Checks with Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) have found that four low-cost flats in Miharja are not owned by any notable former high-ranking police officer, as claimed by PKR.

Malaysiakini's assessment rate searches with DBKL on the four properties last week following a press conference by the opposition party on the matter showed that they are owned by nondescript individuals.

However, PKR consumer rights bureau chief Yahya Sahri, when contacted, insisted that the flat had until "a few years ago" belonged to a "high ranking ex-police officer" and his wife.

Not dismissing the possiblity that the flats may have changed hands, Yahya also insisted that the ex-officer and his wife had purchased the units.

NONEYahya (left in photo) last week exposed this information at a press conference but withheld the identity of the former police officer, claiming that it will be revealed at later press conferences.

He had then also claimed that the former police officer "still owns" the properties, which he should not have been qualified to purchase.

Yahya also provided media with copies of DBKL assessment rate searches the party had done on 10 properties, including the four flats, allegedly belonging to the former officer and his wife.
The names of the owners were blanked out by PKR, but the owner's address for one of the flats was listed as "Ibu Pejabat Polis, Bukit Aman".

Malaysiakini's search for property ownership history at the Federal Land Office only returned the history for the master title, and not the strata title for the individuals flat units.

The agency said it cannot conduct a strata title search on the individual units as it cannot locate the units ownership numbers (nombor hakmilik).

It claims that the 'nombor hakmilik' can only be provided by the developer.