Home Minister Zahid should set-up IPCMC to Stop Deaths in Custody Posted: 22 May 2013 01:01 PM PDT
N Dharmendran's body was covered with bruises and both his ears were stapled. A pathologist confirms he died from multiple blunt force trauma. The police have now reclassified the case as murder although they initially said Dharmendran died from breathing difficulties. Charles Santiago, Member of Parliament, Klang It has always been one death too many. According to official statistics, there were 147 deaths in police custody last year. This shook the conscience of the country and deeply angered Malaysians. But nothing changed. The recent death does not just add to the escalating number. The lurid details of the victim's body is shocking as it points to a rising level of physical abuse and torture by police officers. N Dharmendran's body was covered with bruises and both his ears were stapled. A pathologist confirms he died from multiple blunt force trauma. The police have now reclassified the case as murder although they initially said Dharmendran died from breathing difficulties. His lawyers have described it as the worst case of police brutality, since the death of Kugan Ananthan in 2009. The deep wounds on Dharmendran's body plus the staples with dried blood indicate he died from physical torture. The pathologist also found staples on both his legs on the ankle area. Dharmendran's death and the shocking wounds on his body clearly signal that the police have no qualms abusing their powers or indulging in torture despite the nationwide uproar. And this is more so as they are not accountable to anyone. This has to stop. The government must immediately set-up the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission or IPCMC instead of shuffling it along. The police continue to act with impunity as they enjoy absolute power. The inertia demonstrated by the government in implementing the Independent Commission has contributed to the rising number of deaths in the hands of the police. As the year began, three people died under police custody. And aside from deaths in police custody, police also shoot dead several people, each month, on average. Police say they were either returning fire or the people were suspected criminals. But many are shot dead just for failing to stop at police roadblocks. Peoples' confidence in the police has been taking a steady dip over the past few years, largely triggered by a deep-seated suspicion of the force. Their concern holds water. We have read about newly minted Home Minister, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, thumping his chest and vowing to act on anyone who dares to hold peaceful rallies or question the country's electoral system. I now ask that he bucks up and does the right thing as the minister in charge of Home Affairs by ordering and open inquiry into Dharmendran's death and instructing the police chief to suspend all officers who were involved in interrogating the deceased until the investigation is completed. Reclassifying the case as murder is not enough. We have been disappointed many times with the outcome of the police investigating themselves. But as the new government has promised transparency and accountability, I urge the police not to play Houdini by trying to make crucial evidence disappear or attempt to cover up for their fellow colleagues. BN's shortcomings have become a huge liability to the country and its people for decades. Let's hope that, for once, fairness and justice will prevail. Or Dharmendran will become just another number, adding to the rising statistics.
EC, don't treat the indelible ink issue as an eyewash Posted: 22 May 2013 12:56 PM PDT
At 1% Silver Nitrate concentration, the silver nitrate in the indelible ink is only good enough for use in an eyewash. PY Wong Tindak Malaysia's founder, PY Wong calls on the Election Commission chairman, Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof to be upfront about the indelible ink. He was responding to Abdul Aziz's recent comments that the EC would set up a team to probe the indelible ink. "The issue of indelible ink," he said, "is an important step towards restoring the people's confidence in the Election Commission, tasked with conducting a clean and fair election. However, the rakyat have raised doubts over the issue of the indelible ink and told the EC on how to best implement it based on world standards." For example, Code ESI of Canada produces indelible ink with a concentration of silver nitrate in the range of 7% - 25% and under the UNDP Procurement Guide, "live" human trials by the public should be conducted to gain public acceptance. All this information is available online, for example, in Tindak Malaysia website (http://www.tindakmalaysia.com/showthread.php/5267-Indelible-ink-Suppliers) since July last year. Wong pointed out that the finger also has to be dipped into the ink with a sponge and the bottle shaked to make sure that the silver nitrate is on top of the ink and stains the finger. "The ink has to stay on the finger for a minimum of 30 seconds to take effect," he said. While the EC Deputy Chairman, Datuk Wan Ahmad Wan Omar claimed ink can dry in 3 seconds, Wong claimed that experts say it is impossible. "We demand the EC reveal the solvent used in the indelible ink that can dry in 3 seconds." By failing to use the indelible ink in a manner that is prescribed by the ink manufacturers, despite the advices given through the Public Accountability Committee in 2011, Abdul Aziz runs into the risk of doing things 'detrimental to parliamentary democracy.' "Abdul Aziz, as the EC Chairman, has to take responsibility for any foul play," he said. Abdul Aziz, he added, had on many occasions denied that the ink was easily removed; instead, he had claimed that the ink was able to last for seven days. He had also stated that the EC received a letter from the Ministry of Health stating that the silver nitrate content in the ink should not exceed one percent, because he claimed that silver nitrate could cause cancer or damage to the kidney. A voter, who is trained as a chemist, had earlier disputed the claim that silver nitrate could be carcinogenic or damage to the kidney. "Silver nitrate is used in laboratory very often. In its 99.99% purity form, it can even be purchased online (www.silvernitrate.com), and the Material Safety Data Sheet of silver nitrate from reputable laboratories made no mention about the chemical being carcinogenic or able to cause damage to the kidney," he said. Wong wants to know who in the Ministry of Health had written to the EC, and on what basis was the false claim made or whether the EC chairman himself had lied to the public about the content of silver nitrate. "Abdul Aziz should publish the content of the letter," he added. "He should also reveal the name of the manufacturers." Wong said that it is clear now that the silver nitrate content of the ink was a mere one percent. "At one percent silver nitrate content, I do not see the need to even shake the ink," he said. "There is no need for the EC to set up a special team to probe the ink, especially when Abdul Aziz had made several statements that are blatant lies." If the EC wants a team to probe, it should include all stakeholders in the team. "This would have to also include representatives from both Pakatan Rakyat and Barisan Nasional, as well as representatives from NGOs and the Bersih movement," he said. |
SUNNI - SYIA message of Peace by Tun Dr. M & H.E. S.M. Khatami Posted: 22 May 2013 12:48 PM PDT   We, the undersigned, are greatly saddened by the violence and bloodshed which have characterised Sunni-Shia relations over time. Thousands have been killed in feuds between the two, mostly in certain Muslim countries. It is tragic that many innocent women and children have been among the victims. Note: This is a join appeal for peace. Please help me spread this message of peace as best as you can. Via Facebook, Twitter, Emails, Blog, Letters, Conversations, Chats and etc.
Thank you, Anas zubedy
A Joint Appeal to Sunnis and Shias
We, the undersigned, are greatly saddened by the violence and bloodshed which have characterised Sunni-Shia relations over time. Thousands have been killed in feuds between the two, mostly in certain Muslim countries. It is tragic that many innocent women and children have been among the victims.
Sunni-Shia animosity and antagonism have clearly weakened the Muslim ummah. It has made us more vulnerable to the manipulations and machinations of outside elements determined to subvert the unity and integrity of the ummah. It has allowed those who seek to establish their hegemonic power over us to succeed in their objectives.
It is indisputable that Sunni-Shia antagonism and conflicts which have resulted in massacres have tarnished the image and dignity of the ummah in the eyes of the world. Few other occurences in recent times have had such a negative impact.
We appeal to all Sunnis and Shias, bound as we are by the same faith in Allah, guided by the same Noble Quran, honouring the same last Messenger of Allah, and facing the same Kiblah, to desist from massacring and the killing one another immediately.
