Selasa, 2 April 2013

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Mengupas hujah: some of the comments

Posted: 01 Apr 2013 06:29 PM PDT

"Many Chinese being self-serving in a practical way and given to diplomacy are willing to sell their businesses to the Malays -- just as they sold their farms in Cameron Highlands to Indians -- but the latter (Malays) are not willing to work hard even temporarily. This is because being inbred, they lack energy and intelligence. So, Malays specialize in squatting on the others Umno-style." -- Joe Fernandez

Dear All,

It's no use advocating the removal of Article 153 of the Federal Constitution and the abolishment of NEP. This RPK is wasting his time. He knows PKR will not abolish the NEP whatever. They will also not accept Hindraf's Blueprint. Neither will Umno.

I told Waytha this even when he was in London but he wouldn't listen. I pointed out to him that the Chinese were not making the same demands as him because they know better not to waste time with the Malay morons. I advised him to work with the Chinese in politics but he wouldn't listen. He wants to talk to the uncivilized Malay buggers like Anwar although he knows that this man is a sneaky, slimy bugger.

Let the Malays themselves realize on their own and get their politics right. If the non-Malays tell these morons anything, they would do just the opposite even though it's going to kill them.

The more things appear to change to Malaysia, the more they will remain the same.

What we need is a Revolution led by the Malays when they get some intelligence and energy. That would take another 50 years. Revolutions always take about 50 years to make. In the meantime, there will be a lot of chaos.

Fernz (Joe Fernandez, Sabah), April 02, 2013 16:05:11


Dear RPK

The following should be abolished too.

1. Race based political party

2. 7% discount for bumis

3. Race information on civil documents

4. Syariah Court which rules on non muslims for civil matters

5. All venacular schools

6. AP should be open for all races

7. Petrol station owwership should be open for all races

8. Killing of prisoners in police station

9. Quotas at public learning institutions

10. PROTON manufacturing cars

11. Excise Duty for all cars...(except for proton and Perodua)

10 : Article 88 of FAM constitution --- Let Datuk Rajagopal..speak up

and the list can go on and on .....its funny how the muslims who rule this country can afford to close their eyes to the social injustices thats been been carried out on the non malays in the name of NEP ...

and they foam in their mouth , keris risen demanding total control for the usage of the word ALLAH ......hypocrites ..really ..

astina7466, April 02, 2013 15:56:21


Guys accept this and give it a rest.

DAP, PKR and PAS will not abolish the NEP. But then the poor will be a priority.

All you DAP supporters just accept that. I have listen to their ceramahs so many times already. But I dunno why their supporters are still so very arrogant. LGE has given a lot to the Islamic cause in Penang, but still some DAP supporters still bullshiiting about Islam...and Malays. I really dunno what to say.

NEP helps, I have seen it. I know how grateful the poor malays were when they got their scholarships. And I see how smart these students are, and denying these opportunity is a shame. Everybody knows that the bumis / malays are among the poorest in Malaysia. I see how the quota system in housing really helps balance things up in a residential area. And business? Go to Sg wang, Pavillion or KLCC, and see which race owns the business there more. And if they are any malays that own a shop there, it was because of NEP. And they the majority race is a minority in the business world. Nuff said lah, and if that Inderjit or whoever is going to bullshit about malays are this and that and deserve to be poor...well as RPK said. All Bullshit!

fendyoasis1, April 02, 2013 15:27:03


NEP need to be abolished simply because NEP is just a racist program serving a racist agenda of a racist party. Survival of NEP means survival of racism in Malaysia, Malaysian had a half a century experience in this experiment, let the result speaks for itself, it failed miserably simply there is no check-and-balance mechanism or if there were , it was dismantled , totally unconcern about cost and effect. Benefiting only a handful top-of -the-food -chain party elites while the nation slide its way into the gutter.

