaysian Insider, over the lies that Lim Guan Eng's son had behaved inappropriately towards a girl in his school and the matter was hushed up. This is Umno. Should any of us be surprised with politicians from that party? It has been my point for a while that the only hope for Umno is for the party to lose it all at the next polls, and do a major overhaul while in the wilderness, find new leaders, rediscover a moral core and come back. The party is tired, bankrupt of ideas or people of integrity. It is a fallacy to believe that the second line of politicians such as Khairy or that Kota Belud MP will be any different from the corrupt batch of ministers and MPs who sad to say are leaders of Malaysia. They have been cut from the same cloth as the likes of Ibrahim Ali and only know about patronage politics and benefiting from the government largesse of contracts. At a time when the world economy is slumping and every responsible government is thinking about doing its best to prepare its country for a soft landing, Umno has been doing the only thing it knows what to do — indulge in lies. No one believes Najib Razak's growth estimates of 5 and 6 per cent next year, not even the MIER or banks. But in Parliament, it is business as usual as Umno/BN MPs have been in denial mode (I don't believe 99 per cent of them even know what they are talking about when they speak about the economy). So my advice to Lim Guan Eng and the rest of his supporters is stop wasting time by reacting with shock and indignation at the tactics being employed by your opponents. Leopards can't change their stripes, nor devils change their ways. The last line is a message that all of us Malaysians should keep in our hearts and ponder. |
Umno blogs used chess champion’s picture to attack Guan Eng’s son, says DAP Posted: 18 Oct 2011 05:36 PM PDT (The Malaysian Insider) - A girl whose photograph was used by Umno bloggers to level accusations of sexual harassment against Lim Guan Eng's son has been identified as 21-year-old chess Grandmaster Anya Sun Corke. Corke, who represents England in chess, has no ties with Penang and has never been a classmate of Lim's son as alleged by Umno blogs, the DAP said in a press conference in Parliament today. The girl is understood to be currently an undergraduate of Wellesley College in the United States. Pro-Umno bloggers including Bukit Gelugor Umno division chief Dr Novandri Hasan Basri had claimed that the Penang chief minister's son had assaulted a 16-year-old schoolmate and tried to escape punishment by using his father's name. DAP publicity chief Tony Pua showed a press conference today screenshots from Dr Novandri's and Papagomo's blog and pictures from www.chessbase.com said to be of a 21-year-old Anya Corke. "The chess board has been edited from the picture. This proves beyond doubt that the accusations by these Umno cybertroopers are nothing but barbaric lies. "They have attempted to defame the 16-year-old son of Lim Guan Eng and humiliate his family with a completely fictitious sexual harassment story," the Petaling Jaya Utara MP said. According to Corke's Wikipedia listing, she "is a Woman Grandmaster and the top chess player from Hong Kong who is currently playing for England." She earned the title with her performance in 36th Chess Olympiad, playing for the Hong Kong men's team. She was the 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2008 Hong Kong National Champion (for men and women), thought to be one of the youngest national champions ever. Without revealing details of the allegation, Lim said yesterday he was furious with the "barbaric lies" made about his teenage son by "pro-Umno ferocious beasts," singling out Khairy Jamaluddin and other ruling party leaders for perpetuating the allegations through snide comments on blogs and social media sites. The DAP secretary-general singled out Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin and other ruling party leaders for perpetuating the allegations through snide comments on blogs and social media sites. READ MORE HERE |
Call off Himpun rally, says Soi Lek Posted: 18 Oct 2011 05:31 PM PDT (The Malaysian Insider) - Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek wants Saturday's rally against "Christians challenging the sovereignty of Islam" called off to avoid racial tension. Various Muslim organisations are set to gather for the event at Selangor's Shah Alam Stadium. Observers fear the event may raise religious tension already intensified in recent months by allegations of proselytising by Christians. "Whether it should go on or not, I think the police would know what to do, but personally I feel that there should not be any public rally," said Dr Chua. "We should reduce any form of religious activity that would contribute to suspicion among all races in the country." Christian leaders here have labelled Himpun's fight against proselytisation "irrelevant" and cautioned the group against provoking religious tension by going ahead with the rally. The leaders have reminded rally organisers that their actions could incite animosity between both religious communities, force Muslims and Christians further apart and hamper any effort by the government and religious leaders to promote understanding and harmony. "I think it is very unnecessary because to a very large extent, everyone knows there is no concrete proof of proselytisation," National Evangelical Christian Fellowship (NECF) chairman Rev Dr Eu Hong Seng (picture) told The Malaysian Insider. Eu pointed out the Selangor Sultan had already decreed recently there was insufficient evidence of proselytisation in the controversy surrounding the raid on the Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC) on August 3. Himpun or Himpunan Sejuta Umat (Gathering of a Million Faithful), which claims to have the backing of some 2,000 NGOs representing over four million Muslims nationwide, was mooted after the incident and aims to protest against Christians "challenging the sovereignty" of Islam. The rally, to take place at the Shah Alam stadium, appears to have earned the support of thousands, including PAS Youth and Umno Youth members, and looks set to turn into a massive coming together of conservative Muslims in the country. READ MORE HERE |
*Save Malaysia Stop Lynas press conference on 18th Oct 2011* Posted: 18 Oct 2011 05:08 PM PDT By SMSL Recently through facebook and press statements by our people's representative YB Fuziah, questions were raised as to whether Lynas has begun their shipment of Rare Earth ores (REO) to the kuantan port , the relevant authorities and Lynas have come out with their own statements to deny the claim. SMSL has also received calls by concerned citizens regarding the same. We did an investigation and we wish to inform the public that: 1. REO cannot be shipped into Kuantan port without a permit from AELB 2. It will be shipped from Freemantle in WA to Singapore for transshipment before it reaches Kuantan port. 3. It will be labeled as radioactive once it reaches Kuantan Port but will not be Considered as radioactive anywhere along the route. 4. It will come in containers and be carted away immediately from the ship to the factory once it reaches the port after it has received custom clearance.
The above clarifies how the REO will be shipped into Kuantan Port. To this date, AELB has yet to come out and openly admit that the required permit has been obtained by Lynas Malaysia. Therefore the claim by parties that REO will be here by end of this month can only be confirmed by AELB as they are instrumental in allowing the REO to be imported.
We hereby call upon AELB and MITI to reaffirm their claim that they have NOT given any licenses including the pre operating license to Lynas. Any preemptive moves by Lynas or covert attempts by AELB or MITI in this matter will be construed as a grave betrayal of the trust of the people. The whole of Gebeng , Balok, Kemaman and Kuantan residents shall hold the AELB and MITI wholly responsible!
MITI and AELB have openly admitted that they have received the submissions by Lynas on the RIA, decommissioning and long term waste management plans in July and they have openly claimed to have rejected these documents as inadequate or unsatisfactory as we were told when we met MITI and AELB on the 7th Oct 2011. If MITI and AELB were to make themselves more credible to the people here they will have to be more open, more transparent and willing to answer questions by the affected residents and provide all information on whatever matters that are related to the Lynas plant. The port authority briefing concerning the impending import of REO is merely a standard port operating procedure but without more detail info from the relevant authorities like AELB and MITI, the whole of Kuantan, Gabeng, Balok and Kemaman have been put on the jitters. This is totally unacceptable. We hereby strongly urge the AELB and MITI to come out and openly declare that non of the licenses as required to import the REO and the pre-operation of the plant have been granted or issued to Lynas Malaysia!
The Lynas issue has advanced to the stage where people are beginning to lose faith on the ability and intent of the government and regulating authorities to safeguard their interests. SMSL has taken the initiative to study the option of bringing the case to court and we have our legal experts currently studying the best option available before we act. We urge all residents to be patient as any legal recourse has to be taken in full accordance to the country's judicial system. Rest assured that when the time comes we shall act.
SMSL has come a long way since its inception in March. During the course of this short journey, we have in our main focus to stop the operation of Lynas Advance Materials organized activities that helped to bring awareness to the people here. In the midst of our enthusiasm to advance this cause, some of our committee members or supporters might have inadvertently or without any malice offended parties and individuals in our interactions with them. We hereby sincerely apologize to these parties and individuals for our mistakes and we hope such incidents will serve to keep us on guard at all times to be more circumspect of proper demeanors and protocols. We believe apologizing does not mean that we are totally wrong and others are totally right, it just means that we value our relationship more than our ego!
Tan Bun Teet 0179730576 .
SAMM bersolidariti dengan Aziz Bari dan sokong tindakan Dr.M satu ketika dulu Posted: 18 Oct 2011 05:05 PM PDT Oleh che'GuBard, SAMM Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) dengan ini menyatakan sokongan terhadap kenyataan Profesor Aziz Bari yang menyatakan bahawa titah monarki boleh dikritik dan diperdebatkan. SAMM menyifatkan tindakan penguasa regim mengambil tindakan hanya kerana komen tersebut dilihat hipokrit, ugutan dangkal dan tindakan terkebelakang. Dalam dunia yang terbuka ini semua perkara harus dihujahkan dengan matang. Ini bukan zaman rakyat khususnya anak muda menerima apa sahaja yag disuap dari pihak atasan. Zaman ini setiap hujah itu pasti akan dibahas dan dikritik jika perlu.
Begitu jugalah institusi monarki bukan sahaja di negara ini tetapi terdapat di seluruh dunia. Institusi monarki ini harus segera menyesuaikan diri termasuklah berevolusi sesuai dengan peredaran zaman. Mahu atau tidak ia sesuatu yang wajib demi kelansungan untuk institusi beraja.
