Too many perpetrators going unpunished Posted: 10 Sep 2012 09:29 AM PDT 
The AG knows only too well that the "aberration" of justice has been "alive and kicking" since 1994 when the top politician escaped punishment for statutory rape and again in 2008 when another former minister and currently an ambassador dodged punishment for having molested a bar worker of a five-star hotel in Kuala Lumpur after the victim withdrew her statutory declaration over the incident. Jeswan Kaur (Free Malaysia Today) There have been far too many cases of 'aberration' of justice faced by the rakyat. Eighteen years ago the grandmother of a 15-year-old schoolgirl turned to an opposition politician for help after the girl was allegedly raped by a chief minister. The country's law defined the girl as a minor but did that make any difference to the CM? No! And neither was the law perturbed over his actions when the public prosecutor withdrew the charge citing lack of evidence. The perpetrator went "unpunished" over such an "aberration" of justice. Instead, through political manouvering, it was the opposition politician who ended up in jail under sedition charges for printing and distributing pamphlets containing details of the allegations. Like the girl, the well-meaning opposition man too ended up as victim of "aberration" of justice. That was in 1994; since then history kept repeating itself with justice consistently turning a blind eye to rape survivors, their ages regardless. The most recent "aberration" of justice happened to a four-year-old girl who was raped by a kindergarten co-owner, Ewe Peng Lip, 49. Ewe had appealed against the Sessions Court's verdict which had convicted him of the crime; on Sept 5, High Court judge Zamani Abdul Rahim, who heard the appeal, concluded that the girl's testimony was far-fetched and implausible and decided to free Ewe. If allowing a rapist to evade punishment was not damaging enough, Zamani made yet another blunder when he remarked that women have a tendency to exaggerate about a sexual act. The Children's Protection Society (CPS) Penang president Nazir Ariff, for one, was at lost for words with Zamani's "aberration" of justice. "There have been three such cases [involving alleged rape of minors] in just a month. "I don't know what to say. There must be something technically wrong with our law," Nazir told an English daily. Nazir was referring to the earlier two cases involving bowler Noor Afizal Azizan, 21, and electrician Chuah Guan Jiu, 22, both who were convicted of statutory rape. The two escaped jail terms and were instead bound over on good behaviour bonds. A worried Nazir urged the courts to consider working with professional child psychologists before judgments are made to enable child witness testimonies to be thoroughly assessed. Is the government listening? Since Noor Afizal and Chuah's crimes went unpunished, a furore has erupted, with parents worried over the safety of their daughters while women's groups angry over the nonchalant disposal of justice in cases of rape, both statutory and otherwise. Even the Bar Council has reflected its concern, with its president Lim Chee Wee declaring the local courts as being inconsistent in sentencing convicted offenders. "The four aims of sentencing are retribution, deterrence, rehabilitation and incapacitation," Lim had told FMT. To make sure that sentences were consistent, Lim suggested that Malaysia set up a sentencing council; a method adopted by developed nations such as England and Australia (New South Wales and Victoria). Lim said the council would give judges guidelines on how best to decide on an appropriate sentence for a given crime. The guidelines would help to guide a court when a more or less severe sentence would have to be imposed. "The sentencing guidelines for individual offences set out a range of sentences reflecting different levels of seriousness and within each range, a starting point for the sentence." The question is: is the Malaysian judiciary "humble" enough in welcoming the assistance? Or will the nation's justice system remain presumptuous as ever, refusing to make judgments above board? Read more at: |
Indigenous Malaysians Miss School, Agency Finds Posted: 10 Sep 2012 09:17 AM PDT
(New York Times) - Human rights advocates have raised concerns that thousands of indigenous children in Malaysia are not attending school, which they say exposes them to greater risk of living in poverty in adulthood. A report released last week by the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia, a government agency, showed that 7,000 indigenous children aged 5 to 18 who live on the Malaysian Peninsula were not attending school in 2007, based on government figures. Among those aged 7 to 12, the number not attending school rose to more than 2,700 in 2010, up from 1,962 in 2007. The commission was unable to obtain more recent figures for other age groups but said the overall number of indigenous children not in school could have increased because of population growth. Muhammad Sha'ani Abdullah, a human rights commissioner, said many indigenous people on the Malaysian Peninsula, called orang asli in Malay, lived in remote areas. "Based on our observations and our visits to the orang asli villages, still there are issues of no schools in the villages or the schools are very far away," he said by telephone. While the report focused only on the Malaysian Peninsula, some rights advocates say the number of indigenous children not attending school is likely to be higher in Borneo Island states like Sabah and Sarawak, which are home to the majority of the indigenous population. In Malaysia, there are about four million indigenous people from a total population of 28 million, according to the Center for Orang Asli Concerns, a private group. About 190,000 indigenous people live on the Malaysian Peninsula. The commission's report, based on interviews with students, parents and teachers, found that the distance to the closest school was a major concern. Colin Nicholas, coordinator of the Center for Orang Asli Concerns, cited as an example two indigenous villages in Pahang State, where the nearest school is 30 kilometers, or 20 miles, away. "The kids there don't go to school," he said. "They say it's too far and they don't have transport." While there was a student hostel at the school, many parents did not want to leave their young children there. Mr. Nicholas added that some students felt discriminated against by teachers and parents worried about their safety. Mr. Sha'ani said that while the government was supposed to provide students with transport to schools, often the vehicles did not show up and could not reach the children in bad weather, raising questions over how often the children attended. Read more at: |
Whistle-blowing NGO in Malaysia to be Charged Posted: 10 Sep 2012 09:09 AM PDT
