Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News |
- A Sensitive Taoist Priest
- Netizens slam ‘traitor’ Junaidi’s treason threat
- A Club in Malaysia Tells Its Members to Be Whores -- That Way, Their Husbands Don't Have to Use One
- The Lone Ranger rides again, sans Tonto
- Lawyer sues AG, former IGP and eight others
- Teach your little darlings to think
- UK governments blocked investigations into Malaysian massacre cover-up
- Thailand protesters back on the streets
- How to Fix Malaysia In Five Easy Steps
- Zahid selar negara luar ceroboh kerahsiaan negara
- Positive messages from the PAS assembly
- Polls and bolos rule over twerk
Posted: 26 Nov 2013 11:41 AM PST The old Taoist priest started from humble beginnings, operating a little shrine in my village that was 'Truly Asia'. Yussof Condred The old Taoist priest started from humble beginnings, operating a little shrine in my village that was 'Truly Asia'. His specialty was going into trances, slitting his tongue with a ceremonial sword and with it dripping red ink, wrote winning 4-digit numbers on yellow parchments. Lucky punters donated generously and now he operated from a new temple, as respectable as his new status. With new status came arrogance and a heightened, affected sensitivity. He received invitations to new year parties and was highly sought after by the rich and famous or infamous to perform rituals at the wakes of their dearly departed. There were two recent incidences in his career that his sensitivity was put to the test. 1. The wake. Just last weekend he had the opportunity to perform prayers and blessings at the wake of a grand old lady. For the benefit of non-Taoists, a little explanation about the custom practiced by Taoists is in order. Visitors who come to a wake to pay their last respect are expected to donate money, called 'pak kam' (white gold) in Cantonese, to be inserted through a slot on the top of a donation box. The money must be placed inside white envelopes as befitting the custom and sombre occasion. During a break in his prayer chanting, the priest saw a gatecrasher, an unkempt man clutching a brown paper bag in which was concealed a bottle, paid respect to the deceased and then inserted a red envelope in the slot of the donation box. By now everyone's eyes were fixed on this stranger's action. This was an act of disrespect to the family of the departed. The priest was aghast at the callousness. However, he suspected that the man was drunk (which proved to be the case when the man produced the bottle of liquor from his brown paper bag and started loudly to propose a toast to the health of the dearly departed). Therefore, they forgave the scoundrel and summarily ushered him out. 2. The New Year Party. During the Chinese new year open house at our village community hall the priest was one of the guests of honour. It was a typical multiracial, multianimal affair where political opportunists mingled freely with vagrants, gangsters, religionists, ahteists, LGBT, idiots, dogs, cats and rats. The highlight of the party was the giving out of 'Ang Pow' by honoured guests. And that was the main reason the event attracted all sorts except the dogs, cats and rats. They only came for the food crumbs. It was then that a wannabe MP committed a faux pas. He handed out the money contained in white envelops. Had he confused a new year celebration with a wake? To the Taoists, new year celebrations are religious. The priest was offended, more so because the wannabe MP was from a rival political party. The virtual rocket that he secretly kept in his heart for decades exploded. He decided to make what was so fashionable these days, a police report for an insult to his religion. At the police station the officer was polite and professional, for in his stereotyped thinking, since the priest was Chinese and Chinese diligently pay their taxes then he must be a loyal citizen. I began to admire the professionalism of that officer for his explanation to the aggrieved priest. He said "An Pek, I can understand your feelings and I symphatise with you. But the police department is under the authority of a secular government. Therefore we are not authorised to handle religious matters. You may wish to lodge your complaint to an appropriate body, like your Taoist Association." |
Netizens slam ‘traitor’ Junaidi’s treason threat Posted: 26 Nov 2013 11:28 AM PST
(FMT) - Sarawak netizens voice anger and disbelief over the deputy home minister's recent warning, calling him a Malaya lackey Deputy Home Minister Wan Junaidi Jaafar's warning to parties questioning the legitimacy of Malaysia has shocked Sarawak netizens, who've dubbed him 'a Sarawak traitor'. Affronted users of the social media maintained that Sarawakians have the fundamental right to question and ask for a review of the 1963 Malaysia Agreement and that it was not seditious. Junaidi had on Sunday reportedly warned politicians "playing around" and raising the Malaysia Agreement-related issues. He said it was 'treason and seditious'. "The issue can disrupt unity between West Malaysia and the states of Sabah and Sarawak. Raising the issue is an act of treason. The Malaysia Agreement should not be raised anymore," he said. A posting of