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- 'Buy up Bumi property quota'
- Language makes the law
- Shahrizat's back on track
- While wishing Malaysia “Happy Birthday”...
- The Malaysian malaise
- Penipuan Fakta Isu Harga Minyak Oleh Anwar Ibrahim dan Red Bean Army
- 10 years at RM20 million per year rip-off
- Ulama PAS cadang kaji semula hubungan dengan PKR
- Malaysia extends controversial affirmative action
- Najib: Bumiputera economic empowerment policy does not deny rights of others
- Najib launches new economic agenda for bumiputras
- IGP: More Malays than Indians arrested under Ops Cantas
- Satu lagi kampung Melayu bakal hilang
- No hidden agenda in Lim wishing to meet Uthaya
- Pak Samad kesal sikap ‘sasterawan bisu’
- ‘Utusan has lost its touch’
- PM: Lima langkah perkasa ekonomi Bumiputera
- RCI kad pengenalan: bukan Mahathir seorang yang bertanggungjawab
- Penang police, MCMC to investigate CM's death threat
- Malaysian Leader Expected to Fortify Race-Based Advantages
Posted: 14 Sep 2013 10:37 AM PDT (NST) - Government agencies have been urged to buy business premises in high-end shopping malls, like Pavilion and KLCC, and rent them out to Bumiputera entrepreneurs. MEETING 30PC TARGET: PUNB chairman asks govt agencies to target projects in strategic areas, smaller towns SHAH ALAM: GOVERNMENT agencies have been urged to start buying Bumiputera-quota properties not only in strategic areas but also in up-and-coming small cities. Perbadanan Usahawan Nasional Bhd (PUNB) chairman Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam said this must be done immediately if the government planned to achieve 30 per cent ownership in seven years. "The prime minister touched on the low ownership of shophouses. At only five per cent nationwide, this is too low. "If we want to achieve 30 per cent, we must immediately start buying Bumiputera quotas in private real estate development projects in strategic areas, small cities and rural areas as the value will appreciate. "For example, in Malacca, a few years ago, a two-storey shophouse had cost about RM120,000, now it is RM400,000," he said yesterday. The perception that properties outside city areas are not profitable, he said, must be discarded as government agencies could still break even with the income from properties in more profitable areas. Meanwhile, former PUNB chairman Khairy Jamaluddin said business premise for Bumiputera entrepreneurs should be provided at a reasonable cost. "If we go to high-end shopping malls like Pavillon, Fahrenheit or KLCC, we can see that the presence of Bumiputera entrepreneurs are really small. "We hope PUNB and other agencies can buy such premises and rent them out or sell them to Bumiputera entrepreneurs (at a reasonable price)," said Khairy, who is also Youth and Sports Minister. Khairy also welcomed the streamlining of Yayasan Wakaf Malaysia into Wakaf Korporat to manage non-financial assets of Muslims Bumiputeras including real estate to optimise its value. He said with this initiative, wakaf land in strategic areas could be developed and rented out to Bumiputeras and at the same time, increase Bumiputera ownership with the government's assistance. |
Posted: 14 Sep 2013 10:28 AM PDT
(The Star) - Saya taruh sama engkau, engkau terbaring. (I put it to you, you are lying.) A report in The Star of this courtroom gaffe in 1981 has appeared in many comedy routines and was even cited in a 1988 study titled "Malaysia's National Language Policy and the Legal System". It occurred after the Chief Registrar issued a directive that all court correspondence, lower court judgments, witness testimony and lawyers' submissions must be in Bahasa Malaysia (BM). In 1990, Chief Justice of Malaya (now called Chief Judge of Malaya) Justice Hashim Yeop Sani was "treated" to a literal gaffe while presiding at an appeal in the Supreme Court. Superior courts allow lawyers to submit in English but counsel were doing it in BM that day. While the female young lawyer spoke confidently, opposing senior counsel just did so-so in his basic BM. But when he said: "Yang Arif, saya berdoa" (Your Honour, I pray for), the late Justice Hashim smiled and interjected: "Tak payah berdoa Encik ..." (No need to pray Mr ...). Not understanding, the lawyer continued: "Ya, Yang Arif. Saya berdoa" (Yes, Your Honour. I pray for) so Justice Hashim interjected again: "Tak payah berdoa Encik... Saya bukan Tuhan, saya hanya hakim. Memohon cukup. (No need to pray Mr ... I'm not God. I'm just a judge. Asking will do." Former Chief Justice Tun Zaki Azmi chuckles as we swop stories from his time as a lawyer and judge and when I covered court cases. He remembers a legal officer who spoke with an accent and would describe a matter as "impotent" when he meant important. Lawyers have improved their BM but many are floundering in English now. Mahsa University's Chancellor sighs when I ask about the repercussions for the Malaysian legal system. "Our civil law is based on English Common Law. How would you learn English Common Law without learning English?" asks Zaki. "Any country applying English Common Law will write decisions in English, whether it's India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, African countries and the Caribbean Islands. "If you want to use BM, you must still learn English and then write the judgment in BM because there are only a small number of articles and judgments in BM, maybe 0.1% of what we should know. "Don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying BM is not important, it is," stresses Zaki, who is also Chancellor of Multimedia University, chairman of Universiti Malaya's Board of Governors and an adjunct professor to a few public universities. Law, he contends, is unlike medicine. A law student only learns the basic principles but for every case, you have to read law text books and reports, he says. While your law library today can be the Internet, you still have to read in English, he adds. "If you don't understand English you will be left behind in the law," says Zaki, who was in the Legal and Judicial Services for 16 years before moving in 1985 to private practice for 22 years until his appointment to the Federal Court in 2007. Zaki, who retired in 2011, believes many successful people in Malaysia speak good English although they specialise in other fields. He cites two emeritus professors: Prof Datuk Dr Nik Safiah Karim, a linguistics expert in BM who speaks English well and obtained a doctorate in Philosophy in Ohio, United States (US); and Prof Datuk Dr Asmah Omar, also a BM expert, who did her PhD in Language and Linguistics at University of London in the United Kingdom (UK). They hold the Academic of the Year award for 2012 and 2011 respectively. More use of English in the superior courts has created a conundrum. BM documents filed in the subordinate courts are apparently drafted quite well but those in the higher courts are often a literal translation of the English, just to comply with procedural requirements, says Zaki. "In practice, hardly any High Court judge reads the BM pleadings. They read the English text." Asked whether stressing on BM as the language of the court is wrong, Zaki says no, but points out that someone doing a case on company law would be hard-pressed to find research material in BM apart from a few textbooks. "As far as company law is concerned, you'd look to Australia. You would even expand your research to the UK and the US but all their books are in English." He adds that anyone wanting to argue a new point of law or interpretation must be strong in English to read up cases and opinions. "If you want to limit your practice to the lower courts, fine. But if you want to expand, you have no choice. "Say you're doing a theft case in the magistrate's court and the facts are such it borders on whether it is theft or not, and you want to know how the Indian or Australian courts have decided, you would have to read them in English. "In litigation, those with good English do better." The authoritative text for most laws is now in BM but Zaki reminds that for the Federal Constitution it is still in English. He says judges generally refer to the English version but "if a statute is ambiguous, we have resorted to the BM copy for a better interpretation and understanding of Parliament's intentions." While tenancy and sale and purchase agreements are now in BM, complex corporate agreements remain in English. Zaki says the BM legal vocabulary is limited. "Even France and Germany, with a developed legal language, use English in international contracts. What more Malaysia, where BM is less developed?" "I'm happy the Government has recognised the importance of English in the Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025." One way to improve English in schools, he reckons, is to invite eminent persons to talk on different subjects on a regular basis. "Ask those who speak English well — like former (Health director-general) Tan Sri Dr Ismail Merican to talk on medicine, (Pemudah co-chair) Tan Sri Yong Poh Kon on business and (former Chief Secretary to the Government) Tan Sri Sidek Hassan on administration. "In the US, former astronauts speak in schools and inspire the students to greater heights." But schools here need the permission of the Education Ministry. "I believe if the ministry lays down clear rules, for example, no politicians and what are the topics speakers may touch on, it should be safe. "It's done elsewhere, I don't see why it can't be done here." Pitching for better English in the legal system, he says: "Look, you can't practise Syariah law without knowing and understanding Arabic. And if you want to know Chinese law you have to know Chinese. Why is it different for English Common Law?" Zaki is glad most law faculties here are teaching in English again. "Really, you just need to know simple English to understand law. There's no need for literary English." When his late father (former Lord President Tun Azmi Mohamed) asked him to read law, Zaki demurred saying he was weak in English. "I only obtained a credit but he told me I didn't need high-flying English, just simple English." Zaki points out one could practise medicine without knowing English. "It's science. But the law is language. Language makes the law and how you express yourself makes the law." |
Posted: 14 Sep 2013 09:55 AM PDT
Shahrizat's support from the Wanita grassroots also opened the eyes of the men to a new phenomenon – the days when the male division chiefs could compel the Wanita heads in their division to vote for the Wanita leader whom the men preferred are over. The women have finally come into their own. Joceline Tan, The Star DATUK Seri Shahrizat Jalil must have been aware of the chatter among her women supporters since early this week.The ladies have been all aflutter over the news that Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said was pulling out of the contest for the Wanita Umno leadership. News about Azalina's change of heart broke on Monday and Shahrizat may be on the way to retaining the top post uncontested. The Wanita Umno leader was in a chatty mood when The Star arrived at her house for a scheduled interview on Wednesday. She seemed prepared to talk about almost everything except the Azalina development. Her response when pressed about it was cool, to say the least. Shahrizat is a seasoned politician and she was not going to be drawn into a premature discussion of what may or may not happen. Whether Azalina is in or out will be confirmed on Sept 21 when those vying for posts in the Wanita, Pemuda and Puteri wings of Umno file their papers. Until then, Shahrizat is taking a wait-and-see stance. Shahrizat was dressed in a simple silk top and white pantaloons. Her hour-glass figure is still holding up great although she turned 60 last month. Her press secretary Eikmal Rizal Ripin and her long-time aide Rose sat in at the interview. Rose is actually her aunt although they are like sisters. She is very protective about Shahrizat and watches over her like a mother hen. Shahrizat has regained her centre of gravity now that the worst of the storm over the National Feedlot Centre or NFC issue has passed. Her appointment as adviser to the Prime Minister on women entrepreneurship and professional development has brought added purpose to her role as Wanita chief. She is brimming with ideas and plans about what she wants to do in her new post and, a day earlier, she had invited several women NGO figures to her house for discussions. But it is Shahrizat's role or rather grip over Wanita Umno that fascinates those in Umno. The Umno men have been asking each other: How on earth does she do it? Umno members were upset with Shahrizat when the NFC issue erupted but they admit that the lady has emerged stronger than before. She is arguably one of the most powerful figures in the party today. It is also ironic that Azalina's attempt to topple her has instead resulted in reinforcing Shahrizat's clout in the Wanita wing. Some of the Umno men had initially thought that Azalina had a fighting chance but the notion quickly fizzled out when it became clear that the majority of the women were staunchly behind the woman whom they know simply as "Kak Ijat". Shahrizat's support from the Wanita grassroots also opened the eyes of the men to a new phenomenon – the days when the male division chiefs could compel the Wanita heads in their division to vote for the Wanita leader whom the men preferred are over. The women have finally come into their own. Actually, Shahrizat's charismatic hold over the Wanita wing was already on full display at the special Wanita gathering at the PWTC last year, shortly after the NFC issue broke out. Everyone, including Umno president Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, was stunned not only by the way the women packed the three halls at PWTC but by their emotional outpouring for Shahrizat. There was electricity in the air and, looking back, Shahrizat admitted that she was as flabbergasted as everyone. "I think all those women knew what I was going through. They felt for me," she said. The thing is that even when she was down, she stayed loyal and continued to work hard for the party. Bukit Bintang Wanita chief Mariany Mohd Yit who was with Shahrizat during the general election campaign had this to say: "Everywhere she went, the women came out in force. She went down, she worked very hard." A journalist who was looking through some of Shahrizat's tweets realised that she was everywhere in the weeks leading to the general election and throughout the campaign. "She didn't get much press coverage after losing her minister job. But did you know she was in Lahad Datu when Parliament was dissolved? After that, she was in remote places in Sabah and Sarawak," said the journalist. She could not be there for the graduation of her only daughter Izzana Salleh because of the election campaign. Izzana, or Yana as she is known, graduated with an MBA from the Imperial College London on May 1. Shahrizat had tweeted: "Yana, you r graduating now and I can't join you. Lump in my throat." Another tweet followed moments later: "I had to miss your graduation. I love your pix. MBA Imperial young woman, Alhamdulilah." Izzana is no spoilt brat despite her privileged upbringing. At a previous interview at their home, Izzana was the one who moved about serving food and clearing plates. Her mother only had to tap on her empty glass and Izzana would jump to her feet to fill up the glass. Lack of support Azalina's camp has portrayed her backing out as the action of a party loyalist who does not wish to cause a split. But everyone knows that the Pengerang MP and former Puteri leader was staring defeat in the face. "It is better to withdraw than to lose. Azalina has been going around all the states. Surely she knows she does not have support," said Pahang Wanita chief Datuk Rosni Zahari. Several of Shahrizat's supporters are openly scornful of the withdrawal. Kedah Wanita chief Datuk Maznah Hamid was quoted in a leading Malay daily as urging Azalina not to withdraw but to fight on. It was her attempt at being sarcastic and ironic. Unfortunately, the reporter took it rather too literally and the comment came across as support for the challenger. Poor Maznah was bombarded by calls from her Wanita friends and she had to make another statement in the same Malay daily, this time minus the sarcasm. "I wanted to tell her that if she still does not know how the ground feels, she should go ahead and find out by contesting. I wanted her to contest, to lose and keep quiet for three years," said Maznah. There is speculation that the Umno president had personally asked Azalina to reconsider her bid for the Wanita post. He is said to have told her that Umno needs to consolidate after a bruising general election and that she has a role in the party even if she does not contest. Azalina's willingess to compromise also stems from her desire to preserve her legacy as the founding leader of Puteri Umno. Getting crushed in the Wanita contest would diminish her early success. Azalina is also said to have had a secret pow-wow with Shahrizat during which Shahrizat is said to have indicated that this may be her last term as Wanita chief. Sources from Azalina's camp have since suggested that Azalina should be "rewarded" with an appointed post in the women's wing for pulling out and that she could be the next Wanita information head. Her supporters have even suggested that she is the "future face" of Wanita Umno but that is another three years down the road – and that is a long time in politics. During the interview, Shahrizat simply could not be pinned down on what sort of role Azalina could play in the Wanita wing. The question was asked six times in six different ways and she side-stepped it in as many times. But the point is that Shahrizat is negotiating from a position of strength – she is the incumbent and she has support from the women. It is for Azalina to ask and for Shahrizat to agree or disagree. Shahrizat's grassroots support stems from the fact that she has made real effort to push for legislation that defend and promote the interests of women. In her time, she has been able to translate government policies on women into programmes and action. Within the party, she has set up the political infrastructure for the Wanita members on the ground. She ensures that the women have resources and funds to run political activities and carry out programmes. For instance, if she sent down laptops for the women leaders at the division level, she would also send people to coach the women on how to use the computers. She was also keen to clear the air on opportunities for Puteri girls after they graduate into the Wanita wing. She rattled off names of ex-Puteri politicians who had been successfully incorporated into positions in the senior wing. She often reminds her ladies that, "Puteri adalah anak kita, bukan madu kita". She wants her ladies to nurture the Puteri girls like their own daughters rather than as "madu" or honey, an innuendo for second wife or rival. "They will not be sidelined but things cannot come on a silver platter. They have to work for it, to compete. We senior ladies built the highway, the younger ones will drive the vehicle," she said. The women's overwhelming support for Shahrizat's re-election has been an important part of her recovery from what she calls her "family tragedy" aka the NFC issue. It is only now that she is able to talk about that dark period when she felt the world crashing around her. Asked which was the lowest point of that period, she said it was the day she accompanied her husband to court to face charges and her eldest son stood up to post bail for his father. Many people had noted her remarkable composure throughout the family's problems. She said she "carried the tears in my heart" and allowed the tears to flow only when she was alone in the bathroom or when everyone had gone to sleep. "I accept my fate," she said. She said recently that it is all those women in Wanita Umno who have helped her to smile again. "Getting support from my Wanita ladies is like getting the cake. The support from the top leaders is the icing on the cake," she said. The journey continues for Shahrizat. |
While wishing Malaysia “Happy Birthday”... Posted: 14 Sep 2013 09:52 AM PDT
Do we want a Malaysia which is "is truly worthy of the aims and hopes we have shared" or a Malaysia with endless hatred, bigotry, bickering and fractiousness? Art Harun, TMI On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr, among others, led a civil rights march on Washington for "jobs and freedom". There, he delivered his famous "I have a dream" speech, saying he was there to "cash a cheque" for "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." He spoke of an America where his children "will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character". He concluded: "And when this happens, when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, 'Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last'." Nineteen days later, our father of independence, Tunku Abdul Rahman, stood before a nation and said: "Now finally, the peoples of Malaysia are celebrating the establishment of Malaysia. This is the time to think earnestly and hopefully on the future of Malaysia as the whole country resounds with joy. "So I pray that God may bless the nation of Malaysia with eternal peace and happiness for our people. "The Federation of Malaya now passes into history. Let us always remember that the Malayan Nation was formed after many difficulties during a long period of national Emergency, yet its multi-racial society emerged, endured and survived as a successful and progressive nation, a true democracy and an example to the world of harmony and tolerance. "As it was with Malaya, so it can be with Malaysia. With trust in Almighty God, unity of purpose and faith in ourselves, we can make Malaysia a land of prosperity and peace. "In doing so, let every Malaysian in all the States of Malaya, Singapore, Sarawak and Sabah ensure that our Malaysia is truly worthy of the aims and hopes we have shared, the trials and stress, we have endured, in working together to achieve our common destiny. "MERDEKA! MALAYSIA!" Both of them were great men. Both shared a dream. While King dreamed of a day "when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands", the Tunku recognised that Malaysia's "multi-racial society emerged, endured and survived as a successful and progressive nation" and he wished for a Malaysia that "is truly worthy of the aims and hopes we have shared". Fifty years on and now America has a black president. Unfortunately, Malaysia is still grappling with the "ownership" of the word "Allah"; which race should get more or less; which institute of higher learning should be restricted to which race; who should be empowered to determine the religion of a child and the likes. We should not, however, forget that Malaysia is only 50 years old while America is 237 years old. In terms of nation-states, Malaysia is but a small kid in pre-school. The greatness of any country is not measured by the absence of crisis but, in my opinion, by how the country rises from a crisis to become better, stronger and wiser. Read more at: |
Posted: 14 Sep 2013 09:49 AM PDT
The Barisan Nasional government uses subsidies as a tool to make people dependent on them – a form of crass populism. Aerie Rahman, MMO Have you ever been to Brunei? I find it to be an eclectic blend between Kelantan and Putrajaya. From the airport to the city centre, Islamic billboards are many – emphasising the Islamic character of the nation. Swanky government buildings scream of modernity, like those in Putrajaya. The government edifices appear anachronistic next to the private buildings that seem to be frozen in the 70s. The same goes for oil rich Arab nations. Artificial cities like Doha and Abu Dhabi emerge from the middle of the desert, akin to some grandiose oasis. These countries all share a certain commonality in the sense that they are petro-dictatorships. The same could be said about Venezuela, Iran, and Russia which have vast oil reserves. I consider them dysfunctional democracies. Is oil a poison to democracy? No taxation without representation While eating at a KFC outlet in Brunei, I noticed that on the receipt there was no tax charge. Apparently in Brunei nobody pays any tax. In Qatar, citizens who are mostly Arab Qataris lead well-subsidised lives – all due to winning the geographical lottery of oil being situated under their feet. Nevertheless, because people from petro-dictatorships hardly pay any taxes, their demands (if any) for some sort of democratic representation lacks any moral weight. The dictator can simply point to the benefits trickled down to the people to justify his legitimacy. There is enough largesse for all, even for the excesses of leaders. When the Arab Spring gained traction, it was impoverished and oil deficient Arab countries that were badly affected. Petro-dictatorships simply poured in more oil money to silence any form of dissent. If someone petitions to offer to pay taxes for some modicum of representation, he would look foolish. The dictator would just use the petition as toilet paper. To appease the masses, petro-dictatorships spend tons of cash on infrastructure. The exterior of the nation is beautified to demonstrate that the money is channelled properly. Subsidies are increased in order to bribe the people. The trade-off for this populism is, unfortunately, democratic institutions and values. You don't need money to have representation and accountability. All you need is the will to do so. But money funnelled to bribe citizens and quell dissent – by funding the burgeoned security apparatus – is a recipe for an enduring dictatorship. The relationship between the ruler and the ruled is highly distorted because of oil. Despite citizens of petro-dictatorships being able to afford education in Western liberal democracies, these values are not internalised because once back in their home nations they have no space, desire or moral authority to demand for elections. They will be perceived as ungrateful (tak bersyukur) to the benevolent dictator if they demand for change. Sounds familiar? Read more at: |
Penipuan Fakta Isu Harga Minyak Oleh Anwar Ibrahim dan Red Bean Army Posted: 14 Sep 2013 09:39 AM PDT
Pakatan Rakyat sering kali mengatakan rasuah itu perlu ditentang dan tidak pernah sesekali mereka menampilkan satu kaedah dan formula untuk merawat penyakit rasuah. Mereka dengan mudah sekali menyatakan demi menghapuskan rasuah maka kerajaan Barisan Nasional perlu dijatuhkan dan rakyat perlu mengundi Pakatan Rakyat. Shen Yee Aun Kerja dan operasi Anwar Ibrahim, Pakatan Rakyat dan Red Bean Army cukup mudah. Bagi mereka, setiap perkara, dasar dan polisi yang dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan walaupun adalah langkah yang terbaik untuk rakyat dan negara juga akan dimanipulasi kebenarannya demi membakar semangat kebencian dan kemarahan rakyat terhadap kerajaan. Terdapat banyak mitos berkaitan dengan isu harga minyak yang sudah lama melanda di negara kita dan kelemahan kerajaan Barisan Nasional pula kurang pemimpin yang berani untuk menegakkan kebenaran dalam berdepan dan berdebat dengan pemimpin daripada pihak Pakatan Rakyat. Keadaan ini akan terus menyebabkan rakyat Malaysia terus terjajah minda mereka daripada persepsi yang palsu.