The Chinese probably hold the record for jailing those who point out corruption, violation of environmental laws and other shortcomings. But Malaysia could be catching up. John Berthelsen, Asia Sentinel When the going gets tough, UMNO jails the whistleblowers Suaram, the human rights NGO that hired French lawyers to investigate bribes and kickbacks surrounding Malaysia's controversial purchase of French submarines, will be charged for violations of the country's Companies Act sometime during the next two weeks, Domestic Trade and Consumerism Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob said Saturday, according to the state-owned Bernama news service. Some 66 Malaysia-based NGOs are expected to give a press conference tomorrow at 11 am expressing their support for Suaram, an acronym for Suara Rakyat Malaysia, or Voice of the Malaysian People. Suaram in 2009 asked a French investigative law firm headed by William Bourdon in 2009 to look into what appeared to be huge bribes and kickbacks paid to Malaysian politicians by the French state-owned defense company DCN and its subsidiaries for the 2002 purchase of two submarines and the lease of a third. The probe resulted in a raid on DCN's headquarters and other company offices that exposed nearly 150 million euros in questionable funds paid to a close friend of then-defense minister Najib Tun Razak, now Malaysia's prime minister. The documents indicated that the bribes had been paid with the full knowledge of Alain Juppe, the French foreign minister, Mahathir Mohamad, then the prime minister of Malaysia, and Najib, who had negotiated the purchase. The evidence detailed a host of other sleazy dealings. Some 133 documents listing the alleged criminal dealings were obtained independently by Asia Sentinel and posted here on June 25 on the Internet. Two Asia Sentinel stories detailed the allegations against French and Malaysian officials. Suaram, accused of being "Anwar's NGO" because of the presence of opposition members of its board of directors, has come under unprecedented attack by pro-government bloggers, party-owned newspaper and UMNO lawmakers who questioned its status as an NGO rather than a company and accused it of receiving foreign funds. "Yes, they are going to try to charge us," Suaram Director Cynthia Gabriel said in a telephone interview Sunday. We have no details yet, the first charge will probably be in a couple of days, we will see what happens." Read more at: |
Koon Swan case ‘a mistake' Posted: 10 Sep 2012 08:56 AM PDT
(The Star) - Former Singapore prosecutor Glenn Knight has apologised to ex-MCA president Tan Koon Swan for wrongly prosecuting him in the Pan-El crisis in the mid-1980s. "It was extremely painful for me to suddenly discover that the Singapore courts had got it wrong," Knight wrote in his recently published book, Glenn Knight: The Prosecutor. Tan, who is in China for a business trip, said he was not prepared to comment as he had yet to read the book. In 1985, Knight, the first director of the Singapore Commercial Affairs Department (CAD), prosecuted Tan, who faced 15 charges including criminal breach of trust (CBT) and share manipulation after the collapse of Pan-El Industries which termporarily halted the Malaysia and Singapore stock exchanges. Tan, who had a stake in Pan-El, pleaded guilty and was jailed two years and fined S$1mil. He quit as MCA president after his sentencing. In his book, Knight wrote that one of the most important cases of his life involved Pan-El, as the Pan-Electric group of companies was known. "It was a highly significant case that led to enforceable regulations being introduced into Singapore's stockbroking industry," he said. He wrote in a chapter titled "The Pan-El Debacle" that "as Koon Swan was the head of the MCA, I put up a paper on his involvement in the Pan-El saga but left it to my superiors to decide his fate as he was out of (Singapore) and in Malaysia". "In the end, the government decided that the CAD could prosecute Koon Swan." In 1996, in a similar CBT case, Singapore's Chief Justice Yong Pung How concluded that Knight was wrong to have charged Koon Swan for the offence. "Chief Justice Yong was of the opinion that the section I had charged Koon Swan with was wrong in law for we could not charge a person for stealing from a company because as a director, it was not a breach of the law in that sense," he wrote. "Chief Justice Yong concluded that it was wrong to convict anyone for stealing money if the wrong charge had been used to begin with. The judgment shattered my belief in our legal system." Knight wrote that many people asked if Chief Justice Yong's judgment could be used to set aside the conviction in Koon Swan's case. "In the United Kingdom, such a landmark judgment would have set aside Koon Swan's conviction but our jurisprudence does not allow for this though technically, Koon Swan could still have been granted a pardon," he said. Knight wrote that in 2010 he met Tan at a conference in Singapore and told him about Chief Justice Yong's judgment, which meant that Tan was technically an innocent man". "He received the news with great excitement," he recalled, adding that he (Knight) had also apologised. |
Lim Guan Eng Is The One That Should Apologize in Ong Sing Yee Issue Posted: 10 Sep 2012 08:51 AM PDT
Pakatan Rakyat should stop using young and innocent youth for any of your political agenda. Please do not manipulate and deceive them as your political pawn for you to capture Putrajaya. Shen Yee Aun His press statement called on the Home Minister to "apologize for the police's harsh and heavy-handed treatment". He described the handcuffing of Sing Yee as "nothing but an abuse of power and an act of humiliation", and criticized the police as "insensitive, irresponsible and not making any sense" (compared to the kid-glove treatment of BN leaders when they are charged for corruption). See Malaysiakini, 'Guan Eng: Handcuffing girl is double standards'. He further described Sing Yee as a "young, powerless and defenceless kid" who has been victimized by the "bullying and cowardly tactics of Hishamuddin [Hussein] that question his fitness as Home Minister". This is one of those rare occasions when I partially agree with Kim, at least insofar as the characterization of Sing Yee as a young, powerless and defenceless kid is concerned. It is her very powerlessness that would make her more susceptible to manipulation by Kim's coterie to score electoral points. For her sake, it should not be allowed that she be turned into a political football like Teoh Beng Hock. Dearest Lim Guan Eng , How could we be accused of being double standard where even our MCA former Deputy President and Minister was being handcuffed ? As a Organizer for an event the organizer should be responsible for whatever incident or things that is happening . Pakatan Rakyat in the first place should never used young girls to bait them into your political trap to fight the Government. As the Secretary General of DAP you should apologize for whatever that is happening in this whole issue. Moreover this young girl is wearing your DAP Rocket Red T Shirt during the incident. Pakatan Rakyat should stop using young and innocent youth for any of your political agenda. Please do not manipulate and deceive them as your political pawn for you to capture Putrajaya. Please guide to do a healthy political culture and not bringing them out for a street violent rally that practicing dirty political culture. Please do think for their parents and also for their future. Malaysian youth should now open your eyes to know that Pakatan Rakyat are basically using you all for all their personal political benefit. They can never replace any of you to go to over to hospital , jail or even being handcuffed by our police if anything goes wrong . Lim Guan Eng as a respectable political leader in Malaysia should have certain integrity for blaming game. If you are really sincere about the safety and well being of Ong Sing Yee then you will never used her in your rally in the first place. You should be responsible for whatever event that you all organizer as an organizer. Moreover you had deceive most Malaysian that it will be a peaceful rally that turn out to be ugly and violent. As a leader you must not only be good in blaming others for whatever that happen but also do take certain responsibility for bad incident that is happening in your own rally. Dearest Ong Sing Yee and all Malaysian , This whole incident only proven to us one thing that not even a single Pakatan Rakyat leader will be responsible for your own action. What they will only be doing will be always blaming Barisan Nasional and the government. That is the only thing they can do for you. They will never take the responsibility to apologize to you and your parents for whatever that is happening. You claim in your press conference that they are the one influence you to step on our Prime Minister picture and you ignorantly follow them without knowing that it is wrong. Will they be responsible and apologize for influencing you ? No. They will and they will never do so. They lie to you that it is a peaceful assembly and you thought that by attending it everything will be fine. Now is a great lesson to all of us where if anything happen to any of us or you the only thing Pakatan Rakyat leaders is capable of doing will only be blaming Barisan Nasional and the government. That is the only thing they can do. Read more at: |
