Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News |
- Muktamar: Budaya 'chai' kini menular
- When education becomes a political tool
- My tryst with a Penan & my questions for Datuk Torstein Sjotveit
- PAS wants agreement with PR to maintain seats
- Pas terus jadi Pak Pandir selagi tunduk kepada DAP
- What Good Things Has the Govt Done for Malaysians?
- Over-regulation of Islam won’t help resolve interfaith issues
- Salesman fined RM15,000 for insulting Sultan of Perak on blog
- Pakatan leaders side-step quit threat by Penang PAS
- Wanita PKR chief agrees to hudud but not for immediate implementation
- How Malaysia became Banglasia on 5th May 2013
- Percaturan politik ala COMANGO
- We never claimed 40,000 Bangladeshis were voters, says Anwar
- MCA to Pakatan: State stand on PAS hudud plans
- Daim suggests abolishing open Approved Permits for cars
- Sacked Fong accuses DAP of being selfish
Muktamar: Budaya 'chai' kini menular Posted: 20 Nov 2013 10:17 AM PST (Sinar Harian) - Menjelang pemilihan kepimpinan Pemuda Pas hari ini, 'chai' atau senarai pilihan bagi pasukan tertentu sudah mula disebarkan di kalangan perwakilan. Satu kumpulan yang menggelar mereka sebagai pasukan dinamik diketuai Suhaizan Kaiat sebagai ketua dengan timbalannya Ahmad Zamri. Tidak dapat dipastikan sama ada kedua-dua 'chai' itu mendapat restu atau disediakan sendiri oleh calon Ketua Pemuda yang bertanding dalam pemilihan kali ini. Bagaimanapun seorang lagi calon Ketua Pemuda Pas, Zulhazmi Shariff tiada dalam kedua-dua senarai itu.
When education becomes a political tool Posted: 20 Nov 2013 10:10 AM PST
We have politicians who think that the dumbing down of the education syllabus to achieve 'politically expedient' examination results is an education policy. CT Ali, FMT We may not know each other's name. We care not what religion the other practised. We all spoke Malay because it is the language we all understood. Language integrates! The Malay language made us one. The Malay language allowed us to understand each other. The Malay language was ours to use as and when it was necessary for us to communicate across the racial divide. No need for 1Malaysia lah! Any Malay who could speak Mandarin or Tamil got our respect and the same goes for a Chinese being able to speak Tamil and an Indian being able to speak Mandarin. But everybody had to know enough Malay to get by or else they would be looked upon as not playing ball with the others. Is this not the Malaysia that we old timers remember? What we needed to learn was English. Damm! We went to school to learn English. That was a chore because it was a foreign language for all of us – a language you need to master for education. But master it we did. And so Malay was the language for integration and the English language became our language for education, administration, government and business. And then came May 13, the NEP, Ketuanan Melayu and all the attending 'must do' that the government said was needed (so said Umno) to integrate the people into 1Malaysia demi kepentingan negara! Malay became our official national language. Fast forward to 2013. The Malay language is still the language of integration minus the politically incorrect nuances and colloquialism that has allowed all the races in Malaysia to embrace it as their own. But the transition of the Malay language from the language of integration to one of administration, government and education has been, at best inadequate and at worst, it has been the reason for the rapid decline of our proficiency in the English language. This in spite of what our government said in 1956: "No secondary school pupil shall be at a disadvantage in the matter either of employment or of higher education in Malaya or overseas as long as it is necessary to use the English language for these purposes" (Razak Report, 1956:1 2). The language question perplexes us. Our multi ethnicity gives vibrancy to our culture. The Malay language defines us. It is our most obvious attribute. Do they not speak Thai in Thailand, Mexican in Mexico? For our integration, our cohesion and our togetherness as a Nation, Malay is indispensable and we are all agreed on that in fact and in practice. But the English language is a language of relevance. It is a universal language that is understood by scholars and educated people everywhere. Yet our mastery of the English language far from being maintained at the standards it has achieved in the past, has now declined at an alarming rate over the years – and have done so to our disadvantage! The preferred lingua franca Today pride in our national language is worthless if our children are not sufficiently proficient in the English language to enable them to be educated to the best of their ability globally and our people are unable to use English as a means of communication and do business on the world stage. When did the English language become a liability to Malaysians? Is not English a politically neutral language to all of us? Today the Malay language dominates on paper whereas the English language dominates in fact and all attempts to impose the Malay language on all Malaysians have succeeded in law but not in fact. Just as the attempt by the Indian government to replace the English language with Hindi had failed because of vehement opposition by non-Hindi-speaking groups. No such dissent is allowed/possible in Malaysia for now because this BN government does not allow dissent. I would venture a guess that if a referendum was done today on the question of what would be the preferred lingua franca – the preference for English would dominate. Umno does not see the need to change its own name into a suitable bahasa equivalent. Like they have done in religion, this Umno-led Barisan Nasional government sees a political advantage in championing the use of Malay as the national language but not in the upholding of its principles to make Malay the national language in the manner Umno has decreed it to be so. We have today jaguh kampung students who have consistently score A's through their Malay medium education but are unable to compete globally