Rosmah oh Rosmah … Ready, Get Jet, Go! Posted: 24 Nov 2013 08:48 AM PST
Why don't you show them at the next general election by standing as a candidate? You are so well-loved, you will surely win. Maybe you can do it earlier, if a parliamentary by-election comes up in the interim. And if you win, your hubby can make you a minister. Then you can be a jet-setter and no one can bitch about it. Kee Thuan Chye Rosmah oh Rosmah, you are so endearing that Malaysians love you. So much that they are questioning why you used the Government's jet to fly to Qatar for the International Business Women Forum earlier this month. And why you took with you the MP Azalina Othman, your hubby's special adviser Shahrizat Abdul Jalil and several ministers' wives. Minister Shahidan Kassim said you went on "official business", and that the Cabinet approved your use of the jet. Your own special officer Siti Azizah said you went to Qatar in the national interest. She even explained what she meant: "It was not for personal reasons. … [Rosmah] does not represent the Government, but she went there for the sake of the Government's interest. She is the prime minister's wife, she went to give the keynote address [at the forum]. So she made the address not as a government representative, but in the national interest." Not a government representative and yet doing it in the national interest? Hmmmm … can what, right? Why not? Even many ordinary Malaysians go overseas to do things in the national interest without their even knowing it what, right? Like when they go on holiday and tell the foreigners they meet what a nice country Malaysia is or how delicious Malaysian food is. That's in the national interest. That's boosting tourism. But your critics say there is no law that allows the prime minister's wife to represent Malaysia in foreign diplomatic affairs, and you are neither a member of the Government nor an elected member of Parliament. Yet you had a meeting with Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Abdullah to extend to him your hubby's invitation to visit Malaysia next year. Surely, it wasn't a personal invitation? And then that girl Azalina said in Parliament that you were invited to Qatar in your personal capacity. Personal capacity means it was not official business. It appeared contradictory to what Shahidan had claimed. Why did she say that? It's not good for your case. Why did she go to Qatar, anyway? And the ministers' wives? And why was attending an Islamic fashion show part of your itinerary? Oohhh, maybe after delivering your keynote address, you wanted to chill out with your gang, mix a little pleasure with business. Well, why not? What's wrong with that? Maybe you brought the gang along to give them exposure to the high life. This would also be in the national interest too, wouldn't it? Don't we want our ministers' wives to be savvy and sophisticated? Well, but people say if you were not on official business, not representing the Government, you shouldn't be entitled to using the government jet. They say the wives of past prime ministers never used their VIP position to request the use of the facility for personal use. Why should you be an exception? But that is so trivial, isn't it? Aiya, if Siti Hasmah, Jeanne and the late Endon didn't take advantage of the opportunity when they could, that's their own loss, isn't it? If they didn't want to get involved in government business, that was also their own choice. You're not like them, you want to contribute. You can't stand by and see your husband do all the donkey's work. You have to be the supportive jenny. And if you and your hubby work so hard – all for the sake of the country, not for yourselves – what's wrong with a little luxury when you're travelling abroad? Besides, there are good reasons. First, it's not every day that anyone can get to become the prime minister's wife. Second, you're the self-styled First Lady, so why shouldn't you be treated as such? You look regal enough for the part, don't you? With your upturned chin and your huge, ball-shaped hairdo? They should be calling you Queen Rosmah, no? Not as in royalty of course, but as a moniker. You know, like that of the actress Queen Latifah. Third, when you land at your destination, you'll need to be fresh to see to the work ahead. For instance, giving a keynote address might take only about half an hour, but it's still work. The government jet will provide you the amenities to help you feel rested and relaxed, and avoid jet lag. It makes sense. So what's the beef? It's right what you told the media: "I'm happy, I'm just going to do my work." Ya, right. Work. What do they know? You were also right in telling them: "I don't talk, I don't comment, I don't go down to that level." Of course, what can you say, right? Now we know why your hubby is often quiet when he should be making statements about important national issues. He must have learned this virtue from you. Like right now lah. So much hoo-ha about your jet ride and also about his spending so much money on his overseas trips, and he has kept his mouth shut. He only lets his lackeys do the talking. That's the way. He is, after all, the prime minister. He has the power to decide things – where to go, how much to spend, whether to eat, say, Beluga caviar (if you both want to, that is) instead of simple ikura. And there's no one to check him. Because he's also the finance minister. He can choose how to spend the people's money, and no one can stop him. Read more at: |
The cost of saving Utusan Posted: 24 Nov 2013 08:43 AM PST
(The Nut Graph) - What exactly is the government saying when it instructs GLCs to increase its ad spend in Utusan and gives the paper the honour of having a road named after it? Clearly, the government is saying unethical journalism that serves the current ruling party's interests will be rewarded. Indeed, even if unethical journalism puts the business at risk, the newsroom should rest assured that Umno and the Umno-led government will protect the paper and ensure its survivability. EARLIER this month, Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Ahmad Maslan instructed government-linked companies (GLCs) to increase their ad spend in Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian. Although the move is likely unprecedented in Malaysian history, we should not be surprised by the directive. In mid-September, Ahmad Maslan's boss, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, urged not just GLCs but also government agencies and bumiputera-owned companies to buy more ads in the Malay daily. That wasn't the only thing Najib, who is also Umno president, did — he announced that Jalan Enam, where he had just opened Utusan's new headquarters in Kuala Lumpur, would be renamed Jalan Utusan. It's irrefutable from these reports that the ethno-nationalistic Malay daily enjoys huge support from Umno despite the legitimate criticisms against the paper's lack of journalistic ethics and professionalism. And while Umno would do anything to ensure the survivability of its media mouthpiece, there is a price to pay for bailing out Utusan. 