Police receive video of Anwar’s bodyguard allegedly pointing a gun Posted: 10 Sep 2012 04:40 AM PDT 
(Bernama) - Melaka police today received a video recording believed to be that of a bodyguard of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim threatening a member of the public with a gun. It was surrendered to the Jasin Police Headquarters here at 6pm. The four-minute video, belonging to a local cyber media officer, was recorded at a function organised by Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) in Kampung Baru Rim on Saturday. The 29-year-old man, who was met at the IPD, said the recording was handed to police to help investigations related to the incident. "This is because the action of pointing a gun at someone is a threat to the crowd at the scene of the incident," he said. Meanwhile, Melaka police chief Datuk Chuah Ghee Lye when contacted confirmed receiving the tape and said police would study the tape. He said police might call the opposition leader to help in investigation on the case if necessary. "Anwar was in the bus during the incident and it is not known if he had seen the incident. But it is up to the investigation officer to decide whether to call him or not," he said. |
‘I was blindfolded, handcuffed, beaten’ Posted: 09 Sep 2012 11:38 PM PDT 
A security manager claims the nightmare started when he lodged a report with the police about a burglary. Anisah Shukry, FMT When Tesco security manager S Selvaraja lodged a police report last week over a robbery at the store's Taman Wahyu Selayang branch, little did he know that the act would leave him maimed at the hands of the police. According to Selvaraja, after he made the report and provided the police with CCTV footage of the robbery, the police promptly remanded him and several others to aid in their investigations – and that was when the nightmare began. "The police took me to their Kepong station, along with two other of my staff. "They blindfolded me and handcuffed me from behind, then started beating my legs and feet with a black rubber cable for 40 to 50 minutes," he told reporters here. Meanwhile, he said, his colleague P Nuniandy was shoved under a table, while the other, Nanda Kumar, was forced into a corner to prevent the two from witnessing the beatings. "They beat me, they used vulgar words on me… Now I cannot walk without help," Selvaraja said, indicating his visibly swollen feet, while his wife sobbed silently behind him. According to Selvaraja, once the beatings ended, he was brought to the Jinjang police lock-up, where he was refused food and medical treatment for the rest of the day. But he said the ordeal finally ended the following day, after he was brought before the magistrate's court to have his remand extended. "At that point, I was unable to stand anymore. So I spoke straight to the judge and asked, 'What is happening? Why do they need me? Why are they beating me?'" Selvaraja said. "The judge said it was because of a separate robbery case in Batu Caves that the police were investigating. "But I was in custody at the time of the second robbery; the remand was not granted." He said he was immediately brought to a hospital for treatment, and he later lodged a police report over the incident. "The hospital says the tissue is torn, and it will take a very long time to heal," he said, adding that for the time being, he has been granted medical leave as he is unable to walk unaided. He is also expected to identify the perpetrators later this evening – an almost impossible task as he was reportedly blindfolded throughout the ordeal. 'Why so brutal?' 
Meanwhile, DAP's A Sivanesan, who was representing Selvaraja, lashed out at the police for their alleged brutality and disregard for standard operating procedures (SOP). READ MORE HERE |
Suaram slams ‘premature’ accusations Posted: 09 Sep 2012 11:23 PM PDT
(The Sun Daily) - Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram) slammed Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob for jumping the gun by saying that the organisation would be prosecuted even though investigations into its accounts are still ongoing. In a statement today, Suaram executive director Nalini Elumalai said Suaram also condemns Sabri's alleged statement that its accounts are "highly suspicious" despite the ongoing probe. "Suaram has all along complied fully with the Companies Act in our dealings, and our accounts are fully audited every year," said Nalini. "This can only be seen as a political setup to frame Suaram because of our complaint to the French court to investigate suspected corruption in the Scorpene deal," she added. It was reported on Saturday that Suara Inisiatif Sdn Bhd, the company linked to Suaram, would be charged in the next two weeks for breaching provisions under the Companies Act, and it would also be investigated for four other possible offences linked to its highly suspicious accounts. It was also reported that the company has been receiving funding from foreign countries such as Germany, and has been linked to currency speculator George Soros. The Foreign Affairs Ministry said Malaysia is deeply disappointed to learn that the German embassy had funded Suaram as it can be misconstrued and be seen as interference in the domestic affairs of the country. According to the ministry's statement, the ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Malaysia Dr Guenther Georg Gruber told the ministry's deputy secretary- general (bilateral relations) the funds were for a project that is "close to German values – the protection and promotion of human rights". rights". According to the statement, the funds were used to organise a workshop which was held in Kuala Lumpur in November 2010 which was attended by 21 non-governmental organisations. |
Ex-NFCorp consultant allegedly given RM1.7m to pay off cops Posted: 09 Sep 2012 11:09 PM PDT
(NST) - Former National Feedlot Corporation Sdn Bhd (NFCorp) consultant Datuk Shamsubahrin Ismail was allegedly given RM1.7 million to pay off police officers investigating the 'NFC case' late last year, the Sessions Court heard yesterday. The first witness in Shamsubahrin's cheating trial, ASP Mohd Nor Hasnimaizam Othman said he obtained this information while questioning an official of NFCorp in relation to another case he was investigating. Mohd Nor told the court that when he was questioning Hasimah Ahmad, a finance manager with NFCorp late last year, she told him that Shamsubahrin was paid RM1.7 million. "Later she called me and asked if I received any money from him. I denied it," Mohd Nor testified when questioned by Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission head of prosecution Datuk Abdul Razak Musa. Mohd Nor, an investigating officer with the Bukit Aman commercial crime department, was at that time investigating a sales manager from one of the subsidiary companies who was accused of misappropriation. The witness said Hasimah contacted him again later and this time, allowed him to listen to a conversation she was having with Shamsubahrin at her office. Unknown to Shamsubahrin, Hasimah