Putrajaya ditches Chinese US$1b Pudu Jail plan for local developers Posted: 04 Oct 2011 09:40 AM PDT By Jahabar Sadiq, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 5 — The Najib administration has dropped a mainland Chinese developer's US$1 billion (RM3.2 billion) redevelopment plan for Pudu Jail in favour of splitting the eight-hectare prime land into parcels to be developed by mainly Bumiputera companies, sources say. The Malaysian Insider understands that Pudu Jail land owner, UDA Holdings Bhd, has been instructed by its shareholder, the Ministry of Finance (MOF), to set up a special purpose vehicle (SPV) to oversee the redevelopment and carve up the land with two parcels to be given to Bumiputera companies and one to a non-Bumiputera firm.
"UDA Holdings received a letter from the MOF in July rejecting the Chinese bid despite a majority board decision to recommend their plan," a source told The Malaysian Insider, referring to China's Everbright International Construction Ltd's bid.
A source said the eight-hectare piece of prime land will be split into three parcels under different developers. — vitruvianman.blogspot.com pic UDA Holdings chairman Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed confirmed the MOF directive but declined further comment. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak is also the Finance Minister with Datuk Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah as the Second Finance Minister.
It is understood that the Pulai MP chaired an UDA Holdings board meeting yesterday to work out the terms of reference for companies interested in redeveloping the site, which became Kuala Lumpur's main prison from 1895 until its formal closure in 1996.
"The board is working out the terms for the new bids and it will take some time," another source told The Malaysian Insider, adding the requirements were set by the MOF.
UDA Holdings had recommended Everbright as its partner for the redevelopment after a shortlisting process had been completed with Everbright's bid providing an integrated commercial and transport hub worth RM2 billion, three times the value of the land. The other bids from local companies were not impressive or gave similar returns, a source said.
The board had planned an integrated commercial and transport hub as the site is near the proposed 100-storey Warisan Merdeka tower, the Jalan Shaw Light Rail Transit (LRT) station, the planned Klang Valley Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) and UDA's own Pudu Sentral bus terminal. READ MORE HERE. |
PKR and DAP yet to reach consensus on S'wak seats allocation Posted: 04 Oct 2011 07:27 AM PDT
(The Sun Daily) - Sarawak PKR and DAP are still unable to agree on the allocation of seats for each party to contest in the coming general election due to overlapping claims. Despite having the second round of meeting on Sunday to finalise the allocation issue, both parties were unable to agree on "a small number of seats". Sarawak PKR chief Baru Bian, however, expressed confidence that the allocations would be settled before the general elections. "But we are in an advanced stage of coming up with solutions," he said today at a press conference. "The overlapping claims involved a small number of seats." Baru, who is also the state assemblyman for Ba'Kelalan, said the negotiations between PKR and DAP was a lot easier this time around compared to the run-up to the April state elections. He said PAS was not represented at the second meeting as it had no overlapping claim on seats with the DAP. "However, PKR and PAS are both claiming a few seats. So, PKR will hold separate meeting with PAS later," he added. Baru also dismissed reports that he will contest in the Baram parliamentary constituency in the coming election. "I want to make is very clear here that I am not a candidate. We have two qualified persons in mind, one is a lawyer and the other, a soil scientist," he added. He said the two had been very active on the ground, trying to get the feedback. PKR and DAP are eyeing between 12 to 15 seats each, out of 31 parliamentary seats in Sarawak. PAS is expected to contest two or three Muslim/Malay areas. |
Money politics would be key to candidates' success, Suffian commented, as "this is the way UMNO does business," and UMNO delegates would expect compensation. UMNO politicians from Sabah in particular were known for their willingness to sell their support. Suffian recalled earlier party elections in which delegates took home cars, motorcycles, appliances, stock options in government-linked companies, and pre-paid credit cards, in addition to cash. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin 
Classified By: Political Section Chief Mark D. Clark, reason 1.4 (b and d). Summary 1. (C) Many UMNO party branches and divisions could nominate a Najib/Muhyiddin ticket despite Prime Minister Abdullah's confirmation that he will stand for reelection in the December party contest, UMNO party youth official Suffian Awang told us on June 17. Eleven candidates would vie seriously for three UMNO vice president slots, while there could be a three-cornered race for the powerful Youth chief position. Suffian stated matter-of-factly that heated party contests would enrich UMNO delegates as candidates would utilize old-style money politics to buy support. End Summary. Grassroots to Endorse Najib/Muhyiddin 2. (C) Mohamed Suffian Awang, Youth division leader from Kuantan for the ruling United Malays National Organization (UMNO) party, provided polchief on June 17 with purported "grassroots" perspectives on upcoming UMNO leadership contests. Suffian, who also sits on the UMNO Youth national executive council, anticipated that upcoming UMNO branch elections (July-August) and division elections (October-November) would result in nominations for current Deputy Prime Minister/Deputy UMNO President Najib Tun Razak to replace embattled Abdullah Badawi as party leader, together with nominations for UMNO Vice President Muhyiddin Yassin to fill the number two slot. UMNO divisions would endorse a Najib/Muhyiddin ticket even though PM Abdullah has made it clear he will stand for reelection in UMNO's national elections in December and Najib has publicly reaffirmed his loyalty to Abdullah. "The grassroots will have their say," and support Najib to replace Abdullah, Suffian said, echoing a message we have heard repeatedly, including from Najib's political secretary (reftel). 3. (C) Suffian emphasized that Muhyiddin in particular has clearly committed himself to gaining election as the UMNO Deputy President "come what may." Suffian also remarked that UMNO veteran leader Tengku Razaleigh's campaign to gain nominations to challenge Abdullah for the UMNO presidency has attracted some grassroots attention, as evidenced by the UMNO crowds Razaleigh has gathered as he tours the country. 