The two of us – a former Prime Minister from a Sunni majority state, and a former President from an overwhelmingly Shia nation – also address this appeal to the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) which represents all Muslims of whatever sect or doctrine. The OIC could perhaps set up a task force that will examine the Sunni- Shia divide in depth and submit concrete proposals for the political and religious leaders of the ummah to act upon. Read more at: http://letusaddvalue.blogspot.com/2013/05/sunni-syia-message-of-peace-by-tun-dr-m.html |
Leaving ... to go where? Posted: 22 May 2013 12:30 PM PDT
Emotional I am an UMNO Malay and I write this as very many like me, I'm sure, are experiencing similar feelings. You know how you feel when you have to leave your comfort zone and make decisions which exposes a lot of internal conflicts? For example, taking the plunge into a new job, new industry, meet new faces? Or for example, contemplating a divorce? No, not from my wife ... but from UMNO. You can't change UMNO! UMNO won't change. Zahid Hamidi won't change... So, you (like me) would effect the change ... by leaving! But, the question is, leaving for whom?? Pakatan? PKR? What? With Anwar Ibrahim staying silent on Azmin Ali when he belittles his wife and capable daughter? Constant internal strife with no clear leadership? DAP? What? Always confrontational, fighting for seats before the elections and position after the election? And their supporters silently boycotting Malay companies and products? Even companies with only a 30% Malay stake they cannot accept? So, how? I love PAS, but worry about religious zealots. They don't fitnah, they are not confrontational, but I'd want them to be more inclusive. Just the Supporters Club won't do. I'd like them to embrace other religions too as all religion preach only good. And this give us a chance to also showcase what Islam really is about. PAS should be the 3rd force, with an Ulamak wing, and Muslim progressive wing, and a Non Muslim wing. All equal in status. Common objectives of good governance, no corruption, justice for all, regardless of race. So, how about it PAS? It's a brave new world out there ... and I'm waiting. |
Please hold next Blackout 505 rally in Sarawak Posted: 22 May 2013 12:27 PM PDT
Kuo Yong Kooi The world hydropower congress is to be held in Sarawak soon. Sarawak's dam projects will flood 2,300 square kilometres of rainforest and displace around 30,000 to 50,000 indigenous people from their native customary rights land. The "aftershock" Blackout 505 rallies around the country have demonstrated to us that Malaysians have finally woken up to the realities of politics in our nation. I hope we too might wake up to another reality that has been around for a long time - the rampant destruction of our rainforest land that we have inherited. Here is thinking outside the box: what about holding the next blackout rally at a major dam site? Or outside the venue of the global hydropower congress to be held in Sarawak soon? "Cutting two carrots with one knife" or "killing two birds with one stone" or whatever the term used, we have tried highlighting the "not free and fair" GE13 to our friends on Facebook, jamming the White House website and attending rallies to attract global attention on the issue. Unfortunately, we did not manage to make a dent on the 24-hour global news cycle. I think having the rally at the dam site will, because that is a key global environmental issue. The world has shown more interest in global issues such as the environment. The environment also showcases Sarawak's Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud and Umno as the prime examples of acts of rampant corruption, cronyism and shows their utter disregard for the environment and the well-being of the native people. By holding the rally in Sarawak, we will be showing solidarity with our indigenous people in their fight to defend their homes and livelihood. We might be able to win the hearts and minds of our fellow East Malaysians in the rural constituencies, which hold one of the keys to Putrajaya in any election. The work of winning the hearts and minds of the rural East Malaysians has to be done sooner or later. Why wait until the next GE14, or another three years for the Sarawak state election? By then, the mega dams of Sarawak would be fully operational. Then BN can just buy votes with a mere RM50 or RM100 because our indigenous friends, who had been displaced from their native customary land, will be desperate to survive. We also need to explore the use of the global arena to prosecute Taib Mahmud for his "environmental crimes". There has been some preliminary work done by the European Union and South Americans in jump-starting an "Environmental Crimes Tribunal". This is similar to the "War Crimes Tribunal", which has been functioning globally. Malaysia does have the human resources now to get anything done. We have seen, over and over again, that there have been huge turnouts in the earlier rallies related to GE13. The lifespan of our politicians ranges from five years to five decades at most. The life cycle of the rainforest is a few million years. "Act locally, think globally". Can someone else think of some other catchy cry? |
Malaysia’s election system drawn to sustain BN’s dominance, don tells forum Posted: 22 May 2013 12:23 PM PDT 
The first-past-the-post system will always be advantageous to BN, a forum was told last night. (TMI) - Barisan Nasional's (BN) rule will continue as long as Malaysia uses the first-past-the-post voting system despite redelineation, academic Amer Saifude told a forum here last night. The Universiti Malaya Centre for Democracy and Elections (Umcedel) deputy director said the expected redelineation of constituencies by year-end would benefit Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's coalition and even better its Election 2013 performance. "As long as we practice this first-past-the-post system, it will be advantageous to BN," Amer told a forum on the 13th general election outcome. "History has shown that every time there is a re-demarcation process, BN would perform better," he added. Despite winning only 47 per cent of the popular vote in the May 5 elections, Najib saw his coalition keeping the government with a simple majority, bagging 133 federal seats against Pakatan Rakyat's (PR) 89. Amer pointed out that Najib was the first BN chief to score a weaker mandate in his maiden bid for power, a reflection of the faulty fundamentals of the first-past-the-post system. The Umcedel deputy director said the system's glaring defect could be seen in how BN, bar a few exceptions, had never won the popular vote by more than 60 per cent but yet managed to win a huge number of the seats it contested in. He also highlighted how several constituencies nationwide had been gerrymandered without reasonable justifications. "Sometimes you see the re-demarcation is illogical and unfair… the redelineation process is often made to serve the interest of certain parties," he said. The panel of speakers at last night's forum. — Picture by Saw Siow FengAmer, however, noted that any move to redraw the constituencies must first have the consent of at least half of the members of the Dewan Rakyat.
PR federal lawmakers have signalled their intention to make full use of their increased parliamentary numbers to ensure constituencies are fairly redrawn when the Election Commission (EC) kicks off the redelineation exercise this year-end. PKR's Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli has said that if the exercise involves an increase in seat numbers, a two-thirds majority vote is needed to approve the changes before they are passed by the lower House. The allegedly unfair dispersal of voters in constituencies has been used as a major argument point by PR lawmakers to back accusations that gerrymandering in favour of BN has helped the ruling pact stay in power. Read more at: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysia/article/malaysias-election-system-drawn-to-sustain-bns-dominance-don-tells-forum/ |
Ignore the scaremongering and let's move forward Posted: 22 May 2013 12:17 PM PDT
For the ruling politicians to describe these voters as being easily "duped" and "taken for a ride" – or basically plain stupid – for exercising their democratic rights is not going to earn them any respect. Azam Aris, fz.com THE nation is supposed to be in reconciliation mode. But the political scaremongering that is supposed to ease after the most competitive general election in the nation's history has in fact reached a crescendo. Rather than having a healthy discourse, what has dominated the post general election scene is the politics of race and hate. I am confident that the majority of Malaysians will move on and treat these pronouncements as mere polemics. What is sad, however, is that some personalities who have jumped on the bandwagon of racial and political scaremongering include those who are supposed to be in the more "responsible" group. One does not mind if such statements come from the usual suspects – Malay right-wing groups like Perkasa and race-based non-governmental organisations. But it is disheartening to note that elderly statesmen, ministers, professionals – including a judge and educationists – who are supposed to be the nation's voice of reason, questioning the loyalty of voters. They talk about betraying the Malays, suggest vernacular schools be closed down and insist the future of Islam and Malays are under threat. Some have even tried to initiate a boycott of businessmen deemed to be supporters of the opposition. Worst still is asking those who are not fully in agreement with the government of the day to leave the country. And not forgetting – unbelievable in this age of the Internet – the allegation that the opposition are puppets of foreign powers. Where is the reconciliation process as proposed by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak? Are these groups, including members of Umno and ministers, not heeding the call? One expects Pakatan Rakyat, which lost the general election, to continue harping on the unfairness of the election process and to go on with their protest – including using the courts – but they have also proposed a national unity convention to address the situation. As the winner, Umno-led Barisan Nasional should be magnanimous and lead the reconciliation efforts. It should build bridges and not dismantle them. It should not be on the offensive and find fault with the 52.3% voters who did not support them. Read more at: http://www.fz.com/content/ignore-scaremongering-and-lets-move-forward#ixzz2U5AoxzKW |
Gangster Home Minister Posted: 22 May 2013 12:14 PM PDT 
Sorry for the BAD NEWS but here's some reality...
"THIS" is our NEW "HOME MINISTER" who is a GANGSTER and BEATS-UP people by himself! Curi-curi Wang Malaysia I could remember this incident quite clearly which happen several years back and was CONFIRMED to be TRUE also by a friend of mine who is 'friends' with Datuk Zahid Hamidi's son and this incident was also later on REPORTED in Local Newspapers! Originally it had something to do with this guy who was seeing or going out with his Datuk Zahid's eldest daughter, which didn't go well, after she complaint to her father... ...instead of taking action in a Civil manner by using the Law. Datuk Zahid decided to act on HIS OWN and take the LAW into his OWN hands by dealing with this fellow by BEATING HIM UP himSELF along with a few others to aide him. Things didn't get any better...they just got WORST under this current Cabinet... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=635413693154081&set=a.536740686354716.136640.535906203104831&type=1&theater |
Scuffle breaks out at candlelight vigil for Adam Adli in Penang Posted: 22 May 2013 05:03 AM PDT
