The pact with the devil Posted: 12 Dec 2011 12:39 PM PST How in the world did the prime minister arrive at the incredible verdict that God was pleased with Umno's track record? Vote opposition and the country will go up in smoke. Then came his punchline: God knows that the ruling party had been fair to all and that was why He had allowed it to stay in power. His line of reasoning boils down to one conclusion: he is the special one chosen to lead his people again. Free Malaysia Today In great contests each party claims to act in accordance with the will of God. Both may be, but one must be wrong. – Abraham Lincoln Maybe God appeared in his dream. Maybe God called him up one night and told him over the telepathic phone that he is the anointed one and that his party will continue to rule the country for another 54 years. Maybe God even whispered in his ears that if he called for a general election now, he will surely win hands down because God is on his side. The prime minister is showing all the signs of a desperate man clutching at a straw. He sees danger lurking in every corner. He is restless. He can never sleep in peace. His enemies are everywhere – and growing stronger. He is dead worried: if he loses power, his whole glittering world will come crushing down. He must hold on though his grip is loosening. The prospect of finding himself in the political wilderness for a long stretch is frightening. Hence, he is using every dirty tool avaliable to ensure people are scared witless and have no choice but to cast their lot for him. The prime minister chose an appropriate setting to bring home God's message. The audience fitted nicely into his game plan. The spectators are members of the Malaysia Islamic Missionary and Welfare Association (Pekida). Fighting for his political survival, he is counting on these warriors to lap up his political sermon and spread the word around with missionary zeal. The message is clear: Go forth and tell the Malays that only Umno can be their shield. Only Umno can defend Islam. Only Umno can give iron-clad guarantee that their special rights and positions will remain intact. Only Umno can defend the institution of monarchy and all things sacrosanct. You have no choice but to elect my government to another term. Vote opposition and the country will go up in smoke. Then came his punchline: God knows that the ruling party had been fair to all and that was why He had allowed it to stay in power. His line of reasoning boils down to one conclusion: he is the special one chosen to lead his people again. Does the prime minister know what God is thinking? How in the world did he arrive at the incredible verdict that the Omnipotent One was pleased with Umno's track record? How can he be so sure that the Almighty is always in Umno's camp? Is He an Umno member? The premier was not jesting when he invoked God's name in his fight for power. He was dead serious when he talked about this "divine revelation". The Pekida members probably swallowed the political icing in his message and could be counted upon to go all out to defend the Umno bastion. Simple kampung folks could also be relied upon to carry the Umno torch. But the prime minister's doomsday oration will cut no ice with all the other people who know what 54 years of Umno rule had done to the country. READ MORE HERE |
Can Najib walk the talk? Posted: 12 Dec 2011 12:26 PM PST 
Some friends from the mainstream media have met up with me in Bangkok to explore the possibility of doing such an interview. But they are not sure whether their government-controlled newspapers will censor the interview. I told them I will agree to the interview only on condition, and that is it is not one-sided and censored. But they are not sure whether their editors can agree to this. NO HOLDS BARRED
Raja Petra Kamarudin We are hearing a lot of politically correct sound-bytes coming from Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak. Of course, not many, not even those in Umno, believe what he is saying. They know it is all a lot of political talk, mere rhetoric. But it sure sounds good nevertheless.
I would like to throw Najib a challenge, to allow him to demonstrate his goodwill, that what he is saying is sincere and that he is genuine in what he is saying. And he can do this by giving me space in the mainstream media. After all, if he can give the hardcore Umno Bloggers space (like visits to the submarine), why can't he also give me space -- if what he is saying is true and not just political talk?
There will of course be one condition. They must not pick and choose from what I say, as what they did in my TV3 interview in February this year (which was aired only in April, close to the Sarawak state elections). They must publish the entire text of my interview.
Secondly, the interview must be in English, not in Bahasa Malaysia. This is to avoid any distortion to what I say (again, like in the TV3 interview). My Bahasa Malaysia is not as good as my English and the way I express myself in Bahasa Malaysia (that is, in the Terengganu East Coast manner) can be misinterpreted if you do not come from Terengganu.
I promise, I will be very critical of the opposition (and with the current developments in the opposition with so many opposition leaders demonstrating their warlord and godfather egos they deserve criticism). However, I shall also be critical of the government and Umno (and this is the part I want published and which should be published if what Najib is saying has any credibility).
Is Najib prepared to allow the mainstream media to do this? Let's see.
Some friends from the mainstream media have met up with me in Bangkok to explore the possibility of doing such an interview. But they are not sure whether their government-controlled newspapers will censor the interview. I told them I will agree to the interview only on condition, and that is it is not one-sided and censored. But they are not sure whether their editors can agree to this.
Some of the issues they wanted to talk about were regarding my perceived fallout with the opposition and Anwar Ibrahim. In fact, they wanted to meet me to ask me whether such a fallout actually exists and if so, why? I told them if they want the answer to that question then it would have to be asked in a formal interview and it must be published. I am not about to satisfy their curiosity by giving them a private, off the record interview.
That's all I want to say today. I am in the final week of my course and I have a lot of papers to complete so this week I have no time for cheong hei (long-winded) articles. Next week, once my course has ended, we can indulge in my normal three-page articles. Till then I await the response from Najib's boys. Do they have the guts to engage me? If they don't then Najib's so-called openness and reforms is nothing but pure bullshit.
Till later. |
Feud to hog limelight Posted: 12 Dec 2011 11:58 AM PST Karpal, Ramasamy spat likely to be raised at central meeting (New Straits Times) - THE DAP central executive committee meeting tonight might discuss the ongoing feud between party national chairman Karpal Singh and its Penang deputy chairman P. Ramasamy over the "warlords and godfathers" issue. Karpal said yesterday that there was nothing to stop any party leaders from raising the issue, although it was not part of the meeting agenda. He said the meeting was fixed much earlier and the main topic of contention was amendments to the party's constitution. "The issue is not on our agenda. However, there is nothing to stop anyone from raising the issue during the meeting. "Since a complaint (against Ramasamy) has been lodged with the DAP disciplinary committee, we will leave it to them to handle the matter," said Karpal. It is not known when the DAP disciplinary committee will convene a meeting next. The spat between Karpal and Ramasamy arose after a Tamil newspaper quoted Ramasamy as saying that DAP would field three Indian women candidates in the next general election and that several DAP members of parliament would be retained. Ramasamy, who is also Penang deputy chief minister II, was also quoted as saying that he would defend both his Prai state and Batu Kawan parliamentary seats. Karpal responded by saying that DAP would not have warlords going around promising and announcing seats for their cronies ahead of the central executive committee's decision. Ramasamy then shot back by saying that while DAP should not have warlords, there should also not be any "godfathers" in the party, too. Karpal had, during the Penang DAP convention on Sunday, demanded that Ramasamy retract and apologise for his "godfathers" remark against the party elders, in particular, to him. However, Ramasamy has remained unrepentant and said that he was ready to relinquish all his posts and quit the party if the situation demanded it. Meanwhile, despite DAP members being tight-lipped about Ramasamy's predicament in the party, its national publicity secretary Tony Pua said that no gag-order had been issued. "If they (the central executive committee members) want to discuss it, then the can proceed. But for now, it is not on our agenda." DAP youth chief Anthony Loke said: "It is up to the central committee to see how the party should resolve the matter."
