Isnin, 25 Mac 2013

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Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

Malays must avoid being a Broken People -- Re: Chinese Malaysians, Too, Have Died For ...

Posted: 24 Mar 2013 12:26 PM PDT 

The way things are going with Mahathir still around, the next May 13 won't be between Malay and Chinese. It will be between Malay and Malay. Malays (Umno) will be killing Malays (PKR) and/or vice versa 

Joe Fernandez

If Malays want to avoid being a Broken People, they and others as well, should not get into rhetoric and polemics and the politics of disruption and distraction. 

The media, in that sense, is doing a great disservice to the people. They should focus on helping make a difference for the better, not run back and forth between Mahathir Mohamad and Anwar Ibrahim to manufacture news. Every fart from Mahathir is in the news.

We should focus on what brings us together as a people. 

The first step here is not to accept the authorities forcing non-Muslims to convert and become murtads, their spouses as well, when they marry Muslims. The children of parents who are both Muslim and non-Muslim are being denied Malaysian personal documents, even birth certificates, by the National Registration Department (NRD). This is unconstitutional, and thereby unlawful and illegal. Quite a number of stateless Indians are in this category.

Many leaders and managers don't know what leadership and management are all about (definition, role, functions, strategies, responsibilities, obligations, duties), what is authority, delineation, delegation, responsibility (as distinct from responsibilities), prerogative and discretionary powers, insubordination, service, power, mvimoga (motto, vision, mission, objectives, goals, activities) incorporating plans and programmes.

This is the reason why many leaders and managers in Malaysia are appaling failures and are reduced to kulitfication, sycophancy, and politicking to cover up their failures, save face and survive. They swear by self-preservation. These are the people driving Malay companies and GLCs to bankruptcy and dependent on perennial government bail-outs.

If we knew what leadership and management were all about, some people wouldn't insist that the Prime Minister must be a Malay and Muslim for all eternity. We wouldn't insist on the quota system and the like and swear by racism, prejudice and opportunism.

We wouldn't tolerate the lack of goodwill.

We would accept a Culture of the Brightest and Best from around the world, as in America, leading the way for all of us.

While education should be liberalised and democraticised and made available to all, how can the Government hand out degrees left, right and centre to any Tom, Dick and Harry even in critical disciplines and impose restrictions on non-Malays and non-Muslims in this field under the policy of "state secret"? This is unprecedented in world history.

Thanks to Mahathir, who by the way was not qualified to enter the Medical Faculty of Universiti Malaya in Singapore and had the worst marks among the five Malays accepted by the University on British advice, the private sector doesn't accept any Malay with a degree from a Government university. Those taken in are not because of qualification but kulitfication.

Having said all that, I wouldn't worry so much about the NEP and Article 153 of the Federal Constitution. 

I even advised Waythamoorthy many times that he must not call for Article 153 to be abolished. It's politically incorrect. 

It's not really necessary for its removal, no easy matter, from the Constitution.

However, I would agree with Waytha if he says that he sees no reason why the Malays should be covered by Article 153. 

The Malay-speaking communities in Malaya -- Bugis, Javanese, Minang, Acehnese, Arab Muslims, Indian Muslims etc -- are not Orang Asal (Original People). They are a nation bound by language and religion and existing as a people without territory in Malaya and South Thailand. It's evident in the "Malay as a nation" definition in the Federal Constitution. 

I am not saying all this because my family is Orang Asal and most of my relatives on both sides are Orang Asal.

The Malays are not the only nation in Malaysia. The Orang Asal, Indians and Chinese are nations too.

Bumiputera (sons of the soil) is an administrative fig leaf created as an umbrella term by Tunku Abdul Rahman to allow the Malays to be included in the same category as Orang Asal for the political purpose of Government handouts meant only for them and at the expense of others. The Orang Asal are already Orang Asal. They don't need terms like Native and Bumiputera to describe them. Incidentally, the Orang Asal don't benefit from the Bumiputera term unless they are Muslims or agree to become Muslims. This tantamounts to ethnic cleansing and cultural genocide and a defiance and violation of the Malaysia Agreement.

