Will the Malays change? Posted: 10 Oct 2013 01:21 PM PDT
WHILE discussing national unity at a gathering of Malaysian students in Melbourne last week, I told them that it was in the long-term interest of the Malays – and it was crucial to national unity – that the "Malay/Muslim-first policy" be rejected by the Malays themselves. Zaid Ibrahim, The Star Although a handful of extremists have been making the news recently, Malays throughout history have been a reasonable people committed to fair play. WHILE discussing national unity at a gathering of Malaysian students in Melbourne last week, I told them that it was in the long-term interest of the Malays – and it was crucial to national unity – that the "Malay/Muslim-first policy" be rejected by the Malays themselves. The "privileges" ostensibly useful to them are actually a hindrance to their wellbeing. If ethnicity is made the determining factor in the provision of assistance or the award of contracts, well-connected Malays will benefit disproportionately even if they do not merit such assistance. Less hardworking Malays can also take advantage of the policy by doing very little except to ask for help from the Government. This kind of thinking encourages mediocrity as well as the concentration of capital in a select few, to the detriment of all. This is why the gap between the rich and the poor in Malaysia has grown larger than in other Asean countries over the past 40 years. It is also why there are still more poor bumiputra households than any other in the country despite years of affirmative action. The effects of the policy on non-Malays have been equally negative. Rich non-Malays have the means to overcome the "privileges" but the poor and middle class are alienated from the economic and social mainstream. Many feel unable to contribute their best to the country; and those who can afford to, have emigrated. In Melbourne, a clever student asked me why any Malay should believe this narrative. Why should the Malays want an end to their "special privileges" and dependence on the Government? Despite extensive fiscal leakages and abuses of the system, isn't it still better for the Malays to be treated as special because they can receive government benefits when everything else fails? I tried to impress upon the student that precisely this model of assistance is problematic. It encourages a false sense of entitlement when there are real economic problems that need everyone's attention. The federal budgetary deficit continues to grow, while treating economic inequality through cash handouts such as BR1M will be unsustainable in the long run without an increase in government revenue. In the same vein, the benefits of foreign direct investment are greatly diminished by our dependence on foreign labour. Malaysia must increase its revenue and, on this score, the Government has introduced a raft of policies to transform and modernise the various economic sectors. The creation of an educated work force requires that we persuade the many skilled Malaysians abroad to return home, but they will be convinced only by sound economic and social policies. They will certainly remain abroad if they believe that not enough is being done to address the imbalances of our society in a fair, equitable and transparent manner. We must also address burgeoning financial debt in both the Government as well as individual households, lest we stand in danger of sovereign and mass individual bankruptcy. For if we are bankrupt, "privileges" will mean nothing, and not least of our problems will be the fact that the Government won't be able to fund the assistance it currently provides or spends on infrastructure. It is therefore better for the Malays, as well as the country, if we empowered all Malaysians to work together. Here, I believe that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has his finger on the pulse of all Malaysians. He rightly perceives corruption to be one of the principal dangers to our nation, and he has taken steps to transform the business of Government to engender more transparency and better accountability. Here, the Opposition should play a stronger role not just by providing the necessary checks and balances to the Government but also in formulating detailed economic and social policies for public discussion. A proper annual economic summit, hosted by the Opposition and composed of economists rather than politicians, is a good start in educating people (including the Malays) on viable alternatives in policy. I also believe that the Prime Minister does not share the views of the handful of extremists who have been making the news recently. Indeed, as I told the Melbourne crowd, I have faith that Malays generally will continue to reject extreme political and religious ideas even if the rhetoric suggests otherwise. Malays throughout history have been a reasonable people committed to fair play. The May 13 tragedy represents a single flare-up – and it was a limited one, at that – in our country's centuries of multiculturalism. Thus, I believe that the present extremist religious and political outpourings are perpetuated by those who lack real convictions of their own. They merely trumpet views that they think make them appear courageous. Malaysians are not easily fooled by their silly horror stories. After the various party elections are over, the need for this kind of demonstration will cease. Those who have a genuine ability to contribute to the prosperity of this nation have no need for these childish tactics, and the Malays as a whole know this well enough. The Malays simply are not an extremist people. If they were, they would not be so sharply divided politically for the past 50 years, nor would they be so keen on watching P. Ramlee reruns. They also filled up the Merdeka Stadium recently for the Metallica concert, belying the myth that they are conservative and anti-West. Again, I believe that the Prime Minister understands the pulse of the Malays. But we must do our part too. If Malaysia can find its bearings, we will be a happy nation once again. To do this, we must all stand up and be counted. We must believe that there are many other Malaysians who share our optimism for, and faith in, our country. Because there are. |
