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- Anwar says will reduce fuel prices if opposition wins
- Nazri: New law to replace archaic Sedition Act will be tabled next year
- Umno leaders urged to cooperate with Kimma
- Saifuddin: winning cyber war key to ensuring BN success in GE13
- PRU13: Mahathir ada ‘pengaruh besar’?
- Battle for MB post eclipses polls
- Top ulama leaders in PAS can replace each other, says Nik Abduh
- Siapa penyumbang RM40 juta untuk Umno Sabah
- Anwar suka menipu rakyat, kata Fadillah
- Kerjasama dalam Pakatan berpaksi Tahaluf Siyasi
- Battle to win over the fence sitters
- DAP’s ‘secular’ stand not anti-Islam, says Kit Siang
- Expand democratic space to get young involved, says Saifuddin
- Up to A-G’s Chambers whether to prosecute Suaram, says Zahid
- PAS has gained from partnership with DAP, says Hadi
- How our mind works
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Anwar says will reduce fuel prices if opposition wins Posted: 13 Oct 2012 04:40 PM PDT
(Daily Express) - Lahad Datu: Pakatan Rakyat (PR) will reduce fuel prices if it forms the Federal Government in the 13th general election. Speaking to a large crowd at King Palace Hotel's yard on Saturday, opposition leader, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said they can reduce the fuel price and give free education without bankrupting the country as long as they have good governance. Sabah Reform Alliance leader, Datuk Lajim Ukin, Tawau MP Datuk Chua Soon Bui, Chairman of Silam DAP, Tajuldin A.R, SAPP Chairman of Silam Zone, Shuaib Mutalib, and several other opposition leaders also attended. Anwar also stressed that PR government will provide all assistance equally to everyone regardless of race if PR win the election. "If I become Prime Minister, I will ensure that the government I lead will not be practising dirty politics and terrorising people," he said. In his speech to the PR supporters, Anwar also said that the BN move in providing assistance such as BR1M is not healthy because if BN wins the next general election, they will increase taxes and goods prices to get back the money that has been used. Anwar added that PR will collaborate with Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) and the collaboration will provide opportunities for each other to compete in any parliamentary or assembly seat. If SAPP competes in the area, PR will give opportunity to them and will not compete in the area, and likewise the SAPP. In NABAWAN/PENSIANGAN, Anwar said Barisan Nasional has been unable to eliminate poverty among the people for the past 55 years in Peninsular Malaysia and 49 in Sabah/Sarawak. He also said the Budget 2013 would cause the Government to face bankruptcy because the amount of foreign debts had reached 53 per cent compared to only 46 per cent in 2010. Anwar said, if people lived well, comfortably and healthy the country's finance will also be enhanced and that "people should also be aware that now corruption among the government has increased." He said this in an event organised by the Sabah Reform Movement and Pakatan Rakyat Pensiangan on Saturday. About 50 motorcycles and 20 cars escorted Anwar from Nabawan to Kg Keritan Sea, approximately 3km from Nabawan. Sabah Reform Movement President and Tuaran MP, Datuk Seri Wilfred Bumburing together with Anwar, came to Nabawan to listen to the problems of the people in the Pensiangan area particularly in Nabawan district. He thanked the people for coming "despite all kinds of methods used to prevent people from attending the event." He said this included cutting off electricity but the organisers had prepared generators. Anwar also thanked the Pensiangan Sabah Reform Movement Chairman, Datuk Dr Richard Gunting with PKR and Pakatan members that organised the event. Richard said he has long been in the BN government and knew what the problems of Sabahans especially in the interior of Pensiangan and Nabawan were. He said it was increasingly difficult for the people in Pensiangan to search for food. "At first, residents lived well in Pensiangan because it was never short of food but now in the forest hunting is no longer allowed. "Residents want to catch fish but the river water has been contaminated and can affect the health of the population. "Lands have also been taken over by big companie. Although villagers have applied for them over the last 10 years they have not even received a piece of land. Residents were only given communal land titles supposedly because they do not want the people to sell their land. According to Richard if Pakatan Rakyat were to rule, within three months they will produce 350,000 acres including land grants to people in Sabah, particularly in Pensiangan to strive to improve their economies, such as planting rubber, oil palm, coffee and others. Similarly Pakatan will improve roads in all villages so that agricultural products can to be taken out to Nabawan or Keningau town.
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Nazri: New law to replace archaic Sedition Act will be tabled next year Posted: 13 Oct 2012 03:09 PM PDT
Ida Lim, The Malaysian Insider A new law to replace the controversial Sedition Act will be tabled in Parliament next year and will provide for criticism against the government, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz told a Chinese-language daily in an interview published today. In July, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had said that a National Harmony Act will replace the 64-year-old law. Opposition lawmakers and civil society groups have long accused the government of using the Sedition Act arbitrarily to limit dissent. Nazri said the National Harmony Act will keep the main elements of the Sedition Act, but will have the additional element of allowing for criticism of the government. The de facto law minister traced the Sedition Act's history, pointing out that the pre-independence law was drafted by the British who had feared that criticism would affect their reign. "Sedition Act was enacted by the British colony government in 1948, because it is not a democratic government, (they were) afraid that people will criticise and affect their rule." "But, BN is a democratic government, the people should have the right to criticise the government, criticising the government is a normal thing, (it) can help...ensure government does not simply draft policies," he told Sin Chew Daily. The prime minister had called for the repeal of the Sedition Act to ensure the people's right to freedom of speech as guaranteed under the Federal Constitution, Nazri told Sin Chew. But he said there should not be absolute freedom of speech in a multiracial country, saying that sensitive issues involving the different races and the royal institution should not be raised. "We will continue to monitor any speech with seditious elements" to prevent the feelings of other races being hurt, Nazri said, adding that these includes racial slurs against the Chinese or Indian races.
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Umno leaders urged to cooperate with Kimma Posted: 13 Oct 2012 02:52 PM PDT
(NST) - Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has urged Umno leaders at state and division levels to cooperate with Malaysian Indian Muslim Congress (Kimma) as it will become a strong force in shaping the political landscape. This call came in a wake of complaints that Kimma leaders were sidelined since it became an associate member of Umno two years ago. "There may be weaknesses in our execution and implementation but we need to fix this. "In Barisan Nasional, when a party becomes an associate member, Umno at all levels need to recognise them," Najib said in his opening speech at the 36th Kimma Delegates Conference here. Najib, who is also Barisan Nasional and Umno president, said Kimma deserved full support from members of the ruling coalition as the party had contributed a lot in the social economy. "If Kimma has given Umno and Barisan Nasional the full support, it is only appropriate that we do the same." He added that BN needed to be inclusive regardless whether a party represented the majority or the minority. "As long as we are Malaysians, we need to continuously support each other so that a strong mandate can be formed in pursuing a beautiful agenda for our country." Najib said Malaysia must have social justice to become a developed and high-income nation by 2020. "We need to have social justice by maximising everyone's potential. I'm sad when the potential of Indian Muslims can't be realised, and I'm sad when they live in poverty," he said. Earlier, Kimma president Datuk Syed Ibrahim Kader said the party was facing a "lone struggle" in solving problems in the Indian Muslim community. "Although we have received recognition as an associate member on Aug 27, 2010, sadly until today, Kimma has not received much cooperation from Umno at state and division levels. "A lot of them do not have a clear picture of this association. Some were not aware of it and some even questioned it cynically." Syed Ibrahim tabled an 18-point resolution, including a call for the post of deputy minister to be given to Kimma. Najib said he would forward the demands to the cabinet to be discussed and hoped that Kimma would remain a loyal friend of BN.
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Saifuddin: winning cyber war key to ensuring BN success in GE13 Posted: 13 Oct 2012 02:45 PM PDT
(Malaysian Digest) - Content by Barisan Nasional (BN) cybertroopers and across social media platforms will determine the ruling coalition's success in the next general elections, says Umno supreme council member Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah. The popular deputy minister said BN had learnt an important lesson from its worst electoral performance in Election 2008 due to its failure to conquer the cyber-world which was then dominated by parties that eventually formed Pakatan Rakyat.
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PRU13: Mahathir ada ‘pengaruh besar’? Posted: 13 Oct 2012 02:40 PM PDT
Sementara itu, Dekan Pusat Pengajian Antarabangsa Kolej Undang-undang, Kerajaan dan Pengajian Antarabangsa, UUM, Dr Mohd Azizuddin Mohd Sani mengakui pengaruh kuat Dr Mahathir bakal memberi sumbangan besar kepada kempen pilihan raya kerajaan. Sinar Harian Karisma dan pencapaian mantap mantan Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad antara faktor besar yang bakal menyumbang kepada kemenangan besar Barisan Nasional pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 (PRU13). Menurut Pengarah Institut Pemikiran Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Profesor Dr Abdul Rahman Abdul Aziz, meskipun pembabitan Dr Mahathir hanya secara tidak langsung iaitu menerusi komen-komen beliau terhadap dasar 1Malaysia yang dibawa Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, ia membantu memberi impak besar dalam siri kempen kerajaan dalam PRU.
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Battle for MB post eclipses polls Posted: 13 Oct 2012 02:33 PM PDT The rivalry between Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim and Azmin Ali for the Selangor Mentri Besar post has overshadowed the battle for control of the state. But while Azmin has control over his party, he has problems getting the support of the coalition. DAP's Karpal Singh reminded him that the MB post is a consensus decision while PAS secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali said he was "too ambitious". Joceline Tan, The Star THE exchange of fire between loyalists of Azmin Ali and Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim last week was not the first but it was the fiercest to date. The stakes have increased as the general election draws near and there is no denying that the two PKR leaders are doing what it takes to be in the cushy seat of Selangor Mentri Besar (MB). The Azmin-Khalid feud has reached a new level of intensity. But politicians are such natural actors. When Khalid walked into the House shortly before the Dewan Rakyat session began on Monday, Azmin leapt to his feet with outstretched arms. There was no man-hug that would have been over-acting but they smiled like they were in a toothpaste advertisement as they shook hands, knowing that all eyes were on them. Anyone looking at the pair last week would have been puzzled, even confused, as to whether they are rivals or buddies. The two adversaries are, quite ironically, seated next to each other Khalid as the Bandar Tun Razak MP and Azmin as Gombak MP. Azmin immediately launched into an earnest explanation about his interview in a Malay daily that had sparked off the latest rounds of attacks, saying that the reaction generated was not fair to both of them. Khalid was quite blas about it and told him: "No problem, there's no need to apologise. In fact, I just told reporters outside: Thank you to Azmin for saying that I am federal material.'" The pair even left the House together a couple of hours later Khalid to attend a meeting and Azmin to visit one of his party workers in hospital. In the afternoon, they were together again, this time at a PKNS meeting in Shah Alam. Again, there were lots of smiles and jovial exchanges, with Azmin praising Khalid's handling of Selangor's financial affairs. It was not exactly Oscar-winning stuff but it was a good show. Beneath the civil smiles and pleasantries lie a simmering rivalry that is centred around the post of Selangor MB. The two men are savvy enough to leave all that I-say-you and the you-say-me attacks to their machais. They are well-matched to take on each other. Khalid is the MB, but Azmin pulls the strings in PKR as the deputy president, Selangor chief and party election director. Azmin is not only a political animal but a smooth operator. Khalid, on the other hand, is not as naive as some imagine. Behind that absent-minded professor demeanour is a man determined to hold on to what he has. Khalid has often been described as an accidental politician. That is not really the case because he has been interested in politics since his days as CEO of Guthrie Bhd. He had even vied for a division post in Umno. The MB's office is a dream come true for him and he is not going to let go without a fight. The latest attack began with a front page interview in Sinar Harian where Azmin praised Khalid's achievements in Selangor and declared that Khalid's corporate experience would be needed at the federal level if Pakatan takes Putrajaya. The headline the next day was: MB Baru Selepas PRU13 (new MB after general election). That was when the bullets started flying between supporters of both sides. In the corporate world, that would be known as being "kicked upstairs" removed without losing too much face. Azmin has often told those who claim that he wants to take over from Khalid that, "I am eyeing Putrajaya, not Selangor". But he is well aware that Pakatan's hopes of winning the federal government are getting slimmer by the day and the coalition is more likely to hold on to Selangor than arrive in Putrajaya. Hence, his move to close in on the MB post. Khalid's chief defender has been his loyal political secretary Faekah Husin. She did not mince her words about Azmin's interview; as a result she has been severely criticised by Azmin's camp. The petite lawyer admitted with a laugh, "there are bullet holes all over my body." Azmin's boys joke that Faekah is the "First Lady of Selangor". They go for her because she is an easier target to hit than Khalid and there are now renewed calls to sack her for criticising Azmin. Mundane remarks But sacked from what and for what? Faekah is only an ordinary party member, she does not have a party post and her remarks about Azmin were rather mundane. Moreover, the only person who can sack her is Khalid and he trusts her implicitly; that is what makes her so powerful in Selangor. Faekah is Khalid's spokeswoman, and during the launch of his book Fearless: From Kampung Boy to CEO, he singled her out for mention. Going by the video that was aired during the launch, it is quite clear that she is central to Khalid's politics and work. Her power status goes up another notch if one considers that she was the former political secretary to PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail and they are still very close. Azmin's boys know they will have to take Faekah down before they can get Khalid, hence the periodic calls for her removal. In June this year, a group using the Twitter handle @PecatFaekah had agitated for Faekah's resignation. The group has not given up and has since extended their scope to @PecatFaekah/Arfah, the latter being Khalid's press secretary. While Khalid relies on Faekah to check Azmin, Azmin uses Ampang MP Zuraidah Kamaruddin to poke at Khalid. They are Alpha females who do not mind taking the heat for their men. Zuraidah, who is Azmin's No. 2 in Selangor, ticked off Khalid a few months ago when he declined to defend Azmin over some compromising photographs of a couple in a toilet. More recently, she lectured Faekah for "jumping the gun" and told her to improve her communication skills with party leaders. Azmin's supporters maintain that the MB post should have gone to him instead of Khalid. Azmin was in the lead to be the MB when Selangor fell in 2008. But in the early hours of March 9, Khalid's name overtook Azmin's and by the time the sun came up, Khalid was confirmed as the choice of MB. Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had opted for Khalid because he was a big corporate name and also because he thought that Khalid would be easier to control than Azmin; he was wrong on the second count. Azmin was deeply disappointed and one of those at Anwar's house that morning recalled witnessing how the de facto leader tried to placate Azmin for almost an hour. "Azmin's face was white with anger if you had cut it with a knife, there would have been no blood," said an insider. Anwar's pitch at that time was that Putrajaya was within arm's reach and he needed Azmin to be in charge. The younger man was sucked into the Sept 16 fairy tale along with many other Malaysians. He is older and wiser and going for the realistic option this time around. In that sense, Azmin's remarks in Sinar Harian were very much about about staking his territory and preparing everyone for his ascent. But while Azmin has control over his party, he has problems getting the support of the coalition. DAP's Karpal Singh reminded him that the MB post is a consensus decision while PAS secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali said he was "too ambitious". Khalid's situation is the reverse he is the preferred choice of Pakatan but he does not seem to have the backing of his party. His other problem is that his state seat in Ijok is said to be quite vulnerable and he will have to work hard to do well there. Third candidate There has also been talk about positioning Nurul Izzah as the next MB, and Taman Medan, a state seat in Selangor, has been named as a possible constituency for her. It is not an implausible scenario because Datuk Seri Dr Khir Toyo was only slightly older than her when he was plucked from obscurity for the post. The Lembah Pantai MP and party vice-president has popular appeal and there is still that wow-factor surrounding her. But her problem is that, intellectually, she has not measured up to her generational peers like Rafizi Ramli or Rembau MP Khairy Jamaluddin. She has not shone in Parliament compared to several other first-time MPs. Without her father's name, she would be just another pretty and ambitious politician. Her other problem is that she seems to be modelling herself after the eccentric Batu MP Tian Chua whom not many people take seriously these days. They like to pursue sensational and gimmicky issues without proper research and when proven wrong, they simply move on to a new issue. Over time, such incidents affect one's credibility. For instance, Nurul Izzah went to town about the Defence Ministry submarine that could not dive. She got loads of publicity but when the submarine dived in the sea off Sabah with no less than the King on board, she behaved as though she had never talked about it. Nurul Izzah is a good ceramah speaker but has yet to show that she can think and argue factually in a debate. She has a lot of catching up to do and Azmin will see to it that she stays in Lembah Pantai. Nurul Izzah and Dr Wan Azizah have made statements to the effect of siding Khalid but Anwar has been silent on the feud but it should not be read as impartiality. The de facto leader holds the veto decision and he will use it when the time comes. In the meantime, the feud will simmer on. Azmin and Khalid will continue to smile and say lovely things about each other in public while the knives are sharpened behind the scenes.