(The Star) - Two journalists were among those caught up in a confrontation when a group of unidentified men disrupted a candlelight vigil in Esplanade to show solidarity for student activist Adam Adli Abdul Halim (picture). The vigil which started at about 8pm was attended by more than 100 non-governmental organisation (NGO) members, students, social activists and several state Pakatan Rakyat leaders. Some 45 minutes into the vigil, a group of unidentified men arrived and one of them disrupted the vigil by using a loud hailer to claim that the gathering is illegal. The group of men were also heard chanting "Satu Malaysia (1Malaysia)" repeatedly and saying that Adam Adli, who was arrested on Saturday (may 18)for offences under the Sedition Act, was rightfully detained. About 15 minutes later, the participants of the vigil dispersed. It was believed that one of the vigil organisers who were leaving, had uttered the word "samseng" (gangster) towards the group of unidentified men. One of the men from the group then allegedly tried to run over the vigil organiser Sean Ho with a motorcycle. Oriental Daily's reporter Ooi Chun Nam and Sin Chew Daily reporter Cheah Chin Liang tried to help Ho and were caught in the scuffle. Ooi's glasses were broken and he suffered a cut on his arm in the scuffle. There was about 15 minutes of intense shoving between the organisers and the group of unidentified men before everyone dispersed when police intervened. Ooi and Cheah said they will be lodging a police report. The event, which was held at 8.30pm in front of a fast food restaurant opposite Universiti Sains Malaysia's Sungai Dua entrance, saw about 30 students and social activists taking part. |
Police arrest 18 protestors at candlelight vigil for Adam Adli outside Jinjang police station Posted: 22 May 2013 04:58 AM PDT
(The Star) - At least 18 people were arrested after failing to disperse following a candlelight vigil outside the Jinjang police station in support for Adam Adli Abd Halim, 24 (picture). At least 1,000 had gathered outside the police station since 8pm. Roads leading to the police station were barricaded since evening as police stood watch to keep the protesters away from the entrance of the police station. It is learnt when Puchong MP Gobind Singh Deo was giving his speech to the crowd at 9.45pm, he was told by a senior police officer that the crowd was given 10minutes to disperse. However when the crowd failed to leave in the stipulated time, the police moved in towards the crowd and began arrests. It is learnt among the 18 arrested were four women. This was the fifth night that crowds of protesters held candlelight vigils outside the police station in support of the release of the activist. |
Isu Adam Adli : Pegawai khas Sivarasa antara 18 ditahan Posted: 22 May 2013 04:54 AM PDT
(Sinar Harian) - Seramai 18 aktivis termasuk empat wanita yang sedang bersoladariti bagi menuntut pembebasan aktivis mahasiswa, Adam Adli Abdul Halim (gambar) telah ditahan ketika kira-kira jam 9.45 malam tadi. Pengerusi Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia (SMM), Muhammad Safwan Anang berkata, mereka yang ditahan termasuk pegawai khas kepada Ahli Parlimen Subang, R Sivarasa iaitu Peter Chong dan semua yang ditahan telah dihantar ke Balai Polis Jalan Travers. |
Two-thirds of Pakatan GE13 wins in multi-racial seats, research shows Posted: 21 May 2013 11:56 PM PDT
Zurairi AR, TMI Pakatan Rakyat (PR) won in 59 mixed-race federal seats, almost double its 30 wins in Chinese-majority seats in Malaysia's Election 2013, according to a new research, debunking Barisan Nasional's (BN) claim of a "Chinese Tsunami" that cost it more losses. Independent online research house PoliTweet.org also said the ruling BN gained most of its votes from rural federal seats while PR increased its support from urban and semi-urban areas in the South-east Asian nation chasing developed nation status by 2020. "BN represents the rural majority and can retain power with rural and semi-urban seats alone. This election highlighted PR's weak areas which are rural seats, Bumiputra Sabah majority and Bumiputra Sarawak majority seats," said the report, which can be found on PoliTweet's official blog. According to PoliTweet, 108 out of the 133 seats (81 per cent) won by BN came from rural seats, while PR won urban or semi-urban seats with almost the same percentage (72 out of 89 seats). PR won all 16 urban Chinese-majority seats, 12 urban Malay seats and12 urban mixed seats, giving them 40 out of the total 43 urban seats (93 per cent). In comparison, BN only won four urban Malay and one urban mixed seats. Out of the 54 semi-urban seats, PR won 34 of them (63 per cent). BN won the rest of the semi-urban seats, with Malay semi-urban areas making the bulk of it at 12 seats. PoliTweet also pointed out that PR had won more urban and semi-urban Malay-majority seats than BN, effectively making Malay-majority seats no longer a guaranteed win for BN. For its research, PoliTweet categorised seats into three categories which do not follow Election Commission's (EC) own classification, but rather were based on Google maps satellite imagery and EC's maps. PoliTweet defined "rural" areas as those containing villages, small towns or farmlands, and tend to be physically large with a low population. "Urban" areas are cities covered by some form of urban development. "Semi-urban" areas are a mix of the two. Under the three categories, PoliTweet grouped 125 seats as rural, 54 as semi-urban, and 43 as urban. Urban areas made up slightly more than half of Chinese-majority seats, but Malay-majority seats are still predominantly rural. There are however more Malay-majority semi-urban seats than Chinese-majority and mixed areas added together. The research house also highlighted the low probability of BN regaining urban seats, as BN obtained only 47 per cent of popular vote in semi-urban seats and 36 per cent in urban seats, compared to the 57 per cent it had amassed in rural seats. The last Population and Housing Census in 2010 showed that urban population in Malaysia has been on a steady increase since the 1960's, with 71 per cent of Malaysians living in urban areas. The World Bank put the number slightly higher at 72 per cent. READ MORE HERE |
Malaysia's Election Commission gazettes election results; 21 days to file objections Posted: 21 May 2013 11:44 PM PDT
(ST) - Malaysia's Election Commission on Wednesday gazetted the official results of the 13th General Election, the official Bernama news agency reported, citing the commission's chairman Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof. Candidates and political parties who are dissatisfied with the outcome of the May 5 polls have 21 days to file objections or petitions, starting from Thursday, said Mr Abdul Aziz in a statement. He added that petitions can be filed at high courts in the respective states. |
Adam to face sedition charge tomorrow Posted: 21 May 2013 11:20 PM PDT
The student activist was arrested on May 18 for remarks he allegedly made during a post-GE13 forum on May 13. (FMT) - Student activist Adam Adli, whose five-day remand expires tomorrow, will be charged with sedition at the Jalan Duta Sessions Court tomorrow morning. Lawyer Latheefa Koya today said the police had officially informed about the matter today. "The police had informed that Adam will be charged under the Sedition Act tomorrow morning at Jalan Duta. Lawyer N Surendran will be representing Adam," she said in a tweet. Adam, 24, was arrested in Kuala Lumpur on May 18 for remarks he allegedly made during a post-GE13 forum on May 13. In the forum, Adam, along with other activists, had called for a street demonstration to protest alleged electoral fraud during the general election. He is being detained at the Jinjang police detention facility and is being investigated under Section 4(1) of the Sedition Act and Section 124(B) of the Penal Code. Section 4(1) of the Sedition Act provides that it is a criminal offence to make any oral, printed and published statements or acts with "seditious tendency". If Adam is found guilty of sedition, he could be imprisoned for up to three years, fined up to RM5,000, or both. Earlier today, Amnesty International called for the immediate and unconditional release of Adam. The rights watchdog said Adan was arrested solely for peacefully expressing his views. It also said it was told by credible sources that Adam "was subjected to interrogation from 10am until 6pm on May 19 and May 20, with the interrogators repeatedly asking the same questions". Adam has refused to answer the questions in the latter part of the interrogation, telling the police to just watch a video of his speech during the public meeting instead, said Amnesty. Amnesty also urged the Malaysian government to stop using the Sedition Act and provisions in the Penal Code to stifle people's right to free expression. READ MORE HERE |
And then came CHINRAF Posted: 21 May 2013 07:09 PM PDT
The absence of Chinese representatives in the Cabinet should it happen will not pose major problems to the government or Chinese community, an academician said today. Selangor DAP chief Teresa Kok said her party is standing firm with its decision to seek four seats in the Selangor state executive council, and hinted that all four nominees are Chinese, Sin Chew Daily reported. NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin No Chinese in government no problem (FMT, 13 May 2013) - The absence of Chinese representatives in the Cabinet should it happen will not pose major problems to the government or Chinese community, an academician said today. Dr Ser Wue Hiong, senior lecturer at the Foreign Languages Department, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, said any concerns if such scenario takes place would only be for a short-term period and could be overcome. Following the just concluded 13th general election (GE13), which saw MCA and Gerakan almost wiped out, both parties had announced that they would not take up any cabinet posts "out of respect to the voters decision". The decision prompted debates from all quarters. While some feared that the community could be neglected if they had no voice in the cabinet, many including Ser think otherwise. Ser told Bernama that the fact that Chinese voted most MCA and Gerakan candidates out in the general election proved that the issue of Chinese representation in the Cabinet was also not a concern to them. He said politics in this new era should also break away from tradition and more importantly, elected politicians should be representing all races and not a particular race or political party he or she represented. He added that a politician who only championed for one race would also not bode well for the multiracial fabric of this country. "I think this is the reality of today's Malaysia. We need to move away from tradition," he said. Ser, who specialises in Malaysian Chinese studies, opined that the only sector that may be impacted was Chinese education, but he was quick to argue that the problem could just be temporary. He was also confident that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak would not sideline development of the Chinese community including on education post-GE13. "I believe that he will make adjustments and look into new approaches to address the needs and interests of Chinese education. "One of the ways I can see is that he will appoint a Chinese educationist to sit in his government to take care of Chinese education," he added. Prior to this, the portfolio for Chinese education was held by a deputy minister from the community. ************************************************ Mary Yap is unfamiliar with the Chinese language (Sin Chew, 22 May 2013) - Just as the entire Chinese community was still wrapped in bewilderment over the prospects of Chinese education in this country, the appointment of Mary Yap, who is not well versed with the Chinese language, as deputy education and higher learning minister undoubtedly added some new uncertainties. One of the major changes in the new Cabinet has been the merger of the education and the higher education ministries into the ministry of education and higher learning. Prior to the merger, there were one minister and two deputy ministers for each of the two ministries. The merged entity now has minister I, minister II and two deputies, at a total of four, two short of its predecessors. In other words, the work which used to be accomplished by six people will have to be borne by only four now. MCA used to have one deputy minister each