Selasa, 2 April 2013

Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

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Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

Melayu Mahukan Perubahan

Posted: 01 Apr 2013 05:52 PM PDT


Perubahan yang dikehendaki oleh orang-orang Melayu, malahan yang bukan Melayu juga, bermula setelah kemenangan Barisan Nasional dalam PRU ke 11 pada tahun 2004. Prestasi kerajaan sejak kemenangan itu begitu meleset sehingga pengundi, termasuk ahli-ahli UMNO menunjukkan protes mereka menyebabkan kemelesetan prestasi BN dalam PRU ke 12 pada tahun 2008 apabila BN kalah di lima buah negeri dan banyak kerusi Parlimen dalam Wilayah Persekutuan dimenangi oleh pembangkang.

Sekitar setahun setelah memenangi dengan tipis PRU ke 12 ahli-ahli UMNO telah menyedarkan pemimpin tertinggi parti bahawa negara memerlukan perubahan di peringkat pucuk pimpinan kerajaan pusat. Maka berubahlah pucuk pimpinan kerajaan dengan bergantinya Perdana Menteri.


Penganalisa pihak dalaman parti UMNO mengetahui bahawa perubahan yang berlaku dalam PRU ke 12 ialah atas kehendak orang-orang Melayu sendiri, kerana melesetnya prestasi kerajaan. Pihak penganalisa yang pro Pakatan Rakyat pula ingin percaya bahawa pengundi menyokong dan menyetujui dengan program mereka, walau pun pemimpin mereka mengetahui sebab yang sebenarnya.


Di peringkat awal kerajaan pimpinan Dato' Seri Najib kelihatan seolah-olah programnya adalah tindakbalas ke atas janji-janji PR. Ejen-ejen PR telah berjaya menanamkan bibit sebab kegagalan dalam PRU ke 12 sebagai berpunca dari Dasar Ekonomi Baru. Bibit ini telah bermula subur apabila Model Ekonomi Baru diperkenalkan sebagai alternatif dan bukan lanjutan kepada hasrat dan cita-cita DEB. Lebih-lebih lagi apabila timbul dakwaan bahawa ada di antara ahli penggubal MEB ini tidak fasih di dalam Bahasa Melayu.

Oleh kerana perasaan takut banyak pemimpin Melayu, dari berbagai sektor, atas kemungkinan terkorbannya kepentingan Melayu dalam pembangunan negara maka rata-rata kita merasa gelisah sehingga NGO-NGO Melayu telah bersatu untuk menubuhkan MPM atau Majlis Perundingan Melayu. Oleh kerana MPM merupakan NGO yang non-politik maka PERKASA di bawah pimpinan aktivis Dato' Ibrahim Ali telah bergerak dengan agenda politik pro-Melayu yang jelas dan lantang. Dewan Perniagaan Melayu Malaysia (DPMM) dan PENAWAR ( dulu Pakku ) juga telah mengadakan kongres, konvensyen dan seminar untuk meleraikan kegelisahan yang timbul di hati para peserta. 


Setelah beberapa bulan berlalu jelas kelihatan, dengan terserlah, bahwa program kerajaan BN di bawah pimpinan Dato' Seri Najib adalah berwawasan, tersendiri dan original.

Begitu berkesan kegiatan Perdana Menteri sehingga seorang penulis chauvinis bernama Kee Thuan Chye telah mencetak buku keduanya yang bertajuk 'Ask for No Bullshit, Get Some More!'. Buku pertamanya ialah 'No More Bullshit, Please, We're Malaysian'. Bagi beliau menolong Melayu untuk mengimbangi dengan bukan Melayu dalam bidang ekonomi ialah 'Bullshit' dan kerajaan kini nampaknya telah menghidupkan semula semangat DEB dengan pendekatan yang baru.

Yang paling ditakuti oleh pengarang yang merasa dirinya terpandai ialah sokongan Melayu yang sudah kembali kepada kerajaan.


Rancangan BR1M adalah sesuatu yang sangat berkesan bagi masyarakat yang memerlukan. Bagi mereka yang lumayan pendapatannya pemberian kerajaan ini dianggap tidak betul, tetapi mereka ambil juga duit itu.

Pemberian wang tunai adalah relevan dan ianya lebih relevan bagi orang berpendapatan rendah dari membina jalan baru, kerana dengan wang tersebut seseorang itu boleh membeli apa yang diperlukan dan diminati, dikehendaki atau diperlukan.