‘Warlord’ and ‘godfather’ choking DAP Posted: 12 Dec 2011 11:48 AM PST DAP is bogged down in a tit-for-tat battle between national chairman Karpal Singh and Penang Deputy Chief Minister II Dr P. Ramasamy, in which the ultimate loser would be the party itself. DAP is staring down a precipice, vis-a-vis Indian voter support, because Dr Ramasamy – although a "parachute candidate" at the last general election – is highly regarded in the Indian community as a daring academic who spoke out for injustice and took on the government and won. By Baradan Kuppusamy, The Star THE feud in DAP between national chairman Karpal Singh and deputy secretary-general Dr P. Ramasamy could not have come at a worse time for the party. With a general election imminent and all parties busy preparing for the big battle ahead, DAP is supposed to be well-prepared. But it is suddenly bogged down in a tit-for-tat battle between the two men, in which the ultimate loser would be DAP itself. The threat to quit the party by Dr Ramasamy, who is Penang Deputy Chief Minister II, has put DAP in a fix, with one of his supporters declaring: "Let them (his opponents) get the Indian votes, if they can." DAP is staring down a precipice, vis-a-vis Indian voter support, because Dr Ramasamy – although a "parachute candidate" at the last general election – is highly regarded in the Indian community as a daring academic who spoke out for injustice and took on the government and won. Dr Ramasamy was a political science lecturer at the University Kebangsaan Malaysia for nearly 30 years and was on a year-to-year contract in his final years. The contract was not renewed in 2007. He left in a huff and joined DAP, where he had a long-standing personal relationship with adviser Lim Kit Siang. In 2008, he was fielded in the Prai state seat as well as in the Batu Kawan parliamentary seat, winning both. It was almost like a retirement gift for him. He went on to become a state executive councillor, DCM II and de facto Indian leader in DAP and Pakatan Rakyat. Karpal accused him of forgetting his roots and taking on the trappings of a "warlord", a dirty word in DAP that signals one is building personal power as against party power. The party grassroots had complained about how Dr Ramasamy dealt with matters, like the Hindu Endowment Board. The party's Indian affairs bureau, which he heads, also came in for criticism. The informal system of selecting candidates by the bureau was sidelined and Dr Ramasamy started choosing his own candidates. He is also alleged to have offered seats to many newcomers, as well as benefits to a small group of ex-MIC members, to the exclusion of long time DAP members. These benefits include datukship, medals and other rewards. And than there was the M. Manoharan affair, in which the Kota Alam Shah assemblyman was suspended for six months by the disciplinary committee for making disparaging remarks about the Jalur Gemilang. Dr Ramasamy, who disliked Manoharan for siding with Hindraf leader P. Uthayakumar, was said to have played a key role in the suspension. Manoharan and his wife went to see Karpal, who then used his influence to have the suspension lifted, signalling at once who was the leader with the clout. Dr Ramasamy's detractors – who include MPs and state assemblymen who constantly griped in private – said he rode roughshod over the DAP grassroots. The last straw that broke the proverbial camel's back was his statement in the Makkal Osai newspaper last week that four incumbents, including himself, and three women were sure candidates at the next election. That statement, although subsequently denied, was the cue that Dr Ramasamy's detractors were waiting for. They fell on it for all it was worth and the attack on Dr Ramasamy came out in the open. Karpal, who is Bukit Gelugor MP, had been out for Dr Ramasamy's blood for several years, until the feud exploded in the open over the ongoing warlord-godfather spat. Party secretary-general and Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng was flabbergasted by the ferocity of Karpal's attack on Sunday. The chairman essentially questioned, who was this upstart Dr Ramasamy? After being an academic for 30 years, perhaps Dr Ramasamy is unsuited for the brutal world of politics. In his career as a politician, he made enemies at every turn with his many unguarded words and open associations. Friends turned foes and fair weather individuals, many ex-MIC people, gathered around him to the exclusion of party faithfuls. He did not have the political mind nor had he developed one in the short years he was in active politics. He negotiated the strange territory, ie DAP, like he had done as an academic, always speaking what comes to his mind. |
Christians used as ‘pawns’ for votes, say church leaders Posted: 12 Dec 2011 11:45 AM PST (The Malaysian Insider) - Many Christians feel victimised and are convinced they are being used as political pawns to win Muslim votes in the next general election, a number of church leaders have said. The church leaders told the New York Times in a report published today that there was generally a feeling of Christian-bashing among the community which makes up less than 10 per cent of the population and consists of most major denominations. "I think Christians are generally feeling that there is kind of a Christian-bashing going on," Council of Churches Malaysia (CCM) vice-president Rev Thomas Philips told the newspaper. The report pointed out that recent events had worsened religious tension here, particularly after the controversial August 3 raid on the Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC) in Petaling Jaya. During the incident, Islamic religious authorities had moved in on a dinner function held at the church premises after receiving complaints that Christians were proselytising to Muslims there. While no concrete proof was found and no action taken, Muslim politicians here and Muslim group Himpun had continued to claim of a plot by opposition parties and Christian organisations to Christianise the country. The NYT pointed to Himpun's series of planned nationwide rallies to "save and protect" Islam and cited Umno information chief Datuk Ahmad Maslan's recent statement as examples of the continuing accusations causing "unease" in the Christian community even as they prepare for Christmas. During the just-concluded Umno annual general assembly, Ahmad had warned that Islam would be "lost" if Pakatan Rakyat (PR) made significant gains in the polls and had called the DAP "agents of Christianisation". Under fire for his words later and dubbed as "Hitler" by his opposition foes, Ahmad chose to stick to his guns, insisting that his statement was nothing but the truth. READ MORE HERE |
Post GE13 political scenarios Posted: 12 Dec 2011 11:41 AM PST SAKMONGKOL AK47 I will answer by way of an article the comment sent by Orang Kampung on my previous article. Hopefully it will be done in a few days. For now, as I promised I want to clear off the second installment of my article on this topic. In that article, I suggested that Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah has to step in in the interest of the country. When I wrote the first part, I was serious. I said Anwar does a Sivaji the Boss stunt. Like in one of the Tamil Movies, he hurled a knife towards an oncoming speeding bullet. The knife slices the bullet into two. One hits UMNO and Najib. The other hits BN. the knife on its own momentum, hits Anwar's former mentor turned number 1 nemesis, Dr Mahathir. Anwar gets his revenge after all. He vanquishes his political enemies. Who is Mack the Knife? (Sung by Louis Satchmo Armstrong) Oh, the shark, babe, has such teeth, dear And it shows them pearly white Just a jackknife has old MacHeath, babe And he keeps it, ah, out of sight Ya know when that shark bites with his teeth, babe Scarlet billows start to spread Fancy gloves, oh, wears old MacHeath, babe So there's never, never a trace of red Except here the knife is symbolism. Who is Mack the knife? In about 2 months' time Anwar may perhaps be a special guest to the government at Bamboo River. So physically he may not be there jumping up and down at the Palace gates. Not he, but a trusted person waves the paper that contains the list of MPs who backs him as the PM. He will insist, the choice of PM can be done this way, since precedence has been created in Perak. The MPs whose names are in the list waved are also at the gates. They all have travelled in buses provided free by businessmen eager to ingratiate themselves to the new rulers of Malaysia. But that person who probably has no stature and standing is refused entry. The AG who is inside in audience with the King in the presence of the Chief Secretary of the government informs the King, the test of support of the majority of MPs must be tested in a parliamentary sitting. So, the paper waved is useless unless parliament sits. The Agong for the first time will be truly tested. The country cannot afford to not have a constitutionally established government. He will need to use his discretion to decide, who he and his brother rulers regard as the person who has the credibility and support to form the next government. The interest of the country now overrides anything else. He will only see the person whom he thinks command all round respect. Anwar may have underestimated the technicalities of forming a new government. He can't bulldoze his way around and does an Arab Spring or whatever consisting of a series of street demonstrations and the like. He must now realize, his earthly salvation lies in the hands of other people. The big 3- PKR, PAS and DAP must direct themselves to this possibly. They must collectively address the issue who is their collective leader, the person with the stature, the experience and who possesses sufficient credibility to become PR's leader. READ MORE HERE |
Dr Hasan Ali a Kemo Sabe? Posted: 12 Dec 2011 11:32 AM PST KTEMOC KONSIDERS In late April this year, I posted Is Dr Mahathir a racist?, where an extract from it read:
….., 'Malay unity' was touted when the March 2008 tsunami hit Malaysia and dramatically changed the political landscape. UMNO obviously wanted & was desperate to split the Pakatan camp into Malays and non-Malays. PAS was immensely attracted to the clarion call for Malays from both sides of politics to unite to ensure the continuation of Malay supremacy in federal and state government. In Selangor the sweetener for PAS was the MB's post. Recall also the UMNO-PAS meeting at the Terengganu palace, though Nik Aziz stated that he was ambushed by UMNO. Indeed it was only Pak Haji Niz Aziz who put a stop to Pak Haji Hadi Awang and his deputy president Nasharuddin's keenness to take up UMNO's appeal for ethnic unity, before the Pakatan ship wrecked itself on hidden rocks by the lure of the siren song.
It's not an unusual UMNO tactic when they are in political retreat, that of instigating fear among the Malays of the Chinese taking political control of Persekutuan Tanah Melayu, and hatred of same yellow skin peril by reminding the Malays of (true or otherwise) Chinese aggressive economic prowess, avarice, arrogance, rudeness and disrespect to the Malay rulers, etc. There's nothing like instilling a siege mentality a la Fort Apache. Dr Mahathir had taken this path several times.
What made me bring out the above again has been yesterday's double-talk confession of Dr Hasan Ali who preened and pompously accepted the titillating bait of (UMNO-owned) Utusan Malaysia in conferring upon him the title of the 'saviour' of the Malay-Muslims – see Malaysiakini's 'Saviour' Hasan to pursue PAS-Umno unity.
But why did I mention 'double-talk'?
Dr Hasan declared "The very reason for my existence is to unite humans in the worship of Allah."
If so, why not say Muslim Unity or Human Unity?
Also, why did he assert that he would only cooperate with people who promote the interests of Malays, Muslims and the Malay royalty?
Islam is one of the greatest religions of the world, in fact a religion with a socialist bent, though many orthodox/conservative Muslims would baulk at the association of Islam with socialism.
But consider zakat, one of the 5 pillars of Islam.
Muslims consider zakat as an act of piety where they show charitable concern for the well-being of less fortunate fellow Muslims. The aim is of course to promote and preserve social harmony between the wealthy and the poor, an equitable redistribution of wealth, and a sense of solidarity amongst members of the Ummah.