Harga Minyak di Malaysia Mahal Mengikut kajian 'Highest and Cheapest Oil Prices by Country' oleh media Bloomberg bahawa negara Malaysia adalah negara terlapan termurah di dunia. Apatah lagi sekirannya kita membandingkan harga minyak dengan negara di Asia Tenggara di mana harga minyak Malaysia adalah yang paling rendah selepas Brunei. Harga minyak seliter di negara Indonesia adalah pada kadar RM 3.15, Filipina RM 3.99, Thailand RM 4.16, Vietnam RM 5.21 dan Singapore RM 5.47. Fakta ini jelas menunjukkan kebenaran tentang kemurahan harga minyak Malaysia bukan sahaja di Asia Tenggara tetapi juga di seluruh dunia. Media antarabangsa ini langsung tidak memiliki sebarang kepentingan politik dan perkaitan dengan negara Malaysia sekirannya mana – mana pihak pembangkang hendak mencipta persepsi bahawa sumber laporan media tempatan tidak boleh dipercayai.
Perlu dibandingkan dengan negara pengeluar Minyak Rakyat Malaysia perlu mengetahui hakikat bahawa walaupun negara Malaysia memiliki sumber minyak kita yang tersendiri tetapi negara Malaysia masih belum lagi disahkan sebagai negara pengeluar minyak oleh OPEC. Hal ini disebabkan demi mencapai status kelayakan sebagai negara pengeluar minyak maka sesebuah negara perlu mengeluarkan minima 1 juta tong minyak setiap hari dan Malaysia hanya mengeluarkan 693,700 tong minyak sehari dan berada pada kedudukan pengeluar ke-26 di dunia dan angka ini akan berkurangan setahun demi setahun memandakang minyak merupakan sesuatu sumber yang terhad. Negara Malaysia juga lebih banyak mengimport minyak daripada mengekspot dan lebih daripada 90% minyak telah digunakan secara domestik disebabkan penggunaan minyak yang tinggi oleh rakyat Malaysia. Fakta ini hanya menunjukkan walaupun negara Malaysia merupakan negara pengeluar minyak ke 26 di dunia tetapi harga minyak Malaysia adalah kelapan paling murah di dunia. Mengapa pula 18 buah negara lain yang lebih banyak pengeluaran minyak mereka tetapi harga minyak mereka pula jauh lebih mahal daripada Malaysia? Sekirannya kita hendak membuat perbandingan yang lebih adil maka kita perlu mencari tanda aras yang lebih tepat untuk membuat sebarang perbandingan. Perbandingan yang adil adalah perbandingan dengan negara – negara pengeluar minyak dimana kuantiti mereka adalah berada pada paras 543,000 sehingga 1.13 juta tong minyak sehari. Analisis daripada data ini hanya menunjukkan negara Malaysia adalah keempat harga minyak di dunia dengan perbandingan kuantiti pengeluaran minyak yang hampir sama dengan negara kita.
Transparency International-Malaysia (TI-M) pada tahun 2012 telah menunjukkan rasuah di Malaysia telah bertambah baik 6 tangga daripada kedudukan 60 kepada 54. Fakta dan kajian sedemikian terus disembunyikan kebenarannya oleh pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat terhadap rakyat Malaysia. Lebih parah lagi, Pakatan Rakyat terus mencipta satu persepsi bahawa rasuah di Malaysia semakin hari semakin parah sedangkan realitinya adalah sebaliknya. I-M Corruption Barometer (CB) juga menjelaskan melalui kajian mereka lebih daripada 60% rakyat Malaysia merasakan kerajaan Malaysia pada tahun 2011 lebih efektif dalam menangani isu rasuah. Rakyat Malaysia juga perlu diingatkan bahawa istilah politik wang mula menjadi popular apabila seseorang individu dalam UMNO pada zaman dahulu menentang Ghafar Baba untuk jawantan Timbalan Presiden UMNO dan istilah kronisme juga mula merebak dengan strategi politik pemimpin tersebut dalam menubuhkan Team Wawasanya sendiri dalam UMNO. Pakatan Rakyat sering kali mengatakan rasuah itu perlu ditentang dan tidak pernah sesekali mereka menampilkan satu kaedah dan formula untuk merawat penyakit rasuah. Mereka dengan mudah sekali menyatakan demi menghapuskan rasuah maka kerajaan Barisan Nasional perlu dijatuhkan dan rakyat perlu mengundi Pakatan Rakyat. Apakah pengundian itu adalah sesuatu ubat dan mekanisme? Sekirannya Pakatan Rakyat adalah penggantian Barisan Nasional yang baik maka mereka perlu tampil memberitahu kepada rakat bahawa sekirannya mereka diundi maka apakah mekanisme yang akan mereka gunakan untuk menghapuskan rasuah? Sekirannya benar mereka mampu menampilkan formulanya pun tidak menandakan rasuah itu boleh dihapuskan dengan serta merta. Pakatan Rakyat tidak seharusnya berlakon seola–olah mereka adalah ahli magis dan bomoh di mana apabila berkuasa sahaja rasuah dapat dihapuskan dengan serta merta. Sekirannya rasuah itu adalah sesuatu penyakit yang perlu dirawat secara berperingkat seperti penyakit barah maka kerajaan Barisan Nasional kini dibawah Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib telah menunjukkan peningkatan dan pembaharuan yang efektif melalui data kajian Persepsi Rasuah Dunia yang meningkat sebanyak tangga walaupun pada ketika itu adalah ketiga pemerintahnnya. Oleh itu, sekirannya penghapusan rasuah itu mengambil masa maka keadah ini bukanlah satu cadangan dan mekanisme yang baik untuk menampung harga minyak di dunia yang semakin meningkat. Dalam isu pembaziran yang dicetuskan oleh Ketua Umum Pakatan Rakyat dalam menangani isu kenaikan harga minyak hanya menunjukkan peningkatan harga minyak negara adalah selari dengan prinsip pembaziran. Hal ini disebabkan sekirannya harga minyak di Malaysia terlalu murah dan jauh lebih murah berbanding dengan negara–negara jiran yang berdekatan maka pengelapan minyak pada harga yang disubsidi yang sepatutnya dinikmati oleh rakyat Malaysia akan digunakan untuk jualan kepada negara jiran. Anwar Ibrahim perlu konsisten dengan prinsip pembaziran yang diperjuangkan oleh beliau.
Pada awalnya kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat di negeri Selangor dan Pulau Pinang mengatakan formula mereka untuk mengukuhkan kewangan negeri mereka adalah melalui formula mengelakkan rasuah dan pembaziran dan oleh sebab itu pada awalnya kedua–dua negeri tersebut mendapat status kewangan negeri tambahan (surplus) pada pertengahan 2008. Fakta yang disembunyikan oleh DAP Lim Guan Eng adalah pada tahun tersebut 90% daripada hutang negeri Pulau Pinang iaitu hutang air mereka telah diserap kepada Kerajaan Persekutuan. Sekirannya formula mereka adalah tepat maka mengapa selepas tahun 2009 kedua–dua negeri Pulau Pinang dan Selangor mengalami deficit. Belanjawan apabila mencatatkan defisit RM120 juta (8.65%) pada tahun2009, dan terus bertambah RM194 juta (14.9%) pada tahun 2010, RM210 juta (13.9%) pada tahun 2011, dan RM197.2 juta (10.44%) pada tahun 2012. Manakala bagi enam bulan pertama (Januari-Jun) 2013, defisit yang dicatatkan mencecah sehingga 46.7%. Di Pulau Pinang pula Kerajaan negeri pimpinan DAP telah mencatatkan defisit sebanyak RM210 juta pada 2012 dan defisit RM 262.04 juta pada tahun 2013. Data ini sendiri dibentangkan oleh kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat di dewan negeri mereka dan bukannya oleh mana–mana media tempatan yang didakwa dikuasai oleh Barisan Nasional. Tambahan pula, hutang negeri Kedah di bawah pemerintahan Barisan Nasional selama 50 tahun hanyalah pada RM 1 billion tetapi apabila Pakatan Rakyat memerintah kurang daripada 5 tahun (20008 – 2013) dan hutang tersebut telah meningkat kepada RM 3 billion.
