Quality of English still ‘an issue” Posted: 05 Nov 2011 12:42 PM PDT (Bernama) - Malaysia is on par or ahead of some of the regional countries in terms of investment in education. However, the quality of its undergraduates in having a good command of English, still remains an issue. Marie Aimee Tourres, a senior research fellow at the Department of Development Studies, Universiti Malaya, said it was crucial for graduates to have a good command of English to ensure they would be able to compete effectively, in the global job market. Nevertheless, "in terms of education spending, Malaysia is comparable to some countries in the region based on the percentage spent over its gross domestic product (GDP) growth," she told Bernama in an interview here. She said Malaysia was actually spending more vis-à-vis other countries. In the 2012 Budget, RM13.6 billion was allocated to the social sector, including education and training, health, welfare, housing and community development. Tourres said there was also a lot of focus given for training and re-training for graduates, which was important to continuously upgrade skilled and knowledge workers in the country. However, the quality of undergraduates remains an issue in Malaysia, since the students find it difficult to grasp the English language. "Language is definitely an issue," she said, citing a recent publication by the World Bank entitled , "The Road to Academic Excellence", which was a study on what contributes to a world-class research university. The study compared Universiti Malaya (UM) and National University of Singapore (NUS) in a chapter entitled "The National University of Singapore and the University of Malaya: Common Roots and Different Paths". In the report, it was stated that as NUS kept pace with the demands of a growing economy that sought to become competitive internationally, with English continuing as the language of instruction and research, UM began to focus inward as proficiency in English declined in favour of the national language. The publication, which is based on a study conducted by two scholars, Philip Altbach and Jamil Salmi, also stated that because UM taught courses predominantly in the national language, it had much more limited internationalisation of programme, academic staff and student body. International standard "This generation will have to face international standard and competition in terms of job market, as part of globalisation," said Tourres. She cited Pakistan as an example, where she gives lectures. "In Pakistan, although the people speak different dialects, next to the Urdu language, their English is better than our graduates," she pointed out. It made them more marketable in the competitive global environment, she noted. "The immediate result of their English capacity is that you can find many Pakistanis who work for international organisations such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund," said Tourres. She believed that even if Malaysia gave more focus in English, the national language and culture could still prosper, provided that teaching was made interesting. "More English in school will not deter Malay, Indian and Chinese culture per se. We should not mix the issue of a command of good language and the preservation of national heritage," she said. As for the distribution of the book voucher worth RM200 to all Malaysian students in public and private local institutions of higher learning, matriculation as well as Form 6 students nationwide, she believed that it should be monitored to ensure that it served the purpose. This assistance is expected to benefit 1.3 million students with an allocation of RM260 million. "That is a lot of money. Probably, it could have been done based on meritocracy to ensure that it is properly utilised," said Tourres, pointing out that there were risks of students re-selling the voucher, especially when the new targeted generation lacked the reading habit and preferred to go online to search for their study materials. |
No need to renominate EPF beneficiaries, workers told Posted: 05 Nov 2011 12:39 PM PDT (The Star) - The Employees Provident Fund (EPF) has debunked talk that contributors must renominate their beneficiaries once they reach their retirement age. They only needed to do so if they had made Age 55 withdrawals before Feb 1, 2008, said EPF public relations general manager Nik Affendi Jaafar. (On Feb 1, 2008, the EPF made it compulsory for those who continue to work after 55 to remain contributing until the maximum age of 75 at a revised rate of 5.5% for employees' contribution.) A chain email has been circulating, in which the writer claimed that a sister-in-law had to go through the legal process to claim the funds left by her husband after he passed away at the age of 60. The writer said: "EPF did not allow her to withdraw even though she was the sole beneficiary. "According to EPF, one has to rename their beneficiaries at the age of 55, making all previous nominations void." Nik Affendi explained that the case was only true if members had made Age 55 withdrawals before Feb 1, 2008. "Therefore if a member were to continue to contribute to the EPF, he would need to make a new nomination. However for EPF members who have made Age 55 Withdrawals after Feb 1, 2008, their nominations remain valid until a new nomination is made," he said. This also applies to members who are 55 years old but have not made the said withdrawal. Age 55 Withdrawals refer to EPF members who took out their savings upon reaching 55. The money, which could be withdrawn either in a lump sum or partially, is meant to provide financial support during their retirement period. |
Pro-BM group wants PPSMI scrapped immediately Posted: 05 Nov 2011 12:30 PM PDT By Melissa Chi, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 6 — PPSMI (the teaching and learning of mathematics and science in English) remains abolished but a Bahasa Malaysia lobby group here is demanding Putrajaya discontinue the policy immediately instead of gradually phasing it out. Gerakan Mansuhkan PPSMI (GMP) insisted that the government's continuance would indicate it is "not serious" with its plan to revert to using Bahasa Malaysia as the medium of instruction for the two subjects. Its chairman Prof Dr Shaharir Mohd Zain pointed out that under Putrajaya's decision on Friday, PPSMI would only be completely phased out in nine years, during which time the government could still change its mind. "The government should follow the same strategy of implementing PPSMI ... otherwise it will send many wrong signals and indicate the government is not serious or fully committed. "I think it is unfortunate that he (Education Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin) is doing something different from what most people expected him to do," the senior research fellow at Universiti Malaya (UM) told The Malaysian Insider. He said it would take too long for the teaching and learning of science and mathematics in Bahasa Malaysia to be fully implemented and urged the government to make the switch immediately. Muhyiddin, who is also the deputy prime minister, announced on Friday that while PPSMI remains abolished, the government would allow those already studying under the programme to continue until they have completed their secondary school education. Stressing that this does not mean the administration was backpeddling on its 2009 decision to scrap the policy, Muhyiddin had reasoned that the move would bring "relief" to many parents who have been lobbying for PPSMI. He explained the decision meant that students between Year Three and Form Five next year would be allowed the option of learning science and mathematics in Bahasa Malaysia, English or both languages, as allowed under PPSMI, until they complete their primary and secondary education. RAED MORE HERE. |