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Top ulama leaders in PAS can replace each other, says Nik Abduh Posted: 13 Oct 2012 02:28 PM PDT
(The Star) - Any ulama leader in PAS can take over the post of mursyidul am (spiritual leader) that is currently held by Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat, said his son Nik Abduh. The party's top ulama leaders, he said, were free to replace each other. "It is for the ulama leadership to decide," said Nik Abduh, who is also PAS Youth deputy chief. He was commenting on talks that deputy mursyidul am Datuk Dr Haron Din should replace Nik Aziz as he was vocal enough to defend the party's interests. Dr Haron had rapped Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for launching former Indian MP Mubasyar Jawid Akbar's book titled Tinder Box: The Past and Future of Pakistan that intimated that Islam was not a basis in establishing a nation. However, Nik Abduh said, now was not the time for a leadership change because it was not election year for the party. "Furthermore, the matter was ne-ver discussed internally," he added. On claims by PAS veteran Prof Dr Shahnon Ahmad that the party was subservient to DAP, Nik Abduh said "the strength of the party relied on its ability to iron out issues while maintaining harmony". Earlier, Nik Abduh who chaired the monthly meeting on behalf of Youth chief Nasrudin Hassan said that they have launched a "Love Rasulullah" campaign in the wake of attempts by certain quarters to tarnish Prophet Muhammad's reputation. He said 100,000 "Love Rasulullah" car stickers would be distributed free nationwide. "If there is a demand, we will print more." PAS Youth also launched a health check campaign for its members and media members. The movement is also initiating "Save Malaysia" roadshow in the run up to the 13th general election, focussing on Pakatan Rakyat's manifesto, economy, social development and education.
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Siapa penyumbang RM40 juta untuk Umno Sabah Posted: 13 Oct 2012 02:23 PM PDT
(Harakah) - Jika wang RM40 juta yang cuba diseludup ke Malaysia untuk Umno Sabah dibuat dengan cara yang betul, mengapa Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak takut mendedahkan siapa penyumbangnya, kata Naib Presiden PAS, Datuk Mahfuz Omar. Ketika ditanya dalam sidang media selepas mempengerusikan mesyuarat Majlis Tertinggi Barisan Nasional (BN) malam tadi, Najib mengelak dari mendedahkan siapa penyumbang wang RM40 juta itu.
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Anwar suka menipu rakyat, kata Fadillah Posted: 13 Oct 2012 02:15 PM PDT Ini terbukti dengan dakwaan Anwar yang beliau (Fadillah) tidak lama lagi akan menyertai Pakatan Rakyat. Dhia Daniel, FMT KUCHING: "Tabiat suka menipu rakyat nampaknya terus dilakukan (Ketua Pembangkang) Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim," kata Ahli Parlimen Petra Jaya Datuk Haji Fadillah Yusuf. Beliau menjelaskan ini terbukti dengan dakwaan Anwar yang beliau (Fadillah) tidak lama lagi akan menyertai Pakatan Rakyat. "Nampak sangatlah dia tidak ada idea lain sehinggakan saya juga turut diheret sama dalam permainannya," katanya selepas membuat lawatan ke rumah Haziman Leman di Taman Sri Wangi Matang. Fadillah percaya tindakan Anwar itu akibat beliau sudah tersepit dengan keadaan janji yang gagal dikotakannya sejak pilihan raya umum 2008. Ketua Pemuda Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) itu, yang juga Timbalan Menteri Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi berkata orang tidak akan hairan dengan permainan politik Anwar itu kerana menurut rekod "menipu itu adalah kebiasaan" bagi beliau. "Dari janji 16 September, dia tidak henti-henti untuk meracuni fikiran orang sehinggakan ada pula pusingan kedua sekarang," tegasnya. Fadillah memberitahu, orang ramai tidak usah hendak mempercayai kata-kata Ketua Pembangkang itu kerana ia adalah cubaan untuk memecah-belahkan perpaduan Barisan Nasional. "Rakyat kita bijak dan tidak akan mudah tertipu dengan muslihat mereka. Anwar sebenarnya ini sudah terdesak dan tidak laku lagi di kalangan orang ramai," katanya.
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Kerjasama dalam Pakatan berpaksi Tahaluf Siyasi Posted: 13 Oct 2012 02:12 PM PDT Pakatan Rakyat adalah satu pemuafakatan politik dalam konsep Tahaluf Siyasi yang diluluskan oleh Majlis Syura Ulama dalam skop hukum Feqah politik Islam. (FMT) - Presiden PAS Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang menegaskan bahawa hubungan PAS dengan parti lain (PKR dan DAP) dalam Pakatan Rakyat adalah hubungan Tahaluf Siyasi yang berpandukan nas Al Quran dan As Sunnah. "Pakatan Rakyat adalah satu pemuafakatan politik dalam konsep Tahaluf Siyasi yang diluluskan oleh Majlis Syura Ulama dalam skop hukum Feqah politik Islam," kata beliau dalam blog rasminya. Menurut Hadi yang juga Ahli Parlimen Marang, PAS adalah Parti Islam yang berpaksi dan berpandukan hukum tertinggi mengikut undang -undang tubuhnya (Perlembagaan). "Pelaksanaannya dikawal oleh Majlis Syura Ulama, sehingga boleh membatalkan segala keputusan dan langkah yang bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam. Maka PAS tidak boleh disamakan dengan Umno," tegas beliau. Ujarnya, "begitu juga hubungan PAS dengan DAP dan kalangan bukan Islam, sangat berbeza dengan hubungan di antara komponen Barisan Nasional (BN) yang tidak berdasar dan berkonsepkan Islam daripada Al Quran, As-Sunnah, Ijma' Ulama dan Qias. Katanya, PAS bekerjasama dalam titik persamaan menentang kezaliman politik dan pentadbiran negara yang dialami oleh seluruh rakyat. "PAS bekerjasama dalam menentang amalan demokrasi yang tempang, pentadbiran negara yang tempang, pengurusan ekonomi yang penuh dengan penyelewengan, mesyarakat yang jahil dengan kelemahan pendidikan dan undang-undang yang tidak ada kehebatan, hingga menyebabkan krisis moral yang parah dengan kebanjiran maksiat dan jenayah," tambahnya. Umno yang mewakili Melayu Islam dalam BN mencalarkan Islam dan merosakkan imejnya. Sangat malang bagi sesiapa yang tidak tahumembezakan di antara Islam dan Melayu, seperti Arab yang tidak membezakannya dengan Islam.
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Battle to win over the fence sitters Posted: 12 Oct 2012 06:04 PM PDT
Umno youth believes 50% of Penangites have yet to decide which way they will vote in the general election Hawkeye, FMT Penang Umno Youth believes that 50% of about one million registered voters in the state have yet to make up their minds on who they will support in the next general election. The battle for the hearts and minds of voters is between incumbents, Pakatan Rakyat, led by DAP and BN, with a handful of alternative political voices trying to create an upset. State Umno Youth head, Sheikh Hussein Mydin, said the feedback from certain quarters showed that over 50% of the voters here remained as fence sitters. "We believed that out of the remaining 50%, about 25% are Pakatan loyalists while the remainder are BN supporters or members." Sheikh Hussein said in view of the high number of fence sitters, DAP cannot claim that it has consummated all support from the Chinese. "Likewise, Umno also cannot claim that it has the undivided support of the Malay voters," said Sheikh Hussein. "We hope that Pakatan can shed the arrogance plaguing their administration. Be humble as voters here can swing either way. The pendulum theory works well in Penang." After the 1990 general election, DAP had denied BN its customary two-thirds in the state legislative assembly, causing a surprise when DAP strongman Lim Kit Siang defeated the then Chief Minister, the late Lim Chong Eu in the Padang Kota state seat. When the 1995 election emerged, DAP was poised to either repeat its electoral performance or capture Penang but it didn't materialise. Instead, the voters handed DAP a crushing defeat with pundits placing the blame on Kit Siang's overly aggressive campaign of using the "Robocop" posters to intimidate voters. History may repeat itself, as Kit Siang's son Lim Guan Eng, the present CM is said to be waging an aggressive campaign of his own, bordering on arrogance, Sheikh Hussein claimed. Nonetheless, BN has adjusted well to its role of opposition, Sheikh Hussein said, adding that the only drawback is that Guan Eng and his leaders apparently cannot stomach criticism.
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DAP’s ‘secular’ stand not anti-Islam, says Kit Siang Posted: 12 Oct 2012 05:53 PM PDT
Ida Lim, The Malaysian Insider The DAP's secular stand does not mean that it is anti-Islam or anti-God, its parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang said today as the party comes under renewed attack by certain religious conservatives accusing it of plotting to turn mainly Muslim Malaysia into a Christian state. The DAP's stand that Malaysia is a secular nation is shared by the country's first three prime ministers, Lim (picture) said in a statement. "All throughout the DAP's 46-year history, the DAP has been constant and consistent in the stand, which is also that of the first three Prime Ministers, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak and Tun Hussein, that Malaysia is a democratic, multi-racial, secular and multi-religious nation with Islam as the official religion but Malaysia is not an Islamic State," Lim said. The Ipoh-Timor MP also said that DAP's secular stand is not "anti-Islam" or "anti-religion", saying that the party actually defends and enhances Malaysia's multi-religious nature. "By 'secular', we do not mean anti-religion, anti-God, anti-Islam, anti-Christianity, anti-Buddhism, anti-Hinduism or anti-Sikhism but a state polity which is morality-based and pro-Islam, pro-Christianity, pro-Buddhism, pro-Hinduism and pro-Sikhism in defending and enhancing the multi-religious characteristics and diversity of the Malaysian nation." Two lawmakers – former PKR MP who turned independent and pledged allegiance to the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition Zulkifli Noordin and renegade PAS leader Nasharuddin Mat Isa – had again raised the allegations, which top Pakatan Rakyat (PR) opposition leaders have attacked as a move to scare away Muslim voters from voting for the opposition pact in the 13th general elections.
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Expand democratic space to get young involved, says Saifuddin Posted: 12 Oct 2012 05:25 PM PDT
(Bernama) - The national democratic process and structure must be broadened and deepened for direct involvement of the young generation in the decision-making process. Deputy Higher Education Minister Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah said the young generation tend to be sceptical about politics, but have confidence in the democratic practice. "To get their confidence, democracy must be improved. In many ways, transform the process and the structure, the institution of democracy, which will place democracy in its rightful place," he said at a Youth and Local Democracy Forum at the Penang Institute here last night. The forum, organised by Akademi Pak Sako director Dr Afif Baharudin, had Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar and a young activist from Diskopi Group, Teo Lee Ken, as panel members. Saifuddin said the young had a very important position and they should be placed as a component of society which moved together with the federal government, state governments and local governments, in formulating policies. "There were times the voice of the young were heard and interpreted as policy. For example, if we follow the chronology, it started with students asking for Bahasa Malaysia be used as an intermediate language in Universiti Malaya. "Students were among those demanding for the setting up of a university using the national language, resulting in the birth of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Students, were among the most vocal in asking for the setting up of an Islamic university and an Islamic Bank which were subsequently set up," he said. He said normally the young generation had three demands which must be met, namely, they wanted their voice to be heard, their roles recognised and their issues settled appropriately. Teo suggested the authorities create an official network to involve the young directly in administrative matters and the formulation of policies at state government and federal level. "If one notices, the young are being given selective treatment. Their involvement is more prominent in culture and entertainment but they are sidelined economically, socially and politically," he said. He said democracy requires the total involvement of the you
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Up to A-G’s Chambers whether to prosecute Suaram, says Zahid Posted: 12 Oct 2012 05:20 PM PDT
(Bernama) - The government will leave it to the Attorney-General's Chambers to decide whether to take legal action against Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram) for harping on the purchase of Scorpene submarines. Defence Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said despite his explanation in Parliament and news conferences over the purchase, Suaram was undaunted in its campaign over alleged irregularities in the procurement of two French Scorpene submarines by the government. "I think they have to stop harping on this issue as I have clarified that the purchase adhered to the guidelines stipulated by the Finance Ministry. "It seems that they (Suaram) are playing a part in advancing a political agenda for other people. They should be more responsible and file reports based on facts," he told reporters after a walkabout here today. A prominent French government prosecutor has denied reports circulating among some Malaysian online news portals of an ongoing trial in France, on allegations of corruption by a French company over the purchase of two French-made Scorpene submarines by Malaysia in 2002. Yves Charpenel said the media in Malaysia should be able to distinguish between rumours and facts, and between investigations and a trial. Suaram applied for a judicial review in the French courts in November 2009 over suspected commissions involved in the submarine purchase.
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PAS has gained from partnership with DAP, says Hadi Posted: 12 Oct 2012 05:16 PM PDT
(Bernama) - PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang today reiterated that the party had gained a lot through its partnership with the DAP. He said the co-operation with the DAP had helped PAS gain support from non-Malays which resulted in the party getting to administer two states in the federation. "Through our close co-operation with the DAP, we also got to administer Perak (before the opposition pact lost the state to the Barisan Nasional (BN)). In fact, we also had gained when we were co-operating with the BN before we pulled out of the ruling coalition (at the Federal level) in 1978," he told reporters after delivering a talk at Maahad Tahfiz Tok Jiring in Kampung Tok Jiring here. Yesterday, PAS spiritual leader Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat had said PAS needed the DAP to secure support among non-Malays in the upcoming 13th general election. Asked to comment on Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's statement yesterday that the opposition's shadow Cabinet was just a ploy to confuse the people for political gain, Abdul Hadi said PAS did not need this (shadow Cabinet) to increase its political strength.