In fact, all citizens who are born in Malaysia are Bumiputera.

All citizens by operation of law and born in Malaysia are Natives.

This spirit can be found in the uncodified Federal Constitution of Malaysia. What we have now is the codified Constitution of Malaya being passed off as the codified Constitution of Malaysia.

What we should focus on, as I advised Waythamoorthy, is on Umno usurping the power of the King over Article 153, and the deviations and distortions in the implementation of the said Article and the NEP.

What we should focus on is abuse of the terms Bumiputera, Islam, Syariah, Syariah Court, Fatwa and Article 3 of the Federal Constitution.

What we should focus on is administrative laws -- not law at all but government policies in action -- which are anti non-Malay minorities and therefore unconstitutional, and thereby unlawful and illegal.

What we should focus on is Umno twisting and turning every issue into a racial and religious issue in order to scare the Malays in Malaya, the 55 per cent majority community, into circling the wagons and gathering under one political platform -- Umno and Ketuanan Melayu -- to splinter the 45 per cent non-Malay minorities.

Ketuanan Melayu (Malay political supremacy and dominance) is a sick combination of Apartheid (Waytha is right), Nazism, Fascism, Communism, Political Islam, and the anti-upward social mobility of the evil Caste System of ancient India.

It's ketuanan Melayuism which has facilitated the distortions and deviations in the implementation of Article 153 and NEP, making them into Sapu Bersih clauses.

It's all the Malays gathering under Umno and the two-third majority in Parliament which has facilitated the ruling elite, a tiny minority, to run up the National Debt Burden so that they can put their hands in the National Cookie Jar, at the expense of us all, under the guise of affirmative action and bringing so-called development to the people.

Putrajaya rules Sabah and Sarawak through local Muslim proxies, their non-Muslim stooges, and rogue elements who issue MyKads to illegal immigrants and pad the electoral rolls with them, marginalising and disenfranchising the Orang Asal and other citizens -- especially local Muslims including Orang Asal -- in the process.

The Malays in Malaya should take a good, long, hard look at the Chinese and Singapore and not continue on the path of self-destruction and Malaysia's eventual bankruptcy, like a nuclear bomb ticking away, laid out for them by Umno Baru under Mahathir.

The Umno Baru leaders especially Mahathir and Family, in a desperate bid to survive and continue to leech off the people as parasites and bloodsuckers, are poisoning the minds of the Malays behind closed doors against the Chinese. 

The Malays, as a people with maruah, should not allow this charade to continue. 

The way things are going with Mahathir still around, the next May 13 won't be between Malay and Chinese. It will be between Malay and Malay. Malays (Umno) will be killing Malays (PKR) and/or vice versa. The Opposition will not allow BN to form the Federal Government if the latter gets less votes collectively nationwide than the former in the forthcoming 13th GE and/or less than 50 per cent of the votes. 

Umno Baru will probably use the illegal immigrants from Madura, Indonesia, to do their dirty job as Mahathir did during the Kampung Medan killings of Indians. This is ethnic cleansing and genocide which has so far gone punished. Mahathir, along with Harun Idris and Razak, were involved in fomenting the searing Sino-Malay Fri 13 May, 1969 race riots. Mahathir had just lost in Kubang Pasu to Pas when the Chinese voted against the Alliance. Penang had fallen to the Opposition and Selangor and Perak were 50:50. May 13 was used to create BN.

No nation in the world talks about a national car, about this or that race having so many per cent of this or that, high income economy, developed nation status, Towering Malay; demi bangsa, agama, negara; pemimpin yang di sanjung tinggi, pemimpin yang menjadi contoh kepada negara lain, negara yang menjadi contoh kepada negara membangun, economy dan negara yang pesat membangun, negara maju, best administrative service in the world, best police in the world, cleanest electoral rolls in the world, Tongkat Ali ini itu, Kacip Fatimah ini itu etc etc.

