Sabtu, 2 Julai 2011

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Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

Stop being kaypoh, you blardee Kristian

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 08:32 PM PDT

I am sure you would agree that what is important is that no one prevents you from going to church every Sunday to pray so that you can guarantee your place in heaven when you die. In fact, even Hitler did not prevent Christians from going to church every Sunday to pray so that they can guarantee their place in heaven when they die. And that is exactly why the Christians closed both eyes to the extermination of six million Jews.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Blogger Lodges Police Report Against Alleged Religious Sedition Twitter Post            

(Malaysian Digest) - The Secretary of Blog House Malaysia (BHM), Tony Yew, today lodged a police report against Chan Lillian who, according to Tony, posted a religious sedition with her Twitter account.

Chan Lillian is an official video-journalist for Penang Chief Minister, Lim Guan Eng.

Tony, when met after he made his report at Travers police station, said that Chan, under the name of 5xmom, tweet on Wednesday night urging all Christians to go down to the streets, which Tony believes is the Bersih 2.0 mass rally.

"She tweet, 'i think all Christians shud march for all the persecution they had done to us and our Lord. Don't you think so? I go sleep now. Bye bye'," said Tony.

"I believes her tweet is an intentional sedition for all Christians and dangerous considering the recent development related to this coming 9 July", he added.

Tony advises the public, especially Christians, to not fall into the trap of religious tensions.

"I am a Christians and practised my faith freely, no persecution ever happen while I'm practising my faith, as Lilian try to portrays with her tweetpost."

"She made it up with another agenda up in her mind", he added.


Good for you, Tony Yew. Teach those buggers a lesson. How can they post a 'religious sedition' in their Twitter account? Too much, man!

By the way, just between you and me, Tony, I tried looking up the crime of 'religious sedition' in the Federal Constitution of Malaysia and could not find it. Maybe it is in the Penal Code but I don't have a copy of that so I am not able to find out under which section of the Penal Code that comes under.

Never mind. I am glad you did your Christian duty and took action on this crime of 'religious sedition' by making a police report. We don't want people -- especially the Malay-Muslims of Malaysia -- to start thinking that Christianity is an action-oriented religion, like Islam.

Christians should demonstrate that they are passive, not active, like Muslims, who belong to a religion that propagates amar makruf, nahi munkar -- which simply means uphold righteousness and oppose evil.

If Christianity starts becoming like Islam -- upholds righteousness and opposes evil -- then Muslims may get fooled into thinking that Christianity is a good religion after all.

Currently, Muslims are taught that Christianity is the opposite of Islam. If Muslims start thinking that Christianity is just like Islam -- that it upholds righteousness and opposes evil -- we may face problems of Muslims converting to Christianity.

And that is something we must avoid at all costs as this, as you say, may increase religious tensions.

We must remember that 'religious sedition' -- though this crime may be absent in our Constitution or Malaysian laws -- is exactly the crime that Jesus Christ committed. And for that he was crucified -- at least you as a Christian believe. And the fact that you 'crucified' Chan Lillian, metaphorically speaking, is certainly the Christian thing to do.

I am sure that you, Tony, are proud that Christians, for thousands of years, have demonstrated passiveness towards evil. And I am proud that you, as my friend, have continued this Christian tradition.

Imagine what would have happened had the Christians demonstrated outrage at what the Nazis did to the Jews in Europe? There would have been utter chaos. The Nazis would have been brought down and the six million Jews would not have been rightfully punished for what their ancestors did to Jesus Christ.

The Christians wisely remained neutral and did not even whimper at the Holocaust. And that was why the church was spared and was able to survive when the rest of the world was ravaged by war.

Tony, people just never learn from history. As Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said: Melayu mudah lupa. And you have reminded us that not only Melayu, but also the Christians mudah lupa. And it is good that you reminded us so that the Christians would not mudah lupa.

Do you remember this quotation, Tony?

First they came for the communists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak out for me.

This quotation is credited to Friedrich Gustav Emil Martin Niemöller, a German anti-Nazi theologian and Lutheran pastor.