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Posted: 12 Oct 2012 04:34 PM PDT So we are not really free then. Our soul wants to be good. In fact, we were once good. But then our soul entered our body and that was when we became bad. So birth is actually a curse rather than a blessing. If we had died one minute after we emerged from our mother's womb we would have been spared the misery of life. But because we lived we now have to suffer life. NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin Maybe just for today we can lay off talking about politics and instead look at what Ashok Vohra wrote below. Ashok teaches philosophy at Delhi University and the article below was published in The Times of India. One interesting part of this article was this part: Swami Sivananda accepts that Brahmn is beyond the reach of the senses and mind that is why its existence cannot be proved by scientific experimentation. It is purely a question of faith and refers to the intuitive side of man. However, His existence can be inferred by certain empirical facts or common experiences in daily life. Swami Sivananda questions an atheist who wants conclusive proof for the existence of Brahmn: 'Can you give proof for the non-existence of Brahmn?' He asserts that no one has succeeded in proving that Brahmn does not exist. If you were to study philosophy of religion, this would be the key question that you pose. Do you prove the existence of God by scientific evidence or do you 'prove' it by the fact that it cannot be proven that God does not exist. In other words, because you cannot prove that God does not exist, therefore God has to exist. God is supposed to be the God of this universe, not just the God of this planet. But does more than one universe exist? Humankind does not yet have the ability to explore the reaches beyond this universe to prove or disprove that another universe (or many more universes) exists beyond our universe. Hence, in the event that another universe (or many more universes) exists beyond our universe, does this mean that another God exists for that other universe as well? Now, since we cannot prove that another universe does not exist and hence there is another God for that universe, does this mean it and He does exist since it cannot be proven otherwise? This is based on the argument that it/He exists because it cannot be proven it/He does not. Nevertheless, as Swami Sivananda said: Brahmn is beyond the reach of the senses and mind that is why its existence cannot be proved by scientific experimentation. It is purely a question of faith and refers to the intuitive side of man. And that is the key to the whole thing: it is a question of faith and subject to our intuition or 'gut feeling' that a divine power that created us does exist. God exists because we exist and if God did not exist then we would not exist as well. Something had to have created us and this something has to be some form of higher power called God. In conclusion, we can prove that God exists by our own existence. We are the proof that God exists. Okay, that is one issue. Now let's move on to the next issue. And this next issue is how we perceive things and how our perception of things dictates our beliefs. However, could we be seeing things opposite to what they are? What our eye sees is what our brain tells us we see. In other words, we do not actually see things with our eyes but we see things with our brain. For example, when you look at your reflection in a mirror what do you see? Your eyes see left as right and right as left. Your left ear is actually reflected on the right in that mirror. But your brain tells you that you see your left ear as being on the left rather than on the right. Say I stand beside the mirror and face you. You will see my right ear as being on the right. Now compare that to what you see in the mirror beside me. Would not your reflection be 'parallel' to me? But then your right ear in the mirror is actually your left ear. Hence, your reflection in the mirror, if seen in isolation, will appear as how your brain wants you to see it. But when I stand beside the mirror and face you, your reflection 'looking' at you is opposite to my 'reflection' looking at you. But you do not see it this way because your brain does not tell you to see it this way. Hence my right ear appears right while your 'right ear' in the mirror appears left. I know this concept is very hard to comprehend because all your life you have always been looking at your reflection in the mirror and it has always looked the way your brain wanted you to see it. It never occurred to you that what you are looking at is the opposite reflection but your brain 'turned it around'. And that demonstrates the power of your brain and how your brain can make you see what you think you see even if it is actually an opposite reflection. Hence faith works on the basis of not what you see but what you do not see and how your brain tells you that since you do not see it then it has to exist. And this is how we convince ourselves that God does exist -- the absence of proof is evidence that God does exist. I am not going to stray into the argument that the evidence of the existence of God lies in the existence of the Holy Books. That would be the traditional argument by religionists and is an old argument. Basically it will be a debate of no winners. What I want to discuss instead is the concept of our existence and which eventually will result in our non-existence, meaning we eventually die. We are taught that at first we did not physically exist. Then we are born, so we physically exist. Then we die and we physically no longer exist. That is what we are taught and our brain accepts that concept of birth and death. But that is what our brain tells us and we believe what our brain tells us. But could it actually be the opposite of what we see? Could our brain actually be tricking us just like how it tricked us regarding our reflection in the mirror? In other words, could we actually be living before we were born and died when we got born and then will live again when we die? What is the concept of most religions? Most religions tell us that our body is merely a shell for our soul to occupy. So 'we' are not really that body that we occupy. 'We' is the soul that occupies our body. The body is temporary. The soul is eternal. The soul existed before our body was formed. And the soul will continue to exist after it leaves our body. Hence our body is not what we are. 'We' are our soul. In that case, we need to redefine what 'we' are. 'We' are not what we see in that mirror. 'We' are what we cannot see in that mirror. What we see in that mirror is the external shell that our soul occupies. But that is not who we are. 'We' lurk within that body and it cannot be seen in that mirror. If we do not possess a soul then our existence would start the day we were born and will end the day we die. In that case we need not be accountable for what we do. We need not be good, compassionate, kind, honest, merciful, etc. We can do what we want because once we die that is the end of everything. But that is not what religion tells us. Religion tells us the opposite of that. Hence our soul will pay for what we do. So it is not the body but the soul that has to beware because it will be the soul and not the body that has to account for our deeds. In that case, is humankind really free? We talk about freedom. But then we are not free. We are guided by certain rules, regulations and codes of conduct. But it is not easy to follow these rules, regulations and codes of conduct because we are controlled by emotions, sentiments, lust, greed, ego, anger, jealousy, envy, etc. On the one hand there are so many dos and donts. On the other hand there are so many influences that oppose these dos and donts. Hence most of us fail. And religion tells us we shall pay for this later. So we are not really free then. Our soul wants to be good. In fact, we were once good. But then our soul entered our body and that was when we became bad. So birth is actually a curse rather than a blessing. If we had died one minute after we emerged from our mother's womb we would have been spared the misery of life. But because we lived we now have to suffer life. Hence is death or non-birth a better option? Death or non-birth would have spared us a lot of suffering, both in this world as well as the next life after death. We are cursed by having been born whereas those that did not live do not suffer like we do. But we see life as good and non-life or death as bad. Nobody wants to die. Everyone wants to live. We will fight tooth and nail to stay alive. Why do we not see life as a curse and death as a blessing? No life means no sin and no sin means no hell. Is that not better? Our brain, however, will disagree with that. Our brain tells us that life is good and non-life or death is bad. Is our brain tricking us? Is our brain making us see the opposite of what is just like how it makes us see the opposite when we look at our reflection in the mirror? Religion is basically about being good and avoiding bad. Over thousands of years, however, religion has been modified with dogma and rituals. And because of that the very essence of religion has been lost and buried amongst all those 'teachings'. Do we know why we exist? Do we know whether we existed before we existed (meaning being born)? And do we know whether we shall exist after we exist (meaning we die)? And if we know all this then will we come to a conclusion that life is a curse whereas non-life is a blessing? We used to be free. One day we shall again be free. But in the meantime while we have life in our body we are not free but am serving a period of imprisonment. Hence freedom is imprisonment while imprisonment is freedom -- yes, the opposite of what our brain tells us. Our soul is trapped because we are alive. Our soul would be free had we not been born. Hence how can we say that life is good and death is bad when the opposite is actually true? So there you are, no politics today. And ponder on that one over the weekend and see whether you can defy your brain and see life and death as what it is and not as what your brain tells you it is. Have a good weekend everyone. ******************************************* Proof That God Does Exist Ashok Vohra, The Times Of India Vedanta says that Brahmn is ultimate reality. All other beings and things are unreal. But when we ask questions about the nature of Brahmn, the Upanishads describe it as neti, neti – not this, not this. Therefore, they describe the ultimate reality, Brahmn, in negative terms alone. Swami Sivananda is not satisfied with the negative description of Brahmn because it is impossible for the mind to conceive of an absolute nothing. He argues that 'Brahmn is not void. It is not blankness or emptiness'. It is not shunyata. Brahmn, he upholds, is paripoorna, full, because all desires melt there. Brahmn to him 'is something, after seeing which there is nothing more to be seen, after becoming which there is nothing more to become, after knowing which there remains nothing to be known'. Brahmn is that which is all-pervading, which surrounds us from all sides - around, above, and below. It is satchidananda or existence, knowledge and bliss. It is that which has no other. It is without a second, endless, eternal, one and one alone. It is everlasting, the one continuous experience-whole. Hence Swami Sivananda has described Brahmn in term of positive attributes. He upholds that Brahmn has six attributes: 'jnana, divine wisdom; vairagya, dispassion; aishwarya, power; bala, strength; sri, wealth and kirti, fame'. He is nitya, eternal; ananta, infinite and ananda, supreme bliss. He is unchanging amidst changing phenomena. He is permanent amidst the impermanent, and imperishable amidst the perishable. He is what the Gita calls "Jyotishamapi tat jyoti, Light of all lights". He is the Adhisthana or support of the phenomenal world. Brahmn is the sutradhara, string-puller of all bodies of beings. He is the antaryamin, inner ruler of all beings. He is in you and you are in Him. Each of the five primary elements is a manifestation of His qualities. Brahmn is swatantra or independent. He has satkama, good desires and satsankalpa, pure will. Since karmas are jada or insentient, on their own they cannot yield fruits, so it is Brahmn who dispenses fruits of actions of jivas. He is all-merciful; quenching the thirst of jivas. He satiates our hunger. He dispenses justice to all. The five activities of God are: Srishti, Creation; sthiti, preservation; samhara, destruction; tirodhana or tirobhava, veiling; and anugraha, grace. Swami Sivananda accepts that Brahmn is beyond the reach of the senses and mind that is why its existence cannot be proved by scientific experimentation. It is purely a question of faith and refers to the intuitive side of man. However, His existence can be inferred by certain empirical facts or common experiences in daily life. One can also prove the existence of Brahmn conceptually. One cannot think of impurity, duality, disagreement, variety and mortality without thinking of purity, oneness, agreement, unity and immortality. The possibility of the relative implies reality of the Absolute. Finally, Swami Sivananda questions an atheist who wants conclusive proof for the existence of Brahmn: 'Can you give proof for the non-existence of Brahmn?' He asserts that no one has succeeded in proving that Brahmn does not exist. 'Whether the owl accepts the presence of light or not, there is always light'. Likewise, whether you accept the existence of Brahmn or not, He always exists. Even the one who claims the non-existence of Brahmn is himself Brahmn. Likewise, the one who claims that there is only shunya, void, forgets that that the knower who knows the shunya is himself Brahmn. The author teaches philosophy at Delhi University | ||||
Only fools or knaves or those who are both could believe the lies about DAP seeking to ... Posted: 12 Oct 2012 02:24 PM PDT
The issue of a Christian Malaysia and the allegation that DAP wants to repeal Article 3 of the Federal Constitution providing for Islam as the religion of the Malaysian Federation in order to establish a Christian State is one of the most irresponsible and reckless of lies and falsehoods in the current repertoire of the UMNO/BN political desperadoes. Lim Kit Siang Desperation knows no bounds. This is amply illustrated by UMNO/BN political desperadoes, whether in the political front-line or hiding in the shadows pulling propaganda strings hatching the most far-fetched and outlandish conspiratorial theories in the mainstream or social media to create fear and sow the seeds of hate and conflict to ensure the survival of the sixth Prime Minister and the ruling coalition in the imminent 13th General Election. The issue of a Christian Malaysia and the allegation that DAP wants to repeal Article 3 of the Federal Constitution providing for Islam as the religion of the Malaysian Federation in order to establish a Christian State is one of the most irresponsible and reckless of lies and falsehoods in the current repertoire of the UMNO/BN political desperadoes. In fact, those who disseminate such lies and falsehoods utterly reckless about its damage to the process of nation-building in multi-racial and multi-religious Malaysia qualify to be condemned as the vilest and most despicable traitors to the vision of an united and harmonious Malaysian nation! Only fools or knaves or those who are both could believe the lies that the DAP is seeking to establish a Christian State. Henceforth, let Malaysians put the "fools or knaves" test to the political desperadoes who could so recklessly and irresponsibly disseminate such lies and falsehoods – whether they are fools or knaves, or both! As far as I know (and I am prepared to stand contradicted), there has never been any call for the establishment of a Christian State in the country in the 55 years since the attainment of Merdeka in 1957 or in the 49 years since for the formation of Malaysia in 1963. Is it possible that some five decades after Independence in 1957 and formation of Malaysia in 1963 that there is now a call for the establishment of a Christian state in Malaysia? First reason why only fools or knaves or those who are both could believe it. All throughout the DAP's 46-year history, the DAP has been constant and consistent in the stand, which is also that of the first three Prime Ministers, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak and Tun Hussein, that Malaysia is a democratic, multi-racial, secular and multi-religious nation with Islam as the official religion but Malaysia is not an Islamic State. By "secular", we do not mean anti-religion, anti-God, anti-Islam, anti-Christianity, anti-Buddhism, anti-Hinduism or anti-Sikkhism but a state polity which is morality-based and pro-Islam, pro-Christianity, pro-Buddhism, pro-Hinduism and pro-Sikkhism in defending and enhancing the multi-religious characteristics and diversity of the Malaysian nation. Is it possible that 46 years later, DAP is now seeking to establish a Christian state when no DAP leader or any DAP policy document had ever referred to it? Second reason why only fools or knaves or those who are both could believe it. Christians are the third-largest religious groups in Malaysia viz Muslim 60.4%, Buddhist 19.2%, Christian 9.1% and Hindu 6.3%, Confucianism, Taoism, other traditional Chinese religions 2.6%. Third reason why only fools or knaves or those who are both could believe it. There are at most some 35 Christian MPs in Parliament or about one-sixth of the total Parliamentary strength – a far cry from the two-thirds of 148 MPs out of a total of 222 MPs required to amend the Federal Constitution to establish a Christian state. Fourth reason why only fools or knaves or those who are both could believe the lie about a campaign to establish a Christian Malaysia and DAP's involvement in this campaign. For the same reasons, mainstream and social media which perpetrated and disseminated these lies and falsehoods are either fools, knaves or both. Malaysian voters must demonstrate that they are not so easily duped by such lies and falsehoods in the 13th General Election and to be brave and visionary enough to effect the changes in the national political landscape which are necessary to place the country on a right footing in nation building after five decades of corruption, economic plunder, abuses of power and the divisive politics of race and religion. | ||||
Scorpene: Peguam Perancis akan hadir ke Parlimen Posted: 12 Oct 2012 02:20 PM PDT
(Harakah) - Dua peguam Suaram dalam kes Scorpene di Perancis, William Bourdon dan Joseph Breham akan datang ke Malaysia dalam masa terdekat untuk memberi taklimat berhubung isu itu kepada Ahli Parlimen di Dewan Rakyat. KeadilanDaily melaporkan, Pengarah Eksekutif Suaram, Cynthia Gabriel berkata, kedua-duanya telah memohon visa dan akan hadir sebelum sidang parlimen berakhir, November ini.
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Posted: 12 Oct 2012 02:12 PM PDT
(NST) - Some private security companies in Peninsular Malaysia have allegedly failed to adhere to the minimum wage of RM700 for security guards, said the National Peninsular Malaysia Security Guard Union. Its general-secretary, M. Subramaniam, had called on the government to look into such errant companies. Under the new wage scheme, which took effect at the end of January, a security guard's salary should amount to RM1,200, including overtime. At present, their salaries are between RM450 and RM750, depending on their work locations. "Many companies are only paying RM550 as basic salary for their security guards, while the balance of RM150 is given as allowance." He said the companies which did not adhere to the new wage scheme were mostly those not registered with the Home Ministry, or with guards association. "Worse, most of the guards employed by these companies are foreigners." Subramaniam added that despite warnings from the Labour Department, there was no improvement. The Labour Department could not be reached for comment.
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Soi Lek slams Pakatan’s Budget 2013 Posted: 12 Oct 2012 01:46 PM PDT
(The Star) - The small and medium enterprises (SMEs) will suffer the most if Pakatan Rakyat implements its version of Budget 2013. Pakatan's proposal for a minimum wage of RM1,100 would hurt SMEs, leading to many of them going bust, said MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek. "A jump from RM800 to RM900 is still acceptable," he pointed out. "But it will affect many of these companies if they have to endure a 30% increase from RM800 to RM1,100. "And when these companies go bankrupt, many will lose their jobs," he said after opening the Huat Tian Keong Temple's 59th anniversary dinner on Thursday. Dr Chua said Pakatan's populist Budget 2013 was designed to fish for votes. Dr Chua also said the possibility of PAS amending the Federal Constitution to implement hudud laws was "very likely" should they take over Putrajaya. He cited Terengganu as an example when PAS took over the state government in 1999 and then amended the state constitution. He stressed that even now, PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu had declared the party's intention to do the same if Pakatan came into power. On an unrelated matter, Dr Chua said he had met with Perak Wanita MCA chief Datuk Heng Seai Kie and explained the lobbying carried out by a deputy minister to contest the Gopeng parliamentary seat. "I consider that issue to be resolved," he said. It was reported on Sept 18 that Heng hoped to meet Dr Chua to gain a better understanding on the issue after denying she was the deputy minister concerned. Dr Chua had warned a deputy minister to stop lobbying via another Barisan Nasional component party in contesting for that seat.