Poor police force Posted: 10 Oct 2013 01:04 PM PDT
(FMT) - Despite millions for the force, its officers have been coughing up funds from their own pockets for fuel, repairs bills, office equipment and other essentials While the government spends millions of ringgit constructing new police stations, the plight of normal police officers who work frantically on tight schedules and at the same time encounter constant risks, is plainly forgotten. A random check by FMT at several police stations in the Klang Valley revealed that many officers are dealing with challenging situations such as patrolling in damaged police cars and ill-equipped stations. In revealing his situation, a lance corporal who declined to be named, told FMT that he had to use his own motorcycle for his routine rounds and said that he foots the fuel bill from his own pockets due to inadequate patrol cars in his station. Shockingly, the police officer further said that the patrol cars at the station where he works had been sent out for repairs to the district police workshop; and has since been under repair for months. "The patrol car is 'out of service'. It has been there (workshop) for months. I rather use my own Yamaha 125z to do my rounds but I have to pay the fuel from my own pocket and it costs me RM30 per day and I can't make any claim," the officer said. When asked on why he refused to use the bike provided by the station he said that the motorbike consumed more fuel and the condition of the bike was not good. "This scrambler is not user friendly. The fuel tank is smaller and it consumes more fuel. It is a hassle for us. The tyres meanwhile are not safe. Once I almost fell as I was on my routine checks and it is not that comfortable either," said the officer. Another officer from different police station said that he prefers to use his own money to repair the patrol car. He added that it would take three to four months for the patrol car to be repaired if he sends it to the district police workshop. Read more at: http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2013/10/11/poor-police-force/ |
Mat Sabu: Ulamas in politics must stop rhetoric of theology Posted: 10 Oct 2013 12:52 PM PDT
(fz.com) - PAS deputy president Mohamed Sabu has lashed out at those who have labelled him as a Syiah, saying that only those who do not know the history of the party will make that accusation. With PAS party elections looming, accusations of being a Syiah, not being PAS-enough and many other labels are being bandied about among the many factions in the party. Mohamed, better known as Mat Sabu, who is the first non-ulama to hold the post of deputy president, has been the target of some people in PAS who claim he is a Syiah because he had openly supported Hezbollah and the Iranian revolution. Mat Sabu has countered the accusation by pointing out that Unit Amal (PAS' popular crowd control unit) is actually modelled after the Iranian Revolution Guards – even its anthem is actually based on an Iranian song – but that has not earned it the Syiah label. Unit Amal is a pride of PAS. Set up in 1991, it now has more than 3,000 PAS youth as members. Despite it being part of an opposition party, Unit Amal has been hailed by the authorities as one of the most disciplined and successful forces in dealing with demonstrations and crowd control involving thousands. In fact, the police always worked hand in hand with Unit Amal when handling opposition rallies. "I am not a Syiah. But I admired the way the ulamas (clerics) took part in politics during the Iranian Revolution and Iran happened to be Syiah. I also think Hezbollah is the most successful NGO in the world. I admire their traits and commitment to the cause of the people," Mat Sabu told fz.com recently. (Hezbollah is a Syiah Islamic militant group and Lebanese political party founded by clerics, and played a major role in resisting the Israeli invasion into Lebanon in 2006.) "PAS is the only other Islamic party in the world that has ulamas as its top leaders – not even the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt or the Islamic Party of Turkey," said Mat Sabu. Read more at: http://www.fz.com/content/mat-sabu-ulamas-politics-must-stop-rhetoric-theology |
A principled stand for Malaysia Posted: 10 Oct 2013 12:50 PM PDT
WISDOM: Despite shortcomings that are yet to be overcome and expectations yet to be fulfilled, Sarawak's decision in 1963 to be part of the Malaysian federation is right John Teo, NST AT a time when a vocal minority in Sabah and, to a lesser extent, in Sarawak are voicing discontentment even as the nation celebrated the 50th Malaysia Day on Sept 16 to much fanfare, it is reassuring that a prominent Iban leader, Tan Sri Leo Moggie, has seen fit to come forward publicly and to an international audience in London reaffirming that Sarawak had made the right decision in choosing to be a part of Malaysia. Speaking to the Sarawak Association at the Royal Overseas League in the British capital and as reported by Bernama early this month, the long-serving but retired senior federal minister said: "Looking back, for all the shortcomings that are yet to be overcome and expectations yet to be fulfilled, Sarawak's decision in 1963 to be part of the Malaysian federation was right. By and large, Sarawak and Sarawakians have travelled well in the last 50 years. For us, our working lives have witnessed the unfolding progress that has been part of the Sarawak story for the last 50 years. In our own ways, we have contributed in turning Sarawak into what it is today." Moggie was of course holding himself up as one of the prime examples of how well-educated and sober-minded native Sarawakians can move up into the highest councils of the nation and not just as token seat-warmers but, as in his own case, as a federal minister holding critical economic portfolios, including jobs as Energy, Communications and Multimedia Minister, in a ministerial career spanning more than two decades (not counting his earlier