Pengucapan bebal disana sini Posted: 11 Dec 2011 06:22 AM PST Mula saya ingat Muhyidin Yasin sudah tebiat bila menakutkan orang Melayu mengenai ancaman keatas Melayu oleh bangsa lain. Setelah itu, ketua penerangan UMNO mengukuhkan lagi rasa cemas pemimpin parti yang kian tenat bila menyatakan pandangan bebal yang sama. Jika DAP dan orang Cina memerintah negara habis lah orang Melayu, habis lah Islam dan habislah Raja2 Melayu. Sana sini orang bercakap- adakah pemimpin UMNO sudah jadi bingung? DAP yang Islam yang sudah sempurna berada dalam ancaman? Hello- yang terancam dan berada dalam keadaan yang teruk, ialah orang Muslim dan majority Muslim dalam negara kita ialah orang Melayu. Keadaan mereka terjadi demikian disebabkan system pemerintahan dan cara orang UMNO berpolitik. Orang Cina yang berjumlah lebih kecil mahu menjatuhkan orang Melayu yang merupakan 65% penduduk negara ini? Tauke Cina kalau dapat, hendak lagi baik dengan raja2 Melayu sebab melalui sistem raja, mereka dapat menguasai lebih banyak bisnes dan pengaruh. Sebab itu, saya menganggap bila dua pemimpin UMNO dari Johor ini mengeluarkan kenyataan bebal tersebut, UMNO sudah cemas dan kebingungan. Tapi, bila Ezam Mohd Noor yang mendakwa DAP akan menjadikan Malaysia sebuah Singapura, saya rasa trademark UMNO dan orang2 yang menyokong nya, ialah mereka semua sudah buang tebiat. Mengikut hemat orang Melayu, orang yang buang tebiat, ialah orang yang hampir mati. Demikian agaknya, yang terjadi keatas UMNO sekarang. Elok rasa nya kita jawab kenyataan senator Ezam. Apa salah nya- jika Malaysia jadi kaya dan kekayaan tersebut di nikmati oleh semua berbanding pada masa sekarang kekayaan dan nikmat ekonomi di monopoli oleh segelintir orang tertentu? Apa salah nya, negara kita menjadi negara macam Singapura di mana perkhidmatan awam nya kelas pertama? Dan apa salah nya negara kita jadi macam Singapura yang mengenakan disiplin yang ketat keatas rasuah? READ MORE HERE |
Hudud & MCA's Lost in Transition Posted: 11 Dec 2011 05:18 AM PST MCA's insistence to hype up the issue of Hudud has indicated that the party has very limited option and political arsenal to use against it's nemesis. This is not a very positive sign for the party. Under the leadership of Chua, the party has achieved internal stability but the same cannot be said of the party's political fortune. By harping on the Hudud issue, MCA risks not only continuous alienation from the Chinese voters but also backlash from Muslim leaders and groups such as Abim, Perkasa and some crucial conservative Muslim-Malay voters. Instead of scaring Chinese voters away from supporting the very dominant Dap, the party might find the double edged sword cutting deep on it's side. MCA's lack of strategy is symptomatic of a lack of political ideas and depth within the party's leadership. Chua may be a respected leader within his party but his leadership has very little to show in it's ability to attract young talents into his party. A party insider lamented that the party is recycling old leaders who are way past their political relevance in states such as Perak, Penang and Selangor/Klang Valley. He said that leaders who were not made candidates in the last elections are now back in favour due to lack of choice and willing candidates. Such perception does not augur well for the party. Without seriously addressing issues that are important to the voters, there is little hope for MCA's revival and eventual electoral triumph. MCA's internal stability should not be misconstrued as the revival of the party's support base among the voters especially in urban constituencies. MCA must find it's strength through the right political positioning. It's main weakness and severest criticism has been it's inability to punch beyond it's weight within the Barisan Nasional government. The party has very little influence over policy making. MCA cannot and should not seek solace in Hudud or Dap's cosy relationship with Pas in Pakatan. Dap had severed it's relationship with Pas post 1999 general elections when the Hudud issue was effectively capitalized by MCA and Gerakan to scare away Chinese voters from supporting the party. It is unlikely going to work again in the 2012 general elections. READ MORE HERE |