It's irrefutable from these reports that the ethno-nationalistic Malay daily enjoys huge support from Umno despite the legitimate criticisms against the paper's lack of journalistic ethics and professionalism. And while Umno would do anything to ensure the survivability of its media mouthpiece, there is a price to pay for bailing out Utusan. Read more at: |
Plagiarism: Much more than storm in Tee cup Posted: 24 Nov 2013 08:38 AM PST
A serious charge of academic dishonesty has been allowed to remain unanswered since 2010 when the authorities were first notified about it. Apparently nothing has been done by the university authorities or the Ministry in charge of higher education. Worse still, the alleged guilty party has been promoted rapidly in the university system. Lim Teck Ghee, CPI The case of prominent Utusan Malaysia columnist, Ridhuan Tee Abdullah, who has been accused of plagiarism should be of public concern for several reasons. Firstly, within academia, there are few worst sins than plagiarism. The term "sin" may appear to be too strong but Ridhuan Tee who, regularly from his Utusan Malaysia pulpit, dishes out his pseudo-intellectual views on developments in the country from a supposedly Islamic perspective probably will understand better the use of this term in the context of the wrongdoing he is alleged to have committed. Or then again, perhaps he does not. Generally, university students enrolled in any university in the world – whether reputable or not – are taught right from the start that they cannot simply lift or copy the work of others without acknowledging and citing the source. This is cardinal rule number 1 – the need to differentiate between one's own work and that of others. The rule is rigorously enforced not only to encourage the student to engage in fresh and original work that stems from his own thought processes but also to protect the intellectual property rights of others whose works, ideas or words have been borrowed. In the case of the allegation made against Ridhuan, apparently he has copied not only entire paragraphs but also the grammatical errors which appeared in the original blog article. According to the initial report on the allegation, UTM lecturer Dr Airil Yasreen Mohd Yassin claimed that Ridhuan's individual assignment for the Grade DS51 Efficiency Level Assessment (PTK4) coursework conducted from May to June 2010, contained paragraphs he had written in his blog in 2009. Punishment for plagiarism The penalty for plagiarism is always severe so as to punish the offender and to discourage others from engaging in it. If the work is an essay or a project paper and the plagiarism is proven, this below is an example – according to a handbook for its freshman composition course that all undergraduates are required to take – of the penalty imposed by Harvard University. Harvard policy requires instructors to report all suspected cases to the dean of the college, and most such cases are ultimately adjudicated by the administrative board. If the majority of board members believe, after considering the evidence and your own account of the events, that you misused sources, they will likely vote that you be required to withdraw from the college for at least two semesters. Since a vote of requirement to withdraw is effective immediately, you lose all coursework you have done that semester (unless it's virtually over), along with the money you have paid for it. You must leave Harvard; any return to campus will violate the terms of your withdrawal. You must find a full-time job, stay in it for at least six months, and have your supervisor send a satisfactory report of your performance in order to be readmitted. … Finally, any letter of recommendation written for you on behalf of Harvard College – including letters to graduate schools, law schools, and medical school – will report that you were required to withdraw for academic dishonesty. If you are required to withdraw for a second time, you will not, ordinarily, be readmitted. (see No action by the authorities In response to the renewed disclosure of his alleged wrongdoing, Ridhuan Tee has accused his critics of "character assassination" and challenged them "come and face me upfront". This matter is not whether one side or the other has the "telur" (cojones) to confront the other and slug it out. It is one in which stakeholders, who should be concerned about the integrity of our academic system, will need to take a position so that the charge is resolved once and for all, and repetition of such instances is deterred. There is a second cause of concern. A serious charge of academic dishonesty has been allowed to remain unanswered since 2010 when the authorities were first notified about it. Apparently nothing has been done by the university authorities or the Ministry in charge of higher education. Worse still, the alleged guilty party has been promoted rapidly in the university system. Read more at: |
Guess how long it takes to get a brand-new MyKad? Posted: 24 Nov 2013 08:29 AM PST 
The writer shows his 'misplaced' MyKad while holding his temporary identity paper. — Picture by Arif Kartono (MM) - I now realise how easy it is for foreigners to use MyKad belonging to another to get about their daily chores. It takes only an hour for one to obtain a new MyKad — no questions asked. The Malay Mail journalist K. Harinderan put the process to test and was in for a shock. Despite being in possession of a MyKad, he was able to apply for another card without having to lodge a police report or filling any forms. Harinderan visited the National Registration Department (NRD) branch in Rawang last Thursday on the pretext of applying for a new MyKad after having "misplaced" his old card. The exercise was conducted following revelations in Parliament last week that more than half a million MyKad were reported missing between January 1 and October 31. That's an average of almost 2,000 cards lost daily. There have also been numerous reports of foreigners caught holding a MyKad. Harinderan relates his experience: I visited the NRD Rawang branch at 9.15am but was met with a large sign on the counter that read "system offline". I returned at 11.15am and saw a large crowd, with at least 40 people ahead of me. After getting my number, I chatted with several people. Alice Wu, 24, said she misplaced her MyKad and was told by a NRD officer that she need not lodge a police report. "This reduces the burden of me running around to replace my card," said Wu. Azli Rahim, 41, said he too lost his identity card and was surprised that it took him only one hour to get his temporary identification paper. "I was in and out within an hour and was told to return in two weeks to collect my new MyKad," said Azli. It was my turn after 45 minutes. The officer asked me to place my thumbs on a scanner to verify my prints. The officer then asked me how I had lost my card. I replied I had simply misplaced it and was not a victim of a snatch theft or robbery. He then told me I had to pay RM210 since this was the second time I had lost my card. For the record, I lost my identity card about two months ago after my car was broken into. The officer then asked me to take my photo at the photo booth. A temporary identity paper was printed out and handed to me accompanied with a receipt. I was told to return within 10 days to collect my new MyKad. I left the department at about 12.20pm, just in time for lunch. I lodged a police report at the Rawang police station over this exercise the following day. Since police do not carry MyKad readers at roadblocks and banks do not have links with NRD, I am able to go about my daily routine and carry out transactions with my "missing" MyKad. And I now realise how easy it is for foreigners to use MyKad belonging to another to get about their daily chores. |