Najib vs Anwar
Sebelum 1990 - RM 0.89 Tahun 1990 - RM 1.10 (kenaikan RM 0.21) 01/10/2000 - RM 1.20 (kenaikan RM 0.10) 20/10/2001 - RM 1.30 (kenaikan RM 0.10) 01/05/2002 - RM 1.32 (kenaikan RM 0.02) 31/10/2002 - RM 1.33 (kenaikan RM 0.01) 01/03/2003 - RM 1.35 (kenaikan RM 0.02) 01/05/2004 - RM 1.37 (kenaikan RM 0.02) 01/10/2004 - RM 1.42 (kenaikan RM 0.05) 05/05/2005 - RM 1.52 (kenaikan RM 0.10) 31/07/2005 - RM 1.62 (kenaikan RM 0.10) 28/02/2006 - RM 1.92 (kenaikan RM 0.30) 04/06/2008 - RM 2.70 (kenaikan RM 0.78) 01/09/2009 - RM 1.80 (Turun RM 0.90) 16/07/2010 - RM 1.85 (Kenaikan RM0.05) 04/12/2010 - RM 1.90 (Kenaikan RM0.05) 03/09/2013 - RM 2.10 (kenaikan RM 0.20) Data ini jelas menunjukkan lebih daripada 50 tahun negara kita hanya meningkat harga minyak sebanyak RM 1.21 iaitu daripada RM 0.89 kepada RM 2.10. Keadaan ini hanya menandakan pada setiap tahun kerajaan hanya meningkatkan RM 0.0242 secara purata pada setiap tahun. Ketika Datuk Seri Najib menjadi Perdana Menteri beliau telah menurun harga minyak sebanyak RM 0.90 pada tahun 2009 dan meningkat RM 0.30 sepanjang kepimpinan beliau. Keadaan ini hanya menunjukkan Perdana Menteri kita selaku ketua Barisan Nasional telah menurunkan harga minyak sebanyak RM 0.60 walaupun dengan peningkatan RM 0.20 .
Anwar Ibrahim pula ketika beliau menjadi Menteri Kewangan negara Malaysia tidak pernah mengurangkan harga minyak walaupun sekali. Sebelum 2008, harga minyak Malaysia adalah pada harga RM 1.92 dan Anwar Ibrahim pada ketika itu sebelum pilihan raya ke 12 berjanji sekirannya Pakatan Rakyat menang maka mereka akan menurunkan harga minyak sebanyak RM 0.50 pada RM 1.42. Janji Anwar Ibrahim adalah tidak realistik kerana beliau menuduh negara Malaysia hampir muflis dengan wang yang negara kita berhutang. Bukankah subsidi tambahan ratusan billion hanya demi minyak ini akan terus lagi menggugat kestabilan status kewangan negara Malaysia? Pada masa yang sama, harga minyak di Brunei kini adalah pada harga RM 1.62 dan mana mungkin negara Malaysia sebuah negara ekonomi ke 60 dunia harga minyak mereka adalah jauh lebih murah daripada negara Brunei yang ke 6 di dunia mengikut kajian yang dilakukan oleh IMF? Menteri Kewangan seperti beliaulah yang sangat pakar dalam ekonomi dan kewangan sehingga negara Malaysia berhadapan dengan krisis ekonomi yang tenat pada tahun 1998. Keadaan ini masih belum lagi mengambil kira belanjawan pelbagai lagi janji–janji memukau Pakatan Rakyat untuk memberi pendidikan percuma, menghapuskan toll dan pelbagai lagi janji yang menggoda. Kita perlu tahu harga minyak pada 12 tahun yang lepas hanyalah USD 12 setong minyak dan kini telah mencecah USD 115 setong. Adakah RM 1.42 masih lagi realistik untuk dilaksanakan dan apakah masa depan generasi hadapan dan negara Malaysia sekirannya sumber negara terus dibazirkan oleh Anwar Ibrahim melalui dasar populisnya yang manis dan memukau?
Golongan Susah dan Miskin Memerlukan Subsidi Minyak Kita jangan lupa Anwar Ibrahim yang bercita–cita hendak menjadi Perdana Menteri pada hari ini pernah menjadi Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani. Ketika beliau menjadi Menteri pada tahun awal 1980, subsidi untuk nelayan yang miskin selama 40 tahun oleh kerajaan Barisan Nasional telah ditamatkan oleh beliau. Menurut Anwar Ibrahim pada ketika itu subsidi hanyalah satu bentuk formula ekonomi untuk membantu mereka yang kaya dan bukannya miskin. Hal ini disebabkan realitinya subsidi lebih menguntungkan golongan kaya berbanding dengan mereka yang miskin. Sekirannya Anwar Ibrahim boleh menghapuskan subsidi kepada golongan nelayan yang miskin dan sengsara maka mereka pula beliau pada hari ini hendak mempersoalkan Perdana Menteri Najib yang sebenarnya sudah pun menurunkan harga Minyak kita sebanyak RM 0.90 sen dan hanya meningkat sebanyak RM 0.30? Perkiraaan ini masih menunjukkan sebenarnya Datuk Seri Najib telah menurunkan harga minyak sebanyak RM 0.60. Perjuangan Anwar Ibrahim tidak pernah konsisten dan akan mempolitikkan segala isu demi menggambarkan persepsi kelemahan kerajaan Barisan Nasional walaupun sering kali isu yang diperjuangkan olehnya tidak selari dengan prinsip dan perjuangannya. Oleh itu, tindakah BRIM adalah satu tindakan subsidi secara tidak langsung terhadap rakyat Malaysia yang berpendatan kurang daripada RM 3000. Subsidi sedemikian terus kepada golongan yang disasarkan. Terdapat juga suara bahawa BRIM akan memufliskan negara tetapi mengikut pakar ekonomi Pakata Rakyat Rafizi Ramli bahawa sekirannya Pakatan Rakyat memerintah maka BRIM bukan sahaja akan diteruskan tetapi juga ditambah. Bukankah perjuangan politik mereka saling bercanggah antara satu sama lain? Golongan yang benar–benar susah langsung tidak akan memerlukan sebarang subsidi minyak kerana mereka langsung tidak akan mampu membeli sesebuah motorsikal dan apatah lagi sesebuh kereta. Menurut Rafizi Ramli, harga kereta di Malaysia adalah antara termahal di dunia tetapi sekirannya benar dakwanan beliau mengapa pula hampir setiap rakyat Malaysia tidak kira yang miskin, sederhana ataupun kaya majoritinya mampu untuk memiliki sekurang–kurangya sesebuah kereta? Dalam isu kategori kereta yang berbeza menunjukkan subsisdi minyak hanya akan menguntungkan pengguna kereta yang memerlukaan penggunaan minyak yang tinggi. Golongan rendah pula sebenarnya kewangan mereka tidak banyak terjejas apabila perbelanjaan mereka sudah ditampung dan diringankan melalui BRIM sebanyak RM 500 dan akan lagi ditingkatkan. Sistem sedemikian adalah sistem pengagihan kekayaan negara yang adil. Menurut IMF, subsidi minyak lebih banyak menguntungkan golongan kaya berbanding golongan miskin. Berdasarkan kertas kerjanya yang diterbitkan pada 2007, untuk setiap unit sumber yang digunakan oleh golongan miskin, 3 hingga 5 unit atau lebih digunakan oleh golongan lebih kaya. Rakyat Malaysia diingatkan untuk membuka minda mereka terhadap realiti dan kebenaran semasa dan tidak lagi terus dijajah dan dipukau dengan ilusi Pakatan Rakyat, Anwar Ibrahim, Pakatan Rakyat, DAP dan Red Bean Army dengan harapan palsu yang tidak berpijak di bumi yang nyata.