had dialled Mohd Nor's number and left the phone on her desk, enabling the police officer to listen in to the conversation. "I heard him (Shamsubahrin) say he had given the money to 'ASP Maizam (Mohd Nor), Superintendent Ravindar (Ravindar Singh) and ASP Nordin (Nordin Md Nor)'. I also heard him say he has not yet given the IGP, deputy IGP and Datuk Tajudin (Commercial Crime Investigation Department deputy director Datuk Tajudin Md Isa)," the witness said. Mohd Nor added he contacted Ravindar and Nordin and they denied receiving any money. "I then told Datuk Tajudin and he advised me to lodge a police report," he said, adding Shamsubahrin was arrested that same day. Mohd Nor was testifying in the trial of Shamsubahrin, who is charged with cheating NFCorp director Datuk Seri Dr Mohamad Salleh Ismail of RM1.755 million. Shamsubahrin, is also facing 17 counts of money laundering, involving the same amount. The second witness to take the stand yesterday was Tajudin, who told the court he was in charge of the three simultaneous investigations involving the NFC. They were the main case involving allegations of misappropriation of RM250 million, a report lodged by NFCorp when certain confidential documents were published on the Internet and the misappropriation report against the sales manager of a NFCorp subsidiary which Mohd Nor was investigating. When questioned by defence lawyer Datuk Salehuddin Saidin, Tajudin agreed that Salleh was the main suspect in the RM250 million misappropriation case. He, however, denied that Shamsubahrin was arrested to divert attention from the main case which was heavily publicised in the media. Lawyer Kamarul Hisham Kamaruddin then questioned the witness why Shamsubahrin was arrested when the officers mentioned earlier had denied accepting any money from the accused. Tajudin: For cheating. Kamarul: Cheating who? Tajudin: Cheating NFCorp. Kamarul: A police report was lodged against Shamsubahrin in the morning and in the evening he was arrested. So when did formal investigations into the report begin? Tajudin: After he was arrested. Kamarul: So before he was arrested, there was no investigations yet? Tajudin: Correct. Hearing continues today.
They are messing with our minds Posted: 09 Sep 2012 07:00 PM PDT  Committing suicide was the last thing on our minds back then. Our minds were not messed up like the minds of today's kids. Okay, maybe we were a bit messed up because we could not decide in what order of priority it was supposed to be -- bikes, booze and broads or bikes, broads and booze. But we did not allow details to stand in the way of fun. NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin One million people commit suicide each year: WHO (AFP) - One million people die by their own hand each year, accounting for more deaths than wars and murders put together, the World Health Organisation said yesterday, calling for urgent action to address the problem. "Data from the WHO indicate that approximately one million people worldwide die by suicide each year. This corresponds to one death by suicide every 40 seconds," the organisation said in a report launched ahead of the World Suicide Prevention Day on Monday. And while the number of deaths by suicide is staggering, the number of attempts each year is 20 times higher, the WHO said, pointing out that five percent of people in the world try to kill themselves at least once during their lifetime. And the problem is getting worse, the organisation said, insisting that "given the magnitude of the public health problem of suicidal behaviours", urgent action was needed. "As suicide is largely preventable, it is imperative that governments, through their health, social and other relevant sectors, invest human and financial resources in suicide prevention," the report said. According to Dr. Shekhar Saxena, who headed the team behind the report, suicide rates have risen sharply in some parts of the world in recent years, with some countries seeing their rates jump by as much as 60 percent. "Although suicide continues to remain a serious problem in high-income countries, it is the low- and middle-income countries that bear the larger part of the global suicide burden," the report said, adding: "It is also these countries that are relatively less equipped to prevent suicide". The highest documented suicide rates can be found in Eastern European countries like Lithuania and Russia, while they are lowest in Latin America, WHO said. The United States, Western European countries and Asia fell in the middle of the range, the report showed, but stressed that statistics are not available for many countries in Africa and South-East Asia. Globally, suicide is meanwhile the second cause of death worldwide among 15-19 year-olds, with at least 100,000 adolescents killing themselves each year, according to the study. Among adults, the suicide rate is highest among those aged 75 and older, the WHO said, pointing out that "elderly people are likely to have higher suicide intent and use more lethal methods than younger people, and they are less likely to survive the physical consequences of an attempt". The report also showed that men were three times more likely to commit suicide, but that three times as many women as men attempted to kill themselves. "The disparity in suicide rates has been partly explained by the use of more lethal means and the experience of more aggression and higher intent to die, when suicidal, in men than women," it explained. *********************************************
Latin America has the lowest suicide rate in the world, maybe because they like to party One million people a year or one person every 40 seconds commits suicide all over the world. "Although suicide continues to remain a serious problem in high-income countries, it is the low- and middle-income countries that bear the larger part of the global suicide burden," said the report. "Globally, suicide is meanwhile the second cause of death worldwide among 15-19 year-olds, with at least 100,000 adolescents killing themselves each year, according to the study," said the news report above, which represents 10% of those who commit suicide So there you have it. These people are too young to have sex (they are not matured enough to make the decision whether to have sex of not) but they are not too young to commit suicide. But why do people commit suicide, especially teenagers who have not even started their life yet? I suppose it is because they are not happy. And since they are not happy they no longer want to live. Isn't 15 or 16 a bit too young to not be happy? When I was that age I was happy like hell. Every day was party day, as far as I was concerned. And we lived for today. We did not care a damn about tomorrow. Why are the kids of today not like how we were when we were their age? I suppose, in our days, we did not have any pressure. Everyone was a friend, not like today where you have Malay friends, Chinese friends, Indian friends, etc. You were just a friend, period, so there was not much pressure placed on us to compartmentalise ourselves into racial, religious or social blocks. Then we never worried about our future. Every day is today. Tomorrow also becomes today when the sun rises the following morning. Hence who cares about tomorrow? Tomorrow never comes. Nowadays, there is no today. Everything is about tomorrow. We don't live for today. We plan and prepare for tomorrow. I suppose grass helped a lot as well. In our days, grass was not considered a drug and hence was not illegal. Even policeman would join us for a smoke. And sometimes the policemen would dip into their own pocket and pull out some grass for us to 'roll'. Man, in those days we kids did not have any problems with the policemen like the kids of nowadays. The policemen were