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- Saman Homoseksual RM 100 Juta - Permohonan Maaf Papa Gomo Kepada Anwar Ibrahim
- Why Kit Siang WANTS Anwar's endorsement
- Tak payah skandal, politik Anwar tak lagi handal
- As the Altantuya Murder Plot Thickens
- Wanita Umno sebar risalah bodohkan orang kampung
- A Respond to CM Lim Guan Eng: We Should Not Have to Suffer From a Failed Political System ...
- BN Tidak Perlukan Skandal Seks Anwar Untuk Menang Pilihan Raya
- PR Manifesto: Sustainable?
- The Mysterious Case of the Sulu Sultan
- Coffin with Tian Chua’s Photo Found at PKR Headquarters
- PI Bala - PII Americk Singh Sidhu
Saman Homoseksual RM 100 Juta - Permohonan Maaf Papa Gomo Kepada Anwar Ibrahim Posted: 18 Mar 2013 07:19 PM PDT "Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim memfailkan saman ke atas blogger pro-Umno, Papagomo yang menyebar gambar lucah menyerupai Ketua Umum KEADILAN di rangkaian media sosial.
Why Kit Siang WANTS Anwar's endorsement Posted: 18 Mar 2013 02:45 PM PDT This would have been unheard of in the early nineties. When back then, struggling to make an impact (and perhaps some will argue that they still do) DAP's Lim Kit Siang would often lock horns with Anwar Ibrahim. (Here is just one example of what Anwar and Kit Siang engaged in in 1993, and another referring to the same) But today, these politicos are very different animals. Kit Siang is often seen in DAP as the supremo (perhaps even higher than a 'tokong') and those who have crossed path with him has always emerged on the losing end. (here, Wee Choo Keong can attest to that having been sacked from DAP for not showing enough 'affection' to party leaders) So why is it that the recent announcement of Kit Siang contesting in Gelang Patah is announced and endorsed by Anwar Ibrahim? With Chua Jui Meng mounting a comeback in Johor (after being sidelined by MCA in the 2008 elections, in which as a result Chua Jui Meng instructed his division members to close their bilik gerakan early presumably to sabitage MCA), it is understood that Jui Meng himself wants in on the action should PR take the southern state. DAP's Boo Cheng Hau who is the state DAP leader has in recent weeks been engaged in a tit for tat with PKR's Jui Meng, accusing the latter of using 'black hand' (unseen influence by Party higher ups) in undermining Boo's campaign. Clearly, all is not well in Pakatan and as GE13 draws nearer, more of this can be seen when whos who in their state begin to tussle for the much touted 'calon'ship. Read more at:
1st BATCH OF PM GROSSEMAJIB'S 7 DEADLY SINS! Posted: 17 Mar 2013 11:37 PM PDT 2. Lied that Saiful came to see him about a scholarship. Saiful testified under oath that he went to see Grossemajib about a sexual matter, and that Grosssemajib telephoned the IGP. 3. Has not since 2006, ordered the IGP to investigate and charge the person responsible for ordering Altantuya's murder, how immigration records could have been erased or explained numerous highly suspicious sms exchanges with Razak Baginda. 4. Went on a shopping holiday to Milan on Airforce 1. At first PMO reported that the official trip was to UK and USA, and only admitted it after Pakatan MP's checked flight path details online. Read more at: |
Tak payah skandal, politik Anwar tak lagi handal Posted: 17 Mar 2013 06:34 PM PDT Sama ada sedar atau tidak, isu skandal seks Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim sudah berusia 15 tahun. Bermula pada 1997 apabila terdapat tuduhan yang dibuat oleh Karpal Singh dalam Parlimen, diikuti pemecatan beliau dari jawatan Timbalan Perdana Menteri (1998), reformasi dan kes Liwat Azizan (1998-2003), Liwat II (2009-2012), video klip lelaki menyerupai beliau mengadakan hubungan seks.