Marvellously, zakat is not confined to only Muslims because the Quran indicates 8 categories of people (asnaf) who are qualify to receive zakat funds, namely:
(1) Those living in absolute poverty (Al-Fuqarā') (2) Those who cannot meet their basic needs (Al-Masākīn) (3) The zakat collectors themselves (Al-Āmilīna 'Alaihā) (4) People who are non-Muslims, to show them the real spirit of Islam (Al-Mu'allafatu Qulūbuhum) (5) People whom one is attempting to free from slavery or bondage. Also includes paying ransom or blood money (Diyah). (Fir-Riqāb) (6) Those who have incurred overwhelming debts while attempting to satisfy their basic needs (Al-Ghārimīn) (7) Those working for an Islamic cause (Fī Sabīlillāh) (8) Travelers in need (Ibnus-Sabīl)
I wonder whether Category no 4 is ever practised in Malaysia, or for that matter, in any Muslim country. READ MORE HERE |
Dr M predicts polls in a few months with Barisan winning Posted: 12 Dec 2011 11:27 AM PST (Bernama) - Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said the Barisan Nasional is in a good position to win the next general election, which he predicted may take place early next year. The question, however, is whether the Barisan will obtain a two-third majority, he said. The former prime minister said a weak government is open to attack by the Opposition. "I think they (Barisan) are busy campaigning to make sure they can win. The (just concluded) Umno general assembly was quite good," he said at the Perdana Leadership Foundation here yesterday. Dr Mahathir said the election might be held sometime next year, although Parliament is not due to end its term until 2013. He said if the election is held too early, states under the control of the Pakatan Rakyat might not want to go through with it. He added that it could be their strategy because they want to retain those states and make a bid for other states. "It is up to the Government to consider this," Dr Mahathir said. Asked whether the court case of Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim will play a role in the coming election, Dr Mahathir said: "One way or another he will play a role." Recalling the 1999 general election, he said when Anwar was found guilty of the court case then, the PKR adviser made use of the "black eye incident" and Barisan lost about 300,000 Malay votes. "The Chinese voted for the Barisan. They were strong supporters because many of them were saved from bankruptcy. "That's why we retained the two-thirds majority, although Umno lost a lot of seats," Dr Mahathir said. |
Dual Legal System Will Not Work In Malaysia Posted: 12 Dec 2011 11:04 AM PST Tee Siew Kiong Pakatan Rakyat has agreed to work together with PAS to establish a theocratic state simply so that they can achieve their own political purposes. In order for PAS to achieve its goal of establishing an Islamic state, they make all kinds of empty promises to deceive voters, including the promise that there will be two sets of laws and that non-Muslims will not be affected by PAS's hudud law. However, PAS is slowly enforcing their laws onto the people and making them suffer. When PAS came to power in Kedah and Kelantan, their implementation of hudud law has affected non-Muslims, with the most recent incident being when a Chinese was fined because his Muslim female employee accidentally exposed her arm. In Kelantan last year, the state government did not approve the applications for the Chinese community to celebrate the Hungry Ghost Festival, and have banned the sale of lottery tickets. In Kedah, the state government had closed down the sole pig abbatoir, and shops were forced to stop operations during Muslim night prayers and must be close by 3pm during the month of Ramadan. All these have affected the lifestyle and livelihoods of non-Muslims greatly. PAS excuse for saying that hudud law does not affect non-Muslims is that there will be two sets of rules governing the country, but if both a non-Muslim and a Muslim conduct a crime, will they be charged under hudud law? Is it reasonable? Is it fair? There are some political parties which have supported PAS to make Malaysia an Islamic state simply to achieve their own goals. They purposely portray a moderate image to the public and criticize their opponents as extremist, but their most serious and dangerous offense is their plan to replace the Federal Constitution in order for PAS to establish an Islamic state. I urge DAP to not be led by the nose and expose this fact, and not work together with PAS simply for their own political purpose. TEE SIEW KIONG is MCA National Organising Secretary |
‘We welcome new ideas’ Posted: 12 Dec 2011 09:11 AM PST (New Straits Times) - THE government is always open to new ideas and opinions from young people to develop and transform the nation. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said the younger generation today could be considered as superheroes because they have the power to make changes. "And when all the superheroes work hand-in-hand with the government, all our transformation programmes can become a reality easily," he said in his speech at the "Youth Defined: Shape Our Future" dinner last night. The programme was attended by some 500 undergraduates from institutions of higher learning in the country. Najib said the government was also open to constructive criticism as this offered a better solution to an issue or problem. "You can criticise the government; the opposition does it every day. But, can they offer something better?" Najib said the strength of a nation today was not judged by its military prowess, but the empire of the mind. Superior ideas could bring success despite global competition, he added. "That is why we encourage it and we listen to the people. You represent the young people in the country and we must listen. This is part of the engagement process with the young people." He said the government was working hard to ensure a prosperous and developed Malaysia before 2020. "We are working hard today so that when you receive the baton one day, you will inherit a developed nation. "So my message to the young people today is that we are here for you. I like to work with you. "If you have good ideas, we will take it to the board. This is not mere political rhetoric but something which we must back with empowerment and plans."
Hasan may quit Pas if problems continue Posted: 12 Dec 2011 08:39 AM PST (New Straits Times) - Pas central committee member Datuk Dr Hasan Ali said he would consider resigning if he continued to face difficulties in the party. However, Hasan, who is also in the Selangor executive council, said quitting Pas would not be that simple. "I have been a Pas member for a long time now. It will not be easy to leave just like that. I have many friends to consult, mufti, advisers and political veterans, whom I must talk to first. "Well, if any organisation no longer supports the principles that I strive for, then it may happen," Hasan said yesterday. Hasan, who is also the former Selangor Pas commissioner, added that he would continue to work closely with Pas and the opposition as long as they "promoted and defended the principles of the Malays, Islam and the monarchy". He was reacting to a statement by Selangor Pas information chief Shaari Sungib last week that Hasan would be dropped in the next general election as he had not garnered enough nominations from party branches to secure his candidacy. On Pas president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang's statement on Sunday rebuking Shaari over his statement, Hasan said: "It is a clear reminder to Pas leaders in the state to not make statements that precede the central leadership. "I do not blame anyone within the party for disclosing the matter to the media as they may have good intentions. "However, issues like branch nominations, which are yet to be referred to the Pas national leadership must be kept under wraps," said Hasan, the Gombak Setia assemblyman. Hasan said he was puzzled over the timing of Shaari's revelation at a time when he was conferred a datukship by the Selangor sultan on Sunday. "When I was about to receive the award from the sultan, suddenly the newspapers were abuzz that I did not gather enough nominations. "I was not even told about this. "I feel that there was some hindrance at the state level for my future in politics. "This is my speculation and I hope this does not happen again. "I do not need recognition from anyone, including the Pas president. I do not need DAP or PKR to like me. "I just want Allah's blessings for the little things I do." Hasan had been involved in controversies with DAP and PKR leaders over his stand on Islamic issues. Asked whether the speculation that he would be dropped as a candidate was true, Hasan said he would let various factors such as time and circumstances to determine his next course of action if Pas did not select him as a candidate. |
DRB-HICOM buy plan revs up Proton shares Posted: 12 Dec 2011 08:30 AM PST What investors are now eager to find out is how much is DRB-HICOM buying the stakes for and at what price or terms would the general offer be, says a research head Business Times  Shares of Proton Holdings Bhd rose by more than 6 per cent to RM4.23 yesterday after its adviser Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed confirmed that Khazanah Nasional Bhd will sell its 42.7 per cent stake in the national carmaker to DRB-HICOM Bhd.
Speculation of DRB-HICOM acquiring stakes in Proton, which has been going for years, resurfaced recently.
Over the past two weeks, Proton shares were actively traded, with its mother shares rising more than 63 per cent at one point.
"With the statement from Dr Mahathir, it is highly likely that a deal will be reached. What investors are now eager to find out is how much is DRB-HICOM buying the stakes for and at what price or terms would the general offer be," said a research head from a local brokerage when contacted yesterday. DRB-HICOM shares closed unchanged at RM2.12, although it hit a high of RM2.19 during the morning session. On the sidelines of the MIDF Investment Forum in Langkawi last Saturday, Dr Mahathir said that he "understands Khazanah will sell shares to DRB-HICOM, although it hasn't been announced yet". He added that the share sale deal between Khazanah and DRB-HICOM had his "blessings". Although DRB-HICOM has a proven record in handling large projects, Dr Mahathir said he had concerns on its ability to come out with funds for Proton's needs. "DRB-HICOM has to invest a lot of money. This is a very big deal. I'm worried if the buyer doesn't have enough money to pump into Proton. "Since there are three bidders, the buying price is very high, higher than the market price. So, making profit would be difficult," he said. Earlier, Business Times reported, citing sources, that of the initial four bidders, only two had been shortlisted for the sale. They were key shareholders of the Naza Group and DRB-HICOM. It was also believed that the bids were between RM6 and RM7 a share. On whether Khazanah should sell its stakes in Proton, the former prime minister said it is Khazanah's right to do so. DRB-HICOM used to own more than 27 per cent of Proton before selling that stake to Petronas in 2000. Proton posted RM155.61 million net profit on the back of RM8.96 billion revenue in its last financial year ended March 31 2011.