SAMM merafak sembah menghormati titah kerabat monarki di Negeri Sembilan, Tunku Zain Al 'Abidin Tuanku Muhriz yang menitahkan bahawa titah diraja boleh dibincangkan oleh ahli akademik dan media, selagi ia tidak mendatangkan kemudaratan yang sebenar. Menunjukkan dengan jelas betapa dalam dunia terbuka ini institusi monarki harus bersedia untuk titah mereka diperdebatkan dan dikritik masyarakat. Dalam memperkatakan perkara ini, mana - mana pihak pun pasti akan merujuk peristiwa krisis antara istana dan kerajaan di bawah bekas Perdana Menteri Dr.Mahathir. Namun bagi SAMM kami dengan jelas menyokong tindakan Dr Mahathir meminda perlembagaan negara membawa institusi monarki dalam realiti masyarakat kini.
Namun apa yang kami tidak setuju ialah cara bagaimana Dr Mahathir memalukan dan menghina institusi monarki dengan memberikan persepsi hina kepada institusi monarki demi meraih sokongan rakyat terhadap usaha pindaan perlembagaannya.
Merujuk peristiwa kedua pula di mana Menteri Besar pilihan Barisan Nasional, Idris Jusoh telah ditolak dari mengangkat sumpah di Terengganu. SAMM berpendapat sememangnya institusi monarki punya kuasa atau peranan dalam memperkenan siapa mahu menjadi ketua negara atau ketua negeri dalam pentadbiran politik tetapi institusi monarki juga harus berdepan dengan rakyat iaitu menjelaskan sebarang tindakan mereka dalam hujah yang boleh diterima. Pada ketika itu, istana harus tampil memberi penjelasan kepada rakyat Terengganu mengenai tindakan mereka.
Respon rakyat pada ketika itu yang dipengaruhi oleh parti politik juga ada yang tidak kena. Umno (pro Idris Jusoh) telah bertindak melulu sehingga menghina sultan dengan panggilan 'natang' (dialek Terengganu yang bermaksud binatang). Pihak yang bersetuju dengan keputusan menyingkirkan Idris pula telah menyokong Sultan secara melulu, ini tidak progresif. Seharusnya pihak ini merafak sembah meminta Istana tampil memberikan penjelasan kenapa tindakan itu diambil dan ini lebih progresif.
Pihak berkuasa juga dalam perkara ini menjadi kuda tunggangan regim. Sekiranya menghina monarki itu berpihak regim maka mata pihak berkuasa sengaja dibutakan, tetapi jika timbul saranan walaupun saranan itu ke arah memperkasa monarki diutarakan oleh pihak bukan dari regim, maka tindakan 'segera' diambil.
che'GuBard sendiri pernah berdepan situasi ini hanya apabila mencadangkan betapa penting peranan institusi monarki dalam menjaga kepentingan agama malah dalam perkara mutakhir ini sering pula dipertikaikan maka che'GuBard pernah mencadangkan agar sultan atau bakal sultan wajib sekurang - kurangnya memiliki diploma syariah islam atau berkaitan bagi membantu baginda membuat keputusan tepat bukan sekadar dipengaruhi 'nasihat' yang mungkin mewakili kepentingan tertentu. (klik sini untuk baca artikel tersebut)
Malangnya selepas posting yang ditulis sempena keputeraan DYMM YDP Agong ini dibuat, Ketua Pemuda Umno Rembau telah mengarahkan pemudanya membuat laporan polis terhadap artikel ini kononnya menghina monarki dengan tidak pandai hal ehwal Islam. Atas laporan dangkal itu maka berkejarlah polis menahan saya. Saya ditahan dalam serbuan polis ketika sedang mempengerusikan mesyuarat AJK cabang Rembau. Begitulah berterusan, ini membukti betapa hipokrit regim Umno. Mereka memperlaku institusi istana seumpama pelacur,a pabila suka dicari untuk berlindung tetapi apabila tidak suka diterajang hina.
SAMM ingin menyeru kepada institusi monarki negara ini agar sedar hakikat keperluan berevolusi mengikut zaman untuk kekal relevannya. Rakyat masih boleh menerima bajet yang besar diperuntukan untuk monarki dalam negara ini, tetapi rakyat sudah tentu tidak boleh menerima jika jumlahnya tidak masuk akal dalam keadaan rakyat terhimpit dengan perbagai kepayahan.
Intai dan pelajarilah institusi beraja di banyak negara bagaimana peranan dimainkan. Ada yang sudah umpama muzium dan alat keraian seperti kebanyakan negara Eropah termasuk England tetapi ada juga yang terus kekal dihormati seperti di Thailand. Ini bukan zaman Melaka, dunia berkembang pesat sewajarnya isi kandung dalamnya juga harus transform secepat perkembangan dunia jika tidak mahu ketinggalan. Rakyat tidak lagi boleh lagi dipaksa akur membuta tuli. Akhirnya diingatkan juga institusi monarki ini seharusnya bukan punya orang Melayu sahaja. Institusi beraja ini seharusnya juga dihormati oleh semua bangsa atau keturunan yang diamnya dalam tanah jajahan ini. Untuk itu ruang perbincangan dan pemahaman sewajarnya harus juga sampai kepada semua rakyat.
che'GuBard Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia http://www.anakmudamalaysia.com http://chegubard.blogspot.com chegubard@gmail.com |
NEW EDITION OF ‘MAY 13’ BY POPULAR DEMAND Posted: 18 Oct 2011 04:59 PM PDT By Kua Kia Soong The overwhelming response to the publication of May 13 in 2007 took everyone, including the author, by surprise. What people say about this book reveals the depth and diversity of feelings generated by this book from both supporters and detractors. The book certainly struck a chord among Malaysians, releasing years of pent-up emotions regarding an episode in Malaysian history that had left a festering wound thereafter and torn ethnic relations asunder. Malaysians were clearly elated that the bubble of official myth-making about this tragic yet loathsome historical event had been finally burst. This book maintains that the pogrom of May 1969 was actually orchestrated by the emergent Malay state capitalist class to facilitate a coup d'état against the Tunku. It explodes the myth created by the UMNO ruling class that the May 13 incident was a spontaneous post-election riot between the Malay and Chinese masses. This myth had been brazenly propagated at every general election since then to deter any challenge to UMNO dominance. Interestingly, when the political tsunami of the March 2008 general elections happened and the Barisan Nasional suffered its heaviest defeat since 1969 with four states falling to the Opposition, "May 13" didn't happen! The author would like to believe that the publication of this book had contributed in some way towards this new spirit in the Malaysian public sphere. The ghost of May 13 was finally buried! The hantu that UMNO told us dwelt within the communalist cave turned out to be nothing but a manufactured myth. Yes, perhaps now that the BN government has realized that it is time for the government to act like a mature and enlightened democracy, they will decide to declassify the official secrets in the vaults of the Cabinet and the Special Branch. We might then be able to get to the full story of the May 13 Incident. But then again, these May 13 secrets may already have been destroyed to protect the villains and stymie the truth. In recent years since the publication of May 13, we have seen more and more challenges to the official interpretation of history as well as the "official literature". The former was evident in the recent campaign to demonise the PAS deputy president Mat Sabu's interpretation of the Bukit Kepong incident; the latter was seen in the "Interlok" controversy over the stereotyping of Chinese and Indians in the official literature textbook. Without a doubt, the publication of May 13: Declassified Documents on the Racial Riots of 1969 made publishing history and it was a landmark in the deconstruction of that blemish on Malaysian history. Just as it helped to free the minds of Malaysian voters at the 2008 general elections, the author hopes that the publication of this new edition will further liberate more Malaysian minds before the next (13th) general elections due very soon. WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT THE BOOK "May 13: A Sunday morning well-spent at the book launch. There was absolutely no doubt in my mind that Dr Kua had penned a very important book – indeed, to my mind, he has made "publishing history" of sorts. I came out of the book launch feeling only half-satisfied with the discussion that took place and half-pessimistic about the future. It did not, however, diminish my appreciation of Dr Kua's book as an important contribution to my understanding of Malaysia's contemporary history, and for such interesting and thoughtful presentations by the guest speakers." l Rustam A. Sani, Suara Rakyat 13 May 2007 "Dr Kua Kia Soong's new book may look like a dry academic thesis, but it moves at a cracking pace. It is also undoubtedly one of the most important books ever published on Malaysian society and politics. May 13 made this country, or more accurately, it un-made it. This was the book that HAD to be written…To paraphrase Falstaff, you are not only insightful in yourself, but inspire insight in others." l N.Surendran, Malaysiakini 17 May2007 "A day after the book hit the shelves, three senators called for action to be taken against the book and Kua, while Deputy Internal Security Minister Fu Ah Kiow said the ministry was studying the contents to decide on a course of action. Ten copies of the book have already been confiscated for "studying" by the Internal Security Ministry from a major bookstore chain in Kuala Lumpur." o Andrew Ong, Malaysiakini 18 May 2007 "Lim considers the book important as he described it as "unbiased information" on the May 13 incident which the government must acknowledge." l Dr Lim Teck Ghee, Malaysiakini 15May2007 "The allegations made in the book could stoke racial sentiments…I have been told that (Kua) named certain leaders as people responsible for the riots. That of course can lead to all kinds of unpredictable responses since the leaders he named were apparently not Chinese but Malay. It creates a difficult situation in our fragile society…Khoo said the authorities should have monitored the progress of the book earlier rather than reacting after the book was published…But then people will be unhappy that such actions curb freedom of speech, which is a very relative thing. People have to be careful in dealing with such matters." l Prof Khoo Kay Khim, Malaysiakini 15 May2007 "Why can't we read declassified files of BOTH the Special Branch AND foreign diplomatic intelligence at the same time and compare them to get an even fuller and more accurate picture? Why must we always think in terms of 'this-OR-that', not 'this-AND-that' (get some tuition on Edward de Bono's Lateral Thinking, Prof!)