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- It was Malaysia, and NOT Dr. Mahathir, which asked for the loans from the World Bank
- Response to allegations against Sabah Air Aviation
- Mahathir is cause of 1997 Financial Crisis Thru Mismanagement
- Response to the Alumni of Yayasan Selangor
- Malaysia’s World Bank loans
- Anwar merely blowing hot air
- Tun Mahathir Berbohong, Dokumen Bank Dunia Buktikan Beliau Bertanggungjawab Ambil Pinjaman Bank ...
- An open letter to the Minister of Education - SM Convent Bukit Nanas
It was Malaysia, and NOT Dr. Mahathir, which asked for the loans from the World Bank Posted: 21 Dec 2011 10:01 PM PST
It was the official from the Treasury who had written and NOT Dr. Mahathir, the PM and Finance Minister. Dr. Mahathir is prepared to swear on the truth of this matter on the Koran because there is no official letter signed by Dr. Mahathir Mohamed asking for the loan or accepting the loan from the World Bank. By Ken The evidence at,%20P060943,%20P058681&sortby=BOARDSORTDATE&pagesize=10&sortorder=DESC&match=all is explicit to all, bar the blind, English-illiterate and Internet-ignoramus, that Malaysia had taken 3 loans from the World Bank totaling US$ 404 million ( > Ringgit 2 Billion) AFTER the sacking of Anwar and the introduction of capital control in Sept. 1998. Given that the evidence is on the official website of the World Bank, a reputed global organization, Mahathir has to be blind, English-illiterate, an Internet-ignoramus or an idiot not to realize that Malaysia HAD taken loans from the World Bank. Mahathir is certainly none of the above and is definitely not an idiot. He is merely stating that he, Dr. Mahathir Mohammed, did NOT personally ask the World Bank for those loans. It was the official from the Treasury who had written and NOT Dr. Mahathir, the PM and Finance Minister. Dr. Mahathir is prepared to swear on the truth of this matter on the Koran because there is no official letter signed by Dr. Mahathir Mohamed asking for the loan or accepting the loan from the World Bank. It doesn't matter that he, Dr. Mahathir Mohammed, was the all-powerful and feared PM (as he himself has acknowledged) and the Finance Minister whose approval would have been needed for requesting and accepting any loan to the country. If doesn't matter that the World Bank, being a reputed organization, would not give a loan to a country unless that country's leader's approval had been secured by whoever was negotiating the loan. To put it simply: Dr. Mahathir Mohammed did NOT ask the World Bank for any loan. Malaysia's Treasury had asked and obtained the loans. So it is not correct to say that Dr. Mahathir Mohamed had asked for the loan from the World Bank. Anwar is "wrong" to accuse Dr. Mahathir Mohammed of having asked the World Bank for loans. Anwar, as a naive Finance Minister, might have asked for World Bank loans but not Dr. Mahathir Mohammed, the cunning Finance Minister who succeeded him. Ask Dr. Mahathir Mohamed to swear on the Koran that MALAYSIA had NOT obtained loans from the World Bank after Sept. 1998, and he would definitely NOT swear. Why? Because, he was happy that that money (US$400 million) would save his sons and cronies from the financial crisis. As PM and Finance Minister, Dr. Mahathir Mohammed could have refused to accept from the money from the "Zionist Anti-Islamic Homosexual-supporting" World Bank based in Washington DC (USA) which he had criticized as being detrimental to any solution. However, he allowed Malaysia to accept the loans from the World Bank, knowing that that would mean he would have to be obliged to the Bank's master, the US. It is unreasonable to expect him to refuse the money when it was for a "good" cause, to save leading Malay corporate leaders such as Mirzan Mahathir, Tajudin Ramli, Halim Saad, etc., who were at the brink of failure and bankruptcy. As Dr. Mahathir himself will point out, if the source of a dollar, its journey, or how it has been earned matters, then no mosque, church or temple can accept any money because all money would be tainted in some way. So it was perfectly all right for Malaysia to accept the loan from the World Bank so that Dr. Mahathir Mohammed could use it for the said "good" causes. Dr. Mahathir Mohammed is and has been consistent when it comes to Money: "Ask not why, how or where the Money comes from. Just accept the Money." For Mahathir Mohammed, Money Matters Most. |