career in public and later political office in Sarawak). At a time of continuing debate within Sabah and Sarawak over a key sore point about why infrastructure such as highways in both states is still far from at par with that in the peninsula, Moggie should perhaps be in a good position to tell of the inevitable balance that needs to be struck between political pressures and economic justifications. As a retired politician, Moggie could easily have taken the easy way out by choosing to remain silent about Malaysia and Sarawak's place in it. Or he could have joined the populist bandwagon now to decry how Sarawak has allegedly being given short shrif. The former course would have been less than honourable given Moggie's particularly long stint in the federal cabinet. The latter course would have meant holding in spite his own substantial contributions to what and where Malaysia is today. Given the bumpy political ride Sarawak has travelled over the years, Moggie's staying power very near the top of the country's decision-making apparatus has been quite remarkable. Probably the most momentous and fateful political decision that had ever confronted Moggie as political leader was deciding (a party detractor of his privately described it as him being nudged along) in 1987 to throw in his lot with renegades from Parti Pesaka Bumiputra Bersatu led by Tun Rahman Ya'kub that drew in most members of the cabinet in an attempted political coup against Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud. This act of political adventurism, although not engineered by Moggie or his Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak (PBDS), would most likely have secured for Moggie or his nominee the chief ministership had it succeeded. As it turned out, PBB stayed solid after a snap state election and Moggie and his party missed the chance to lead the state by a mere five seats. PBDS then landed in the awkward position of being in opposition to the Sarawak Barisan Nasional (BN) while remaining loyal to BN at federal level. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, as prime minister at the time, played a rather curious role juggling the competing demands of Sabah and Sarawak politics. In Sabah, he was doing all he could to undermine a Kadazan-led state government while in Sarawak, his loyalty to Moggie could easily have been misconstrued by Sarawak BN leaders as undercutting a Malay/Melanau-led state government. In the end, Taib finessed a masterstroke by bringing PBDS back under a so-called BN Plus state government. Taib and Moggie maintained somewhat cool but correct relations throughout and now find themselves on the same page in the debate over Malaysia at 50, taking on a rather courageous and principled stand for Malaysia and showing to others that Malaysia need not and indeed should not be a political football the kicking of which seems all but irresistible to lesser politicians in both the Borneo states. |
Google Malaysia Site DNS Hacked, Credit Claimed By ‘Team Madleets’ Hacker 1337 Posted: 10 Oct 2013 12:45 PM PDT (Tech Crunch) - Security is just an illusion. It does not exist. We have no political intentions whatsoever. Google's Malaysian site has been hacked and replaced with a splash screen giving credit to a group called "Team Madleets." The normal site has been offline for several hours as of late Thursday afternoon and the page lists a series of handles that are ostensibly part of the team responsible. Updated with brief statement from the hackers below. The attack appears to have been of the DNS poisoning variety, in which a hacker gained access to the Malaysia Network Information Center and changed the DNS records of Google's site to Madleets-controlled servers. So no information appears to have been changed on Google's servers at this time, as this is a redirect attack of sorts. The stamp at the top says '[!] Struck by 1337′, which is apparently a reference to an individual hacker within the group called 1337, who has recently (allegedly) performed hacks on domain registrars of several countries. A message on 1337′s Facebook page says "Google Malaysia Stamped By 1337″ and references the google.com.my and google.my domains. The only other indicator about who the group could be is a reference to them being Pakistani in origin. Read more at: http://techcrunch.com/2013/10/10/google-malaysia-site-hacked-credit-claimed-by-team-madleets/ |
The Ten Most Expensive Places To Buy A Car Posted: 10 Oct 2013 12:35 PM PDT 
(Jalopnik) - Some of you think Americans have it bad when it comes to buying a car. With low car prices, cheap gas and a great road network, I say you're one of the lucky ones. Don't believe me? Just check out how much it costs to buy a Prius or FR-S in one of these countries. 10) Cuba 
Price of a new Scion FR-S: LOL!P Technically, you can buy or sell cars in Cuba since the market was "liberated" in 2011, but with prices sky high and low incomes all around, business is slow.P Masterofgoingfaster is a local:P A 70s lada is about 12K USD in Cuba, it's quite interesting to see how values change depending on what you can get out of the car and when reliability is so important. I know this because I was born there and went this summer for about 10 days to visit the fam.P Suggested By: Spiegel, Jalopnik's Pariah., Photo Credit: kooklanekookla 9) North Korea 
Kim Jong-un must really like you to get a car, and you better keep it that way, because it's not only your ride that's always on the edge. bobrayner explains: North Korea! If you're really, really lucky and reach a good position in the party hierarchy you might be able to get something like this: That's not a real Merc. It's the glorious Pyongyang 4.10, from a factory that used to make GAZ-51 clones (a prewar Soviet light truck). They might share the same engine, so there may well be some running on the same wood-gas conversion that's popular in North Korean trucks because supplies of conventional fuel are patchy. Build quality is abysmal, but it's better than trying to buy some old imported Volga since nobody's been able to import spare parts in the last twenty years.