in the two ministries prior to the merger, namely Hou Kok Chung and Wee Ka Siong. Since the party had decided not to join the new Cabinet, a representative from PBS was picked to fill the vacancy. Different from either Hou or Wee, Mary Yap is unfamiliar with the Chinese language. To be exact, none of the four ministers and deputy ministers in the new entity knows the language. As a result, the Chinese community is forgivably apprehensive whether issues pertaining to Chinese education would fall into capable hands in the days to come. ************************************************ DAP demands four Chinese EXCO Members (fz.com, 22 May 2013) - Selangor DAP chief Teresa Kok said her party is standing firm with its decision to seek four seats in the Selangor state executive council, and hinted that all four nominees are Chinese, Sin Chew Daily reported. The daily quoted her as saying that she has submitted the four names to Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, and that the party has no alternative plan at the moment. "If there is any change, we need to sit down and discuss with (the other two parties in Pakatan Rakyat). For now DAP maintains its stand; we have to wait until the MB returns from Germany on Friday for further discussions," she was quoted as saying. DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng had earlier announced that Sungai Pinang state assembly member Datuk Teng Chang Khim and Seri Kembangan state assembly member Ean Yong Hian Wah will be recommended for the Selangor exco posts. The other DAP assembly members in the state are Ng Suee Lim (Sekinchan), Lau Weng San (Kampung Tunku), Hannah Yeoh (Subang Jaya), Lee Kee Hiong (Kuala Kubu Baru) and V. Ganabatirau (Kota Alam Shah). The Chinese press had speculated that Ganabatirau stands a good chance of being chosen, but Sin Chew today said that Kok has given an indication that all four DAP nominees are Chinese. If DAP secures four exco posts, then PKR's Bukit Lanjan state assembly member Elizabeth Wong will be dropped from the line-up. |
In the Chinese Press: DAP maintains '4 exco posts' demand Posted: 21 May 2013 05:58 PM PDT
Chan Wei See, fz.com Selangor DAP chief Teresa Kok said her party is standing firm with its decision to seek four seats in the Selangor state executive council, and hinted that all four nominees are Chinese, Sin Chew Daily reported. The daily quoted her as saying that she has submitted the four names to Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, and that the party has no alternative plan at the moment. "If there is any change, we need to sit down and discuss with (the other two parties in Pakatan Rakyat). For now DAP maintains its stand; we have to wait until the MB returns from Germany on Friday for further discussions," she was quoted as saying. DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng had earlier announced that Sungai Pinang state assembly member Datuk Teng Chang Khim and Seri Kembangan state assembly member Ean Yong Hian Wah will be recommended for the Selangor exco posts. The other DAP assembly members in the state are Ng Suee Lim (Sekinchan), Lau Weng San (Kampung Tunku), Hannah Yeoh (Subang Jaya), Lee Kee Hiong (Kuala Kubu Baru) and V. Ganabatirau (Kota Alam Shah). The Chinese press had speculated that Ganabatirau stands a good chance of being chosen, but Sin Chew today said that Kok has given an indication that all four DAP nominees are Chinese. If DAP secures four exco posts, then PKR's Bukit Lanjan state assembly member Elizabeth Wong will be dropped from the line-up. Azmin Ali not recommended for exco post Meanwhile Sin Chew Daily also reported that the PKR political bureau has declined to recommend party deputy president Azmin Ali – who does not enjoy a good relationship with Khalid - for an exco post. It is to avoid an open quarrel between the two of them, a source said, adding that the political bureau was also worried that Azmin would go against Khalid's decisions. According to the source, newly elected Kajang state assembly member Lee Chin Cheh from Azmin's camp has also been ruled out as he is considered too junior to hold an exco post. Selangor PKR, which is led by Azmin, has recommended four names to PKR headquarters, namely Azmin himself, Lee, Dr Xavier Jayakumar (Sri Andalas) and Haniza Talha (Taman Medan). Since Azmin and Lee have been ruled out, Shuhaimi Shafiei (Sri Muda), Xavier and Haniza have a higher chance of being appointed, the daily said. Dong Zong willing to meet Mary Yap Dong Zong (United Chinese School Committees Association) has expressed its willingness to meet newly appointed Deputy Education & Higher Learning Minister I Mary Yap Kain Ching, to discuss Chinese education issues. Dong Zong deputy chairman Chow Siew Hon told China Press that the Chinese education group will sort out memorandums which had been submitted to relevant government departments and make an appointment with the ministry for the purpose. "I'm very happy to hear that Yap has expressed her concerns about Chinese education. Even though she doesn't understand Mandarin, she is still concerned about Chinese education. Dong Zong is willing to exchange ideas with her," said Chow. Yap said she is willing to meet Dong Zong representatives and other Chinese educationists to discuss Chinese education issues, in an interview with Sin Chew. She reiterated her willingness when she spoke to China Press yesterday. |
PKR grassroots want action against Azmin Posted: 21 May 2013 05:51 PM PDT
Several disgruntled party members have called for action to be taken against PKR deputy president Azmin Ali for criticising the party president in public. G Vinod, FMT The attacks against PKR deputy president Azmin Ali escalates as more party grassroots members call for action to be taken him for critising party president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail. In letters addressed to PKR disciplinary committee dated May 16, one former party leader said that Azmin had breached party discipline by hurling baseless accusations against Wan Azizah. "Azmin's attacks received widespread attention from the mainstream media, which wants to discredit us. It's was highly improper. "His criticism had tarnished the party's image and gives the impression that there is trouble in the party's internal system," said former Pahang PKR Youth chief Kamarul Hatta Mohamed Ali. On May 11, Azmin made a veiled attack against Azizah for allegedly failing to consult party leaders on the choice of candidate to become the Selangor menteri besar. He also took a potshot against Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim, saying the party should not choose a "lame duck" for the top job in Selangor. Kamarul said that as the party's number two, Azmin should lead by example and should know better in maintaining the good name of the party. "Any criticism against party leaders should be made internally, not in the public space. With this, I urge the party to take stern action against Azmin for his transgressions," he said. Another letter, sent by Hulu Langat PKR member Lee Kai Meng, also urged the party to take action against Azmin for criticising Wan Azizah. "His attacks has caused negative polemics to be hurled against the party. I call for action to be taken against Azmin," said Lee. READ MORE HERE |
Mixed views over rejection of polls result Posted: 21 May 2013 05:45 PM PDT
Political analysts have mixed views over Pakatan's rejection of the election results. Lisa J. Ariffin, FMT Political analysts have expressed mixed views over Pakatan Rakyat's rejection of the recent 13th general election results. The analysts contacted by FMT today were responding to the opposition's stand to not recognise the overall result of GE13, but readily accepted their wins in Pakatan-led states. "I think this is practical politics, and that the disagreement comes down to those states where the votes are more or less borderline, and not outright wins," Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) Associated Professor James Gomez told FMT. He stressed that the focus "comes down to that level of disagreement". "It is a two tier understanding. The general win is contingent on constituencies where the margin call on the number of votes are slim," he said. "Should those current seats turn the other way, obviously there will be an overall shift in the national numbers," he explained. "This is practical politics," he added. 'Pakatan does not walk the talk' However, UUM vice chancellor Mohamed Mustafa Ishak disagreed with his colleague and said Pakatan should accept the overall GE13 results if they recognised state results. "If you have officially accepted the mandate for your three states, you must show clearly that you are willing to accept the decision of the public by virtue and do not question the outcome of the election," he said. Mohamed Mustafa said Pakatan's actions of "continuing to govern" their three states, "clearly shows the results is something that they can accept". "By rejecting the overall results, it is something really contradictory. It shows they do not walk the talk," he said, pointing out that Pakatan only rejected results at the federal level and not state. "It is the same process, at state level and federal level. So you cannot accept one and reject the other," he said. "Pakatan must make a stand on their accusations as right now, it is very difficult to understand why they accept three states, but not the overall results," he added. Aruna Gopinath of the National Defence University's Faculty of Strategic Studies also believed Pakatan should "reject the whole thing totally" and not resort to selective acceptance. "If you say there is fraud, then you cannot say you only want to accept certain things," she explained. "You must reject the whole thing totally," she added. However, Aruna noted that if there was "enough evidence" of electoral fraud, the Election Commission (EC) should "come in with a full investigation". "They must make a full study and investigation," she said. READ MORE HERE |
It’s all about strategy Posted: 21 May 2013 05:09 PM PDT 
Then came the 2008 general election and the impressive results gave everyone a lot of hope. So everything that was said earlier was now forgotten. But what they forgot is that Barisan Nasional won 63% of the seats on just 52% of the votes. In 1969, they won 66% of the seats on just 49% of the votes. How many percent of the votes do you think Barisan Nasional would need to garner in 2013 to still win more than 50% of the seats? THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin "We are not interested in the Election Commission fixing the mistakes in the coming 14th general election," Anwar Ibrahim shouted at the rally in Johor last week. "We want the commission to declare that Pakatan won the 13th GE!" "Never in the history of mankind, have dictators, with tanks and guns, been able to stand up against the might of people power," he said. "So defend your rights. This is not about Anwar. It is about the future of Malaysia and the younger generation," he said. ******************************************* I have been writing about my personal experience in Malaysia's general elections for a long time now. I related what happened in the 2004 general election when I was in charge of the opposition's campaign in Putrajaya and about the knife fight I was involved in against eight Umno thugs and how our candidate's son was beaten up and how the police hauled me to the police station and the "back off or go home in a coffin" promise I gave the shocked Putrajaya Head of the Special Branch. I explained that the opposition normally attracts crowds in the tens of thousands at its ceramah while the ruling party can't even attract 100 people but yet the ruling party will win that seat. I warned that it is seats and not votes that will give you the government and that majority votes does not translate to majority seats while Barisan Nasional can still form the government with less than 50% of the popular votes while the opposition may need close to 60% of the votes to take over. I highlighted the fact that 70% of the seats are in the rural areas plus in the Malay heartland and if Pakatan Rakyat captures just