Khamis, 24 November 2011

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Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

The case against MCA

Posted: 23 Nov 2011 01:52 PM PST

By Joyselling Ton via The Malaysian Insider

Not a day goes by without  Dr Chua Soi Lek and his gang trying to get Malaysian Chinese to support them — and they do not do so by showing themselves to be a superior product than the competition, namely, the DAP, but by scare-mongering.

These are the favourite tools and tactics devised by the MCA's war room, which is helmed by MCA politicians and The Star journalists like Wong Chun Wai, and assisted by funds from Huaren.

1) The hudud scare. MCA hopes that by constantly harping on PAS and hudud law, the Malaysian Chinese voters will desert DAP and Pakatan Rakyat, and give their support to MCA and Barisan Nasional.

But these self-serving politicians from MCA and their propaganda machine, The Star, do not want to acknowledge one fact that cannot be challenged: Malaysia was declared an Islamic state by Umno and  it was under Umno that religious intolerance has become noticeable here. And while this was happening, MCA politician collaborated with their Umno partners.

A case in point is the legislation in Selangor that allowed Jais officials to raid the Damansara Utama Methodist Church. The enactment was passed in the Selangor assembly under the then Barisan Nasional government.

So it is really disingenuous for MCA now to talk about DAP selling out to PAS, or stoke talk about hudud. And another point to ponder: Given Umno's track record of trying to outdo PAS, isn't it likely that the extremists of Umno will introduce some form of hudud sooner than later? And then, like the political eunuchs they are and proven to be, the MCA will be silent.

2) Let MCA be the check and balance. According to the party officials in Penang, the people there should give MCA a chance to keep the Pakatan Rakyat government there honest.

This plea is interesting on two counts: it acknowledges that the voters of Penang are likely to return Lim Guan Eng and comrades to power and, by extension, this would mean that the DAP/PR government have done a good job.

So why should the voters give MCA a few seats? They have performed poorly in the assembly and were completely cowed by Umno Penang when the state was under the control of BN.

3) Notice how silent Dr Chua Soi Lek and MCA have been on the National Feedlot scandal. Do they dare to condemn Shahrizat Jalil or Khairy Jamaluddin for his ridiculous defence of the mismanagement and abuse? Do they even dare to challenge Utusan Malaysia when it makes scurrilous allegations against non-Malays?

The MCA is a party of politicians interested in their own welfare. It is helmed by a president who still harbours hopes of being a minister despite moral failings. It is a party that has presided over the biggest financial scandal in history: The PKFZ.

This is a scandal that could cost the taxpayers RM12 billion! And they ask us to be afraid of PAS and hudud. Heck, they have been castrating us all these years even without hudud.

If I have one wish, it is for the likes of MCA and Gerakan to be annihilated at the comings polls.

Because they have collaborated with a party that has damaged our beloved Malaysia.

Populist policies undermine reform

Posted: 23 Nov 2011 01:47 PM PST

By Dr Kua Kia Soong, Director, Suaram

WATCHING recent events and statements by Malaysian politicians, the urgent need for reform in our country risks being undermined by populism on both sides of the political divide as they jostle for votes in an impending general election.

From the Barisan Nasional, we have seen the free handouts of RM100 to students in the school system without any form of means testing. We have also recently witnessed the extreme form of populism – "mobocracy", whereby mob rule can dictate that a perfectly legal and peaceful event such as Seksualiti Merdeka be banned by the police.

Pakatan Rakyat has also indulged in populism since it came into power, which makes us wonder about the substance of reformasi. First, the Selangor government gave away free water without any form of means testing or "demand management" which is crucial to water conservation. Now, to the suggestion that we should look into making the civil service lean and mean, PR says that while this makes economic sense, it is politically foolhardy. One wonders if the promised rescission of the New Economic Policy will later be similarly jettisoned because of "political consideration".