our friends and our smoking 'kakis'. Some of them even came around with their squad cars to join us in Benteng for Teh Tarik and a smoke. Committing suicide was the last thing on our minds back then. Our minds were not messed up like the minds of today's kids. Okay, maybe we were a bit messed up because we could not decide in what order of priority it was supposed to be -- bikes, booze and broads or bikes, broads and booze. But we did not allow details to stand in the way of fun. So what happened? What changed in those 45 years since we were kids who lived for today and did not care a damn about tomorrow? Why do kids today commit suicide when in our days a good 'watermelon' was to die for but only in a figure of speech sort of way? (By the way, for those of you who do not know what 'watermelon' means, too bad. For those who do, maybe you can take a trip down memory lane with the video below). Anyway, sometimes I wonder whether the fault could be because we replaced grass with religion and that is why so many people are unhappy and end up committing suicide. Well, as Bob Marley said, "Don't worry, be happy." But we will have to start by getting rid of those people who keep telling us that we are going to go to hell if we don't listen to them. oenlU0KiILc SEE VIDEO ON YOUTUBE HERE: |
The only good politician is a dead politician Posted: 09 Sep 2012 04:56 PM PDT  Would an orgy help then? I mean, not only will we encourage males and females to mix freely but they can also strip naked and engage in an orgy. We will have a mass bonking session involving 1,000 men and women. Will this make Malaysians love each other more? If free mingling of males and females can help improve racial harmony just imagine what free sex can do. NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin Two dead, child loses leg in Thai south 80 police hurt after riot at Kurdish festival in Germany Wave of attacks kills 56 in Iraq Taliban threaten to kill Prince Harry Those are just some of the news items this morning. There are, of course, many more than just those four and all give Islam a bad name. Basically, the impression that one gets is Islam or Muslims is about violence, conflict, killing, intolerance, extremism etc. Why is it when we read anything about Islam or Muslims it must always be something negative? Aren't there any good news like Muslims set up relief centres for refugees, Muslims raise USD100 million for war orphans, Muslims condemn and call for economic sanctions against states that propagate terrorism, and whatnot? I am sure that there are some good news but who likes to read good news? It is the bad news that sells. Sex, politics, murder -- those are what sell. And if it is a politician involved in a sex cum murder scandal that sells even better. Hence do you now understand why the Altantuya Shaariibuu story will just not go away? Today there is that story about PAS in Negri Sembilan separating the males and females at its Hara Raya bash (Negri PAS under fire for segregating sexes at Raya open house). State MCA political and strategy bureau head Datuk Lee Yuen Fong said PAS' action only caused uneasiness among Malaysians. "Why do you need to segregate when it is an open house and held in an open area? This is a preview of what PAS will do if it ever gains power," he said. Negri Sembilan Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism council chairman Edward Lim said that having such a rule would not help foster unity. "We can understand if the rule is introduced to ensure women, girls and children get their food as there is always a scramble at such events," he said. National MIC information chief Datuk V.S. Mogan described the segregation as ridiculous. "It mocks the open house concept and doesn't help in promoting unity," he said. PAS has been doing this for years. I have attended many PAS functions at Taman Melawar in Gombak (not only Hari Raya events) and they have always had separate sections and separate entrances for males and females. But this has never upset my wife and me one bit. My wife just walks in together with me through the 'male' entrance and she sits together with me in the male section. She does not join the other ladies in the ladies section. And that has never been an issue. No one has come up to her to ask her to leave the male section and go join the women in the ladies section. In fact, my wife was not even wearing a tudung or scarf. And sometimes she wears tight/body-hugging jeans and a 'sexy' T-shirt. These people make it appear like this is something that PAS only introduced this year rather than it has always been like that for more than two generations. And what are these MCA, MIC and Negri Sembilan Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism council people complaining about? The event is a PAS event held at their place. They can decide how they want things done in their own event. If you come to my event, say at my house, I will expect you to take off your shoes even though taking off your shoes when entering someone's house is not British culture. It is my house so I will decide how things are done. And if you don't like it then don't come to my house. Simple! The event was a PAS event. If PAS says no dogs are allowed then don't bring your dog. Go bring your dog to a MCA or MIC event of you wish. If PAS says you cannot strip and dance stark naked on top of the table then don't do that. Do that when you go to the Negri Sembilan Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism council gathering. Lee said that in a multi-racial and multi-religious country like Malaysia, it was important for people to mix with one another as it would help promote understanding. So the state MCA political and strategy bureau head, Datuk Lee Yuen Fong, wants to promote racial harmony through free mingling of males and females. If males and females were not allowed to mix freely then Malaysia would suffer racial discord. Would an orgy help then? I mean, not only will we encourage males and females to mix freely but they can also strip naked and engage in an orgy. We will have a mass bonking session involving 1,000 men and women. Will this make Malaysians love each other more? If free mingling of males and females can help improve racial harmony just imagine what free sex can do. Actually, asking men and women to mix freely or organising orgies would not solve the racial problem in Malaysia. What would help improve things would be when we line up all the politicians in front of a firing squad and shoot them, especially those politicians who are using race and religion to divide Malaysians The only good politician is a dead politician, I always say.  THE SECRET TO RACIAL HARMONY |
Anonymous letter warns Najib of Indian ‘gang threat’ Posted: 09 Sep 2012 03:56 PM PDT 