the urban areas then it is not going to win the election. I cautioned that the two East Malaysian states of Sabah and Sarawak control 25% of the seats in Parliament and are Barisan Nasional's 'fixed deposit' and unless Pakatan Rakyat can capture not less than 30 of the 57 seats there then forget about forming the federal government. I reminded you that West Malaysia has only 165 parliamentary seats and at best Pakatan Rakyat and Barisan Nasional will share about half each (80-85, 81-84, 82-83, etc.) -- which means a 'hung parliament' -- and hence Sabah and Sarawak are going to be the 'Kingmakers'. I told you the story about how I helped compile the evidence of election fraud soon after the 2004 general election to attach as evidence in the various Election Petition's that we filed in court but later PAS and Umno did a deal to withdraw their respective Election Petitions -- except for the Election Petition that Umno filed against PKR's President, Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, that still proceeded in court (and which Dr Wan Azizah subsequently and surprisingly won). Yes, I told you about all this and much, much more. And I told you all this not just after the 5th May 2013 general election but for a long time since the 1999, 2004 and 2008 general elections. So don't shout and scream about all these issues. Stop telling me about what I already know and about what I have been telling you myself for a long time. What you are telling me is only 10% of what I already know. Have you had meetings with the Election Commission (SPR) to complain about Malaysia's unfair election system? I have. Have you told the SPR what needs to be done to make Malaysia's election system fairer? I have. Have you heard what the SPR has to say about our complaints and proposals? I have. Have you engaged the camp commandants of the various military camps all over Malaysia in discussions about how the postal voting system is conducted and how come 100% of the military votes invariably end up in favour of Barisan Nasional? I have. Have you sneaked in to the police station to spy on the police personnel voting using the postal voting system to witness how it is done? I have. So don't act shocked. You knew what was going on. I told you what was going on. You knew what was going to happen on 5th May 2013. I told you what was going to happen on 5th May 2013. But what did you do about it? I even once, back in 2004, proposed that the opposition boycott the general election. It is pointless to participate in a general election that is fraudulent and in which you are going to get whacked anyway. By participating in something fraudulent you are just giving legitimacy to a corrupt system. In short, launch a boycott and a civil disobedience campaign and bring this to the attention of the world that the government is illegitimate because it is holding on to power without getting properly voted into office since Malaysians are boycotting the election. But the opposition did not think it was a good idea. In 1999, they had won Kelantan and Terengganu plus 45 parliamentary seats. If they participate in the 2004 general election they can add Perlis and Kedah and to that list plus maybe even increase the 45 parliamentary seats to 80 or 90. Instead, they ended up losing Terengganu and got reduced from 45 parliamentary seats to just 21. Barisan Nasional won 91% of the seats on just 64% of the popular votes. Then came the 2008 general election and the impressive results gave everyone a lot of hope. So everything that was said earlier was now forgotten. But what they forgot is that Barisan Nasional won 63% of the seats on just 52% of the votes. In 1969, they won 66% of the seats on just 49% of the votes. How many percent of the votes do you think Barisan Nasional would need to garner in 2013 to still win more than 50% of the seats? Well, what the opposition politicians are trying to tell us is that if you win 51% of the votes then this would mean you have won the election and therefore you will be the legitimate government. What a load of bullshit! Have you not been listening to what we have been saying these last 15 years? It is not about votes. It is about seats. And, more importantly, it is about how you spread out these votes to make sure that your votes are in the less densely populated areas and not concentrated in the more highly populated areas. Do you think this only happens in Malaysia? Well, look at what happened to the UK in 2010. Look at the map below. Study the graphics. See where Labour's voters live. See where Conservative's voters live. See where Liberal Democrat's voters live. Study the spread of the voters. Then understand how you can win or lose the UK election. Then understand, as well, how you can also win or lose the election in Malaysia. Of course there was gerrymandering. Of course there was also fraud. But solving gerrymandering and fraud is still not going to give you the government unless you also get the spread right. While we can blame SPR for the first two sins, the opposition must take the blame for the last sin. The opposition acted like a bull in a china shop. They still are, in fact. But they lacked strategy. And this is partly (or maybe even more instrumental) why they did not get in to Putrajaya, gerrymandering and fraud notwithstanding. And before you say that that is the UK and we are talking about Malaysia, well, is not Malaysia using UK's election system? Maybe there is no fraud in the UK. Maybe the gerrymandering is not so bad in the UK. Maybe the voter variance between constituencies is not that critical and quite acceptable in the UK. But the party that garnered lesser votes still won more seats in the UK even without fraud and a serious problem of gerrymandering and voter variance.     |
Jeffrey Kitingan warns against boycott Posted: 21 May 2013 02:35 PM PDT
(The Star) - The call by certain groups to boycott Chinese businesses is dangerous for the country's well-being, said State Reform Party (STAR) Sabah chairman Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan. Such a call by the groups, including the Muslim Consumers' Society and Muslim Consumers Association Malaysia, had brought racism into a darker and more sinister level in Malaysia, he said. "If left uncontrolled, it can lead Malaysia into turmoil and anarchy," said Dr Jeffrey, adding that such a call totally disregarded the social harmony and unity under the 1Malaysia concept. Boycotting Chinese businesses, said Dr Jeffrey, was not possible and even if this could be done, would spell disaster for the local economy. "Are they so ignorant of the fact that by boycotting Chinese businesses they won't even be able to survive? How would they live without simple things like salt, sugar, coffee, tea and noodles since these are supplied through Chinese importers and distributors? "So don't even talk about electrical goods, building materials and cars," he said, urging all groups and leaders to foster unity for the benefit of the country's prosperity and progress. He urged the Prime Minister to speak up against such calls to show the world that Malaysia was a mature democracy and a model of progress, wisdom and social harmony. Meanwhile, Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia president Datuk Lim Kok Cheong urged the Government to put measures in place to prevent such an "unhealthy scenario" from taking place. "Although only a small group of people are involved in the calling of the boycott, no one should encourage this," he said. |
The Rise of Vigilantes Posted: 21 May 2013 02:23 PM PDT
One must wonder if Anwar Ibrahim and his Pakatan Rakyat had chosen go after the Bangladeshis because of their smaller numbers and weaker political clout, or whether Anwar made a calculated move to go after the Bangladeshis knowing that there would be a lesser fall-out than if he were to go after the Indonesians. Stephen Doss Malaysia's 13th General Elections must rank as the most heated and disputed ever, even more so than Malaysia's 1969 elections. For the first time ever, vigilante individuals and groups took it upon themselves to patrol the streets and detain people who they felt were not eligible to vote. According to the Asia Pacific Human Rights Information Centre, Malaysia a multi-ethnic multi-religious country of about twenty-nine million, has about two million documented migrant workers, and at least two million undocumented migrant workers. In 2010, it was reported that there was about 1.8 million foreign workers spread across sectors such as manufacturing (688,886), construction (288,722), plantation (256,382), domestic workers (224,544), services (180,890), with the rest being in agriculture. Majority of these workers come from the following countries ranked according to number of workers: Indonesia (917,932), Bangladesh (307,366), Nepal (175,810), Myanmar (140,260), India (113,797), and Vietnam (74,842). It is common knowledge that the largest bloc of undocumented migrant workers numbering over two million are Indonesians, most probably for the simple reason being that they are our nearest neighbours among the list of undocumented migrant workers. It would therefore make sense that if the Barisan Nasional wanted to commit fraud through alien voting, they would have turned to the Indonesians, and not Bangladeshis. In fact a lot of Indonesians who have been living in this country probably speak the local language even better than a lot of Malaysians making such a plan if it existed virtually fool proof. It therefore makes little sense that Anwar Ibrahim and the Pakatan Rakyat chose to make scapegoats of the Bangladeshis. Which begs the questions why, why did Anwar Ibrahim and Pakatan Rakyat go after the Bangladeshis when it would have made more sense to go after the Indonesians. One must wonder if Anwar Ibrahim and his Pakatan Rakyat had chosen go after the Bangladeshis because of their smaller numbers and weaker political clout, or whether Anwar made a calculated move to go after the Bangladeshis knowing that there would be a lesser fall-out than if he were to go after the Indonesians, political repercussions from the Indonesians both in this country and from his carefully cultivated Indonesian friends from abroad. As it turns out, Parti Keadilan Rakyat's mouthpiece the Suara Keadilan and a DAP politician have been forced to make public apologies to dark skinned Malaysians whom they accused of being Bangladeshis. KIMMA, the Indian Muslim political party too has made numerous police reports claiming that their members have been harassed by vigilantes across the country because of their skin colour. In a Post GE13 Forum last week, a panellist who is a local academic recounted how three of his research assistants, all Malaysians of Indian descent were detained for 5 hours in Kuala Trengganu by vigilantes who accused them of being Bangladeshis and trying to vote; they subsequently lodged police reports because they were not able to vote as they were only released after 5pm. So far, despite all these revelations, neither BERSIH the self-appointed polls watch dog nor the Bar Council which often speaks up on behalf of the Malaysian Bar on matters related to human rights abuses have failed to make any comment with regards to this criminal targeting of a migrant community. They have been quick to add their voice to that of the Pakatan Rakyat in claiming that there have been allegations of fraud in the last elections, but nothing so far on the issue of vigilantes taking the law into their own hands. Lest we forget, Article 8 of the Federal Constitution of Malaysia provides that "All persons are equal before the law and is entitled to equal protection of the law." By using the term "person," as opposed to "citizen," the constitutional provision makes it most clear that this guarantee of rights extends to all persons, including migrant workers. Stephen Doss is political observer, Advisor to the Social Media Chambers of Malaysia and can be found on tweeter @stephendoss
MCA not selling assets, says Chua Posted: 21 May 2013 02:20 PM PDT
