Vote to ensure a better Malaysia Posted: 22 Apr 2013 09:40 PM PDT  Press statement of Group of Concerned Citizens on the General Election We are a group of Malaysians from diverse ethnicities, religions and backgrounds including military, academic, business, professional and the not-for-profit sector. We have been drawn together by our love for our country and our concern that this general election may see further setbacks in our aspiration for a better society. Malaysians need a better government and good governance, especially in these tumultuous times of heightened racial discord and religious hatred and extremism. If we succeed, we can be a modest example for the rest of the world in the way we tackle our racial and religious differences and in our resolve and actions to ensure social justice and the fair distribution of the wealth of our land. Past governments and politicians have too often failed us by abusing the public treasury for private gain, by concentrating wealth and power in the hands of a few, and by debasing our democratic rights. For some years now, we have been one of the top countries in the world in terms of illicit outflows of money. According to Global Financial Integrity, the total 10-year estimate of financial outflow for Malaysia was RM871.4 billion for 2000-2010. No country in the world can afford such a high level of capital flight. The coming elections provides us an opportunity to exercise our individual and collective right to decide on who will lead this country in the next five years and manage our finances, economy and society in a fair and just manner. If we choose badly we will have only ourselves to blame. click on picture to enlarge  
click on picture to enlarge We wish to share with voters in this election pamphlet, which is being disseminated throughout the country, our concerns as well as our position on the principles and values that can propel our country towards that better society that we seek and which all Malaysians deserve and can be proud of. We believe that most Malaysians share not only these concerns but also our expectations of the high moral and ethical standards from the parties and politicians that will soon come into power. We hope that this election message – a non-partisan one – will be etched in the minds and memories of those who will shortly take political office as well as of all voters so that the promise of moral and good governance is in the forefront of national priority, not just during the election campaign period and particularly on election day but every day during the next four or five years. Other citizens and civil society organisations wishing to endorse this or a similar message are free to adopt or adapt it, and disseminate in their own names. Civil society leaders endorsing this message: Ahmad Farouk Musa Arshad Raji Azmi Sharom K J John Koon Yew Yin Lim Teck Ghee Masjaliza Hamzah Raja Petra Kamarudin Ramon Navaratnam Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh Thasleem Mohamed Ibrahim S Thayaparan Zaid Ibrahim |
Kenyataan Media KAMI : Hadi jangan kadi macam Mahathir Posted: 22 Apr 2013 05:08 PM PDT
Hadi sepatutnya meraikan kepelbagaian idea dalam negara demokrasi ini, bukan memaksa orang lain berfikir dalam satu acuan sahaja. Islam sendiri meraikan kebebasan berfikir apabila dalam al-Quran berulang kali menyebut 'Afala Taqqilun' (tidakkah kamu menggunakan aqal?) dan 'afala tatafakkarun' (tidakkah kamu berfikir?) 1. Kumpulan Aktivis Mahasiswa Independen (KAMI) begitu terkilan dengan kenyataan Presiden PAS, Abdul Hadi Awang berkenaan dengan kenyataannya semalam yang seolah mahu menghancurkan tahaluf siyasi yang dibina selama ini. 2. Tindakan yang kononnya mahu menyelamatkan Pakatan Rakyat itu sebenarnya tidak berasas. PAS tidak sepatutnya melakukan perkara yang menghancurkan persefahaman. 3. Sekiranya ada calon yang menjadi 'pengedar dadah', buat sahaja laporan Polis dan kemukakan bukti. Tak molek sekiranya bercakap kosong dan bertindak sebegini.
4. Hadi juga seharusnya menghormati dan tidak menghina fahaman orang lain, Islam menyebut bahawa 'tiada paksaan dalam beragama' malah dalam alkafirun, allah menggesa umat islam menghormati pegangan orang lain.
5. Berkenaan dengan isu gambar Karl Marx, Stanlin dan Lenin di dalam bilik gerakan, kami tidak rasa ada sebarang masalah kerana kesemuanya merupakan tokoh dalam perjuangan menegakkan negara yang berlandas kebajikan sosial.