Di waktu saya kecil di bangku sekolah rendah saya sering ke Pulau Pinang untuk beristirehat di rumah keluarga saya yang agak berada di musim cuti sekolah. Setiap kali saya ke Penang saya dibawa ke kedai kasut Bata di tepi Farmasi Tong Aik di Penang Road untuk membeli kasut kulit kerana emak saudara saya memikirkan saya perlu hidup lebih mewah dan belajar pakai kasut kulit.

Bila saya balik ke Yan kasut itu saya jual kerana saya lebih selesa dengan kasut getah dan kasut kulit pula tidak pernah dipakai oleh kanak-kanak sekolah.

Jika emak saudara saya memberi RM30-00 kepada saya ianya pasti lebih berharga daripada kasut kulit RM85-00 kerana saya boleh beli apa yang saya perlukan dengan RM30-00 seperti pensil dan kasut getah. Inilah BR1M bagi saya.

Baru-baru ini saya menerima panggilan telefon dari seorang kawan rapat saya menyatakan seorang pemandu teksi, yang teksinya dinaiki beliau, telah mengatakan bahawa semua pemberian lesen oleh kerajaan kepada pemandu teksi ialah disebabkan adanya tokoh pembangkang. Mereka lupa bahawa di waktu ketua pembangkang menjadi Menteri Kewangan beliau tidak pernah terfikir untuk memberi bantuan sebegini.


Negeri-negeri di bawah pemerintahan Pakatan Rakyat pula jelas tidak mampu melaksanakan janji-janji yang mereka ketengahkan dalam pilihanraya. Protes ke atas kerajaan negeri Kedah (dengan balaknya), Pulau Pinang (dengan perumahannya), Selangor (dengan airnya) dan Kelantan (dengan tanahnya) datangnya dari rakyat negeri itu sendiri termasuk ahli dan pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat yang tidak lagi mempercayai janji-janji pemimpin mereka.

Slogan ' Janji Ditepati ' yang diketengahkan oleh BN adalah garis pemisah antara BN dan Pakatan Rakyat yang memungkiri janji


Oleh kerana Pakatan Rakyat hanya satu pakatan, seperti kanak-kanak sekolah berpakat, dan tanpa janji dalam dasar yang konkrit, maka perubahan dasar berlaku dalam parti yang kononnya sepakatan tetapi sebenarnya berdiri sendiri. Pendirian yang jelas hanya pada DAP sebagai pembangkang, walau pun pemimpin mereka berkelahi sesama sendiri. PAS pula terpaksa tunduk kepada tekanan DAP bukan saja sampai mengambil tindakan yang memalu dan memesongkan, kerana terpaksa merubah dasar dari matlamat mewujudkan sebuah negara Islam kepada mewujudkan sebuah negara kebajikan tetapi terpaksa akur kepada DAP sehingga membolehkan penggunaan nama Allah untuk semua ugama walau pun bertentangan dengan pendirian Dewan Ulamanya sendiri.

Sudah tentu apabila pemimpin PAS terpaksa merobah pendirian pihak DAP mengetahui bahawa kompromi ini boleh diterima kerana jika impian mereka untuk memerintah berhasil maka Kabinet Pakatan Rakyat akan membolehkan penggunaan nama Allah oleh semua ugama kerana Dewan Ulama tidak ada dalam kabinet yang membuat keputusan itu. Pada waktu itu sebarang protes oleh Dewan Ulama tidak berguna lagi kerana kuasa yang sudah diperolehi sudah memperkuatkan pendirian 'kafir kharbi' itu dan boleh bertahan sehingga PRU ke 14. Pada waktu itu semuanya sudah terlambat.

Antara perubahan yang dijangka berlaku ialah di Kelantan. Di bawah ini diperturunkan sebuah karangan oleh bekas Timbalan Menteri yang pernah menjadi Setiausaha Khas kepada Tun Abdul Razak. Beliau adalah seorang tokoh yang perndapatnya perlu diberi perhatian. Beliau ialah Tan Sri Abdullah Ahmad dan karangan ini telah disiarkan dalam akhbar Sinar Harian pada 6 Februari, 2013. Begini huraiannya:


PRU 13 - The Rise Of ABIM & Mohd Nur Manuty

Posted: 01 Apr 2013 04:48 PM PDT

There is a possibility that Parliament may be dissolved tomorrow April 3rd 2013. This would mark a full four years that the PM is in power. The other view, which I am inclined to believe is that Parliament will be dissolved towards the third week of April. Elections will then be held before end April or early May.

In four years the PM has done pretty ok. Both in the economic management of the country as well as managing the politics and society. Economic growth is real at 5.5%. The stock market has quietly climbed over 1660 points - a record high without anyone getting overexcited. (Has anyone noticed?) There is no talk of an overheating stock market.

