Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News |
- Perkasa chief not convinced by Putrajaya’s Shia evidence against Mat Sabu
- Shiah row: Zahid Hamidi says ready to meet Mat Sabu in court
- Jamil Khir: States to take charge of ‘syariah cops’, roll out soon
- Syariah laws for our nation?
- Home Ministry: Mat Sabu must prove he has no links with Syiah sect
- All Penang elected reps approve pay rise
- Karpal Wants ROS To Revoke Directive Or Face Legal Action
- Paraskavedekatriaphobia
- ‘We will protest if silence continues’
- We are all terrorists
- BN and Pakatan fail to settle polls petition, wait for apex court to rule on election law
- Putrajaya mulling ‘syariah cops’ for Shiah crackdown, says minister
- Syiah sect is a terrorist group, says IGP
- Can Pakatan win GE14?
Perkasa chief not convinced by Putrajaya’s Shia evidence against Mat Sabu Posted: 13 Dec 2013 01:27 PM PST
Ibrahim says Putrajaya can do better than citing Mat Sabu's admiration for Iranian revolutionary leader Ayatollah Khomeini. Hasbullah Awang Chik, TMI PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu may have an unlikely ally in Datuk Ibrahim Ali, leader of the right wing Malay group Perkasa, who doubted the Home Ministry's recent allegation that the veteran PAS leader is a Shia Muslim. On Thursday, Putrajaya linked Mohamad, popularly known as Mat Sabu, to Shia activities, and cited his admiration for the late Iranian revolutionary leader Ayatollah Khomeini. But Ibrahim said admiring Iranian leaders is not proof that one is a Shia Muslim. Ibrahim, one of few Malaysians who met Khomeini in person when the latter lived in exile in France, also dismissed suggestions that he too was a Shia follower as a big joke. "If I am accused of being a Shia because I met with the Khomeini, it will be the biggest joke as my meeting with anyone cannot be used to say that I follow or agree with their beliefs. "Admiring Iran's Islamic Revolution has nothing to do with Shia. It was a political fight by the people of Iran against its cruel leader at that time," Ibrahim told The Malaysian Insider in Kuala Lumpur, referring to the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Shah Reza Pahlavi, who was overthrown in the 1979 popular uprising. On whether Mat Sabu is a Shia, Ibrahim said: "I don't know. It has to be answered by him alone and has nothing to do with my meeting with the Khomeini." The Home Ministry convened a press conference on Thursday to reveal what it said were evidences to back its minister's claims that Mat Sabu was involved in Shia activities. Home Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi first made the claim in his capacity as the Umno vice-president during the party's general assembly recently. Most of the evidences revolved around Mat Sabu's admiration of Khomeini's struggle.
Following that, a picture of Ibrahim posing with Khomeini (above) made its rounds on social networking sites, with netizens questioning whether Ibrahim too was now a Shia. The ministry cited an article by Mat Sabu published in the PAS organ Harakah in July 2008, in which he urged Muslims to emulate Khomeini's leadership. However, Ibrahim felt that the Home Ministry should come out with a stronger evidence to back its claim that Mat Sabu is a Shia. "If meeting with the Khomeini, like I did, is the basis of their accusation, then I wouldn't accuse Mat Sabu of being a Shia follower. But if the ministry has more evidence, I will not interfere with that. They have to show that Mat Sabu has joined in trainings or activities organised by Shia groups," he said. Ibrahim reminded that former prime minister Tun Abdul Razak had met with Chinese revolutionary leader Mao Tze Tung and had started diplomatic ties with China. "I do not think that Tun Razak supported the communist ideology. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad also met with Cuban leader Fidel Castro but that does not mean he is a socialist," he argued. Ibrahim, who was Mat Sabu's college mate at then Institut Teknologi Mara, said he was proud that his meeting with Khomeini was exposed in the social media as many did not believe it took place.
Shiah row: Zahid Hamidi says ready to meet Mat Sabu in court Posted: 13 Dec 2013 01:23 PM PST
(MM) - Home Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi appears unruffled for a court face-off with political foe, Mohamad Sabu, whom he has previously claimed to be a clandestine follower of the Shia school of Islam, which Malaysia does not recognise. Mohamad, popular known as Mat Sabu, had threatened to sue Ahmad Zahid and the Home Ministry, for persisting in linking him to Shiaism, Islam's second-largest branch practised by an estimated 15 per cent of the 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide but which Malaysia, which follows the Sunni school, regards as deviant.