Billionaire Syed Mokhtar gets Mahathir’s support to buy Proton Posted: 12 Dec 2011 08:24 AM PST "Mahathir's view and approval would be sought by Khazanah if it wants to sell Proton," said Ratnam, an analyst in Kuala Lumpur. "He is the adviser and founder of Proton, the company is still very close to his heart even as he has retired." By Chong Pooi Koon, Bloomberg Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary, Malaysia's second-youngest billionaire, received former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad's endorsement to acquire a controlling stake in automaker Proton Holdings Bhd. DRB-Hicom Bhd., Syed Mokhtar's auto assembler, is the best candidate to buy the government's 43 percent stake in Proton, Mahathir, now an adviser at the carmaker he founded in 1983, said in a joint interview yesterday in Putrajaya, outside Kuala Lumpur. Officials at DRB and Khazanah Nasional Bhd., the government investment arm holding the Proton shares, weren't immediately available to comment. The support of the man who was Malaysia's prime minister for two decades indicates DRB's purchase of the stake -- valued at 993 million ringgit ($314 million) at current prices -- is imminent because of the former premier's lingering influence, according to James Ratnam, an analyst at TA Securities Holdings Bhd. Proton would add the owner of the Lotus sports car brand to Syed Mokhtar's business empire, which includes ports, airports and power plants. "Mahathir's view and approval would be sought by Khazanah if it wants to sell Proton," said Ratnam, an analyst in Kuala Lumpur. "He is the adviser and founder of Proton, the company is still very close to his heart even as he has retired." Proton advanced 6 percent to 4.23 ringgit yesterday, extending its lead as the best performer on the 100-stock FTSE Malaysia Index in the past month to 57 percent. DRB-Hicom was unchanged at 2.12 ringgit. General Offer Should DRB seek to buy a 43 percent stake, it would be obliged to make a general offer for Proton's remaining shares under Malaysian acquisition rules. Syed Mokhtar, 60, is the Southeast Asian nation's second- youngest billionaire after Berjaya Corp. Chairman Vincent Tan, according to Forbes magazine's latest rankings. His ties to Mahathir, who describes the Malaysian tycoon as a friend, stretch back more than a decade. About a year before Mahathir stepped down in 2003 as prime minister, he awarded a $3.8 billion rail project -- then the nation's biggest infrastructure undertaking -- to contractors including Syed Mokhtar's MMC Corp. DRB would be able to consolidate and expand its share of Malaysia automotive market with a Proton acquisition, TA Securities' Ratnam said. DRB manufactures, distributes and assembles a range of vehicles from motorcycles to garbage trucks for brands including Suzuki, Mercedes-Benz and Yamaha. It has eight assembly plants of which four are for cars, including one in Malaysia's southern Malacca state where Hondas are made. Volkswagen Partnership Selangor-based DRB began manufacturing its first Volkswagen AG Passat vehicles several weeks ago after signing a partnership agreement with the German carmaker last year. Proton, whose vehicles are driven by taxi drivers across Malaysia, are among the cheapest cars sold in the country. The company, which had two annual net losses over the past five years, is poised to see its profit fall 51 percent in the year ending March, according to the average of 13 analyst estimates compiled by Bloomberg. Proton has been looking for a strategic partner to compete with global automakers such as Toyota Motor Corp. Partnership talks to form a partnership with Volkswagen, Europe's largest carmaker, ended last year. While Khazanah approached local companies Naza Group and Sime Darby Bhd. about buying the Proton stake, Syed Mokhtar's DRB may be the best fit, said Mahathir. "DRB seems well-run," Mahathir said. "It is already producing cars for Suzuki, Mercedes and Volkswagen. They have the capacity to turn around Proton and won't undermine its vendors." --With assistance from Elffie Chew and Manirajan Ramasamy in Kuala Lumpur. Editors: Young-Sam Cho, Suresh Seshadri |
Karpal-Ramasamy spat may only be tip of iceberg, says Lau Posted: 12 Dec 2011 08:19 AM PST (The Star) - The open spat between DAP's chairman Karpal Singh and deputy secretary-general Dr P. Ramasamy shows that the party is incapable of managing its own affairs, let alone govern Penang. Penang MCA secretary Lau Chiek Tuan wonders why Chief Minister and party secretary-general Lim Guan Eng was unable to rein-in his fellow party members until the party's state convention turned chaotic on Sunday. "Even his gag order on the issue was defied during the convention," he said. Lau said he believed the issue was just the tip of the iceberg, noting that more problems might crop up, especially over the selection of DAP candidates for the next general election. Penang MIC chairman Datuk P.K. Subbaiyah said it was a pity that the post of Deputy Chief Minister II, which is held by Dr Ramasamy, did not come with any important portfolio. "Most of the essential portfolios such as land, local government, tourism and infrastructure are held by other DAP leaders. Ramasamy's portfolio of overseeing education has a limited scope," he said. Subbaiyah claimed that many Indians were losing faith in the DAP due to infighting within the leaders, noting that some members in Prai had left DAP to join MIC instead. "Disgruntled Indian DAP members, who see no future for them, are welcome to join MIC," he said. Penang Gerakan chairman Datuk Dr Teng Hock Nan claims that more trouble is brewing in DAP. "Dr Ramasamy would not dare challenge Karpal. Someone is behind the scenes, plotting," he said. State People's Progressive Party (PPP) chairman and state Barisan Nasional Information chief Datuk Dr Loga Bala Mohan also believes there is a hidden hand behind the squabble. "Both Karpal and Ramasamy are not the type of people who would want to get into a squabble," he said. |
Is this Umno’s last hurray? Posted: 12 Dec 2011 08:10 AM PST Let Umno now celebrate its mirage of victory at the 13th general election. There will be many in Umno who are already packed to go. Those in Umno who do not have the stomach to stand and fight on a level playing field with Pakatan Rakyat will go through the motions secure in the knowledge that defeat will not necessarily mean a life too removed from the one they are enjoying now – courtesy of their plundering of our nation's wealth while they were in government. CT Ali, Free Malaysia Today Let us all hold our positions while Umno hang itself in the euphoria of all the delusional grandeur that it had conjured up in its last general assembly before it is relegated to the opposition bench. At every Umno general assembly, Umno gets intoxicated with its perceived greatness in being able to rule our country for the last 54 years. And it thinks it can do so for another 54 more years. We will let Umno think so. Let it celebrate now its mirage of a victory at the 13th general election. But remember (Prime Minister) Najib (Tun Razak) had promised RM5 million to the people of Sibu. With sweat drippinng down his face, he (publicly) pondered if RM5 million was enough to persuade the people of Sibu to vote Barisan Nasional (BN). As we now know, that it was not enough! Not RM5 million, not any amount of money because the people of Sibu have had enough of BN and enough of Najib. If Sibu can make Najib sweat buckets, think what a general election will do to him. What you now see at the Umno general assembly is Umno's last hurrah. It is a "us versus them" situation. You are either aligned with Umno or against them. 'We are in it together' I am against Umno. The people of Penang, Selangor, Kelantan and Kedah are with me, too. Then there are those who are in PKR, PAS and DAP. Do not forget Bersih. Do not forget Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement (MCLM), and the people's power. MCLM candidates have been urged to be faithful to the rakyat and not to MCLM. My heart swells at the selflessness of MCLM – the rakyat, always the rakyat. Then there is Kita – who says "it's not government that matters, but governance". Malaysia Today, Barisan Rakyat Bloggers, Zorro Unmasked and me… do not forget me! Everyone of you that has borne the brunt of being messed around by BN and Umno, remember we are all in this together. For now we are restrained. No date has been set for the 13th general election. Even restrained we still rejoice as the time nears for regime change. For Umno, the inevitability of having to face its nemesis is not a matter of if but of when. Without Najib, Rosmah does not matter Put yourself in KJ's (Khairy Jamaluddin) place and ask yourself what is it that he is now fighting for? You know he is just fighting for face. Do not talk about a position in Cabinet – holding on to his Umno Youth post would be hard enough. And everything you do now is money down the drain, never to be recouped. And what about Muhyiddin Yassin (Deputy Prime Minister)? In his mind's eye he waits for the call to serve – not to serve Umno but to serve Dr Mahathir (Mohamad) and to serve himself. If it comes, he knows that Umno is on life support and his work is only to execute Umno's exit strategy to ensure the least amount of damage is inflicted on the thieves, thugs and robbers from Umno and BN as Umno leaves Putrajaya. Without Najib, his wife Rosmah (Mansor) does not matter – to Umno or to us. Like the last days of the Fall of Rome, the Last Days of the Third Reich and the end of the Americans in South Vietnam, history will record that Umno was a victim of its own arrogance and hubris. History will record that no one caused the downfall of Najib more than Rosmah. That it was Mahathir, not Pak Lah (Abdullah Ahmad Badawi) or Najib, that started the descend of Umno into an abyss of deceit, lies and money politics which ultimately will lead to its defeat at the polls in the 13th general election. READ MORE HERE |
Former IGP gets back at bloggers Posted: 12 Dec 2011 08:01 AM PST (The Star) - Former Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan has lodged a police report against several bloggers for allegedly slandering him saying that he married an artiste in a hush-hush RM15mil wedding. In confirming that he had lodged a report on Friday at the Petaling Jaya police district headquarters here, Musa said it was to facilitate the taking of legal action in due course. "I leave it to the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) to investigate the matter. "Once the police and the MCMC have completed their investigations, I would decide on whether to commence legal proceedings," he told The Star yesterday. Allegations about the "lavish wedding" between Musa and local artiste Syella Kamaruddin surfaced in the blogsphere recently. Several blogs claimed that the ceremony cost RM15mil with bridal gifts that included a RM5mil bungalow and an RM800,000 Audi R8. Syella, who did not want to reveal the identity of her husband, had reportedly said her husband was more "younger and sturdier" than Musa. Photographs of Syella cutting a multi-layered cake with the groom were being circulated in the blogs and were also published by the Chinese press. Musa, who retired last year, is currently lecturing at Universiti Teknologi Mara on media warfare. It is learnt that the blog posts had since been removed. OCPD Asst Comm Arjunaidi Mohamed confirmed that police had received the report. "We would seek assistance from MCMC on the matter," he said. |
UBF to celebrate its 1st Anniversary on Dec 16 Posted: 12 Dec 2011 07:50 AM PST "The United Borneo Front (UBF) will be celebrating its 1st Anniversary on 16 December 2011" announced UBF founder, Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan in a press statement released today. 16 December 2010 saw the birth of the UNITED BORNEO FRONT (UBF) as an apolitical platform under the auspices of the Borneo Heritage Foundation. As a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), UBF seeks to empower the people especially in the Borneo States of Sabah and Sarawak with the relevant information and knowledge and act as a pressure group and facilitator for change. UBF which is advocating the BORNEO AGENDA, with its seven (7) core objectives, which seeks to restore the State rights of the Borneo States of Sabah and Sarawak as equal partners in the Federation of Malaysia as originally set out in the Malaysia Agreement 1963 as well as to seek the abolishment of unbalanced revenue sharing and unfair trade policies including the current cabotage policy and reducing the economic and digital divide between East and West Malaysia and the resolution of problems in the Borneo States. In the past one year, UBF has held more than four hundred (400) BORNEO TEA PARTY functions throughout the Borneo States to disseminate and spread the Borneo Agenda and UBF and the Borneo Agenda has been well received and the support has been ever-growing ever since its launch. At the anniversary function, UBF will review the past activities and plan ahead for the incoming year 2012 to ensure the people of the Borneo States are empowered with the facts of history which has been distorted and manipulated to the detriment of the Borneo States. "We expect the attendance and support of SAPP, Kelab USNO, STAR and SNAP from Sarawak and the leaders as well as all UBF Coordinators in Sabah and supporters at the anniversary function" added Dr. Jeffrey. Dr. Jeffrey also invited the media, public and supporters to attend the UBF 1st anniversary which will be held at the Dowish Restaurant in Jalan Bundusan, Penanmpang at 2.00pm. Datuk Dr. Jeffrey G. Kitingan Chairman UNITED BORNEO FRONT |