Greek parties ignore appeal for rapid compromise Posted: 05 Nov 2011 12:25 PM PDT (Reuters) - Greece's ruling socialists and opposition conservatives offered rival plans for saving the nation from bankruptcy and safeguarding its euro zone membership, ignoring an appeal from the president to cooperate now on tackling the mess. For Prime Minister George Papandreou, only a coalition government ruling for at least several months can set Greece on the road to national salvation and secure a financial lifeline from international lenders before the money runs out. But the conservative opposition flatly rejected the idea, offering its competing vision of snap elections -- and demanding Papandreou's resignation after two years of grappling with economic, political and social crisis. All this disregarded an appeal by President Karolos Papoulias for the opposing sides of Greek politics to overcome their differences and get to work solving a crisis which risks wrecking international faith in the entire euro project. "Consensus is the one and only way," Papoulias told the prime minister when he went to the presidential palace to launch his drive for a coalition government. At immediate stake is the fate of Greece's 130 billion euro bailout, agreed by euro zone leaders to keep Athens afloat, and restore confidence on global financial markets that the euro zone nations can handle a crisis that could afflict much bigger economies such as Italy and Spain. NOT GOOD AT COMPROMISE On Sunday the president will meet Antonis Samaras, who heads the conservative New Democracy party, as he tries to nudge the party politicians into something they are not good at -- compromise. Papandreou's socialist cabinet is due to meet informally also on Sunday, as his PASOK party searches for support among the smaller parties, with Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos playing a leading role. Only a week ago the bailout deal seemed in the bag, but then Papandreou dropped a bombshell by announcing he would hold a referendum on the package -- which demands yet another wave of austerity be imposed on the long-suffering Greek population. With the deal threatening to unravel, Germany and France told Papandreou that Greece would receive not one cent more in aid unless it fulfilled its side of the bargain. Papandreou retreated on the referendum, but only after German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy said Greece must make up its mind whether it wanted to stay in the euro or not. A CHASTENED PAPANDREOU Chastened, Papandreou was forced to signal that he was willing to stand down. He himself raised the specter of Greece's future in the euro. "My aim is to immediately create a government of cooperation," he said at the presidential palace. "A lack of consensus would worry our European partners over our country's will to stay in the euro zone." Here he hit a raw nerve. Greeks have fought tooth and nail against the spending cuts and tax rises demanded by their international lenders in the euro zone and IMF, with some protests turning violent on the streets of Athens. But there is also a widespread fear that Greece might be forced out of the euro and will have to go it alone with a revived national currency. "Europeans don't trust us anymore, they will throw us out," said Tassos Pagonis, a 48-year-old Athens taxi driver. "I hope we don't return to the drachma." The opposition showed little sign of giving ground. "We ask for a short-term transitional government in order to restore a sense of stability and then the country goes to the polls," said Samaras. "We did not seek a role in this government, only that Mr. Papandreou, who has become dangerous for the country, resigns." Opinion polls suggested Greeks favor Papandreou's model of a longer-serving unity government. One survey commissioned by Proto Thema newspaper showed 52 percent of the public back the idea of a national unity government while 36 percent wanted snap elections. Another poll commissioned by Ethnos newspaper put support for the rival ideas at 45 percent and 41.7 percent respectively. A government source said Papandreou's deputy, Finance Minister Venizelos, was already negotiating behind the scenes to win support from the smaller parties for a government that Venizelos himself wants to lead. "Venizelos is having contacts with party leaders to secure their agreement," said a government official who requested anonymity. In snubbing Papandreou, who survived a parliamentary confidence vote in the early hours of Saturday, Samaras acknowledged the leading role being played by Venizelos in the maneuvering for power. "Whenever we try to find a way out, the Papandreou-Venizelos government invents new obstacles to block it," he complained. |
AirAsia denies gain from subsidies for rural service Posted: 05 Nov 2011 11:04 AM PDT By Yow Hong Chieh, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 6 — Aviation tycoon Tan Sri Tony Fernandes has denied his AirAsia benefited from the RM249 million in federal subsidies paid to its Fly Asian Xpress (FAX) for rural flights four years ago. Putrajaya said it paid the amount when FAX operated the Rural Air Services (RAS) — flights to rural communities in East Malaysia — between August 2006 and September 2007, after which the service was handed back to flag carrier Malaysia Airlines (MAS) "Fly Asian Xpress was the sole operator of the Rural Air Services and not AirAsia Berhad. AirAsia Berhad did not receive any financial benefit arising from the RAS operations," the AirAsia boss said in a blog post yesterday. "Although the shareholders of FAX were similar to AirAsia Berhad, they ended up losing almost RM5 million of shareholder capital, because the wind-up costs of FAX, including retrenchment payments, were not covered by the government subsidy." Fernandes said when RAS was operated by MAS and subsequently MASwings, both carriers similarly incurred significant operating costs, which were also subsidies by the government. Deputy Transport Minister Jelaing Mersat told Parliament on Thursday that Putrajaya paid RM249 million to AirAsia to subsidise its rural flights to Sabah and Sarawak. He also said that MASwings needed less than half the amount of subsidy when it took over the routes from the no-frills carrier's unit subsidiary FAX in October 2007. "MASwings only needed less than half the subsidy as it is more organised and uses newer aircraft which cost less to maintain," Jelaing had said. But Fernandes explained the higher subsidy bill was due to an "abnormally high" number of overhauls and repairs needed for aircraft it inherited from MAS in 2006. He pointed out that FAX had paid RM48 million in maintenance costs at market rates to MAS Engineering, rather than at cost as had been offered to the national carrier previously. "With MAS as the only licensed engineering provider, no supplier competition was available to extract better rates," he said. FAX also paid RM72 million to a third-party for additional maintenance not provided by MAS as the national carrier had been slow to respond to requests and had wanted to charge higher rates. On top of that, FAX paid RM25 million for ground handling and other services by MAS; RM16 million on loan spares from MAS; RM9 million for pilot secondments from MAS between August 2006 and March 2007; and footed a write-down on spares worth RM9 million. "Finally, another contributing factor in the difference in subsidy claims is the higher global fuel price versus prior years under MAS: RM10 million," Fernandes said. "MASWings benefited from the amount spent by FAX because 80 per cent of the amount spent would not have to be incurred in the 12 months after MASWings took over," he added. The return of RAS routes to MAS after just 14 months had raised concerns of whether it would affect the national carrier's turnaround plans under then-chief executive Datuk Seri Idris Jala. READ MORE HERE. |
VIDEO : PKR leaders, NGO refused entry at Feedlot Project managed by Shahrizat's family? Posted: 05 Nov 2011 12:05 AM PDT By Malaysians Must Know The TRUTH
While at the site, photographs were taken but it was discovered that there were no animals (cattle) seen around. Look at these photo clips and make your own evaluation as to how RM250 Million taxpayer's monies has been claimed to be utilised.