against others because our Education Ministry has failed to equip these students with adequate skills to master the English language at the level expected of them when they are sent overseas by the same government to further their education. While our student labour under this unnecessary burden, our people are disadvantaged by this government's preoccupation of using language as a political tool. A political tool with questionable short term advantages and possibly irrepairable long term harm to the very fabrics that hold our society together. Over 50 years of irresponsible tinkering with the education of our young by the Education Ministry to embellish superficial gains in examinations results and meet politically selfish goals has certainly now consigned our students to the unenviable tasks of becoming increasingly isolated and unable to compete on a level playing field with other students globally. This, together with the decline in the use of and proficiency in the English language by Malaysians, augers ill for the future of our ability to acquire information, education and knowledge in a world where all that has to be done through the English language. |
My tryst with a Penan & my questions for Datuk Torstein Sjotveit Posted: 20 Nov 2013 10:07 AM PST ![]() What we see is a Federal government which admits in its 2014 budget that much work remains to be done to delineate the boundaries of Native Customary Rights land – in effect declaring we do not know who owns much of the land. write2rest Today, I met a Penan. I met him outside the Headquarters of the Malaysian Police in Bukit Aman, Kuala Lumpur. This Penan's 12 year old son and a teenager were arrested in Ulu Belaga a couple of weeks ago in Sarawak. The 2 boys had been detained by the police together with 8 adults because they, together with about 300 Penans, had blocked a road in a remote area in Sarawak, in Ulu Belaga. The 300 Penan men, women and children are even now blocking the road with their small, sick, despairing bodies. They are doing this in order to achieve 3 goals: (1) delay construction of turbine-houses for the Murum dam until (2) prior agreements made with them are fulfilled and (3) they are reasonably compensated for all their troubles. The facts of the case are hard to figure, and here lies the tragedy of Malaysia. Though the Peninsula and Sabah/Sarawak are separated by a huge expanse of the South China Sea. we claim to be one nation. Yet, we have very different cultures, and have very different laws and systems of administration. Today, in the Peninsula, at least on the West Coast, we have vast swathes of plantations and we have numerous industrial centres. In the Peninsula, we know how to determine who owns what land. We think of land titles ('geran') and Sale and Purchase Agreements. We think of searches in land offices. We think of lawyers' fees and we have clarity about when a transaction involving land is 'completed.' In the Peninsula, we know that over the past several decades the timber in vast expanses of 'government owned' jungle has been harvested. We know the land has then been converted into plantations, not least by FELDA settlers. And, in some cases, jungles have made way for dams. (Happily, we have no plans to create new dams in the Peninsula.) In the Peninsula, we know that there are expanses of land which have been gazetted as national forests. We know that such land must not be used for purposes other than preservation, education and enjoyment. We know that we have to be ever vigilant against greedy people who subvert such restrictions. In the Peninsula, we have a hazy notion that the rights of the indigenous peoples have been settled: we believe they are allowed to hunt and gather in the jungles and to continue treating the jungles as their home for as long as they wish. Sadly, we don't know how many indigenous people there are, how we keep track of their numbers, how they can assert their rights, etc. We just 'trust and believe' they are being treated justly. In the Peninsula, we think the issues of indigenous peoples are settled. We don't expect to see blockades or protests under the banner of Jakun, Negrito or Sakai or other indigenous peoples. The indigenous peoples in the Peninsula were broken and repressed long before the age of cheap travel, tourism and internet. Today, the world recognizes the ecological importance of jungles. Today, we have satellite images of the destruction of forests. Today, there is global interest in universal justice, etc. And today, we have tools and opportunities to act upon what we know. |
PAS wants agreement with PR to maintain seats Posted: 20 Nov 2013 10:03 AM PST
(Bernama) - PAS wants an agreement with Pakatan Rakyat (PR) to maintain the number of seats allocated to the party, should the coalition take power in the country. Its vice-president, Datuk Husam Musa said this would be an assurance to all party grassroots members. "The agreement with our partners in the coalition ensures PAS that each seat allocated to the party in the previous general election will be contested by PAS in future, after the coalition rules the country," he said at the opening of the PAS Muslimat Muktamar here yesterday. Meanwhile, PAS Muslimat wing chief Siti Zailah Mohd Yusof said PAS needed political cooperation with PR to continue to be in power in the states it ruled. She said the party's record showed it could only rule Kelantan and Terengganu but with cooperation, it could be in power in the West Coast states. "The political cooperation between DAP and Parti Keadilan Rakyat has succeeded in bringing PAS out from the East Coast," she added. |
Pas terus jadi Pak Pandir selagi tunduk kepada DAP Posted: 19 Nov 2013 08:58 PM PST