6. Tindakan ini sama sahaja seperti menggantung gambar Tuan Guru Nik Aziz dalam bilik gerakan, apa bezanya?
7. Kalau pun ada calon yang menganut fahaman komunis, Hadi sepatutnya rasa 'bangga' kerana Islam sendiri meletakkan kesamarataan dan keadilan di tempat yang tinggi. Mungkin Hadi patut buka sejarah semula mengenai gerakan komunis di malaysia dalam usaha kemerdekaan negara.
9. Hadi sepatutnya meraikan kepelbagaian idea dalam negara demokrasi ini, bukan memaksa orang lain berfikir dalam satu acuan sahaja. Islam sendiri meraikan kebebasan berfikir apabila dalam al-Quran berulang kali menyebut 'Afala Taqqilun' (tidakkah kamu menggunakan aqal?) dan 'afala tatafakkarun' (tidakkah kamu berfikir?)
10. Jika perkara ini terjadi, memang sah Malaysia tidak akan ubah seperti zaman pemerintahan Dr. Mahathir Mohamad bila mana rakyat dikekang daripada berfikir dan bercakap sehingga wujud budaya takut atau 'culture of fear' sehingga tercipta istilah Mahathirisme. 11. Kami mohon supaya Hadi menarik balik kenyataannya sebelum terlambat bagi menjamin kesejahteraan bersama .
Hindraf MOU with BN a quantum leap for Malaysian Indians Posted: 22 Apr 2013 01:40 PM PDT
Wong Mun Chee It is fascinating the amount of articles that has surfaced, condemning the move in a typical Goebbels mindset. Practically all these articles talks about Waytha and the typical personal accusation, just another hate mongering method exercised by or for those interested parties. I am pretty sure that HINDRAF would have expected this as they appear to be very cool and collected about it to show their maturity that speaks volume for the grassroots movement that they represent. HINDRAF is aware of the summer soldiers and sunshine patriots who occasionally arise but rather take a nonchalant attitude about it because they will never bring real change for the people that they represent, like what HINDRAF had done. None of those articles talks about the issues at stake and how they were able to coerce BN to agree, at least in principle, but merely an unsubstantiated assumption to feed into their frustration for their own needs. Whether BN is going to honor it or not is a secondary question, but PR wouldn't even bother to look at it. Nobody has fought so hard for the Malaysian Indians like HINDRAF had and that is a fact. We can write as much as we want under the ministry of falsehood, feel disappointed with the direction taken by HINDRAF but nevertheless the hard truth is that they have brought forward national issues involving the Malaysian Indians unlike anyone else, without any precedent. For those detractors who continue to write on personal character assassination, dumbfounded logic without any tangible evidence, please carry one because most fools can criticize and condemn because there is no fool so great a fool as a purported knowing fool for the aforesaid reasons. Did you know that false knowledge is more dangerous than ignorance? I think HINDRAF has mastered that with knowledge as wisdom plays a bigger role for the community; opting for the issues that concerns the alienated community. Who else would come forward to acknowledge and address such paramount issues? Another five (5) years in the doldrums for the Malaysian Indians if BN does not honor it is not going to change anything but at least they took the liberty to come forward and engage them and that is something that needs to be recognized, unlike PR, who had all the opportunity yet squandered it for their own selfish reasons. I am sure I am going to get our typical heroes and heroines whacking me on this. Sure enough those are your prerogatives, but let me ask you an honest question, are you honest to yourself or do you need to be honest for the community and their issues? When I say honesty, don't run me the Goebbels theory for the political divide, what it should be and how it should, but rather something tangible to make a difference for the community in honesty for their well being rather our keyboard based artificial altruism. It is like what Confucious says, "When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps" I think HINDRAF is on the right path Think about it. Thank you |
Ganyang parti parti Malaya! Star's battle-cry in Sabah, Ini Kali Lah! Posted: 22 Apr 2013 12:28 PM PDT
The Agenda Malaya, according to Star, is being flogged by the parti parti Malaya, and traitors who comprise their local proxies (local Muslims and illegals), the stooges (non Muslims) of the proxies, rogue elements (those who put the illegals on the electoral rolls on behalf of Putrajaya) and political mandores (non Muslims elected by the votes of the illegals). Joe Fernandez The following salient points have been noted from the State Reform Party's (Star) campaign trail in Sabah:
Ganyang parti parti Malaya! Ini Kali Lah!