After the party, PAS begins real work of increasing support Posted: 24 Nov 2013 08:25 AM PST
(TMI) - Taken together, these themes reflect the process by which PAS reconciles its founding principles as an Islamist movement and the demands a political party trying to be relevant in a multi-religious, open and complex society. God does not hand you victory if you have not earned it, said a PAS activist from Kota Raja as cleaners began clearing up the remains of the party's 59th assembly last night. He wasn't talking about the party's heated elections over the weekend. In his own way, he was reviewing his party, where it stood now and how to move it forward. But his observation seemed to encapsulate the anxieties and the challenges voiced repeatedly in the assembly, from reviewing cooperation in Pakatan Rakyat (PR) to polemics about "ulama v Erdogans" to how to "win back the Malay vote". Taken together, these themes reflect the process by which PAS reconciles its founding principles as an Islamist movement and the demands a political party trying to be relevant in a multi-religious, open and complex society. Requesting anonymity so that he could talk freely, the activist recounted the controversy over a PAS-organised heavy metal concert held a day before the assembly started, to get his point across. Some delegates criticised the concert organisers and questioned whether an event that featured loud, heavy metal music was appropriate for an Islamist party. "But the critics did not see that we had a prayer session before the concert began. We also had (PAS education bureau chief) ustaz Abu Bakar Chik speaking to the audience. There was nothing haram forbidden in Islam) in the event." The concert was PAS's latest experiment in trying to broaden its appeal among different segments of the 20-something crowd. It has also held concerts featuring talks by celebrity religious speakers. The activist's contention was that if the party's conservatives refused to broaden PAS's appeal with programmes like this, then how was it going get the support it needed to gain federal power? "You can't just bring people to you if you're just going to hold kuliah Maghrib (religious talks after evening prayers)," said the activist. In other words, PAS as a party has to realise that it will take more than religious teachers and scholars to earn the trust it needs from the public, to give it the reins of the country. Read more at: |
Mimpi dan Realiti PPPM 2013-2025 – Bahagian I Posted: 24 Nov 2013 08:14 AM PST
Mahasiswa dan pelatih guru kini terlalu asyik berfacebook, bertwitter, menulis blog-blog picisan tetapi tidak langsung berkeinginan untuk mengambil bahagian dalam perbincangan yang melibatkan pengembelingan ideakritis dan berinovatif. Ahmad Syafiq Amir Dua bulan telah berlalu sejak Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia (PPPM) secara rasminya dilancarkan oleh YAB Timbalan Perdana Menteri, merangkap Menteri Pendidikan Malaysia. Tetapi suara-suara mahasiswa mahupun pelatih-pelatih guru yang tampil untuk membincangkan hal ini secara kritis masih hambar. Ternyata saya sememangnya sedikit kecewa terhadap sambutan yang tidak seberapa oleh para mahasiswa kita terutamanya yang terlibat secara langsung dalam dunia pendidikan ini untuk berani tampil ke hadapan dan mengetengahkan idea-idea serta saranan-saranan yang boleh diberi perhatian secara jujur. Sebenarnya suatu persoalan besar yang sentiasa bermain di benak akal saya sehari-hari, "Apa Mahasiswa Mahu?". Ini persoalan yang saya sendiri timbulkan setelah penantian saya sehari-hari untuk melihat suara-suara mahasiswa dan pelatih-pelatih guru tampil membahaskan perkara ini secara penuh luhur hanya sebuah penantian yang sia-sia dan ilusi semata-mata.
Suatu kerugian buat mahasiswa mahupun para pelatih guru yang tidak mengambil serius berkaitan PPPM ini kerana masa depan serta hala tuju sistem pendidikan kita adalah terletak kepada tahap penglibatan kita dalam sesuatu dasar. Ya, mungkin isu ini bukanlah sehebat isu-isu politik liar mahupun isu-isu K-Pop yang sedang hangat dibincangkan dewasa ini tidak kiralah di kedai-kedai kopi biasa di desa mahupun di Parlimen sekalipun. Juga bukanlah mahasiswa itu sang pengejar 'ranking' dalam Book Of Records semata-mata mahupun kuih muih yang ditayang bersaiz gergasi untuk tatapan umum. Tetapi, adakah mahasiswa kita lupa bahawa dasar pendidikan kita juga perlu dibahas dan dibincangkan secara kritis dan didiskusikan di luar kotak pemikiran supaya tahap pendidikan kita juga dapat ditingkatkan secara dinamik. Saya tidak nafikan bahawa mahasiswa mahupun pelatih-pelatih guru kini terlalu menyibukkan diri dengan perkara-perkara picisan dan tidak mendatangkan manfaat kepada idealisme dan pemikiran generasi mendatang. Suatu yang ketara, mahasiswa dan pelatih guru kini terlalu asyik berfacebook, bertwitter, menulis blog-blog picisan tetapi tidak langsung berkeinginan untuk mengambil bahagian dalam perbincangan yang melibatkan pengembelingan ideakritis dan berinovatif.
Pendidikan Dalam Realiti
Suatu perkara serius yang perlu disedari oleh para mahasiswa ialah pendedahan yang dinyatakan dalam dokumen Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia (PPPM) yang menunjukkan kedudukan Malaysia menerusi kajian-kajian dan laporan peringkat antarabangsa yang menunjukkan kedudukan negara kita dalam dunia pendidikan ini sangat membimbangkan. Adakah para mahasiswa di luar sana menyedari bahawa laporan yang dikeluarkan oleh Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA 2009+) telah menunjukkan kedudukan Malaysia berada pada tangga sepertiga paling bawah daripada 74 buah negara yang mengambil bahagian dalam kajian tersebut? Adakah mahasiswa di luar sana menyedari bahawa peratusan penguasaan kemahiran Bahasa, Matematik dan Sains di negara kita semakin merudum hampir setiap tahun?
Laporan PISA 2009+ menyatakan bahawa 60% murid-murid kita gagal dalam mencapai tahap minimum dalam subjek Matematik, 43% pula gagal mencapai tahap minimum dalam subjek Sains sementara 44% daripada murid-murid kita masih gagal dalam menguasai tahap minimum dalam kemahiran-kemahiran bahasa. Kajian ini dijalankan terhadap murid-murid yang berumur 15 tahun purata dan melibatkan perbezaan skor antarabangsa sebanyak 38 mata berbanding negara-negara lain. Hal ini merunsingkan saya sebagai salah seorang yang bakal bergelar guru beberapa tahun lagi. Apakan tidak, hampir setiap tahun, ada sahaja dasar-dasar pendidikan baharu yang diperkenalkan oleh sang pemimpin, tetapi hasilnya ternyata indah khabar dari rupa. Lebih membimbangkan, laporan ini juga mendedahkan kedudukan negara kita dalam penguasaan Matematik berada di kedudukan yang ke-57 daripada 74 buah negara yang terlibat dalam kajian ini. Sementara itu, kedududukan dalam penguasaan Sains dan Bahasa masing-masing berada pada kedudukan ke-52 dan 54. Terbukti, kecelaruan sistem yang ada kini telah mengakibatkan ramai pihak termasuk para pelajar sendiri menjadi mangsa kepada keadaan dan kerumitan yang kita sendiri timbulkan. Hal ini disokong pula dengan kenyataan yang sama yang mendedahkan negara kita berada di bawah purata antarabangsa dan OECD. Perbezaan mata antarabangsa yang dinyatakan bagi murid-murid berumur 15 tahun di negara kita adalah bernisbah 1:3 berbanding negara-negara lain, iaitu Singapura, Korea Selatan, Hong Kong dan Shang Hai kerana skor di negara-negara tersebut tiga kali ganda lebih tinggi berbanding skor di negara kita sendiri bagi murid-murid yang sama umur.