Most people can't actually buy a car. And the car market is pretty much subject to government whims - good luck with fuel rationing and travel permits. One day Kim Jong-Il got so irritated by having to wait behind a Japanese car (in what must be the only traffic congestion ever experienced in the gloriously smooth-running republic) that heordered all Japanese cars confiscated. I want a Pyongyang 4.10 2.5 Evo 2, now! Read more at: http://jalopnik.com/the-ten-most-expensive-places-to-buy-a-car-1256855393 |
Cars in Malaysia are cheaper than in other countries Posted: 10 Oct 2013 12:30 PM PDT
(Astro Awani) - The Malaysia Automotive Institute (MAI) has rubbished a report by popular car news portal, Jalopnik, that ranked Malaysia as the second most expensive place in the world to buy a car. MAI CEO, Mohamad Madani Sahari said the report was unfair as it was based on only one car model, the Scion Fr-S. "It is not fair to make a comparison solely based on a single model, and this model is a high-end sports car not meant for the masses," he told Astro AWANI. He defended the prices of locally-made cars, saying that some local cars were among the cheapest in Asia. "MAI has conducted an overall car price comparison in Asia. Car prices in Singapore and Vietnam are generally higher than in Malaysia. "Models like Proton Saga SV is sold at RM33,438 in Malaysia while the same model is sold at RM40,581 in Thailand, RM40,246 in Indonesia and RM81,823 in Singapore. "Malaysia has the cheapest car price among other countries that are selling the Perodua Viva 660 BX. |
As ‘Allah’ appeal nears, Borneo churches say ban violates Malaysia Agreement Posted: 09 Oct 2013 10:17 PM PDT 
Boo Su-Lyn, The Malay Mail
KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 10 — With the courts just days from deciding on the "Allah" appeal, the churches of Sabah and Sarawak banded together today to insist that prohibiting Christians from calling their god "Allah" violates the 1963 Malaysia Agreement upon which the country was founded Ahead of the Monday ruling by the Court of Appeal on whether the Christian Church can use the Arabic word, the East Malaysian churches stressed that it was "completely unacceptable" to bar such usage that has been their common practice for centuries. "This is abhorrent, wholly unacceptable and a flagrant betrayal of the Malaysia Agreement which guarantees the inalienable rights of non-Muslims in Sarawak and Sabah to religious freedom," Datuk Bolly Lapok, chairman of the Association of Churches in Sarawak, said in a statement today. "The Bumiputera church will continue to use the Bahasa Malaysia Alkitab, together with the word 'Allah', both of which are fundamental to all aspects of the profession and practice of the Christian faith," he added. Bishop Datuk Dr Thomas Tsen, president of the Sabah Council of Churches, pointed out in an accompanying statement that two-thirds of Christians in Malaysia are Bumiputeras in Sabah and Sarawak, numbering at 1.6 million, who use Bahasa Malaysia and indigenous languages in their prayer services. "With the greatest respect to the governing authorities, whether they are the legislative, executive or judicial arms of government, we ask that religious bigotry, racism and extremism should not be perpetuated and allowed to fester and poison our Malaysian nation," said Tsen. "Specifically with regard to the use of the word 'Allah', proscribing the use of the word 'Allah' would instantly turn these native Bumiputera into law-breakers in the very land of which they are the sons of the soil," he added. The appellate court in August ruled in favour of allowing the government's appeal against the 2009 High Court decision, which has been at the centre of frosty interfaith ties in the country over the last three years. The 2009 High Court decision, which upheld the Catholic Church's constitutional right to use the word "Allah" in its weekly publication The Herald, had shocked Malaysian Muslims who considered the word to be exclusive to Islam. READ MORE HERE
Press Release: Appalling Statements by the Minister of Home Affairs Brings Disrepute to Malaysia Posted: 09 Oct 2013 10:12 PM PDT
The Malaysian Bar is shocked and appalled by recent revelations in the media with respect to what was said by Dato' Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid bin Hamidi, Minister of Home Affairs, at a speech delivered at the Malacca International Trade Centre in Ayer Keroh, Malacca, on 5 October 2013.
The Minister of Home Affairs was reported to have stated in effect that: (a) the police are to shoot first and ask questions later; (b) the recent amendments to the Prevention of Crime Act 1959 providing for detention without trial was his own law; and (c) in the event there is no evidence or there is insufficient evidence, the suspects would be put away for two years.
The Minister of Home Affairs is also reported to have said that the majority of gangsters were Malaysians of Indian descent, that the victims were of another race, and that there was therefore nothing wrong in arresting or shooting them. The Minister of Home Affairs is further reported to have said that a criminal group known as Tiga Line, which has been declared unlawful by the Ministry of Home Affairs, to be benevolent gangsters and had encouraged them to continue with their activities.
The Malaysian Bar deplores and condemns the statements by the Minister of Home Affairs because they reveal his complete disregard for the rule of law, his indifference to human rights, and his utter lack of respect for debate and argument in Parliament. His statements could be interpreted to support extra-judicial killings by the Police.
The Minister's scant regard for the views of fellow Parliamentarians demonstrates that any talk about considering the views and proposals of others, including non-governmental organisations and civil society, is a charade.
It should be remembered that the Minister of Home Affairs promised to produce data and statistics to Parliament and the public to justify his statement that the spike in serious crime was due to the repeal of the Internal Security Act 1960 and the Emergency (Public Order and Prevention of Crime) Ordinance 1969. He has failed to provide an iota of evidence to support his contention. Instead, it is reported that he resorted to collusion with the Inspector General of Police and the Minister in charge of Parliamentary Affairs in the push for the amendments to the Prevention of Crime Act 1959.
The Minister of Home Affairs has also apparently threatened reporters from reporting on what was said at the event in Malacca and gone on to threaten to shut down newspapers. This attempt to silence the media is indicative that he appreciates the wrongness of his statements. It is outrageous for the Minister of Home Affairs to threaten to use his official position in an attempt to cow the media and shield himself.
His statement supporting the use of excessive force in dealing with criminals in effect encourages a shoot-to-kill policy. This is extremely worrying and irresponsible conduct by the Minister of Home Affairs.