Jamil Khir: States to take charge of ‘syariah cops’, roll out soon Posted: 13 Dec 2013 01:19 PM PST
(MM) - Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom confirmed today the set up of a special police unit dubbed "syariah police", which will be managed by the religious departments of the respective states. The minister in charge of Islamic affairs added that he is still in fine-tuning the details with his Cabinet colleague, Home Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, but the religious policing unit will be on the road soon.
Posted: 13 Dec 2013 01:00 PM PST
How can we ask non-Muslims to accept our sacred laws so that they can abuse it to escape capital punishment, asks the writer in his usual satirical nature. Iskandar Dzulkarnain, FMT Going by the reasoning of PAS politician Nasrudin Hassan Tantawi lately, Malaysians should sigh with relief that Barisan Nasional won the last election. Past actions by PAS have shown clearly that they are neither here nor there. Some PAS leaders think that in order for them to climb the ladder; they have to be seen to be more religious than others, especially now that party elections are around the corner. This is reflected by the Erdogan/Ulamak controversy where certain PAS leaders feel that their pact with the PKR is not producing the desired results. Syariah laws have already been in force in this country for many years. But Nasrudin has suggested that syariah laws should replace the pagan secular laws in this country. Secular laws are inadequate to curb crime, according to him but the Home Ministry has just reported that serious crimes have been on a downward trend since 2008. How can we ask non-Muslims to accept our sacred laws so that they can abuse it to escape capital punishment? Would they have to be instant Muslims by reciting (mengucap) so that they can be tried under Islamic laws? Doesn't he know that non-Muslims do not have the sacred privilege to be judged under syariah laws unless they profess Islam? It would be taboo if non-Muslims were to opt for trial under syariah laws just so that they can escape capital punishment if they were judged under secular laws. Wouldn't losing a limb less heavier than being hanged? And to add to the confusion, Nasrudin says that non-Muslims can have the option to be tried under their own laws if they feel that the punishment under syariah appears heavier. That's really bewildering. Umno-BN's consistency At least Umno and BN had the decency to divide and separate these laws for the respective races. Nasrudin must understand that there will always be reservations and resistance towards syariah laws by non-Muslims as they are simply non-Muslims. Those who have no reservations about syariah laws would have become Muslims by now. He is wrong to say that syariah laws would deter crime. Syariah laws are already in place but crime in this country has not decreased. Is he saying that the increase in the crime rate is perpetrated by non-Muslims in this country? He concurs that secular laws have failed because it lacks spirituality but how are non-Muslims going to achieve spirituality if they don't convert? No doubt, syariah laws have been successfully implemented in many great countries like Nigeria, Somalia, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and in first world countries like Brunei, and it would also be wonderful if Malaysia becomes syariah compliant. Overnight, there would be no more sinful businesses like massage parlours, karaoke bars, night clubs, mountain top and floating casinos, Sports Toto, rock concerts and pubs. There will also be no more sexual harassment as all planes, trains, buses, cinemas, swimming pools, supermarkets and concert halls would be gender segregated. There will also be no more dark and dimly-lit parks or coffee houses. While rock concerts and sexily dressed singers would be a thing of the past. The country would experience a new cool and calm atmosphere interlaced with the soothing sound of the azan. But such a Utopic scenario is not going to happen unless everyone becomes Muslims. The downside is that we may see many limbless VIP's who had their hands once too often in the till. But then, the syariah law with hudud punishments is limited to crimes which are related to robberies, murder, rape, adultery and alcohol consumption. What about corruption, graft, treason, sedition and computer fraud? Are we going to revert to British laws then? What happens then to democracy, secularism, human rights, the rule of law and the Federal Constitution if we go ahead to implement such laws?