Selain laporan dan pendedahan yang dilaporkan oleh PISA, laporan lain yang memeranjatkan kita (jika sedar) ialah laporan Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). Kajian yang dijalankan pada tahun 2011 menunjukkan bahawa 35% daripada murid-murid kita gagal dalam mencapai tahap minimum dalam subjek Matematik dan 38% pula gagal mencapai tahap minimum dalam penguasaan Sains. Hal ini menunjukkan penurunan hampir empat kali ganda berbanding laporan sama yang dijalankan pada tahun 1999 yang mana ketika itu kedudukan negara kita masih berada di atas purata antarabangsa. Pendedahan-pendedahan yang jujur ini wajar dilihat secara serius oleh para mahasiswa. Adakah pendedahan-pendedahan ini pun masih tidak mampu membuka mata mahasiswa dan guru-guru pelatih sekalian terhadap situasi dalam dunia pendidikan kita sekarang? Apakah yang kita mahu tunggu sehingga kemerosotan ini pun masih dipandang enteng dan tidak diberi perhatian yang selayaknya oleh kita? Tanyalah diri kita sendiri, adakah kita adil sebagai seorang mahasiswa yang berpendirian dan berprinsip jika hal-hal besar seperti inipun tidak dapat dibincangkan? jawablah dengan jujur!
"Prestasi murid Malaysia telah meningkat sejak beberapa dekad yang lalu, namun pencapaian yang membanggakan itu menghadapi risiko secara relatif dan mutlak. Hal ini disebabkan pertamanya, sistem pendidikan negara lain dapat meningkatkan prestasi murid dengan lebih cepat dan mampu mengekalkan momentum tersebut secara berterusan. Oleh itu, jurang pencapaian antara sistem pendidikan Malaysia dan negara lain semakin lebar. Keduanya, pentaksiran antarabangsa menunjukkan prestasi murid Malaysia semakin merosot" Dipetik daripada: Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia (PPPM) 2013
Nah, inilah antara suatu yang menimbulkan persoalan yang paling besar dalam kotak pemikiran saya sekarang. Dua sebab yang dinyatakan oleh Kementeria Pendidikan yang menyatakan sebab musababab prestasi murid-murid kita semakin merudum hampir setiap tahun. Persoalannya, jikalah benar sekalipun sistem pendidikan di negara lain dapat mengatasi sistem pendidikan di negara kita, apakah masalahnya untuk kita terus bangkit menongkah arus demi memperbetulkan kembali kemelut ini? Sedangkan hampir setiap tahun, banyak dasar yang diperkenalkan oleh 'orang atasan' itu dan ini, tetapi jawapan yang diberikan ini ternyata mengecewakan kami. Keduanya, pentaksiran antarabangsa yang dinyatakan membuatkan prestasi murid-murid Malaysia merosot? Jadi, untuk apakah ujian-ujian yang dijalankan hampir setiap tahun untuk menguji hanya intelek pelajar itu? Dan mengapakah setiap kali tarikh pengumuman peperiksaan, dilaporkan prestasi meningkat dan meningkat, sedangkan hakikatnya adalah mengecewakan?? Saya lontarkan persoalan ini kepada mahasiswa di luar sana!
Jangan pula kita lupa, bagaimana peluang dan ruang yang ada untuk pelajar-pelajar corot di luar sana untuk mendapat akses pendidikan yang sama dengan rakan-rakan mereka yang lain. Mereka yang dianggap corot selalunya dianggap sentiasa lemah, tidak ada kemahuan untuk berjaya dan mereka dianggap sebagai 'penjatuh' ranking sekolah setiap kali tibanya musim peperiksaan! Adakah ini adil bagi mereka? Adakah label ini sepatutnya disandarkan kepada mereka? Kenapa masyarakat khususnya pihak sekolah dan orang awam selalu menganggap para pelajar corot ini tidak berguna? Siapa kita untuk menghukum mereka yang sedikit ketinggalan di belakang dan mengangkat diri kita sendiri sebagai orang yang paling hebat?
Lihatlah bagaimana pelajar-pelajar daripada kalangan anak-anak yatim dan miskin. Lihatlah dan renungilah hidup mereka yang serba kekurangan waimma untuk mendapat akses pendidikan yang sempurna pun masih gagal diberikan perhatian yang sepatutnya. Pelajar corot, anak-anak yatim, anak-anak miskin perlu dibela dan dilihat sebagai suatu yang perlu diberi perhatian yang setimpal. Jangan pula kita asyik bermimpi untuk mencapai 'ranking' yang baik setiap tahun, tetapi mengabaikan 'mereka' yang masih di belakang. Ketiga-tiga golongan ini sering sahaja diletakkan di kelas-kelas hujung dan dianggap tidak memberi manfaat kepada sekolah! Inikah sikap yang kita ingin tunjukkan? Mereka juga manusia seperti kita semua yang ada hati, ada perasaan dan ada jiwa untuk berjaya. Tetapi halangannya mereka memerlukan lebih perhatian dan kasih sayang. Ternyata, mereka lebih hebat daripada kita semua, yang dibesarkan tanpa kasih sayang sejak kecil dan hanya mengharap belas kasihan orang lain. Adakah kita hidup untuk menongkat langit tanpa melihat mereka sebagai sebahagian daripada tanggungjawab hidup ini?!
*Ahmad Syafiq Amir merupakan penuntut Institut Pendidikan Guru Malaysia dan juga sukarelawan Teach For The Needs. |
Anwar: I defended Bumiputera paddy farmers with Bernas Posted: 24 Nov 2013 12:22 AM PST
(MM) - Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim renewed today his attack against a privatisation bid of Padiberas Nasional Bhd (Bernas), claiming he had used the rice distribution firm to protect the interests of largely-Bumiputera farmers. When rice industry regulator National Padi and Rice Board (LPN) was corporatised into Bernas in 1996, Anwar said he had wielded his powers as the country's then finance minister to ensure that poor farmers and fishermen took up part of a total of 45 per cent stake in the firm.
"Forty-five per cent held by paddy planters, fishermen and Bernas staff," the PKR de facto leader said in his winding up speech at the party's special congress here.
He explained that the privatisation of LPN was carried out by the Economic Planning Unit in the Prime Minister's Department, while tenders were under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance that he was then heading.
