Isnin, 22 Julai 2013

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Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

MIXED MARRIAGES: They give rise to a 'Malaysian' race

Posted: 20 Jul 2013 11:15 AM PDT 

LOVE is blind and marriages are made in heaven. In a multiracial country like Malaysia where people of different races live, learn and work together, it is inevitable for them to fall in love and marry someone from a different ethnic group. 

Samuel Yesuiah, NST 

Though initially, they face numerous problems from their families for wanting to marry someone from a different race and culture, they have blended well, overcame obstacles and today are living testimony of interracial and cultural bonding.

The trend of Indians marrying Chinese and vice versa has become quite common and the union has led to the emergence of a Chinese-Indian, or termed as Chindians, who have sharp facial features and fair complexion.

The Chindian family has the best of both worlds; enjoying food, culture, festivals and music from the two races.

Despite the rich cultural heritage and traditions of the union, Chindians face many challenges.

Most Chindians experience an identity crisis of being caught between two distinct and different cultures. Many of them are looked and stared at differently because of their mixed parentage.

Chindians are neither Indian nor Chinese and whatever name they are given would seem odd because they do not fit clearly into the main racial groups.

So when it comes to filling in the race column in official application forms, they are faced with a dilemma because they are of mixed parentage.

On a positive note, the Chindian identity crisis is an ideal ground for the emergence of a new race-- a true Malaysian -- not Indian or Chinese, but Malaysian.

The Chindian is the perfect answer to the new 1Malaysia generation where race and culture would be a thing of the past.


People’s Tribunal calls for evidence on electoral fraud and irregularities

Posted: 19 Jul 2013 11:13 AM PDT 

The Bersih People's Tribunal on GE 13 calls for members of the public to submit evidence and/or witness statement pertaining to electoral fraud and irregularities on Malaysia's 13th General Election

The Bersih People's Tribunal on GE 13 calls for members of the public to submit evidence and/or witness statement pertaining to electoral fraud and irregularities on Malaysia's 13th General Election, specifically in instances where:

  1. If you are a registered voter, but unable to vote
  2. If you are prevented from voting
  3. If you were offered monetary incentive (bribe) or gifts to vote for a particular party
  4. If you did not register but found your name and address on the electoral roll
  5. If you have been threatened or told you will be denied benefits

Members of the public who would like to give statements or provide evidence on the above are requested to submit a brief summary of the information via email to the People's Tribunal Secretariat by 16 August 2013 the latest. Meeting arrangement will be organised if necessary.

The People's Tribunal on GE13 is mooted in response to the public outcry and concerns of electoral fraud and irregularities in Malaysia's 13th General Election. The People's Tribunal is established to ascertain whether the last election was conducted in a free and fair manner. 

Religion is just like a brand name

Posted: 18 Jul 2013 02:05 PM PDT

All these religions show one's attachment to mankind but with different practices. The path to God may differ according to the natures of individuals, and only superficial according to their different religious beliefs.

Navin Karan 

We are more likely to prefer brands in this material world: "I need a Coach bag to carry my stuff"; "Louis Vuitton is better, rougher and tougher", "Alexander McQueen is spacious and with more compartments". [Using bags as an example doesn't mean I'm saying women are crazier about brands compared to men; men love bags tooJ. If all we need is a bag, why are we so adamant about the brands? It's just a label sticking outside the bag. Can anyone of you deny the quality of these brands? We can rate 5 stars for the quality but for designs we will rate according to our taste. So why are we looking at the brand of religion when the ultimate aim is to preach well about the Almighty? The only problem are the followers who insist their Almighty is exclusive and all other religions' Almighty is not almighty.

The fact is all great masters (gurus, prophets, saints, rasul) attain the same vision of truth; one and eternal, which we call God. This direct vision of timeless truth forms the basis of religion. The true purpose of scriptures, meditations, mantras, prayers are to show man how to find eternal freedom in God. Great masters in every religion, having perceived God (the Supreme Being) directly emphasized again and again in every language that the Supreme Spirit is the essence of everything.

Religion is formed from the master's preaching, correct? Then everyone must begin his search for enlightenment from his own point of understanding; an understanding determined by his human characteristics. Briefly, they are devotional, right actions, meditation and full with wisdom. 

In religion, there are various "moods"; for some it is deeply meaningful whereas it may mean less to others. Buddhism is simple and filled with pure kindness; Hindu chants instill joy with powerful but intense personal devotion; Christianity is dedication to living in harmony with God's law; Islam believes in heroic total surrender to the will of God. All these religions show one's attachment to mankind but with different practices. The path to God may differ according to the natures of individuals, and only superficial according to their different religious beliefs.

When a good Hindu religious man forbids good thoughts in the Muslim religion or a perfect Muslimin cannot accept the good thoughts in the Bible or when a Christian blocks the Al-Quran from his mind, then the understanding they have from what they know is just for intellectual purposes. This means we are still into brands and during our approach to attaining the apex of our understanding into our particular religion, we are actually comparing and convincing others to buy that particular brand since we believe only that brand is the best. 