Home Ministry: Mat Sabu must prove he has no links with Syiah sect Posted: 13 Dec 2013 12:46 PM PST
(Bernama) - The Home Ministry has urged PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu to come forward and prove that he does not have any links with the Syiah Islamic sect. Its religious officer Ustaz Dr Zamihan Mat Zain Al Ghari said Mohamad, who is also known as Mat Sabu, must also respond to the 10 pieces of evidence adduced by the ministry against him. "If the evidence is not solid, then he should come forward and dismiss them. It doesn't matter whether he does it face to face with the ministry or through Youtube or the newspaper," he told Bernama after being interviewed in the programme Ruang Bicara produced by BernamaTV last night. Zamihan said the ministry was prepared to discuss the truth with Mat Sabu based on the Sunnah Wal Jamaah practised in the country. "We have solid evidence that Mat Sabu attended Syiah classes together with Syiah religious teachers, met with Syiah leaders, visited Syiah countries, praised Syiah leaders and Syiah countries," he said. He also said the 10 pieces of evidence on Mat Sabu's involvement with Syiah, that was provided by Home secretary general Datuk Seri Abdul Rahim Mohamad Radzi on Thursday was categorised as Grade B. "The ministry has exclusive Grade A proof which would be exposed to the public if necessary," he said. Earlier in the programme, he said the ministry had never targeted any individual or party, and only acted in the interest of Muslims in the country. "This is a question of theology, we do not look at the individual, position or influence but the truth. When there is a deviant doctrine such as this (syiah) we have to act," he said. On the action that could be taken against Mat Sabu, he said the matter was under the jurisdiction of the Malaysian Islamic Development Department or state Islamic religious department. |
All Penang elected reps approve pay rise Posted: 12 Dec 2013 08:26 PM PST
(TMI) - Penang today joined its Selangor counterpart in increasing the salaries of its elected representatives when it announced an 80% increase at the state legislative assembly today. All 40 lawmakers from Pakatan Rakyat and Barisan Nasional backed the amendments Members of Administration and Members of the Legislative Assembly (Remuneration) 1980. They will each receive a pay of RM6,000 instead of RM4,112.79, backdated to June this year. Opposition leader Datuk Jahara Hamid (BN-Telok Air Tawar) benefits the most as her allowance as opposition leader was increased by 100% from RM1,000 to RM2,000. The salaries of the assemblymen had not been adjusted since 2004. The amendments also include death and disability benefits for assemblymen, the chief minister, state executive councillors and the speaker of the assembly. The death and disability benefits for assemblymen now amount to RM300,000, instead of RM120,000 and RM240,000 previously. For the chief minister, the benefits at RM750,000 and RM1.5 million have been increased to RM1,875,000. For the speaker, the benefits at RM500,000 and RM1 million have been increased to RM1.25 million. The amendments to the Members of Administration and Members of the Legislative Assembly (Remuneration) 1980 were unanimously passed after the bill was tabled by state local government exco Chow Kon Yeow (DAP-Padang Kota). The elected representatives will also get higher allowances, from RM2,000 to RM5,500, made up of RM1,500 for special allowance, RM1,500 for fixed allowance for the driver, RM1,000 each for fixed transport and miscellaneous allowances, and RM500 in housing allowance. The revised allowances are to be gazetted at a later date together with the amendments. This means the assemblymen will enjoy a total gross income of RM11,500 a month, which is an 88.13% increase from RM6,112.79. Earlier, during the debate on the amendments, two Barisan Nasional backbenchers supported the pay hike and even proposed that the chief minister and exco members get an extra pay hike that befits their positions. Muhammad Farid Saad (BN-Pulau Betong) said Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and the state executive council members should also enjoy a 10% pay rise on top of the increased salary they will receive as assemblymen. "Lim works very hard as chief minister. He does not have time to attend some meetings and has to send representatives," he said. Datuk Mahmud Zakaria (BN-Sungai Acheh) lauded the increase in allowance for Jahara, saying that it was timely due to the challenges she faced as a female opposition leader. "It is timely since we also heard much about gender equality in the august house yesterday. "But the pay hike should also benefit the other side. The chief minister and the excos should get a 15% rise too," he said.
Karpal Wants ROS To Revoke Directive Or Face Legal Action Posted: 12 Dec 2013 07:32 PM PST
(Bernama) -- DAP chairman Karpal Singh wants the Registrar of Societies (ROS) to revoke its directive that prohibits the party's newly-elected Central Executive Committee (CEC) from making any decisions or face legal action. Karpal said there was no such law to prevent the party from making any decision and the directive did not comply with the law under Societies Act 1966.