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Khairy slams ruling on dress code Posted: 12 Oct 2012 01:43 PM PDT
(The Star) - PAS is encroaching upon the rights of non-Muslims with the latest ruling by Alor Setar City Council requiring them to be "decently attired" on billboards, says Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaludin. He questioned the council's need to impose more conditions when the existing ruling for models on billboards would surely have stipulated similar requirements. "I'm sure that in other parts of Malaysia, models need to be appropriately dressed for billboard advertisements. "Why does the council need to have more rulings? "This shows that PAS is encroaching upon the rights of non-Muslims and it is alarming," he said here yesterday. The council has come under fire for following Kelantan in implementing a ruling that requires non-Muslim models to be "decently attired" on billboards. A newspaper quoted mayor Datuk Mat Noh Ahmad as saying that those who flouted the rule would be slapped with a RM300 fine and have their billboards removed. Khairy said the ruling was also "vague" as it did not state what it considered to be "decently attired". MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek said PAS-led state government policies were starting to affect the non-Muslims. "They say the Chinese should only be worried about how they do business. So, look at this policy which has already affected Chinese businesses. "Every time they create policies like these, the first to be affected are the Chinese," he said in Wisma MCA, adding that decent attire was a "subjective matter". "For example, boys these days have spiky hair but my hair points downwards. Spiky hair may seem indecent to certain people. "The government should not be involved in this kind of business. It is totally wrong," he said. In ALOR SETAR, the city council denied coming up with the ruling. Clarifying that he had never stated that those flouting the ruling would be fined RM300 and have their billboards removed, Mat Noh said: "I only advised the advertisers to have female Muslim models wear the tudung. "For non-Muslim models, their attire displayed on billboards should be appropriate." He said "appropriate" meant that the clothes should not be revealing.
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Najib: Political donation was proper Posted: 12 Oct 2012 01:38 PM PDT
(The Star) - The RM40mil given to Sabah Umno was a political donation, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. "Every political party has a right to receive political donations," he said, adding that the political donation was done in a proper and acceptable manner. Najib declined to reveal the source and added that the Opposition also received political donations. "The Opposition also receives donations and they don't disclose," Najib said after chairing the Barisan Nasional supreme council meeting. A timber trader Michael Chia was detained in Hong Kong in 2008 with RM40mil reportedly meant for Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman. The MACC began investigating the case soon after. However, on Thursday, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz had disclosed in Parliament that Musa and Chia had been cleared of corruption allegations. "The funds were actually contributions made to Sabah Umno and not for the personal use of the Chief Minister," Nazri had said. On another matter, Najib said he had met currency speculator George Soros two years ago. "I met Soros upon his request after he had met Tun Mahathir. It was merely a courtesy call. "There was nothing untoward, nothing sinister and nothing to worry about," said Najib. The Prime Minister said nothing much was discussed and reiterated that it was merely a social call. He said the crux of the matter should be what was discussed at the meeting and not that he had met Soros. "We did not discuss how to topple the government or to get funding," said Najib. Earlier at a press conference Najib said the Opposition often confused the people by giving opposing messages among themselves. He cited the shadow Cabinet as an example and said there were so many contradictory statements about it. Najib explained that under the Westminster democracy system, the Opposition must form a shadow Cabinet. He added that one of the purposes of forming a shadow Cabinet is to show the people if the Opposition team was capable or not.
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PM: Dana RM40 juta Sabah hanya derma politik Posted: 12 Oct 2012 01:34 PM PDT Beliau berkata bahawa pembangkang didakwa turut menerima derma politik sedemikian. Fazy, Sahir, FMT Pemberian dana berjumlah RM40juta kepada Umno Sabah hanya derma politik kata Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak. Menurut beliau, setiap parti politik mempunyai hak menerima derma politik selagi ia dilakukan melalui saluran yang betul. Ditanya mengenai di mana beliau memperolehi dana tersebut, Najib bagaimanapun enggan membuat pendedahan. Beliau berkata bahawa pembangkang didakwa turut menerima derma politik sedemikian. "Kita tidak sewenang-wenang mendedahkan kerana pembangkang juga menerima derma politik dan mereka tidak mendedahkan daripada mana mereka memperolehinya. "Cuba tanya pembangkang, berapa banyak yang mereka dapat untuk derma politik. Pemberian dana ini dilakukan dengan cara yang betul untuk kebaikan parti," katanya. Ketua Menteri Sabah yang juga Ketua Umno negeri, Datuk Seri Musa Aman sebelum ini menafikan tuduhan yang mengaitkan dirinya dengan hartawan balak, Michael Chia yang pernah ditahan pada 2008 kerana cuba menyeludup wang haram berjumlah RM40 juta. Namun Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) membersihkan dakwaan rasuah terhadap Musa dan Chia. Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz pada Khamis berkata, Jabatan Peguam Negara turut memutuskan tiada elemen rasuah dibuktikan membabitkan Ketua Umno Sabah itu.
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Orang Melayu diminta bersatu hadapi golongan cauvinis Posted: 12 Oct 2012 01:28 PM PDT
(Bernama) - Golongan cauvinis di negara ini tidak akan berhenti memecahbelahkan orang Melayu bagi melemahkan mereka dalam usaha golongan tersebut menguasai negara ini, kata Ketua Umno bahagian Padang Terap, Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid. Beliau yang merupakan Ketua Pembangkang di Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Kedah berkata oleh itu orang Melayu tidak boleh membuat percaturan salah pada pilihan raya umum akan datang. "Kita kena sedar ada sekelompok manusia cauvinis yang terang-terang berusaha memecahbelahkan orang Melayu. Mereka mahu menguasai negara ini. Sebarang kesilapan akan membawa padah dan bangsa Melayu akan kehilangan kuasa. "Orang Melayu tiada pilihan, kita perlu bersatu menentang golongan cauvinis bagi menjamin survival bangsa," katanya sewaktu berucap pada program 'Selamatkan Bangsa dan Negara: Amanat Pemimpin Bersama Rakyat' di Kampung Barokhas di sini malam tadi. Ia dihadiri lebih 1,000 orang termasuk Naib Ketua Umno bahagian Padang Terap, Datuk Syed Sobri Syed Hashim yang juga Anggota DUN Kuala Nerang. Mahdzir yang juga Anggota DUN Pedu berkata orang Melayu perlu berhenti bersengketa sesama sendiri serta mengikis sifat dendam kesumat dalam diri mereka. Katanya golongan cauvinis turut mengancam keselamatan negara dengan menganjurkan penentangan secara terbuka terhadap kerajaan yang dipilih rakyat melalui demonstrasi jalanan. Bekas Menteri Besar Kedah, Tan Sri Osman Aroff pula mengingatkan orang Melayu supaya mengkaji sejarah kebebasan negara dari belenggu penjajahan sehingga menjadi sebuah negara membangun. "Nikmat yang kita kecapi hari ini adalah hasil perjuangan bangsa Melayu sendiri yang ditunjangi Umno dan ia perlu dipertahankan. "Sekali kita hilang kuasa, tidak mudah untuk kita dapat balik. Jadi belajarlah dari sejarah supaya kita akan lebih sedar nasib kita," katanya.
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Fearing to break PAS’s fealty oath, Nash seeks being sacked Posted: 12 Oct 2012 01:15 PM PDT Sources say he is seen to be driving a bigger wedge between the two parties by flagrantly ignoring PAS's offical stand to set aside all talk of forming an Islamic state and focus on working together with the secular DAP to boost the PR pact's chance to take federal power at the 13th general election due soon. Amin Iskandar, The Malaysian Insider Nasharuddin is seen as deliberately pitting PAS and DAP leaders against each other. — File pictures Fearing the consequences of being an oathbreaker, PAS lawmaker Nasharuddin Mat Isa is deliberately stirring animosity with DAP allies to force his Islamist party to expel him from its ranks, sources told The Malaysian Insider. The Bachok MP is suspected to be the chief instigator of quarrels between the two Pakatan Rakyat (PR) partners over their mutual disagreement in turning Malaysia into a full-blown Islamic state and introduce Islamic criminal laws nationwide. Sources say he is seen to be driving a bigger wedge between the two parties by flagrantly ignoring PAS's offical stand to set aside all talk of forming an Islamic state and focus on working together with the secular DAP to boost the PR pact's chance to take federal power at the 13th general election due soon. "If we see, lately, Nasha has been aggressively pitting PAS and DAP leaders against each other so that Pakatan Rakyat splits. He does all this with the purpose that PAS will sack him and not him leaving PAS. "Leaving PAS means going against bai'ah, and this may be the main reason why he is not leaving PAS voluntarily," a senior PAS leader told The Malaysian Insider under condition of anonymity. Bai'ah is an Arabic term meaning an oath of allegiance that Muslims take to show their loyalty and commitment to their Islamic cause. Muslims believe that those who break bai'ah will suffer divine punishment. Husam questioned Nasharuddin's sincerity in championing hudud. Nasharuddin did not respond to The Malaysian Insider despite repeated queries. The PAS-DAP spat had been widely reported in the mainstream media and was seen to strain ties between the two opposition allies at a crucial time in the run-up to the intense battle for Putrajaya. But political analyst Prof Datuk Mohamad Abu Bakar told The Malaysian Insider that whatever happens to Nasharuddin will not greatly impact support for PAS. "To me, what is being done by Nasha is more towards strengthening Umno's people who are already in Umno," said the Universiti Malaya (UM) lecturer, referring to the pint-sized lawmaker by his popular moniker in Malay. He said that even if Nasharuddin quit PAS for Umno, the politician would only likely suffer the fate of other former PAS leaders such as former president Datuk Mohd Asri Muda and former deputy president Nakhaie Ahmad. "If Nasha joins Umno, he will not gain the full trust from that party because everyone knows his heart and soul is with PAS," the university don said, citing former Selangor PAS commissioner Datuk Hasan Ali as an example. Even after being sacked from PAS, Hasan was not welcomed to join Umno but was instead forced to set up Jalur Tiga (Jati), a non-governmental organisation (NGO) that fights for Islam, Malays and the royal institution. PAS vice-president Datuk Husam Musa questioned Nasharuddin's sincerity in championing hudud — the controversial Islamic penal code. "Previously, when trying to convince PAS to join Umno to form a united government, Ustaz Nasha told PAS that Pak Lah wanted to give three ministerial seats if PAS agreed to be with Umno. Khalid said Nashruddin's statements are clearly intended to benefit BN and create tension between PR parties. In a mocking tone, Husam said that if Umno were truly sincere in having talks with PAS, Nasharuddin should be allowed to stand in the Bachok parliamentary seat unchallenged in the next general election and win.
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Posted: 12 Oct 2012 01:07 PM PDT Enemy plotters are stepping up attacks on PAS and DAP to drive a wedge between them in time for the general election. Thus the attacks on PAS and DAP are timed in such a way so that there will be an implosion in Pakatan by early November. If Parliament is to be dissolved by end of October or thereabouts, PAS would be in difficulty as it needs time to explain the situation to its grassroots, especially those in the rural areas who need a lot of convincing to get them to stay with PAS. Selena Tay, FMT Certainly the 13th general election cannot be too far away. Just when there seems to be a lull in the political goings-on besides the usual Talam and the so-called water crisis stuff, PAS has again been rudely jolted with attacks from within its ranks. PAS' collaboration with DAP has again been brought into question by Nasharuddin Mat Isa, the Bachok MP from PAS. Of late, this former PAS deputy president seems to be making statements not aligned with the party stand. He has questioned Bersih co-chairperson S Ambiga's leadership of Bersih and currently he is questioning PAS' collaboration with DAP. The latter point is certainly made with the aim of driving a wedge between DAP and PAS. Has he become a Trojan Horse? Definitely he has plunged PAS into a dilemma. To sack him would be an extremely bad move as it would portray PAS as undemocratic and, worse still, of being a stooge of DAP. Thus the better move would be to just let him be. It is not unusual for the enemy plotters to step up attacks on PAS and DAP at this point in time as they want to make sure that Pakatan Rakyat is sufficiently weak before the 13th general election is called and time is running out if they intend to call for the polls this year. Besides Pakatan, the opposition parties in Sabah have yet to iron out a workable deal and are still very much in disarray. Thus the time is ripe to call for an election now with the budget's goodies being dangled as a carrot to woo the electorate. The economy is still not too bad and everything unpleasant is being kept beneath the surface. As the political situation is very fluid these days with events moving quickly, Barisan Nasional, which is in favour today due to the budget presentation last month, could be out of favour by March next year. Therefore it is best to capture the feel-good feeling fast. Moreover, the application for the BR1M 2.0 cash aid will be opened for registration on Nov 1. This will whet the rakyat's appetite in anticipation of the payout to be made in January and this means that the feel-good factor can be sustained till then. After the cash is distributed and used up, people will be in the doldrums again. This is not unusual as RM500 is easily used up if one stays in the urban areas and there are many urban poor in KL. After the cash aid has been utilised, BN has nothing more to dangle to the voters and the advantage will then switch to Pakatan. This shows that as long as the cash aid has yet to be disbursed, the advantage still belongs to BN. A big national Deepavali-do is anticipated to be held on Nov 10 or 11 and all the Haj pilgrims will be back by the third week of November. This means that polling can be held on the last weekend of November. Thus the attacks on PAS and DAP are timed in such a way so that there will be an implosion in Pakatan by early November. If Parliament is to be dissolved by end of October or thereabouts, PAS would be in difficulty as it needs time to explain the situation to its grassroots, especially those in the rural areas who need a lot of convincing to get them to stay with PAS. It is clear then that BN is planning for November polls. But if Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak suddenly has cold feet, then the polls will be held next year.
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Do the math, hudud is possible Posted: 12 Oct 2012 01:04 PM PDT If Pakatan Rakyat forms the federal government, then the threat of hudud being implemented is real both politically and economically. Moreover, DAP themselves have already pledged to introduce few potential Muslim/Malay candidates in the upcoming general election. So to have an extra 18 MPs from both PKR and DAP to reach 148 for hudud to be implemented is possible. By Shen Yee Aun, FMT I would like to help MCA publicity bureau chief Kow Cheong Wei on certain points that he had missed out during his debate against DAP's Hew Kuan Yew on Thursday night. Hew said there were less than two-third Muslim MPs in Parliament and it needed the consent of at least 148 MPs to push for an amendment to the Constitution to introduce hudud. "Out of the 222 MPs in Parliament, only 107 MPs from the Peninsular are Muslims. If we add the East Malaysian Muslim MPs, there will only be 130. "Besides, our constituency delineation is such that there are only 136 Muslim-majority seats, with more than 61% of the voters being Muslims," said Hew. Hew's calculation is based on the current political scenario where in total there are only 130 Muslim MPs in Parliament. He must not neglect the current political reality where his calculation is based on the the current government ruled by Barisan Nasional. The hudud calculation is only impossible in the BN political structure because mathematically the maximum number of Muslim MPs from BN even if they win all their seats will only be 117 MPs from Umno. It is almost impossible to have a Muslim/Malay MP from MCA, MIC, PPP and other BN component parties. So hudud is only mathematically impossible if BN rules. As for Pakatan Rakyat, the number of their Muslim MPs can be intangible and hard to predict because any Muslim candidate can represent both DAP and PKR in the general election. Moreover, DAP themselves have already pledged to introduce few potential Muslim/Malay candidates in the upcoming general election. So to have an extra 18 MPs from both PKR and DAP to reach 148 for hudud to be implemented is possible. Hew also claimed that our constituency delineation is such that there are only 136 Muslim-majority seats. But he forgot to include the number of Muslim candidates and MPs from mixed constituencies. Basically, Pakatan just needs an additional 12 seats from Muslim MPs contesting in mixed seats to reach 148 for hudud to be implemented. It's not all about mathematics Hew also forgot to include the factor of the potential strength of the upcoming prime minister. What if the majority of Muslims MPs in Pakatan decide to elect (PAS president Abdul) Hadi Awang as their prime minister. Having the influence of a prime minister will also increase support among the non MuslimPakatan MPs for Hadi for their own political survival in the coalition and government. Mathematically, the number of Muslim MPs from Pakatan will be more than the number of Muslim MPs from BN. Mathematically, Pakatan's strong performance in the last general election also led to Parliament witnessing a decrease of seven non Muslim MPs.