(The Star) - MCA has denied all allegations that the party is selling off its assets. "All assets are under the MCA headquarters and any decision regarding them (the assets) has to have the support of at least two-thirds of the party's central committee members. "The CC (central committee) can also ask for an extraordinary general meeting to decide," said MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek. He added that the party would sue those who continued to spread rumours about the party's assets. In another development, he said MCA was against any call to boycott goods and services because it would hurt the economy. |
Will a sellout help the fading Star? Posted: 21 May 2013 02:13 PM PDT
Twice in the recent past MCA leader Chua Soi Lek had spoken against political ownership of Malaysian media. uppercaise Questions of credibility and crumbling sales Although MCA president Chua Soi Lek has firmly denied speculation of the party selling off its assets, among which The Star is a prize item, for its political and financial power, it is still an open question as to whether the MCA's ownership of the paper is becoming a drag on the paper and its commercial success. [No sale] Raja Petra Kamarudin at Malaysia Today had speculated yesterday that the MCA would suffer the fate of Umno after its deregistration and rebirth as Umno Baru in 1989, and become subject to asset-stripping by its taikos. RPK had named the Star's chairman, Fong Chan Onn, executive deputy chairman Vincent Lee as among those most likely to lead any such shuffling of MCA assets. [RPK] Speculation about a possible sale of MCA holdings in property and investments (the MCA building in Jalan Ampang, Menara Multi-Purpose in Capital Square and others) arose after the party's drubbing at the general election on May 5. Only seven of its candidates were returned as MPs, and 11 as state assemblymen in its worst electoral performance. Soon there was further talk of giving up the ghost and liquidating the party's assets. The Star is a prize asset, together with its minor publications and three radio stations. The party's 42% stake in Star Publications, the publishing company, bring in tens of millions of ringgit in annual dividends.  Declining value of Star shares There is also the prospect of making capital gains — but any fire-sale of the investment in the Star would result in a massive loss. The MCA paid RM1.2bln to take over the Star stake from Huaran Holdings, the party's investment arm. At its current trading price of RM2.60, the party's 313mil shares have a market value of just over RM813mil — RM400mil less than it paid for the stake. The rumours begin
A dud: MCA attack strategy
Vincent's agencies blamed
 More fearmongering
 More criticism
More hypocrisy
That decline in value is also reflected in the Star's loss of credibility among the politically aware, robbing the the MCA of any advantage it might have had from the Star's reach into the hearts and minds of the Malaysian Chinese electorate, and Malaysian society as a whole, The market has shifted. The Star's core readership of middle-class Malaysians in urban centres turned its back on the Barisan Nasional and the MCA at the general election, and there is increasing criticism of the paper's sycophantic coverage of the MCA. There is generally lacklustre coverage of opposition politics (but even that is criticised by pro-Umno bloggers and brings rebukes from Barisan Nasional flunkies at the PM's Department). The Star is thus caught at a crossroads, damned if they do and damned if they don't. Coverage of opposition politics, especially of the DAP, brings swift complaints from MCA and Umno politicians. Critical coverage of opposition politicians brings swift condemnation from readers and calls for a boycott. In the Star newsroom, as well as newsrooms elsewhere, are a large number of journalists who would be personally predisposed towards the opposition, for much the same reasons the urban middle-class rejected the Barisan Nasional at the elections: out of sympathy for the underdog, out of disgust with the oppressive and over-the-top racialism of Barisan Nasional politics, as well as professional disgust at having to give a professional gloss at propaganda. (However any disgust at giving a professional gloss to the commercial propaganda that fills most of the other pages is mitigated by an innate sense of survival.) Read more at: http://uppercaise.wordpress.com/2013/05/22/the-star-sellout-mca/ |
Advance or retreat? Posted: 21 May 2013 02:08 PM PDT
Many political analysts predicted that the 2008 general election was the worst case and the BN would be able to rise from the bottom. The MCA believed in the prediction and thus, passed the motion of not joining the Cabinet if the party performed worse than the previous election. Umno, MCA, Gerakan and other BN component parties must now adjust their mentality and face up to the new political situation, particularly the thorny political fanaticism. Lim Sue Goan, Sin Chew Daily The election result is a wake-up call. The BN's response and reform will affect the future political development. To reconcile the political tsunami effects brought by the 2008 general election, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak introduced the 1Malaysia concept, the Government Transformation Plan (GTP) and Economic Transformation Programme (ETP), and implemented legislative reforms since he took over the office in April 2009. However, it did not work as expected and a greater tsunami was set off in the recent general election. Najib must adjust his transformation plans to cope with the rising public opinion and face the stronger Pakatan Rakyat. Many political analysts predicted that the 2008 general election was the worst case and the BN would be able to rise from the bottom. The MCA believed in the prediction and thus, passed the motion of not joining the Cabinet if the party performed worse than the previous election. Umno, MCA, Gerakan and other BN component parties must now adjust their mentality and face up to the new political situation, particularly the thorny political fanaticism. The recent remarks made by several new ministers have reflected the tests faced by Najib's administration. Education and Higher Learning Minister II Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh stressed that although there is no MCA representative in the Cabinet, the government guarantees fair treatments for schools of various mediums, including Chinese schools. One of the demands of urban voters is fair governance and thus, regardless of whether there is a MCA representative in the Cabinet or not, the BN must fairly treat all racial groups to highlight the 1Malaysia spirit. Whether they can correct the racial mindset of officials or not would be the first test of the new Cabinet. In terms of anti-corruption, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Paul Low Seng Kuan said that time will tell whether he is a lame duck minister. The anti-corruption work cannot just rely on a minister, but a sound mechanism. The BN must come up with anti-corruption performances before the next general election or Low's commitments would end up as a satire, and time will prove nothing. As for the repeatedly postponed goods and services tax (GST), Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Idris Jala has proposed that the tax rate should be set at 7%. It might imply that the implementation of the GST is imperative. However, they should not rely only on taxation to reduce the fiscal deficit and repay national debt. Instead, expenses must be reduced, corruption must be curbed, waste must be avoided and new sources of revenue must be opened up. They could restore the support of urban voters only if they have a proper financial management mechanism and stop the populist-style money distribution. On April 19, 2012, the government deferred the second reading of the Goods and Services Tax Bill 2009 to another date and would it has the courage today to carry out a tax structure reform? In terms of education issues, Idris said that the ministry would not rush to develop a new educational programme while Education and Higher Learning Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said that the 2013-2015 National Education Blueprint has achieved some results 100 days after its implementation. Education is the basis of national strength and prosperity. Therefore, we should move towards high-quality education. However, political interference and frequent policy changes in recent years have led to the decline of education standard. Therefore, education policy should be amended to recognise the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) and retain talents. How about the Lynas rare-earth refinery issue? International Trade and Industry Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed said Najib has reminded him that it is still an issue and the ministry will actively approach all involved parties to ensure that the issue is properly addressed. Voters of that constituency have made a resolution on the rare-earth refinery issue with their votes and the government should respect the public opinion. In short, reform should not be done superficially, but thoroughly. Whether the BN will advance or retreat, we might have to wait until after the Umno party election to get the answer. |
Not my style to interfere in Federal Cabinet appointment, says CM Posted: 21 May 2013 02:05 PM PDT
PRS and SPDP felt they deserved better recognition since both parties delivered all the seats they contested in. (The Star) - KUCHING: Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud is not going to interfere in the Federal Cabinet appointments. Speaking to reporters after the first session of the State Legislative Assembly Sitting here yesterday, Taib said to interfere was not his style. "We shall leave it to the Prime Minister (Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak). I'm sure he will think (about it) after talking to them," he said. By them, he was obviously referring to PRS and SPDP, the state BN coalition members who are disappointed with the Cabinet appointments despite Sarawak having a record number of seven ministers and three deputy ministers' posts this time around. PRS and SPDP felt they deserved better recognition since both parties delivered all the seats they contested in. In the past week, members of the two parties had been lamenting over the Cabinet appointments. Some even felt it was unfair to give SUPP a ministerial post when the party only delivered one out of the seven seats it contested in. SUPP's deputy president Datuk Richard Riot, the party's only victor, was made the Human Resources Minister. PRS was given a minister and a deputy minister's posts while SPDP was completely left out. PRS' Selangau MP Datuk Joseph Entulu was appointed Minister in the Prime Minister's Department, while Datuk Joseph Salang, who is Julau MP, was appointed Deputy Tourism and Culture Minister. Salang, however, declined his appointment, saying the post did not serve the pressing needs of the Dayaks. PRS president Tan Sri James Masing and his SPDP counterpart Tan Sri William Mawan, will meet with Najib to resolve the matter. When asked if he would make recommendations to the Prime Minister, Taib said he would not. "No, I do not interfere in the Cabinet appointments. It is not my style (to do so)," replied the state Barisan chairman. Meanwhile, state Barisan secretary-general Datuk Dr Stephen Rundi Utom said there would be a discussion with PRS and SPDP to see what could be worked out. "I do not feel it is wrong to be dissatisfied although it is impossible to fulfil everyone's request. "Personally, I feel that it is not important what portfolio you hold. What's important is being able to serve and help the people," he said. He believed PRS realised this which was why the party wanted a more relevant portfolio. Having said that, he said the position in the Cabinet was also not to only help Sarawak but to serve the whole nation. As such, he said, the state Barisan would lend its support where it saw fit and under good reasons. He stressed that at the end of the day it was the people who should gain from all this (inclusion in Federal Cabinet). |
Pakatan MPs to use parliamentary strength to block unfair redelineation Posted: 21 May 2013 01:55 PM PDT