The Minister of Home Affairs appears to have overstepped the line and possibly committed an offence under the Sedition Act 1948. The statements by the Minister of Home Affairs are shameful and have brought the Government and the country into disrepute. Christopher Leong
President Malaysian Bar
8 October 2013 |
When it’s an old story Posted: 09 Oct 2013 06:41 PM PDT 
Now, do you know what the 'TCT' is? Old cocks like me who are in their 50s and 60s would probably know what the 'TCT' is. Those of you who are too lazy to read would probably be ignorant of the 'TCT'. The 'TCT' stand for the 'Tan Chong Transfer'. Ex-military personnel reading this piece would be very aware of the 'Tan Chong Transfer'. NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin Someone commented that he has noticed I have not been writing much over the last fortnight or so. That is quite true and the reason is because all the latest 'hot issues' are actually very old stories that I have addressed back in the past. Hence if I talk about these issues I shall only be resurrecting old stories I have written about before. It is puzzling as to why Malaysians take years to wake up. Then they blame the mainstream media that kept them in ignorance for so many years. But they also say they do not read the mainstream media any more or trust what the mainstream media says. So how can they have been kept in ignorance all these years if they do not read the mainstream media or trust what it says? If they do not obtain their news from the mainstream media, where do they get their news from then? One of the latest hot news is regarding the Auditor-General's report and the amount of government wastage plus the overpriced goods and services that Malaysia has to pay for -- at the expense of the taxpayer of course. Has this not been ongoing for 40 years? I remember back in the 1980s we talked about the 'TCT'. I even wrote about it 20 or 30 years ago and repeated this story back in the mid-1990s in my articles published on the Internet. That was more than 15 years ago. Did you not read about it? And if not, why? Now, do you know what the 'TCT' is? Old cocks like me who are in their 50s and 60s would probably know what the 'TCT' is. Those of you who are too lazy to read would probably be ignorant of the 'TCT'. The 'TCT' stands for the 'Tan Chong Transfer'. Ex-military personnel reading this piece would be very aware of the 'Tan Chong Transfer'. Tan Chong is that Chinese company that made it big selling Datsun cars along Jalan Ipoh. Unknown to many, Tan Chong was also in government contracts and sold food items to the various government departments and ministries, in particular the military. And they sold these food products at ten times the normal market price. And any military personally who protested that the Maggi Mee that Tan Chong sold to the military can be bought outside at only 10% what the government was paying would immediately be transferred at the behest of Tan Chong. Hence the 'Tan Chong Transfer'. No one dared protest even through everyone knew that Tan Chong was selling stuff to the military at ten times what it cost outside. And this was back in the 1970s and 1980s, long before many of you reading this were born. So, today, we are outraged and perturbed that the government pays ten times what the products and services should cost. Did you just realise this? Have you just woken up? Where were you these last 30 or 40 years? Have you not been reading what we have been saying for so long? And you think this story is a latest hot issue? It is such an old story that I do not even want to write about it. That is why I have been quiet over the last fortnight or so. Okay, what about the next latest hot issue about the 'shoot to kill' or 'shoot first and talk later' policy? Is this a latest hot issue for many of you? Again, where have you been all these years? Have you not been reading what we have been saying? Do you remember the story I wrote about a Police Chief named Zakaria Chik? I wrote about this chap more than ten years ago and what I wrote was as follows. Zakaria Chik used to be the Terengganu Police Chief when I first knew him back in the 1980s. He was then transferred to Pahang and eventually to Johor as the Police Chief for those states. When he was the Police Chief for Johor many criminals were shot dead 'resisting arrest'. I once bumped into him at the airport and commended him on the success of the Johor Police in its tough action on criminals. Zakaria Chik then told me that he had ordered his policemen to shoot to kill or shoot first and talk later. They are not to take any prisoners and those officers that do would be transferred and made to walk the beat. The criminals also know this, said Zakaria Chik, so they too will never surrender. When cornered they will try to shoot their way out. Hence the police, too, would be forced to shoot and not attempt to apprehend them. It is mutual for both sides. As I said, this is an old story that I told many years ago. So do you think what Zahid Hamidi said is something new? This is not something new. This is something very old. So why are you all so outraged and perturbed? Have you not been reading what we have been saying for so many years? You people need to pay attention. This issue of the wastage and overpriced goods and services plus the take-no-prisoners issue are very old issues that we have been talking about since the 1970s and 1980s. It is just that you are not paying attention. And now you react as if all this suddenly happened and you have just discovered a secret. Now you know why I malas nak tulis. Even if I write you do not pay attention. And you rant, rave and scream about issues that have been around for 30 or 40 years and treat them as if these are new issues that just cropped up today. |
Umno Youth Chief aspirant Akhramsyah: Tony Pua a "DAP dog" for barking up wrong tree Posted: 09 Oct 2013 05:47 PM PDT
(Bernama) - Umno Youth chief aspirant Akhramsyah Muammar Ubaidah Sanusi regards DAP publicity chief Tony Pua as a "DAP dog" for "always barking" to cover up flaws in DAP by running down the Registrar of Societies (RoS) and Utusan Malaysia. He said Pua acted that way to divert public attention from the weaknesses in DAP, particularly the opposition party's Central Executive Committee (CEC) election issue. "Actually, he (Pua) is the 'DAP dog' due to his penchant for barking up the wrong tree to cover up the flaws in his own party. "He should look back at the irregularities in the CEC election as the issues were raised by the party members themselves. "Don't drag other people in as the CEC re-election was demanded by the majority of the DAP members as they felt there were manipulation and other iregularities in the (last December) election," Akhramsyah told a news conference here. Pua had in his Facebook account recently called RoS and Utusan Malaysia "Umno running dogs" after DAP was ordered by RoS to hold a re-election of the CEC after several party members disputed the process of the earlier election held on Dec 15, last year. Akramsyah, who is the Bendang Baru, Langkawi Umno Youth branch chief, said Pua's refusal to apologise to RoS and Utusan Malaysia following his scurrilous remark only showed the arrogance of the Petaling Jaya Utara member of parliament. "As an Umno member, I urge Pua to apologise openly to all Umno members, RoS staff and Utusan Malaysia for his rudeness," he said. He also suggested that DAP secretary-general and Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng step down from his party post for failing to administer the party well to the extent that it was almost deregistered. Meanwhile, Akhramsyah has left it to the Umno delegates to determine his fate in the contest for the party Youth chief post in the movement's election this Oct 12. "I have gone to the ground to meet the delegates and as a Muslim, I leave the outcome to Allah. But based on the feedback, I have a 60 to 65 per cent chance of winning," he said. Akhramsyah, who is the eldest child of former Kedah menteri besar Tan Sri Sanusi Junid, said he, however, would not be disappointed if he lost and would continue to pursue the Malay agenda. |
Umno polls last chance to save party, says ex-NST chief Posted: 09 Oct 2013 05:41 PM PDT
(MM) - The Umno election this month is the party's last chance to redeem itself among Malays, Datuk A. Kadir Jasin said in his latest blog post. Pundits have observed the results of Malaysia's last two general elections signal an increasing number of Malays from the younger age set and who live in towns are growing disenchanted with the grand old party's leadership and are throwing their vote behind the opposition's urban-based PKR and Islamic-focused PAS.