And there have been no major scandals attributed to the Najib administration.  In fact the  remaining scandals that are being mopped up are leftovers from the totally corrupt Slumberjack. The Lembu Condo case was just one example.  All these silly deals were done under the corrupt Slumberjack. 

And Najib has proven that he can undertake huge mega projects without corruption or scandal. Under Najib's Administration, the largest project in the history of Malaysia ie the RM26.0 billion MRT project (Phase 1) has been announced and launched at a super rapid pace.  Yet despite being the single largest project ever launched in this country there has not even been a hint of corruption concerning this single largest mega project.  The huge project has been very well packaged and handled.   So far we have not heard Lim Kit Siang crying foul over the MRT (I think also because many Chinese companies are involved - so the racial demons have been placated).

What the PM has not done is make long, long overdue changes in the Cabinet, drop the Jurassic Park dinosaurs who still populate the Cabinet, the GLCs, who hold important public posts as well as the past shelf life MPs and party appointees.  We really need to see these people go. 

Some of these people have been in the public sphere for 10 years, 20 years or more. It is as though there are no other human beings in a country of 28 million people who can replace these lethargic, overweight, multi-millionaire parasites and hangers on who are really not relevant anymore. Other than the PM, the DPM and very, very few Ministers (like TokPa in Kelantan) the rest are not perceived by the public as doing any work at all - other than maybe lining their own pockets. They are just riding on the coat tails of the PM.  They certainly have to go. And I think they will. The country will certainly change for the better if they go.

Anyway back to our topic. We were discussing yesterday what is the basis of Anwar Ibrahim's struggle. What is he fighting for? The question arose after discussing the fact that over the years, so many people who had placed high hopes in Anwar Ibrahim have now abandoned him.  Most of these people are well known and eminent personalities themselves. 

I think the consensus was that Anwar Ibrahim has no philosophy or struggle in life other than personal glory and personal power. You can derive this very easily by looking at the people who have supported him and see him as their saviour. He is different things to different people - often at the same time. 

The most glaring example is his anti-Israel and pro-Palestine stance in front of Muslim audiences and his 'friend of Israel' stance in front of Jewish and Western audiences. I believe this is why the British newsmagazine "The Economist" so famously labelled him a 'chameleon'. 

In the 70s, in the aftermath of the May 13 disturbances of 1969, Anwar was the ultra-Malay ultra-Islam champion on campus. If you were Chinese, you would not want to go near him at all. This worked for Anwar because he became an acknowledged student leader. Power and personal glory on campus was his. Thousands of kampong kids making their way for the first time to campusrs and urban living saw him as their leader.

Post university campus, his ultra-Malay and ulta-Islam stance continued throughout the 70s. He was lost for a few years because there were no more student unions. Then he came across ABIM.  Soon he managed to hijack ABIM - the Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia which was founded by other people like Tan Sri Sanusi Junid, Fadhil Noor (the late president of PAS), Ismail Mina and others. Then came the Iranian Revolution of 1979 where an Ayatollah overthrew a corrupt American puppet.  The Iranian Revolution sparked an even greater religious fervour among the Muslims and Anwar Ibrahim rode the wave too. 

The membership of ABIM grew into the tens of thousands. Again he had personal glory and power leading a flock of ABIMERs to Valhalla.  Then he set his sights on political power. Everyone thought he would join the PAS - including his wife Wan Azizah.  PAS held the keys to masuk syurga. They were anti-secular, anti-West, anti-Chinese, anti so many things. 

As opposed to UMNO which did not claim to hold the keys even to Kuala Lumpur, UMNO which was so secular, so pro-West and pro-British, pro power sharing with the Chinese and pro so many things. UMNO was the exact opposite of what Anwar Ibrahim had been selling to the students on campus and to the ABIMERs.

But UMNO held power. And UMNO would continue to hold on to power. It did not take Anwar Ibrahim more than a minute to get this figured out inside his T Rex brain - if you want power you must join UMNO. Join PAS? Who wants to join PAS? PAS would never get to hold power.

So Anwar Ibrahim joined UMNO.  Baling? What was that? Student leaders? Who the hell are they? ABIM? "Brader, kita akan membuat perubahan dari dalam. Kita akan menukar UMNO dari dalam. Sampai ke seluar dalam, kita akan mendalam."

So now Anwar Ibrahim began singing the UMNO tune. For 16 long years.  This is the behaviour of  a real chameleon. The fear is that if he gets to power, he will never let go

Then September 2nd 1998 came as a shocker - he lost his chance at grabbing power.  The ultimate dream became just that - a dream. 