Junaidi's contentious comment on the Sarawak Sovereignty Movement (SSM) Facebook page drew 58 wide-ranging comments with hundreds of likes within a day. User Skidz Chai screamed "Pengkhianat Sarawak (Sarawak's traitor)!" while another Penan Murum posted: "This fellow is (Prime Minister) Najib's (servant) and is brainwashed by Malaya. A Negara Sarawak traitor!" SSM regular Morshidi Abdul Rahman posted: "We are not playing around about the Malaysia formation issue. "We are questioning the legitimacy of the Malaysia establishment when there are facts showing the Sarawak nation (Negara Sarawak) had been tricked by the British and Malayan leaders in the early sixties. "Most Sarawak leaders (then) were inexperienced and not highly educated to know what the actual Malayan agenda was. "Only now we (Sarawakians) can see ourselves their agenda to enrich Malaya and drain off as much oil gains and taxes as possible for the benefit of Malaya only. "As our people are not 'smart lawyers', cannot we ordinary citizens know the truth?" he asked. Malaya's lackey His views were echoed by another user Walter Gregory Ripon, who said: "All agreements of course must be reviewed from time to time to ensure there is no deviation from the foundations of the agreements. "As an educated minister, please do not make statements like an uneducated person." Read more at:
A Club in Malaysia Tells Its Members to Be Whores -- That Way, Their Husbands Don't Have to Use One Posted: 26 Nov 2013 11:13 AM PST
In no other place have I seen so many women covered from head to feet in the traditional tudong (at least their faces are exposed), while their husbands walk next to them in shorts and graphic t-shirts. And in no other place in Southeast Asia have I had women look at me in disgust as I pass by them wearing my own shorts and graphic t-shirts. Lina Eroh (Huffington Post) Over afternoon tea a few months ago, my husband and I learned about an organization called the "Obedient Wives Club." It was founded in Malaysia in 2011 and the Penang branch counts several female doctors and other educated women amongst its members. The goal of the club is as off-putting as its name: to teach wives how to submit to their husbands, in life and in bed. The club has come under scrutiny for both its published works and vocal advocates, some of whom suggest that the only way a woman can keep her husband loyal is by acting like a "whore in bed." According to one woman who has friends in the club, lessons also focus on treating your husband like the "emperor" he is and introducing new sexual positions into the bedroom. Which brings me to the situation of women in Malaysia, and perhaps to a larger extent, how women are viewed and hence view themselves within the lens of Islam. Malaysia, a predominantly Islamic country whose Muslim population is governed by Sharia law, is in many ways a patriarchal society where women are subordinate objects to men. In no other place have I seen so many women covered from head to feet in the traditional tudong (at least their faces are exposed), while their husbands walk next to them in shorts and graphic t-shirts. And in no other place in Southeast Asia have I had women look at me in disgust as I pass by them wearing my own shorts and graphic t-shirts. I've even seen girls as young as five wear head coverings and full length outfits despite it being 90+ degrees outside and there being no law in place requiring such dress. Malay women aren't even supposed to leave their homes in the evening without being accompanied by their husbands -- not for safety, but for modesty. So if you were a typical Malay man, which meeting would you rather drive your wife to? The one in which she talks about improving the government/education system/environment or the one in which she talks about improving... your sex life? In every country I've been so far, I've tried to learn about and understand the local way of life. I've spoken to people about why they choose to bathe in the river when they have hot showers in their unoccupied guesthouses, why they don't send their children to school, and why they become prostitutes. I may not have agreed with the reasoning for their actions, but I tried to understand. Malaysia has presented a unique problem. I simply can't understand why Malay women put up with a society that objectifies them to an extent that I can't imagine in my own life. I don't know why they let their husbands keep them at home and tell them what to wear, even as they drive around town in BMWs wearing shorts and t-shirts. And I wonder how they can consider themselves lucky to be married to men who through their behavior act no better than pigs... or pimps. The answer, of course, is religion, or rather a strict and perhaps too convenient interpretation of Islamic texts. Malaysia makes it illegal for Malays to not be Muslim, but in the past it has tried to embrace secularity and modernity when it comes to its global policies. Recently, however, many politicians, journalists, and scholars have grown increasingly nervous that Malaysia is veering away from secularity to become a strict Islamic state. There are noticeable hints on the ground that this change is indeed occurring. More women wear