Selasa, 24 Mei 2011

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Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

Pemimpin silih berganti, dari yang lemah kepada yang bertambah lemah

Posted: 23 May 2011 04:37 PM PDT

Tiada satu pun di antara initiatif yang beliau umumkan akan berjaya dilaksanakan dan ianya akan tetap tinggal sebagai retorik kosong yang tidak akan membawa apa-apa munafaat kepada rakyat kecuali kepada beberapa kerat yang berada di dalam senarai kroni yang disayangi.

Sebaliknya apa yang kita dengar ialah penarikan balek subsidi kos tambahan kepada rakyat yang tua-tua dan yang tidak mempunyai pekerjaan dengan membeli barangan yang terkandung di dalamnya kos dari cukai 'GST'.

Saya sengaja menyebut isu ini kerana apa yang saya katakan kali ini akan berhadapan dengan kebenarannya. Mungkin banyak pihak yang akan membidas saya tetapi itu tidak mengapa kerana akhirnya nanti apa yang saya katakan ini akan terbuktikan kebenarannya.

Semasa Abdullah Badawi menjadi PM dahulu rakyat mula mempersoalkan kewibawaan beliau setelah 2 tahun memgang tampok kuasa yang dipusakakan oleh Dr Mahathir. Malahan semasa beliau menjadi Timbalan PM lagi sudah ramai di antara rakyat yang bercakap secara senyap-senyap mempersoalkan kemampuan beliau mentadbir sebuah negara seperti Malaysia ini kerana kepada pandangan ramai beliau hanya seorang yang baik tetapi bukan seorang pemimpin yang baik.

Salah seorang dari rakan saya yang sekarang berada di dalam kabinet sekarang ini berkata menyatakan, jika orang baik seperti Abdullah ini di jadikan pemimpin dia (Abdullah) akan jadi pemimpin yang tidak baik. Orang baik dengan pemimpin yang baik ada dua perkara yang berlainan. Seorang yang baik tetapi tidak pemimpin yang baik jika diberikan tanggungjawab untuk memimpin dia akan akhirnya menjadi orang dan pemimpin yang kurang baik.

Tetapi itu bukan kesalahan Abdullah, kerana beliau lantik oleh Dr Mahathir. Begitu ramai yang mempersoalkan kemampuan Abdullah Mahathir seorang yang mengatakan Abdullah itu boleh memimpin. Tetapi sesiapa yang ada roh politik UMNO yang kuat akan memahami kenapa Dr Mahathir berkehendakan Abdullah untuk menggantikan beliau walaupun beliau (Mahathir) tahu yang Abdullah bukan seorang pemimpin yang berwibawa untuk menjadi PM.

Ramai yang berfikir yang bercakap, apabila seseorang pemimpin diambil alih oleh yang lebih lemah darinya, pemimpin seterusnya yang akan mewarisi pimpinan negara akan datang dari mereka yang bertambah lemah. Bukan tidak ramai yang berkata semasa Abdullah mengambil alih kepimpinan negara, "bermula dari saat ini kepimpinan negara akan bertambah lemah dan lemah. Yang menggantikan Abdullah akan lebih lemah dari Abdullah dan sesiapa yang menggantikan pengganti Abdullah itu akan lagi bertambah lemah dan seterusnya begitulah sehingga parti dan pimpinan Melayu itu akan rebah dan tersungkur".

Apabila pemimpin lemah mengambil alih negara, dia akan cuba menutupi segala kekurangan yang ada pada dirinya melalui penerampilkan diri yang cantik serta 'disposition' yang menarik. Kelemahannya akan ditutupi dengan perwatakan serta 'personality' yang hebat dan sebagainya. Pemimpin lemah akan mengutamakan 'form' dari 'substance' kerana 'form' itu berkemampuan untuk membina persepsi yang baik untuk dirinya walaupun 'substance'nya tiada.

Tetapi menghadapi rakyat ramai, cara dan kaedah penerampilan secara ini tidak akan kekal. Akhirnya rakyat akan bertanya, "apa yang kita capai secara organiknya dalam pentadbiran ini?"



