Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News |
- MCLM Calls BERSIH 2.0 a Great Success and Hails the Rakyat who Participated as the Third Force
- The Principles Behind UMNO’s Corruption Exposed for All to See
- Justice for Jeyakumar!
- The next course of action
- Najib's 9MP that did not go as planned
- Malaysian government to remove ‘Bersih’
- Born Again Malaysian, Totally Cleansed (BERSIH)!
- 10 Reasons Why Shopperholics Should Support Bersih
- Rakyat, We Salute You!
- Apologise For What You Did
- Who is Sovereign? The Rakyat or UMNO?
- Malaysia: Government risks undermining democratic progress, say UN experts
- Press Statement on the Aftermath of Bersih 2.0
- Malaysia’s civil servants demoralized
- Does it really matter?
- The Difference ( Bersih 1 Vs Bersih 2.0)
- Malaysia: Police use brutal tactics against peaceful protesters
- YB Ibrahim Ali: Panglima Perang
- UMNO No Longer Has Access To Reason and Decency
MCLM Calls BERSIH 2.0 a Great Success and Hails the Rakyat who Participated as the Third Force Posted: 12 Jul 2011 04:57 PM PDT
The Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement congratulates the Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (BERSIH 2.0) on the success of its rally, "Walk for Democracy" held on 9 July 2011. Despite the opposition and obstacles thrown its way by Najib Razak's government and the Polis Di Raja Malaysia (PDRM), BERSIH 2.0, led by chairperson Dato' Ambiga Sreenevasan and the steering committee, successfully stayed the course. The "Walk for Democracy" will go down in the annals of history as a sterling example of People Power. The ultimate goal of presenting the memorandum of the eight demands of BERSIH 2.0 to DYMM Yang di Pertuan Agong may have been thwarted by the PDRM in defiance of his majesty's stated wish to receive it. However, an even higher goal was achieved, that is, the demonstration of solidarity by the Rakyat. As the Third Force, the Rakyat who took to the streets of Kuala Lumpur were awe-inspiring. As individuals and as a collective force, you were passionate, restrained and courteous. As you stood firm against the onslaught of tear gas and water cannons, helping each other to brave the pain and discomfort, sharing your salt, sharing your water, you revived that spirit of unity that the Barisan Nasional government has tried to destroy over the decades. You have shown the world the true heart of Malaysia, one that is caring, generous and steadfast in adversity. You have shown the government and its instruments of oppression that you are a force to be reckoned with. You are the Third Force. MCLM salutes you. RAJA PETRA KAMARUDIN/CHAIRMAN HARIS M. IBRAHIM/PRESIDENT |
The Principles Behind UMNO’s Corruption Exposed for All to See Posted: 12 Jul 2011 03:59 PM PDT By batsman In a previous write-up, I suggested that it is important to understand the tiniest details of grand concepts such as democracy and electoral reforms (Who is Sovereign? The Rakyat or UMNO? ). To back up Bersih 2.0's 8 demands for electoral reform I present some detailed case arguments for your consideration. UMNO no longer has access to reason. It has to rely on prejudice and bigotry. Everyday on UMNO controlled TV stations, traders are interviewed to give their opinions about the Bersih 2.0 rally. Invariably they condemn the rally which they allege cost them one day's losses in revenue. What is the tiny principle behind all these complaints of the traders? It just exposes UMNO's value system that self-interest overrides democratic rights and justice. In UMNO's thinking, 1 day's losses is more important than democratic rights of citizens. When extended further, such value system and thinking creates great dangers for the country and people. When applied to the judiciary, the self-interest of UMNO VIP cronies overrides the law and justice. Is this not what we all already see before our very eyes? Even in Kugan's case, before incontrovertible evidence, the MMC scolds the forensic expert for giving false evidence in his autopsy report, but this is all (Malaysiakini report). The policeman scapegoat is found not guilty and the forensic expert gets away with a scolding. Meantime a man has been tortured to death and his family still awaits justice. When self-interest overrides democratic rights, the right to justice, and even the law itself, these are the dastardly things that happen. And please don't say it does not concern you because it all happened to a 2nd class Indian pariah. Will justice also be denied the pariah Beng Hock and the pariah Sarbaini? When will it be we pariahs' turns? In the case of the traders complaining against Bersih 2.0, their whining shows pathetic kiahsuism. When they chose their locations for strategic value in terms of being the focal point of customers, everything else comes with the territory. This everything else also includes the possibility that demonstrators marching peacefully to express their democratic rights may choose the same locations for the same strategic reasons. The self-interest of these traders is so obsessive that it even extends to monopolizing their locality against other people with legitimate rights. These are the same people who fill parking spaces and 5 foot ways with their tables and wares and scratch your car if you happened to park in a legitimate parking space which they have somehow monopolized and claimed. When self-interest overrides the legitimate and democratic rights of others, such dastardly things happen. Unfortunately, this seems to be the same value system of UMNO and their thugs in UMNO subsidiaries, such as KIMMA and maybe even Perkasa. Apart from whining traders, TV interviews also show students condemning the Bersih 2.0 rally saying that students should spend their time in a better way by advancing their studies and their careers. It would seem that UMNO's education system is bringing up generations of students who selfishly think about themselves above all instead of spending some time with issues of social conscience. This means that UMNO is preparing youngsters to go into the big wide world prepared only to look after their own self interests. These are the people most likely to abuse their power and engage in corruption for their own self-interest. UMNO is screwing up a few generations of young Malaysians by turning them into its own self image. In the west, such arguments as the above do not need to be made. All these things are well understood. That is why their democracies are dynamic and functioning well. Unfortunately in Malaysia's case, such arguments have to be made and made frequently. It would seem that some Malaysians – even EC officers still cannot make the obvious connection between 2 interconnected principles viz. – "no one can stop you from exercising your democratic right to vote" and "no one can stop you from exercising your democratic right to protest peacefully". This is so hard to believe that there must be something wrong. It shows that Bersih 2.0 is absolutely justified in advancing their demands for electoral reforms because top EC officers show or pretend to show in a very suspicious way, their total lack of understanding for democratic principles. All these things are happening right before your eyes almost everyday these days on TV stations controlled by UMNO. There is even an advertisement these days trying to use the glory of Tun Razak and trying to stick some of it on his useless son. Tun Razak tried his best to help poor and marginalized Malays. Unfortunately his useless son is only helping rich UMNO cronies who may be repaying the debt by making presents of expensive bags and diamond rings. Personally I pity Tun Razak for having such a useless son. Some dads may actually have more capable daughters. But this is not why I brought up this issue. Who is paying for this advertisement to glorify a useless son? Tun Razak is a great man, but his useless son seems to be only good at spending public money on expensive TV advertising campaigns for his own self aggrandizement as well as employing expensive consultants both local and foreign to advise him on how to tear gas peaceful demonstrators as well as ram a leading demonstrator with a police land rover and get away with it all, and maybe also how to use low life cronies to explain how the wind spreads this tear gas into hospitals among other things When the TV is used for personal glorification and for UMNO's benefit, it would seem that Bersih 2.0 is absolutely justified in making demands for electoral reforms. In fact I wish they extended their demands for electoral reforms to include reforms in the judiciary and the police as well, because, after looking at the principles behind UMNO's corruption, it would seem Malaysia needs a lot of fixing up in a good many other proper reforms. |
Posted: 12 Jul 2011 02:28 PM PDT By Martin Jalleh Bersih 2.0 laid bare the fact that Umno is politically bankrupt. It brought out the same old bag of tricks, treats and threats. It looked like a party in a sordid state of denial and beyond redemption. Alas, the BN went berserk over Bersih! The coalition continues to be the bane of democracy in Bolehland as it resorts to political moves most base in stifling and stopping Bersih! The Prime Minister now tries desperately hard to redeem his battered image – which he has largely brought upon himself! Time and again he blundered – and very badly too. Najib puts on a brave front whilst playing his blame game. He has been blindly led by his advisors and now finds himself in a bind, with a bruised ego and sounding very much like a broken record! This time a humble woman lawyer of substance and a non-politician outshone him. Each time he attacked her, he reduced himself to a small boy begging for attention and looking for a fight. The Home Minister did what he is most at home with – he bellowed with rage, and blared out the most bizarre and unimaginable balderdash. But no one bothers anymore with his bark and blather! Of course the men in blue who looked as though they made up a branch of the Government (or a component of the BN), bowed, bent and did the bidding of their political (pay)master. A bunch of bullies, their brutality was captured on bountiful clips on the Internet. Yet they unashamedly bulled about their innocence, and the PM and Home Minister added to the bunkum! Whilst Malaysians refused to buckle, the bosses of the servile mainstream press continued to suck up to their political masters, giving stories a spin and slant that served the government. The beleaguered BN continued to bluff itself– all the time! The rakyat refused to buy what it (and its newspapers) were selling! The Bersih 2.0 march is over but its spirit lives on in many Malaysians – in spite of it being branded "illegal". The Government can ban all it wants, but the rakyat will not be browbeaten! The BN's image has hit rock-bottom. It should begin cleansing its stained credibility and integrity by releasing all who are still "illegally" detained (as a result of their involvement with Bersih)! Till to date, there is no solid and substantiated basis for the continued detention in particular of Dr Michael Jeyakumar Devaraj and five of his colleagues of the Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM). The Government has reduced itself to a political buffoon by resurrecting the"communist" and "foreign" bogeyman in the arrest and re-arrest of Dr Jeyakumar and the rest. For a Government that brags so much about transformation and change, deploying Cold War tactics on political rivals in these days only reveals how far behind the times it really is! Expecting the public to believe that Jeyakumar is trying to revive communist ideology is as ridiculous as saying that Deputy PM Muhyiddin Yassin is intelligent! Those who know Jeyakumar personally readily vouch for his integrity, his passion for the poor and his principled, patient and peaceful approach. The MP is truly a rare breed politician! The judiciary has just betrayed its often loud claim of being independent when it delayed today the hearing date of habeas corpus application of Jeyakumar and the five others by a month. A June 2010 court circular states that such urgent hearing dates must be fixed within a week after filing. The blunt and brutal truth -- the judiciary remains beholden to the government. The longer Jeyakumar and his colleagues remain behind bars, the longer the Government of Malaysia will look bad in the eyes of the world. It has no one to blame but itself. The Government has to clean up its act. Malaysia sits on the UN Human Rights Council with a laundry list of transgressions. It cannot afford to turn a blind eye to this daylight mockery! Alas, the Government got more than it bargained for when trying to banish Berish into oblivion. Najib leads the nation forward into abysmalpolitical backwaters. |