headscarves (or hijabs) than ever before, even though it's not required by law. Sharia law is in full effect, with signs in 7 Eleven reminding Muslims that it's illegal for them to drink alcohol and signs in fancy spas reminding Muslim men (but not women, seemingly since they'd never go to a Western spa alone) that it is forbidden for them to get massages by female masseurs. We've even learned of some public schools that don't have food service available for non-Muslim students during Ramadan, essentially forcing them to follow a tradition that's not their own. (After the student council at this school complained, the dean agreed to open one food cart with limited lunch hours for non-Muslim students. A student that bought food at the food cart was subsequently scolded by her Muslim teacher.) And a Muslim woman who happens to be a dog trainer was recently investigated and jailed for her "unholy" actions, which consisted of walking three dogs past a mosque and then washing their feet. (There is some confusion as to whether or not Muslims are allowed to touch dogs. Most Malaysian Muslims seem to believe it's illegal, while Muslims from other countries say there are no laws against it.) And it is in this societal context that women find themselves. By law, a Malay man is allowed to have four wives and countless numbers of divorces. Most men can't afford to have more than one wife at a time, since having multiple families (technically) means you support multiple women and children. But there's always that risk for the woman, the risk that her husband will ask her permission to take on another wife, or worse, just text her: Talaq. One time means we're having problems. Two times means things are getting worse. Talaq talaq talaq. Three times. That means it's over. For good. On legal grounds. Read more at: |
The Lone Ranger rides again, sans Tonto Posted: 26 Nov 2013 10:32 AM PST
Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat was not his usual self when met at his office at the Bakti Nusa foundation in Pandan Jaya yesterday. He seemed distant, deep in thought and was distracted by the numerous phone calls that kept interrupting our conversation. "I'm so sorry," he said as he responded to his sixth text in five minutes. "So many are calling to offer support … even the non-Chinese and those who had abandoned me," he laughed. He was referring to his surprise announcement on Tuesday that he was going to run for MCA president again. Ong's lack of focus on his guest can be forgiven. His thoughts were on the fight ahead, but he was also anticipating what his preferred running mate Datuk Gan Ping Sieu would be announcing at the latter's press conference the same afternoon. Gan, of course decided that he too would be a strong candidate for No.1. If some of the party's 2,385 delegates and analysts have it right, then Gan's running mate would be Datuk Chua Tee Yong – son of current president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek. The two youngest senior party officials will be offering youth and vibrancy, against the combo of experience presented by deputy president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai and vice president Datuk Seri Wee Ka Siong. So now Ong finds himself in a familiar spot: all by himself! "I want Gan. I was hoping I will get him but he too wants to go for No.1. He should build up some credentials first." So who will be his running mate? "Well, I'm a Lone Ranger or singles player like you always say," laughed the 57-year-old. But even the Lone Ranger has Tonto. "Yes, so I want Gan, but he has his own path to follow and I respect that," Ong relented. While acknowledging that he and his No.1 nemesis, the elder Chua had formed an understanding, it was far from a kiss and make up session. Too much water had gone under the bridge with both leaders publicly going at each other's throats since the bitter extraordinary general meeting and polls of 2010 which ousted Ong as president. "There's no such thing as a peace deal because anyone can always throw a spanner in the works," he said, alluding to Dr Chua's mastery of political chess and influence he holds over the delegates. However with a new batch of delegates who do not necessarily listen to party elders and divisional chiefs, Ong feels he has a good chance, in this period of MCA's life which seems to be a free-for-all. Even then when he defended his presidency, Ong did not offer a running mate, while Dr Chua had Datuk Seri Kong Chor Ha and Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting paired up with Liow. That EGM only served to further split an already divided party. With his candidacy for the Dec 21st presidential election, Tee Keat will face similar accusations of putting his ego before the party. Read more at: |
Lawyer sues AG, former IGP and eight others Posted: 26 Nov 2013 10:29 AM PST
(Bernama) - A lawyer has filed a multi million civil action against the Attorney-General, former Inspector-General of Police, Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) Chief Commissioner and seven others for malicious prosecution. Rosli Dahlan filed the suit involving more than RM47 million on Friday at the Civil High Court here through Messrs Kumar Partnership.