Thus all religious teaching, spirituality, meditation, gurus, prophets, saints, rasul is a vast embroidery comprising the story of a soul's journey to reach his ultimate God. Not to their individual God, your God or my God but the One. The rivers flow its water to the ocean; religion's utmost path is to the One. 

Note: Out of the world population, 10% of humanity are able to see the One in every religion because they are living within the supreme energy whereas the remainder are believers in the brand of religion, unable to merge the scriptures of others which also refer to the supreme energy.  I hope the ratio will increase so humans will do more good during their earthly tenure.


Surat Jusuf Kalla kepada Berita Harian

Posted: 18 Jul 2013 12:14 PM PDT  

Surat ini menyanggah berita yang diterbitkan akhbar tersebut pada 28 Jun 2013 bertajuk "Anwar dapat dana asing lancar Blackout 505". Beliau tidak pernah diwawancara mengenai isu tersebut.

[MTadmin - click the picture to view large]


Kepada Yth,

Ketua Pengarang

Berita Harian

Balai Berita, 31 Riong

59100, Kuala Lumpur


Dengan hormat,

Saya baru membaca Berita Harian tanggal 28 Juni 2013, artikel yang menyebutkan ada wawancara khas saya dengan Sdr. Al-Azharri Siddiq perihal "Anwar dapat dana asing lancar Blackout 505".

Saya ingin jelaskan bahwa tidak pernah ada wawancara khas antara Sdr. Azharri Siddiq dengan saya, karena Sdr. Azharri datang untuk membawa surat permintaan ketemu dengan 8 Jurnalis Malaysia yang saya tolak. Pertemuan tersebut (1 Juni 2013) hanya silaturahim singkat karena diatur oleh seorang anggota Parlemen Indonesia.

Apa yang ditulis sebagai interview di Berita Harian tidak realistis. Karena itu Sdr. Azharri sudah meminta maaf kepada saya beberapa kali.

Terima kasih.


Jakarta, 18 Juli 2013

Hormat saya,

M. Jusuf Kalla

Tembusan : Sdr. Anwar Ibrahim 

There is no 1Malaysia, only Malaysia for 1Race and 1Religion

Posted: 18 Jul 2013 12:07 PM PDT

What Datuk Rahman Dahlan has done is to defend the indefensible attempt by the right-wing Perkasa leader, Ibrahim Ali in his attempt to incite Malays and Muslims in the country to burn the holy books of Christians. 

Tony Pua 

For those who are familiar with the antics of Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan, Member of Parliament for Kota Belud and new Housing and Local Government Minister, he will be the first in the House to stand up and concoct a reason to defend "why the chicken cross the road?"
However his latest response as to why Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali's urging to burn bibles containing the word 'Allah' cannot be compared with the present case against the sex bloggers Alvin Tan and Vivian Lee for insulting Muslims certainly takes the cake.
Datuk Rahman Dahlan argued that Ibrahim's remark was merely to "correct the error of printing the said bibles", and hence "burning them was the proper thing to do" just as Muslims burn copies of the Quran that have misprints.
[MTadmin - Is he allowing non-Muslims to burn copies of the Quran if he finds inaccuracies in them?]
He further added that "what Ibrahim Ali said was normal", but has been "twisted".
No right-thinking Malaysian would believe the explanation that Ibrahim's fiery and emotional remark was just an innocent and virtuous attempt to "correct the error of printing" in the bibles. And even in the unlikely earth-shattering event that it was, that is no defence against the current Sedition Act. 
For example in the landmark case of Public Prosecutor v Mark Koding, Justice Azmi Kamaruddin in the course of his judgment said: "... It is immaterial whether the accused intention or motive was honourable or evil when making the speech" when finding the latter guilty of sedition. All the judge has to do is to see whether the words are likely to create disaffection against the government, the ruler or the people.
What Datuk Rahman Dahlan has done is to defend the indefensible attempt by the right-wing Perkasa leader, Ibrahim Ali in his attempt to incite Malays and Muslims in the country to burn the holy books of Christians.
However, in the case of the bloggers Alvin Tan and Vivian Lee, better known as "Alvivi", who probably thought it was "funny" to ridicule fasting Muslims, "justice" was meted out before those charged has an opportunity to defend themselves.
Make no mistake, those found guilty must be punished accordingly and the acts of insulting another's religion is not acceptable. However, in the case of Alvivi, they have been denied bail on the basis that "both accused had a tendency to upload pictures that could arouse public outrage", making them guilty before their defence is called.
The clear-cut double-standards in Malaysian prosecution system proves the hypocrisy of "1Malaysia", a slogan preached by the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak himself. It also makes a mockery of our Federal Constitution which provides that all Malaysians are equal before the law.

The fact that Ibrahim Ali who the open and defiant call for bibles to be burnt was not only left uncharged, but also now defended by the UMNO Minister, while summary punishment was meted out to the blogging duo who carried out the tasteless prank confirms that the Federal Government practices not "1Malaysia" but Malaysia for 1Race and 1Religion.



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