Ahad, 9 Oktober 2011

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Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

The Old Man and the Donkey

Posted: 08 Oct 2011 07:03 PM PDT

By Totalecology

In the snooker game of politics, Spin Dr. Mahatir Devil with a single stroke of the Hudud cue stick, has helplessly thrown the fragile cluster of Opposition Coalition billiard balls into disarray. In a smoke screen thrown off by the media to distract an unsuspecting public, the PAS Man & his DAP Son is seen with a Hudud Donkey.

 And now Pakatan big guns meet and work out a treaty!!! Least we forget, the citizens count on Pakatan to support the people, not to support views for or against Hudud. This vertical chain of command smacks of feudalism. " The road to hell is paved with good intentions', but under Pakatan 'benevolence', they will remain children forever. This is how the masses are forever suppressed. For real Democracy to work, the horizontal way is to ask the Kelantan people in true humility , what do you want?

What is Hudud? This is a foremost question on Malaysian minds, which even Socrates would find it hard to answer, others pretend. As on record, JAIS so far is unable to come up with a policy statement, perhaps Silence is golden. If indeed Shariah Law is God's law, how come  the One and Only Allah deem it fit for Kelantan Muslims and for other he subs it to Satan, which in this case, BN ?

We can only define Hudud in Malaysian context as the underbelly of PAS, its softest spot, where at the Party promises milk for its constituencies. Yes, its true, the milk of Divine Love can adjudicate all conditions, but who is so empowered with a heart of undefiled love minus the attitude of bigotry, prejudice and racism ? The zealots are bent on cleaning up our cups and plates on the outside while its contents remain filthy still,  will make a law unto themselves, while denying our Prophets the fire of their words to clean first the contents within.

DAP just don't believe in such crude Medieval exposure and UMNO just don't care, and would rather see Kelantan showcase a failed state. The Nons are unable to jive into this scene, perceiving it to be an offensive fondling of private parts, be it promiscuity, debauchery, theft or trafficking (which hudud don't recognize as crimes). Jokes aside, Hudud would only be as useful as a cup of water in a thunderstorm as they seek recourse to other form of jurisdiction, either to balance past life karma by doing good works OR  the violet flame invoked to transmute sin.

Politics in the rough and tough road. DAP is now accused of sweeping Hudud under PAS carpet. Before the Opposition gets further decapitated by the venom injected at this late hour towards a political genocide. A mere change of clothes to suit each occasion cannot save Pas especially when it is rigged from within, and many a ravenous wolf wear sheep clothing, will have a field day with their band of hired assassins. Not a liberal Malay leader but a Bomoh is needed with the fire to exorcise demons and compel foul spirits it to flee from the Pas camp.

The cue is now in Nik Aziiz's hand. The honest public want to know both sides of the story and not to believe in Chua Soy Lek alone.  To hear the word is from the horse's mouth.  People listen, tongues wag  as he tries to give it a forward spin, in unison  or reaction, win or lose. Well, good luck to him. 

Nik Aziz is the supreme icon of PAS and the face of Pas is Nik. Without Nik, PAS as it is will not exist, and without PAS, Hudud remains an empty cup.  The portrayal of an Islamic Eldorado which Nik Aziz and Nasarudin so idealized and idolized is no where found in any part of the world other than in their own state.

If Hudud Law have some merits, it is not a cure all for society, and care must be taken that the medicine is not worse than the disease.  Hudud is already an old invention, but care must be taken not to open a Pandora box simply for the sake of some ancient treasures locked in. Just as with any other Party in post Mahathir Malaysia, this is a new generation of voters.  Unless Pas reinvent itself before the GE to stay relevant, even in Kelantan, it will be too late thereafter. With Prominent Faces of our Future, like Nasarrudin and Ibrahim Ali to champion the Muslim/Malay agenda, they must not escape being groomed before they don the robes of the prophet.

We hope the Opposition is smart enough to seize this opportunity to turnaround the situation and not unnecessarily suffer collateral damage in the hands of BN ridicule. Here lies a great opportunity to rally the rank and file of the rakyat and forward an Exponential Revolution in the thinking mentality of Malaysians that will counteract Universal Ignorance.

BUDGET 2012 : Pakatan Rakyat VS Pakatan Rakyat

Posted: 08 Oct 2011 06:52 PM PDT

Oleh Shen Yee Aun

Masyarakat Malaysia perlu lebih peka terhadap permainan politik yang cuba dimainkan oleh pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat. Hal ini disebabkan tiada bajet yang sempurna di dunia ini dan apa sahaja bajet yang akan dibentangkan oleh Perdana Menteri akan ada juga serangan yang berbeza daripada pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat.