Response to allegations against Sabah Air Aviation Posted: 21 Dec 2011 09:53 PM PST By Manu Sasidharan; CEO, Sabah Air Aviation Sdn. Bhd. In the last few weeks Yang Berhormat Jimmy Wong Sze Phin has been bringing up allegations and issues pertaining to Sabah Air Aviation. Sabah Air would like to clear the air and give clarity to the general public on the same. The Audit Report by Jabatan Audit Negara was submitted in February 2011 to the shareholders and the Audit Exit Conference was held on 24th June 2011. The report was discussed, clarified, at the conference and necessary steps were taken to address all matters pertaining to the audit report queries. Necessary steps were taken in the immediate aftermath, with the appointment of a new leadership in the month of July 2011. The requisite re- structuring and process updating was initiated immediately. 1. RM 1.00 Lease Agreement with Eurocopter As mentioned in the previous Press Conference, the said agreement was an above board arrangement with Eurocopter to cover the cost of participating in LIMA`11. The aircraft was transferred to Subang Base for Hangarage and technical support (while away from main operating base). The participation in LIMA `11 was covered by Eurocopter (in terms of expenses). The main reason for Sabah Air to bring this model to LIMA `11 was to highlight its superior capabilities to Ministry of Health senior officials on a potential new contract for nationwide Emergency Medical Services (EMS). The total expenses for the entire event were in the range of RM 800,000.00+, which was translated into a major saving for Sabah Air. While the aircraft is under the aegis of Eurocopter, the standard procedure is to ensure the insurance coverage for the aircraft is also passed to them, which has to be done on the basis of a Lease Agreement for RM 1.00. The aircraft has a few more jobs in Peninsula Malaysia and Singapore before coming back to Sabah in mid-March. Sabah Air would like to stress at this stage the following, At the same time, Sabah Air is also attracting a lot of new talents. Hence pilots leaving and joining the company is normal, as it is for licensed engineers. Never the less, the new management has early on itself identified weaknesses in the Human Resources management and took corrective actions to address the same. |
Mahathir is cause of 1997 Financial Crisis Thru Mismanagement Posted: 20 Dec 2011 02:25 PM PST Mahathir is NOT an Economist and had NEVER faced such a Financial Crisis BEFORE. Therefore, Mahathir did not know the solution. By Dr Robert Chan In 1995, World Bank, IMF and Economists warned Mahathir Mohammad the Prime Minister that if Malaysia did NOT manage its economy and finance properly, it would suffer the same fate as Mexico whose peso plummeted very seriously. Instead of finding out WHY and HOW to prevent the situation, Mahathir immediately rebutted and scolded them by saying that they were jealous of Malaysia's development and economy and they were trying to embarrass us. In 1997, when the Financial Crisis hit us, we were all shocked. Mahathir did not know what had happened and therefore did not know what to do. Mahathir and his Ministers were confused by the various statements that they made. Apparently, Mahathir spent billions to support the currency ringgit but was unsuccessful. When US Secretary of Treasury, Robert Rubin came, his advice was sought. Robert asked Daim and Mahathir to reduce interest rates. Daim is only a Lawyer and a businessman. He is no great Economist. IF Mahathir and Daim claim that they are experts in Economics and Finance, I would like to give them a Test - Theory and Viva. Professor Paul Krugman wrote an open letter to Mahathir asking him to implement the Exchange Control. Finally, the value of the Malaysian currency RM fell by more than 50% from RM2.50 to RM3.80 to USD. Mahathir is NOT an Economist and had NEVER faced such a Financial Crisis BEFORE. Therefore, Mahathir did not know the solution. He took advice. Rumours in KL said Nor Mohamed Yaacop was responsible for the loss of US$10 billion in currency trading!!! Ask the Bankers and his classmates in University of Malaya. Malaysians became poorer by more than 50% because the idiotic Prime Minister Mahathir was stubborn. So what so great about Mahathir??? When I was in Britain there was a Debate where Nobel Prize Winner Milton Friedman, Margaret Thatcher British PM and etc participated in discussing the Economy of Britain. Milton Friedman and Margaret Thatcher both said, "You cannot spend money you have not earned." Even a normal housewife knows that. She will run on a budget. A housewife is given a certain sum of money a month by her husband to manage the family and house. If she over-spends, she will be scolded by her husband. Most of the time, the housewife will spend less than what was given so she has some money for rainy days!!! A normal housewife can manage the economy better than Prime Minister Mahathir. Mahathir the Prime Minister ran current accounts deficits for several years with little reserves. Mahathir blamed everybody except himself. Mahathir had to find a scapegoat and he pointed his finger at George Soros. Mahathir is good at finding scapegoats!!! When Malaysia was in the midst of this Financial Crisis 1997-8, he