An 'Umno member' warns the prime minister of the rise of Indian gangs in the country which may cause another Hindraf-like political tsunami if not addressed urgently. Teoh El Sen, FMT Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak has apparently been warned of an alleged threat of gangsterism among the Indian community which would, if left unchecked, indirectly cause the Barisan Nasional government to lose votes in the next general election. An anonymous letter purportedly written by a "concerned Umno member" and sent to Najib on April 20, urged the Umno president to treat the matter seriously or risk another "political tsunami" akin to 2008, which the Hindraf movement had contributed to. In the letter, seen by FMT, the "Umno member from Selayang Baru" implicated the MIC and the police for being complicit in allowing "Gang 36″ to gain more influence and power. The author claimed that on Dec 3, 2011, MIC organised a Deepavali event at The Mines, Sri Kembangan, where about 7,000 Indian youths who attended were made up of "almost 99%" of Gang 36 members. Several prominent politicians from BN officiated at the event, with the author naming three of them in the letter. They included two members of parliaments and a minister. Repeated attempts to contact the three national leaders for comments were unsuccessful. "Close to 99% of the Indian youths who attended were from Gang 36. The behaviour, character and clothing of these youths were very embarrassing. Their actions not only taint the image of MIC but also BN," wrote the "Umno member". The writer claimed that a number of these youths even wore the "Geng 36″ T-shirts and waved the "Gang 36″ flag openly. They were also displaying the Sanskrit Aum symbol(picture below) which is said to be used as the gang's logo. "That event gave a bad impression, especially the Indian community towards BN party. The event also clearly shows an attempt by Gang 36 to fortify its positions through politics."  The writer also said the event has become the talk of the town among the Indian community, and defeated MIC's attempt to portray a new image after their alleged "failure" under former MIC president S Samy Vellu. The writer said that it was his opinion that the leader of the gang, who he claimed is involved in drug trafficking and other crimes, is trying to use politics to clear the gang's criminal records and reign supreme in the country. 'Conspiracy brewing' "The attempt of Gang 36 to enter politics to fortify its position should be stopped so that the opposition does not use this issue to deny [BN] the votes of the Indians. "Yang Amat Berhormat [prime minister], don't treat this issue as merely an Indian one. Hindraf, which was considered a small matter, created such a big impact in 2008 and four states fell to the opposition's hands. "A conspiracy is brewing to accuse the government, particularly Umno, of ethnic cleansing of the Indian community by taking a lax attitude towards gangsterism in Malaysia. The police all over the country have been bribed in the millions by Gang 36." READ MORE HERE |
Keep out, PKR rep tells CM's aide Posted: 09 Sep 2012 03:30 PM PDT
(NST) - BAYAN LEPAS: A Parti Keadilan Rakyat assemblyman has hit out at Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng's political secretary for "encroaching" into his turf and causing unnecessary problems among his constituents. Batu Uban assemblyman S. Raveentharan said Ng Wei Aik, who is also the DAP assemblyman for Komtar, owed him an explanation. The rebuke comes in the wake of leaked minutes of a PKR meeting in which those present had discussed issues concerning how DAP was trying to muscle their way into getting more seats in the coming general election. It was reported that Deputy Chief Minister I Datuk Mansor Othman, who is also state PKR chief, had during the meeting advised PKR's Chinese representatives, who were present, to prepare for contingency plans if such a scenario presented itself in the next polls. Yesterday, Raveentharan said Ng had stirred a hornet's nest among his constituents over a plan to build a Chinese temple at a former sewage treatment plant site in Taman Lip Sin here. Raveentharan said Ng's action had led to residents protesting against it. "I was informed by the residents' association that a Chinese temple committee had contacted Ng for help and he had taken it upon himself to encroach into my constituency and hold discussions with certain people over the past three months. "He did all this without even having the courtesy to contact me first." Raveentharan said Ng's action had caused unnecessary problems for him and he had to face his fuming constituents. "He owes me an explanation. I have to reveal all this as if I don't, my voters will think that I am subservient to him." Raveentharan said residents were angry that the Kew Ong Tai Tay (Tow Boe Keong) Devotees Association, which usually held their Taoist nine-day prayers at the Taman Lip Sin field, was planning to have their permanent prayer grounds at the 0.15ha former sewerage treatment facility.
Pakatan bars leaders from PSM function Posted: 09 Sep 2012 03:24 PM PDT
(NST) - IPOH: THE Jelapang state constituency in Perak is set to drive a wedge between Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) and fellow Pakatan Rakyat (PR) members with PR upping the ante by barring its leaders from attending functions organised by PSM. Sources told the New Straits Times that Perak PR had, during a meeting on Friday, decided that its leaders would not attend a ceramah tomorrow which is organised by PSM at Taman Pertama. Pas deputy president Mohamad Sabu, better known as Mat Sabu, was to be the main speaker. "Former Perak menteri besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin had been tasked to talk to Mat Sabu to persuade him not to attend the ceramah," said the source. This is not the first time Perak DAP had tried to frustrate programmes organised by PSM. Previously, state DAP chairman Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham had sent a blanket text message to all party representatives, barring them from attending a similar ceramah organised by PSM in Jelapang on July 13. PSM and DAP are locked in a tussle over the Jelapang seat, which is being held by Barisan Nasional-friendly independent, Datuk Hee Yit Foong. PSM had previously said it would not back down from contesting in the constituency against Barisan Nasional. PSM secretary-general S. Arutchelvan (photo above) labelled PR as childish for the move. "I can assure you that the stand made by PR is not shared by its counterpart from other states, as we just jointly organised a Hari Raya open house at Kota Damansara." Arutchelvan reminded DAP that negotiation for the Jelapang seat was still ongoing and nothing had finalised yet. "Ngeh should not be jumping to conclusions," he added, warning DAP to stop antagonising PSM. Perak PKR vice-chairman Chang Lih Kang declined to comment on the meeting, while Nizar and Ngeh could not be reached. During the 2008 general election, Jelapang saw a three-cornered fight between BN, DAP and PSM. PSM's national deputy chairman M. Saraswathy received 1,275 votes against BN's Loh Koi Pin (5,512 votes) and Hee, who won by a landslide of 12,219 votes. |
Tian Chua, Mat Sabu, Hishamuddin quized on rally Posted: 09 Sep 2012 03:04 PM PDT
(NST) - Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) vice-president Tian Chua, PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu and social activist Hishamuddin Rais turned up separately with their lawyers at the Dang Wangi police station here at around 4pm today over the "Janji Demokrasi" illegal assembly held in the city on Merdeka eve (Aug 30). Tian Chua, when approached by reporters afterwards, said he became aware that the police wanted to question him and the others about the rally through news reports and subsequently his lawyer arranged the meeting today. He said he had nothing to hide and answered the questions asked to the best of his ability. Mohamad Sabu, more popularly known as Mat Sabu, said he elected to remain silent. On Thursday, National Laureate Datuk A. Samad Said and the organiser of the rally Maria Chin Abdullah had given statements to the police concerning the assembly after being notified to do so under Section 111 of the Criminal Procedure Code. Meanwhile, City deputy CID chief (Legal Affairs) ACP Aziz Zakaria told Bernama that the trio (Tian Chua, Mat Sabu and Hishamuddin) were being investigated under Section 9 (5) of the Peaceful Assemblies Act 2012. He added that police also wanted to record statements from two more individuals regarding the rally, namely Stanley Yong and Kumpulan Aktivis Mahasiswa Independen (Kami) deputy president Khaled Ismeth. "We will be calling them to come forward to give their statements soon," he said.