Posted: 12 Dec 2013 07:06 PM PST And, once this happens, all Malaysians will know that Anwar Ibrahim pulled off the biggest con in Malaysian history and that there are no 40,000 Bangladeshi voters or power failures/blackouts during the vote counting or missing ballot boxes after all. NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin
Paraskavedekatriaphobia is the fear of Friday the 13th while Triskaidekaphobia is the fear of the number 13 -- just as Homophobia is the fear of homosexuals and Shiaphobia is the fear of Shias. Today being Friday the 13th I thought I would write about this matter. No one really knows where Paraskavedekatriaphobia originated from but many believe it comes from the Last Supper where Jesus had supper with 12 of his disciples and this ended up as bad luck for Christ (he was arrested and put to death soon after that). But why should that be considered bad luck when Jesus' death is considered good since Jesus died to save humankind. Hence 13 should be a good number and 13 at the dinner table should be most welcomed. If Jesus had not died for humankind then we will all go to hell instead of heaven. Anyway, do Christians not consider Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection as all part of God's grand design to save humankind? This is what God had planned all along. Hence this is God's will and should not be considered as something bad. Sheesh…these Christians are so inconsistent. On the one hand they say that this is what God had planned all along to save humankind and on the other hand they consider it a bad thing and fear the number 13 or fear Friday the 13th. Okay, just to digress a bit, why in the first place is humankind born with sin and is destined for hell to the extent we need Jesus to die for us so that we can be absolved of our sins? Islam says that we are all born absolutely free of sin (like a white cloth, says Islam) and that later in life we sin (the cloth becomes black with the dirt of our sins) and we end up in hell. The Christians say the opposite (we are born as a black cloth and Jesus helps turn it white). Well, this relates to the incident in Paradise where Eve instigated Adam to eat the forbidden fruit. Because of that Adam and Eve are evicted from Paradise and get punished by being sent to earth where we all will eventually die (whereas in Paradise we would not die but would live forever). Hence because of the sin of Eve of instigating Adam we are all punished with the fate of death. Hence, also, this means we are being punished for what someone else did and now we have to face the test of life on earth and eventually end up in hell unless we accept Jesus who has died to save all those who believe in him (and all those who do not accept Jesus are punished with hell). And you call this a fair, compassionate and just God, a God that punishes us for what we did not do but what someone else did? Anyway, back to the issue of Triskaidekaphobia, the fear of the number 13. Some hospitals do not have a room 13 (they have room 12 and room 12A) and some buildings do not have a 13th floor (again, floor 12 and floor 12A). In Paris, you can hire someone to make up the 14th person at the dinner table in the event there are only 13 at the table. Mark Twain once was the 13th guest at a dinner party and a friend warned him not to go. "It was bad luck," Twain later told the friend, "they only had food for 12." Today, Friday the 13th, is also a bad luck day for the 13th general election. Today, Friday the 13th, Barisan Nasional's and Pakatan Rakyat's negotiations for a global settlement broke down. You see, as I revealed earlier, Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat were engaged in secret negotiations for both sides to withdraw their elections petitions. Pakatan Rakyat filed 58 election petitions and Barisan Nasional a few more but not as many as Pakatan Rakyat. Thus far, the court has thrown out many of these election petitions so both sides do not see any need to pursue this matter, as all will eventually be thrown out anyway -- for both sides. The thing is both sides are not telling us what is the basis for the filing of these election petitions. I mean there must be grounds for filing these election petitions so why not tell us what these grounds are? For example, we know that Pakatan Rakyat has raised the matter of 40,000 Bangladeshi voters, power failures or blackouts during the counting of the votes, missing ballot boxes, and so on. In fact, Anwar Ibrahim coined the word 'Banglasia' (insinuating that Bangladeshis voted in the 13th general election) and even suggested that a Bangladeshi should be appointed a Cabinet member. However, none of the 58 Pakatan Rakyat election petitions state any of these allegations in their grounds for filing. In fact, Anwar has even denied that he mentioned Bangladeshis or Banglasia although there are numerous videos on YouTube to prove that he did. And are the rallies not called 'Blackout 505', suggesting that the power failures or blackouts during the counting of the votes is a real issue? So Friday the 13th may prove a bad luck day for some people after all since the election petitions are not being settled out of court and will face trial in the end. And once it gets argued in court all Malaysians will get to know what the issues in the election petitions are. And, once this happens, all Malaysians will know that Anwar Ibrahim pulled off the biggest con in Malaysian history and that there are no 40,000 Bangladeshi voters or power failures/blackouts during the vote counting or missing ballot boxes after all. I fear that Anwar Ibrahim should fear Friday the 13th as this day may prove that Anwar Ibrahim has been conning the whole world and has been doing so for quite some time now.