4. (C) Within UMNO, Suffian contended PM Abdullah came in for recent criticism as an inconsistent leader, including the sudden announcement of the fuel price increase which contradicted the government's earlier plan for a price rise in August. Many in UMNO saw Abdullah's approach to reforms as catering to an opposition agenda, not an UMNO agenda, and there was widespread UMNO dislike of de facto judicial reform Minister Zaid Ibrahim. Stiff Competition for VP Slots 5. (C) Beyond the struggle for party's top two positions, the UMNO election cycle will feature fierce competition for the three elected Vice President slots. Suffian believed there were 11 senior leaders seriously competing for three VP positions at this point, namely five cabinet members (Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar, Education Minister Hishamuddin Hussein, Foreign Minister Rais Yatim, Higher Education Minister Khalid Nordin, and Minister without portfolio Ahmad Zahid Hamidi); Chief Ministers from four states (Ghani Othman of Johor, Ali Rastum of Malacca, Mohamad Hasan of Negeri Sembilan, and Adnan Yaakob of Pahang); and two former Chief Ministers (Shahidan Kassim of Perlis and Abdul Rahim Tamby Chik of Malacca). Race for Youth Chief 6. (C) Suffian said the contest to replace Hishamuddin Hussein as the powerful UMNO Youth chief currently appears to be a three-cornered race featuring Mahathir's son Mukhriz, PM son-in-law Khairy Jamaluddin and former Selangor Chief Minister Khir Toyo. Khir Toyo was positioning himself as a man of the people as opposed to Mukhriz and Khairy whose positions depending on their family connections. Khir Toyo's reputation had suffered, however, after UMNO's shocking loss of Selangor state to the opposition parties. Show Me the Money 7. (C) UMNO activists and would-be delegates to the national party elections were ecstatic with this year's stiff competition because it meant that they would collect larger payments from candidates, Suffian stated matter-of-factly. Money politics would be key to candidates' success, Suffian commented, as "this is the way UMNO does business," and UMNO delegates would expect compensation. UMNO politicians from Sabah in particular were known for their willingness to sell their support. Suffian recalled earlier party elections in which delegates took home cars, motorcycles, appliances, stock options in government-linked companies, and pre-paid credit cards, in addition to cash. (Note: Some UMNO delegates at the 2004 national party elections received compensation roughly equivalent to $95,000 in today's valuation, according to Embassy sources. End Note.) Comment 8. (C) Suffian is not a first-tier UMNO leader but we report his statements as representative of comments we have heard from a number of UMNO voices, particularly those who want to see Najib replace Abdullah by year's end. Najib recently and publicly restated his loyalty to Abdullah and his support for an orderly transition. Najib, however, has not spoken out yet against "grassroots" efforts to nominate a Najib/Muhyiddin ticket for the December elections, efforts that Najib's own camp appears very willing to encourage. KEITH (June 2008) |
Police fired tear gas, broke rules in Tung Shin incident Posted: 03 Oct 2011 10:56 PM PDT (The Malaysian Insider) - KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 4 — Riot police broke their own standard operating procedures (SOP) by firing tear gas when dispersing Bersih 2.0 rally marchers at the Tung Shin Hospital on July 9, a Health Ministry investigation has concluded. Home Ministry secretary-general Tan Sri Mahmood Adam said tonight that errant policemen would be referred to the police's disciplinary board. "The investigation results concluded that there were unethical actions which were beyond the SOP of the Royal Malaysian Police when enforcement was performed on rally participants who were wrongly using the hospital premises," Mahmood said in a statement. Putrajaya and police had earlier denied any wrongdoing despite proof given by Bersih and those at the rally. The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) is now waiting for police to answer questions into the incident after a complaint from Bersih, which held the rally to call for free and fair elections. Police had absolved themselves of any wrongdoing during the July 9 rally after setting up six internal teams to investigate claims of police brutality that followed after nearly 1,700 were arrested, scores injured and an ex-soldier died during chaotic scenes in the capital. READ MORE HERE.
How The Hunter Became The Hunted Posted: 03 Oct 2011 09:44 PM PDT By Masterwordsmith We can see how DSAI, LGE, Mat Sabu, Nik Aziz, etc. are under attack and issues like Hudud, Communist, Bukit Kepong, etc, are raised and Pakatan is scrambling like the Americans at Pearl Harbour. Sun Tzu has already taught us that the best form of defense is attack. This was Pakatan's forte in the past and they seem to have lost it. In sharp contrast, this is what BN is doing now. Once upon a time before GE 12, Pakatan Rakyat had the luxury of attacking the government (and its leaders) with an endless array of issues. In fact, they never seemed to run short of ammunition to attack the government which was on the defensive, busy defending themselves and warding off blow after blow. Naturally, the internet was aflame with the corruption scandals which plagued the Malaysian government while the MSM had a field day painting picture perfect scenarios on the ground to create a 'feel good' ambiance in total indifference to the prevailing sentiment in cyberspace. In the country's 12th GE, opposition parties took 82 seats in the federal parliament, compared to 20 seats in the 11th GE (2004). Significant political casualties for the coalition included the minister of works; the minister of women, family and community development; and the minister of information. Five of the 13 state legislatures also fell to opposition control. Since Pakatan Rakyat clinched the tsunami victory in 2008, they seem to have run out of steam. In reality, it is not easy to maintain that level of being on the offensive all the time. Eventually, Pakatan slowed down in their offensive as they also had to cope with the brass tags of governance. However, what they did not expect was how the government has turned around and started attacking the opposition and in a bitter twist of fate, it is the opposition that is busy defending itself now as the government is giving them a taste of their own medicine. What we see today is the slow decapitation of Pakatan Rakyat whereby the status quo is slowly, steadily and stealthily weakening the coalition by their continual onslaught on selected leaders, starting with Anwar Ibrahim, Mat Sabu and now Lim Guan Eng. Who is next? Initially, the opposition worked closely with the 'alternative media'. And then the reversal of fortunes began when Pakatan gradually became a bit sombong and seemed to have regarded some in the alternative media as the enemy. So, the alternative media and Pakatan have taken separate routes which do not seem to converge at all. Since then, BN-Umno have mobilised the pro-govt Blogs and alternative media into a coordinate force and theirs will be a force to be reckoned with! The harsh reality is that today, BN is where Pakatan Rakyat used to be a few years ago! If one were to scrutinize the situation, BN has recognised the value of the alternative media. They learnt their lesson well from the result of the 2008 GE where BN got an unforgettable whacking. In the mean time, Pakatan has left the alternative media behind or left them out of their plans. In fact, some perceive that Pakatan, however, views the alternative media as a nuisance and would rather distance itself from it. READ MORE HERE. |
Rakyat mahu bersatu, tetapi bersatu di luar BN Posted: 03 Oct 2011 09:39 PM PDT
ASPAN ALIAS Di dalam sesebuah negara seperti negara kita yang penduduknya terdiri dari berbilang kaum, yang paling penting kita mesti perjuangkan ialah membina masyarakat dan rakyat yang bersatu dan muhibbah. Di dalam negara kita dini hari kita sedang melihat keruntuhan dan kejatuhan tahap perhubungan kaum yang merbahaya. Perhubungan di antara kaum ini kini sudah sampai keperingkat yang terendah malahan lebh rendah dan merbahaya dari keadaan sebelum 13 Mei 1969 dahulu.
Laungan dan bisikan rasis yang di amalkan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin yang tidak berkepimpinan merupakan penyebab utama kenapa penyakit membenci di antara satu kaum dengan kaum yang lain sudah sampai ke tahap yang sangat menyakitkan. Oleh kerana kelemahan pimpinan yang tidak di hormati oleh rakyat berbilang kaum maka parti-parti yang rasis yang menganggotai BN sedang sibuk memukul gendang perkauman untuk mendapat sokongan kaum yang mereka masing-masing pimpin.