(Sinar Harian) - KETUA Umno Bahagian Cheras, Datuk Seri Syed Ali Alhabshee mendakwa, muktamar tahunan Pas kali ke-59 sekadar pentas retorik pemimpinnya untuk membaharui isu lapuk yang tidak menyentuh kepentingan rakyat. Katanya, Pas selama ini gagal menerajui gerakan massa untuk kepentingan dan masa depan orang Melayu. "Pas sekadar medium mengatur kepimpinan masa depan parti itu dengan menonjolkan golongan liberal yang sealiran pemikirannya dengan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim," ujarnya. Beliau berpendapat, matlamat asal perjuangan Pas sudah jauh terpesong sebaik parti itu menyebelahi gerakan politik jalanan Anwar. Menurutnya, pemimpin tertinggi Pas tidak akan mendengar bantahan dan suara akar umbi. Tambah beliau lagi, keupayaan Pas yang kononnya memperjuangkan kepentingan umat Islam sekadar menjadi pengucapan ilmiah tetapi pada sisi politik ternyata gagal. Syed Ali mendakwa, Pas ternyata lebih berkiblat kepada DAP sebagai 'abang besar' dalam PR yang turut didominasikan oleh PKR pimpinan Anwar. "Penyertaan Pas dalam PR dan sikapnya yang tergamak melutut kepada DAP menyebabkan orang Melayu khususnya umat Islam mula menjauhi parti itu," katanya. Beliau menyebut betapa Pas telah mengecewakan pengikutnya sendiri apabila pemimpin mereka tidak berupaya untuk berdepan dengan cabaran politik semasa terutama onar DAP dan PKR. Sebagai contohnya kata beliau, Pas menjadi 'tikus' apabila Pengerusi DAP, Karpal Singh secara terbuka mahu parti politik termasuk Pas yang menggunakan agama dibatalkan pendaftarannya. "Pemimpin mereka (Pas) tidak berani bersuara sedangkan ahli-ahlinya mahu parti itu keluar daripada PR kerana mereka sudah tidak tahan lagi dengan penghinaan DAP," katanya. Justeru kata Syed Ali, muktamar tahunan Pas kali ini tidak menjanjikan lontaran idea yang bernilai untuk rakyat khususnya umat Islam di negara ini. "Cadangan pelaksanaan hukum hudud juga pada saya akan menjadi isu yang dipanaskan semula sebagai menutup kepincangan parti itu," tambanya. Malah secara sinis beliau menjangkakan muktamar Pas itu juga tidak berupaya untuk 'mengajar' Pengerusi DAP, Karpal Singh yang sebelum ini didakwa telah 'buat tahi' dalam PR. Pas dakwa beliau lagi, akan berterusan menjadi 'Pak Pandir' selagi bertuankan DAP selaku 'abang besar' dalam PR.
What Good Things Has the Govt Done for Malaysians? Posted: 19 Nov 2013 08:51 PM PST
Kee Thuan Chye I wanted to write something positive about the Federal Government. But I could think of only two good things that it has done in the last few months. One of them – making English a must-pass subject at the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) examinations starting in 2016 – I had written about at length before. The other is the introduction of financial education in the school curriculum starting next year with Primary 3 students and in 2017 for secondary schools. This is a welcome move by the Education Ministry, although it is being done with the collaboration of Bank Negara, which seems to have initiated the idea. I wish we had this when I was in school; it would have helped me understand money and what to do with it. This is something important to learn from young, and I'm happy for our young that they will soon be getting that benefit. If I had learned how to save, invest, manage my finances and plan for the future, I might not have squandered the money I earned in my youth. I could be owning numerous units of property now or earning substantial revenue from investing in businesses. Today, I wouldn't still have to slog to eke out a living. So much for that. But for my project, I figured that if I wrote only about this good thing being done for our young, I might manage just one-quarter the length of an article. That would be too short. But I did want to write something positive. So what could I do? I decided to send an e-mail to about 40 people I know asking them to tell me what good things they thought the Government had done for the Malaysian rakyat in the last few months. Many did not reply. And those who did gave me a crystal-clear indication of what they think of the Government. And how much confidence they have in the decision-makers in Putrajaya. Honestly, I wasn't surprised. Lawyer Mansor Adnan (not his real name – all the names mentioned here are not real, by the way, but they do reflect ethnicity) wrote back, "Have to really dig deep for this one, bro." My reaction was, he was finding it hard too. A few minutes later, he wrote again: "Frankly, I can't think of any. That's frightening, isn't it? Or this could just mean I'm an incurable cynic." I don't think he is. In fact, he's one of those sensible, non-partisan, thinking Malaysians who care about the country. And he's right – it's frightening. Kulwant Singh, a former civil servant, reinforced the frightening aspect when he wrote: "Will have to put on my thinking cap. More bad than good." I asked him to try. He didn't reply. Burhan Fadzir, an arts practitioner, responded: "Search me. It was all only for the Malays." Well, he is entitled to say that. The most unconventional response came from Dean Khoo, a retired lecturer. He wrote a quatrain: This government shall continue to rot As a leopard does not change its spots. It shall go on preying on people's fear Though the winds for change are near. It didn't quite address my question, but it encapsulated what many of my respondents felt about the Government. Teacher Mavis Thomas sounded even more bleak: "Quite honestly, I can think of no good things this government has done for the rakyat in the last few months. In fact, tragically the rakyat have had to stomach an absent prime minister who never spoke up for ALL of the people. After a gruelling election in which people of all races voted for him, he appears to be only representing the Malays. Over the last few months, he has kept silent as members of his party spewed racist remarks against the minority races on an almost weekly basis. From a PM who kept saying Nambikkai to the Indians, all that has been proven in the post-election period is a prime minister and federal government that cannot keep a promise and seem incapable of doing the right and just thing. We are experiencing involution – a nation turning in on itself." My quest was beginning to look hopeless. Then Tan Huat Seng, managing director of a company, responded: "If I trusted the Barisan Nasional government, I would say the removal of the sugar subsidy and the reduction of the one for petrol were brave and good deeds. But I