led a huge delegation to Argentina. WHAT FOR??? He should have stayed at home to LEARN ABOUT THE CRISIS, its causes and its remedies. But he did not care!!! If a Japanese PM did that, he would be forced to resign. Mahathir did NOT treat the people with respect. His attitude is, "I can spend the peoples' money any way I like. What can you do? I am the PM. I have the power." Mahathir travelled around the world more frequently than the US President or any leader of his time, using the nation's money. Mahathir also went to Antartica and Vladivostock!!! He can justify anything. After retirement, he admitted the 1997-8 Financial Crisis was the biggest headache he ever had as PM. When I went to Argentina for a holiday, I was told by some Argentinians that our Prime Minister, Ministers and businessmen had bought properties in Argentina. Is that the reason WHY Mahatir (after retirement) flew to Argentina using a "private jet"??? Whose private jet was that??? Mahathir is an arrogant and stubborn person. Mahathir built the crooked half bridge without first getting Singapore to agree and sign the Agreement. Now the half bridge, hanging in the air, is rotting in the sun. Mahathir wasted RM350 million of the peoples money. But he doesn't care. He always said he did not care. See how stubborn and idiotic he is. Mahathir is an irresponsible Prime Minister. The RM350 million could be used to build 3500 homes for the poor Malays. These homes could accommodate about 18,000 people. Are Architects and Engineers taught in Universities HOW to build crooked half bridges??? I don't think it is in their curriculum. I think it is unethical for Architects and Engineers to build HALF bridges. Who made the MONEY from building the HALF bridge??? Mahathir built the RM600 million Convention Hall in Putrajaya for the OIC Meeting. Now it is hardly used. Such a waste of money!!! Why doesn't Mahathir use the KLCC Convention Hall or PWTC Halls or other big Halls in KL? Because Mahathir just doesn't care. |
Response to the Alumni of Yayasan Selangor Posted: 20 Dec 2011 07:34 AM PST MAKLUM BALAS BERHUBUNG PENUTUPAN SERTA PERPINDAHAN PELAJAR ASRAMA YAYASAN SELANGOR KUALA LUMPUR (AYSKL) En. Aina Hanim bin Lokman 6. Yayasan Selangor juga turut membantu membaiki kemudahan prasarana dan infrastruktur untuk sekolah-sekolah daif persendirian di Selangor. Yayasan Selangor telah menaja pelajar-pelajar di Maahad Tarbiyah Islamiah Al-Ansar di Berjuntai Bestari dan Pusat Pengajian Pondok Bustanul Ariffin, Kampung Labohan Dagang, Banting, Selangor. Tajaan ini adalah dari segi tajaan makan/minum, kemudahan pengangkutan ke masjid untuk solat Jumaat dan pembayaran bil utiliti. Disamping itu, Yayasan Selangor turut memberi sumbangan kepada program yang berteraskan pendidikan kepada rumah anak-anak yatim, NGO, PIBG Sekolah, program SPIES dan sebagainya. Program-program CSR juga dirangka untuk membantu anak-anak yatim, miskin dan golongan yang perlu dibantu serta diberi program secara berpusat. 8. Sehubungan dengan itu, Yayasan Selangor telah memperuntukkan pinjaman pelajaran bagi tahun 2012 iaitu sejumlah RM782,000 untuk pelajar INPENS. Peruntukan tersebut melibatkan RM430,000 untuk pelajar-pelajar baru dan RM352,000 untuk pelajar yang sedia ada. Pembiayaan ini menunjukkan bahawa Yayasan Selangor serius dalam usaha untuk memberi peluang pendidikan kepada pelajar-pelajar kemahiran supaya mereka mendapat pendapatan yang lumayan suatu hari kelak dan seterusnya membayar kembali pinjaman tersebut. 9. Yayasan Selangor sentiasa berusaha kuat untuk mengumpul pendapatan dan dana. Punca pendapatan ini adalah dari hasil sewaan ruang pejabat dan kediaman, projek usahasama, mengusahakan ladang kelapa sawit, pelaburan jangka pendek dan panjang, penyewaan kem-kem bina semangat dan PLKN dan sebagainya. Yayasan Selangor telah berjaya menjana pendapatan sendiri untuk perbelanjaan tadbir urus syarikat dan menjalankan aktiviti pendidikan dengan menaja pelajar-pelajar di asrama mahupun menaja pelajar-pelajar di menara gading dan program-program modal insan. Yayasan Selangor dalam usaha menjana lebih pendapatan agar lebih ramai pelajar dapat ditaja dengan projek pembangunan semula bangunan Yayasan Selangor di Bukit Bintang, Kg.Baru, pembangunan tanah di Presint 7 Shah Alam dan pembangunan tanah di Kampung Pandan. 10. Seluruh warga kerja Yayasan Selangor berazam untuk berusaha keras demi memenuhi tanggungjawab sosial sebagai pemangkin membentuk generasi berilmu dengan menawarkan akses pendidikan samarata kepada rakyat Selangor walaupun berdepan dengan pelbagai rintangan. Yayasan Selangor akan terus menjana dana untuk disalurkan kepada pelajar-pelajar dari peringkat sekolah pondok sehingga ke menara gading. 11. Yayasan Selangor juga telah memperuntukkan RM350,000 pada tahun 2012 untuk menaja 50 orang pelajar peringkat Asasi di UNISEL dan pada tahun-tahun seterusnya.