Star sees May 5 in Sabah as a one-to-one fight: Agenda Borneo (Star) v Agenda Malaya (the other parties in Sabah).
The Agenda Malaya, according to Star, is being flogged by the parti parti Malaya, and traitors who comprise their local proxies (local Muslims and illegals), the stooges (non Muslims) of the proxies, rogue elements (those who put the illegals on the electoral rolls on behalf of Putrajaya) and political mandores (non Muslims elected by the votes of the illegals).
The other parties want to steal seats in the Sabah assembly and Sabah seats in Parliament for Malaya so that the voice of the people will not be heard, claims Star, a Borneo-based national party contesting in both Borneo nations. In Sabah, Star is in alliance with Usno -- United Sabah National Organisation -- a fellow member in the United Borneo Alliance (UBA).
What is the Agenda Borneo?
Star explains that the Agenda Borneo stands against everything that the Agenda Malaya stands for in Sabah, Sarawak and Malaya.
No to colonialisation of Sabah and Sarawak!
In seizing the moral high ground, No to internal colonisation in Malaya.
The above two themes, the first in particular, is being raised by Star in Sabah.
When Star forms the state government of Sabah, it has vowed to conduct a due diligence of the BN Government and bring wrongdoers to justice; it will audit all development plans for corruption elements and weed out the corruption therein; it will review all BN development plans; it will keep the BN plans which are good, amend what should be amended and scrap what should be scrapped.
Star has pledged to stamp out the practice of BN leaders awarding government contracts to themselves and running up the National Debt Burden to put their hands in the Public Treasury under the guise of bringing development to the people.
Star has also worked out development components which it will add to the Plans for Sabah while bringing back the Nation's resources and revenues from Putrajaya, take back control of the oil and gas resources, and seek compensation with statutory interest compounded yearly and backdated to 1976 for all the oil and gas "stolen" from Sabah by Petronas and Putrajaya.
The party has taken advice that the Petroleum Development Act 1974 (PDA) is unconstitutional and therefore the Oil Agreement 1976, based on the former, deemed null and void.
As part of the new resources and revenue scenario, Star will demand that the Federal Government forgive all loans given to Sabah to compensate for the plunder of the country by Malaya.
A Star Government in Sabah will only contribute to Putrajaya for defence, foreign affairs and national economic planning with emphasis on the common market and customs union in Malaysia.
The party notes that the Malaysian IC has been re-issued many times. Initially, it was a two-page scrap of paper, then the Blue Card followed by the Bunga Raya, next the MyKad and now the Smart MyKad.
Star wants the MyKad in Sabah to be re-issued again to weed out all those among the estimated 1.7 million foreigners who are holding the document. On this they are on the same page as PBS, Upko and PBRS, the three Orang Asal parties in BN which handed some Orang Asal seats to Umno thereby facilitating, inadvertently or otherwise, the further division of the original people of Sabah.
Star does not want any foreigner in Sabah to get the MyKad without the sanction of the state government as the initiating and recommending body.
The party, as the state government, will issue a Sabah IC. Only holders of the Sabah IC will be eligible to hold the Sabah MyKad.
