Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News |
- Peristiwa 20 April: Di Sebalik Pencalonan N21 Sg Acheh
- Habitual Thinking
- Global donation drive to help voters from Sabah & Sarawak
- BN-Hindraf alliance: Anwar’s shame
- MIPAS condemns P.Waythamoorthy
- HINDRAF distances itself from Waytha & P.M Najib Razak
- An Open Letter to Mr P Waythamoorthy and Hindraf Committee Members
- Party Logo and Election
- I Have a Voice Too!
Peristiwa 20 April: Di Sebalik Pencalonan N21 Sg Acheh Posted: 20 Apr 2013 07:29 AM PDT
Hari ini tanggal 20 April 2013, adalah hari penting dan banyak peristiwa yang berlaku di seluruh negara. Sg Acheh tidak terlepas untuk menjadi satu lembaran sejarah dalam pertembungan pilihanraya umum ke 13. Kesempatan ini dipaparkan untuk tatapan umum, apa yang berlaku ketika penamaan calon di dewan Jawi, N.Tebal. Sepengetahuan umum, che'GuBard telah diamanahkan mewakili PKR untuk DUN N21 Sg Acheh walaupun timbul pertindihan. Telah diputuskan oleh Majlis Presiden yang diwakili oleh Dr Wan Azizah, TG Haji Hadi dan Lim Kit Siang dalam perbincangan terakhir bahawa PKR dipilih mewakili PR di Sg Acheh. Mustafa Ali juga telah bagi jaminan 1 lawan 1 susulan daripada perbincangan tersebut. Ternyata che'GuBard adalah satu-satunya calon PR yang direstu untuk N21 Sg Acheh. Namun akhirnya Pemuda PAS P.Pinang langgar arahan pusat untuk turut bertanding. Ini langsung tidak dijangka kerna memikirkan masalah pertindihan telah pun selesai. Harus semua imbas kembali, ketika banyak kerusi pada PRU lalu yang tidak berani ditandingi oleh PAS (termasuklah Sg Acheh), PKR tawar diri untuk lawan Umno pada 2008 bagi tidak membenarkan Umno menang percuma… Kini bila dapat sedikit kekuatan, habis kawan sendiri pun dilanggar! Malah pagi ini cheGuBard dengan sengaja dihalang masuk oleh rantaian unit amal dan pemuda PAS. Beliau juga cuba dipukul dan anak isterinya ditolak oleh pemuda pas di depan pusat penamaan dalam usaha tekanan dan halangan untuk che'GuBard hantar borang pencalonan. Ramai saksi yang melihat kejadian ini. Mungkin kalau ia dilakukan oleh Umno, kita tidak beri peluang dan akan bergasak… Namun bila dilakukan oleh rakan sendiri, suasana keliru menyelubungi. Ketika che'GuBard berada di dalam dewan pencalonan, timbul berita mengatakan chegubard bertanding sebagai calon bebas, dan juga kononnya che'GuBard tarik diri. Ini rentetan serangan psywar yang dilancarkan sejak awal yang mempersoal IC chegubard dan asal usul che'GuBard. Ini taktik kotor untuk memburukkan reputasi che'GuBard, cuba memperlihatkan kedudukan che'GuBard tidak tetap pendirian sedangkan ia tidak berlaku sedemikian. Ini juga bukan caranya… Kawasan Sungai Acheh dalam Parlimen N.Tebal bukan asing bagi che'GuBard. Rumah kedua che'GuBard di N.Tebal, ia merupakan kampung mertua che'GuBard. Jaringan keluarga besar isteri banyak mengakibatkan che'GuBard terlibat dalam banyak aktiviti parti dan masyarakat di N.Tebal sejak awal lagi khususnya Sg. Acheh. Bapa mertua merupakan pengasas Parti Keadilan Nasional N.Tebal. Melalui perbagai aktiviti che'GuBard punya ramai juga kenalan di sini. Pada tahun 2002 pernah sehingga ditahan polis di Sungai Acheh kerana menjalankan aktiviti parti. Dalam pertembungan 3 penjuru yang turut melibatkan 2 komponen Pakatan Rakyat, Chegubard memilih politik polisi sebagai pendekatan untuk menangi hati pengundi. Pembentangan polisi arah tuju Sg Acheh menjadi keutamaan che'GuBard. Justeru, satu wacana debat juga telah disusun dan semua calon N21 Sg Acheh telah dijemput secara rasmi untuk debat yang dijadualkan 28 April, 9 malam di JDM Permatang Tok Mahat. InshaAllah, sokongan besar akan diberi kepada che'GuBard yang menjadi calon pilihan. che'GuBard adalah pakej terbaik untuk Sg Acheh dan P.Pinang. Apa yang ditawarkan oleh che'GuBard adalah terbaik untuk memastikan perubahan di P.Pinang khususnya di Sg Acheh. Harus diingat, antara sebab utama kejatuhan empayar Uthmaniah ialah hilangnya perasaan kasih sayang sesama muslim dek godaan pangkat, harta dan dunia. Kepada penyokong, janganlah diperangi sahabat di sebelah sana, kita santuni mereka dengan penuh hikmah. InshaAllah ada ganjaran menanti pejuang kebenaran. Kita merancang, Allah juga merancang. Sesungguhnya Allah sebaik-baik perancang. Sekian pengamatan saya 20 April 2013…
Edy Noor Reduan Aktivis Blogger Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia
Posted: 19 Apr 2013 12:40 PM PDT
