Isnin, 3 Disember 2012

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PM Najib, words are sounds, example is thunder

Posted: 02 Dec 2012 07:56 AM PST


If he wants to, he has the power and authority to get to the bottom of this fiasco and find out what is the real problem. It is high time that he puts his foot down firmly on the issue if BNM is still grappling to find fault with GM. If there is any fault, BNM would have found it already by now.  


Dee Casey 


As I spent the afternoon reading Savana Sim's latest posting on 1st December 2012 (commemorating exactly the second month since the controversial raid by BNM on GM) with the article titled "Misfeasance in Malaysia" ( ... my thoughts shifted to PWTC where our PM, Najib Razak and his fellow UMNO members enter the final weekend to the UMNO's General Assembly making fiery speeches to exert their presence and relevance. The PM, undoubtedly now busy chasing for the critical mandate needed from both his party generally and members of the public particularly for the power to lead the country on for the next five years.


He has made numerous promises to the people of this country and hence we all seen his slogan "Janji Ditepati" magnified (literally) to gigantic size everywhere. Of course he can afford to make all sorts of promises and make good some of them. After all, he is the Prime Minister, the Finance Minister and also the Minister for Women, Family and Community Development. Indeed he is a man who holds vast powers and hence we look up to him as a man with integrity and conviction to keep to his words and deeds.


With this still in mind, I have gathered together some of his quotes which he made along the way since becoming PM:


"I urge us to rise to the challenge of building a 1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now." (April 3: On assuming office as the sixth prime minister);


"Umno should be seen, regarded and trusted as a party that is capable of looking after the lot of the people. Umno cannot be seen as a party which is only passionate about struggling for the interest of a small group. Instead, we want Umno to be seen, felt and fully trusted as a party that is inclusive and that puts the interests of the people before personal interests. Therefore, the perception that Umno is a party for people to "cari makan" (earn a living) must be erased and discarded." (15/10: maiden speech as Umno president in conjunction with the 2009 Umno General Assembly);


"I have to make a decision in the interests of the BN. I am not merely the president of Umno; I am also the chairman of the BN. I am the prime minister not only for the Malays; I am the prime minister for all Malaysians." (1/11: opening Gerakan national Delegates' conference);


"We will change for the better. I give you the commitment; we will change for the better. But I ask (that it should be) not only me. Do not just look at the prime minister; we all must reflect the change. We must be like the train. (When) the train is moving … it cannot be the locomotive alone … everybody else must work together." (1/11: opening Gerakan national delegates);


"I have been saying privately, but I might as well say it publicly, that the thing I liked about President Bush's foreign policy is that he was very pro-free trade. Frankly I don't like the other policies, but I like his policy on free trade." (14/11: panel session at the Apec CEO Summit 2009);


"The era of government knows best is over";


"We have to innovate. No nation can be successful unless they are involved in innovative and creative activities";


"The world is changing quickly and we must be ready to change with it or risk being left behind." (30 March 2010: unveiling of the NEM); and


"Don't worry" (19 October 2012: PM's assurances to Genneva Malaysia Gold buyers).


In trying to hammer in his pitch for the New Economic Model ( to the public and to achieve the transformation needed, Najib said there were eight strategic reform initiatives that would be focused on:

  1. Re-energising the private sector to lead growth;
  2. Developing a quality workforce and reducing dependency on foreign labour;
  3. Creating a competitive domestic economy;
  4. Strengthening the public sector;
  5. Putting in place transparent and market-friendly affirmative action;
  6. Building knowledge based infrastructure;
  7. Enhancing the sources of growth; and
  8. Ensuring sustainability of growth.

PM Najib has called for Malaysians to be innovative, to stop playing safe and come out to be real entrepreneurs. We have seen people like Tony Fernandez of Air Asia doing just that when he emerged starting from scratch. Genneva Malaysia Sdn Bhd has done exactly that as well and the company has rapidly grown by leaps and bounds since then. What Genneva had accomplished would have put to shame any other home grown entrepreneur wished for under the umbrella of the government's Economic Transformation Programme (


PM Najib was on the correct path when he advocated for the right to free trade and free entreprise. Sir, to don a laissez faire outfit, your leadership is required so that you are able reign in and put a check to all your men in the hierarchy of bureaucracy. No one in the government should be allowed to stifle the free market at his whims and fancy unless for a very good reason. In any abuse of the system such as that in the case of Genneva Malaysia Sdn Bhd (GM), it is grossly unfair to all concerned, even to the nation.