Semasa kepimpinan negara mempunyai kredibiliti yang tinggi kerana sifat 'magnanimity' mereka yang tinggi dahulu, mereka berani untuk mengambil sikap yang jelas untuk melakukan usaha mencapai penyatuan rakyat. Tun Abd Razak berjaya membawa semua pemimpin berbilang kaum kemeja perundingan dan menyatakan dengan terus terang yang 'national unity' itu ada matlamat terakhir bagi negara kita.
Tun Razak dan pimpinan beliau berani menyatakan perpaduan kaum itu adalah perkara yang terpenting untuk dicapai. DAN itu pun 'ultimate' negara. Kepimpinan semasa itu berani mendapatkan persetujuan semua pemimpin kaum di negara ini untuk negara melalui dasar-dasar yang jelas bagi mencapai matlamat perpaduan kaum itu. Pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO sebagai parti yang utama semasa itu faham tentang keresahan rakyat yang menyebabkan berlakunya kejadian 13 Mei '69 itu.
Di sinilah lebihnya pemimpin pra Mahathir. Mereka mampu menyelami masalah rakyat yang berbilang kaum ini. Apabila mereka tahu dan faham semua masalah rakyat ini maka barulah mereka lakukan tindakan dengan menggubal dasar-dasar yang boleh menyelesaikan masalah itu. Ini memang asas ilmu pengurusan; 'one has to understand problems up to specific even before thinking of solving them'.
Pemimpin kita berjaya menyelami segala masalah rakyat yang berbilang kaum, maka pimpinan pun dengan mudah menggubal dasar-dasar untuk membentuk proses-proses ke arah matlamat 'national unity' itu.
Tun Razak dan barisan kepimpinannya berjaya mendapat sokongan semua kaum untuk beliau melaksanakan DEB dan pencapaiannya ialah melalui beberapa proses yang telah dipersetujui oleh semua kaum.
Pertamanya untuk membasmi kemiskinan tanpa mengira kaum. Keduanya untuk menghapuskan cara mengenali satu-satu kaum itu melalui fungsi ekonominya. Kerajaan tidak mahu lagi Melayu di kenali sebagai pekebun dan petani kecilan yang duduk di desa-desa. Kaum Cina tidak hanya dipersepsikan sebagai gulungan peniaga sahaja dan kaum India tidak digambarkan sebagai hanya pekerja ladang kepunyaan bangsa asing dan taukay besar-besar sahaja. Ketiganya untuk merapatkan jurang pendapatan di antara yang berada dengan tidak berada.
Keempatnya untuk membesarkan serta melebarkan kek ekonmi negara dan menyusun pembahagian harta kekayaan negara mengikut kaum secara equitable (bukan equal).
Bumiputra di berikan kemudahan dan galakan untuk mencapai 30 peratus penyertaan di dalam bidang ekonomi dan industri dan bukan bumiputra sebanyak 40 peratus dan selebihnya untuk bukan rakyat Malaysia.
Dasar ini telah di persetujui oleh semua pihak termasuk yang bukan bumiputra kerana proses pembahagian dan menambah penyertai bumiputra itu bukannya dengan mengambil alih atau merampas hak bukan bumiputra tetapi sebaliknya dengan membesarkan kek ekonomi tadi untuk bumiputra mengusahakan pencapai matlamat pegang kekayaan serta equiti negara sehingga 30 peratus menjelangnya tahun 1990. READ MORE HERE |
Noose Tightens in French Defense Scandal Posted: 03 Oct 2011 09:13 PM PDT
Asian dimension as French state-owned arms company faces murder, bribery allegations Breham said Razak Baginda's company Perimekar had received the commission for "supporting the contract," which he said was a euphemism for unexplained costs, and also for "housing the crew" of the submarines in France. Perimekar was wholly owned by another company, KS Ombak Laut Sdn Bhd, which in turn was also controlled by Razak Baginda. His wife Mazalinda, a lawyer and former magistrate, was the principal shareholder, according to the French lawyers. Written by John Berthelsen, Asia Sentinel After years of inaction and coverup, details are emerging in France of the sale of armaments by the French state-owned defense contractor DCNS to countries across the world including Pakistan, Malaysia, Chile, India, Taiwan and Saudi Arabia, with bribes and kickbacks built into DCNS's budget, ensnaring politicians across the globe. Allegations involving DCNS, formerly known as DCN, range from murder to bribery and corruption and go from defense procurement officials in each of those countries to some of the top politicians in France. Under the French legal system, prosecutors under the control of the Ministry of Justice must make a preliminary enquiry, during which no one has access to the files, so that any information the police have obtained cannot be shared. The prosecutors have been stymied for years by the ministry. However, investigators appear to be losing their awe of politicians all the way up to President Nicholas Sarkozy. In September, for instance, Nicholas Bazire, 54, the best man at Sarkozy's wedding to supermodel Carla Bruni, was arrested and charged with misuse of public funds in the 1995 presidential campaign of Edouard Balladur. Sarkozy was Balladur's campaign spokesman and budget minister at the time. Another friend, Thierry Gaubert, Sarkozy's cabinet chief when he was budget and communication minister, was arrested earlier. Sarkozy is seeking avoid the appointment of an instruction judge in an effort to keep the cases under control. But the political knives may be out for Sarkozy. That increases the chances that investigating judges will allow prosecutors a more detailed look at DCNS's books to probe kickbacks in Pakistan, where 11 French submarine engineers were killed in a bomb attack, and Taiwan, where a number of murders and suicides have been recorded in connection with the sale of frigates to Taiwan's navy. The details can be found here. William Bourdon, the leader of a three-lawyer team investigating Malaysia's US$1 billion purchase of submarines from DCNS for the Malaysian reform organization Suaram, earlier told Asia Sentinel he hoped his team would have access to the files by October. Bourdon was summarily deported from Malaysia in July after giving a speech in Penang describing some of the details of the allegations. Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak was defense minister at a time when Malaysia bought two Scorpene-class submarines from DCNS. Included in the transaction was a €114 million commission paid to Perimekar Sdn Bhd, a company owned by Najib's close friend, Abdul Razak Baginda. The transaction has been mired in controversy since 2006, when Altantuya Shaariibuu, a party girl and translator ostensibly hired to help in the contract, was murdered after demanding US$500,000 from Razak Baginda, her jilted lover, for unspecified reasons. Razak Baginda was acquitted of her murder under unusual circumstances without having to provide a defense. Two of Najib's police bodyguards were convicted and sentenced to death. They have appealed the verdict. Joseph Breham, a lawyer with Solicitors International Human Rights Group and a member of Bourdon's team, said in London last week that DCNS often budgeted as much as 8 to 12 percent of its total receipts as "commissions" paid to grease sales of armaments in third-world countries. Breham's speech was reported for the Malaysia website Malaysiakini by Miriam Mokhtar. Malaysia bought two Scorpene submarines from DCNS for about US$1 billion and leased a third from a DCNS subsidiary for training. Of that, the €114 commission was paid to Razak Baginda's company, Perimekar Sdn Bhd. Breham said Razak Baginda's company Perimekar had received the commission for "supporting the contract," which he said was a euphemism for unexplained costs, and also for "housing the crew" of the submarines in France. Perimekar was wholly owned by another company, KS Ombak Laut Sdn Bhd, which in turn was also controlled by Razak Baginda. His wife Mazalinda, a lawyer and former magistrate, was the principal shareholder, according to the French lawyers. Breham questioned why such vast sums could be paid to Razak Baginda's company. The €114 million obtained by Ombak Laut, he said, was more than the amount paid by France to all of its primary school teachers for a year. He also revealed that DCNS's former finance director had written memos in which he alleged that €31 million of the €114 million had been used for "commercial engineering", a term Breham said had no legal meaning. Breham said that in France, before 2002, any money used to bribe foreign officials was tax deductible. When the former finance director of DCN made a claim for the €31million allegedly used to bribe the Malaysians for the purchase of the Scorpenes, the Minister of Budget questioned such a large bribe, although he did eventually authorize the tax break. READ MORE HERE |