? If the Special Branch was so knowledgeable at that time, why couldn't the authorities prevent the outbreak of the riots?" l James Wong Wing-On, OnlineFriday 18 May 2007 "Banning a controversial book on the May 13 riots will violate the right to freedom of expression enshrined in the Federal Constitution… In an age where information flows freely, constitutional freedoms must be honoured rather than breached. Laws and regulations which purport to grant power to the state to proscribe publications arbitrarily must only be used under the most exceptional circumstances…The book may indeed be controversial but if the government does not agree with the issues raised, it should refute them in an open and transparent manner…More significantly, banning this book will reinforce its thesis that the May 13 riots were indeed caused by a coup plotted by certain leaders to oust (then premier) Tunku Abdul Rahman." l PKR adviser Anwar Ibrahim, Malaysiakini 17 May 2007 "(Banning the book) is an act that is definitely contrary to the open and transparent society that our prime minister wants promoted… dissent and contrarian views must be allowed on any issue, event and incident if Malaysia is to progress towards a developed status. Kua's book on the May 13 racial riots is based on erstwhile classified records and information that have since been declassified. It is not therefore a book that is concocted but is based on historical records. Of course, one can disagree with his analysis and viewpoints. If so, one should then engage in a debate with him. But at no time must his book be confiscated and the public denied access to his book. l Dr Toh Kin Woon, 18 May 2007 "If the government chooses instead to ban the book, it will effectively confirm the claims made in the book, amongst others, that the May 13 riot was a coup to remove the Tunku. If this is a truth that Malaysians cannot take after 39 years, then the government has failed for 39 years to lead the nation towards progress and integration." l Civil Rights Committee & Writers Alliance Media Independence 17 May 2007 "Dr Kua Kia Soong's book provides a channel for our peoples to genuinely investigate the matters surrounding May 13 in the interests of nation-building and democratic discussion. It also serves as an important reference point for academic research. Dr. Kua is an intellectual who has shown his social responsibility and courage to make Malaysia a better place to live in. l Youth For Change (Y4C) , 16 May 2007 "Spokesperson Hasmi Hashim said though the incident was deemed sensitive, continued efforts to re-examine facts based on latest researches to obtain new interpretations of the tragic event must be encouraged." o Komunite Seni Jalan Telawi, Malaysiakini 19 May 2007 "As with Kua's earlier works, it is written in a passionate style that drives the narrative forward with a sense of urgency, so much so that reading it was a pleasure. I think that this is an important book. It raises issues and questions that challenge the official story of the riots and it adds new information that is vital if we as a nation are ever to truly understand that horrible period of our history. l Azmi Sharom, The Star 31 May 2007 "I was taken aback by the statement of Dr Kua Kia Soong at the launching of his new book on the May 13, 1969 incident based on the reports of British Embassy personnel to the British Foreign Office that the incident was engineered by Umno members who were out to topple Tunku Abdul Rahman. He asked for a commission to be set up to get to the truth. Shockingly he is alleged to have added that, unless this is done or unless the truth is out, there cannot be national unity or something to that effect. At 38 years old, I think this is too "ancient" an animosity to be allowed to hold national unity to ransom. Should the past be allowed to destroy our future? l Tun Hanif Omar, Sunday Star 3 June 2007 "The ministry has examined the book and decided that it will not be banned under the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984. Prime Minister and Internal Security Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said the book did not contain elements that could jeopardize national security. The police have never seized the book or issued any warning on it." l The Sun, 19 June 2007 "Shamsul said that based purely on news reports on the matter, he did not technically consider the book academic material…Two conditions must be met - there must be two referees and that the book must be published by a recognised publisher of academic material." l Prof Shamsul Amri Baharuddin, Malaysiakini 15 May 2007 "Keep up the good work Soong …Remember the definition of "academic" is: '…any piece of writing that is understood by fewer than two people'." l Dr. Paul Kelemen, Manchester University UK, 19 May 2007 "Thank you for sending us your article on the 1969 race riots in Malaysia. The article is a very important record that certainly needs to be published and we would be pleased to do so in RACE &CLASS. We will publish your article in the January 2008 edition of the journal. Warmest wishes." l Arun Kundnani, Deputy Editor RACE & CLASS, Institute of Race Relations, London, 25 June 2007 "Dear Mr Kua, I have not had the pleasure of shaking your hand. I read your book in between trekking in the highlands of Ecuador last month. Most impressed with the frankness. You are a courageous man. I was in KL during May 13 teaching in the University Hospital. One day, should we have the karma to meet there are one or two non-documented tales I can tell you. We were in the thick of it. Congratulations." o Kimboo, Sydney, 24 Mar 2008 "Popular Bookstore will continue to sell a controversial book on the May 13 race riots despite indications that a ban could be imposed. Customers had snapped up the books the moment they were put on the shelves, said a company spokesperson who declined to be named. However, he declined to reveal the number of books sold. "This book has gained a lot of response from readers. The first shipment has already finished in such a short time and we already have a second order, which will reach next week," he said. On Wednesday, Deputy Internal Security Minister Fu Ah Kiow said bookstores were permitted to sell the book, 'May 13: Declassified Documents on the Malaysian riots of 1969', written by academic Dr Kua Kia Soong. The ministry is mulling over whether to ban the book. Checks by Malaysiakini yesterday found that two major bookstores have stopped selling the book - MPH Bookstores and Kinokuniya Bookstore. However, Popular stated that it would continue to sell the book unless it is banned. An MPH spokesperson, who also declined to be named, told Malaysiakini yesterday that it made the decision after officers from the ministry confiscated copies of the book on Tuesday. However checks today revealed that MPH had taken fresh orders for the book from the publisher. Kinokuniya said it pulled the books off the shelves due to bad publicity. "The book has created a lot of controversy in the newspapers. We pulled the book off the shelves voluntarily," said manager Ebby Wong. "At first, we thought this book was just a normal history book, or a journal. That's why we ordered only 30 copies," she said. Wong said when the book was put on the shelves on Tuesday, all 30 books were sold within three hours. "However, we find that the book is a cause of much controversy, as seen in the dailies. Therefore, we decided it was better to stop the sale of the books. We are imposing self-censorship," she added. She said the bookstore will continue selling the book if the Ministry makes "a clear announcement" that the book is not banned. Wong said she did not have a chance to read the book. According to one of the ministry guidelines, the government has the right to confiscate materials found to cause racial disharmony." o Malaysiakini, 18 May2007 |
Losing the numbers game Posted: 18 Oct 2011 04:56 PM PDT Bureaucratic red tape, flip-flop decision-making are among the numerous factors contributing to Malaysia's lack of attractiveness as an investment destination. Fast forward a decade later to 2006 and Malaysia obtained US$6 billion while Thailand attracted US$9.5 billion. And in 2009 Malaysia's FDI was a miserable US$1.38 billion while for Thailand, it was US$5.9 billion. In 1996, too, Malaysia's FDI at US$7.3 billion was not too distant from Singapore's FDI at US$9.68 billion. But now Singapore, at close to US$17 billion, has forged ahead leaving us to bite the dust and compete with countries such as Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam. Selena Tay, Free Malaysia Today It is a sad but true fact that for the past five years or so Malaysia has constantly been losing out in terms of foreign direct investment (FDI). Either our regional competitors have caught up with us or we have stalled. In any case, at the end of the day we have lost out. This is in no small part due to the lack of political will by the Barisan Nasional (BN) government in the areas of policy-making and political expediency. Where numbers are concerned, the salient point to note is in the area of FDI wherein those of our neighbours which used to be trailing us have now surpassed us. The 2010 World Investment Report (WIR) issued by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) showed up some ugly truths about Malaysia, wherein it has made "great achievements" for the first time in financial history. Listed below are three historical events: Losing out in FDI to neighbouring countries In 1998, for the first time, Thailand overtook Malaysia in attracting more FDI, and in 2005 it was the turn of Indonesia. Vietnam defeated us for the first time in 2008 and the Philippines followed suit in 2009. In the 2010 UNCTAD World Investment Report, Singapore is way ahead in the stratosphere, hovering close to the US$17 billion mark, Thailand at a distant second with US$5.9 billion, Indonesia nearing US$5 billion and Vietnam with more than US$4 billion, the Philippines at US1.95 billion and Malaysia standing at US$1.38 billion. Malaysia only succeeded in defeating Cambodia, Myanmar, Brunei, Laos and Timor-Leste. It looks like Malaysia is now in the Little League. Malaysia's position in the FDI world ranking was 62nd in 2006 but it suffered a tremendous drop to 123rd in 2009, which is such a massive decline in the space of just three years. Biggest drop in FDI in 2009 Southeast-Asian nations that registered a drop in FDI in 2009 were Thailand with 30.4%, Vietnam (44.1%) and Indonesia (44.7%). But that is nothing compared to Malaysia's drop of 81.1%! Thailand is considered to have done better than Malaysia as there was a year-long political turmoil caused by the Red Shirts organising sit-ins in the capital city of Bangkok. Despite that, their decline was not as great as ours. Singapore, Brunei, Philippines and Myanmar chalked up an increase in FDI. Another first for Malaysia: FDI outflow more than inflow in 2009 This refers to the country's investment overseas being more than overseas investment in the country. Malaysia was the only country in Southeast-Asia to achieve this distinction when Malaysian FDI outflow was US$8.04 billion compared with the FDI inflow of US$1.38 billion, thus yielding a net negative FDI flow of US$6.66 billion. This negative FDI indicates that Malaysia is fast becoming an unattractive investment destination despite what the federal government claims. This can be attributed to the investors' (local as well as foreign) lack of confidence in the existing government policies as well as the lack of robust economic growth that will generate healthy returns for their investments. Malaysian FDI flows has been in the negative since declining from US$1.09 billion in 2005 to a net negative of US$0.02 billion in 2006 to a net negative US$2.7 billion in 2007 and a net negative of US$7.67 billion in 2008. The year 2009 was also the first time Malaysia obtained less than US$2 billion in FDI with the figure of US$1.38 billion. In 1996, Thailand's FDI was around US$2 billion while Malaysia raked in US$7.3 billion. Fast forward a decade later to 2006 and Malaysia obtained US$6 billion while Thailand attracted US$9.5 billion. And in 2009 Malaysia's FDI was a miserable US$1.38 billion while for Thailand, it was US$5.9 billion. In 1996, too, Malaysia's FDI at US$7.3 billion was not too distant from Singapore's FDI at US$9.68 billion. But now Singapore, at close to US$17 billion, has forged ahead leaving us to bite the dust and compete with countries such as Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam. All these are due to Malaysia having a number of issues such as troublesome bureaucratic red tape, flip-flop decision-making such as omission of the Equal Opportunities Commission due to pressure from certain quarters, unclear policies (where is the New Economic Model – NEM Part 2 – which was supposed to be rolled out in June 2010 and then postponed to the later part of 2010 only to be abandoned altogether?) and a lack of skilled labour. These factors contributed to Malaysia's lack of attractiveness as an investment destination. READ MORE HERE |