On his blog, The Scribe, the former New Straits Times (NST) group editor-in-chief stressed the party must reinvigorate its leadership, and as such must reject candidates who are guilty of crime, graft and money politics.
"If Umno wants to recover from the dilemma and malady that it suffers from and wants to return as the Malays' party of choice, it needs clean, transparent, competent, young and energetic leadership," A. Kadir said in a post yesterday.
"This polls is the last chance for Umno to reinvigorate its leadership and return the idealism of its struggle," he added, saying that should this do not happen, there is a huge possibility of Umno becoming a party torn between life and death.
A. Kadir's remark followed the revelation on Monday that 334 candidates vying for the various posts in Umno have been disqualified after they were found to be bankrupt.
Added to that, 495 candidates had withdrawn and 39 were probed for disciplinary issues, said Umno election committee chief Tan Sri Tajol Rosli Ghazali.
Umno executive secretary Datuk Rauf Yusof also revealed that 1,703 delegates would not be allowed to vote, also for bankruptcy.
A. Kadir has likened those who are in debt to a slave, claiming that there are many Malays who prefer to take debts outside their means and never mean to settle them.
"People who are in debts, but do not pay their debts back, and then declared bankrupt because they did not pay their debts, are not fit to be leaders.
"Choosing them as leaders is the same as choosing slaves as leaders," he said, explaining that those in debt are slaves to their debts.
Former Sabak Bernam MP for Umno, Datuk Abdul Rahman Bakri, was sentenced to six years' jail and RM400,000 fine in 2012 for eight counts of misappropriating public funds while being a member of the Selangor State Assembly.
Umno's former Selangor Mentri Besar Dr Mohamed Khir Toyo was convicted last year of graft in buying a bungalow and two plots of land in 2007. He had since filed an appeal with the Federal Court.
Datuk Seri Ali Rustam, who is contesting for the Umno vice-president post this year, was disqualified in 2009 from running for deputy president after being found guilty of money politics.
A total of 146,500 Umno members will cast their votes for the top leadership of the party, adopting the "electoral college" system which merges the election systems from the United States and the United Kingdom. |
Assange slams WikiLeaks film in letter to actor Cumberbatch Posted: 09 Oct 2013 05:07 PM PDT
(Reuters) - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange penned an open letter to British actor Benedict Cumberbatch, who portrays Assange in an upcoming film, praising the actor's talents but slamming his involvement with the film and turning down the actor's invitation to meet in person. Assange, who is currently holed up at the Ecuadorean embassy in London, wrote a letter to Cumberbatch dated Jan. 15, 2013, that was published on Wednesday on the anti-secrecy website ahead of the Oct. 18 theatrical release of Walt Disney Co's DreamWorks film "The Fifth Estate." In the letter, Assange tells Cumberbatch he is "fond" of the actor's previous work, and adds "I think I would enjoy meeting you," but urged the actor to drop his involvement in the film, saying "I do not believe it is going to be positive for me or the people I care about." "I know the film intends to depict me and my work in a negative light. I believe it will distort events and subtract from public understanding. It does not seek to simplify, clarify or distil the truth, but rather it seeks to bury it. It will resurrect and amplify defamatory stories which were long ago shown to be false," Assange wrote. The enigmatic WikiLeaks founder turned down Cumberbatch's invitation to meet ahead of shooting for the film, citing his issues with the film's angle of his own story. "I believe you are well-intentioned, but surely you can see why it is a bad idea for me to meet with you. By meeting with you, I would validate this wretched film, and endorse the talented, but debauched, performance that the script will force you to give," Assange said. Assange also noted that "the bond that develops between an actor and a living subject is significant," and that if Cumberbatch was to take the role, "we will forever be correlated in the public imagination. Our paths will be forever entwined." A press release accompanying the letter on WikiLeaks on Wednesday said that Cumberbatch had replied to Assange with a "courteous and considered" email. Cumberbatch, 37, plays the WikiLeaks founder as rude, awkward and unkempt in the film that chronicles the emergence of WikiLeaks, based in part on the 2011 book, "Inside WikiLeaks: My Time with Julian Assange at the World's Most Dangerous Website," by Assange's once-trusted lieutenant Daniel Domscheit-Berg. Ecuador has given Assange political asylum in its embassy in London, where he sought refuge in June 2012, but he faces immediate arrest and extradition to Sweden to face accusations of rape and sexual assault if he leaves the embassy. Assange criticized the film's source material, saying, "It is based on a deceitful book by someone who has a vendetta against me and my organisation." At the film's premiere at the Toronto Film Festival last month, director Bill Condon said "The Fifth Estate" was not a judgment about WikiLeaks or Assange, but rather a portrayal of the complex issues surrounding transparency, privacy and security. "There is no takeaway or single right or wrong," Condon told Reuters at the film's premiere. "I hope people walk away and go to dinner to talk about it." Cumberbatch also spoke to reporters in Toronto and said he was guessing Assange wouldn't like his portrayal in the film, even though the actor sees it as a celebration of the activist's achievements.