As John Lennon said: IMAGINE Posted: 03 Oct 2011 08:12 PM PDT Let us imagine that the debate between Gan Ping Sieu of MCA and Lim Guan Eng of DAP is held. Let us also imagine that the Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement (MCLM) helped organise this debate and that both leaders accepted the invitation to the debate. Let us then imagine what transpires in this debate. NO HOLDS BARRED
Raja Petra Kamarudin MCA vice president challenges Guan Eng to hudud debate (The Star) -- MCA vice-president Gan Ping Sieu has issued a challenge to DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng to a public debate on hudud. He told reporters in Parliament lobby Tuesday that the debate would be on how DAP was going to stop PAS from implementing hudud law in the country. Gan said the debate was necessary because during campaigning at various by-elections, DAP had been portraying PAS as a moderate, liberal and professional party. However, he said PAS' recent statement on implementing hudud law showed that it was "ignoring DAP", its partner in Pakatan Rakyat. "I wanted to hand him an official letter on my challenge to him on Monday and today. But he was not around in Parliament. So, I will send my letter via registered mail," he said. Gan said for courtesy sake, he would let Guan Eng choose the venue, time and mediator for the debate. ***************************** Gan Ping Sieu: DAP says that PAS is a moderate, liberal and professional party. However, as the evidence shows, PAS just goes and does what it wants. It does not care about DAP. DAP can say one thing but PAS goes and does the opposite. This shows that PAS does not respect DAP. In fact, it shows that PAS does not respect the opposition coalition, Pakatan Rakyat, as well. Even the Opposition Leader, Anwar Ibrahim, does not respect DAP when he said that, in principle, he agrees with PAS, in that the Islamic laws of Hudud should be implemented, although he admitted that this is his personal view and not the consensus of Pakatan Rakyat. DAP has certainly lost face. PAS and Anwar are sending a message to DAP that it is not relevant and that its views are not important. The message that they are sending to DAP is that DAP can take it or leave it. And if DAP is not happy about this matter, then it can leave Pakatan Rakyat, just like it did once before when the same controversy erupted during the time of Barisan Alternatif. Pakatan Rakyat talks about consensus. DAP talks about consensus. What consensus? When PAS announced that it is still committed to its aspiration of implementing Hudud, was that based on consensus or based on just what PAS wants? If PAS implements Hudud, how will the Chinese in Malaysia fare? Will the rights of the Chinese be protected? Will prostitution, nightclubs, karaoke joints, pork, gambling and liquor be banned? Will the wishes of the Chinese no longer matter? DAP is selling out the Chinese just because it seeks power. DAP will do anything just to get into power, even sell out the Chinese. DAP is a traitor to the Chinese community. DAP talks about defending the rights of the Chinese and yet it works with PAS, which is a party that is dangerous to the Chinese. Maybe Guan Eng can explain what is going to happen to the Chinese community if Hudud is implemented in Malaysia. And if Guan Eng says that Hudud will never be implemented, then maybe he can explain how DAP can prevent that from happening since PAS has not relented in its mission to implement Hudud and still treats this as the priority of the party. Lim Guan Eng: First of all, MCA must note that while Pakatan Rakyat does things on the basis of consensus, this does not mean we deny each party the right to express its views. Unlike in Barisan Nasional, where no party can make any statement that Umno will not allow and whatever they say is just echoing whatever Umno says, in Pakatan Rakyat we do not stifle the freedom of anyone to express their opinion. That is why PAS is allowed to say what it wants to say, even if the rest of the parties in Pakatan Rakyat may not share this view. Democracy is not about allowing you to say something that I agree with. That is not democracy. Democracy is about allowing you to say something that I disagree with. No doubt DAP does not agree with Hudud. PAS, however, supports Hudud. So we allow PAS to talk about Hudud and to state its aspirations regarding Hudud. If we stop PAS from saying all this, then DAP would be violating the principles of democracy. You cannot view this as PAS not respecting DAP by saying something that DAP does not agree with. You have to view it as DAP respecting the right of PAS to say something that DAP does not agree with. To agree is easy. Anyone can do that. But to agree to disagree is the hard thing to do. And that is what Pakatan Rakyat is able to do and which Barisan Nasional is not able to. I know this is a very difficult concept for MCA to understand because this is not practiced in Barisan Nasional. In Barisan Nasional, MCA can't say something that Umno is opposed to. MCA can only say something that Umno likes to hear. If MCA says something that Umno is unhappy with, then there will be screams for MCA to get out of Barisan Nasional or that MCA should be sacked from Barisan Nasional or that the Chinese should go back to China and so on. This is not how we do things in Pakatan Rakyat. This talk about Chinese rights is outdated. In Pakatan Rakyat, we do not talk about Chinese rights or Indian rights or Malay rights like you do in Barisan Nasional. In Pakatan Rakyat, we talk about the rights of all Malaysians irrespective or ethnicity. Even when we talk about Hudud we talk about how it will be accepted by all Malaysians and not how it is accepted or reject by any one ethnicity. What MCA does not seem to understand is that Islamic Sharia laws have been around since before Merdeka. This law used to be the secondary laws in Malaysia and only touches on Islamic matters, and even then only in cases where the common laws do not address, in particular matters concerning marriage, divorce, death, inheritance, and so on. It does not cover crimes, traffic offenses, and whatnot. For that we have the common laws, which override the Sharia laws. In the past, the common law courts took precedence over the Sharia courts. However, Barisan Nasional, which MCA is a member of, changed this when it made the Sharia courts at par with the common law courts. This confusion was something that Barisan Nasional created and MCA is part of Barisan Nasional. Why did MCA support this move to upgrade the status of the Sharia courts and now we have ambiguity between which court has more power to decide on matters concerning the Sharia? Can you see that Barisan Nasional, meaning also MCA, is the culprit that started all this confusion? Now you blame us for what you did. The Sharia laws of Hudud are very specific. It covers only certain violent and serious crimes like robbery, murder, rebellion, apostasy, consuming