10 years at RM20 million per year rip-off Posted: 13 Sep 2013 05:44 PM PDT Several Malaysian Match Racing Circuit (MMRC) sailors have cried foul as the organisers, T-Best Events Sdn. Bhd, have yet to pay them last year's prize money. "We have already paid 90 per cent of the annual RM20 million grant. Don't blame us by saying we are bad paymasters," fumed Shabery. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin
Patrick Lim a.k.a. Patrick Badawi Sailors cry foul over late payment Several Malaysian Match Racing Circuit (MMRC) sailors have cried foul as the organisers, T-Best Events Sdn. Bhd, have yet to pay them last year's prize money. MMRC tour champion Jeremy Koo (KFC Malaysia/Koo Racing Team) said he is hoping to hear some good news soon. "We (sailors) signed a contract with them (T-Best) which states payments will be cleared within 45 days of the race completion," said Jeremy. "I won the last stage of the MMRC tour in Pulau Duyung, Terengganu in November and I have not received that payment and the bonus for representing Malaysia in the Alpari World Match Racing Tour's season finale, the Monsoon Cup, in December," said Jeremy. "According to T-Best, is they have not received the funds from the Sports Ministry. How can that be? Weren't they were supposed to have those funds last year?" Patrick Lim and Kamal Badawi Besides Jeremy, who is supposed to receive RM58,000 – RM8,000 for winning the final stage of the MMRC and RM50,000 as the Monsoon Cup bonus – Hazwan Hazim Dermawan (Permai Hotel Match Racing Team) and Harisfabillah Muhammad (Royal Malaysian Navy Match Racing Team) who came in second and third at the final stage of the MMRC respectively have not received their prize money as well. "I am supposed to receive RM5,000 for coming in second in Terengganu. When I contacted T-Best, they told me I sent my invoice late. "When I insisted that was not the case, they told me that they have not received the funds," lamented Hazwan. Harisfabillah said: "I am not sure what is happening, but I have heard rumours T-Best will be shutting down soon." Jeremy added: "I am really worried as this is our career. We rely on prize money to continue our training and pay for sailing matters that cost a bomb." When contacted, T Best claimed they haven't received the money from the Sports Ministry. WHERE'S THE MONEY: The top three winners are still waiting to be paid. ************************************** Don't drag us into your mess, Shabery tells T-Best SPORTS MINISTER Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek has warned T-Best Events not to pin the blame on the Sports Ministry over the late payment to winning sailors in the Malaysian Match Racing Circuit (MMRC). Shabery even cautioned his ministry may re-look its yearly grant if the money has not been well spent. Shabery admitted the Ministry has yet make full payment but as previous years, that will only be done once T-Best submits the final audited reports. "We have already paid 90 per cent of the annual RM20 million grant. Don't blame us by saying we are bad paymasters," fumed Shabery. "This has been the same procedure for the previous five years. We are still waiting for their final audit report. It is not fair of them to blame the Sports Ministry. JOY TO DESPAIR: Jeremy Koo and his Koo Racing Team crew celebrated qualifying for the Monsoon Cup, but have yet to collect their winnings. "The payment of prize money is between T-Best and the sailors. They cannot shift responsibility to us. When you run a shop, you have to ensure there is enough money to roll, the same applies in this case." On Saturday, revealed T-Best had yet to pay last year's prize money to Jeremy Koo (KFC Malaysia/Koo Racing Team) who won the title as well as Hazwan Hazim Dermawan (Permai Hotel Match Racing Team) and Harisfabillah Muhammad (Royal Malaysian Navy Match Racing Team) who came second and third. T-Best claimed they had not received the money from the Sports Ministry, but after the article came out, Jeremy's bank called to inform him on Tuesday that RM8,000 had been deposited into his account. Hazwan (RM5,000) and Harisfabillah (RM2,000) also confirmed receiving their prize money. Jeremy, who qualified for the Alpari World Match Racing Tour season ender – the Monsoon Cup – is still owed RM50,000 as the prize bonus for that event. The prize money for the MMRC and Monsoon Cup was supposed to be paid 45 days after the end of each competition. The MMRC ended on Nov 30 and the Monsoon Cup on Dec 8. Amid speculation that T-Best may cease operations, Shabery confirmed the Ministry is re-looking their annual grant. "It is a huge amount. We have to be responsible and get justification for what has been spent. If everything is in order, then there is no problem in continuing the funding. "I have met T-Best to obtain information. We need to see if we want to extend our contract and commitment to T-Best in organising these events," said Shabery. ************************************** Patrick Lim's horses of card come tumbling down It all seems to be going wrong for Patrick Lim. And not just on the East Coast. First, his RM25 billion Penang Global City Centre project has all but been killed off as a result of a concerted campaign by Penang civil society groups to save the Turf Club land on the island. Then, the Penang state government fell to opposition hands with even the Chief Minister soundly defeated. (The last time someone tried to muck around with a treasured landmark in Penang was in the late 1980s, when Vincent Tan's Berjaya was eyeing Penang Hill. Civil society groups rose up in arms and mobilised the Penang people to oppose the greedy development. Perhaps that contributed to then chief minister Lim Chong Eu's stunning defeat – and a setback for the Penang BN – in the 1990 general election. Some people never learn from history…) Now, Patrick Lim's Equine/Abad Naluri has failed to deliver the new race-course in Batu Kawan on the mainland that it was supposed to build for the Penang Turf Club. In 2004, Abad Naluri entered into an agreement to acquire the Penang Turf Club site in Batu Gantung on the island for RM488 million. As part-payment in kind, it was supposed to build a "state of the art" race-course in Batu Kawan worth about RM375 million and hand it over to the Turf Club by 2007, whereupon Abad Naluri would pay the balance of about RM100 million to the Turf Club. That clearly has not happened. READ MORE HERE: ************************************** Patrick Lim wife Mansion (or Badawi RM 60 Million Massion as claim by Dr. M) – Details Patrick Lim and PM Badawi Datin Wong Mun Yee @ Mrs Datuk Patrick Lim @ owner Kamaluddin Badawi's house The following extracts from documents in the public domain tell a story about Equine Capital's Patrick Lim Soon Kit, his wife Wong Mun Yee @ Cindy Lim, one Kamaluddin Abdullah Badawi, a self-made millionaire (or billionaire), and his father, Prime Minister of Malaysia, Abdullah Badawi. A) Datuk Patrick Lim Soo Kit is a substantialshareholder of the Company (Equine Capital) with indirect interest of 22.63%. He is the husband of Datin Wong Mun Yee and nephew to Lim Ah Yee and Lim Ah Chai. Datin Wong Mun Yee, Lim Ah Yee and Lim Ah Chai are also substantial shareholders of the Company with indirect interest of 22.63%. (Equine Capital Bhd, 2004 Annual Report, pageS 16-17) B ) 34 Bay View Terrace, Mosman Park An Extract from the Certificate of Title:Registered Proprietor: Mun Yee Wong of 2/19 Melville Beach Rd, AppleCrossRegistered 11 March 2004Encumbrances: Mortgage to National Australia Bank, Registered 11 March 2004 READ MORE HERE:
Ulama PAS cadang kaji semula hubungan dengan PKR Posted: 13 Sep 2013 05:13 PM PDT
(TMI) - Ketua Dewan Ulamak PAS, Datuk Harun Taib (gambar) mencadangkan agar PAS mengkaji balik tahaluf siasi (kerjasama politik) yang dibuatnya dengan PKR. "Amat wajar sekali tahaluf siasi bersama PKR ini dikaji setelah berlaku perkara-perkara yang boleh melemahkan PAS dan merosakkan hubungan di dalam tahaluf siasi," kata Harun. Cadangan itu dikemukakan beliau melalui ucaptama kepada Multaqa Ulama Semalaysia yang diadakan di Kota Sarang Semut, Alor Setar hari ini. Hampir 1,000 pemimpin PAS di kalangan ulama menyertai perhimpunan yang diadakan menjelang muktamar PAS ke 59 22 November depan di Shah Alam, Selangor. Sebelum ini, tiga muktamar PAS berturut-turut meluluskan usul agar hubungan dalam Pakatan Rakyat diperkukuhkan. Dalam pilihan raya lalu PAS menang 21 kerusi Parlimen dan hilang kerajaan negeri Kedah berbanding PRU-12 menang 23 kerusi Parlimen dan menang di Kedah. Bagi melaksanakan kajian ini Harun dalam kertasnya itu mencadangkan agar satu jawatankuasa khas ditubuhkan untuk mengkaji dan menilai kemerosotan sokongan pengundi Melayu ekoran tahaluf siasi dengan PKR. "Pertukaran, perebutan dan penyerahan kerusi potensi PAS kepada PKR juga antara faktor yang perlu dikaji kembali dan ia antara faktor utama yang perlu diberi perhatian," kata Harun.
Malaysia extends controversial affirmative action Posted: 13 Sep 2013 05:07 PM PDT
(AFP) - Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak on Saturday announced fresh measures to benefit the country's ethnic Malay majority despite an earlier pledge to reform the controversial affirmative action policy. Analysts said the announcement, made live on national television, aimed to rally Najib's United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) ahead of party elections but could hurt an already slowing economy. Najib announced a series of measures aimed at offering more business and training opportunities and affordable housing for Muslim Malays and other indigenous groups, collectively known as "bumiputra" or "sons of the soil", who make up 68 per cent of the country's 28 million people. "If we do not bring up the economic participation of the bumiputras, the country will not be able to achieve developed nation status by 2020," Najib said. "Certainly we are doing what is fair, we are doing what is right and we are doing what is equitable." Malays and other indigenous groups have benefited from privileges, including reserved university slots and government jobs and contracts, since the 1970s, introduced to close a wealth gap with the Chinese minority. But critics, including a growing number of Malays, say the affirmative action policy reduces the competitiveness of Southeast Asia's third largest economy and is abused by the elites to benefit themselves. In 2010, a year after taking office, Najib vowed an overhaul of racial preferences as part of wider economic reforms. But since then, he has only made limited moves, including some changes to liberalise the banking and services sectors, as he faces resistance, especially from his own Malay-based party. Ibrahim Suffian of independent pollster Merdeka Centre said Saturday's announcement showed any deeper reforms were further "postponed". "He is shoring up support of the Malays, particularly business people and contractors," he told AFP. "He's appealing to the base." Najib is not expected to face a leadership challenge in the UMNO elections next month but is under pressure from hardliners to stand up for Muslim Malay rights. The mostly non-Muslim Chinese, who account for 25 per cent of the population, continued to vote against Najib's Barisan Nasional coalition in the May general election -- a trend that began in 2008. UMNO is the dominant party in the multi-racial Barisan coalition which has ruled the country since independence in 1957 but whose performance in the last two elections has slipped. Wan Saiful Wan Jan of the Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs said Najib's reluctance to dismantle the affirmative action policy would harm Malaysia's economy in the long-run. "It will definitely have a negative impact on the economy," he said. "The announcement today further enhances the role of government in the economy." Last month, Malaysia lowered its economic growth forecast for the year to 4.5-5.0 per cent, down from 5.0-6.0 per cent, amid weak export data.
Najib: Bumiputera economic empowerment policy does not deny rights of others Posted: 13 Sep 2013 04:56 PM PDT
(Bernama) - Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has urged the people not to misconstrue the Bumiputera economic empowerment policy, saying its implementation does not trample on the interests of other groups or deny their rights. On the other hand, he said, it is implemented in line with the government's dessire to continue to create new wealth so that all Malaysians can share the benefits in a fair and equitable manner.