Posted: 20 Dec 2011 07:22 AM PST Dr Mahathir Mohamad The accusation that I wrote to the World Bank asking for loans is baseless. But Malaysia had been borrowing project loans from the World Bank since 1958. The last negotiations for the loans were made in 1997. These were for projects in: a) Education sector US$244 million (RM756 million) b) Social sector US$60 million c) Technical sector US$100 million The currency crisis also began in 1997. Naturally the loans were not approved until 1999 when the crisis was over. The usual sequence is for application for a loan to be made, followed by negotiations. Approval would be given by the bank later. The World Bank wanted Malaysia to request for loans to tide over the crisis like the other countries affected by currency trading. The loans would be conditional upon Malaysia following IMF advice on economic management. It is well-known that Malaysia refused to seek IMF or World Bank help because the so-called help would worsen the financial situation. Instead, in 1998 Malaysia imposed currency control which helped it to recover. In June 1998 (before currency control and while Anwar Ibrahim was still Minister of Finance) a loan for US$300 million was signed with the World Bank for: a) Fund for Food Programme b) Higher Education Loan Fund c) Microcredit Programme By 31st March 1999 a loan of US$100 million was signed for Technical Assistance and for overcoming Y2K problems. However, this loan was stopped after drawing down US$11.94 million. Of the US$244 million Education Project which was approved in March 1999, payment was ordered to be stopped after US$216.7 million was drawn down. Of the Social Sector loan of US$60 million, approved in March 1999, only US$600,000 was drawn down before it was stopped. As the whole world knows, Anwar was reported in the press and foreign magazines for implementing the IMF policy without the IMF loans. He raised interest rates, reduced the period for declaring loans non-performing from six months to three months, reduced budget allocation to ministries so as to achieve a budget surplus, etc. Although he did not oppose currency controls, his appointees as governor and deputy governor of Bank Negara refused to implement the policy and resigned. Tan Sri Zeti Akhtar Aziz was then appointed as Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia. As stated above, Malaysia stopped the draw down on loans negotiated with the World Bank in 1997 and June 1998. This did not stop Malaysia from recovering from the crisis. At no time did I write a letter or verbally request for loans from the World Bank. If Anwar can show evidence that I did, he should. Failing that he should swear on the Quran in a mosque that he knows what he says is true. I am prepared to swear that I never asked for loans from the World Bank. — * Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was prime minister from 1981 to 2003
Posted: 19 Dec 2011 09:35 AM PST Chew Lian Keng Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim only knows how to make empty promises, and his most recent promise to shut down the Lynas rare earth plant in Kuantan if Pakatan Rakyat takes over the federal government is merely lip service as Pakatan Rakyat is unable to honour their promises. Before the 2008 General Elections, Anwar had paid a visit to Kampung Buah Pala and had promised to prevent their village from being demolished. He told the people there that as long as Pakatan Rakyat gains control of Penang, regardless of whether it is DAP or PKR, they will appoint a Chinese as the Penang Chief Minister and that within 2 weeks of taking office, a representative will come to Kampung Buah Pala to look into their problems. The video of Anwar making such promises has been widely circulated, but in the end, Kampung Buah Pala was demolished anyway despite pleas from the villagers. Anwar likes to simply make