Selasa, 27 Disember 2011

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Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

Kim Jong-Nurul?

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 07:53 AM PST

It's troubling because cultism often leads to what I term as 'Kim-ism', a word derived from the 'Great Leader' (wakakaka) Kim Il Sung, president of North Korea from 1948 to 1994. He was succeeded by his son Kim Jong Il (1994 to 2001), who in turn had been succeeded by his son Kim Jong Un.

Now, would it be wrong for leading politicians to be joined and/or succeeded by their sons/daughters, like Tun Razak was by Najib, Dr Mahathir by Mukhriz, Lim KS by Lim GE, Pak Haji Nik Aziz by Nik Adli (who had the misfortune to be detained for 5 years under ISA for alleged terrorist activities and membership in KMM) and Anwar Ibrahim by Nurul Izzah?

Shall I also add AAB by s-i-l KJ? wakakaka.

Externally, there's our neighbour Lim Kuan Yew being succeeded by his son Lee Hsien Loong (with another PM Goh CT in between), Soekarno eventually by Megawati, and then there's the ruling oligarchy of the Philippines which has kept the presidency principally among 3 families.

Even sweetest Aung Sung Suu Kyi is the daughter of Aung San, founder of modern Burma or Myammar.

Sons and daughters (and son-in-laws wakakaka) succeeding their fathers/mothers (and f-i-l) as political leaders are found everywhere, in the USA, Australia, etc and are particularly common in the States of the sub-continent such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

If these sons and daughters are qualified, capable, competent and experienced enough to be political leaders in their own rights, then why not?

But when a young brat is shoved upwards like Kim Jong Un, then it is 'Kim-ism'. I personally believe Najib being made MB of Pahang at 21 years old was definitely an act of 'Kim-ism', though to be fair to him NOW, some 30 over years have since gone by, during which time he was exposed to a variety of political & ministerial positions before assuming the position of PM, not unlike PM Lee Hsien Loong of Singapore.

Najib certainly has the experience and exposure to be PM, thus we should no longer accuse him of benefitting from cultist promotion anymore, though whether he is/will be a good one remains to be seen ...

... which brings us to Nurul Izzah, the so-called Puteri Reformasi and beloved icon of the anwaristas.

Many have been the times I read/heard of the preposterous proposals for Nurul to be nominated as the PM of a Pakatan-ruled Malaysia, in the event of the non availability of her father. Those proposals have been so unrealistically moronic, leaving me flabbergasted by the puerile mentality of those blind-as-bats idol-worshippers. Then I could only think of poor hard working, politically far superior Fuziah Salleh, who only lacks the (questionable) pedigree to be considered!

10 days ago, RPK made a far more reasonable proposal to chart Nurul's progress upwards, one which appears to be practical and not unlike the one Lee Kuan Yew had done for his son Hsien Loong, where the Chosen One is incrementally exposed to various appointments and experiences before finally stepping onto the Hot Seat.

RPK wrote this in his post The need to chart Nurul Izzah's career path. Some relevant extracts follow:



kisah kaki lutu dan IPO Felda Global

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 07:26 AM PST

Berapa nilai durian runtuh tersebut? Barang di ingat durian runtuh ini sekali sahaja. Dan peneroka akan menikmati nya jika mereka menjual saham free yang mereka terima. Free dari mana? Tentulah FGV yang akan beri. Jika tidak, maka tidak ada galakan atau insentif untuk peneroka menyerah jiwa dan raga mereka bukan?

Setelah di IPO kan, pegangan FGV ialah sekitar 28%. ( 39% dari 70% perniagaan). Pegangan KPF ialah 42%.  FGV akan set aside sebahagian dari saham mereka untuk di agihkan kepada 220,000 peneroka. Berapa banyak yang akan di agihkan? Katalah 10%. 10% itu berapa nilai nya dalam sebutan mutlak? Saya tidak tahu macam mana mereka buat perhitungan, tapi target FGV ialah mencatat nilai 7 billion apabila di IPO. Jadi kalau mereka set aside 10%, maka nilai mutlak nya ialah 700 juta. Bahagikan 700 juta ini dengan 220,000, maka seoang peneroka akan mendapat lebih kurang RM3200 seorang.

Terpulanglah kepada peneroka untuk berfikir adakah premium 3200 seorang ini setimpal dengan penyerahan segala yang mereka miliki secara lansung melalui KPF dalam FH berbaloi. 3200 di bahagikan dengan 12 bulan, tidak sampai 300 Ringgit sebulan.

Tapi siapa mahu kasi 3000-4000 setahun kepada setiap peneroka? Anwar Ibrahim? Kit Siang? Nik Aziz? Semua tak boleh. Hanya Isa bin Samad sahaja yang boleh. Siapa tentang akan kena lutu. Sebab Isa Samad kata kalau dia jumpa orang itu, dia akan lutu. Hoho. Dalam dunia ini Isa bin Samad sahaja yang boleh lutu. Dan Isa Samad sudah pun lutu Zulkifli Wahab. Sehingga Isa Samad hantar gerombolan perkasa supaya menakutkan Zul Wahab.

PM telah beri tugas kepada Isa Samad, Isa- you jayakan IPO ini by any means necessary. Maka, tentangan terhadap penyenaraian akan di pandang serong dan di anggap suatu sikap yang anti peneroka. Sedangkan jika di kaji, bukankah penyenarian tersebut akan meninggikan harga saham koperasi permodalan FELDA?

Tapi kita serius sikit. Apakah yang merisaukan atau boleh merisaukan peneroka? Kepentingan peneroka terletak pada pegangan KPF dalam FELDA Holdings. Peneroka menguasai 51% daripada saham dalam FH. Ini bermakna mereka mempunyai penguasaan lansung atau direct control keatas tanah2 dan asset dalam FH. Bila penyenaraian berlaku, semua tanah dan asset di pajak kepada syarikat FGV yang disenaraikan. Sebagai balasan peneroka memiliki saham melalui KPF. Mereka tidak lagi menguasai secara lansung tanah dan asset.




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