Of the eight strategic reform initiatives which PM Najib has talked about, GM can already fit into at least five of them, those being as follows:

  1. GM belongs to the private sector and it is contributing to and doing its part to chip in to the government's agenda calling for this sector to lead growth (in the area of gold trading);
  2. GM has developed a quality workforce nationwide, training skillful staff and consultants to handle gold trading and GM is the only one in the industry that has effectively put in place the government's aim of reducing dependency on foreign labour and yet achieving high income status within its community.
  3. GM is not only creating but actively pursuing and contributing vibrantly to the domestic economy;
  4. GM is not only enhancing but actively tapping into sources of growth in the gold industry; and
  5. GM is ensuring the sustainability of growth by combining forces as a regional player in the gold industry.

Turning the spotlight back to PM Najib, he is the Finance Minister. BNM is under the purview of his ministry. If he wants to, he has the power and authority to get to the bottom of this fiasco and find out what is the real problem. It is high time that he puts his foot down firmly on the issue if BNM is still grappling to find fault with GM. If there is any fault, BNM would have found it already by now. There is no more reason or excuse to dilly-dally.


PM Najib, don't let a few civil servants dictate to you what you should or should not do. It is time for you to call a spade a spade. We Gennevians look up to you and truly hope that you say what you mean and mean what you say. So when you say "don't worry" many if not all will hold you to that promise. After all, it is only you who coined the slogan "Janji Ditepati".


**Note from Admin: No permission required to re-post this in any media.


Misfeasance in Malaysia

Posted: 02 Dec 2012 07:52 AM PST

Savana Sim


For the first time in the annals of the country an investigation by the authorities against a private limited liability company has drawn such a massive and united support for the company. Not one single sustainable complaint has been made by anyone claiming to have suffered at the hands of the company. This is indeed a historical and dramatic phenomenon.

Consider these figures:

  • Sixty thousand plus (60,000+) people have bought gold from Genneva Malaysia Sdn Bhd (GM)
  • There are about six thousand (6,000+) consultants.
  • The GM supporters on Facebook have drawn nearly five million (5,000,000) readers. These are inclusive of local and global visitors to the site.
  • The odds of each of the above 66,000 people having four or five friends, relatives and dependents multiplies the directly involved to nearly 400,000 bodies. And these can geometrically multiply, especially to the young and impressionable voters of tomorrow.

The most amazing feature of this situation is the remarkable silence of those who have an opportunity to speak up for a good cause. Good men need to stand up. So far there has been none except perhaps one, albeit retired. Surely the reverence owed to this voice of wisdom needs some serious attention.


The more exasperating (and helpless) is the media frenzy that has GM convicted even before the alleged speedy investigations are completed, allowing publications of articles based on half truths, incorrect facts and innuendos that boggles one's imagination.


Does not this situation cry for an explanation? Is the dictatorship of the civil service to be a feature of the future of the country? Does one have to resort to the expensive and drawn out remedies that the courts offer as the only resort? Why are none of our elected representatives coming to the aid of the GM community? Perhaps they have not familiarized themselves with all the facts. Perhaps what follows may assist in their understanding the situation more accurately.


Historical Facts

  1. GM has obtained written approval from the Ministry of Domestic Trade to buy and sell Gold.
  2. A letter from Bank Negara stating that gold trading and gold as an asset does not come under the purview of BNM.
  3. GM conducts AMLA seminars with mandatory attendance, a compulsory prerequisite for an individual to be accepted as a consultant.
  4. Adherence to the principles of Syariah has been approved, policed and audited by the relevant Syariah authorities.
  5. It was the GM management and The Gold Bullion Entrepreneurs Association of Malaysia (GBEAM) that sought guidelines for the gold trade from the deputy finance Minister as a result of which a task force was established.
  6. Correspondence with the Prime Mister's office resulted in the PM instructing the Governor of BMN to look into gold trade business.