While saying that his insistence on the "condition" for LPN's privatisation had guaranteed the interests of 170,000 paddy planters that were also overwhelmingly Bumiputera or Malays, Anwar said it had also attracted the ire of influential Umno leaders.
"At that time, it caused tension with a few Umno leaders including Tun Daim Zainuddin who menegurkan (chided) me through Tun Mahathir, why give up to 45 per cent to farmers' cooperatives, companies that don't know how to do business," the former Umno minister said, referring to former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Anwar, who is now Opposition Leader, then took a jab at federal lawmakers from Barisan Nasional (BN) who had defended the ruling coalition's New Economic Policy (NEP).
Late this year, the prime minister had unveiled a plan to provide over RM31 billion in aid and loans to help the Bumiputera - the country's largest ethnic community - to empower and boost their participation in the economy.
"Dasar Ekonomi Baru (New Economic Policy), Hidup Melayu. Which Malays? I choose 170,000 paddy planters, you choose Syed Mokhtar," Anwar said when mocking the BN MPs, receiving loud claps from party members.
Anwar and other opposition politicians had recently raised doubts over the proposed takeover of Bernas by majority shareholders linked to tycoon Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary.
Today Anwar resumed his attacks on Syed Mokhtar, whom he views as profiting from Bernas's lucrative concession to distribute rice throughout Malaysia.
Earlier this month, Bernas proposed a voluntary withdrawal from Bursa Malaysia after it failed to get 90 per cent acceptance support from shareholders to privatise the company.
In an exchange filing on November 6, the company said the joint offerers and parties acting in concert to take it private had only managed to obtain 83.69 per cent shareholders' support as of November 4, 2013.
This means that the company does not comply with Bursa's listing requirements of having at least 25 per cent public shareholding spread.
Syed Mokhtar, who holds the controlling stake, is trying to take Bernas private using his four companies — Perspective Lane Sdn Bhd, Kelana Venture Sdn Bhd, Seaport Terminal (Johor) Sdn Bhd and Acara Kreatif Sdn Bhd — who are the joint offerors.
Following the failure of the privatisation bid earlier this month, Bernas's shareholders will decide on the proposed voluntary delisting from Bursa in an extraordinary general meeting.
The Edge reported that three minority shareholders in Bernas - Batu Bara Resources Corp Sdn Bhd (4.8 per cent), the National Farmers Organization (3.71 per cent) and the National Fishermen's Association (3.42 per cent) — will be key to Syed Mokhtar and his nominees' bid to take over the rice producer.
A lawsuit could also put brakes on a bid by the main shareholders connected to tycoon Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary to take over and privatise the profit-making Padiberas Nasional Bhd (Bernas), The Edge has reported.
According to the financial news weekly, minority shareholder Ilustrasi Hikmat Holdings Sdn Bhd (IHSB) had filed the case in April, disputing Syed Mokhtar and his companies' right to take over ownership of Bernas.
IHSB, which held 3.53 million shares in Bernas as of May this year, is saying that the company cannot be controlled and owned by a single person.
The minority shareholder is basing its claims on contracts signed between Putrajaya and other stakeholders when rice industry regulator National Padi and Rice Board (LPN) was turned into a corporation, with Bernas assuming LPN's role as regulator in 1996.
In March, Syed Mokhtar's initial bid to take the rice distributor private failed as the tycoon was unable to receive sufficient shares acceptance from the minority shareholders.
The bulk of Bernas shares is controlled by Syed Mokhtar through Tradewinds (M) Bhd (72.7 per cent of Bernas shares), which he privatised in March this year.
The privatisation of Tradewinds triggered a mandatory general offer for Bernas and Tradewind Plantations Bhd.
The cash-rich Bernas has RM612.67 million in the bank as of September 30, which is double the RM398.6 million it held in January this year, The Edge reported.
On April 26, 2011, the government has announced that Bernas' exclusive contract of rice distribution has been extended for 10 years starting from January 11, 2011 to January 10, 2021.
Bernas currently controls 24 per cent of the paddy market and 45 per cent of the local rice demand. |
Anwar criticises Khalid again, says Selangor MB is slow in taking action that benefits people Posted: 23 Nov 2013 06:41 PM PST
Lee Shi-Ian, TMI Once again Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim has been publicly criticised by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim over his tardiness in taking action and implementing measures for the benefit of the people. "Pakatan Rakyat's achievements are not measured in terms of whether there is a surplus or deficit in the budget but how we prioritise the needs of the public," Anwar said. "Khalid is one of the most loyal and attentive friend and colleague compared to other PKR leaders. However, there are times when he is among the slowest leaders to take action," he said. "I admonish a leader for a reason, I point out mistakes and errors so that he will tighten the loose screws," Anwar said during the closing ceremony of the special PKR national congress in Shah Alam. "Khalid is very attentive to other people's ideas and opinions, especially from his fellow PKR colleagues. Unfortunately, he does not put what has been said into practice," Anwar, who is the party's supreme leader, admonished Khalid who looked on unperturbed. Last month at a forum in Petaling Jaya, Anwar had criticised Khalid over the latter's failure to use Selangor's surplus funds to help the needy, resulting in some party members labelling him as "stingy". Prior to the opposition leader's closing remarks, the 800-strong crowd comprising PKR delegates and observers unanimously approved several amendments to the party's constitution. The amendments to PKR's constitution will be sent to the Registrar of Societies (RoS) next week to be rubber-stamped. Anwar had the attention of the 800-strong crowd at the Dewan Raja Muda Musa in Section 7, Shah Alam as he described the challenges facing PKR, DAP and PAS. "We are facing a mighty political opponent who has billions of ringgit in their treasury. They will spend millions of ringgit to ensure that they remain in power," Anwar said. He said Pakatan Rakyat had to intensify their efforts to woo support from the rural voters, who remember Barisan Nasional whenever they receive gifts and handouts. "We are talking about a very strong political party who has money to burn and a mighty election machinery ready to steamroll any opposition," he said. "But one of our advantages is that we have a lot of young, talented politicians who can reach out to the masses," he said. READ MORE HERE |
What about the other deviants, heretics, and infidels? Posted: 23 Nov 2013 06:12 PM PST 
