Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News |
- Shut down MT? All Men Are Brothers
- Website hacking: Lessons for socio-political transformation
- Honorary Consul Of Malaysia - Bali
- Bersih 2.0: Pemuda PAS tidak gentar
- Penan hunter-gatherers to be dumped in vast oil palm plantation
Shut down MT? All Men Are Brothers Posted: 15 Jun 2011 01:22 PM PDT I fear he puts too little importance to MT and perhaps too much on Bersih 2.0. By batsman I found RPK's threat to shut down MT highly disturbing. Apparently this is because he believes MT commenters and readers have smelly fart. I am not sure how he comes to this conclusion, but apparently those who have smelly fart are not apt to join Bersih 2.0 in July. I fear he puts too little importance to MT and perhaps too much on Bersih 2.0. At this point in time and under current conditions, MT is the perfect vehicle for a long term fight to bring clean politics and good honest government to Malaysia. Bersih 2.0 on the other hand may be seen as a hopeful sign but merely a coming flash in the pan in spite of the panic UMNO has been thrown into. This may sound like a digression but let me talk about the TV series "All Men are Brothers" to stress my point. I am not saying my understanding of the TV drama is accurate given my full dependence on the "sari kata" and the highly enthusiastic but speckled translation of primary school nephews as well as less than regular viewing of the series, but the importance of the legend centers around the motives of the rebels and their wish to surrender. Unfortunately, conditions and circumstances were not kind to them. The Sung Dynasty was still strong, but the new Emperor was unduly influenced by corrupt ministers. Those of the rebels who refused to surrender were leftists because they refused to recognize that the Dynasty was still strong and there was no way a change of dynasty could be effected. The long term result of refusal to surrender would be to turn into pure bandits and live off the ordinary people. On the other hand those to wanted to surrender were rightists who could not understand that corrupt ministers will still reign supreme even if they surrendered and their sacrifices and contribution to the Sung Empire would come to naught and they would have to live under the thumb of evil high officials. Thus they became heroes in legend continuing fighting to the last man against "fate". Or at least this is how I expect the series to end. There does not seem to be any "good" ending for the rebels. In the case of Malaysia, an understanding of the conditions and situation is critical for any fight. If it is to be a long term fight, MT's importance and contribution cannot be under-estimated. Impatience and shutting down MT will be a tragic mistake. However, if the situation has reached a critical turning point, Bersih 2.0 must be successful and its success will become legendary in Malaysian history. The leaders of the reform movement have to judge accurately whether such a critical turning point has been reached and whether it is worthwhile to commit everything to it. Those of us at the bottom have not much choice – "ours not to reason why, ours but to do and die" thingy. However, before the fight in July, let me just voice the hope that Bersih 2.0 is not the end and that it will not be a do or die situation. Hopefully the reform movement will have resources and the strength (whether win or lose in July) to launch Bersih 3.0, Bersih 4.0, etc. ad infinitum. In the meantime, please keep MT alive and strong, even if it is just to raise greater public indignation at good people falling off tall government buildings or to stop policemen defending themselves by shooting people at 45 degree angles at close range, as well as expose seniors bonking juniors in government service, top government servants viewing child pornography as no more serious than traffic offences and low ranking government servants viewing internet pornography as a regular pastime in government premises, etc. | ||||
Website hacking: Lessons for socio-political transformation Posted: 15 Jun 2011 01:20 PM PDT In this world order of cybernation, international policing by local governments does not work. Likewise, local threats by law enforcers and official watchdog entities against these 'eagles beyond the skies' are virtually paralyzed given the hackers' global movement for the championing of a free-world order. By J. D. Lovrenciear Yes, no one on the receiving end can endorse the recent brutal hacking of Malaysia's official websites by the 'Anonymous' international group. But the fact remains: they do as they say when you cross the line. Our government ministers need to go back to college. They need to fully understand all about existence and operating their political businesses in this 'New Age' which Manuel Castells rightly describes as 'The Networked Society'. They would also be better off learning and mastering all about Appadurai's