I do respect my elders, but I have to point out how I have discovered that they have all made the way they think into a habit so much so that they reject change even when we can all see so clearly that almost everything that can be wrong in this country is wrong. Asher Lim Not long ago, I wrote an article entitled 'I Have a Voice Too!'. It was featured on Malaysia-Today and as usual in the other articles, there were some comments. Amongst them which I found to be really interesting would be this one comment by a user, whom out of respect of his/her privacy I will not name, which goes: "Will the writer tell us what he is afraid of ? I am and have been a citizen and supporter of BN and never in my 62 years of living been living any time in fear . Students these days have learned to speak out against the establishment, kinda of the in thing for them. But when they get to middle age, and after getting married, having a few kids and earning a living, they will have reason to be afraid, but not of the Government, but of life." This has given me the exact introduction that I needed for the follow up to the previous article which I wrote. "Will the writer tell us what he is afraid of?" To be honest, the writer, being me, is really afraid of this in particular. The complacency of Malaysians, the infamous 'tidak-apa' attitude which somehow got ingrained into our Malaysian culture. Since gaining her independence and having completely eradicated the threat of communism, Malaysians has been resting on their laurels and have not really bothered anymore about the matters pertaining to our country. Somewhere along the way the spirit to rise up and speak up against oppression has been lost. There was a time back then when it was the younger generation that rose up to take control of the future of their country, to cry out in protest of oppression and to take back that which was rightfully ours. But sadly like most men, once you've tasted power, you just want more of it. And with the people not keeping a watchful eye on the government and holding them accountable, slowly but surely, laws will implemented and constitutions amended to the benefit of the ruling government, making them seemingly invincible, as it has become today. It is not the government that one should fear but the sovereignty of the country, as the same it is that patriotism is loyalty to the country and not to the government, which BN seems to be confused over, by labeling every opposition supporter as being unpatriotic and as a traitor. Now what do we have to fear? I think that it is highly unusual for a constitution to be amended as many times as Malaysia's has been. A total of more than 700 times since gaining her independence, which was reported by Sin Chew Daily. America's constitution being the oldest constitution in the world has only been amended a total of 23 times. If we were to compare our current constitution now to the one it was back then in 1957, we would find that it has become very much different from which Britain agreed to as they deemed it fair to the citizens of Malaysia. Some may argue that change needs to happen for a nation to move forward, but it seems like the changes are in fact causing us to slide down the ladder. Why has this happened? Simply because changes were made not for the good of the people but to benefit certain individuals at the expense of everyone else. How did it happen? It is as I said, the complacency of Malaysians thinking that the same people who won independence for us could not possibly betray us one day. They did. The media today is mostly being controlled by the government. As much as they would like to post the truth, they can't. However, talk to most journalists, you will find how much that what they tell you actually contradicts what they write. I am reminded of a celebrated reporter from New York during the pre-world war 2 period by the name of Paul Schaeffer who was offered the position to be an editor of the Berliner Tageblatt, but he also had a written offer from Henry Luce to be chief European correspondent for Time, Fortune and a future picture magazine (which would be Life), with a hint that he would be in line for the top job. However he took up the role as an editor of the Berliner Tageblatt. Now, Schaeffer knew exactly what the Nazis were up to and thought he could make a difference, but he could not. The Nazis exploited both him and the Berliner Tageblatt and eventually both were 'liquidated and disappeared without a