Some the pictures as seen on the video: Just LOOK where are the cattle supposed to have been reared: NO cattle or animals CAN BE SEEN. |
Tamil schools in Malaysia denied fully financial aided status Posted: 04 Nov 2011 11:57 PM PDT In National/Malay Muslim school system the theme seems to be to produce excellence. In the Chinese school system the theme seems to be to produce world class and competitive students. Whereas the Indian Tamil school system is groveling with basic issues like no electricity, no fields to play for school children and ill equipped classes in poor conditions. By Dr Paraman VS From pre-school education to primary schools, vocational & technical training as well as tertiary education, the Malaysian Indians have been neglected for several decades now. The drastic reduction of Tamil primary schools from 888 in number in 1957 to currently 523 even though the student population has more than doubled from 50k to108k now, is just one of the many glaring examples of state neglect. In National/Malay Muslim school system the theme seems to be to produce excellence. In the Chinese school system the theme seems to be to produce world class and competitive students. Whereas the Indian Tamil school system is groveling with basic issues like no electricity, no fields to play for school children and ill equipped classes in poor conditions. Most Tamil schools lie on private lands and hence apparently do not come under the Federal Education Ministry to qualify for fully aided status. Out of sheer indirect neglect by the UMNO government, most of these Tamil schools remain in pre-independence state. There have been numerous articles written about the Tamil vernacular schools in Malaysia over the years: 1) Tamil school problems by S. Indramalar and Hariati Azizan, March 12,2000, The Star. 2) Is abolishing Tamil schools the solution by M Nadarajah , October 9, 2000 Malaysiakini. 3) Don't forsake Tamil Schools by Vasanthi Ramachandran, September 16, 2002, New Straits Times. 4) Tamil schools have important role to play by Ve Elanjelian , November 30, 2004, Malaysiakini. 5) Vernacular education system and the Left (Parts 1&2) by Lee Ban Chen September 14,15, 2005, Malaysiakini. 6) Pre-Merdeka Tamil school in a quandary by K Kabilan January 4, 2007, Malaysiakini. 7) Tamil schools, sacrificial lambs of a political agenda by Prof P Ramasamy April 10, 2007, Malaysiakini 8 ) Are Tamil schools ever meant to be an integral part of the National Education System ? by Jiwi Kathaiah July 29, 2011, Malaysiakini. These are the numerous articles highlighting the terrible condition these Tamil schools are in: 1) SJK(T) Ladang Bukit Jalil was relocated from a cemetery to the basement of DBKL low cost flats. 10/04/2008 Malaysiakini. 2) SJK(T) Ladang Escot finally received piped water supply after 50 years. 03/05/2010 Bernama. 3) Four acres of land allocated to SJK(T) Midlands , Shah Alam had gone missing. 01/11/09 Tamil Nesan. 4) SJK(T) Ladang Sungai Salak, Lukut where the school was situated upstairs in a shophouse. 10/08/2010 Malaysiakini. 5) SJK(T) Kuala Muda Hose, Sg Petani faces closure due to lack of transport. 08/01/2010 Makkal Ossai. 6) SJK(T) Jugra in Banting have to put up with overcrowding. Steel shipping containers were used as a solution for this problem. Previously 2 classes were sometimes even held in the canteen due to shortage of classrooms. 24/02/2010, Malay Mail. 7) Kindergarten in Ladang Bagan Pasir that was operating for 34 years was closed suddenly without giving any notice, according to shocked parents. 02/03/2010 Makkal Ossai. 8 ) MIC vice president Datuk Dr S Subramaniam said less than 10% of students in SJK(T) attended pre-schools which was well below the targeted 87% pre-school's student by 2012 under NKRA (National Key Result Areas). National average was 76%. 15/03/2010 Star. 9) Sungai Para Estate kindergarten seen to appear like a cow shed. 07/09/2010 www.humanrightspartymalaysia.com. 10) SJK(T) Sentul had electricity and water problems for a whole year. 25/01/2011 www.humanrightspartymalaysia.com. 11) Pupils of a Tamil school at Ladang Jeram in Kuantan have been using a container as their class room for the past decade reported Tamil Nesan. The school building had been reportedly been demolished by a company which took over the estate for commercial development 10 years ago on the condition that it will build a 6 classroom building and a Temple. However there has been no development to date. Efforts to put up a school building have been futile hence enrolment has been dwindling. 11/02/2011 Star. 12) Bagan Serai Tamil School congested with 350 pupils and no extension of building given. It has only 5 classrooms. 10/05/11 Malaysian Nanban. 13) Malaysian Nanban reported that a Tamil school in Gurun would be closed down due to low enrolment. The 70 year old school would be relocated to Gurun town as the estate wanted the land back. 02/06/11 Star. 14) Pictures appear to show dilapidated colonial wooden Kulai Tamil school building. 23/06/11 Malaysian Nanban. 15) Deputy Urban & Wellbeing Minister and MIC vice president Datuk M Saravanan said nearly a quarter of the Tamil school children in KL were underperforming because they come from poor homes. He added there were a large number of pupils who could not afford to pay school fees (RM 24 per year). A survey conducted in 2010 by an NGO found that 42% of Tamil school pupils in the country cannot read and write because they come from poor homes. About 10k Tamil school pupils attending year one are illiterate because they cannot afford to attend kindergartens. 29/06/11 Star Metro. 16) Primary School unsafe for 163 pupils. SJK (T) Ladang Kulai. The Star, 24/09/2011. 17) Many more schools are listed under the Malaysian Indian Minority & Human Rights Violations Annual Report 2010 which can be read from http://www.humanrightspartymalaysia.com/books/annualrightsviolations2010.pdf. For many decades now, the Malaysian public has been lead to believe that vernacular schools are the responsibility of the respective communities and the government's role are at best acts as a mere supplementary caretaker only. As Tamil schools are the bottom worst among the vernacular schools, this article shall be focusing on it. Most often than not, a fictitious stale serial comment is given stating, Tamil vernacular schools in particular, cannot receive fully aided status as most of the these Tamil schools (371 out of 523) are located on private lands. I used the term 'fictitious' because after going through the Razak report 1956, Rahman Talib report 1960, Mahathir report on education 1976, Education Act 1996 as well as the Federal Constitution of Malaysia, and I have till date not come across anything that justifies the misconception that any school lying on private land will not be entitled to fully aided status. Read more at: http://www.humanrightspartymalaysia.com/2011/11/05/tamil-schools-in-malaysia-denied-fully-financial-aided-status-is-unconstitutional-illegal-research-by-dr-paraman-vs/ |
Gerakan ‘Massa’ tuntut penambahbaikan pilihan raya Posted: 04 Nov 2011 09:20 PM PDT Jika PM gagal, protes secara besar-besaran bagi menuntut proses demokrasi pilihan raya yang bersih dan adil akan diadakan. (Free Malaysia Today) - Gerakan yang dikenali sebagai 'Massa' memberi amaran kepada Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak agar melakukan proses penambahbaikan pilihan raya sebelum pilihan raya umum diadakan. Pengerusi Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM), Badrul Hisham Shaharin berkata jika gesaan sedemikian gagal dipenuhi, pihaknya tidak menolak kemungkinan akan mengadakan protes besar-besaran bagi menuntut proses demokrasi pilihan raya yang bersih dan adil. "Kami bersama teman-teman organisasi massa yang lain hari ini mewakili rakyat Malaysia keseluruhannya memberi amaran kepada PM bahawa PRU hanya boleh dipanggil setelah proses penambahbaikan proses pilihan raya dilakukan," kata beliau dalam satu sidang media hari ini. Beliau yang juga dikenali sebagai CheguBard berkata beliau merujuk kepada janji Najib selepas Himpunan Bersih 2.0 September lalu di mana beliau mengumumkan pembentukan sebuah Jawatankuasa Terpilih Parlimen untuk mengkaji perkara ini. Bagaimanapun, CheguBard melahirkan kebimbangan dengan beberapa 'maklumat' yang diterima bahawa Najib bakal membubarkan parlimen pada 11 September ini sebelum sebarang penambahbaikan diimplementasikan. Sementara itu, Pengerusi Gerakan Kebebasan Sivil Malaysia (MCLM) Haris Ibrahim menyatakan jika ini bukan kesnya, Najib sebagai Perdana Menteri dan Pengerusi Barisan Nasional harus menyatakan pendirian beliau dan berterus-terang dengan rakyat. READ MORE HERE |
The GOM is becoming aware of the negative impact the Anwar case has had on its international reputation and is acting to change the negative foreign perceptions. Today's briefing was an attempt by the GOM to influence the diplomatic community, counter Anwar's own messaging the day before, and work against critical international media attention. The Minister shared no new information with the group as a whole and we doubt the briefing swayed diplomats to change their prior opinions; indeed, we heard a good measure of cynicism from some of the gathered diplomats. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin 