Kini kita lihat bagaimana mereka sebenarnya menyerang antara satu sama lain tanpa disedari mereka.

Percanggahan 1 – Elaun Tambahan Kepada Ahli Parlimen

Haji Mohammad Sabu + Anwar VS Lim Guan Eng

"Elaun untuk ahli Parlimen bukanlah satu keutamaan yang perlu disegerakan tapi yang penting ialah integriti Parlimen, integriti untuk memerangi rasuah dan kelengkapan menyiapkan prasarana Parlimen itu lebih penting sekarang ini," kata beliau yang juga Naib Presiden PAS ketika ditemui di lobi Parlimen siang tadi.

Ahli Parlimen Permatang Pauh, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang juga ketua pembangkang pula berkata, bajet 2012 seharusnya lebih memfokuskan kepada kepentingan rakyat, bukan wakil rakyat.

"Bajet 2012, kita mahu ia lebih fokuskan kepada rakyat, bukan ahli Parlimen itu sendiri," katanya.


Sementara itu, ahli Parlimen Bagan, Lim Guan Eng berkata, sebaiknya elaun dan kemudahan kakitangan Parlimen ditingkatkan.

"Bukan masanya untuk tambah elaun ahli Parlimen sebaliknya lebih perlu tambah elaun staf dan pembantu Parlimen," katanya yang juga Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang.

Satu pihak mengatakan tidak perlu peningkatan elaun untuk ahli Parlimen kerana wang yang berlebihan seharusnya digunakan untuk rakyat tetapi satu pihak lagi mengatakan perlunya pertambahan elaun untuk kakitangan Parlimen.

Lagipun dalam isu ini hanya menandakan Perdana Menteri adil kepada wakil rakyat Pakatan Rakyat. Pertama kali dalam sejarah Negara terdapat lebih daripada 80 ahli parlimen Pakatan Rakyat di Parlimen. Sekirannya kerajaan sudi untuk meningkatkan elaun untuk ahli parlimen keadaan ini hanya menandakan kerajaan mesra kepada ahli parlimen Pakatan Rakyat.'

Kalau benar ikhlas ahli Parlimen Pakatan Rakyat hendak mengutamakan rakyat dan belanjawan negara maka mereka DICABAR supaya tidak mengambil pertambahan elaun tersebut. Kenyataan mereka seharusnya seiring dengan tindakan mereka sekirannya mereka benar – benar berintegriti.                                 

Percanggahan 2 – Belanjawan Defisit

Azmin Ali vs Lim Guan Eng

Timbalan Presiden PKR Mohamed Azmin Ali yang ditemui pada satu program di Shah Alam menjelaskan bajet yang telah diumumkan oleh Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak semalam merupakan satu bajet yang tidak berhemah.

Ramai pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat mengatakan bahawa belanjawan kali ini tidak realistik , terlalu boros dan juga akan menyebabkan belanjawan defisit.


Namun pada masa yang sama Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang Lim Guan Eng pula mencadangkan elaun dan kemudahan kakitangan Parlimen perlu ditingkatkan.

Sana mereka mengatakan belanjawan ini merupakan belanjawan defisit dan sini pula mereka cadangkan pertambahan elaun dan kemudahan kakitangan parlimen perlu ditingkatkan.

Percanggahan 3 – Belanjawan Perdana Menteri Lebih Baik

Mahfuz Omar VS Mahfuz Omar

Semua Pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat mengatakan bahawa belanjawan yang dikemukan oleh Perdana Menteri bukanlah satu belanjawan yang baik.


Ahli Parlimen Pokok Sena itu turut berkata, Datuk Seri Najib Razak dilihat ingin "berlawan" dengan Pakatan Rakyat dengan cuba mempamerkan belanjawan yang lebih baik daripada yang dibentangkan Pakatan, Selasa lalu.

"Kerajaan terdesak kerana ingin menunjukkan belanjawannya lebih baik daripada belanjawan Pakatan.

Kalau benar sekalipun kenyataan Ahli Parlimen Pokok Sena maka kenyataan beliau sudah menggambarkan beliau sudah bersetuju belanjawan Perdana Menteri adalah lebih baik daripada Pakatan Rakyat. Hendak berlawan atau tidak dan terdesak atau tidak bukanlah satu pertikaian yang penting kerana yang penting apa sahaja alasan dan sebab asalkan belanjawan Perdana Menteri lebih baik daripada Pakatan Rakyat sudah berjaya dipamerkan seperti yang dikatakan oleh Ahli Parlimen Pokok Sena.