Posted: 12 Jul 2011 11:48 AM PDT Someone has been injured in a peaceful rally, wounded by officers under your command. Even if he is exaggerating, he is indeed hurt! Instead of voicing concern, you laughed at him, you ridiculed him! That is NOT a character of a leader, what more a Prime Minister? By ViewAct After reaching home with a headache, and resting for a day, I questioned myself if I would like to witness the event on 9th July again. My answer is – Yes and No. "Yes" as I feel elated seeing Malaysians from all walks of life, of all races and all religious backgrounds stood together for the same cause. And this is truly the 1Malaysia unity we wish to see. Even though the government created the slogan, they are in every way trying to ensure it doesn't happen. All these can be seen by the replies they gave on the organization of this event, the carrying out of brutality on peaceful marchers, and the comments afterwards, especially when people got hurt, and even died. My answer of "NO" is for the fact that, I do not wish to see our people suffering from brutal treatment by the very institution that claims to protect us. And the excuse that they give – "shouting during the rally". Countless tear gas canisters were shot, followed with water cannons. The police can claim that it was "just very few shots" while the newspaper contradict their own statement by saying that even police officers suffered the effects of tear gas. Two sets of answers, an obvious lie. Why can't a peaceful procession be left at peace? Still suffering from the effects of the treatment, I now lie on my bed, with blurry vision, and a trobbing head; yet my conscience is clear, and I decide to slowly pen down this article. For I managed to watch a few video clips and immediately my tears flowed. "I was glad I was there" I said to myself. For I would surely regret if I hadn't. I watched in horror when our PM made his remarks on DSAI's injury, saying that he is such a good actor for displaying his painful expression for a small injury then followed by a photo of him lying on a hospital bed. I watched in disgust how he made fun of DSAI, with his disgusting facial expression (Do excuse me for this) while elaborating further on his remarks. How can a Prime Minister say such a thing? Someone has been injured in a peaceful rally, wounded by officers under your command. Even if he is exaggerating, he is indeed hurt! Instead of voicing concern, you laughed at him, you ridiculed him! That is NOT a character of a leader, what more a Prime Minister! And those that cheered when he ridiculed DSAI. Haven't you any conscience? Or you lost them in your bid to shine your boss' shoe? Not to mention also some ministers who came to the front, claiming that the police had indeed NOT shot (tear gas canisters and water) into the compound of a hospital, and had NOT charged into the said hospital to arrest people. The internet has already shown so much proof and yet, they deny it. This will only convince the rakyat more that the government intends to lie to the rakyat shamelessly. There is no intention to make good what is wrong. And making two wrongs will never make a right, datuk-datuk semua. Alright, I believe many have made similar remarks on the Bersih rally, during and after; and one more comment doesn't make much difference to the facts already known to all, even though our PM, and the IGP denied it wide-eyed. What I think is more important now is what is the next course of action that may be taken by the government, after being hit hard on the face? What else can they do to prevent falling further than what is already near the bottom of the gallows? From the remarks of the police, and our PM, it is very clear that they are trying to minimize the damage done to their reputation, with lies and fairy tales that is too obvious to miss. Just compare the photos available online with their remarks; well, I believe that is worth more than a thousand words, isn't it? With the poor reputation, the idiotic remarks of a minister towards a foreign reporter, and mistakes over mistakes by our IGP and PM over the issue, they are now desperate in making sure that they would not lose in GE13. I am expecting the following to take place. 1) The election commission CANNOT reform, at least not yet. For they need all the phantom voters, postal voters and whatnot to ensure they don't fail. At the least, not miserably. They are right that the Bersih Rally failed. For no matter what we do, even with the petition sent to the King, they will delay and postpone to reformation of EC. Until when they need it to be reformed – i.e – when they are the opposition. 2) Increase in prices of goods. The government is famous for punishing its rakyat. When they were shamed by their own action, they will blame it on the rakyat and the opposition for revealing their shame. And for revenge, they would make life hard for people, increasing the price of goods, petrol etc. On one hand, they can vent their anger over the shame revealed by the rakyat; on the other hand, they can get more money to help them "finance" vote buying and frog buying during the coming GE. We have seen numerous examples of our government punishing its people, I don't think I need to elaborate further here. 3) Hidden projects shall be awarded. This shall be a desperate attempt to dig as much money for themselves, as well as money for the coming G.E. It appears to be a win win situation for them. If they win in the next GE, they can continue with whatever dirt they have done. If they lose, they already have their money, and PR will be left with an empty safe-box, and lots of bills to pay off. With money channeled out of the country, what fear do they have should anyone really start investigating them? They are already in a place far far away, with all relevant documents destroyed. Just look at what happened to Selangor after the last G.E. How the documents were destroyed, shredded and burnt, and how the ex-MB went missing, only to return as the leader at the state opposition aisle. 4) Returns to the people. For damage control, they would probably come up with a few "goodies" as returns to the people to mend their tarnished image. Those "returns" could be in any form, just to "show" that they "care". They may even reduce prices of goods (just to upset what I've mentioned above) in their attempt to counter all negative remarks made previously. And they would keep the media focused on these instead, and emphasize on the JASA they perform for the people. 5) Delay in G.E 13. With the bad image projected now, calling for an election would be a suicide attempt. Unless damage control is done to a certain extent – i.e more media lies, and state tours to tell fairy tales to people who have no access to the internet. 6) Last resort – ISA. Like how Ops Lalang were deployed, they could make up another trumped up story and start a nationwide crackdown on opposition leaders, while instilling fear in its people should they oppose the government. Bersih 3.0 would be a good excuse for the deployment. So the story they make up now to blame Bersih and opposition leaders would be crucial if they plan for Ops Lalang 2. By the way, a photo surfaced online allegedly posted in Utusan; it is a desperate attempt to find excuses for the brutality displayed by the police. All in all, the federal government is in a very bad shape now. And our dear TDM's boy is eyeing that seat as he's not made any remarks after the rally; and thus he saved himself from looking silly. Our PM now faces the risk of losing his premiership, not only from the opposition and the rakyat; he is facing threats from within his own party, who are so eager to be on that seat they are willing to do anything to get there. Enemies that fight you openly may be a threat, but a "musuh dibawah selimut" is even more dangerous. You won't know when you will be stabbed from behind. |
Najib's 9MP that did not go as planned Posted: 12 Jul 2011 11:42 AM PDT By ManaBolehMalaysia on Murder Scam & Thieves No, 9MP is not the abbreviation for the 9th Malaysia Plan. Najib unveiled his controversial 10th Malaysia Plan (10MP) in Parliament on 10 June 2010. 9MP is the secret code name for Najib's murderous plan to kill Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim on 9th July 2011, the day of the BERSIH 2.0 Rally in KL. After the recent failed attempts to finish off Anwar Ibrahim (sex video by the infamous Datuk Trio and Sodomy II accusation by Saiful), PM Najib was desperately in need of a perfect murder plan. Blowing Anwar Ibrahim to pieces using C4 explosives like in the Altantuya-Scorpene Scandal Murder case would confirm Najib's involvement once and for all. No, even though Rosmah was pushing him to do it, it would be suicidal for Najib. There had to be another way, where the PM can clean his hands off. He would gladly kiss the hands of the POPE if only there was a way.Sodomy II did not hit the top "box-office" with the Malaysian's public as they had expected. So an Altantuya-style murder II could have the same skepticism and backlash as Sarbaini Mohamad's suicide jump from MACC's building on 6th April 2011. Sarbaini was the second victim to have "mysteriously" committed suicide after "interrogation" by MACC (Malaysia's Anti Corruption Agency). Teoh Beng Hock (an opposition DAP member political aide) mysteriously committed suicide earlier by jumping of MACC's building on 16 July 2009. A third person especially the leader of a united opposition to commit a similar suicide from the MACC's building would be too much for the nation to bear. No one, even the former PM Tun Mahathir who had insisted Anwar's black eye was self-inflicted, would believe it. While the former PM would only be too glad to get rid of his former Deputy (Anwar) and PM Najib at the same time, BN could be at risk of being destroyed totally together with the chance of his son being the future PM. No, that would be throwing the "baby out with the bath water".