Now, note two things here, Tony. Friedrich Gustav was anti-Nazi plus he was a Lutheran. So that makes him biased. And we can't accept the views of someone who is biased.

The bottom line is: the Nazis went for the Communists, trade unionists, Jews and Lutherans. They never touched the Pope in Rome. And that is what matters. Won't you agree, Tony?

So, Tony, let's you and I whack the Malaysian Christians who try to stir Christians into action. As you rightly said: you are a Christian who can practise his faith freely and you suffered no persecution in practising your faith.

So, what more do you want? Is this not enough? Why make so much noise about freedom, justice, good governance, an end to abuse of power and corruption, clean elections, and whatnot?

I am sure you would agree that what is important is that no one prevents you from going to church every Sunday to pray so that you can guarantee your place in heaven when you die. In fact, even Hitler did not prevent Christians from going to church every Sunday to pray so that they can guarantee their place in heaven when they die. And that is exactly why the Christians closed both eyes to the extermination of six million Jews.

Aiyah, Christian pun macam Melayu: mudah lupa. And it needs someone like Tony Yew to bring the Christians back to the right path and to remind them that Christianity is just about going to church on Sunday to pray. Christians should not kaypoh into other matters not related to praying in church on Sunday.

Thank you, Tony, for your service to the nation. I hope soon I will be able to refer to you as Yang Berbahagia Datuk Tony Yew just like your boss, Yang Berbahagia Datuk Ahirudin Bin Attan a.k.a. Rocky Bru.


It all started with an allegation

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 06:21 PM PDT

History is an interpretation of events. You can't change the actual events in history. But you can interpret the events. And everyone would have his/her own interpretation of things. For example, to the British it was 'The Indian Mutiny'. To the Indians it was a 'Fight for Independence'. The event never changes. How you perceive it would. 


Raja Petra Kamarudin

How many non-Muslims understand the conflict between the Sunnis and the Shiahs? For that matter, how many Muslims understand it? Why have millions of Muslims died at the hands of fellow Muslims since the time of the death of Prophet Muhammad? 

Many Muslims are in denial mode and Sunni Muslims, the largest sect in Islam (which most Malaysian-Malays belong to), would rather believe it is because the Shiahs are deviants. And that is why Malays who become Shiahs, or are suspected of following Shiah teachings, are arrested by the Malaysian government -- because they are following 'deviant' teachings.

Let me tell you why the Sunnis and Shiahs are 'at war' with one another. And to understand this I need to take you back to the time of the Prophet when the schism between Muslims first started -- even before the Prophet could breath his last breathe.

What I want to relate today is the official history of Islam. So it is not really my interpretation of events as such. And the story goes as follows.

Once upon a time the Prophet's youngest wife, Aishah, was travelling through the desert in a caravan. The caravan stopped for a 'pit stop' and Aishah decided to seek a secluded spot to answer the call of nature (they did not have R&R stops in the desert in those days).

Without realising that Aishah was missing, the caravan continued on its journey leaving Aishah behind. When Aishah returned she discovered that the caravan had left so she sat down to wait for them to come back for her.

But they did not realise they had left her behind until they stopped for the night. By then it was too dark to turn back so they decided they would do that the following morning come daybreak.

In the meantime a young, handsome Arab on horseback passed by and he saw Aishah sitting all alone in the desert. Although this Arab had never met Aishah before he immediately recognised her as being one of the Prophet's wives because all the Prophet's wives wore tudungs or headscarves.

The young Arab offered to give Aishah a lift and help chase after the caravan. Before they could reach the caravan, night fell, so they had to seek shelter for the night in a cave and continue their journey to look for the caravan the following morning when it was light again.

The following morning the Arab reached the caravan with Aishah riding pillion on the only horse that he possessed. Of course, this triggered talk that Aishah had spent the night alone with a young, handsome Arab. Within a day the whole of Medina was gossiping about this story and in no time at all the Prophet's enemies were spreading the story about Aishah's 'affair' with a young, handsome Arab.