EU-Malaysia FTA: National Sovereignty & Policy Making at Risk with State-Investor Dispute ... Posted: 18 Oct 2011 04:56 PM PDT By Charles Santiago The Malaysia-European Union Free Trade Agreement fifth round of negotiations is underway in Kuala Lumpur. Deputy International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir last month indicated that the present round of negotiation "was getting into specific terms". One of the most worrying 'specific terms' is the FTAs investment chapter that the EU wants Malaysia to adopt. The purpose of the investment chapter is to ensure that interests of investors are protected. Specifically, the investment chapter contains provisions that allow investors to sue governments directly. The investment protection chapter allows investors to by-pass the domestic legal system and refers disputes to international arbitration. Most importantly, the state-investor dispute mechanism allows investors to sue governments before international arbitration panels. More than 300 cases have been referred to international arbitration since the 1990s. Most of these cases have resulted in governments paying millions to investors. Investors can use the investor-state mechanism to refer governments to international arbitration panels if it perceives that state policies jeopardize company profits. Here in Parliament, we are making laws in the best interests of the nation. But these laws can be over-turned by an international arbitration panel if judged as detrimental to investors. On 19th February 2010, Philip Morris filed a request for arbitration against Uruguay with the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). The company argued that recent tobacco regulations enacted by Uruguay violate several provisions of the Switzerland-Uruguay bilateral investment treaty (BIT). Specifically, Philip Morris is challenging three provisions of Uruguay's tobacco regulations: (1) a "single presentation" requirement that prohibits marketing more than one tobacco product under each brand, (2) a requirement that tobacco packages include "pictograms" with graphic images of the health consequences of smoking (such as cancerous lungs), and (3) a mandate that health warnings cover 80% of the front and back of cigarette packages. Clearly, Philip Morris is critical of the health policy of the Uruguayan government as it will impact on its profits. Such investor protection impacts on sovereignty of nations, disciplines governments and limits the state's ability to regulate and develop polices in the best interests of the rakyat. Thus, it is in the interests of the Malaysia that the government does not give-in to the demands of the European Union. Malaysia could learn from countries such as Australia. The Australian government is opposing greater rights for foreign companies and thus opposes the inclusion of investor-state dispute settlement. Its 2011 Trade Policy says, "the Government does not support provisions that would confer greater legal rights on foreign businesses than those available to domestic businesses. Nor will the Government support provisions that would constrain the ability of Australian governments to make laws on social, environmental and economic matters in circumstances where those laws do not discriminate between domestic and foreign businesses. The Government has not and will not accept provisions that limit its capacity to put health warnings or plain packaging requirements on tobacco products or its ability to continue the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme". The Australian government, with its greater revenue and more lawyers to defend cases, is opposing investor-to-state dispute settlement mechanism. The Malaysian government should take a similar position to protect our regulatory space and sovereignty. I call on the Malaysian governments to reject all pressure from the EU in the interests of the country. Charles Santiago Member of Parliament, Klang. |
It’s official: PAS, PKR to shun Himpun Posted: 18 Oct 2011 04:54 PM PDT However, party leaders say they will not be able to prevent members from attending as individuals. (Free Malaysia Today) - PAS and PKR leaders confirmed today that their parties would stay away from this Saturday's Assembly of One Million Believers Defending the Faith (Himpun) at the Shah Alam stadium. However, both sides said they would not be able to prevent members from attending in their individual capacities. PAS secretary general Mustafa Ali said the party had barred all of the party's wings from the gathering, but FMT was unable to get confirmation from PAS Youth chief Nasrudin Hasan Tantawi whether he would abide by the decision. Nasrudin yesterday released a media statement declaring PAS Youth's support for Himpun. PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim told reporters at Parliament that the gathering had the potential to cause communal tension. "PKR will not be part of that rally," he said. "We don't want any rally that can be manipulated to create tension between religions and races." But he said PKR did not plan to punish members who decided to attend in their personal capacities. "I don't believe we should punish them," he said. "We are not Umno. We should give them that space, but we strongly advise them not to be involved." PAS made its decision last night at a central committee meeting. Party president Abdul Hadi Awang announced it afterwards. Asked whether PAS would act against disobedient members, Mustafa said: "There are many PAS members. We will not be able to monitor them if they attend the assembly in their private capacities." READ MORE HERE |
Khairy, Oh why Khairy? Posted: 18 Oct 2011 04:51 PM PDT By Douglas Tan In less than 140 characters, Khairy Jamaluddin may have just destroyed his and UMNO's chances of swaying fence sitters and Malay moderates from supporting Barisan Nasional at the next General Election. He has committed the cardinal sin of politics by picking on not his political opponent, but his son. A mere school boy, what could Lim Junior have possibly done to deserve such slander? Lim Guan Eng and Lim Kit Siang have every right to be outraged at this despicable behaviour. It is one thing to have pro-UMNO bloggers spreading lies and slander over the Internet. That only reaches a limited audience. Politician expect to face criticism on a daily basis. In fact one would argue that criticism could make one stronger. However, to level a blow on a 16-year old boy, this is no longer fair game. No one would ever tolerate attacks on a person's child, whether in government and opposition. When an opposition member condemns the child of a member of the ruling party, when that child is in no position to defend his or herself, it should be roundly condemned. It holds true the other way round. Right now, Khairy Jamaluddin finds himself in a precarious position. As UMNO Youth chief, he has painted an image that he is a moderate and an agent for change within a party which has lost their core values in their quest to retain power. He is a young, highly educated and well spoken leader, representing the next generation of politicians in this country. We also know he is a loving father with two sons which he dotes upon. Imagine if one of his sons was in Lim Junior's position. Wouldn't he be outraged? We would be appalled if he was not. Why one earth then did he decide to add fuel to fire with his two tweets, the first one yesterday where he said in response to another tweet by pro-Umno blogger "@PapaGomo" translated to "Maybe he destroyed Kampung Buah Pala because he wants to replace it with Kampung Buah Dada", which can be construed as a direct attack on Lim Junior. Despite clarifications that the girl in question was not even in the same class as Lim Junior, Khairy was relentless. In his response to calls to apologise, he defended his comments tweeting "Bro, what BN leaders & their families get from the opposition is far worse. Don't be hypocritical" replying to Liew Chin Tong and Satees Muniady. I actually replied, via @douglast86 "because BN leaders feel aggrieved of past attacks they can justify an attack on LGE son?" READ MORE HERE. |
PPSMI - An Opposing View Posted: 18 Oct 2011 04:50 PM PDT By Feizrul Nor Bin Nurbi I read with interest the ongoing debate regarding PPSMI as published in most dailies' 'Letters to the Editor' section. Perhaps I am stretching it a bit by calling it a debate when it is clear that only one side's arguments are prominent, and they are the views of the proponents of PPSMI. Do allow me to give an opposing view.
From what I gather by reading the countless articles, letters and even SMSs espousing the virtue of PPSMI, I can surmise that the proponent of this policy based their support on TWO main arguments, which are -
ONE - the declining standard on English amongst graduates in this country that gravely affects their employability in the current fast moving world where English is the de facto lingua franca, and
TWO - the possibility of being left behind in the field of Science and Mathematics due to lack of references in Bahasa Melayu and their abundance in English.
Firstly, the hue and cry about the policy being revoked surprises me. It is surprising because those parents who painstakingly paint themselves as 'representing ALL parents in Malaysia' spent their blood, sweat and tears trying to defend the nation's interests, are actually barking up the wrong tree.
Why do I say this?
It is my humblest opinion that for one to be proficient in English, one has to learn English - simple and clear.
I come from a time where my English teachers made the language a fun and interesting subject to learn and experience, where interacting and communicating in the language was the order of the day through 'Speaker's Corners' and debates while learning the fine nuances of the language by - surprise! - watching TV, the popular "X-Files" in particular.
Where we read countless books and had written numerous articles, where book fairs were a thing to look forward to and the day our articles and letters were published in English dailies and magazines were most cherished of all.
We spent hours conversing student to teacher and amongst us students ourselves, where speaking up and expressing oneself via the language was very much expected. It helped being in a boarding school where we had a day in a week where we can only speak in English or risked being fined by the prefects.
All this experience back then have put me and my brethrens in good stead with our English.
