Selasa, 28 Mei 2013

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Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

Pakatan Rakyat elok boikot Parlimen dan DUN-DUN seluruh negara

Posted: 27 May 2013 05:19 PM PDT

Cabaran SPR ini wajar di terima oleh Anwar kerana sememangnya tidak bermoral jika Anwar dan PKR menerima keputusan itu jika berkeyakinan ada penipuan besar dalam PRU yang lepas ini. Tetapi bagaimana pula penerimaan PR terhadap kemenangannya di Pulau Pinang dan Selangor? Kata Dato Wan Ahmad, mereka yang menyertai perhimpunan itu adalah orang yang sama yang menerima keputusan pilihanraya di P Pinang dan Selangor.

Adakah perlu Pakatan Rakyat menolak kemenangan di kedua-dua negeri itu kerana penipuan tentunya berlaku dalam negeri-negeri ini juga. Jika Anwar benar-benar jujur dengan tuduhan itu maka beliau sepatutnya memulakan 'initiative'  untuk membubarkan Dewan-Dewan Undangan negeri P Pinang dan Selangor kerana berkeyakinan berlaku penipuan yang besar-besaran dalam pilihanraya yang lalu.

Kita tunggu reaksi Anwar terhadap cabaran SPR ini dan reaksi dari Anwar merupakan satu perkara yang sangat 'interesting' untuk disaksikan bersama-sama.

Bagi saya dan tidak kurang ramainya di bawah ini, bukan tidak bersetuju dengan 'rally' itu, tetapi perhimpunan itu elok dilakukan setelah Mahkamah memutuskan kesahihan ada berlakunya penipuan itu. Bukan sedikit jumlah orang yang akan turut bersama dalam perhimpunan itu jika benar SPR telah melakukan kecuaian dengan penipuan besar-besaran itu.

Tetapi jika Anwar tidak menerima cabaran untuk memboikot Parlimen dan menolak keputusan pilihanraya termasuk di Selangor dan P Pinang itu maka Anwar akan dipersoalkan keluhuran niatnya mengadakan perhimpunan-perhimpunan itu. Bukan tidak ada cara bagi sesiapa untuk memaksa SPR dibubarkan setelah didapati benar-benar penipuan itu dilakukan oleh badan yang menguruskan pilihanraya negara ini.

Tetapi biarlah penipuan itu disahkan oleh pihak Mahkamah dahulu. Apabila selesai semua kes yang dibawa ke Mahkamah itu barulah kita tahu dimana penipuan berlaku dan dimana penipuan tidak berlaku. Maka jika tidak terdapat penipuan itu di Pulau Pnang dan Selangor maka tidak payahlah mengadakan pilihanraya di kedua-dua negeri itu.

Tetapi jika Mahkamah pun tidak diyakini boleh memihak pada yang benar, maka Pakatan Rakyat yang ditunjangi oleh Anwar ini juga jangan menerima keputusan pilihanraya di negeri P Pinang dan Selangor itu.

Jika terbukti ada penipuan yang besar-besaran saya sendiri akan turun bersama-sama yang ramai untuk menyertai perhimpunan itu. Mungkin ramai yang akan menjawab hujah ini yang  Mahkamah pun tidak akan mengadili isu ini dengan adil, maka elok kemenangan Pakatan Rakyat di Pulau Pinang dan Selangor juga wajar ditolak oleh Anwar.  Seperti tuduhan Anwar penipuan berlaku dimana-mana, maka tentulah ia juga berlaku di kedua-dua buah negeri yang dimenangi oleh Pakatan Rakyat itu.

Myth of the 'Popular Vote'

Posted: 27 May 2013 02:34 PM PDT

Free Malaysia Today's Going back to the polls? tells us:

More Malaysian voters who have begun to weigh heavily towards Pakatan Rakyat (PR) are absolutely devastated that it is instead Barisan Nasional (BN) that has been installed as the government–of-the-day after the 13th GE.

Saying and describing that the majority of voters, as the popular votes were in favour of Pakatan, were "devastated" is to put it mildly as tens of thousands of Pakatan supporters are gathering at mass rallies to protest against the outcome of the 13th GE.

While Pakatan has stopped short of organising mass rallies and to take to the streets in the form of mass demonstrations, their leaders have nevertheless gone to the ground to get the rakyat to nullify the results of the recently-concluded general election.

Going by the huge turnouts at these rallies, with Pakatan claiming that they have been robbed of victory by the Election Commission (EC) and BN partnering to ensure victory for the latter, Malaysians of all walks of life, including non-voters are beginning to realize that all is not well in the political arena.

By and large, it might be that the best solution would be to call for fresh general election, only this time round with major changes being made in how the election proper is conducted.

We know journalists have to write interesting articles, and the only interesting articles in Malaysia today are those which are controversial, racial and provocative. Hence in the above FMT article, we read of  "the majority of voters, as the popular votes were in favour of Pakatan, were "devastated" is to put it mildly as tens of thousands of Pakatan supporters are gathering at mass rallies to protest against the outcome of the 13th GE".

The continued reference to and reliance on the 'popular vote' as indicative of who should be sitting in Putrajaya is unfortunately a misconception in our political system which has adopted the Westminster 'first-past-the-post' race.

But is all well and kosher with our electoral system? I grant that the EC hasn't helped its required characteristics of being independent, impartial and professional by its lamentable performance, aggravated by pathetic statements from its Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson, the latter being the worse for his nonsensical utterances (I'll give an example shortly in the case of the so-called indelible ink).