trace' as were the words of Peter Drucker. The Malaysian media today has been thoroughly exploited that even though you would like to report the truth, you just can't. In another article which I am still in the process of writing, I touched a little on the habit of thinking. While making thinking itself a habit is a good thing, making the way you think into a habit is a very bad thing. Although I do respect my elders, but I have to point out how I have discovered that they have all made the way they think into a habit so much so that they reject change even when we can all see so clearly that almost everything that can be wrong in this country is wrong. The one thing that I do fear is this, that people would make the way they think into a habit, which unfortunately is in the case of our citizens, and in particular, senior citizens. I have had so many experiences with people resisting change and simply insisting on doing it their way despite it being so complicated and time consuming, just in the same way people refuse to believe that BN hasn't been standing up for them since a very long time ago simply because they refuse to accept the new media, which is the internet. One thing that I do hope will never happen to me would be the making of my thinking pattern into a habit. In the second section of the comment, which states: 'Students these days have learned to speak out against the establishment, kinda of the in thing for them.', I personally think that it is just right to do so. I don't think it is an 'in thing' seeing that there really aren't many students (in fact adults too) doing so, simply as what I wrote in 'I Have a Voice Too!', students and adults alike are just too afraid to speak out simply because this was the way they were brought up, and that this pattern of thinking has become a habit to them which was actually what they inherited from their parents. The challenge that is posed to us all is to actually break that pattern of thinking and to actually start looking for new ways to do things with more efficiency. The challenge is to find back the 'pre-Merdeka' spirit which was present in Malays, Chinese, Indians, Ibans, Kadazans, Punjabis and all the other races and tribes in Malaysia (sorry that I am not able to name them all), to speak up for their rights and to take back all that is rightfully ours. I would also like to rectify the comment by saying that we did not learn to speak out against the establishment but discovered that we must, simply because such things are not taught in schools and parents most of the time would discourage their children from having any political involvements as is the same for me. Seeing all that is wrong but not pointing it out is a terrible thing to do. We have been really patient with BN. They have ruled this nation for 55 years and I think they've had more than enough time to learn how to run a country efficiently. Instead, they did just quite the opposite. Now, being perfect may not exactly be our forte, but 55 years of amassing experiences should make them wise enough, but apparently the only thing that they've 'improved' at is being stupid. Just look at the things that some of them say, what a joke it is! However in the past 5 years, states controlled by Pakatan Rakyat have blossomed and recorded a surplus. I think Pakatan Rakyat deserves a chance to take the helm and lead our country. Back to the main point, it is first our way of thinking that has to be removed before change can come. By having an undefined thought pattern, we would be able to see thing more clearly and that we would not simply be misled. By adopting different thinking patterns, we would realise that there really is no reason to stay silent at all and to support a dysfunctional government. When the people rises up with a renewed mind, then we will have the shaking that some of us are already ready for. Ini kalilah! Ubah!
Global donation drive to help voters from Sabah & Sarawak Posted: 19 Apr 2013 12:37 PM PDT
THREE Malaysian NGOs have joined hands to launch a PayPal-based global donation drive to help registered voters from Sabah and Sarawak meet the costs of airfare returning to their hometowns from Peninsular Malaysia to vote.
JomBalikUndi (JBU), the Facebook social media campaign encouraging citizens to fly home to vote, has teamed popular communication centre for human rights, Komas and Focus on Sarawak (FOS) for the donation drive, which was launched today.