‘We will protest if silence continues’ Posted: 12 Dec 2013 05:16 PM PST A group of MIC leaders are planning a "huge" protest outside the party headquarters soon, as the MIC leadership continues its silence over the party's recent election. Vignesh Kumar, FMT Disgruntled MIC leaders would hold a protest in front of the party headquarters if the party does not respond to allegations of malpractice in the just concluded party polls. A MIC leader, who declined to be named, said a group of party leaders were planning the protest to pressure the MIC leadership to break its deafening silence over the allegations. The MIC polls held on Nov 30 in Malacca, was marred with allegations of fraudulent votes being cast, among others. The polls process came under close scrutiny after candidates found disparity between votes cast and ballots counted. Several quarters have also alleged that the total number of delegates who voted to pick three vice-presidents and 23 central working committee members were not identical. The MIC held its internal elections to pick three vice presidents and 23 members to the party's all powerful central working committee. A total eight candidates contested for the veep positions while a whopping 88 aspirants fought it out for the CWC seats. Todate several leaders have tendered their appeal to the party leadership to declare the polls null and void due to the discrepancies. Party president G Palanivel has yet to make an official stand on the matter. The president has also yet to appoint the party secretary general, treasurer general and the information chief. Palanivel's silence has thrown the party into confusion as leaders and members are unsure if the new leaders picked on Nov 30 are the actual office bearers of the party. "Everyone is in the dark. We just cannot be issuing press statement one after another. The president must wake up and answer all the allegations. Otherwise, we have to wake him up by holding this protest. "We know it is bad for party image. But we do not mind as our agenda is to save the party from sinking to a new low," said the leader who declined to be named. The leader also slammed Palanivel labeling him as "selfish and not fit to lead the party". "The party is in a crisis but Palanivel is enjoying his holidays overseas," he said.
Posted: 12 Dec 2013 04:47 PM PST The IGP says that the Shia movement is a terrorist movement. Actually, all religions are terrorist movements without exception. Religion makes us scared. Religion is the doctrine of fear. We believe in myths and do illogical things and practice stupid rituals because we are scared to not do so. NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin
Syiah sect is a terrorist group, says IGP (READ HERE) Putrajaya mulling 'syariah cops' for Shiah crackdown, says minister (READ HERE) Mat Sabu to take legal action (READ HERE) ********************************************* Terror: intense, sharp, overmastering fear: to be frantic with terror. An instance or cause of intense fear or anxiety: quality of causing terror: to be a terror to evildoers. Terrorist: a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism: a person who terrorises or frightens others. Terrorism: the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes: the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorisation. ********************************************* The IGP said that the Shias are terrorists. Hence anyone who follows Shia teachings or believes in the Shia movement is a terrorist. For those whom English is not their mother tongue maybe I can enlighten you on what all this means. You can read the definition of terror, terrorist and terrorism above. Basically, terror is a higher degree of fear or anxiety, a terrorist is someone who perpetuates this fear in others, while terrorism is the act of terrorising others. In that sense, therefore, we are all terrorists. How many times has your mother caught you masturbating and told you that masturbating causes blindness? That is an act of terrorism. Your mother makes you terrified of masturbating with the lie that masturbating causes blindness. Hence your mother is a terrorist. Do parents not tell their kids not to talk to strangers who are most likely paedophiles or go out in the dark where there are ghosts and devils waiting to kidnap children? And do kids not fear strangers and the dark and grow up with a phobia of ghosts and evil spirits? Hence your parents are terrorists. Do Christians not tell you that the only way to salvation is to accept Jesus as the Lord and the Son of God? And if you not accept Jesus then you will not be allowed into the Kingdom of Heaven. You are so terrified of not being allowed into Heaven that you become a Christian or, if you are already a Christian, you become a 'better' Christian. Hence Christians are terrorists. Do Hindus not tell you that there is such a thing as the law of karma? If you do bad then bad will befall you. You are so terrorised by this that you never dare do bad and only do good whereas you are actually not a good person and actually enjoy doing bad things. So you reluctantly be good whereas in your heart you would rather