Analyzing all this, it is important to note that the real key to our success with the language was the quality of those responsible in guiding us. In no way would I deny that we were lucky in that aspect. And for that I am thoroughly grateful. This is the exact reason why I deem the PPSMI-proponents as barking up the wrong tree - instead of pushing for the Government to restore the quality of English learning in our education system, they are actually fighting to restore the usage of English in two highly technical subjects. And while at it with questionable quality of English too.
I believe it is our right as citizens to demand quality education system for our children. What we have now are clearly substandard, judging by the concerns voiced by employers regarding the quality of our graduates when conversing in the language.
Therefore demand it we should. Demand that a total rethink are done of the way English is currently taught in classrooms. Demand that the teachers put in place are of exceptional pedigree and themselves being strong in the language. Demand that only those passionate in teaching are being handed the responsibility by upgrading the teaching profession to the level of respect that it deserves.
But indeed those who fight for PPSMI and focusing their effort on something totally irrelevant, which in the end leaving the Government getting away with it scott-free.
Irrelevant I say? I stand by my earlier belief - learn English to master English.
How could one seriously believe that learning two highly technical subjects in Science and Mathematics can sufficiently improve a student's prowess in that language?
By going the PPSMI way what we get are pupils who can spew out Scientific and Mathematical jargons in English at ease, while struggling to string words into a proper sentence and actually using them in a conversation.
While there were those who excelled in both subjects during the PPSMI days, it is safe to note that those pupils were already proficient in English BEFORE learning Science and Mathematics in the language. It is due to this proficiency that they excel, not that they gain proficiency due to PPSMI.
Those championing PPSMI are largely well educated English-speaking urban dwellers at least in the middle class criteria. These people, who have been making such hue and cry regarding the policy revocation, are those who are able to prepare their children adequately by sending them to English-medium kindergartens and themselves conversing in the language at home. Thus it is not surprising that pupils from these families already have the proficiency in place to tackle the rigors of PPSMI.
While I am not undermining their effort in preparing their own children, do spare a thought to those parents unable to present similar preparations to their children.I am talking about those living below the poverty line, those from the kampungs, those families who have never spoken a word of English in their entire life.
And to expect their children to attend their first day of school and learn not one, but three subjects in English? It is just plain and simple murder! Thus please by all means, stop being selfish.
And this talk about us lagging in the field of Science and Mathematics due to our lack of English-proficiency?
I say - if and when English is no more a problem to us, then the sky is the limit. When the prowess is high and ability is strong, learning and mastering any other subject where the medium of instruction is English will be a piece of cake.
Thus, ladies and gentleman of PAGE and whatnots, demand what is rightfully ours. Channel your efforts towards pushing the government to provide what is expected of them, and not towards the re-establishment of a policy that was barely a hunch at its inception and haphazard in its implementation.
A supporter whom I was in discussion before stated that when the best is out of reach, then settling for the mediocre option is the best we can do.
Let me tell you this - PPSMI is not even an option worth considering. Why settle when as citizens we deserve more. Definitely we deserve better.
Settling is for losers. I believe PAGE and other proponents will not consider themselves belonging to this category.
Fight for your cause, shout all you want, but my dear citizens, do not let what is rightfully ours taken away and substituted with something substandard, devoid of substance, and misleading at best.
The ball is in YOUR court. I rest my case.
Unnecessary Spat Posted: 18 Oct 2011 04:47 PM PDT By Amdee Sidik The spat among the local leaders especially between SAPP and DAP don't go down well to voters and potential voters of opposition parties. Why must a problem be created unnecessarily, which could be resolved easily? If the idea is to score political mileage, it isn't worth even thinking because people actually hate it. The only group that benefits out of this is the BN parties. Local DAP leaders are prone of doing by creating spark of hatred which eventually lead to unnecessary strain to other fellow opposition leaders. Politicians like us have different views of looking at politics and want as far as possible to align from this old designed mentality that only they can do politicking. We want something more forward looking to pursue people and state's interests There is a need to plant new initiative among the younger leaders if we want to see real democracy in Malaysia and in Sabah exist in the future. I'm expecting all opposition political parties to cooperate together. All should wrap their quarrel and let the General Election is done with, or else get out of politics. This coming general election is significant and crucial indeed to people in Sabah, in particular the mental aspect, if we can't make political difference via ballot boxes this time, one can forget for sometimes but be prepared for the worst and pray, our country wouldn't not end up like Zimbabwe. The present opposition leaders must put aside any differences and let consolidate energy against the rotten bullying BN government. Why does DAP leader like Hiew King Cheu very impatient? I don't think Hiew is representing the rest of DAP in Sabah nor the national leaders' views. Pakatan leader Anwar Ibrahim had made the statement very clear with regards to the likely status of collaboration between Pakatan and SAPP in this coming GE Let me give my view bluntly, in Sabah, no matter how strong DAP is, assuming DAPP takes all Chinese seats (7) DAPP will never ever able to form a State government by itself. Thus rhetoric of this kind is just childish game. In Sabah the need of cooperation among all opposition parties is real. No group is more important or less important. If the opposition wants to form a state government they have to subscribe to the idea of cooperation, otherwise all works over the years would soon vanish in the thin air. I'm not defending Yong Teck Lee' past (SAPP President) but I would state my view where needed. I'm defending my party–SAPP. There are plenty of emerging good leaders in SAPP who work day and night with clear conscious, whose political struggle is for the good of the Rakyat and the State. And mind you, we do it willingly, sacrifice our soul and almost everything else after all the hardship and 'tortured' we endured by BN bullying game. Opposition members aren't even allowed to used Balai Raya when those facilities meant for all Rakyat who paid taxes and levies to the government. DAPP will never get en routed into rural Bumiputra Sabah, I bet not a seat! Let alone in Muslim areas. As of now no other opposition party can match SAPP in term of their preparedness going into deep remote kampongs. All too often the Peninsular political parties did was, make a loud bang! And off they go while SAPP is here to stay. Our leaders are not only they are Sabahan but also they represent cross section of local ethnics, many of them are new and unheard before unlike 'seasoned and retarded politicians'. It's worth recruiting new ones if we want change to take place; SAPP has always been exploring quality leadership. This is where I find that no right thinking leaders should explode unnecessarily without checking where and what SAPP has in store.
Hj Amde Sidik is Chairman for Citizen Journalist Malaysia and Deputy President of SAPP |
Politics is not dirty, Umno is! Posted: 18 Oct 2011 04:39 PM PDT Indeed, Umno has chosen the path of self-destruction. It has become a disgrace to its own race and religion. It will reap the evil deeds that it has sown with impunity. It will receive the damned destiny it so deserves. By Martin Jalleh Darkness descends on Bolehland. Politicians in Umno stoop low, so very low, by resorting to gutter politics of the most disgusting kind never seen before. The Umnoputras are desperate. They are very disturbed. Dr M has warned them that "…if the general election is held now, Umno may lose big…" mainly due to their own political dystrophy. Their ground support is slowly disappearing. They may be dumped in the coming General Election and driven out of Putrajaya. They abandon all sense of human decency to remain entrenched. They are led by a equally desperate president who had proudly declared In the UMNO Assembly last year that there will be "crushed bodies, lost lives and ethnic cleansing" if the status quo was not kept. Najib is very nervous. He plays a double game and speaks with a forked tongue. He and his party fight for survival at all costs. There are no limits in their political devices to demolish the Opposition – no matter how despicable. Still in a state of denial, Umno is morally and politically bankrupt. To cling on to their power, popularity, position and privileges, Umno's warlords have deployed politicians without principles. The recent baseless slander against the teenage son of Lim Guan Eng by pro-Umno blogs is an indication that they will even drag the children of Opposition leaders into their dirty smear game. That the Umno Youth chief could even spread the lie, add his snide comments to the slander and later defend himself and justify the dastardly act shows that Umno is devoid of any sense of shame. The party that portrays itself as the great defender of Islamic and moral values resorts to the most diabolical to defeat its political foes and openly displays its religious disguise and hypocrisy. Deep in depravity and debauchery Umno becomes laughable with its stories on sexual misconduct. It is not that Opposition leaders are infallible, but that Umno has become just unbelievable! Further, what a tragic-comedy when the self-declared political champion of the Malays for 61 years have degenerated into a professional producer cum editor, purveyor and pedlar of pornography! Umno's script to repair its badly dented image has become so predictable and pathetic. It does not take much to decipher the dangerous direction it has taken to stay in control: · Destroy the greatest danger to Umno – Anwar Ibrahim, by launching a relentless and slanderous attack on him with a second sham sodomy trial, sex videos and the help of