All donations will be exclusively directed to registered voters working in peninsular Malaysia whose constituencies are in Sabah and Sarawak.
"Priority recipients will be low-paid workers and higher education students in the peninsula," said Kevin Bathman, a Malaysian living in Sydney and the brains behind JBU.
"We hope to meet their return-trip airfare costs."
"We are actually throwing our social media weight behind JBU Bah, which is already encouraging Malaysians from these states to go home to vote."
"If you are not a voter for GE13, you can do the next best thing: help a Malaysian who can't meet the cost of travelling home to vote in East Malaysia."
Donors may remain anonymous, but those choosing not to reveal their identity must seek permission from someone else through whom the donation may be made to a dedicated PayPal account. "We are appealing to people the world over," Bathman said, "including former Malaysians and citizens living overseas who will not vote in GE13 for one reason or another".
Arul Prakkash of Komas said: "All beneficiaries of the donation drive are required to undergo a briefing session to become election observer "PEMANTAU" Recipients will then be able to observe election process and voting activity and help ensure free and fair election. They also can educate the community on voters rights and election process. Meanwhile Focus on Sarawak (FOS) will be giving training session on PACA (polling and counting agent). Recipients will then be able to monitor voting/counting activity.
The NGOs say the training requirement is a key strategy in raising awareness of human rights in rural communities on Borneo Island.
Komas will take responsibility for collection and disbursement of donations. While FOS will vet suitable recipients, JBU will focus on promoting the global drive on social media and reaching out to wealthy and caring individuals.
Komas is also committed to delivering full reports of money received and distributed once Malaysia's 13th general election has been conducted. "All donations will be made online via email, so we will write back to these emails with a full accounting of how donations were used," said Komas's Executive Director, Prakkash.
"We are talking about Malaysia's future. And some of us can do more than others to help build that future," said JBU's Bathman from Sydney.
BN-Hindraf alliance: Anwar’s shame Posted: 18 Apr 2013 03:50 PM PDT
I was terribly disappointed to learn of the BN/Hindraf alliance. What could have easily been one of Anwar Ibrahim's most shrewd political manoeuvres has instead left him and the PR hierarchy looking like a bunch of first year amateurs. Today was when Anwar should have made amends for his past. FMT LETTER: From Oliver Gomez, via e-mail It could have been the day when Anwar Ibrahim finally exorcised the ghosts of Umno past. Here is a man once mercilessly betrayed by his colleagues and left to die in a hole somewhere. Had Mahathir gotten his way, it is no stretch to think that Anwar Ibrahim would have become nothing more than a footnote in the sordid history of the National Front. Against unbelievable odds, however, Anwar defied his former mentor and two subsequent Prime Ministers to rise up, a seemingly renewed man, to finally become a legitimate challenger for the highest public office in Malaysia. It is a striking story and indeed, one that roused the imagination of the long dormant Malaysian public. I must admit that a few short years ago, I myself was deeply taken by this awe inspiring story. Anwar Ibrahim is scarily intelligent and highly charismatic. That is of course to say nothing of his natural talent for public speaking. I can therefore understand that in the current political climate, Anwar Ibrahim is almost unimpeachable to those of us who are sick and tired of BN. Yet let us not forget that the same man was once held up as the future of the utterly corrupt National Front. He has so many times in the past, made appearances at Umno assemblies, declaring in typically rousing fashion that he is a champion of the concept of 'Ketuanan Melayu' or 'Malay Superiority'. At the same time, he would appear under the banner of the National Front and claim to be fighting for the rights of all Malaysians. This time, and for as long as BN remains corrupt and practices race based politics, my vote will be for PR and by extension, its de facto leader. One thing I will never allow myself to forget however, is the disgusting hypocrisy that Anwar Ibrahim displayed during his time with the National Front. A day that will live in infamy Remember this date: April 18, 2013. I was terribly disappointed to learn of the BN/Hindraf alliance. What could have easily been one of Anwar Ibrahim's most shrewd political manoeuvres has instead left him and the