don't." Well, despite the distrust, at least he did point out a couple of things. Nonetheless, he was probably worried that the Government might use the money saved from those subsidies for the wrong purposes. Journalist Sim Saik Siong agreed with one of Tan's mentions: "Removing the subsidy on sugar is the only thing worth remembering." Remus Leong, another journalist, thought of the increase in the real property gains tax: "I think one good step is that they have FINALLY taken steps to rein in the property speculators by raising RPGT and closing other loopholes." But even then, he expressed scepticism about the motive surrounding the move: "As we know, the politicians are in cahoots with developers for mutual benefit, so WHY are they taking these steps? Because of too many public complaints? I doubt it. Maybe because there's a serious danger of a bubble economy and subsequent crash." It seems there's always some ulterior motive behind every measure taken by the Government. Even the BR1M (Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia) handout. You can sense it in the way retired executive Leman Lukman put it: "The good thing ... good for the gullible rakyat ... of course is the BR1M thingy ... fulfilling the promise although the amount is a disappointment to many." Although I see where Leman was going with his sardonic "good for the gullible rakyat", I can't agree that BR1M is good. It encourages the subsidy mentality, and it makes use of the rakyat's money to buy the Government popularity. Finally, one unconditionally good thing did come – from engineer Krishna Vasudevan: "I LOVE the UTC – Urban Transformation Centre – where they have centralised JPJ, JPN, Immigration, and it's open EVERY day from 8.30am to 10pm. I had to renew my son's and my own passport urgently in October and I went to the UTC in Sentul on a Tuesday night. Got it renewed in an hour! Then just this weekend, my son turned 12. Went to the UTC Sentul on Saturday morning to get his IC and also to change mine as well because it was fraying at the edges. Picked up both ICs on Sunday evening and then renewed my driving licence at the JPJ there too. Very impressed by the level of service – and it's available on weekends and after hours too! So not all is bad la!" OK, that sort of saved the day. And at least Krishna was enthusiastic about it. He didn't see any prawns lurking beneath the rocks (er … transliterated from the Malay idiom udang di sebalik batu.) Nonetheless, I discovered that on the whole, the respondents' perception of the Government was far from positive. Still, I tried. Perhaps you have your own examples of the good things the Government has done for the Malaysianrakyat in the last few months? Care to share them with me?
Over-regulation of Islam won’t help resolve interfaith issues Posted: 19 Nov 2013 08:36 PM PST
One thing is for sure: any form of dialogue can only take place if its participants are well-equipped with knowledge to argue their case, coupled with the humility to accept varying opinions. Alyaa Alhadjri, The Ant Daily Any move to "over-regulate" the practice of Islam as Malaysia's official religion is not the solution to resolve issues surrounding interfaith relations. Jihad for Justice president Datuk Thasleem Ibrahim said the process should instead start from an early stage where children are taught religious values in the "right way". "Faith is between you [as a person] and Allah SWT. Let us as Muslims examine ourselves first. "Are we doing the right things or are we going to over-regulate until the day we find our children going overseas, only to realise that this [what they were taught] is not Islam in its entirety?" he told theantdaily. Thasleem also said that the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (Jakim), as well as state religious authorities, should reconsider its approaches towards regulating Islam in Malaysia. The first step, he said, is to stop propagating government-sanctioned ideologies during the weekly Friday prayer sermons. "Some of the sermons today are just ridiculous. Nowhere in the world are the sermons prepared in this way," he said in echoing criticisms to the perceived pro-government stand adopted in the name of Islam and delivered through the pulpit. A sense of disillusionment with the message delivered had even driven National Laureate Datuk A Samad Said to perform his Friday prayers at Masjid India where the sermon is delivered in Tamil. "I moved to the Masjid India mosque on purpose. I do not understand Tamil, so I feel more relieved," said the octogenarian, who is fondly known as Pak Samad, in an interview with an online portal last week. This, Thasleem argued, is a clear sign of the extent that religion and Islam have been "politicised" in Malaysia, particularly by the ruling Barisan Nasional government led by Umno. "They [Umno] have tried the racial, economic and religious cards but [many] people today have progressed beyond the stupidity of Jakim," he said. Thasleem also said that there has been no proof to back up claims of Islam and Malays in Malaysia being under threat from non-Muslims. |
Salesman fined RM15,000 for insulting Sultan of Perak on blog Posted: 19 Nov 2013 07:15 PM PST
(Bernama) - A 48-year-old mobile phone shop salesman was fined RM15,000 Wednesday after he was found guilty of posting remarks on his blog insulting the Sultan of Perak four years ago. Rutinin Suhaimin was accused of committing the offence at Block A, Lot 4, Sedco Shop, Kundasang, Ranau at 6.33pm on Feb 13, 2009. He was charged under Section 233(1)(9) of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998, which carries a fine of not more than RM50,000 or a jail term of not more than one year or both upon conviction. Rutinin allegedly posted insulting remarks on a blog linked to the Sultan of Perak's official website. Judge Ummu Kalthom Abdul Samad found Rutinin guilty and ordered him to pay a fine of RM15,000 in default of a eight months' jail term. Senior Federal Counsel Jamil Aripin appeared for the prosecution while Rutinin was represented by counsel Muammar Julkarnain. Rutinin paid the fine.