Najib launches new economic agenda for bumiputras Posted: 13 Sep 2013 04:48 PM PDT Najib at the Bumiputra economic empowerment agenda. (Bernama) - The Government on Saturday announced new measures and strategies to empower the Bumiputera economy, with the Bumiputera Economic Council (MEB), to be chaired by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak himself, to be set up soon. Najib said the MEB, which will replace the Bumiputera Agenda Action Council (MTAB), would implement five main strategies as a continuation of the implementation of the Bumiputera economic empowerment agenda. Speaking at the launch of the Bumiputera Economic Empowerment Council today, Najib, who is also Finance Minister, said the focus areas will include enhancing Bumiputera equity ownership in the corporate sector as well as asset ownership. "The Government heard the cries for help from the Bumiputeras regarding their level of participation in socio-economic development programmes," he said. One of the main measures in this strategy is the setting of targets for all Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of Government-Linked Companies (GLCs), including for projects awarded to vendors. Najib said this information has to be included in the CEOs' Key Performance Index (KPI), adding all ministries will also create a Bumiputera Development Unit (UPB) responsible for formulating proposals and implementing Bumiputera agenda initiatives. To enhance Bumiputera equity ownership in the corporate sector, the Skim Amanah Saham Bumiputera 2 (ASB2) will be launched by Permodalan Nasional Bhd with 10 billion units, while Ekuiti Nasional Bhd (Ekuinas) will take over the role of steering the Skim Jejak Jaya Bumiputera to assist Bumiputera-owned companies to be listed on Bursa Malaysia. "To ensure the Bumiputera socio-economic development agenda is effectively implemented, the delivery system will also be strengthened to create an efficient, comprehensive and constructive ecosystem," said Najib. Najib said various measures have also been outlined to help Bumiputeras, who still lag behind in the ownership of non-finance assets such as houses, industrial premises and commercial complexes. For this purpose, Syarikat Perumahan Rakyat 1Malaysia (PR1MA) and Syarikat Perumahan Negara Bhd in cooperation with state governments will build more affordable houses for Bumiputeras nationwide. The role of UDA Corporation will also be strengthened to help develop properties including houses, business complexes and spaces, as well as industrial and commercial buildings in urban areas, said Najib. He added that GLCs and Government-Linked Investment Companies (GLICs) involved in property will also give emphasis to Bumiputera property development especially of housing, shophouses and commercial premises. To optimise the value and benefit of non-finance assets such as property for Muslim Bumiputeras, the Yayasan Wakaf Malaysia will be turned into a corporate wakaf entity. Meanwhile, the roles of property institutions such as Pelaburan Hartanah Bhd, Majlis Amanah Rakyat and Perbadanan Usahawan Nasional Bhd will be strengthened in order to develop or acquire commercial and industrial properties, especially in strategic locations nationwide.
IGP: More Malays than Indians arrested under Ops Cantas Posted: 13 Sep 2013 04:44 PM PDT
(The Star) - Police have arrested over 15,000 Malays as compared to only 3,000 Indian suspects under Ops Cantas so far, said Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar. He was responding to questions from reporters over claims that the force was racial profiling criminals and only targeting a specific race in their crackdown operations. "I've heard these slanderous comments. 'Police are racists.' 'Only targeting one race'. This is not true. "For your information, under Ops Cantas, most people that we have arrested are Malays. We have arrested 15,000 Malays while only 3,000 Indians have been arrested. How is that racist?" Khalid said on Saturday. On the recent shootout that killed two Indian men who are alleged gang members in Malacca on Sept 12, Khalid said the officers involved acted appropriately. "Johor police had issued photos of the two suspects saying they were wanted and that they were violent and armed. "We managed to track them down in Malacca based on people's information and when we wanted to make arrests, they opened fire. "If they act violently against us, what choice do we have? Were people expecting us to 'berpantun' with them?" he said. He affirmed that race was not a factor when it came to apprehending criminals, saying "I don't care if you are Indian or Chinese or Malay. If you are on the wrong side of the law, you will be prosecuted." he said.
Satu lagi kampung Melayu bakal hilang Posted: 13 Sep 2013 04:29 PM PDT
(HARAKAH) - Sebuah lagi Kampung Melayu di Pulau Pinang bakal hilang sekiranya tiada apa-apa tindakan diambil pihak berwajib termasuk kerajaan negeri di bawah Pakatan Rakyat. Penduduk Kampung Permatang Tok Subuh yang terletak di belakang Taman IKS Bukit Minyak, dekat sini ketika ditemui berharap kerajaan negeri dapat membantu mereka memandangkan harapan yang disandarkan kepada Umno dan BN bagaikan menanti buah yang tidak gugur. Rata-rata penduduk dengan 52 keluarga itu merupakan ahli dan penyokong tegar Umno sejak beberapa generasi. Pengerusi Badan Bertindak Kampung Tok Subuh, Hamidah Che Embi (gambar) menjelaskan, ugutan pihak pemaju menyebabkan 20 keluarga terpaksa berpindah dengan pampasan antara RM7,000 hingga RM40,000. Imbuhan sebanyak itu tambahnya, tidak memadai untuk mendapatkan rumah ganti tempat berteduh. "Mana boleh diberikan pampasan sekadar itu sedangkan penduduk rata-ratanya susah. Lagipun mereka adalah peneroka awal sejak 1980-an ketika kawasan ini adalah hutan dan lembah," tegasnya. Beliau berharap kerajaan negeri mencari jalan terbaik untuk menyelesaikan kemelut yang melanda penduduk di sini. Menurutnya, penduduk bukan menolak usaha pembangunan yang dirancang namun mengharapkan pampasan seperti rumah dan tanah di kawasan berdekatan. Seorang peneroka awal, Shahrom Salimi, 60, terkejut mendapat surat arahan daripada peguam pemaju supaya merobohkan rumah yang telah didiami sejak 30 tahun lalu. "Dulu waktu datang meneroka kawasan ini hutan rimba. Pokoknya besar antaranya pokok Saga dan Halban yang amat besar dan tinggi. Tetapi atas usaha keras ramai peneroka yang datang dari serata tempat akhirnya menjadi sebuah kampung, " ujarnya. Mohd Yusuf Dollah, 76, pula berkata, setelah pencen dari bekerja di Kilang Bijih di Butterworth sekitar tahun 1995 beliau terus meneroka dan tinggal di sebuah bangsal usang. Beliau masih ingat sambungnya, bagaimana terpaksa berhadapan dengan kesukaran menebang pokok besar termasuk terserempak dengan binatang buas. "Waktu itu amat menakutkan jika tak kuat semangat atau keras hati dah lama lari sebab kena tebang pokok besar-besar serta berhadapan dengan binatang buas. Ular sawa tu biasalah bagi kami," ceritanya. Ekoran kejadian arahan keluar itu, ramai pihak tampil memberikan bantuan termasuk mengatur pertemuan dan perbincangan antaranya Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Machang Bubuk, Lee Khai Loon, Timbalan Ketua Menteri, Dato' Abdul Rashid Hasnun, Pemangku Ketua Parti KeADILan Rakyat (PKR) Cabang Bukit Mertajam, Jab Samad dan badan bukan kerajaan (NGO) Rumah Ganti Rumah (RUGAS), Zolkifly Md Lazim.
No hidden agenda in Lim wishing to meet Uthaya Posted: 13 Sep 2013 04:18 PM PDT
M Kulasegaran says Guan Eng was sincere in asking for proper medical treatment to be given to the Hindraf leader, and not to drum up Indian support. (FMT) - DAP vice chairman M Kulasegaran debunked a widely-circulated SMS accusing Lim Guan Eng of harbouring a hidden agenda when he requested to meet P Uthayakumar in prison. The SMS reads: 'DAP's Lim Guan Eng intention to visit Hindraf leader P Uthayakumar in Kajang jail, all of sudden is a hidden agenda to fish for Indian delegates' votes in the run up to DAP's CEC elections on 29.9.13. 'All delegates are strongly advised not to vote the father and son dynasty. Please forward – From Selangor DAP delegates," it said, in an obvious reference to Lim and his father Kit Siang. Kula said the allegation is baseless as Lim had simply urged the authorities to provide proper medical treatment to Uthayakumar after reports emerged that he has suffering from severe back pains. He said the the DAP party secretary-general's statement was made on July 22, well before the party agreed to conduct fresh elections on Aug 15. Kula said Lim sent an official letter to Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and prisons department head Zulkifli Omar on July 22 and 24expressing his wish to meet Uthayakumar.