of intoxicating substances, illicit sex, and slander. Now, we already have laws governing robbery, murder and rebellion. So these laws will take precedence over Hudud. In fact, the common law punishment for rebellion is even worse. Can you remember we hanged the Al Maunah people who were charged for rebellion a few years ago? Under Hudud, they would not have been hanged. They would have been given a chance to repent and if they repented then they would be pardoned and allowed back into society. But instead we hanged them for rebellion. Under Hudud, even Chin Peng would have been allowed home since he has already signed a peace treaty with Malaysia back in 1989. Would not Hudud have been better in cases such as these? On the consumption of intoxicating substances, we already have laws for that as well. If you were to be arrested with drugs above a certain limit, even if you do not consume it but only possessed it, you would be hanged. Under Hudud, possession is not a crime. Only consumption is. And you would not be hanged. However, with or without Hudud, intoxication and illicit sex are already crimes under the Sharia. Muslims would be punished for this, even now. Non-Muslims are not covered under these laws just like they would not be under Hudud as well. We must remember, pork, liquor, gambling, illicit sex, and any activities that Islam considers immoral, are only forbidden for Muslims. Non-Muslims can continue being as immoral as they would like to be. Chua Soi Lek admitted publicly that he was the man in the porn video. Since he is not a Muslim, nothing happened to him. If he is a Muslim, then he would have been brought before the Sharia court since he had confessed to being the man in the video. According to the Constitution, Islam is the religion of the Federation. According to the Constitution, the Rulers are the head of Islam. According to the Constitution, each state has power over Islam, and this means Islamic Sharia laws as well. So it is up to the states how it would like Islam to be implemented. If MCA finds this unacceptable, and since MCA is part of the government, then MCA can always get Parliament to amend the Constitution to rectify this. Why does MCA not do this? Why keep quiet? DAP and PAS are not part of the government. MCA and Umno are. So go amend the Constitution to remove the powers of the states as well as the Rulers and bring Islam under the federal government. MCA and Umno have the power to do this. Why is this not being done? Then, once this is done, PAS can no longer talk about Hudud because Islam will no longer come under the states but will be under the Prime Minister and Parliament. Anyway, PAS normally contests only one-third the seats in Parliament and it never wins all the seats it contests. It is, therefore, impossible for PAS to amend the Constitution that will allow Hudud to be implemented. PAS will need Umno and the other Muslim MPS from Pakatan Rakyat to combine their votes to get a majority in Parliament. And we all know this will never happen. So what is the issue here? Is this a real issue or a red herring? MCA is just trying to distract the people from the fact that it is irrelevant and is going to get wiped out in the coming general election. MCA is trying to treat this Hudud issue as its 'talian hayat'. Let's see whether the voters buy this ploy. |
Tun M: Pakatan's Alternative Budget is like an "Empty Pocket" Posted: 03 Oct 2011 06:17 PM PDT
(Bernama) - "It's easy when we want to spend the money which we don't have," is what former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said when asked to comment on the tabling of the alternative Budget by the opposition Pakatan Rakyat. It was reported that Pakatan Rakyat would table its annual budget today, three days ahead before the federal government presents its 2012 Budget. The opposition coalition's budget is said to be an alternative budget before the 2012 Budget is tabled by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak in Parliament on Friday. Najib is also Finance Minister. "It's always easy to spend the money which is not under our control. We can do anything (like) promising to give 20 percent oil royalty. "Yes, we can make the promise as we are not the government. Make promises, so long you win the elections (general election). "It is common, even (US President Barack) Obama promised to close Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, but until now the detention center has not been closed yet. But he was elected," said Dr Mahathir to reporters after delivering a keynote address at the 8th Kuala Lumpur Islamic Finance Forum 2011 here today. Dr Mahathir also served as finance minister when he was the prime minister for 22 years. |
See the difference? Posted: 03 Oct 2011 05:56 PM PDT Who says I am always cheong hei? Sometimes, when a picture is worth a thousand words, I can be very brief. Anyway, maybe the five photos below can tell the story that I want to tell today. NO HOLDS BARRED
Raja Petra Kamarudin  Dato Onn Jaafar, the founder of UMNO, visiting the rakyat in the kampong  What it costs today  David Cameron, the then British Opposition Leader and now the Prime Minister, going to office  David Cameron, the then British Opposition Leader and now the Prime Minister, going to Parliament
Boris Johnson, Mayor of London
Hudud: Federal vs state legislative powers Posted: 03 Oct 2011 05:26 PM PDT
While I acknowledge and admit that the respective State Legislative Assembly ("SLA") has the power to legislate on matters pertaining to Islam, I am somewhat doubtful that the SLA may pass any kind of law which creates offences and prescribes punishment for those offences in accordance with the tenet of Islam, especially when such offences and punishments are already created and prescribed by the Parliament. Art Harun, The Malaysian Insider I have stated in my article, "Of wet dream, nightmare and Marty McFly" that the implementation of hudud is a Constitutional impossibility until and unless two-thirds of our Members of Parliament would vote to amend the Federal Constitution to allow it to happen. I also grimly stated in that article that the time when such Constitutional amendment is moved would be the first time when our Members of Parliament would vote solely or predominantly along racial and religious lines regardless of party policy or party whip. The Bar Council has since issued a statement which basically echoes my opinion. Lim Chee Wee, the Bar Council's President was quoted as saying: "Hudud cannot be implemented within the current constitutional and legislative framework." My friend, the learned Professor Aziz Bari was reported to have disagreed with the Bar Council's view. The learned Professor was quoted to say: "The key here is Islam, not criminal law." The learned Professor pointed out that the Federal Constitution has set out the respective jurisdiction and powers of the Federal and State legislature. As the powers to legislate on matters pertaining to Islam rests with the State, he argued that the State, including Kelantan, may pass hudud laws accordingly. He also refuted that such a move would result in double jeopardy for Muslim wrongdoers as, in his words: "In other words, two systems is not a problem and we are not the only country in the world where this duality prevails." I have the highest respect and regard for the learned Professor but I beg to differ on his opinion on this matter. While I acknowledge and admit that the respective State Legislative Assembly ("SLA") has the power to legislate on matters pertaining to Islam, I am somewhat doubtful that the SLA may pass any kind of law which creates offences and prescribes punishment for those offences