As the Altantuya Murder Plot Thickens Posted: 17 Mar 2013 02:18 PM PDT Private investigator P. Balasubramaniam is gone, and his untimely death from a heart attack makes it all the more pressing for Malaysians to find answers to the mystery of the murder of the Mongolian model Altantuya Shaariibuu. Who actually did it? Logically, it would seem unlikely that the two police personnel who have been convicted acted on their own. What would be the motive of Corporal Sirul Azhar Umar and Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri? They didn't even know Altantuya before they whisked her away and dealt the fatal blow. It would seem they were merely hitmen. Furthermore, according to Sirul's cautioned statement, they were offered RM50,000 to RM100,000 to dispose of Altantuya. If this is true, who made the offer? Other questions float in limbo like ghosts whose souls have not been put to rest. How did these two men get their hands on the C4 explosive used to blow Altantuya's body to smithereens? It's something that is difficult to procure. Did they have help from certain quarters? Bala had said that he wanted to reveal what he knew about matters related to the murder in order to bring justice to Altantuya and the two convicted men. But now he is unable to testify in court. He did, however, manage to come home from exile to publicly announce that he stood by his first statutory declaration (SD) in which he implicated Prime Minister Najib Razak – if only in the sense that the latter knew Altantuya and had had a sexual relationship with her, and that he might have influenced the attorney-general on the handling of the murder trial. This first SD also stated that although Bala gave a statement to the police that included Najib's alleged relationship with Altantuya, what he was given to sign omitted this detail. And when he gave testimony at the murder trial, the lawyers never asked him about that relationship either. So seemingly damning was this first SD that the very next day, Bala took everyone by surprise when he came out with a second SD that not only retracted the entire contents of the first but also specifically named as being untrue all the parts that referred to Najib. Since then, businessman Deepak Jaikishan has come out to divulge that he was involved in getting Bala to make the second SD, together with Najib's brother, Nazim. He said he did this at the request of Najib's wife, Rosmah Mansor, and that Najib arranged for a senior lawyer to prepare the second SD. He said he regretted getting involved: "It was the biggest mistake I have made." Does this vindicate Bala? Well, it depends on whether Deepak is telling the truth. Najib has said Deepak is "not credible" and dismissed what he has revealed as "not an issue", even though it reinforces Bala's statement that Najib allegedly knew Altantuya. And now to further consolidate Deepak's allegations about the second SD, Bala's lawyer, Americk Singh, has disclosed to the Bar Council that the senior lawyer who Deepak said prepared it is Cecil Abraham. Americk said Cecil disclosed this to him in confidence, and – even more interesting – that Cecil said he was acting on instructions from Najib. Americk apologised to Cecil for breaking his promise of confidence, but felt he had to make it for the sake of carrying on Bala's quest for justice. To many, Americk did the right thing. The obvious next step now is for the relevant authorities to query Cecil to verify if this is true. Of course, it could still be one man's word against the other's. If Cecil did prepare the second SD knowing that it would contradict Bala's true intent, he would be guilty of professional misconduct. But if he denies it, and assuming that he believes Bala's first SD to be true, he would be maligning the word of a man who has just died. It will be a tough call for Cecil. And even if he were to admit that it was Najib who gave him the instructions, it still may not prove anything unless he has black-and-white evidence of those instructions, or someone else was present to corroborate the fact. Read more at: |
Wanita Umno sebar risalah bodohkan orang kampung Posted: 17 Mar 2013 02:06 PM PDT Jika anda ada akal fikiran yang waras, sila baca dan nilai kebenaran risalah di bawah ini baik-baik. ![]()
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A Respond to CM Lim Guan Eng: We Should Not Have to Suffer From a Failed Political System ... Posted: 17 Mar 2013 01:12 PM PDT Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, since your letter to and The Malaysian Insider is directed to the critics of the proposed highways and a third-link underwater tunnel project worth RM6.3 billion it qualifies me to respond to you. I was one of your lesser-known critics. Whether you choose to believe or not, I do not work for or represent any political party or NGO. I am a voter in Penang and I firmly believe that politicians and policy makers whom we have chosen to govern the nation through a strenuous but necessary electoral process should be responsible to do their best for the people. You said that we (the critics) have made misleading claims against your proposal. I shall endeavour to prove it to you that the concerns I have raised are not without their merits. I would like you to view these issues from a non-politician or voter standpoint. You claimed that the project is a "desperate" effort to decongest traffic congestion on the island and bring about smoother traffic flow on the mainland of Seberang Perai.You pointed at the failure or reluctance of the federal government to entertain the state's numerous requests to help improve public bus service on the island as a main contributor to your administration's desperation. If given a choice, you concurred that improving public transport is still the best option. You said; "Much as we prefer the public transport option, one must not forget that public transport in whatever form is the exclusive prerogative of the federal government. Even if it is funded by the state government, nothing can be done without the sanction of the federal government. Therefore, regurgitating the homily that we should be investing in public transport instead is akin to beating a dead horse." Here is where I am going to attempt to get you and other politicians to see our viewpoint. First, if the reluctance to explore the public transport option is due to politics why should the people be made to suffer the consequences of our deplorable state of politics? In a matured democracy, politicians should be able to differentiate between when to engage in a political battle and when to cooperate for the common good of the people. However, you are implying that the people should ultimately be burdened with an expensive alternative project proposed by your administration because of the reckless and endless political bickering between the two coalitions.