During the fifties and sixties, Malaysian schools had some form of means testing to ensure that deserving students (i.e. those from lower-income families) could have access to fee waivers, free textbooks and even free meals. Such a progressive policy was a prudent use of valuable resources and did not create resentment among better-off students. In contrast, the handout of RM100 to students regardless of income is not only an imprudent use of taxpayers' money, it is likely to be ridiculed as meaningless by students from rich families.

Likewise, the populist granting of free water by the Selangor government to all and sundry. Why should those who squander water washing their cars every day be entitled to free water? How do the orang asli feel about such wastage when they were displaced from their ancestral land for the Selangor Dam supposedly because they had been told the dam was vital for the needs of the Klang Valley?

Is such a populist measure congruent with the call for demand management which is crucial to water conservation everywhere in the world? It makes nonsense of the call for rainwater harvesting when we can have access to free treated water.

Every organisational transformation – especially in loss-making government agencies – needs a full audit and swift remedial action to follow. That is what the BN government's recent razzmatazz about "transformation this and transformation that" ought to be about. Nowhere is this more obvious than in our heavily bloated civil service.

For example, our power plants have failed to run at full capacity, about which I have repeatedly called for thorough audits. The crisis in our energy industry is certainly not just due to the current gas shortage. The same can be said for the decades-old mismanagement and inefficiencies in KTM.

In my title last year, "Questioning Arms Spending in Malaysia", I not only called for a drastic reduction of our defence budget but also the conversion of arms production to socially useful production and the promotion of a culture of peace. The billions of ringgit saved could be used to create thousands of jobs.

Likewise, any shake-up of our civil service need not necessarily lead to unemployment, but to leaner and more efficient organisations, jobs retraining and the creation of more alternative sectors. Many highly profitable industries such as our highways and public utilities could be nationalised and operated by civil servants. Since the end of the jungle war, the police field force can be redeployed for community policing and not to break up peaceful assemblies. To better serve the local community, social services such as the provision of public housing, education and transport needs to be professionally and productively managed, decentralised and handled by elected local authorities.

We should apply our minds to retraining and redeploying our human resources. Remember World War II when we were forced to develop our domestic industries and grow our own food as a result of restrictions on foreign imports. Then again, when the war came to an end, every country had to convert its war production machinery to civilian production. This was no easy transition but every country managed to achieve this transformation.

Failure to demonstrate such flexibility and implement necessary reforms will see us going down the slippery slope that countries such as Greece and Italy find themselves in today. We can say goodbye to reformasi if the national agenda for change is usurped by populist desperadoes.

Dr Kua Kia Soong is a director of human rights organisation Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram).

MCLM Press Statement on the "Peaceful Assembly Bill 2011"

Posted: 23 Nov 2011 07:41 AM PST

By Haris Ibrahim, MCLM

At a time when more Malaysians are pressing for democratic rights, the new Peaceful Assembly Bill 2011 tabled in the Dewan Rakyat yesterday proves beyond doubt that Najib is a congenital liar. 

Most convincingly, this new Bill bulldozes to the ground whatever empty promises Najib made on Sept 15 when he announced that he wanted to give Malaysians more freedom via a progressive package of social and political reforms including a review of Section 27 of the Police Act and the abolition of the Internal Security Act (ISA) and the Restricted Residence Act. 

MCLM opposes this proposed law which we deem as a repressive tool to restrict civil freedom because it accords the police even more power to arrest individuals. 

While the new Bill does away with the need for a permit to gather in public, alongside is a raft of new restrictions including barring protesters from taking to the street - a form of assembly in motion, or procession which is already legally recognised in section 27 of the Police Act 1967.   

The Bill is a public comedy of contradictions. On one hand, the Bill requires people to provide 30 days' advance notice for assemblies, except for those in designated areas as defined by the home minister but on the other hand, it prohibits "street protest"  - a move inconsistent with section 10(e) (viii) of the Bill itself. 