Why do the Malays allow all this? Why do the Malays allow themselves to be ridiculed, humiliated and insulted in this manner?

It's because of the womb to tomb dependency syndrome foisted on them over the last 56 years by Umno.

We all know what happened to the Indians in America after the US Government foisted the dependency syndrome on them.

A once proud people, warriors, became a Broken People.

Do the Malays want to become a Broken People?

Don't be lulled into complacency by the developed nation status by 2020 mantra of Umno.

This is a Great Lie!

In 1990, Mahathir said that he had worked out that Malaya/Malaysia had been growing on the average at 6.3 per cent per annum since 1957.

So, he reckoned that if Malaysia could grow at 7 per cent per annum over a 30 year period, 1990 to 2020, the economy would grow eight-fold and we would emerge as a developed nation. Wawasan 2020! Perfect vision. Is that utopia? No wonder Tengku Razaleigh described Wawasan 2020 as a gimmick during one talk in Australia during which he charged that Umno leaders were awarding Government contracts to themselves. 

The US by the way is a developed nation, the richest country in the world, but it has a National Debt Burden equivalent to its US$ 16 trillion GDP -- fortunately 90 per cent of it denominated locally -- poverty, homelessness etc etc

Malaysia has never grown at 7 per cent per annum since 1990.

In 1997 the Asian Currency Crisis intervened to send our growth rate into negative territory, many businesses into bankruptcy forcing government bailouts, the ringgit dropped to RM 5 to US$ 1 etc etc.

So, how is Malaysia going to be a developed nation by 1990 since the 1997 crisis flushed all the 1990 projections of one man down the toilet bowl.

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak initially didn't mention developed nation status when he took over. Instead, he harped on a new gimmick: High Income Nation.

More recently, he has been mentioning both developed nation status and High Income Economy by 2020.

Mohd Nor Yakop, the man responsible for listening to Mahathir's hare-brained ideas and losing billions of Bank Negara reserves on the forex market, even thinks Malaysia will achieve Mahathir's vision of a developed nation status well before 2020.

I put it to you that Umno leaders think that we are morons and can continue to ridicule and humiliate us and insult our intelligence in this manner.

Mohd Nor Yakop is a bugger who never learnt to count just like his master Mahathir. 

Joe Fernandez is a mature student of law and an educationist, among others, who loves to write especially Submissions for Clients wishing to Act in Person. He feels compelled, as a semi-retired journalist, to put pen to paper -- or rather the fingers to the computer keyboard -- whenever something doesn't quite jell with his weltanschauung (worldview). He shuttles between points in the Golden Heart of Borneo formed by the Sabah west coast, Labuan, Brunei, northern Sarawak and the watershed region in Borneo where three nations meet. 


My political thoughts during the Hunger Viratham Day Fifteen 25th March 2013

Posted: 24 Mar 2013 12:06 PM PDT 

When the estates gave way for development and these displaced workers were laid off, they found themselves in a terrible lurch. Many parts of their social system just vanished. They were, to start with, an impoverished community. How could they afford to rebuild their social system all on their own?


P. Waythamoorthy 


This is the fifteenth day of my Hunger Viratham. The past fourteen days have given me a great opportunity to grow. Thinking, writing, listening and observing during this period of the fast has allowed me to push my thoughts further and deeper into issues that otherwise I would have passed over summarily. This Hunger Viratham has become a significant opportunity for me not only to demonstrate my commitment to the cause of the marginalized in the country but also to deepen my understanding of how things work or should work in our universe.


This brings up the opportunity for me to write today about the role of Government in human affairs in a multicultural and multiethnic environment.






Tarmar Raj is a young 29 year old man living in Kuala Ketil in Kedah. His recently deceased father, late Mr. Maniyan was an active social worker in that area for most part of his life. He was a well known spokesperson for the displaced estate workers in that area. Their lives had revolved around that area since their forefathers had been sent there by the British Colonial Administrators.