155,343 PTPTN borrowers defaulted on RM929m loans Posted: 12 Dec 2011 07:46 AM PST (Bernama) - At total of 155,343 recipients of National Higher Education Fund (PTPTN) loans have yet to repay their loans totalling RM929.53 million as of last Oct 31, the Dewan Negara was told on Monday. Deputy Higher Education Minister Datuk Dr Hou Kok Chung said the total amount was arrived at after it has removed the number of borrowers who had duly repaid their loans, comprising of 730,221 and involving a total sum of RM2.8 billion. "From Dec 1, 2006 till last Oct 31, at total of 267,822 final reminder notices (FRNs) and 189,813 letters of demand (LODs) were issued. "Following the issuing of the FRNs, a total of 75,530 borrowers have started to service their loans while action has been taken against 81,151 borrowers issued with LODs. "Legal action was taken against 104,083 defaulters involving a total amount of RM1.12 billion and 69,667 of these cases were settled at the courts," he said when replying to a question from Senator Ahmad Hussin. Dr Hou also told the Dewan that PTPTN had given exemptions to 10,849 borrowers for graduating with first class honours and that the amount involved was RM312.24 million. |
For Malaysian Christians, an anxious holiday season Posted: 12 Dec 2011 07:41 AM PST The governing coalition, which has led Malaysia since independence from Britain in 1957, suffered its biggest loss in the 2008 elections, losing its two-thirds parliamentary majority for the first time. Some analysts say UMNO is trying to play on religious sensitivities to win back support from Malay Muslims. By LIZ GOOCH, The New York Times Beneath windows framed with forest-green wreaths studded with red and gold baubles, worshipers at St. Mary's Anglican Cathedral, one of the oldest churches in Malaysia, knelt and clasped their hands in prayer. As part of the Advent service, they celebrated a baptism and sang their way through a series of hymns including "Child in the Manger." But their voices masked the unease many Christians in Malaysia are feeling this season, following accusations that they are trying to "Christianize" this Muslim-majority country by converting Muslims, which is illegal. "It's unfortunate that the authorities don't take the relevant action against those making such wild allegations," said Bishop Jason Selvaraj, who led the service at St. Mary's. "We are upset about that. There's a sense of justice is not done. We have not done anything wrong." The Malaysian Constitution both guarantees freedom of religion and designates Islam as the official religion — ethnic Malays are automatically considered Muslims. While Muslims are free to proselytize to others, most states have laws that prohibit members of other religions from proselytizing to Muslims. In Selangor State, the penalties can include a year's imprisonment and a fine of up to 10,000 ringgit, or almost $3,200. While the central government's Department of Islamic Development says no one has ever been formally charged with trying to convert Muslims, recent statements by Muslim politicians and groups promoting Islam have left many Christians, who make up just 9 percent of the population, feeling victimized. Many are convinced that they are being used as political pawns to win support among Muslim voters in advance of the next general election, widely expected to be held next year. "I think Christians are generally feeling that there is kind of a Christian-bashing going on," said the Rev. Thomas Philips, a Syrian Orthodox priest and vice president of the Council of Churches of Malaysia, a group that represents Protestant and Orthodox churches. While Christians, for the most part, work and live peacefully alongside Muslims in Malaysia, several incidents have heightened tensions in recent years, including the firebombing of churches in 2010. The latest round of religious tensions was set off in August, when Selangor religious officials interrupted a church dinner outside of Kuala Lumpur, saying they had information that these Christians were proselytizing to Muslims. Although the sultan of Selangor eventually concluded that there was "insufficient" evidence to take further legal action, Muslim politicians and leaders of Himpun, a new organization that has pledged to protect Islam, have continued to charge that there is a plot by some opposition political parties and Christian organizations to "Christianize" the country. On Nov. 29, Ahmad Maslan, a deputy minister from the United Malays National Organization, or UMNO, the dominant party in the governing coalition, asserted that Islam would be "lost" if the opposition gained seats in the next election, according to a report by The Malaysian Insider, a news Web site. "Say goodbye to Islam, because they are agents of Christianization," he said, referring to the Democratic Action Party, a member of the opposition alliance. The governing coalition, which has led Malaysia since independence from Britain in 1957, suffered its biggest loss in the 2008 elections, losing its two-thirds parliamentary majority for the first time. Some analysts say UMNO is trying to play on religious sensitivities to win back support from Malay Muslims. Meanwhile, Himpun is planning a series of rallies around the country to "save and protect" Islam. The group, which held a rally in Kuala Lumpur in October that attracted 5,000 people, complains that the government is not enforcing laws that prohibit trying to convert Muslims. "If we have a law which is not enforced, then it's a mockery on the part of the religious authorities," said Mohammad Azmi Abdul Hamid, Himpun's chairman. Christian leaders deny that they are part of a plot to "Christianize" the country. They say recent comments about "Christianization" by UMNO members indicate that the party is trying to shore up its support among Muslims, its traditional support base, before the election. "The present climate and mood is more political than anything else," said the Rev. Lawrence Andrew, editor of The Herald, the Roman Catholic Church's weekly newspaper in Kuala Lumpur. Father Philips, who is also vice president of the Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism, said he believed that UMNO was seeking to portray itself as the "savior of Muslims." "They are thinking that it will unite the Muslims together, but I don't think that any Malaysians buy it," he said. "It's a political game." Farish Ahmad Noor, a political science professor at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, agrees. While Prime Minister Najib Razak has been seeking to present Malaysia as a moderate Muslim nation and has opened diplomatic relations with the Vatican and spearheaded a "1Malaysia" policy to promote national unity and inclusiveness, Mr. Farish said his efforts were being undermined by conservatives within his party who were trying to appeal to Muslims. These elements, he said, threatened to alienate non-Muslims affiliated with other parties in the governing coalition, which includes the Malaysian Chinese Association and the Malaysian Indian Congress. "It may prove to be counterproductive in the long run," Mr. Farish said. "If this fringe in UMNO thinks this is the only way they can secure the Malay vote, they have to understand that the coalition as a whole has to secure the votes of as many Malaysians as they can, and that includes Christians." Mr. Farish said while groups like Himpun say they are independent, "in the minds of Malaysians they are seen as another front" for the governing coalition. Ng Kam Weng, director of the Kairos Research Center, which studies issues related to Malaysian Christianity, said that UMNO politicians may also be trying to intimidate Christians who were becoming more politically active and playing a greater role in civil society groups. He said churches were careful not to proselytize to Muslims precisely because this could provoke a "backlash from authorities." "I think if the Christian community is clear in its conscience that it has maintained its integrity in how it practices its faith, I suppose we trust in God that he will override human mischief," he said. Bishop Selvaraj said the recent controversies would not dampen celebrations at St. Mary's in the days leading up to Christmas. He has discussed the allegations in his sermons and urged the congregation — Malaysians of Chinese and Indian ethnicity, Africans, Indonesians and Europeans — to pray for peace. He said he has been encouraged by messages of support from Muslim friends. "The majority of Muslims are good people," he said. |
Philippines' top judge faces impeachment Posted: 12 Dec 2011 07:27 AM PST (AFP) - MANILA - Philippine President Benigno Aquino's parliamentary allies moved Monday to impeach the country's top judge, who in turn accused his opponents of seeking to destroy the Supreme Court's integrity. The unprecedented push to impeach Chief Justice Renato Corona came after the Supreme Court made a series of decisions that hindered government efforts to prosecute ex-president Gloria Arroyo for alleged corruption. House of Representatives Speaker Feliciano Belmonte said 175 members of the 285-member Congress had signed the impeachment complaint, well above the one-third needed to begin the process. Belmonte said Corona was being impeached for "betrayal of public trust", "violation of the constitution" and "undue closeness to Arroyo". He said the complaints largely centred on the decisions that were favourable for Arroyo, but also because Corona had allegedly broken the law by not publicly disclosing his own assets. The impeachment proceedings will now move to the 24-member Senate, which will hold a trial to determine if Corona must step down. Aquino, who won presidential elections last year in a landslide, has never fully recognised Corona's legitimacy as the Supreme Court chief justice. This is because Arroyo appointed Corona shortly before she stepped down as president, in what Aquino said was a violation of a constitutional ban on so-called "midnight appointments" by an outgoing leader. Aquino's allies have said Arroyo planted Corona in the Supreme Court as part of her efforts to protect herself from future criminal prosecutions. Arroyo, who ruled the Philippines from 2001 to 2010, has been accused of rigging elections, plundering state coffers and a wide range of other corruption while in power. She has denied all the accusations. The government filed the first of what it promised would be many charges against Arroyo last month for allegedly rigging the 2007 senatorial elections. Corona made a defiant speech to court officials on Monday in which he vowed to resist the political pressure. "I assure you, I do not intend to leave them to do as they please. I am not going anywhere," Corona said in a speech to court employees. "I want all of you to know that your chief continues to be in command and will lead the fight against any and all who dare to destroy the court and independence of the judiciary." |