spin doctors. · Damage the credibility and integrity of Pakatan Rakyat (PR) leaders with ceaseless calumnies of wrongdoing and downplaying the successes of the PR states…till the coalition disintegrates. · Discredit the coalition with the help of deserters, detractors and disgruntled leaders of PR parties with them spewing out their stale and silly exposé. · Demonise, denigrate, defame, disparage, even denounce as traitors those who dissent against or criticize Umno and the government and those who dare to march for genuine political reform. · Distract the nation from the failures of the Umno-dominated government and the damning evidence that the country is going to the dogs and we have become a perfect "sham democracy". · Divert the people's attention from the Umnoputras bleeding the country dry. Deceive the nation with Najib's publicity stunts and populist slogans. Distort the truth about the economy. · Divide and rule this country along racial and religious lines and provide Umno's newspapers the licence to publish unsubstantiated and wild allegations aimed at fomenting distrust and discord. · Drag in the King and the royalty as pawns in their dirty political game. (Umno and Najib have made use of the palace to push and protect their agenda and vested interests.) Alas, what has Najib, Umno and the BN delivered -- a divided nation, decaying institutions, a dour economy with deepening debts, a PM dogged by allegations and a disturbing diaspora rate! Tengku Razaleigh once so rightly declared that Umno has "indeed lost its soul" and "is tempted more and more to fan racial feeling and abuse public institutions to maintain power. This is a death spiral." Indeed, Umno has chosen the path of self-destruction. It has become a disgrace to its own race and religion. It will reap the evil deeds that it has sown with impunity. It will receive the damned destiny it so deserves. |
US will fully control its fighter aircraft fleet if Malaysia purchases their F-18 Posted: 18 Oct 2011 04:31 PM PDT WORLD FUTURE ONLINE The Turkish Military, despite being a Nato member, has decided to get rid of the U.S. software that controls its fleet of figher jets. Its F-16's can now target Israeli fighter jets, which was not allowed by the U.S. built-in software. The Royal Malaysian Air Force (Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia) has its own fleet of American F/A-18Ds. The air force split their order between the F/A-18 and the Mikoyan MiG-29 in 2007 and now has 8 F-18's. They are all controlled by the U.S. software that guides the pilot. The software will not allow any Malaysian fighter jets to target an 'enemy' who is 'pro-U.S.' in the event of a clash. This info provided by the Turkish media fully confirms multiple conclusions of the renowned military experts that export models of the American fighters are larded with "bugs" in the specific software that are destined to transfer to US all the confidential flight data and even block aircraft from current operation when its beneficial to American manufacturer. Moreover these program bugs are programmed to completely disintegrate aircraft. Malaysia must bear in mind that its goal of obtaining fleet of modern American aircraft run risks of losing every single fighter plane if Washington decides to prevent them from operations. US-inspired mutinies in the Middle East and Northern Africa clearly signify that Americans won't stop from achieving their goal being topple of government of sovereign states or disintegrating its F-18 fighters sold overseas. According to the Ankara's Star Gazete American-made F-16 fighter aircraft will be reequipped soon with a new Turkish radar system. The new radar system – Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) – is a defensive command and control system developed by Turkey's Military Electronics Industry (ASELSAN) for the nation's air force and navy. It is slated to replace a similar US version which is in use today. Order that came directly from Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's office also encourages change of naval and submarine radar systems. The main cause of this decision is that specific software currently used in the American radar system automatically detects Israeli aircraft as friendly and doesn't allow to fire at Jewish war planes. Modern Turkish F-16 radar system will be modified to recategorize Israeli targets as hostile. The Turkish IFF system is scheduled to be mounted on all Turkish fighter jets, military vessels and submarines in the near future. The move, whose timing coincides with a prolonged period of unprecedented diplomatic tensions between Ankara and Jerusalem, has received extensive media coverage in Iran, as well. According to foreign media sources, the IAF has a fleet of 1,964 aircraft, including 689 advanced assault helicopters and F-15 and F-16 fighter jets. Israel's aerial superiority will soon receive a significant boost, in the form of the US-made F-35 fighter jet. The Turkish Air Force is said to have a fleet of "just" 1,940 aircrafts, including F-16s and F-4 Phantoms, as well as 874 assault helicopters. Like Israel, Turkey has also been promised the F-35. It is slated to receive it by 2015. Malaysia's Fighter Jets READ MORE HERE |
Ladies & Gentlemen, we have safely landed… Posted: 18 Oct 2011 04:27 PM PDT ART HARUN Ding dong…a very good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, we have safely landed at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport. Welcome to Malaysia. The local time is 5.35pm. The weather is slightly cloudy with the usual monsoon rain expected in about 30 minutes time and the current temperature is 34 degrees Celcius. For those who think that the rain in Malaysia is similar to the rain in Paris, London or New York, please note that our monsoon drains are 8 feet deep and 4 feet wide and run for hundreds of kilometres. They cost 30,000 Malaysian Ringgit per foot to build and 30 million Malaysian Ringgit to maintain per month. We take our rain very seriously, Ladies & Gentlemen. And you would be well advised that our rain is nothing, repeat, nothing compared to the rain in your country. A bit about Malaysia for you. Malaysia is truly Asia. We have the Talibans in some states and government agencies. Please do not ever ever bring with you a Bible in Bahasa Melayu, the national language. Sorry, I have to be more specific. No Bible in Bahasa Melayu is allowed in Peninsula Malaysia. Eh, sorry, I have to be more particularly specific. No Bible is allowed in Bahasa Melayu in the Peninsula Malaysia other than the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur, our capital and Putrajaya, our administrative capital. In the states of Sabah and Sarawak, Bible in Bahasa Melayu is kosher. By the way, Bahasa Melayu is also known as Bahasa Malaysia or Bahasa Kebangsaan. As to why it has three names, let's not get into that or otherwise you all would never disembark this plane. By the same token, please do not use the word Allah if you are not Muslims unless you are in Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya or the states of Sabah or Sarawak. So Ladies and Gentlemen, beware of the state boundaries while in Malaysia. For example, if you are in Kuala Lumpur going towards PJ Hilton, do stop at the Kuala Lumpur/PJ boundary to throw away your Bible in Bahasa Melayu, if any. And stop using the word Allah too. As a rule of thumb, you would know when to do that when you exit a toll plaza, if you use a highway, that is. So, as I was saying, we have the Talibans. Then we have the Bangladeshis, Pakistanis and various races from the Indian sub-continents. Venture along the Bukit Bintang areas at night and you will see many Chinese from China, Vietnamese, Myanmarese and Cambodians, all of them women. Somewhere in Ampang, you will see many Koreans. Venture into some of our private colleges which teach English – without students although there are many student names on the register – and you will probably see some Iranians. And that's apart from the thousands of Indonesians, Thais and Philippines here. We are truly Asian, indeed. Speaking of Talibans, if you happen to be an American couple of 60 years of age or more, please be careful while in your hotel room. Your room may be raided at 3am and both of you dragged in a hearse or kereta mayat to a religious agency's office for "khalwat." After finding out that you are not Muslims, you would be duly released. So, don't worry too much about it. It is part of our effort to give you a full "Malaysian experience", an experience which you will not forget and will ever remember. Thank you for flying with us, MAS, Malaysia Air-Asia System, ooops, sorry, the Malaysia Airline System. Here at MAS, we give a lifetime warranty that Malaysia will not turn into an asylum. This lifetime warranty is good for 10 days or until you go completely insane, whichever comes first. While in Malaysia, please do not hesitate to drive around. Rent a car, like our national car, the Proton. Mind you, Proton gives a lifetime warranty that it's power windows will work. The lifetime warranty is good for 10 years or until 250000 km, whichever comes first. A double lifetime warranty that all four tyres will continue rotating is also in the pipeline, we heard. Do switch on the television set and watch our national channels please. The contents are guaranteed to be inoffensive by the Minister of Information himself. So you can watch all the programmes without being worried that any of them might offense you, your wife or girlfriends, your kids, your mother or anybody. All offensive programmes, including advertisements or public announcement service have been removed. Do not worry. However, there might at times be some black & white video clips of half naked men in a towel in a hotel room waiting to have sexual intercourse with a nice little sex worker during prime time. That is not offensive. So please do not be offended by that. READ MORE HERE |
Najib: Media Plays Important Role for Malaysia's Growth Posted: 18 Oct 2011 11:10 AM PDT (Bernama) - KUALA LUMPUR, 18 OCTOBER, 2011: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said the media played an important role towards making Malaysia a modern, liberal and progressive country. However, he said this needed to be treaded carefully because the process would not be easy based on the current situation in the country which was very highly complex. "This is also the main challenge for the government and so is it with media practitioners and journalism in the country because many things can change and become negative in the complex environment we are in," he said at the Media Perdana 2011 event at Dewan Perdana Felda here tonight. Also present were his wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor and Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and wife Puan Sri Noorainee Abdul Rahman. He said in the challenging political situation in the country now, the media also had a role to play in ensuring a healthy political atmosphere prevailed.
