Isnin, 21 Januari 2013

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Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

Age of Gemini?

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 03:41 PM PST

For a start, I have been flabbergasted by the new G-Ds of 'truth' where shadowy figures, after being rinsed, baptised and sanctified, become personalities of absolute credibility, ...

... where for example, as per the case of the second SD accusing Najib Razak of being involved sexually with the murdered Mongolian, Altantuyaa Shariibuu, we have Mr Americk Singh Sidhu pronouncing that lawyer Arunapalam (who accompanied Perumal Balasubramaniam in releasing the 2nd SD) was not responsible for drafting that follow-up SD.

Now, Mr Americk Singh Sidhu is one of society's most leading, if not the most leading, civic-conscious lawyers. He is a member of, he assured us, a 'noble' profession - the profession of lawyers, that is. And just on that score alone - correction, on those scores by themselves (his eminence as a civic-conscious citizen and as a member of a 'noble' profession), we can without further investigation accept his words as virtually gospel truth ... 

... apart from the fact we would have also accepted Mr Arunalparam's words from the noble lawyer himself ...

... but as would have it, Mr Americk Singh Sidhu gob-smacked me with the reason for his assertion (of Arunalpalam not being the drafter of the 2nd SD), by stating: "We now know Arunalpalam didn't draft or prepare that second SD. Deepak has said so."

"Deepak said so!" Amazing! And there you have it, in clear unambiguous emphatic terms. The new G-D had thus spoken, and thus must be believed.

Indeed, as I had posted in B-D, the new G-D of 'Truth' ... Mr Deepak Jaikishan is now the very fount of truth, and if you don't disagree with me on this for whatever reasons, please have a bit of faith lah. 

Hey man, to reiterate, Mr Deepak is the very epitome of credibility, integrity and reliability and various other '-bilities' where he now possesses a fresh sweet smelling persona like a newly washed, rinsed, starched, blued and expertly ironed gleaming white shirt.

Mr Deepak Jaikishan is one of the new G-D's of 'truth'. But even a G-D of 'truth' needs some form of immunity from a future Pakatan government for telling us his 'truth'. I hope PKR is and I heard PAS might well be looking into this.

There have been all sorts of scurrilous rumours that Deepak and the ex IGP have been whistle blowing because (a) they want to twist arms for more whatever while the gravy train is still chugging along, (b) they are positioning themselves to look after their own skin in view of a new Pakatan government after GE-13, and (c) they might well be truly civic conscious citizens who want to bring down UMNO and help PKR.

Surely we can't have these sort of scurrilous rumours corrupting our new G-D's of 'truth' other than the last, to wit, they are truly civic conscious citizens who want to bring down UMNO and help PKR.

Incidentally, one man who might be able to help clarify or enlighten us on the 'truth' behind the Altantuyaa case has somehow slipped repetitively under the radar, mind you, through no fault of his but our negligence. He is none other than our dear Yang Berhormat Encik Sivarasa Rasiah (PKR).

Sivarasa rasiah

Sivarasa has been one of the common denominators in both SD's, the second case only indirectly by virtue of him acting as Mr Deepak's lawyer (a most noble profession).

By leaving dear YB Sivarasa out of our occasional querying-postings, we have been grossly remiss, missing golden opportunities to probe deeper and more substantially into the circumstances surrounding the SD's by not having him enlighten us, right from the case's very genesis in a Bangsar pub (was it The Backyard?).

Anyway, moving on with strange and stranger stuff happening as we approach GE-13.


We now have a MIC man virtually prancing in front of us a la MGR wakakaka, a regular Puratchi Thalaivar sprouting criticisms against Mahathir and other questionable BN stuff, acting as if he was the reincarnation of a once-PKR Gobalakrishnan, wakakaka - see The Malaysia Insider's Dr M's racist rants 'destroying' BN's image, says MIC man and Free Malaysia Today's Stop Perkasa or lose votes, warns MIC

I guess when your party has nothing left to lose, being already at rock bottom wakakaka, you can be braver than those mute MCA and Gerakan parties, wakakaka.



Wife of YB Wong Ho Leng blasts own party for failure to provide financial support for brain ...

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 12:22 PM PST


Irene is upset because she related that the family spent over AUD 40,000 (equivalent to RM124,000) in the initial treatment and diagnosis for Wong last month.

The current treatment regime of radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment in Singapore for the next six weeks is expected to cost at least SGD 60,000 (equivalent to RM150,000) and if brain surgery by way of the latest cyber knife surgery is performed to remove the brain tumour, then the cost  per surgery session will be an additional SGD30,000 (equivalent to RM70,000). This does not include the costs of lodging, subsistence and transport for the family, especially Irene who will be with her husband throughout the entire treatment period in Singapore.

The first phase of treatment is for a period of six weeks and thereafter after an intermission period of 3 weeks for review and evaluation, Wong may be required to undergo second phase treatment for another six weeks.

The total cost of related to the medical treatment for Wong may easily hit SGD 200,000 (equivalent to RM500,000) over the next three months.


"Wong is only 53 years old and we have 5 children – 4 of them are still in school and college and universities and hence our financial resources are already very strained. His legal practice suffered after he was elected as the MP for Sibu because he is unable to concentrate full-time on his legal practice which is our main source of income for the family. As a DAP MP, he is expected to contribute a portion of his allowance to the party and more of often than not, the allowance itself is not sufficient to pay for all the related expenses of serving the people as an MP. Every month we have to top up another RM10,000 as additional expenses for serving the people and maintaining our Service Centres," Irene said.

She further said, "During the Sibu by-election and the Sarawak State election last year, we used up almost all of our personal savings of RM700,000 for campaign expenses as there was very little support from DAP HQ. Then we begged the Foo Chow clansmen and businessmen for donations and financial aid and we managed to raise over RM10 million from friends, relatives and well-wishers…I think we probably spent about RM4 million from that amount but the rest seemed to have been transferred from DAP Sarawak and disappeared into the party coffers in DAP HQ and we have no access to the funds…And now Wong is sick and we need money for his medical treatment and all that Guan Eng can say or do is that the party will support us morally and help service the constituency…Where is the humanitarian support to us in this time of difficulty? Not a single sen coming out from the party after all that we have done and achieved for the party. Shame on you Guan Eng."

pic6"I heard from Wong complaining to me that the party gave Tony Pua RM1.3 million to produce the stupid Gangnam video for the recent National Convention…my God, they can spend RM1.3 million on videos but they cannot find it in their hearts to give a single sen to us for Wong's medical treatment. The party leadership is truly heartless…"



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