Hindraf to lend its strength to ABU Posted: 12 Dec 2011 07:22 AM PST THE PEOPLES' PARLIAMENT Hindraf Chairman P.Waytha Moorthy issued the following press statement today. This is a most positive development and I personally wish to extend a hand to my brothers and sisters in Hindraf in welcoming them to this Rakyat-driven initiative to rid our nation of the cancer that UMNO and BN are. ____________________________________ Recent developments seem to point in the direction of a hardening of UMNO's political attitude. This is what we get reading what PM Najib has been saying and reading between the lines of what he has been saying. He is creating a false feel good factor by handing out goodies to his target constituencies, the rural Malays, the urban poor and the civil servants as seen by his various pronouncements in the budget, the various handout schemes and various other subsidy maintenance programs. He has been talking a hard brand of racist talk to his core constituency. He has been mingling with organizations acknowledged to have questionable credentials. For the large segment of educated young and the middle class voters he is creating an illusion of liberalization and moderation when in fact the recent changes and additions to our laws – the amendments to the Employment Act, the new Freedom of Assembly bill are in reality detrimental to the people. Even as he is gearing up for the polls with all of this, he is also gearing up for more repression on the other hand in preparation for the unpopular and postponed actions post-election. It is clear what the future holds if left unattended. READ MORE HERE |
Does The Star have something to hide about sales? Posted: 11 Dec 2011 11:35 PM PST By uppercaise • NST sinks to 98,000 with just 68,000 full rate sales • Berita, Utusan hold steady with marginal increases • Metro drops 10,000 but Kosmo up 23,000 • Chinese papers moving up, Guang Ming slides ABC circulation report 2011 The Star, which has fallen steadily and is believed to be heading below 270,000 in daily sales, is surprisingly missing from this year's ABC newspaper circulation audit. No figures were reported for the first half of this year in the ABC report, which covers the period July 2010 to June 2011. The omission is surprising because the Star has regularly filed its circulation figures in the past. Either it filed its figures too late for audit this time, or the figures were withheld. Insider's surprising claim of 10,000 rise for Star More surprising was the claim by Malaysian Insider last week that the Star's sales had risen this year, by an extra 10,000 copies a day. The Insider did not state a source for this figure, but extensively quoted Wong Sai Wan, the Star's executive editor, talking about a newspaper "recovery" and linking this to "election anger" having dissipated. His remarks seemed to be more of a politically-correct feel-good statement for the current political climate than a rational assessment of the newspaper market. The Insider's astonishing claim: no source is given for the figure stated. But the 2011 ABC report shows a blank for the Star  The Star has been shedding sales since its 310,000 peak five years ago. Several facelifts of the paper over the years have obviously made no impact on sales. (And after having being prettied up, the paper reverts each time to amateurish and egrerious design frills by editors keen to follow teenage fads.) Market talk earlier this year had predicted another fall of 10,000 putting the circulation below 270,000 copies a day. The Insider's claim that the Star had increased sales flies in the face of market expectations. If Star sales have indeed risen this year against the steady falls of the past, the most likely explanation would be the Star's circulation-boosting competition to give away a Peugeot sports car and other prizes amounting to RM300,000. But that campaign began only last month, to run until January, and would not have had any impact on the first-half figures. UP: Kosmo, Sin Chew, China Press, Oriental Daily News DOWN: Metro, The Star, New Straits Times, Guang Ming STEADY: Utusan Malaysia, Berita Harian Utusan Malaysia held steady for a second year. Berita Harian dropped 10,000 copies in sales last year but also held steady this year. Both papers picked up about 1,500 copies a day each — that's a miniscule increase of less than 1% — but the soaring Metro suffered a setback, slipping by 10,000 copies. Kosmo, however, continued rising, picking up 23,000 copies and the Chinese papers stayed up, led by Sin Chew. Its stablemate Guang Ming, however, continues its slow slide. Downhill for NST The NST seems headed for oblivion, overtaken by China Press and just barely ahead of Guang Ming because of bulk sales (e.g. to schools, government departments and hotels). Overall sales dropped to 98,920 this year, of which full-rate sales amounted to 67,854 copies. The Guang Ming's full-rate sales are 20,000 copies more than the NST's. That's how far the mighty have fallen. Read more at: |
ABU: Rapat Rakyat pada 15hb Disember, 2011 Posted: 11 Dec 2011 10:02 PM PST |
Rama’s political future hangs by a thread Posted: 11 Dec 2011 08:40 PM PST DAP's central executive committee is expected to meet tomorrow night to discuss the open spat between Ramasamy and Karpal Singh. An observer, Hindraf Makkal Sakti CEC member S Thiagarajan, said Ramasamy has failed to implement permanent solutions to resolve pressing Indian issues such as land matters of Hindu temples, Tamil schools, settlements and cemeteries in the state. Athi Shankar, Free Malaysia Today It is a very brave man who dares take on DAP party elders such as Lim Kit Siang, Karpal Singh or Dr Chen Man Hin. Before P Ramasamy's ill-judged outburst against DAP national chairman Karpal Singh, there were others who attempted a tilt at the leadership. Heavyweights like Lee Lam Thye (MP for Bukit Bintang) and Wee Choo Keong (MP for Kuala Lumpur Bandar) felt the wrath of the elders and had to leave the party. Compared to the others, Ramasamy can be considered a novice in politics. The first-time Member of Parliament (Batu Kawan) is on the naive side when it comes to the internal workings of DAP which depends on Chinese votes. The former academic has knowingly or unknowingly found himself in the centre of the Indian problem within DAP. Barring any miraculous eleventh hour party leadership-initiated truce, Karpal's fiery speech at the state party convention in Prai on Sunday has sealed Ramasamy's political fate in Penang, and maybe in the party. All this is because he took on the mantle of championing the Indians in Penang. Some, including Indian grassroots supporters, want his wings clipped. On the surface, the spat between Karpal and Ramasamy, the deputy chief minister II, looks like a clash of personalities. But in reality it could be an attempt to play down the Indian mess within the party. His outburst against Karpal surely could not have been vindictive. After all, Karpal was and is Ramasamy's mentor. Cronyism Academician-turned-politician Ramasamy parachuted into Penang "at the right place and the right time" in the 2008 general election and won the Batu Kawan parliamentary and Prai state seats. He was supposed to only contest Batu Kawan against Gerakan president and chief minister Koh Tsu Koon. But Karpal decided to give him Prai as well because the veteran parliamentarian thought Ramasamy may not have a chance against Koh. Although Ramasamy was a newcomer, acting on views expressed by party grassroots members, Karpal decided Ramasamy should also be given a starring role in the newly elected DAP-led Pakatan Raykat state government. He was also appointed deputy chief minister II to show the Indian face of DAP. But nearly four years later, the perception is that Ramasamy failed to deliver anything worthy for Penang Indian community . An observer, Hindraf Makkal Sakti CEC member S Thiagarajan, said Ramasamy has failed to implement permanent solutions to resolve pressing Indian issues such as land matters of Hindu temples, Tamil schools, settlements and cemeteries in the state. He also alleged that Ramasamy had helped only his cronies, reflecting the sentiments of many delegates at the state DAP convention. But the novice politician made a huge blunder when he tried to bypass the central working committee (CEC), the party's supreme body, and announced a list of candidates for the next election. This premature announcement on party candidature through Tamil daily Makkal Osai on Nov 28 was the final straw that made Karpal and party grassroots members to decide "enough was enough". READ MORE HERE |
DRB-Hicom May Win Bid For Proton Stake, Says Dr M Posted: 11 Dec 2011 08:39 PM PST (Bernama) -- Conglomerate, DRB- Hicom Bhd, is likely to win the bid for Khazanah Nasional Bhd's 42.7 per cent stake in Proton Holdings Bhd, given its sound financial and management capabilities, Proton adviser, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, said Monday. "DRB Hicom is quite well run. They also produce cars for Suzuki, Mercedes and Volkswagen. This company also belongs to the Al-Bukhary Group, which has a lot of other businesses, including port operations. "They seem to be able to do business," the former prime minister said in an interview with Bernama and Bloomberg. Besides DRB-Hicom, Proton's major shareholder, Khazanah Nasional, had approached Naza Group of Companies, Sime Darby Bhd and several other local companies to buy the stake, he said. Sime Darby rejected the offer, said Dr Mahathir, who is also Proton founder. Dr Mahathir said Naza has come up with a proposal and appears to be interested. Dr Mahathir said he was not backing any company and it was up to Khazanah, the government's investment arm, to decide (on the successful bidder). "The buyer must have the capacity to finance the turnaround of Proton's finances. Proton has financial problems like other car companies. If they can't, it will be bad for Proton," he said. At 4.30pm, Proton's shares gained 21 sen to RM4.15, but DRB-Hicom lost two sen to RM2.10. Dr Mahathir hoped Khazanah would sell its stake at a reasonable price. "Proton needs financing. So, it must have some people who can inject money into Proton. If the price is too high, it will become difficult for the investors to turn the company around," he said. Dr Mahathir said Khazanah has no plans to sell its stake to foreign companies as Proton would lose its identity (as Malaysia's national car), but the company is currently negotiating with General Motors Company for a potential car assembly. "Proton needs to remain as the national car and strengthen its engineering capability," he said. Partnering with global car manufacturers was not the only solution to improve technology, he said. "There are many other ways to acquire technology. Many established car manufacturers do outsourcing for design," he added. |
DAP central committee to meet Tues over Karpal-Ramasamy spat Posted: 11 Dec 2011 08:34 PM PST (The Star) - DAP's central executive committee will meet Tuesday to discuss the warlod-godfather' spat between party chairman Karpal Singh and deputy secretary-general Dr P. Ramasamy. The meeting will take place at the party headquarters in Kuala Lumpur where top leaders, such as party adviser Lim Kit Siang, Karpal and secretary-general Lim Guan Eng are expected to attend. DAP Youth head Anthony Loke, who confirmed this, said he hoped the discussion could mend the rift between both leaders after their dispute disrupted the Penang DAP convention on Sunday. It is learnt that the leaders would also discuss if its disciplinary committee needs to investigate Dr Ramasamy after a complaint was lodged by Kuala Juru DAP branch chairman Tan Ah Huat. The spat broke out after Dr Ramasamy was quoted in a Tamil vernacular newspaper as saying that there were "godfathers" in DAP after named three individuals as candidates in the next general election. When contacted, Dr Ramasamy, who is also the Penang Deputy Chief Minister II, said that he might not be able to attend the meeting as he was busy with other duties. |