Percanggahan 4 – Bajet Pilihanraya

Dr Dzulkifly VS Dr Dzulkifly

Ahli Parlimen Kuala Selangor Dr Dzulkifly Ahmad ketika diminta mengulas tentang bajet yang telah diumumkan itu menjelaskan bajet tersebut adalah lebih terjurus kepada gula-gula politik ataupun peruntukkan pilihanraya.

"Bajet yang diumumkan oleh Najib itu hanyalah lebih kepada untuk menghadapi pilihanraya yang akan datang.


Beliau menambah bajet ini adalah mencedok dari apa yang telah di umumkan oleh belanjawan Pakatan Rakyat sebelum ini.

Kenyataan ini hanya menandakan Dr Dzulkifly sendiri bersetuju bahawa bajet Pakatan Rakyat juga merupakan bajet gula – gula politik dan hanyalah menjurus untuk menghadapi pilihanraya kalau benar Perdana Menteri mencedok daripada Pakatan Rakyat.
Percanggahan 5 – Bajet Untuk Kakitangan Awam

Dr Dzulkifly vs Dr Dzulkifly + Salahuddin

"Kita melihat bajet kali ini tidak diletakkan gaji minimum sebagai sasaran mereka dan secara jelas saya katakan Najib cuba mengelak untuk terus ada komitmen dengan pekerja awam mahu pun swasta. - Ahli Parlimen Kuala Selangor Dr Dzulkifly Ahmad


"Najib hanya mengumumkan pemberian bonus dan juga kenaikan gaji pekerja awam mengikut gred-gred tertentu dan apa yang kita lihat setiap kali bonus mahupun gaji dinaikkan maka akan wujud inflasi di negara ini dan ia akan terbeban kepada semua rakyat bukannya kepada mereka yang mendapat faedah, inilah ketidak adilan yang wujud dalam bajet kali ini," ulasnya lagi. - Ahli Parlimen Kuala Selangor Dr Dzulkifly Ahmad


Salahuddin dalam pada itu menyifatkan pengumuman bayaran khas sebanyak RM3,000 kepada bekas anggota serta duda dan balu polis khas dan polis tambahan yang pernah berkhidmat menjaga keselamatan negara semasa zaman darurat sebagai kesedaran yang diperjuangkan Pakatan Rakyat

Pertama beliau mengatakan Najib tidak ada komitmen untuk membantu pekerja awam tetapi pada masa yang sama beliau pula mengatakan Najib mengumumkan pemberian bonus dan juga kenaikan gaji kepada pekerja awam.

Dasar Pakatan Rakyat juga hendak menaikkan gaji kakitangan awam dan sekirannya keadaan ini berlaku maka bukankah kenaikan ini juga akan mengalami inflasi dan semua rakyat akan terbeban seperti yang dikatakan oleh Dr Dzulkifly Ahmad.

Apakah rasional mereka naikkan gaji kakitangan awam maka tidak akan sesekali mengalami inflasi tetapi jika kita melakukannya pula akan mengalami inflasi?

Percanggahan 6 – Bajet Perdana Menteri = Bajet Pakatan Rakyat

Pakatan Rakyat VS Pakatan Rakyat

Semua kenyataan pemimpim Pakatan Rakyat mengenai Bajet 2012 sangat lemah , tidak baik , defisit , boros , tidak realistik dan sebagainya.


Naib Presiden PAS, Salahuddin Ayub berkata, sebanyak 30 peratus bajet itu diambil dari Pakatan Rakyat – buku jingga dan dokumen negara berkebajikan milik PAS.

Sementara itu, TVS melaporkan Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim juga mengakui  bajet 2012 dicedok dari bajet Pakatan Rakyat.

Apakah Pakatan Rakyat kini sendiri hendak memperlekehkan belanjawan mereka sendiri ?

Percanggahan 7 – Bajet 2012 Tidak Realistik

Anwar  VS Anwar

Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim menyifatkan Belanjawan 2012 yang baru sahaja dibentangkan sebagai tidak realistik dan merupakan satu lagi helah menjelang pilihan raya umum ke-13.

"Ia tidak realistik. Amat jelas satu helah pilihan raya. Dalam 10 tahun lepas, anggaran pertumbuhan, defisit dan pelaburan asing sentiasa berbeza dengan angka sebenar," kata Anwar.