Mahathir argued that Anwar's Black Eye was "self inflicted"
Homicide for Teoh Beng Hock and suicide for MCA? -March 29th, 2011 The Dummnos at UMNO were in a real fix. How to stop the united opposition, Pakatan, led by Anwar Ibrahim from securing a landslide win in the coming general election? Their DIRTY CHEATING MACHINERY (DCM, also stands for DEPARTMENT OF CRIME MINISTER) was already working to the hilt in 2008 and yet, they still lost 5 states to a united opposition. With a dirty Crime Minister already suspected of killing Altantuya, Teoh Beng Hock and Sarbaini (directly or indirectly) a dead opposition leader by any means or by even by accident would spell a disastrous election loss for the ruling BN government. The BN's partner-in-crime, Taib's PBB ruling coalition barely scrapped through to hold the state government despite massive election frauds and massive doses of election bribes. Everyone can see that their numbers (and cheating ways of holding on to power) are up. Then in their darkest hours of desperation, BERSIH 2.0 showed up like a bright spark. What better way to kill Anwar Ibrahim and several other opposition leaders as well with a "chaotic stampede" by their own political supporters? What a brilliant plan especially if the leaders and supporters of BERSIH 2.0 can be incited to be angry and violent. Many had commented that Najib's evil inner circle of murderers which included his close cousin, the Home Minister (aka the Homicide Minister) were indecisive and panicking at Bersih's demands. They could not be more wrong. They were following precisely Sun Tze's strategy of "borrowing the enemy's sword to kill their own leader". That was why Najib first offered the stadium as a compromise and later retracted. That was why the Homicide Minister declared Bersih to be illegal and started the clamp down on Bersih days before the 9 July street rally. That was why the Police Chief said Bersih (despite being illegal) can apply for the rally permit in the stadium but intended to reject it at the last minute. That was why Perkasa was encouraged to incite hatred and violence among Bersih's marchers. There are no coincidences. All had been planned well in advance and their main target (objective) was to kill Anwar Ibrahim and as many opposition leaders as possible on 9th July 2011. Man or more precisely, EVIL can plan the mass murders on 9th July but only GOD can dispose. That Anwar Ibrahim survived this "perfect murder plan" is a good sign and a very strong evidence that GOD protects the good and exposes the evil. We, Malaysians have been given many messages that Najib's evil BN regime is about to end soon. That Malaysians from all walks of life can stay united and calm despite the provocations is a good sign that we have matured for true democracy to prevail. Do not let a sinking BN ship destroy that harmony. Altantuya's soul should be able to rest in peace soon and Malaysia can begin the painful process of repairing the broken economy from 30 years of BN's tyrannic rule which started with the evil scheming PM by the name of Mahathir Mohamed. |
Malaysian government to remove ‘Bersih’ Posted: 12 Jul 2011 11:38 AM PDT By AsamLaksa, made-up journalist 13 July 2011, Kuala Lumpur. Today the Home Minister announced that Malaysians have decided on a ruling to ban the usage of the Malay word 'bersih' and remove it from history. The minister adds, "It is now a bad word, something that you should not say in front of your parents. It will not be 'ber...apanama' but 'bers**t'." 'Bersih' meaning 'clean' will be replaced with 'kotor' as soon as the legislation is gazetted. 'Kotor' is currently in use meaning dirty. "The people in the government will start using 'kotor' today before the whole of Malaysia. So from now on, I say I am sangat kotor, the PM is kotor, (and) the government is kotor. This law will also be retro(spective) and we will work with Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka to change all old Malay books and writings. So past slogans will be Kotor, Cekap, Amanah. Very easy." As to the reason for this move, the honourable minister said, "We have reason for this." What about material bearing the word? "We will check all books. We give time for people to hand in books. Customs will seize all foreign books with the word and fine the importer." What if someone uses 'bersih'? "The law will punish those that use it. We plan maybe RM20,000 fine with 1 year jail." When pointed out that this would disqualify people from running for parliament the reply was, "That's why we have laws. We must obey the law. We will also ask religious leaders to make religious ruling to make this word haram and a sin. The cabinet suggest that you go to hell for saying this word." Won't this confuse the public? "I not confused. Are you confused?" When asked if this applies to East Malaysia the minister replied, "Of course. Then we have no problem like that banner in Kota Kinabalu." On the fate of the colour yellow: "Yellow colour is not a problem." Asked about recent arrest related t yellow items, the reply was, "Why you reporters ask about yellow? You got problem with yellow? Don't cari pasal make us look bad. Ban a word is easy, ban colour is crazy. All the arrest because the yellow used connected to bad word and foreign campur tangan." As to how much this exercise will cost, "Don't worry about cost. We estimate RM150 million and we have appointed local company to do this. A site has already (been) identified for new incinerator." The minister closed with: "I am kotor. The government is kotor and takes care of all Malaysians." |
Born Again Malaysian, Totally Cleansed (BERSIH)! Posted: 12 Jul 2011 11:21 AM PDT We can die without a whimper, or we can make our deaths resound through history. Either way, we die, as death is a fact of Life. I have chosen to make my death count, for my country Malaysia. To the Death, lawan tetap lawan, if that is what is needed to reclaim our birthrights! By Socrates To put my participation in the BERSIH 2.0 Rally into proper perspective, I need to give you a short synopsis of who I am, and what I used to do for a living. A full blooded Malaysian, I was born in the 50's in Kuala Lumpur, when life was simple, and as kids, we played amongst ourselves oblivious of whether we were Malay, Chinese, Indian, Eurasian, or others. We were just children and kawan-kawan, and we had a darn good time playing football, badminton, sepak takraw, picture cards, etc. all together then. Somehow all this changed especially after 1969 May 13. All the bigotry, and prejudice started to set in during Razak's time as PM and it slowly got worse and worse as the ruling elite spotted the opportunity to divide & rule, and make use of all the prejudice and bigotry to set up divide and rule systems that could be exploited to enrich themselves under the guise of "the Malay struggle". As time wore on, to further entrench themselves in their position of power, built on the insecurities of the masses, and the prejudice and bigotry spawned by their system of "divide & rule", they started to dismantle democracy in Malaysia by making the Executive (Govt) so powerful as to make the Legislature (Parliament), and Judiciary subservient to it, the Executive, thereby making the Prime Minister the de facto dictator of Malaysia. Not satisfied with this, they dismantled the jury system where we are supposed to be tried by our peers. No longer, now we are tried by judges who are on the government's salary, appointed by the government. Furthermore, the govt placed their staunch supporters in key positions, whether they were Malay, Chinese or Indian, in the AG's office, Election Commission, MACC, PDRM, and so on to control these institutions so that instead of doing their duty to protect and serve the Rakyat of Malaysia, they are now only to protect and serve the BN govt while paid and funded by the Naturally, by now, the whole election process in Malaysia has been corrupted and skewed to ensure government rule by the BN, where through gerrymandering, phantom voters, multiple voting, and manipulated postal votes, and the stuffing of ballot boxes, and outright vote buying guaranteed the survival of the BN government to the exclusion of all else, thus thwarting BERSIH 2.0 is the Rakyat's Rally to tell the BN Government that enough is enough and we want clean, free & fair elections to reflect the True Will of the Rakyat, and whoever wins the elections then, so be it. At my age, and having worked for 3 decades (since 1980's) from a salesman all the way to a CEO of a foreign owned, public listed corporation, coming from a very sedentary lifestyle, the last thing on my mind would be to walk for hours in the afternoon heat, and with the threat of violence hanging over my head like the sword of Damocles, especially so when I suffer from high blood pressure (HBP), a bum left leg, and an overweight 115 kg body. Having lived through the BN apartheid system (yes, it is no different from South Africa's apartheid system under the whites before the ANC led by Nelson Mandela succeeded in making South Africa a truly democratic nation) for so many years, and having only been overseas for my tertiary degree for 3 - 4 years, and holidays paid for with my hard earned money, I have always worked in Malaysia, paying full Malaysian taxes, and contributing to the EPF, and lived here in KL all my life, I finally had enough when I saw the demonisation of BERSIH 2.0 and the true Patriots of Malaysia (steering committee of BERSIH 2.0 and all the 62 supporting NGOs), by this self-centred, bully of a government. So I told my wife and my kids that I had to go to this rally on the 9th July in KL and make our voices heard. If I made it back, fine, if I didn't, so be it. My wife wanted to walk with me, but I convinced her not to as our daughter is only 4+, though our sons are big enough, and she needed a parent to look after her. Also, if I didn't make it back, she needed to carry on the fight for the sake of our children, and for the sake of our country, Malaysia. This would be my first rally although I had attended almost all the PJ vigils to free Raja Petra Kamarudin from ISA and to mansuhkan ISA, along with my wife and family. My daughter was only 1+ yrs old then and she was then dubbed by Haris Ibrahim and Del Capo as the "Angel" Of the PJ vigils. Yes, I exposed my kids to all this because they had to be taught what is right and wrong, and that is the most important thing that I, as a parent, could teach them. So we checked into Quality Hotel on Jln. Raja Laut as we thought we were going to the palace, then we heard that we were to go to Stadium Merdeka, but it was too late to cancel, so we all showed up at the hotel the afternoon before. On the morning of the 9th, I painfully hauled my 115 kg carcass up and walked out of the main door of the hotel at 9:55 a.m. with my wife who insisted on walking some way with me. There was a police car parked up at the front entrance, and further along we saw many blue "ants" milling around, maybe