However strange things happened. He found out that there were others like him in the country. There were exact duplicate Anwar Ibrahim clones in Malaysia. There were other chameleons in the country. They were in PAS and the DAP. They were in the NGOs. They saw in him an opportunity to break the overpowering Malay unity and Malay political dominance in the country. 

So Karpal who had boldly questioned his sexual preferences in Parliament became his lawyer. The PAS who had coined the phrase Al-Juburi became his champion. The DAP who had made fun of him and criticised his every move for 16 years suddenly started holding hands with him. It was a marvellous feeling for Anwar Ibrahim. It was like jumping from the frying pan into a huge jar full of chameleons. He was in chameleon paradise.

After his release from imprisonment for corruption he strengthened his ties with the Malaysian chameleons. He also found strong support from the Zionists, the Jewish radicals, the American neo-cons and other genocidal maniacs in the US and in the West. This is what finally led to that 'chameleon' label by The Economist. The Mat Sallehs are finding out a little late that the guy has substantial amounts of India-rubber-man DNA.  He is really flexible with his principles.

Along the way even the LGBTs and gay rights people have thrown in their support for Anwar.  They all have confidence in him.  He can do this because his ultimate aim is personal glory and power. He will do any thing to get it. He can be flexible towards UMNO, Karpal, ABIM, Islamic radicals, Jews, neo-cons, LGBT or anyone at all. As long as you can move him closer to his objective - grabbing power - he is your friend.  Here even Machiavelli is still in kindergarten. Niccolo Machiavelli will have to rewrite The Prince.

In an interview with the Western media (Wikileaks' Julian Assange?) Anwar said he spent his time in jail listening to western music.  No mention of reading the Quran or saying his prayers in jail to the Western media (they may label him a terrorist).  But in a recent open letter that Anwar wrote in Malay he said he spent his time in jail reading the Quran and doing his prayers. There is no mention that he listened to Elvis Presley or Western music.  This is the chameleon again. One shade of colour to the West and another colour to the Malays.


Former PKR Official: Video Leaks Masterminded By Wan Azizah’s Camp

Posted: 01 Apr 2013 02:52 PM PDT

Mohd Fareez Kamal Intidzam, a former political secretary to several high-ranking PKR leaders, said that the purpose of the video, which he alleges was released by Dr Wan Azizah's camp, was to be a catalyst for reopening the Azmin sex video case and preventing him from standing in GE13.

"The leader in the video is just a scapegoat. The disciplinary action taken against him and his dismissal will be used as a "case reference" for the investigation of Azmin's sex video leaked in May last year," Fareez claimed.

"The president's (Wan Azizah's) camp realises that Azmin has gained a strong footing among party followers. So they have conspired to topple him and tarnish his reputation," he added.

If there is any veracity to his claims, it would be damning indeed for Pakatan Rakyat, and in particular PKR, where a vicious power struggle has created fissures in the party.

Fareez said that the whole conspiracy was immature, and claimed it showed Wan Azizah was nothing more than "a political desperado".

"This should not be happening, especially during this time when party members have to unite and work together for the coming general election."

Yet such videos have become a useful political tool for Pakatan, with members eager to jump in with allegations of a grand Umno conspiracy.




Posted: 01 Apr 2013 01:26 PM PDT

Lim Kit Siang announced in the DAP Gelang Patah Declaration a 14-point plan specifically for the uplifting of Indian Malaysians. It's a good plan though many haven't been happy with such an ethnocentric scheme when the Indian problems, and let's not deny there isn't - au contraire, there's many - should be remedied as part of a plan for every Malaysian, on a need basis and not along ethnic lines.

Mind you though, Indians face the problem of statelessness more than any other ethnic groups.

But DAP's 14-point plan was deemed not good enough by Uthayakumar.

Ironically, the current proponents of the so-called Hindraf 18-point demands have been the very people who criticised the NEP, UMNO's affirmative action program that's exclusive to bumiputera Malays.

Instead of asking for the policies, plans and programs of the NEP to be tailored along need (rather than race) basis and thus to include all needy Malaysians, most of whom would be Indians, the proponents of the Hindraf 18-point demands decided to jump on the ethnocentric bandwagon, with an unrealistic expectation that the government will issue an exclusive-to-Indian NEP in accordance with its 18-point demands.

Some of the 18-point demands are actually good but as usual, spoilt by unrealistic and impractical demands in others. I wonder whether the ulterior aim has been to ask for the sky and happily expect and accept a much lower offer. But if that's the case, then may I say that the future of Indian Malaysians shouldn't be subjected to whimsical poker-style bluff by upping the ante to heights of sheer stupidity - eg. ask for 100 billion, and hope (and will be happy) to receive 100 million. 