Classified By: POLITICAL SECTION CHIEF MARK D. CLARK, REASON 1.4 (B AND D). Summary 1. (C) Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar briefed foreign diplomats, including the Ambassador, on the sodomy case against Anwar Ibrahim on July 23, one day after de facto Opposition leader conducted his own diplomatic briefing. Syed Hamid dismissed claims of conspiracy, defended the police handling of the case, and emphasized that Anwar was being treated fairly as "Malaysia follows the rule of law." In a follow-on conversation, the Home Minister told the Ambassador the government believed the criminal act of sodomy was consensual, and stated authorities would decide whether to prosecute prior to the expiration of Anwar's bail on August 18. Today's briefing reportedly was the result of a Cabinet decision. The GOM is becoming aware of the damage the Anwar case has had on its international reputation and is acting to challenge negative foreign perceptions. End Summary. Home Minister: "We want the truth to be told" 2. (SBU) Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar on July 23 delivered a hastily-arranged briefing on Anwar Ibrahim's sodomy case to 96 representatives of the diplomatic corps. The Ambassador and poloff attended. The briefing came the day after Anwar's own briefing to diplomats (ref A). The Minister stated the briefing was not a "rebuttal," but just to "state the facts" and present the government's side of the case. Syed Hamid explicitly and repeatedly encouraged the assembled diplomats to use the information in the briefing to "put some of the picture right." The Minister acknowledged the government is "fighting a battle of perception" and that Anwar's case was making "Malaysia familiar with (the concept of) trial in the media." He said the idea of a government conspiracy against Anwar was "nonsense." After the briefing, he told reporters, "To us, there is no need to be afraid of the truth. Let them hear both sides. Whether they believe it or not is another matter but I think they will appreciate our transparency." 3. (SBU) Syed Hamid's briefing reiterated previous declarations that the GOM was not influencing the case. He repeatedly offered examples of how the police responded with deliberate caution in its investigation of the allegations. The Minister stated Anwar received special treatment, not usually afforded suspects, such as not being arrested immediately and having his lawyer present while the police questioned him. He defended the manner in which police arrested Anwar by stating Anwar's home is well fortified and protected by armed private security. He denied police wore baklavas (masks) when making the arrest, noting that "normal police" arrested Anwar and those in Baklavas were merely providing security. 4. (SBU) Syed Hamid referred to Anwar's sodomy charge in 1998 to support the current allegations of sodomy. He further stated, "We want the truth to be told. Let us investigate it and we will then know whether to proceed (with charges)." "Malaysia follows rule of law" 5. (SBU) Syed Hamid explained that officials had not yet provided Anwar with the police report alleging sodomy because Malaysian law prohibits releasing such a report until the accused is formally charged. He reiterated that every part of the investigation and police actions is within legal boundaries and that "Malaysia follows the rule of law." He cited the removal of the Inspector General of Police (IGP) and Attorney General (AG) from an active role in the case because Anwar accused them of abuses when Anwar was in custody in 1998. He declared the police and attorney general personnel investigating the case do not report to the IGP and AG. (Note: The government announced the AG and IGP's recusal several weeks into the case. End Note.) Minister takes swing at "outside" interference 6. (SBU) Alluding to but not specifying critical statements made by USG officials and American NGOs, Syed Hamid said Malaysia does not need the involvement of outside bodies to ensure citizens are protected. He continued by describing Malaysia as a rule of law country willing to do whatever was necessary to protect its citizens. The Minister also stated Malaysia has different morals and standards from other countries, represented by its own laws, which it must follow. Decision to prosecute before August 18 7. (C) Ambassador Keith and other selected western diplomats had the opportunity to sit with the Minister following the briefing. The Ambassador asked Syed Hamid how often it pursued sodomy cases and whether prosecutors treated consensual cases differently from non-consensual ones. The Minister replied that there were many sodomy cases and that once a police report was filed, prosecutors still tended to file charges regardless of whether the act was consensual or not. He confided to the table that police believe the accuser, Saiful, consented to being sodomized, but later regretted participating in the act. Syed Hamid alleged the 23-year old was so upset over the sodomy that he attempted suicide prior to filing the initial police report. Saiful made his official complaint only after he went for a regular medical exam and told the doctor he was previously sodomized. The Minister also told the Ambassador prosecutors would make the decision on whether to charge Anwar prior to the expiration of his bail on August 18. Comment 8. (C) The GOM is becoming aware of the negative impact the Anwar case has had on its international reputation and is acting to change the negative foreign perceptions. Today's briefing was an attempt by the GOM to influence the diplomatic community, counter Anwar's own messaging the day before, and work against critical international media attention. The decision to hold the briefing was taken by the Cabinet earlier in the day at its regularly scheduled meeting, a ministry official told us, which accounts for the lack of advance notice. The Minister shared no new information with the group as a whole and we doubt the briefing swayed diplomats to change their prior opinions; indeed, we heard a good measure of cynicism from some of the gathered diplomats. The government's decision to hold the event and the Ambassador's discussion with the Home Minister afterward served to reinforce our belief that the GOM already has decided to charge Anwar for sodomy, and it will take this next step by mid-August. KEITH (July 2008) |
Recognising Malaysia's stateless Indians Posted: 04 Nov 2011 08:21 PM PDT Indians arrived in Malaysia a century ago but many of their descendants still lack formal status. (Al Jazeera) - Ethnic Indians comprise nearly eight per cent of the Malaysian population, yet an inability to obtain their proper documents has rendered generations stateless. Official government estimates say 40,000 ethnic Indians, the descendants of Indians who arrived in Malaysia to work on plantations a century ago, do not have birth certificates or identity cards. Activists say that number is much higher. Lacking basic documentation, many ethnic Indians do not have formal education and are unable to seek legal employment or cast a ballot. The government recently launched a drive to register ethnic Indians, but for many, even proving the nation as their birthplace presents a difficult hurdle. Al Jazeera's Florence Looi reports from Kuala Lumpur. SEE VIDEO HERE |
Dr M says Najib can save PPSMI: The falling out between Mahathir and Muhyiddin? Posted: 04 Nov 2011 07:49 PM PDT
To have Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad (a man who hated the British like poison) to come out in defense of the English language is really something like a 180° about-turn looking West, linguistically speaking only. One of the very rare times that Dr. Mahathir has put on his thinking cap and saying something sensible. Science is definitely not a subject that our kids should learn using Bahasa Malaysia because many scientific terms cannot be translated and carried by BM. It may be alright if we say "bas" while the Orang Inggeris say "bus" as the sound of both almost the same. Science students will tell you the same cannot be applied in scientific terminology. Our Malaysian scientists trained in BM Science in future will make a mockery of themselves if they speak at international forum and the other delegates have to crane their ears and still at a loss to know what the speakers are talking about.
From the face of things, to the ordinary eyes, Dr. M's move is just a paradigm shift, but an analysis of events, stories we have been hearing, reading and receiving from grapevines, blogs, kopitiam talks, etc., seem to suggest a shift or a break-up of the so-called 3M Alliance (Mahathir, Muhyiddin and Mukhriz). This linkage between Mahathir and Muhyiddin never occurred before, so the breakup could be due to some mega project(s) and political strategy going drastically sour and irked Dr M. The answer, my friends, is probably written in the wind, the wind that carried rumors to my distant ears that the change of attitude could possibly have something to do with up and coming, and derailed projects in Johor such as: Double Tracking Rail Project being the final leg of EDTP project in the Peninsular, the Segamat-Tangkak and Central Spine Expressway, mega property projects in Iskandar Region (hidden reason for DPM's recent visit to Singapore), and even perhaps the RM50 billion newly announced Petronas Pengerang project in Johor (Muhyiddin's home state). But what I gather from the various blogs, news articles and news from close friends back home in Malaysia, the most controversial and likely one is the Double Tracking Rail project from Gemas to Johor Bahru as a start-off point and breakup of this 3M Alliance, for the following reasons.