PR hierarchy looking like a bunch of first year amateurs. Today was when Anwar should have made amends for his past. At this point, it can be said with confidence that many of us going to the ballots are more concerned with voting against BN than anything else. While on the surface this viciously anti – BN mentality does no damage to PR, there is very much the other side of the coin to consider. In the run up to GE13, PR can fully expect to capitalize on a massive wave of public vitriol towards BN (possibly all the way to Putrajaya). The PR top dogs however must realize that this situation will not last indefinitely. There will come a time when merely pouncing on public sentiment against BN is no longer enough. Why should PR give a crap? In order to remain a serious choice, PR must pre – empt the inevitable softening of public opinion. Its leaders will have to take serious and measured steps to actively shore up their support base. Currently, PR is simply an alternative. In order become a solution, it must actively generate intelligent and sustainable methods of their own so as to send Malaysia back to the top of the pile in South East Asia and beyond. For the purposes of this article, I will only concentrate on one of these methods: PR must reach out to sections of the Malaysian public most in need of help and protection. As a result of decades of institutionalized racism and sheer force of evil will, BN has made it so that this section of the public happens to be overwhelmingly Indian. Given the extent of voter fraud, the fact that BN have the EC practically bought and paid for, as well as the ongoing ICgate scandal in East Malaysia, PR should have known that they would need every last legitimate vote to count. In the short term, this was a golden opportunity for Anwar & Co to acquire much needed support against the BN election machine. In the mid to long term, PR could have galvanized the Malaysian citizenry by taking a lead role in championing the rights of the most marginalized in our society. If nothing else, this move would have secured a huge chunk of Indian support for PR in the upcoming elections. Further, had Anwar and the rest of the Opposition leadership made Hindraf a priority, PR could very well have dealt a permanent and fatal blow to the ineffectual and frankly incompetent MIC. After all, supporters of Hindraf had lost untold millions to the Maika Holdings scandal. Hindraf was a potent reaction to what the marginalized Indian public rightly saw as complete neglect on the part of Samy Vellu's MIC to their plight. It would have been an amazing piece of history had Hindraf been convinced to shun the one alliance with a party that supposedly caters to Indians. The act alone would have highly symbolic in that it would have brought to attention the fractious and ultimately broken nature of BN's race based politics. Had Anwar & Co succeeded, they would effectively be giving the one fingered salute to BN's ineffectual divide & conquer style of politics. Instead, we bore witness to PR's awful complacency towards the people who are in the most need of PR's help. Through sheer inaction, Anwar and the PR leadership practically herded an entire section of the Malaysian public right back into the mouth of the lion.
MIPAS condemns P.Waythamoorthy Posted: 18 Apr 2013 02:33 PM PDT
Who is he (Wathyamoorthy) to sell our rights to BN without our consent? S.Barathidasan, Secretary General Malaysian Indians Progressive Association (MIPAS) Malaysian Indian Progressive Association (MIPAS) and many Indian NGOs strongly condemn and express its regret over Hindraf Chairman P.Waythamoorthy's signing the endorsement agreement of the Hindraf blueprint and turning to become a Barisan Nasional supporter. Who is he (Waythamoorthy) to sell our rights to BN without our consent? No one knows about the blueprint and the content of the blueprint. There wasn't consent from the Indians in Malaysia before he signed the blueprint. What was he (Waythamoorthy) doing these past five years for the Indian? He knew that most of us doesn't have an IC and birth certificate. Why didn't he form a committee to act on this if he was really concerned about the welfare of the Indians and their rights. He only fasted when the election was around the corner. What was he doing for the past five years? It all seems very apparent that he was acting on the instructions of UMNO and it was all merely a gimmick to raise sympathy for Indians. Please tell him it does not work anymore and ask him to stop watching Tamil drama. Waythamoorthy, stop being racist. This is Malaysia. As citizens of Malaysia we should be concerned about our brothers and sisters from other races as well, not only for Indians. Wake up please!!! When P. Uthayakumar, M. Manogaran, R. Kenghadharan, V. Ganabatirau