They sure like to attack 5-year old Pakatan for the 50 year old 'sins' of UMNO & MIC

Let's quickly run through a few of the so-called Hindraf 18-point demands to examine what I consider to be totally and absolutely impractical, unrealistic and really, preposterous:

In an earlier post Marginalization of Indians - the true story I commented on one, its Point No 18. Let's pick that up again and see what I had written:

(18) A minimum of 20 Opposition members of Parliament are elected exclusively by the Indian Community to represent their interest at the highest political level and also as a Parliamentary Democracy check and balance and the same is safeguarded and entrenched into the Federal Constitution and which is to be increased proportionately with the increase in Parliamentary seats.

What kind of democracy or bullsh*t system will that be? I can only think of one word - racist!

Instead of attempting to overcome the evil that is racism, which no one would deny is prevalent in Malaysia especially the worst kind, institutionalized racism, Hindraf has instead jumped on the racism bandwagon by attempting to carve for itself and the people it claims to represent a cozy racist ghetto ...

... and I wouldn't be surprised it expects its own members to play the role of the so-called minimum 20 Opposition MPs.

That's what I mean by preposterous or monstrously absurd or harebrained stupidity. Tell me, just how will that demand help the marginalized Indians? To me, it seems the proposer wants to have his exclusive 20 MPs (no doubt including himself) to lord over and perhaps play the fantasized role of a Bollywood Puratchi Thalaivar, and no doubt to use his exclusive parliamentary leverage to become kingmaker.

MGR as Puratchi Thalaivar

More importantly, how does the proposer expect such a demand to be met, indicating a Kafkaesque mindset that's totally unhelpful or contributory to the real needs of the marginalized Indians.

It's MIC all over again. He might as well ask for the state of, say, Perlis, to become an autonomous state exclusively for Indian residents where he can be its Chief Minister of SARSI (Special Autonomous Region Specifically for Indians).


SWP in cahoots with Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim? Here’s my personal take on the matter.

Posted: 01 Apr 2013 12:42 PM PDT

1. SWP has been desperately trying to convince everyone, through the newspapers, that its membership is allegedly growing from strength to strength. (See

2. PKR revealed that several PKR members received SWP membership cards without even having applied to become members. (See

3. SWP explained this away as a technical glitch; that family members had applied on behalf of these other members, and that PKR members who received the cards may return them.   

4. Radio Kenyalang, SWP's mouth-piece, has allegedly heavily hinted that Datuk Sng has made a deal with DSAI. The contents of the alleged deal were not divulged but it has been strongly suggested that at the last moment DSAI will ask PKR candidates in Lubok Antu, Selangau and Julau to stand down and give way to SWP. In return, SWP will guarantee DSAI three seats, and possibly finance the other PKR seats. This is all just allegations, mind you, and I am merely repeating what is common talk in the coffee-shops.

5. At the same time, rumours are flying across the state that Nicholas Bawin Anggat, PKR potential candidate for Lubok Antu, has been allegedly 'bought' by SWP. Who started the rumour we cannot be certain but whose interest would it be in to start such a rumour? Who would benefit from Nicholas pulling out of the race in Lubok Antu? The SWP candidate for Lubok Antu, perhaps? And who could that be?

Read more at:


Malaysian Opposition Politics for Dummies

Posted: 31 Mar 2013 04:54 PM PDT

For starters, newly elected Malaysian Bar president Christopher Leong as quoted in the The Malaysian Insider, "Bar Council: AGC has enough proof to reopen Altantuya murder file",

"The revelations by Deepak Jaikishan, the late Balasubramaniam Perumal, and Americk Singh Sidhu raise sufficient concern to warrant further investigations by the authorities"
"Sufficient concern", yes careful words, but alas concern and not sufficient proof. As a popular phrase goes, so where's the beef?

He said, she said. The late PI Bala said what Altantuya said and what Najib Baginda said, what Deepak said and finally what Americk Singh Sidhu said Cecil Abraham said.

For the dummies, here is a tidbit as posted in the Malaysian Bar website, "A look at the role and significance of statutory declarations",
"This means that if it refers to a fact which could be seen or heard, it must be the evidence of a witness who says he saw it or heard it. If it refers to a fact which could be perceived by any other sense or in any other manner, it must be the evidence of a witness who says he perceived it by that sense or in that manner. Therefore when a person makes a statement about what someone told him, it would only be primary evidence of the fact that someone told him so; it would not be primary evidence of what was told. This by itself would considerably devalue the probity or veracity of a statutory declaration"
And what has this got to do with politics? I would advise, unsolicited it may be, to the newly minted Bar president not to be a stooge because the Bar Council is nobody's stooge, in the PKR heavily influenced PII Bala episode.