In Tarmar Raj's own words "We have resided in or around Ladang Batu Pekaka for over 50 years. My paternal grandfather who passed away in 1965 is buried here at the Ladang Batu Pekaka Hindu Burial Ground. My uncle, brother of my father passed away in 1987 and my grand aunt who passed away in 1984 are also buried there. My father when he was alive had told me on several occasions that he would like to be buried at the same Burial Ground when he died. He wanted to be buried by his father and he wanted his mother, his wife and the rest of the family to be buried alongside him. But by the time he passed away in May 2011 the Ladang Batu Pekaka Hindu Burial Ground had been demolished by the Kedah State Development Authorities. We therefore could not fulfill his desire. His wishes will never be met."


The Burial Ground that Tarmar Raj speaks about has been a Burial Ground for the former and current estate workers of Barlow Boustead Co and its subsidiary Selangor Coconuts Sdn Bhd for more than 60 years. The Burial Ground which has about 300 graves is situated on a one acre piece of land within the former estate premise. The Burial Ground has been administered by the local temple and assisted by the association of Hindus in the area. There used to be annual functions held to upkeep the Burial Grounds and this was a lively social event of the community in Kuala Ketil. In addition families gathered and held prayers on Death Anniversaries, Deepavali and Aadi Ammavasai for their ancestors in fulfillment of their filial duties.

In 2005 the land was acquired by the Kedah State Development Corporations and talks were begun for the relocation of the Burial Ground. Then in 2008 with the change in the Government things took a different turn. The process of removing the Burial Ground acquired greater urgency. The tactics used to convince and to coax the people out, were the usual divide and rule, manipulation, threats and using Mandores to intervene. In this respect the PAS led government did not behave any differently than the BN Government before them. The PAS State Government effectively paid a small sum of RM 3,000 to each next of kin and gave them a date by which to relocate the graves without any offer of an alternative location for the Burial Ground. They then went ahead with the demolition of the Burial Ground in December of 2009, in what appeared to be great haste.

The late Mr. Maniyan who stood in the forefront of the representation for a just and fair resolution was ultimately defeated by these machinations of the PAS State Government. In Tarmar Raj's own words, 'We watched helplessly as the graves of our ancestors were demolished never to be visible to us anymore.' This was a great disappointment for the late Mr. Maniyan and he really did not recover from this episode and eventually passed away of a heart attack in 2011 May at the age of 61.

The point of this story is simply this: social amenities such as Burial Grounds are a necessary part of the social system of any community. These rural Indian communities transplanted from Deep South India a long time ago were provided with such amenity as long as the rubber estates functioned. When the estates gave way for development and these displaced workers were laid off, they found themselves in a terrible lurch. Many parts of their social system just vanished. They were, to start with, an impoverished community. How could they afford to rebuild their social system all on their own?

In our country, these displaced estate worker communities are spread all over from north to south. They all are faced with the same or similar problems – the demolition of the various structures that are part of their social system –Temples, Shrines, Burial Grounds and Schools. This problem is unique to this community but because of its scale we consider it a national social problem. The Hindraf Blueprint clearly proposes a robust solution to address this situation. To call initiatives such as in the Blueprint to address these problems as narrow and racist is extremely anti national in my opinion.

Does the State have any role in the provision of these amenities to the citizens of the country? Does Tarmar Raj have a natural right to such amenities? Do the communities such as those that Tarmar Raj comes from have a natural right to amenities like the Burial Ground? Or are these situations not to be considered natural rights and are to be handled by the community themselves with no aid or assistance from the State? Even if the community is an impoverished and small community?

My opinion about all this is that the role of the state is not just to disburse the resources of the nation and to formulate and administer the process of the creation of wealth. Their role also includes quite clearly, getting into the details of the human affairs of all the ethnic groups in our country and to establish robust solutions for the social needs of each community.

There is much that needs to be done to come up with solutions, to systematize and streamline, to adjust according to changing national situations so that all these needs are well satisfied and are sustainable. This is a critical role of Government in a multi racial, multicultural society. They must provide the necessary support, resources, procedures, laws, enforcements and education to play this role out effectively. The Government needs to recognize this and needs not to lose important perspectives because of the politics.