and T. Vasantha Kumar were detained under ISA, DAP, PKR and PAS worked together to fight for them, not BN. When their familes suffered, DAP, PKR & PAS were helping them, not BN. Who the hell are you to ask the Indians to vote for BN? Zulkifli Noordin, Ridhuan Tee Abdullah and many others before this who belittle the Indians and Hindu religion are your BN's conglomerates. We are not cheapskates like you, willing to sell the dignity and pride of the Indian community. You are redundant; willing to do anything for MONEY. Indians of Malaysia, please ask for change (UBAH). Enough is Enough, do not listen to Waythamoorthy anymore. Furthermore, we Indians do not want this kind of leader who act like coarse grass "ETHAPEN". MIPAS speaks for the Indians in Malaysia that we do not need this kind of leader. Stand like Datuk S.Ambiga as the iron lady, not as a coward like Waythamoorthy. Thank you, Best Regards, S.Barathidasan Secretary General Malaysian Indians Progressive Association (MIPAS)
HINDRAF distances itself from Waytha & P.M Najib Razak Posted: 18 Apr 2013 01:02 PM PDT
UMNO cheats more, Pakatan cheats less P.Uthayakumar, De-facto leader Hindraf Hindraf has nothing to do with Najib's signing some document with some hijackers this evening . This has never been the Hindraf struggle. No, it is not acceptable on the eve of GE. As the seniormost & De Facto leader of Hindraf we ask for delivery first of the 18 point demands dated 12/08/2007 which are already over 5 years long overdue & with almost zero delivery save & except for the UMNO hampers and rice packets etc for the Indian poor. Or at least the 5 demands first before GE (that was reported in Malaysiakini 3 months ago). The Hindraf political directions remains the same ~ do not vote for UMNO/BN. Voting for Pakatan is up to the individual as Hindraf is not prepared to take responsibility for PR's non delivery to the Indian poor as the y have not delivered in the 5 PR's States. To the Indian poor BN cheats more & PR cheats less. We want change but not for PR to be replaced with the UMNO clone. To this effect I am going ahead with contesting in Kota Raja & Seri Andalas. P.Uthayakumar
An Open Letter to Mr P Waythamoorthy and Hindraf Committee Members Posted: 18 Apr 2013 12:52 PM PDT
Benjamin Loi Dear Mr P Waythamoorthy and Hindraf Committee Members: First of all, I wish to express my most heartfelt congratulations on your success in ending more than 50 years of hardships endured by your fellow Indians in Malaysia. As you ended your hunger strike not too long ago, now is the time of celebration to enjoy sumptuous food, Indian curry chicken is my favourite food, I think you like it too. Your achievement is remarkable and I think the Malaysian Government should nominate you for the Martin Luther King Legacy Award in America for your sacrifice to make significant contributions in race relations, justice and human rights in Malaysia. If they reject the Malaysia government's nomination, it is still okay as you may still be conferred a Datukship or Tan Sriship after 5th May 2013 in Malaysia, as in the case of Jelapang ADUN Mdm Hee Yit Foong, who, like you, fearlessly fought for justice and equality (Mdm Hee was not provided a state-sponsored vehicle when she was with Perak PR-led government, it was really not fair and just to her). Nevertheless, I felt very prompted to write you a letter when I heard of your history-making achievement at 5pm this afternoon. I just simply want to share a family story with you… More than 50 years ago, my daughter Indianah was conned into giving herself to a guy called Ummnooo. Ummnooo has always treated my daughter like a nobody; mental torture and verbal insults are part or parcel of her daily life, and sometimes physical abuse. In spite of more than 50 years' requests to grant her proper "status", Ummnooo just wants her to remain stateless so he can continue his arrogance and threaten to send her back to me so he can use it to embarrass my entire family. Sometimes I feel my daughter is just a sex toy to him - no status, no money, no security and there was one occasion where Umnooo kept on kicking and hitting the head of my daughter's pet, a cow … calling her stupid while torturing her pet in front of so many people. More than 50 years of suffering suddenly comes to a very interesting twist when another handsome guy Pi-R appears. If I am not wrong, Pi-R told my daughter to leave Ummnooo and elope with him. He promised a better future and would treat her with honour, dignity and respect. I am not sure whether Pi-R can be trusted but when Ummnooo found out Pi-R was after my daughter Indianah, he first tried to threaten her, slapped her and said: "I can live without you, get lost now". My daughter really did it in 2008 and