Blogger: Anwar's bodyguard held gun to my face Posted: 09 Sep 2012 02:56 PM PDT
(The Star) - A blogger who had an automatic pistol pointed at his face by Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's bodyguard is still in trauma over the incident. Shahridhan Shaharan said the bodyguard was so brazen and came up to him, although he was with a group of people in Kampung Baru Rim on Saturday. He said he still shuddered whenever he thought about the incident as the bodyguard "looked very menacing, as if he really meant to pull the trigger". Shahridhan said he was among some people who were putting up banners along a road when a bus carrying Anwar and his party members on PKR's "Jelajah Merdeka Rakyat" roadshow passed by. "We decided to trail the vehicle," said the 29-year-old. "However, a dark coloured car suddenly stopped in front of us. A man came out and immediately pointed the gun at my face and told me to get into his car. "I was shaking, too in shock to react," he said, adding that the man, seeing this, went back into his car and left. Shahridhan later lodged a police report. The bodyguard was arrested by a plainclothes policeman who witnessed the incident that occurred between 3.30pm and 4pm. State CID chief Asst Comm Raja Sharom Raja Abdullah said police here had received six reports on the incident. The 37-year-old man from a private security firm, who has a licence to carry firearms, was released on police bail at about 9pm the same day after his statement was taken. ACP Raja Sharom said the man was being investigated under Section 427 of the Penal Code for mischief and Section 506 of the Penal Code for criminal intimidation. "The man said he was only doing his job as a personal bodyguard," he said. However, police would investigate further and look at the video recording and pictures taken by the public at the scene, he added. Meanwhile, Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam, who is on a working trip to Rome, urged police to revoke the firearm licence granted to the bodyguard. "This is a serious matter. The man's actions were unwarranted and excessive," he said by phone. "I don't think his boss' (Anwar) life was threatened." Separately, PKR Youth chief Shamsul Iskandar Md Akin lodged a police report yesterday, alleging that two Umno members from Jasin had provoked the entire incident. |
Chamber to explain RM180mil aid facility for Indians Posted: 09 Sep 2012 02:50 PM PDT
(The Star) - The Malaysian Associated Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MAICCI) will go on a nationwide campaign to explain the Government's special allocation to the community. Its president Datuk K.K. Eswaran said the campaign was necessary as some quarters had been trying to discredit the Government's genuine effort by calling it sandiwara (an act). "I can assure everyone that the Government is committed to assisting Indians and there is no hidden agenda," he said yesterday. Eswaran had earlier chaired a meeting of the state chambers as well as representatives of the Indian trade associations. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had earlier announced an allocation of RM180mil for Indian entrepreneurs. The Special Secretariat for Empowerment of Indian Entrepreneurs has been entrusted to assist the loan applicants to prepare a feasibility study as well as relevant documents to be submitted to the 16 banks selected. |
Pussy Riot burned picture of Putin Posted: 09 Sep 2012 02:45 PM PDT
(Reuters) - Russian opposition punk band Pussy Riot have released a new video in which they set fire to a portrait of President Vladimir Putin in a stunt likely to anger the Kremlin. Three of the band's members – Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Maria Alyokhina and Yekaterina Samutsevich – were last month given two-year jail sentences each after storming the altar of Moscow's main cathedral and staging a 'punk prayer', calling on the Virgin Mary to rid Russia of Putin.
Their jail sentences – for the crime of hooliganism motivated by religious hatred – drew sharp international criticism with opposition groups saying the case was part of a Kremlin crackdown on dissent.
In August, the all-female collective said that two other band members who had taken part in the same cathedral protest had fled the country. The whereabouts of the roughly dozen other members who did not take part in the stunt is unknown.
In the new video, which was released on the internet and featured three anonymous band members , women donning balaclavas are shown abseiling down the facade of an abandoned or under construction building.
A giant white banner depicting a guitar-wielding woman in a red miniskirt with the caption "Pussy Riot" is unfurled on the facade and, beneath it, smaller cardboard portraits of Putin and of Alexander Lukashenko, the President of Belarus, are shown hanging.
"We've been fighting for the right to sing, to think, to criticise. To be musicians and artists, ready to do everything to change our country, no matter the risks. We go on with our musical fight in Russia and our country is dominated by an evil man," female voices, speaking in English, exclaim in turns.
The women then set off fluorescent flares thanking famous musicians for speaking out for them.
The camera then pans to a shot of the portrait of Putin in flames. |
Nasha to stay, issue was not discussed at PAS' Syura Council Posted: 09 Sep 2012 02:37 PM PDT
(Malaysian Digest) - His former deputy, Nasharudin Mat Isa, is still a member of the party's Ulama Syura Council, said PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang. Aaccording to a Malaysiakini report, Abdul Hadi told this to reporters at a press conference held after the council meeting on Sunday night. Abdul Hadi said Nasharudin's position in the party was not discussed in the meeting. The meeting primarily focused on party candidates for the upcoming general election (GE), he added.
Earlier, PAS Syura Council took place at the PAS headquarters in Jalan Raja Laut. This particular meeting received much attention, from within and outside the party, mostly due to Nasharudin's presence.
Sinar Harian reported, Nasharudin arrived at the headquarters at 8.55pm. Various political spectators, including the right hand leaders of the party believe that Nasharudin would be spared from any severe actions.
Nasharudin, who is also Bachok MP, recently became the focus of attention after he urged PAS to reconsider its alliance with Pakatan Rakyat, following DAP chairman Karpal Singh's stand on the 'hudud' issue.
Meanwhile, according to KLPos, Nasharudin's presence at the council was to give his side of the story regarding the issue before any decision can be made by members of the council.
Malaysiakini also reported that when asked about Nasharudin being fielded as a candidate for the 13th GE, Abdul Hadi said it would be announced at a later date.
Nasharudin, who attended the media conference alongside Abdul Hadi, refused to comment.