Pakatan leaders side-step quit threat by Penang PAS Posted: 19 Nov 2013 06:00 PM PST
Penang Pakatan Rakyat Council (PPRC) chief Lim Guan Eng has asked PKR and PAS to sort out their differences over religious and political matters that were highlighted by the state PAS leadership yesterday. Penang PAS' shocking revelation confirmed rumours among political circles that the problem was evidently between PKR and PAS. Lim, who is also Chief Minister, said `misunderstandings' between political parties were common and as a democratic government, the parties are given the space to voice their discontent. "I have asked Deputy Chief Minister (I) Datuk Mohd Rashid Hasnor and Datuk Abdul Malik Abul Kassim to discuss with State PAS commissioner Datuk Mohd Salleh Man in order to iron things out. "Mohd Salleh has agreed to speak with them. They have already met and they have agreed to resolve this matter internally. Both parties will not to make further media statements," he said. The anticipated press conference by Lim was over within ten minutes with no question and answer session, along with Lim's comment that PR leaders were not allowed to make media statements. He said despite giving political parties within the government room to voice their discontent, `certain media' manipulated the statements. Lim was speaking in relation to an English daily that carried a report alleging DAP's inteference in religious matters following PAS' statement. Therefore, he added it was better that the matter was resolved internally and behind closed doors. "The important part is we are united in PR and we are still strong in our common goals. We want to tell our supporters not to be worried. Some of the media reports were manipulated," he said. Mohd Salleh, who was with Lim, dismissed the allegations in the English daily that implied DAP's `interference' in Islamic affairs in Penang. "State PAS deputy commissioner Muhammad Fauzi Yusoff's statement yesterday did not mention any parties' involvement. "Therefore, the paper's article is actually a manipulation to break up our relationship with our partners in PR," he said, adding that legal action by PAS will be taken if the daily refused to apologise. Yesterday, Muhammad Fauzi issued a startling statement with four demands to PRC to give them more opportunities to speak, decide and select political appointees, and engage in policy making. He said failure by PRC and the state government to do so would result in PAS reviewing its position within the council, and withdraw and resign from the positions and portfolios it held in the state and the council. Permatang Pasir assemblyman Mohd Salleh, who is the sole PAS representative in the government, was also Penang Islamic Religious Council (MAIPP) president, a position that is appointed by the King. PAS asked PPRC and the state government to give Mohd Salleh `absolute control' over the selection of the MAIPP chairman and its councillors, and MAIPP subsidiaries' board of directors. PAS claimed that there have been `unreasonable interference' by the state executive council on the appointment of MAIPP councillors, the chairman, and the board of directors of MAIPP's subsidiaries. PAS also stressed that the number of PAS local government councillors should be increased from two to four in both local councils, and be given `absolute power' to select village development and security committee (JKKK) members within the six state and two parliamentary seats it contested. The issue of overlapping opinions between PKR and PAS in relation to Islamic matters and the appointment of MAIPP office bearers has existed from the PR government's first term. While Abdul Malik, who is State PKR vice chairman, was the state exco member for religious affairs, Mohd Salleh was MAIPP president, a post that was given to PAS by way of consensus among PR leaders in Penang. However, over the years, alleged conflict between the parties on religious affairs occurred occasionally. PAS' national leaders said the threat by Penang PAS to leave Pakatan Rakyat (PR) if their demands were not met by the coalition partners will be brought up in a meeting with the PAS Central Committee after its Muktamar this weekend.
Wanita PKR chief agrees to hudud but not for immediate implementation Posted: 19 Nov 2013 05:44 PM PST
The Mole Parti Keadilan Rakyat Wanita chief Zuraida Kamaruddin says she agrees with the implementation of hudud in Kelantan but disagrees with an in immediate enforcement. Stressing that there must be a process before the implementation, Zuraida said: "As a Muslim I agree with the implementation of hudud. But there must be a process of awareness and education on the fundamentals of hudud laws to the public. I therefore cannot agree on its immediate enforcement" Zuraida said this when asked to comments on the issue regarding the implementation of the Islamic penal code in Kelantan that has been an on-going topic over the past week. She said it was crucial for the masses to be educated about the fundamentals of hudud through the media before its implementation and said she had proposed on the idea before but was ignored. Zuraida also blamed Barisan Nasional for 'beating around the bush' on the issue and had urged their members to seriously look into it instead of abandoning their responsibility and pointing fingers at PKR. She also echoed veteran Umno leader Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah's comments on the issue that the Federal Government would have to amend the constitution first to allow hudud to be enforced in Kelantan. Another PKR leader, vice-president Tian Chua in a text message to The Mole had said: "Hudud is a discourse of Muslim scholars and legal experts. The discussion will continue."