she eloped with Pi-R. The thick-skinned Ummnooo realised how important my daughter is to him. My daughter is hardworking and most of the time Ummnooo does not even bother to provide allowance for her and she has to stay hungry sometimes. Where to find such a good and cheap labourer??? So Ummnooo started a new strategy to win my daughter back. Firstl he went to Korea to have comestic surgery to make him look nicer, younger and of course stronger. He has come to my daughter many times after the surgery and continued to make even more beautiful promises. I am happy and worried at the same time. Ummnooo may have changed his ugly face through surgery but there is no way he can change his heart overnight. And Ummnooo's relatives and friends have never failed to cast disparaging remarks on my daughter, one of them is Puki-flee. Yesterday somebody told me he was going to stand as a candidate in the election, puki puki…pui!!! And I am very afraid that Ummnooo may get influenced by his relatives and friends and start to torture my daughter again. My daughter is very very confused now. Someone who has called her a whore for 50 years is now treating her like a young pretty princess and since she has slept with Ummnooo on the same bed for more than 50 years, she is going to give Ummnooo a chance. I respect her decision and at the same time, I think I owe Pi-R a debt of gratitude for without Pi-R Ummnooo will never realise how important my daughter is, Ummnooo will never appreciate her sacrifice and surely he will continue to torture her and let her remain "stateless". I just told my daughter this afternoon: "Ummnooo has never loved you, never cherished you … but he merely needs you now to satisfy his urgent "needs" … Indianah, you don't have to thank Pi-R, but neither do you have to be unkind to him (because Ummnooo asks you to accuse Pi-R of being a seducer). Oh oh, sorry for the digression and I am getting a bit emotional…sorry sorry… Last but not least, I sincerely wish all my fellow Indian friends the best!
With Love & Warmest Regards, Benjamin Loi
Posted: 18 Apr 2013 11:33 AM PDT DAP will use the PAS symbol in Peninsular Malaysia and the PKR symbol in Sabah & Sarawak for the 13th general elections unless the Registrar of Societies (ROS)'s cowardly and dastardly attempt to assassinate the Rocket is withdrawn by revoking its 17 April 2013 letter not recognising the office-bearers of the Central Executive Committee(CEC). Lim Guan Eng By not recognising the office-bearers of the CEC elected by the delegates on 15 December 2012, I have no power to issue authorisation letters in my official capacity as Secretary-General to DAP |
Posted: 18 Apr 2013 11:24 AM PDT
If you who are eligible voters and candidates are not gonna stand up and speak for us then I have no choice but to step up to fill the role. Hey, although we are not yet eligible to vote, we are still citizens of Malaysia, and I believe that we, students, deserve the right to be heard too! Asher Lim Does it ever bother you how the streets are just over-saturated with blue flags, that everywhere you go, it's just a sea of blue? Have you ever wondered how is it that BN seem to find that much money despite the country being so heavily in debt to hold countless banquets that have been causing all the traffic jams lately? Does it bother you that our PM doesn't seem to be keeping his promise to observe that there will be a clean and fair elections despite having signed the Transparency International-Malaysia agreement? Does it bother you even more that whenever someone raises concerns about the transparency of the coming GE-13, BN seems to do everything in their power to silence their voices? Does it bother you that up till today, officials still can't give an answer the politically-linked deaths of Teoh Beng Hock and Altantuya? And how is it that the clues and evidence seem to all have been tempered with? Does it bother you at all? If it does, then what is it that you are doing? Voting? That's good, but is it really going to help if there is not going to be a clean and fair election? No! Everywhere I look around, I see people, being afraid of the government they 'elected', if they won it fair and square in the first place. Is this democracy? No! There is no such thing as democracy based on fear. You see, from my point of view, this has become tyranny wearing the mask of democracy! Can anybody explain how is it that BN could win 63.1% of seats in 2008 when they only got as much as 50.27% of votes? You tell me, how does that even tally? I remember being in National Service, and how they held this so called 'simulation' of the elections but yet, we hardly learned anything about it at all. There was no mention about how zones are classified, how the number of seats are