For a start, its gerrymandering has been gross, an obscene example being the Putrajaya versus Kapar contrast.

Okay, Putrajaya's electoral standing as a federal parliamentary seat, despite its paltry 15,000 voters (was only 12,000 in the 2008 GE) is protected by the Constitution (thanks to Dr Mahathir, but where were MCA and Gerakan?) and thus the EC's hands are tied, but I need to ask why it has been paralytic for decades in the case of Kapar and other federal and state constituencies in which non-BN parties (especially the DAP) are favoured?

The three common techniques of gerrymandering seen in Malaysia are:

  • Sardinization (copyright kaytee wakakaka) or the 'compressed packing' of opposition voters like sardines into BN's unwinnable seats, eg. Kapar and at state level, Paya Terubong in Penang (compared to BN's Teluk Bahang in same state)
  • Mincing (copyright kaytee wakakaka) or chopping up potential bloc of opposition voters (like Indians) and then spreading the mince over a number of seats where they would only be only useful, I suppose, under MIC guidance, and
  • Lite omelette (copyright kaytee wakakaka) or spreading just an egg or two to make a light omelette but one which covers the breath of a federal parliamentary seat like Putrajaya and Labuan or at state level Teluk Bahang in Penang, obviously for UMNO candidates.

Additionally, the EC is not trusted (how the f**k to?) when it's known to be a bullshitter as in the case of the indelible ink where its reason(S) for the shameless joke was initially about EC staff not shaking the ink bottle properly (hence its weak state making it a non-indelible ink), but that excuse (not reason, meaning it was bullshit) quickly changed to an Islamic requirement, which hopefully should deterred questioners from further broaching a sensitive' subject.

The Islamic requirement was the ink had to be deliberately diluted so as to be NOT indelible because Muslims have to conduct mandatory ablution prior to prayers and an indelible ink would have prevented that.

I wonder for the utter f**k of it all why the use of the ink wasn't completely abandoned if its application would prevent Muslim voters from conducting religious ablution?

Can some kind Muslims please advise me because the idiotic EC couldn't! OTOH, don't bother because it's apparent the excuse (again not reason, meaning it was bullshit) was to hopefully explain away why voters could easily erase the so-called indelible ink, and it was way way too late by then to abandon the bullshit.

And couldn't the EC have at least stuck by one given reason instead of changing its excuse (not reason) which not only showed it was lying in the first place (and hence would likely be again) but also its executives' sheer lack of competency.

Then to show the utter idiocy of the EC deputy Chairperson, he dismissed the issue of the non indelible ink as unimportant because, according to this Malaysian Solomon, the voters won't be able to vote THE FOLLOWING DAY.

And believe me, he didn't-won't give a f* if you cough blood on his moronic utterance. We know he and his stupidity would be well "protected".

I suppose that's why the EC's motto is cekap dan telus - cekap in doing the required things for UMNO and telus because it doesn't give a f**k what you think, wakakaka.

Then in either a shameless blatant lie or gross ignorance, the Malaysian Stolid Salmonella-ed Solomon stated NZ and Australia also practise the first-part-the-post system. 

This drove an enraged NZ academic, Dr Tessa Houghton, an assistant professor in Media and Communication, and director of the Centre for the Study of Communications and Culture, University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, to write a stinging rebuttal of the EC deputy chairman's bullshit - see TMI's Open letter to the EC ― Tessa Houghton in which she excoriated Malaysia's Stolid Salmonella-ed Solomon as follows:

... your claim that NZ "uses FPP" and conflation of the two systems is a grave misrepresentation of New Zealanders' opinions on the system of FPP used in Malaysia. Ordinary NZ citizens understand the myriad voting systems available and have clearly registered their preferences. I take issue with you misrepresenting my country in an attempt to silence both the widespread criticism of both Malaysia's iteration of the FPP system and the EC's conduct.

As a Malaysian I couldn't help but cringe and grow red in the face when a foreign academic lambasted our Election Commission's deputy chairperson for 'misrepresenting' (a polite term but which actually means 'lying about') a foreign country.

Wan Ahmad should be Japanese and go now to commit seppuku for the honour of King and Country, or raja, bangsa, agama dan negara. But some kind Samaritan will have to show him which end of the knife is the cutting & stabbing part.



The racist argument of DAP supporters

Posted: 27 May 2013 01:46 PM PDT

For the past few years, people call me racist merely by uttering I'm Malay first Malaysian second. I'm racist if I call for Malays to unite. I'm racist if I defend any of the Malay rights.

This is certainly a result of brainwashing of DAP and PR. What we see now Chinese unite for political purposes. This is not racist. We see DAP fighting for Chinese right and culture. This is not racist. We see DAP / PR play the racial card and this is not racist.

DAP has used racist argument very wide to the point that anything to do with Malay unity and rights as racist but others doing the same is not. My current argument with partisan dap/ pr supporters attest to this mindset and thus the reason I'm writing again.

Core to this racist propaganda is the Malaysian Malaysia concept propounded by DAP. All those who argued against me accept the fact and believe that one must put Malaysian first above race of ethnicity. Thus they pompously deride anyone saying being Malay Malaysian as racist.

But this is where the problems lies. At the same time they wholeheartedly support segregating our youngs by race. They don't care if my children has no non Malay friends. They don't care whether our children are separated in racial silos and carry deep racial prejudices. All they care are putting their race language and culture above Malaysian interest.

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