Wikileak: Did Eskay botch again?

Posted: 23 May 2011 04:23 PM PDT

There were two opportunistic moments to release the information but it didn't come out.

During the heat of the moment of the sex video allegedly of Anwar as the male leading role, Eskay posed five questions:

  • How many times Anwar went to Thailand in the last two years?
  • Who received him in Thailand?
  • Which hotel is his accomodation?
  • What did he do in the hotel?
  • Who made all the payment?
Naturally Anwar would not give credence by answering or even responsing.

Eskay had not answer the five questions but he is now faced with a Wikileak expose by Raja Petra on Malaysia Today here yesterday. Read also reports by Free Malaysia Today here. Blogger rbf here notice Malaysiakini, Anwars paid mouthpiece has yet to make a report of it.

When pushed, only then would Eskay respond?

There is supposed to be an expose in Utusan Malaysia today but where is it online? Did Eskay botch again?

Fumbled Big Time

In the last sex video case, he fumbled big time. Although the man is not the same, getting Tan Sri Rahim Tamby Chik involved destroyed the credibility of the expose.

Displaying the video to reporters and opposition leaders and sympathisers at Carcosa, of all the place, was unnecessary. It build up curiosity to the public but late in fulfilling it. By the time, the video was released, which was rather late, Eskay was playing games as though he was trying to emulate his spin maestro friend, Anwar Ibrahim, by releasing it bit by bit.

He fumbled in the handling and many mistakes were made that finally the impact was lost. Anwar had all the time in the world to response, cook up excuses, and played his religious card.

Do not be surprise if Eskay is charged for the offense of distributing pornography and Anwar goes scots free from this episode. He did not do anything wrong under the law. It is the woman that will be charged for prostitution.

Thank God, this blogger was not called back by the Dato Trio to view the video. Anwar's friends and supporters can be dangerously unreliable, unethical in their game and in some cases, naive gloryseekers.

Eskay is undoubtedly an associate of Anwar. Read this blog X-PKR here, believed to be that of a former associate of Anwar.

Cards in hand

The manner that made Eskay turned against Anwar has still not jive with many. Furthermore, comments this blogger received from those with business dealing with Eskay does not make him credible.

This blogger believed Eskay has many cards in hand. Assuming he has no credibility issue and is really a changed man, does he knows what and how to do with the information he has?

One possibility is the video below that revealed Anwar sourcing money from abroad via Bangkok.



Top 7 Reasons NOT To Vote BN Come GE13

Posted: 23 May 2011 11:28 AM PDT

Reading the latest happenings about our country is a pain for many of us. Seeing the kind of filth BN politicians churning day in and day out makes you think that Malaysia is in a state of anarchy.

Would anyone disagree? Politically, economically and socially our nation is sinking lower and it seems we are reaching the point of no return.

We were considered to be a model country at one time but today we are on the way to become the "Next Sick Man of Asia" or the next Somalia.

Can we re-claim our country from these corrupt and good for nothing BN politicians? I say we have to. And we need to.

And we need to do it this coming GE13. Personally, I have 7 good reasons to kick BN out of Putrajaya come GE13:-

1)      When BN is voted out you vote out people like Ibrahim Ali, Dr M, Perkasa and the likes. When you vote these people out you too vote out extremism, racism and bigotry from our nation. This is something we need to do as the current regime under Najib has failed to reprimand these racist politicians. In fact, Najib and his crony has been giving tacit support and approval by giving some of the most ridiculous statements in our nations history. Let us remember that "Perkasa adalah Perkakas UMNO" (Perkasa is UMNO's tool).

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SPR Form 14 Statement of the Polls after Counting the Ballots

Posted: 23 May 2011 11:23 AM PDT

For each counting station, Form 14 is the official statement of counting in that station and cannot be changed. If a PR candidate or his Counting Agent is unable to get a copy of Form 14 signed by the KTM, it is possible for the results to be changed and this has happened in the past, resulting in a loss for the opposition candidates.

3 samples of Form 14 are attached - English, Malay and a copy of an official count.