determined. Is it because they are too afraid to let the younger generation know how dirty it actually is? Then there was this so called 'Ceramah 1 Malaysia' from a Ministry known as the Jabatan Penerangan Malaysia. In his 2 hours of very political talk, he asked the question: "Adakah ini bersih atau kotor? Adakah ini bersih atau kotor?", to which I almost stood up and shouted back: "Adakah ini ceramah 1Malaysia atau ceramah BN? Adakah ini ceramah 1Malaysia atau BN?" What kind of 'taktik KOTOR' is this? Even the under-aged are not saved from the brain-washing of BN even though they are not eligible yet to vote. Teenagers today are being exposed to all these lies too and yet we can hardly do anything about it! I have been confronted not once but several times about my postings on Facebook. I also have people complaining to those 'above' me saying that my postings on Facebook are inappropriate. Why the fear? Why? Let me tell you this, if you are given rights and power but are too afraid to use it, to exercise it, it will surely be taken away from you. A classic example would be our freedom of speech. People did not rise up to speak for themselves and thus allowed the amendment of the Sedition Act to pass. People were afraid for reasons that weren't valid. Maybe it was because the sources of media during those days were entirely controlled by the government, but not so today anymore. With the Internet, we get to hear both sides of the story and see from a third person point of view, see an 'aerial' view of the situation with access to the media of other countries, which of course in NS, they tell you it's foreign powers jealous of the 'harmony' in Malaysia that they are attempting to sabotage the country and spoil the 'good' name, yes, 'good' name of our PM. If you who are eligible voters and candidates are not gonna stand up and speak for us then I have no choice but to step up to fill the role. Hey, although we are not yet eligible to vote, we are still citizens of Malaysia, and I believe that we, students, deserve the right to be heard too! With all the lies that are being told to my peers, I can't help but feel the responsibility to speak my mind and to speak the truth. Will you continue to allow this brain-washing to occur? Maybe you're afraid of what could happen to you should you stand up and speak, and I don't blame you, with cases like Teoh Beng Hock's and Altantuya's. But that gives us more of a reason to actually stand up and speak. It is not the 'what could be' that matters now, it is the 'what should be' that matters. The Malaysia that should be will never be if we continue to stay silent and allow every hanky-panky to go by under our very noses. Let not Teoh Beng Hock's death come to nothing, let it end in change! He died believing that Malaysia deserves better! All that needs to be done by the Rakyat is just to speak up and let their voices be heard, then BN will learn that it is the Rakyat that has the power, not them, and that they can't just do anything and expect to get away with it. I know that there are many of us who are aware of the situation in Malaysia and that many of us are already ready for change, but it is not enough to cast your votes into the ballot box. Malaysia needs a movement, one even of a larger scale than all the previous BERSIHs combined. Everyone must recognise their rights and speak up. It doesn't have to be marching down Putrajaya and confronting the PM face to face, it can come in many ways like through writing articles, poems, songs, etc. I am sure that if everyone speaks up, they, the ones at Putrajaya will be shaking with fear and will wet their pants knowing that they are about to lose everything. Let's be honest. We can see all sorts of dirty tactics being used by BN to maintain their power, and with the most recent being the ROS sending a letter to DAP telling them that their central executive committee is not recognised just 2 days before the nominations. That is an outrageous act and in DAP's secretary general, Lim Guan Eng's own words, biadap! This shows a country run with people without dignity and honour. This is it, this is the dying gasp of BN, they have gone all out to use every single dirty tricks up their sleeves to ensure that they stay in power. Now it is the rakyat's turn to respond, not by arms but through unity, through the common believe that this country deserves better! By taking the time an effort to write this, I hope that I may inspire you to take up the courage to stand up for the common believe that Malaysia deserves better, that we deserve better. We can no longer wait, the time is now, it is time to speak up and let your voices be heard! It is time to bring a wind of change! Ini kalilah! Ubah!
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