How Malaysia became Banglasia on 5th May 2013 Posted: 19 Nov 2013 04:59 PM PST Anwar accused the government of bringing in thousands of Bangladeshi migrant workers as phantom voters to secure victory. PKR stood by its allegations that foreign nationals of Bangladesh origin had voted illegally in Election 2013 despite the denial made by the country's High Commissioner, insisting that it has proof to back its claims. Election Commission deputy chairman Datuk Wan Ahmad Wan Omar said none of the election petitions filed by Pakatan Rakyat mentioned anything about the presence of Bangladeshi phantom voters during the 13th General Election. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin
BN's dirty tricks? Dude, you ain't seen nothing yet (Finance Twitter, 3 May 2013) - The Barisan Nasional's fate relies solely on Election Commission at this crucial stage. On the other hand, its opponent Pakatan Rakyat depends entirely on the people. The Election Commission is the real kingmaker and it will do anything at its disposal to ensure BN's new term is renewed. Hence the plan to fly in more than 40,000 suspicious foreigners from Sabah and Sarawak via chartered flights. E-mails exposed how PMO (Prime Minister Office) requested for such huge "reinforcement" using 16 charter flights from Malaysia Airline System Does he really think that the people are that naive? Right, PMO specifically asked for these 40,000 foreigners from Bangladesh, Nepal, Indonesia, Philippines and whatnot to be given free flights onboard Boeing 747, sponsored by BN friends, and in return vote for opposition. With such intelligence, I suppose your hamster can be the next Election Commission chairman too, no? They should cook up a more convincing excuse or story rather than such silly justification. What's next – special police VVIP escort for these foreigners to the polling centre to vote? Anwar shows no sign of giving up despite defeat (South China Morning Post, 7 May 2013) - Anwar later said his coalition had won the popular vote by a large margin, taking 50.3 per cent compared with 46.8 per cent for the National Front. "The fact that the opposition won the popular vote by a large margin confirms the mandate given to us and highlights that electoral fraud won the 13th general election for Najib Razak," Anwar said. "I will work towards a national consensus to question the legitimacy of the government achieved through such electoral fraud," he said. Anwar accused the government of bringing in thousands of Bangladeshi migrant workers as phantom voters to secure victory. Malaysian vote was 'mother of all frauds': Anwar (MSN News, 7 May 2013) - Indelible ink used in the May 5 polls to thwart multiple-voting easily washed off voter's hands, and there were numerous accounts of angry citizens confronting suspected foreign "voters" at polling centres. Anwar had earlier alleged a government scheme to fly tens of thousands of "dubious" and possibly foreign voters to flood key constituencies. The opposition also has raised a number of cases in which they said voting patterns or handling of ballot boxes was suspicious. PKR stands by phantom voters claims, blames EC for xenophobia (, 4 Jun 2013) - PKR has stood by its allegations that foreign nationals of Bangladesh origin had voted illegally in Election 2013 despite the denial made by the country's High Commissioner here yesterday, insisting that it has proof to back its claims. The Pakatan Rakyat (PR) party added that the Election Commission (EC) should also take full responsibility for the hostilities shown towards Bangladeshi migrant workers since its failure to deal with complaints of phantom voters had strengthened accusations that the government had won the May 5 polls through fraud. "We accept their statement, that is their right but you have to ask this question: if majority of our people have been talking about it for a long time, I don't think your normal Malaysians would go and create news out of nothing and more importantly the integrity of an election is sacred and so important to our country." "The way I look at it is that if there are any allegations about phantom voters whether they are Bangladeshis, Indonesians, Filipinos… what is more important is the authorities and the parties responsible for it which is the EC must take it seriously and investigate fully." "But they have refused to probe so it strengthens the perception that there are phantom voters from overseas," PKR strategic director told a press conference at the party's headquarters here. Yesterday, the government of Bangladesh denied allegations that its Malaysian-based workers had acted as phantom voters in Election 2013, adding that the "xenophobic" accusation has subjected its citizens to abuse. The country's High Commissioner to Malaysia Atiqur Rahman also laughed off claims that 40,000 of Bangladeshi citizens had been transported into Malaysia to vote for the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) a week before the May 5 polls. He further described the allegations as "propaganda" and "political manipulation" that might put innocent Bangladeshis under increased threat and, at the same time, impose a negative image of its country unfairly. Allegations of Bangladeshis voting in GE13 absurd, says High Commissioner (The Star, 4 Jun 2013) - The Bangladesh High Commission here has dismissed allegations of its citizens voting in the 13th general election as "absurd". Bangladesh High Commissioner to Malaysia A.K.M. Atiqur Rahman said his office had no knowledge of his country's citizens voting here on May 5. "The propaganda of Bangladeshi citizens voting in the 13th general election is nothing but a mere fabrication by some interest groups and a sheer misrepresentation of facts," he said here yesterday. He also dismissed the claim that 40,000 Bangladeshis came to Malaysia a week before the polls to vote as