in accordance with the tenet of Islam, especially when such offences and punishments are already created and prescribed by the Parliament. The Federal Constitution divides the legislative powers between the Parliament and SLA quite clearly. The Parliament, or loosely, the Federal government, has the power to legislate over matters specified in List 1 (or otherwise known as the "Federal List") of the 9th Schedule of the Federal Constitution. The SLA on the other hand may legislate on those matters in List II (also known as the "State List") of the 9th Schedule. In addition, there are matters which may be legislated by both the Parliament and the SLA. These are contained in List III of the 9th Schedule (also known as the "Concurrent List"). Included in the Federal List is, among other things, "civil and criminal" law; the constitution of all courts other than the Syariah Courts and the jurisdiction and powers of all such courts. That much is clear. All this while, it is the Parliament which creates and defines all criminal offences as well as prescribing all punishment for those offences. There is no doubt about that. (In this respect, there are already laws governing murder, theft and slander, which are three of the hudud offences prescribed by the Quran. The only hudud offence which is not criminalised by the secular law is adultery). In the meantime, the SLA may pass laws relating to several Islamic matters. Let's reproduce the whole paragraph 1 of the State List, so as not to cause any confusion*: Except with respect to the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur and Labuan, i. Islamic law and personal and family law of persons professing the religion of Islam, including the Islamic law relating to succession, testate and intestate, betrothal, marriage, divorce, dower, maintenance, adoption, legitimacy guardianship, gifts, partitions and non-charitable trusts; Wakafs and the definition and regulation of charitable and religious endowments, institutions, trusts, charities and charitable institutions operating wholly within the State; Malay customs. Zakat, Fitrah and Baitulmal or similar Islamic religious revenue, mosques or any Islamic public places of worship; ii. creation and punishment of offences by persons professing the religion of Islam against precepts of that religion, except in regard to matters included in the Federal List; iii. the constitution, organisation and procedure of Syariah courts, which shall have jurisdiction only over person professing the religion of Islam and in respect only of any of the matters included in this paragraph, but shall not have jurisdiction in respect of offences except in so far as conferred by federal law; iv. the control of propagating doctrines and beliefs among persons professing the religion of Islam; v. the determination of matters of Islamic law and doctrine Malay custom. (emphasis is mine). * The above provision is actually contained in one paragraph. I have broken it into several parts denoting the different areas of Islamic matters which the SLA may legislate to maintain clarity. The learned Professor opined that "power on Islamic law belongs to the State." He then referred to the decision of our Supreme Court (then, the highest Court in Malaysia) Mamat bin Daud vs Govt of Malaysia where the Court held that a provision in the Penal Code which impacted on Islamic law was invalid as the Parliament had no power to legislate over Islamic matters. The learned Professor therefore challenged the Bar Council's view that the Kelantan State does not have the power to enact the hudud law. It is quite clear from the State List reproduced above that various Islamic matters are within the purview of the SLA. The decision in Mamat bin Daud reinforces the view that strict adherence to the respective lists by the Parliament and the SLA in enacting laws is called for. In that case, a provision was included in the Penal Code by the Parliament which makes it an offence for anybody to cause religious disunity. The purport of that section was to maintain public order, a matter which is quite obviously within the purview of the Parliament. However, in a 3-2 majority decision (with the late Eusoffee Abdoolcader, among others, dissenting), the Supreme Court held that that provision impinges on Islamic matters, which is in the State List and consequently the Parliament had no power to legislate on it. It follows from that decision that the Court jealously guarded the purview, width and breadth of the respective Federal and State lists. No amount of encroachment will be allowed by either the Parliament or the SLA on each other's powers. Although the offence created by the Parliament in that case falls under public order, which comes under the purview of the Parliament, the Court still viewed that as an encroachment of the SLA's power to legislate on Islamic matters. It is therefore clear and obvious that the Court took a strict and stringent approach in determining the rights and powers to legislate of the Parliament and the SLA. READ MORE HERE |
Just wanted to say sorry Posted: 03 Oct 2011 04:53 PM PDT Lim Guan Eng has apologised to H.H. the Sultan of Johor for what he was alleged to have said, which apparently upset (murka) His Highness. Kompas too has apologised to Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak regarding the Russian Mafia link story. Now it is my turn to apologise to 'First Lady' Rosmah Mansor. NO HOLDS BARRED
Raja Petra Kamarudin US$24m ring returned after 'a few days', minister tells Parliament (The Malaysian Insider) - Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz told Parliament today no payment had been made on a US$24 million (RM77 million) ring linked to the prime minister's wife. In a written reply to Lim Lip Eng (DAP-Segambut), the Minister in the Prime Minister's Department said the Royal Malaysian Customs confirmed that the ring was "returned" after "a few days" to the company that owns it. Datuk Seri Najib Razak denied on August 21 that his wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor bought the diamond ring or that his Kazakhstan in-laws are linked to the "Russian mafia" as reported by Indonesia's top-selling daily, Kompas. Kompas has since apologised to the prime minister for its August 4 report but the mystery remains as to why the ring from New York jeweller Jacob & Co. was addressed to Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, according to pictures widely circulated on the Internet. Questions had arisen as to whether Rosmah's name had been used without her knowledge by criminal elements as part of their illegal activities. To date, the government has yet to identify who brought the ring into Malaysia. Jacob & Co. founder Jacob Arabo, whose custom diamond-encrusted wristwatches and chunky jewellery once adorned Hollywood A-listers like Leonardo DiCaprio and hip-hop stars Kanye West and Jay-Z, is no stranger to such allegations. The Bukharian-American jeweller, described by the New York Times as the "Harry Winston of the hip-hop world", has twice tangled with US federal law enforcement agencies. In a column on August 4, Kompas described Rosmah's ties with soon-to-be in-law Maira Nazarbayev as close although it provided no evidence to support its claims and added, "Maira Nazarbayev, who lives a lifestyle a la Imelda Marcos, supposedly has links to the Russian mafia". Maira is the former wife of Kazakhstan President Nursultan Abishuly Nazarbayev's brother, Bolat Nazarbayev. Nooryana Najwa, the 22-year-old daughter of Rosmah and Najib, was recently betrothed to Maira's son, Daniyar, who was her college sweetheart. Rosmah has faced repeated allegations that she has a penchant for a