Just last year, the government withdrew its reservations to Articles 1, 13 and 15 of the CRC on 6 June 2010, thus allowing children "the freedom to have their say, and the right to form associations and assemble peacefully". With this new Bill, children under 15 are not allowed to take part in assemblies, except in cultural or religious events such as funeral corteges or events approved by the home minister. Those under 21 years of age are not allowed to organise assemblies. 

Why bother with tabling another Bill to amend the Police Act, which will take away the need to obtain a police permit prior to organising an assembly and then impose MORE restrictions with this new Bill?  

The new Bill goes against the genuine spirit of human rights as specified in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Federal Constitution and the promise of the Prime Minister to institute democratic reform. 

MCLM is appalled that in a tweet, Najib said: "We (are) transforming our laws to protect constitutional rights of our citizens to assemble while protecting public order (and) security of Malaysia." 

Instead of protecting our constitutional rights, he is robbing us of those very rights under a hypocritical mask called transformation of laws! 

MCLM views with grave concern that all the pre-conditions, prior approvals not forgetting the restrictive legal provisions and greater empowerment of the police will severely discourage and dissuade the freedom of peaceful assembly, which is a basic human right. 

MCLM calls upon every right-minded MP to oppose this bill when it is debated in Parliament tomorrow for the second reading and for civil society to rise and reclaim their rights by publicly opposing this unconstitutional Bill which must NOT be passed at all. 

If this Bill is passed, it will prove beyond doubt that the current BN government will NEVER keep whatever shallow and empty promises made in a feeble whitewashing tactic to gain brownie points. 

Haris Ibrahim 

HINDRAF's statement in response to FMT news report on Karpal's call to Unite under Pakatan

Posted: 22 Nov 2011 04:35 PM PST

If we take a strong position with Pakatan now, driven by a commitment that we are making the right choice for the Indian working class then the see-saw is easily tipped back. However, given our experience, it behoves us to ensure that we are not just entering into a partnership of convenience but into a partnership based on mutually agreed upon principles so that any partnership we enter into will be robust and sustainable.

By P.Waytha Moorthy

We welcome DAP Chairman Mr Karpal Singh's invitation to us to join the Pakatan Rakyat coalition in a joint effort to unseat UMNO/BN in the forthcoming 13th GE. It is time that we recognise that we have had problems in the last 3 years, and also that it is now time to put aside those quarrels and to work out a strategy and synergy that is absolutely necessary and truly possible to unseat UMNO/BN.

Hindraf can in no way oust the ruling party on its own, and recent trends show that Pakatan is in the same boat. Both in 1990 with Semangat 46 and 1999 with Barisan Alternatif when there was disarray within UMNO the opposition coalition could not galvanize enough support amongst the polity to unseat UMNO. Only when Hindraf moved the critical working class Indian votes in GE12 in 2008 away from BN/UMNO was a there a definite change to that pattern. Only synergy will do the job.

As it stands today there seems to be a shift of 20-50% of the Indian votes away from Pakatan compared to that GE in March 2008. We say this has happened because of the ambivalence we have shown towards Pakatan in these intervening years. And our ambivalence deriving from our differences with Pakatan, was our way to indicate to the Pakatan coalition that Pakatan ignores us at their peril. The result of the ambivalence and the loss of the Hindraf momentum was the recent spate of visible by-election losses for Pakatan. We hope the point is abundantly made and it is time to move on.

If we take a strong position with Pakatan now, driven by a commitment that we are making the right choice for the Indian working class then the see-saw is easily tipped back. However, given our experience, it behoves us to ensure that we are not just entering into a partnership of convenience but into a partnership based on mutually agreed upon principles so that any partnership we enter into will be robust and sustainable.

To realize our mutual objectives, we call upon Mr Karpal Singh now to initiate discussion between the leaders of Pakatan and Hindraf/HRP to take this discussion to the next stage.

If Pakatan truly wants to oust UMNO/BN from the seat of power, then Pakatan has to see the opportunity in this.

In this context, we would like to add that the move to form the larger Pakatan coalition should encompass all the parties opposed to UMNO/BN across the spectrum in the Peninsula, Sarawak and Sabah, not just the few in the Peninsula. Even our nemesis, the UMNO led BN has 13 other parties spanning the whole country.