Flow of Space and Time Flows. In this world order of cybernation, international policing by local governments does not work. Likewise, local threats by law enforcers and official watchdog entities against these 'eagles beyond the skies' are virtually paralyzed given the hackers' global movement for the championing of a free-world order. That free-world order is all about the freedom and flow of information that was already mapped-out the day the Internet spilled into the public domain. It is about information being borderless and timeless. When the Penny Press dawned into society a long, long time ago, the credo then was: We have a duty to inform as society has an innate right to know – a fundamental that no politician can deny. And so the newspaper began its legacy for the modern world. But today, with the advent and proliferation of the worldwide web, governments and their representatives must be humble and willing to accept the realities of contemporary times. We have matured and metamorphosed into a new beingness. The truth is there is no place on planet earth where you can hide truths and lies. The duty to inform and the right to know have all taken a far more profound meaning and dimension. The truth is governments – especially those that thrive on the principle of divide and rule, will permanently remain on the defensive in the face of this cyber-world. Hence, it pays to respect, collaborate, cooperate and conform to the Networked Society of this 21st century. In the 19th and 20th centuries, the call for democracy and civil liberties was responded with physical wars across the globe – west to east, north to south. But in today's era, we will only witness more of cyber wars that will come descending like bolts of lightning against those that are suspect of denying humanity of their right to know as well as denying those entrusted with the fundamental human duty to inform their right to perform ethically. Yes some recalcitrant governments (or regimes) have been known to go after their own citizens in the face of such cyber attacks. But that will never stop the global attackers from repeating their planet wars. Hence, as time keeps ticking away, we will witness more nations learning the hard way that it does not pay to restrain in any form whatsoever the very basic commandments upon which the world has been advancing in this Networked Society, namely the duty to inform and the right to know. Russia, China and others feel like tarot cards in the wake of the advancing democratization of politics and liberation of civil society. In more recent times we are seeing the same pattern in the mid-eastern belt. Likewise, all nations irrespective of size and location on planet earth will not be spared by the tidal tsunami of man's fight for true democracy and civil liberties and his quest for justice. The cyber world will remain as humanity's companion of war while it remains as the 21st century weapon of destruction descending upon stubborn politicians. Unfortunately, our ministers used the same logic that they use for citizens on the land. Just like how they warn and intimidate citizens with the threat that the long arm of the law will arrest them if they do not follow their directives, the government issued a statement that they are doing all that is necessary to avert the announced attack by 'Anonymous'. Did the raiders descend? Yes they did. Could we withstand them? No, we certainly couldn't. Can we ever withstand them? No, that is why even the USA – including Pentagon remains respectful of the cyber world. Hence, it pays for governments, their leaders and followers, and even businesses to go, take the trouble to read, understand and appreciate the advancing world of the Networked Society, i.e. to put in place meaningful actions that champion and facilitate true democracy and civil liberties. Therein is the meaning and content of 'transformation', 'transparency', 'accountability' and 'corporate social responsibility' and the more recent 'welfare state' – the buzz words of the 21st century that permeates politics, social order, economic advances and environmental care. Is all these hard to comprehend?
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Honorary Consul Of Malaysia - Bali Posted: 15 Jun 2011 01:12 PM PDT What is the role of the Honorary Consul of Malaysia if it is not for helping fellow Malaysians? By Malaysian in Indonesia [This letter was also sent to Dato' Sri Anifah Aman and the Malaysian Embassy in Jakarta - MTadmin] It has come to my knowledge that a certain Malaysian citizen has been in police captivity here in Bali for the last two months due to minor drug possession. His release papers were given today and he was granted leave by the Bali police as he has shown proof that the drugs he brought in was for medical purposes. The Indonesian lawyers as well as the Bali Police and us, Malaysians here in Indonesia, were appalled by the inaction of our Honorary Consul of