lavish lifestyle ever since it became apparent that Najib would succeed Tun Abdullah Badawi as prime minister. ************************************** The Umno Bloggers and Cyber-troopers allege that I do not have the gumption to say sorry whenever I am wrong. That is not true. When I am wrong I will say sorry. And it appears like I was wrong with regards to the story regarding Rosmah Mansor's RM77 million diamond ring. Lim Guan Eng has apologised to H.H. the Sultan of Johor for what he was alleged to have said, which apparently upset (murka) His Highness. Kompas too has apologised to Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak regarding the Russian Mafia link story. Now it is my turn to apologise to 'First Lady' Rosmah Mansor. I can see that I was wrong when I said that Rosmah bought that RM77 million ring. So, for that, I must apologise. It is now clear that it was not Rosmah who bought that ring. I don't know who actually bought it. But to accuse Rosmah of buying it when it was not she who bought it was wrong. And I was also wrong to say that Rosmah imported that ring into Malaysia. Rosmah did not import it. Someone sent it to her. Of course, we can only suspect who that was. However, since we do not have any evidence that it was this particular person it would be wrong for me to mention his name.  I mean, just because I suspect that it may have been a certain young Malaysian tycoon of Chinese ethnicity who has received a lot of favours from the government does not make this a fact. It remains merely that, a suspicion. And if I mention his name and I am proven wrong later, then again I may have to apologise. So let that name remain unnamed. Anyway, the ring has since been returned to sender. So that ends the matter once and for all. Maybe we can now allow this matter to rest. Z54-QHEZN6E SEE VIDEO ON YOUTUBE HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z54-QHEZN6E |
Like the RFS, Taib cannot stop the RARA getting into Sarawak Posted: 03 Oct 2011 04:02 PM PDT
THE PEOPLE'S PARLIAMENT Yes, Radio Free Sarawak is back on the Sarawak airwaves, after a short break, and on a new radio frequency. To catch up with Papa Orang Hutan and his team, go HERE. Last week, following the launch of the Rakyat Reform Agenda (RARA) roadshow in KL on 19th September, 2011, the Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement (MCLM) took its RARA roadshow to Sabah and Sarawak. On 27th and 28th September, we successfully held forums in Kota Kinabalu and Tawau respectively. To read the news report following the forum in Tawau, click on the news clipping here. On 29th, September, 2011, as you all might already know by now, I was refused entry into Kuching, Sarawak where, at 7pm that same night, MCLM was to host its RARA forum at the Grand Continental Hotel. The show, nonetheless, went on. READ MORE HERE |
‘Cops sought money for detainee’s release’ Posted: 03 Oct 2011 03:56 PM PDT
A businesswoman claims that several police officers threatened to detain her brother under the Emergency Ordinance if she fails to pay them. (Free Malaysia Today) - A businesswoman has lodged a police report alleging extortion by several police officers. In her report lodged in Klang, Chong Choi Yoke, 31, claimed that policemen from the USJ district police headquarters wanted money from her to ensure that her brother was not detained for two years under the Emergency Ordinance. Relating the matter on behalf of Choi Yoke, her lawyer Keppy Wong (photo) said her brother, Chong Voon Han, was detained by the USJ police on Sept 22 after he had gone to the IPD (police district headquarters) to assist in an investigation. "Voon Han went there after he was told that the police were looking for him in his office to assist in a probe. He voluntarily went to the police station and was detained on the spot," said Wong. Hearing of Voon Han's arrest from his girlfriend, Choi Yoke went to the IPD but was denied permission to see him. On Sept 25, a group of policemen brought Voon Han to his sister's house on the pretext of searching for something. However, she was shocked to see bruises and swelling on her brother's face. "Voon Han told his sister that he was assaulted in detention and asked her to give the officers RM500 so that the beating will stop. "However, she managed to fork out only RM200 and bought a few packs of cigarettes for them (officers)," said Wong, who is also Kampung Cheras Baru DAP chairman. Later the same day, she received a call from her brother asking her to bank in RM100 to an account which she complied with. Also on the same day, Choi Yoke received a call from an officer known as ASP Rony who told her to meet him at the Taipan police station. There, Wong said, Choi Yoke was told by Rony that the police had no case against Voon Han as the latter had a strong alibi. "Instead of releasing him, Rony threatened to detain Voon Han under the EO unless his sister agreed to pay him some money. Feeling helpless, Choi Yoke told Rony that she can only afford about RM3,000," claimed Wong. Bleeding from the head Two days later, Voon Han was brought to the Petaling Jaya Sessions Court to get his remand extended. There, Wong said, Choi Yoke saw her brother was bleeding from the head. "The officers also told Choi Yoke to buy food fit for 10 men and deliver it to the Taipan police station," alleged Wong. She was also told by her brother at the court that Rony wanted about RM10,000 to secure his release. READ MORE HERE |
Bersih 2.0 warns of bigger wave Posted: 03 Oct 2011 03:52 PM PDT
If the election is called before reforms are implemented, Bersih 2.0's Wong Chin Huat says Malaysians will be irked and a 'greater tsunami' may happen. (Free Malaysia Today) - Bersih 2.0 has warned the government that if the general election is called without electoral reforms put in place, another wave will come crashing. Bersih 2.0 steering committee member Wong Chin Huat said Malaysians would not take kindly to elections being held before recommendations by the Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) on electoral reforms were implemented. "You'd probably see Bersih 3.0 in whatever form, and it'll turn out to be a greater tsunami," he told reporters in the Parliament lobby today. "The government should respect the institutions of Parliament and (allow them to) run its course… If you call for elections in the next six months before the PSC actually finishes its work, you are killing the PSC," he said. Yesterday, the government moved a motion to set up a nine-member panel to look into electoral reforms. The move, which was promised by Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak followed the heavy-handed crackdown against the July 9 Bersih 2.0 protest, which saw more than 1,700 people arrested. Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Dr Maximus Ongkili (Kota Marudu MP) was named as the panel's chairman while the other four were Kapit MP Alexander Nanta Linggi, Kangar MP Mohd Radzi Sheikh Ahmad, Alor Gajah MP Dr Fong Chan Onn and Hulu Selangor MP P Kamalanathan. Opposition MPs sitting on the panel are PKR deputy president Azmin Ali (Gombak MP), PAS treasurer Hatta Ramli (Kuala Krai MP) and DAP Youth chief Antony Loke (Rasah MP). Independent MP, Wee Choo Keong (Wangsa Maju), would also be on the panel. The committee had its first meeting this morning. READ MORE HERE |
Give NGOs 15% of seats, Pakatan told Posted: 03 Oct 2011 03:47 PM PDT