BR1M; cutting our own flesh to feed ourselves Posted: 11 Dec 2011 12:20 AM PST BN administration latest flagship gadget to retain power, which is estimated to cost tax payers RM2.6 billion for 2.5 million applicants, will do the country more harm than good for the country. Instead of worshipping this as a blessing from demi-god, first and foremost, i t looks like an one-off election gadget, a customary by-election sweetener ("remember Najib's 'you-help-me-I-help-you' classic in Sibu?); only on a wider scale. In fact, the PA of Koh Tsu Koon, a minister in the prime minister department, informed one of the local Chinese dailys that only offcials from Barisan Nasional can certify applications of this BR1M forms. Any forms carrying a Pakatan representative signature will be rejected Title of the report: Pakatan Rakyat elected representative are not empowered to certify (BR1M forms), only certifications by Barisan Nasional people's representatives are accepted as effective  If this is really a governmental initiative using tax payers' money to aid the poor, then civi service is suppose to be apolitical. The above effectively confirms this initiative as political campaigning scheme funded by misallocated public funds and misuse of public service machinery, no more, no less. Question 1 : is this expenditure included in the 2012 budget which already carrying a bigger deficit than the Pakatan akyat's alternative budget and having a very optimistic gowth forecast when all other news around the world is doom and gloom? The potential collapse of EU monetary unionsoft landing of China'seconomy etc? Question 2 : who is financing this handout? Tax payers, of course. Whatever that the BN administration spend, be it submarines we do not need, KLIA 2 which has huge cost overrun while KLIA is underutilised, wanton abuse of public funds highlighted by the Auditor General's report, it is our money. Yet, it is the hallmark of Barisan Nasional to remind Malaysians to be grateful for whatever that they are enjoying now. Why should we, when our own money is used to finance a public relationship campaign? And is BN administration going to continue with this dish out on an annual basis when there is no anticipated forthcoming election? Treating voters like beggars is not the mark of a sucessful and responsible government. Democratically elected government should implement policies and administrative structure that help the tax payers and citizens to be financially independent and excel, not rendering them status of beggars and grateful for meagre, 1 time hand out. Business dynamics and employment opportunities won't grow too much when too many people are kept disempowered and counted on an easy to mine voters deposit. Certainly not the way to create a high income population in our nation. Is the RM500 a cure all for our cost of living woes, fuelled by corruption, inefficient and stifling public sector? (The drop in our ranking in recent international corruption index says it all). RM500 would probably lasts a month or two. And to strike the iron while it is still hot, all signs of a GE to be announced within a 2 months window period once the payment mechanism are sorted out and carried out. I heard unconfirmed rumours that February has been considered as the target month for GE. The wanton expenditure today will come back and haunt us tomorrow. Read more at: |
Why 'Anything But Umno/BN' (ABU) Posted: 11 Dec 2011 12:16 AM PST Twitter is a platform open to anything and everything (for now). You can be funny, angry, hates, loves, polite, vicious, evil intention, preaching, prolific own business, spread lies, personal thoughts, political sparring, disruption from cybertroopers and that summarised it all as the good, the bad and the ugly of twitting.
The 140 characters limit has caused many tweets to be misconstrued and misinterpreted as many were trying to argue their points within the limit. This happened to people like me with poor English and not being able to make short sentences easily understandable.
There was this question posed to me on twitter why "Anything But Umno/BN" (ABU) most likely from a MCA supporter. I can't answer this question in 140 characters for sure and I promised him that I will blog the answer for him.
We cannot blame the young generation or first time voters for not understanding ABU. They have yet to experience the systematic erosion of almost everything under the rule of Umno/BN for over 50 years.
I will provide 5 issues why 'Anything but Umno/BN" Its not political but facts that Umno/BN have failed the rakyat and nation after having ruled for over 50 years.