The meeting was chaired by Mursyidul Am Pas, Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat. However, he was reported to have left the party headquarters at 9.15pm, after heading the monthly meeting for only 20 minutes. Sinar Harian reported that the remainder of the meeting was chaired by his deputy, Datuk Dr Haron Din. |
Lajim’s new gambit rattling Sabah PKR Posted: 09 Sep 2012 02:11 PM PDT 
Sabah MPs Wilfred Bumburing and Lajim Ukin's unusual terms of 'joining' PKR has raised the question and stoked resentment within state PKR. Raymond Tombung, FMT They try to keep it as quiet as possible – to subdue the irritations – but Sabah PKR just can't keep it down. The prevailing discomfort has morphed into serious disagreements and the leaders just can't keep it behind the curtains anymore. Since MPs Wilfred M Bumburing (Tuaran) and Lajim Ukin (Beaufort) and later (Senator) Maijol Mahap, "joined" PKR, several serious consequences have surfaced. First of all, Bumburing and Lajim's unusual terms of "joining" PKR without becoming actual PKR members have raised the question of their real commitment to PKR. Their choice to just affiliate themselves and "borrow" the PKR ticket when the time comes for them to contest in the 13th general election, has made their sincerity questionable. And both have allegedly been promised substantial number of seats (rumoured to be around 17 seats each). PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim, on his part, is delightedly lapping up the media hype, acting like he scored two important goals in his fight with Barisan Nasional. Anwar, the perennial opportunist, can sense making political mileage out of it. The duo had left the BN and invited him to witness their official public declarations, so why not take the golden opportunity to bask in the publicity? And although deep inside he wished the duo had actually joined PKR, they did not and have not todate. It is a smart move on Lajim and Bumburing's part. Smart move By coming into the PKR camp without really becoming members, by being pro-PKR or pro-Pakatan Rakyat but remaining independent, these MPs thought they had their cake and could eat it too. They wanted to be able to move about and speak at will without having to get any approval from PKR (read Sabah PKR). In the case of Tuaran, there was no outward clash for positions in the PKR division; Ansari Abdullah continued unthreatened as the division's head. But moving unhindered under Angkatan Perubahan Sabah (APS), Bumburing is harnessing the support from those who were in BN with him while enjoying the ready assurance of the support of the PKR members – a nice way to kill two birds with one stone. Kalakau Untol, previously in an uncomfortable position in Tuaran PKR due to his inability to forge real co-operation with Ansari, has now found his niche and purpose under APS, while still a PKR member. Will Bumburing throw his weight to field Kalakau as the Tuaran MP candidate in the 13th general election? This can only happen if Ansari decides not to re-try his luck in the MP contest this time round. Bacause if he does that, Azmin Ali (PKR deputy president) will surely decide in his favour. But the decision by the defectors not to join PKR was a smart move only to a point. This is because a clash between the duo and the Sabah PKR old guards is unavoidable – they could pretend to ignore the potential fireworks only for a while. Initially, the PKR leaders made comforting self-reassurances that co-operation was being nicely established and the whole arrangement is good for the party, no matter what. READ MORE HERE |
Karpal: There’s nothing between the lines Posted: 09 Sep 2012 02:05 PM PDT 
The lawyer dismisses speculation of a rift in the defence team representing three PKR leaders with regard to the Bersih 3.0 rally. S Rutra, FMT There is nothing to read between the lines regarding the absence of former solicitor-general II Mohd Yusof Zainal Abiden at the Kuala Lumpur Session's Court last Monday during the case against PKR supremo Anwar Ibrahim and five others related to the Bersih 3.0 gathering, said Karpal Singh. Dispelling speculations of a rift in the legal team, he said Mohd Yusof, who was acting for the third accused Rembau PKR chief Bardul Hisham Sharin, was still part of the defence team. "Whether he acts for Anwar or the others, it does not make any diffrence since this case is a joint trial," he added. Karpal told FMT that it was part of the defence strategy and Anwar had been briefed on the matter. "With this arrangement, Mohd Yusof has more oppurtunity to cross-examine the witnesses," he added. Asked why an application to refer a point of law to the High Court was only filed on behalf of Anwar and not a collective application, Karpal explained that the application was made at the eleventh hour and there was no time to consult other counsels in making similar applications. He said lawyer CV Prabhakaran, acting for PKR deputy president Azmin Ali, and Mohd Yusof acting for Badrul would be making their respective appplications before Sept 13. Last Monday, the Sessions Court set Sept 13 to hear the prosecution's objections against Karpal's application to refer a point of law to the High Court in relation to the three charges against Anwar. Anwar, Azmin and Badrul were jointly charged with other Bersih 3.0 supporters still at large, with inciting Tangam Raju, Rajesh Kumar Gejinder and Farhan Ibrahim to violate the magistrate's court order issued on April 26. Meanwhile, lawyer Sankara Nair said it was a defence strategy that Mohd Yusof and him represented Badrul. "Anwar and Azmin are represented by very senior lawyers and hence it was decided that Yusof, being a senior lawyer, and I lend our services to Badrul to add balance," he clarified. "This was a strategic decision and was done amicably and there was mutual consensus between all counsels and clients," added the senior lawyer. |
RPK applies for passport to return home Posted: 09 Sep 2012 01:59 PM PDT 
He wants to return so that he can help Nurul Izzah in her election campaign. (FMT) - Raja Petra Kamarudin, the editor of Malaysia Today, is in contact with the Malaysian High Commission in London to inquire into the possibility of getting his Malaysian passport renewed. Raja Petra, who left Malaysia in February 2009 just six months before his passport expired, has been living in Manchester ever since. Raja Petra, popularly known as RPK, had been banned from leaving the country and to avoid getting detained at the immigration exit he left the country illegally without going through the proper channel. He then entered Thailand and from there went over to the UK. Raja Petra intends to return to Malaysia to join PKR vice-president and Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar's campaign team. Nurul Izzah is expected to face a tough fight against Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin, the Federal Territories and Urban Well-being Minister. Recently, Malaysia Today launched a fund-raising drive for Nurul with more than RM35,365.00 collected so far Since early 2011, Raja Petra has been very critical of Pakatan Rakyat, in particular PKR and Anwar Ibrahim. His move to join Nurul's campaign team is thus viewed as quite a surprise although Raja Petra has always expressed support for Nurul even when he was critical of her father, Anwar. In an immediate response, Immigration Department Director-General Alias Ahmad said there were no problems with Raja Petra's return, as long as the latter had the necessary travel documents. "As long as he has Malaysian travel documents, there are no problems for him to come back," he told FMT. He added that the blogger's passport could be renewed by the Malaysian High Commission in London. |