Clara Chooi, TMI Pakatan Rakyat (PR) federal lawmakers have vowed to make full use of their increased parliamentary numbers to ensure constituencies are fairly redrawn when the Election Commission (EC) kicks off the redelineation exercise this year-end. PKR's Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli reminded that if the exercise involves an increase in seat numbers, a two-thirds majority vote is needed to approve the changes before they are passed by the lower House. The ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) does not have required two-thirds majority in Parliament, with only 133 seats to PR's 89 seats, and will require votes from opposition lawmakers to approve the exercise. "But if they (EC) do not add constituencies and the process only includes redrawing boundaries, this could be dangerous as this allows gerrymandering and there is no need for a two-third vote. "In the past, they (BN) score big in the elections because the redelineation exercise is often in [their] favour ... they disperse our support to other seats," Rafizi told The Malaysian Insider. But the PKR strategy director said it was likely that, this time, redelineation would include an increase in seat numbers. He said that in tandem with the DAP's "one vote, one value" campaign push, PR lawmakers will fight hard to use their parliamentary powers to ensure voters are more fairly distributed unlike the present situation. The allegedly unfair dispersal of voters in constituencies here has been used as a major argument point by PR lawmakers to back accusations that gerrymandering in favour of BN has helped the ruling pact stay in power. In a recent article on news portal FZ.com, Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS) chief executive Wan Saiful Wan Jan had pointed out that the existing delineation of constituencies defies logic in terms of size and the number of voters. "Putrajaya has 15,791 voters compared with Kapar, which has 144,159 voters. It doesn't make sense." "And then you have a state seat like Sri Serdang with 72,769 voters which is higher than the Putrajaya parliamentary seat," he was quoted saying. This has also earned the attention of the foreign media. In the Wall Street Journal yesterday, Hong Kong journalist Philip Bowring commented on how PR had lost the election despite winning 51 per cent of the popular vote ― an outcome that opposition lawmakers and civil society groups have blamed on unfair gerrymandering. "Thanks to an extreme anti-urban bias and the abolition of rules governing the relative size of constituencies, the largest constituency has nine times more voters than the smallest. "On that basis, and taking account of the number of closely fought seats, the opposition would probably have to win at least 58 per cent of the popular vote to get a majority of seats," Bowring wrote. Speaking to The Malaysian Insider, DAP's publicity secretary Tony Pua said with the polls now over and efforts underway to challenge some of the results through election petitions, the next step for PR would be to focus on the coming redelineation exercise. The EC recently said that the exercise will be kicked off by year-end after the six-month process to hear election petitions are completed. The petitions must be filed within 21 days after the results of the election are gazetted. The Federal Constitution prohibits a redelineation exercise from being conducted within eight years of the last. The EC last redrew constituency lines in 2003. READ MORE HERE |
Chua blames veterans Posted: 21 May 2013 01:55 PM PDT
(The Malay Mail) - MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek yesterday refused to take any responsibility for the party's worst electoral outing, instead blaming it on party veterans and their "political baggage". He said the party was forced to shoulder the burden of the past generation, and this was the reason for its poor performance. "MCA's new generation must take on the burden of the past generation. We have to carry the baggage of the previous leadership," Dr Chua said after chairing the party's first central committee meeting after the general election. He said one of the 15 party veterans had even been jailed and nearly destroyed the economies of Malaysia and Singapore. Refusing to name anyone, Dr Chua said the veteran caused the Malaysian and Singaporean stock exchanges to close, bringing untold damage to the economies of both countries. Asked if the group of veterans were to blame for MCA's poor electoral showing, he responded: "Of course, lah! We have to deal with the burden which we have inherited. "I am an elected president. What is the need fr oparty elections if we ask the elected president to resign? "They should not have spoken about party matters openly. Instead, they should have come to see me to discuss their grouses." Dr Chua said the party veterans should work behind the scenes if they were genuinely interested in seeing the party grow. He said criticisms raised by the veterans were never brought up by any member during the MCA CC meetings. |
Reflecting on Malaysia’s Election Posted: 21 May 2013 01:51 PM PDT
Toppling him now for his deputy, Muhyiddin Yassin, could lead to very costly rifts in the UMNO, which the party might not be able to afford. Any change in the current leadership would probably signal that the UMNO will veer to the conservative right, counterintuitive to what the electorate might be saying. Recall that it was UMNO moderates such as Khairy Jamaluddin and Shahrir Samad who profited the most in the election. Murray Hunter, Geopolitical Monitor It is extremely difficult to find any real winners in the results that came out of Malaysia's Electoral Commission; although, somewhat surprisingly, one could be Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, who ran ahead of his party and who managed to preserve a majority in Negeri Sembilan, Terengganu and Pahang against an opposition onslaught, and to win back Kedah through the clever tactic of sending Mukhriz Mahathir, the son of the long-serving Prime Minister into the fray. The United Malays National Organization, the biggest ethic party in the Barisan, needs reform and there is no one in sight who can drive it. Failing to reform will lead UMNO to extinction within two general elections. And the biggest problem of all is that the party may not want to reform itself. It is evident that Najib hasn't been able to steer UMNO where he wanted to go over the past few years, and his agenda has been hijacked by the likes of the Malay nationalist NGO Perkasa, resulting in great damage, enough damage perhaps that he shouldn't inherit all of the blame. In this light, Najib could be saved from a sudden political death, as there is really nobody within close range to the current leadership who has the necessary charisma, innovation and goodwill to make the necessary reforms. Going against the word of all the pundits, Najib may survive. Toppling him now for his deputy, Muhyiddin Yassin, could lead to very costly rifts in the UMNO, which the party might not be able to afford. Any change in the current leadership would probably signal that the UMNO will veer to the conservative right, counterintuitive to what the electorate might be saying. Recall that it was UMNO moderates such as Khairy Jamaluddin and Shahrir Samad who profited the most in the election. Federally, the opposition gained a net six seats, with the new Parliament comprising of 134 Barisan Nasional to 88 Pakatan Rakyat seats. However, at the same time Pakatan lost ground, losing federal seats in the northern state of Kedah, as well as the state government. Notably Parti Islam se-Malaysia Vice President Mohamad Sabu, considered to be a modernizer for PAS, lost the Pendang parliamentary seat in Kedah. Pakatan Rakyat also failed to make any gains in neighboring Perlis, even though it believed it had a chance of doing so. The opposition coalition narrowly failed to regain the Perak state government which it lost through defections in 2009, with the Barisan winning 31 to Pakatan 28 seats. In addition the opposition just failed to win the state government in Terengganu where many commentators believed that Pakatan would have to win if it had any chance of winning the federal government. Pakatan Rakyat also failed to wrest Negri Sembilan from the BN, with PAS losing all of the 10 seats it contested. The Barisan had a number of casualties. DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang trounced Johor Chief Minister Abdul Ghani Othman in Johor, and the Melaka Chief Minister Mohd Ali Rustam, trying to move to the federal parliament was defeated. Federal Territories Minister Raja Nong Chik Zainal Abidin failed in his bid to win the urban seat of Lembah Pantai in Kuala Lumpur from the PKR incumbent Nurual Izzah Anwar. A cabinet minister in Sabah Bernard Dompok, and VK Liew in Sandakan both lost. Yong Koon Seng in Sarawak also lost his seat of Stampin. This has given Pakatan Rakyata a new front in East Malaysia where they now hold three parliamentary seats and 11 state seats in Sabah, and picked up six parliamentary seats in Sarawak. The Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) went from 15 seats to 6 federally, and to only 10 state seats, although they contested 37 parliamentary and 90 state seats. Gerakan now only has one seat in the parliament. The Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC) won only four out the nine seats it contested. The Barisan is effectively a bumiputera government with little Chinese or Indian representation. The two ultra Malay Perkasa candidates, Ibrahim Ali in Pasir Mas Kelantan and Zulkifli Noordin in Shah Alam, Selangor both lost to Pakatan Rakyat candidates, indicating that the electorate is not in favor of extreme politics. The Democratic Action Party (DAP) is probably the exception. It has made massive gains both state and federally, making great inroads and winning many seats in the urban areas of Penang, Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, Melaka and in Johor. It has consolidated its position in holding Penang, and is now the biggest party in the opposition with 38 seats. This is in contrast to both PAS and PKR, which both lost federal seats. From the Pakatan perspective, winning government from the 2008 base was probably too ambitious. Rarely can any opposition in a Westminster system make such gains in one election, and it is easy to forget the dissatisfactions back in 2008 with the Barisan that led to that result. Therefore making further electoral gains was not going to be easy, except perhaps in areas like Johor, Sabah, and Sarawak, which hadn't been focused on before. From this reasoning perhaps Pakatan lost the election back in 2008 by not choosing to consolidate what it had won, and to pursue gaining government so vigorously. Where Pakatan ran effective and efficient governments, they gained; in Kedah, where internal problems were perceived, the state was lost, just as Pakatan lost Terengganu back in 1999. Read more at: http://www.geopoliticalmonitor.com/reflecting-on-malaysias-election-4814/ |