"Jelas ia merupakan helah pilihan raya," kata ahli parlimen Permatang Pauh itu lagi yang mendakwa sebahagian daripada pengumuman dalam bajet dibentangkan perdana menteri hari ini dicedok daripada bajet Pakatan Rakyat.

Bagaimana kalau bajet yang dikatakan tidak realistik yang hendak dilakukan oleh Perdana Menteri tidak realistik tetapi pada masa yang sama Anwar mengatakan bajet ini dicedok daripada Pakatan Rakyat pula realistik ?




You mess with the Sultan at your own peril

Posted: 08 Oct 2011 01:16 AM PDT

Dear Pete,

After reading my piece in your website about Rosmah's presence in the closed door meeting between Najib and his aides in the Ministry of Finance prior to the presentation of 2012 Budget in Parliament, a veteran Johor UMNO friend of my Dad sent me an e-mail about the case of the Sultan of Johor being offended by Lim Guan Eng's speech. The gist of his very long e-mail summarised as follows:

According to this friend, the Johor Royal Family has always stayed above politics and hates to be dragged into it, and the present Sultan has made this point crystal clear. It is the Johor UMNO that is always looking for opportunities to get the Royal Family involved to lend credence to their ulterior motives.

UMNO has not learned their lesson after what happened during the Constitution crisis during the Mahathir–Iskandar era. Starting from the north, Kedah, Mahathir's home-state, UMNO organised rallies to gain support for Mahathir's proposals to amend the Constitution shaving off the powers of the Rulers, specifically that of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong for Dr M feared that the incoming Agong (which was to be Sultan Iskandar of Johor) would not give assent to bills passed by the Mahathir-controlled Parliament.

When the rally came down south to Johor, who was to speak up for UMNO but Johorean Musa Hitam, the DPM then. Musa was obliged to speak and he did. His Highness Sultan Iskandar was fuming mad, and he ordered that all photos of Mahathir and Musa be taken down from all State Government offices. At a function in Saujana (the Johor MB's residence), the Sultan purposely arrived late to make Mahathir wait, a lesson Dr M never forgets.

Then came the opportunity for the Sultan to teach 'this kurang ajar' anak Johor, Musa, a lesson. During a Friday prayer session at the Mosque in Kg Baru, KL, TV3 filmed this incident when Sultan Iskandar told Musa to apologise before Allah and the congregation.

"The noble Brutus hath told you Caesar was ambitious: If it were so, it was a grievous fault, and grievously hath Caesar answer'd it," said Shakespeare. If Guan Eng had in fact uttered those words, Guan Eng has paid for it by publicly apologising to His Highness Sultan Johor, even though the Tuanku did not insist on it but was demanded by DPM Muhyiddin.

DPM Muhyiddin knew what happened to Musa Hitam at the mosque in Kg Baru, KL, and he is very careful now to not step on the Sultan's toe. This sly fox is just waiting for Najib to make a mistake, for he also knows that Najib has been snubbing the Sultan -- probably because of some mega-projects in Johor which Rosmah wants for her cronies, but the Sultan disagrees. The Sultan is fully aware of Rosmah's unsatisfiable and boundless greed (maybe in her desire to overtake Daim Zainuddin in wealth). Muhyiddin is praying and playing to the Sultan that His Highness might explode and expose Rosmah's scheme of things to pave the way for Muhyiddin to move into whatever projects Rosmah is after, and also move into Najib's seat in Putrjaya. Don't forget, Johor State is the bastion of UMNO, which can tell Najib to go and fly a kite. 

It is common knowledge to Singaporeans that whenever they are in Johor Bahru they are targets for highway robbers, kidnappers, extortionists, etc., because of their vehicle registration plates. Big-time Ah Longs and 4D gambling syndicates operate in Johor Bahru. Before Singapore legalised horse racing punting within Singapore, all the bookies operated from JB. There are more money changers in JB than any Malaysian town, KL included, to cater for the gamblers rather than the shoppers. Obviously, the Home Minister, who is also a Johorean, has not been directing his policemen to get rid of these menaces from the Royal Town, and the Sultan being the Head of Islam in Johor, is not amused at all. We have heard rumours that Hisham is now aligned to the DPM and is forsaking his own cousin; politics at play.

To all who dares to engage the displeasure of His Royal Highness Sultan Ibrahim Iskandar, let it be known that the same fate that befell Tun Musa Hitam awaits the idiotic challenger! As for Rosmah, her pedigree, background and education are thousands of miles behind those of the Consort to the Sultan of Johor, Raja Zarith Sofia except perhaps in money and branded handbags.   



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