Analysts: Trumping up race card 'usual' ahead of Umno polls Posted: 09 Oct 2013 04:55 PM PDT
(The Star) - Temperatures rise whenever one defends his race and religion publicly, especially in the run up to party elections. In trying to win the hearts and minds of delegates, candidates become more vocal than other times in appearing to be fighting for the rights of their race. This happens in every Umno election, as in other race-based parties. And this time around as the polls draw closer, Umno candidates have resorted to not only championing the cause of the Malays, but also taking a hard-line stance on issues affecting them. It is not surprising for them to do that, said Umno experts, as this approach has been used by candidates in the past party elections to shore up support that would eventually translate to votes for them. "They have to do it, otherwise they will be accused of deviating from the Malay cause," said History, Heritage and Socio-culture Cluster of the National Professors Council head Prof Datuk Dr Zainal Kling. He said history had taught the candidates a lesson, when former law minister and Umno division chief Datuk Zaid Ibrahim was booted out from the party for being "liberal". "And look at where he is now, his views have cost him his position in Umno," he said. Zainal also explained that these candidates usually capitalised on the interest of the Malays to keep the momentum among the grassroots alive. "This is because the top leaders, such as the president and deputy president, can no longer appear to be seen as hardliners as they already hold the highest positions in leading the country. "So someone else has to take over the role from them," he added. The same stunt, he said, has been around since the party's inception but it was never blown out of proportions until the emergence of the most powerful tool of information - the Internet and social media. "Everything has been exaggerated just to influence the minds of the people, especially the youths," said Zainal. Meanwhile, Universiti Perlis Malaysia Prof Datuk Dr Ramlah Adam said it was unfair to brand these Umno leaders as racists as they were merely speaking up for the Malay cause. She was referring to incidents of incumbent vice-president Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein waving and kissing a keris when he was the party's Youth chief during the party's general assembly in 2007. The same applies to the recent controversial statements by vice-presidential candidates Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi and Datuk Seri Ali Rustam, who also haven't escaped from public criticism. "They are making these statements in an Umno context, and not on the national platform. When Hishammuddin kissed the keris, he just wanted to lift up the spirits of the Malay people. "It is a tradition and a symbol of Malay leadership," she said, adding the other races should not feel threatened by such actions. She also believed that trumping up the race card would not affect the 1Malaysia unity concept initiated by the Prime Minister. "They are speaking strictly on the Umno platform. They are fighting for the Malays and it is definitely unfair if they are called racists," she said. Former Padang Besar Umno MP Tan Sri Azmi Khalid agreed, saying that other race-based parties also tended to play with similar sentiments. "They are not against other races, they are just defending the interests of the Malays, especially in the wake of the previous general election when they lost the non-Malay votes to the Opposition," he said when contacted. He added it was not uncommon for party leaders to make such statements in order to gain support from members. |
Malaysians becoming more racist, threatening country’s foundation, says Dr Mahathir Posted: 09 Oct 2013 04:48 PM PDT
Yiswaree Palansamy, TMI Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad (pic) today said Malaysians were becoming more racist than ever by making demands that he said could threaten the country's foundation. "I read reports in the papers this morning saying that now Datuk Seri Najib is going backwards towards the day of favouring the Bumiputeras. "It is not a case of favoring Bumiputeras, but creating a society where wealth is evenly distributed among all people," Dr Mahathir said, in defending Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and the recently announced Bumiputera Economic Empowerment Plan (BEEP). He said the critics forgot that in the past, resentment of the rich by the poor had resulted in people rebelling against the government. This, he said, gave birth to such ideologies as socialism and communism. "If the poor is related to race, the potential for violence is much greater. We want to correct that disparity," Dr Mahathir said during a visit to the MMC-Gamuda MRT construction site in Kuala Lumpur today. "Each race has got its own extremist and they make demands which disrupt the stability of the country. "So it is better to make a little sacrifice to correct imbalances within our society so that every race can have a share from all that is going on in this country." READ MORE HERE |
Dr M: If the suspect has a gun, shoot first Posted: 09 Oct 2013 04:41 PM PDT
(MM) - Police should be allowed to open fire on armed criminal suspects, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said today, backing Home Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi's controversial "shoot first" approach that have triggered a human rights storm. The former prime minister added that the police should refrain from pulling the trigger if the suspect was unarmed.
"When the police sees someone with a gun, it is better to shoot first if they are harmless then it's better not to.
"I would rather put the harm to the criminal than the policemen," he said when asked to comment on Ahmad Zahid's controversial remark.
On Saturday, Ahmad Zahid reportedly advocated a "shoot first" policy for the police in dealing with suspected gang members in the wake of a violent crime spree that has resulted in Malays making up the majority of the victims.
"I think the best way is that we no longer compromise with them. There is no need to give them any more warning. If (we) get the evidence, (we) shoot first," he was quoted as saying by news portal Malaysiakini.