All Malaysians know that the original contract was awarded to MMC (Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary) by Dr Mahathir during his reign as PM. Then Pak Lah cancelled it, and Mahathir started his campaign to kick out Badawi which he did successfully. The in-coming PM Najib was supposed to toe Mahathir's line, but Rosmah wanted it her way (killing Mahathir's favorite song softly "My Way"). Then came RPK's article about making millions by being PM Najib's golfing partner in which it was revealed George Kent's Big Boss, Tan Sri Tan Kay Hock, demanded RM500 million from China CREC, RM200 million for Rosmah and RM300 million for himself.
Even though Puan Sri Tan Swee Bee (Kay Hock's wife) and Cindy (Desmond Lim's wife) had been paying for all Rosmah's overseas trips and extravagant shopping, the revelation by RPK forced Rosmah to temporarily give Tan Sri Tan Tay Hock and company, a wide berth, while friendship and gratitude may remain in tact. This was when Kay Hock went to Muhyiddin (a Johorean) and Mukhriz (with Mahathir's blessings) to grab the project with another Chinese horse since CREC was tarnished by RPK. This was the start of the 3M Alliance with the main objectives to secure the project, to remove Najib (and say good-bye to Rosmah), to install Muhyiddin as PM and Mukhriz as his Deputy (the dream of Mahathir Dynasty coming true for Dr Mahathir to finally retire!) However, this idiot Muhyiddin is never liked by the Johor Malays including MB Ghani Othman and Kerishamuddin (for obvious reason Mukhriz going on top of him) including least of all, the Sultan of Johor. You will find that whenever Muhyiddin goes to Johor, it is always balik kampong Pagoh, his constituency and his only base to prop up his tenure and dying popularity in UMNO.
Something must have gone astray in the 3M Alliance, either to do with the projects or politics. We don't know, but we know Dr M is not happy with Muhyiddin and he has no qualm showing his displeasure publicly, wielding his influence within UMNO as usual. It does seem to the Rakyat that the 3M is more focused on 3P - Power, Politics and Projects, the common denomination of which is Money. JO |
After an absence of 37 years Malaysia's original Speakers Corner will once again be the site of a historic and emotional gathering of many pioneer activists who kept it alive between 1966 and 1974. Encouraged by the recent govt. initiative to revive this tradition of student activism and public oratorical skills, a small group of veteran activists got together, obtained the authorization of the VC, Tan Sri Dr Gouth Jasnon, and plan to hold a grand Reunion to celebrate the 45th anniversary of Speaker's Corner that will be open to all past and present students of University of Malaya. The event will be held at the original site (across from the Arts Faculty and near the Library) on 30th November 2011 at 10.00am. This will be a social gathering of veteran and current activists from near and far away places including Puerto Rico, USA. We are hoping the media will give this historic event the publicity that it deserves. It is with this in mind that I contact you. We will appreciate it very much if the Star will cover this event before, during and after this gathering. |
MCA: Make English a compulsory pass for SPM Posted: 04 Nov 2011 07:09 PM PDT By Melissa Chi, TMI KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 5 — MCA moved today to back Putrajaya in scrapping PPSMI (teaching and learning of mathematics and science in English) but suggested that English be turned into a compulsory pass subject like Bahasa Malaysia in the SPM examination. Currently, Form Five students have to pass Bahasa Malaysia and history to receive their SPM certificate. The party also suggested making English literature a compulsory subject in schools to add emphasis on the usage of the language, saying it would help Malaysians "keep up with the rest of the world". "The government has listened to the voices of the rakyat in coming up with the win-win situation for all stakeholders concerned. "It is however the fervent hope of the MCA that the Ministry of Education put emphasis on the usage of English to equip Malaysians with the universal language to keep up with the rest of the world," MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek said in a statement today. Dr Chua was responding to Education Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin's announcement yesterday that students who have already been using PPSMI may continue with it until they complete their secondary education. But the deputy prime minister stressed that this did not mean the government was making a U-turn in its decision to scrap the policy. He explained the decision meant that students between Year Three and Form Five next year would be given the option to learn science and maths in Bahasa Malaysia, English or both until they complete their primary and secondary education. But this year's Year One students, the first batch to undergo MBMMBI (Upholding the Malay Language and Strengthening Command of English), would have to continue learning the two subjects in Bahasa Malaysia when they enter Year Two, he said. READ MORE HERE. |
PPSMI and the Malaysian education malaise Posted: 04 Nov 2011 06:37 PM PDT One of the part that worries me about the PPSMI saga is the claim by the Minister of Education that the matter of reversing the PPSMI policy has been given deep thought by all and sundry in the Cabinet. What worries me is that the Malaysian education system is too fragmented to the point that it now mirrors Astro programming. And, what do I mean by that? It is disturbing to see that Malaysian children are being shafted into different directions in the name of seeking quality education, culture and/or just plain, affordability. Parents who perceive that the quality of education in national schools (sekolah kebangsaan) have deteriorated precipitously have been sending their children to national-type Chinese schools or international schools. Other parents who doubt the quality of national schools have been sending their children to private schools using the national syllabus. Parents who believe that their children need to maintain their perceived "cultural identity" have been sending their children to Mandarin-medium or Tamil-medium schools. Let's not forget that there was also a time when Malay parents would send their children to Malay-medium schools with the same intent. Parents who believe that their children should be at the apex of society with a fighting chance of being entrenched as the elite of Malaysian society and/or be competitive at a global level, have been sending their children to international schools based in Malaysia!!!! That's what I mean by the Astro-programming parallel. And, I believe this to be the major issue. This is the pink elephant in the room that the Minister of Education and the Cabinet has chosen to ignore. Granted that this issue is a delicate and complex one, someone still has to address the issue. Or, maybe this is the precise point. It is NOT a political issue because no one, on either side of the Parliamentary divide, be they Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat, have bothered to deal with the matter. Yet, everyone who has school-going children and anyone who has undergone any of the education routes I have outlined above should know or recall, the educational anomaly that exists in Malaysia. Who amongst the political leaders of contemporary Malaysia has the courage to raise this issue? Who dares to bell this cat? All we have are parochial and chauvinistic gallery-pandering politicians and educationists who champion their own little causes. Will no one stand for the Malaysian nation? |
Bahasa Inggeris wajib dipertingkatkan - tetapi PPSMI bukan penyelesaiannya Posted: 04 Nov 2011 06:25 PM PDT ASPAN ALIAS Dr Mahathir berkata DS Najib boleh menyelesaikan isu PPSMI yang sedang dibahaskan oleh rakyat. Dr Mahathir merupakan orang yang bertanggungjawab melaksanakan PPSMI semasa beliau menjadi Perdana Menteri selama 22 tahun dahulu. Muhyidin telah mengambil keputusan dan meminta sokongan dari kabinet dan Parlimen untuk kembali kepada mengajar Matematik dan Sains dalam Bahasa Malaysia. Apabila isu ini masih menjadi perbahasan kita tidak terlepas dari bertanya, kenapa sudah 54 tahun merdeka isu medium pengajaran dalam bahasa apa ini masih tidak terlerai.