Let wisdom prevail.


Response to Malaysia Today for Open Letter to TM Group CEO on Request to Discontinue ...

Posted: 22 Nov 2011 04:32 PM PST

We refer to the article published by the Malaysia Today on 21 November 2011 on the request by Mr. Bobby Chiah of Kipark Selayang Condominum for TM to discontinue the construction of new telecommunication tower built opposite the condominium.

Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) wishes to clarify that its network team has immediately conducted a site visit this morning to the said location to ascertain the ownership of the tower mentioned. The visit confirmed that the tower in fact does not belong to TM and a signage erected within the vicinity of the tower, which is being built inside a water tank premise, indicated that it belongs to another telecommunications provider. There is also an existing tower which again belongs to another telecommunications provider.

TM wishes also to inform that we do not plan to construct any new tower in the area in the near future, except for maintaining the existing exchanges to cater to our current TM customers.

Please be assured that TM takes the safety and welfare of our customers very seriously and is committed to adhere to the policies and guidelines set by the Ministry of Housing and Local Government (KPKT); namely 'Garis Panduan Pembinaan Menara Telekomunikasi, Struktur Sistem Pemancar Di Kawasan Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan-2002' on the construction of any new towers.

Our TM representatives also managed to speak to Kipark Selayang Condominum's Residents Chairman to explain the situation. We are also replying directly to Mr. Chiah in response to the letter published here.

We hope the explanation above clarifies the matter and sincerely hope your concerns will be addressed by the appropriate parties. On a separate note, we seek Malaysia Today's cooperation in extending future concerns regarding TM submitted by your readers to us directly for us investigate and respond appropriately.

Taxi service to airport

Posted: 22 Nov 2011 04:25 PM PST

By Fendyoasis

I am writing in response to the MAS-AIR ASIA deal article. This has hot nothing to do with the deal but I just want to talk about the taxis in the airport and the little Napolean sucking us dry.

I don't own a car and I use the taxis all the time.

Now, have you ever wondered at the ludicrousness of the charge of taking taxis to the airport?

Do you know that taxis that drive passengers to the airport will charge the passenger an extra RM12 (if I am not mistaken) as compensation for them not to take any passengers from the airport back to town? They can't take any passengers from the airport or they will get a fine. Why is this? To protect the cronies of the taxi companies that run the airport so they will always have passengers from the airport. A taxi driver said to me that Nazri holds these companies. I don't know I am just quoting him, so don't saman me please.

Now isn't this a waste of our money? Why must we waste extra RM12 bucks just so that the business of airport taxis be profitable? Why can't we not pay the RM12 bucks and the taxi driver that drives us to the airport can pick up passengers from the airport and charge them by the taxi meter? No need to pay any extra charges at all. The taxi driver is happy, I am happy because I have to pay less. And in the end the economy is thriving at an efficient manner at the least cost for me and the taxi driver can maximize profit. Right?

This is what is happening on how Malaysia is being run. We don't need to think of the complications of the MAS and Air Asia deal. Just see the charges of taxi service to the airport and we can see the little Napoleans at work.

On a side note, kinda like charging tax for imported cars to force us to buy Proton cars. And they always ask us to reduce the cost of living. Why don't they just abolish the AP so that we can just buy cheap cars? Then we don't need to be burdened with an 11-year car loan. Proton can die after that. We really have stupid people running Malaysia now.

Mengapa Umno dan PERKASA tidak bersuara ketika MCA terus menerus menghina Islam?

Posted: 22 Nov 2011 04:11 PM PST

"Lawak Jenaka yang teruk dan tidak sepadan! MCA menganjurkan forum yang bertemakan "Hudud dan Implikasi ke atas bukan Islam di Malaysia" pada 4 Dis. Dan pada semua orang, Presiden MCA, Chua Soi Lek yang dicemari skandal akan menyampaikan ucaptama serta ucapan penutup.