Ali, the Prophet's cousin and son-in-law (the first person after Khatijah, the Prophet's first wife, to become a Muslim) came to see the Prophet to inform him that the rumours about Aishah's 'affair' were becoming very bad and extremely serious. The Prophet was very troubled with this because Aishah was his favourite wife and also the daughter of his best general, Abu Bakar.

Ali argued that the Prophet cannot afford to be linked to rumours of an unfaithful wife. Ali insisted that the Prophet divorce Aishah.

The Prophet was extremely upset. He refused to divorce Aishah but he did leave her house and did not return for a number of days.

And this was when, according to Islamic beliefs, the Surah An-Nur (below) was revealed by God.

I will not go into details about this Surah but suffice to say that the Muslims believe that God, in response to the Prophet's dilemma as to what to do about the rumours of Aishah's 'affair', laid down the 'rules' on how to handle such rumours.

In the end the Prophet did not divorce Aishah but went back to her house and made her swear that she did not commit adultery with the young, handsome Arab (as guided by Surah An-Nur) -- and Aishah did so.

So that ended the rumours of Aishah's affair or adultery. The matter was now settled. But that did not settle the matter between Aishah and Ali. Since that day Aishah and Ali became adversaries (this is merely how I interpret this event, though).

And this revealed itself on the Prophet's death. The Prophet wanted to spend his remaining days in Aishah's house and he in fact died on Aishah's lap. Just before he died, though, he summoned Ali and, according to Ali, the Prophet said that when he dies Ali should take over as the successor (caliph, in the Arabic language).

When the Prophet died the council met to debate who should be the new successor and Ali told them that the Prophet had already anointed him as the successor and that Aishah was a witness to this.

The council summoned Aishah to testify but she said she did not hear the Prophet say this. Because Aishah could not confirm what Ali said, Abu Bakar, Aishah's father, was appointed the successor instead.

It was not until Abu Bakar and the two caliphs after him, Omar and Othman, died did Ali get his turn to become caliph (the fourth caliph after the Prophet).

But soon after Ali took office, Aishah, who was then living in Mekah, led an army of Meccan Muslims to invade Medina with a view to oust Ali. And this was when the famous (or infamous) 'War of the Camel' took place.

It is called the War of the Camel because Aisiah was riding a camel and Ali instructed his archers to not harm her (who was, after all, his step-mother) but to aim for the camel. The camel was brought down with a well-aimed arrow and Aishah fell to the ground.

Ali then approached Aisiah, helped her to her feet, and told her to return to Mekah. Thus ended the rebellion.

The Medinan Muslims, however, were angry with Ali. Rebellion was considered a serious crime and rebels must be sentenced to death, their property confiscated, and their family sold into slavery. But all Ali did was to help Aishah to her feet and allow her to return to Mekah unpunished.

Many people turned against Ali and declared him a bad Muslim for not upholding the law. Aishah may be the Prophet's widow and Ali's stepmother. But the law is the law and Ali had violated the law. So they turned on him and soon after that Ali was assassinated.

Okay, that is the event in history. I can't change that particular event, which is well-documented. But I would like to interpret that event the way I see it. 

It was most unfortunate that Aishah needed to answer the call of nature and doubly unfortunate that she did not inform anyone in the caravan and they left without realising she was missing.

It was also unfortunate that a young, handsome Arab, a Good Samaritan, passed by and he was riding alone. If he had been in a group rather than alone then the story of Aishah's affair and adultery would not have been possible.

But what happened, happened and the bad blood between Aishah and Ali resulted in the Sunni-Shiah conflict that is still going on until today.

You see, when they assassinated Ali, his followers formed 'the Party of Ali' or Shiatul Ali (now know as Shiah for short) to seek revenge for Ali's death at the hands of fellow Muslims. And the Shiahs are still seeking revenge until today (man, do these Shiahs have long memories).

But what I want to stress here is not so much the Sunni-Shiah conflict but how rumours of sexual misconduct can have serious repercussions. In the Aishah-Ali case millions died because of it, Muslims at the hands of Muslims.