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Suaram decries ‘police extortionists’ Posted: 11 Oct 2012 07:30 PM PDT The NGO criticises the police force for their alleged practice of seeking cash in exchange for information or other favours from family members of those detained. Teoh El Sen, FMT Suaram lambasted the police over what appears to be a prevailing culture of their officers requesting bribes from family members in exchange for information on the whereabouts of their detained loved ones. The latest allegation involves the wife of death in custody victim, P Chandran, who said she was asked to pay RM300 for information on her husband just before he died in detention. N Selvi said she attempted to check with the police on the whereabouts of her husband so that she could pass him medication for hypertension problem. "Suaram is gravely concerned at the steady repetition of corrupt practices by the police," said Suaram coordinator R Thevarajan. He said that this was not the first time such allegations have been brought to Suaram's attention. In one instance, said Thevarajan, police had requested RM13,000 as "release fee" from parents of teenagers detained under the Emergency Ordinance in 2011. He also said that according to Suaram's records, police have, throughout the years, never claimed any responsibility for the death of detainees. "Suaram is perturbed at the cause of death and recounts that every death-in-custody was either attributed to the victim's health or passed off as a case of accident," he said. Thuggish attitude Suaram wants the officer-in-charge of the Dang Wangi lock-up, where Chandran was detained, to produce his daily journal for "scrutiny and an independent inquest".
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Posted: 11 Oct 2012 05:24 PM PDT Those who understand English would understand that I meant 'let's pretend', or 'hypothetically speaking', or, as the Malays would say, 'katalah'. I did not say that DAP did want to do this. I also did not say that Zul Noordin was correct. I was saying, even if DAP does plan this and even if Zul Noordin was correct, so what? What is wrong with that? Why can't we dream? Why can't we wish? Why can't we aspire? NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) was an American clergyman, activist, and prominent leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement. He is best known for his role in the advancement of civil rights using non-violent civil disobedience. King has become a national icon in the history of modern American liberalism. A Baptist minister, King became a civil rights activist early in his career. He led the 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott and helped found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) in 1957, serving as its first president. King's efforts led to the 1963 March on Washington, where King delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech. There, he established his reputation as one of the greatest orators in American history. He also established his reputation as a radical, and became an object of the FBI's COINTELPRO for the rest of his life. In 1964, King received the Nobel Peace Prize for combating racial inequality through non-violence. In the next few years leading up to his death, he expanded his focus to include poverty and the Vietnam War—alienating many of his liberal allies with a 1967 speech titled "Beyond Vietnam". King was planning a national occupation of Washington, D.C., called the Poor People's Campaign. King was assassinated on April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee. He was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1977 and Congressional Gold Medal in 2004; Martin Luther King, Jr. Day was established as a U.S. federal holiday in 1986. Hundreds of streets in the U.S. and beyond have been renamed in his honour. (Wikipedia) V57lotnKGF8 See the video on Youtube here: ***************************************** In my article yesterday, 'Why change will never come', I said: Okay, let us say that DAP does plan to turn Malaysia into a Christian State. So what? What is wrong with that? PAS wants to turn Malaysia into an Islamic State. Do we make a police report against PAS and demand that they apologise? Has PAS committed a crime by aspiring for Malaysia to become an Islamic State? So why is it wrong for DAP to aspire for Malaysia to become a Christian State? Many responded by saying that I have missed the point and that the point is the Member of Parliament for Kulim–Bandar Baharu, Zulkifli Noordin, lied and that DAP did not say it wants to turn Malaysia into a Christian State. Some even argued that a Christian State does not exist so it would be impossible to turn Malaysia into a Christian State. If that is your argument then it will be equally impossible to turn Malaysia into an Islamic State because an Islamic State also does not exist. If it does exist then can you tell me what it looks like? Even the Muslim scholars are not able to define an Islamic State or agree on what an Islamic State looks like. So, what is an Islamic State? Define it! No doubt, in the Federal Constitution of Malaysia, it does say that Islam is the religion of the Federation. Well, Christianity, in particular the Church of England, is the religion of the United Kingdom, although it is not stated in the 'Constitution'. But it is the 'law'. At least Malaysia's Constitution does not prevent a Buddhist, Hindu or Christian (or non-Malay) from becoming the Prime Minister. The Constitution is silent on that issue. In the UK, not only must you be a Christian, but you must also be a Protestant Christian. A Catholic cannot sit on the 'throne' -- whether as the Prime Minister or the Monarch. That is the law in England, while it is not law in Malaysia but merely 'by convention' (kelaziman, as the Malays would say). So, in that sense, Malaysia is more liberal than the UK although I do not see in the near future a Chinese Christian or Indian Hindu becoming Malaysia's Prime Minister in spite of it being nothing wrong from the legal aspect. The next point I want to talk about is the part where I said: Okay, let us say that DAP does plan to turn Malaysia into a Christian State. Those who understand English would understand that I meant 'let's pretend', or 'hypothetically speaking', or, as the Malays would say, 'katalah'. I did not say that DAP does want to do this. I also did not say that Zul Noordin was correct. I was saying, even if DAP does plan this and even if Zul Noordin was correct, so what? What is wrong with that? Why can't we dream? Why can't we wish? Why can't we aspire? Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream. He had an aspiration. He had a wish. But it took 46 years before Martin Luther King, Jr. saw his dream come true. And because he had a dream they murdered him. Hence even having an aspiration is considered a crime. So he did not live to see his dream come true. But it has to start from a dream. You need an aspiration. And you should not be killed just because you have an aspiration. Hence, if there are people who aspire to see Malaysia become a Christian State what is so wrong with that? I am not saying that there are people who aspire this. I am saying that even if there are, what's wrong with having such an aspiration? It may never happen. We may never even see Malaysia turned into an Islamic State. Malaysia may remain a Secular State until the end of time, or at least until you and I are all dead. But that should not stop us from dreaming or from having an aspiration. I am sure many of you also aspire to become millionaires. Most likely most of you will die in debt. Hardly 1% of you are going to become millionaires. But carry on aspiring. Dream of the day you will become a millionaire with so much money you don't know what to do with it. It is probably never going to happen. But I am not going to whack you for dreaming. It is good to dream. Dreams keep you going. The day you stop dreaming is the day you die although you may still be breathing. Take note, though, that aspiration minus the perspiration is no bloody good. Then it would be, as the Malays say, angan-angan or daydreaming. You start with an aspiration. But then you need to work on these aspirations. If not, nothing is going to happen. We all dream of a better Malaysia. That may never happen, of course. Malaysia may not get any better but in fact may even get worse. But if we do not dream of a better Malaysia then that means we do not care a damn about what happens to the country. In the end your dreams may not come true. But that should not stop us from dreaming. It is better we die with a dream than die having wasted our time here on earth. And Martin Luther King, Jr. died with a dream but did not waste his time here on earth because 46 years later what he dreamed about happened. The US finally saw the African Americans get elevated from second-class citizens to residents of the White House. And you know what? They did not even need to rename the White House to the Black House. | ||||
Is Kit Siang senile too, Tony Pua (Part 2) Posted: 11 Oct 2012 04:18 PM PDT ANOTHER BRICK IN THE WALL This blog will not hold back our resentment and demand for the resignation or dismissal of Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop from cabinet. He is corrupt and practise nepotism extensively, destructive in his management of GLCS and policy formulation, and an outright law breaker. It does not matter that he is the Division Head for Tasek Gelugor. He is bad news and should not be a winnable candidate of BN. After all, he got that post by dishonouring a gentleman's agreement with Dato Sharif Omar who gave way the MP seat for him.
In 1994, Nor Mohamed and his then boss, BNM Governor the late Tan Sri Jaafar Hussein were gentlemen enough to accept responsibility for making that mother of all losses in the spot currency market. The market practitioner then justify such activities as taking an active reserve management over a passive reserve management. Before BNM, it was the Russian that steamroll against any market trend. The person responsible to monitor this activity was the then Finance Minister, Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim. He gets various reports on reserve, activities and development of program regularly. Lim Kit Siang identified Anwar as also responsible for the loss from putting together his official statements. [Read previous posting here.] Anwar should resign for his negligence. Why didn't he resign? Why didn't Kit Siang kept demanding on him till today? Perhaps he is too old and senile to remember he said those words, and to repeat and make ruckus over the same issue. Or perhaps he conveniently senile at the right time and political opportunity.
When Wong Choon Mei's Malaysia Chronicle reported an attempt to deviate responsibility from Anwar to Tun Dr Mahathir, that is wrong. Right is right even if it involves Nor Mohamed. The then Nor Mohamed, I mean. The except of the report here, below: Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim dropped a bombshell on Monday revealing that the central Bank Negara not only lost RM30 billion trading in the currency markets but that it was former premier Mahathir Mohamad who had ordered him not to punish Nor Mohamed Yakcop, who was then in charge of the bank's treasury. Anwar's revelation bolsters the view that Mahathir had knowledge of and even encouraged Nor to gamble in the global markets, racking up enormous losses that made Malaysia vulnerable to the sharp slowdown of the mid 1990s. "Dr Mahathir ordered, 'don't touch him (Nor)'. The prime minister at the time did not agree with taking action because he said, 'If we make profits, you praise him (Nor), when we make losses, you want to torture him'," Anwar told a press conference in Parliament today. Nor Mohamed had indeed shocked the international markets with his huge deals and buy-sell orders in the 1990s. In his book Malaysian Maverick, author Barry Wain had also written that Mahathir knew of and encouraged Nor to speculate. Nor Mohamad has never pointed the finger at Mahathir or implicated the older man. However, the fact that Mahathir has consistently refused to punish Nor has stirred suspicion. He even promoted Nor to Special Economic Adviser and gave him a key role to play in Malaysia's controversial implementation of currency control measures during the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis. Tun Dr Mahathir did not bother to reply or is delaying in order to give a snap back at Tony Pua first for calling him senile. There is an answer to it without him having to say anything.
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Posted: 11 Oct 2012 03:54 PM PDT Hence don't be too impressed if someone has Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Datuk Seri Datuk Dr. in front of his/her name with a J.P behind it. Most likely not only the Ph.D but the other titles as well have been bought. And that is why some of the worst scum of Malaysian society have long and impressive titles in front of their name. NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin The first thing you look for in life is security. And security here not only involves the safety of your property, life and limb (and that of your family) but also financial security. Hence we go to school and then to college and/or university. Some of us even spend 5-7 years to do a Ph.D. But why do you go through all that trouble of obtaining an education from age 6 (some start at age 4) to age 21-22 (some up to age 27-28)? Are you seeking knowledge? Actually, most of us are not concerned about knowledge. I have met Ph.D. students who think just like the fishermen and farmers from the East Coast. Hence that foreign university education and the 8-10 years in England is a total waste of time. Their mindset has not changed one bit since the days they were in primary school back in their kampong. Most Malaysians do not care about knowledge. Most receive a tertiary education but their minds remain closed and backward. The comments posted in Malaysia Today are proof of that. You should see the ones I deleted. Those comments will put you off sex for a whole week. Education, which any Chinese will tell you, is very important. It will enable you to have a good life. And 'good life' here means plenty of money in the pocket. Education is not about making you smarter. In fact, many 'educated' people are actually quite stupid. Education is about getting rich. Hence Malaysians seek a good education as the shortcut to wealth. With education also come recognition, power and position. But money has to come first. Then, once you have enough money in the pocket, you can aim for the rest. Of course, sometimes you work backwards. You go for recognition, power and position and use that to make plenty of money. No doubt you cannot admit this. You have to pretend that you are serving the rakyat and that you only have the rakyat's interest at heart. Then, using this excuse, once you have recognition, power and position, you use that as a platform to make money. Let us say you already achieve that. Let us say you have plenty or enough money and you also have a position (maybe even a position of power). Then what next? Well, next you go for status. You wangle your way into the ranks of the elite. You become one of the titled people. And to do that you need to get yourself a Datukship (which later can be upgraded to Datuk Seri, Tan Sri, Tun, etc.). And you can buy these titles. For around RM250,000 or so you can get Barisan Nasional or one of the Rulers to make you a Datuk. (Even Pakatan Rakyat is now in the game in case you were not aware). The Rulers, Umno, MCA, MIC, Gerakan, etc., all have an annual 'quota' of titles and awards to sell (just like APs). For the right amount of money and with the right connections you can easily pick up a title. Even foreigners can do so. If you are named Mohamad bin Mohamad or Rajalingam a/l Rajadurai or Tan Beng Kok that would not be as impressive as Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Datuk Seri Datuk Dr. Mohamad bin Mohamad J.P. or Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Datuk Seri Datuk Dr. Rajalingam a/l Rajadurai J.P. or Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Datuk Seri Datuk Dr. Tan Beng Kok J.P. Hence don't be too impressed if someone has Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Datuk Seri Datuk Dr. in front of his/her name with a J.P behind it. Most likely not only the Ph.D but the other titles as well have been bought. And that is why some of the worst scum of Malaysian society have long and impressive titles in front of their names. But then, as they say, there would be no sellers if there were no buyers. This is the law of supply and demand. There are prostitutes only because there are people who want to buy sex. Hence there are Rulers and political parties that are in the business of selling awards and titles because there are many Malaysians with plenty of money in their pockets who want Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Datuk Seri Datuk Dr. in front of their names and a J.P. behind it. Just to digress a bit, I now have five grandchildren and so I am automatically a Datuk. My wife, however, is not a Datin. She is a Nenek. My wife asked me: so what is wrong with that? I told her that sleeping with a Mak Datin is probably more fun than sleeping with a Nenek. I heard that many Mak Datins in Malaysia are swingers. Hmm…and to think that I no longer live in Malaysia…sigh… ****************************************** Datuk among trio held over 4D licence scam (The Star) - A Datuk and two others have been arrested for cheating a housing developer of RM1.6mil by offering him a "licence" to open 4D numbers forecast outlets here. The three are also believed to be involved in operating a syndicate offering to help people get Datukships and approved permits (AP) for cars. To convince their victims, the three drove luxury cars while one of them posed as an officer attached to the Prime Minister's Department. The Selangor Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID) got wind of the syndicate after a 35-year-old victim, also a Datuk, lodged a report in June. Since then, police have identified four other victims of the syndicate. Selangor CCID chief Asst Comm Chong Mun Phing said the housing developer was introduced to the syndicate as he was interested in opening numbers forecast outlets. "The victim was brought to a government building in Putrajaya, where a bogus Datuk claiming to work in the Prime Minister's Department acknowledged the application," she said at the Selangor police headquarters yesterday. She said the victim then made seven payments amounting to RM1.6mil and was given the "licence". "The syndicate advised him to wait for the other permits before setting up the outlets," she said, adding that suspecting something amiss, the victim went to the Prime Minister's Department and was told that the licence was a fake. ACP Chong said the man then lodged a report and police monitored the movements of the three suspects before arresting them early this month. "We arrested the 45-year-old Datuk and his 29-year-old bodyguard following a raid in Kuchai Lama on Oct 2," she said, adding that a 52-year-old man was arrested at his home in Shah Alam three days later. Investigations revealed that the third man arrested did not work with any government agency. "Investigations also led us to the recovery of various documents which the syndicate hid in two safe boxes at Masjid Jamek and KL Sentral," she