He named Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail, Tan Sri Musa Hassan, Tan Sri Abu Kassim Mohamed, the MACC, Malaysian Government, Royal Malaysian Police, three deputy public prosecutors, a MACC investigation officer and a police officer as defendants.
In his statement of claim, he said the defendants conspired to arrest and charge him in court for a MACC case.
He said he was acquitted by the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court on Dec 20, 2010.
Rosli is seeking punitive, aggravated and exemplary damages totalling RM47 million, special damages of RM750,000, costs and other relief deemed fit by the court.
Teach your little darlings to think Posted: 26 Nov 2013 10:24 AM PST
His father, a doctor, claimed the change at the eleventh hour without prior notice was "racially-motivated" and was to ensure non-Muslims — for whom Moral Studies is a required subject — score fewer As than Muslim students who have to sit the compulsory Islamic Studies paper. Frankie D'Cruz, The Malay Mail Last year a giant UK supermarket's poll of parents of children aged 18 to 25 years claimed one in three teenagers arriving for their higher education was unable to even boil an egg. The survey also revealed the average student struggled with basic chores such as barely making toast for breakfast and not knowing how to make their bed in the morning. The findings of this poll were disclosed by a college lecturer over the weekend during a talk on journalism. We were discussing the changes to the format of SPM Moral Studies paper by the Examination Syndicate that had caused confusion among students and parents. The lecturer said that in her 12-year experience with institutions of higher learning she had come across students who lacked the ability to carry out simple tasks in life. She said the robotic tutorials in schools have created students who struggle to think out of the box. "Parents need to teach their little darlings how to do the simplest things in living skills. "Then, we wouldn't have a situation where parents and students growl when creativity and critical thinking are encouraged as in the Moral paper." Consider: Over the past two years, students were told that they only needed to memorise the 36 moral values and answer accordingly during the exam. The 36 values are categorised into seven major fields — self-development, family, nature, patriotism, human rights, democracy and peace and harmony. Obviously, any change in format without prior notice will cause confusion. So was the case among students and teachers. One student in my neighbourhood who is incredibly competent at using gadgets and technology came to see me with his parents and asked me if The Malay Mail would highlight the racial element in the changes to the Moral paper. His father, a doctor, claimed the change at the eleventh hour without prior notice was "racially-motivated" and was to ensure non-Muslims — for whom Moral Studies is a required subject — score fewer As than Muslim students who have to sit the compulsory Islamic Studies paper. His prejudiced remark must be in the running for the Ugly Malaysian 2013 grand prize. And right up there is also Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli who told a news portal at the height of the issue that the problem was symptomatic of the fragile race relations in the country. Rafizi reportedly said: "People do not trust the system and the government. The majority have long felt that the subject (Moral Studies) only serves to penalise them (non-Malays). You decide where Rafizi is coming from. You figure out why race has been dragged in. Aren't we all bored with unintelligent interpretations? What came across as refreshing though were the points put across by Sarala Poobalan in her letter to the editor: She wrote that the format used to prepare the paper was heading in the right direction. "Our students are being prepared for thinking outside the box skill although it is currently only for the Moral paper." I agree with her that it's worrying that the change in the format was not made known to teachers and students. I agree with her that this was unprofessional and unbecoming of the Examination Syndicate in preparing a national examination paper. I am not too sure however if all the students would have been able to prepare mentally if they had been told of the format because the Malaysian education system has been focused on standardised testing and memory recall. Sarala says nobody likes surprises, especially during a major public examination, but agree or disagree, creative impulses are often stifled by a continuation of the instructive approach to teaching that dominates primary and secondary education. In the push for better grades, creativity is often considered as having no place in the classroom as teachers transmit facts and procedures in a regimented manner to students. Read more at: |