What if the KTM refuses to issue Form 14 to a Counting Agent?

There are rules and regulations governing the issue of this very important Form.

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PAP is a shining example of BN failure

Posted: 23 May 2011 06:03 AM PDT

Until May 2011, that is. Out of the blue, it is Singapore's turn to shoot through the sky, even surpassing what Malaysia has achieved in 2008. The imaginative share price here is measured by democratic development of the 'stock' concerned.

Of course what I am characterising here is the aftermaths of 2008 political tsunami in Malaysia and 2011 general election in Singapore. Earlier, I have asked the question if the Singaporeans are capable of a political tsunami, given that both countries have many similar circumstances surrounding the two dominant political organisations in BN and PAP. What happened and what continues to unfold down south, where I have been living in the past 17 years, is certainly interesting and, more importantly, a great deal of lesson for Malaysians to learn in comparison.

The results of May 7 general election were of no shock and yet of great significance to Singapore. The incumbent PAP was returned to power with a shining majority of 81 in the 87-seat parliament. But its vote share dropped to the record low of 60.14%, a swing of 6.46%. It lost for the first time in a GRC, an electoral system that was known to favour the PAP. It had two of its cabinet ministers on the receiving end of the GRC loss. For the many years in memory, there are six elected opposition members in Singapore's parliament. Qualitatively and more profoundly, the election saw the disappearing fear factor among Singaporeans in front of the fearful PAP and the emergence of opposition candidates with credibility and track records.

The immediate aftermath is even more interesting. Within a week, Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, who is known to be the invisible hand behind the scene even after stepping down as prime minister 21 years ago, and his successor Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong announced standing down from any cabinet role, "to give prime minister Lee Hsien Loong the room to break from the past". Four days later, a new cabinet was announced, with six veterans dropped from the list. Among the six, two are actually the casualty from the GRC loss and one has announced his retirement before the general election. But the remaining three are the significant ones, as they are said to be the most unpopular ministers mishandling their respective ministries. They won their contested seats but lost the cabinet posts, which are S$2-3 million jobs.

As if still fearing for its survival, the PAP finally "slaughtered its first sacred cow". Prime minister Lee Hsien Loong announced on May 22 that a committee was set up to review the salaries of the ministers, prime minister and president, which range between S$2-3.7 million. The "sacred cow", one of the hot-button issues during the general election, is the brainchild of the prime minister's father, something that "Lee Kuan Yew once put his own reputation – and his '40 years of experience' – on the line", as The Online Citizen describes it. Lee Hsien Loong explained that "the salary of ministers should have a significant discount to comparable private sector salaries to signify the value and ethos of political service", an argument that the PAP leadership has been insistent on rejecting for years.

Coming back to Malaysia, the 2008 political tsunami was actually more damaging and threatening to the incumbent BN in comparison. Its lost its two-third majority in the parliament, dropping to 140 seats from its previous 198 seats. It lost power in five states. Most threatening of all, its vote share dropped to 50.27%, with a swing of 13.63% against it. It's effectively a minority government if factors like 'captive' postal voters, control of mainstream media and abuses of government machineries during the general election are to be factored in.

What has BN changed as a result? We have a new prime minister, Najib Tun Razak, a year after the tsunami, but the process of his installation was the most undemocratic of all, decided only by a group of about 32 people called Majlis Tertinggi UMNO. Najib then spent millions on a US-based, Israelis-led public relation company called APCO, producing what I would call the 1Malaysia campaign. Full of publicity stunts and superficial element but lacking in substance and clarity, the campaign has proven Najib's absence of sincerity, courage and leadership to tackle the challenge in Malaysia, to take on hot-button issues.

We continue to have a government that ignores the danger from religious and racist bigotry, in the form of right-wing group Perkasa and UMNO-owned newspaper Utusan Malaysia. We have had the darkest moments through the incidents of cow-head protest by Perkasa members in Shah Alam, fire-bombing of churches and the latest allegation of Christian state conspiracy. We have the deceptive transformation programmes in the public sector that do nothing more than a public relation branch from the umbrella 1Malaysia campaign. The judiciary, the police and various other law enforcement agencies continue to be used as political means of BN. We have had the worst from the death of Teoh Beng Hock, abuse of the court for the coup in the Perak state and prolonged prosecution (and non-stop persecution) of opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim.