said. ****************************************** Absent Datuk forces businesswoman to part with RM700,000 bail (The Star) - A Datuk, convicted of cheating and using forged documents involving almost RM12mil, had his appeal struck out as he was absent in court. The failure of his bailor to appear and produce him in court also caused her RM700,000 bail to be forfeited. High Court judge Justice Amelia Tee Hong Geok Abdullah struck out the appeal filed by Datuk Paiman Shakimon against his jail term and conviction. "The appeal is struck out as the appellant (Paiman) has no interest (to continue his appeal)," Justice Tee ruled. Justice Tee forfeited the bail, saying that the bailor, businesswoman Dr Norma Ahmad, 55, had been given a last chance to produce Paiman in court. (Justice Tee had on Sept 21 heard a show-cause proceeding, where Dr Norma was asked to explain why her RM700,000 house used as a collateral for Paiman's bail should not be forfeited and she was given a last chance to produce Paiman in court yesterday. (Dr Norma had said that she had gone to Paiman's house three times but was unable to meet him. DPP Syed Faisal had also said police had gone to Paiman's house in Country Heights, Kajang, three times but could not execute the July 20 arrest warrant issued against him.) Paiman, 53, was sentenced by the Sessions Court here to 13 years jail on two counts of cheating and two counts of using forged documents involving almost RM12mil. Justice Tee also issued a warrant to commit Paiman to jail. Sessions judge Jagjit Singh ruled in April last year that Paiman's defence was a mere denial and that he did not find him credible. Syed Faisal told the judge that Paiman had failed to appear in court although he had previously contacted his former lawyer Gobind Singh Deo to file a petition of appeal. "Gobind Singh discharged himself from acting for him at the last proceedings," Syed Faisal added. Paiman had pleaded not guilty on Sept 28, 2007, to cheating businessman Datuk Rosidi Kamaruddin, 60, into paying him RM3.8mil after inducing him to believe that a roll-over programme investment scheme was approved by Bank Negara and was profitable. He had also claimed trial to duping lawyer Datuk Liew Teck Keong, 57, into paying him RM8mil after convincing him the same scheme was valid. Paiman faced two other charges of using 28 forged documents in his dealings with both Rosidi and Liew. ****************************************** Umno MP to go to jail after court upholds conviction (The Malaysian Insider) - Umno's Sabak Bernam MP Datuk Abdul Rahman Bakri will have to serve his jail sentence after the Shah Alam High Court upheld today his conviction March for making false claims. Abdul Rahman and his aide Rosli Busro were sentenced by a Sessions Court in March to six years' jail and fined RM400,000 each for making false claims. But the court had then granted them a stay of execution pending appeal. Today, Shah Alam High Court judge Datuk Akhtar Tahir dismissed the appeal and also rejected an application for a stay of execution. The judge also ordered the sentence carried out immediately. In March the Sessions Court had found the two guilty on eight counts of making false claims totalling RM80,000 for events that never took place four years ago. The Barisan Nasional (BN) lawmaker was accused of committing the offences while a Sungai Air Tawar assemblyman before Election 2008. The 47-year-old was charged under Section 11(c) of the Anti-Corruption Act 1997 in November 2009 with falsely claiming RM10,000 each time between January 21 and February 4, 2008. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had said in March that Abdul Rahman had been stripped of his party divisional post, but remained an Umno MP. In making his ruling today, Akhtar dismissed arguments made by Abdul Rahman's lawyer to reject the testimony of two witnesses — Mohd Harmizar and Rizam ismail — because it was alleged that they were also accomplices in the criminal acts. "I have read the testimony of the two witnesses and I do not consider them accomplices," said the judge, who added that he considered the two men merely followed Abdul Rahman's instructions. He added that the accounts given by the two men were corroborated by other witnesses. Akhtar said it was clear that Abdul Rahman and Rosli had the intention to make the false claims, and this was proven when the money was used for their own purposes and not stated in their claims. Abdul Rahman, 47, had been found guilty of making claims from his allocation as state legislator for events and activities that did not take place. The claims were for the purchase of gifts, souvenirs and meals for events listed as Program Motivasi Pelajar Peringkat Dewan Undangan Negeri Sungai Air Tawar; Program Mesra Rakyat dan Hari Keluarga di Dewan Simpang 4 Bagan Nakhoda Omar (BNO); Program Forum Perdana Peringkat Mukim BNO; Program Mesra Rakyat dan Sambutan Maulud Nabi and Program Mesra Rakyat Hari Keluarga Guru Kemas. | ||||
Malaysian government says smuggled UBS millions were UMNO party funds Posted: 11 Oct 2012 02:57 PM PDT The Bruno Manser Fund is shocked by Nazri's claim that Hong Kong-laundered UMNO funds, which were secretly cashed in from logging companies in return for favours, should not be linked to corruption. Nazri's statements reveal the extent of collusion with illegal logging by the highest levels of the Malaysian government.
In a stunning statement, Malaysian Minister in the Prime Minister's Department, Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz ("Nazri"), has today said that 16 million dollar Singapore dollars (USD 13 million) smuggled out of Hong Kong by Malaysian businessman Michael Chia were funds belonging to UMNO (United Malays National Organization), the leading party of Malaysia's ruling Barisan Nasional coalition, and not to Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman. The statement was made in a written reply to questions filed in parliament by opposition MP Chua Tian Chang. The minister's statement, obviously aimed at exonerating the embattled Sabah Chief Minister, is likely to create new problems for the Malaysian government. On 14 August, 2008, Michael Chia was caught red-handed at the Hong Kong International Airport with the money in his luggage before boarding a flight to Kuala Lumpur. Michael Chia is a close associate of Musa Aman, the Chief Minister of Malaysian state of Sabah and the brother of Malaysia's Foreign Minister, Anifah Aman, both of whom are UMNO members. Michael Chia's arrest triggered an investigation by Hong Kong's Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) which asked the Swiss and Malaysian authorities for legal assistance. The Swiss government provided legal assistance to Hong Kong in March 2011 and has since confirmed that UBS is the only Swiss bank involved in the "MUSA Bin Aman et al." legal assistance case. Based on a complaint by the Bruno Manser Fund, Switzerland's Attorney General opened a criminal investigation against UBS over money-laundering on 29 August 2012. Documents submitted by the Bruno Manser Fund to the Swiss prosecutors are showing that Michael Chia played a central role in cashing in kickbacks from logging companies which were granted timber harvest and log export concessions by Yayasan Sabah, a public body controlled by Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman. The Bruno Manser Fund is shocked by Nazri's claim that Hong Kong-laundered UMNO funds, which were secretly cashed in from logging companies in return for favours, should not be linked to corruption. Nazri's statements reveal the extent of collusion with illegal logging by the highest levels of the Malaysian government. The Bruno Manser Fund is calling on the Malaysian King, His Majesty Tuanku Abdul Halim, to appoint an independent special prosecutor in order to investigate the failure of Malaysia's legal and political system in this matter. | ||||
No man can get rich in politics unless he's a crook! Posted: 11 Oct 2012 02:50 PM PDT I read with curiosity the recent call by PM Najib to inculcate a "natural abhorrence to corruption into the conscience of society." Even after reading his "natural abhorrence" statement, my ringgit still does not feel safe in my pocket. No man can get rich in politics unless he's a crook! - President Harry Truman Frankly speaking, I cannot really grasp the real purpose of his speech because in reality, corruption had already seeped into every nook and corner of our society that had become as common as "nasi lemak".Let's not argue about it. Besides, at times like these, one genuinely needs a healthy dose of jokes every now and then to lift one up and out of the dreary and melodramatic antics of some Barisan Nasional's politicians. These antics are often oozed into the cesspit bottom of the mainstream government-siding electronic and print media as front page news. Well, if Najib is serious, I mean dead serious, he should put this "natural abhorrence" joke aside and read this book: "Give 'Em Hell, Harry!" This book has all the ingredients of what a leader should be made up of. President Harry Truman I never saw myself as President. I was just in the right place at the wrong time. I've always thought of myself as an ordinary man. I don't have any special personal endowments, and I don't waste time worrying about what I don't have. I just try to do the best I can with what I do have. It's not important how you do something or say it; the point is to get it said and done. People even object to my language. Some old party hen is supposed to have come up to Bess and said, Mrs. Truman, can't you get the President to stop using the word 'manure'? And Bess is supposed to have replied, it's taken me 40 years to get him to use it. I may have inherited this job, but, by God, I'm in charge, and they damn well better know it! You know, a fella could get rich in this job, if he really wanted to. But I found out something a long time ago: that when you play ball with the money boys, you pay! Oh, I've done some favors for friends down through the years, just like any other influence peddler in Washington, but I never got anything for myself out of it. And I'll tell you something else: No man can get rich in politics unless he's a crook! It can't be done. Road Contractors When Tom Pendergast paid me a visit after a bond issue had been passed to build roads, I got my first taste of "road contractors." I told Tom that his supporters weren't very good road builders, and that was all that really concerned me. "Their bids were too damn high, Tom," I said, "and the roads they build are crumbling like pie crusts. I'm going to award the job to some bunch from out of state..." There are three things on this earth that'll ruin a man—power, money and women. If a man can accept power as a temporary thing, he's going to be all right. But if he thinks he's the cause of the power, that'll ruin him. And money, if a man makes too much money, too quickly, it can separate him from the rest of the human race who have to work most of their lives just to earn a living. And if a man is disloyal to his family, that'll ruin him. "Cause if you've got the right partner in life, you're not going to have much trouble…" This book is a good read, simple and straight forward. Politically, Truman never budged an inch when he knew that he was right. He literally took the bull by its horns when he was dealing with the Ultra Right Joseph McCarthy, Ku Klux Klan and General McArthur. In his own party, he had to take on President Franklin Roosevelt who was dead set against him because he was backing legislation to limit Presidents to two terms. He also took on the all powerful Joseph McCarthy whom he called the "the most lamentable mistake of the Almighty…" "And I tell you, folks, if you keep your mouth shut about something like that, democracy simply will not work!" - Truman
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PKR won’t be taking action against Faekah Posted: 11 Oct 2012 02:26 PM PDT
(The Star) - PKR is not taking any action against the Selangor Mentri Besar's political aide Faekah Husin despite calls for her to be sacked following her criticisms against party deputy president Azmin Ali. PKR secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution said the matter involving Faekah was not even discussed at its political bureau meeting on Wednesday. "We are not referring her to the disciplinary committee," he said, adding that the party certainly won't be taking any disciplinary action against Faekah for now. Saifuddin was commenting on calls by some party leaders for Faekah to be sacked for criticising Azmin, who had implied that her boss Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim would not be retained as Selangor Mentri Besar. Selangor PKR election director Borhan Aman Shah had said Faekah should be sacked immediately for publicly criticising state chief Azmin. The MB's deputy Zuraida Kamaruddin had also hit back at Faekah for saying that Azmin was not a smart politician. Saifuddin said the political bureau had discussed the divisions' AGM reports during the meeting. "We also discussed the latest status of our election preparations and other current issues," he added. Many observers had viewed the Khalid-Faekah-Azmin feud with interest as the aide was known to have the support of PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail while Azmin had the backing of party leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. "As Faekah is working under Khalid, Khalid is seen indirectly as having Wan Azizah's backing," said a party insider.
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Posted: 11 Oct 2012 02:10 PM PDT
(The Star) - Selangor Speaker Datuk Teng Chang Khim has hit out at four DAP former members for demonstrating near the state assembly building, saying their action insulted the House. He said the group should have brought their grouses to the attention of the relevant authorities instead of staging the demonstration. The four former members were unhappy that their complaints to the Selangor Special Select Committee on Competency, Accountability and Transparency (Selcat) against several DAP leaders who they claimed were involved in corrupt practices were not investigated. They held a peaceful demonstration at the building yesterday. Former Serdang DAP member Yap Kon Min, who represented the group made up of members from the recently dissolved Sungai Pelek branch, told reporters he had brought three alleged corruption cases to Selcat since May but nothing had been done. The cases involved four DAP leaders and officials Serdang MP Teo Nie Ching's personal assistant, Chan Hung Guan, Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng, DAP member Tiew Way Keng and Kajang councillor Lee Kee Hiong. Teng said Selcat did not investigate crime and corruption cases as its power was only confined to issues relating to the state administration. "Bringing such issues and demonstrating near the state assembly was kind of insulting the House," he said. Yap made several allegations against Chan relating to Teo's service centre and a MPPJ contrac "Is Selcat going to investigate these matters? Or is it a kangaroo court that supports only DAP representatives? We do not want the committee to sweep these (matters) under the rug," he said. Lim said he had filed a defamation suit against Yap for his allegations. He, however, refused to elaborate, saying the issue was now a court matter. Teo, Tiew and Lee, could not be reached for comments.
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Anwar gets into PAS’ bad books Posted: 11 Oct 2012 02:01 PM PDT
(The Star) - PAS Youth has joined the fray in denouncing a book launched by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim that suggests Islam is not a good basis to set up a nation. Its chief Nasrudin Hassan said the wing fully supported the statement by the party's deputy spiritual leader Datuk Dr Haron Din, who criticised the book and the Opposition leader for associating himself with the book's author, former Indian MP Mubasyar Jawid Akbar. Mubasyar in the book Tinder Box: The Past and The Future of Pakistan suggests that Islam is only a basis to form a brotherhood and not a basis to form a country. Nasrudin said the wing supported Haron's statement that the development of an Islamic nation should centre around Islamic principles and teachings. He was responding to Haron's recent criticism against Anwar for launching Mubasyar's book at the Royal Lake Club in Kuala Lumpur. The book launch was also attended by Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim. Haron expressed regret that PKR had given Mubasyar the opportunity to present his liberal views in Malaysia. Denouncing Mubasyar's book, Nasrudin said Islam should not be limited as a basis to forge ties between the ummah. PAS rejected such liberal Islamic doctrines, said Nasrudin, stressing that Islam could even be used as a guide to resolve national woes. "Islam complements all aspects of life including the establishment and administration of a nation." Islam emphasised a trustworthy administration that was free from graft and leakage, and on the welfare of the rakyat, he said.
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Absent Datuk forces businesswoman to part with RM700,000 bail Posted: 11 Oct 2012 01:57 PM PDT
(The Star) - A Datuk, convicted of cheating and using forged documents involving almost RM12mil, had his appeal struck out as he was absent in court. The failure of his bailor to appear and produce him in court also caused her RM700,000 bail to be forfeited. High Court judge Justice Amelia Tee Hong Geok Abdullah struck out the appeal filed by Datuk Paiman Shakimon against his jail term and conviction. "The appeal is struck out as the appellant (Paiman) has no interest (to continue his appeal)," Justice Tee ruled. Justice Tee forfeited the bail, saying that the bailor, businesswoman Dr Norma Ahmad, 55, had been given a last chance to produce Paiman in court. (Justice Tee had on Sept 21 heard a show-cause proceeding, where Dr Norma was asked to explain why her RM700,000 house used as a collateral for Paiman's bail should not be forfeited and she was given a last chance to produce Paiman in court yesterday. (Dr Norma had said that she had gone to Paiman's house three times but was unable to meet him. DPP Syed Faisal had also said police had gone to Paiman's house in Country Heights, Kajang, three times but could not execute the July 20 arrest warrant issued against him.) Paiman, 53, was sentenced by the Sessions Court here to 13 years jail on two counts of cheating and two counts of using forged documents involving almost RM12mil. Justice Tee also issued a warrant to commit Paiman to jail. Sessions judge Jagjit Singh ruled in April last year that Paiman's defence was a mere denial and that he did not find him credible. Syed Faisal told the judge that Paiman had failed to appear in court although he had previously contacted his former lawyer Gobind Singh Deo to file a petition of appeal. "Gobind Singh discharged himself from acting for him at the last proceedings," Syed Faisal added. Paiman had pleaded not guilty on Sept 28, 2007, to cheating businessman Datuk Rosidi Kamaruddin, 60, into paying him RM3.8mil after inducing him to believe that a roll-over programme investment scheme was approved by Bank Negara and was profitable. He had also claimed trial to duping lawyer Datuk Liew Teck Keong, 57, into paying him RM8mil after convincing him the same scheme was valid. Paiman faced two other charges of using 28 forged documents in his dealings with both Rosidi and Liew.