about 150 to 200 of them. We were stopped and asked where we were going, to which I replied:"Sogo". So this big burly policeman said:"Oh ... Sogo boleh." as if I needed his permission at all to set my foot in any part of MY country, Malaysia! We ignored him and went into Sogo for which could have been our last breakfast together. We observed them playing around with the red riot police helmets, batons, and shields while drinking our coffee. Then, at 10:20 am, we left Sogo and walked to the PRT station across the road. There were some policemen in the booking office and some milling around outside, so I looked at the train routes. I knew I should get out at Hang Tuah to be close to the Stadium, but I saw them watching me, so I told the gentleman at the counter, one ticket to Ampang (the last stop) please, and said goodbye to my wife with You can tell that once the police heard me mention Ampang, they lost interest in me and what I was doing immediately, although I was carrying a bag of water, salt, extra t shirt and face towel! Luckily, we had such simple minded folk in the police force! I got on the train, but it skipped Hang Tuah station! I swore under my breath! Will it stop at Pudu next, or won't it?? It stopped at Pudu, and I walked out, heading back towards KL. There were no police presence there at all, and while I was walking down Jln. Pudu slowly, the road was eerily quiet, save for some 5 or 6 other people walking like me. A little nervous, all alone on my way to my 1st rally, and cursing the Najib administration with every painful step of my bum left leg, hauling my 115 kg sweat drenched carcass, I stopped by a 7-11 and bought some sweets. The air cond made me want to just camp there, but the thought of my family floated across my mind, and with renewed vigour (as much as I could muster!) I headed down to where one of my friends said they would be, in McDonald's next to Kota Raya. But before that, I had to rest my bum leg again and I went into the Swiss Garden Hotel and ordered a milk shake to cool down while I texted like-minded friends to tell them that Jln. Pudu would be an all clear if anyone wanted to join the rally from this direction. When I reached McD's it was 12 noon and my friends, Lee, Chong and Menon were there laughing at my deplorable physical condition! Soon, we went out to Jln. Sultan and suddenly, everyone started walking out and chanting "Bersih, bersih", "Hidup Bersih", "Hidup Rakyat". Young, old, strong, weak, infirm, the physically challenged, Muslims, Christians, Confucianists, Taoists, Buddhists, Hindus, Agnostics, Atheists, Malay, Chinese, Indians, Iban, and many more from all walks of life, walking together, shoulder to shoulder, with but a single purpose in mind, to reclaim our birthright to clean, free & fair elections in Malaysia. With adrenalin pumping, I walked the length of Jln. Sultan, and whenever a group made it to Kota Raya, we would walk all the way down clapping and chanting to welcome them, and then walk up again. We met several of our friends along the way, Rodi, Claire, Farid and his brother, Hawkeye Jack. There were a few Caucasian tourists joining in and cheering us on as well. What a carnival it was until ... without any warning to disperse, the police advanced upon us. Before long, the tear gas came and the water cannon as well, just outside Menara Maybank and PuduRaya, while I was standing outside Nandos, and we scurried up into PuduRaya to escape from the fumes. The water cannon, however, ran out of water before it could reach us and had us jeering and laughing at the hapless "cannoneers", with tears streaming down our faces due to the tear gas! People were everywhere helping other people, regardless of race, religion, age, gender, etc., and offering salt, and one guy even got a hose connected to spray the people down, those soaked by the chemical laced water from the cannons, and those who got tear gassed badly. Nostalgia and euphoria simultaneously swept over me, as this was what it was like before May 13 1969, and after Merdeka, all for one, and one for all! Malaysia had indeed come a long way since then, but here we are again, one people, one identity, One Malaysia! This is what the Najib character had tried to convince Malaysians the government of Malaysia is, but has instead shown how racist, fascist, and prejudiced they really are, administering an apartheid system of governance over the Malaysian people. God intervened at this point, and the resulting downpour washed away all the chemical laced water, and tear gas, and the police suddenly found themselves powerless to bully the protestors. On the 9th July 2011, that was One Malaysia in action, and we all headed up Jln. Hang Jebat towards Stadium Merdeka. We stopped outside Stadium Merdeka on its access road and saw barbed wire across the road leading to the Stadium, with the cops behind it. Some of us shouted:"Kami sokong BERSIH, apa kamu sokong?? Kotor??". Some of them smiled. Some of us sat down and when 4:15 came, we dispersed as we, being men of honour, promised Agong that we would, all of us melting away back to our mundane lives, from whence we came. There I was, with Lee & Chong, all drenched and soaked through from head to toe sitting outside the YWCA facing the Stadium when a friend of mine showed up, Lian, and her friend. An ice cream vendor came by and we waved him down and had some ice cream. Lee had also kindly shared his stash of biscuits with Chong and I. We parted company and I found out one of my friends had booked into the Olympic Hotel next to Wisma OCM, I dropped by dripping water as I entered the lobby. Cold, wet through, and still famished from no lunch, and my bum leg sore from so much walking and running, I managed to heave my 115 kg frame into a comfortable chair of the hotel cafe and proceeded to order lunch. My friend, Pat, together with a PAS gentleman, Pak Lokman, had booked several rooms there, and I was generously given a room to shower, clean up, rest & recover. To cut a long story short, my wife and family came to fetch me from Olympic Hotel, and after one long look at my tired out countenance, my daughter held my arm tightly and kissed me on the cheek welcoming me back. We arrived back to our hotel and my kids offerred to massage and pommel me and said thank you for fighting for them and their future. My wife was relieved beyond words that I made it without being worse for wear. I had left her with all my codes and passwords for everything the night before and I can never forget the look on her face when I did that. Najib, Hisham, Ibrahim (Ali), Mahathir Mohamad, Muhyidin Yassin, Muhkriz Mahathir, please take heed. We, the Rakyat of Malaysia, will continue to fight for our civil liberties and rights under our Federal Constitution, and for electoral reform to ensure clean, free & fair elections, no matter what you do, or think you can do. With my passing, my wife and children will take up the clarion call to perform their duty as true patriots of Malaysia. Sure, I am rich enough to emigrate, but I choose not to as Malaysia is my country and my home and nobody, no matter how powerful, how evil, how scheming, will convince or blackball me, or my family and friends, otherwise. There is an ancient saying that says we can die without a whimper, or we can make our deaths resound through history. Either way, we die, as death is a fact of Life. I have chosen to make my death count, for my country Malaysia. To the Death, lawan tetap lawan, if that is what is needed to reclaim our birthrights! An Ordinary, Sedentary, Risen through the ranks, Middle Class, Middle Aged, Bespectacled Malaysian with a bum leg, and an overweight 115 kg frame, signing off. |
10 Reasons Why Shopperholics Should Support Bersih Posted: 12 Jul 2011 11:09 AM PDT Your children don't have to migrate to Singapore, Australia or America to enjoy a higher standard of living. If things are done right in Malaysia, this can be a far richer and greater country. That, ultimately, is what Bersih is about. By Andrew Sia "Ala, kacau-la this Bersih, the whole KL was jammed and I could not go for the 1Malaysia Mega Sale!" cries out you, the Shopperholic. And TV and newspapers tell you that Bersih caused billions in economic losses because the Burmese and Nepalese foreign workers downtown could not hang out at the Kota Raya shopping complex. No, no, I mean, because the police blocked all roads and nobody, especially you, could go out and buy your RM12,000 Gucci handbag …. But wait a minute. Why are these shops and stalls in downtown KL doing such good business DURING Bersih? Just look a little deeper beyond the sales promotion and hype of 1Malaysia …. You may actually have 10 good reasons to support Bersih.
1) Your ringgit is worth 2.4 times less than the Singapore dollar. Why? Here you are, suffering and sweating to fight the crowds at sales, just to get a bigger discount. But yet, your money is worth 2.4 times less than that bloody little country which has almost ZERO natural resources while we Malaysians have tons of petroleum wealth. In 1965, one ringgit was equal to one Sing dollar. What the hell has happened since then? Corruption? Now when Singaporeans come here, they are like birds - we can hear their distinctive chirping: "cheap, cheap, cheap…". Bargher, by right, we should be the ones walking in Megamall like that, where everyday is like sales day! Now that the leaders have seen how big the Bersih crowd was, maybe they will be a bit more scared of the people's demands? A bit less corrupt? Maybe in ten years time, we will see RM1.50 = S$1 ??? Then we can really shop like mad, right?
2) Bersih didn't close MidValley Megamall, the police did. For certain politicians, Bersih was like Japan's Fukushima nuclear reactor. The radiation of having an intelligent debate about the nation's future would cause brain cancer .... That's why, even though Bersih was being held in downtown KL on Saturday, they decided to blockade Megamall, which was far away. In fact, days before Bersih, they even blocked roads on the other side of the world at Subang Jaya and elsewhere. Why? Just so that you shopperholics can scold Bersih for trying to save you from overspending on shopping for one day. The police also wanted you to blame Bersih for making you discover how you can have a great time at home (maybe by taking a walk in the park, watching a DVD or, God forbid, helping mom cook dinner) without having to spend much money at all.
3) But you were smarter, you shopped at Sunway Pyramid, the Curve and Jusco Wangsa Maju. But of course, you were smarter than that. You had already anticipated the blocked roads. You hate staying at home to spend quality family time. Oh I'm sorry, quality family time can only be done at the shopping mall. OK, so you decided to do your shopping at other places like Sunway Pyramid, the Curve, Jusco Balakong, Jusco Kepong or Jusco wherever …. The police could order Sogo and Pertama Complex in downtown KL to shut down but who the hell goes to such places anyway?