Yang pertama, adakah Chua seorang Muslim? Adakah dia sudah memeluk Islam? Adakah dia benar-benar memahami Hudud? Apa yang membuatkan beliau berhak keatas Hudud? Apakah perkataan "zina" di dalam kamus? Sudah tentu dia akan bersungguh-sungguh untuk menentang dan menghina Hudud kerana, jika dia telah memeluk Islam, dia telah dilempar batu hingga mati kerana menipu isteri dan keluarganya.

Politik hanya perlu berasaskan kepada pembangunan sosial dan ekonomi negara. Ia adalah niat buruk ahli-ahli politik yang kegilaan kuasa yang bertanggungjawab bagi keadaan semasa yang memalukan negara, hal ehwal - ketidakadilan, rasuah dan penghakisan hak-hak demokratik rakyat Malaysia.

Dengan Umno membenarkan MCA dan Soi Lek untuk memperkecil-kecilkan nilai-nilai Hudud sebagai undang-undang jenayah Islam, dengan itu menghina Islam, apakah salah rakyat Malaysia untuk mengatakan bahawa MCA memang anti-Islam? Jika ya, apa yang Umno dan Perkasa lakukan mengenainya? Apakah lidah mereka telah terputus?"

Terjemahan dan petikan padangan dari Jackson Ng seorang wartawan yang telah bersara (Malaysia Chronicle).

Kalau kita boleh buat kesimpulan bahawa memang Umno/Perkasa hanya berani bersuara apabila ianya melibatkan pembangkang tetapi apabila rakan mereka sendiri menghina dan mempertikaikan undang-undang Islam mereka senyap seribu bahasa. Sepatutnya mereka jangan biarkan MCA terus mencabar dan menghina Islam dengan mengatakan sekiranya perundangan Islam yang terdapatnya Hudud dalamnya akan menyebabkan negara ini akan mundur kebelakang dan pelabur akan lari.

Bukan semua rakyat Malaysia dan yang bukan Islam takut dengan perundangan Islam di Malaysia hanya mereka yang suka melakukan jenayah berat saja yang akan menentang perundangan Islam. Kita mendesak agar MCA hentikan perbuatan yang terus menerus mencabar dan menghina Islam. Kepada Umno/Perkasa mengapa membiarkan Islam di hina oleh MCA? Apa tindakan kamu untuk menghalang MCA terus mencabar dan menghina Islam?

Kita rakyat Malaysia tidak mahu ada orang yang cuba mengeruhkan keadaaan dengan memainkan isu agama seperti perbuatan yang melampau yang cuba dilakukan oleh MCA.

Islam yang di perjuangkan PAS bukan seperti yang digambarkan oleh Umno/BN tetapi lebih kepada membawa rakyat Malaysia hidup sejahtera, aman dan damai serta menegak keadilan untuk semua tanpa mengira bangsa, agama dan fahaman politik.

PAS Miri
Jofri Jaraiee



Posted: 22 Nov 2011 03:10 PM PST

Can you believe it? Today, The Star reported that San Miguel got the green light from the relevant ministries. In short, the UMNO-led government approved the sale of Esso Malaysia to San Miguel a beer giant [].

560 pieces of strategic pieces of land throughout Malaysia (no-brainer right because these pieces of land are specially chosen for the traffic volume) to a foreign company whose directors are now under investigation in the Philippines for insider trading. As one of the member of the Senate committee stressed, we have enough evidence to indict that San Miguel Director []. So what's this UMNO-led government doing? Diddly shit, nothing in short.

On the excuse that any interference in the approval process would send wrong signals to the international press and the foreign investment community, the UMNO-led BN abdicated from its responsibilities. For this reason alone, if this government cannot protect the Malays, Muslims, and Malaysians in general, then it is not fit to govern.