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Posted: 11 Oct 2012 01:48 PM PDT Whenever Umno bashes the Christians, you can be sure they have got some dirt to hide. The answer is simple: Umno uses the Christians to quell dissatisfaction in the masses, principally the Malays. The non-Malays are also forced to go on the defensive and adopt a deferential role. Umno dislikes the building of bridges between different communities. Mariam Mokhtar, FMT Many people are aware that in Ancient Rome, Christians were thrown to the lions, in the Colosseum as entertainment for the Romans and the emperor. Today, when governments want to bury bad news, they will exploit a tragedy, or they will create a distraction for the public, to minimise the bad publicity they would otherwise have received. In Malaysia, the Christians are the smokescreen. What will Umno do next time one of their leaders is accused of corruption? How would Umno deal with opposition exposure of foreigners being given votes in exchange for the right to work and be registered as Malaysians? Who would Umno exploit if they have to return a verdict of death by misadventure, the next time an individual tries to exit from the window of a multi-storey building? Where else in the world is religion used to promote the interests of one party and one race? When will the Christians be of most use to Umno? Why would Umno want to embrace the Christians? The answer is simple: Umno uses the Christians to quell dissatisfaction in the masses, principally the Malays. The non-Malays are also forced to go on the defensive and adopt a deferential role. Umno dislikes the building of bridges between different communities. Last year, there was plenty of bad news about the Malaysian economy, corruption, the empty promises of reforms by the government and the Election Commision (EC), Lynas rare-earth plant and the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) scandal. Most infamous was the handling of the accusations of police brutality during the Bersih 2.0 march for democracy by Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak. These reports were in the run-up to the announcements by rogue politicians that Malays are being proselytized, or that solar-powered talking bibles are being used to convert the Malays. In recent weeks, former minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil blamed two online newspapers for misrepresenting the Auditor-General's report on the NFC. She also claimed that as a working woman she was not aware of what her husband and children were up to, although they lived in the same house. We also learnt that the Ministry of Finance had awarded a RM164.8 million tender to an allegedly unsuitable supplier of padi seeds. Who would be blamed for the failure to germinate? The weather or the farmer? Malacca's Chief Minister Ali Rustam entered the book of Malaysian records for his "cheap" RM600,000 wedding of his son, when 130,000 members of the public were invited to the feast, "sponsored" by companies and agents of the state. Would members of the public be permitted preferential use of facilities, like tents and air-conditioning units? Around 1,000 students and activists from independent Islamic schools (SAR) held a protest outside Parliament and questioned Umno about the lack of funding for their schools in the 2013 Budget. After months of being praised for being the perfect ambassadors for Malaysia and "the eyes and ears of the government in eradicating corruption", KL taxi drivers saw through this charade and took to the streets to protest about working conditions. Unfortunately after being fleeced by the taxi-drivers, the public were not sympathetic to their cause. Incidentally, the Auditor-General's 2011 report has been delayed. Why? In recent weeks, former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad accused George Soros, Umno's public enemy No.1, of financing various NGOs to force a regime change in the country. So what did the public make of the revelation yesterday, that Najib had entertained billionaire financier Soros in New York, in 2010? One PM says Soros is evil, another PM courts him. The RM40 mil question All these contradictory stories would make even the most reclusive and ignorant Malaysian ask questions of the government, but the bombshell that Umno dreads most is the RM40 million question. Sabah businessman Michael Chia was carrying RM40 million worth of Singapore dollars when he was caught at the Hong Kong airport, in 2008, before he could board his flight to Kuala Lumpur. For whom was the money destined? The Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) charged Chia with money laundering and trafficking, but yesterday, Minister in the PM's department, Nazri Abdul Aziz said that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) had found no evidence of corruption and that the money was a political contribution for the state Umno and not meant for Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman.
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SWP hit by ‘financial’ setbacks? Posted: 11 Oct 2012 01:43 PM PDT Sarawak Workers Party which trumpeted its plans to contest in six constituencies held by rival Parti Rakyat Sarawak may end the polls with a whimper. Joseph Tawie, FMT KUCHING: Has the five-month old Sarawak Workers Party (SWP) hit a financial snag? The party which seemed to have made a good start in the beginning in Selangau parliamentary constituency is now suffering from a serious setbacks. Some 700 SWP members in the Kakus constituency have reportedly resigned from the party. No reason has been given for their resignations, but it is believed it had something to do with 'broken promises' of financial rewards. SWP's de facto leader Sng Chee Hua who is tipped to contest in the constituency has been campaigning hard against Joseph Entulu, who is deputy Minister of Regional and Rural Development. Entulu is also deputy president of Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS). A source close to the Sng said it is a 'major blow' for the SWP de facto leader. SWP is led by Sng's son Larry (photo), who is former Pelagus assemblyman. "The resignations of the members have surprised Sng. Even the service centre of SWP in Tatau has been dismantled by the owner of the shop allegedly for non-payment of rental. "This is a major blow to Sng, who is trying to make a political comeback," said the source who declined to be named. Sng in his early 60s was a one-term member of parliament of Julau from 1995. Besides Selangau, SWP has expressed its intention to contest against PRS in five other seats namely Julau, Kanowit, Ulu Rajang, Lubok Antu and Sri Aman. The source said that three members of the party's supreme council have threatened to resign if the promises made to them are not going to be fulfilled. Losing interest According to the source, SWP leaders who are potential candidates have been promised a monthly allowance of RM10,000. As a result of this promise, two of them resigned their posts, one from a government-linked company and the other from a private university. "For the past three months, all six potential candidates have been directed to go to the ground and to use their money first after which they would be reimbursed. "Up to last week they have not been reimbursed and have not received the allowance of RM10,000 otherwise they would resign from the party," said the source.
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Factories retrenching as output slips, minimum wage looms Posted: 11 Oct 2012 01:38 PM PDT
Lee Wel Lian, The Malaysian Insider Manufacturers in Malaysia are shedding workers due to uncertainty over the global economy and the impending start of minimum wage next year, says RHB Research Institute. RHB said in a report yesterday that in line with a slowdown in sales, the manufacturers retrenched 4,609 workers in August compared to a recruitment of 441 workers in July. Unemployment was 3.1 per cent in July, with an estimated two million foreign workers employed in the country. "In line with the slowdown in YoY (year-on-year) sales, manufacturers were cautious and they retrenched some workers in August," said RHB. "This was due to weakness in the global economy and compounded by the impending implementation of the minimum wage policy in early 2013." The research house warned that manufacturers could retrench more workers if the economic situation deteriorates as productivity gains — which is measured by sales per employee — slowed to 0.7 per cent in August from 4.3 per cent in July and 5.8 per cent in June. It noted that wages per employee rose 4.6 per cent in August compared with 3.2 per cent in July and just one per cent in June. RHB said however that stripping out seasonal factors and measured on a three-month moving average basis, wages per employee edged lower to 2.9 per cent year-on-year during the month, from 4.3 per cent in July which indicated that wage pressure is gradually dissipating after trending up in the first five months of the year. "However, it could trend up again, on the back of an implementation of the minimum wage policy, which will take effect in 6-12 months, depending on the industry, from the date the Minimum Wage Order was gazetted on July 16," said RHB. The Najib administration had pushed for the introduction of minimum wage in a bid to lift salaries as part of efforts to make Malaysia a high-income nation. Proponents of minimum wage say that it would make businesses and manufacturers more efficient and move them up the value chain by investing in high technology and more skills training rather than relying on cheap labour as in the past. Critics however say that pay should be based on worker productivity and be flexible enough to respond to market conditions or it could otherwise result in job losses. Manufacturing output slipped for the first time since September 2009 by 1.8 per cent year-on-year in August, after picking up to 6.0 per cent in July. Manufacturing sales growth slowed to 1.8 per cent year-on-year in August, after moderating to 4.8 per cent in July, and compared with 6.3 per cent in June. "This was in line with a drop in manufacturing production and exports of manufactured goods during the month, suggesting that the unabated weakness in the US and eurozone economies are crimping demand for the country's exports of manufactured goods," said RHB.
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GE 13: It’s Elvis against Napoleon Posted: 11 Oct 2012 01:35 PM PDT But can voters freely choose between the rocker and the conqueror? Stanley Koh, FMT It now looks likely that the prolonged wait for the 13th general election will stretch into next year. Then again, to go by the latest rumour, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak may yet spring a surprise and call it next month. It does not seem to matter to the power that holds the card that so many of us are fighting an election fever that comes and goes and then comes again. Be that as it may, our immediate focus ought to fall on electoral reforms and the role of the Election Commission (EC) in ensuring a free and fair election. A Concert Bersih will be held tomorrow (this Saturday) at Stadium Kelana Jaya, and this will be followed on Nov 3 by a Pakatan Rakyat gathering in Seremban. Originally, this rally was planned to take place at either the Bukit Jalil National Stadium or the Merdeka Stadium. Both are aimed at heightening public awareness of the need for fair elections. The 13th general election will be crucial to the future of both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat and to the destiny of the nation. Pakatan and its supporters have predicted that the conduct of the polls will be the "dirtiest" that the nation has experienced since its independence. BN, perhaps betraying its nervousness, calls it a "do-or-die" battle. But as colourful languages go, nothing matches what I heard from a keen political observer. "It will be like a battle between Napoleon Bonaparte and Elvis Presley," he said. Noticing my puzzled look, he explained that Napoleon regarded power like a mistress, as reflected in a famous quotation in which he declared that no conqueror would allow anyone to take from him a conquest he had worked hard to keep. As for the King of Rock and Roll, my friend reminded me about "It's Now or Never", one of his most memorable recordings. I had to agree with him. BN must have got so used to embracing power that it probably would not be able to sleep without it. And for Pakatan's ageing leaders, it is truly now or never. In between are the rest of us, holding on to the hope that the EC will carry out its function responsibly and professionally. Unfortunately, many observers who are familiar with the EC's history do not see it as being impartial or even independent. Bias and prejudice "The opposition leader, Lim Kit Siang, has long accused the EC of consulting with the ruling regime in the electoral constituency delineation process," said a report released by the PKR president in September 2006. "In fact, for the 2002 delineation [of electoral districts], the EC chairman openly admitted that he had actually met the prime minister at the start of the process." Non-partisan advocates for free and fair elections have long alleged bias and prejudice on the part of the EC, pointing to its tacit acceptance of such rulings as the ban on public rallies and BN's control of the mass media. "Doubts have long been expressed about the fairness, if not the freedom, of elections in Malaysia and these seem to be increasing," wrote Associate Professor Lim Hong Hai in 2005 in a paper entitled "Making the System Work: Election Commission". "Criticisms have been made by opposition leaders and not just by scholars of both the extant electoral system and EC's past performances in administering it."
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Bersih leaders stopped on police order Posted: 11 Oct 2012 01:32 PM PDT The names of Bersih leaders are on the police list, says the Immigration Department. Teoh El Sen, FMT The Immigration Department was acting on the directive of the police when it stopped Bersih leaders at the airports as they were departing or re-entering the country. According to the department, the Bukit Aman police headquarters has a list of names of several Bersih leaders. "We're following SOP [Standard Operating Procedure]. If the name (given to us) is in our system, then we need to check the entry and exit of that person," the department's director-general Alias Ahmad told FMT. He said that in the case of Bersih 2.0 co-chairman S Ambiga, the department followed the police directive which stated that "every transaction of this person needs to be reported to the Special Branch officers attached to the airport". "So when we found her name on the list, we called the police, and they came and took over from us to interview her. That was it. We didn't arrest or detain her," he said. "To me this is not harassment," he said, alluding to Ambiga's allegation that she has been Bersih leaders who claimed they have been harassed at airports when they were stopped. Pressed for more details on the "police directive", Alias could not answer. He also could not verify the names of the Bersih leaders. "We do not know why their names are on the list. We are just the implementer, the gatekeepers. "It is the same with a bankrupt person… his name will show up on the computer too," he said. On Tuesday, Ambiga was stopped for about 10 minutes when she about to board a flight to Australia. The officers who detained her could not provide an answer as to why she was stopped. She then claimed she was being 'deliberately harassed' by the authorities. Ambiga was the fifth Bersih steering committee member to be stopped by immigration officers while travelling overseas. Last week, Bersih steering committee member Andrew Khoo was also stopped on his way to Bangkok. He was also stopped again when he returned. Steering committee members Maria Chin Abdullah, Yeo Yang Poh and Wong Chin Huat have also been subjected to similar treatment in September. An attempt to get an official response from the police failed as calls to Bukit Aman public relations head ACP Ramli Mohamed Yoosuf went unanswered.
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The Rise and Rapid Fall of Suaram’s Cynthia Gabriel Posted: 11 Oct 2012 01:25 PM PDT THE CHOICE Just days ago Cynthia Gabriel was set to be a key figure in the GE13 election campaign. Suaram, of which she is a board member and key spokesperson, was strutting the Malaysian political stage on the back of the Scorpene submarine issue and they thought they had BN on the run. After all, at the height of the Scorpene saga it was suggested mysteriously that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak was set to be whisked off to France to testify at a trial. If he didn't go, said Suaram's media friends, our trade with the European Union would suffer. It was total fiction but for Suaram and Pakatan Rakyat they were happy days as the story dominated the media. They went on with their spin and stories. Except as we now know, there is not and never has been any trial. A visiting French lawyer Yves Charpenel, who also happens to be a former French prosecutor, torpedoed that story in a five minute press conference in Kuala Lumpur this week. This has left Suaram reeling. Far more than the revelations about the web of foreign interests that funds this politicised and Pakatan-backed "human rights" group, the "no trial" revelation harmed Suaram because it struck at the heart of its integrity. Gabriel knew this when she shuffled forward to face the music Wednesday. Asked why her organisation let everyone believe that the Scorpene submarine deal was the subject of a trial in France she answered weakly: "Suaram has no control on how (the) media are reporting this matter." But as The Choice has reminded her, this isn't actually true. At any time Suaram could have corrected the false story doing the rounds but chose not to do so. Nor did it suit its friends in Pakatan Rakyat and the phalanx of foreign interests happy to see cleverly crafted untruths undermine our political independence. Now that Gabriel has suffered such a painful come down her opponents are on the attack. Without naming Suaram, Independent MP Datuk Seri Zahrain Mohamed Hashim told the Dewan Rakyat: "The people were hoodwinked by these group of people who collected donations from the public for the so-called trial." "I believe the government has a solid ground take up a defamation suit against the perpetrators." He also proposed a law to "monitor the activities of suspected foreign agents who interfere in the internal affairs of the country". Again, he didn't name anyone but he might as well have been carrying a photo of Suaram donor George Soros. But another press briefing in KL definitely did name Suaram accusing it of the "biggest lie in the country's political history." Young Journalists Club President Dzulkarnain Taib produced a court document from France showing that French judges Roger Le Loire and Serge Tournaire rejected Suaram as a plaintiff in the case on March 13 this year. "This means that the case by Suaram in relation to Scorpene has been thrown out by the French court since March 2012," he said. This will further embarrass Gabriel personally because in her defence of Suaram this week she said: "There is no confusion on our part that the case is on the second stage, at the criminal inquiry process when Suaram is accepted as a civil party in March this year."