Mahathir berkata Najib boleh menyekat implimentasi pengajaran dalam Bahasa Malaysia ini kerana beliau (Najib) adalah Perdana Menteri. Najib sendiri adalah seorang pemimpin yang sebenarnya masih mahukan pembelajaran sains dan matametik ini dalam Bahasa Inggeris.
Tetapi Najib tidak berapa berani untuk meminta Muhyiddin untuk membatalkan hasrat beliau (Muhyidin) untuk tidak meneruskan pembelajaran Sains dan Metamatik dalam Bahasa Malaysia.
Ada berita yang sampai kepada saya yang Najib telah berpesan melalui seorang yang berpengaruh supaya meminta Muhyidin untuk meneruskan pembelajaran kedua-dua mata pelajaran itu dalam Bahasa Ingeris, kerana Najib tidak berani untuk membuat teguran terhadap Muhyidin. Malahan Muhyidin semalam telah membuat kenyataan yang DS Najib telah bersetuju untuk perlaksanaan pembelajaran subjek sains dan matematik kembali menggunakan Bahasa Malaysia.
Hakikatnya Najib dan Muhyidin sangat berbeza dalam isu PPSMI ini tetapi Muhyiddin telah mengambil sikap bertegas untuk kembali kepada pengajaran dalam Bahasa Malaysia ini kerana sentimen ini menguatkan beliau di kalangan ahli-ahli UMNO. Muhyidin mengambil sikap kemelayuan yang kuat dalam isu ini. Muhyiddin telah memberitahu media yang tindakan PAGE untuk mendesak Muhyidin menimbangkan saranan mereka untuk meneruskan pembelajaran dalam Bahasa Inggeris lagi tidak akan di layan.
Muhyidin mendapat markah tambahan di kalangan ahli-ahli UMNO tetapi Muhyiddin lupa yang UMNO itu sendiri sudah kehilangan markah yang banyak dalam menghadapi isu ini. Popular di kalangan ahli UMNO tidak semestinya popular dari pandangan orang ramai dan rakyat jelata. UMNO itu sendiri sedang menghadapi masalah untuk mengembalikan keyakinan rakyat terhadap parti itu.
Saya tidak lagi berkeupayaan untuk menentukan sikap dalam isu ini kerana isu ini terlalu komplikated dan amat payah untuk memberikan pandangan secara konklusif. Tetapi yang jelas Muhyidin tidak berkeyakinan dengan apa yang telah di dasarkan oleh Dr Mahathir dahulu untuk memperkuatkan penggunaan Bahasa Inggeris dengan pembelajaran matemetik dan sains dalam bahasa Inggeris kerana Bahasa Inggeris itu adalah bahasa antarabangsa.
Saya secara peribadi tidak begitu berkeyakinan yang PPSMI akan membina kekuatan pelajar-pelajar dalam berbahasa Inggeris kerana matematik dan sains itu merupakan subjek yang kuantitatif yang tidak boleh membantu murid-murid atau pelajar kita untuk memperkuatkan penguasaan mereka dalam Bahasa Inggeris.
Saya berpendapat kalau benar kerajaan ingin melihat Bahasa Inggeris di kuasai oleh pelajar-pelajar kita kerajaan patut menjadikan English 111 dalam peringkat SPM di wajibkan kerana subjek English 111 itu akan memaksa pelajar mengambil subjek English Literature sekali gus akan memperkuatkan penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris dengan lebih jelas di kalangan lepasan sekolah menengah negara kita.
Bahasa ini akan hanya menjadi kuat jika kita belajar dan mempraktikannya secara praktikal (bertutur dan menulis) dan mengajar dalam Bahasa Inggeris dalam subjek matematik itu tidak mencukupi untuk seorang pelajar itu menguasai bahasa itu.
Sesuatu bahasa itu termasuk Bahasa Inggeris akan hanya boleh di majukan jika kerajaan memberikan penekanan kepada satu subjek ini iaitu subjek English 111 ini kerana ianya akan memberikan penekanan terhadap nahu dan 'pronounciation' sekali dan benar-benar Bahasa Inggeris yang betul.
Kita sepatutnya mengambil jalan yang tengah dengan memberikan pembelajaran dalam Bahasa Malaysia untuk kemajuan bahasa kebangsaan kita dan menekankan murid-murid untuk belajar Bahasa Inggeris secara khususnya dan lengkap melalui English 111 itu.
Memberikan peluang untuk murid-murid mengambil subjek English Literature di peringkat tingkatan 5 akan menjadikan murid itu memahami Bahasa Inggeris dan sekali gus melengkapkan mereka dengan Bahasa Inggeris yang betul dan bukan setakat bercakap inggeris semata-mata tetapi berbahasa inggeris yang sebenarnya.
Setidak-tidaknya dijadikan subjek English 111 itu di peringkat tingkatan 5 sebagai option yang digalakan kepada mereka yang serius untuk menguasai bahasa antarabangsa itu. Penekanan bukan sahaja setakat memperkuatkan Bahasa Inggeris tetapi juga bahasa-bahasa ilmu yang lain seperti bahasa jepun, mandarin dan yang lain-lain.
Saya bersetuju supaya medium persekolahan dinegara kita ini di dalam bahasa kebangsaan. Dalam 'obsession' kita untuk menguasai bahasa lain kita tidak boleh membiarkan bahasa kita sendiri tidak terbina. Bahasa jepun menjadi bahasa antarabangsa kerana sikap patriotik orang jepun untuk memperkayakan bahasa mereka.
Bahasa mereka maju bukan dicapai dalam sekelip mata. Bahasa mereka maju kerana perjuangan bangsanya memperkayakan bahasa mereka sejak ratusan tahun dahulu. Maka kita juga berkewajipan untuk membina bahasa kebangsaan kita terus menerus sehingga bila-bila; dari satu generasi ke generasi yang seterusnya.