Pak Samad kesal sikap ‘sasterawan bisu’ Posted: 13 Sep 2013 04:12 PM PDT
Pesatuan penulis memilih untuk tidak bersuara dalam isu melibatkan Sasterawan Negara. Antara persoalan yang timbul adalah apakah semangat perjuangan dalam kalangan sasterawan dan wartawan sudah hilang. Atau ada faktor lain yang menyebabkan mereka hanya berani "berjuang dengan mata" – iaitu melihat sahaja apa-apa yang berlaku tanpa berani bertindak. Uthaya Sankar SB, FMT Kalau kita lihat sebelum negara diberikan kemerdekaan oleh British, golongan penulis, sasterawan dan wartawan berjuang dengan mata pena bagi menuntut keadilan dan sekali gus menentang kezaliman. Malangnya, apabila diperhatikan perkembangan pada masa kini, golongan penulis dan sasterawan seolah-olah memilih untuk berdiam diri walaupun ketidak adilan dan kezaliman berlaku di depan mata. Lebih menghairankan apabila mangsa kezaliman itu adalah rakan seperjuangan iaitu golongan penulis sendiri. Sayangnya, mangsa (sasterawan) tidak menerima sokongan daripada rakan-rakan penulis dan persatuan-persatuan yang kononnya mewakili golongan penulis. Demikian antara topik yang dibincangkan dalam sesi "Dialog Sastera Bersama Pak Samad" di Bangsar Utama, Kuala Lumpur pada 11 September 2013. Dalam hal ini, Datuk A Samad Said (Pak Samad) menyatakan dengan sinis, "Mereka bukan tidak berjuang. Mereka berjuang dengan mata mereka sahaja." Antara persoalan yang timbul adalah apakah semangat perjuangan dalam kalangan sasterawan dan wartawan sudah hilang. Atau ada faktor lain yang menyebabkan mereka hanya berani "berjuang dengan mata" – iaitu melihat sahaja apa-apa yang berlaku tanpa berani bertindak. "Saya fikir ada sebilangan yang mahu bersuara tetapi ada ketakutan," kata Pak Samad semasa dialog eksklusif yang turut dihadiri oleh dua Jawatankuasa Khas Kavyan, Shahrul Nizam Abd Hamid dan Rayner Sylvester Yeo. Pak Samad mengakui bahawa beliau berasa amat aneh kerana dalam suasana seorang sasterawan – juga Sasterawan Negara (SN) – sedang didesak, ditohmah dan dipersalahkan tetapi persatuan-persatuan penulis memilih untuk berdiam diri. "Seolah-olah keseluruhan isu ini hanya melibatkan seorang individu sahaja. Mereka mesti ingat bahawa golongan penulis dan persatuan penulis sepatutnya berani untuk bersuara; bukan berdiam dalam isu penting seperti ini. Persatuan penulis yang penakut, hilang taring "Kalau tidak menyokong saya tetapi menyokong kerajaan pun tidak jadi hal. Sekurang-kurangnya menyatakan pendirian dengan berani; bukan berdiam diri," kata Pak Samad dalam pertemuan yang turut dihadiri anaknya, Helmy Samad, yang menguruskan Wira Bukit Sdn Bhd. Sekiranya dilihat dalam kontroversi melibatkan SN Datuk Abdullah Hussain (Pak Lah) pada awal 2011, banyak persatuan penulis yang tampil bersuara dan menyatakan pendirian. Malah, agak menarik apabila persatuan penulis menegaskan bahawa sebarang tuduhan atau kritikan ke atas Pak Lah adalah sama seperti menghina Yang di-Pertuan Agong kerana Anugerah Sastera Negara (ASN) yang membawa gelaran SN diberikan oleh baginda. Sekitar dua setengah tahun kemudian, apabila seorang lagi SN – yang juga "Sasterawan Rakyat" – dihina, diperlekeh dan diperlakukan secara yang amat tidak wajar oleh golongan politikus dan puak ultra kiasu, persatuan-persatuan penulis memilih untuk membisu. "Mungkin juga kelompok itu sebenarnya ada sikap dan pendirian tetapi mereka tidak mahu bersuara. Hal ini memberikan gambaran seolah-olah golongan penulis di negara ini mula takut; sudah hilang taring. "Atau pun golongan penulis memang menjadi penyokong tegar dan total terhadap kerajaan dalam apa-apa tindakan yang dibuat oleh kerajaan," Pak Samad mengulas. Sasterawan itu yang lahir di Singapura pada 8 Februari 1932 (mengikut maklumat dalam MyKad) menyatakan bahawa beliau tidak berasa terluka hati jika persatuan penulis memilih untuk menyokong penguasa secara seratus peratus. "Asalkan mereka berani bercakap dan bersuara menyatakan pendirian," katanya sambil menambah bahawa peristiwa ditahan polis baru-baru ini tidak sedikit pun mematahkan semangat juangnya. Ditanya mengenai kelompok penulis muda pula, Pak Samad berkata, mereka "bercakap" dan "bersuara lantang" menerusi internet dan ruang siber. "Malah, apabila saya ditahan polis pada tengah malam (3 September 2013), mereka datang dalam jumlah hampir 200 orang, membawa lilin, berkumpul di luar balai polis, bersedia untuk menyatakan sikap," sasterawan berjiwa rakyat itu menceritakan. Pujuk Pak Samad tinggalkan Kavyan Pada penelitian Pak Samad yang juga Penasihat Agung Kavyan, oleh kerana kelompok penulis muda itu tidak mempunyai organisasi yang kukuh, maka suara mereka mungkin tidak lantang kedengaran; khususnya kepada kerajaan dan politikus. Umum mengetahui bahawa puak rasis, pentaksub, fanatik dan etnosentrik yang diterajui Ibrahim Ali dan sekutunya mendesak gelaran SN yang dianugerahkan kepada Pak Samad oleh Yang di-Pertuan Agong pada 1985 ditarik balik. SN Datuk Baharuddin Zainal (Baha Zain) tampil menyatakan sikap tidak bersetuju dengan cadangan Perkasa yang tidak rasional itu. Bagaimana pula dengan para SN lain? Khususnya mereka yang pernah mengeluarkan kenyataan bersama dalam kontroversi melibatkan Pak Lah dan novel Interlok: Edisi Murid pada 2011? "Pertanyaan itu memang ditanya kepada saya oleh rakan-rakan dan wartawan. Saya nyatakan bahawa bagi saya, saya tidak mengiktiraf Perkasa dan seumpamanya. Saya anggap Perkasa dan satu lagi gagasan penulis yang bergabung dengannya sebagai runner (macai atau juak-juak) sahaja kepada pihak tertentu," kata Pak Samad. Pengarang novel Salina itu mengakui bahawa beliau memahami jika rakan-rakan penulis dan sasterawan tertentu hanya menghubungi beliau secara peribadi untuk menyatakan sokongan. Hal ini kerana mereka perlu memikirkan soal pekerjaan mereka; khususnya jika bekerja secara langsung dengan kerajaan atau mereka mendapat manfaat tertentu secara tidak langsung daripada pemerintah. "Apa yang saya tidak faham adalah berkenaan persatuan-persatuan penulis yang merupakan NGO," kata Pak Samad dengan nada kesal. Semasa berucap pada acara "Baca Cerpen Kavyan: Sedekad Kemudian" (1 September 2013) di Galeri Shah Alam, Pak Samad mendedahkan bahawa ada wakil persatuan tertentu yang menghubungi beliau berkali-kali dan "memujuk" supaya tidak menjadi Penasihat Agung Kavyan. Malangnya, persatuan berkenaan tidak pula menghubungi Pak Samad untuk menyatakan sokongan pada saat sasterawan ini berdepan dengan pelbagai kritikan, cemuhan dan tohmahan daripada politikus dan pencacai.
Posted: 13 Sep 2013 04:09 PM PDT In this first of a three-part series, former Utusan Melayu editor in chief Said Zahari touches on what the paper used to stand for and how it has deviated from its ideals (FMT) - On July 21 1961, Utusan Melayu now Utusan Malaysia launched its first protest against Umno's involvement to be part of the publication. It was aimed at preventing unnecessary voices from the political party coming into the newspaper. Said Zahari, 85, was the editor in chief and the man in charge of the paper together with several of his luminaries such as Usman Awang and Rosedin Yaakub fighting to secure freedom of the press that was important for the nation. "During my time it was not just between Utusan Melayu and the government (Umno), we were still under British colonialism. Slogans we used were for freedom of the press and anti- colonialism," said Said Zahari. "I am against intimidation of journalists and Utusan Melayu as a free and fair newspaper wanted to protect the rights of the journalists and uphold democracy. When Umno wanted to overtake Utusan Melayu, I opposed it and so did my colleagues. Then the problems started…were we against the government or against the owner of Utusan," said Said. The author of several books added that his action was merely to defend freedom of expression as a whole and was not to hit out at Umno directly. "For the British as the occupiers, they did not see it as an abuse of freedom because for them freedom of the press is to give away licenses to open up more newspapers. "That was freedom for them. But as a journalist, I wanted other journalists to be critical in their writing so as generate more ideas and shape opinions on how to move forward as a nation. "We did not aim the protest against Umno but we wanted to protect Utusan Melayu from being taken away for certain political agendas. "Utusan Melayu (Utusan Malaysia) should be free from any political power that is what I and my colleagues fought for," said Said who has touched on the protest in his autobiography 'The Long Nightmare' launced recently.