Okay, PAS wants to weed out the Syiah followers from the party. What about the Christian, Hindu and Buddhist followers? Are we also going to weed them out as well? And why not? If the Syiah are bad because they are not real Muslims then the Christians, Hindus and Buddhists are worse because they are not even Muslims in the first place. NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin PAS vows to weed out Syiah followers from party (The Star) - PAS has given its commitment to weed out Syiah followers from the party. A resolution moved on the issue by Teluk Intan PAS was passed without debate, along with six others, at the end of the 59th PAS Muktamar at Stadium Melawati here yesterday. Syiah followers, who emerged after the demise of Prophet Muhammad, claim they are Muslims but Malaysian Islamic authorities outlawed their teachings as they allegedly preach a completely independent system of religious interpretation from mainstream Islam. The National Fatwa Council declared the Syiah teachings as illegal in 1984 and 1997 while Article 3 of the Federal Constitution, which states Islam is the federal religion, recognises only the Ahli Sunnah WalJamaah teachings. The party also accepted the call from its ulama wing to create a mechanism for administrative coordination in states ruled by Pakatan Rakyat. Ulama had also proposed that the Syura Council and the central committee carry out studies to ascertain the strength and weaknesses of the tahaaluf siasi (political collaboration) with Pakatan Rakyat. Also accepted was a resolution by Kuala Kangsar PAS for the party to be firm in matters related to the party principles and policies with regards to tahaaluf siasi with the Pakatan partners. Marang PAS wants the Education Ministry to review the school-based assessment system, alleging it had adversely affected the teaching and learning process. Meanwhile, the assembly endorsed a resolution to implement Islamic Syariah laws, including the hudud and qisas penalties in a bid to tackle criminal activities. Dewan Ulama delegate Kamaruzaman Yusof, who tabled the resolution, said the Government should allow amendments to the Federal constitution to include Islamic penal laws. The Muktamar also accepted a resolution seeking to hold massive street protests against the Goods and Services Tax and the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement. ************************************************** This was what they used to do in Christendom for almost 2,000 years. They weeded out the Christian deviants, heretics, and infidels. Thousands upon thousands were put to death. Churches were burned. Priests were hanged. Witches, warlocks and devil worshippers were drowned. And the followers of the 'wrong' sect of Christianity were put to the sword. Basically, one man or a small handful of men decided what was right and what was wrong and all those perceived wrongdoers were exterminated like rats and cockroaches. And that, incidentally, was called the dark ages. Hence if Muslims continue down this same dark-ages path of Christendom what would you call it if not also the dark ages? And should we get offended if non-Muslims were to say that Islam is a religion from the dark ages? I know I would be offended but then can we really expect differently when we are the ones giving cause for the non-Muslims to, as we say, insult Islam? Okay, how did the church determine who these witches and warlocks were -- basically the devil worshippers? Simple, if they were 'different' or too clever/smart or objected/talked too much, then they were devil worshippers, the anti-Christ, witches/warlocks, and whatnot. Then they would be rounded up and killed. Now PAS wants to weed out the followers of the Syiah sect or movement. First of all, how would you know who is a follower of the Syiah? If I were to say that I believe Ali should have been the first and not the fourth successor (Caliph) to the Prophet would that make me a Syiah? In fact, I do not believe in the Syiah movement. So how can I be a follower of a movement I do not believe in? But that does not mean I also do not believe that Ali should have been the first and not the fourth Caliph. And my belief is not based on theology, doctrine or dogma but on historical events. So how can I be a follower of the Syiah when my belief regarding Ali has nothing to do with religious doctrine but is about historical events? Okay, let us say that we want to get rid of the Syiah. What is the reason we want to do that? Are the Syiah Muslims or not? And if they are not Muslims how come they are allowed into Mekah to pray in front of the Kabah when non-Muslims (kafir or infidels) are forbidden from entering Mekah? And many Malays make the pilgrimage to Mekah and pray side-by-side with Iranians, who most likely are Syiah. Is this the right thing to do? Would Malays pray side-by-side with Jews, Christians, Hindus or Buddhists? And if you would not pray side-by-side with Jews, Christians, Hindus and Buddhists why do you pray beside someone who is a Syiah if the Syiah are not Muslims? I fail to see the logic in this. This is like Lib Dem saying that it wants to weed out all the Catholics in the party because Catholics are deviants and not Christians and are followers of the devil -- meaning the Pope in Rome (which was what the Pope used to be called a few hundred years ago). Okay, PAS wants to weed out the Syiah followers from the party. What about the Christian, Hindu and Buddhist followers? Are we also going to weed them out as well? And why not? If the Syiah are bad because they are not real Muslims then the Christians, Hindus and Buddhists are worse because they are not even Muslims in the first place. And then, after we get rid of the Syiah Muslims, who do we get rid of next? The Wahhabis, Kharijis, Alawis, Druze, Ismailis, Sufis, Ahmadiyyahs, Naqshbandis, and the numerous other 'non-Muslim' Muslims? |
Blogger 'KTemoc Konsiders' in hot water over 'Allah' posting Posted: 23 Nov 2013 05:05 PM PST
(Bernama) - A non-governmental organisation, Ikatan Rakyat Insan Muslim Malaysia (IRIMM), today lodged a police report against a blogger for allegedly making a mockery of the word Allah. IRIMM president, Amir Amsaa Alla Pitchay, said the blogger had on Nov 17 posted an article, with the title 'Can Sing But Cannot Read Allah In Selangor'.
He said the article also contained a picture of a woman clad in an attire that symbolises a satan and holding a cane while saying "AAAAAaaaLLL".
"The action hurts the feelings of Muslims in the country. Such a picture should not have been posted," he said when met by reporters after lodging the report at the Dang Wangi police station.
He said the Home Ministry should issue guidelines to the media and bloggers on publication of articles which touched on the sensitivity of Muslims in the country.
IRIMM also lodged a report against MCA Youth leader Wee Ka Siong over a statement issued by the latter on Nov 15 in response to an order by Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah of Selangor over the use of the word 'Allah'.
Police report in Penang
Meanwhile, another NGO known as Persatuan Mukabuku Pulau Pinang today lodged a police report against a Facebook account holder for allegedly insulting the Malay rulers.
The association chairperson, Salleh Ismail, claimed that the comments by the Facebook account holder, who used the name 'Kumaran Muthiah', on the Seven Wills of the Malay Rulers were rude and could threaten the peace and harmony in the country.
He told reporters after lodging the report at the Lebuh Pantai police station in George Town today that such an action could also create a rift among the various races in the country.