Dalam isu PPSMI ini saya membuat 'conclusion', yang bahasa Inggeris tidak akan berjaya diperkayakan jika diteruskan pengajarannya dalam dua subjek ini malahan ia akan membantutkan usaha untuk membina bahasa kebangsaan kita. 'It will be neither or there'. READ MORE HERE |
Police to question Ambiga over Seksualiti Merdeka Posted: 04 Nov 2011 06:23 PM PDT By Yow Hong Chieh, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 5 — Police have summoned prominent lawyer Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan for questioning in connection with her support for a banned sexual rights event. "I can confirm that Datuk Ambiga has been asked to go to Dang Wangi (police station) on Tuesday for questioning... in connection with Seksualiti Merdeka," Bersih steering committee member Andrew Khoo told The Malaysian Insider today. Ambiga (picture), chairman of outlawed electoral reform group Bersih, had earlier agreed to launch Seksualiti Merdeka on Wednesday. She stressed, however, that she did not organise the event and had only agreed to officiate the festival as a private citizen and not as a representative of Bersih. Seksualiti Merdeka, a movement championing the freedom for sexual orientation and gender identity, has been holding the festival annually since 2008 but sparked a heated debate after the government banned the celebration yesterday. Deputy Inspector-General of Police Datuk Seri Khalid Abu Bakar said the police were not against freedom of expression or human rights but had to step in because the organisers did not have a permit to hold the festival in public. READ MORE HERE. |
The Third Estate Posted: 04 Nov 2011 05:55 PM PDT 
What do you know about the Third Estate? Basically, the Third Estate is the third of the traditional social classes after the clergy and nobility -- meaning the common people or rakyat. Whether you want to call this group of people the Third Estate (like 200 years ago) or the Third Force is immaterial. The important thing is this is the force that should tell the rulers/government what it wants and not the other way around. NO HOLDS BARRED
Raja Petra Kamarudin The French Revolution began in 1789 with the convocation of the Estates-General in May. The first year of the Revolution saw members of the Third Estate proclaiming the Tennis Court Oath in June, the assault on the Bastille in July, the passage of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen in August, and an epic march on Versailles that forced the royal court back to Paris in October. The next few years were dominated by tensions between various liberal assemblies and a right-wing monarchy intent on thwarting major reforms. A republic was proclaimed in September 1792 and King Louis XVI was executed the next year. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Revolution) When Louis XVI summoned the Estates General in 1788, he faced a difficult and insurmountable problem: the Third Estate. The last time the Estates General had been called was in 1614; the Estates General was set up in such a way that each Estate got the same number of members. In effect, this meant that the First and Second Estates, comprised almost unanimously of the nobility, could always outvote the Third Estate. Since 1614, the economic power of the Third Estate had increased dramatically; in 1788, the popular call was to double the number of representatives from the Third Estate so that they'd have equal voting power in comparison with the other two estates. Louis initially declined to increase the number, but he finally gave in the waning days of 1788. The question of "doubling the Third Estate" was preventing the solution of the deepening financial crisis; with Louis's compromise, the Estates General met in May of 1789. Louis, however, had vacillated on the question for too long. He had lost any support he had among the wealthy members of the Third Estate -- in addition, the aristocracy had tried to solve the problem in its own way. The Parlemen of Paris conceded the doubling question in September, but then declared that all voting would be done by individual Estates -- that is, each Estate would get one vote. That meant that the Third Estate could be outvoted two to one every time. Angry at the king and sickened by the efforts of the aristocracy to control the Assembly of the Estates General, all the members of the Third Estate walked out en masse when the Assembly met in Versailles. They were joined by some clergy, members of the First Estate, and they then declared themselves the National Assembly and the only legitimate legislative body of the country on June 17, 1789. They were fired by ideas ultimately derived from Rousseau, ideas about social contract and rights, and no person more eloquently defined the spirit of the National Assembly than the clergyman Abbé Emmanuel Sieyès, who declared that the Third Estate was everything, had been treated as nothing, and wanted only to be something. The rallying point was Rousseau's idea that the members of a nation are the nation itself; this is what legitimated the claims of the new National Assembly. (http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080307060521AArTCk8) |
‘Stop hiding behind the Buku Jingga’ Posted: 04 Nov 2011 05:33 PM PDT MCA mocks Pakatan Rakyat for constantly hiding behind the Buku Jingga whenever there are disagreements among the opposition coalition members. (Fee Malaysia Today) - MCA has slammed the opposition coalition for always using their common policy framework, the Buku Jingga as their "shield" when there are disagreements between the Pakatan Rakyat coalition members. "Whenever a disagreement occurs, they will just play the Buku Jingga card and say that it is not listed in the book," said MCA National Organising Secretary, Tee Siew Kiong. Tee said that the Buku Jingga was again used as a shield in the latest disagreement within the opposition on the PPSMI (Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science in English) issue. On Monday, DAP's publicity chief, Tony Pua had said that it was important to have an option for students to learn Science and Math in English. However, PKR communications director, Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad said on Thursday that PKR does not support the policy as it was not mooted by Pakatan Rakyat's common policy framework, the Buku Jingga. Yesterday, DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng reiterated again his party's stand for options to be made available and argued that there was no conflict between the opposition coalition members. Tee said that the differing views that showed that DAP's position in the Opposition coalition was "precarious". READ MORE HERE |
Calls to keep PPSMI policy for future generations Posted: 04 Nov 2011 05:29 PM PDT Parents are happy with the government's about turn on the PPSMI issue but they want the policy to be kept for future generations. (Free Malaysia Today) - There is a sense of relief that the students will be allowed to continue learning Mathematics and Science in English but at the same time parents want the policy to be continued for future generations. "What has been announced is a half measure, it is not a total reinstatement of PPSMI…it is a knee-jerk reaction because of the demands of parents. This is just a move to please as the elections are around the corner. "English is important for scientific knowledge. the body of knowledge of Math and Science are in English," said Shamsudin Bin Hamid a father of four school-going children. " The younger generation should not be deprived of this." he said. Yesterday, Education Minister Muhyiddin Yassin said the cabinet has decided to allow students under the PPSMI policy to continue learning Mathematics and Science in English or in Bahasa Malaysia. Muhyiddin who is also the Deputy Prime Mnister said that this was this is to address the concerns of parents whose children are already studying the subjects in English. However, he said that the abolishment of PPSMI as decided in 2009 still stands and students coming into Standard One next year will learn the two subjects in Malay as the MBMMBI (Upholding the Malay Language, Strengthening the English Language) commences. Shamsudin said Bahasa Malaysia as the national language will still be given importance as a medium of instruction for other subjects. "I fully support former primer Mahathir Mohamad's suggestion that other subjects such as history and geography should be thought in Malay, as it is our national language, but it is imperative for Math and Science to be thought in English," he said. Another parent, Lee Hui Seng, whose 16 year-old son is studying in a school in PJ said all parents whose children are directly affected will be happy however the struggle must continue to keep this debate alive. READ MORE HERE |