be bad as being bad is more fun. (Good girls go to heaven whereas bad girls have all the fun, said Marilyn Monroe). Hence Hindus are terrorists. Has the IGP and Mat Sabu's enemies not terrorised him into denying that he is a follower or believer of Shia Islam? So what if Mat Sabu is a Shia? But he is now so terrified of the allegation that he has denied it and is threatening to sue those who allege that he is a Shia. Hence the IGP and all those who have terrorised Mat Sabu are terrorists. Do the Barisan Nasional supporters not terrorise all those who oppose them and do the Pakatan Rakyat supporters also not terrorise all those who oppose them? People are becoming so terrorised that they deny the allegation that they either support Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat. Hence all Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat supporters are terrorists. And all those who criticise Najib Tun Razak, Anwar Ibrahim, Hadi Awang, Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng, Karpal Singh, etc., are also terrorised by their supporters until no one dares criticise these political leaders any longer. Hence all the supporters of Najib Tun Razak, Anwar Ibrahim, Hadi Awang, Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng, Karpal Singh, etc., are terrorists. In the end we are all terrorists. We terrorise others into doing what we want them to do or terrorise them into not doing what we do not want them to do. We put all sorts of fears into them. We tell them things that make them scared. In short, we control them by using the fear factor. The IGP says that the Shia movement is a terrorist movement. Actually, all religions are terrorist movements without exception. Religion makes us scared. Religion is the doctrine of fear. We believe in myths and do illogical things and practice stupid rituals because we are scared to not do so. We are scared that if we do not believe in religion then we will be punished both in this world and the next and we will be denied the rewards. So we believe and follow religion out of fear of punishment and out of fear of losing out on the rewards. If there were no punishment and reward system in religion none of us would believe in what can be regarded as utter nonsense. Hence we are being terrorised into believing and doing something -- and that would make all religions terrorist movements, not just Shia Islam.
BN and Pakatan fail to settle polls petition, wait for apex court to rule on election law Posted: 12 Dec 2013 04:03 PM PST
V. Anbalagan, TMI A proposed out-of-court settlement between the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) and Pakatan Rakyat (PR) to withdraw election petition appeals for the May 5 general election in the Federal Court has fizzled out. Confirming that the "global settlement" on 19 election petition appeals had failed, PR lawyers and politicians said they would now allow the apex court to make a ruling on questionable election laws. (A global settlement refers to an agreement between the parties after they have addressed or compromised on the matter accordingly.) It was reported last month that BN and PR lawyers were in talks to resolve the matter amicably. PAS lawyer Mohamed Hanipa Maidin (pic) said PR wanted the Federal Court to decide and bring certainty to election laws. "We won't know the legal position of some of the contentious issues if we opted for a global settlement," he told The Malaysian Insider. Hanipa, who is also Sepang MP, said the party may disagree with the court's decision but that was the only channel to seek remedy. "Anyway, we will now know which procedures in the election laws litigants must follow strictly so that petitions will not be knocked out on technical grounds." Parti Keadilan Rakyat lawyer Sivarasa Rasiah, who is said to have headed the PR team in negotiations with the BN legal team, declined to go into the specifics of the negotiations. He said both parties had tried to reach an amicable settlement but that it did not materialise. "The court has started hearing the appeals after we informed the bench that both sides are not withdrawing their cases." Sivarasa, who is Subang MP, said he hoped the costs factor could be settled between BN and PR even after the Federal Court decided on the appeal. On Tuesday, lawyers appearing for BN and PR informed the Federal Court bench that a global settlement could not be reached and pending appeals would proceed. However, BN lawyers had asked for more time to decide on whether to proceed with their appeals for the Lembah Pantai and Batu parliamentary seats in Kuala Lumpur.
Putrajaya mulling ‘syariah cops’ for Shiah crackdown, says minister Posted: 12 Dec 2013 03:47 PM PST
(MM) - The Home Ministry is weighing proposals to form a special police unit to contain the spread of the banned Shiah school of Islam here, said Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. Among the proposals will be to embed police officers within the Malaysian Islamic Advancement Affairs Department (Jakim) as part of an "enforcement team", which could allow such squads vastly broadened powers to arrests those deemed in breach of Islamic laws.