BN Tidak Perlukan Skandal Seks Anwar Untuk Menang Pilihan Raya Posted: 17 Mar 2013 12:40 PM PDT Dan sekarang muncul satu lagi skandal beliau atau lelaki menyerupai beliau mengadakan hubungan songsang dengan seorang pemuda "triple A". Sebenarnya orang ramai sudah letih, bosan dan penat dengan skandal yang mengelilingi Anwar bin Ibrahim ini. Barisan Nasional dalam keadaan kuat dan bersedia memenangi pilihan raya ini dengan majoriti 2/3 biar pun Pakatan mungkin masih menguasai satu atau dua negeri. Justeru kemunculan gambar dan video terbaru ini tidak memberi sebarang keuntungan politik kepada Barisan Nasional dan UMNO. Politik Licik Di sebalik Skandal Seks? Sebaliknya, memahami psikologi orang Melayu dan Asia keseluruhan, penyebaran video-video memalukan ini pada saat-saat menjelang pilihan raya mungkin memberi undi simpati kepada Pakatan dan Anwar Ibrahim. Ini pernah terjadi dalam pilihan raya 1999 apabila terdapat gerak kerja UMNO yang terlalu memburukkan Anwar akhirnya memberi undi simpati kepada pakatan pembangkang. Justeru ia menimbulkan tanda tanya sama ada gambar-gambar sensasi terbaru ini disebarkan oleh Barisan Nasional atau oleh Anwar sendiri. Perilaku dan peribadi Anwar tidak lagi penting kerana apa yang dipaparkan dan disiarkan sebelum ini sama ada di Mahkamah, di dalam media massa mahu pun ruang siber sudah cukup untuk membantu rakyat membuat keputusan sama ada mahu terus menyokong Anwar atau sebaliknya. Dengan kata lain mereka yang mengambil kira moral dan perlakuan luar tabie Anwar sudah membuat keputusan untuk menolak Pakatan. Manakala mereka yang mahu terus bergantung kepada Anwar akan terus mempertahankan Anwar sehingga ke tahap video hanyalah besi yang tidak boleh menjadi saksi. Jadi adalah tidak mustahil untuk menyatakan kemungkinan gambar perlakuan seks (dan mungkin video selepas ini) yang baru ini disebarkan oleh pasukan Anwar sendiri menjelang pilihan raya Umum. Pasukan Anwar menyedari bahawa terdapat perubahan besar sikap rakyat terhadap Barisan Nasional sejak enam bulan yang lalu apabila pelbagai program mesra rakyat, penerangan isu semasa dan akhir sekali kesungguhan kerajaan menyelesaikan isu Lahad Datu mendapat impak yang positif. Pakatan dalam keadaan terdesak apabila beberapa kenyataan pemimpin mereka terhadap insiden Lahad Datu telah menimbulkan kemarahan rakyat. Untuk mengalih isu sikap kurang ajar pemimpin pakatan terhadap pasukan keselamatan, dengan tiba-tiba sahaja isu skandal seks Anwar kembali hidup. Pasukan Anwar sendiri yang menghidupkannya apabila menggunakan Azlan Mohd Lazim, bapa kepada Saiful Bukhari Azlan (yang mengaku beliau diliwat Anwar), untuk memburukkan anaknya sendiri. Sungguhpun isu ini kembali menjadi perhatian rakyat namun ia tidak sebesar tumpuan rakyat kepada isu kebobrokan perangai dan perkataan Tian Chua dan beberapa lagi pemimpin Pakatan terhadap insiden Lahad Datu. Pakatan perlukan satu isu sensasi besar untuk mengubah perhatian rakyat daripada isu Lahad Datu. Dalam keadaan tersebut tiba-tiba sahaja muncul satu lagi gambar sensasi mmebabitkan individu yang menyerupai Anwar. Adalah tidak mustahil gambar ini disebarkan oleh kumpulan Anwar sendiri bagi mengalih isu dan menagih simpati. Malah tidak menghairankan jika dalam sedikit masa lagi akan muncul individu yang menyerupai Anwar Ibrahim mengakui bahawa beliaulah lelaki dalam gambar dan video tersebut. Anwar bukanlah begitu bodoh. Tidak mustahil dalam tempoh setahun yang lalu beliau telah membayar seseorang untuk membuat pembedahan plastik membentuk semula wajah seiras dengan beliau. Malahan dengan membesarkan isu ini, mungkinkah Anwar mencipta jalan dan skrip untuk mengadakan sumpah laknat selepas Parlimen dibubarkan. Sumpah laknat tidak akan menunjukkan kesan dalam masa yang singkat. Malahan menurut para ulama ia mungkin mengambil masa bertahun sebelum nampak jelas kesannya. Jika Anwar memilih untuk bersumpah selepas Parlimen dibubarkan ia sekadar untuk mengelirukan rakyat. Kita perlu ingat Anwar telah diminta bersumpah sejak beberapa tahun lalu tapi beliau enggan melakukan. Jika beliau melakukan selepas pembubaran Parlimen itu bermakna beliau berbuat untuk kepentingan politik bukannya untuk kebenaran. Read more at:
Posted: 17 Mar 2013 11:06 AM PDT On the environmental front, the federal opposition pledges to halt the Lynas rare earth refinery's operations in Gebeng, Pahang, review a multibillion petrochemical project in Pengerang, Johor, and the mega dams in Sarawak. It targets to reduce traffic congestion in the Klang Valley and other major cities by 50% during its first term via investments in public transport. Furthermore, it says it will reform existing logging laws and activities. Granted, the manifesto is an improvement from Buku Jingga, the common policy platform the PR unveiled in 2010, which neglected the environment and indigenous rights entirely. But it remains lacking in many areas. What else does the PR need to consider to demonstrate they are able to plan for the future and provide sustainable development if voted into power? Food security The PR laid out several measures to reform our economy but completely ignored the agriculture sector in its manifesto. This is problematic as Malaysia has become a net importer of food. The country spent some RM221.8 billion on food imports in the past decade. We have chosen to specialise in cash crops such as oil palm and rubber at the expense of food crops, according to Professor Dr Fatimah Mohd Arshad from Universiti Putra Malaysia. Nearly 84% of our agricultural land is used for export crops, with oil palm taking the lion's share of 63.4% in 2005, she pointed out in an article, Global Food Prices: Implication for Food Security in Malaysia, co-written with Anna Awad Abdel Hameed. Professor Dr Fatimah Mohd Arshad (Source: Meanwhile, federal allocation for agriculture plunged from 17% of the annual budget in 1990 to 5.8% in 2005, Fatimah and Anna Awad highlighted in their piece published in the Journal of Consumer Research and Resource Centre in 2009. And while the federal government dished out generous cash subsidies to paddy farmers, it left other food sectors out in the cold to develop with minimal support. With supermarkets easily available around town, living in the city creates an illusion that food supply remains abundant. But the rate of global population growth has long surpassed the rate of agricultural production, Fatimah and Anna Awad noted. Global food prices will continue to rise as an unpredictable climate further reduces crop yields. Low-income households, who spend the bulk of their income on food, are the most vulnerable to food price hikes. What will the PR do to reform our agricultural sector and feed Malaysia's growing population, which is approaching 30 million people, with nutritious, affordable food? What steps will it take to encourage organic farming and sustainable fishing practices? How much will it invest in agricultural research and development? These are just some of the questions the PR needs to deal with. Renewable energy Another important sector neglected by the PR in its manifesto is the power industry. Aside from a pledge to scrap independent power producers' gas subsidies and divert it to lower electricity tariffs, the coalition makes no further mention of the energy sector. Despite it being a necessity in modern life, some Malaysians, particularly indigenous people and communities living in remote areas, still do not have access to electricity. What will the PR to do ensure every citizen enjoys reliable, affordable power supply? Datuk Seri Peter Chin (Source: Malaysia is expected to become a net oil importer in two years, according to current Energy, Green Technology and Water Minister Datuk Seri Peter Chin. Our country relies largely on gas and coal for power. An overdependence on fossil fuel has resulted in renewable energy sources taking a back seat, the minister conceded in 2012. In the face of depleting local gas resources, what will the PR do to ensure Malaysia's energy supply? Will it import more coal? Will it consider nuclear as an option? How much will it invest in renewable energy sources such as solar, biomass or other options? In addition, the level of Malaysia's energy consumption versus productivity remains low compared to countries like Singapore and Japan. What innovative measures will the PR implement to cut wastage? Meaningful public participation The PR also needs to assure the public that it will hold genuine public consultations before approving major projects. Decades of local governments approving "development" projects without taking into account the existing capacity of roads, drains and other infrastructure has resulted in traffic congestion and flash floods becoming the norm. Coupled with the lack of green spaces, the quality of life in most cities is deteriorating. Proper public consultation and provision of information will help towards gauging the potential environmental and social impact of a proposed project. It is thus surprising that the PR's manifesto is silent on the abolition of the Official Secrets Act and the enactment of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Some PR politicians said the manifesto should be read together with the Buku Jingga, which does mention freedom of information. But wasn't the manifesto built on the Buku Jingga? How is it that the FOIA was excluded?