promises, but at the end of the day, these promises are not fulfilled and some have even been proven fake such as when Anwar had declared that Pakatan Rakyat will be able to take over the federal government on September 16, 2008. In the end he became the laughing stock of the political community. Also, when PAS criticized Anwar for saying that Lim Kit Siang can be the Deputy Prime Minister, he quickly retracted his statement. This shows that Anwar only makes promises for his own political purposes, thus he does not put too much focus on achieving what he has promised, and when the time comes, Anwar will abandon the voters and his promises to them. Cancelling the Lynas contract is easier said than done, as thousands of issues must be looked into first. Therefore, the people must consider Anwar's promises and decide if he is really concern for the people or is he merely blowing hot air. CHEW LIAN KENG is MCA Youth Federal Territory Chairman
Tun Mahathir Berbohong, Dokumen Bank Dunia Buktikan Beliau Bertanggungjawab Ambil Pinjaman Bank ... Posted: 18 Dec 2011 01:07 PM PST KEADILAN mengemukakan ketiga-tiga dokumen ini sebagai bukti bahawa Tun Mahathir telah berbohong apabila beliau mengaku "menolak tawaran bantuan dari Bank Dunia (ketika itu) kerana jika Malaysia berbuat demikian, ia akan menjadi hamba kepada Bank Dunia". MOHD RAFIZI RAMLI, PENGARAH STRATEGI KEADILAN merujuk kepada 3 dokumen rasmi Bank Dunia yang diedarkan kepada pihak media pada hari ini. Ketiga-tiga dokumen rasmi ini adalah bersabit dengan salah satu dari empat pinjaman dari Bank Dunia berjumlah US$704 juta yang diambil oleh Kerajaan Malaysia semasa menangani kemelut krisis kewangan 1997/1998. KEADILAN mengemukakan ketiga-tiga dokumen ini sebagai bukti bahawa Tun Mahathir telah berbohong apabila beliau mengaku "menolak tawaran bantuan dari Bank Dunia (ketika itu) kerana jika Malaysia berbuat demikian, ia akan menjadi hamba kepada Bank Dunia[1]". Ketiga-tiga dokumen rasmi Bank Dunia ini berhubung pinjaman US$60 juta ini secara jelas membuktikan perkara-perkara berikut:
PERTAMA: RUNDINGAN PINJAMAN BERLAKU SELEPAS DATO' SERI ANWAR IBRAHIM DIPENJARAKAN Rujuk Kertas Maklumat Projek (Project Information Document) bernombor PID6999 yang bertarikh 23 Oktober 1998. Laporan ini disediakan sebagai laporan awal oleh Bank Dunia untuk menilai permohonan pinjaman sesebuah negara. Ia adalah dokumen pertama yang disediakan sebelum pun rundingan bermula. Tarikh 23 Oktober 1998 membuktikan bahawa proses rundingan pinjaman tersebut bermula selepas Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim dipecat dan dipenjarakan. Ia mustahil melibatkan Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim seperti yang selalu didakwa Tun Mahathir Mohamad dan UMNO.
KEDUA: TUN MAHATHIR MOHAMAD MENGARAHKAN KERAJAAN MEMOHON PINJAMAN BANK DUNIA Rujuk Laporan Penilaian Permohonan Pinjaman (Project Appraisal Document) bernombor 18855-MA yang bertarikh 3 Mac 1999. Laporan ini disediakan untuk makluman pimpinan Bank Dunia dalam membuat keputusan sama ada mahu meluluskan permohonan pinjaman yang dibuat Kerajaan Malaysia. Rujuk muka surat 29 (Lampiran 6) yang menunjukkan jadual kerja dan rundingan yang melibatkan Kerajaan Malaysia dan Bank Dunia. Ia secara jelas menunjukkan bahawa agensi bertanggungjawab yang berunding dengan Bank Dunia untuk mendapatkan pinjaman ini adalah Unit Perancang Ekonomi, Jabatan Perdana Menteri. Permohonan pertama dibuat pada 26 Julai 1998. Laporan dan rundingan berikutnya (yang hanya bermula selepas Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim dipenjarakan) ditangani sepenuhnya oleh Unit Perancang Ekonomi, yang bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya kepada Perdana Menteri ketika itu, Tun Mahathir Mohamad. Dokumen ini membuktikan bahawa permohonan untuk mendapatkan pinjaman dibuat oleh Tun Mahathir Mohamad melalui Unit Perancang Ekonomi.