Derail unnecessary railway projects Posted: 04 Nov 2011 05:26 PM PDT It is important that taxpayers' money be spent wisely on projects that are feasible and which generate economic returns for the country. At a time when there is a need to enhance public transport within cities to relieve congestion and to reduce vehicle use, spending a total of RM16 billion on rails from Ipoh to the Thailand border and Seremban to Gemas is rather puzzling. Selena Tay, Free Malaysia Today Malaysia is one of the only countries in the world with a very high number of car ownership according to the population ratio. This problem is most acute in the Klang Valley where car ownership per 1,000 persons in 2002 is 994. This means that out of 1,000 persons, 994 of them own a car. This demand for private transport has been mainly driven by the lack of efficient public transport alternatives to cope with the accelerating demand in urban centres. To illustrate, the percentage of trips using private vehicles rose significantly from 47% in 1985 to 71% in 2005 while in the same period the share of public transport dropped from 35% to 16%. According to the National Key Result Area (NKRA) report by Pemandu (Performance Management and Delivery Unit), this figure is even lower in 2010 at 13%. This malaise is the cause of urban congestion in the Klang Valley. In addition to traffic congestion that costs Malaysia in lost productivity, the excessive use of motor vehicles has led to noise and atmospheric pollution, accidents, environmental decay and unsustainable energy use. Therefore, making public transport more convenient and efficient is imperative and this is where the KTM commuter train comes in as it is fast and economical, not to mention saving us the hassle of being caught in traffic jams or paying expensive car park charges. However, it is sad to note that KTM Bhd (KTMB) has incurred a loss of RM92.6 million in 2009, which, of course, is a massive sum indeed. One of the reasons for this is that KTMB has a high number of outstanding debtors As at the end of 2008, KTMB had failed to collect debts amounting to RM40.7 million. Another reason is that KTMB does not have enough electric multiple sets (EMUs) to support its commuter train services, which can generate much income if properly managed. There are now only 36 train sets compared to its original 62 train sets when the KTM commuter service was first established in 1995. This is despite the fact that new stations have been added and passenger demand has tripled; for instance, the Rawang-Seremban Line has been extended to Sungai Gadut and the Port Klang-Sentul Line has been extended to Batu Caves. Economic benefits Besides the new stations extending from these two lines, the Rawang-Seremban line has also seen new stations being added within the line itself, that is, Kepong Sentral added between Kepong and Sungai Buloh and Mid-Valley just after KL Sentral besides another subsidiary line extending to Tanjung Malim. As train sets have decreased, commuters have to put up with cancelled or delayed trips. Another issue that merits attention is the 1Malaysia KL-Ipoh Express which reduces travel time from three hours to two. This train is definitely making a loss as it is almost always three-quarter empty because not many people travel from KL to Ipoh or Ipoh to KL everyday. This is compounded by the fact that there already exists ordinary trains running from KL to Ipoh and vice-versa daily, albeit the journey takes three hours. Currently these express trains are being used to double up as commuter trains for the Rawang-Seremban line as the KL-Ipoh route is highly under-utilised. Part of the problem pertaining to public transport is because the government has spent our money on building more highways instead of focusing on improving the rail service. Public transport investment priorities by the federal government are skewed towards mega-projects which are not necessarily the projects which will produce the most effective and efficient outcome for public transport utilisation in Malaysia. One has to question the economic benefits arising from the double-tracking railway from Ipoh to the Thailand border that will cost taxpayers RM12.5 billion, out of which RM5 billion alone is spent just for signalling. The 329km Ipoh-to-Padang Besar railway will cost a massive RM38 million per kilometre, which is 62% higher than the RM23.5 million for the 179km double-tracking railway from Rawang to Ipoh, which was completed for only RM4.2 billion. READ MORE HERE |
A ‘strong’ BN win not likely Posted: 04 Nov 2011 05:22 PM PDT Investment banker OSK Securities' prediction that Barisan Nasional will see greater victory in the next general election is 'simply inflated'. In its Oct 20 report, the investment bank said: "While we cannot predict the number of seats that BN may clinch, we believe that it will be an improvement over the 63 percent secured in 2008." Mohd Ariff Sabri Aziz, Free Malaysia Today One piece of news that intrigued me greatly in recent weeks was the research undertaken by OSK Securities. OSK said, according to its research findings, the Barisan Nasional is set to win the next general election with bigger margins. In its Oct 20 report, the investment bank said: "While we cannot predict the number of seats that BN may clinch, we believe that it will be an improvement over the 63 percent secured in 2008." OSK also anticipated the fiercest battles to take place in Kedah, Perak and Selangor. Now my question is, where did they get their material from? Were they relying on the "operatives" in JASA, Kemas, MIO, the Special Branch and the numerous point men relied on to carry good stories? If that be the case, then BN and Umno are doomed. Anyway, the state which I am most familiar with is my home state – Pahang. My belief is that overall, OSK has overstated the BN and Umno chances by at least 30 percent. MCA wiped out in Pahang What did the report say about Pahang? Pahang has 14 parliamentary seats. The report said BN will retain 12 seats. It will lose in Kuantan and Indera Mahkota the two seats now held by PKR. My own assessment is, based on the assumption that its chances are overstated by 30 percent, the BN can only win nine parliamentary seats. Which are the seats it will lose? Well, it will lose in Jerantut, Raub and Bentong. No MCA parliamentary hopefuls or incumbents will win in Pahang in 13th general election. The parliamentary seats in Bera and Temerloh are also in jeopardy. An interesting seat to watch is Cameron Highlands where there is much grumbling about the incumbent parliamentarian, SK Devamany. If I hear it correctly, MIC president G Palanivel is set to stand in Cameron Highlands. If Devamany is retained, BN may lose that seat. READ MORE HERE |
Malay a fruitless language Posted: 04 Nov 2011 05:10 PM PDT
A REPUBLIC OF VIRTUE Dr Azly Rahman Lovely is the English language More fruitful than that of the Malays I could see the fruitfulness of it And learn to appreciate juiciness when you bite into it Unlike the dryness of that of the Malays You can call someone an apple of your eye And when you fall in love with that person you can go bananas In Malay you can't call your date a rambutan and be mistaken as an orangutan you can be crazy in love and go bananas but you can't say that I am going to be a pisang no no no -- Malay is a fruitless language Fruity is the English language Better than that of the fruitless Malays You can fall out of love and become a sour grape When the apple of your eye left you for the Big Apple You can see politicians become sour grapes When they are no longer favoured in their Banana Republic In the fruitless Malay language, when you become a sour grape You can't call yourself a kedondong and sit under a tree like ikan temenong You can't even call your ex-girlfriend a pulasan as you were the first to 'perasan' and became a sour grape Ahh Tutti Frutti English Language Ahhh no such things as ... buah muah ... in Malay language simply won't go as Malay is a fruitless language English is in demand as a fruity language Malaysians should have command Americans can drive a 'lemon' Can Malaysians drive a 'longan'? Ahhh ... there there is an English fruit called 'squash' One can even play the fruit and be good at squash Can Malaysian be good at durians And roll them down the bowling lane? How fruitless is the Malay language I have often wondered why traditional English parents love the fruit cantelope They feed their girls that thing at an early age Now that I am in love with the English language I know it means ... "can't elope" ... hah ... how fruity is the beauty of the language But can you Malays come up with a fruit that "can't elope" I bet you can't ... you fruitless language The best you can tell a girl is that she is a "jambu" but she will still elope. When you are in love and with the apple of your eye When you go bananas and saved from being a sour grape When you go on a date in Strawberry Fields Your heart will always be on Orange Alert You will be cheery like wild cherry No-- can the Malay language be as fruitful and fruity as this No it can't How could you call your girlfriend a lychee And not expect her the smack you with her tai chi And you go crazy over her like a Siamese mango without biji And your heart beat fast like a magoesteen on 100-meter dash to eternity Fruity is the English language Darling are the clementines Like in the song "Oh my darling ... clementine" Try using that line via the fruitless Malay language Trying saying "sayang ku .... limau kasturi" And you'll see Hang Lekir and Hang Lekiu running after you crying like a Portuguese fruit under a Melakka tree English even have "pomegranade" Of which the word grenade emanate Fruitless language Malay don't have this The closest is the sound of the popping of buah getah As a child visiting grandma and grandpa in Penang I would wonder what the heck is that little C4s of a fruit's doing Okay maybe there is one fruity word the Malays can be proud of is when they call their love one "buah hati" or "fruit of the heart" now logically, do hearts have fruits? or fruits have heart? unless you talk about love that is coming to fruition and the heart is cheery like a shaved rambutan or a repented durian that finally bathe in perfume water made from a concoction of limau kasturi and fermented lychee So-- what then must we worry Fruitless it will be Of which language is more fruity When we all now know which one is the good .. the bad ... and the fruity ... ! |