UK governments blocked investigations into Malaysian massacre cover-up Posted: 26 Nov 2013 10:11 AM PST
Relatives of Batang Kali massacre victims outside the high court in 2008. The court of appeal has heard how two UK governments tried to cover up Scotland Yard investigations into the killings of 24 civilians. Photograph: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images (The Guardian) - Appeal court hears of Tory interventions in 1970 and 1990s over police probe into troops killing 24 civilians at Batang Kali in 1948 British governments blocked two police investigations into the covering up of the killing by British troops of 24 unarmed rubber plantation workers during counterinsurgency operations in Malaysia nearly 65 years ago, the appeal court heard on Tuesday. Relatives of victims who died in the massacre of Batang Kali in December 1948 were in court to hear how soldiers of the Scots Guards had admitted murdering the plantation workers. The government intervened to stop a Scotland Yard investigation in 1970 after the soldiers' confession. The police officer in charge subsequently complained that the issue was "politically flavoured from the outset". The investigation was stopped because of a "political change of view" when the Conservatives came to power in 1970, the officer said. The Ministry of Defence said: "If no reaction is forthcoming, the matter will probably now remain buried in the public mind … and quietly forgotten." An investigation by the Malaysian police in the 1990s, after fresh evidence emerged, was also blocked following intervention by the British government, the appeal court heard. One of those killed, Lim Tian Shui, was said to have been found headless. His son, Lim Kok, who was in court on Tuesday to hear the case, said in a written statement: "The British soldiers committed a great wrong. The British authorities committed another [wrong] in the weeks that followed by branding those killed 'bandits' and 'terrorists'." He said it was at least as great a wrong to maintain that "untruth" for over 60 years. Relatives of the victims are seeking a public inquiry into the shootings. The British government argues that the UK has no legal responsibility for the acts of the soldiers at Batang Kali. Scotland Yard files record summary execution by British soldiers in full view of the villagers, Michael Fordham QC, counsel for the victims' relatives told the appeal court. "There was available evidence both from the Metropolitan police file and from the Malaysian police investigation, and a combination of both, and witness statements," he told Lord Justices Maurice Kay, Fulford, and Rimer. The government's refusal to hold an inquiry places it in breach of Article 2 of the European convention on human rights convention enshrining the right to life, and of "customary international law," Fordham said. Read more at: |
Thailand protesters back on the streets Posted: 26 Nov 2013 10:06 AM PST
(BBC) - So the government has invoked the Internal Security Act. It is considering emergency rule, which would permit the deployment of the army. It has got an arrest warrant for the protest leader, Suthep Thaugsuban. None of these measures will do much to restore its authority, though, without a willing army or police force. In almost any other country, the scenes I have witnessed in Thailand the past couple of days would have been unthinkable. An unarmed crowd of demonstrators, some of them elderly and most decidedly unthreatening, stormed and then occupied the finance ministry in Bangkok. Later they surrounded the interior ministry. Most of the staff left in a hurry, leaving a few rows of nervous-looking volunteer guards and rolls of razor-wire to prevent it suffering the same fate as the finance ministry. A protest movement armed with little more than whistles and plastic hand-clappers has been able to mount what comes close to an insurrection against the government, in a middle-income country and economic hub for the South East Asian region. Thailand's troubles