The funny thing about all this is how treacherous UMNO and the old guards Mahathir, the sons Mirzan and Muhkriz have all berkomplot to get the beer company into Malaysia. Unbelievable as if it's not enough Mahathir as the advisor of Petronas told Petronas not to bid against San Miguel leaving the light-weights to go against a conspiracy which would go down in Malay history as the greatest betrayal of Malay rights – Tunku Abdul Rahman fought for our independence, our ability to discern what's good for our nation.

Mahathir and Najib have decided to betray that trust passed down by Tunku. Mahathir obviously has a thick A-file on Najib so Najib is nothing but a puppet. So we have to ask ourselves what next for Malaysia? In Egypt and Libya they kicked people like Mahathir out for good and threw them behind bars for stealing from the people. In the Phillipinnes, they are putting Arroyo to jail. It's high time we get going on putting Mahathir and his whole family behind bars and maybe even more than that.

Our opportunity is fast approaching. Make sure you vote this election. As long as UMNO is there, Mahathir and his cronies Daim, and his idotic children are stealing the riches of the nation. Can you imagine I was sitting there at Sharil (of Sapura fame)'s daughter wedding in Shangri-La and I told myself looking at all these crooks and arseholes and I told myself this is it – It's really too much and this last act of betrayal on Malay rights and our land is the last straw. Anything but UMNO (ABU). Remember, if we do not take this important action, who will?


Tunku Fariz



MyConsti PENANG Event: 'Perjuangan Mahasiswa': The UUCA and the Federal Constitution

Posted: 21 Nov 2011 06:08 PM PST

2.00pm on 27 November 2011

Dewan Bandar, Padang Kota Lama /Town Hall, Esplanade. George Town, Penang


Domestic Defense Act (DSA) 2012

Posted: 21 Nov 2011 12:43 AM PST

When asked about the differences between the ISA and the DDA the Home Minister said that the initials are different for starters and that Malaysians should no longer be wary of the ISA (because it will cease to exist). 


Breaking News. Malaysia.

The Malaysian Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, today stated for a fact that the new law to replace the Internal Security Act 1960 will still provide for detention without trial.

He said detention without trial was also being practised in some countries in the fight against terrorism, such as the Patriot Act in the United States and Anti-Terrorism Act in the United Kingdom and Australia.

On Sept 15, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak in his Malaysia Day special address announced that the ISA would be repealed and two new suitable laws formulated to preserve peace, harmony, stability and prosperity in the country.

One of the new laws shall be named the Domestic Defense Act (DDA) that will provide for security measures under the existing law to protect the government from internal attacks.

When asked about the differences between the ISA and the DDA the Home Minister said that the initials are different for starters and that Malaysians should no longer be wary of the ISA (because it will cease to exist).

"The DDA will provide for a detention period (without trial) to be determined by me or my cousin whereas the ISA had a fixed maximum detention period of two years only." This means that the new law will empower the government to detain an individual indefinitely without having to go through the mundane process of reapplying for such detention to be extended every two years. The Home Minister said that this is done to save costs as every reapplication takes time, effort and money, as the documents have to be completed in triplicate.

The Home Minister also said that the new law would also incorporate notice to families of the detainees and the process of making appeals. "The Government of Malaysia will inform the family members of those who are detained (without trial) the period of detention and where the detainee will be incarcerated (Kamunting)."

As for making appeals, the GOM will charge each appeal a minimum RM100,000 (in cash only) for processing the appeal documents (which must be in triplicate).

The Home Minister said that a special counter will be set up in his office in Putrajaya to process these appeal applications but warned that no receipts will be issued. "We are cutting costs on paper."

When asked whether the existing ISA detainees be released once the old law has been repealed the Home Minister replied, "Yes. We will release all existing ISA detainees immediately once ISA has been repealed by Parliament. However we shall be re-detaining these people under the DDA."

Is MCA staunchly anti-Islam?

Posted: 21 Nov 2011 12:32 AM PST

Of course Chua is going all out to oppose and insult Hudud because, if he had embraced Islam, he would have been stoned to death for cheating on his wife and family.