He added that the government was looking into doing away with the requirement for newspapers to renew their publishing permits annually besides a comprehensive review of the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984 for greater press freedom. "However, (once the changes come into effect) it does not mean you can do as you like as on your shoulders lie the responsibility to produce a Malaysian society all can be proud off," he said. The event was the first media night organised by the Prime Minister's Department in cooperation with all the ministries. At the function, Najib also presented certificates of appreciation to all the volunteers including media members who participated the humanitarian mission in Somalia in August. He also made a personal contribution of RM11,000 to TV3 cameraman Aji Saregar Mazlan who was injured in the mission. - Bernama |
Police investigates don for remarks on Selangor Sultan's decree Posted: 18 Oct 2011 11:04 AM PDT (The Star) - KUALA LUMPUR: Law expert Professor Dr Abdul Aziz Bari who expressed his views over the decree made by Selangor Sultan over the Damansara Utama Methodist Church "visit" by Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) is to be investigated under the Seditious Act. The International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) lecturer is expected to give his statement to police today. The media quoted him as saying the Sultan's action of intervening in the issue was "unconventional". The Sultan had issued a statement last week that there were attempts to proselytise Muslims, but no group should be prosecuted over the controversial church search in August. |
Time To Deliver Again: Domestic Laws And Procedures Must Stand Up To International Scrutiny Posted: 18 Oct 2011 10:58 AM PDT By Lim Chee Wee One of the consequences of living in a globalised world is that we can no longer hope to be left alone to develop our own domestic laws and procedures in isolation, totally removed from what is happening in the international arena. The most recent example of this is the failure of the Malaysia-Australia arrangement in relation to the transfer of 800 asylum seekers from Australia to Malaysia in exchange for the resettlement of 4,000 refugees from Malaysia. Not only did the arrangement succumb to a legal challenge in the High Court of Australia, but the attempt by the Gillard government to amend Australian law to get around the court ruling failed to obtain the requisite political support before being tabled in the Australian Parliament, and was thus withdrawn. The Malaysian government has now announced another swap arrangement, this time of immigration detainees between Malaysia and Myanmar. Initial information from the mainstream media is that Malaysia will send back to Myanmar approximately 1,000 Myanmar citizens currently languishing in our immigration detention centres. In exchange, the Myanmar government will repatriate an undisclosed number of Malaysians who are being detained in Myanmar. The Malaysian Bar cautiously, and with qualification, welcomes this arrangement. We are aware of the squalid and over-crowded conditions in our immigration detention centres. They pose a direct and immediate risk to the health and safety of detainees. Any release from such appalling conditions would be good news to any detainee. However, care needs to be taken to ensure that those returned to Myanmar will not in turn be subjected to retributive or punitive action by their own government. No mention has been made of any monitoring mechanism and whether any determination has been made by Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees as to whether any of the detainees to be returned is a genuine asylum seeker. While Malaysia's recent announcement that it will ratify the two Optional Protocols to the Convention on the Rights of the Child is also to be welcomed, it remains a fact that Malaysia and Myanmar are both laggards in respect of openness and transparency of governmental action and of ratification of international human rights conventions. As a result, this immigration detainee swap arrangement will not be subject to the same level of scrutiny, as was the case with the ill-fated Malaysia-Australia deal. But it would be wrong for the governments of both Malaysia and Myanmar to assume that this arrangement will therefore slip away unnoticed by the international community. It is important that such an arrangement must still live up to the highest humanitarian standards. The Myanmar government has been at pains to disclose a progressively liberalising face as it seeks to build support for its chairmanship of the Association of South East Asian Nations ("ASEAN") grouping in 2014. It has announced the setting up of a human rights commission, the release of political prisoners and a freer press. Malaysia too has embarked on a similar push towards greater democracy in the run-up to the next general elections, widely expected next year. It is important for the ambitions of both governments to show that the implementation of this swap arrangement will stand up to international scrutiny. This immigration detainee swap must also be located within the context of the need for a wider and more comprehensive regional mechanism that will allow for freedom of movement of nationals from one ASEAN member country to work in other member countries in order to address the differing labour demands in this region. This is especially challenging in respect of the Malaysia-Myanmar relationship, where we face the issue of mixed migration of both documented and undocumented foreign workers as well as refugees. Such flows of people, from Myanmar and elsewhere, must be managed in a humane, respectful and protective way, whether in transit or at the destination. As it currently stands, Malaysia is already being accused of ill-treatment of Indonesian and Cambodian domestic workers, leading to a freeze in domestic workers from those countries to Malaysia. It will also be crucial for the integrity of both governments, and of ASEAN itself, that these promises of reform are reflected in actual and meaningful law and policy changes that conform to international standards. If ASEAN, including Malaysia and Myanmar, wishes to be taken seriously in the international community, then there must be more than just platitudinous assurances that domestic laws and procedures will adhere to universal norms. Much has been promised – now is the time to deliver. LIM CHEE WEE is President of the Malaysian Bar |
PAS opts out of Himpun to keep it apolitical Posted: 18 Oct 2011 10:49 AM PDT By Clara Chooi, The Malaysian Insider PAS will skip Saturday's gathering to protest against Christians "challenging the sovereignty" of Islam, a move that placates its non-Muslim partners in Pakatan Rakyat (PR) but ruffles its own party conservatives. PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang however claimed the decision, made by the party's political bureau during a meeting last night, was to avoid turning the protest political. "PAS was informed that the event does not involve any political party so PAS has decided not to participate, out of respect for the organisers' wishes," Hadi said in a statement issued here. The decision contradicts the stand of PAS's youth wing which had yesterday pledged to offer the same support it had given to Bersih 2.0 during its rally for free and fair elections on July 9. PAS Youth chief Nasrudin Hassan had said in a statement that wing members would come out in full force to attend the gathering and expressed hope it would achieve its goals. However, last night's political bureau decision effectively overrides Nasrudin's announcement. The decision will also likely help PAS avoid further conflict from its non-Muslim partners in Pakatan Rakyat. The Islamist party and DAP are said to be still smarting from their recent disagreement over the controversial hudud law, a squabble that resulted in a deadlock decision that both parties would "agree to disagree". This Saturday's gathering, known as Himpunan Sejuta Umat (Himpun) or Gathering of a Million Faithful, is organised by various right-wing religious groups and is said to have the backing of both Umno and PAS Youth leaders. READ MORE HERE. |
The plot’s the same, just the props and players change Posted: 18 Oct 2011 06:42 AM PDT THE PEOPLE'S PARLIAMENT Hope my Christian brothers and sisters show the same dignified indifference that our Hindu brothers and sisters displayed a little over 2 years ago at attempts by small-minded but loud-mouthed low-lifes to stir up strife. What am I on about? Well, in August, 2009, UMNO lackeys in Shah Alam, holding themselves out as made up of Muslims who cut across all party lines, defiled the head of a cow, allegedly to protest a proposed shift of a Hindu temple from section 19 to section 23 in Shah Alam. They must have been utterly disappointed that, even as there was all round condemnation of this most disgraceful act that must have deeply hurt every Hindu in the country and beyond, yet there was no reaction from the local Hindu community that might have led to a real heightening of tensions which may well have been the very objective of the staged protest in the first place. Then in January, last year, following the decision of the KL High Court on the matter of the use of "Allah" by the Christian community, the nation witnessed the arson attacks on several churches, notably, the Metro Tabernacle Church near Taman Melawati in KL, the All Saints Church and the Taiping Catholic Church, both in Taiping, Perak and the Sidang Injil Borneo (SIB) church in Negri Sembilan. Then there followed a spate of desecrations and attempted burnings of mosques and suraus. To the unsuspecting, it might have seemed like Christians were retaliating with like for like. I believe that this was the perception that was sought to be created by those who were behind the church burnings. Again, to create an atmosphere of heightened tensions. To lend fodder to Utusan to spin for the Malays in the heartlands that Christians were torching and desecrating Muslim houses of worship. If my suspicions are spot on, then it would seem that things did not pan out as planned. Small-minded, loud-mouthed low-lifes in our midst are at work again. ABIM's Yusri, Perak's Harussani and the big chief amongst the ulamaks, Azmi, faithfully aided by UMNO's Utusan, have once again resorted to their usual alarmist tactics, with the Perak mufti making unsubstantiated claims that 250,000 have renounced Islam, a claim the present mufti of Perlis has dismissed as quite incredible. They are calling on Muslims to rally at Shah Alam this Saturday to press for an anti-apostasy law. Dubbed Himpunan Sejuta Ummah, the organisers must have surely hoped that this weekend's gathering would make the BERSIH 2.0 rally on 9th July pale in comparison. Word has it that a police permit has already been issued to legitimise the event. READ MORE HERE |
Let’s try again Posted: 18 Oct 2011 06:30 AM PDT It looks like yesterday's article got reduced to another debate on religion -- basically whose religion is better; mine or yours? The non-Muslims are quite prepared to accept the fact that Theological States can no longer work while Muslims stubbornly stick to the concept of a Theological State. Maybe this extract from Abdelwahab El-Affendi's book, "Who needs an Islamic State?" can help clear the air. NO HOLDS BARRED
Raja Petra Kamarudin (Page 72-74): It is important to note that traditional Muslim political theory was first developed by the Shi'i movement during its pre-sectarian phase. This is because all authoritative leaders of Muslim opinion tended to join the idealist camp led by Ali, or else to adopt a neutral posture while not hiding their sympathy with Ali. After Muawiya's victory, leading Muslim thinkers continued to support the rebels who defied despotic political authority in the name of Islamic ideals.
If the two main Shi'i Schools challenged the existing authority on principle, the four main Sunni Schools (Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi'i and Hanbali) were equally critical.
Abu Hanifa (died 767), founder of the Hanifa School, was persecuted by the Abbasid Caliphs for suspected sympathy with Zaidi rebels and for his refusal to take office within the Abbasid regime.
Malik ibn Anas (died 795) was also harassed by the Abbasids for allegedly assuring rebels that their pledge of allegiance to the Caliph was invalid because it was taken under coercion.
Muhammad ibn Idris al-Shafi'i (died 819) narrowly escaped execution for his alleged involvement in a rebellion.
The resistance of Ahmad Hanbal (died 855) to the attempts by al-Mamoun to impose a particular doctrine regarding the nature of the Quran caused him much suffering, but finally led to the triumph of his point of view.
The actual experience of the Muslim community, however, forced these thinkers and their successors to adopt a more realistic attitude. In the end, a broad agreement evolved among classical Muslim writers about several issues. They accepted that all regimes since Muawiya did not reflect the ideals of Islam and thus could not be accepted as a model. Such regimes were tolerable only because the alternative was anarchy and civil war.
If a way could be found to replace these regimes without too much bloodshed, then their removal would be a religious duty. Although this could be construed as a vindication of the attitude of the khawarij and other rebels, it is ironic that the futile exploits of the khawarij only reinforced the belief that rebellion was inadvisable, and was not considered as a realistic option.
As a result of this attitude, a schism developed in the Muslim psyche. While Muslims rejected Secularism in principle, they adopted it in practice. A central aspect of the unitary Muslim vision of the State was that the State interacted with the rest of Muslim life. Not only did the State submit to Sharia as interpreted by the community, but it also enriched and redefined Sharia and the spiritual life of the community.
The acts of the Prophet as a statesman and a warrior, as well as those of his lieutenants, appointees and "righteous' successors were regarded as examples and an indication of what is lawful.