KETIGA: PERJANJIAN DITANDANGANI PADA 31 MAC 1999 DIBAWAH PERSETUJUAN TUN MAHATHIR MOHAMAD Rujuk Perjanjian Pinjaman antara Kerajaan Malaysia dan Bank Dunia (Loan Agreement) bernombor 4452-MA yang bertarikh 31 Mac 1999. Perjanjian ini ditandatangani dibawah arahan dan persetujuan Tun Mahathir Mohamad selaku Perdana Menteri dan juga Menteri Kewangan. Jelas sekali bahawa Tun Mahathir Mohamad telah berbohong apabila beliau mengaku tidak mahu menerima bantuan kewangan dari institusi antarabangsa seperti Bank Dunia. Malah, pentadbiran beliau dibawah arahan dan seliaan beliau bertanggungjawab membuat permohonan mendapatkan bantuan kewangan Bank Dunia. Oleh yang demikian, KEADILAN ingin menegaskan bahawa fitnah beliau terhadap Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim dalam hal ini tidak lebih dari usaha beliau memadamkan rekod pentadbiran kewangan yang baik dibawah Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Malaysia berjaya mencapai lebihan belanjawan ketika beliau memegang portfolio Menteri Kewangan sehingga berjaya melangsaikan hutang dengan lebih awal dalam tahun-tahun 1993 hingga 1996, berbanding dengan defisit belanjawan yang berpanjangan sejak Tun Mahathir Mohamad mengambil alih jawatan itu dalam tahun 1998. Beliau juga bertanggungjawab menubuhkan Kumpulan Wang Amanah Negara dan Kumpulan Wang Amanah Pencen, bertujuan menjaga kepentingan rakyat melalui dana amanah yang dikawal ketat dan bebas dari salahguna kerajaan. Malangnya, dana ini turut disalahgunakan dan menyimpang dari niat asal penubuhannya. Tun Mahathir sewajarnya membersihkan imej beliau di mata rakyat dengan menjawab dua isu melibatkan keluarga beliau. Adalah lebih baik beliau menerangkan mengenai penglibatan beliau dalam urusan menyelamatkan perniagaan anak beliau, Mirzan Mahathir yang melibatkan wang rakyat berjumlah RM2 billion dalam tahun 1998 daripada cuba menegakkan benang basah bahawa beliau menolak bantuan kewangan Bank Dunia. Apatah lagi apabila Mirzan Mahathir mempunyai dana yang cukup besar kebelakangan ini untuk membeli konglomerat arak terbesar di Filipina iaitu San Miguel yang dilaporkan berharga sekitar RM2.9 bilion.
An open letter to the Minister of Education - SM Convent Bukit Nanas Posted: 17 Dec 2011 10:59 PM PST The mission schools in Malaysia are owned by the mission authorities, however the operations are now managed entirely by the federal government. This however does not preclude for a break in the terms of the pre-agreed contract and it is not merely unlawful, but extremely insensitive, offensive, and disrespectful to all parties involved that the appointment was made at the autocractic discretion of the FT Education Department, with no consultation of the members in this decision-making process. By Dr. W. Vinita Perera DVM, MRCVS - an old girl Convent Bukit Nanas Dear Sir, I wish to bring to your attention the deep concern being conveyed, regarding the approach taken in the recent appointment of the new principal at SM Convent Bukit Nanas, Kuala Lumpur. Before this is turned into yet another debacle of ethnicity and creed by any quarter, I look forwards to your timely and wise intervention to resolve the matter objectively. The points of contestation is as follows: The FT Education Department is in gross breach of the terms stated in the revised Royal Commission on Teaching Services Report which states:"The assignment and deployment of teachers for these schools, especially the head teacher, should be done only after consultation between the personnel management authority and the boards of these schools". Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad reaffirmed and pledged that the government would honour this again, to consult mission school authorities over the choice of school heads and teachers, at a meeting with the Heads of Churches in Kota Kinabalu in 1998. In this case - all parties involved - The Board of Governors, Parents Teachers Association and the Old Girls Association were all in the dark about this appointment. The recommendation submitted were completely disregarded. I am sure you are aware, SM Convent Bukit Nanas is a mission school. The mission schools in Malaysia are owned by the mission authorities, however the operations are now managed entirely by the federal government. This however does not preclude for a break in the terms of the pre-agreed contract and it is not merely unlawful, but extremely insensitive, offensive, and disrespectful to all parties involved that the appointment was made at the autocractic discretion of the FT Education Department, with no consultation of the members in this decision-making process. This move is perceived as a threat and a means of undermining the community which promulgate the ethos of excellence in education behind these schools. I look forward to your objective intervention toward a diplomatic recourse. A healthy dose of accountability by the FT Education Department with a formal apology, should reinstate our confidence in your ministry. Simple in Virtue, Steadfast in Duty, Dr. W. Vinita Perera DVM, MRCVS an old girl Convent Bukit Nanas, Colorado USA |
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