Malaysian citizens should realise that the Seven Wills of the Malay Rulers were the foundation for peace and prosperity, he added. |
Hadi: Karpal has right to voice out opinion against hudud Posted: 23 Nov 2013 05:00 PM PST
(The Star) - PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang said his DAP comrade Karpal Singh has a right to voice his opinion against the implementation of Islamic criminal law in Kelantan. "They have the right to their opinion and we have our right to continue what we have been fighting for although it is not in Pakatan Rakyat's common policy," he told reporters. "Each of us have our own ideology and differing views, but we will work together on common interests," he added. Karpal, who is the DAP national chairman, had appealed PAS not to pursue with its intention to enforce hudud in Kelantan. Karpal said should the law be enacted by the state, it will be unconstitutional and those charged under it can challenge it. Hadi also renewed calls for muzakarah (discussion) with Umno in implementing Islamic policies in the country. In his winding-up speech on the last day of 59th PAS Muktamar here, Hadi said the party's religious leaders would take part in the discussion to show the seriousness of their invitation. "We have (Datuk) Harun Taib (PAS Dewan Ulama chief), we have Nik Abduh (Nik Abdul Aziz, PAS central committee member). We even have lawyers. "We can even talk about the economy," he added, that the discussion can also touch on the security issues plaguing the nation. He said it has always been the priority for the party to uphold Islam and put it on the frontline. This was not the first time the Islamist party has called for muzakarah with Umno, but the idea was shot down by various opposition leaders. But Hadi had insisted that the party had never "closed door" to have discussions on Islamic policies with Umno. Hadi also said that there were no deviant teachings in the party, in an apparent attempt to dismiss allegations that some of the leaders were Syiah followers. "In PAS, there are no liberal Muslims, orthodox Muslims or protestant Muslims. Don't listen to the outsiders," he said. |
An old issue revisited Posted: 23 Nov 2013 03:59 PM PST 
So the Malays are not really as religious as most people may think. And if they vote for PAS (or Pakatan Rakyat) it is not because they love Islam but because they hate Umno (or Barisan Nasional). And if they do hate Umno or Barisan Nasional it is not because of Islam but because of other issues such as arrogance, abuse of power, corruption, and so on. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin  PAS needs to woo young Malays and women voters says Dr Dzulkefly (The Star) - PAS needs to reach out to young Malays and women voters to gain a bigger victory in the next general election. PAS Research Centre director Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad said the post mortem on the 13th general election results revealed that the party should direct its attention to Malay youths as this segment of voters will increase. "The party's image among youths is still positive but we must enhance such support. There is also a need for us to reach out to middle and lower income group, whose monthly household income is less than RM4,000, and those aged below 40," he said in his winding up speech during the 59th PAS Muktamar at the Malawati Stadium Saturday. Dr Dzulkefly said the party should also woo more women voters as only 35% of the fairer sex supported them. "The general backing by the Malay community towards PAS is 40% but this needs to be increased to about 44% to enable a larger win for PAS in the 14th general election," he said. He added that PAS should organise more activities to capture the hearts and imagination of young Malay voters, whose support for the party stood at about 46%. Dr Dzulkefly said on average, PAS lost 2% of Malay votes while PKR lost 7% from the same category. "DAP, on the other hand, gained an additional 2% of the Malay votes," he said. Dr Dzulkefly said it was important that the new PAS leadership come up with strategies to enable the party to push forward in the 14th general election. "Pakatan Rakyat can be proud that we gained over 50% of the popular vote in the 13th general election but unfortunately, we were unable to take over Putrajaya," he said, adding that PAS' dream of replacing Umno as the defenders of the Malay community had to be delayed. In the May 5 general election this year, PAS won 21 parliamentary seats, compared to the 23 they won in the March 2008 polls. Its partners PKR won 30 parliamentary seats while DAP secured 38 seats. ********************************************************** One thing I do know about Dr Dzul, after working with him for more than a decade since 1999, is that he is an honest person who does not fear calling a spade a spade. On top of that he is pretty professional in how he does things. I sometimes wonder whether PAS is actually the right party for him seeing that you cannot always be honest in politics and if you state what you really feel regarding religion it can get you into a lot of trouble. Nevertheless, he is still an Islamist at heart. To be honest, though, most of my interaction with him has been on a political level and somehow we never seem to discuss Islam in any great depth other than the political aspects of the party struggle. Hence I am really not able to assess his stand regarding Islam, the Islamic State, or the Islamic Sharia laws of Hudud. Anyway, much of what Dr Dzul said is very pertinent and is something I, too, have been saying for quite some time. For example, 51% of the registered voters are women while about 53% of those who come out to vote are women as well. Therefore, if only 35% of the women support you, that would not augur well for your party. (I did write about this recently when I said a law should be passed that at least 30% or so of those who contest the elections should be women). The next point Dr Dzul made was regarding the support of the youth, especially those below 40. And Dr Dzul also specifically mentioned Malay youth because he knows that ultimately PAS and Umno are battling to win the hearts and minds of the Malays, particularly those in the Malay heartland. So Dr Dzul was very accurate about his assumptions and, more importantly, very honest in admitting the weaknesses of PAS and the areas they need to strengthen if they wish to garner more Malay support, especially the Malay youth and Malay women. I remember having a conversation with Mustafa Ali and a few of the other PAS leaders, the late President Fadzil Noor included, regarding this matter about 30 years ago back in the 1980s. And this was what I said. To attract the youth you have to be less 'Arabic' and more 'western'. We have to understand that we are competing with the TV and movies, and the western influence on the Malay youth is extremely strong. Are not Malays 'rockers' at heart when it comes to lifestyle and choice of music? If most of the PAS leaders look, dress and talk like Arabs, that is not going to attract the youth. Why can't some of the PAS leaders dress in jeans and T-shirts rather than in Arab robes and turbans? Just look at the pictures of the PAS leaders in Harakah, the party newspaper. They all look like they have just come from the Arabian Desert. Mustafa Ali agreed and commented that he actually has many photographs taken in suits or batek shirts but somehow Harakah keeps publishing the same old ones again and again where he is dressed like an Arab. I then used the analogy of the Prophet Muhammad receiving the first revelation of the Quran. When the angel Gabriel appeared before the Prophet, he got a fright and ran home shivering. That was because Gabriel did not look human, obviously. And why are all the Prophets humans and not angels? Humans are supposed to be imperfect while angels are perfect. Would it not be better that God sent