1) Umno is BN, BN is Umno Anything Umno supreme council agrees upon has to be accepted by all. Even though BN comprises a coalition of 14 political parties, non has the power to speak out against or to disagree and even if any dares, they will retract after a fierce look from Umno. Umno is now running the country not BN
2) Education For any government, education should be placed as top priority and not a single Malaysian child be neglected or deprived of. Education is the live blood to an energetic, progressive and matured nation.
To put it bluntly, our education system is in a total mess. I can vouch that our education in the 60's was among the best in Asia (I was educated in the 60's) and where are we now?
Our education is in a mess mainly due to political interference, restrictive and control of syllabus that will only allow students to learn not more than they should have.
Our Education Minister is appointed not on whether he knows anything about running the education system but a stage for him to climb to the next level.
Umno led government is using education as a tool to control the mind of students that can see only the mirage good of the government and not the bad things they are doing behind closed doors.
Don't you think that its time to replace the education minister post with Educators from a pool of professional educationists to chart out a coherence education system. BM will remain a prerequisite pass for all examinations while the Educators will work out the other subjects syllabus and what language to be taught, reminding themselves that we are not challenging our own selves but the world.
3) Corruptions I really do not know how to write about this point. There are many blinded by their support of Umno/BN that they felt corruptions are a non issue, won't hurt the nation or its minimal, happening only at the lowest level between commoners and civil servants.
There are calls to stop giving or stop taking and wahla, corruptions will be eradicated. A PM can give and ask rakyat to take "You help me, I help you" during election is acceptable, that is not bribery. And now they wanted to introduce taking integrity pledges and hope that corruptions can be wiped out. All are just sugar coating.
To those who are entrusted to fight corruptions, MACC & Pemandu, must first realised that corruptions are so entrenched into the governing system that sugar coating or simple panadol is not going to cure this sickness.
It becomes worst when blind supporters of Umno/BN voicing out their call to fight corruptions but silence or defending that their leaders are clean when the rakyat can see that their whole bodies are covered with dirt.
MACC fairs no better, not being able to perform their duty "without fear or favor", chasing after ikan billies especially from the opposition, vigorous interrogation till death on RM2.5K but inaction or slow motion when big sharks are swimming happily.
Billions upon billions of ringgit that belongs to the rakyat are lost through corruptions and leakages from the top level and those experts in fighting corruptions are happy with their performances of catching and solving hundreds of mini corruption cases.
4) Government Institutions Almost all the institutions one way or another are leaning on the side of Umno controlled government. They can scream and shout that they are not but the rakyat can see it all.
a) MACC MACC is so unresolved towards the big sharks and only able to go after the ikan billies and the opposition. How many cases have they solved with the AG reports coming out year after year. Should we claimed that there are major corruptions at the top level, of course we can't, they would want proofs but yet they cannot explain where our billions lost have gone to.
b) PDRM PDRM is to serve and protect the rakyat but are we seeing that. They are protecting Umno more then it should have. They will act and follow the rules when you protest against the Umno led government or having candle light vigils but the law seems to be no where when the cow head protest can proceed and even the home minister welcome the protesters into his office. PDRM and the SB are wasting a lot of resources and energy just to ensure any public dissent against Umno government are thwarted and will never happen again, hence you got the Public Assembly Bill (PAB2011)
c) Judiciary Just one question and you can judge yourself how our judiciary perform or are they protecting anyone. Why the court did not ask PDRM to pursue the motive and who order the killing of Altantuya?
5) Governing Can a nation survive on political governing? From the above 4 issues we are seeing a government that is more concerned with its party survival than working towards a better nation and serving all Malaysians. Well I can imagine readers now shooting at me, our great PM has started his 1Malaysia, People First Performance Now, transformation plans, GTP, ETP, NKEA, NKRA, EPP bla bla bla
At such a short time the PM thought that he can do magic with it all without really looking to resolve or remove the cancer stricken system in the government.
It really surprised the whole nation when Najib as PM will talk about his 1Malaysia, GTP, ETP etc but turn racist when facing the Malay community during the Umno assembly and talking to Pekida. The most dangerous game they are playing with, Religion, is outsourced to Perkasa, Utusan and BN component parties. Very shocking indeed. How not to debunk PM Najib's 1Malaysia. Read more at: |
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