Ali's solution to this was that Prophet Muhammad must divorce Aishah to protect the image and reputation of the Prophet. A Prophet can't afford to have these rumours of an unfaithful wife hanging over his head. A Prophet and his family must be seen to be above sin and transgression.

As they say: it is a matter of perception.

Of course, these rumours were being spread by the Prophet's enemies. That is natural. Who else but your enemies would do this?

But the Prophet's enemies were able to spread these rumours only because the event did happen (meaning: Aishah spent the night alone in the desert with a young, handsome Arab). If the event had not happened then they would not have been able to spread any rumours.

Those who supported the Prophet and/or Aishah naturally did not believe the rumours. Ali did not say be believed it as well. What Ali said was the Prophet has to divorce Aishah to protect/insulate the Prophet (and Islam, of course) from these rumours.

I interpret this as the saddest episode in Islamic history. How something so innocent can be twisted into something so devious that has now split Islam beyond repair is sad. But it happened.

Okay, now relate all this to present day Malaysia. How would you interpret Malaysia's ongoing crisis of confidence for both the government and the opposition in the context of the story of the Sunni-Shiah conflict?

Yes, that is certainly something to ponder on. But I shall stop here and allow you to ponder this on your own. Those who can see it will see it. Those who can't…well, what more can I say about Malaysia's education system that breeds dungus and lamebrains? 

And what is my point? If you can't get it then I will not waste my time with you any longer.


Okay, since TV3 is the issue

Posted: 27 Jun 2011 05:24 PM PDT

I have received quite a number of 'strong' messages from PKR or Pakatan Rakyat supporters from Australia, the UK, Malaysia, etc., all condemning me for my TV3 interview. One Chinese activist told me that most PKR people believe I have been bought. One Malay lawyer said that Ambiga of BERSIH told him she knows for a fact I have been bought. One Chinese PKR supporter wants to challenge me to a fist-fight in London.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

I am being vilified because I gave an interview on TV3. Many who were once my friends have turned on me and accuse me of selling out to the other side.

The fact that what I said on TV3 is no different from what I have been saying for so many years is not the issue. The issue is: I said what I have been saying for so many years on TV3. That is the bone of contention -- TV3.

Have I changed my stance? Did I say anything new on TV3 that I have never said before? Was what I said on TV3 opposite to what I have been saying all these years? Did I do a U-turn and retract what I said in the past?

Many have no issue with what I said on TV3. Their issue is I should not have said it on TV3 -- never mind if what I said is acceptable. They can accept what I said as long as it was not on TV3 -- anywhere else but TV3.

This appears to be the issue. The issue appears to be TV3. Going to TV3 is like a Malaysian Muslim going to Israel. That is a most unpardonable crime and a sin of the highest order.

Okay, I can accept that. The issue is not what I said. The issue is I said it on TV3. And since TV3 is the issue then let us view the following video from TV3.




I am a socialist and proud of it

Posted: 26 Jun 2011 06:04 PM PDT

One very senior PAS leader (I will not mention his name) said that he really admires Britain for being a very good example of what a Muslim country should be like. When asked what it is about Britain that he finds very Islamic, he replied the socialist system where the needs of the rakyat are looked after and well taken care of. Yes, according to this senior PAS leader, Britain is a good 'Muslim' country. And it is a good Muslim country because of its socialist policies. And in Malaysia we arrest people because they are Socialists. The Prophet must be turning in his grave at this transgression.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

There are four schools of thought or mazhab within the Sunni branch of Islam -- Shafiee, Hanafi, Maliki and Hanbali. Most Malaysian Muslims are Sunnis of the Shafiee school of thought.

The Maliki school of thought is the second largest of the four schools (approximately 25% of all Muslims -- mostly in North Africa, West Africa, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, and in some parts of Saudi Arabia).

Malik ibni Anas, the 'founder' of the Maliki school of thought, was an extremely outspoken man -- too outspoken for his own good. He issued decrees or fatwas that forbid the pledging of allegiance to the Caliph Al-Mansur. For this very stubborn stance the Caliph had Malik flogged half to death and threw him into prison.