Adakah DAP anti-Melayu? Ulusan karyaan Wan Hamidi Hamid

Posted: 23 May 2011 12:03 AM PDT

Sekian lama, UMNO sedaya upaya cuba menghumban apa sahaja kutukan dan fitnah sama ada menerusi Utusan Malaysia dan baru-baru ini Perkasa terhadap DAP. Kononnya DAP dalang rusuhan Mei 13 1969, DAP parti komunis, DAP anti-Melayu dan DAP anti-Islam.

Jika DAP memang dalang rusuhan itu, maka soalnya, apakah manfaatnya DAP berbuat demikian? Ia telah menyertai pilihanraya menurut peruntukan undang-undang dan telah mencapai kemenangan yang paling cemerlang ketika itu. Memang tiada masuk akal and tiada motif untuk DAP menimbulkan rusuhan. Hakikatnya siapakah yang telah mengambil kesempatan mengantung parlimen pilihan rakyat selama dua tahun? Perlukah parlimen untuk seluruh Malaysia digantung kerana rusuhan di Kuala Lumpur yang telah ditumpaskan dalam tempoh beberapa hari?

Siapakah yang menimbulkan rusuhan ini sampai sekarang belum kita tahu lagi. Apa yang saya tahu adalah semasa rusuhan tercetus, Lim Kit Siang berada di Sabah untuk berkempen di situ dan tanpa alat perhubungan canggih kini, masakan beliau mengetuai kerja-kerja keji itu?

Di Malaysia, walaupun seseorang itu disyaki membunuh, merogol, mencuri atau apa-apa jenayah pun, dia berhak mendapat peluang disiasat, membela diri dan menjawab tuduhan terhadapnya. Oleh itu, sebagai rakyat Malaysia kurun ke-21 ini, masyarakat Melayu tumpuan propaganda UMNO ini khasnya berhak mendengar suara daripada pihak DAP supaya dapat meneliti hujah kedua pihak untuk menentukan kebenaran.

Maka buku bertajuk "Malaysia Milik Kita Bersama: Perjuangan 45 tahun Parti Tindakan Demokratik" karangan saudara Wan Hamidi ini harus dijadikan rujukan di samping Utusan Malaysia, khabar Roket serta halaman facebook Roketkini untuk tatapan rakyat yang berhak memahami keadaan nan sebenarnya kerana ini akan menjadikan mereka pengundi yang lebih arif.

Saya membeli buku ini in MPH Wangsa Maju, harganya RM15 sahaja.

Halaman facebook "Roketkini"

Rangka buku ini disusun untuk membidas tohmahan dan fitnah selama ini dengan beberapa bahagian yang menerangkan sejarah ringkas DAP, prinsip perjuangan DAP serta cabaran semasa dan hadapannya, khususnya dakwaan bahawa DAP parti komunis, anti-Melayu dan anti-Islam.

Fitnah # 1: DAP parti komunis?
Berhubung dengan dakwaan bahawa DAP adalah parti komunis, saudara Wan Hamidi mengambil ruang besar untuk menerangkan asal usul fahaman komunis dan sosialis. Ringkasnya, falsafah dan perlembagaan DAP berdasarkan kepada fahaman sosialis dan puak sosialis ini adalah pecahan daripada golongan komunis akibat bantahan terhadap fahaman komunis yang radikal (umpamanya golongan macam Lenin dan Stalin). Pihak sosialis menitikberatkan nilai-nilai demokratik sosial, keserdehanaan dan perkembangan minda (intellectual progressive) yang menolak komunisme.

Setahu saya, Parti Komunis Malaya menyeru khalayak mengangkat senjata dan menolak sistem demokrais tetapi DAP melawan menurut peruntukan undang-undang dan menyertai proses demokrasi. Tohmahan UMNO bahawa DAP adalah parti komunis nampaknya jahil dan tidak berasas langsung sekali.