4) Actualleee … no need to close roads and shopping centres right? Exactly. Why on earth DID the police order the shops in KL Sentral to close down? Because Anwar Ibrahim and Ambiga were walking there? Maybe the police were scared that they would commit khalwat, so they decided to shoot them several times with tear gas so that they would cry out in pain, rather than cry out in illicit pleasure …. The Bersih folks downtown were peaceful, disciplined and friendly. They sang Negaraku. Complete strangers of all races spoke with and helped each other. Some even brought their children - they came for a non-violent protest. People just wanted to gather in Stadium Merdeka, wear their yellow T-shirts, sing some songs and shout their slogans. They asked for just two hours, from 2pm to 4pm. Itu saja.They are just silly idealists who don't know how fair our elections are. So why did the police order the shopping malls to close down? Because they found somebody throwing a bag filled with parangs at Pertama Complex FOUR days before? And inside the bag, there were a few yellow Bersih T-shirts! Wow, how stupid they are. Maybe there was even a note saying: "Anwar wuz here"....
5) Bersih should have been a Mega Sales Carnival The Lai Foong coffeeshop downtown remained open even as remnants of tear gas hung in the air inside, stinging my eyes. Yet people like me still went there to eat the famous beef noodles. Business was roaring! In fact, if the government was smart, they could have made Bersih part of the 1Malaysia Mega Sale Carnival! Think about it. 50,000 people came despite the blocked roads, the threats by the police etc etc. If they had allowed it to go on peacefully, 100,000 or maybe 150,000 people would have come. And after singing and shouting, they also need to makan and minum right? Rows of stalls could have been set up at Stadium Merdeka, just like at Batu Caves during Thaipusam. What a huge economic boost!
6) Bersih should have been a Visit Malaysia Year event Bersih's call for fair and clean elections "tarnished" the nation's image, claim certain politicians. But the same politicians were warning that silat fellas were coming to reconquer Malacca from the Portuguese while Perkasa has been whacking foreigners (all those who arrived in Malaysia after 1511 that is). All these threats of violence from silat and Perkasa have made Malaysia's name more "fragrant" worldwide, I am sure. But you know what was funny? The real foreigners came and joined Bersih! As you know, downtown KL has lots of Mat Salleh backpackers staying there, and many came out to see the REAL Malaysia in action. It's just like how Ian Wright does not like to go to the over priced tourist traps, he wants to see the action on da streets man!
7) Downtown KL is a foreigners city on weekends. That's right. Certain leaders have been blaring non-stop about how Bersih jeopardised sales for the Indian kaki lima news vendors in downtown KL. But I wonder when was the last time a Minister went to Petaling Street to buy a newspaper, or a fake Rolex? As for ordinary Malaysians, we go to the pasar malams nearer our homes. KL's Old Town ain't what it used to be because Malaysians now live in the suburbs. The UDA Ocean shopping centre downtown had to close down and places like The Curve and Sunway Pyramid are where the real sales action is happening. The main people in downtown KL on a weekend (when the offices are closed) are our dear foreign workers. I have tried the Burmese and Nepalese restaurants there – they are delicious. I'm surprised that our leaders have suddenly become very concerned about what foreign workers eat and buy.
8) Bersih - an economic stimulus program? The way TV has been going on and on, you would think that Bersih has caused the economic collapse of Malaysia. But think about this: 100,000 yellow T-shirts at RM20 each, wow, that works out to RM2 million in turnover, not bad for a day's sales event yeah? Too bad some Minister declared the T-shirts illegal. And because of all the threats from the government to turn Beijing, I mean KL, into The Forbidden City, thousands of people came into town one night earlier. Hey, that's a lot of money being spent on hotel rooms. What about all the money spent by outstation people who purposely came to KL for this historic event? And all the newspaper sales generated by the excitement of the news? And the free publicity for Malaysia in worldwide media? If only the government had allowed it to be a peaceful event, the economic activity generated by 100,000 or more people coming to KL would have been much greater.
9) At least they won't raise the price of petrol now. As a shopperholic, you know that once they raise the price of petrol, the prices of everything else will shoot up. When former PM Badawi raised it to RM2.70, the price of Milo Ais at the mamak shop went up to RM1.80. Now that petrol is at RM1.90, do you see the price coming back down? Not a fat chance! Thanks to the 50,000 brave people who risked arrest and tear gas at Bersih, do you think the government will dare raise the price of petrol any more? No, they will cancel building some palace project some where and use the money to continue subsidising petrol – well, at least till the next elections.
10) One Saturday's shopping in exchange for a better future? Even if you don't agree with the nine reasons above, here's the final question:Can you, dear shopperholic, not sacrifice two or three hours of shopping out of 365 x 24 hours for Malaysia's long term future? During sales, you spend one hour circling MidValley Megamall to find parking anyway. The main threat to our future well-being and prosperity is not some idealistic people in yellow T-shirts calling for fair democracy. The main threat is the billions of ringgit being wasted on submarines that cannot even submerge, stadiums in Terengganu that collapsed (what if it had fallen when the Agong was there?) and … I am sure you can fill in your own list. The Minister Idris Jala showed lots of statistics, warning that Malaysia would become bankrupt in five years, before he claimed he was "misquoted". This is YOUR money which you have paid in taxes. It should benefit you, rather than some politician's millionaire cronies. But why should they care about you, if they are "voted" into power by 30 "supernatural" voters "living" in a house, while everyone in this world can see there is only one old grandmother living there? Do you think the people who went for Bersih like being tear gassed, arrested and man-handled by the police? No. They went to demand that the voices and votes of ordinary people will count. Even if you can afford to splash RM12,000 for a Gucci bag, and all this doesn't matter to you, please think about your children's (and other people's children's) futures. And the future of our nation. Your children don't have to migrate to Singapore, Australia or America to enjoy a higher standard of living. If things are done right in Malaysia, this can be a far richer and greater country. That, ultimately, is what Bersih is about. |
Posted: 11 Jul 2011 04:04 PM PDT By Dr Irene Fernandez, Teganita Tenaganita salutes the rakyat, who despite immense harassment and grave obstacles placed by the police and the Home Ministry, and the irrational lockdown of Kuala Lumpur, still came in tens of thousands to demand for fair, clean and free elections. With tremendous pride & joy, we congratulate Malaysians for their stand on democracy. Malaysians today have shown that they are no longer afraid to assert their rights. The people remained focused and they marched peacefully despite the excessive use of tear gas, chemically-laced water, arrests, batons and beatings. With no uncertain terms, Tenaganita strongly condemns these extreme forms of human rights violations and the violence demonstrated by the police against ordinary Malaysians. The Malaysian government's refusal to acknowledge and take responsibility for police brutality is a clear sign of a failing democracy. It is therefore even more urgent that the eight immediate demands of BERSIH 2.0 are implemented without delay. We especially condemn the actions of the riot police who fired tear gas into the compounds of Tung Shin Hospital and are appalled by the apparent denial by the Inspector-General of Police that this did not happen. Several Tenaganita staff, including the Executive Director, took shelter with hundreds of other Malaysians in the compound of this Hospital, and witnessed this first-hand as teargas was fired at us. We also watched as riot police personnel and trucks sealed off entrances and exits of the hospital, thereby preventing us from leaving. We are also appalled by the actions of baton-wielding police officers who stormed the grounds of Chinese Maternity Hospital and used excessive force to arrest peaceful demonstrators. In the face of this ugly abuse of power, Tenaganita extends its heartfelt gratitude to the staff of Tung Shin Hospital and the Chinese Maternity Hospital for their cooperation in allowing the participants of this gathering to seek temporary shelter on their grounds. We appreciate this support shown towards their fellow countrypersons. We call for the immediate release of the over 1600 Malaysians who were arrested for the 'crime' of asserting their constitutional rights of freedom of speech and freedom to assemble peacefully. Tenaganita has received alarming reports that Malaysians arrested at the rally today have not been given access to counsel at several holding centres. We remind the authorities that the right to counsel is constitutionally guaranteed. While tens of thousands marched today, we are also painfully aware that our brothers and sisters from Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) remain in detention under Malaysia's draconian laws. We call on all parties to intensify the pressure on the Malaysian government to rectify this grave injustice and to immediately release the PSM 6. The authorities can fire all the teargas they want and they can throw our bodies behind bars, but although our eyes may temporarily shut to the sting of the gas, and our faces remain hidden behind walls of repression, make no mistake that the eyes and minds of Malaysians are increasingly clear and vigilant in our demands for clean, fair and free elections.
DR IRENE FERNANDEZ is the Executive Director, Tenaganita |
Posted: 11 Jul 2011 03:25 PM PDT
By Tony Pua Liow Tiong Lai has disgraced his position as the Health Minister and the MCA Deputy President by outraging all right thinking Malaysians for his pathetic and lame defence of the police force. He has denied despite the irrefutable and mounting visual evidence that the police force has shot tear gas and deployed water cannons into the Tung Shin hospital compound during the Bersih gathering last weekend. Liow has denied outright that the police has fired the tear gas into the compound, claiming that it was shot onto the main road, and blamed the wind for blowing the gas into the hospital compounds. He further argued that the water cannon only 'brushed' the edges of the hospital walls, and wad not shot directly into the compound. As one seeking refuge in the compound, I can testify with absolute certainty that Liow was lying through his teeth. It is impossible that the police has fired onto the main road as the road was already cleared of protestors by then with everyone forced onto the hospital compounds in both the new and old wings. Pictures have also shown clearly that the water cannons have also been sprayed directly into the hospital and not mere 'brushed' the walls of the compound. What is worse is Liow's complete refusal to even see the evidence for himself when reporters offered to present them to him. What's more, there are scores of eye-witness testimonies, including those from journalists present who corroborated that both the tear gas and water canons were shot into the Hospital where the Bersih supporters were seeking refuge. Liow's attempt to blame the supporters for seeking refuge in the hospital is also mischievous because the they were being attacked by the police from both ends of Jalan Pudu, making the hospital compounds the only possible escape from the relentless firing of tear gas and chemical-laced water. In fact, the visit by DAP leaders to the Hospital the day after was to express our thanks and appreciation to the hospital management for letting the supporters seek refuge, to apologise for the inconvenience caused and to understand if there was any damage caused. Liow as the Health Minister should have gone to the Hospital to apologise in behalf of he Federal Government for the unwarranted actions by the police force for failing to respect the sanctity of hospitals even in times of unrest. Instead, he had proceeded to deny and lie about what is the obvious truth in order to defend the police force, demonstrating the recalcitrance of the BN government and a complete lack of respect for the hospitals under his purview and Malaysians at large. His actions proved that MCA is only an apologist for the BN coalition, qnd disgraced himself and his party for not having spoken up for Malaysians.