Defence close Malaysia Anwar Ibrahim sodomy trial Posted: 11 Dec 2011 08:30 PM PST (BBC) - Defence lawyers representing Malaysia's main opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim have made their closing arguments at his sodomy trial in Kuala Lumpur. They urged the country's High Court to acquit Mr Anwar of all charges, claiming that the man who accused him is a "compulsive and consummate liar". Prosecution lawyers are expected to address the court on Tuesday. Supporters of Mr Anwar say the case is politically motivated ahead of national elections expected next year. But the government has denied any involvement with the charges or a conspiracy. Mr Anwar is accused of sodomising a former political aide, Saiful Azlam, in June 2008. The allegation surfaced just months after Mr Anwar led the opposition to win an unprecedented number of seats in the March 2008 elections, says the BBC's Jennifer Pak in Kuala Lumpur. Sodomy is illegal in Malaysia, even among consenting adults. Mr Anwar faces up to 20 years in jail if convicted. 'Character assassination' Mr Anwar was imprisoned on separate sex and corruption charges in 1998, and freed on appeal in 2004. In August Mr Anwar said that the latest allegations against him were "a vile and desperate attempt at character assassination" orchestrated by his political enemies. Defence lawyer Sankara Nair told the AFP news agency that a verdict could be expected within a month. A guilty verdict would effectively prevent Mr Anwar from standing in the next polls, he said. "The evidence adduced by the defence has demolished all semblance of truth in the evidence [of Mr Anwar's accuser]," Karpal Singh, another defence lawyer, told the court. But our correspondent says that Mr Anwar's lawyers believe they have a tough case to prove. The prosecution's case rests mainly on his accuser's testimony and DNA evidence allegedly linking Mr Anwar to him. Mr Anwar's lawyers say the DNA material is tainted. But the judge has already said in court that they found Mr Anwar's accuser and key DNA evidence gathered against him to be "credible" and "reliable". Malaysia's governing National Front coalition, which has ruled the country since 1957, is widely expected to seek a new mandate by mid-2012. |
National broadband penetration rate reaches 81 per cent Posted: 11 Dec 2011 04:54 PM PST (Bernama) -- The national fixed line and wireless broadband penetration rate had reached 81 per cent of populated areas, the Dewan Negara was told today. Deputy Information, Communications and Culture Minister Datuk Joseph Salang Gandum said up to the third quarter of this year, the total internet subscriptions numbered 5.59 million and the number of internet users was approximately 17.5 million. "The internet service coverage has also been increased from time to time by the service providers and through the implementation of broadband initiatives by the government. "Among the initiatives are the construction of telecommunication tower, wireless village, community broadband centre and broadband services at rural libraries," he said in reply to Senator Chew Lee Giok during question time. The deputy minister also said the broadband penetration rate in Malaysia should not be compared to Singapore and Hong Kong. "This is because the population density in Malaysia differs from the two countries... so is the size and the geographical features of Malaysia," he said. Nevertheless, he said the government was concerned with the service performance and the quality of internet service in the country and had underlined the mandatory standards for broadband access service that should be adhered to by the service providers. |
Defence wants Saiful, DPP recalled to answer affair allegation Posted: 11 Dec 2011 04:25 PM PST (The Malaysian Insider) - Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's lawyers have demanded the court recall Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan and Farah Azlina Latif to answer allegations of an affair between them, saying that it was necessary in order to ensure a "just decision" of the trial. Defence counsel Karpal Singh dismissed the results of an investigation headed by the Attorney-General's Chambers which concluded that there was no basis for the allegation. Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz had said in a written reply in Parliament to Karpal on November 10 that there was no evidence of an affair between Farah Azlina and Saiful. Farah Azlina is a deputy public prosecutor who was part of the prosecution team in the ongoing sodomy trial. However, the Padang Rengas MP said that Farah Azlina was removed from the prosecution team to avoid any further allegations of impropriety in Anwar's second sodomy trial that began 21 months ago. "An independent inquiry would have been an answer and that one must be conducted by this court by recalling SP1 (Saiful) to deny the allegation under oath and summoning Farah Azlina as a witness to do likewise in court," Karpal said today during the defence's closing submissions of the trial. The veteran lawyer said that High Court judge Datuk Mohd Zabidin Mohd Diah had "ample powers" to do so under section 425 of the Criminal Procedure Code which allows "any court to... summon any person as a witness or any person in attendance... to examine or recall and re-examine any such person if his evidence appears to be essential to the just decision of the case." He stressed that the court would be "abdicating" its duty if it did not summon the two, and pointed out that they have yet to deny the allegation. Karpal said if the affair did indeed take place, Saiful would have had "access to the investigation papers and accordingly tailor his evidence to the detriment of the defence." Opposition Leader Anwar had tried to strike out the sodomy charge following controversial blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin's allegations in August 2010 that Saiful and Farah Azlina were in a sexual relationship. READ MORE HERE |
Apa Anwar buat ketika dalam kabinet? Posted: 11 Dec 2011 04:18 PM PST Bukankah ketika itu kesempatan terbaik untuk beliau memansuhkan akta-akta drakonian tersebut dan mengheret jerung- jerung yang menerima rasuah ke muka pengadilan? Selain itu, keutamaan dasar Mahathir untuk menyelamatkan syarikat-syarikat kroni dengan menelan belanja berbillion ringgit akibat kemelesetan ekonomi ketika itu tidak dipersetujui oleh Anwar yang ketika itu Menteri Kewangan telah memburukan lagi hubungan mereka. Nazli Ibrahim, Free Malaysia Today Setelah 12 tahun Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dipecat dari semua jawatan dari kerajaan dan Umno, pada 2009 lalu beliau bergiat semula dalam sepak terajang politik negara ini. Jikalau dahulu, semasa di dalam kerajaan beliau menjalankan dasar-dasar kerajaan, berbeza dengan sekarang, beliau ialah ketua pakatan pembangkang yang disegani. Kelantangan beliau mengkritik dasar-dasar kerajaan hari ini, khususnya terhadap rasuah, Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) dan Akta Universiti dan Kolej Universiti (AUKU) kadang kala menimbulkan persoalan, apa yang beliau lakukan semasa beliau berada di dalam kabinet? Apabila berbicara mengenai hal ini, perkara yang sering tidak lepas dari persoalan ialah adakah Anwar memang benar-benar menentang rasuah yang semakin membarah dalam kerajaan, akta-akta yang menindas kebebasan bersuara – ISA, AUKU dan lain-lain akta yang seumpamanya. Persoalan mengapa beliau tidak melakukannya semasa beliau berada di dalam kerajaan dahulu pasti dipersoalkan dan tentunya lebih kerap dimainkan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin Barisan Nasional (BN) dan kolumnis media-media kawalan kerajaan. Bukankah ketika itu adalah kesempatan terbaik untuk beliau memansuhkan akta-akta drakonian tersebut dan mengheret jerung-jerung yang menerima rasuah ke muka pengadilan? TPM era Mahathir paling mencabar Umum mengetahui, menjadi seorang Timbalan Perdana Menteri (TPM) kepada Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad berkuasa tidaklah semudah menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri kepada Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak dan tiga PM sebelumnya. Bagi Abdullah Badawi memadai dengan hanya seorang timbalan berbanding Mahathir yang mempunyai sehingga empat orang Timbalan Perdana Menteri. Malah kuasa pemutus keputusan penting oleh para menteri yang ada dari dahulu hinggalah hari ini juga tidaklah mutlak walaupun dalam bidang kuasa kementerian masing-masing. Contohnya, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin sebagai Menteri Pelajaran tentunya tidak akan menarik semula pelaksanaan PPSMI jika tidak dipersetujui oleh Najib. Begitu juga dengan Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein sebagai Menteri Dalam Negeri, tentunya tidak akan berani, walaupun sekadar menyebut pindaan ISA akan dikaji jika tiada lampu hijau dari Najib atau mungkin juga diilhamkan sendiri oleh Najib. Sama juga dengan isu kenaikan harga gula, beras, petrol dan lain-lain. Walaupun menurut mereka, pada dasarnya, setiap keputusan yang dibuat telah dibincangkan dalam mesyuarat kabinet, namun kuasa veto Perdana Menteri adalah pemutus utama tidak dapat dinafikan. Akhirnya, telunjuk 1Malaysia itulah juga akan dijadikan kiblat. Apatah lagi menjadi timbalan kepada Mahathir, tentunya memerlukan seseorang yang sehaluan dengannya, seseorang yang mampu menari seirama dengan tariannya, tidak kira samada tindakan itu menguntungkan rakyat atau menguntungkan kroni. Apa yang penting, harus bersedia mengungkapkan kata-kata 'yes boss'. Perilaku seperti ini tentunya bertentangan dengan jiwa Anwar sendiri hinggalah mengundang pertengkaran demi pertengkaran antara kedua mereka. Kejadian pertengkaran antara mereka ini diakui sendiri oleh mereka yang rapat dengan Anwar seperti Azmin Ali, Ezam Mohd Nor malah Mahathir sendiri turut pernah mengakuinya. Pernah dalam beberapa ceramah politik oleh Ezam dan Azmin sekitar tahun 1999, mereka menceritakan bagaimana pada suatu hari, Anwar keluar dari bilik PM dengan muka yang merah padam setelah bertengkar dengan Mahathir berkenaan isu penyelewengan yang dilakukan oleh Menteri Kabinet dan VIP Umno yang lainnya. Sikap Mahathir yang melindungi perlakuan menyeleweng ini sama sekali tidak dapat diterima oleh Anwar. Selain itu, keutamaan dasar Mahathir untuk menyelamatkan syarikat-syarikat kroni dengan menelan belanja berbillion ringgit akibat kemelesetan ekonomi ketika itu tidak dipersetujui oleh Anwar yang ketika itu Menteri Kewangan telah memburukan lagi hubungan mereka. READ MORE HERE |
‘Umno’s a giant ponzi scheme’ Posted: 11 Dec 2011 04:15 PM PST Malays in the rural areas are not exactly insular in their outlook and they too can read between the lines. The ones making money are the Umno chieftains, cronies, families. Umno operates a giant Ponzi scheme, not dissimilar to Bernard Madoff's multi-level marketing. Mohd Ariff Sabri Aziz, Free Malaysia Today Allow me to share this posting which I received from a reader. "Dengar cerita CEO National Feedlot Centre (suami Shahrizat Abdul Jalil – Minister of Women, Family and Community Development) dapat gaji RM100k sebulan, anak sulung (aged 31) dapat gaji RM45k sebulan, anak kedua (aged 27) dapat RM35k sebulan, anak ketiga (aged 25) dapat 35k sebulan. Jika ini betul, ia sesungguhnya memalukan. Ambil duit rakyat buat bayar gaji besar. Anak saya pun graduate juga. UPSR, PMR, SPM dapat semua A. Umur 24 tahun. Kerja swasta. Dia pun work hard. Balik kerja paling awal jam 9 malam. Kadang-kadang sampai 1 pagi. Gaji dia RM2,700/sebulan. Adakah anak saya akan sokong BN/Umno kalau begini keadaannya? Saya dah tahu jawapannya. Umno tak boleh kelentong orang cerdik. Umno is not capable of changing, not with the current leaders. When more than 50% of our working population is earning less than RM2k/month, tak tahu malu ke mereka-mereka ini. Merompak siang dan malam, 7 hari seminggu. Perompak Ali Baba P Ramli pun ada cuti hujung minggu." Even if we refuse to admit it, the above is an outpouring of bitterness. This kind of anecdotal and very personalized tale of feeling marginalized and alienated reflects the wider bitterness of Malays with Umno. There is nothing that Umno can do about it now. It's a discredited brand. It's synonymous with pillage and plunder, corruption, arrogance that can only be the result of being far too long in power. The 2011 Umno general assembly was an occasion for an orgy of vituperative shouting match. Listening to the maddening speeches by Umno delegates, I am reminded of what Arthur Schopenhauer in his Essays and Aphorisms said: "Every miserable fool who has nothing at all of which he can be proud, adopts as a last resource pride in the nation to which he belongs; he is ready and happy to defend all its faults and follies tooth and nail, thus reimbursing himself for his own inferiority." That is what Umno has become – an inferior good. It is a good that decreases in demand as social awareness increases. Malays in rural areas are not exactly insular in their outlook. They read the papers, understand what's written in between the lines. Their children come back and inform parents. Umno can't fool all the people all the time with its scare mongering tactics. People know. They talk among themselves. They know Umno has become a huge money making juggernaut. The ones making money are the Umno chieftains, cronies, families. Umno operates a giant Ponzi scheme, not dissimilar to Bernard Madoff's multi-level marketing. It can't defend itself on its track record other than reminding people that Umno has done much for the people and country. READ MORE HERE |