By Jackson Ng, Retired Journalist

WHAT a sick joke and a mismatch! The MCA is organising a forum themed "Hudud and Its Implications on Non-Muslims in Malaysia" on Dec 4.

And of all the people, the adulterer and MCA president Chua Soi Lek, will deliver the keynote address as well as the closing remarks.

In the first place, is Chua a Muslim? Has he converted? Does he really understand Hudud? What makes him an authority of Hudud? Is the word "zina" in his dictionary?

Of course he is going all out to oppose and insult Hudud because, if he had embraced Islam, he would have been stoned to death for cheating on his wife and family.

Chua and non-Muslims have no standing to oppose the practice of Muslims and Islam. The Muslims also have no right to oppose the practice of other religions.

It is only the rampant exploitation of race and religion by skewered politicians, especially those from Barisan Nasional (BN), Malaysians are kept emotionally at their edge. That is exactly what the BN wants. Instil fear on everyone to serve its long adopted divide-and-rule political strategy.

With all the degrading and insulting remarks coming from MCA, Chua and his cronies, where are the defenders of Islam?

Where are the likes of Perkasa and Umno? Are these two self- proclaimed champion pretenders of "Malaysia is an Islamic state" endorsing MCA's stand? If so, then the Muslims in Umno do not really believe in Islam and Hudud. As Umno cannot come out to insult Islam and Hudud, it is thus allowing MCA to do it.

To allow a tainted-politician like Chua to even touch on Islam and Hudud is an insult to the Malays. He has no standing and integrity to question the sacred religion and its laws. What is he going to say and how is he going to respond if the Malays start telling Christians and Buddhists how they should practice their religion?

Isn't the issue as simple as that? For those who continue to espouse that Hudud will affect us, you can continue to argue the issue this way and Malaysians will never reach a consensus. Expressing fear is not a fact. The expressed fear is due to skewered implementation of the law, so don't blame the law. Blame the enforcement and the idiots exploiting and abusing their power. Blame the government that you elected for allowing all this to happen.

Malaysia is a multi-racial nation and unity hinges on religious and race tolerance. In the first place, religion and race should never have been politicised.

Politics should just be based on social and economic development for the country. It is the bad intentions of politicians who craze for power who are responsible for the country's current shameful state of affairs – injustice, corruption and erosion of the democratic rights of Malaysians.

With Umno allowing MCA and the pornstar to belittle the sacred values of Hudud as an Islamic criminal law, thereby insulting Islam, am I wrong to say MCA is staunchly anti-Islam?

If so, what is Umno and Perkasa doing about it? Have their tongues been severed?


Will this be a new GLC and cash cow for the Barisan government?

Posted: 20 Nov 2011 02:54 PM PST

Government rushing to set up National Healthcare Financing Authority

The Barisan Nasional government is working round the clock to set up the National Healthcare Financing Authority, and this body is likely to start operations in the first half of 2012.

This move will spell bad news for all of us Malaysians because it will now be mandatory for all of us who are getting an income to pay premiums to the NHFA if we want medical treatment in private and government hospitals and also at private clinics.

Despite paying the premiums, we will have to fork out more money because the premiums only cover very basic treatment. The question is what will happen to people who do not have an income or no longer have an income? Where will they get their medical treatment?

There are more questions: Is there a possibility that this body be turned into a government-linked company?

Another question is: Could this new company be led by a Barisan crony? If this is so, then we are likely to be doomed because the possibility of money being abused is great judging from the way other GLCs are run. We have seen too many cases of the top management receiving salaries and perks that take up a huge percentage of the operations cost.

With all of us paying premiums each month, the NHFA stands to get millions of ringgit and this is a lot of money at the Barisan government's disposal. There is a possibility of this new GLC being their latest cash cow.

To discuss this issue and the consequences of having the NHFA at the public forum called "Reforming the Malaysian Healthcare System: Is there a need?" on Nov 27 at YMCA, Jalan Macalister in Penang from 1pm to 6pm.


Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa

Member of Parliament – Parit Buntar



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