Did two million rural voters decide for Malaysia? Posted: 21 May 2013 01:44 PM PDT "This point shows the inherent unfairness of the electoral system in Malaysia," he stated. "You would not find such a case in other mature democracies using FPTP." Stephanie Sta Maria, fz.com Among the election "literature" distributed prior to the 13th general election (GE13) was Tindak Malaysia's analysis of Malaysia's electoral outlook. By virtue of Tindak Malaysia's position as a non-partisan community movement that conducted voter education and election agent training, the analysis was widely circulated via social media. The analysis examined the 2008 political landscape and drew conclusions as to the probable results of the GE13. Tindak Malaysia's main political premise was that BN would never lose a general election because its re-delineation strategy ensured that it won most of the smaller rural parliamentary seats while Pakatan Rakyat took most of the larger but lesser urban seats. The movement ranked the 222 parliamentary constituencies according to the size of their voters based on 2008 data. Most of the rural areas, aside from Putrajaya, made up the first 112 seats. To further illustrate its point, Tindak Malaysia compared the smallest parliamentary seat of Putrajaya to the largest seat of Kapar. Putrajaya's 6,608 voters when compared to Kapar's 112,224 voters resulted in a ratio of 1:17. This means one vote in Putrajaya is worth 17 in Kapar. Today, Putrajaya and Kapar have 15,791 and 144,159 registered voters respectively. According to Tindak Malaysia founder, Wong Piang Yow, BN only needed to win a simple majority of 51% in 112 of the smaller parliamentary seats to stay on as the ruling government also by a simple majority. And based on his calculations, BN had easily won 112 seats within the first 139 seats (according to voters' size) in the 2008 general election with a total of 2.08 million votes. "Do you agree that two million can decide for 28 million?" he asked in the analysis. The official GE13 figures have yet to be gazetted but Wong has estimated that 2.26 million voters had decided for Malaysia on May 5. Tindak Malaysia's analysis also emphasised that the bulk of the 112 seats were in Malay-majority rural areas and had a total voter count of less than 45,000 each. "For a simple majority rule, the rural bumiputeras decide," Tindak Malaysia stated. "Only for two-thirds majority do the non-bumiputeras have a say." "Is it a coincidence that the poorest groups with the worst infrastructure, education and healthcare facilities are the kingmakers?" Read more at: http://www.fz.com/content/did-two-million-rural-voters-decide-malaysia#ixzz2TzfMxKVC |
After Utusan, CUEPACS joins AirAsia boycott call Posted: 21 May 2013 01:29 PM PDT 
Azran had criticised the racial tone of Utusan's front page headline, "Apa lagi Cina mahu?" (TMI) - Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia reported today a civil servants union and two other groups joining its boycott of AirAsia and sister airline AirAsia X, after the latter firm's chief executive condemned the newspaper for its racially provocative headline targeting the Chinese following the May 5 polls. The Malay broadsheet cited the Congress of Unions of Employees in the Public and Civil Services (Cuepacs) in a front-page report urging all civil workers to avoid the budget airlines and to instead fly aboard national carrier Malaysia Airlines (MAS) and its sister company, Firefly, for the upcoming two-week school holidays. "The power of 1.4 million civil servants can give an impact on AirAsia, so I ask all civil servants to prove this especially in the school holidays," Cuepacs president Datuk Omar Osman was quoted saying, claiming he had received numerous complaints from several consumer groups dissatisfied with AirAsia's service. Several other groups were also cited giving similar reasons backing their call to make AirAsia the airline of last resort, including the Executive Officers Union (KEPAK) and the Malaysian Consumers Potection and Welfare Board (LPKPM), the paper reported. In an apparent attempt to back up their claims of dissatisfactory service, Utusan also reported on its front page a man complaining that the airline had refused to fly back his mother's corpse from Jogjakarta to Kuala Lumpur even though she had previously purchased a ticket aboard AirAsia ― despite the carrier not being licensed to do so. Read more at: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysia/article/after-utusan-cuepacs-joins-airasia-boycott-call/ |
Neo-Nazis Sprout in Malaysia; Yes, Malaysia Posted: 21 May 2013 01:18 PM PDT
(International Business Times) - Malay power is important because we're concerned about keeping a pure Malay community all over the Malay Archipelago Nazism is typically associated with racialist, nationalistic movements in western and northern Europe. But Nazism (or its contemporary form, neo-Nazism) has been embraced by some far from Adolf Hitler's Germany. Consider the case of Malaysia, the multiracial state in Southeast Asia, where a neo-Nazi movement has sprung up to defend the rights and survival of what is called a "pure Malay" race. The CIA World Factbook states that about one-half of the population of Malaysia are indigenous Malays, while about one-quarter are Chinese and 7 percent are of Indian descent. Malays clearly feel besieged and threatened by the rising numbers of "foreigners" in their country. According to a report from Vice.com, neo-Nazis in Malaysia not only espouse openly racialist theories, but they have adopted some of the symbols and language of the Third Reich and neo-Nazi movements from post-war Europe, including swastikas as well as imitating Combat-18, a notorious British fascist organization. They like to shout "Sieg Heil" and "Blood and Honor" while listening to Nazi punk bands like Angry Aryan, Skrewdriver, English Rose and Brutal Attack. Mirroring the rhetoric of neo-Nazis and skinheads in faraway Germany, Britain and other European states, the Malay far-right wants to end all immigration into their country and keep Malaysia a preserve of the Malay peoples. Vice found a Malay Nazi band called Boot Axe and spoke to band member "Mr. Slay" about his group's ideology. "Malay power is important because we're concerned about keeping a pure Malay community all over the Malay Archipelago," Slay said. "We're extremists in regards to the Malay race, but that doesn't mean that we're extreme racists. It's not about racism. It's all about being Malay." Slay also complained about immigrants pouring into Malaysia. "The government can't control the entry of immigrants, and we get so many of them," he stated. "There are so many protests against the government about this issue, but they haven't done anything tangible to improve the situation. Race has become a focus because of the inclusion of uncontrolled numbers of these [foreign] people in our society." Slay then went on to express the familiar racialist canard that immigrants increase crime and threaten the safety and welfare of native-born peoples. "The lesson that we can learn from Nazism is that we can take extreme racist action if the position of the Malays is affected by these factors," he declared. "We won't practice overt racism if the Malay race isn't compromised, but, if threatened, we will take action. We don't like minorities in Malaysia if they can't coexist with the Malay race. If they are good, then we are good." Bizarrely, Slay has even embraced anti-Semitism, even though there are virtually no Jews whatsoever in Malaysia. "All Malay power punk and skinhead bands are outright anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist," Slay proudly stated. "Malay power is connected to Islam." Slay admitted that neo-Nazis in Europe would not accept his group as part of their global diaspora, and he also conceded that the movement within Malaysia is probably not very large. But what cannot be denied is that Malaysia is fraught with racial problems which have periodically erupted in violence over the decades. The world caught a glimpse of the festering problems in the country in May 1969 when race riots – pitting the poorer Malaysians against the wealthier Chinese minority – killed at least 200 people (perhaps many more), leading to the suspension of parliament, the imposition of a state of emergency, and the formation of a caretaker government. Five years before that, when Singapore was still a part of Malaysia, race riots in that city ultimately led to the breakaway of Singapore as a state dominated by ethnic Chinese, as it remains to this very day. In recent years, Malaysia's racial strife has focused increasingly on its restive and impoverished Indian population, who are mostly descended from Tamil immigrants who arrived in the 19th century as laborers. In November 2007, thousands of Indians rioted in Kuala Lumpur during a visit to the country by Britain's Queen Elizabeth. A group calling itself the Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) demanded that the British government pay $4 trillion in damages for what the group described as "150 years of exploitation" of Indians by their former colonial masters. Although that demonstration dealt with abuse by British colonial rulers, the rioters also vented their rage at the dominant Malay and Chinese communities of Malaysia. "Our community is backward, our schools are dilapidated. We are the last in the line for jobs, scholarships, health benefits," Indian opposition lawmaker Kulasegaran Murugesan told Time Magazine at the time. Read more at: http://www.ibtimes.com/neo-nazis-sprout-malaysia-yes-malaysia-1271165 |
Sistem ‘pecah dan perintah’ yang hampir-hampir terkubur Posted: 21 May 2013 12:58 PM PDT
Dasar perjuangan mereka bersifat sejagat - menegakkan keadilan, kebebasan bersuara, menentang kezaliman dan menyokong usaha meningkatkan kualiti kehidupan. Mereka tidak berhajat mengambil alih tampuk kepimpinan negara atau ingin menjadikan negara ini, negara komunis. Besar kemungkinan, falsafah komunisme itu pun mereka tidak tahu. A. Faizal Rahman 'Tsunami Cina' dan tindak balas susulan Kemerosotan sokongan masyarakat Cina kepada Barisan Nasional (BN) pada PRU-13 amatlah ketara. Di bandar-bandar besar, sokongan mereka merosot serendah 10%. Akibatnya, walaupun berjaya mengekalkan kuasa di peringkat pusat, prestasi BN kali ini lebih teruk dari prestasi terburuknya sebelum ini (2008). Jika pencapaian buruk PRU-12 dijelaskan dengan 'tsunami politik', kemerosotan pencapaian BN PRU-13 dikaitkan dengan 'tsunami Cina'. Biarpun ungkapan 'tsunami Cina' benar dari segi statistik, olahan media perdana bersifat reaktif dan emosional. Ungkapan tersebut diolah bagi meluahkan rasa kecewa kepimpinan BN terhadap kaum Cina. Artikel-artikel akhbar seperti , 'Apa lagi Cina mahu?', dan komentari-komentari PRU-13 di television – semuanya menuding jari kepada kaum Cina, seolah-olah kaum cina adalah punca kemerosotan sokongan rakyat kepada BN Selaku kerajaan, tindakan menyalahkan segmen masyarakat yang tidak memberikan kemenangan yang diingini, menonjolkan ketidak-matangan kepimpinan (apatah lagi jika disusuli dengan penindasan seperti yang dilakukan kepada rakyat Kelantan selama ini). Ia juga menyerlahkan hipokrasi slogan 1Malaysia. Adakah polisi 'segalanya' 1Malaysia itu hanya untuk meraih undi? Dan, tidakkah ia hipokrit apabila undi yang diraih tidak '1Malaysia', semangat 1Malaysia yang dilaung-laungkan hilang entah ke mana? Pengolahan ungkapan 'tsunami Cina' juga bersifat provokatif. Ia membakar sentimen perkauman; menakut-nakutkan masyarakat Cina dan menaikkan kemarahan masyarakat Melayu. Bukankah ini tindakan provokasi yang mengancam ketenteraman awam? Bukankah kerajaan BN dahulu yang memberi jaminan keamaan semasa dan selepas proses pilihanraya? Pelik jika diteliti perilaku pemimpin-pemimpun BN. Sikap mereka dilihat sama-sekali tidak konsisten, sebelum dan selepas PRU. Puncanya – tidak lain, tidak bukan, hanyalah kerana sistem 'pecah dan perintah' tinggalan penjajah yang diwarisi dan diguna pakai kerajaan selama ini, hampir-hampir digagalkan pada PRU-13. Persepsi salah mengenai aktivisme Cina Penulis berpeluang berkerjasama dengan aktivis-aktivis Cina sepanjang tempoh kempen PRU-13. Apa yang penulis saksikan, pergerakan aktivisme Cina ini cukup berbeza dari persepsi orang Melayu terhadap mereka. Dari sudut demografi, aktivis-aktivis Cina ini adalah dari golongan pertengahan dan majoritinya dari golongan muda. Mereka terdiri dari pemilik perniagaan kecil seperti pengusaha kedai komputer dan butik pakaian, dan juga mahasiswa. Mereka adalah golongan majoriti Cina yang rata-rata berfikiran sederhana dan tradisional. Mereka bertutur dalam bahasa Cina sesama sendiri, tetapi memilih untuk menggunakan bahasa Melayu apabila bergaul dengan orang Melayu. Mereka bukanlah tauke-tauke kapitalis yang licik menipu orang Melayu. Perlakuan dan karakter mereka tidak ubah seperti mana-mana kelas pertengahan; tidak kiralah orang Melayu, atau orang putih, mahupun orang Afrika – 'simple-minded', rajin bekerja dan suka berjenaka. Walaupun penguasaan bahasa Melayu mereka ditahap memalukan (selaku rakyat Malaysia), usaha bertutur dalam bahasa Melayu, lebih-lebih lagi golongan muda, boleh diberi pujian. Read more at: http://secebiswaras.wordpress.com/2013/05/09/sistem-pecah-dan-perintah-yang-hampir-hampir-terkubur/ |