Hasan Ali says only loyal to Allah Posted: 11 Dec 2011 04:10 PM PST (The Malaysian Insider) - Datuk Hasan Ali refused today to state if his loyalties lie with PAS and Pakatan Rakyat (PR), stating instead he was only loyal to Allah and would cooperate with anyone championing Islam. The former Selangor PAS chief was removed from his post earlier this year after continued infighting which has continued, most recently with reports that the Gombak Setia assemblyman may be dropped from contesting the next general elections. The state executive councillor in charge of Islamic affairs said he was committed to uphold Islam, Malays and the institution of Malay monarchs. "I am loyal to Allah. To mankind, in this context, I don't like to use the term loyal, but cooperate. Closely cooperating to help them and they help me," he told a press conference when asked if he would remain loyal to his party and coalition if they upheld the same principles. Hasan also said he would let "time and circumstance and my Islamic thinking" determine his course of action if PAS did not select him as an election candidate. "Anyone that brings Islam forward, I will support. It is not easy for anyone to leave any organisation based on Islam except if these three things are not defended," he added. He said it did not matter whether he was a candidate or not as "these obstacles will only make me more determined" in the fight to defend Islam. "I don't need Selangor PAS to recognise me or even the PAS president to recognise me. I don't need DAP or PKR to like me. What I need is Allah likes me," he added. PAS denied yesterday Utusan Malaysia's report that Hasan and former deputy president Nasharudin Mat Isa will be dropped as candidates as discussions on candidates have not begun. READ MORE HERE |
Permata centre ‘wasn’t safe for my child’ Posted: 11 Dec 2011 04:07 PM PST Where are the millions of ringgit of 'direct' funding to Permata really going when there are separate fundings from other government agencies? This year alone, the government allocated RM150 million for more than 300 nurseries which were turned into Permata centres to facilitate the Anak Permata programme. Aneesa Alphonsus, Free Malaysia Today For a parent whose child qualifies to receive free Early Childhood Education, Sharifah Noor isn't too happy. A recent visit to a Permata Centre in Kepala Batas, Penang, has made her change her mind about sending her four-year-old son there. She is uncomfortable at the inadequacy of the centre's safety features, especially since it involves children. She was fortunate to have noticed the water feature play area in the centre. "It just wasn't safe for a child…There are sharp corners and it doesn't look very safe, " she muttered, adding: "I saw some children running around the area and I was so afraid that they would cut themselves." Sharifah is not alone in her discomfort. Another parent who requested anonymity said she witnessed a young child suffer an asthma attack and the teachers did not know what to do. The petrified parent immediately withdrew her child from this other Permata centre. Neither parent was comfortable discussing the shortcomings in the Permata centres. In fact, what was strange was the hushed tones each parent used when speaking about the centres and their constant worry that someone might overhear them. Fundamental to early childhood education is health, safety and the development of cognizance skills for these children. When approached with these cases, Dr Rohani Abdullah, who is Permata's head of training, took a defensive stance. An associate professor at University Putra Malaysia, she said: "Permata is more focused on the content in the child's learning syllabus. "Teachers are trained on knowledge-based curriculum which comprises information on activities for children, and module development which includes music, art and reading. "We also put together a one-day first aid course for the teachers. "As for the water feature issue, the contractors didn't follow our specifications – they did it differently. "We have suggested that they remove certain things but since these are already imbedded, doing so would require that the entire structure be taken down and rebuilt," said Rohani when contacted by FTM. She was not available for further comments. Close to RM2 billion to Permata 
For all the money that's been channelled towards Permata, which is under the patronage of Rosmah Mansor, wife of the Prime Minister, one would assume that no expense is spared to ensure that the centres meet with every health and safety requirement, particularly since it deals with children as young as four-years old. This year alone, the government allocated RM150 million for more than 300 nurseries which were turned into Permata centres to facilitate the Anak Permata programme. Some speculate that close to RM2 billion has already been given out to Permata by the government. Mind you, this allocation, they said, is only for structure. There were also separate funds for the following: - the development of childcare programmes for children below the age of five;
- the setting up of Permata centres in high-risk rural areas for the benefit of underprivileged children;
- for the training of teachers;
- modules; and
- research and development.
Suraya Ahmad (not her real name), who has been involved in the early stages of the Perrnata project, claims that there are many inconsistencies where the Permata centres are concerned. "When they started the centre five years ago, the curriculum didn't follow a proper child development curriculum and it still doesn't. "The intention to have Permata was very impressive and inspiring because all children below the age of four would be entitled to an education. "But I became very disillusioned when I saw so much money being spent unnecessarily." Citing an example of a typical Permata centre, she said: "There is a huge waiting area furnished with items from Ikea, expensive wood was used for the miniature playhouse and the elaborate water feature looks dangerous plus a too-large sand pit area." "But when it comes to office items such as fax machines and even printer ink, we would have to wait for Permata to give the approval and budget to go ahead with the purchase," she said. READ MORE HERE |
‘Perak DAP too has godfathers, warlords’ Posted: 11 Dec 2011 04:02 PM PST MCA Youth claims that the 'high-handedness' trait of DAP leaders also exists in Perak. (Free Malaysia Today) - The "godfather-warlord" feud in Penang DAP is also prevalent in Perak DAP, MCA Youth chairman Mah Hang Soon claims today. He said that it has become a trait with the opposition leaders in the two states to sideline other members in the party. He added that Perak DAP chairman Ngeh Koo Ham and state party secretary Nga Kor Ming have also being "high-handed" in their behaviour towards other members. He said in a statement that their "authoritarian rule" and "godfather-warlord" behaviour had alienated many Perak DAP leaders. Mah was commenting on the feud between DAP chairman Karpal Singh and Penang Deputy Chief Minister II P Ramasamy, which has escalated into an open "warfare". "It has become a trait of DAP leaders to be high-handed. Many Perak DAP leaders, who are alienated by the Ngeh-Nga authoritarian rule, are contemplating leaving the party," he claimed. This was evident when two DAP representatives had quit the party because they were disillusioned with them (Ngeh and Nga), said Mah, who is Perak state executive council member. Jelapang assemblywoman Hee Yit Foong left the party in February 2009. Her departure played an instrumental role in the Barisan Nasional power grab in Perak. The other was Malim Nawar assemblyman Keshwinder Singh who resigned in June 2010. Too stubborn Mah, who is Chenderiang assemblyman, said that this "high-handedness" showed that DAP leaders would be indifferent to their electorate should they win in the coming national polls. "If they form the government, they will not take into consideration the voices of the electorate," he added. Mah said that the "godfather" row showed that DAP leaders were "too stubborn to place the rakyat's welfare above childish self-interests". The quarrel between Karpal and Ramasamy erupted when a Tamil daily, Makkal Osai, quoted the latter as announcing that the party would field a list of Indian candidates including three women – D Kamachi, P Kasturi (daughter of the late DAP stalwart P Patto), and an unknown lawyer from Penang, K Mangleswari. Ramasamy was also quoted as saying that parliamentarians M Kulasegaran (Ipoh Barat), Gobind Singh Deo (Puchong), Charles Santiago (Klang) and M Manogaran, and assemblymen A Sivanesan (Sungkai), A Sivasubramaniam (Buntong), V Sivakumar (Tronoh) and P Gunasekaren (Senawang) were certain of contesting in the coming general election. He also reportedly said that he would re-contest both his Prai state and Batu Kawan parliamentary seats. This irked Karpal who said that no party leader or even member has the right to bypass the party top decision-making body, the central executive committee (CEC), to allot seats for their cronies. He then warned Ramasamy to behave and not act like a warlord by circumventing the leadership to announce seats for his cronies. READ MORE HERE |
Court asked to ‘Kill the Bill’ Posted: 11 Dec 2011 04:00 PM PST Three PAS leaders, in a test case, are attempting to stop the Peaceful Assembly Bill from being passed as law. (Free Malaysia Today) - The opposition, having staged a walkout when the Peaceful Assembly Bill 2011 was debated in Parliament, has now gone to the courts in an attempt to stop the controversial bill from being passed as law. Although the bill has been cleared in the Dewan Rakyat, several PAS leaders are now asking the High Court to declare the law "unconstitutional" and issue a court order to prohibit the bill from being at the Dewan Negara stage. PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu, who filed the suit on Dec 2 together with party treasurer Dr Mohd Hatta Ramli and central committee member Dzulkefly Ahmad, also wants the court to order the government to withdraw the law or amend the bill so that it conforms to Article 10 of the Federal Constitution, which guarantees freedom to assemble. "This is the first time we are trying to ask the court to interfere. We've had precedents in England and Bahamas where the court had asked the government to amend its laws. We hope the judge will allow us our request for a judicial review," said Mohamad Sabu. Mohamad Sabu, or better known as Mat Sabu, said the three leaders represented the Pakatan Rakyat coalition in filing the test case. The Kuala Lumpur High Court (Appellate and Special Powers Division) today was to have heard the application for leave (permission) for a judicial review but has postponed the case as government lawyers were not ready. Judge Rohana Yusof this morning rescheduled hearing on Dec 15. Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and the Malaysian government are named as the respondents in the suit. Order of mandamus Mat Sabu and two others are seeking a declaration that the respondents had exceeded or abused their powers when they introduced the Peaceful Assembly Bill in Parliament, despite the law contravening Article 10(1)(b) and 10(2)(b) of the Federal Constitution. They are also seeking a order of prohibition to prevent the bill from becoming law and an order of mandamus to compel the respondents to take appropriate steps to either withdraw or make necessary amendments so that it will be in line with the Federal Constitution. READ MORE HERE |