Current Facts

  1. Not a single case of default in the delivery of physical gold, payment of Hibah or commissions has been lodged anywhere against GM – a record that was only interrupted abruptly by the raid on GM by the authorities.
  2. The raid was on "suspicion" but there was no explanation whatsoever of the basis fro this alleged suspicion. Could this absence of explanation be because there is none?
  3. All GM personnel have been interviewed ad nauseam and have responded to all enquiries made by the investigators in the first week of October 2012.
  4. To date there has been no cause, claim or disclosure of any contravention of any law by GM. Only total silence.
  5. One person of high rank and in authority has claimed that a figure of ten billion Ringgit is involved. This figure has been pulled out of a hat as there is no basis at all for this claim. It is too preposterous to merit a denial but an untruth like this cannot be left uncorrected.
  6. Another official has claimed in Parliament that the seizure of assets in the case of Genneva Sdn Bhd was to protect the public while investigations are being completed. It is four years since and the saga is still ongoing. In the case of GM the public is not being protected but rather being made to suffer "whilst investigations are being speedily completed". Nearly two months have vanished and the "speedily" is not so speedy after all.
  7. Obviously the raid was planned and preordained because media representatives were already at the offices of GM even before the raiding party arrived.
  8. Why the need to seize assets, office operational material and computer equipment if it is only a question of investigations – that too based on suspicion?

Obvious Inferences

  1. Somebody cried wolf and everybody jumped onto the wagon without any care or concern for the consequences and the affect it would have on the lives and livelihood of nearly 66,000 people.
  2. Apparently the authorities did not take into consideration how massive and total the support would be for GM but proved to be real, huge and dramatic.
  3. This case has drawn global attention not only in reference to this case but has instigated the global society look at all the negatives in this country. This unwarranted grim perception of the country is self inflicted.
  4. For the people of GM these have been trying times but because of GM's past performance all have remained loyal. That so many people remain loyal cannot be without good reason. GM has performed and delivered. Surely so many cannot be all wrong.
  5. The entire Genneva community is also waiting to see who their friends are and who their enemies are. Fence sitters and neutrals must understand that now is the time, if at all, to speak up – be it for or against. Once the outcome is known, then it will be too late to take sides.
  6. Huge numbers of people have been able to generate economic wealth, change their life styles, support children at school, cater for retirement and old age, meet medical expenses and cost of living. It is these people who are most affected. For all those who preach plaudits about concern for the Rakyat, their welfare, justice and fair play, now is the time and the opportunity to stand up and be counted.
  7. Does the conduct of the GM management display the characteristics of a group of people intent on running the operations legitimately or does it show a conspiracy to hit, loot and run away?


  1. If GM has not violated any known law, is it not right and just to announce this fact to the public and allow GM to resume operations, if for no other reason but to settle and assuage the concerns of all existing customers and consultants?
  2. If no law is violated why the public must be made to suffer for the misjudgement and baseless suspicions of over enthusiastic civil servants?
  3. Is it too much to expect the often self-claimed politicians who constantly claim to be champions of the Rakyat speak up for the GM community?
  4. If the authorities are in earnest about the trade being operated properly why this crucifixion of good people? Instead why not complete the investigations speedily as promised, issue appropriate guidelines and let the GM community get on with their lives?


UPDATE - Eye-witnesses report: The three government departments came in petrol cars 1:40pm. Reporters started from 2:50pm onwards. GMSB lawyer came about 3:25pm. More reporters arrive at about 4:10pm. Lawyer left 6:20pm. TV crews came 10+pm. Gold carted close to midnight.

— Genneva Malaysia Supporters




Please inform your Member of Parliament. Contact numbers and email,

• Read Genneva Gold 101 for Dummies -

• For Genneva Critics Reading Pleasure -

• More Notes -


— Genneva Malaysia Supporters



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