However, with the rejection of the legitimacy of the State in later periods, the community stubbornly refused to accept state interference in 'spiritual' matters, or to accord it moral authority in Muslim matters. People submitted their bodies to it, so to speak, but never their souls.
The ulema gave counsel that was not much difference from that ascribed to Jesus: "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's". So Muslims were instructed to obey the rulers, but only where their orders did not lead to sin. However, sin was here narrowly defined, with the usurpation of power and the unlawful disposition of the wealth of the Muslim community seen as no grave sin.
What is this if not Secularism?
Note: 1. The Abbasid period began after the rule of the four 'rightly guided' caliphs (Abu Bakar, Omar, Osman and Ali) who succeeded Prophet Muhammad upon his death. 2. Hanifa, Malik, Shafi'i and Hanbal were the founders of the four Sunni Schools of Islam (Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi'i and Hanbali). 3. Shi'i is short for Shiatul Ali, which means Party of Ali (a political movement set up to oppose the Abbasids). |
The most cruel cut of ‘em all Posted: 18 Oct 2011 05:10 AM PDT Thomas Lee Seng Hock As a father, my heart goes out to Lim Guan Eng whose teenage son is being politically abused by the cruel inhuman Umno and other upstart politicians. It is surely sad that the Malaysian political culture has descended to such a low gutter level that a 16-year-old innocent boy's life may be permanently damaged or even destroyed by the evil derogatory politicians who dragged him into a shameful circumstance with their mischievous wicked lies. Such immoral morons should be politically castrated, and treated as beastly pariahs by all right-thinking and righteous persons for their extremely uncouth and uncivilized character and behavior, even if they have doctorate degrees or graduates of prominent prestigious universities like Oxford. I know what it is to be falsely accused of something shameful like what the poor chap is subjected to, as I too had the misfortune of being a victim of such a cruel allegation. But being an adult, it was much more easy for me to overcome the deceptive stigma, and walk tall again since my conscience is totally clear before God and people, and certainly, myself. From young, I had adopted as my personal motto the three principles of "Honest to God, Honest to Myself, and Honest to People". Living by these three principles has sustained me through many crisis and periods of intense difficulty or even danger. The immoral morons who initiated and perpetuate the lies about Guan Eng's son are definitely persons lacking in character, integrity, credibility, maturity, and, certainly, spirituality, whatever religious faith they profess. They are surely people who are so stupid not to know and realize that their thoughtless remarks would cause inestimably emotional, psychological, and spiritual impact on the young innocent boy. One thing I am very puzzled about is why the school authorities have not come forward to clarify and explain the whole matter, to give the boy his just and fair due. It is simply the height of irresponsibility for the school management to refrain from telling the truth, perhaps because of either political patronage or political pressure. In the name of justice and fair play, I demand that the school authorities concerned should come out with an official statement refuting the lies. I believe the people, especially Penangites, should mobilize around Guan Eng and his family at this critical time when they are under fierce demonic attacks for what they stand for, fight for, sacrifice for, and even paid for with their personal freedom and life. I urge all believers in God to come together to uphold Guan Eng and his family members in prayers. This is the least we can do. The more concrete action is to ensure that Guan Eng is returned as the chief minister or our beloved Penang. And to Guan Eng's son, I want to say that we believe you, and we will always love and care for you. The baptism of fire that you are going through now is going to make a great man out of you, like your grandpa Kit Siang and father Guan Eng. God bless and protect you always! |
In another incident a witness testified that she had seen previous photos of the victim with Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, and both the prosecution and the defense leapt to their feet to have the testimony stricken from the record. The same witness also testified that hers and the victim's immigration records showing entry to Malaysia had been mysteriously deleted. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin 
Classified By: Political Section Chief Mark D. Clark for reasons 1.4 (b and d). 1. (C) Deputy Public Prosecutor Noorin Badaruddin, a member of the prosecution team in the Altantuya murder case (reftel), told Polchief during an informal conversation January 30 that there was almost no chance of winning guilty verdicts in the on-going trial of defendants Razak Baginda, a close advisor to Deputy Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, and two police officers. She described the trial as interminably long. Nearly seven months after the trial began (but with only 83 days of actual hearings), the prosecution now is presenting its 63rd witness out of an anticipated 80 and the defense has yet to make its case. (Note: The prosecution notified 132 potential witnesses that they might be called to testify. End Note.) Noorin anticipated the trial would continue for several more months and said that she actively sought excuses to escape from the courtroom monotony. 2. (C) By all accounts the trial has been a prosecutorial embarrassment from its inception, leading many to speculate that the ineptitude was by design. On the eve of the trial Malaysia's Attorney General Abdul Gani Patail dropped his lead prosecutors and replaced them with less experienced attorneys. Similarly, a lead counsel for one of the defendants (Zulkifli Noordin) abruptly resigned before the trial "because of (political) attempts to interfere with a defense he had proposed, in particular to protect an unnamed third party." Then in the first 30 days the prosecution fumbled through a series of key witnesses whom later had to be impeached for proffering testimony contradictory to their pre-trial statements. In one case, a police officer testified that police interrogators "tortured and coaxed" her to make pre-trial statements which were untrue. Subsequent witnesses testified that police reports and phone records had been changed and that other evidence had been tainted and should therefore be thrown out. In another incident a witness testified that she had seen previous photos of the victim with Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, and both the prosecution and the defense leapt to their feet to have the testimony stricken from the record. The same witness also testified that hers and the victim's immigration records showing entry to Malaysia had been mysteriously deleted. Neither the prosecution nor the defense pursued a line of questioning regarding that testimony. 3. (SBU) The protracted nature case has led at least one regional newspaper to speculate that "the case is being deliberately delayed to drive it from public view." Malaysia's daily newspapers rarely mention the case's latest developments, and it is unprecedented in Malaysian judicial history that a murder trial could drag on for seven months and still not give the defense an opportunity to present its case. Such an environment has led many to conclude that the case was too politically sensitive to yield a verdict before the anticipated general elections. KEITH (February 2008) |
Pakatan in dilemma over Himpun rally Posted: 17 Oct 2011 08:43 PM PDT If they support the anti-apostasy rally, they will lose the non-Malay support and if they don't support, they will be branded anti-Islam. (Free Malaysia Today) - Pakatan Rakyat is now caught between a rock and a hard place. Whether they support or don't support Saturday's Himpunan Sejuta Umat rally (Himpun, anti-apostasy rally), they have got the short end of the stick. If they support the rally they will ostracise the non-Malays and if they don't, they will be seen as anti-Islam. The gathering, to be in Shah Alam, is a protest against what has been described as "challenging " the sovereignty of Islam and this could unsettle the fragile understanding between Muslims and Christians. Pakatan's Islamist component party PAS is now split as its youth wing has openly supported the gathering and said it may participate while the central leadership is dawdling over the issue. PKR and the DAP on the other hand, still reeling from the hudud debacle, are again forced to be diplomatic as the two cannot be seen openly opposing PAS's stance, especially as PAS was seen as giving in. Insiders are saying PAS needs the anti-proselytisation Himpun rally to regain lost conservative support after the hudud affair. But, this once again brings to light the ideological difference of the three Pakatan component parties. Non-Malays remain wary of Islamisation Proselytisation is a big issue to the Muslims. The Federal Constitution prohibits it. But what is more significant is if any party is seen supporting it, is sure to lose Malay support. The raid by Selangor's Islamic Affairs Department (JAIS) on a church in Damansara on grounds of baptism attempt on Muslims a few months back merely reinforces the existing unease between Malays and non-Malays. And Pakatan is in desperate need for Malay support but at the same time it cannot alienate its non-Malay votes. Support from the non-Malays, especially the Chinese, was what gave Pakatan and even PAS the political leverage it has now. Any association with Himpun now would not help PAS rebuild its crumbling moderate image. Himpun leaders may say their intentions are misconstrued, but with right wing groups like Perkasa on board and their constant anti non-Muslim posturing is not going to help PAS. Rejecting Himpun on the other hand would subject Pakatan to accusations of being anti-Islam and PAS sacrificing its Islamic ideals for political gains. READ MORE HERE |
No local probe into Maxis-Aircel deal, minister says Posted: 17 Oct 2011 07:31 PM PDT By Yow Hong Chieh, The Malaysian Insider Malaysia will not investigate T. Ananda Krishnan's alleged role in a criminal conspiracy involving telco giants Maxis Bhd and India's Aircel Ltd, the Information, Communications and Culture Ministry said today. Deputy minister Datuk Joseph Salang said the authorities would not conduct a probe into the matter as Malaysia has been "very transparent" in managing the local telecommunications industry. "At the moment, it's only an investigation (by India's Central Bureau of Investigation)," he told reporters after opening the Communications and Connectivity Futures 2011 forum here. Earlier this month, authorities in India filed a case against tycoon Ananda (picture) and his trusted executive Ralph Marshall, together with a former Indian minister and his brother, on charges of criminal conspiracy over a controversial deal involving Maxis and Aircel. Former Indian telecommunications minister Dayadhini Maran and his media mogul brother, Kalainidhi, stand accused of allegedly forcing Aircel founder C. Sivasankaran to sell his stake in the company to Maxis Communications Bhd. Maxis Communications is said to have bought a 74 per cent stake in Aircel for RM2.5 billion after Dayadhini repeatedly denied licences for the Indian telco's Dishnet DSL. India's CBI has charged Dayadhini for accepting an illegal "quid pro quo" in the form of a share premium invested in his brother's Sun Direct TV by South Asia Entertainment Holdings, a wholly-owned unit of Ananda's Astro All Asia Networks Plc. READ MORE HERE. |