Star has no objections to foreigners coming to Sabah to work and settle down but subject to the following:
(1) that they enter the Territory with valid travel papers;
(2) that they don't claim that Sabah belongs to the defunct Sulu Sultanate or the Philippines;
(3) that they obtain work permits and business visit passes as the case may be and not abuse their social visit or other visit passes and student visas;
(4) that they don't compete in business with locals or engage, whether directly or indirectly, in businesses which the locals can do;
(5) that they don't compete with locals for jobs;
(6) that the Government does not create jobs for foreigners;
(7) that they don't obtain Malaysian personal documents by the backdoor;
(8) that they don't enter the electoral rolls with fraudulent Malaysian personal documents;
(9) that they don't marry locals and create social and religious problems; and
(10) that they don't claim Orang Asal, Native or Bumiputera status in Sabah.
The party's stand on minimum wage is that it's one way to keep foreign workers from swamping Sabah and it's also a politically correct way to share the wealth of the nation. Star takes the position that except for "expatriates" all workers whether local or foreign and irrespective of gender must be paid equal wages for equal work.
A Star Government wants the uncodified (unwritten) Constitution of Malaysia to be codified (written) failing which it wants the UN and the ICJ to step in and help resolve the hitherto dormant constitutional crisis. It does not want a Referendum on Malaysia in Borneo 50 years too late. The party's position, albeit unspoken but implied, is that Malaya -- i.e. the Federal Government -- should either ratify the uncodified Constitution on Malaysia better late than never or get out from Sabah and Sarawak.
The uncodified Constitution on Malaysia includes Batu Sumpah, the Malaysia Agreement and the 20/18 Points, among other constitutional documents on Malaysia.
In the highly unlikely event that Star does not form the next state government in Sabah, the party pledges to be a strong loyal opposition in the state assembly and Parliament.
As the Opposition, Star said that it's duty will be to keep a watch on promises made by the winning party to ensure that they are fulfilled.
It will also keep a check on abuse of power and victimisation by the government, conflict of interest and corruption.
It will defend human rights and ensure that the people are not denied their NCR rights and it will ensure that NCR land is not seized by politicians and sold to Malayan companies and orang luar (outsiders).
So, it cannot be said that "the Opposition can talk only, cannot do anything for the people".
Star is expected to take a position soon on Sapp which is allegedly in cahoots with Umno and PKR to further divide the Orang Asal in particular while purportedly wooing the illegal immigrants on the electoral rolls.
Star is particularly incensed with Sapp for pushing vigorously for months for a seat-sharing formula with PR, based on the dubious "Principle" that the Malayan opposition parties contest the majority of Sabah's parliamentary seats and, in return, "allow" local Opposition parties to contest the majority of seats in the state assembly. This position is seen as allowing outsiders to set, determine and dictate the politics of the state and thereby humiliate the people.
(The Malaysia Agreement 1963 pledged that Sabah and Sarawak collectively hold a minimum one third plus one seat in the Malaysian Parliament. Given the current 222 seat Parliament, Borneo should have 75 seats but has only 57 including Labuan i.e. less 18 seats. Already, a chunk of the 57 seats in the just dissolved Malaysian Parliament are held by Malayan parties on both sides of the divide.)
One notable absence from the Star Manifesto is the role of the Registrar of Societies, Election Commission and the Attorney General in facilitating the presence of Malayan parties in Borneo in defiance of the Malaysia Agreement.
Star has so far maintained a discreet silence on Sapp which broke away from PBS in 1994 to align itself with Umno to bring down the state government and compromise Sabah's autonomy. It's leaders have been linked in the past to seats with illegal immigrants on the electoral rolls. The Likas state seat, for example, was once the subject of an election petition for the number of illegal immigrants on its electoral rolls.
Sapp leaders were also instrumental in PBS breaking away from BN in 1990, in Umno coming to Sabah and replacing Usno after deregistering it, in Star chairman Jeffrey Kitingan (then Sabah Foundation Director) being incarcerated and virtually starved under the draconian Internal Security Act (ISA) for two two-year terms, and further worsening the culture of political frogging in Sabah.
Sapp has also been accused, ironically by the Dap, of practising a hoodlum culture, whatever that means. |
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