angels as His messengers rather than humans? The answer to this, I told Mustafa Ali, was because messengers have to be fellow humans who look like humans. If angels were to descend to earth the humans would run away in fear and not get close to these angels. Hence, to get close to people, you need to look, talk and act like them. If you look, talk and act differently, you will never be able to get close to the people you are trying to get close to. And for the PAS people to be able to get close to the young Malay rockers, you need to appear, communicate and act like them and not like someone who just arrived from the Arabian Desert. PAS is good at preaching to the already converted in the mosques and at their own party functions or ceramah. But preaching to the converted is not good enough. That is not gaining new ground. You need to reach the Malays at rock concerts, pubs, clubs, discos and so on -- basically people who do not come to you or go to the mosques. Look at the mosques on Fridays. Because the Friday prayers are compulsory the mosques are packed and the streets surrounding the mosques jammed. But that is only one out of 35 prayers a week. What about the balance of the 34 prayers? Well, the mosques are quite empty because people don't bother to go to the mosques unless it is compulsory. Even those who do, but just on Fridays, sleep or daydream while the sermon (kutbah) is being read. So the Malays are not really as religious as most people may think. And if they vote for PAS (or Pakatan Rakyat) it is not because they love Islam but because they hate Umno (or Barisan Nasional). And if they do hate Umno or Barisan Nasional it is not because of Islam but because of other issues such as arrogance, abuse of power, corruption, and so on. Basically, your political strategy is to play up the hate factor. As long as people hate the other side they will vote for you. But they are not voting for you because of their love for Islam. And that is why the mosques are empty 34 times and full only once at Friday lunchtime. I asked this question before, 30 years ago. Is PAS a missionary movement or a political party? PAS acts like a missionary movement while it is supposed to be a political party. If you want to preach and spread Islam then go and do it outside the party and leave the party the job of winning elections. The answer I got (at least 30 years ago) is that PAS wants to spread Islam and is really not bothered about winning elections. Spreading Islam is the first job and winning elections is merely a bonus if it does happen. I believe PAS has changed a bit since then and winning elections is as important as spreading Islam. But then to whom are you spreading Islam? The Christian missionaries spread Christianity to the non-Christians. The Muslims spread Islam to the Muslims. Is this not, again, preaching to the already converted? And let's be honest about it, considering the manner in how the Muslims conduct themselves, do you really think that the non-Muslims will be attracted to Islam even if you do preach Islam to them? I mean you cannot even fill up the mosques 34 times a week other than that one particular day at lunchtime on Friday. So what success are you going to have with the non-Muslims when you have failed even with the Muslims? PAS will need to move to the centre and become less Arabic. Islamisation and Arabisation are two different things. And when PAS moves more to the centre the party will look less frightening to those who perceive radical Islam as a threat to the peace and security of the nation. More importantly, though, when PAS moves more to the centre and appears less radical, Umno, too, will be forced to move to the centre and take a less radical stance. And two major Malay parties, PAS and Umno, that are less radical and more centrist can only be good for Malaysia. And hopefully this will give birth to the politics of issues rather than the current politics of hate. In short, you vote for me because you believe I can be a better government rather than you vote for me because you hate the other side (whether it is radical Islam or Malay nationalism that you hate). |
Mat Sabu’s win at PAS polls, a win for PKR, DAP instead, says Utusan Posted: 23 Nov 2013 01:25 PM PST
Lee Shi-Ian, TMI Mohamad Sabu's successful defence of his PAS deputy president position was described by Utusan Malaysia today as a victory for both PKR and the DAP, in what is seen as an attempt by the Umno-owned newspaper to chip away at the Islamist party's support among the Malay community. Columnist Awang Selamat continued Utusan Malaysia's campaign to portray the Islamist party as a stooge in Pakatan Rakyat, sarcastically congratulating Mohamad Sabu, or Mat Sabu, on his victory in yesterday's party polls. Awang Selamat, the pseudonym for Utusan Malaysia's collective editorial team, said it accepted the decision made by PAS members at the 59th PAS Muktamar with an open heart. "The news of Mat Sabu successfully defending his position will be greeted with huge applause and relief by PAS and DAP," Awang said. "Even before the official results were announced, a senior DAP leader had already congratulated him via social media." Awang said based on the results of the PAS Muktamar, it seemed that many of the pro-DAP PAS nominees, including Mat Sabu, had either defended or won the positions they contested. "As long as Mat Sabu reflects the PAS leadership, DAP's hopes and vision will shine brightly." Awang said the decision by PAS members to support Mat Sabu, who won by 980 votes against Nik Amar's 490 votes, indicated the direction they had chosen for their party to take. "Although a faction of PAS was disgruntled with the result as they felt Mat Sabu was not an appropriate candidate for the position due to his involvement in moral issues, it is too late now. "The pro-clerics hopes of bringing about change in the party have been dashed as the PAS members have made their choice." This is the second time Mat Sabu has proven that he is the most qualified individual to be the PAS deputy president. The Utusan columnist speculated that perhaps someday, Mat Sabu might even rise to become the party president, adding that PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang was seen as preferring to take the safe route to safeguard his position. "There does not seem to be any way for the PAS leadership to free itself from the influence of the Pakatan Rakyat alliance." READ MORE HERE |
PKR pledges to fight for Sabah, Sarawak autonomy Posted: 23 Nov 2013 01:20 PM PST
Lee She-Ian, TMI Parti Keadilan Rakyat has pledged to fight for autonomy in Sabah and Sarawak, including a fairer distribution of oil royalty, its president Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail said today. Addressing PKR members during a special national congress in Shah Alam, Dr Wan Azizah noted that Barisan Nasional managed to maintain its grip on Putrajaya because it won in Sabah and Sarawak. "However, it is pertinent to note that although we have enjoyed 56 years of independence, Sabah and Sarawak still lag behind Peninsular Malaysia in terms of infrastructure," she said. "BN made many promises to the people of Sabah and Sarawak in the run-up to the 13th General Election and in the previous polls. Have these pledges been kept?" She cited Budget 2014 as an example, where development in Sabah and Sarawak was low on the list of priorities for Putrajaya. PKR, PAS and DAP all hailed Sept 16 as a historical date in Malaysia's history as it signified Sabah and Sarawak joining the Federation of Malaya. The three parties launched the Kuching Declaration at the 55th Merdeka Day celebrations. "PKR, PAS and DAP agreed unanimously to insert the Kuching Declaration into our constitution, which is on the verge of being approved," she added. Pakatan Rakyat is also determined to fight for 20% oil royalty to be paid to Sabah, Sarawak, Kelantan and Terengganu. READ MORE HERE |