absurd. Calling it a case of "political manipulation", he said that the portrayal of Bangladeshis as phantom voters had put his countrymen at risk and created a negative image on his country. Atiqur was also disturbed by the manhandling of "so-called phantom voters" who were accused of being Bangladeshis. He also said that there were now over 500,000 of his countrymen in Malaysia. "More than 100 had become naturalised Malaysian citizens, but only after living here for decades," he added. Pakatan Rakyat leaders and various individuals on social media have claimed that thousands of foreign nationals, including Bangladeshis, were flown into Malaysia to vote. Bangladesh High Commission counsellor A.M. Anisul Haque said that their office had not received any official complaint on the matter and chose to intervene only after hearing reports of manhandling and physical abuse of their citizens. Rumours of Bangladeshis being transported over to Malaysia as phantom voters were widely circulated via social media during the country's general elections last month, sparking allegations of electoral fraud. No petition filed by Pakatan on alleged 40,0000 Bangladeshi phantom voters (The Posto, 27 Jun 2013) - Election Commission deputy chairman Datuk Wan Ahmad Wan Omar said none of the election petitions filed by Pakatan Rakyat mentioned anything about the presence of Bangladeshi phantom voters during the 13th General Election. Speaking to The Mole on Wednesday, Wan Ahmad said: "There is no mention of the presence of 40,000 Bangladeshi phantom voters as their ground for filing petitions." "They mentioned about phantom voters, but they did not petition about the presence of the 40,000 Bangladeshi 'voters' as they widely alleged. Their petitions on phantom voters are very general in nature," he said. "In fact after looking through, they made no mention about it (the presence of Bangladeshi phantom voters) anywhere in the seats which they have filed petition for," he added. This, Wan Ahmad said, is in stark contrast to Pakatan's strong allegations on the matter prior to, during and immediately after the 13th General Election. He also said some of the reasons given by Pakatan in filing the petition include the usage of indelible ink, blackout incidents at polling centres and matters relating to the electoral rolls. It was previously highlighted that there were no petitions filed by the Opposition, which mentioned anything about the presence of "Bangladeshi phantoms."
Issue of alleged 40,000 Bangladeshi voters in GE13 to be answered in Parliament (Bernama, 18 Sep 2013) - The issues of the alleged voting by 40,000 Bangladeshis and power supply disruption at a vote counting centre during the 13th General Election (GE13) will be answered by the government at the next Dewan Rakyat sitting starting this Monday. Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim, who is in charge of Parliament, said: "At the sitting this time, we will respond to several issues including the claim that 40,000 Bangladeshis had voted in the GE13." The second Dewan Rakyat sitting for the first session of the 13th Parliament from this Monday will go on for eight days until Oct 3 while the Dewan Negara sitting is scheduled for four days from Oct 7. Shahidan said the issue of the alleged involvement of Bangladeshi voters and power supply disruption in the GE13 needs to be raised in Parliament to stop the lies to the public.
Percaturan politik ala COMANGO Posted: 19 Nov 2013 03:36 PM PST
Empire Strikes Back Bagi kebanyakkan orang Melayu dan juga Muslim, campurtangan daripada bukan Melayu dan juga yang dilabel sebagai Melayu liberal dalam perkara yang berkaitan dengan Islam adalah sangat merunsingkan. Umum tahu bahawa Islam adalah agama rasmi Persekutuan and tiada tolak ansur atau kompromi mengenai perkara ini. Begitu juga dengan Raja-Raja yang merupakan ketua agama di peringkat negeri juga persekutuan. Kedua-dua perkara ini termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Bagi bukan Melayu dan golongan Melayu liberal ini, mereka secara terbuka mahu supaya Perlembagaan Persekutuan ini dipinda kerana bagi mereka perlembagaan ini sudah lapuk dan ketinggalan. Bagi meminda perlembagaan yang sedia ada, mereka hanya memerlukan majoriti dua per tiga di Parlimen walau dalam sesetengah kes hanya sedikit majoriti sudah mencukupi. Tetapi dalam kes yang menyentuh isu berkaitan Islam, Bahasa Melayu dan juga hak-hak keistimewaan Melayu, mereka terlebih dahulu memerlukan kelulusan dari Majlis Raja-Raja sebelum sebarang pindaan dibuat. Di sinilah semuanya menjadi masalah kepada mereka. Ini kerana, sebagai ketua agama Islam, Majlis Raja-Raja tidak akan pernah berkompromi mengenai perkara yang membabitkan akidah dan Islam. Ia harus kekal sebagai status quo. Walau Pakatan Rakyat mengambil alih pentadbiran negara sekalipun, mereka tidak akan dapat merubah apa-apa klausa dalam Perlembagaan terutama sekali yang berkaitan dengan Islam. Kerana itulah mereka kini menjalankan strategi baru bagi mencabar Islam. Mengheret kerajaan ke mahkamah mengenai hak orang Kristian bagi menggunakan nama Allah. Membawa isu hak asasi manusia di Malaysia (atau lebih kepada kekurangannya) bagi meraih perhatian dunia dengan melahirkan COMANGO. COMANGO adalah gabungan 54 NGO Malaysia yang kebanyakkannya terdiri dari NGO bukan Islam dan mereka mahu masyarakat antarabangsa mengisytiharkan Malaysia sebuah rejim pariah kerana tidak membenarkan orang Islam untuk meninggalkan Islam dan untuk tidak membenarkan orang Islam untuk mengamalkan gaya hidup gay / transeksual. Antara yang ada di dalam senarai tuntutannya, COMANGO menggesa kerajaan mengiktiraf hak-hak Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) terutamanya LGBT dan juga International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights (ICCPR) yang memberikan kebebasan beragama serta kebebasan untuk menukar agama yang dianuti.