Pulau Pinang berjaya menarik pelaburan asing tertinggi antara semua negeri Malaysia dalam tahun 2010. Jika DAP komunis, sepatutnya DAP menolak semua pelabur dan pelancong asing seperti Korea Utara dan bukanlah meneruskan usaha memajukan iktisad Pulau Pinang berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip ekonomi terbuka dan pentadbiran nan telus.

Menurut buku ini, hakikatnya UMNO lebih intim dengan komunis daripada DAP.

m.s. 38 "Pada 28 Mei 1974, Tun Abdul Razak menjadi Perdana Menteri Pertama daripada Malaysia yang membuat lawatan rasmi ke China…bertemu dengan pemimpin komunis Mao Zedong…menandatangani perjanjian hubungan diplomatik walaupun pada masa itu China masih aktif membantu dan menyokong perjuangan PKM"

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GLC Engrish So Good

Posted: 22 May 2011 11:53 PM PDT

How important is the English language today?

In Malaysia, this is a very sensitive question. All sorts of people will throw in all sorts of argument regardless of if it's an 'aye' for English or 'nay' for it. And it will not take too long for that simple question to deviate to racial issues, then to religion, then to social contract, then to 'you are a pendatang', then to 'please respect the Constitution', then to 'BN is corrupt' and what is and what not.

The Malays are divided on this question. So are the Chinese and the Indians. The urbanites are divided on this question. There is not going to be a simple answer - that's for sure.

To me, the English language is so-damn-blardie-kau important. Hey, that's my stand so no need to tell me yours. Am not going to defend my stand now because am writing to show something else.

English is a complicated language. No kidding it is. We Malaysians are used to the rojak version so most of us could not be bothered to improve ourselves. Besides, asalkan we can understand each another, cukup makan lah... So, that's us in our daily lives. Fine and dandy. But on official documents, official events, good to be proper a bit lah. And on GLC websites, please put in a bit of effort lah. It reflects badly on the GLC, the government and we Malaysians as a whole.

I was trying to get a Unifi subscription for my house. Apparently I get to register online. Googled it and this is what greeted me:

What the...?

"Great News!!"

Dude, what's with the double exclamation marks? Why 2? Why not 3 or 5 or 10? Satu cukup bro. Where did you learn to use 2 anyway?? See, isn't it weird when I use 2 question marks? Cikgu kat sekolah tak ajar such things anymore?

"All Streamyx user is allow to Upgrade to UniFi services, except previously Streamyx user who have Sign Free Notebook and PC bundle package is no allow to upgrade to UniFi

Now you can Upgrade your Streamyx to UniFi or Apply new installation through this web site."

I don't even know where to start on these sentences. The basic grammar is bertaburan, capital alphabet is used in the middle of the sentence, the sentences are just rubbish... Seriously, this is embarrassing. This is supposed to be a big corporation in the country. This website is meant to reach out to a lot of people. Is this the work of the Google Translate? You can't blame me for raising this question. We have precedents in the Teoh Beng Hock case and more recently the super large banner in Mandarin greeting Wen Jiabao when he visited us.

Wait! The nightmare does not end there. After I submitted my registration...

"Thanks for your registration! Your form have been submitted! We will contact you as soon as possible. Please check for the Installation Guide Video page so that you can more understand on the UniFi installation Process before the contractor come to install the UniFi Services for you.

For those applicants haven't upload photocopy IC during registration, you can use you Scanner or Phone Camera or Digital Camera to take your photocopy IC (both side) and email to within 24 Hours. All the order will no be process until applicant IC have been received, If you have any enquiry or question, please don't hesitate to contact us at 010-7985600."

Aiyoh... Painful, painful... This is not an Email between 2 friends la! On your Personal Term, nobody gives a damn! This is you reaching out to your Customers. And for crying out loud, this is not something some less-than-capable chap Emailed me on the spot!! The above are all programmed Webpages. Why can't somebody check on this before it goes live??

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