Malaysia, Mr. Feisol Hashim. When we found out about the arrest of the young Malaysian man, we concerned Malaysians sought help from the Consul but no one picked up the phone (no one ever picks up the phone and that leaves us wondering whether anyone is working). We finally called the Malaysian Embassy in Jakarta and were told that no help whatsoever will be given to this young man. We did not like what we heard but if this was the orders from the higher ups, there was nothing we could do. However, as fellow Malaysians, all we could do was to visit him and give him some words of comfort. While we were at POLDA (the police holding cell in Bali), we saw many arrested citizens from different countries and we also saw many consuls coming in to lend help and support in whatever way they could to their fellow citizens. But I guess the Honorary Malaysian consul is too busy cooped up in his beautiful office at Alam Kul Kul Resort, Kuta, to make a trip to POLDA to say a kind word or two to his fellow citizen. However, what was more appalling was the fact that on the day of this young man's release, Mr Feisol Hashim did not carry out his duty as an Honorary Consul of Malaysia or as a fellow human being. To be released from prison, this young man needed another Malaysian to sign his release papers. To sign the release paper is a mere formality and it is not a guarantee and does not even have any legal implications. Hence, his lawyers approached Mr. Feisol Hashim to sign for this young man but he vehemently refused. The lawyers spent three hours with Mr. Feisol Hashim trying to convince him just to put his signature on the paper. It would not take even a minute of his time. Why did he refuse? What is the role of the Honorary Consul of Malaysia if it is not for helping fellow Malaysians? Well, it is not all gloom and doom for the young Malaysian. He found other Malaysians who were willing to sign his release papers for him so that he could return to his family. We will be highlighting this to Wisma Putra and hope that Wisma Putra could give us an answer as to why Mr. Feisol Hashim as Honorary Consul Malaysia in Bali says that this is not his jurisdiction and if so, what is his jurisdiction. Honorary consul or ambassadors aside, it is very shameful when we would not even extend a helping hand to a fellow human being, regardless of nationality, race or belief. | ||||
Bersih 2.0: Pemuda PAS tidak gentar Posted: 15 Jun 2011 09:29 AM PDT 1. Biarpun berhadapan dengan ugutan dan halangan, langkah derap Dewan Pemuda PAS Malaysia memobilisasi kebangkitan rakyat guna mendesak satu sistem demokrasi yang adil dan pilihanraya yang telus, sekali - kali tidak terjejas semata - mata kerana tindakan nakal pihak tertentu termasuk UMNO dan Perkasa. Biar 1000 laporan polis yang mereka lakukan, mereka tidak mungkin mampu memadam semangat anak muda yang menuntut keadilan dan ketelusan dalam sistem demokrasi negara ini justeru keadilan dan ketelusan tersebut juga menjadi sebahagian daripada tuntutan Islam. 2. BERSIH 02 adalah manifestasi dari kebangkitan anak muda yang mula bosan dan kecewa dengan sikap kerajaan UMNO dan BN mempermainkan rakyat dan mempersenda sistem demokrasi. Kepincangan demokrasi ala malaysia ini masih ketara, apabila pihak Pakatan Rakyat terus dikekang daripada mendapat hak yang sama untuk akses dengan media sedang Barisan Nasional sepenuhnya memanipulasi media arus perdana [seperti RTM] untuk memberi maklumat satu hala atau sebelah pihak kepada rakyat. Laporan kajian Kebebasan Media 2011 oleh Freedom House, kedudukan Malaysia jatuh ke tangga 143 daripada 196 negara. Manakan tidak ....
3. Undi pos pula akan terus menjadi tali hayat Barisan Nasional agar mereka terus berkuasa dan mampu melangsungkan tradisi "membelasah" rakyat dengan penyalahgunaan kuasa dan rasuah. Lihat sahaja laporan Global Financial Integrity yang mendakwa sebanyak RM 889 bilion tiris dan mengalir keluar dalam tempoh lapan tahun antara 2000 - 2008. Begitu juga laporan Ketua Audit Negara yang terbaru, sebanyak RM 28 bilion telah tiris dalam perbelanjaan dana awam. 4. Undi pos juga akan terus menjadi sandaran Barisan Nasional untuk terus kekal berkuasa lalu membuli rakyat dengan kenaikan harga minyak, kenaikan harga barang, kenaikan tarif bil elektrik, saman ekor serta "membelenggu" anak muda dengan lingkaran hutang PTPTN. Undi pos adalah satu makenisme yang paling strategik untuk mengekalkan survival kuasa politik Barisan Nasinoal sedang ia tidak lagi relevan dalam sistem demokrasi moden hari ini. 5. Sebahagian mereka menempelak hasrat BERSIH 02 kononnya tidak lagi relevan kerana Pakatan Rakyat telah memenangi 4 buah negeri dan hampir menguasai keseluruhan kerusi di Wilayah Persekutuan. Menang di 4 buah negeri bukan bermakna kami telah berpuas hati dengan tahap ke"bersihan" sistem pengendalian pilihanraya dalam negara ini. Saya percaya, jika pilihanraya benar - benar dikendalikan sebersih - bersihnya dari sebarang manipulasi dan sistem demokrasi dilangsungkan dengan telus dan adil, Pakatan Rakyat mampu menang sekurang - kurangnya di 8 buah negeri pada pilihanraya umum 2008 yang lalu malah berkemungkinan besar mampu memperolehi simple majoriti bagi menguasai parlimen. 