But then, they did something very similar before, in 2008.In that year the main government office, including that of the prime minister, was occupied for months, followed by a raid on Bangkok International airport that stranded tens of thousands of tourists. 'Bags of cash'Thailand seems stuck on a merry-go-round of political conflict, replaying chaotic episodes that were scarcely believable the first time round. Why? Ask the protesters and the answer is simple. One name. Thaksin Shinawatra. They are a mix of middle-class city-dwellers and provincial folk from the south, the stronghold of the opposition Democrat party, and they all repeat the same mantras we heard during the last round of "yellow" protests in 2008. That the former prime minister elevated corruption, always a pernicious problem here, to new heights; that he tried to control everything, and is still doing so from self-imposed exile, through his sister Yingluck, the current prime minister. No-one doubts the hold Mr Thaksin still has over his party, and his sway over important government decisions. He is, after all, his party's biggest vote-winner, despite living abroad for five years. There is a continuous shuttle of ministers and officials to consult with him in Hong Kong, Dubai, or wherever else he happens to be. There are also dark rumours of bags of cash leaving the country, though these are impossible to confirm. But the common assumption has always been in Thailand that government projects allow "funds" to be siphoned off for well-connected people. This government has embarked on an unprecedented spending spree, including a rice subsidy scheme costing many billions of dollars a year, a massive water management plan following the floods of 2011, and planned infrastructure investments totalling more than $600bn (£370bn). Mr Thaksin's opponents fear these projects will generate so much slush money that the Shinawatras will be able to buy enough influence to dominate the country for many years to come, at a time when Thailand is quietly bracing itself for the end of the reign of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, the monarch seen as the spiritual and moral core of the nation. Read more at: |
How to Fix Malaysia In Five Easy Steps Posted: 25 Nov 2013 08:10 PM PST
The question then is why isn't it being done if it is in fact that easy? Politics. It does not matter if it is in fact Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat, neither gives two hoots for the public. Vivegavalen Vadi Valu You often read about the never-ending issues ailing our country and sometimes we get tired and frustrated by the politicians *cough* [idiots] who run the country. The thing is, have you stopped to think that all our problems are actually a repeated cycle and can be solved easily? Today, the Prime Minister is quoted to say "it's either GST or face bankruptcy". Now, while the statement may seem exaggerated it is not in fact that far off the actual reality facing Malaysia's looming economic disaster. The question then is why isn't it being done if it is in fact that easy? Politics. It does not matter if it is in fact Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat, neither gives two hoots for the public save maybe a few but the overriding do not and that is all that matters. What can you do about it? Simple, citizen activism - reclaim your rights and powers, for demanding for change will not suffice, it is nigh time to act upon it. |
Zahid selar negara luar ceroboh kerahsiaan negara Posted: 25 Nov 2013 07:57 PM PST
(Bernama) - Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi menyelar tindakan negara luar cuba mencerobohi maklumat kerahsiaan Malaysia yang merupakan tindakan amat tidak wajar. Beliau menegaskan melalui dasar terbuka Malaysia, negara sedia berkongsi maklumat yang diperlukan sekiranya maklumat tersebut melibatkan negara-negara berkenaan. |
Positive messages from the PAS assembly Posted: 25 Nov 2013 07:53 PM PST
Where political strategies are concerned, both PKR and DAP need PAS to help check Umno in Malay rural areas. Having said that, the relationship between these three countries could present delicate changes in the future. Lim Sue Goan, Sin Chew Daily The PAS assembly has reaffirmed the party's stand to stay in Pakatan Rakyat, which is a good thing for democratic politics, especially the country's two-party system. With the GE13 results not as good as anticipated and with some Malay votes drifting back to Umno, there have been voice within PAS to 'review the party's status within Pakatan Rakyat." Penang PAS even threatened to opt out of the state government out of frustration of being marginalized. With such voices now hushed after the party elections, it has now become confirmed that PAS will remain to work along with its allies in Pakatan Rakyat. Some of the more conservative members within the party have tried to apply pressure on the party leadership for losing some of the Malay votes because the party has given in to the democratic objectives of Pakatan Rakyat, hence giving up its once aggressive religious approach. If PAS were to quit Pakatan, BN will easily defeat the individual opposition parties. For instance after the 1990 general elections, DAP withdrew from the alternative front because PAS had insisted to establish an Islamic state. This resulted in the subsequent collapse of the alternative front, allowing BN to easily secure big wins in the