Who is Sovereign? The Rakyat or UMNO? Posted: 11 Jul 2011 03:09 PM PDT
By batsman The nature of power is such that if one has no guts and no balls, then it (power) will not come anywhere near. However even if it comes near to those with guts and balls, it will not stick if there is no reason to. So the rakyat have to have balls and be driven by reason and ideals if they want to be sovereign. On July 9th 2011, 50,000 or more people showed that they are sovereign. They gave warning to UMNO that its power is slipping away because it no longer has access to reason and decency. Democracy means that power lies with the rakyat and that the rakyat are sovereign, but democracy has to be hard won and hard kept. There is no other way. Democracy is not an automatic right. It is a hard won and hard kept luxury. Take the Wikileaks exposure posted in MT (WIKILEAKS: 9th Malaysia Plan), the report in it is denigrating not only of the Malaysian government but also of Malaysians, especially those employed as economists… "Non-government economists support these goals publicly but deplore them in private." Try and get inside the minds of these people and what do you see? I see self-hating "small people" that the DAP likes to talk about. They have been trained at great expense to be professionals. They have a chance to influence public economic policy, but they are cowed. They dare not be the professionals of integrity and the people of character that they were meant to be. They have betrayed their profession, they have betrayed themselves and they have betrayed God. So it is no accident that although they may still be well paid, they are looked down upon and denigrated in secret reports. Quite a few Malaysians are also like these economists. OK, so life is difficult and your livelihood has to be protected. Never mind if UMNO is stealing other people's rights and livelihood, so long as mine is not affected in any way…… BUT even if it is affected somewhat, hopefully it won't be affected in a large way…. BUT even if it is affected in a large way, hopefully me and my family will be safe, never mind if the police are not competent enough to stop burglars and robbers from entering my neighbour's house… so long as the robbers do not enter my house…. BUT even if they enter my house hopefully they will not rape my wife and daughters, but just rape the Indonesian maid……. So it goes on and on. People are turned into small minded selfish individuals isolated and isolating themselves in their small little worlds, inflicting loneliness, fear and delusion upon themselves. Such people cannot be sovereign. They have no means to be sovereign. However, UMNO likes such people, so these are the people that UMNO courts as it supporters and voters. UMNO will even offer goodies and extend protection to such people as much as they can. In many ways, UMNO treats the country like its personal private family business. As much as possible, business and private lives are kept separate. This is the professional thing to do. Unfortunately as the boss becomes richer and more powerful and has cultivated close contacts with crooked auditors, crooked policemen and crooked judges, there is a great potential for his private life to intrude into his business. This great potential can even turn into a guaranteed real life thing if the boss has a roving eye and lusty disposition, if his needs and desires are greater than what he currently enjoys. Those employees who have no choice but try and keep their jobs whatever the boss does to them or however he uses them will the ones most exploited and/or most hated as well (think MCA, or even certain international models). Even then I suppose there will be excuses e.g. "we suffer anyway, whether we are bullied and abused by the boss or if we get the sack (think seedless durians)". Such people do not have the means to be sovereign because in their minds, they hate themselves and see themselves as inferior and indecent. At a certain time, decent people will have to stand up for their rights. On 9th July 2001, 50,000 or more people stood up for their democratic rights and counted themselves as sovereign citizens of Malaysia. What of the others? Many wanted to attend but could not make it. Many others still, wanted to attend but could not afford the expense or could not take leave. Many others still, preferred to fight in other ways. Many others still supported and sympathized with the democratic struggle of Bersih 2.0 but were not prepared to go to the extent of attending dangerous rallies. All these are good enough reasons as long as you vote against BN in the coming elections. Make you sympathies and your feelings count. If your feelings are strong enough, you might even consider making donations to worthwhile causes as well as to those who have fallen, who are incarcerated or who have been maimed. It is important to have enough funds and enough support. Even General Washington had to beg the US Congress for funds to keep his half-starved men in the field during such a significant world shaking event as the American War of Independence. Not everything is automatic and runs on its own. What is not a good enough reason is to think that you are too small to make a difference and that UMNO is all powerful. That way, you make UMNO sovereign and surrender power as well as your democratic rights to liars, cheats and crooks to rule the country. Use your votes to create a healthy 2 party political system with adequate checks and balances. Say "NO!" to intimidation, victimization and discrimination. Say "NO!" to government by abuse, dirty tricks and having the right influential contacts. But even if you feel you are too small and too weak to be sovereign, or that the rakyat is not perfect and too easily manipulated and influenced by evil people, the last thing is to do is surrender sovereignty to UMNO, the government of the sinful. At the very least, surrender sovereignty to God, never to UMNO. Make decency and righteousness part and parcel of Malaysian daily life. Say "NO!" to sin, corruption and injustice.
Malaysia: Government risks undermining democratic progress, say UN experts Posted: 11 Jul 2011 02:03 PM PDT
"Malaysia, as a dynamic, multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and pluralistic nation, should remain open to legitimate political discourse on democracy, including the expression of dissent," the experts said. "We urge the Government to allow all individuals to enjoy their human rights, and to address the problem of preventive detention. Likewise, we call upon the Government to ensure that there will not be any punitive measures taken against peaceful demonstrators." GENEVA – UN human rights experts* on Monday expressed their dismay at the use of tear gas and water cannons by security authorities against peaceful protestors in Malaysia on Saturday, reportedly leading to injuries and one death, and the arrest of more than 1,600 people at the Bersih 2.0 rally. |
Press Statement on the Aftermath of Bersih 2.0 Posted: 11 Jul 2011 02:00 PM PDT By Baru Bian, N70 Ba' Kelalan On July 9th, many Sarawakians travelled to Kuala Lumpur to be part of the BERSIH 2.0 rally which called for sweeping electoral reforms. The objective was clear. Many of the people who participated were flag waving, God-fearing, patriotic citizens who wanted nothing more than a peaceful expression of their frustration of the status quo. I was personally present at the rally and I was glad to be part of the rakyat's voice. The rally was peaceful and our security men and marshals were splendid in crowd control. Despite being shot at with water cannons and tear gas canisters, the rakyat remained non-violent. I am proud that I had a taste of tear gas myself. It was amazing to see that various races, age groups, and religious backgrounds were well represented at the rally. Sarawakians were also well represented. Everyone I spoke to said they had come for one main reason – to show solidarity and unity as the rakyat for free and fair elections. It was even more amazing to see the rakyat helping one another after the water cannons and tear gas attacks. Unfortunate for some, they were arrested by the police for simply being there. Included were Sarawak Dayak Iban Association (SADIA) members Matek Anak Gram, Niloh Anak Ason, Willie Kajan and Malaysian Election Observers network (MEO –NET) member Doris Lawai. In Sarawak, Krian assemblyman Ali Biju, native customary rights lawyer Paul Raja and and Iban land activist Kelvin Kilo were among those detained, alongside 15 others on the same day. PKR Sarawak strongly condemns these arrests and the arrest of many of our fellow Malaysians in West Malaysia which were arbitrarily executed, unconstitutional and a gross contradiction of the universal right by every human being to the freedom of expression. PKR Sarawak recognises that the rakyat is no more afraid to stand up for their rights, even in Sarawak, and we honour these brave men and women who took risks to have their voices heard. PKR Sarawak will continue to champion the rights of all Sarawakians, and will not let the sacrifices demonstrated on 9th July by these brave men and women go to naught and be in vain.