What would happen, if say NEP help only the Malaysian Indians or only Kadazans or only Ibans? Unacceptable because it's an unfair racist program, what the nation needs is a program that help all poor or the unable regardless to race, color, religion, creed or gender (foreigners who happen to be in Malaysia that need help, deserve to be helped).

Maybe Malaysian are all a bunch of born racists that deserve to be screwed by a bunch of crooks using racism as the tool, which I think not, but after 50 years of racist indoctrination by racist UMNO/BN, the simply notion of fair play is good ethic was beyond the grasp of many.

Does giving RM300,000 discount to a person who wish to purchase a RM3 millions house constitute "help"? Maybe NEP should incorporate the word CAHRITY to make sense, otherwise it will continue to be a racist's right.

JJFoo, April 02, 2013 14:06:56



I agree. I think that RPK cannot see beyond his nose.

Umno has foisted the Dependency Syndrome on the Orang Asal and Malays to remain in power. Jeffrey Kitingan did a study on this at Harvard and even wrote a book on this. For his troubles, he was detained under the ISA. Mahathir told him: "Jeffrey, don't make the people smart. Don't tell them what they don't know." (In short, keep the people stupid so it's easier to control them.) Jeffrey told the media in Sabah several times.

Many Chinese being self-serving in a practical way and given to diplomacy are willing to sell their businesses to the Malays -- just as they sold their farms in Cameron Highlands to Indians -- but the latter (Malays) are not willing to work hard even temporarily. This is because being inbred, they lack energy and intelligence. So, Malays specialize in squatting on the others Umno-style.

The Chinese in fact, are only willing to do business and work hard or study but only temporarily. They are lazy buggers. They only believe in making their money work for them. It's a matter of pride for a Chinaman to tell other Chinese: "I no need to work. I have so much money that my next ten generations don't have to work." In that sense, they are exactly like the upper caste leeches, parasites and bloodsuckers in India who never worked a day in their life.

Fernz, April 02, 2013 13:52:04


That the chinese is angry with NEP because it sidelines them is not the problem. The problem is, NEP cripples the Malays. They cannot stand on their own and MUST depend on the government to support them. The chinese, with or without government support, does not really need NEP. In fact the chinese take advantage of the alibaba system that is unwanted result of the NEP. So why did the chinese want to abolish the NEP? So that Malays can learn to stand on their own! Now why is the chinese so concerned about the well being of Malays you ask? The chinese would sooner let the malays die than to help them, you retort. Wrong. The chinese know that if the Malays are falling behind, the country will not progress, no matter how industrious the chinese are, because Malays are the majority in this country. Unless the majority of this country are competent, Malaysia will lose out due to global competition. You are no longer competing with among your countrymen, you're competing with Europeans, Arabs, Chinese, Indians and Africans. Even closer to home in SEA, we're competing with the Thais, Filipinos, Vietnamese, Indonesians, Burmese etc all who are very competitive and hungry for jobs. Malays must stop the mentality that they cannot make it unless by government help. A nation that is incompetent is a failed nation.

anakipoh, April 02, 2013 12:53:46


Dear RPK,

NEP is a social engineering program. Being a social program, it is designed to meet to social needs and therefore the program is subject to review and change when the social needs changed. It must be changed especially it's continuation becomes detrimental to the society, for example, drive away the much needed human and financial capital or foreign direct investments to neighboring countries. But change requires political will.

Why both sides of the political divide do not really want confront the objectives of NEP? I think because we have been drugged - under a single-party dominant system, to believe that politic is a zero sum game - one race's gain is another race's loss. Politic is still very much race-based in respond to the single-party dominant system. We are myopic to the fact that we are losing out comparatively to the neighboring countries.

When our society change, say moving from single-party dominant system to two-parties system, better still, with the emergent of third force, then NEP will be changed or replaced. I hope the day we can all sit down to review NEP with our open hearts/minds will not be too far away.

LimML, April 02, 2013 09:16:17


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