coming general elections. PAS is well aware of the price to pay if it were to allow history to repeat itself. The two developments in PAS assembly will decide its future directions: the more open-minded Erdogans advocating continued cooperation with Pakatan allies won in the party elections. Mat Sabu successfully defeated his challenger Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah as the party's deputy president. In addition, the Erdogans also clinched two of the three vice president seats and took control of the central committee, the Youth and Wanita wings. The incumbent Youth vice chairman Raja Ahmad,. who was aggressively hitting out at Karpal Singh in the run-up to the party elections, also failed in his bid for deputy chairmanship. During his "Rahmat Untuk Semua" opening presidential address, party president Hadi Awang made it very clear that the party would continue to be an active ally within Pakatan Rakyat, not just a passenger, sending a very clear message to all party members. It is believed that PAS has seen clearly what it will lose if it were to opt out of Pakatan. While going the more aggressive religious way could bring more Muslim voters to its fold, the party will also stand to lose the support of non-Muslim voters, confining the party's influences only on the east coast and giving it no chance of forming the central government at all. Only if it opts to stay in Pakatan will PAS have an opportunity to take the helm of federal government to fulfill the goals of its political struggles. If the government's subsidy rationalization program and GST implementation eventually brings about inflation and economic recession, then Pakatan will have good chances of taking the federal administration come the next GE. PAS remaining in Pakatan is never a good thing for Umno, although it is absolutely a good thing for democratic politics. Other than checking the advances of a powerful Umno, it will also ensure that Umno's racist policies will not go too far. Owing to a split of Malay votes, Umno cannot afford to overlook non-Malay votes. In the recent Sungai Limau by-election in Kedah, Umno has counted on the minority Chinese votes there to wrestle the seat from PAS. From the PAS assembly we could see that the party has been very ambitious to take over the status of Umno. To the party, it is Umno which has prevented the implementation of hudud laws, not DAP, because the power is now in the hands of Umno. |
Polls and bolos rule over twerk Posted: 25 Nov 2013 07:50 PM PST
In Malaysia, the term is not "selfie" or "twerk" which should be Word Of The Year but, by far, the overused, extremely popular and pooped out "polls". "Polls" or "polling" may not be a new word but its place in the minds of the people in this country has been truly magical the past one year or so as elections of all kinds contuinue to dominate our lives everyday. Even among the Internet generation here "selfie" and "twerk" which have just been picked as Words Of The Year by Oxford Dictionaries do not have the same impact "polls" has had or is having. "Selfie" means using your handphone to take a picture of yourself while "twerk" is a gyrating, sexually-stimulating movement common in today's dances. I do not like its meaning but the sound of "twerk" which somehow gives out negative vibes is something else. Just by the way it sounds, I could very well use it freely on my enemies as much as they would use it on me. "You twerk!" But look at "polls". Various speculations about when the general election was going to be held started more than two years ago and it reached frenzied pitch from the start of this year. By the time the date was finally announced eight months ago, the whole country went into a delirium with GE13 (13th general election) which turned out to be a close affair. The significance of the word did not end there of course because this year alone, Malaysians were fed with all kinds of things to do with polls and elections apart from GE13 -- the elections in Umno, Gerakan, PAS, MIC together with the controversy-filled DAP polls as well as the Kuala Besut and Sungai Besar by-elections. And look at what's coming in MCA and PKR. In fact, most of the elections mentioned above have been riddled with disputes and controversies that they remain the talking point for a great number of days this year. The word "polls" itself seems to be bewitching in the Malaysian context as it has spawned many other words and phrases that have captured our imagination. One is "indelible", a word seldom heard before it was announced last year that indelible ink would be introduced in the country's election process. It required voters to dip a finger in the ink as proof of having cast the ballot papers. |
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