We never claimed 40,000 Bangladeshis were voters, says Anwar Posted: 19 Nov 2013 03:11 PM PST
Eileen Ng, TMI Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (pic) today accused Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak of misleading Parliament by alleging that the opposition had claimed 40,000 Bangladeshis were registered as voters. He said Pakatan Rakyat had checked and found that no such allegations were made. "We spoke about voters being flown in from Sabah and Sarawak but never said anything about 40,000 Bangladeshis being registered as voters. "This allegation was created and spun by pro-Umno blogs," he said a press conference at the Parliament lobby. When tabling Budget 2014 on October 25, Najib had spoken about the Malaysian population breakdown and had jokingly quipped that it did not include the 40,000 Bangladeshis who were brought in as phantom voters in the 13th General Election as alleged by the opposition. "Until today, no one has seen them or their shadow. Enough of lies. Seek forgiveness from Him," Najib had said. Anwar said it was irresponsible of Najib to have made such accusations and to ask Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to issue a denial that her countrymen voted in the general election. "How would she know? This is an internal matter which should be monitored by the Election Commission." He said EC chairman Tan Sri Abdul Mohd Yusof had previously acknowledged that there were 62,000 dubious voters on the electoral roll. He said this was supported by information received by Pakatan Rakyat, who had proof that foreigners were part of the early voters' list, which is confined to certain people like police and army personnel. "There should be an independent commission to investigate this," Anwar said. Last week, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim criticised the opposition for claiming that 40,000 Bangladeshis voted for Barisan Nasional. He said only 12 Bangladeshis were granted Malaysian citizenship in the past 10 years. "These 12 people can only vote if they registered as voters. Let us close the book on the 40,000 Bangladeshi voters issue as it is a big lie," he had said. gki4J09BjdI SEE VIDEO ON YOUTUBE HERE: XG6yxJxVocs SEE VIDEO ON YOUTUBE HERE:
MCA to Pakatan: State stand on PAS hudud plans Posted: 19 Nov 2013 03:03 PM PST
(MM) - Pakatan Rakyat (PR) must come clean on whether or not it supports pact member PAS' latest push for hudud, the MCA insisted today when saying the Islamic penal code would infringe upon the fundamental rights of all Malaysians. MCA publicity bureau chairman Loh Seng Kok said that the latest announcement by PAS vice-president Salahuddin Ayub - who reportedly said that hudud implementation in Kelantan is only the beginning - would require "colossal change" to the Federal Constitution.
Daim suggests abolishing open Approved Permits for cars Posted: 19 Nov 2013 03:00 PM PST
(Bernama) - Former finance minister Tun Daim Zainuddin has suggested that the government consider abolishing the open Approved Permits (APs) policy required for the import of vehicles to help reduce the cost of owning cars in Malaysia. "Removing the APs would translate into cheaper cars for the rakyat," he said here today.
Sacked Fong accuses DAP of being selfish Posted: 19 Nov 2013 02:52 PM PST The Pujut assemblyman said party gave him 14 days to appeal, fully aware that he will be attending the 10-day Sarawak Legislative Assembly as a people's representative. (FMT) - KUCHING: Sacked Pujut DAP assemblyman, Fong Pau Teck, accused the party of "depriving" him of his rights and least caring of his responsibility to his constituents. He said the party's disciplinary board had given him 14 days to appeal knowing full well that he would be attending the State Legislative Assembly (DUN) sitting which began on Monday. "The DUN is sitting for 10 days, that means they (disciplinary commitee) have only given me four days to respond. They expelled me on the first day of sitting. "It means they want me to chose between my constituents and my personal interest. They deprived me of my right to appeal and have shown that they don't care about the people's interest," he said. On Monday, DAP disciplinary committee chairman Tan Kok Wai confirmed that Fong was sacked for insubordination and "various acts of disobedience". "The disciplinary committee decided that Fong's insubordination has set a bad precedent which is unpardonable," said Tan in a statement today. He added that the decision was unanimous and Fong had been directed to vacate his seat enabling a by-election. At the DUN sitting yesterday Fong maintained his seat amongst DAP assemblyman. He told reporters that he will debate as a DAP assemblyman for the period of the current DUN sitting because "I still have 14 days to appeal".
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