Earlier yesterday, Ahmad Zahid took to Twitter in apparent defence of the remark, slamming his critics for failing failed to consider the rights of police officers and victims of crime, especially those killed.
"Mana hak asasi utk Polis dan mangsa rompak, tembak dan bunuh. Kenapa pejuang hak asasi tidakpun membela? Hak asasi hanya utk penjenayah?" he tweeted in Malay.
(Translation: "Where are human rights for the police and victims of robbery, shooting and murder. Why are human rights activists not defending? Human rights only for criminals?")
Before that, the home minister came under heavy criticism from lawyers, human rights activists and politicians from both sides of the divide since word of his "shoot first" statement spread on the internet.
The latest criticism came from global rights group Human Rights Watch, whose Asia deputy director Phil Robertson said a "shoot first" policy in dealing with the over 40,000 suspected gang members, whom Ahmad Zahid claimed are mostly Indian, showed a gross indifference for the life and rights of the country's minority population.
Former law minister Datuk Zaid Ibrahim also called for Ahmad Zahid's sacking, arguing that a "shoot first" policy is a precursor to Malaysia becoming a "failed state" as it signals that the authorities are the law and that there is no need for investigation and public trial.
Lawyers for Liberty co-founder Latheefa Koya said Ahmad Zahid's statement "confirmed our worst fears" that the government employs a shoot to kill policy when dealing with suspected criminals.
The home minister, however, has defended his statement, questioning why human rights activists are more concerned with the wellbeing of criminal suspects than for the police and victims. |
Cries of the boys in blue Posted: 09 Oct 2013 04:33 PM PDT 
Alfian ZM Tahir, FMT The men in blue have been criticised unendingly by various entities almost on a daily basis, and to top it all that they face constant danger with the rise of gun related crimes. But there is another picture on the other side of their story. Police officers have for long suffered their own internal problems as they face shortage of funds in their respective departments.
This appalling and revealing information was obtained by FMT several days ago during a visit to a number of police stations in the Klang Valley.
Not all police officers were willing to speak out openly about the problems they have to deal with, though some were vocal but declined to be named in sharing the issues.
Those with high ranking positions, however, refused to talk to FMT, as they feared 'wrath' and repercussions from their superiors despite an assurance that their identities would be concealed.
Instead, they urged FMT to send out letters to Bukit Aman in order to get official statements from the officer- in-charge.
During the fact finding, FMT managed to approach a lance corporal who was originally from a police station in the Klang Selatan district. He had just completed his daily rounds on his own motorcycle.
He said that due to the shortage of patrol cars and the long process of reporting a damaged car, he preferred to ride his own bike although he has to bear the cost of petrol.
"Our patrol car at this station is broken and needs repair but the process is taking too much time, I use my own bike although I need to pay for the fuel," said the lance corporal, currently is stationed at a balai under Klang Utara district police station.
Upon making a brief visit to the station's workshop, it was observed that there were several patrol cars that have yet to be worked on as parts have not been replaced.
However, effort to get the mechanic to speak was futile as he refused to share insights in regards to the issue.
Logistical issues
Meanwhile an investigation police officer from Penang, who served in the Special Branch for more than eight years, explained that the distribution of funds from the government was not trickling down as planned.
He has yet to receive proper and adequate office equipments such as laptops and printers. There were several other officers who shared the same opinion as him.
"Apart from investigative jobs, I have to produce reports of all the cases I am investigating, but equipments are not up to standard. I've been using my own money to buy the A4 paper.
"Sometimes it is a hassle for us, but our main priority is to do our job," the officer said.
Another senior police officer,clarified that the problem was not as bad as seen. "The process of compiling various reports on breakdowns or faults from all over the state can result in delays," he said.
When asked to elaborate, the officer with the rank of Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) asked FMT to speak to the head of logistics as he did not have the authorisation to touch on the matter.
"It is not a short process, there are many police stations and the report does not come from one station, thus the time for it to be completed may be long," added the ACP.
Goh: Other DAP leaders have praised BN, too Posted: 09 Oct 2013 04:24 PM PDT
Leven Woon, FMT Embattled Malacca DAP chief Goh Leong San, who quit as the state opposition leader on Tuesday after coming under criticism from state DAP leaders for praising the chief minister, showed proof that others in the party have done so to other Barisan Nasional leaders before. Citing news reports on March 27, 2011, Goh said DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng had praised the then Minister in the Prime Minister Department Nazri Aziz as being a serving MP, and that the party had no problem accepting the Umno leader.
On April 30, 2010, DAP parliamentary Opposition Leader Lim Kit Siang has also commended Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak for fulfilling the allocation promise to Chinese schools.
Goh asked why his Malacca DAP comrades, who have kicked up a fuss over his praising remarks on the chief minister, had never condemned the top leaders for committing such acts.
He was referring to Ayer Keroh assemblyman Khoo Poay Tiong and Kota Laksamana assemblyman Lai Kuen Ban who had condemned him for praising the BN.
"They have said my statement is a precursor of me defecting to BN, does the same logic apply to Kit Siang and Guan Eng?" he was quoted as saying in the Sin Chew Daily today.
The Duyong assemblyman, claimed that he was made an Aunt Sally solely because Khoo and Lai were vying for the state opposition leader post.
Following Goh's resignation, his ally, Malacca DAP deputy chief Lim Jak Wong, has also resigned as the state party whip, leaving two positions vacant. READ MORE HERE |