Malaysia’s civil servants demoralized Posted: 11 Jul 2011 01:57 PM PDT They are tired of the warnings and threats. They are exhausted from the feeling that they are being monitored. And they certainly detest the reality that if they go against the marching orders of their menteri, they will suffer consequences. By J. D. Lovrenciear The Prime Minister of Malaysia is either completely ignorant or he is being grossly misinformed by his lieutenants. Worse, he still thinks he can have things his way all the way. What he needs to admit is that civil servants are largely disillusioned by the misdeeds of the government they report to, with the turn of events leading to and resulting from the Bersih 2.0.From security guard to Pengarah, the millions of employees on the government's payroll are disillusioned. They are tired of all the 'perintah' and marching orders telling them what they can and cannot do even when the Constitution says otherwise. Talk to any civil servant in his or her taman and the response you will get is a head shake of despair, a murmuring of disgust, and a sense of helplessness and in an extreme case even a glance of suspicion fearing you may be an agent informer. They are tired of the warnings and threats. They are exhausted from the feeling that they are being monitored. And they certainly detest the reality that if they go against the marching orders of their menteri, they will suffer consequences. And the civil servants know that the price they may have to pay for standing up for their innate conscience of humanity is a cold storage, a far-off transfer, freeze on promotion, nudged into tendering a resignation, etc. They are tired of having to sacrifice their souls to the devil simply to safeguard their bread and butter needs for self and family. They are growing weary and are silently crying out from deep within their human hearts for a day when they can stand up without fear or favor, like all other citizens, for true democracy. Even the uniformed men and women in blue keep telling themselves that they will be absolved in having to do what they have been ordered to do because these men and women sincerely do not support the atrocious brutality against their own kind who have only stood against corruption, greed, unjust and oppressive circumstances. Unfortunately, sadly and foolishly the powers that be continue preaching through their tightly controlled media mouth-pieces their own brand of governance that they believe is a water-tight strategy for keeping them in power. But the ordinary citizens all know that their civil servant neighbors truly detest the increasing pressure exerted upon them to come here, go there and take part in this and that to showcase a make-believe support for the ruling (misruling) government. Quietly they will whisper "Ikut arahan sahaja". The civil servants are tired. They are disillusioned. They are just waiting for the weakest link in the system before breaking loose. This is human nature. And civil servants are humans like every one of us. Surely these civil servants in their private and communal moments of prayer before their Creator are asking for mercy and protection to come speedily to them. They know that the hundreds of thousands of citizens, young and old, braved the oppression to make the nation a better country. For among those Bersih 2.0 soldiers of courage were the civil servants' children, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters and even parents. This, the PM and his entourage is forgetting so easily and conveniently. Indeed then, Malaysia is about to enter its last stage of labor before a new life is born giving hope for a better, cleaner and greater Malaysia. And all Malaysians and their revered Constitutional Monarch will rejoice as true democracy and a sovereign nationhood is restored. The day the civil servants say enough is enough and rightfully turn to their revered and promising King, that is the day the nation will leave its last bastion of doom and enter its new beginning for a better tomorrow. It is just waiting to happen, Mr. Prime Minister no matter how much you may twist their arms.
Posted: 11 Jul 2011 01:33 PM PDT How about random strangers holding hands to form human shields to protect the weaker participants? How about people from different colours standing next to one another singing the national anthem? Why must the argument always lead to pinpointing the 'wrongest' of the wrong and not celebrating the 'rightest' of the right? For someone who voted only once in his lifetime, I am neither an anti-government nor am I a pro-opposition Malaysian citizen. Nevertheless, I do think of myself as someone who is quite critical of the political situation in Malaysia. The recent Bersih 2.0 rally has no doubt created some awareness amongst the people in Malaysia and those abroad; and at the same time touched the hearts and souls of many. It is heartening to see people of various races, age group and background converge together holding hands and marching down the street with a common aim of wanting to make a change for the better. Personally speaking, not only did it touch my heart but it also touched my other non-Malaysian friends to see how united we stand as a multi-cultured society. However, it saddens me that the objectives of the rally were marred by accusations before and after the event. Some were to create political mileage, others to discredit believers. We as the registered voters of the country, who are we to judge and to interpret these accusations and actions? What concerns us most should be towards a better future for us as a nation; not just any one individual. After all, it is the judgement that we are capable of making that prompted concerned parties to execute all kinds of accusations and actions to try to sway our supposedly fragile ideology to parallel theirs'. How does it matter if the chairperson of the rally movement is not of a certain religion? How does it matter which parties are involved in the movement? How does it matter if it was funded by certain organisations? How does it matter which race will turn up more eventually for the rally? How does it matter the actual count of participants of the rally? How does it matter who actually went for the rally and who were the keyboard warriors? How does it matter who can drum more participants? How does it matter the actual venue of the rally? What does matter is the objective of the rally: That is to ensure my vote will matter in the next election. And 9th of July has certainly proved that if something DOES matter, we are willing to drop all our differences and come together for the better good. Or at least for those who bother to be bothered by the matter. Saying this, it is really up to the conscience of those in the media to share what we think matters to the wider population. BUT does it really matter if 5000 or 50000 turned up? Does it matter that certain people were brought away in comfortable 4X4s? How about random strangers holding hands to form human shields to protect the weaker participants? How about people from different colours standing next to one another singing the national anthem? Why must the argument always lead to pinpointing the 'wrongest' of the wrong and not celebrating the 'rightest' of the right? Is our society that deprived of values that we can only make judgement after finding out who is at fault? Do we really have to set up Facebook pages to bring down certain people? Or are we fused this way by the authorities for so long of a time that this is the only way to move forward? What do we gain from doing all this? Does it really matter? |
The Difference ( Bersih 1 Vs Bersih 2.0) Posted: 11 Jul 2011 12:52 PM PDT He assured me the cops are on our side of the struggle and are stuck between the public and a corrupted goverment. By vetrivel I was one of those guys who lost my iphone to the cops for taking extensive photos & video shots. Was it worth it, you may ask? It is worth it if it is for my country and our future. Oh hell yes! Even now, I am not sulking at losing the phone, but the Moments of History that I captured with fellow Malaysians who posed for me and the awesome video of songs sang by all those people. So here I am venting my frustration in paper instead of photos. What are the differences between Bersih 1 and Bersih 2.0, someone asked me (which I feel is a lot). My journey began in KTM which I was worried will not make it to Sentral because I timed it to coincide with the Rally (2pm), instead of arriving early and getting arrested for being a loner in the wrong place. The trains after mine were delayed. So - lucky me. Nobody spoke in the train. It was eerily quiet. Just smiles. Most people were heading for Sogo/Jamek area but my instincts told me to get down in KL Sentral. Reaching KL Sentral, life seemed normal there except for the Presence of cops everywhere but more outside than inside. I went into McD to sit down and buy time and got news Ambiga, Anwar and many more were in Hilton just beside KL Sentral. It was raining heavily there and within minutes unexpectedly there was a huge booming, cheering and shouting of thousands of people! I was shocked at the sizable number of Indians and Chinese. This was not a scene from Bersih 2007. The Chinese were no longer shy of Rallies. Not afraid of Perkasa or Ibrahim frog, in fact most were updated and ready for anything. The Indians were alert on National issues. It was no more only for Hindraf or Indian issues; most who turned up were ready for national service. Ambiga was the new Uthaya. The Malays were the highest in number but it is no more just the PAS Malays who turned up but those from every walk of life. The Mat Sallehs, the Indian tourists, Japanese and Korean people who also walked along. Many aunties and uncles, professionals, lawyers, kampung folks, even government servants, so many youngsters were there. This was the facebook revolution! These were the conversations I had with folks who turned up: "We are here for our Children's Future" - most of them agreed on this point. "if Ambiga is a lady and she could do this - what's wrong with me, a MAN?" - Malay uncle. "I have done worse things, I would go to jail for Ambiga!" - Indian guy who looked like a bouncer. "Are you one of them (cops)?" - youngster. "If this was their brother or sister, would the police hurt us?" - Indian aunty. "BN has to go!" - Malay aunty. "There is democracy and there is *democracy*" - Mat Salleh. "Where is the racial riot???" - another question by general public while smiling at each other. "Show us the Parang" - random shout to the police. "We are the ones who lost the most due to the degrading of the judiciary"- a lawyer who exchanged his namecard [he has his own law firm!] Nothing prepared me for what I saw accrosss the Klang river when I reached Pasar Seni LRT station; tens of thousands of people across the river. That was a safe haven for me as I joined the crowd but was greeted by tear gas being shot non-stop from Central Market. It was crazy. Tear gas canisters were falling every 2 minutes but the people kept on regrouping. Surprisingly, food stalls were open. Thanks to KFC and 7-Elevens which were open and allowed people in and out even though the managers chained their entrance with padlocks. Pakatan sabotage? The Rally belonged to the people through and through. Bersih was in charge, not Pakatan. I didn't see the unit amal nor the organized political party type of people. It was a random crowd. Pakatan leaders only came to the rescue when there was no leadership in the crowd. Pakatan MPs/Aduns did not interfere. For example, YB Manika (Kapar) was at Pasar Seni but just standing and watching the crowd with his team; never did he take over from the Bersih steering comittee. Wong Chin Huat was there. When Wong Chin Huat commanded a crowd of 10 thousand people at Pasar Seni Station