6. Antara kepincangan demokrasi yang diamalkan dalam negara kita Malaysia ialah tindakan mereka yang mahu menghalang hak rakyat berhimpun secara aman seperti Himpunan BERSIH 02. Setelah mendengar janji daripada penganjur BERSIH 02 bahawa ia akan dilangsungkan secara aman, mereka masih mengugut rakyat agar tidak menyertai himpunan tersebut. Selayaknya pihak berkuasa mengambil langkah mengawal himpunan BERSIH 02 sebagaimana mereka boleh mengawal himpunan dan perarakan puluhan ribu manusia pada hari sambutan kemerdekaan, malam citrawarna dan sebagainya. 7. Pihak berkuasa juga sayugianya menghalang hasrat pihak - pihak lain selain BERSIH 02 yang terlebih dahulu telah mengisytiharkan hasrat menganjurkan himpunan pada hari yang sama dan di tempat yang sama, kerana ia adalah satu bentuk provokasi yang boleh mencetus ketidaktenteraman suasana himpunan tersebut. Saya hairan kenapa Perkasa atau lainnya mahu mengadakan himpunan pada hari yang sama dan tempat yang sama ? Ertinya merekalah yang mahu mencetus provokasi dan suasana tidak aman bukan pihak BERSIH 02. 8. Andai mereka mahu menduga pengaruh, mereka boleh menganjurkan himpunan serupa pada 10 hb Julai iaitu sehari selepas BERSIH 02 atau pada 8 hb Julai iaitu sehari sebelumnya. Kenapa mereka begitu terdesak mahu mengadakan himpunan mereka pada hari yang sama ? mereka marah rakyat mahu sertai BERSIH 02 kerana himpunan itu kononnya demontrasi jalanan yang sia - sia, tetapi mereka juga mahu menganjurkan himpunan untuk menunjukkan bantahan mereka terhadap BERSIH 02 ! Alangkah dangkalnya mereka berfikir ! 9. Benarkan dahulu rakyat menyertai BERSIH 02 pada 9 hb Julai untuk membantah sistem pengendalian demokrasi dan pilihanraya yang pincang dalam negara ini. Maka keesokkan harinya, bolehlah mereka pula berhimpun untuk membantah himpunan BERSIH 02 jika mereka tidak berpuas hati atau kiranya mereka kurang sabar, boleh sahaja mereka berhimpun pada 8 hb Julai untuk melahirkan bantahan mereka dan benarkan BERSIH 02 berlangsung dengan aman tanpa sebarang provokasi pada 9 hb Julai 2011. Apakah kerajaan UMNO dan BN perlu diajar sedemikian rupa erti demokrasi ? 10. Saya mengharapkan anak - anak muda tidak terpengaruh dengan taktik kerajaan Barisan Nasional dan proksi - proksi mereka yang cuba mengugut untuk membatalkan BERSIH 02 justeru itulah yang akan meletakkan Barisan Nasional terus selesa menghadapi pilihanraya umum ke 13 secara berat sebelah dan tidak telus. Insyaallah, Dewan Pemuda PAS Malaysia dan seluruh warganya akan terus berada di saf hadapan memimpin kebangkitan anak muda bersama rakan - rakan dari Angkatan Muda Keadilan dan DAPsy. Memimpin Kebangkitan Anak Muda Nasrudin bin Hassan Ketua Dewan Pemuda PAS Malaysia
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Penan hunter-gatherers to be dumped in vast oil palm plantation Posted: 14 Jun 2011 12:30 PM PDT By Survival International More than 1,000 Penan hunter-gatherers will be taken from their rainforest home and dumped in a vast oil palm plantation – to make way for the controversial Murum dam.
The Penan have said they do not want to move, but have been given no choice. They told the government that if they had to leave they wanted to move to another part of their ancestral land.
The government accepted this – but has sold the same area to the Malaysian company Shin Yang, which is clearing the forest and planting thousands of oil palms. The Penan, who live in the Malaysian state of Sarawak, rely on their forest for hunting and collecting wild fruits and plants; without it they cannot survive. In an emotional appeal the Penan said, 'Shin Yang has entered the area illegally without our consent. If it is allowed to extensively clear and fell the forest, there will be no more forest left for our community to sustain our livelihood'.
Survival's Director, Stephen Corry, said today, 'Even by the appalling standards of the Sarawak government, which has treated the Penan with contempt for decades, this is breathtakingly cynical. Not only is it forcing more than 1,000 people from the forests they have lived in for generations, it has sold off the area it promised them as a new home, and is allowing it to be cleared for plantations. It looks like the government won't be satisfied until the Penan are reduced to utter poverty and destitution.'
The Murum dam, due to come onstream next year, is the first in a series of twelve new hydroelectric dams that will flood Penan and other indigenous villages. The twelve new dams will facilitate the development of the 'Sarawak corridor of renewable energy' (SCORE), which will involve oil, timber, aluminium and palm oil enterprises and will further threaten the land of Sarawak's tribal people |
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