There is great need in our country to reform these procedures of administration of social services. We have such a mix of socio-cultural practices that makes the situation more complex. The Government cannot take a simplistic approach or operate in denial. We all have our genes running through in Malaysia, till eternity. There is no other location for our genes.


PR bans cyanide, BCAC Joins Pahang Green Corridors to overthrow BN Government

Posted: 24 Mar 2013 12:02 PM PDT 

The Barisan Nasional Government Leave Us with No Other Choice But To Fight Back. The People of Raub Rise Up To Reclaim Justice! We shall specifically assist the Pakatan Rakyat to win the parliamentary seat of Raub as well as the three State Legislative seats (DUN) under the said parliamentary constituency.

Pahang Raub Ban Cyanide in Gold Mining Action Committee (BCAC)

The Ban Cyanide Action Committee of Bukit Koman Raub hereby declares that in the coming 13th General Election we shall coordinate our efforts with the Pahang Green Corridor which is a civil society initiative. We shall specifically assist the Pakatan Rakyat to win the parliamentary seat of Raub as well as the three State Legislative seats (DUN) under the said parliamentary constituency. We are determined to bring to an end the rule of Barisan Nasional.

The Ban Cyanide Action Committee has been in close consultation with the Pakatan Rakyat leaders for the past month. The Pakatan Rakyat of Pahang has agreed to include in the Pahang State Pakatan Rakyat Manifesto the banning on the usage of cyanide in gold mining. The Pakatan Rakyat national leadership has also confirmed their consistent stand to ban the use of cyanide in gold mining and will further elaborate this position in the Pakata Rakyat 13th General Election Manifesto. Such an action will help to alleviate the skin diseases and other physical illness which has afflicted the residents of Raub. It will restore green and clean homes to Raub.

The "Ban Cyanide, Protect Our Homes" movement has been going on for seven years. Every resident has suffered great physical distress and mental anguish. Not only do we have to endure the poisonous hydrogen cyanide gas, we have to travel afar to seek justice and fairness so that we may protect our environment and conserve it for our future generations. We walk from our village to another; we travel from Raub to Parliament; we sought justice at the law courts; we organised a 20,000 strong Himpunan Hijau Raub on September the 2nd 2012. The MPs and ADUN of Barisan Nasional YB Liow Tiong Lai, YB Ng Yen Yen and YB Ho Kai Mun have never help the residents in their fair and just struggle. On the contrary, they have repeatedly slandered the Ban Cyanide Action Committee by maliciously accusing us of "politicizing" the issue of  cyanide in gold mining, or the committee" being used and manipulated by opposition political parties" etc. They have refused to deal with the real issue of the diseases afflicting the residents of Raub.

Under the rule of the Barisan Nasional, both the federal and state agencies have hidden the fact that the ambient air in Bukit Koman contains hydrogen cyanide gas exceeding 33 times the maximum upper limit in New York. The Federal Court had also dismissed a judicial review filed by the Ban Cyanide Action Committee in September 2012. Having exhausted all recourse in the executive, legislative and judiciary arms of the Barisan National administration, we cannot help but despair and lose confidence in the Barisan Nasional. The Barisan Nasional had left us with no other choice but to join the Pahang Green Corridor to defeat the Barisan Nasional in the coming General Election. Only when the people of Raub rise up to fight for justice, can we save ourselves!

The people of Pahang must rekindle the spirit of Mat Kilau who had bravely fought the British Colonialists to defend the interests of the local residents. We must continue to fight back and break free from the chains of oppression forcibly imposed on us. The spirit of Mat Kilau transcends not only racial identities, but also the time frames of colonialism to the present era. It augurs well for the people of Pahang to bring back to life the demand for self determination as championed by Mat Kilau and to demand for " Free and Prior Consent" of the community before any developmental project is approved. In accordance with such principle and practice, we must unite to oppose all toxic and harmful industries.





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