PM: Lima langkah perkasa ekonomi Bumiputera Posted: 13 Sep 2013 02:30 PM PDT
(Sinar Harian) - KUALA LUMPUR - Berikut adalah teks ucapan penuh Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak pada Majlis Pemerkasaan Ekonomi Bumiputera di Dewan Agong Tuanku Canselor, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Shah Alam, Selangor: Bismillahirrahmannirrahim 8. Semasa Perhimpunan Agong Umno Tahun 2010, saya sebut bahawa Jawa itu Melayu, Bugis itu Melayu, Banjar juga disebut Melayu, Minangkabau memang Melayu, keturunan Acheh adalah Melayu, Jakun dan Sakai asli adalah Melayu, Arab dan Pakistani semua juga kira Melayu, malah muallaf bertakrif Melayu, waima.... Mamak dan Malabari pun....... dah serap ke Melayu. Read more at : |
RCI kad pengenalan: bukan Mahathir seorang yang bertanggungjawab Posted: 13 Sep 2013 02:15 PM PDT ![]() Anwar tidak berani mengambil tindakan, walaupun beliau adalah Timbalan Perdana Menteri semasa itu. Anwar mengambil tindakan mengampu Dr Mahathir sehinggakan beliau berkata, "seandainya awan dilangit boleh dipintalnya akan ku tulis nama mu Mahathir!, sedangkan beliau (Anwar) tahu apa yang berlaku dalam isu pemberian kad pengenalan ini." Aspan Alias Semakin hari Mahathir semakin terserlah sebagai pelaku segala kesalahan terhadap negara. Tidak salah lagi jika dikatakan oleh setengah pihak Mahathir adalah penjenayah kepada negara yang terulung. Tetapi ia bukan dilakukan oleh Mahathir seorang sahaja. Mereka yang memberikan sokongan kepada Dr mahathir sekian lama juga adalah pihak yang sama jenayahnya kepada negara. Mahathir merupakan saksi yang ke 209 dalam RCI tentang pendatang haram yang diberikan kad pengenalan oleh kerajaan pimpinannya di Sabah dan Sarawak. Seperti biasa Mahathir bersikap angkuh dan tidak mahu menjawab pertanyaan dan soalan secara jujur tetapi cuba menafikan penglibatannya dengan cuba menyalahkan semua pihak termasuk Anwar Ibrahim. Mahathir memberi 'testimony' kepada RCI yang di tubuhkan oleh Kerajaan yang beliau tidak pernah mendengar cerita Projek IC ini sehingga baru-baru ini dan ia tentunya dilakukan oleh pegawai rendahan yang tidak bertanggungjawab. Sememangnya Mahathir terkenal dan termasyor dengan kebolehan bercakap bohong dan mengalihkan kesalahannya kepada pihak lain. Itulah yang menyebabkan beliau boleh memerintah lama dan ini dianggap oleh banyak pihak sebagai kebolehan luar biasa seorang pemimpin.Sebenarnya jika seseorang itu tidak mengambil pertimbangan untuk mengendung moral, semua perkara boleh dilakukan. Mahathir tidak mengambil isu moral semeskali dan itulah yang membuatkan beliau boleh memimpin kerajaan sebegitu lama tetapi tidak mempunyai 'legitimacy' yang secukupnya untuk memimpin. Hakikatnya semasa Mahathir berkuasa tidak ada siapa yang boleh mengganggu kehendak dan kemahuannya. Semua yang ada di dalam kerajaan, baik dari pihak pelaksana mahupun dari pihak penggubal dasar di setiap peringkat, tahu yang pemberian kad pengenalan kepada pendatang asing itu adalah satu isu yang nyata. Tetapi semasa itu semua ahli politik BN khususnya UMNO, berbangga dapat memenangi pilihanraya melalui pemberian kad pengenalan itu dan ia merupakan 'open secret' kepada semua rakyat Malaysia termasuk di Semenanjung Malaysia ini. Mahathir tetap 'accountable' terhadap pemberian kad pengenalan itu. Ini merupakan satu tindakan 'treason' atau tindakan menderhaka kepada negara yang tidak sepatutnya ada pihak yang menafikannya. Hukuman terhadap penderhakaan kepada negara ini semua orang tahu dan tidak payah disebut dan di ulangi lagi. Ramai orang tidak berani menyebut apa hukuman terhadap kesalahan ini kerana ia terkena kepada Dr Mahathir. Tetapi kalau ia terkena kepada Mat Sabu seluruh jentera kerajaan dan badan kehakiman dan perundangan akan mengambil tindakan pantas untuk mengenakan Mat Sabu, jika boleh di masukkan kedalam panjara. Tetapi itu adalah 'accountability' Dr Mahathir? Bagaimana pula dengan 'responsibility' bagi Ahli-Ahli Jemaah Kabinet' pula? Kenapa mereka tidak mengambil tindakan terhadap ketua eksekutif mereka yang bernama Dr Mahathir itu? Kenapa Kabinet serta parti yang memerintah tidak pula mahu menyandarkan kesalahan keada semua pemimpin kerajaan dan parti pemerintah semasa pemberian kad pengenalan itu? Sebenarnya dalam isu ini bukan Mahathir sahaja yang bersalah dan mengambil 'accountability' itu. Semua pemimpin kerajaan perlu mengambil 'responsibility' terhadap kejadian ini. Tetapi pemimpin kerajaan semasa itu bukannya hendak mengambil tanggungjawab tetapi menumpukan tenaga mereka untuk memberikan ampunan terhadap Dr Mahathir. Kesemuanya mahu mendapat tempat dalam kerajaan yang penuh dengan 'nikmat' rasuah dan penyalah gunaan kuasa itu. Kata Mahathir yang Anwar tahu perkara isu pemberian kad pengenalan itu adalah benar. Bukan Anwar sahaja yang tahu. Semua Menteri kabinet tahu dan semua Menteri Kabinet Sabah pun tahu. Anwar tidak berani mengambil tindakan, walaupun beliau adalah Timbalan Perdana Menteri semasa itu. Anwar mengambil tindakan mengampu Dr Mahathir sehinggakan beliau berkata, "seandainya awan dilangit boleh dipintalnya akan ku tulis nama mu Mahathir!, sedangkan beliau (Anwar) tahu apa yang berlaku dalam isu pemberian kad pengenalan ini." Bagi Anwar apa saja yang dilakukan oleh Mahathir itu benar semata-mata kerana ingin mempastikan beliau mengambil alih kepimpinan negara. Saya berkeyakinan jika tidak ada berlaku pemecatan Anwar oleh Dr Mahathir itu isu pemberian kad pengenalan ini akan tetap berluas-luasa jika Anwar menjadi Perdana Menteri selepas Mahathir dahulu. Hanya setelah berbalah sahaja Anwar mahu sedikit sebanyak bercerita tentang kelemahan Dr Mahathir dahulu. Sesungguhnya Mahathir dan Anwar bersama-sama melakukan kesalahan ini atau setidak-tidaknya Anwar membiarkan sahaja kedurjanaan itu berlaku. Bagi saya kenyataan Dr Mahathir yang menyatakan Anwar juga terlibat dengan mendiamkan dirinya itu adalah benar. Kalau Mahathir mengatakan yang semua yang memerintah semasa itu tahu, juga benar. Hanya semasa itu apa yang dikatakan oleh Mahathir itu adalah 'law' dan tidak boleh disoal-soal lagi. Pendeknya semua diantara mereka yang ada dalam kabinet semasa Mahathir itu adalah bersalah. Ada usaha dari dalam pimpinan UMNO untuk menolak kepimpinan Mahathir semasa itu, tetapi tidak berjaya kerana penipuan dan pelanggaran terhadap Badan Kehakiman dan Badan Undang-Undang Negara oleh Dr Mahathir. |
Penang police, MCMC to investigate CM's death threat Posted: 13 Sep 2013 01:58 PM PDT A screen capture of an expanded window of MoonYue18's death-related tweet to Anwar. Himansu Bhatt, GEORGE TOWN (Sept 13): Penang police chief Datuk Abdul Rahim Hanafi confirms that the police have started investigations into Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng's death threat through Twitter. Investigations, which is classified under Section 507 of the Penal Code for criminal intimidation, will also involve the cooperation of the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC). Abdul Rahim added that police will provide updates on the progress. Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has lodged a police report on a tweet directed to him with an alleged death threat posted yesterday morning. Lim made the report at 8pm last night at the George Town police headquarters in Patani Road here. Interestingly enough, a check on the Twitter account of the sender showed that he or she had also sent a death-related message to Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim the same day. Registered with the user name "MoonYue18", the account holder had directed a tweet with the wording "ini melayu langsi lu mati" (this Malay is a swaggerer you die) to Anwar. It also had a link to a video uploaded on the Youtube website featuring a 10-minute anti-Anwar documentary on his dismissal from the government and Umno in 1998. (Anwar was deputy prime minister and deputy Umno president when he was sacked and later jailed. He later became de facto leader of the new opposition party Keadilan.) The tweet was transmitted just a minute after the one that was sent to Lim. The tweet to Lim, who is the DAP's secretary-general, carried the words "cheater!! u mati minggu depan (you will die next week)". Lim had immediately responded by re-tweeting the message, saying: "This is a death threat." Speaking at a press conference at his office today, Lim said he has no knowledge on the identity of MoonYue18. He said the account holder had directed messages to his Twitter account before, but there was nothing alarming in the past. "This is a direct death threat," he said, adding that MoonYue18 has not referred to the matter again so far after the tweet was sent. It is speculated that the message from MoonYue18 is related to the DAP's move to abide by the Registrar of Societies' directive to hold elections for the party's central executive committee again on Sept 29. This is because the tweet had a link to an article on the matter. In his police report, which was recorded by George Town CID chief ASP Wan Kamarul Azran, Lim said he was shocked when he read the message and became worried about his safety. Read more at: |
Malaysian Leader Expected to Fortify Race-Based Advantages Posted: 13 Sep 2013 11:47 AM PDT
UMNO isn't forgiving to poor performance (Wall Street Journal) - Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak is expected on Saturday to announce measures to fortify advantages for the Southeast Asian country's ethnic Malay Muslim majority, a move that analysts say is a reward to voters who returned the ruling coalition to power and an attempt to secure support ahead of his party's election. Earlier this week, Mr. Razak tweeted: "I will soon announce a comprehensive basis to promote Bumiputera involvement in the economic sector." Bumiputera refers to ethnic Malays and other indigenous tribes in the multi-ethnic, Muslim-majority democracy. It isn't clear what the measures might be. But analysts expect the initiatives may aim to boost Malay ownership of commercial properties and create more opportunities for them in the private sector. The government already has a stated goal of raising Bumiputera's share in equity wealth to 30% from the current 23%. Race has long dominated Malaysia's politics. Malaysia introduced race-based preferences and quotas for ethnic Malays in the early 1970s to try to help them catch up with their generally better-off ethnic-Chinese and ethnic-Indian compatriots. The favorable policies followed the 1969 race riots. Supporters of the program say it has helped provide stability in this racially and religiously diverse nation. However, critics argue the practices also have spawned a widespread perception of government cronyism that boosts only a section of the business and hurts competitiveness in the broader economy. Since taking office in 2009, British-educated Mr. Najib has called for dismantling such race-based preferences with calls to direct government assistance based on need than on race. But his push met stiff resistance within his party, especially from the far-right members, who champion the Malay cause. Such voices have gained strength especially after the weak showing of the ruling National Front coalition at May's general elections. The Front retained power with the slimmest ever margin in its history of un-interrupted rule since 1957, when Malaysia gained independence from Britain. The coalition, led by Mr. Najib, cornered only 47% of the popular vote, carrying the day by winning smaller rural constituencies dominated by ethnic Malay Muslims. The opposition's campaign to curb corruption found widespread support among urban voters — mostly Chinese — and helped it secure 50% of the vote. Mr. Najib had called the heavy loss in popular support a "Chinese tsunami." The ethnic Chinese, who make up about a quarter of Malaysia's population, have been upset with the UMNO's policy that favors ethnic Malays. Thousands leave the country to seek better prospects abroad in a chronic brain drain that the World Bank says could hurt Malaysia's ambition of reducing the wealth gap between richer Asian economies such as Singapore and South Korea by 2020. "The ethnic minorities have already distanced themselves from UMNO as there is very little faith in UMNO's transformation," said Andrew Aeria, a political scientist at University Malaysia Sarawak. Read more at:
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