The Mysterious Case of the Sulu Sultan Posted: 16 Mar 2013 01:03 PM PDT Malaysia has been in the midst of an ongoing security crisis since early February, when a group of 235 rag-tag militiamen from the neighboring southern Philippines slipped into the eastern state of Sabah and began occupying several villages. While engaging police in several firefights, the insurgents beheaded and mutilated several captured Malaysian security personnel, prompting Malaysian forces to deploy fighter jets in an unprecedented air assault over the area in an operation to flush out the intruders. The gunmen call themselves the "Royal Army of the Sulu Sultanate", representing the heirs of a long-defunct kingdom which once controlled the territory up until the late nineteenth century. The so-called Sultan of Sulu, Jamalul Kiram III, who is believed to be directing the militant incursion from Manila, insists that Sabah is rightfully part of his kingdom and has vowed not budge on his claims even if his personnel are killed in the standoff. Malaysians, who are preparing to vote in a pivotal general election just around the corner, have been fixated on events in Sabah as they unfold. The Philippines are soon expecting congressional elections as well, and given the timing, local analysts are wondering how exactly did this elderly self-proclaimed Sultan obtained the resources needed to establish his own private army. Both the Malaysian and Philippine governments have launched official investigations into allegations that figures within Malaysia's political opposition had a hand in aiding the Sulu gunmen. Reuters cited an anonymous Filipino military officer who claimed that Sulu rebels were "invited to Sabah by a Malaysian opposition politician". The blame has been laid on Malaysia's de-facto opposition leader, Anwar Ibrahim, who Malaysian reports say has links to Filipino insurgent networks that have long eyed the resource-rich state of Sabah in northern eastern Borneo. Local journalist Adrian Lai recently unearthed classified diplomatic cables from the US embassy in Manila brought to light by WikiLeaks, which document ties between Nur Misauri, former chairmen of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), and Malaysia's main opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim. The MNLF is a political movement that pitted itself against predominately Christian Manila by seeking political autonomy for Muslim majority provinces in the islands in the southern Philippines. In 2001, Manila accused Misauri of terrorism when he led an MNLF unit that attacked an outpost of the Philippine army, prompting him to seek refuge in Sabah on the assumption that authorities in Muslim-majority Malaysia would empathize with him and block his extradition. Misauri was detained by Malaysian security forces in Sabah and sent back to the Philippines where he was jailed until 2008. WikiLeaks cables claim that Misauri detested the Malaysian government for turning him over to Philippine authorities and that he was "a strong advocate for the recovery of Sabah". The cables claim that Misauri boasted that his militias could invade Sabah in the span of two hours. WikiLeaks has also confirmed that Misauri maintained close connections to Anwar Ibrahim, and that the two had met on several occasions. A separate report issued by AFP cited US diplomatic cables that implicate a Saudi Arabian ambassador to the Philippines of funding Muslim groups seeking autonomy in the southern islands. Misauri recently criticized Philippine President Benigno Aquino for siding with Malaysia in his firm stance against the Sulu militants, warning the Aquino government of chaos if Sulu Sultan Jamalul Kiram III is apprehended. Anwar Ibrahim, who has vehemently denied all accusations, has long been considered a darling of the West. Mr. Ibrahim is a slippery character of sorts; he was once Malaysia's deputy prime minister prior to being sacked for getting too close to the IMF, among other things. Anwar also has friends in high places, from billionaire financier George Soros to senior neo-cons from the Bush administration. In recent times, Ibrahim has appealed to Carl Gershman, president of the US-Government funded foundation, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), requesting that he send a US observer team to Malaysia to monitor the upcoming elections. Ibrahim enraged many when he stated he would support policy to protect the security of Israel, and while his political party has long received training and backing from the International Republican Institute (IRI) chaired by Republican Senator John McCain, there is little doubt that Anwar – a creature of Washington's