After a serious attack of conscience, Caliph Al-Mansur released Malik from prison and apologised to him. The Caliph also offered Malik compensation in the form of money and residency in Baghdad. Malik, however, declined the Caliph's offer and remained in Mekah where he continued with what, today, would be considered as his radical and anti-Monarchy teachings.

Some years later, Harun al-Rashid, the new Caliph, summoned Malik to visit him while the former was performing the haj in Mekah (in Malay this is called titah mengadap or summoned for an audience). Malik, however, refused to do so. Instead, he invited the newly installed Caliph to attend his class to listen to his lectures, which the Caliph did.

That is the very short story about one of the four Imams of Sunni Islam.

And why am I telling this story to what can be considered a large non-Muslim readership of Malaysia Today? Simple. Islam is the religion of the Federation, according to the Federal Constitution of Malaysia. So you should know a bit about Islam and Islamic history so that the scumbags and slime-balls in the government will not be able to con you.

Secondly, of course, is because many Malay-Muslims themselves do not know their Islamic history. So they make stupid statements that are so embarrassing it makes me ashamed to admit that I am also Malay-Muslim. So they too need educating to stop them from opening their mouths and putting their feet into it.

Now, relate that to present day Malaysia. If Imam Malik, one of the four Imams of Sunni Islam, was still alive today and was living in Malaysia, would he be arrested by the government and charged with 'waging war against the king'?

Remember, Imam Malik issued a fatwa forbidding us from pledging allegiance to the Ruler (whether Caliph, Agong, Sultan or whatever). And for that he was jailed and flogged. However, the Caliph realised he had erred and later released Imam Malik, apologised, and offered him compensation.

The famous Harun al-Rashid of 'The Arabian Nights' summoned Imam Malik but the latter refused to go meet the former. Instead, the Caliph was told that 'the mountain should come to Muhammad', so to speak. And instead of punishing Imam Malik or arresting him for 'waging war against the king', the Caliph did as he was told.

As a Muslim, if we do not want to follow the example of the Imams and the Prophet Muhammad, then whose example do we want to follow?

In the olden days in Europe, it was believed that the king was appointed by God and those who oppose the king have therefore sinned against God. You would then be jailed or put to death on charges of treason against the king.

This is what Malaysia is practicing. It is not practising Islam. Malaysia is not following what the Imams of Islam have taught us. Malaysia is practicing the culture and beliefs of olden days Europe where to defy the Ruler means you defy God and therefore should be punished.

It is time that Malaysia honours the concept of Islam as the religion of the Federation. Get rid of all these un-Islamic practices and culture. Let us not be like the jahil (ignorant) Christian kings of Europe. Has not Imam Malik, one of the four Imams of Islam, taught us what is true Islam?

Now, on the second subject -- Communism. Communism, or more accurately Socialism, is an Islamic concept. Yes, I bet that surprised you.

Communism is derived from the word commune or community. And in Islam this is called Ummah (masyarakat in Bahasa Malaysia). Islam stresses the importance of the ummah. Muslims are called Ummah Islam, the Community of Islam.

Islam teaches us that anything done on a community basis earns extra rewards (pahala). If we pray as a community we get extra pahala. If we eat as a community, as opposed to eating alone, we not only get full but we get pahala as well. And so on and so forth. Any grade one Muslim schoolchild can tell you this.

Communism, or people of a commune, is therefore not against Islamic teachings. It is, in fact, very Islamic.

Now, let us not confuse this concept of commune with Communist Terrorism or Communist Terrorists (CTs) -- which is what the Malaysian government has outlawed. For that matter, even Islamic Terrorism is outlawed, not only Communist Terrorism.

You outlaw Islamic Terrorism. Do you outlaw Islam? And in that same spirit, you outlaw Communist Terrorism. But is Communism about terrorism or about the commune (ummah)?

We need to know the difference.

We also should not confuse Socialism with Communism. Socialism is very Islamic. Socialism is about social justice. Islam believes in social justice. Islam is all about social justice.