and was reading the memorandum at the Top of his Voice and a reddened face full of energy, everyone was impressed by his leadership. He screamed at the Top of his Lungs "Kita Tak Mahu RASUAH!" and "Jangan-jangan - Jangan rasuah". His lengthy speech ended with singing Negaraku 3 times. There were tears in many eyes. Some sobbed openly unable to control their feelings. Everyone just stood there and sang in Unison ... Malay-Chinese-Indian-Punjabi-Kadazans-Asli and more. A walk in the Park Through Petaling Street to Stadium Merdeka, everywhere was packed to the maximum. It was a sea of people. Never had I imagined so many people would turn up through the propoganda and barricade and fear of riots being unleashed. Protestors just stood there and were communicating with the cops. How do you expect us to go near Stadium Merdeka if you intend to paint the whole road blue with uniforms? At this juncture, I saw many friends sitting together and taking photos in the middle of the road. Dancers, singers, picnic-goers in the crowd just enjoying themselves. So this must be the Walk in the Park suggested by Datuk Wong Chun Wai of The Star? To irritate him further, "Datuk please take a look at how much we enjoyed ourselves with fellow Malaysians. People paper, ka? Come and see the Real People la braderr!" And please take note of this new trend which emerged from Bersih 2.0 - PLANKING. I am laughing out Loud seeing all those Planking photos and videos online!! Survival of the Fittest It was temporary joy as the crowd which was dispersing was given a warning shot and the FRU started marching in. Before you know it, they started chasing the crowd. The weakest or slower ones were caught immediately and arrested. We were running at top speed. I wish I had this speed while at school. Next was a one hour worth of Cat and Mouse game around the KL Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall and Wisma Tun Sambanthan!! Thanks to the 7-eleven there, I went in the guise of a customer buying a drink. The Police never chase people who hold their posture and look composed. Hmm, maybe this was a good strategy. Nevertheless, I met my friend who was a Special Branch agent dressed in jeans with his team who advised me not to provoke. He said, "There are vans marked with CID officers. They go for the catch. The rest of us remain on the ground. The cops with cameras take photos of provocateurs (for evidence) then the rest go for the kill. But pity those people in the fringes, else they get caught." He assured me the cops are on our side of the struggle and are stuck between the public and a corrupted goverment. Let us Go Home When I thought it was finally over and time to return, there was a bigger crowd waiting in anticipation! As we ran, walked and panted away, we were greeted by friendly stationed police. This time, they even stood and smiled and posed for photos. One guy even mentioned, please make sure it comes out on Facebook!!! But just before we could thank our lucky stars, a few FRU trucks came in between Brickfields and Petronas and blocked our way back!!! People started screaming away, let us go home. We were dispersing but alas, this time we were not lucky. They were hell bent on trapping us and getting hold of us. After the harassment and another round of merry go round, we managed to get back to KL Sentral only to realise no trains were leaving from KL Sentral and the LRT was totally shut down. The Differences Firstly, the Goverment is now fully prepared for Massive Rallies by creating Massive Roadblocks and creating Massive Traffic Jams. Four years is a long time to prepare and with heavy propaganda and vilification, the process is much more extreme. The Goverment has learnt much, but the people have learnt more. Sub-contracting racism to Perkasa, whom we can daringly call cowards since they didn't turn up for the Rally, didn't work. The May 13 Bogeyman and racist conflicts don't work. The Communist tag to Bersih doesnt work (hello we have seen you tag Hindraf to LTTE terrorists, you think we belive you?) Have you read the bedtime story called "The Boy who Cried Wolf"? After the 3rd time, nobody believed the boy. You are the Goverment for heaven's sake!!! Be responsible. We have seen too many 'Gempar', 'Derhaka', 'Jahanam', 'HARAM' headlines from Utusan, NST, Star etc. to really bother. Planting shiny parangs and well-preprared molotovs and taking us for rides do not work. Khairy, who described Bersih 2007 as "beruk-beruk di jalanraya", became a Beruk himself. His comment that he was doing it because he did not agree with Bersih's method doesnt add value. All the more to beat the "Beruk", he became a Beruk himself. Where was PPP and MIC youth as claimed by him? Facebook and Twitter were unheard of during Bersih 2007, but in Bersih 2.0 Facebook played a heavy role to garner support. Other than that, the after effects of Bersih are going Viral. Bersih went with Ambiga and came back with 65 year old Anne. Just look at Aunty Liberty and how famous she has become! Check and also Twitter account #bersihstories (or at Planking: For the 1st Time we see a huge number of Malaysians having fun at the Rally by Planking. Go figure. 1Malaysia: This was the theme at Bersih 2.0: Masyarakat majmuk, all the slogans and posters mean nothing. The heartfelt togetherness at Bersih, the people that our goverment is trying to keep apart got together again. It was indeed 1 Malaysia. Pakatan Rakyat: Didn't exist before the last rally, so we have a more formidable opposition / government in waiting. This is a fact. Pakatan gave support to Bersih, but Never did they Sabotage Bersih or Hijack the rally. Anwar could have been the Man in 2007, but Now it is Ambiga. May 13: We realised more it was UMNO unleashing its demons against us. Yet there are more Malay brothers and Sisters who are on our side and will defend us before those who are against us will be able to touch us. That is why since 2008, no racial riot has happened even though many have tried to evoke it and the rakyat provoked. Malays are with their Chinese and Indian brothers and sisters. It is no More Us vs Them! Lies: Too Many lies have been told that the rakyat doesn't believe them anymore. What more when the Prime Minister renegades his promise. We thought Najib will do a Badawi but he did worse. He didn't stick to his promise! It is worse when the very institution you continue to uphold, the sovereignty of the Malays Rulers are being trampled upon - People can see this. Felda Folks - I travelled home with folks from Felda who were upset BN didn't listen to the king. They said they will spread the message to Felda. Money may be given but in the long run, it is we who will lose this country to corruption, lies and injustice. Malaysians - For all who missed Bersih in 2007, now was their time to be part of History. No, we are not looking for Justice like in Tahrir Square but just peace-loving Malaysians who want Free and Fair Elections. Is that so Difficult to understand? |
Malaysia: Police use brutal tactics against peaceful protesters Posted: 11 Jul 2011 10:15 AM PDT Press Release by Amnesty International Police arrested peaceful demonstrators, fired tear gas canisters directly at protesters, and tear gassed a hospital compound on 9 July, in attempts to stop the electoral reform rally known as Bersih 2.0 from gathering in a stadium. |
YB Ibrahim Ali: Panglima Perang Posted: 11 Jul 2011 09:35 AM PDT Oleh Awang Tak Selamat dari akhbar Utusan Meloya Ibrahim Ali panglima perang Wira pentas beraksi garang Hanya mulut berapi-api Hati kecut bukan jantan sejati Ibrahim Ali panglima perang Kesana kemari menabur tuba Melayu, Cina, India semuanya pening Benci haloba tiada yang laba Ibrahim Ali panglima perang Hanya bicara dengan buku lali Apa guna berbaju Melayu sekarang Bersilat pun tidak, bersopan jauh sekali Ibrahim Ali panglima perang Riuh tak habis, gegar tak sudah Di Kampung Baru tempik nak serang Di medan juang kecut takdek kaedah Ibrahim Ali panglima perang Bermimpi ibarat Mat Jenin alpa Dahlah Agong tak nak jumpa, Najib pun tak nak tegur sapa Ibrahim Ali panglima perang Membawa malu warga Kelantan Usah lagi bising terang-terangan Nanti di kasi macam lembu jantan
UMNO No Longer Has Access To Reason and Decency Posted: 11 Jul 2011 09:34 AM PDT By batsman Friends. Take Heart. I believe the corner has been turned. UMNO no longer has access to reason. Its ideology (if you can call it that) of Malay Nationalism and Ketuanan Melayu is in a shambles – represented by the hot air buffoons and foul mouthed egotistical clowns in Perkasa. What is left to UMNO is dirty tricks and more dirty tricks. It has become such that UMNO can now only rely on new dirty tricks to cover up old ones that are no longer believable. It even has to rely on a think tank of high flyers in the PMO to dream up these dirty tricks. Sooner or later all these massive numbers of dirty tricks and falsehood will amount to a messy pile of foul smelling excrement. What is left to UMNO is now to rely on pure emotion and prejudice. Its supporters are reduced to racist bigoted retards who are no longer governed by reason. What is left to UMNO is pure prejudice, falsehood, fear through victimisation and money power. It has now to rely not only on its own plunder but the dwindling supplies from MCA's towkay backers. Take the Tung Shin Hospital fiasco. It is so lame that 5 year old mongoloids can pick out the pretense and the arm twisting. UMNO now has to rule through the racism of its supporters, dirty tricks and falsehood, instilling fear and buying off weak people. It has no more access to reason. Its carefully built up edifice of racial prejudice and divide and rule ideology is in a shambles. This is not to say that it is no longer a force to be reckoned with. It still controls a bought off civil service, "independent" commissions, corrupt members of the judiciary, police and paid crony NGOs / GLCs as well as control of crony TV stations, press and 4 million silat exponents. But what is missing is reason. Without reason and a decent ideal, all this prejudice and mercenary greed will fall apart like a house of cards. Still, for the time being, it is a dangerous and vicious dictatorship of racism, corruption and sin. Good people still have to be careful and exercise patience. UMNO's days are numbered, but it can still last a few months or even a few years during which time it can still do some serious damage and be responsible for a few more murders. UMNO is resorting to threatening the international press. This sounds a lot like Gaddafi threatening to bomb Europe. Reason and judgment is no longer on UMNO's side. It is piling up bluffs, threats and dirty tricks one on top of another. Malaysia is now a country ruled by fear, prejudice, hypocrisy and dirty tricks. This situation cannot last. People cannot remain fearful forever. Prejudice, hypocrisy and dirty tricks are backed up by sin and falsehood. They too cannot last. Correct me if I am wrong, but I have never seen Bersih 2.0's 8 demands printed in the UMNO controlled press nor read out on air on UMNO controlled TV and radio stations. UMNO is relying on its supporters to make decisions based only on its point of view. This is the same UMNO that claims it is transparent and promoting creativity and Melayu Baru. (Melayu Glokal). UMNO's Melayu Glokal supporters are expected to make intelligent decisions based on no knowledge whatsoever of Bersih 2.0's 8 demands that are supposed to be a threat to national security. Bersih 2.0's 8 demands are such a serious threat that UMNO had to use its police to lock down the capital city and tear gas Malaysian citizens and hospitals, tolerating and protecting its policemen for kicking those who have fallen down. UMNO no longer has access to reason and decency. The corner has been turned. QED. |
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