Then there's the hot in the press Pakatan Rakyat assault on Barisan Nasional stronghold state, Johore, as announced by their would be PM, Anwar Ibrahim, announcing Kit Siang to contest in Gelang Patah parliamentary seat.

The dummy entry is not about DAP supremo, Lim Kit Siang. Its about the PKR supremo Anwar, the pornstar, Ibrahim.

In an interview with the Sundaily, DAP national organising secretary and Rasah MP, Anthony Loke, is quoted,
"People expect the MP to be accessible through social media. That is the basic expectation – if you have no FB or Twitter you are out of touch. You must be visible and accessible. It is no longer easy nowadays for a politician to say different things to a different audience anymore! If you are not consistent, you will be caught so easily. In those days, people say you speak to please the respective communities, but it's not possible these days. Anytime people can tape your speeches and put it up on YouTube. If you are saying two different things, you will be caught so easily."
It certainly sounds as if YB Anthony Loke is referring to the pornstar Anwar.

Apart from, "Plotting," replies Mr Anwar, with a conspiratorial wink, this is what The Economist wrote of the DAP choice for PM,
This points to a trap waiting to catch the silver-tongued Mr Anwar, who deftly tells different audiences—religious or secular—what they like to hear.
And speaking of Anwar Ibrahim another another one for dummies. His daughter and smarty-pants Lembah Pantai MP, Nurul Izzah, has sued the election commission, in The Malaysian Insider "After Santiago, Nurul Izzah hauls EC to court on electoral roll,
"Nurul Izzah said that an additional 2,000 voters were expected to be registered in the Lembah Pantai electoral roll for the fourth quarter of 2012, totalling about 73,000 voters.

"We had 50,000 voters in 2008," said the PKR vice-president."



Anwar, Who is Sabah CM?

Posted: 31 Mar 2013 02:04 PM PDT

Losing Sabah means losing Sarawak as well, it is a domino effect in politics in the Borneo States.  Sabah ESSZone is the signal to Sarawak Rajang Security Command (RASCOM) to start realigning back to BN.

As the result it is better for Anwar to concentrate his attention to the Member of Parliament (MP) and State Seats in Malaya.  This is perhaps the main reason for him to finally reject STAR and SAPP; it is not because of seat distribution. These new development makes PAKATAN presence in Sabah and Sarawak as a non-starter.

For Anwar Sabah does not matter because he still have Ansari and Tamrin from Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Lajim Ukim from PPPS and Wilfred Bumburing from APS.  They will be used to represent the Sabah interest and put up a token challenge to BN in Sabah.

So, what was Anwar thinking when he made the announcement that PAKATAN will do it alone in Sabah?  In the event that his token challenge and by sheer fluke that PAKATAN manage to form a government in Sabah, surely Anwar will reintroduce the Chief Minister rotation in Sabah under the pretext that every community in Sabah must have the chance to lead Sabah.

The rotation of the Chief Minister in Sabah will serve Anwar in many ways.  Rotating the Chief Minister every two years means the state government will be weak, nothing can be decided in Sabah. 

It is therefore obvious that decision must be made by Kuala Lumpur.  Sabah cannot plan or implement anything, therefore the much needed funds can be routed to Malaya where it is most needed.  After all Anwar political powerbase will always be Malaya not Sabah or Sarawak. As far as Anwar is concern Sabah and Sarawak is just two cash cows for him to squeeze.

It cannot be denied that the existing BN government is chalking substantial national debt, so much politicking currently that no one is generating fresh income-stream for the nation.

As the government PAKATAN will further jeopardize the present Economic Transformation Programs because PAKATAN will want to change the current "cronies" with their own.  In the ensuing long drawn legal battle, practically nothing will be done; everything will be at a standstill. 

Read more at: 

The promise of political violence

Posted: 31 Mar 2013 01:33 PM PDT

THE Barisan Nasional (BN) ruling coalition led by Datuk Seri Najib Razak has been making all kinds of election promises. From more funding for Chinese vernacular schools to more Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia handouts and the assurance of economic stability, Najib and his administration have gone into overdrive to influence Malaysian voters.

As if these carrots were not good enough, the BN, especially the Umno leadership, is also promising a stick to influence voters. What is this stick? It's the promise of political violence. And while this promise has not been as overt as the cash handouts and other goodies, the threat of electoral violence grows more apparent by the day.

How can we tell that political violence is on BN's election menu? And what needs to happen for Malaysians to be free of such threats?

Attack and assault

Over the past three months since the start of 2013, there have been repeated incidents of violence at political events. Bersih 2.0 has described these incidents as "an unprecedented escalation in political violence", indicating that "violence is increasingly becoming a weapon of first resort".