A NGO leader says the time has come for the opposition bloc to form a power-sharing alliance with these groups. (Free Malaysia Today) - Pakatan Rakyat has been urged to consider allocating seats for NGOs to contest in the coming general election. In making the call, Malaysian Indian Progressive Association (MIPAS) president A Rajaretnam said that Pakatan should earmark 15% of seats both at the federal and state levels. Speaking to FMT, he explained that NGOs were important to form a government and therefore Pakatan must join forces with them. Rajaretnam also pointed out that NGOs had played a crucial role in helping the opposition secure its biggest ever victory in the last general election. "However, after the election, Pakatan overlooked the NGOs," he said. Three-cornered fights He said that in the next general-election, there would probably be three-cornered fights due to the emergence of a third force. He explained that the third force came about after Pakatan-friendly NGOs grew fed-up with the opposition bloc. "The NGOs were upset when several Pakatan MPs became BN-friendly, the Pakatan state governments' refusal to give space and voice to NGO's and certain Pakatan leaders becoming too arrogant after winning in the election. "For example, after Pakatan won Selangor, they promised to allocate 40 seats in 10 local councils for NGOs. However, a report shows that half of the so-called NGO seats are occupied by party members. "We strongly believe Pakatan can form a better government compared to BN, but they must return to the grassroots," he added. READ MORE HERE |
Nazri: No case on Rosmah’s RM73m ring Posted: 03 Oct 2011 03:44 PM PDT
Customs Department has confirmed to the MACC that no such ring was purchased. (Free Malaysia Today) - Rosmah Mansor is not being investigated by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) over the US$24 million (RM73 million) diamond ring fiasco. Minister in the Prime Minister Department Nazri Aziz said in a written reply to Lim Lip Eng (DAP- Segambut) that the MACC, after checking with the Customs Department, "confirmed that there was no such purchase of the ring". "After a few days, the ring was returned to the company owner," the reply added. On July 13, pro-Pakatan Rakyat NGO Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) president Badrul Hisham Shaharin lodged a report with the MACC over the US$24 million ring allegedly acquired by Rosmah. Just a day before, pro-opposition bloggers claimed that the ring, known as "Natural Fancy Blue Gray Cushion Cut Diamond Ring", was sent to the premier's wife by the New York-based fine jewellers Jacob & Co in April this year. The ring allegedly passed through the Kuala Lumpur International Airport Customs and was cleared by a Customs operations manager known as A Krishnan. Screenshots of the alleged Customs computer displays also revealed that the ring did not have import duties imposed on it. The same display also indicated the value of the ring to be US$24.4 million. READ MORE HERE |
Hudud: MCA wants debate with Guan Eng Posted: 03 Oct 2011 03:41 PM PDT
MCA is keen to know how DAP will stop PAS from its stated desire to implement the law. (Free Malaysia Today) - MCA vice president Gan Ping Sieu has challenged DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng to debate hudud now that Pakatan Rakyat has failed to reach a consensus on it. "He can name the place and time, but he should not take too long to respond," said Gan told reporters at the parliament lobby today. Gan said that DAP has always portrayed itself to be a democratic, liberal and professional party. However it needs to explain PAS' insistence on implementing hudud, a stance at odds with DAP's principles. Gan also added that the MCA has always been accused of undermining and demonising PAS, but the latter's stand on hudud shows that it still haboured aspirations for a theocratic state. "It is serious matter. It is unfair to Muslims and also non-Muslims. This is an issue close to the hearts of the people, especially the Chinese community," said Gan. "During campaigns at by-elections, the DAP promotes PAS as moderate, inclusive and open- minded, but its stand on hudud shows that the party is back to its old ways," he said. 'Only Karpal has been vocal' Asked why Lim was the candidate chosen, Gan said that Lim was constantly throwing challenges to others. Gan said that he had already made the offer to debate the issue but since there was no reply from Lim, he said a registered letter via mail will be forwarded to him. Gan also took a stab at the DAP leaders, most of whom he said have been silent over the matter. READ MORE HERE |
More than RM1 mil a month for VVIP plane Posted: 03 Oct 2011 03:38 PM PDT
The government spends more than RM1 million every month on a rented aircraft for ferrying VVIPs. (Free Malaysia Today) - In the first eight months of the year, the government has spent more than RM9.1 million in flight costs on a single aircraft to ferry official VVIPs. In a written response, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz said that the government had been renting an Airbus A319 from Malaysian Airlines System (MAS) Berhad since Aug 3, 2007. The airplane, he added was for the use of "government VVIPs" such as Yang Di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin. "From January to August 2011, the frequency of use of this plane covered 155 sectors in the country and abroad with costs totalling RM9,158,430.45, which cover the plane's fuel costs, parking and handling charges, meals and flight crew logistics," he said. Nazri was responding to Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar, who asked the PM's Department, which rented the aircraft, to state the costs incurred. It is not known if these flight costs included Najib's travel expenses for this year, which were also revealed in Parliament. FMT previously reported that Najib and his wife Rosmah Mansor spent slightly more than RM17 million from 2008 to June this year. Up to RM5.42 million was spent for Najib's travels from January to June this year. READ MORE HERE |
No judicial review for Teoh suicide verdict, court rules Posted: 03 Oct 2011 01:13 PM PDT 
By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 4 — The family of the late Teoh Beng Hock today failed to challenge the Royal Commission of Inquiry's (RCI) conclusion that the Selangor DAP political aide committed suicide in 2009. Teoh's family filed the application for judicial review against the RCI on August 24. The RCI, which was chaired by sitting Federal Court judge Tan Sri James Foong, found that Teoh had been driven to suicide after relentless questioning by investigators from the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC). The five-man panel wrapped up its report on June 15 after hearing testimony from 70 witnesses in its bid to unravel the mysterious circumstances behind Teoh's death at the then Selangor MACC headquarters on July 16, 2009.
Judge Datuk Rohana Yusof ruled today that an RCI could not be subjected to a judicial review, as the court was bound by an earlier federal court decision.
Lawyer Gobind Singh Deo, who is representing the Teoh family, told The Malaysian Insider the decision was made in chambers.
Senior federal counsel Shamsul Bol Hassan represented the RCI, whose commissioners were named as respondents.
"The judge's decision was based on the federal court's decision in Datuk V. K Lingam's appeal, where they ruled that recommendations of the RCI are not subject to judicial review," he said.
Gobind said the only option the family had right now is to challenge the federal court's decision in Lingam's case, but said that he was not sure whether they wanted to do that.
"There is still the revision application on the coroner's open verdict, which will take place the day after tomorrow," Gobind said.
Before the RCI was formed, a coroner's inquest had in January returned an "open verdict" ruling out both suicide and homicide. READ MORE HERE. |