taxpayer funded "Democracy Promotion" overseas – would be the trusted ally that the White House is looking for as it refocuses its military muscle and political influence to the Asia-Pacific region. Philippine President Benigno Aquino has recently conceded that events in Sabah showed signs of a conspiracy. A recent statement issued by Malaysian political-scientist Dr. Chandra Muzaffar alludes to reports of Malaysian opposition figures promising land, titles and other sinecures to the Sulu Sultanate if they emerged victorious in the upcoming elections. Muzaffar argues that a security crisis in Sabah, regarded as a political stronghold for the Barisan Nasional (BN) government, could weaken the ruling parties hold over the state, leading to a hung parliament or a narrow victory for the BN, prompting in his words, "massive street agitation which could pave the way for a regime change, which is the goal of not only the Opposition but also its foreign backers." When Chandra talks of "foreign backers", he is referring to the US political establishment. Read more at:
Coffin with Tian Chua’s Photo Found at PKR Headquarters Posted: 16 Mar 2013 11:55 AM PDT The capper on the series of incidents occurred in the predawn hours of Saturday morning, when a coffin-like box was placed outside the entrance to the state PKR headquarters in Bukit Piatu. The 'coffin' covered in black cloth was made from polystyrene. A framed photo of Tian Chua was placed on top, along with a garland of flowers. Completing the macabre image, red specks to resemble blood were sprinkled about the display. Those placing the 'coffin' are assumed to be very dissatisfied with Chua's alleged speculation that implied Umno somehow had something to gain from the Lahad Datu intrusion. The alleged comments, reported by PKR organ Keadilan Daily while the government was in the midst of trying to settle the touchy situation with a minimum loss of life through negotiations, didn't win him many fans. However, the 'coffin' takes dissatisfaction to a new level – one that is illegal. The police have opened an investigation paper on the case under Section 506 of the Penal Code for criminal intimidation, as the 'coffin' could be interpreted as a threat to the PKR vice president's life. This act is not merely illegal, it is simply wrong, and unbecoming in a mature democracy. The highly-visible PKR officer and MP is starting to feel the wrath of those he allegedly insulted with his seditious words. On Friday, police were called when Chua received a hostile reception at a rally in Kedah. Around 40 people gathered prior to his arrival, carrying banners and shouting when the PKR vice president arrived to explain his alleged, controversial comments. Read more at:
PI Bala - PII Americk Singh Sidhu Posted: 16 Mar 2013 08:40 AM PDT Breaking a promise for justice, how noble indeed. Do I trust Messr Americk? You be the judge. Malaysikini , "The truth about Bala's first statutory declaration", Americk Sidhu 15 March 2013, "Valen had met Bala two years earlier, when Valen was engaged to represent Razak Baginda (before Razak was arrested). Bala and Razak were actually in Valen's office at 7.30am the day Razak was arrested.From the annals of history, after much cross-examining to ensure PI Bala's memory was vivid and after Bala had cross checked each detail, the PI Bala Americk prepared Statutory Declaration Item 51 courtesy of anwaribrahimblog, 51. On the day Abdul Razak Baginda was arrested, I was with him at his lawyers office at 6.30 a.m.So what? Those of you on the other side will say. Okay. Here's more "truth about Bala's first", "As the restaurant we were in was closing, we decided to adjourn to the Backyard pub down the road to continue our conversation. This is when fellow lawyer R Sivarasa turned up and joined us. The discussion continued.Well, here is a more vivid recollection of Americk Singh Sidhu at the time, the day PI Bala made the U-turn, to be precise. From the anal of time in non other than Anwar Ibrahim's blogpost, "Thank you for joining the live webcast of the press conference. KeADILan Vice President Sivarasa Rasiah (MP for Subang) and lawyer for P. Balasubramaniam, Americk Sidhu's statements are below," — PRESS STATEMENT FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE BY AMERICK SINGH SIDHU — 4 July 2008, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia - "I first met Mr. Bala in the presence of a few other persons in a restaurant about two months ago where he asked me to assist with preparing a formal document incorporating some evidence that had not been presented in the ongoing Altantuya trial."
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