Throughout the months of February and March, opposition politicians including Datuk Seri Anwar IbrahimNurul Izzah AnwarTian Chua and M Manogaran have all been assaulted. Other groups critical of the BN, such as the Felda Settlers' Children Association and Gerakan Mahasiswa PRU13, have also been targeted and attacked. The groups that have used assault to silence and scare those with different political views have hurled rocks, bricks, wood, firecrackers, water bottles, a helmet and eggs to cause harm. They have damaged property and caused injury with near impunity, it would seem.

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Red flag went up in August 2012

Posted: 31 Mar 2013 12:43 PM PDT

NWC was first alerted on this matter by a United States military officer serving an Asia Pacific command sometime in August last year.
Since its formation 1988, the NWC, based in Washington, has provided protection and assistance to thousands of whistleblowers across the United States.
The following are copies of emails between the US military officer and the NWC intake specialist that was provided to us by a Deep Throat.

However due to attorney-client privilege and to safeguard the identity of the whistleblower, we have darkened out several words and sentences in the emails. 

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Attention Non-Partisan and Undecided Voters!

Posted: 31 Mar 2013 12:31 PM PDT

You and I, we are powerful.

Our decision will decide who will and who will not be heading to Putrajaya this coming election. We are the kingmakers. We are the Third Force.

Who are we?

We are those who are not aligned to any political parties. Or even if we have a preferred political party, our votes for them are CONDITIONAL! According to some, we are about 30 – 40 % of the total voter count. Meaning, we are the third block; BN, PR and us – The Third Force!

This is not unique to Malaysia. Even in the USA, a nation that boasts a more mature two-party system, the independents represent the largest bloc, 40% in 2012. Democrats only had 31% while Republicans, 27%. It was them who put Obama up for a second term.

The season voters among us probably would have had the experience of voting both for BN and the opposition in the past. Perhaps, historically some of us may have even chosen not to vote - as a form of protest. Our votes and actions depend on the candidates, political situation, and political equation during a particular election.

We are in effect, the most thinking of all the voters. We cannot be bought. We are not easily hood-winked by any side of the political divide, any maverick politician.  Political spin irritates and hypocrisy infuriates us. We want truth, if truth frustrates BN it does not matter to us. If truth frustrates PR, it also does not matter to us. We vote with conscience and because of that, we do not follow anyone blindly. We are the voice of reason; we are the conscience of the nation.

In this coming election, we can choose many paths, but I will confine my discussion to the following five possibilities.

1. We give BN a very strong mandate, like before 2008, far more than the 2/3rd majority – We want a strong government with less politicking. We choose stability and want to focus on the economy. We prefer the 'China' way rather than the 'India' one where in China projects and government plans could be implemented with greater speed, while in India they need to go through debates over debates. We want to give PM Najib an open track to finish what he has planned out through his ETP and GTP. But we expect the government to go down hard on corruption or else in GE14 we will kick them out.

2. We give instead a very strong mandate to PR – We want a complete overhaul to the system. We want to give PR a chance to implement their promises as per Buku Jingga.  We are open to the possibility and try out DAP's Malaysian Malaysia. We are also ready to the possibility of turning the country into an 'Islamic State' ala PAS 'Welfare State' through the amending of the federal constitution - making Shariah the supreme law. We want to restart, reboot. Anything but what we have today. We want to expand our talent pool for leadership outside BN – be they from DAP, PAS or PKR. We feel that Anwar or Hadi can be a good alternative Prime Minister to Najib. We are willing to allow PR to iron out their leadership issues once in power – even if it will cause us some uncertainties. No matter, we expect the new government to go down hard on corruption or else we kick them out in GE14.

3. We allow a hung parliament – This would mean we want to create a new playing field via a new coalition effectively initiating the demise of both BN and PR. We want to leave it to the wisdom of the YDP Agong in formulating a new coalition to bring order, peace, stability, development (minus corruption), and new politics. This would also mean we have also budgeted and acceptted the fact that there may be many attempts to buy over froggies from both sides of the political divide – since both BN and PR are not for anti-frogging law.


Welcome to freedom of expression; PR style!

Posted: 29 Mar 2013 06:18 PM PDT

I understand the sentiment, just like when non-Muslims tried to meddle in Islam and talk nonsense about the teachings.

So, I don't really agree with what Zulkifli said. For a multiracial and multi-religious country like Malaysia, all parties should observe a lot of caution when making statements about other faiths and race.

It has the potential to develop into a time bomb!