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UN: Third of world’s population has Internet Posted: 11 Oct 2012 01:20 PM PDT (AFP) - GENEVA: More than a third of the world's population is online while mobile phone uptake increased by more than 600 million in 2011 to around six billion, a UN agency said yesterday. But the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) highlighted huge disparities in the cost of services, with the poorer parts of the world tending to pay the most. "On the back of the increase in broadband services worldwide, the number of people using the Internet grew by 11 percent over the past year … ie, 2.3 billion people," the ITU said in its 2012 report on information and communication technologies (ICT). In terms of affordability, Macau, Norway and Singapore topped the list of 161 countries featured in the report. Madagascar came bottom, just behind Togo and Niger. In Africa, Internet connectivity prices were almost seven times higher than in the Americas, and 20 times higher than Europe in 2011. Mobile phones with broadband showed the sharpest growth of all ICT sectors between 2010 and 2011, the agency said, with almost 1.1 billion subscriptions by the end of 2011. Despite a surge in mobile phone broadband, "prices for ICT services remain very high in many low-income countries," said Brahima Sanou, director of the ITU's Telecommunication Development Bureau. Income from the telecommunication sector reached $1.5 trillion (1.2 trillion euros) in 2010, around 2.4 percent of the world's gross domestic product, the report said.
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Ex-Pakatan man revives ‘Christian Malaysia’ report, shows ‘proof’ in Parliament Posted: 10 Oct 2012 10:29 PM PDT
Clara Chooi, The Malaysian Insider An independent federal lawmaker today sought to revive last year's "Christian Malaysia" allegations against the DAP, revealing in Parliament what he claimed was photographic evidence of an alleged plot by party leaders and foreign clergymen to turn the country into a Christian state. Zulkifli Noordin (IND-Kulim Bandar Baharu) urged Putrajaya to investigate the matter, saying the Malay community, as the country's dominant ethnic group, have compromised too much over the years. "Imagine if it was revealed that imams and mosque authorities had helped Barisan Nasional (BN) to win the polls... what would have happened then? They (opposition) would not have kept silent," he told the House when debating Budget 2013 this evening. The former PKR lawmaker said he was in possession of photographic proof of a thanksgiving held in Penang last year on May 5, shortly after the Sarawak state election on April 16, where DAP leaders and a group of local and foreign clergymen had prayed to install a Christian Prime Minister and turn the country into a Christian state. Listing those in attendance, which he said included priests and pastors from United Kingdom and South Africa, Zulkifli said it was also admitted during the dinner that foreign churches were willing to channel funds to help the opposition's political struggle here. "The priest from South Africa said he was invited to observe the Sarawak polls, and that he was disappointed in how the Christians have been sidelined in Malaysia, especially on the AlKitab Malay language bibles issue. "He requested that something is done to help spread Christianity here and said that money is not a problem and that the churches in Africa are ready to help." The independent lawmaker had raised the matter when attempting to draw links with the latest claim by PAS MP Nasharuddin Mat Isa, who had alleged of a similar thanksgiving ceremony in Sarawak. Speaking at a press conference later, Zulkifli maintained that his remarks were based on actual proof of the dinner function, which he said he had obtained from "sources". "My main concern here is on the involvement of foreign clergymen in our country's politics. Not only are they involved in terms of their physical presence in our country, but they have also promised funds to the opposition. "This is direct interference and this is my concern." He, however, refused to release the photographs to the media, but denied that it was because he was afraid to be sued by the DAP. "Why don't you go back and ask your boss — is Zulkifli Noordin a coward? "Put it in that way you know... do not spin. I am never one who is afraid of anybody," he retorted to the reporter who asked for the photographs, adding later a challenge to DAP leaders to deny his remarks today. Zulkifli's revelation today was first exposed in May last year in a front-page article on Umno-owned daily Utusan Malaysia headlined "Malaysia negara Kristian? (Malaysia a Christian country?)".
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S’gor still safe for Pakatan, say analysts Posted: 10 Oct 2012 06:57 PM PDT They see the spat over Azmin as being irrelevant to voter sentiment. Anisah Shukry, FMT The current infighting among PKR leaders over Selangor is unlikely to erode Pakatan Rakyat's chances of holding on to the country's richest state, according to political analysts. "Selangor voters are quite firm in their support for Pakatan and the pattern is not expected to change," Dr Jayum A Jawan of UKM told FMT. "While the infighting could affect its performance in Selangor in the next general election, I do not expect Pakatan Rakyat to do badly." He said voters were likely to view the infighting as a "family squabble" that could easily be resolved rather than a serious sign of things gone awry in the opposition pact. Centre for Policy Initiatives director Lim Teck Ghee agreed with Jayum. "What we can see is of course the mainstream media playing it up for all it is worth," he said. "Unfortunately, some in the Internet media are also making a mountain out of a molehill." The media frenzy over the infighting started after Sinar Harian quoted PKR Deputy President Azmin Ali as saying that Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim would become federal minister should Pakatan win the next general election. Khalid and PKR vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar have dismissed the statement as Azmin's personal opinion, but his remarks have triggered speculation that he is eyeing Khalid's job. Khalid's personal assistant, Faekah Husin, has criticised Azmin more directly, questioning his right to make an announcement on a matter that only Pakatan's top tier could decide. This provoked PKR's election director for Selangor, Borhan Aman Shah, to call for her sacking. But both Jayum and Lim said the feud could easily be resolved in a matter of days. "In Selangor, the key issues are not of leaders' fighting, but of the previous mismanagement of the state, the water issue, corruption, and a better quality of life," said Lim. No better alternative As such, according to both Lim and Jawan, Pakatan would be denied another term only if Selangor voters had a better alternative to turn to. They said Barisan Nasional had yet to prove that it could be that alternative. "If BN wins Selangor again, it will go back to the old system of cronyism, close tenders, select partners and the like," said Lim. "Unless BN can put down in writing the basic changes it is going to make, I am not in support of it and I believe that Selangor voters share my sentiment." Lim said that BN must own up to the wrongs it had done during its days of power in Selangor and then tell the people what it would do to correct itself. "For example, the water issue was totally mismanaged by the previous Selangor government," he said. "It was better handled in Penang, where they allowed for the model of privatisation which served the interests of the state and the consumers rather than the company." Jayum described Selangor BN as "loud" without having any "concrete plan". "BN does not need to attack the opposition; it just has to tell the voters what it wants to do, and how it will do better if it were to win Selangor," he said. "Based on the information I've gathered from the ground, BN is doing badly." Jayum said BN had neglected "practical politics" in favour of attacking personalities in Pakatan and trying to discredit the current administration's water management. "BN thinks it is making things difficult for PR with regard to the water issue, but actually it is just making things difficult for the end users, which are the people of Selangor. "It wants to discredit PR, but this will backfire. People will say BN leaders have a small heart." Lim said Pakatan had done enough to keep the people of Selangor happy and the votes coming in. "Pakatan has cut down on corruption, increased efficiency of services in the state, been able to balance the budget of the state, and tackle major problems in the state such as the water issue." He noted that Pakatan faced some difficulty in resolving certain issues, but said this was because of lack of cooperation from the federal government. "Of course it is difficult for them to get such cooperation as they are the opposition."
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NGOs say Suaram misrepresented itself as plaintiff in Scorpene inquiry Posted: 10 Oct 2012 06:48 PM PDT
(From left) Dzulkarnain, Mohd Mustaffa Hamzah (Muslims Consumers Association of Malaysia), Sharifuddin Abdul Hamid (Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa Malaysia) and Shahbudin Embun (Malays Consultative Council) at the press conference in Kuala Lumpur October 11, 2012. — Picture by Choo Choy May Ida Lim, The Malaysian Insider Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) had misrepresented itself as a plaintiff to a French inquiry of the multi-billion Scorpene submarine deal, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) alleged today. "We view the claim that SUARAM has been accepted or recognised as 'civil party' (plaintiff) as a biggest lie in the country's political history..." Dzulkarnain Taib, president of the Young Journalists Club, said at a press conference today. "This means that the case by Suaram in relation to Scorpene has been thrown out by the French court since March 2012," he claimed. Dzulkarnain pointed to a court document dated March 13 this year, signed by the French judiciary, purportedly rejecting SUARAM as plaintiff for the Scorpene inquiry as proof. He claimed that SUARAM's lawyers had applied for the human rights watchdog to be made a "joint civil party" (joint plaintiff) together with the International Federation for Human Rights, based on a court document dated March 16 this year. But Dzulkarnain said the French judiciary have yet to decide on whether to allow SUARAM to be a joint plaintiff over the inquiry into the Scorpene deal. He declined to show the two court documents to reporters, saying that it will be revealed at an "opportune time". He gave the court reference number for the documents instead, with the first being "No du Parquet:1115196025 and No Instruction: 2292/12/4" and the second being "No Parquet: 1115106025 and No Instruction: 20F/11/52". Other NGOs present at the press conference include the Muslims Consumers Association of Malaysia, Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa Malaysia and Malays Consultative Council.
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Raja Nazrin: Desecrating flag an attack on nation’s sovereignty Posted: 10 Oct 2012 06:40 PM PDT
(Bernama) - The Raja Muda of Perak, Raja Dr Nazrin Shah today likened the act of desecrating the national flag, Jalur Gemilang, which is one of the national symbols, as an attack on the nation's sovereignty. "Whatever our political or ideological differences, our national symbols belong to all citizens. By allowing these symbols to be trashed, we are opening ourselves up to a host of consequences, including the possibility of inflaming passions, inviting tit-for-tat retaliation and so forth. "Hate and anger are some of the most powerful human emotions. When they take hold of society, they are difficult, and oftentimes impossible, to control. "Our national symbols should therefore be placed above the political fray," he said at the launching of the "Brand Transformer" and Malaysia Brand Forum 2012, here, today. Raja Nazrin said the act of desecrating a flag was more than one individual's statement of disrespect and criticism. "The act is deliberately designed to insult what many others treasure and consider a source of pride and joy. Whatever one may think of the rights of individuals to express themselves, the larger consequences of their actions cannot and should not be ignored." Raja Nazrin said some countries had enacted specific laws to protect their national symbols, such as Austria, France, Germany and Switzerland which had imposed specific penalties for the desecration of their national flags. "Other countries protect their national symbols under existing general laws aimed at ensuring law and order, preventing subversion and hate crimes." Raja Nazrin also expressed concern over the tendency of some quarters to discredit and undermine the national symbols that play such an important role in Malaysian national life. "I am also concerned about the extent to which some are pushing against the institutional pillars that are holding up this nation." He said there were at least two reasons why this might be the case. One, is a fundamental misunderstanding of how individual rights and freedoms are to be exercised within the context of a nation. The other is the impact of generational change in eroding the significance, meanings and value of nation building and its symbols. Raja Nazrin said human beings had always craved for freedom, however, "if boundaries are disregarded in the exercise of individual freedoms, we will end up weakening rather than strengthening the bonds that bind us as a nation". "We need to instil in our young a sense of responsibility and community". As with generational change, he said: "With each passing generation, people become less familiar with the circumstances around which this country was formed and built. "That is why I cannot over-emphasise enough the need for both well-thought and well-taught history in our schools. "In this way, our students can better appreciate and respect the national institutions and symbols around us. This appreciation and respect are clearly missing when national symbols are deliberately desecrated." Raja Nazrin said as a mutlicultural and multireligious country, Malaysia's national symbols such the Jalur Gemilang, National Coat of Arms or Jata Negara, the royal institution, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the nine Malay Rulers, were important as more than just cultural artefacts and reminders of historical traditions. "The national symbols we have constructed with such care and invested with such great social meaning play a much larger and critical function to this nation. "That function is to serve as an anchor for us to hold on to, and a guidepost to give us direction, whenever we face challenges and crises as a nation. "They therefore do not just belong to the past but are relevant — even essential — to our nation's present and future. They are, if you like, the 'Template of the Nation'." Raja Nazrin also said that good nation-building was all about political, economic and social inclusiveness, and the national symbols that had been devised were specifically designed to promote this inclusiveness. "They must therefore be cherished, respected and protected, as their aim is to unify rather than keep apart, to integrate rather than to segregate," he added.
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Umno MP to go to jail after court upholds conviction Posted: 10 Oct 2012 06:28 PM PDT
(The Malaysian Insider) - Umno's Sabak Bernam MP Datuk Abdul Rahman Bakri will have to serve his jail sentence after the Shah Alam High Court upheld today his conviction March for making false claims. Abdul Rahman and his aide Rosli Busro were sentenced by a Sessions Court in March to six years' jail and fined RM400,000 each for making false claims. But the court had then granted them a stay of execution pending appeal. Today, Shah Alam High Court judge Datuk Akhtar Tahir dismissed the appeal and also rejected an application for a stay of execution. The judge also ordered the sentence carried out immediately. In March the Sessions Court had found the two guilty on eight counts of making false claims totalling RM80,000 for events that never took place four years ago. The Barisan Nasional (BN) lawmaker was accused of committing the offences while a Sungai Air Tawar assemblyman before Election 2008. The 47-year-old was charged under Section 11(c) of the Anti-Corruption Act 1997 in November 2009 with falsely claiming RM10,000 each time between January 21 and February 4, 2008. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had said in March that Abdul Rahman had been stripped of his party divisional post, but remained an Umno MP. In making his ruling today, Akhtar dismissed arguments made by Abdul Rahman's lawyer to reject the testimony of two witnesses — Mohd Harmizar and Rizam ismail — because it was alleged that they were also accomplices in the criminal acts. "I have read the testimony of the two witnesses and I do not consider them accomplices," said the judge, who added that he considered the two men merely followed Abdul Rahman's instructions. He added that the accounts given by the two men were corroborated by other witnesses. Akhtar said it was clear that Abdul Rahman and Rosli had the intention to make the false claims, and this was proven when the money was used for their own purposes and not stated in their claims. Abdul Rahman, 47, had been found guilty of making claims from his allocation as state legislator for events and activities that did not take place. The claims were for the purchase of gifts, souvenirs and meals for events listed as Program Motivasi Pelajar Peringkat Dewan Undangan Negeri Sungai Air Tawar; Program Mesra Rakyat dan Hari Keluarga di Dewan Simpang 4 Bagan Nakhoda Omar (BNO); Program Forum Perdana Peringkat Mukim BNO; Program Mesra Rakyat dan Sambutan Maulud Nabi and Program Mesra Rakyat Hari Keluarga Guru Kemas.
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CCM resubmits investigation paper on Suaram-linked firm to A-G Posted: 10 Oct 2012 06:04 PM PDT Ida Lim, The Malaysian Insider he Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM) has resubmitted the investigation paper on a company linked to Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram) for misleading accounts to the Attorney-General's Chambers, Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said today. "CCM has submitted completed investigation paper to A-G last week. Now is up to A-G on his further action," the domestic trade, co-operative and consumerism minister told The Malaysian Insider when contacted. He confirmed that the investigation paper was still for "misleading accounts" by the human rights watchdog's company Suara Inisiatif Sdn Bhd. He said there was "nothing from A-G yet" when asked if the A-G's Chambers had decided to bring charges against Suara Inisiatif. Two weeks ago, Ismail reportedly said CCM was gathering the additional information required before resubmitting the investigation paper on Suara Inisiatif to the A-G's Chambers. It was previously reported that the A-G's Chambers had returned the investigation paper to CCM on September 19 as it could not draft charges based on the incomplete paper. Suaram has been at the forefront of exposing alleged corruption in the multibillion ringgit Scorpene submarine deal this past year but has in turn been the subject of investigation into its funding, along with several other non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and news portal Malaysiakini.
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