Syiah sect is a terrorist group, says IGP Posted: 12 Dec 2013 03:39 PM PST The IGP labelled the Syiah movement in the country as a group with terrorist elements. (FMT) - The Syiah movement in the country if not monitored and controlled could lead to militant activities, the Inspector-General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar said today. Declaring that he was responsible for the country's safety and maintaining peace and order, Khalid said the police did not want any situation that could disturb the nation's peace and stability. Yesterday, the Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said the government would go hard on Syiah actvities, which were banned in Malaysia. The Home Ministry also issued a five-page statement outlining "evidence" of PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu being involved in Syiah activities. Mohamad Sabu has since denied the allegation and was threatening legal action against the government. The Syiah community was a movement with terrorist elements, Khalid told reporters at the Selangor police headquarters. He also disclosed that the police were working closely with the respective state religious departments to monitor followers of the Syiah sect. "Some followers who were arrested previously by the counter-terrorism unit were Syiah followers. "We are working with Jakim (the Department of Islamic Development) to monitor their movements closely," he added. He said the government did "not want what happened in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan to happen here." Khalid also said the ministry's revelations on the Syiah sect yesterday were to alert the public. He said the movement if not monitored and controlled could lead to militant activities. "When it comes to the country's safety, I am responsible for maintaining peace and order. We do not want any situation that can disturb the peace of our country."
Posted: 12 Dec 2013 11:29 AM PST Pakatan must realise that Umno is a formidable opponent with deep pockets, large armies and an uncanny ability to go into the elections with all the positives stacked in their favour. Based on this statement made by Lim Kit Siang, it would seem that Pakatan has already won the GE14 and will form the next government come 2018, or thereabouts. CT Ali, FMT "Based on present redelineation, Pakatan Rakyat should aim to win 135 parliamentary seats in GE14 to capture Putrajaya, with PKR, PAS and DAP each winning 45 seats and a parliamentary majority of 48."The performance of the Pakatan parties in the 2008 and 2013 GEs have shown that the three component parties have their basic strengths. "If we are prepared to persevere in a common patriotic cause – to save the country from corruption, cronyism, abuses of power, exploitation of the poor and downtrodden regardless of race, religion or region, extremism and intolerance. "And put in place good governance, public integrity, accountability, respect for democracy, human rights, moderation and tolerance, we have no reason to be pessimistic about the future of the country or the outcome of the GE14." – DAP's Lim Kit Siang. Based on this statement made by Lim Kit Siang, it would seem that Pakatan has already won the GE14 and will form the next government come 2018, or thereabouts. Lim is quite confident even as the Umno-led Barisan Nasional is slowly but surely dismantling whatever "basic strengths" and "common patriotic case" that Pakatan may have to save this country from the corruption, cronyism and abuse of power perpetrated by the BN government. Let's examine the facts. Am I to believe that with all the overwhelming overt evidence of foul play, vote rigging, phantom, pendatang's and illegal voters that number in the thousands (so Pakatan tell us), nothing can be done to present irrefutable evidence to the courts to overturn ANY of the GE13 results? If not the courts, why not present the evidence to the people and let us make up our own minds? To date, nothing worth talking about has been done to substantiate the claims of vote rigging. If Pakatan claims that the Malaysian courts only do the bidding of their political masters, then can someone explain to me why Anwar Ibrahim was acquitted of Sodomy Two? The irresponsible actions of Pakatan in convening the Blackout 505 protests very quickly lost its momentum and became a predictable washout once the public realised the futility of it all. Energy could have been better spent if Pakatan had responsibly galvanised the 53 percent electoral support they received at the GE13 and channeled it into an orderly structured mass movement that would eventually make BN understand that Pakatan is a political force to be reckoned with. But this would require a massive, sustained and disciplined effort by Pakatan -something I suspect Pakatan is unable to do. BN consolidating its hold What has BN been doing since then? Najib Tun Razak is firmly at the helm of Umno and BN. Given that he was unable to take back Selangor nor regain two-thirds majority in parliament, that by itself, is testament that BN is seriously consolidating its hold on power and making necessary adjustments to the realities of politics as it is post GE13. Attacks on the Chinese voters have not abated – a politically astute decision by Umno given that MCA lost the Chinese votes to DAP.
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The JamBase is a fun, friendly and 서산 출장안마 easy to getaway. There is also a 포천 출장안마 restaurant on site in Las 전주 출장안마 Vegas, where guests can 제주도 출장안마 enjoy an 원주 출장마사지 array of
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