However, this is the culture Pakatan Rakyat introduces - freedom of speech, freedom of expression and freedom of everything. Since the stooges in PKR, DAP and PAS embarked on such freedoms, we cant help but let these things happen before our eyes.

This is what PR promised in its general election manifesto, among others, and they can be rest assured that more people like Zulkifli will make use of this freedom - if Pakatan Rakyat wins the 13th general election.

Zulkifli is not the person who started it. More than a year ago, a few non-Muslim politicians and NGO leaders whacked Islam and the mosque in their statements, inciting tit for tat when a few Muslim and Christian followers attacked mosques and churches.

Who to blame? BN government? The Opposition?

And what action can be taken against people like Zulkifli? We don't have anymore ISA to keep and correct such people. We are even scared to take action on them, afraid of religious reprisal among those who support them.

So, where do we go from here? Let PR takes Putrajaya in the next national poll and enter a new social era of 'multi-freedom'?



The Altantuya Mystery

Posted: 29 Mar 2013 01:30 PM PDT


A fortnight before she disappeared (presumed murdered) Altantuya received a call from French born Miami based arms trafficker Jean Bernard Lasnaud warning her to keep her head low.

Altantuya is understood to have communicated information about that call to her 'sister' and possibly to the late self proclaimed Private Investigator Balasubramaniam. Balasubramaniam corroborated that information about the Lasnaud Altantuya telephone conversation in a telephone discussion between himself and a Malaysian journalist in September of 2012.

Jean Bernard Lasnaud was furious. He was in fact livid. Lasnaud who is widely believed to have been on the payroll of the French foreign intelligence service had a number of other irons in the fire and did not want Altantuya in her new life in Malaysia jeopardising his many opportunities in the trade with her loose talk about the French Malaysian deal.



Now herein lies the mystery of Altantuya and Jean Bernard Lasnaud. Like Altantuya Jean Bernard Lasnaud had 'disappeared' according to the US government in 2002. No one has been able to locate Lasnaud since his disappearance from his Miami apartment office nor has anyone bothered to search for him.

The FBI and Interpol both of whom had a vested interest in the safety and whereabouts of Lasnaud albeit for different reasons failed to follow up on his disappearance or to comment on it. Yet his name along with that of other arms dealers who have long 'disappeared' continue to surface whenever a good arms deal opportunity is to be had.

Two of Jean Bernard Lasnaud's field agents (in a similar the role played by Altantuya) were mysteriously murdered for opening their mouths like Altantuya did. One of them an agent very much like Altantuya who went by the name of Estrada who had engineered a controversial deal with Bolivia was found murdered in mysterious circumstances with a bullet to the head in a flat in Buenos Aires.

His death was ruled a suicide. It was not his gun. No suicide note nor any evidence of a failed deal. But such is the end for people involved in the world of arms traffickers.

Altantuya had been in contact with two pro Pakatan journalists in Malaysia to whom she made several claims and disclosures about alleged government corruption in the arms deals in which Razak Baginda was supposedly the intermediary. An employee of the online portal Malaysia Kini is known to be one of them.

Her relationship with the Malaysian Bar a key driver of the allegation that Malaysia's Prime Minister Najib Razak ordered the murder of Altantuya went right up to the organizer of Bersih Ambiga Sreenivasan. Sreenivasan who has carefully kept a distance from any commentary on the story was betrayed by her former allies.

At least according to Bersih and Pakatan insiders and the blogging prince Raja Petra Kamaruddin Sreenivasan was always in the thick of it. She is believed to have fuelled and fanned the flames of the theory that Najib and his wife were behind the killing of Altantuya.

The mystery of the doctored photograph of Najib Razak with Altantuya was a scam engineered by a Malaysian Chinese blogger and member of parliament. Regardless the rumour mill is rife about its existence and authenticity. Malaysian bloggers belonging to the opposition continue to advance that theory fed by tall tales from the Malaysian Bar and the opposition.


In Malaysia there are no requirements for parliamentarians, that includes the Prime Minister and all cabinet ministers and any public official to make disclosures about their private commercial interests or involvement in corporate and commercial affairs. Quite unlike many other countries especially in the west where such disclosures are mandatory to contain conflict of interest situations arising, Malaysia to this day does not have such a public official disclosure register. If it has one, disclosures are clearly not mandatory.

Most of the information Altantuya disclosed to her journalist contacts were paid for by two parties. One of these, the proprietor of a leading daily in Malaysia. The other, a businessman closely connected to the Malaysian opposition.

There was also a third party. She is the relative of a high profile well known politician. It is widely believed that it was this third person who encouraged French NGO involvement in investigating the Altantuya affair, the name by which this sordid affair has come to be known by.

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