For example, we have the zakat system in Islam. This is where the rich pay tithes so that the less fortunate, the poor, the old, the sick, the widows, the orphans, etc., can be supported financially. Zakat is mandatory in Islam. And this is socialism.

Islam forbids usury. We all know how destructive western capitalism, in particular the financial-banking system, can be. Countries and billions of people are subjected to economic slavery because of this. Financially strong countries dominate the weaker countries. This is a form of slavery of the worst kind and Islam is opposed to it.

In short, Islam outlaws Capitalism and propagates Socialism. But most Muslims prefer Capitalism rather than Socialism, as most Muslims prefer Autocracy rather than Democracy (aren't most dictatorships-Monarchies in the Muslim world?).

Socialism is opposed to the concept of the strong dominating the weak, the rich enslaving the poor, the minority oppressing the majority, etc. Islam is also against this and Islam propagates the concept of the ummah (or commune) determining its own destiny.

It is time the Muslims understood this. It is also time the Muslims practice the real concept of Islam. Most Muslims confine themselves to merely the rituals of Islam. And that is where their Islam ends. And they think that just because they have fulfilled their ritualistic obligations they have already been guaranteed a place in heaven.

No, doing what Imam Malik did is not waging war against the king. And upholding Socialism does not make you a traitor to your country. Instead, it makes you a true Muslim.

One very senior PAS leader (I will not mention his name) said that he really admires Britain for being a very good example of what a Muslim country should be like. When asked what it is about Britain that he finds very Islamic, he replied the socialist system where the needs of the rakyat are looked after and well taken care of.

Yes, according to this senior PAS leader, Britain is a good 'Muslim' country. And it is a good Muslim country because of its socialist policies. And in Malaysia we arrest people because they are Socialists. The Prophet must be turning in his grave at this transgression.


When English is taught in Bahasa Malaysia

Posted: 25 Jun 2011 04:03 PM PDT

This is what you get when you teach English in Bahasa Malaysia. Read the piece below that was written by a blogger called toreksulong. I can only assume that toreksulong is a Malay and Umno member or supporter.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

No more erotic sexual in Malaysia hotel because it brought as a court case

Leader Pass urgent challenge Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to resign his post as Leader of the Opposition after the sex video that resembles genuine opposition leader was confirmed by a specialist.

President of the Malaysian Malay Network (MMD), Azwanddin Hamzah said the pass should be more firm in rejecting Anwar and choose the more moral and representatives do not take the silence.

He said Pas previously rejected the 'master' immoral leaders but the party has not taken similar action against him.

''Where PAS leaders called scholars and what their stance on the issue of Anwar's moral?

What is certain''Anwar will continue to deny the perpetrators in the sex video was that he and associate the spread of the video is a game of UMNO, "he told The Star here yesterday.

The facts recited in the magistrate's court here yesterday says the two experts from Dartmouth College, Handover, New Hampshire, United States, Professor Hany Farid and Professor Lorenzo Torresani confirmed that the video is displayed at the Hotel Carcosa Seri Negara in March is genuine.

Azwanddin in the said Anwar as a person associated as an actor in the video should be ashamed and take action to put all the positions he held.

He said people now know and have begun to notice that Anwar has always tried to avoid them and do lie to confuse people's minds.

Meanwhile, Anwar's former private secretary, Anuar Shaari said the Advisory Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) that have to do four things that pushed the former Chief Justice Youth Force (Akin), Senator Mohamad Ezam Mohd. Noor.

Four things, he said, do not swear curse men Anwar denies the sex video; test poligraf to prove they are not lying; sue Datuk Shazryl Eskay Eskay Abdullah and accused Shazryl as a liar.

Anwar''need not 'hide' behind the allegations to the contrary qazaf clear that this country actually practiced law and not takzir hudud, "he said.


In case you doubt what I say and think that I fabricated this piece, you can view it at the link here:

I suggest, however, you do not give him or her any further hits by visiting the site but do click that link above if you need reassuring that this piece is for real.




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